!.-.."..'.,. •' ' , '• ." ; "- i'••'.•.'. ". • ' - , v V ° < . V •/..",'-: -„'("•"•.',•." .: 1,000 More Subscribers us the reMilt of tilt Star's great 10-wcck'campaign just completed. THE WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ Stars circlation is much e^g tlinn tliat of any olhcr State weekly^ 50TH YEAR—NUMBER 3 WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY IS, 1917 SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR OF Gi| OSTAI Agitation Starts to Force the Legislature to Act. LEGISLATQRSIFBE STORMED Time Is Itljie to Aildros Senators ami AsM-inblyiiicii In 'MiYori to "Savi*'" Hie Old Waterway. 'The Morris canal did not operate . I a n year, nnu-h to the umioyan<'-» of many persons who have been ai-cus- tomed lo receive shipments over tin; waterway in years past. The Morris canal is a public utility. It exists for tile .benefit of the people. ,lt is con- trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II. 1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern New .leru-y the canal, 'although''It has small limitations, is useful for transportation-.purposes.' Its oilleien- i-y h a s not. passed. '..•.-. Uy discontinuing activities last year, , the canal 'authorities' greatly handicapped til'- operations of busi- IH-SS men In Warren and oihernorth- t'lii ('ounties of the Srnto who h a v IWen ,'M-LMlsi'uned tit ivwive i-xieiislve shipments of eoal and 'lumber, fer-. llli/.ers and grains, and oth"t in- iriodiilcs ov.-r the <-anal route. These • business men have h:u! tomifri-r ;isi I'milt of tlie aeliou of HIM eanal'• au- thorities in di.sfontinuimr *-'-i\ic</owr tlu* public waterway. 'rhrotit;hoiit the course of th<- canal in northwestern Ww .h-rst-y there is a, strong ,demand that the waterway be opened for transportation purposes this year. Thecamil niithorllirs will nut state tliat the waterway will be put into operation. Indications are that the I..-lligh Valb-y II. II.Co. does nut intend lo opi'r i: t,. the eanal in the fiiimv. in split* of the fact that' the io:i| ehut.'S at ihe rhlllipsl.iu-i,'.ter- minal of thi' canal wore repaired hist FARMERS HAVE INSTITUTE Muny (Jatln-r Tiie-'iliiy nl Mniss Ciisilc and Boost Movement for Farm Demonstrator for C'oiimy. I;. .• ..Thoru wan JL vi'ry sncei'ssfiil I'.irni- er.s" Institute, held i.'t ('.range; 'hall, KmKit Castle, Tuesday morning, af- ternoon and evening. Oviir.'O farm- ers from far and near enjoyed the, excellent speeches ami partook of the dinner nerved by tin* women of. the grange at noon and the oyster -supper at night. The speech of the day which attracted most favorable com- ment and caused thi- most djjx-ussion wus that of .John II.• Ilankinson, .State lender in farm d-nmn-tnttions. Thi- .speaker lold the advantages, which might- accrue to Warren county farm- er* if a Kkilled farm . demonstrator were employed by the county. In the discussion which followed his ad. dress every county speaker favored the proposition, ll was shown that tin; sentiment of the whole body at tiie institute favored employing a lieinonHtratnr. .John II. Voorhecs, farm manager of Morris county, added to the desire of Warren county farmers lor a farm demonstrator when hegave an able address on "The dinner's Hank Ac- count." Mr, Voorhees was full of helpful suggestion* mi liunndal mat- ters. , •- •• . . '•• Air. Ilanklnson also wave ,,„ .,,*. ilress on 1 Keoiir>mieul Dairy I'Vedlns" which was timely hih h k y s feed Is now sky ill Kil high. Other speakers were Marl Klla- pnsh of .Mercer county, .Mrs. A. U lloiiser of the Stall* Agricultural col- lege and IJoyd I*. Uifford. .