Client Focus Teamwork Accountability Excellence Collective GlobalCollect eMagazine / Issue 3 OCTOBER ‘12• GCAB 2012 • LAUNCH OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • 10 THINGS YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT CHINESE


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Client Focus




CollectiveGlobalCollect eMagazine / Issue 3July ‘12

OCTOBER ‘12July ‘12

• GCAB 2012




WELCOME WORDAs the year is progressing to its end, and the natural moment almost arrives that we want to look back, reflect on where we succeeded, where we failed, and what we might have done better or differently, it is the same time that the GC’s Finance Department starts working on the closing of the accounting records to produce the needed financial statements over 2012. In this edition of Collective, our colleague, Peter van Holten, will go a bit more into detail of the workings of such closing process.

Like all other GC’s Departments, Finance faces multiple priorities. For Finance these include the oversight of financial transactions, management of GC’s performance, attestation of financial reporting, and timely close and consolidation of financial and non-financial data on a monthly basis. As we grapple with these issues, we are always seeking ways to increase the efficiency and timeliness of our financial close and compliance processes. However, merely improving the speed of the financial close process is not enough. There is a competing demand for improved financial governance and increased transparency and reliability of data. The pace of regulatory change also continues to increase as a result of the current economic challenges as well as on-going regulatory initiatives. Our financial reporting standards are under constant modification. The investment community continues to require more organized and systematic exchanges of (non)financial information. This impacts both how and when financial and non-financial data is distributed and communicated.

The above brings me to the topic of a new company wide initiative “GlobalCollect Data Services”. We have amassed a wealth of information, capturing millions of financial transactions, billions in flow, customer interactions,

demographic information, data relating to payment instruments and purchasing behaviors. Left unstructured, this data can appear unworkable and overwhelming, however if leveraged in the right way it has the power to change our way of working. This could be by increasing profitability through process optimization, or by growing sales with predictive analytics based on buying behaviors or alternatively, saving costs by foreseeing changes in market conditions. This type of strategic gain is significant enough to separate winners from losers in most industries and financial services companies are achieving business advantage by mining and analyzing data to stay ahead of the competition.

The current implementation of the new Fraud and Business Intelligence systems, as result of Project Excellence, will provide a significantly more robust set of tools with greater features and functionality than our current capabilities. These tools, coupled with the new to be integrated back office system (RS2), will result in more uniform, cohesive and accessible client and transaction specific data allowing for more effective management by both GlobalCollect and our clients or our respective businesses.

Moving the organization from “Payments to knowledge and data”, will therefore, not only result in monetizing on all this information valuable for our merchants but also improve our internal decision making processes, fulfilling external information needs and lasting competitive advantages. Finally a dream will come true to have instant access to data on our production systems without having to wait for the data to be loaded into any kind of format. Like all other things in life, obviously, this should lead into meaningful actions by all of us.

In this issue Peter Knight (CTO) will provide an update on Project Excellence and the Business Intelligence project

Huib DekkerChief Financial Officer


Welcome Word 02

News & Updates 04

Human Resources 14 Announcements

Project Updates 17

In The Spotlight 19

Corporate News 21

Colofon 24


GCAB ‘12 Meeting & exceeding expectationsGlobalCollect organized its second Global Customer Advisory Board from October 11 until 13 in Lisbon. Last year’s GCAB was considered a success by the participants. To help them optimize and grow their business our Client Advisory Board Members gave us a lot of homework to do. During the year we sent monthly update emails on progress, we held quarterly conference calls and we had a face to face update meeting at perspectives in Madrid. Next to that a monthly workshop was installed sponsored by 2 GCAB members to ask for merchant input on on- and offline reporting.

In Lisbon we stood at the task to report back on progress as well as to look to the future. Of course we also asked our GCAB what their take on our progress was. We were happy to learn that they experienced improvement in our platform stability and our service. Overall the trust in GC has grown over the last year.

In preparation for GCAB ‘12 GlobalCollect showed its strength as a company as many

departments (sales, merchant services, product management, IT to name only a few) worked together to provide input on status of topics, putting together a BI dashboard demo, increased monitoring of GCAB members’ accounts, specific requirements and issues of merchants, putting together the presentations for GCAB and much more.

In the coming period we will update all of you in more detail on the topics and priorities our GCAB members provided us to work on. In the evaluation of GCAB ’12 all members indicated that it met and in some cases exceeded their expectations. This provides us a good momentum to reach a higher level, as the real work continues now. Our merchants trust and business needs to be earned every day so we cannot rest on our laurels.

Where GCAB exceeded my expectations was the cross-departmental and cross-regional cooperation to make this a success. So I thank you all for this!

John SnoekVP Global Marketing


NEWS & UPDATESWhat’s been going on at GlobalCollect!

Professional ServicesWe are pleased to announce the official internal launch of the Professional Services department with its brand spanking new logo! GCPS is the conduit through which some of the company’s billable services will be channeled, such as external project support and onsite consultation, through to managed services and analytics made possible by our upcoming data usage capabilities. The department has three over-riding stated objectives:

Where we areCurrently managed by Nick Tubb, the team comprises Claude Modderman and Rik van t’Hof, based in Hoofddorp, who provide much of the pre-sales consultation to EMEA merchants. However, billable expertise can originate from various areas of the organization, and we have already been successful in 2012 in assisting clients with expertise in Latin American market entry (provided by Juan Pablo D’Antiochia, GM LATAM) and project management in the US. In addition to the current headcount, we hope to secure additional external resources in 2013 to further professionalise the approach and bring market experience into the team. As we develop our Business Intelligence capabilities, we also expect to create report and dashboard packages for merchants to assist their strategic imperatives – including fraud analytics and consultation, market entry data and strategic advice, etc.

