TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa d¾{²&îýÙ (<TsÁZeTT) ýñ d¾+<óÖ H>·]¿£Ôá q>·sÁeTT 1. ¿±*+>·H 2. #HVQ<s= 3. yîTTV²+C¤<sà 4. V²sÁ|Î 2. During this five year plan ‘heavy industries’ were given importance 1. Second 2. First 3. Third 4. Fifth uó²¯ |]çXøeT\Å£ |+#áesÁü ç|D²[¿± ¿±\+ýË çbÍ<óq«Ôá eÇ&+~. 1. Âs+&e 2. yîTT<{ì 3. eTÖ&e 4. ×<e

TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

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Page 1: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

TET cum TRT-2018

1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was

1. Kalibangan

2. Chanhudaro

3. Mohenjodaro

4. Harappa

d¾{²&îýÙ (<�TsÁZeTT) ýñ� d¾+<ó�Ö H�>·]¿£Ôá q>·sÁeTT

1. ¿±*�+>·H�

2. #�H�V�Q<�s=

3. yîTTV�²+C¤<�sÃ

4. V�²sÁ|�Î

2. During this five year plan ‘heavy industries’ were given importance

1. Second

2. First

3. Third

4. Fifth

uó²¯ |�]çXøeT\Å£� � |�+#áesÁü ç|�D²[¿± ¿±\+ýË çbÍ<ó�q«Ôá �eÇ�&�+~.

1. Âs+&�e

2. yîTT<�{ì

3. eTÖ&�e

4. ×<�e

Page 2: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

3. National Water Policy was adopted in

C²rjáT ú{ì $<ó�qeTT neT\TýË¿ì eºÌq d�+eÔáàsÁ+

1. 2002

2. 2017

3. 2012

4. 2000

4. Density of water is maximum at

ú{ì kÍ+ç<�Ôá �¿£Ø&� nÔá«~ó¿£+>± �+³T+~.

1. -4°C

2. 7°C

3. 0°C

4. 4°C

5. Airawateswar temple was built by

1. Rajaraja - I

2. Rajaraja - II

3. Rajendra - I

4. Parantak - I

×s�eÔûXøÇsÁ <ûy�\jáÖ�� �]�+ºqy�sÁT

1. s�C²s�È ` I

2. s�Ès�È ` II

3. s�Cñ+ç<� ` I

4. |�sÁH�Ôá¿£ ` I

Page 3: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

6. Mercury is extracted from this ore

1. Cinnabar

2. Carnalite

3. Corundum

4. Galena

bÍ<�sÁkÍ�� � eTT&� K�ÈeTT qT+&� ÔájáÖsÁT #ûkÍïsÁT.

1. d¾qu²sY

2. ¿±sÁ�ýÉÕ{Ù

3. ¿ÃsÁ+&�y�T

4. Â>©q

7. The first Municipal Corporation was set up in the former Presidency town of

1. Mumbai

2. Kolkata

3. Delhi

4. Madras

yîTT<�{ì eTT�à|�ýÙ ¿±sÃιsw�H� � |�PsÁÇ ç|�d¾&îúà q>·sÁ+ýË


1. eTT+�sTT

2. ¿ÃýÙ¿£Ôá

3. &�

4. eTç<�dt

Page 4: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

8. In 64th National film awards, the award for best feature film was bagged by

1. Sathamanam Bhavathi (Telugu)

2. Kasaav (Marathi)

3. Rustom (Hindi)

4. Minnaminungu – the firefly (Malayalam)

64e C²rjáT d¾�eÖ ny�sÁT¦ q+<�T¿=q� �ÔáïeT |�Ó#ásY d¾�eÖ

1. XøÔáeÖq+uó�eÜ (Ôî\T>·T)

2. ¿£kÍy� (eTs�]Ä)

3. sÁTd�Tïy�T (V¾²+B)

4. $Tq�$TqT+>·T ` <� �|�ÕsY�|�¢í (eTÞøjáÖÞø+)

9. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sodak Yojana was launched to eradicate

1. Illiteracy

2. Swine Flue

3. Poverty

4. Unemployment

B�� �y�]+#á&��¿ì>±qT ç|�<ó�qeT+çÜ ç>±MTD kþ<�¿ù jîÖÈq


1. �sÁ¿£�s�d�«Ôá

2. �dÇíH� |�P¢

3. �|<�]¿£+

4. �sÁT<ëÐÔá

Page 5: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

10. Head office of Children Film Society of India is at

1. New Delhi

2. Chennai

3. Thiruvananthapuram

4. Mumbai

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø u²\\ ºçÔád�+d�� �V²&� �|�Ódt �#á̳¿£\<�T

1. q֫ &�

2. #îHîÕ�

3. ÜsÁTeq+Ôá|�ÚsÁ+

4. eTT+uÉÕ

11. The theme of National Environmental Awareness Programme for the year 2016-17

1. Literacy Mission, Poverty eradication, Removal of unemployment

2. Literacy Mission, Employment enhancement, Improvement of Heavy Industries

3. Swachh Bharat Mission, Ganga Rejuvenation and River cleaning

4. Clean and Green, Ganga Rejuvenation and Reforestation

2016`17 d�+eÔáàsÁ|�Ú C²rjáT |�s�«esÁD C²>·�Ü ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eTeTT jîTT¿£Ø


1. n¿£�s�d�«Ô�$Tw�H�, �|<�]¿£ �sÁÖ�\q, �sÁT<ë>· �sÁÖ�\q

2. n¿£�s�d�«Ô�$Tw�H�, �<ë>· �|+|�Ú<�\, uó²¯ |�]çXøeT\ n_óe�~Æ

3. d�Ç#áÌÛ uó²sÁÔá $Tw�H�, >·+>±qB Èý²\ Xø�BÆ¿£sÁD, q<�T\ Xø�BÆ¿£sÁD

4. |�#áÌ<�q+ |�]Xø�çuó�Ôá, >·+>±qB Èý²\ Xø�BÆ¿£sÁD, n&�eÚ\qT Ü]Ð


Page 6: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

12. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award – 2018 for weight lifting was given to

1. S. Mirabai chanu

2. Karnam Malleswari

3. Hima dass

4. Smriti Mandana

yîsTT{Ù *|¾¼+>´ q+<�T 2018 ` s�Jy� >±+Bó UñýÙ sÁÔá� ny�sÁT¦ ç>·VÓ²Ôá

1. mdt MTs�u²sTT #ó�qT

2. ¿£sÁD+ eT©¢XøÇ]

3. V¾²eT <�dt

4. çd¾�Ü eT+&�q

13. Father of Geometry

1. Galileo Galilei

2. Euclid

3. Srinivasan Ramanujan

4. Panini

C²yîTç{¡ |¾Ô�eTV�Q&�T

1. Â>©*jîÖ Â>**

2. jáTÖ¿ì¢&�

3. l�y�d�H� s�eÖqTÈH�

4. bÍDì�

Page 7: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

14. French official book is known as

1. Orange book

2. White book

3. Yellow book

4. Grey book

ç�|�+#Y n~ó¿±]¿£ |�Úd�ï¿£eTT>± �|s=+~q~.

1. �sÁ+� �T¿ù

2. yîÕ{Ù �T¿ù

3. mýË¢ �T¿ù

4. ç¹> �T¿ù

15. The first man to hit double century in one day international cricket match

1. Dhoni

2. Yuvaraj Singh

3. Virat Kohli

4. Sachin Tendulkar

ÿ¿£sÃE �+³¹s�w�qýÙ ç¿ì¿{Ù eÖ«#Y q+<�T, &��TýÙ �d+#á #ûd¾q yîTT³¼

yîTT<�{ì e«¿ìï.

1. <óÃ�

2. jáTTes�CÙ d¾+>´

3. $s�{Ù ¿ÃVÓ²¢

4. d�ºH� fÉ+&�Ö\ØsY

Page 8: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

16. This part of the Indian Constitution is called ‘The identity card of the constitution’ by NA Palkival

1. Article 42

2. Preamble

3. Article 17

4. Article 44

uó²sÁÔá s�C²«+>·+ q+<�* � uó²>±�� mH�.m. bÍ©Øy�ý² »uó²sÁÔá

s�C²«+>±�¿ì ÿ¿£ >·T]ï+|�Ú ¿±sÁT¦µ >± n� �|s=ØH��sÁT.

1. �]¼¿£ýÙ 42

2. ç|�yû¥¿£

3. �]¼¿£ýÙ 17

4. �]¼¿£ýÙ 44

17. The largest delta in India

1. Krishna

2. Godawari

3. Sunderbans

4. Penna

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË nÜ�|<�Ý &îý²¼ çbÍ+Ôá+

1. ¿£�cÍ�

2. >Ã<�e]

3. d�T+<�sÁ�H�à

4. �|H��

Page 9: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

18. The ‘land of Maple’

1. Norway

2. Argentina

3. Jaipur

4. Canada

»eÖ|�ÚýÙ ý²+&�µ>± �|s=Øq�&û~

1. H�¹sÇ

2. nÂs¨+{¡H�

3. CÉÕ|�PsY

4. ¿q&�

19. Expand LCD

1. Lead Compact Disc

2. Liquid Crystal Display

3. Lithium Compact Disc

4. Lead Crystal Display

LCD $d�ïsÁD sÁÖ|�eTT.

1. ýÉ&� ¿±+bÍ¿ù¼ &�dtØ

2. *¿ìÇ&� ç¿ìd�¼ýÙ &�dt�|¢

3. *~¸jáT+ ¿±+bÍ¿ù¼ &�dtØ

4. ýÉ&� ç¿ìd�¼ýÙ &�dt�|¢

Page 10: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

20. The gland that controls blood pressure in the human body is

1. Adrenal

2. Thyroid

3. Thalamus

4. Pancreas

eÖqe Xø sÁ+ýË sÁ¿£ï ç|�d�sÁDqT �jáT+çÜ+#û ç>·+~¸.

1. nç&�qýÙ

2. <îÕs�sTT&�

3. <¸�\eTdt

4. bÍ+ç¿ìjáÖdt

Page 11: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

21. This is NOT a recommendation of Mudaliar Commission

1. The regional language or mother tongue should be the medium of instruction.

2. In place of cramming and verbalism, activity method should be adopted.

3. An All India Council of Education should be set up for co-ordination between the centre and the states.

4. First degree course should be of 3 years duration after higher secondary or one year pre-university plus matriculation.

� ç¿ì+~ y��ýË eTT<�*jáÖsY ¿£MTw�H� d¾b�ÍsÁd�TýË¢ ýñ�~

1. çbÍ+rjáT uó²w� ýñ<� eÖÔá�uó²w� uË<ó�H� eÖ<�«eT+>± �+&�*.

2. �{¡¼ $<ó�H�\ �<�T\T ¿£�Ô�«<ó�sÁ |�<�ÆÜ bÍ{ì+#áT³.

3. ¹¿+ç<� eT]jáTT s�çcͼ\ eT<ó�« d�eTqÇjáT+ ¿Ãd�+ �ýÙ �+&�jáÖ

¿��àýÙ �|�t m&�T«¹¿w�H� @s�γT #ûjáÖ*.

4. 3 d�+eÔáàs�\Ôà ţL&�q yîTT<�{ì &�ç^ ¿ÃsÁTàqT, V�²jáT«sY �d¿£+&�

$<�«q+ÔásÁ+ ýñ<� yîTç{ìÅ£�«ýñw�H�Ôà ţL&�q ÿ¿£ d�+eÔáàsÁ+

|�PsÁÇ $XøÇ$<�«\jáT $<�« ÔásÁTy�Ôá #ûs�Ì*.

Page 12: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

22. This is considered as a plan for “Post- War Educational Reconstruction in India”

1. Hunter Commission

2. Kher Committee

3. Sargent Committee

4. Secondary Education Commission

� ç¿ì+~ y��ýË »»uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË jáTT<�Æq+ÔásÁ $<�« |�Úq]�s��D+µ ¿Ãd�+

@s�ÎfÉ®q ç|�D²[¿£

1. V�²+³sY ¿£MTw�H�

2. UñsY ¿£$T{ì

3. kÍsÁ+{Ù ¿£$T{ì

4. eÖ<ó�«$T¿£ $<�« ¿£MTw�H�

23. Teacher education should help teachers

1. To acquire knowledge and skills in a disciplined manner

2. To promote rote learning in students

3. To give importance to taking up teaching profession by chance

4. To relate their learning with earning

�bÍ<ó�«jáT $<�« �bÍ<ó�«jáTT\Å£� � $<ó�+>± d�V�äjáT|�&�TÔáT+~

1. ç¿£eT¥¿£�DÔà ţL&�q C²ãq+, HîÕ|�ÚD²«\qT d�+bÍ~+#áT³Å£�

2. $<�«sÁT�ýË¢ ¿£+sÄÁd� � nuó�«d�H� |�<�ÆÜ� çbþÔáàV¾²+#áT³Å£�

3. jáÖ<��ºÌÛ¿£+>± �bÍ<ó�«jáT e�Üï� #û|�³¼&��¿ì çbÍ<ó�q«Ôá�eÇ&�+

4. nuó�«d�H��� d�+bÍ<�qÔà eTT&��|³¼³+

Page 13: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

24. A professional teacher should necessarily have all except

1. Sound philosophy of education

2. Dynamic sociological perspective

3. Achieved a complete personality development

4. Knowledge of an adequate functioning of psychology

e�Üï Ô�« �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&îÕq y�]¿ì nÔá«ed�sÁ+ ¿±�~