\1. I,. Uiish, master of Washington grange, presided at thn lliree meet- ings, making some iulfiestlng short lalks. . . . . . Admiral llewey Is Demi. Ne^y• Executive Advocates Some Advanced Legislation. NEW STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM Kct'oiiimenils Home link*, liKienM'H i'taiubise Tn\ mill I'ltl'lliti' Con- ". vilhliilion of State Activities, In his long Inaugural address deliv- ered to the legislature at Trenton on Tuesday, Cov. Walter K. K-I«i. made some 1 m poila ii tj'ecotn in euda lions ami atnpliiied upon his Ideas of a ' .State. Th of Ihe following nffairs of th ummary tfi In full ih" important points made by the governor in his address: : Urges live principal legislative ae-. <oinplishiiieiits for present si-sslon: State highway yvst.-m and reorgan- isation of road department. Homo rule. ; Increasttd franchise tax. l-*urih>'r consolidation of State ac- tivities, Prnutlcftble .solution for-prison and lu^lituiioiiiil problems authorized, *Ymti tilled application of business principles: ('onsolidution of Pnssniu Valley Kewcrag.; Com mission with North .Jersey Water Supply Commission. Abolition of o'lle-ey of all county inhvriianee ins appraisers and tnuis- 1'i'al of work ( surrogates. I' a i Ms i a k Hig adininislratiuii of .ml WiUolency" laws. Tlie world lost one nf its ablest ,\: lm | I'urehusing Bureau Act. State men when Admiral ib-orge l>uwe.\y1j*u,|»et Law and othei legislation al- dled at Washington Tuesday after-\ ivt.tt,\v nri books, '"ness of six days ol> i>lM.,Hl. imi u-r Whni is needed In bring the canal authorities lo u-ruis is legislative at- j naval ollieer of lion. Tlie c a n a l iiUestion will come i melits, lie was of a up in the legislature before many weeks, when the mtntyr of piiyuient by Hi,; Slate of ?IK.o()ii with interest. at si\"per cent. I'm 1 the basin property at Jersey City is discussed. When that question is broi^ht before the . I.ewlslature. th.j "qih-stlun "f : canal abandonment should also be diKCii.«s- •d, This ."action of the Stal ifter an ill urterio-sib'iosis at tlv I'eiir.i. He was the only full admiral ii th.- fulled Suites, ami hi- ranked as me of the foremost naval ollicers of the. world. Hi- was popularly known' as "The Hero of Manila." lie enter- ed the navy as a midshipman befoi-e thv L'ivll War and served as an ollk:er mder Admiral KarniKiit. Wliile u aceompllMh- tiring "" II..ii id avoided miclced of display itnythlntr which or •publicity. PLANS FOR LIBRARY CARNIVAL Kseettiivc I'oiiiinilU'rs Api'idnlud 7 In make government of _ _ . businetis of 1 n months by calling conferences when I.eylsla- % fi M[)osis f SO j x v w Jersey g g "t iiv session with mayors of elasxitfei] cities and with -iri'Mt want the canitl ;tb:indont'il. In-! Taki- (Jeneral Cliar-M* ol'Imixu-i U'reHti-d iit-rsoiiK should at onet- start 1 . ' .. .. . , . " . .-•• . ..„ •A campaign calculated to brinK the I iinl '-VMHOI I- eh. -2> and 2... i i apg ul company to terms to tin h ill h eaiiul company to terms to tin r.xtent ., , ..... T .. ........ tlmt theconipnny will ••ho forced. AFFAII) TA RF UACT RDIIIIAMT ihrouKh k.yisiaiiv,; uctb.n >o k.-t-p UP| ArrAlK 10 DC MUil BKILLlAlNI transpni-tiition facilities until the State bus the rltflu to take over tlu- valu- able canul property in 1I'^:{. . . • What is needed at Trenton is em- phatic expression of the desires of tlio poiipl.- of this section.of the State in ivspoet to the Slnrris cntiiil. ..If th'' people interest in; .... its . ,0MUI\> .will. h Work of preparation for the Library Carnival, which will be held in Ma- ker's hall IVb. Ul' and 2^, afternoon n (I i idly. \ m ning, is now p K The carnival this yea brilliant ihan the line will bo e which p nnmnlcat ; .... with the repiescutint: th.