Growing our expertiseIn addition to leveraging the in-house expertise that GlobalCollect has, we are also gathering around us a network of independent consultants, specialists in their specific fields, to enhance our knowledge base. By this we hope to position GC as the first port of call for strategic and tactical advice for all areas of e-commerce including, but not limited to, tax and legal, checkout optimisation, interchange optimisation, PCI Compliance, FX and treasury advisory, etc. It is only through this approach that we can claim to be true e-commerce partners with our increasingly sophisticated merchant base.

Thank you,

Claude ModdermanProfessional Services

• Offer solution design & integration consultancy at pre-sales stage to expedite business partnership

• Monetise our expertise by charging for “value add” & “out of scope” services

• Provide a suite of specialised consultancy services using internal & external resource

• Position GC as e-commerce experts & knowledge brokers

Enhance Pre-Sales process

Protect & grow net revenues

Gain Trusted Advisor Status


Payment Partnerships1 A Chinese name is written and called by surname

and followed by first name. So my name in Chinese should be Wenyang Yimei, instead of Yimei Wenyang. This explains why some times you are called Mr. John instead of Mr. Snoek. It is just as confusing for a Chinese as it is for a non-Chinese person when it comes to the name structure.

“Ni jiao shen me ming zi? Wo jiao” ... 你叫什么名字?What is your name?

2 Guan xi is the key word when doing business in China. Guan xi literately means “relationship”. Lots of things can be done much quicker or easier if you can find the right “ Guan xi”. Therefore it is extremely useful when you find the right Chinese local partner who has a great local “Guan xi” network when you start doing business in China.

“Bai tuo le! “ …拜托了, Please help me!

3 Always use two hands to hand over or accept things (for instance a business card) from another person. Using one hand is deemed very impolite in China. It is good to mention something about the information given on the business card. Next to that never put the business card in the pocket of your pants.

“ Ni hao” …你好, How are you?

4 Most business deals are closed during dinner (involves drinking lots of strong white rice wine). You need to be prepared to stay calm and happy when people are constantly persuading you to drink. And the more important you are, the more you are “forced” to drink.

“Gan bei!” … 干杯 , Cheers! Bottoms up!

5 Karaoke is one of the most popular social event in China. So, it is always handy to prepare one or two of your signature songs in case you are invited by friends, colleagues or business partners in China for an evening out!

“K - Ge” … K-歌, Going to karaoke

Payment Partnerships

10 things you must know about Chinese

6 Some times “no” means “ yes” , sometimes, “ yes” means “ no”. There is no trick to decipher unless you are a true blood Chinese. Otherwise, follow your gut feeling.

“Hao” … 好, Ok

7 Don’t feel sad or insulted when a Chinese friend is not opening your gift in front of you. It is deemed impolite to open a gift in front of the person who gives the gift.

“Xie xie” … 谢谢, Thank you

8 When girls or boys are walking hand in hand or shoulder to shoulder it only means that they are good friends. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are having a relationship.

“Hao peng you” … 好朋友, Good friend

9 If you are to direct during a negotiation to a Chinese business man it can be insulting. You may never know that you have insulted him because he will not tell you. He might be angry even if he is nodding and smiling. No need to panic, just be open, honest and remain polite during negotiations.

“Tai Gui Le” … 太贵了, Too expensive

10Most of the Chinese have never eaten a cat nor a dog. And most of them have no plans to eat them!

“Wo bu chi!” … 我不吃, Thanks, I don’t eat that

Like everything else in this world, all described

above is not 100% the case. This is just a collection

of my own experiences and observations as a

Chinese living abroad for more than 10 years. I just

hope these little things will either make you smile or

help you when you visit China.

Yimei Wenyang 文阳弋眉Payment Partnerships Manager


Finance & Reporting

It is almost that time of the year again!As most of you start preparing for the festive season we at Finance & Reporting start to think about the Year-End closing. This is probably the most important process we have.

Once a year all our ledgers, the financial books, need to be audited. This is necessary to provide financial credibility to our stakeholders (i.e. shareholders, bankers, investors) that need to make sound business decisions. For this process we have contracted with KPMG, an independent external auditor.

First preparationsAlthough we regularly meet with KMPG throughout the year, they are invited in September to set the goals and deadlines for the Year-End closure to come.

Any external auditor like KPMG is the leading party and they will provide us with a list of what information they want to see and thus what we have to prepare for the audit. Of course all of this is done in good consultation because their requests have to be reasonable.

Next stepsDuring the year end period which is the last 2 weeks of the current year and the

first 2 weeks of the new year, we prepare as much as possible for the audit. And it goes without saying that we also have to prepare our ledgers for the new year.

For us, these are the busiest weeks of the year and we at Finance & Reporting are working almost 24/7. The late nights and the weekend shifts are leading to an end result of “Prepared by Client” package that last year consisted of 12 folders!

Audit periodThe KPMG audit team (a team leader and 3 to 4 assistants) starting with the audit on January 23rd 2013 on-site until February 13th . After that, the draft financials will be send to the members of the Supervisory Board.

During the audit, the KPMG team will scrutinize the package we prepared. This normally results in additional questions raised.

At the end of the audit period KPMG will present a report in writing about their findings and, if applicable, a list of recommendations will be included.

Final stepsAfter the audit period the Financial Statements will be prepared. This is the disclosure of the financial results of GlobalCollect for the year 2012. Part of those Statements is a letter by KPMG in which they state their findings. The Financial Statements will be presented to the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board for their approval. At the moment this meeting is set for February 13 2012 and shortly after that, the Financial Statements are made public.

