Test Language Terms Summarize Key points of someone else’s information/words put into your words, just the “highlights.”

Test Language Terms

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Test Language Terms . Summarize Key points of someone else’s information/words put into your words, just the “highlights.”. Paraphrase. Using someone’s information and putting it into your own words keeping the meaning the same  “Four score and seven years ago..”  About 90 years ago…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Test Language Terms Summarize

Key points of someone else’s information/words put into your words, just the “highlights.”

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Using someone’s information and putting it into your own words keeping the meaning the same “Four score and seven years ago..”

About 90 years ago…

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FactSomething that is true and can’t be argued, can

be proven or checked. L.M.S. is located at 110 Stringham Road.

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Point of view that reflects the bias of the writer, a judgment. Today is the best day ever!

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DescribeTell how something looks or feels, explain with details. It’s a beautiful day today! The warm sun is shining down through the clear blue sky, and the birds are chirping sweetly.

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InterpretTo “read between the lines,” look for the deeper meaning. Half of the class failed the test. Most of you need to spend some more time studying.

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To make clear, clarify, to give reasons for, to “shed some light” on something. The Middle Passage was a long grueling trip across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves were chained together and tightly packed below decks with little fresh air to breath during the two month voyage.

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CompareLiken to, be the equal of, to note the similarities or likenesses. “Two peas in a pod.” The Pilgrims and Puritans both came to the New World for religious freedom.

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To note the differences between two or more people or things, a comparison, set in opposition. Good and Evil, Happy and Sad, Short and Tall, Up and Down…

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SupportTo back up with examples, help, give assistance to. Jon had a bad day. First his car broke down, and then he was fired for getting to work late!

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DefineClassify, spell out, label, name, characterize. Plant cells have a cell wall for strength and support. Animal cells do not have cell walls.

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AnalyzeExamine for cause, break down , study, dissect. The Iroquois had trees, so they built longhouses. The Plains Indians had no trees, so they used buffalo hides to create teepees. Native Americans used the resources available to them to survive.

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IdentifyPick out, recognize the identity of, name, pinpoint, categorize. There were many causes that led to the American Revolution. One cause was the Stamp Act which forced colonists to pay taxes on legal documents to England where they were not represented.

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CauseA reason, an action, the source or origin. The colonists dumped England’s tea into the Boston Harbor because they were angry about the Tea Act.

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EffectResult, consequence, what happens, a reaction. England passed the Intolerable Acts to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party.

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EvaluateDetermine the value of, weigh up, calculate, estimate. X +7 = 19 -7 = -7 x = 12