Text Three, Lexical Units

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  • 7/31/2019 Text Three, Lexical Units


    Text Three:

    Identify the lexical units that can be categorized as Function Words in the following text.

    From text two, in the example (f) Bob and I finally received our wedding give from Michael, theanalysis should be something closer to the following explanation. Were you closer or farther


    Bob and I, Bob is stressed more than 'and I'.

    'Finally' is given the most stress here. It's an adverb.

    Received is a verb, but it's not as high as 'finally'. The stress is on 'finally', as if they've been

    waiting for it.

    In: Our wedding gift, wedding gift being a noun, from Michael, Michael also being a noun.

    These content words are just to give you an idea of what might be stressed in a sentence. There

    are always exceptions, for example, in the following sentence: (g) Now let the world come to you.

    The word 'you' was stressed in this sentence.

    You is a pronoun, which is a function word, not a content word. So it is normally not stressed in a

    sentence, but they did stress it here for emphasis. And you will find that sometimes words that

    are not content words are stressed within a sentence usually do draw attention and emphasis to

    that idea.

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