Texas San Antonio Nation Pabst Neg Wichita Round6 (2)

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  • 8/9/2019 Texas San Antonio Nation Pabst Neg Wichita Round6 (2)


    We must integrate the authors pedagogy before we can debate this

    The tradition evola wants us to fall back into are the ancestors of what we know asthe arayn race Evola explains two paragraphs after their second card

    (Evola 34, Julius, Italian writer and esotericist, Regality, Revolt Against the Modern World, ch 2)

    The Indo-Aryan civilization exempli es one of die most thorough applications of theforegoing principles! In this civilization" the brahmana caste was not at the top ofthe social hierarchy by virtue of its material strength or its wealth" or even of itspara-ecclesiastical organization# only the sacri cial rite" which was its privilege" de-termined its higher status vis-a-vis other castes! $y permeating those whoperformed them with some kind of dreadful and bene cial psychic power" the riteand the sacri- ce allowed the brahmana to partake of the same nature as theevoked powers# not only would this %uality abide in that person forever" making himdirectly superior to and revered and feared by others" but it would also be

    transmitted to his descendants! &aving entered into the bloodstream as some sortof transcendent legacy" this %uality would become the characteristic feature of arace that is activated in individuals by the rite of initiation" ' The dignity of a castewas determined both by the di(culty and by the usefulness of the functions itexercised! $ecause of the abovementioned pre- suppositions" in the world of

    Tradition nothing was cherished more than the spiritual in)uences that the rite couldactivate through its necessitating action# nothing appeared as di(cult as enteringinto a real and active relationship with the invisible forces that were ready toovercome the imprudent person who dared to confront them without pos- sessingthe necessary %uali cations and knowledge! *or this reason the brahmana caste"despite the fact that it was scattered throughout India" could evince the respect of

    the masses and en+oy a prestige that no tyrant ever en+oyed" no matter how wellaimed!

    Then when they talk about modern imperialism- Evola is talking about humanity,snature need to produce new ways of thinking about the world and interacting withthe world with science and technology Evola argues these forms of imperialism arebad because they obscure humanity,s understanding of tradition and thesupremacy of the traditional way of living by the aryan,s-This is starts immideintlyafter they cut their rd piece of evidence

    (Evola 34, Julius, Italian writer and esotericist, Unrealism and Individualism, Revolt Against theModern World, ch. 34)

    In general" modern man has looked at the shift from a .civilization of being. to a.civilization of becoming. as a real step forward! '' The valorization of the purelytemporal aspect of reality in the name of history /hence historicism0 has been oneof the conse%uences of this shift! 1nce contact with the origins was lost theinde nite" senseless" and accelerated motion of what has rightly been called an

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    .escape for- ward. in the name of evolution and progress has become the mainfeature of modern civilization! 2uite frankly" t he germs of this superstitiousmythology applied to time may be found in 3udeo-4hristian eschatology and5essianism as well as in early 4atholic apologetics" which valorized the .novelty. ofthe 4hristian revelation so much so that in Ambrose6s polemics against the 7oman

    tradition we can nd an early formulation of the theory of progress! The.rediscovery of man. promoted by the 7enaissance represented a fertile habitat forthe growth of those germs" up to the period of the Enlightenment and scientism!Ever since then the impressive develop- ment of the sciences of nature andtechnology" as well as of inventions" has acted like opium" distracting man6s mindand preventing him from perceiving the underly- ing and essential meaning of theentire movement8 the abandonment of being and dissolution of any centrality inman" and his identi cation with the current of becom- ing" which has becomestronger than him ! And when the fantastic ideas of die coars- est kind ofprogressivism are at risk of being unmasked" the new religions of life and the .elanvital". as well as .*austian. activity and myth" make their appearance and becomenew intellectual .drugs. that ensure that the movement may not be interrupted butspurred on" so that it may ac%uire a meaning in itself" both for man and forexistence in general!

    And, Just as Wilderson claims civil society is founded uponAnti-blackness- Evola argues modern civil society is foundedon the jews aim to destroy the traditional modern civili ationEco 9 :;mberto Eco social commentator on Italian The

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    4eltic kind! If proof were needed" it is that the doctrinal sources are always thesame8 it is enough to visit certain racist websites" or to follow anti-Dionistpropaganda in the Arab countries" to see that anti-semites have still found nothingbetter to do than to recycle" yet again" those ludicrous There is no alternative Only a return to Tradition,of rite as t he axis o f life, has t he potential to solve modernity's m aterialist focus

    Let me read a line out of this e vidence

    What is really needed is a total catharsis and a radical . housecleaning . capableof liberating man from his false .self". the things he takes pride in" his works" hopes"and fears!