Peter van HoltenFinancial Accounting Manager


Merchant Services

Promoting Co-operationAll around the globe we have teams of Merchant Service Managers working together in order to deliver the best possible service to our merchants from an operational point of view. This requires strong co-operation skills from everyone involved.

24x7 first line international support:This 24x7 service is managed from Monday to Friday by Merchant Services, after 17.30 PM CET the lines are switched and managed by our colleagues in the US. Following that, APAC will resume managing this service. Our ICT ServiceDesk manage this service on weekends. This enables our merchants to have 24x7 support for any business impacting issues.

Global Team Meetings:We have a monthly global team meeting which enables us to share experiences, current challenges and discuss ways of resolution. This is a great way to keep connected and aligned with all our colleagues in the different regions.

Cross departmental co-operation is a key element and plays an important part in the success of Merchant Services.

Our team is responsible for all operational business impacting issues and therefore we communicate with all GlobalCollect departments to investigate, gather and find a resolution on behalf of our Merchants.

How are we at Merchant Services improving cross-departmental co-operation?• We have invited other departments to sit with us

so that we may have a mutual understanding of each other’s expectations.

• Organize team outings with other departments. We have a team outing to Woodstone on November 30th 2012.

• Walk to people’s desks rather than emailing.

• Remain as flexible as possible.

• Ask questions before assuming.

• Always remember we are a team and should work together.

• Confront the problems, not the people.

Two key examples for effective cross departmental co-operation:Clarify roles and responsibilities. Be very clear on what you are trying to achieve by working together. Clearly identify each party’s roles and responsibilities for contributing to the achievement of those objectives. When expectations become misaligned or either party doesn’t know what

to expect partnerships break down. When people truly work as a team, the lines between departments or organizations become blurred.

Commit to being fair. The foundation of trust is a commitment to fairness. If you know that no matter what issues pop up you will always be fair with one another, then trust will grow. When one side feels it has been treated unfairly trust begins to erode. When all team members have confidence that they will be treated fairly, there is nothing they cannot explore and accomplish.

Tom Verheij / Mairi SimpsonMerchant Service Managers


About 11,000 business books come out annually, full of useful ideas. What’s especially satisfying is to read a great book, discuss it, and put the ideas into practice. To make this easier for the North American GC team, we decided to pick a relevant book and get together for lunchtime book discussions.

Since GlobalCollect is undergoing bucket loads of change, our first Brown Bag Books selection is bestseller “Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard.” Written by brothers Chip and Dan Heath, the book offers innovative ways to analyze and approach change. Here’s the book’s three-part framework:

Motivate the Elephant: Change requires emotional and rational engagement, which the authors call the Elephant and the Rider. The rational Rider may have the best possible plan, but if the emotional Elephant isn’t motivated, it will overpower the Rider and scuttle the change. We all know what that’s like when we are trying to choose a lightly dressed green salad over a lovely plate of cheesy pasta.

Direct the Rider: The more specific we are when facilitating behavior change, the better our results. For instance, if you wanted to reduce the fat in your diet, where would you begin? But if you were knew that switching from whole to 1% milk would enable you to meet the goal, you could easily modify your shopping habits.

Shape the Path: People may not be the problem when change is difficult. Changing the environment to provide the opportunity to behave differently will often change results. For instance, research cited in the book showed that moviegoers would eat a huge bucket of popcorn, but when they got a smaller bucket, they were completely satisfied. Multiple food studies demonstrated that people ate less when they were given smaller containers.

In our first meeting we discussed GC situations in which we could apply the three ideas. For instance, we could “shape the path” for better communication by using the phone instead of email. We’ll continue discussing “Switch” and if we like the process, we’ll select a new book. You can read the first chapter of “Switch” here: http://www.heathbrothers.com/switch/.

Diane EgelstonH.R. Director North American Region

GlobalCollect NorthAm

Brown Bag Books - Talking About Books


The process flow of payment services to indicate the route a payment inquiry follows.Dispute &

Payment Services As many of you know the DPS department is split in two teams; Dispute Management and Payment Services. In the previous editions of Collective you were introduced to the Dispute Management team and many of its recent developments and in this edition we will introduce the Payment Services team to you.

The Payment Services team is responsible for all individual payment questions received from merchants and end consumers. Over the last years the Payment Services has grown from three employees to nine employees and theoretically the Payment Services team can be split up in two sub-teams; Payment Inquiries and End consumer Services.

Customer Service TeamOur team is responsible for handling questions from the end consumers. The end consumers are the customers of our merchants and they can reach out to GlobalCollect for questions about a charge on their account. It also occurs that he/she contacts us and claims that the ordered product or service has not been delivered. In both cases we always do our utmost to help the end consumer.

We can be contacted via e-mail, fax, regular mail and phone. Due to the high number of incoming calls and to ensure we can serve as much languages possible, we have outsourced the incoming calls to a specialized call centre named Sykes. We have been working with them for over two years now and are very pleased with their services.

Payment Inquiry TeamOur team is responsible for handling payment inquiries from our Merchants. If a merchant has a question about a specific transaction, he can submit a payment inquiry through the WebCollect Payment Console and we will follow up with the merchant by answering the question or solving their issue.

The Payment Inquiry team answers on average 170 individual payment inquires per day.

Marcel KuklerSenior Dispute Management Employee

A short introduction to our newest colleague Marc ComvaliusPlease join us in welcoming Marc to our team! Marc brings more than 20 years of End Consumer Services experience and native English language skills that will greatly improve the entire quality and skill level of the Payment Services team.