-ir will be heeded. Th the cjinii! authoriti solfish outil be id dis- ,i is If tiiekiy was held lust year. y , stead of chairnit-n belli;.? named ^"and iy d;;,Sr^e l ^umpUon ll of | f ^ ^ ^ ^ '^uH'* irafltc over the canal, their demands j f^V.'.'V, !!! ...^«u»!:V •.".«!:" !!".."^. .'curbed by ihe Legislature, which is aide to see to it that public utilities Klve the service they should tfive lo the people of the State. In demanding their rights, tin* peo- ple of this section of the Slate must act. They must take mailers inio their own hands and pound the. •legislature necessary lo insure mal operations. into the action a continuance The people are greater and far powerful than-the l.ehlgh Valley U. It. Co. Legislators give heed to their constituencies. They do, however. expect their e-oiistiliieneies to make their legislative wants . known. The more emphatically are these wants expressed, the more power they carry in. the Legislature. : In another section of tlie paper ••hkinkTctKipon have been appointed. These commit- tees wilt ••.shortly appoint general committees to assist in carrying out tlie many details necessary to the success of the earnival. I'-y appoint- ing executive committees, a greater number of active workers are enlisted thus* Insuring more work in behalf of the vital civic movement which gives Washington the. henetlt of an excellent public library. Last year, the carnival was dis- tinguished liy its Moral decorations. Maker's hall was transformed into a llowcry bower by the^deeorating com-, tnitlue. This year,. in addition .to flcnvers. a great mi in her of - tlags will he used In ihedecoratii ll the ClTi Hunt. Th etties inti'i ci:." is'.destined' to be bril- > will also lie many nov- [lueed this year which are tint- is similarly I irmtlicial i-ablnet, consisting of gov- ernor; departmental heads and rep- resentatives of ^legislature. Appeals to eilisten:* whu commute betwef-n IIUUH'S liere and business In New* York and I'hlladelphia to lake more Interest in New Jersey affairs. Roads: Recommends Stale highway system< linanecd by tenipurary State tax on all ratable.-*, as .substitute for Kmm Act. • • . . . Reorganization of Road Depart- ment by creating highway, coin mis- sion of .eight citizens.'., unsalaried, thre.e-urbe <mi;incers. with power to }ilH*"*i'int highway c'Miimissiouer and other otlicers. Liberal aid from State for improve- ment of: din roads in townships. ' Universal installation of . patrol sys- tem, even lo extent of refusing State aid for 'any county improvement where patrol system of maintenance is not p:V»" SAVECOOL'S ADVENTURES [ND Vienna .Man, With iYnclmnt lor (iei- ting into 'IVouhlc. In Hit- Tolls { .Vow a I .Morris (own. j Augustus Savceool "f Vienna has had a dashing career which has b-;--o ! temporarily checked by liis arrest Celvidere. Sitvecool, It In allej has taken tittle flights into the rci llnauee. 1 le has eoine a i^i'op- il won't (DEMAND POR STRONGER JAG LIST! COLtliM FOB DEiiF||^ :— , I The VJiiK.HulV ill AViisililnBt'in. which j This Shrievalty Up to Date in|^h"}uMVtt™K^ Its Civilization. n.H hnvi lltiiioviiv lie-;. ,1 i. ••nuilKli :iy frnin those ruinously ail- Its intt'iiiin-nui' ttsr. li Case is Called. per, Imu-eviir. iiml won'i dfi.iiny mnre | ini/p nr nrnni r nm mTTn t ''•"•» itixtlished. TITSOHS at resp'.tiNi- Minn nnilll/llin rRinllloi*irn^^il e^ 1 »,^ee,! t ',^,sr i ,rKv!S;!J0Y3 Oi- PEOPLE REFLECTED \^^^j^^^t:^,^ HARD DRINKING iMPHA&IZEDiif on-u chnrKf nf havlriK workiMl nit a | I points in ihe prwnt in roKiirdinK ' —— ! 'vTV'ifeJ iS,'nS K f ;:r S r 'S. nr- "»,,.«• " «"••'=" <««"<»< "• V.