I tetFtlit GtttlMttllMMielf teW14il I iSTATE ODDS AND ENDS Dg 1 99 J ig 9999 p1 9 D39JiW 99i19i IDJ 19119ig ADJA9TpQ ILUCKY KENTUCKIANS They Are Entitled to a Fortune of About 1500000 San Frnnclsco April 22WIic Samuel David oiled on Allrll 5 In Iano hospltnlhero was no ono at his bell uldo who dreamed that tho soptuago narlan had an estate of > 1COO000 He lived In ono room at No 408 California 5street Ills most Intlmato friend wore Jullu Ibis and Attornoy J K Cowdrey Davis left a will In his owa handwriting executed In February 1896 It does not contain tho name of a slnglo devisee or dispose of any of his efltato and simply names HHi an executor Tho estate IB worth 1500 000 and the only relatives ot tho testa ¬ tor aro Jane Davis a ulster Mrs Ma ry Stone his niece and Henry W Da vis a nephew all living In Church vllle Ky KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS Harry Welman Seriously Injured While Playing Ball Lexington Ky April 23State col lego defeated University of Cincinnati 4 to 0 lu tho closest baseball game Been hero this season All tho runs woro made In the eighth Inning Harry Welman nhorUtop for Cincinnati was seriously Injured In tho eighth Inning Ho wan trying to reach homo when his head struck the ground and ho win knocked unconscious He will recover but was In bad shapo Friday night DUY MANY KENTUCKY ACRES New York Capitalists Acquire a DIg Tract In Knott and Perry Counties Mount Sterling Ky April 3Nfv York capitalists have purchased through C B Smith real estate dealS er 61000 acre of fine timber land In Knott and Perry counties for 1525 per nero Mr Smith has gono to New York to close tho deal A largo plan Ing and saw mill will be erected on tho property as well as a barrel and stave plant Train Wrecked the Station Loltchfleld Ky April 2The 1111 nols Central railroad station at thin place was wrecked by a freight train that was switching Four cars put beyond control and crashed Into tho station wrecking tho freight room oOlco and passenger room Several persons were Inside at the time but escaped Injury Sleighs For April Wedding Owonsboro Ky April 2tSnow fell eight Inches deep Wednesday Pa ter W Manning a prominent railroad mAn and Mss Mattlo Thomas wcro married and tho order for carriages was countermanded and sleighs sub Htltutcd aa a novelty for an April wed ding Four Men Killed In a Mine Somerset Ky April 22An explo iilon occurred at tho Stearns Mints Coal Co at Stearns several miles be ¬ low here on the Cincinnati Southern railroad In which four colored moo wore killed and several others Injured Only meager details ate obtainable at this time English Lad Will Not Start Louisville Ky April 22t dont think I shall start English Lad In trio Derby here said Trainer Billy Phil ¬ lips Thursday morning nt Churchill Downs I shall undoubtedly send him to the poet during tho meeting but tho chances aro that It will not be In the Derby She Played the Races Paducab Iy April 23Mrs Jessie 13 Lynn a wotl crossed and beautiful woman was arrested Friday on the charge of stealing a 1100 brooch from a private boardinghouse She says hor homo Is near Louisville Ky She admits playing tho races recently at Memphis Child Gored By a Bull Lexington Ky April nHenry Rush jr aged four years while play Ing In a vacant lot on Seventh stroot was gored by a savage bull and only for the prompt arrival ot Mrs James Nickerson tho child would undoubted ¬ ly havo lost his life- Prescbyterians Meet Owen boro Ky April 21Iho Muhlonbcrg presbytery ot the Presby ¬ tartan church representing all tho churches In the western halt of tho state Is In session here Tho opening sermon was preached by Roy B F Boll of Oroonvlllo Fruit Killed In Hart County Munfordvlllo Iy April 23The thermometer registered 17 degrees above zero Thursday morning The fruit Is all killed and fruit trees and Umber greatly damaged by the freeze The snow still covers tho ground but pIs molting rapidly- Accidentally Killed By His Brother Olive lull Ky April 28 Chester Tabor 10 was accidentally shot and e killed by his brother Harry Tabor who was playing with a rovolvor when It was accidentally discharged tho bul ¬ let striking the younger boy In the ab ¬ domen Taken to the Penitentiary Bowling Green Ky April 20John Campbell who was convicted of mur ¬ i der at the recent term of tho Warren circuit court and sentenced to lit Im ¬ iprlsonment was taken to the bruab > penitentiary at Ilalp- yvlilpiIi M ONE WAS KILLED Shot While Fleeing From a Posse of Officers Mldlesboro Ky April 21At Cum bcrland Gap Wednesday one man wa killed and another seriously wounded In a fight following an attempted ar ¬ rest Silas Ismon and John Wright wore sefen to Jump from a train with sacks supposed to bo booty and make for the mountains 8 A Williams led a posse and catching up with the men was met by a volley ot shots none of which took effect Ho returned tho lire with a shotgun fatally wounding Wright and shooting Israan In the arm ON SHORT ACQUAINTANCE A Want Ad Inserted For Fun Lead to a Marriage Franklin Ky April 21 Bertha Dunn daughter of a well to do farmer and Kugeno Zimmerman a locomotive engineer of Peoria 111 wore In this city Somo time In Januar Miss Dunn for fun Inserted an ad ¬ vertisement for a husband In a Detroit newspaper She received 58 replies Zimmerman being ono of her corre spondents The couple had never see each other until a tow hours before tin ceremony was performed A Deserter Arrested Midway Ky April 23Clty Mar shal Edward Stephens of tills place left for Fort Thomas In charge of Thomas A Lanier a deserter from tho United States army Lanier deserted from his post at Fortress Monroe and belonged to Company 41 ot tho coast Rrtllleryi Howards Sentence Affirmed Frankfort Ky April 3The Judg ment of tho Franklin circuit court sen ¬ tencing Jim toward to life Imprison ¬ f ment for the murder of William Goo bol was affirmed by tho appellate court Friday Judge Settle delivering the opinion and Judge Burnam and ORear dissenting Town Faces Double DangerI Owlngsvllle Ky April 22 from Salt Lick nine miles east of heroI say that a magazine containing about 400 quarts of nitroglycerin has btcni surrounded by forest fires and danger of explosion Salt Lick Is