Hi Hayden, I am pleased to tell you that I am playing the best golf I have ever played shooting 98 to 103 on a regular basis which is a huge improvement from the 114 (or more) that I was scoring before the GMS course. I put this down to you telling me that my irons were too long and buying new ones that fit me better (I now love my irons) and also the driver that you recommended was an amazing impovement and gave me great confidence off the tee. Also I use my plan every time I play by playing to what I know I can achieve and keeping my ball in play rather than taking a club that I hope will get me where I want to be. So all in all I am getting the full benefit, so thank you. Kind regards, Pauline B – Isle of Man, Great Britain – Sent October 26th, 2008 Attended St. Augustine location on January 21st to 23rd, 2008 "I Made All My Goals For The Year!" Hayden, Glenda and I took the GMS course in Boca at the end of March. At that time, one year into my golfing career, my best game was a 108, I rarely made par, and my handicap was 39+. I had three goals for my game for this season: break 100, get a birdie, get my handicap below 30. Long story short, I made 99 twice this year, got two birdies, and my handicap index is now 29.9. I made all my goals for the year! Granted, there were a couple of times that my game took a slide, but all I had to do was remember the GMS basics and think "Tic Toc". The swing would come back and the game would get more consistent. Glenda and I are really thankful for the things that we learned and look forward to attending another class in the Spring. Rocky E – Bettendorf, Iowa – Sent October 23rd, 2008 Attended Boca Raton, Florida location on March 28th to 30th, 2008 "Almost 7 Strokes Off My Handicap In Less Than 4 Months!"


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Hi Hayden,

I am pleased to tell you that I am playing the best golf I have ever played shooting 98 to 103 on a regular basis which is a huge improvement from the 114 (or more) that I was scoring before the GMS course. I put this down to you telling me that my irons were too long and buying new ones that fit me better (I now love my irons) and also the driver that you recommended was an amazing impovement and gave me great confidence off the tee.

Also I use my plan every time I play by playing to what I know I can achieve and keeping my ball in play rather than taking a club that I hope will get me where I want to be. So all in all I am getting the full benefit, so thank you.

Kind regards,

Pauline B – Isle of Man, Great Britain – Sent October 26th, 2008

Attended St. Augustine location on January 21st to 23rd, 2008

"I Made All My Goals For The Year!"


Glenda and I took the GMS course in Boca at the end of March. At that time, one year into my golfing career, my best game was a 108, I rarely made par, and my handicap was 39+. I had three goals for my game for this season: break 100, get a birdie, get my handicap below 30.

Long story short, I made 99 twice this year, got two birdies, and my handicap index is now 29.9. I made all my goals for the year!

Granted, there were a couple of times that my game took a slide, but all I had to do was remember the GMS basics and think "Tic Toc". The swing would come back and the game would get more consistent.

Glenda and I are really thankful for the things that we learned and look forward to attending another class in the Spring.

Rocky E – Bettendorf, Iowa – Sent October 23rd, 2008

Attended Boca Raton, Florida location on March 28th to 30th, 2008

"Almost 7 Strokes Off My Handicap In Less Than 4 Months!"


I attended a session in June at Amelia Island.  Since that time, my handicap index has improved dramatically in less than 4 months from 37.4 to 30.7, so needless to say - I am pleased with the direction things have gone over the summer.

On two occasions I've broken 100, scoring a 95 in July and another 95 on a hard course on October 10.  One of my friends has signed up for GMS after seeing what it has done for me.  

Thanks for helping me to improve my game.

Bryan F – Atlanta, Georgia – Sent October 19th, 2008

Attended Amelia Island, Florida location on June 27th to 29th, 2008

Hello all at GMS,

My handicap has improved quite a bit. I believe I was over an 18 handicap prior to the school and now I'm a 14.3 (which is more than a 23% improvement in 6 months). I now play with a plan and the "blow ups" are few and far between. I still have the occasional "blow up" but I realize that I temporaily forget to plan (bad habits die hard).

Thank you,

Matt V – Santa Rosa, California - Sent October 8th, 2008

Attended La Quinta/Palm Springs location on March 21st to 23rd, 2008

"I Broke 90 For The First Time!"

Folks at GMS,

I attended camp back in March.  Ever since I've being doing my drills, practicing at the range (instead of just hitting balls) and working on chipping and putting (toe of the five iron drill) in my office. I kept working on my goal of breaking 90 for the first time.  Well, doing the drills of a player has paid off.  Last week I shot an 86 and this week I shot an 82 (41 on the front and the back).  I didn't have any spectacular shots (all 2 putts except a 3 putt and a 1 putt). I just avoided mistakes by sticking to my PLAN and playing under control.

What has been most helpful to me about GMS and sticking with the drills and working on my fundamentals is that prior to GMS I didn't know why one shot would be good and another poor. With the tools achieved at GMS I am now able to identify what I'm doing right and wrong without any overly complicated analysis.

I'm sure I'll shoot in the 90s in the future, but I'll keep managing expectations and having fun and who knows - 82 isn't that far from 79 - which is a number that before GMS wasn't even part of my wildest imagination.


Jeff W - New York, New York – Sent October 2nd, 2008

Attended Boca Raton location on March 24th to 26th, 2008

"I've Had Four Eagle Putts This Year!"


I am having a ball. Here's something funny --- I had not been in a position for an eagle in at least 15 years.  Again, that is until this year. I have had four eagle putts from within ten feet this year.  I made none of them, but I'm not upset by that.  I was in a position for an eagle FOUR times.  Pretty cool.  I've also made more birdies this year than ever before.  My low score this season so far is an 82 a couple of weeks ago on a course called Mississippi Dunes here in Minnesota.  I went 39-43.

I'll keep you posted as I go along.  I look forward to getting back together with you soon --- perhaps in Florida.  Until then ---

Be well,

Wendell P – St. Louis Park, Minnesota – Sent September 16th, 2008

Attended La Quinta/Palm Springs location on February 1st to 3rd,