^ui-SpU-y ^ H S ' ; : : " t ^ j T Vlcllin i.1,.1 nr Delirium Tro^Stif: largi; bill ol' gooflR.and S-t-1 in <'hsingf\ j St,w* l»,v tin- Way. do.'S not ]ierniii of lining or sending ! niciu ati.l \<K 1'roin niiriis.', ,<"V1,?;,t J 2ml "hr'io^'amrrllsh l w'! : s"s.mt l m w '»- ro « '•""•ntl.ii.H are dlvidM inf. i» 3nll P-rsons wlml»,y drink .oinrn ; A m , m u n w m l mm ,, er trl;l! c ^ ( l 5 | the b nk in whicli SaveeoM sai.l \w <«'" "'"''^. «i»* who enjoy par.I-s \"^ ^' ^J^^'.";'."^/. ii"V.lv tivii tli.—- I lI) " e"'"-'""'"' '"• "elvlclero" : to hu s^i had an account ami the bank return-' "nil those wlm don'i. The whole world j w'shm'-SLns or tlwVr repn-^ma^ U'.r^vlvil v, its, eapar-lty :ye*terday.Mi ed tin- piece ol' papt-r stating the umu \ ih'.-se days is judged, by tlw- juirtit-s it j lh . ( . s . wil!ll(j( .' t i R. .j,l(rishiiurv v> Morris Col.- of IJclvidere WJIH ehargeil'•V,^ strengthen the law governing boards' I with havingVaiised the death of Edffnr^' of proiei-tois- so that not only mill- [ II. Larir.e by piishlnK him onto a atovo",^ .-ensed individuals who nirnhh drink rluririg n .senffle after the menhiul^.- to addicts will b._- srvert-ly punish,,.! lK. (M1 .jrinlting. The evidence brought.••^1 \i^^''^:^^V^ 7«-«V|je >rl..| drew picture <the^J goods- lo p.-rsous wlio .-arry li-inor to <h'p'"tdation vvhk-h follows too much>^|i iii.'i: nn "jag lists'* will nHo I.,; (leall M"'"lnkiiig. It brought out P | '^nilnent-;:u.{^'| .•ii for tin- Iiiiil no aci-oiinl tli being held at Morrist jury. Saveuiiul has lifcn in the news of the day prior to his pics<-ni trouble. Not long ago he I.MI a Newark hiick- maii th« i-baso nf his llfi> ihrmigh .Morris and Wnrren ollntles nml l en eontles nm tlnally left him without paying Ills fare. The Vienna man "KOI away" witli his hacking ndvetiture. Inn' it appears he is up dKiilnsl n hard proposition to clear himself from the charges tinder whi(;h he n'tw :!lnds liiniself. t , v .Men. therefore. ; and in staiil old Warren aiv as partl- lied proportioiiiitely as .Ww >.r Stroudsbiiri;,'rs. Kvery littb- Katb- erhiH tin's*.- days is called n party. An l-Iaston yipunur felhiw iHephoii'-s ovi-r to \Viish!ni-'iou anil makes a date With a Kfrl "for a little party." .The next day the KII! tells some of her Wash- ington friends that "it was some par- ty." Half a ilozt.-n 1 l!elvld'-re y'Mm;-,' men KO to KiiHion for u "little party." The next clay,'in tellintr the stay-nt- i severely mist ;iiid it mu py nfiircMi rigid- i hd ly the. fact Unit men in their cups desperately and Irresponsibly wlieir^t^ Iky anger or spite. The fact that ;•'^« J ly. tinii th*' "jug list" bill ii'it had its J thfduiicl nmii and the nian aeciiHoa of>v; J ; drawn by the lefrlslatuiv it would his alleged victim to l FBEEHOLDEBJIBHTS AGAIN Eciid I'ullis Sturls Action to (finish Iiullcinienl l-'ouiid A^iilust Mini by W'nrrcn Co. <;r;iiid •lury. STORM DIRECTED AGAINSF YEISLEY .Supreme Court Con Joseph II. Parry of thi nls- onnty. ! at Helvldure yesterday, tin 1 light of tlie Indlett'd former freehold- •rs nl' Warren •euimty was taken up In earnest. Tf'stimony Is being used bi-fore the supreme taken to IJ •urt at tli use p Kt'liruury term, when ar- y guments will bit made in an attempt h di f l tlie indictments against ihe former freeho w ays. Transportation ami Commercial Development: Co-opentiion of• Sj'iite with i:ities in Imlbllng of iiKH-in" "~" terminals ami other waterway development. . * L'rges rities m group and take ad- t vantage of law whm-by streams may " be. dredged by federal government and adjacent marsh lands reclaimed for taxable ratables of State. 1'nblit! {twiiurslilp of waterfront, u (ContiniicMl on jiaye -1). \ , HCNDERSHOT'S FALL FATAL AgL-il Allan id county otllc('r.