a town of about GOO Inhabitants I Options on Land For TermlnallI Lexington Ky April wero obtalned by tho Lexington e Eastern Railway Co and tho Chess peolco Ohio upon property adjacent to their terminal In this city The price to bo paid Is J 3500 The Pal ace Hotel Is Robert IncludedI Covington Ky April 21Robert Brown uxpollccman convicted ot vol unlnry manslaughter for killing Depu IIJ hard labor by Judge Shaw In tho cir cult court Frightful Double TragedyI Burkeavlllo Ky April 21A report from Cumberland county Tennessee says that Ben Harris aged 90 former ly of this place was beaten to deatbI with a club by a 10yearold boy and that tho latter was subsequently killedI by a pursuing posse Miss Castleman Wedded Louisville Ky April 21Miss Epee CasUeman and Charles Elmer Bailey ot Lexington were married Wednes ¬ day evening In the homo of the brides parents Gen and Mrs John B Castle man in tho presence ot a small gathI Bring of relatives and close Covered With Slush and Sleet Bowling Green Ky April 21A heavy sleet foil Wednesday morning and the ground was covered with slush and sleet two Inches deep The tem peraturo was two degrees below freez ¬ ing Horticulturists say this finishes the fruit crop Wife Seek Freedom Newport Ky April 23Mrs George W Rosier lied suit In tho circuit court hero Friday for a divorce from her husband They wero married In Owen county Ky July 9 1893 and she says Rosier abandoned her April 12 1902 They have four children Gold Discovered In Union County Sturgis Ky April 21I P Oil chrlst of Sullivan has received certifi ¬ cato ot assay from Sonora Cal show- Ing ¬ that he has discovered on his farm bore Iron pyrites carrying to tho ton gold ot tho value of 3SG Tollgate Keeper Dead Covington Ky April 3Mrs Ja cob Northcutt 72 who for years had charge ot a tollgato on tho Indepond once pike and who is known by all persons traveling tho plko died at her i late homo of pneumonia Robards Tobacco Plant Sold Henderson Ky April 23Tho Ro bards Tobacco Ooo plant was sold un ¬ dor orders of J A Dean referee In bankruptcy It was bid in by Carl P Schlamp president of tho George Del her Co The consideration was 11 000 Suits For Back Taxes Ellzabethtown Ky April 23Sixty two suits have been filed In the county court by tho auditors agent on mort ¬ gages notes otc which wore not listf ed on the sMossors book On somo them taxes ftro duo for several years FIFTYEIGHTH CONGRESS Regular Session Washington April IJSenatcThe Question of additional accommodations In tho way of office and committee rooms occupied the attention of the senate tho greater part of the day The subject arose in connection with the provisions In tho sundry civil ap ¬ propriation hill ono for an extension of the cast front of tho capitol build Ing In accordance with sketches left by Architect Walters and the other for an outsldo senate office and com ¬ buildings a debate extending through tho entire session of tho houso Tuesday passed the bill provld ¬ ing for joint statehood of Oklahoma and Indian territory under tho name Oklahoma and of Arizona and of New Moxlco under the namo of Arizona The vote was 147 to 102 In discussing the rule which had been reported by the committee on rules providing for Immediate consideration of tho bill Mr Williams tho minority leader do clared that no republican bad any Idea that the bill would become a law at this session Delegate Wilson of Ari Bona opposed the bill It was favored by Delegates Rodey ot New Mexico and McGuire of Oklahoma Washington April 21SenateThe senate Wednesday listened to a set speech of almost two hours duration on the trusts by Mr Dolliver and aft ¬ erwards completed consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill proy ¬ front of tho capitol and for an addi ¬ tional office building for tho senate The office building amendment was agreed to as reported from the com ¬ paragraphn was so modified as practically to pro vide for plans only tho appropriation being reduced to J7COOO HouseTho house after an extend ¬ ed debate sent tho naval appropriation bill back to conference the only die ¬ puted senate amendment accepted be ing that providing for tho construction In navy yards of two colliers A bill providing for allotment of the lands of tho New York Indians was passed un ¬ der a resolution of tho committee on rules for Its Immediate consideration 22SenatoThoI tho emergency river and hector ap ¬ propriation bill which carries 3000 000 wore passed Thursday by the sen ¬ ate leaving only the general deficiency and tho military academy bills of tho entire list of supply measures still Thoi tojc barborI Gorman sharply criticised tho failure to bring In a general river and harbor bill Speeches were made on tho penS sion bill by Messrs McCuraber and Scott the latter declaring that ho fa ¬ vored a service pension of Uti per monthIlouaeThe house Thursday gave evidence of approaching adjournment by passing a largo number of bills among them being ono to provide n temporary government for tho Panama canal zone A rulo was adopted after the democrats had forced a roll call for the consideration nt any time of tho bill creating a commission to In- vestigate ¬ tho merchant marine of tho United States and tho bill was then laid aside Washington April 23SenateThe- general deficiency appropriation bill tho ot sen ¬ tajkon length on tho tariff policy nt the re ¬ publican party While the reading of the deficiency bill was In progress Mr Cullom delivered a speech on tho Chi ¬ nose exclusion rider Ho expressed tho opinion that there should be ex ¬ pllclt legislation reenacting existing exclusion laws but opposed tho re ¬ maining portion of the houso provision and moved to strike It out During the day the attention of the senate was brought to tho amendment of the houso to the bill for the government embllrmsslment ot tho senate In place of Mr Morgan who IB the senior democratic member the committee on Interoceanic ca nals with tho result that both sena ¬ tore declined to servo House Tho chip subsidy bill was considered In tho house Friday Con- sideration of the Alaskan delegate question was resumed after having been sidetracked several days Heavy Fighting Rumors Unconfirmed Seoul April 23Rumors