Cerficate The cerficaon body herewith cerfies that text&form GmbH Neue Grünstraße 25 10179 Berlin Germany meets the requirements in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100:2016, that the customer has established and applies a QM system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The scope of the cerficate covers: Translaon services for technical documentaon, soſtware localizaon, mulmedia localizaon, SAP translaon, SAP language consulng and terminology management. A cerficaon audit was carried out on site in order to verify that the requirements of the above standard are being met. This cerficate is valid unl 06th November, 2022 Cerficate number Z191107-01-9001-17100-0038 Date of inial cerficaon 07th November, 2019 docConsult Zerfizierung UG (haſtungsbeschränkt) Pützfelder Weg 3 53177 Bonn www.docconsult-zerfizierung.de Bonn, 15th November, 2019 Thomas Wedde Head of Cerficaon Body

text&form GmbH Neue Grünstraße 25 10179 Berlin Germany

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Page 1: text&form GmbH Neue Grünstraße 25 10179 Berlin Germany

CertificateThe certification body herewith certifies that

text&form GmbHNeue Grünstraße 25

10179 Berlin Germany

meets the requirements in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100:2016, that the customer has established

and applies a QM system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

The scope of the certificate covers:Translation services for technical documentation, software localization,

multimedia localization, SAP translation, SAP language consulting and terminology management.

A certification audit was carried out on site in order to verify that the requirements of the above standard are being met.

This certificate is valid until 06th November, 2022Certificate number Z191107-01-9001-17100-0038Date of initial certification 07th November, 2019

docConsult Zertifizierung UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Pützfelder Weg 3 – 53177 Bonn – www.docconsult-zertifizierung.de

Bonn, 15th November, 2019 Thomas Wedde Head of Certification Body