< The ease being heard yesterday before Commissioner I'arry was tliat of the State vs. Head I'uilis. t'rr,seeutor Stryker appeared for the State anil i'ultls Was ..represented by Comity Counsel ICgbcrt Itoseerans of •n and .by.:Attorney llarlan .C Hohnkcii. ' . ••• *. I witnesses were examini'd at Hie ni'itrniiig hearing." They show- ed that I'J indlcliiieiits luui been brought ngaitiin the former freehold- tul the crouiiiy oltifia!.«, : ami thai several of "the indicted men were •barged with having taken from the ounty ilieiuiliy sums li-ss than $1. it was also shown by the testimony that George L. Veisley, forenum of the grand jurv, had. 'after lie had be- K- foreman of the jury, announced 1 himself as candidate for the two-year iL hi thi arg merit thatLunctir.u, ied of deliiium trenieus. which, \w\v-,''.;%' taek ny rcvengt-ful persons, parties, according to Kev. Sir. U-cch. are shocking ami shoubi lie blacklist- ed. . There are in I'hillipsburg, too, some red-blood, manly, courageous young muii. who would like to better their Americanism by Indulging in three-round boxing contests, one of the h(.st of tlie manly sports. The liev. Air. I.eech and some of the other soft-listed clergy of the town arc dead set against "boxing parties," which they consider brutal and degrading. Uy discouraging young men taklm: an interest in the healthful, man-mak- ing sport ofjboxing, tiie etergy are. in- viting them' to spend their time in indoor sports which are really harm- ful. The young man who likes lo takt- part in "boxing parties'- isn't sitting around nights putting fat upon his body tn drinking beer nor is he wasting his time in tete-a-tete par- ties with girls iie has no intention of When the clergy object;- . g an saved the adjoining hoti.se. .Mrs, .Mary St' hih 1 l i h V f if.-.tlie capital cases tried at Belvldere.: n ,"i;SB The (rase of the. State vs. Slorris;'•VK.'S Spots", which _i» only eight feet froiii _ _ the Hopkins house. K'ole was lirs't called by. Prosecutor";:,','?:!; Tite day was bitter cold •'nnil the- .Strykcr. The llrst witness called:^ by the State was .\1 rs. Lnura Kan- ', ^ •way. who testiiled as to the severo;;, J •»? burns her father had received and '"".';-'•'•/.\ that h- had two black eyes. Mrs.- .Mary ISaclmiau, who lives lir part oC, tht' IVqiK'Mt Mouse, lestitled that she* saw Lance and he was lame and hiuK .Monday following 1 the : riu.-ri wuro nearly frozen from tlie wa- ter, and it was remnrliahl,; .how thf adjoining building was i anv lire apparatus to loss to Sir. Hopkins . . be about Sl.l'Ol), with s-imie insurance. fight with. Tin; 'Siimated t«i .Mo •-U::is EDGE CUES THE•HEeRICK'UIW! i ^iT^XSr2i III 1 '. ' I followed t'ole to the stable and saw; ] him strike Lance, and then grub him.' -.--,•>•. novcrnm- Advocates Appropriation of }and in thruwitig him upset -the stove ^ j .Money lo Carry Out I'rovi- i and that Lii rice fell on tlie burning- •r Warren .Winlilynmii. •• V" ii] *-. '! 1 ' , Hilil1 Lhat when he .•BHV,-:,. ; l.unces cinthes were iHiruing he grab- ,-,£^'.;"| „. .... ,, , .. ,.„„ ,,,..,„,.; rrrr.-. . •, },f*c\ hitn and pulled him out of the*"TI !" u 't«fe" rtS,S' VoJtrohstf.cn | FARM VALUES WOULD BERA1SEED i*v, ''^,;:!}^^ s .Sft^^^TM mentally and physically the youth of the land, it I« time to call a halt on sensational pulpit advice, in some of, the best New Vork, Philadelphia, Chicago and London churches, boxing Tiie»Jny""rertM : reiV"'liru"Tiin;V i e\VmplV- L 1 ?*; A* W °" ia " ^ ^ *"*" *' mentary manner to.thf lierriek State i ?,',','?)„ t-*«..t «.i n«.. c- •ul oxtintfuishert the liurninff - ling. "He.said that before the aHSauIt' ,y{JS i Cole had left the Pei|iio.st House, say-' i :„._ i._ .