1. $<�«ÔáÔáÇXæg+ �|Õ eT+º |�³T¼

2. ç¿ìjáÖo\¿£ kÍeÖ�¿£ <��¿£Î<�+

3. d�+|�PsÁ� e«¿ìïÔáÇ $¿±kÍ�� kÍ~ó+#á³+

4. eTHÃ$C²ãqXæg |��rsÁT�|Õ ÔáÐq+Ôá C²ãq+ ¿£*Ð �+&�³+

25. The process of increasing the knowledge, the skills and the capacities of all the people in a society is

1. Natural Instinct Development

2. Human Resource Development

3. Personality Development

4. Capacity Building

d�eÖÈ+ýË� ç|�È\+<�] kÍeTs��«\T, C²ãq+, HîÕ|�ÚD²«\qT �|+bõ+~+#û


1. d�V�²È d�V�²C²Ô�\ $¿±d�+

2. eÖqe eqsÁT\ n_óe�~Æ

3. eTÖ]ïeTÔáÇ $¿±d�+

4. kÍeTs��«\ �s��D+

Page 14: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

26. This is NOT a feature of Inclusive approach in Education

1. Education for all

2. Individualized teaching

3. Subject- centered

4. Flexible

$<�«ýË d�$T�[Ôá �|�>·eT+ jîTT¿£Ø \¿£�D+ ¿±�~

1. n+<�]¿¡ $<�«

2. e«¿ìï>·Ôá uË<ó�q

3. $w�jáT¹¿+çB¿£�Ôá+

4. d�sÁÞøÔá

27. This article of the constitution considers Right to Information, a fundamental right

1. Article 45

2. Article 19(1)

3. Article 15 (A)

4. Article 49

s�C²«+>·+ýË� � n~ó¿£sÁD, d�eÖ#�sÁ V�²Å£�ØqT eTò*¿£ V�²Å£�Ø>±


1. 45e n~ó¿£sÁD

2. 19 (1) e n~ó¿£sÁD

3. 15 (m) e n~ó¿£sÁD

4. 49 e n~ó¿£sÁD

Page 15: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

28. According to RTE Act 2009, ‘child’ does not mean

1. Child belonging to the Schedule caste and the Schedule tribe

2. Male and female child

3. Children up to eighteen years of age

4. Socially and educationally backward classes

$<�«V�²Å£�Ø #á³¼+ 2009 ç|�¿±sÁ+ »»u²\\Tµ ¿±� y�sÁT

1. �w&�Ö«\T¦ Å£�ý²\T eT]jáTT �w&�Ö«\T¦ Ôî>·\Å£� #î+~q u²\\T

2. �&� eT]jáTT eT>· |¾\¢\T

3. 18 d�+eÔáàs�\ýË|�Ú ejáTd�T >·\ u²\\T

4. kÍeÖ�¿£+>± eT]jáTT $<�«|�sÁ+>± yîqT¿£�&�q ÔásÁ>·ÔáT\y�sÁT

29. National Curriculum Framework 2005 was the result of

1. Review of National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE – 2000)

2. Review of Operation Blackboard

3. Review of Lok Sabha Decision to have a new common school system

4. Review of National Curriculum Framework 1986

C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ #áç³+ 2005 B� |��*Ôá+

1. bÍsÄÁXæ\ $<�«¿Ãd�+ C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ #áç³+ 2000 �|Õ d�MT¿£�

2. �|�¹sw�H� u²¢¿ù uËsÁT¦ d�MT¿£�

3. qÖÔáq @¿¡¿£�Ôá bÍsÄÁXæ\\ e«ed��Â¿Õ ýË¿ùd�uó� �sÁ�jáT+�|Õ d�MT¿£�

4. C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ #áç³+ 1986 �|Õ d�MT¿£�

Page 16: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

30. The Chairman of National Steering Committee set up to review the NCFSE-2000

1. Dr. A. Lakshmanswami Mudaliar

2. Prof. D. S. Kothari

3. Prof. Gopal Guru

4. Prof. Yash Pal

bÍsÄÁXæ\ $<�«¿Ãd�+ C²rjáT $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ #áç³+ 2000

(NCFSE-2000) qT d�MT¿ì�+#û+<�TÅ£� @s�γT #ûjáT�&�q C²rjáT dÓ¼]+>´

¿£$T{¡ #îÕsÁ�H�

1. &�öö m. \¿£��DkÍÇ$T eTT<�*jáÖsY

2. çbõöö &�.mdt ¿=sÄ�]

3. çbõöö >ÃbÍýÙ >·TsÁT

4. çbõöö jáTXÙbÍýÙ

Page 17: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

31. The ability to produce uncommon and unusual response to a problem is

1. Elaboration

2. Originality

3. Fluency

4. Flexibility

ÿ¿£ d�eTd�«Å£� nkÍ<ó�sÁDyîT®q eT]jáTT $Xâw�eTsTTq |�]cÍØsÁ$T#ûÌ kÍeTsÁ�«yûT

1. $d�ï �Ü

2. y�d�ï$¿£Ôá

3. <ó�s�ÞøÔá

4. qeT«Ôá

Page 18: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

32. Hari, a teacher, is having friendly relationship not only with his students and their parents but also with all the villagers. This shows his

1. Interpersonal intelligence

2. Visual spatial intelligence

3. Intrapersonal intelligence

4. Verbal language intelligence

V�²] nHû �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T Ôáq $<�«sÁT�\T, y�] Ôá*¢<�+ç&�T\ÔÃHû ¿±Å£�+&�

ç>±eTd�Tï\ÔÃÅ£L&� �d�V�²|�PsÁÇ¿£ d�+�+<ó�\T ¿£*Ð �H��&�T. �~

Ôî*jáTCñjáTTq~ nÔá� jîTT¿£Ø

1. e«¿£ï«+ÔásÁ ç|�Èã

2. <��Xø« çbÍ<û¥¿£ ç|�Èã

3. e«¿£ï«+ÔásÁZÔá ç|�Èã

4. Xæ_Ý¿£ uó²cÍ d�+�+<ó� ç|�Èã

33. A teacher helping a child to recognize his anger and teaches him how to manage the same - Here the teacher is teaching about

1. Aggressive

2. Emotional maladjustment

3. Emotional distress

4. Emotional regulation

ÿ¿£ �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T, ÿ¿£ u²\T�¿ì Ôáq ¿ÃbÍ�� >·T]ï+#á&��¿ì

ÔÃ&�Î&�TÔáÖ, <��� mý² n<�T|�Ú #ûd�T¿Ãy�ýË d�Öºd�TïH��&�T. `

�¿£Ø&� �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T Ôî*jáTCñd�Tïq�~.

1. <�ÖÅ£�&�T

2. �<ûÇ>· $w�jîÖÈq+

3. �<ûÇ>· q¿±s�Ôá�¿£ ÿÜï&�

4. �<ûÇ>· �jáT+çÔáD

Page 19: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

34. The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by

1. Gardner

2. Sternberg

3. Spearman

4. Guilford

�V�QÞø ç|�C²ã d¾<�Æ+Ô��� ç|�ÜbÍ~+ºqy�sÁT

1. >±Âs¦qsY

2. �d¼sY��sYZ

3. d¾ÎjáTsYeTH�

4. ÐýÙb�þsY¦

35. An appreciation from the teacher when the pupil gets a good grade is

1. Punishment

2. Reinforcement

3. Aversion

4. Systematic desensitization

$<�«]� eT+ºç¹>&�T d�+bÍ~+ºq|�Ú&�T �bÍ<ó�«jáTT� qT+#û e#ûÌ n_óq+<�q

1. ¥¿£�

2. |�ÚqsÁÒÛ\q+

3. $sÁ¿ìï

4. |�<�ÝÜç|�¿±sÁ+ ç>±V�²¿£ÔáÇ+ ÔáÐZ+#áT³

Page 20: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

36. Information in memory displacing or blocking out other information

1. Amnesia

2. Algorithm

3. Interference

4. Intoxication

d���ÜýË �q� d�eÖ#�sÁ+, �ÔásÁ d�eÖ#�s��� Ô=\Ð+#áT³ ýñ<�


1. eTÜeTsÁT|�Ú

2. �ýËZ]<�+

3. CË¿£«+

4. eTÔáTï¿£\T>·T³

37. The sudden appearance of new ideas is

1. Insight

2. Smartness

3. Intelligence

4. Creativity

¿=Ôáï �ýË#áq\T n¿£kÍ�ÔáTï>± @sÁÎ&�³eTHû~

1. n+ÔásY <��w¾¼

2. HûsÁÎ]Ôáq+

3. ç|�Èã

4. d��ÈH�Ôá�¿£Ôá

Page 21: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

38. Projective methods are based on the projective hypothesis derived from the theory of

1. Jung

2. Freud

3. Maslow

4. Wechsler

ç|�¹¿�|�¿£ |�<�ÆÔáT\T M] ç|�¹¿�|�¿£ d¾<�Æ+Ôá+�|Õ �<ó�sÁ|�&� d�+ç>·V¾²+#á�&�q$

1. È+>´

2. çb�ÍsTT&�

3. eÖkþ¢

4. yîw�¢sY

39. A girl being taught to relax before going for a test is helped to manage

1. Learning

2. Intelligence

3. Mental Health

4. Stress

ÿ¿£ u²*¿£Å£� |� ¿£�Å£� yûÞâß eTT+<�T $çXæ+Ü rd¾¿Ãe\d¾q~>± #î|�ð³ e\q,

B�� n<�T|�Ú #ûd¾¿Ã>·*Ð+~

1. nuó�«d�q+

2. ç|�Èã

3. eÖqd¾¿£ �sÃ>·«+

4. ÿÜï&�

Page 22: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

40. The impression one holds on oneself

1. Sensation

2. Self concept

3. Source trait

4. Super ego

Ôáq MT<� Ô�qT �+#áT¿=Hû eTTç<�

1. d�ÎsÁô

2. �Ôá�uó²eq

3. eTÖ\ \¿£�D²+Xø+

4. n<ó�«V�²+

Page 23: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa


41. The father of Dutch cartography, Gerardus Mercator followed this method to prepare maps

1. Showing Asia as the largest and most important as it has Jerusalem which was the birth place of Jesus Christ

2. Showing the Eurasian continent fully and only northern part of the African continent

3. Showing Greece in the middle of the map

4. Showing the correct shape and directions of continents but with distortion of sizes and distances

&�#Y <ûXø |�{²\ ÔájáÖ¯<�sÁT\ |¾Ô�eTV�Q&îÕq Â>s�sÁ¦dt yîT¹sسsY |�{²\qT

ºçÜ+ºq $<ó�q+

1. @d�Tç¿¡d�Tï Èq�d��\yîT®q CÉsÁÖd�ýñ+ �q� �d¾jáÖK+&���

n��+{ì¿£+fñ �|<�Ý~>± #áÖ|�&�+

2. jáTT¹sw¾jáÖqT |�P]ï>± #áÖ|¾+º �ç|�¾¿±K+&�|�Ú �ÔáïsÁ uó²>±��

eÖçÔáyûT #áÖ|�³+

3. |�{+ eT<ó�«ýË ç^d�TqT #áÖ|�&�+

4. |�]eÖD+, <�Ös�\ýË eç¿¡¿£sÁD �q�|�Î{ì¿¡ K+&�\ �¿±sÁ+, ~Xø\T

d�]>± �+&û $<ó�H��� sÁÖbõ+~+#á&�+

Page 24: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

42. This is not correct regarding Contour lines

1. Contours are lines on map joining places of same height measured from sea level

2. They are usually drawn at a fixed interval of heights

3. Where Contour lines are far apart, it represent steep slope

4. Contour lines are also called Isolines

¿±+³ÖsÁT ¹sK\Å£� d�+�+~ó+º d�]¿±� n+XøeTT

1. ¿±+³ÖsÁT ¹sK\T d�eTTç<� eT³¼+ qT+&� ÿ¹¿ mÔáTïýË �q� ç|�<ûXæ\qT

¿£\T|�ÚÔáÖ ^�d ¹sK\T

2. M{ì� �s��]Ôá mÔáTï\ n+Ôás�\Ôà ^kÍïsÁT

3. ¿±+³ÖsÁT ¹sK\T <�ÖsÁ<�ÖsÁ+>± �+fñ rçeyîT®q y�\T �+<�� nsÁ�+

4. ¿±+³ÖsÁT ¹sK\qT ×kþ ýÉÕH�à n�Å£L&� n+{²sÁT.

43. Indian standard time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. The reason is

1. India has taken 82°30¢E longitudes as Standard Meridian

2. India lies totally in the Southern Hemisphere

3. Because India is a Sub Continent

4. Because India is a very vast country

ç^�#Y ¿±\eÖH��¿£+fñ uó²sÁÔá ¿±\eÖq+ eTT+<�T �+&�{²�¿ì ¿±sÁD+

1. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ 82°30¢ ÔáÖsÁTÎ ¹sU²+Xæ�� çbÍeÖDì¿£ ¹sU²+Xø+>±


2. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ <�¿ì�D²sÁ� >ÃÞø+ýË �+&�³+

3. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ �|�K+&�+ ¿±e&�+ e\¢

4. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ $Xæ\yîT®q <ûXø+ ¿±e&�+ e\¢

Page 25: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

44. The false statement regarding the plates

1. The plates where one plate meets another, often the incoming plate dips under the stable plate.

2. The incoming plate goes into the mantle of the earth and becomes molten

3. The Eurasian plate pushes the Indian plate and goes under it just where the Andes Mountains are

4. The Himalayan Mountains were formed by the process of Indian plate pushing into the Eurasian plate

uó�Ö |�\¿£\qT d�+�+~ó+º ç¿ì+~ y��ýË d�]¿±�~

1. |��\¿±\T ¿£*�d#ó ¿£<�T\TÔáÖ �q� |��\¿£+ n+#áT d¾�sÁ+>±

�q� |��\¿£+ ç¿ì+<�Å£� yîÞø�ÔáT+~.

2. ¿£<�T\TÔáÖeÚq� |��\¿£ n+#áT uó�Ö$T eT<ó�«bõsÁýË¿ì yî[ß

ç<�e+>± eÖsÁTÔáT+~.

3. �+&�jáÖ |�\¿£qT jáTÖ¹sw¾jáÖ |�\¿£ Hî&�TÔáÖ �+&�dt|�sÁÇÔ�\T

�q�#ó <�� ç¿ì+<�Å£� yîÞø�ÔáTq�~.

4. jáTÖ¹sd¾jáÖ |���\¿±�� �+&�jáÖ |�\¿£+ Hî³¼&�+e\¢ V¾²eÖ\jáÖ\T


Page 26: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

45. Identify the correct answer related to the relief of the ocean

1. Continental shelf with the depth of 3000 meters occupies about 7.6% of the ocean area.

2. Deep sea plain / Abyssal plains are the flattest and smoothest regions of the World

3. Oceanic trenches are formed by erosion process of glaciers and rivers

4. Continental slopes are very significant in the study of plate movements

eTV�äd�eTTç<� �|�]Ôáý²�¿ì d�+�+~ó+º d�ÂsÕq d�eÖ<ó�H��� >·T]ï+#á+&�.