concerning heavy fighting on tho Yalu river are still unconfirmed Beyond admissions concerning constant skirmishing noth- Ing ¬ Is obtainable from the military nu ¬ thorities here A vaguo Idea prevails that a frontal attack la Imminent Boilermakers Strike Now Haven Ct April 23Two bun ¬ dred boilermakers employed In tho lo ¬ cal shops of tho Now York New Haven Hartford railroad went on strike as the result of too companys refusal to grant them a ninehour day and a 16 per cent Increase Indicted For Murder Oran Mo April 23Intha final ro port of the Scott county grand jury submitted Indictments were returned against Dr Warren Smith and Mrs Lydia Miller charging thorn with bay ag murdered Mrs Millers husband Henry Miller Bill to Amend Postal Laws Washington April 23Representa ¬ the Thomas of North Carolina intro- duced a bill amending tho postal laws by providing that one copy each of all newspapers or publications of tho seC- ond class may be sent through the malls free to actual subscribers Substitute For Chinese Exclusion Bill Washington April 23Senator Tel- ler ¬ Friday introduced a substltuto for the Chinese exclusion provision of the deficiency bill The substitute amends tho law of 1902 so as to make It indouendent of treaty obligations TIDING FROM PAPA Papas comings Little Grace Hum to hide her baby face Shall It be behind the door No he found her there before Nor within the curtains tare He would surely and her there preue4JlMd liesPlain Now ho1 9 talking In the hall Wheres my baby hear him call Where li papa little Grace plnceJ No shes not there any more Is she underneath the chair Dear menoeheo lint there Itabjr KlKKici In surprise Papa turns to where she lies placesOh rhymeI Good Housekeeping COW AND PIG WERE CHUMS An Odd Animal Friendship Which Led to All Sorts of Trouble and Mischief A lady who has a large estate in Brookline Mass tells an amusing story of an odd friendship between two ani ¬ mals that lived on the place The cow had been a resident for over two years when a pig was added to the stable quarters ¬ grassContrary seemed very uneasy feeding a little and then uttering a serious of mournful bel ¬ lows like a cow deprived of her calf The pig in the stable too kept up a series of shrill squeals Disturbed by the noise the lady sent for the stableman to ask what was the trouble Sure maam I dunno said he The cow do eeem most unhappy An the pig too Put the cow back In the stable the lady said I cannot endure such noise This was done and quiet prevailed for the rest of that day The following morning the cow was again turned out The lamentations began again Again Aaa the cow returned to the stable and thence reigned The third day the tableman quieted the tumult by putting piggy out In the field too Both animals fed In peace and quiet And since the pig did good to the orchard rather than harm by his rooting he was allowed the freedom of the field with the cow If the pig got a fewrods away from his friend he would throw up his snout and squeal his loudest and then seamper bark to Net as fast as hl81egshould- carry him When they slept the pig lay beside the cow Their affection was mu ¬ tualThe friendship continued In this wise until spring when the cow had a calf She had then small Interest In her friend the pig and he poor creature was consumed with jealousy He rooted the boards of his pen so persistently that he broke it down and got in with the cow Then he rooted and bit the calf viciously The maternal wrath of the cow was roused and there was trouble In the stable The cow was hooking and trampling and the pig was rooting and biting cow and calf Indiscriminately The stableman went to the rescue He drove the pig back into his own quarters and repaired the pen Piggy sulked for two days refusing to eat and then ho apparently recovered his spirits and ac- cepted the new conditions At times during the summer however he turned jealous and rooted viciously at the divid ¬ ing boards and squealed forth his hurt feelingsWhether the cow and pig would have resumed their former friendly relations cannot bo told for the luckless porker being now In good condition went the way of his kindYoutha Companion BEET LOOKS LIKE A BIRD Vegetable Freak Found In California Dears Fairly Good Resemblance to an Owl Out In California they grow vegeta- bles ¬ which frequently bear a remark ¬ able resemblance to birds and beasts Some time ago we published a picture ODD CALIFORNIA DEET of a mammoth beet which had curious ¬ ly enough assumed the form of an eagle including beak eyes and oven talons This photograph as will be seen Is a fairly good likeness ot an owl but it Is really another beet of what IB known as the Yellow Tankard variety and was grown by a farmer In Los Angeles county Recognizing Its resem- blance ¬ to a bird ho completed It by placing buttons In its head to repre- sent ¬ eyes then tied a ribbon around its neck and placed it on exhibition N Y Herald A PRETTY INDIAN LEGEND Old Cottonwood Tree Tells a Little White Boy of the Birth of the Oxeyed Daisy OB the western prairies far from others of its kind stands an old cot tonwood tree where It hiss stood for tIl8SIOUXjbut their faces with carmine j Near the old tree a little village has sprung up peopled In part brightfaced boys and girls who withI tho ancient landmark as did the red men Up Into the branches climbed one day a little darkhaired boy with eyes large and round- I j wish youd tell me a story said the little boy to the old tree for they were fast friends The old tree loved the little boy and this Is the story It told I see you hold In your band a bunch of oxeyed daisies It began They remind me of their birth which hap ¬ pened here on the plains many years ago I am very old you know Just how old not even the red men can tell Out under my shade these wild chil ¬ dren of the west used to gather and hold councils of war and smoke the pipe of peace I was always glad when they smoked the pipe of peace because there was to be no war but I shudder ¬ ed when they painted their faces and dipped their arrows In new made poi ¬ son for I knew the wall of the wound ¬ ed would be brought to my ears by the windsOne there was a great camp i of Ogallalas around tho range