-.1 — -i._ -vho stole'/^3J •go Staples and Hoy Smith,of; iR-h.v Itosldciu Lies rn- s All Night in Open -i /I'l-o Weather. y ,/,• .lit l'eter Wen- dcrsho; lel^' .of Aliamuchy township, felt froin the barn door of the Hotel Lirunswlek shed at Alhunu- cby, fractured his spine, injured bis head, an.' lay unconscious where he ; i* v d i d l l'ld Last Last .TliSisday ,/,• .lit 'dcrshot; a -reslilel^' .of f f h fell iscoveretl early l-'rlday le was rosfcred to con- , sciousness, but pneumonia had set in prove attractive. ..«•... _. - • _ _ lie mysterious, i may be cut out," pasted to'a"post card.] fore "ciiir-iMU l)er;'lt*«crlbu(l ^fully .lie- ] wiis" removeti" Vo t'iie home" 'of his lilled In.and sent to thu assemblyman fore tho. opening. . r " - •• L *-r(lauBhiori : -"3ilrM.''-'-.S:iniHer-~Driiker'-uf in your district. When the people I There will, be brilliaiHly rn.stuined john»bnluirff, from whose house he storm the legislature, • legislators sii young women "in aUt-ndivnce and the waH i )llr i e( ' yesterday. up and lake notice. Tlioy can not i different booths'-will, lie made even ^f,. uendersliot was ti-! years old ignore the denijiiuls of the voters and[more attractive than those last year. - - . .. .. There will be delicatessen, fancy work, cjihdy, ice cream, punch howl. children's, flower and fortune telling .._ ... bombs.. • • ' . i-eai'. If ; they, tlo not make their The Washington Public library is ' '•-' '••-'••' .i..-!..,. w cm. o|- [|u. most Important insii- taxpayers of the State. There are farmers all ahing the route of the 'JlorrLs canal who are anxious lo have .npuraluins resumed on tlie canal thl ; year. If : they, do not n wants known to tho legislature, ill , . law-nuilving. body will not. know of | unions in.ihe life of the borough'.:-- ii ihcir.anxiely to liave the canal oper- its patronised by all the people, young atcd except as tlioir demands are ' ' ' * '" voiced liy others, There are mer- chants, coal dealers, mill owners, and many others whoare -.vitally interest- ed, and the front-nil 'public should In. 1 . . Let •them ..voice ithe.ir demands by addressing communications to the 1 J.legislature. • • •, • . . The Stiii 1 ' is' anxious to prevent ca- nal'abandonment because, the JIorris canul.is of great .service to the people in this 'part of the Stale living along its course. The Star lias' sounded ^linny folk upon the proposition, and it has found none who'is content that tlie oldcanal in this section should bi; abandoned.- 'This paper is advising Us -•,i'?i!/l!;Dl^~^i!!:; Jl .b' in Vr •-'h»*~--.^pui\9 n found'on iiiv/tlicr pageViill it outraiul send it lo tlie Legislature. The time in act is now. Tlie nail is in place at Trenton'to bo hit uii the head by the hammers .wielded in this suction of the' Slate. . ' . . " " - sons, Hollo- York, and _. serves to bring much pleasure inuF'the 1 lives of the citizens who are'enabled, at. little cost to have at their command hundreds itf books, it •would, lie impossible for them to j enjoy were it not for the public li- ' brur.w Heiiis a public institution "ami serving -..the whole cum in unity, it is . and is survived by tw way ami Arthur of Ne two daughters, Airs. Drake and. Miss ISdlth of Allnnuichy: also four broth- ers, lie had bOn a resident of the Aliamuchy vicinity nil his life, "ile was ii member of Pocruest Tribe of Hod }len of Hackettstown and. w:is ; a respected ekizen whose loss will be'- felt in th^eommunlty in which he lived. Th?*•deceased man was Unified In Hi.! cefcietery at Tranciuility. all. 1 able supp t g..the w , atly worthy of the support of Th carnival is" designed' to en- lib 1 hi carn g ns to give the library. 1 their h i ha Opera"House Priiliiy Mght. Metro Wonderplays ]irosents Jlmo, 5 Petrova, the Star MagnliUicnt, in a !'" Metro .musterpiece of] love and -the •jvar in lSu'.-'ope, "The Rlack liutter-' ....-.