1. K+&�rsÁ|�Ú n+#áT 3000 MT. ýËÔáT �+&� d�eTTç<� $dÓïsÁ�+ýË 7.6%

esÁÅ£� �+³T+~.

2. eTV�äd�eTTç<� yîT®<�H�\T ç|�|�+#á+ýË¿ý²¢ nÔá«+Ôá #á<�TqT>±

qTqT|�Ú>± �+&û çbÍ+Ô�\T

3. eTV�äd�eTTç<� n>±<ó�\T V¾²eÖúq<�\T, q<�T\ ú{ì¿ÃÔá ç|�ç¿ìjáT\ÔÃ


4. |��\¿£ ¿£<�*¿£\ n<ó�«jáTq+ýË K+&�rsÁ|�Ú y�\T\T ¿¡\¿£bÍçÔá


Page 27: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

46. The sun appears in orange colour during sunrise and sunset. Due to

1. Water vapour

2. Dust particles

3. Ultra Violet rays

4. Air pollution

d�Ösë<�jáT, d�Ös�«d�ïeTjáT d�eTjáÖýË¢ d�ÖsÁT«&�T H�]+È sÁ+>·TýË

¿£q�&�T³Å£� ¿±sÁD+

1. ú{ì �$]

2. <ó�Ö[ ¿£D²\T

3. nÜú\ýËV¾²Ôá ¿ìsÁD²\T

4. y�jáTT ¿±\Tw�«+

47. According to 2011 census the percentage of literacy in women and men in India respectively

2011 uó²sÁÔá Èq>·Dq ç|�¿±sÁ+ çdÓï, |�ÚsÁTw� n¿£�s�d�«Ôá XæÔ�\T esÁTd�>±

1. 64.56, 81.24

2. 82.14, 66.54

3. 81.24, 64.56

4. 65.46, 82.14

Page 28: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

48. Hyderabad is not in the list of Mega cities. The reason is

1. Having more than 10 million people in the city

2. Lack of infrastructural facilities

3. Many slums in the city

4. Having population between 1 million to 10 millions

�VÕ²<�s�u²<� eTV�äq>·s�\ C²_Ô�ýË¿ì s�¿£bþe&��¿ì ¿±sÁD+

1. q>·sÁ ÈH�uó² 10 $T*jáTq¢Å£� $T+º �+&�³+

2. d�]jî®Tq nekÍ�|�H� kå¿£s�«\T ýñ¿£bþe&�+

3. q>·sÁ+ýË eTT]¿ì y�&�\T mÅ£�Øe>± �+&�³+

4. ÿ¿£ $T*jáTH� qT+&� |�~ $T*jáTq¢ eT<ó�« ÈH�uó² ¿£*Ð �+&�³+

49. This is one of the reasons for expansion of urban population in India during 1961 to 2011

1. Due to declaration of urban areas as rural areas

2. Unnatural increase

3. Migration to Abroad

4. Expansion of urban areas

1961 qT+&� 2011 uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË |�³¼D ÈH�uó² �sÁ+ÔásÁ �|sÁT>·T<�\Å£�

ÿ¿£ ¿±sÁD+

1. |�³¼D çbÍ+Ô�\qT ç>±MTD çbÍ+Ô�\T>± ç|�¿£{ì+#á&�+e\¢

2. nd�V�²È �|sÁT>·T<�\

3. $<ûXæ\Å£� e\d� yîÞøß&�+

4. |�³¼D çbÍ+Ô�\ $d�ïsÁD e\¢

Page 29: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

50. The Indian Multinational companies are

1. Nokia, Nike

2. Pepsi, Coca - Cola

3. Honda, Ford

4. Ranbaxy, Infosys

ç¿ì+~ y��ýË uó²sÁrjáT �V�QÞøC²Ü d�+d��\T

1. HÿìjáÖ, HîÕ¿ù

2. �||¾à, ¿Ã¿£¿Ãý²

3. V�²Ã+&�, b�þsY¦

4. s�H�u²¿¡à, �HÃÎÛd¾dt

51. Expand NEFT

1. National Electronic Funds Transfer

2. Net Executive Funds Transfer

3. Net Exact Funds Transfer

4. Net Electronic Funds Transfer

NEFT qT $d�ï]+|�>±

1. Hûw�qýÙ b\翱¼�¿ù |��+&�à ç{²H�à|��sY

2. Hî{Ù mШţL«{ìy� |��+&�à ç{²H�à|��sY

3. Hî{Ù b>±¨{Ù |��+&�à ç{²H�à|��sY

4. Hî{Ù b\翱¼�¿ù |��+&�à ç{²H�à|��sY

Page 30: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

52. Silk industries in India are located in

1. Jaipur, Varanasi

2. Kanpur, Gwalior

3. Mysore, Varanasi

4. Ahmadabad, Surat

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË |�³T¼|�]çXøeT\T Hî\¿=q� çbÍ+Ô�\T

1. CÉÕ|�PsÁT, y�sÁD²¥

2. ¿±qÖÎsÁT, >±Ç*jáTsY

3. yîT®d�ÖsY, y�sÁD²d¾

4. nV�²�<�u²<�, d�ÖsÁÔY

53. This is an example for direct tax

1. Excise duty

2. Customs duty

3. Corporate Tax

4. Value Added Tax

ç¿ì+~ y��ýË ç|�Ôá«¿£� |�qT�Å£� �<�V�²sÁD

1. m¿ÕàCÙ d�T+¿£+

2. ~>·TeTÜ d�T+¿£+

3. ¿±sÃιs{Ù |�qT�

4. $\Te �<ó�]Ôá |�qT�

Page 31: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

54. The Indian States where Aluminum plants are located

1. Arunachal Pradesh, Assom, Odisha

2. Odisha, Telangana, Uttaranchal

3. West Bengal, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh

4. Tamilnadu, Odisha, West Bengal

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË n\Ö«$T�jáT+ Xø�~Æ¿£s��>±s�\T >·\ s�çcͼ\T

1. nsÁTD²#á\ç|�<ûXÙ, nkþà+, ÿ&�cÍ

2. ÿ&�cÍ, Ôî\+>±D², �Ôáïs�+#áýÙ

3. |�¥ÌeTuÉ+>±ýÙ, >·TÈs�ÔY, �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ

4. Ôá$TÞøH�&�T, ÿ&�cÍ, |�¥ÌeT uÉ+>±ýÙ

55. Choose the correctly matched one regarding minerals and their uses

1. Chromium - Heat resistant mineral, used in manufacturing of roofing sheets

2. Mica - Industrial and medical purposes

3. Feldspar - Raw material used in the manufacturing of glass and Ceramic ware

4. Bauxite - Electrical and Electronic goods

K�C²\T ` y�{ì $�jîÖ>±\ <��cͼ« d�]>±Z ÈÔá|�sÁºq <��� mqT�¿Ã+&�

1. ç¿Ã$TjáT+ ` yû&� �sÃ<ó�¿£ÔáÇ+ >·\ K�È+, �|Õ¿£|�ÚÎ\Å£� �|�jîÖÐ+#û

wÓ³T\ ÔájáÖ¯

2. nçuó�¿£+ ` bÍ]çXæ$T¿£, yîÕ<�« ned�s�\T

3. �|�ýÙ¦kÍÎsY ` >±E, �ds�$T¿ù ed�TïeÚ\ ÔájáÖ¯ýË eTT&�|�<�sÁ�+

4. u²Â¿Õà³T ` $<�T«ÔY m\翱¼�¿ù �ÔáÎÔáTï\T

Page 32: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

56. This is not a suitable policy in dry land agriculture

1. Stop rain water from quickly running off

2. Recharge of ground water by the construction of check dam, bunding etc.

3. Promoting the mixed farming

4. Priority to water intensity crops like Paddy, Banana etc.

es�ü<ó�sÁ e«ekÍjáT+ýË d�]¿±� $<ó�q+

1. esÁü|�Ú ú{ì� yû>·+>± ç|�eV¾²+#áújáTÅ£�+&� #áÖ&�&�+

2. #î¿ù&�«eTT\T, ¿£sÁ¿£³¼\T yîTT<�\>·T y�{ì �s��D+ <�Çs� uó�Ö>·sÁÒÛÈ\


3. $TçXøeT |�+³\ kÍ>·TqT çbþÔáàV¾²+#á&�+

4. e], nsÁ{ì e+{ì n~ó¿£ ú{ì $�jîÖ>· |�+³\ kÍ>·T¿£T


57. This is the measure taken by Government of India to bring awareness among youth who become eligible for voting

1. Felicitating former Chief Election Commissioners

2. Declaring January 25th as ‘National Voters Day’

3. Conducting General Elections

4. Forming Electorates

¿=Ôáï>± z³T bõ+<û ejáTd�T eºÌq jáTTeÔásÁ+ýË #îÕÔáq«+ �+|�&�+¿Ãd�+

uó²sÁÔáç|�uó�TÔáÇ+ #û|�{ì¼q #ásÁ«

1. |�PsÁÇ|�Ú m��¿£\ ç|�<ó�H�~ó¿±sÁT\qT d�ÔáØ]+#á&�+

2. Èqe] 25e ÔûB� C²rjáT z³sÁ¢ ~q+>± ç|�¿£{ì+#á&�+

3. kÍsÁÇçÜ¿£ m��¿£\qT �sÁÇV¾²+#á&�+

4. m\¿Ã¼¹s{Ù\qT @sÁÎsÁ#á&�+

Page 33: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

58. ‘The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity’. Said by

1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

2. Mahatma Gandhi

3. Jawahar Lal Nehru

4. Babu Rajendra Prasad

»»uó²sÁÔá<ûXæ�¿ì �de#ûjáT&�+ n+fñ, n+<�TýË �+³Tq� ¿Ã{²¢~ e«<ó�sÁTï\Å£�

�de#ûjáT&�yûT. B� nsÁ�+ �|<�]¿±�� nC²ãH���, sÃ>±\qT, ne¿±Xæ\ýË

nd�eÖqÔá\qT n+Ôá+ #ûjáT&�+µµ nq�~.

1. _.�sY. n+uñ<�ØsY

2. eTV�äÔ��>±+Bó

3. ÈeV�²sYý²ýÙ HîçV�A

4. u²�Ö s�Cñ+ç<�ç|�kÍ<�

59. These kings bring together the regions in which Telugu was spoken – the coastal regions, Telangana regions and Rayalaseema region

1. Rastrakutas

2. Chalukyas

3. Ikshwakas

4. Kakatiyas

Ôî\T>·T uó²w� eÖ{²¢&û ¿ÃkÍï, Ôî\+>±D², s�jáT\dÓeT çbÍ+Ô�\qT ÿ¹¿ #óáçÔá+

¿ì+<�Å£� ÔîºÌq y�sÁT

1. s�çw�¼Å£L³T\T

2. #�Þø�Å£�«\T

3. �¿�±ÇÅ£�\T

4. ¿±¿£rjáTT\T

Page 34: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

60. “As in the wide expanse of the divine compassion there is room for all classes and the followers of all creeds. There was room for the professors of opposite religion and for beliefs and the road to intolerance is closed” said by

1. Akbar

2. Shajahan

3. Jahangir

4. Humayun

»»� $Xæ\ <îÕe ¿£sÁTDýË n+<�]¿¡ #óT �+~. �ÔásÁ eTÔá�|<�Ý\Å£L

eTÔád�T�\ qeT�¿±\Å£L �y�d�eTT+~. eTÔá $e¿£�Å£� <�]ýñ<�Tµµ nq�~

1. n¿£ÒsY

2. cÍÈV�äH�

3. ÈV�²+^sY

4. V�QeTjáTÖH�

61. It was proposed by Montesquieu in “The spirit of laws”

1. Advise the rulers about war

2. Advise the rulers about religious ideals

3. A division of power within the government between the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary

4. Advise the rulers how real politics function in society

eÖ+fÉd�ÖØ« »»~ d¾Î]{Ù �|�t ý²dtµµ ç>·+<�+ýË ç|�ÜbÍ~+ºq~

1. jáTT<�Æ\Å£� d�+�+~ó+º bÍ\Å£�\Å£� d�\V�ä\T

2. eTÔá|�sÁyîT®q �<�s�ô\ >·T]+º bÍ\Å£�\Å£� d�\V�ä\T

3. ç|�uó�TÔáÇ+ýË $<ó�q ¿±sÁ«�s�ÇV�²¿£, H�«jáT $uó²>±\ eT<ó�«

n~ó¿±sÁ $uó�Èq

4. d�eÖÈ+ýË �ÈyîT®q s�È¿¡jáÖ\T mý² |��#ûkÍïjáTHû

bÍ\Å£�\Å£� d�\V�ä\T

Page 35: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

62. The procedure followed by the State Legislature in making a proposed bill into an act

1. It should be proposed by members from opposition party

2. Passed by both chambers along with the approval of Governor

3. It should be proposed by minister of concerned department only.

4. Should get the approval of all the members of State Assembly

s�çw�¼ kÍ�sTT ¿±sÁ«�s�ÇV�²¿£ e«ed��ýË »»_\T¢µµ #á³¼+>± eÖs�\+fñ

nqTd�]+#áT $<ó�q+

1. ç|�Ü|�¿£� bͯ¼ d�uó�T«\#û eÖçÔáyûT ç|�ÜbÍ~+#á�&�*

2. �uó�jáT d�uó�\ �yîÖ<�+ÔÃbͳT >·esÁ�sY �yîÖ<�+ �+&�*.