of sand A COUNCIL OF WAR dunes back of you They were a peace- able and happy lot until one day the medicine man warned thsm they mustI go out to fight the Arapaboes or all the wild game would be killed or driven away from the hunting grounds All that night the south wind brought me sounds of bustle and hur ¬ ry and next morning Juat at break ot day I looked out and Saw the warriors going away The moaning of the squaws the walls of the children anf time howls of the dogs foretold grief Half the day passed and then little Waunee the favorite son ot the chief was missed tie had followed his fath ¬ er Again the moaning and walling was resumed for It was feared little Waunee would never come back alive Next day there was a terrible bat ¬ tie and many Indians were slain but the Ogallalas had been victorious And yet at what a cost for among the oth- ers found with his face to the foe and a tiny bow In his hand lay the pride of the chlefWauneeC- arelully the body was lifted and brought back to camp where for three days and three nights he and the others were mourned Even the old chief shed tears perhaps the first In his life and In his Indian tongue vowed that up from the heart of the little boy should spring a flower which would spread all over the west and prove to the Arapahoes that the race of tneI Ogallalas was immortal Then they burled the little India boy digging a deep grave by my side and over the mound they heaped rochI brought from the banks ot the ¬ hide leagues a1ayI Summer passed fall waned and the plains were covered with a mantle of snow Under the snow slept the lIWeI red boy Then spring came and south wind melted the snow I watched and one day saw a green leaf coming out of the little red boys grave Day by day It grew and then I saw a bud forming and I was so pleased that I dampened the grave with dew AnothI er day passed and the bud the first wild oxeyed daisy had IU birth Still another season passed and spring came and the little oxeyed dai ¬ sies scattered farther and farther from the little red boys sraveThey crept up hill and down dales far out on the plain and now you can find them growing everywhere but as the old chief said they would they all sprang from the heart of the little red boyEugene O Mayfield In Chicago RecordHerald Funniest Kind of a Party Hero is an amusing idea for a chil ¬ drens party an Idea too which may bo carried out with a very trifling out ¬ lay Invite the young people to a sheet and pillow case ball To convert these Into wearing apparel suited to tho oc- casion presents some difficulty for they are not to be cut In any way Two girls pretty children of about 16 attending such a party showed a good deal ot Ingenuity In arranging their costumes one going as a Japanese with chrysanthemums at either side atI her head tho other appearing as apI Arab The ball was a great success and a wonderful amount ot variety was shown in the costumes Englands Gold Supply England receives every month about 5000000 worth of new gold from Africa and about 7000000 worth from Aus tralia Bost Cough Modlclno for Chll dron When you buy a coughmedicine for children you want one in which you can place implicit confidence You want ono that not only relieves but cures You want one that is un- questionably ¬ harmless You want one that is pleasant to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets all of these conditions There is nothing so good for the coughs and colds incident to preI cough when it is given It has been used in many epidemics of that dia M ease with perfect success For sale G by S E Welch Jr Drug- gistFarmers National Bank r Richmond Ky Cftpltalaad lurplWl 180000 We solicit your patronage JAMES BENNETT Pro j S S PARKES Cashiir Robbod the Gravo A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as fol ¬ lowsIII was in an awful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes 1 sunken tongue coated pain continu ¬ ally in back and sides no appetite growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Then I was advised to use Electric Bit torsi to I my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now l a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only 60 cents guaranteed at East End Drug Cos drug store BO YEARS1 u EXPERIENCE TRADE DESIGNS MARK 11 OPVRICHTS Ac Anyone sending a sketch sod description mat 1I sickly ucerlaln our opinion u Infection Kprobablr ptentable Communion atenUn4t Patents taken thronth Mann A Co reclY8 tftetat notlct without cbanra In the Scientific JUtierican A handaomelr Illuitrated weeklr T mtt ea auon of any eclentiao journaL Term M a l rear i tour month IL Sold br all newtdealei iUNiCo JIraI1 Olllle t Newt Are You a Dyspeptic If you are a dyspeptic you owe it U yourself and your friends to get wells r Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptics friends because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach Kodol Dyspeptic Cure will not only cure dyspepsia indigestion and SOUl 5 stomach but this palatable recon ¬ structive tonic digestant strengthen the whole digestive apparatus and sweetens the life as well as the stom ¬ ach When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure tho food you eat is enjoyed II is digested assimilated and its nu ¬ trient properties appropiated by the blood and tissues Health is the result Sold by East End Drug Co J EARLY RISERS TIE MHew LITTLE nut t- rot quick rUf role MlteuMtWM Sole HtadMh TwpU Uv r Jaw i dlot Dizziness sad all IroublM sits lag from an laaMiv orlagaleh Sw owHtl UllU larly Risen an ua 4 iAJI 4- TK y set promptly aa4 a w fit Tasy art to dainty that U U a pluan- N taka thom OM to two MI u a mlU laaatlv i two er four ut u a t tauMut and Muriv MtharMo TMr are partly v fUM and abMlut 4r ktfmlM They tech tM liver TtWKAUtCiltBmTTM rsau ee ls flw s III Ce Cks t A Cure for Headache Any man woman or childsuffering from headache billiousness or n dull drowsy feeling should take oneor two of DeWitts Litte Early Risers nightI and morning These famous little pills are famous because they are a tonic as well as a pill While they claenso the system they strengthen and rebuild it by their tonio effect upon the liver and bowels Sold by East End Drug Co I rw H