Hi I am Mark! A born and raised New Yorker, that grew up in a diverse environment with many different cultures, neighborhoods and ethnicities. These surroundings really sparked my interests and desire to learn more about the difference races and cultures in the world at a young age already. I love to travel the major cities of the world and some would say that I developed quite into a cosmopolitan person. My travels have taken me throughout Asia, North Africa, South America and Europe. My love for martial arts landed me in Asia for a long period, and there I learned to cook Thai & Indonesian cuisine. I landed in the Netherlands several years ago to visit relatives, but what was to be a month’s stay evolved into becoming a father of 2 lovely daughters.

My motto in life is “no matter where you go, there you are”. I’m very excited about working for GlobalCollect and to meet many of you soon in person!


Trend Two: Economic Institutions StrengtheningThe region now attracts around 7% of global foreign direct investment and accounts for 6% of global exports. Collaborative efforts, such as the Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), consisting of Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, offers loans or loan guarantees, improves investment conditions in international reserves, and helps harmonize exchange rate, monetary, and financial policies of member countries. Brazilian financial institutions continued to widen their support for foreign investment in infrastructure projects, with increasing encouragement from the government.

Trend Three: Intra-regional DevelopmentThe Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has been the largest source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean. While the bank is owned by 48 states (including some European nations and the United States), only 26 countries are able to receive loans, all of which are in Latin America. Tariffs in the region have fallen from 40% in the 1980s to only 10% in 2008. Moreover, with a market of over 550 million people, most of whom speak two closely related languages and share a common cultural history, free-trade agreements through regional trade unions like MERCOSUR and CAFTA are making an impact.

One challenge in fostering intra-regional develop-ment is infrastructure spending, which lags behind other middle income countries, such as China. The absence of updated infrastructure hinders productivity and competitiveness of Latin American companies, which slows economic growth overall.

Ricardo YuanagaBusiness Development Manager

GlobalCollect LatAm

Trends driving Opportunities in Latin America During the most recent global financial crisis, many Latin American markets weathered the economic storm better than other regions in the world. And because of the latest trends in the LatAm market, we are expected to expand with 4.5% over 2012.

Trend One: Political Stability2012 is the year of election. Not just in Latin America, but United States, France, Russia, China, Taiwan, Egypt and Kenya have or maybe will have new Presidents soon.

Political stability in Latin America is growing. Colombia, Chile, and Peru enjoy relatively stable democracies favoring foreign capital and investment. And the economic powerhouse, Brazil, which also has a stable political environment, has one of the fastest growing markets in the world, poised to grow stronger with the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016

Not all Latin American countries have found the same levels of political stability. Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela can be unstable, with problems found in absent infrastructure and poor rule of the law.


Process Risk and Information Security Management

The process and benefits of Release ManagementRelease Management as a textbook definition is a process that encompasses the planning, building, configuration and testing of hardware and software releases to create a defined set of releases.

The process is responsible for implementation and quality control of all the hardware and software installed on the live environment. Aiming the same goal for all the webcollect Releases in the GlobalCollect . We recently had the major release 7.4.1 implemented. Other Releases which are in pipeline for this year are – 7.5,7.5.1 & 7.5.2.

Release management actively liaisons with all the parties involved in tracking the progress, facilitating in removing impediments of the releases from the initial planning till it gets deployed in production with required coordination for solving post implementation defects as quickly as possible.

But what are the benefits of Release Management keeping track of it all? The keywords here are communication and stability.

Communication and stability. Release management aims at managing expectations for all internal parties involved, but also for our Merchants that need to know when they can expect a new release. It’s also to ensure that the changes made to software can be tracked and controlled using gate keeping on the various phases so that only correct, authorized and tested software versions are installed.

If you want to know more about the Release Management process and the other benefits associated with it? Get in touch with Prakash or consult the documentation available at; G:\Process and Risk Management\Release Management

Prakash SisodiyaRelease Manager

Commercial Support

COP trainingCommercial Support plays a pivotal role in the Lead to Board process. Our aim is to provide a more efficient workflow targeted at dramatically improving the time between merchant application and merchant “go live”.

How do we achieve this? We believe tackling the core delivers more on the long term. By going back to basics: supporting a clean order pack submission.

The support is embodied in various ways:• A personal walk-through with (new)

Sales managers on a COP

• Sharing of manuals, best practices and process flows

• Webinars

• Being available to answer questions during the assembly of a COP

• Training sessions

• Joining in calls to the merchant

A lot of time and effort is invested in training Sales to improve the quality of COP’s. Cross departmental cooperation is key in making this happen.

Commercial Support continuously guides/advices Sales on COP’s. Sessions as mentioned above take place on a regular basis. In September, Credit gave a training to the LatAm regional Sales team; NorthAm, APAC and EMEA will follow shortly. Wim van Luyn, the Global team lead for Commercial Support just recently shared best practices and latest news to Sales.

Commercial Support in turn receives guidance from the Credit, Risk and Compliance team on COP checks to complex set ups of framework/ project merchant agreements. We go a step further and also liaise with the VAM- and MI team to align and

improve our process.

The ultimate goal here is to forge a long lasting relationship with existing and new merchants. Cross departmental communication is the way to go!

Priti ChohanCommercial Support Manager


Course No. 5. PCI-DSS Target Group: Credit and Risk employees; All

Business Development, Account Management and Sales Support Teams

This course introduces and elaborates on the basic principles of PCI-DSS compliance and how they are applied in the workplace.

Course No.6. Sanctions/OFAC Target Group: Credit and Risk employees; All

Business Development, Account Management and Sales Support Teams; Legal and Finance

This course provides an overview of OFAC sanctions programs and their key provisions and targets. Violations of OFAC sanctions programs can lead to substantial criminal and civil penalties for the company — and in some cases the individual employees involved.