3. d�+�+~óÔá XæKÅ£� #î+~q eT+çÜ eÖçÔáyûT ç|�ÜbÍ~+#�*

4. Xæd�q d�uó� d�uó�T«\+<�] �yîÖ<�+ �+&�*.

63. The following person had introduced Protestant Reformation Movement against Catholic Church

1. Ignatius Loyola

2. Martin Luther

3. Roger Bacon

4. John Calvin

¿±<�*Å£�Ø #á]Ì¿ì e«Ü¹s¿£+>± çbõfÉ�d¼+³T d�+d�ØsÁD �<�«eÖ��

yîTT<�\T�|{ì¼q y�sÁT

1. �¹>�w¾jáTdt \jîÖý²

2. eÖ]¼H� \Ö<�sY

3. sÃÈsY u²¿£H�

4. C²H� ¿±*ÇH�

Page 36: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

64. Venezuela and Chile were liberated from Colonial rule through revolutionary army by these persons respectively

1. Simon Bolivar, San Martin

2. San Martin, James Munroe

3. James Munroe, Simon Bolivar

4. Columbus, San Martin

yîqTEý², º© <ûXæ\qT $|�¢e �dÕq«+ <�Çs� e\d� bÍ\q qT+&� $eTT¿£ï+

#ûd¾qy�sÁT esÁTd�>±

1. �dÕeTH� u¤*esY, kÍH� eÖ]¼H�

2. kÍH� eÖ]¼H�, Cñy�Tà eTçHÃ

3. Cñy�Tà eTçHÃ, �dÕeTH� u¤*esY

4. ¿=\+�dt, kÍH� eÖ]¼H�

65. This will not come under Election Code.

1. Rouse passions on the basis of race, religion and caste in their speeches.

2. Terrorize or bribe to voters

3. Rehabilitation during natural disasters

4. Conduct meeting, rallies without permission

m��¿£\ ç|�esÁïH� �jáTeÖe[ ¿ì+<�Å£� s�� n+Xø+

1. C²Ü, eTÔá, Å£�\ $<ûÇcÍ\qT Âs#áÌ>=fñ¼ ç|�d�+>±\T

2. z³sÁ¢qT uÉ~]+#á&�+, ç|�ýËuó��|³¼&�+

3. ç|�¿£�Ü $|�ÔáTï\ d�eTjáT+ýË |�Úqs�y�d� #ásÁ«\T

4. nqTeTÜ ýñÅ£�+&� d�uó�\T, s�«©\T �sÁÇV¾²+#á&�+

Page 37: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

66. The constitution provides the independent institutions to guard the constitution. They are

1. The Judiciary, the Comptroller and Auditor General and Election Commission.

2. Both houses of Parliament and National Minority Commission

3. Press Council of India, State Assembly, Election Commission 4. Human Rights Commission and National Minority


ç¿ì+~ y��ýË s�C²«+>±�� |�]sÁ¿ì�+#á&��¿ì @s�γT#ûjáT�&�¦ d�ÇÔá+çÔá


1. H�«jáT e«ed��, ¿£+ç{Ë\sY Ê �&�³sY ÈqsÁýÙ, m��¿£\ d�+|��T+

2. bÍsÁ¢yîT+{ÙýË� �uó�jáT d�uó�\T eT]jáTT C²rjáT yîT®H�]{¡ ¿£MTw�H�

3. ç�|dt ¿��àýÙ �|�t �+&�jáÖ, s�çw�¼ $<ó�q d�uó�\T, m��¿£\ d�+|��T+

4. eÖqe V�²Å£�Ø\ d�+|��T+ eT]jáTT C²rjáT yîT®H�]{ì ¿£MTw�H�

67. It is an authority given to the court to issue directions to the government to protect and enforce any constitution right

1. Suo motu

2. Writ

3. Article

4. Law

s�C²«+>· V�²Å£�Ø\qT ¿±bÍ&�{²�¿ì neT\jûT«ý² #áÖ&�{²�¿ì H�«jáTkÍ�q+

ç|�uó�TÔ�Ç�¿ì C²¯#ûjáTT �<ûXøeTT.

1. d�TyîÖ{Ë

2. ]{Ù

3. ç|�¿£sÁD

4. #á³¼+

Page 38: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

68. ‘Prohibition of employment of children below 14 years of age in factories’ comes under this Right

1. Right to Religious freedom

2. Freedom to move freely

3. Freedom to form associations or unions

4. Right against exploitation

»14 d�+eÔáàs�\ýË|�Ú u²\u²*¿£\qT |��ýË �|³T¼¿=qT³ ��w<ó�+µ nHû n+Xø+

� V�²Å£�Ø |�]~óýË�~

1. eTÔá kÍÇÔá+çÔá«|�Ú V�²Å£�Ø

2. �dÇ#áÌÛ>± d�+#á]+#û V�²Å£�Ø

3. d�+|��Ö\T, d�uó�\T>± @sÁÎ&û V�²Å£�Ø

4. |Ó&�H��� �sÃ~ó+#û V�²Å£�Ø

69. “Ensuring the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity” is the aim of

1. United Nations Organization

2. Centre for Science and Environment

3. Silent Valley Movement

4. Green Peace Movement

»»nq+Ôá yîÕ$<ó�«ÔáÔà ţL&�q Jy��� uó�Ö$T bþw¾+#û Xø¿ìï� ¿±bÍ&�³+µµ

B� �<ûÝXø+

1. ׿£«s�È«d�$TÜ

2. �d+³sY |��sY �dÕH�à n+&� m�Çs�H�yîT+{Ù

3. �dÕýÉ+{Ù y�«© �<�«eT+

4. ç^H� |Ódt �<�«eT+

Page 39: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

70. Workers can work according to their skill and capacity and work under safe conditions without endangering their health – comes under this right

1. Right to employment Security

2. Right to Productive and Safe Employment

3. Work Security

4. Right to Leisure and Rest

¿±]�Å£�\T y�] HîÕ|�ÚD«+, kÍeTs��«�� nqTd�]+º �sÃ>±«�¿ì ç|�eÖ<�+ýñ�

|�]d¾�ÔáT\ýË |��#ûjáT&�+ � V�²Å£�Ø |�]~óýË� n+Xø+

1. �<ë>·uó�ç<�Ôá V�²Å£�Ø

2. �Ô�Î<�¿£, d�TsÁ¿ì�Ôá �bÍ~óV�²Å£�Ø

3. |�� uó�ç<�Ôá

4. $çXæ+Ü rd�TÅ£�HûV�²Å£�Ø

71. These cases come under the jurisdiction of Assistant Session’s Judge / Judicial Magistrate

1. Criminal cases at district level

2. Civil cases at district level

3. Criminal cases at division level

4. Civil cases at division level

nd¾�d¼+{Ù �dw�H�à È&� / E«&�w¾jáTýÙ yîT�ç�d¼{Ù $#�]+#áT ¹¿d�T\T

1. �ý²¢kÍ�sTTýË ç¿ì$TqýÙ ¹¿d�T\T

2. �ý²¢kÍ�sTTýË d¾$ýÙ ¹¿d�T\T

3. &�$ÈH� kÍ�sTTýË ç¿ì$TqýÙ ¹¿d�T\T

4. &�$ÈH� kÍ�sTTýË d¾$ýÙ ¹¿d�T\T

Page 40: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

72. This is related to Chernobyl in USSR

1. Human Rights Protection Movement

2. Anti War Campaigns

3. Accident in Nuclear Plant

4. Socialist Revolution

USSR ýË� #îsÃ�_ýÙÅ£� d�+�+<ó�+ >·\ n+Xø+

1. eÖqe V�²Å£�Ø\ |�]sÁ¿£�D �<�«eT+

2. jáTT<�Æ e«Ü¹s¿£ ç|�<�sÁôq\T

3. nDT ¿£s��>±sÁ ç|�eÖ<�+

4. kÍeT«y�<� ÜsÁT>·Tu²³T

73. The following is a Vaishnava saint and social reformer in Eastern India

1. Namdev

2. Tukaram

3. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

4. Jnaneswar

ç¿ì+~ y�]ýË ÔáÖsÁTÎ uó²sÁÔá<ûXæ�¿ì #î+~q yîÕw��e kÍ<ó�TeÚ, d�+|��Td�+d�ØsÁï

1. H�eT<ûy�

2. ÔáT¿±s�+

3. #îÕÔáq« eTV�äç|�uó�T

4. C²ãHûXøÇsY

Page 41: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

74. “The six tastes are diverse, but taste is one; various are the creeds regarding the truth, but truth is one; and saints differ among themselves, while the one on whom they meditate is one” said by

1. Chokamela

2. Tukaram

3. Yogi Vemana

4. Annamacharya

»»�sÁT sÁT#áT\T yûsÁT yûsÁT. ¿±� sÁTº ÿ¿£Øfñ, d�Ô�«�� Ôî*�| d�+ç|�<�jáÖ\T

nHû¿£+. ¿±� d�Ôá«+ ÿ¿£fñ, d�H�«d�T\T y�]ýË y�sÁT uóñ~d�Tï+{²sÁT. ¿±� y�sÁT

me]¿Ãd�yîT®Ôû <ó�«q+ #ûd�Tï+{²sà nÔá&�T ÿ¿£&ûµµ nq�~

1. #ÃU²yûTÞø�&�T

2. ÔáT¿±s�+

3. jîÖÐyûeTq

4. nq�eÖ#�sÁ«

75. Tulasidas wrote Ramacharitmanas in this language

1. Prakrit

2. Avadhi

3. Sanskrit

4. Hindi

ÔáT\dÓ<�dt s�eT#á]Ôá eÖqdt ¿±y�«�� � uó²w�ýË sÁº+#�&�T.

1. çbÍ¿£�Ôá+

2. ne~ó

3. d�+d�Ø �Ôá+

4. V¾²+B

Page 42: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

76. An ashram and school known as Sarada Sadan was founded by

1. Pandita Ramabai Saraswathi

2. Savitribai Jyothirao Phule

3. Tarabai Shinde

4. Dayananda Saraswathi

XæsÁ<� d�<�H� nHû bÍsÄÁXæ\qT eT]jáTT �çXøeÖ�� kÍ�|¾+ºqy�sÁT

1. |�+&�Ôá sÁeÖu²sTT d�sÁd�ÇÜ

2. kÍ$çÜu²sTT CË«Üs�eÚ |�Pýñ

3. Ô�s�u²sTT w¾+&û

4. <�jáÖq+<� d�sÁd�ÇÜ

77. This dance form is not performed in group by the tribal groups living in Araku Valley

1. Boda Dhimsa

2. Goodi beta Dhimsa

3. Nati Kari Dhimsa

4. Kunda Dhimsa

nsÁTÅ£�ýËjáTýË Ð]Èq d�eTT<�jáÖ\T � H�{²«�� ��+<�+>± ç|�<�]ô+#ásÁT

1. uË&�~ó+kÍ

2. >·Ö&� uñÔá ~¸+kÍ

3. q{ì ¿£] ~¸+kÍ

4. Å£�+<� ~¸+kÍ

Page 43: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

78. In Andhra Pradesh the Telugu art of storytelling Burra Katha is associated with

1. Freedom movement

2. Virashaiva movement

3. Alwar movement

4. Vademataram movement

�+ç<ó�ç<ûXÙýË ¿£<�#î�|Î ¿£Þ²sÁÖ|�yîT®q �TçsÁ¿£<� � �<�«eT Hû|�<�«+ýË @sÁÎ&�+~

1. kÍÇÔá+çÔá« �<�«eT+

2. MsÁXèÕe �<�«eT+

3. �Þ²ÇsY �<�«eT+

4. e+<ûeÖÔásÁ �<�«eT+

Page 44: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

79. Identify the wrongly matched one 1. Oxford Gazette - The first newspaper published in

1655 from London in modern concept

2. Bengal Gazette - Published in 1780 from Calcutta 3. Krishna Patrika - The first Newspaper in Telugu, It

was edited by Mutnuri Krishna Rao 4. Amrit Bazar Patrika - Newspaper edited by Surendra Nath


Ôá|�ÚÎ>± ÈÔá|�sÁºq <��� mqT�¿Ã+&�

1. �¿ùà|��sY¦ Â>CÉ{Ù ` 1655ýË \+&�H�ýË ç|�#áT]ÔáyîT®q Ô=*

�<ó�T�¿£ y�s�ï|�çÜ¿£

2. uÉ+>±ýÙ Â>�{Ù ` 1780ýË ¿£\¿£Ô�ïýË ç|�#áT]ÔáyîT®q y�s�ï|�çÜ¿£

3. ¿£�cÍ� |�çÜ¿£ ` eTT³Ö�] ¿£�cÍ�s�eÚ>±] d�+bÍ<�¿£ÔáÇ+ýË

eºÌq Ô=* Ôî\T>·T |�çÜ¿£

4. neT�ÔY �C²sY |�çÜ¿£ ` d�T¹s+ç<�H�<� uÉq ¨ d�+bÍ<�¿£ÔáÇ+ eV¾²+ºq


80. Kandariya Mahadeva Temple dedicated to Shiva was built by

1. Rashtrakutas

2. Chandela Dynasty

3. Cholas

4. Vijayanagara Dynasty

¿£+<� jáT eTV�ä<ûy�\jáT ¥y�\jáÖ�� �]�+ºqy�sÁT

1. s�çw�¼Å£L³T\T

2. #óá+<û\ e+ojáTT\T

3. #ÃÞø�\T

4. $ÈjáTq>·sÁ e+ojáTT\T

Page 45: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

81. The inner planets of Solar system are

1. Mercury, Mars, Earth and Venus

2. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

3. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune

4. Earth, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus

kåsÁ e«ed��ýË� ýË|�* ç>·V�ä\T

1. yîTsÁTد, Mqdt, uó�Ö$T, eÖsYà

2. p|¾³sY, Xæ³sY�, jáTT¹sqdt, Hî|�P¼«H�

3. yîTsÁTØ «¯, p|¾³sY, Xæ³sY�, Hî|�P¼«H�

4. uó�Ö$T, Xæ³sY�, Hî|�P¼«H�, jáTT¹sqdt

82. South East trade wind, travelling towards west and reaching Madagaskar coast is known as

1. East Australian current

2. Mozaimbique warm current

3. North Eastern Monsoon

4. North equatorial current

�¹>�jáT y�«bÍsÁ |�eq+ |�¥ÌeT+>± Mº, ÔáÖsÁTÎyîÕ|�Ú>± yîT&�>±d�ØsY BÇ|�+

#ûsÁT³qT � $<ó�+>± |¾\TkÍïsÁT.