teW14il Bost Modlclno Chll I iSTATE ENDS IJSenatcThenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0trk4c/data/1129.pdf · 2013. 6. 15. · I tetFtlit GtttlMttllMMielf teW14il I iSTATE ODDS AND ENDS Dg 1

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Page 1: teW14il Bost Modlclno Chll I iSTATE ENDS IJSenatcThenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0trk4c/data/1129.pdf · 2013. 6. 15. · I tetFtlit GtttlMttllMMielf teW14il I iSTATE ODDS AND ENDS Dg 1

I tetFtlit GtttlMttllMMielf teW14il

I iSTATE ODDS AND ENDSDg 1 99 J ig 9999 p1 9 D39JiW 99i19i IDJ 19119ig ADJA9TpQ


They Are Entitled to a Fortune ofAbout 1500000

San Frnnclsco April 22WIicSamuel David oiled on Allrll 5 In Ianohospltnlhero was no ono at his belluldo who dreamed that tho soptuagonarlan had an estate of > 1COO000 Helived In ono room at No 408 California

5street Ills most Intlmato friendwore Jullu Ibis and Attornoy J KCowdrey Davis left a will In his owahandwriting executed In February1896 It does not contain tho name ofa slnglo devisee or dispose of any ofhis efltato and simply names HHi anexecutor Tho estate IB worth 1500000 and the only relatives ot tho testa ¬

tor aro Jane Davis a ulster Mrs Mary Stone his niece and Henry W Davis a nephew all living In Churchvllle Ky


Harry Welman Seriously Injured WhilePlaying Ball

Lexington Ky April 23State collego defeated University of Cincinnati4 to 0 lu tho closest baseball gameBeen hero this season All tho runsworo made In the eighth Inning HarryWelman nhorUtop for Cincinnati wasseriously Injured In tho eighth InningHo wan trying to reach homo when hishead struck the ground and ho winknocked unconscious He will recoverbut was In bad shapo Friday night


New York Capitalists Acquire a DIgTract In Knott and Perry Counties

Mount Sterling Ky April 3NfvYork capitalists have purchasedthrough C B Smith real estate dealSer 61000 acre of fine timber land InKnott and Perry counties for 1525 pernero Mr Smith has gono to NewYork to close tho deal A largo planIng and saw mill will be erected on thoproperty as well as a barrel and staveplant

Train Wrecked the StationLoltchfleld Ky April 2The 1111

nols Central railroad station at thinplace was wrecked by a freight trainthat was switching Four cars putbeyond control and crashed Into thostation wrecking tho freight roomoOlco and passenger room Severalpersons were Inside at the time butescaped Injury

Sleighs For April WeddingOwonsboro Ky April 2tSnow

fell eight Inches deep Wednesday Pater W Manning a prominent railroadmAn and Mss Mattlo Thomas wcromarried and tho order for carriageswas countermanded and sleighs subHtltutcd aa a novelty for an April wedding

Four Men Killed In a MineSomerset Ky April 22An explo

iilon occurred at tho Stearns MintsCoal Co at Stearns several miles be ¬

low here on the Cincinnati Southernrailroad In which four colored moowore killed and several others InjuredOnly meager details ate obtainable atthis time

English Lad Will Not StartLouisville Ky April 22t dont

think I shall start English Lad In trioDerby here said Trainer Billy Phil ¬

lips Thursday morning nt ChurchillDowns I shall undoubtedly send himto the poet during tho meeting buttho chances aro that It will not be Inthe Derby

She Played the RacesPaducab Iy April 23Mrs Jessie

13 Lynn a wotl crossed and beautifulwoman was arrested Friday on thecharge of stealing a 1100 brooch froma private boardinghouse She sayshor homo Is near Louisville Ky Sheadmits playing tho races recently atMemphis

Child Gored By a BullLexington Ky April nHenry

Rush jr aged four years while playIng In a vacant lot on Seventh strootwas gored by a savage bull and onlyfor the prompt arrival ot Mrs JamesNickerson tho child would undoubted ¬

ly havo lost his life-

Prescbyterians MeetOwen boro Ky April 21Iho

Muhlonbcrg presbytery ot the Presby¬

tartan church representing all thochurches In the western halt of thostate Is In session here Tho openingsermon was preached by Roy B FBoll of Oroonvlllo

Fruit Killed In Hart CountyMunfordvlllo Iy April 23The

thermometer registered 17 degreesabove zero Thursday morning Thefruit Is all killed and fruit trees andUmber greatly damaged by the freezeThe snow still covers tho ground but

pIs molting rapidly-

Accidentally Killed By His BrotherOlive lull Ky April 28 Chester

Tabor 10 was accidentally shot ande killed by his brother Harry Tabor

who was playing with a rovolvor whenIt was accidentally discharged tho bul ¬

let striking the younger boy In the ab ¬


Taken to the PenitentiaryBowling Green Ky April 20John

Campbell who was convicted of mur¬

i der at the recent term of tho Warrencircuit court and sentenced to lit Im ¬

iprlsonment was taken to the bruab> penitentiary at Ilalp-




Shot While Fleeing From a Posse ofOfficers

Mldlesboro Ky April 21At Cumbcrland Gap Wednesday one man wakilled and another seriously woundedIn a fight following an attempted ar ¬

rest Silas Ismon and John Wrightwore sefen to Jump from a train withsacks supposed to bo booty and makefor the mountains 8 A Williams leda posse and catching up with the menwas met by a volley ot shots none ofwhich took effect Ho returned tholire with a shotgun fatally woundingWright and shooting Israan In thearm


A Want Ad Inserted For Fun Leadto a Marriage

Franklin Ky April 21 BerthaDunn daughter of a well to do farmerand Kugeno Zimmerman a locomotiveengineer of Peoria 111 woreIn this city Somo time In JanuarMiss Dunn for fun Inserted an ad ¬

vertisement for a husband In a Detroitnewspaper She received 58 repliesZimmerman being ono of her correspondents The couple had never seeeach other until a tow hours before tinceremony was performed

A Deserter ArrestedMidway Ky April 23Clty Mar

shal Edward Stephens of tills placeleft for Fort Thomas In charge ofThomas A Lanier a deserter from thoUnited States army Lanier desertedfrom his post at Fortress Monroe andbelonged to Company 41 ot tho coastRrtllleryiHowards Sentence Affirmed