Each month a report will be sent to your VP that outlines who successfully completed which courses.

Compliance Note: Completion of the compliance and risk training assigned to you is mandatory. All training assigned to you must be completed by 31 December 2012. Progress against this deadline will be tracked by the Executive Council. Line managers remain responsible to ensure their staff meet their training obligations. Requests for exceptions at year’s end due to staff absences (Christmas holidays, etc) will not be accepted in consideration of the lead time provided for this deliverable.

Credit, Risk & Compliance Dear colleagues,GlobalCollect is licensed as a payment Institute and supervised by the Dutch Central Bank. As such, GlobalCollect is obliged to comply with applicable regulations and implement procedures designed to guard against money laundering and terrorist financing. An important component of these procedures is an ongoing compliance training program. To fulfil this obligation the Credit, Risk and Compliance Department has provided GC employees with six courses that are available in the GC eCademy learning system. The courses have been outlined as below and all target groups mentioned in the course will need to complete it prior to December 31, 2012.

Course No.1. Integrity in the Workplace Target Group: All employees of GlobalCollect

This course discusses various aspects of corporate ethics, including fraud and abuse associated with financial, safety, health, environmental, and other workplace issues, and the regulatory agencies, laws, and regulations that govern them. The course also discusses how both employers and employees can improve integrity and promote an ethical workplace culture.

Course No.2. Anti-Money laundering Target Group: All employees of GlobalCollect

This course provides basic information about US money laundering laws and international anti-money laundering efforts. It also discusses actions that individuals working in banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions can take to better identify and manage risks associated with money laundering.

Course No.3. FCPA Target Group: All employees of GlobalCollect

This course explains that with the increasing globalization of our economy, companies are faced with new challenges as well as new opportunities. Part of this new environment is compliance with laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, and global anti-corruption measures.

Course No.4. Fraud awareness & detection Target Group: All employees of GlobalCollect

This course intends not only to instil in employees a sense of responsibility to comply with the law and report misconduct, but also to make employees aware of fraud so that it can be detected and nipped in the bud. The course covers the most common types of fraud used to siphon millions of dollars from corporations every day.

INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW THE COURSES:If you have not logged in yet on your GC

eCademy page, please follow the below steps:

• Go to https://gcecademy.csod.com

• Login with your email address as username

and use the following password: Welcome1

• Upon first login you will be asked to change

your password. If you have previously logged

into the system and changed your password

already, please enter your password to login.

• In order to be able to launch courses, turn off

your pop-up blocker. To do this, go to Tools in

your browser -> Pop-up Blocker -> Turn Off Pop-

up Blocker.

• Launch the GC eCademy online demo in your

‘Online Training in Progress’ widget.

• To launch the courses, please go to “My

Trainings” on your first page or go to “Your

Transcript” underneath the Learning tab.

Panteha Pedram

Risk Manager


Singapore is a secular multi-religious country due to its diverse ethnic mix of peoples originating from various countries. Most major religious denominations are present in Singapore and approximately 20% of the population is Muslim.

Hari Raya Haji is a public holiday in Singapore on October 26th and marks the end of a Muslim’s pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage is done approximately seventy days after the end of the month of Ramadan. The Arabic names for this day are 3Eid el-Kabir or 3Eid el-Adha and in the Netherlands most people refer to it as “het offerfeest”. Hari Raya Haji (Aidil Adha) falls on 10 Zulhijjah, the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. The Muslim calendar, with the months alternating between 29 and 30 days, is 11 days shorter than the 365-day Gregorian calendar.

This public holiday is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice since it commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail in an act of obedience to God. On this day Muslims worldwide sacrifice sheep, cows or camels for the sake of religion and community. Hari Raya Haji also marks the end of the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. Muslims gather in Mecca to perform the pilgrimage, which is the fifth pillar of Islam. The Arabic name for the pilgrimage is “Hajj”.

Male volunteers at mosques or Muslim institutions usually perform the sacrificial slaughtering after the Hari Raya Haji congregational prayers. This sacrificial slaughtering, also known as korban, is a voluntary act. Sheep, goats and cows are ritually slaughtered as sacrifice. The meat is then distributed to the community, neighbors and relatives, with special attention to the needy and poor, as a reminder to share one’s wealth with others. Muslim Singaporeans are increasingly doing korban with Muslim associations and mosques, locally and abroad.

During the sacrifice, prayers are uttered and the sheep’s throat is slit with razor-sharp knives. This act must be done with confidence and quickly, so as to minimize the animal’s suffering. This is in accordance with Islamic law, where halal does not literally mean that the food contains neither pork nor lard, but the animal should have had a good life and the meat has to be prepared properly according to Islamic requirements.

Popular Greetings For Hari Raya Haji

• Selamat Hari Raya Haji !

• Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Haji !

• Selamat Hari Raya Kurban !

• Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha !

• Happy Eid !

• Eid Mubarak !

Devon WongMerchant Services Manager APAC

GlobalCollect APAC

Hari Raya



Each month we will provide you with the latest HR information. Below a list of the new hires, leavers and promotions of the month September . We hereby want to welcome all new hires and wish all employees that have been promoted and/or started in a new role, the best for the future.


RecruitmentSince the 19th of September, Nelitza Oduber is our new Interim Recruiter. For any issues or questions regarding recruitment you can contact her via [email protected]

Newest vacancies:• Business Development Manager EMEA

• Key Account Manager (APAC, EMEA & NorhtAM)

• FX Manager (APAC, EMEA & NorhtAM)

Please find the descriptions of all vacancies on the career page: http://careers.globalcollect.com

You can share vacancies by clicking on the

button displayed on the vacancy

advertisement displayed on our career page:


Good to know when you refer a candidate to GlobalCollect and the candidate is hired, you receive € 1.000, (or the equivalent of that amount for the regional offices) when the probation period is successfully completed.