1. ÔáÖsÁTÎ �ç�d¼*jáTH� ç|�y�V�²+

2. yîTTC²+_¿ù �w��È\ ç|�y�V�²+

3. �Xæq« sÁTÔáT|�eq ç|�y�V�²+

4. �ÔáïsÁ uó�ÖeT<ó�« ¹sK ç|�y�V�²+

Page 46: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

83. A particular ecological community comprising the animals and trees under specific climate is known as

1. Nitrogen Cycle

2. Transpiration

3. Biome

4. Climax Vegetation

ÿ¿£ ç|�Ôû«¿£ oÔÃw��d¾�ÜýË È+ÔáTeÚ\T, e�¿�±\T ¿£*d¾ J$+#û �]Ýw�¼ Jy�esÁD


1. qçÔáÈ� #áç¿£+

2. uó²cþÎÔáàsÁ¨q

3. JeeT+&�\+

4. #ásÁeÖesÁD �~ÒÛȨ d�+|�<�

84. The Wairau River in New Zeland is an example of

1. Cow bow lake

2. Sheep bow lake

3. Cat bow lake

4. Ox bow lake

qÖ«�ý²+&�ýË� yîÕsÁÖ q~ B�¿ì �<�V�²sÁD

1. ¿� u� d�sÁd�Tà

2. wÓ|t u� d�sÁd�Tà

3. ¿±{Ù u� d�sÁd�Tà

4. �¿ùà u� d�sÁd�Tà

Page 47: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

85. An important problem relating to Indian population

1. Provision of employment to the growing population

2. Provision of entertainment facilities to the existing population

3. Promotion of large scale industries

4. Extension of financial facilities to the multinational companies

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø ÈH�uó²Å£� d�+�+~ó+ºq eTTK«yîT®q d�eTd�«

1. �|sÁT>·TÔáTq� ÈH�uó²Å£� �<ë>· d�<�TbÍjáÖ\qT ¿£*Î+#á&�+

2. ç|�d�TïÔá ÈH�uó²Å£� $HÃ<� kå¿£s�«\qT n+~+#á&�+

3. �|<�Ý ÔásÁV�ä |�]çXøeT\qT çbþÔáàV¾²+#á&�+

4. �V�QÞøC²Ü d�+d��\Å£� �]�¿£ d�<�TbÍjáÖ\qT ¿£*Î+#á&�+

86. The following is the concept, which is known as ‘Child Christ’ appears around Christmas for every three to seven years.

1. Fauna

2. El-Nino

3. Monsoon

4. Flora

#îÕýÙ¦ ç¿Õdt¼ n� |¾\Te�&û � uó²eq ç|�Ü eTÖ&�T qT+&� @&ûÞøß¿ÃkÍ] ç¿ìdteTdt

d�eTjáT+ýË @sÁÎ&�TÔáT+~.

1. È+ÔáTC²\+

2. mýÙ`�HÃ

3. sÁTÔáT|�eq+

4. e�¿£�C²\+

Page 48: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

87. This canal connects Baltic Sea with Arctic Ocean

1. Ireland

2. Soo

3. White Baltic

4. Suez

� ¿±\Te u²*¼¿ù, �]Ø{ì¿ù d�eTTç<�\qT ¿£\T|�ÚÔáT+~.

1. ×sÁ¢+&�

2. d�Ö

3. yîÕ{Ù u²*¼¿ù

4. d�ÖjáTCÙ

88. The largest rice producing state in India next to West Bengal

1. Madhya Pradesh

2. Haryana

3. Tamilnadu

4. Uttar Pradesh

|�¥ÌeT uÉ+>±ýÙ ÔásÁTy�Ôá uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË e] |�+&�+#û �|<�Ý s�çw�¼+

1. eT<ó�«ç|�<ûXÙ

2. V�²s�«H�

3. Ôá$TÞøH�&�T

4. �ÔáïsÁç|�<ûXÙ

Page 49: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

89. Narmada river flows from the following hills

1. Kedarnath

2. Amar Kantak

3. Amarnadh

4. Chattisgarh

qsÁ�<� qB ç|�y�V�²+ � |�sÁÇÔ�\ qT+º ç¿ì+<�Å£� ç|�eV¾²d�Tï+~.

1. ¹¿<�sÁH�<�

2. neTsÁ¿£+³¿ù

3. neTsYH�<��

4. #óáárïdt>·&ó�

90. Previous name of the present National Highway Shershah Suri Marg

1. Rajiv Gandhi Grand Trunk Road

2. Grand Trunk Road

3. Nehru Grand Trunk Road

4. Gandhi Grand Trunk Road

ç|�d�TïÔá �wsYcÍ d�Ö] C²rjáT sÁV�²<�]� |�PsÁÇ+ @eT� |¾*#ûy�sÁT

1. s�Jy� >±+Bó ç>±+&� ç³+¿ù sÃ&�T¦

2. ç>±+&� ç³+¿ù sÃ&�T¦

3. HîçV�A ç>±+&� ç³+¿ù sÃ&�T¦

4. >±+Bó ç>±+&� ç³+¿ù sÃ&�T¦

Page 50: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

91. ‘Prajapathi’ was a popular God during

1. Pre - Vedic period

2. Post Vedic period

3. Medieval Vedic period

4. Modern period

‘ç|�C²|�Ü’ � ¿±ý+ýË ç|�d¾~Æ>±+ºq <îÕe+

1. |�PsÁÇ yû<�jáTT>·+

2. eT* yû<�jáTT>·+

3. eT<ó�« yû<�jáTT>·+

4. �<ó�T�¿£ jáTT>·+

92. Various stages of agriculture were mentioned in the following text of ancient Maghada Empire

1. Satapatha Brahamana

2. Aitareya Brahmana

3. Rigveda

4. Samaveda

çbÍNq eT>·<ó� kÍçeÖÈ«+ýË e«ekÍjáÖ�¿ì d�+�+~ó+ºq $$<ó� <�Xø\qT

ç|�kÍï$+ºq ç>·+<�+

1. XøÔá|�<� çu²V�²�D

2. ×Ôá¹sjáT çu²V�²�D

3. sÁT¹>Ç<�+

4. kÍeTyû<�+

Page 51: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

93. The title of Harshavardhana

1. Devanampriya

2. Sangamitra

3. Prajamitra

4. Siladitya

V�²sÁüesÁTÆqT&� _sÁT<�T

1. <ûy�H�+ç|¾jáT

2. d�+>·$TçÔá

3. ç|�C²$TçÔá

4. ¥ý²~Ôá«

94. Identify the first foreign invaders over India during modern period

1. Afghans

2. Portugeese

3. Arabs

4. Dutch

�<ó�T�¿£ ¿±\+ýË uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+�|Õ yîTT<�{ìkÍ]>± <�Ts�ç¿£eTD È]|¾q


1. �|�éqT¢

2. bþsÁTÌ^d�T

3. nsÁ�TÒ\T

4. &�#Y

Page 52: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

95. From 1206-1526 A.D., identify the chronological order of ruled dynasties of Delhi Sultanate

1. Lodi, Sayyed, Tuglaq and Slave

2. Slave, Khilji, Tuglaq, Sayyed and Lodi

3. Slave, Lodi, Tuglaq, Sayyed and Khilji

4. Lodi, Slave, Tuglaq, Khilji and Sayyed

ç¿¡.Xø.1206`1526 ¿±\+ýË &ó�©¢ kÍçeÖC²«�� bÍ*+ºq d�Tý²ïH�\

e+Xæ\qT esÁTd� ç¿£eT+ýË >·T]ï+#á+&�.

1. ýË&�, d�jáT«<�, ÔáT|��T¢¿ù, u²�d�

2. u²�d�, Ï*, ÔáT|��T¢¿ù, d�jáT«<�, ýË&�

3. u²�d�, ýË&�, ÔáT|��T¢¿ù, d�jáT«<�, Ï*

4. ýË&�, u²�d�, ÔáT>·¢¿ù, Ï*¨, d�jáT«<�

96. Founder of Asafjahi Dynasty

1. Nizam - ul - mulk

2. Mir - Osman - Ali Khan

3. Nizam - e - Malik

4. Nizam - e – Ali Khan

nd�|�tC²V¾² e+XøkÍ�|�Å£�&�T

1. �C²+ ` �ýÙ ` eTTýÙØ

2. MTsY ` �kÍ�H� ` �©U²H�

3. �C²+ ` � ` eÖ*¿ù

4. �C²+ ` � ` �©U²H�

Page 53: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

97. Mazzini, Emmanuel-II, Cavour and Garibaldi were the prominent leaders of this movement

1. Unification of Russia

2. Unification of Japan

3. Unification of Germany

4. Unification of Italy

eÖ��, ×eÖ�qT«jîTýÙ`II , ¿£ePsY, >±]u²*¦\T ¿ì+~ �<�«eT ç|�eTTK


1. sÁcÍ« @¿¡¿£sÁD

2. ÈbÍH� @¿¡¿£sÁD

3. ÈsÁ�ú @¿¡¿£sÁD

4. �³© @¿¡¿£sÁD

98. The foundation of Non-Alignment Movement was traced in this conference

1. Cairo

2. Belgrade

3. Bandung

4. New Delhi

n©HÃ<�«eÖ�¿ì ¿ì+~ d�<�d�Tà çbÍÜ|�~¿£>± �+~.

1. ¿ÕsÃ

2. uÉýÙç¹>&�

3. u²+&�T+>´

4. q֫&�

Page 54: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

99. The following plan aimed at restricting the growth of communism in Europe

1. Mountbatten Plan

2. Marshall Plan

3. Malthus Plan

4. Mahalanobis Plan

¿ì+~ ç|�D²[¿£ ×sÃbÍýË ¿£eTÖ«�È+ y�«|¾ï� n]¿£fñ¼+<�TÅ£� �<ûÝ¥+º+~.

1. eTò+{Ùu²³H� ç|�D²[¿£

2. eÖsÁüýÙ ç|�D²[¿£

3. eÖ\Ö�dt ç|�D²[¿£

4. eTV�²\HÃ_dt ç|�D²[¿£

100. Martin Luther’s ideas were popularized in Switzerland by

1. Ulrich Zwingli and Jean Calvin

2. Erasmus and Thomas Moore

3. Copernicus and Kepler

4. Galileo and Petrarch

d¾ÇÈs�¢+&�ýË eÖ]¼H� \Ö<ó�sY uó²y�\qT ç|�#�sÁ+#ûd¾q y�sÁT

1. �ç*#Y �Ç+Т ` JH� ¿±*ÇH�

2. bs�d��dt ` <ó�eTdteTÖsY

3. ¿Ã|�]�¿£dt ` ¿|�¢sY

4. Â>©*jîÖ ` �|ç{²sYØ

Page 55: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

101. Political scientists who considered Political science as a study of power

1. Utilitarians

2. Reformers

3. Jacobians

4. Behaviouralists

s�ÈúÜ XæçkÍï�� n~ó¿±s��¿ì d�+�+~ó+ºq n<ó�«jáTq+>± |�]>·Dì+ºq

s�ÈúÜ Xæçd�ïyûÔáï\T

1. �|�jîÖÐÔ�y�<�T\T

2. d�+d�ØsÁDy�<�T\T

3. C²¿Ã_jáTqT¢

4. ç|�esÁïH�y�<�T\T

102. Political Liberty is described as constitutional liberty by

1. Gilchrist

2. Leacock

3. Garner

4. Gettell

s�È¿¡jáT �dÇ#áÌÛqT s�C²«+>· �dÇ#áÌÛ>± e]�+ºq~

1. ÐýÙç¿Õdt¼

2. ©¿±¿ù

3. >±sÁ�sY

4. Â>{ìýÙ

Page 56: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

103. Prominent Philosopher who considered democracy as a perverted form of Government

1. Plato

2. Cicero

3. Aristotle

4. Socrates

ç|�C²kÍÇeÖ«�� ç|�uó�TÔáÇ $¿£�ÔásÁÖ|�+>± |�]>·Dì+ºq ç|�eTTK ÔáÔáïÇyûÔáï

1. �|¢{Ë

2. d¾d¾sÃ

3. n]kͼ{ìýÙ

4. kþç¿£{¡dt

104. The name of Spain Parliament

1. Cortes

2. Knesett

3. Congress

4. Majlis

�dÎsTTH� bÍsÁ¢yîT+³T �|sÁT

1. ¿±sYfÉdt

2. Hî�d{Ù

3. ¿±+çÂ>dt

4. eT�¢dt

Page 57: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

105. No confidence motion can be introduced in this house of Indian Parliament

1. Only in the Rajya Sabha

2. Only in the Lok Sabha

3. Either in Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha

4. Only in the Lok Sabha with prior permission to the President of India

n$XæÇd� rs��H��� uó²sÁÔá bÍsÁ¢yîT+³TýË� � d�uó�ýË ç|�yûXø�|³¼e#áTÌ.