Frankfort Ky April 3The Judgment of tho Franklin circuit court sen ¬

tencing Jim toward to life Imprison ¬

fment for the murder of William Goobol was affirmed by tho appellate courtFriday Judge Settle delivering theopinion and Judge Burnam and OReardissenting

Town Faces Double DangerIOwlngsvllle Ky April 22

from Salt Lick nine miles east of heroIsay that a magazine containing about400 quarts of nitroglycerin has btcnisurrounded by forest fires anddanger of explosion Salt Lick Is atown of about GOO Inhabitants I

Options on Land For TermlnallILexington Ky Aprilwero obtalned by tho Lexington eEastern Railway Co and tho Chesspeolco Ohio upon property adjacentto their terminal In this city Theprice to bo paid Is J 3500 The Palace Hotel Is

Robert IncludedICovington Ky April 21Robert

Brown uxpollccman convicted ot volunlnry manslaughter for killing DepuIIJhard labor by Judge Shaw In tho circult court

Frightful Double TragedyIBurkeavlllo Ky April 21A report

from Cumberland county Tennesseesays that Ben Harris aged 90 formerly of this place was beaten to deatbIwith a club by a 10yearold boy andthat tho latter was subsequently killedIby a pursuing posse

Miss Castleman WeddedLouisville Ky April 21Miss Epee

CasUeman and Charles Elmer Baileyot Lexington were married Wednes ¬

day evening In the homo of the bridesparents Gen and Mrs John B Castleman in tho presence ot a small gathIBring of relatives and close

Covered With Slush and SleetBowling Green Ky April 21A

heavy sleet foil Wednesday morningand the ground was covered with slushand sleet two Inches deep The temperaturo was two degrees below freez ¬

ing Horticulturists say this finishesthe fruit crop

Wife Seek FreedomNewport Ky April 23Mrs George

W Rosier lied suit In tho circuit courthero Friday for a divorce from herhusband They wero married In Owencounty Ky July 9 1893 and she saysRosier abandoned her April 12 1902They have four children

Gold Discovered In Union CountySturgis Ky April 21I P Oil

chrlst of Sullivan has received certifi ¬

cato ot assay from Sonora Cal show-Ing


that he has discovered on his farmbore Iron pyrites carrying to tho tongold ot tho value of 3SG

Tollgate Keeper DeadCovington Ky April 3Mrs Ja

cob Northcutt 72 who for years hadcharge ot a tollgato on tho Indepondonce pike and who is known by allpersons traveling tho plko died at her i

late homo of pneumonia

Robards Tobacco Plant SoldHenderson Ky April 23Tho Ro

bards Tobacco Ooo plant was sold un ¬

dor orders of J A Dean referee Inbankruptcy It was bid in by Carl PSchlamp president of tho George Delher Co The consideration was 11000

Suits For Back TaxesEllzabethtown Ky April 23Sixty

two suits have been filed In the countycourt by tho auditors agent on mort¬

gages notes otc which wore not listfed on the sMossors book On somothem taxes ftro duo for several years


Regular Session

Washington April IJSenatcTheQuestion of additional accommodationsIn tho way of office and committeerooms occupied the attention of thesenate tho greater part of the dayThe subject arose in connection withthe provisions In tho sundry civil ap ¬

propriation hill ono for an extensionof the cast front of tho capitol buildIng In accordance with sketches leftby Architect Walters and the otherfor an outsldo senate office and com¬

buildings a debate extendingthrough tho entire session of thohouso Tuesday passed the bill provld ¬

ing for joint statehood of Oklahomaand Indian territory under tho nameOklahoma and of Arizona and of NewMoxlco under the namo of ArizonaThe vote was 147 to 102 In discussingthe rule which had been reported bythe committee on rules providing forImmediate consideration of tho billMr Williams tho minority leader doclared that no republican bad any Ideathat the bill would become a law atthis session Delegate Wilson of AriBona opposed the bill It was favoredby Delegates Rodey ot New Mexicoand McGuire of Oklahoma

Washington April 21SenateThesenate Wednesday listened to a setspeech of almost two hours durationon the trusts by Mr Dolliver and aft¬

erwards completed consideration ofthe sundry civil appropriation billproy¬

front of tho capitol and for an addi ¬

tional office building for tho senateThe office building amendment wasagreed to as reported from the com ¬paragraphnwas so modified as practically to provide for plans only tho appropriationbeing reduced to J7COOO

HouseTho house after an extend ¬

ed debate sent tho naval appropriationbill back to conference the only die ¬

puted senate amendment accepted being that providing for tho constructionIn navy yards of two colliers A billproviding for allotment of the lands oftho New York Indians was passed un ¬

der a resolution of tho committee onrules for Its Immediate consideration

22SenatoThoItho emergency river and hector ap ¬

propriation bill which carries 3000000 wore passed Thursday by the sen ¬

ate leaving only the general deficiencyand tho military academy bills of thoentire list of supply measures stillThoitojcbarborIGorman sharply criticised tho failureto bring In a general river and harborbill Speeches were made on tho penSsion bill by Messrs McCuraber andScott the latter declaring that ho fa ¬

vored a service pension of Uti permonthIlouaeThe house Thursday gaveevidence of approaching adjournmentby passing a largo number of billsamong them being ono to provide ntemporary government for tho Panamacanal zone A rulo was adopted afterthe democrats had forced a roll callfor the consideration nt any time oftho bill creating a commission to In-


tho merchant marine of thoUnited States and tho bill was thenlaid aside

Washington April 23SenateThe-general deficiency appropriation bill

tho ot sen ¬tajkonlength on tho tariff policy nt the re¬

publican party While the reading ofthe deficiency bill was In progress MrCullom delivered a speech on tho Chi ¬

nose exclusion rider Ho expressedtho opinion that there should be ex ¬

pllclt legislation reenacting existingexclusion laws but opposed tho re¬

maining portion of the houso provisionand moved to strike It out Duringthe day the attention of the senate wasbrought to tho amendment of thehouso to the bill for the government

embllrmsslmentot tho senate In place of Mr Morganwho IB the senior democratic member

the committee on Interoceanic canals with tho result that both sena¬

tore declined to servoHouse Tho chip subsidy bill was

considered In tho house Friday Con-sideration of the Alaskan delegatequestion was resumed after havingbeen sidetracked several days