GC AcademyBelow is the GC Academy program. You are invited to share any ideas or topics you would like to be discussed in the GlobalCollect Academy or act as speaker yourself. You can send these ideas to [email protected]. Also fun aspects can be part of this program so if you want to stand up and talk about your hobby, travels or whatsoever, please do so!

Scheduled at the Hoofddorp office:

Date Subject Speaker

12-10-2012 Measuring (financial) Benjamin performance of Mieremet GlobalCollect

19-10-2012 GC System – Overview Rik van ‘t Hof of the GC systems history (so our current system architecture makes more sense). Second session.

26-10-2012 TBD Tom Staudt

1-11-2012 Writing an effective Alice Jane email message Emanuel

22-11-2012 Advanced features Alice Jane of MS Outlook Emanuel

The EC members will deliver their session when visiting regional offices. We are also working on a solution to post the sessions in our eLearning environment “GC eCademy”.

We hope to see you all at one of the sessions of the GlobalCollect Academy!


A hole in one with Huib!Huib Dekker invited his teams to go play Golf at the Haarlemmermeersche Golf Club on October 5th. The objective of this team outing was getting to know each other in another setting than simply on the work floor or during the normal lunch break.

Pieter Klapwijk, Han van Leeuwen and Mark van der Lelij, whom are experienced and fanatic Golf players in their own time, disappeared right after the welcome drink and were found at the Pitch and Putt course playing an 18-hole game where Pieter walked away with the imaginary trophy. Due the heavy rain earlier that morning the “real” course was unavailable! But nevertheless, the gents enjoyed themselves!

The rest of the group, who are all beginners, got a golf clinic where they practiced three different exercises; putting, chipping greens and the pre-swing. After the clinic, they had the opportunity to show their shots on the Pitch and Putt course. Unfortunately, nobody walked there away with an imaginary trophy.

The day ended with a nice dinner at the Golf Club and on behalf of Finance & Reporting, Planning & Business Control and Human Resources a big thank you to Huib for organizing this day.

New hires In September we have hired 18 new employees.

Name Department Position Office

Sumant Bhagwat Merchant Implementations Implementation Manager EMEA

Sean Byrnes Merchant Services Merchant Service Manager NorthAM

Ritu Chima Sales Support Sales Support Employee EMEA

Magdalena Drazkiewicz Finance & Reporting Trainee EMEA

Grace Fang Merchant Services Merchant Service Manager APAC

Oliver Gnjec Credit & Risk Senior Credit Officer EMEA

Jacqueline Hart Credit & Risk Senior Risk Officer EMEA

Mark van der Hout Information Technology Trainee EMEA

Wendy Leo Wai Ching Merchant Services Merchant Service Manager APAC

Marjan Mehdizadeh Alliances Trainee EMEA

Olga Muller – Kvitantseva Planning & Business Control Pricing Analyst EMEA

Katherine Santini Business Development Business Development Manager NorthAM

Zumreta Schuurman Legal & Regulatory Paralegal EMEA

Thomas Smith Sales Support Sales Support Specialist EMEA

Gabriela Turcios Guido Dispute & Payment Services Dispute & Payment Services Employee EMEA

Jorge Villacampa - Ortega Product Management Data Analyst EMEA

Ania de Vries Merchant Services Reporting Specialist EMEA

Xiaoxi Zhang Merchant Implementations Functional Monitoring Manager EMEA

Leavers In total 7 employees left GlobalCollect in September.

Name Department Position Office

Bettina Duske Marketing & Communication Manager PR & Communications EMEA

Claire Harman Global Account Management Account Manager NorthAm

Juanita Umeko Laisina - Tidajoh Merchant Accounting Merchant Accounting Employee EMEA

Jan van Luijn Information Technology Project Office Manager EMEA

Francis Pasman Merchant Accounting Merchant Accounting Employee EMEA

Robert van Rijn Information Technology Software Engineer EMEA

Anthony William Information Technology Network Service Engineer EMEA

Promotions/changes In September 2 employees have been promoted and/or started in a new role..

Sytze Koolen Alliances Global Alliances Director EMEA

Grancy Suriel Merchant Implementations Implementation Manager EMEA

Currently there are 382 employees working at GlobalCollect (global, per September 30, 2012).



Employee ProfileHi colleagues,

It has been a few months now since I joined GC and I must say, I find it a great place to work! Being an expat kid, living in an international setting is all natural to me, and it is great to find that setting back at GC. After having moved more than 20 times in 30 years, I have been sedentary in Haarlem for the past 15 years. My kids love it there, they have a ball with school, sports and music. And my son is getting his arms around Mandarin Chinese…

I have had my fair share of professional goals and challenges, working in multi-national settings pretty much all my professional life. My work allowed me to travel across the whole of Europe and parts of the US, and to work with people literally all over the globe – thanks to phone, email and video. Now I am back to working in Hoofddorp for the third time, after earlier positions at Intergraph and American Standard.

So GC finds itself in a thrilling, challenging situation. Having been riding the front side of the e-commerce wave, it is now very well positioned to take the second leap in this fast growing, rapidly maturing market. There is the experience, there is a huge opportunity, there is a vision, there is capital and there is drive… what a blend!

In order for the second leap to take place, a lot of change is going to take place. Let’s face it, with Project Excellence, we are preparing for an upgrade of our systems – an upgrade so complex and deeply affecting so many of our processes, that one can easily compare it with changing the engines on a flying plane.