    Evolas work was adopted not by one but !wo "acist #tates- tolegitimi e Anti-semitic policies- Evola became a member of the## and worked with a special unit hunting "ree $asons%esponsible for the &eath of '(,((( people-as if that wasntenough he was charged with creating a na i guerrilla army to)ght the allied forces in WW* that later evolved into terroristorgani ations in +taly all directly tied to by his scholarship onembracing the tradition the a forefrontsFennedy 9 :William &! Fennedy 5odernism Expert= >7evolting 3ulius Evola and the$lood Axis *ascists 3ulius Evola as azi and ardent anti-semite

    Evola did not remain idle during the 1930s and produced an Italian version of German NaziRace Theor in !hich he proffered the ideal of an "#r an$Roman race defined % a strong socialhierarch and a volatile anti$&emitism' (ussolini adopted Evolas racial guidelines as the official

    polic of the Italian )ascist &tate in 193* ! : = 7ene @uenon was a religious philosopher who contended thatall of the great spiritual belief systems of the World emanated from a single Transcendental source and that thema+or *aiths were merely diGerent expressions of the same metaphysical order! Along with this contention came@uHnon,s harsh criti%ue of the modern world which he believed had degenerated from ivine 7evelation andauthentic spiritual civilization! @uenon,s co-worker in this perspective was art historian and philosopher Ananda F 4oomaraswamy longtime curator of the Asian collection at the $oston 5useum of *ine Arts! 4oomaraswamy shared@uenon,s belief in a transcendent unity of religion and was e%ually critical of modernity which he believed hadcorroded authentic spiritual revelation as it found expression in various civilizations! @uenon and 4oomaraswamy

    produced a plethora of books and articles which expressed their perspective! )eeling under valued in hisnative Ital + Evola sought political and ideological refuge in ,itlers Nazi German ' #s a meansto appease his ne! masters Evola re!or-ed his political theor with his 'J 9 essay Against the eo-

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    ,immler and a recentl li%erated (ussolini+ t he .aron !as a!arded a top level appointment tothe && and !as assigned t!o important functions ! &ead%uartered in Kienna" Evola !or-ed translating)reemasonic documents seized % the Gestapo from various temples !hich !ere raided % the&&! :L= The )reemasons !ere a ma/or target + along !ith e!s and 4ommunists+ of ,itlers !rath !Ceeing this fraternity as a threat to their power &itler and &immler persecuted 5asons and over 80,000 were

    sent to Concentration Camps with many being gassed ! When the Allies began to overtake Austria the@estapo destroyed a great many of their documents! 4onse%uently" there is no way of knowing the extent of Evola,s collaboration with the actual internment and execution of 5asons but it is not unreasonable to conclude thathe must have had detailed knowledge of the persecution of this fraternity! Evola !as also hostile to e!sduring the 2ar !riting that the assassination of Romanian )ascist leader 4orneliu 4odreanu !asthe !or- of the " udaic ,orde and that the possi%le 4ommunist ta-e over of Romania !as "thefithiest t rann + the talmudic+ Israelite t rann !, :M= espite the fact that contemporary Evolians claim thatEvola had friends who were 5asons and 3ews does not detract from the fact that the $aron had a shadowy hand intheir persecution during the War! Evola,s contemporary defender r! &ansen noted that Evola was evasive about hiswartime work stating8 >As we have already reported" at least in the later war years Evola lived in Kienna whileprobably going through the archives of various secret societies! &is exact intentions are not known" since he never

    wanted to talk about them!? :N= Evolas second !artime function !as even more sinister' 2or-ing!ith fascist leaders throughout 4entral Europe Evola performed liaison services for the &&see-ing to recruit a pan European arm !hich !ould operate under the 2affen && to e5pel theinvading #llied armies' :O= Evola worked as a recruiter for &immler,s CC in a last ditch eGort to save the 7eichfrom Allied invasion! In this regard Evola was a pawn of the CC in that leading @estapo o(cers saw the war was lostand sought to fend oG the Allies as long as possible as to plan their escape from Europe! As the 7ussian Armyentered the outskirts of $erlin " it was the non-@erman CC P called the Begion of 4harlemagne P who defended the*Qhrer to the bloody end! At this +uncture many leading CC o(cers had )ed Europe and avoided prosecution for war

    crimes! Near the !ars end Evola was caught in an Allied bombing raid and lost the use of both of his legs andwas wheelchair bound for the rest of his life! The .aron returned to Rome a %ro-en man %oth in %odand spirit' 2ith most of the #ustrian && documents destro ed the International (ilitar Tri%unalnever !ent after Evola for prosecution !hich turned out to %e a fatal mista-e' As will be