Heavy Fighting Rumors UnconfirmedSeoul April 23Rumors concerning

heavy fighting on tho Yalu river arestill unconfirmed Beyond admissionsconcerning constant skirmishing noth-Ing


Is obtainable from the military nu ¬

thorities here A vaguo Idea prevailsthat a frontal attack la Imminent

Boilermakers StrikeNow Haven Ct April 23Two bun ¬

dred boilermakers employed In tho lo ¬

cal shops of tho Now York New HavenHartford railroad went on strike asthe result of too companys refusal togrant them a ninehour day and a 16per cent Increase

Indicted For MurderOran Mo April 23Intha final ro

port of the Scott county grand jurysubmitted Indictments were returnedagainst Dr Warren Smith and MrsLydia Miller charging thorn with bayag murdered Mrs Millers husband

Henry Miller

Bill to Amend Postal LawsWashington April 23Representa ¬

the Thomas of North Carolina intro-duced a bill amending tho postal lawsby providing that one copy each of allnewspapers or publications of tho seC-ond class may be sent through themalls free to actual subscribers

Substitute For Chinese Exclusion BillWashington April 23Senator Tel-


Friday introduced a substltuto forthe Chinese exclusion provision of the

deficiency bill The substituteamends tho law of 1902 so as to makeIt indouendent of treaty obligations


Papas comings Little GraceHum to hide her baby faceShall It be behind the doorNo he found her there beforeNor within the curtains tareHe would surely and her therepreue4JlMdliesPlainNow ho1 9 talking In the hall

Wheres my baby hear him callWhere li papa little GraceplnceJNo shes not there any more

Is she underneath the chairDear menoeheo lint thereItabjr KlKKici In surprisePapa turns to where she liesplacesOhrhymeIGood Housekeeping


An Odd Animal Friendship WhichLed to All Sorts of Trouble

and Mischief

A lady who has a large estate inBrookline Mass tells an amusing storyof an odd friendship between two ani ¬

mals that lived on the place The cowhad been a resident for over two yearswhen a pig was added to the stablequarters¬

grassContraryseemed very uneasy feeding a little andthen uttering a serious of mournful bel ¬

lows like a cow deprived of her calfThe pig in the stable too kept up aseries of shrill squeals

Disturbed by the noise the lady sentfor the stableman to ask what was thetrouble

Sure maam I dunno said he Thecow do eeem most unhappy An the pigtoo

Put the cow back In the stable thelady said I cannot endure such noise

This was done and quiet prevailed forthe rest of that day The followingmorning the cow was again turned outThe lamentations began again AgainAaa the cow returned to the stable andthence reigned The third day thetableman quieted the tumult by puttingpiggy out In the field too Both animalsfed In peace and quiet And since thepig did good to the orchard rather thanharm by his rooting he was allowed thefreedom of the field with the cow

If the pig got a fewrods away from hisfriend he would throw up his snout andsqueal his loudest and then seamperbark to Net as fast as hl81egshould-carry him When they slept the pig laybeside the cow Their affection was mu ¬

tualThe friendship continued In this wiseuntil spring when the cow had a calfShe had then small Interest In herfriend the pig and he poor creaturewas consumed with jealousy He rootedthe boards of his pen so persistently thathe broke it down and got in with thecow Then he rooted and bit the calfviciously The maternal wrath of thecow was roused and there was troubleIn the stable The cow was hooking andtrampling and the pig was rooting andbiting cow and calf Indiscriminately

The stableman went to the rescue Hedrove the pig back into his own quartersand repaired the pen Piggy sulked fortwo days refusing to eat and then hoapparently recovered his spirits and ac-

cepted the new conditions At timesduring the summer however he turnedjealous and rooted viciously at the divid ¬

ing boards and squealed forth his hurtfeelingsWhether

the cow and pig would haveresumed their former friendly relationscannot bo told for the luckless porkerbeing now In good condition went theway of his kindYoutha Companion


Vegetable Freak Found In CaliforniaDears Fairly Good Resemblance

to an Owl

Out In California they grow vegeta-bles


which frequently bear a remark¬

able resemblance to birds and beastsSome time ago we published a picture


of a mammoth beet which had curious ¬

ly enough assumed the form of aneagle including beak eyes and oventalons This photograph as will beseen Is a fairly good likeness ot an owlbut it Is really another beet of what IB

known as the Yellow Tankard varietyand was grown by a farmer In LosAngeles county Recognizing Its resem-blance


to a bird ho completed It byplacing buttons In its head to repre-sent


eyes then tied a ribbon around itsneck and placed it on exhibition NY Herald


Old Cottonwood Tree Tells a LittleWhite Boy of the Birth of

the Oxeyed Daisy

OB the western prairies far fromothers of its kind stands an old cottonwood tree where It hiss stood for

tIl8SIOUXjbuttheir faces with carmine j

Near the old tree a little village hassprung up peopled In partbrightfaced boys and girls who withItho ancient landmark asdid the red men

Up Into the branches climbed oneday a little darkhaired boy with eyeslarge and round-



wish youd tell me a story saidthe little boy to the old tree for theywere fast friends

The old tree loved the little boy andthis Is the story It told

I see you hold In your band a bunchof oxeyed daisies It began Theyremind me of their birth which hap ¬

pened here on the plains many yearsago I am very old you know Justhow old not even the red men can tellOut under my shade these wild chil ¬

dren of the west used to gather andhold councils of war and smoke thepipe of peace I was always glad whenthey smoked the pipe of peace becausethere was to be no war but I shudder ¬

ed when they painted their faces anddipped their arrows In new made poi ¬

son for I knew the wall of the wound ¬

ed would be brought to my ears bythewindsOne

there was a great camp i

of Ogallalas around tho range of sand


dunes back of you They were a peace-able and happy lot until one day themedicine man warned thsm they mustIgo out to fight the Arapaboes or allthe wild game would be killed ordriven away from the hunting grounds