The consequences of all this change will only become visible as time progresses. Which implies that for a few of us there will be a lot of uncertainty with regards to the future – will I have my job, or a job, 2 years down the line? On the other hand, for most of us, it will be a challenging, exiting time where both the present demands of the job and future requirements will have to be juggled – now who asked for ‘run and maintain’?

Some of us will be closely involved in designing change, others will not. Most of us will have to trust the strategic, high level decisions and work on the roll out and implementation of these, using the ‘can do’-spirit that brought the company where it is today.


Anyway, all of us are facing a period of time during which our regular work will have to be continued, while preparing for a major change in operations and, in the end, actually making the transition.

Tom has asked me to join GC to work with all of you in maximizing the upward potential of all upcoming change and, in parallel, minimizing the negative effects that change could bring. Which is why I use this space to invite you to pro-actively speak with your manager and HR, should you see a great opportunity or experience discomfort. Because, let’s face it, you are the best driver of your future. In parallel, as Project Excellence continues to materialize, the People Agenda associated with it will be progressively developed and rolled out throughout 2013. This People Agenda will be a so-called ‘evergreen’ document, in other words, it will address topics as soon as they become apparent, even if there are no tangible answers yet.

Finally, what can you expect from HR? Basically, HR has two roles:

• One is the role that no-one likes (while everyone knows that things get messy if we don’t do it...), the role of policeman: the administration of employees, the application of laws, rules and the like.

• The second role is a more peculiar one... In this second role, HR supports the wide array of change and development topics that can come across an employees’ and employers’ path. Here, HR suggests and designs a complete employee journey program, from onboarding and introduction programs to performance and talent management frameworks.

Value is added through showing genuine interest in employees, especially those that are on a mission: facilitating and supporting development, serving as a mirror or as a devil’s advocate... or to summarize it all, it is the role of being the preferred business partner for you.

Value is also added through showing genuine interest in leaders: facilitating and supporting organizational change in, again, a preferred business partner role.

Wanna experience any of this? Just drop by - we’d be delighted to work with you! Erik PieterseVP Human Resources


Diary of an employee A Day In the Life of ICT Service Desk

I’m Shane Morgan and I’ve been working at GlobalCollect since February 2012. I started as an intern and progressed to a full time Service Desk Analyst.

I enjoy working in IT as a first point of contact for our internal customers and I always try to be friendly and understanding when employees come to us with an issue. We aim to give professional and good service to everyone.

I find GlobalCollect to be quite a challenging place to work and I like working with so many different people with assorted backgrounds and cultural differences. It can cause some confusion and misunderstandings at times, but also some good laughs!

Every day another Service Desk Analyst is allocated to answer the incoming calls and to monitor incoming tickets and issues. This SDA works closely together with the rest of the team to ensure a smooth coordination of the priorities handled that particular day.

How does my day look like?

On a typical day I will start by logging in and check if there are any urgent issues. I will always take care of these issues before our Daily Stand Up meeting where the team updates each other on what has been happening in the last 24 hours and what we (can) expect in the next 24 hours. We will discuss the issues that have been resolved and which issues have to be handed over. Someone from Infrastructure Services also attends this meeting to update our team on the issues resolved by them and to share their knowledge about certain issues so that we can learn from that.

On the day I made this diary I was mainly

running around the office and working

on solving issues for users while my team

monitored the desk:

09:40 Following up a Mantis ticket that required

ODBC connection settings for a user.

10:20 Closed the ticket and escalated a ticket that

came in to the service desk mailbox.

10:45 Managed the mailbox and the Mantis queue.

11:02 Handed over a temporary laptop to a user.

11:20 Went over to Morena to help a user set up his

email account.

11:25 Transferred data from a user’s current out of

warranty xp laptop to a new windows 7 laptop.

12:00 Lunch

12:25 Setup appointments with leavers to pick up

their hardware.

12:40 Reset user password for windows log-in

12:45 Assisted a user in remote support for scanning a

USB drive in London

13:00 Replied to incoming Mantis calls from various

users, requesting additional info and feedback.

13:15 Setup accounts for a new user : Windows

account, created a mailbox and a Mantis

account, Added the user to a machine via

Endpoint and assigned an RSA token.

14:40 A P1 incident was

reported that everyone

within GC could not receive email from outside

the network, we sent out the the incident

update to inform everyone about this issue and

kept updating every thirty minutes.

15:10 Office Automation fixed the issue and the final

update was sent out.

15:45 Picked up laptops and desktops from the

storage room and imaged those for stock.

16:15 Dropped by a user to install software and

complete updates.

16:45 Replaced a printer toner.

16:55 Updated the handover for the evening shift

and closed the tickets that have been resolved.

Replied to emails coming in and making sure all

tickets worked on have been updated.

At around 17:32 I was running like a mad man

to catch my train!

Shane Morgan

Service Desk Analyst

PE is progressing fast, from the hard work to implement the Alaric Fractal solution for the Fraud teams, to the Proofs of Concept on the Business Intelligence stream, to the decision to go full steam ahead on the Acquiring front on the Back Office software. It is great to see so much happening on so many fronts.As a result many teams across IT have been involved in ordering hardware and software, storage and network connections and in setting up new Test environments and bringing on new people to execute and support all of the new activities.

Most recently we spoke to 12 of our key Merchants at GCAB concerning their views on BI and how they might use tools and information that GlobalCollect can provide them to make real and immediate business decisions. There was a very positive reaction from all Merchants in terms of receiving more and really useful information from us, both in report form but also in a clearer visualization through Dashboards. The longer term plan involves creating a merchant Portal, that marketing are going to work on. This portal would be the way in which Merchants would access the new Dashboard and report information through a single secure logon, simplifying their access. This will give us the opportunity to deliver more Merchant related content as it is developed.

