Textual Techniques

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  • 7/26/2019 Textual Techniques


    Generic Techniques

    Jargon,Technical terms specific to a subject eg legalese.

    Metaphor, Something is said to be something else eg. You are a cow.

    Contrast, Comparing things to show difference can be words, ideas, colours, themes ect.

    Oxymoron, two words placed next to each other to show contrast eg. Disorganised chaos of

    well seeming forms.

    Alliteration, Repetition of sound eg. Fun! fruit! fla"ours

    Assonance, Repetition of "owel sounds eg. Slow smooth swimming

    Imagery, description using the senses eg. taste touch sight.

    Personification,#i"ing human $ualities to something lifeless eg. the car crawled, the

    window s$ueaed.

    anthropomorphism or zoomorphism% &scribing human characteristics to something that is

    not human, such as an animal or a god

    Colloquial, Relating to con"ersation 'Con"ersational(informal)

    Formal, Conventional, opposite to collo$uial, rather self explanator!

    Onomatopoeia, Sounds lie what it refers to eg. *oom, crunch.

    eneralization,sweeping statements and opinions, not allowing for indi"idual difference.

    !motive, writing ideas or themes that create emotion.

    "milies, compare something to something else using lie or as eg. &s prett! as a picture.

    !llipsis% +mission of words not just using

    Paro#y, Conscious imitation of another word idea or text.

    "atire% -se of iron!, sarcasm, ridicule, or the lie, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding "ice,

    foll!, usuall! in a blacl! comedic fashion

    $hetorical question, & $uestion which does not re$uire a response for it is implied.

    Anticlimax% a purposeful decreasing of importance,particularl! at the end of something.

    Irony% -se of word in a wa! that con"e!s a meaning opposite to its usual meaning.

    Pun% hen a word or phrase is used in two 'or more) different senses, usuall! to create


    Innuen#o% /a"ing a hidden meaning in a sentence that maes sense whether it is detected or


  • 7/26/2019 Textual Techniques


    Higher order thinking Techniques

    !uphemism, &cceptable(mild expression for something not "er! nice eg. 0owder room

    instead of toilet.

    Juxtaposition1 se"ere contrast between ideas or words.

    Jouissance & finding pleasure, most commonl! sexuall! through literature or the ideas

    portra!ed in literature.

    Para#ox, Contradiction seemingl! false at first but is found latter to be a truth two

    conflicting ideas found in the one.

    "ym'olism,2mage used to represent an idea or something else.

    (enouement, Resolution +f plot, pla! etc.

    (iscourse, & wa! of communication usuall! in a group, institute etc.

    )yper'ole, Deliberate exaggeration for effect. eg. 3ndless waiting.

    Catalyst, the central idea or thing that acts as the starting point for the main message in a


    Accumulation%Summar! of pre"ious arguments in a forceful manner

    *autology%Redundanc! due to superfluous $ualification4 sa!ing the same thing twiceeg.

    close proximit!, hot water heater.

    Allusion% 2ndirect reference to another well5nown wor of literature or art +

    !nam'ment%*reaing of a s!ntactic unit 'a phrase, clause, or sentence) b! the end of a line

    or between two "erses. 'Dicinson does this a lot)

    Aposiopesis%*reaing off or pausing speech for dramatic or emotional effect

    commiseration% 3"oing pit! in the audience