    demonstrated" Evola %ecame em%ittered and %egan to encourage post !ar neo$fascists to underta-eacts of terrorism until his death in 196 ! uring the war years 7ene @uenon lived %uietly in 4airo writing andediting his essays and books! There is no evidence that he was aware of Evola,s vile activity during the War! Eventhough the two remained in contact and Evola even published articles by the *renchman in the newspaper hefounded in the post war years" it was highly unlikely that @uenon knew of Evola,s strong fascist ties! There is nodocumentary evidence :letters" +ournal entries= that re)ects the possibility that @uenon was aware" in any way"shape or form that Evola was such a high level CC recruiter! As &ansen noted Evola +ust did not like to discuss hiswartime work and intentions! 4onse%uently" this frees @uenon from the charge of fascist sympathies and isolatesEvola from the Traditionalist perspective as espoused by @uenon and 4oomaraswamy! or did @uenon or4oomaraswamy share Evola,s enthusiasm for a revival of 7oman Imperial

  • 8/9/2019 Texas San Antonio Nation Pabst Neg Wichita Round6 (2)


    political theory was a degenerate product of the modern world and did not re)ect the Traditional order! @uenonendorsed the book and conse%uently must have accepted 4oomaraswamy,s re+ection of Evola! The fact that@uenon remained in contact with Evola after the war only re)ects @uenon,s continued belief that Evola wasredeemable and worth having as a possible Italian representative of the Traditionalist school! If @uenon had beenaware of Evola,s wartime activities it is unlikely the *renchman would have continued his friendship with the $aron!After @uenon,s premature death in 'JL' Evola became the de facto representative of the Italian Traditionalist

    school! 4oomaraswamy had died in 'J N so there was no one to dispute Evola,s claim! With the advent of the 4oldWar Evola,s memory %uickly faded from public consciousness especially after he was ac%uitted of inspiring neo-fascist parties in his famous trial held in 7ome during 'JL'! Evola,s 7eal Begacy8 eo- *ascist Terrorism 1n August9" 'JOR at 'R89L A5 a timed bomb exploded at $ologna central railway station killing OL people and in+uring over9RR others! The explosive was planted by operatives of Italian neo-fascist leaders who were directly inspired by

    3ulius Evola! As Italian authorities %uestioned possible suspects Evola,s writings kept popping up in police

    interrogations as being the ideological +usti cation for the explosion! :J= Evolas connection to internationalterrorism can %e traced to the earl 1970s !hen he %egan to call for violent action against the

    post !ar authorities' This fact has %een confirmed % Guiliani &alierni an Italian neo$fascist !horecalled Evolas violent suggestions !hile &alierni !as a oung mem%er of a right !ing Italiangroup !ho regularl sought the .aron as a spea-er' 810 #driano Romauldi : a ma/or leader of a

    neo$)ascist part : claimed in 1961 that Evola !as the intellectual hero of the militant right !ingin Ital %ecause of the .arons call for a polic of "total !ar against the Esta%lishment ' Italianneo$fascist terrorists such as )ranco )reda and (ario Tuti fre uentl reprinted Evolas essa s intheir propaganda tracts ' :''=

    h and if that isnt enough this fuckers work they read wasalso used by $ussolini to legitimi e his dictatorship and+mperialist war with Ethopia that killed hunderds of thousands!he thesis of your a is the pet project of one of the biggestassholes ever . /is literature justi)ed +talian colonialism and is

    anti-semetic, anti-black and misogynistic0

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    level! &ow 5ussolini reacted to such attempts to spiritualise fascism is not known!&e was probably more interested in preparing the path to attain his imperialambitions" hence the con%uest of Abyssinia and Ethiopia presented as a kind of dutyby a superior race descended from the 7omans to rule over inferior people for theirown good! 7acist +usti cation was needed and Evola obliged enthusiastically! 7acism

    became his speciality! There was race of the body" race of the soul and race of thespirit ! eedless to say" he was anti-semitic and anti black" as well as a misogynistwho relegated women to the role of procreating machines !

    !heir 2rodicts are revisionism . /is +deology directly in3uencedthe 4olonial invasion of Ethiopia and the holocaust . !his is#ome serious bullshitAl o 5ernabei " eviews Cocial and

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    'J " not 'J ! And I can6t help thinking that in citing the terrorist massacresperpetrated by some of Evola6s admirers" the number of victims should bementioned8 'N people died and OO were wounded" for instance" in the