PROJECT UPDATESThe latest status & news

Kesh and the team have also been working hard with many of us to design a migration approach to RS2 Bankworks, the new Back Office solution that was selected. This remains the most complex of the elements that we have to progress so it is critical we involve many of the GC experts in this space to design the optimum approach and then timeframes. This will require some development work as well the purchase of some new modules and their integration. A very exciting project for GlobalCollect. As stated, a decision has been made to first implement GlobalCollect’s first Acquiring business through this solution with direct links to Diners followed soon thereafter by links to China Union Pay.

Under the banner of the Short Term Wins, progress has also been made on the use of SWIFT to simplify our connectivity to Banks. The first of these is scheduled for the end of January 2013 with ABN Amro. Also under this stream we are progressing the use of Salesforce to centralize the Merchant setup and pricing data. Both of these initiatives will have material positive impact on many of us in a shorter timeframe than the whole Back Office migration. Watch this space for more specific timeframes

Many thanks to all the teams for their continuing hard work on all these fronts and in progressing so much.Peter Knight CTO



Customer Satisfaction

Survey (CSAT)

2012During the month of October we are executing our annual CSAT. The goal of the CSAT is to take a snapshot on how we are doing through the eyes of our customers. The goal of the CSAT is learn what the decision makers at our customers think of us, where we are doing well and where we should improve. The survey setup is based on the ‘customer journey’ and divided in multiple customer touch points (i.e. departments and topics). The outcome of the survey will help us to better pinpoint where we need to improve in order to keep earning our customers’ business and where opportunities for growth are. Last year we made some significant changes to the way we are conducting the CSAT. Next to measuring the Net Promoter Score(NPS) we also started to measure the Loyalty Index and level of Satisfaction. Another change was that we would only conduct phone surveys as this would supply

GC also with the necessary verbatim to better understand what our customers are expecting. After the RFP we chose Ipsos to conduct the survey.

This year we have given Ipsos a sample of 392 contacts to call. The goal is to get at least 120 interviews, where we want at least 80% of our top 50 to be interviewed. An average phone interview takes approximately 25 minutes.

In the 2012 CSAT we have put extra attention to; 1/ how we compare to our competitors 2/ gaining insight in our customers’ addressable

share of wallet.

We will receive the final report on November 30th. During December and January we will do a road show to inform everyone on the outcomes and where we need to improve. However, that we always need to strive for improvements is an outcome we already know.

John SnoekVP Global Marketing

CSAT terms explainedNPS (Net Promoter Score)

Are our customers willing to recommend (promote) us to others?


How satisfied are our customers with our offering and service?

Loyalty Index

How loyal do our customers say they are (attitudinal loyalty)?

Do our customers behave loyal (behavioral loyalty)?

Speakers Corner Nile YounisIn June 2012 I had the honor and privilege of addressing over 350 industry professionals at The Premier Conference For eCommerce in Europe called eTail Europe.

The overall objective of all those involved was to look at best practices that would result or further improve in creating a personal customer experience across all channels. Increasing and enhancing conversion while improving customer loyalty.

The audience was made up of representatives from most of the biggest eCommerce and Multi Channel players in the region and beyond. Those that attended worked in a variety of key positions including; Board Members, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Information Technology and Operations Management.

The Key Note Speech I gave on the first day of the conference was entitled “Using Data to Predict the Future - Improving performance with strategic information”. Although touching on the subject of Business Intelligence in general, I focused in on the value of Payment and Customer Data.

My Overview & Key Take Away Points were; • Definition of the term Business Intelligence

& typical characteristics

• Understanding the issues faced when implementing a BI solution

• Common benefits organizations will gain

• Measuring the benefits

• Maximizing the value of your investment

After the presentation to the audience, there was also some time for questions and I was pleased at both the quality and quantity of the questions put to me. I directly sought feedback on the subject and content of my speech with those stakeholders that had asked questions. Companies such as Tesco, IKEA, Argos and Office Depot all confirmed the importance of BI within their organization and shared their experiences with regards to the key point I made. They all agreed that working with partners in the supply chain that could support their BI initiatives would be their strongest allies in reaching their corporate objectives.

Nile YounisSales Director EMEA



Wins & Renewals(quarterly update)



Event Vertical Region Month? Start date End date

Brazil Game Show Gaming LATAM October 11-10-2012 14-10-2012

ATPS Global Travel EMEA October 23-10-2012 24-10-2012

eCommercePeru Payments LATAM October 23-10-2012 23-10-2012

Gstar Gaming APAC November 8-11-2012 11-11-2012

Forex & Investment Summit Financial EMEA November 15-11-2012 16-11-2012

eMerging Sao Paolo Payments LATAM November 21-11-2012 22-11-2012

eTail China Retail APAC November 27-11-2012 28-11-2012

HEDNA US Travel NORTHAM December 1-12-2012 2-12-2012

Upcoming Events

Save the date!GC Bar opening dates for 2012:• Friday 26 October

(GC Jam session + Halloween)

• Friday 9 November

• Friday 23 November

• Friday 7 December

• Friday 21 December

Themed events will be announced in a timely manner. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the #Bar Committee.

See you all there!GC Bar Committee

ColofonThis e-magazine is an internal publication for employees of GlobalCollect and distributed via MS Outlook to all internal staff.

This issue is distributed in October, 2012

Contact Details Editorial team – [email protected]

Thank you for reading and see you again for issue 4!