All that night the south windbrought me sounds of bustle and hur¬

ry and next morning Juat at break otday I looked out and Saw the warriorsgoing away The moaning of thesquaws the walls of the children anftime howls of the dogs foretold grief

Half the day passed and then littleWaunee the favorite son ot the chiefwas missed tie had followed his fath ¬

er Again the moaning and wallingwas resumed for It was feared littleWaunee would never come back alive

Next day there was a terrible bat¬

tie and many Indians were slain butthe Ogallalas had been victorious Andyet at what a cost for among the oth-ers found with his face to the foe anda tiny bow In his hand lay the prideof the chlefWauneeC-

arelully the body was lifted andbrought back to camp where for threedays and three nights he and the otherswere mourned Even the old chiefshed tears perhaps the first In his lifeand In his Indian tongue vowed thatup from the heart of the little boyshould spring a flower which wouldspread all over the west and prove tothe Arapahoes that the race of tneIOgallalas was immortal

Then they burled the little Indiaboy digging a deep grave by my sideand over the mound they heaped rochIbrought from the banks ot the ¬

hide leagues a1ayISummer passed fall waned and theplains were covered with a mantle ofsnow Under the snow slept the lIWeIred boy Then spring came andsouth wind melted the snow I watchedand one day saw a green leaf comingout of the little red boys grave Dayby day It grew and then I saw a budforming and I was so pleased that Idampened the grave with dew AnothIer day passed and the budthe first wild oxeyed daisy had IUbirth

Still another season passed andspring came and the little oxeyed dai ¬

sies scattered farther and farther fromthe little red boys sraveTheycrept up hill and down dales far outon the plain and now you can findthem growing everywhere but as theold chief said they would they allsprang from the heart of the little redboyEugene O Mayfield In ChicagoRecordHerald

Funniest Kind of a PartyHero is an amusing idea for a chil ¬

drens party an Idea too which maybo carried out with a very trifling out ¬

lay Invite the young people to a sheetand pillow case ball To convert theseInto wearing apparel suited to tho oc-

casion presents some difficulty forthey are not to be cut In any wayTwo girls pretty children of about 16attending such a party showed a gooddeal ot Ingenuity In arranging theircostumes one going as a Japanesewith chrysanthemums at either side atIher head tho other appearing as apIArab The ball was a great successand a wonderful amount ot variety wasshown in the costumes

Englands Gold SupplyEngland receives every month about

5000000 worth of new gold from Africaand about 7000000 worth from Australia

Bost Cough Modlclno for Chlldron

When you buy a coughmedicinefor children you want one in whichyou can place implicit confidenceYou want ono that not only relievesbut cures You want one that is un-questionably


harmless You want onethat is pleasant to take ChamberlainsCough Remedy meets all of theseconditions There is nothing so goodfor the coughs and colds incident topreIcough when it is given It has beenused in many epidemics of that dia M

ease with perfect success For sale G

by S E Welch Jr Drug-


National Bank r

Richmond Ky

CftpltalaadlurplWl 180000

We solicit your patronage


S S PARKES Cashiir

Robbod the GravoA startling incident is narrated by

John Oliver of Philadelphia as fol ¬

lowsIII was in an awful conditionMy skin was almost yellow eyes


sunken tongue coated pain continu ¬

ally in back and sides no appetitegrowing weaker day by day Threephysicians had given me up Then Iwas advised to use Electric Bittorsi to I

my great joy the first bottle made adecided improvement I continuedtheir use for three weeks and am now l

a well man I know they robbed thegrave of another victim No oneshould fail to try them Only 60cents guaranteed at East End DrugCos drug store




OPVRICHTS AcAnyone sending a sketch sod description mat

1I sickly ucerlaln our opinion uInfection Kprobablr ptentable CommunionatenUn4tPatents taken thronth Mann A Co reclY8tftetat notlct without cbanra In the

Scientific JUtiericanA handaomelr Illuitrated weeklr T mttea auon of any eclentiao journaL Term M a lrear i tour month IL Sold br all newtdealei

iUNiCoJIraI1 Olllle t Newt

Are You a DyspepticIf you are a dyspeptic you owe it U

yourself and your friends to get wells r

Dyspepsia annoys the dyspepticsfriends because his disease sours hisdisposition as well as his stomachKodol Dyspeptic Cure will not onlycure dyspepsia indigestion and SOUl 5

stomach but this palatable recon ¬

structive tonic digestant strengthenthe whole digestive apparatus andsweetens the life as well as the stom ¬

ach When you take Kodol DyspepsiaCure tho food you eat is enjoyed IIis digested assimilated and its nu ¬

trient properties appropiated by theblood and tissues Health is the resultSold by East End Drug Co




rot quick rUf role MlteuMtWM

Sole HtadMh TwpU Uv r Jaw i

dlot Dizziness sad all IroublM sitslag from an laaMiv orlagaleh SwowHtl UllU larly Risen an ua

4 iAJI 4-

TK y set promptly aa4 a w fitTasy art to dainty that U U a pluan-N taka thom OM to two MI u amlU laaatlv i two er four ut u a t

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TtWKAUtCiltBmTTMrsau ee

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A Cure for HeadacheAny man woman or childsuffering

from headache billiousness or n dulldrowsy feeling should take oneor twoof DeWitts Litte Early Risers nightIand morning These famous little pillsare famous because they are a tonicas well as a pill While they claenso thesystem they strengthen and rebuild itby their tonio effect upon the liverand bowels Sold by East End DrugCo