-Hy,'''.hv i.l.vn supe.rb acts. '; Special ,iU- tciition Is called to the grand eiiio- . tinn'ul acling of Tetrova and also the .splendid gowns worn by her. Also a hlgh-cla^ comedy, "His birthday (.lift''- featuring Max l-'lgniiiii. *" ' (^ft-tl > !l ; '!rt .Ian. 2(i—:.'In'. 7 Diplomatic Kcrviee, h h d ll . p , with Francis X. F-ushman.ahd llevor- ly. tlayiie;^i'Mduy, Feb. 2—Mm'c. ,,1'e- irova, in< "ICxtravagance.;" last hiitimit least—Charlie ..Chaplin, In "A Lone Htar" production, "In the©Kink." Tuesday, -Ian. 30i llaleony, 5c; par- quet and orchostrn, 10c!'. :i' -!}-•• marririgo on Tuesday ovening,".IaTiVfl7 at the' ilarsotuige in MaVksboro, Miss porotliV' Snviler, daughter,of ATr.jiiiul. Airs. Joseph" Snyder bf. ; Alarksboro, jiml lTorman Ki^ipaugh cSf Vail... citizens to give the liy support and -at the same time have two days of doliglHful soutiil life. The MiicV<uut.of,ihc library depends largely upon the 1 iinaiicial success .of. the car- nival. Gitlnens of Washington and folk inthe vicinity are therefore urged ends and Customers. As most of'you know, I liave ob- served the .Seventh-day Sabbath (Sat- uirday) for niany years; out,, being associated witli others in business, you liave suffered no inconvenience, white 1 have sacrilk-od all prolltK. . Now, on'Fell. l,i I sever all'connec- tions wjth partnors, and will close my store from sundown on Friday until .sundown on Saturday, a.s the UilVie proscribes. Tlie .store will be open ILVO-^M.... „',].(,„ ,,-,.'<».i: •> •.^.••--.- | every_,cyenlng from' 7 o'clock until'8 , t .I _ ^ . ^ i#1 11,,,,,'c i urdays from sutulown until 10.lit) p. \Vashin»lnn A. A. C'ominltt' President Arthur Doorkeu, of Uie WashlUKtoii Athletic Association, yes- terday announced the committees for the association for the'present year, Tlie ollicers of the association and the .committees named by President Doci'ken follow: ' , Arthur, Doerkori, president; Dr. T. K. Mayward. vice president; Harry h. Smiths recording secretary; I-Iugene I.J. Unaberry, linancial, .secretary;'..'MM. L. Skinner, treasurer, trustue.s-^-Hor- bert A. Mayo, Joseph II. Cornish, 'John II. Weller, William ,,A. Tingley, George C. l.ose'y; entertainment com- niitt^e—JohnHtou COrnish, ^Mllfiuii .1. Caswelt, Charles i;.""Str.vkorr cHnrlos I 1 .. Hrady, "William a. Spelrs; billiard f-qmmittuo—John V. Hint, Charles 11:* IX-iT, t»r. 'IV K. llayward.^ I will hereafter liy more prompt with repairs and endeavor to. serve "letter than ever before. ' . :. W. II. .MISUUILL, Jeweler. , At,The IH'o llivo,. '£>} ; after she iuitl sulTeved a long illnosfj, j r " .All Women's Coats half price! ^ Mrs,, John Klslcy.'j!/ Peatli came to MMI-S!' -John it her home ,,iii;.New-;Villnjje ,.Tuostlay. ifter she had sulTered a long illness. The deceased woman was r»S•-. years old and is sum-ived by; her lniKbaiul .'mul~iiUie)| 1v;linclrenr^Ko:v.ycars::ahe.^\\w*?; "uetlve in tlie cluirc'lv"wj;irk'.iii'>:llio~com-' ni unity. The funeral will be held' Saturday afternoon 'JfronV^ her . Inloi home, llurlal "will :; lie" in,"- tho'eeiiie-"; tcry, at Stewartsville,.• ' • , ;;, ..Mrs. Sarah C \fohnsion. drs. Sarah C.'.lolinston died at her He on West Stewart street at iioon •Tuesday; after a^liiifferlnfj: llliiess. She was bora in Ashurv and spent all her marrind life in .Washington. She was an octivu monibcr of the I'reKliylerian chun-h and will lie miss- ed by ii large circle of friends. ::S.lu> is survived by two .sisters. Mrs. /Ann l-i,° Johnston, of ••. Delaware, p., and •Mvor-Jciir.iu'-..Gs-iCar.iciv ot'^. Helyidere. Kuneriil services will be hold at her lute residence' Ka.turday morning at 10.30, Key.. J.' N.