1. s�È«d�uó�ýË eÖçÔáyûT

2. ýË¿ùd�uó�ýË eÖçÔáyûT

3. ýË¿ùd�uó�ýË >±ú ýñ<� s�C«d�uó�ýË>±ú

4. uó²sÁÔá s�çw�¼|�Ü eTT+<�T nqTeTÜÔà ýË¿ùd�uó�ýË eÖçÔáyûT

106. This type of emergency was not declared in India so far

1. Internal Emergency

2. Constitutional Emergency

3. Financial Emergency

4. National Emergency

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË �|�Î{ìesÁÅ£� � sÁ¿£yîT®q nÔá«ed�sÁ |�]d¾�Ü� ç|�¿£{ì+#áýñ<�T

1. n+ÔásÁ+п£ nÔá«ed�sÁ |�]d¾�Ü

2. s�C²«+>· nÔá«ed�sÁ |�]d¾�Ü

3. �]�¿£ nÔá«ed�sÁ |�]d¾�Ü

4. C²rjáT nÔá«ed�sÁ |�]d¾�Ü

Page 58: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

107. The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act `1992 was meant for the

strengthening of

1. Both semi-rural and semi urban local bodies

2. Both rural and urban local bodies

3. Rural local bodies only

4. Urban local bodies only

74e s�C²«+>· d�esÁD #á³¼+ ` 1992 ¿ì+~ y�{ì� �ýË�|Ôá+ #û�d+<�TÅ£�


1. bÍ¿ì�¿£ ç>±MTD ` bÍ¿ì�¿£ |�³¼D çbÍ+Ôá kÍ��¿£ d�+d��\T Âs+&�Ö

2. ç>±MTD, |�³¼D kÍ��¿£ d�+d��\T Âs+&�Ö

3. ç>±MTD kÍ��¿£ d�+d��\T eÖçÔáyûT

4. |�³¼D kÍ��¿£ d�+d��\T eÖçÔáyûT

108. The first Chairman of the Legislative Council of Combined Andhra Pradesh State was

1. M. Hanumantha Rao

2. K. Kesava Rao

3. V. Hanumantha Rao

4. K. Prabhakar Rao

�eT�&� �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ s�çw�¼ $<ó�q |�]w�ÔáTï yîTT<�{ì #óîÕsÁ�H�

1. yy�T. V�²qTeT+Ôás�eÚ

2. ¿. ¹¿Xøes�eÚ

3. $. V�²qTeT+Ôás�eÚ

4. ¿. ç|�u󲿣sÁs�eÚ

Page 59: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

109. The names of first High Courts established in 1862 in India

1. Andhra Pradesh, Bombay and Delhi

2. Allahabad, Gauhati and Kerala

3. Bombay, Kolkata and Madras

4. Rajasthan, Madras and Gujarat

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË 1862 ýË yîTT³¼yîTT<�{ì>± kÍ�|¾ÔáyîT®q �VÕ²¿ÃsÁT¼\ �|sÁT¢

1. �+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ, u¤+u²sTT, &ó�©¢

2. n\V�äu²<�, >�V�²Ü, ¹¿sÁÞø

3. u¤+u²sTT, ¿ÃýÙ¿£Ô�, eTç<�dt

4. s�ÈkÍ�H�, eTç<�dt, >·TÈs�ÔY

110. The Chairman of First Finance Commission

1. K. C. Pant

2. K. C. Neyogi

3. K. Brahmananda Reddy

4. Y. V. Reddy

yîTT³¼yîTT<�³ �]�¿£ d�+|��T+ #óîÕsÁ�H�

1. ¿. d¾. |�+ÔY

2. ¿. d¾. �jîÖÐ

3. ¿. ç�V�ä�q+<�Âs&�¦

4. yîÕ. $. Âs&�¦

Page 60: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

111. The study of individual units such as households, firms and industries is

1. Macro Economics

2. Micro Economics

3. Industrial Economics

4. Internal Economics

yîÕjáT¿ìï¿£ jáTÖ�³T¢ Å£�³T+�d�+�+<ó�, d�+d��\T eT]jáTT |�]çXøeT\T yîTT<�\>·T

y�� >·T]+º n<ó�«jáTq+ #ûjáTTq~

1. d�Ö�\ nsÁ�Xæçd�ïeTT

2. d�Ö¿£�� nsÁ�Xæçd�ïeTT

3. bÍ]çXæ$T¿£ nsÁ�Xæçd�ïeTT

4. n+ÔásÁZÔá nsÁ�Xæçd�ïeTT

112. Tea and Coffee are close substitutes if the price of coffee decreases the quantities demanded of Tea

1. Decreases

2. Increases

3. Constant

4. Changes

{¡ eT]jáTT ¿±|�Ó d���V¾²Ôá ç|�Ô�«eÖ�jáT ed�TïeÚ\T. ¿±|�Ó <ó�sÁ ÔáÐZÔû,

{¡ &�eÖ+&� |�]eÖDeTT

1. Ôá>·TZqT

2. �|sÁT>·TqT

3. d¾�sÁeTT

4. eÖsÁTqT

Page 61: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

113. This is the cost of next best alternative sacrificed inorder to obtain a commodity

1. Real cost

2. Opportunity cost

3. Money cost

4. Average cost

ÿ¿£ ed�ÖïÔáÎÜï¿ì �<�T\T>± eTs=¿£ ed�ÖïÔáÎÜï� #ûjáT&��¿ì ¿±sÁ¿±�� y�&�Ôû

¿ÃýËÎsTTq ç|�Ô�«eÖ�jáT �ÔáÎÜï $\Tyû

1. y�d�ï$¿£ e«jáTeTT

2. ne¿±Xø e«jáTeTT

3. ç<�e« e«jáTeTT

4. d�>·³T e«jáTeTT

114. When the aggregate demand is equal to the aggregate supply, it is known as

1. Effective Demand

2. Total Demand

3. General Demand

4. Universal Demand

d�$Tw¾÷ &�eÖ+&�T d�$Tw¾¼ d�sÁ|��s�Å£� d�eÖqyîT®q d¾�Ü� �~ d�Öºd�Tï+~.

1. kÍsÁ�¿£ &�eÖ+&�T

2. yîTTÔáï+ &�eÖ+&�T

3. kÍ<ó�sÁD &�eÖ+&�T

4. kÍsÁÇÈúq &�eÖ+&�T

Page 62: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

115. The part of personal income which is left with the individual after paying all direct taxes is known as

1. Per capita income

2. Net National income

3. Gross National income

4. Disposable personal income

e«w¾¼ �<�jáT+ qT+&� e«Å£�ï\T #î*¢+#áe\d¾q ç|�Ôá«¿£� |�qT�\ yîTTÔ�ï��

rd¾yûjáT>± $TÐ*+~

1. Ôá\d�] �<�jáT+

2. �¿£sÁ C²rjáT �<�jáT+

3. d�Ö�\ C²rjáT �<�jáT+

4. e«jáÖsÁ½ e«w¾÷ �<�jáT+

116. The most frequently observed value in the data or an observation with the highest frequency is called

1. Mode

2. Median

3. Arithmetic Mean

4. Statistics

çXâDT\ýË �q� n+Xæ\ýË @ $\Te nÜ ÔásÁ#áT>± ed�Tï+<Ã � $\Te �+¿±

@ $\Te #áT³Ö¼ nÔá«~ó¿£+>± �ÔásÁ $\Te\ |�+|¾D¡ ÈsÁT>·TÔáT+<Ã � $\Te

1. u²V�QÞø¿£+

2. eT<ó�«>·Ôá+

3. n+¿£eT<ó�«eT+

4. >·D²+¿£Xæçd�ï+

Page 63: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

117. An economy having the presence of both advanced and primitive

production sectors is known as

1. Advanced Economy

2. Primitive Economy

3. Dual Economy

4. Developing Economy

�]�¿£ e«ed��ýË nÔá«+Ôá �<ó�T�¿£, nÔá«+Ôá |�Ús�Ôáq �ÔáÎÜï |�<�ÆÔáT\T>·\

sÁ+>±\T �q�#à <��� �ý² |¾\TkÍïsÁT.

1. �<ó�T�¿£ �]Æ¿£ e«ed��

2. |�Ús�Ôáq �]Æ¿£ e«ed��

3. <�Ç+<�Ç �]Æ¿£ e«ed��

4. n_óe�~Æ #î+<�TÔáTq� �]Æ¿£ e«ed��

118. When the birth rate exceeds death rate during particular period it is known as

1. Population Dividend

2. Population Explosion

3. Density of Population

4. Population Index

ÿ¿£ �¯�Ôá d�eTjáT+ýË Èqq¹s³T, eTsÁD²\ ¹s³TqT n~ó>·$T�dï

�~ d�+uó�$d�Tï+~.

1. Èquó² &�$&î+&�

2. ÈH�uó² $È�+uó�D

3. ÈqkÍ+ç<ó�Ôá

4. ÈH�uó² d�Öº¿£

Page 64: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

119. Economic services such as transport, electricity banking, insurance education, training, health belong to this sector

1. Services Sector

2. Primary Sector

3. Secondary Sector

4. Social Sector

�]�¿£ �deýÉÕq sÁy�D² $<�T«ÔáTï u²«+¿ì+>·T, ;eÖ, $<�«, yîÕ<�« kå¿£s�«\T

� sÁ+>±�¿ì d�+�+~ó+ºq$.

1. �de\ sÁ+>·eTT

2. çbÍ<�$T¿£ sÁ+>·eTT

3. ~ÇrjáT sÁ+>·eTT

4. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ sÁ+>·eTT

120. Expand NITI Ayog

1. National Institution for Technical India Ayog

2. National Institution for Transforming India Ayog

3. National Institution for Trade India Ayog

4. National Institution for Technocrats India Ayog

NITI Ayog qT $d�ï]+#á+&�.

1. Hûw�qýÙ ��d¾¼³Ö«w�H� |��sY fÉ¿ì�¿£ýÙ �+&�jáÖ �jîÖ>

2. Hûw�qýÙ ��d¾¼³Ö«w�H� |��sY ç{²H�àb�Í]�+>´ �+&�jáÖ �jîÖ>´

3. Hûw�qýÙ ��d¾¼³Ö«w�H� |��sY çfñ&� �+&�jáÖ �jîÖ>´

4. Hûw�qýÙ ��d¾¼³Ö«w�H� |��sY fÉ¿Ã�翱{Ùà �+&�jáÖ �jîÖ>

Page 65: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa


121. In this subject the centre of focus is man’s relationship to man and to his environment and how he meets his basic needs

1. Social Studies only 2. Social Studies and Social Sciences 3. Sociology and Psychology 4. Sociology only

eÖqeÚ�¿ì, eÖqeÚ�¿ì eT<ó�« d�+�+<ó�+, eÖqeÚ�¿ì nÔá� |�]d�sÁ+Ôà >·\

d�+�+<ó�+ eT]jáTT y�{ì <�Çs� Ôáq ¿£úd� ned�s�\qT mý² rsÁTÌÅ£�+{²&�T

nHû y�{ì�|Õ <��w¾¼� ¹¿+çB¿£]+#ûû d��Å£�¼.

1. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg+ eÖçÔáyûT

2. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg+, kÍeÖ�¿£ XæçkÍï\T

3. kÍeÖ�¿£ Xæg+, eTHÃyîÕC²ã�¿£ Xæg+

4. kÍeÖ�¿£ XæçkÍï\T eÖçÔáyûT

Page 66: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

122. Through field surveys and interviews facts will be determined in this subject (s).

1. Social Studies

2. Mathematics

3. Drawing

4. Physical Education

� d��¨Å£�¼(\)ýË ¹¿�çÔá d�¹sÇ\T, |�]|��#áÌÛ <�Çs� jáT<�s��\T �s�ÆsÁD


1. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg+

2. >·DìÔá+

3. ç&�sTT+>´

4. y�«jáÖeT$<�«

123. The basic pillars of our social life are

1. Mutual cooperation, Self-discipline and Interdependence

2. Trust, Interdependence

3. Love, Trust

4. Mutual cooperation, Love, Trust and Interdependence

�$ eTq kÍeÖ�¿£ JeH��¿ì >·\ |�ÚH�~ s�Þø�ß

1. |�sÁd�ÎsÁ d�V�²¿±sÁ+, dÓÇjáT ç¿£eT¥¿£�D eT]jáTT |�sÁd�ÎsÁ+


2. qeT�¿£+, |�sÁd�ÎsÁ+ �<ó�sÁ|�&�³+

3. ç�|eT, qeT�¿£+

4. |�sÁd�ÎsÁ d�V�²¿±sÁ+, ç�|eT, qeT�¿£+ eT]jáTT |�sÁd�ÎsÁ+ �<ó�sÁ|�&�³+

Page 67: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

124. This is not one of the criteria of values

1. Attributed

2. Relative

3. Concrete

4. Flexible

$\Te\ \¿£�D+ ¿±�~

1. nbÍ~+#á�&û$

2. kÍ�|¿£�yîT®q$

3. eTÖsÁïyîT®q$

4. qeT«Ôá ¿£*Zq$

125. After listening to the topic ‘Fundamental Rights and Duties’, a student is able to share responsibility to preserve personal or govt. property and natural resources of the country. This is the result of this objective.

1. Skill

2. Knowledge

3. Understanding

4. Attitude

»çbÍ<�$T¿£ V�²Å£�Ø\T, $<ó�T\Tµ nqT bÍsÄÁ+ $q� Ôás�ÇÔá ÿ¿£ $<�«]� e«¿ìï>·Ôá

ýñ<� ç|�uó�TÔáÇ d�+|�<� eT]jáTT <ûXø+ jîTT¿£Ø d�V�²È eqsÁT\qT |�]sÁ¿ì�+#û

u²<ó�«ÔáqT #û|�³T¼³ nqTq~ � ý¿£�«+ jîTT¿£Ø |��*Ôá+

1. HîÕ|�ÚD«+

2. C²ãq+

3. ne>±V�²q

4. yîÕK]

Page 68: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

126. Learning about elections, voting procedure, electing democratic govt. etc develop this value among the children

1. National value

2. Political value

3. Disciplinary value

4. Moral value

m��¿£\T, z{ì+>´ $<ó�q+, ç|�C²kÍÇeT« ç|�uó�TÔáÇ m+|¾¿£ e+{ì y�{ì� >·Ö]Ì

HûsÁTÌ¿Ãe&�+ e\q |¾\¢ýË¢ � $\Te n_óe�~Æ #î+<�TÔáT+~

1. C²rjáT $\Te

2. s�È¿¡jáT $\Te

3. ç¿£eT¥¿£�D² $\Te

4. HîÕÜ¿£ $\Te

127. One of the following statements is not correct, related to aims and objectives

1. Aims are guiding principles of Educational Policy

2. Aims may be achievable or not achievable where as Objectives are achievable

3. Aims originate from the Objectives

4. Aims are general where as Objectives are specific

�XøjáÖ\T, \¿�±«\Å£� d�+�+~ó+º ¿ì+~ y�¿±«\ýË d�]¿±�~.

1. �XøjáÖ\T $<�« $<ó�q+ýË eÖsÁZ<�sÁô¿£ d�ÖçÔ�\T.

2. �XøjáÖ\qT kÍ~ó+#áe#áTÌ ýñ<� kÍ~ó+#áýñ¿£bþe#áTÌ ¿±� \¿�±«\qT


3. �XøjáÖ\T \¿�±«\ qT+&� �<�ÒÛ$kÍïsTT.

4. �XøjáÖ\T kÍ<ó�sÁD+, \¿�±«\T d�Îw�¼+>± �+&û$.

Page 69: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

128. These objectives are specific, limited to scope of school and change subject to subject

1. Behavioural Objectives

2. National Objectives

3. General Objectives

4. Non-behavioural Objectives

� \¿�±«\T �]Ýw�¼yîT®q$>± �+&�, bÍsÄÁXæ\ |�]~ó¿ì |�]$TÔáyîT®, d��Å£�¼qT�{ì¼


1. ç|�esÁïH� \¿�±«\T

2. C²rjáT \¿�±«\T

3. kÍ<ó�sÁD \¿�±«\T

4. ç|�esÁïHûÔásÁ \¿�±«\T

129. A Social Studies teacher organized discussion on “the scarcity of water for class–X students”. This task is related to achieve this academic standard

1. Reflection on Contemporary issues and Questioning

2. Reading the given text, understanding and interpretation

3. Conceptual Understanding

4. Appreciation and Sensitivity

ÿ¿£ kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T »ú{ì¿=sÁÔá�|Õ |�<�e ÔásÁ>·Ü $<�«sÁT�\Å£�µ

#ásÁÌ�sÁÇV¾²+#�&�T. � ¿£�Ôá«+, ¿ì+~ $<�« ç|�eÖD²�� kÍ~ó+#áT³Å£�


1. d�eT¿±©q n+Xæ\�|Õ ç|�Üd�Î+<�q, ç|�¥�+#áT³

2. �ºÌq bÍsÄ�«+Xæ�� #á~$, ne>±V�²q #ûd�T¿=� y�«U²«�+#áT³

3. uó²eq\ ne>±V�²q

4. ç|�Xø+d�, d�T��ÔáÔáÇ+

Page 70: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

130. Mapping skills include these important items

1. Map reading and folding skills

2. Map reading and locating skills

3. Map drawing, locating and folding skills

4. Map reading, locating and drawing skills

|�³HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T ¿£*Z �+&û eTTK«yîT®q n+Xæ\T

1. |�{²�� #á<�e³+, eT&�Ôá�|fñ¼ HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

2. |�{²�� #á<�e³+, >·T]ï+#û HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

3. |�{²�� ^jáT³+, >·T]ï+#áT, eT&�Ôá�|fñ¼ HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

4. |�{²�� #á<�e³+, >·T]ï+#áT, ^jáTT HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

131. Chanukya was expert in these subjects

1. Economics and Political Science

2. Physics and Psychology

3. Political Science, Ethics of Chanukya, Economics and Psychology

4. Politics, Economics, Physics and Psychology

#�DTÅ£�«&�T � $w�jáÖ\ýË �cÍ�ÔáT&�T

1. �]�¿£Xæg+, s�ÈúÜXæçd�ï+

2. uó�Ü¿£Xæg+, eTHÃ$C²ãqXæg+

3. s�ÈúÜXæçd�ï+, #�DT¿£«úÜ, �]�¿£Xæg+ eT]jáTT eTHÃ$C²ãqXæg+

4. s�ÈúÜXæçd�ï+, �]�¿£Xæg+, uó�Ü¿£Xæg+ eT]jáTT eTHÃ$C²ãqXæg+

Page 71: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

132. “Confirmity with values enshrined in the constitution” is mentioned in this section of RTE Act-2009

1. Section 29 (2) (a)

2. Section 24 (2) (a)

3. Section 25 (1)

4. Section 30 (1)

»»s�C²«+>·+ýË bõ+<�T|�sÁT#á�&�q $\Te\Å£� nqT>·TD+>± �+&�T³µµ nqT

n+Xø+ $<�« V�²Å£�Ø #á³¼+`2009ýË� � �d¿£�H�ýË bõ+<�T|�sÁT#á�&�+~

1. �d¿£�H� 29 (2) (a)

2. �d¿£�H� 24 (2) (a)

3. �d¿£�H� 25 (1)

4. �d¿£�H� 30 (1)

133. In Political Science, the focus should be on discussing the philosophical foundations that underline the value frame work of the Indian Constitution in depth, at this stage

1. Higher Secondary stage

2. Secondary stage

3. Upper Primary stage

4. Primary stage

� <�XøýË s�ÈúÜXæg+ |�P]ï kÍ�sTTýË uó²sÁÔá s�C²«+>· �s��D+, Ô�ÜÇ¿£

�<ó�s�\T, n+<�TýË >·\ $\Te\qT >·Ö]Ì #á]Ì+#á&�+ �|Õ <��w¾¼


1. �q�Ôá eÖ<ó�«$T¿£ <�Xø

2. eÖ<ó�«$T¿£ <�Xø

3. çbÍ<�$T¿Ãq�Ôá <�Xø

4. çbÍ<�$T¿£ <�Xø

Page 72: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

134. This is not one of the key points mentioned in Andhra Pradesh State Curriculum Frame Work (APSCF)-2011

1. Curriculum should be text book centred

2. Focus on assessment for learning instead of Assessment of learning

3. Learning should be away from rote methods

4. Focus on learning competencies of children

�+ç<ó�ç|�<ûXÙ s�h $<�« ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ (APSCF) ` 2011 ýË� ¿¡\¿£

n+Xæ\ýË ÿ¿£{ì ¿±�~

1. $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ bÍsÄÁ« |�Úd�ï¿£ ¹¿+ç<�+>± �+&�*

2. nuó�«d�qqT eÖ|�q+ #ûjáT&�+ ¿±Å£�+&�, nuó�«d�q+ ¿Ãd�+ eÖ|�q+

#ûjáT&�+ �|Õ <��w¾¼ kÍ]+#�*

3. nuó�«d�q+ �{¡¼ |�<�ÆÔáT\Å£� <�ÖsÁ+>± �+&�*

4. |¾\¢\ nuó�«d�q kÍeTs��«\�|Õ <��w¾¼ ¹¿+çB¿£]+#�*

135. The following statement is not correct related to syllabus

1. Syllabus originates from Curriculum

2. Syllabus is part of the Curriculum

3. The scope of Syllabus is wider than the Curriculum

4. The content material of Syllabus will be selected based on the instructional objectives

d¾\�dtÅ£� d�+�+~ó+º ç¿ì+~ y�¿£«eTT\ýË d�ÂsÕq~ ¿±�~

1. d¾\�dt $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ qT+&� �$sÁÒÛ$d�Tï+~

2. d¾\�dt $<�« ç|�D²[¿£ýË ÿ¿£ uó²>·+

3. d¾\�dt jîTT¿£Ø |�]~ó $<�«ç|�D²[¿£ ¿£+fñ $d�ï �ÔáyîT®q~

4. d¾\�dtýË� $w�jáT kÍeÖçÐ m+|¾¿£ uË<ó�H� \¿�±«\ �<ó�sÁ+>±


Page 73: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

136. ‘Judgments’ of courts and ‘Reference books’ are respectively

1. Both are Primary sources

2. Both are Secondary sources

3. Secondary source, Primary source

4. Primary source, Secondary source

»H�«jáTkÍ�q rsÁTÎ\Tµ eT]jáTT »|�s�eTsÁô ç>·+<¸�\Tµ esÁTd�>±

1. Âs+&�Ö çbÍ<�$T¿£ eqsÁT\T

2. Âs+&�Ö >�D eqsÁT\T

3. >�D eqsÁT\T, çbÍ<�$T¿£ eqsÁT\T

4. çbÍ<�$T¿£ eqsÁT\T, >�D eqsÁT\T

137. A Social Studies teacher organized field trip to nearby Handloom Industry to class-VIII students as a part of teaching learning process. This activity can be classified in to these learning experiences

1. Indirect experiences

2. Direct experiences

3. Vicarious experiences

4. School experiences

ÿ¿£ kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T Ôáq uË<ó�H�uó�«d�q ç|�ç¿ìjáTýË uó²>·+>± 8e

ÔásÁ>·Ü $<�«sÁT�\qT <�>·ZsÁýË� »#ûHûÔá |�]çXøeTµ e<�ÝÅ£� ¹¿�çÔá |�sÁ«³q #û|�{²¼&�T.

� ¿£�Ôá«eTT, nuó�«d�q nqTuó�y�\ |�sÁ+>± � sÁ¿±�¿ì #î+<�TÔáT+~

1. |�sÿ£� nqTuó�y�\T

2. ç|�Ôá«¿£� nqTuó�y�\T

3. nbÍ~Ôá nqTuó�y�\T

4. bÍsÄÁXæ\ nqTuó�y�\T

Page 74: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

138. The maps that are in outline and can be used according to necessity are known as

1. Sketch maps

2. Relief maps

3. Flat maps

4. Route maps

neÚ{ÙýÉÕH�>± �+&� ned�s�\Å£� nqT>·TD+>± �|�jîÖ>·|�&û eÖ«|t\qT

M{ì>± �|s=Ø+{²sÁT

1. �dØ#Y |�{²\T

2. çÜbÍsÁôÇ |�{²\T

3. #á<�TqT|�{²\T

4. eÖsÁZ+ / <�] |�{²\T

139. A Social Studies teacher utilised a short video on ‘volcanoes’ from his smart phone in his class room. This video film can be classified into this category

1. Visual aids

2. Audio-aids

3. Audio-Visual aids

4. Printed aids

ÿ¿£ kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T ÔásÁ>·Ü >·~ýË Ôáq kÍ�sY¼b�þH� <�Çs�

»nÐ� |�sÁÇÔ�\Tµ �|Õ ºq� M&�jîÖ #áÖ|¾+#�&�T. � M&�jîÖqT ¿ì+~

�|�¿£sÁD²\ ¿ì+<� e Z¿£]+#áe#áTÌ.

1. <��Xø« �|�¿£sÁD²\T

2. çXøeD �|�¿£sÁD²\T

3. <��Xø«`çXøeD �|�¿£sÁD²\T

4. eTTç<�D �|�¿£sÁD²\T

Page 75: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

140. If a Social Studies teacher wants to teach the topic ‘Lengths of rivers in India’, for this he has to correlate this topic of geography with the following other school subject.

1. Biological Science

2. Language

3. Physical Science

4. Mathematics

ÿ¿£ kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T »uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË� q<�T\T y�{ì bõ&�eÚ\Tµ,

>·T]+º #î|�Î<�\ºq#à nÔá&�T � uó�Ö>ÃÞø Xæg n+Xæ�� bÍsÄÁXæ\ýË�

� $w�jáT+Ôà d�V�²d�+�+<ó�+ @sÁÎsÁ#�*.

1. JeXæg+

2. uó²w�

3. uó�Ü¿£ Xæg+

4. >·DìÔá+

141. “Decide about the key concept and sub-concepts and link them in hierarchical order” – is related to this phase to build a concept map

1. 2nd phase

2. 3rd phase

3. 4th phase

4. 1st phase

»»¿¡\¿£ uó²eq\T, �|� uó²eq\qT �sÁ�sTT+º, y�{ì� ÿ¿£ çXâDì ç¿£eT+ýË

nqTd�+<ó�q+ #ûjáT&�+µµ ` nqTq~ uó²eq |�³�s��D+ýË � <�XøÅ£� #î+~q~

1. 2e <�Xø

2. 3e <�Xø

3. 4e <�Xø

4. 1e <�Xø

Page 76: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

142. Posing questions to students and make connections between past and present learning experiences are the actions of this step in 5E Learning model

1. Elaborate

2. Engage

3. Explore

4. Explain

$<�«sÁT�\qT ç|�¥�+#áT³ eT]jáTT >·Ôá nqTuó�y�\Ôà ç|�d�TïÔá nqTuó�y�\qT

nqTd�+<ó�q |�sÁT#áT³ nqT #ásÁ«\T 5E nuó�«d�q qeTÖH�ýË� �

kþbÍ�¿ì e]ï+#áTqT

1. $d�ïsÁD

2. �eT>·�+ #ûjáTT³

3. nHûÇw¾+#áT³

4. $esÁD

143. The following step comes before formulation of hypothesis or tentative solution in Problem Solving method

1. Understanding the problem

2. Collection of relevant information or data

3. Analysis of the collected data or information

4. Selection and testing of proper hypothesis

d�eTkÍ« kÍ<ó�q |�<�ÆÜýË |�]¿£\Îq ýñ<� Ô�Ô�Ø*¿£ |�]cÍØs�\qT sÁÖbõ+~+#û

eTT+<�T e#áTÌ kþbÍq+

1. d�eTd�« |�³¢ ne>±V�²q

2. d�+�+~óÔá d�eÖ#�sÁ+ ýñ<� <�Ô�ï+Xø �d¿£sÁD

3. �d¿£]+ºq d�eÖ#�sÁ+ ýñ<� <�Ô�ï+XøeTTqT $Xâ¢w¾+#áT³

4. d�ÂsÕq |�]¿£\ÎqqT m+|¾¿£ #ûjáTT³, |� ¿ì�+#áT³

Page 77: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

144. Knowledge and use of lines, use of specific symbols, directions scale and colours are the components of this skill

1. Map locating skill

2. Picture reading skill

3. Poster reading skill

4. Map reading skill

^Ôá\T, ç|�Ôû«¿£ ºV�ä�\T, ~Å£�Ø\T, �dØ\T eT]jáTT sÁ+>·T\Å£� d�+�+~ó+ºq

C²ãq+ eT]jáTT y�{ì� �|�jîÖÐ+#û kÍeTsÁ�«+ nqTq$ � HîÕ|�ÚD²«�¿ì

#î+~q n+Xæ\T

1. eÖ«|týË >·T]ï+#áT HîÕ|�ÚD«+

2. ºçÔá|�sÄÁq HîÕ|�ÚD«+

3. bþd�¼sY #á~yû HîÕ|�ÚD«+

4. |�{²�� #á~yû HîÕ|�ÚD«+

145. A Social Studies teacher can take up preparation and utilization of teaching learning material at this phase (s) of teaching

1. Pre-active and Inter-active phases of teaching

2. Inter-active phase of teaching

3. Post-active phase of teaching

4. Inter-active and Post-active phases of teaching

ÿ¿£ kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T uË<ó�H�uó�«d�q kÍeÖçÐ� ÔájáÖsÁT #ûjáT&�+

eT]jáTT <��� $�jîÖÐ+#á&�+ � uË<ó�H� <�Xø(\)ýË #û|�³¼e#áTÌ

1. |�PsÁÇuË<ó�H� <�Xø, eT<ó�«uË<ó�H� <�Xø

2. eT<ó�«uË<ó�H� <�Xø

3. �ÔáïsÁÁuË<ó�H� <�Xø

4. eT<ó�«uË<ó�H� <�Xø, �ÔáïsÁuË<ó�H� <�Xø

Page 78: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

146. Select the correct statement of the following

1. Unit plan is implemented through year planning

2. Year plan is implemented through unit planning and in turn daily period planning

3. Unit plan originates from period plan

4. Period planning starts with the formation of units

¿ì+~ y�{ìýË d�ÂsÕq y�¿£«eTTqT mqT�¿=qTeTT

1. jáTÖ�{Ù ç|�D²[¿£ y�]ü¿£ ç|�D²[¿£ <�Çs� neT\T |�sÁT#á�&�TÔáT+~

2. y�]ü¿£ ç|�D²[¿£ jáTÖ�{Ù ç|�D²[¿£>±, � |¾<�|� sÃE y�] |Ó]jáT&�

|�<�¿£+ <�Çs� �#á]+#á�&�TÔáT+~

3. jáTÖ�{Ù ç|�D²[¿£ |Ó]jáT&� |�<�¿£+ qT+&� �$sÁÒÛ$d�Tï+~

4. jáTÖ�{Ù\T @sÁÎ&�&�+ <�Çs� |Ó]jáT&� |�<�¿£+ |�� çbÍsÁ+uó�+


Page 79: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

147. The Head Master invited village sarpanch, parents, village elders and youth associations to the school for organization of ‘World Earth Day’, celebration with the support of social teacher. This task is said to be

1. Bringing the community to school

2. Taking school to the community

3. It is a part of Head Master’s duties

4. Implementation of orders of higher authority

ÿ¿£ bÍsÄÁXæ\ ç|�<ó�HÃbÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T, kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg �bÍ<ó�«jáTT� d�V�äjáT+ÔÃ

»ç|�|�+#á <ó�]çÜ ~HÃÔáày���µ �sÁÇV¾²+#áT³Å£� >±qT � ç>±eTd�sÁÎ+#Y,

Ôá*¢<�+ç&�T\T, ç>±eT �|<�Ý\T, jáTTeÈq d�+|��Ö\qT �V�äÇ�+#�&�T. nÔá&�T

#û|�{ì¼q � #ásÁ«qT B�>± �|s=Øqe#áTÌ.

1. d�eÖC²�� bÍsÄÁXæ\ e<�ÝÅ£� rd¾¿=� e#áT̳

2. bÍsÄÁXæ\qT d�eÖÈ+ e<�ÝÅ£� rd¾¿=� bþeÚ³

3. �~ ç|�<ó�HÃbÍ<ó�«jáTT� $<ó�T\ýË ÿ¿£ uó²>·+

4. �q�Ô�~ó¿±sÁT\ �ÔáïsÁTÇ\qT neT\T |�sÁT#áT³

Page 80: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

148. ‘Dairy farms’ and ‘Planetorium’ are respectively

1. Both are economic resources

2. Both are scientific and technological resources

3. Economic resources, scientific and technological resources

4. Scientific and technological resources, Economic resource

»&îÕ b�ÍsÁy�Tµ eT]jáTT »q¿£�çÔáXæ\µ nqTq$ esÁTd�>±

1. Âs+&�Ö �]�¿£ eqsÁT\T

2. Âs+&�Ö Xæg, kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ d�+�+<ó� eqsÁT\T

3. �]�¿£|�sÁ eqsÁT, Xæg kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ d�+�+<ó� eqsÁT

4. Xæg kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ d�+�+<ó� eqsÁT, �]�¿£ eqsÁT

149. One of the following equipment can be categorized under meteorological instrument

1. Barometer

2. Protractor

3. Bar graph

4. Tape recorder

� ¿ì+~ �|�¿£sÁDeTT\ýË ÿ¿£{ì y�Ô�esÁD d�+�+<ó� |�]¿£sÁeTT\ ¿ì+<�

e Z¿£]+#áe#áTÌ

1. u²sÃMT³sY

2. çbõç{²¿£¼sY

3. u²sYç>±|�t

4. fñ|t ]¿±sÁ¦sY

Page 81: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

150. To make Social Studies teaching more effective and to create and maintain an effective learning atmosphere the following is required

1. Social Studies Library

2. Social Studies Museum

3. Social Studies Kit

4. Social Studies Laboratory

ç|�uó²ee+ÔáyîT®q nuó�«d�q y�Ô�esÁDeTTqT @sÁÎsÁº, �sÁÇV¾²+#áT³Å£�, eT]jáTT

kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg uË<ó�qqT nÔá«+Ôá ç|�uó²ee+Ôá+ #ûjáT&��¿ì ned�sÁ+ n>·Tq~

1. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg ç>·+<¸�\jáT+

2. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg eTÖ«�jáT+

3. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg ¿ì{Ù

4. kÍ+|�¾T¿£ Xæg ç|�jîÖ>·Xæ\

151. “Making the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the child to express views freely” is mentioned in this section of RTE Act - 2009

1. Section 29 (2) (g)

2. Section 29 (2) (h)

3. Section 38 (2) (g)

4. Section 38 (2) (h)

»»|¾\¢\qT uó�jáT+, nd¾�sÁÔáÇ+, �+<ÃÞøq\ qT+&� $eTT¿ìï #ûd¾, y�sÁT �dÇ#áÌ>±

ÔáqT uó²y�\qT e«¿£ï|�sÁT#áT³ýË d�V�äjáT|�&�*µµ, nqT n+XøeTT $<�« V�²Å£�Ø

#á³¼+ ` 2009 ýË� � �d¿£�H�ýË bõ+<�T|�sÁT#á �&�+~

1. �d¿£�H� 29 (2) (g)

2. �d¿£�H� 29 (2) (h)

3. �d¿£�H� 38 (2) (g)

4. �d¿£�H� 38 (2) (h)

Page 82: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

152. Underline the name which is different from the other in the following group of names – “Guru Nanak, Jesus Christ, Hazrat Mohammad, Aryabhatta”. This question comes under this type of objective test item

1. Relationship test item

2. Classification test item

3. Completion test item

4. Sequence test item

¿ì+~ �|sÁ¢ d�eTÖV�²+ýË @~ $T>·Ô� y�{ì ¿£q� _óq�+>± �+<à >·T]ï+º

<�� ¿ì+<� ^Ôá ^jáT+&� ` »»>·TsÁTH�q¿ù, Jd�dt ç¿¡dt¼, V�²ÈsÁÔY eTV�²eT�<�,

�sÁ«uó�³¼µµ ` nqT ç|�Xø� \¿�±«Ôá�¿£ ç|�Xø�\ýË � sÁ¿±�¿ì #î+<�TÔáT+~.

1. d�+�+<ó�\qT Ôî\T|�Ú |� ¿�±+Xø+

2. e Z¿£sÁD |� ¿�±+Xø+

3. U²°\T |�P]+#áT |� ¿�±+Xø+

4. ÿ¿£ ç¿£eT+ýË neTsÁTÌ |� ¿�±+Xø+

Page 83: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

153. These tests are more suitable to know strengths and weaknesses in students compare the level of students and also assess teacher competencies

1. Student made tests

2. Teacher made tests

3. Slip tests

4. Standardised tests

$<�«sÁT�\ýË �ý²\T, �\VÓ²qÔá\T Ôî\Td�T¿Ãe&�+, $<�«sÁT�\ kÍ�sTT�

bþ\TÌ¿Ãe&�+ eT]jáTT �bÍ<ó�«jáTT\ kÍeTs��«\qT Å£L&� Ôî\Td�T¿Ãe&��¿ì

ÔÃ&�Î&�T |� ¿£�\T

1. $<�«]� �]�Ôá |� ¿£�\T

2. �bÍ<ó�«jáT �]�Ôá |� ¿£�\T

3. d¾¢|t fÉdt¼\T

4. çbÍeÖD¡¿£�Ôá |� ¿£�\T

154. ‘Student’s Portfolio’ measurement can be done through the following persons

1. Students by themselves

2. Class teacher

3. All the teachers concerned including students by themselves

4. School Headmaster

»$<�«sÁT�\ bþsÁT¼bþ*jîÖµ eÖ|�qeTT M] <�Çs� ÈsÁT|�e#áTÌ

1. $<�«sÁT�\T d�ÇjáT+>±

2. ÔásÁ>·Ü �bÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T

3. $<�«sÁT�\ dÓÇjáT eTÖý²«+¿£q+Ôà bͳT d�+�+~óÔá


4. bÍsÄÁXæ\ ç|�<ó�HÃbÍ<ó�«jáTT&�T

Page 84: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

155. “Draw a map of your village and identify the important places on it”. This question is intended to achieve this academic standard

1. Information gathering and processing skills

2. Mapping skills

3. Appreciation and Sensitivity

4. Conceptual Understanding

»»MT ç>±eT |�{²�� ^º, n+<�TýË eTTK«yîT®q ç|�<ûXæ\qT >·T]ï+#á+&�µµ `

nqT ç|�Xø� � $<�« ç|�eÖDeTT kÍ~ó+#áT³Å£� �<ûÝ¥+#á�&�+~

1. d�eÖ#�sÁ �d¿£sÁD, ç|�ç¿ìjáÖ HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

2. |�³HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

3. ç|�Xø+d�, d�T��ÔáÔáÇ+

4. uó²eq\ ne>±V�²q

156. One of the following statements is correct related to Achievement test and Aptitude test

1. Both are testing devices but their purposes are different

2. Both Achievement and Aptitude tests measure quantitative aspect only

3. Achievement test is a non-testing device where as Aptitude test is a testing device

4. The purposes of both the tests are same

»kÍ<ó�q �¿£w�\Tµ, »d�V�²ÈkÍeTsÁ�« |� ¿£�\Tµ Å£� d�+�+~ó+º ¿ì+~ y�{ìýË ÿ¿£{ì

d�ÂsÕq y�¿£«eTT

1. Âs+&�Ö |� ¿�± kÍ<ó�H�ýñ ¿±� y�{ì ç|�jîÖÈH�\T yûsÁT

2. kÍ<ó�q�¿£w�, d�V�²È kÍeTsÁ�« |� ¿£�\T Âs+&�Ö

|�]eÖD²Ôá�¿£+>±Hû eÖ|�q+ #ûkÍïsTT

3. kÍ<ó�q�¿£w� |� ¹¿�ÔásÁ kÍ<ó�q+, d�V�²È kÍeTsÁ�« |� ¿£� |� ¿�± kÍ<ó�q+

4. Âs+&�T |� ¿£�\ ç|�jîÖÈH�\T ÿ¿£fñ

Page 85: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

157. One of the following statements is not correct related to framing of questions

1. Questions should be clear and definite language

2. Questions should suit a particular objective/academic standard and topic

3. Questions framed should always give scope for limited answers

4. Scope shall be given to interesting, challenging and novel questions as far as possible

ç|�Xø�\ ÔájáÖ¯¿ì d�+�+~ó+º � ¿ì+~ y�¿±«\ýË ÿ¿£{ì d�ÂsÕq~ ¿±<�T

1. ç|�Xø�\ ÔájáÖ¯ýË �|�jîÖÐ+#û uó²w� d�Îw�¼+>±, �sÁTÝw�¼+>± �+&�*

2. ç|�Xø�\T ÿ¿£ ç|�Ôû«¿£ \¿£�«+/$<�« ç|�eÖD+ eT]jáTT

$w�jáÖ+Xæ�¿ì d�+�+~ó+º �+&�*

3. sÁÖbõ+~+ºq ç|�Xø�\T m\¢|�ð&�T |�]$TÔá Èy��T\Å£�

ne¿±Xø+ �y�Ç*

4. MýÉÕq+Ôá esÁÅ£� ç|�Xø�\T �d�¿ìï¿£sÁ+>±, $qÖÔá�+>±, d�y�\T

dÓÇ¿£]+#û+<�TÅ£� M\T>± ne¿±Xø+ �y�Ç*

Page 86: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

158. This type of Evaluation focuses on comparing individual pupil’s performance or achievement with set of standards

1. Criterion-referenced evaluation

2. Norm-referenced evaluation

3. Diagnostic evaluation

4. Prognostic evaluation

ÿ¿£ $<�«]� jîTT¿£Ø e«¿ìï>·Ôá �cÍÎ<�q ýñ¿£ kÍ<ó�qqT �s��]Ôá ç|�eÖD²\ÔÃ

bþ\Ì&�+ �|Õq <��w¾¼ kÍ]+#û eTÖý²«+¿£q sÁ¿£eTT

1. \¿£�D²Ôá�¿£ eTÖý²«+¿£q+

2. �jáTeTsÁÖ|� eTÖý²«+¿£q+

3. ýË|��s��sÁD eTÖý²«+¿£q+

4. çbÍjáT¿ìï¿£ eTÖý²«+¿£q+

159. As per the suggestions of National Curriculum Frame Work–2005 examinations should focus on

1. Memory and interpretation

2. Recitation, interpretation and analysis

3. Interpretation, analysis and problem solving skills

4. Memory, interpretation and problem solving skills

C²rjáT ç|�D²[¿± #áç³+ ` 2005 d�Ö#áq\ ç|�¿±sÁ+ |� ¿£�\T M{ì�|Õ <��w¾¼


1. C²ã|�¿£Xø¿ìï, y�«U²«�+#áT³

2. eýÉ¢yûjáTT³, y�«U²«�+#áT³, $Xâ¢w�D

3. y�«U²«�+#áT³, $Xâ¢w�D, d�eTkÍ« |�]cÍØsÁ HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

4. C²ã|�¿£Xø¿ìï, y�«U²«�+#áT³, d�eTkÍ« |�]cÍØsÁ HîÕ|�ÚD²«\T

Page 87: TET cum TRT-2018TET cum TRT-2018 1. The only city without citadel in Indus Valley Civilisation was 1. Kalibangan 2. Chanhudaro 3. Mohenjodaro 4. Harappa

160. One of the following statements is not correct

1. Economics is a Social Science

2. Languages are categorized under Humanities

3. Mathematics can be considered as both Natural and Social Sciences

4. All Life Sciences are Natural Sciences

� ¿ì+~ y�¿±«\ýË ÿ¿£{ì d�ÂsÕq~ ¿±<�T

1. �]�¿£Xæg+ ÿ¿£ kÍeÖ�¿£ Xæg+

2. uó²w�\��+{ì� eÖqMjáT XæçkÍï\ ¿ì+<� e Z¿£]+#áe#áTÌ

3. >·DìÔ��� çbÍ¿£�Ü¿£, kÍeÖ�¿£ XæçkÍï\T>± �|s=Øqe#áTÌ

4. JeXæçkÍï\ú� çbÍ¿£�Ü¿£ XæçkÍïýñ