^Wap.enhurst odlciiit- ing. Interiuent• wllt'^be in the fiiniily plot in the Wnshlngtoir'eeinetery. ed. .Tills it'stimo . in an endeavor'to show Hie voters nr the county did not think the charges gainst the' freeholders .were \ very serious. . - • ' I lead Pull is testified tliat he had been raised in tilairytown, that he had Ionjf enjoyed good standing in the uiminily, had never before been charged with any crime, and tliat lie was -charged by ihe grand jury with having taken from the county 51.02 to which be was inn entitled. Me ex-. plained that iliat money was spent in going to a 'committee meeting, lie having- charged three cents a'mile for traveling expenses, and that the $1.02 lie charged did not pay for the full expense of the trip. At... the .a tier noon session, .testimony was giveifishowing"that two members of the {"rand jury had been working iii favor of the Veisley candidacy bo- fore tho indictments were brought against ihe freeholders. It was te.s- tilled that one of . the . grand jurors made the statement to. a possible voter tliat all members V.f the old board of freeholders shoV;;a be in- dicted for •taking county "money il- legally. Judge J'loseiierry took the stand and tcijtilied lu> had had nothing to do with the candidacy, of Albert 1!. Craig for the otiice of freeholder and thai he had not supported him at the pri- maries, lie also stated he had'.pub- lislied in TheWashington Star a coni- niunieaUou advising against tamper- ing with the grand jury, thin com- munication being Inspired by tho can- didacy of Veisley. , A copy of The Washington,. Star which contained a communication by former Judge. Wil- liam II. Morrow uttaokins 1 Judge Koscbcrry was adniittcd into evidence. although, the admission was opposed by the prosecutor as being irrevelaiu. This is ibo Uiird time in tlie his- tory of the Situe that the Supreme •v;oii"rr-b;"iw" : iM^itieviytostirMnny-.tr,~!jc.r.;t;ir- ken 'outside of the record. The case bofor limb* . prosecutor of the pleas, was indicted. It was claimed the grand jury was unfair and tue supreme court held that it Is a. mini's right to-lie judged by-an impartial grand jury. Next week there will be 8uinu new develop- ments brought into the 1'ulMs case. ibject to dancing advocate kissing games, which may eventually lead lo marriage fees. Others who favor, ilaiicing object to kissing, so no iviat-' ter what sort of social party is in- dulged in there . Is some one to object. The paiti.es go on just the same. Of .•ourse, tlj^re Airo . nullting . parties, ijiiott-e pnVtiesy and donation parties tsyand dnt p . t, %.:ntyiit .stated intervals. They haven't yet called the 'There are nice, jolly, spirited little .lolitical parties being held in- tlie county regularly, and some of them this was eight yuars ago in county, when the assistant 'Alt off;;.. th'cn's Coats, 20 per l::rJ_A],*ii's_.StiitaI...30.jper cent,' oft'. I : i" : :vVonVT}yercQi^^^ A hnlf -': dollajr oit!' : "oii iTuy" pair of f.!iieen _<3imMl^" v snoes. - . ^ iL. it _,£• *' 'ib\V i)nfi's~'M'i*W^ ?3.00>Shoert nt^,if 1.0S-—this w^ek only. Le>vis M. Davis. iv Lewis JL I3avis,; 70 years old,-died early Friday, morning at : his homo on- West Washinyton avenue from pneu- monia. ,, He had been in. Ill health for the. past four years but was cmiilaed tothe..bed only two NiUiys during which he ""'remained ' iiiieoiisciOu's'.t"-' '1 io'-'wais' born stt.SoiiitM-villo und lived iliore until about .2ii years ago, >vhen lie moved to Washington. lie conducted thii'gronery store here, kno,\viuas ihe "nine- I'Vont'*. uiuii-idnr^yeni-s ago, when, ill,.;hcalth--caused-, r. hls::, retire- ment. Me. 1 , is survived by ,liis wife, and I wo sisters, ^Irs-William II. Knn- dolplv antl.-.^l'lss Sji.r,a.li.,.nav.is, ; b,>th of Wnxhingtoiv''." Funenil services wer jirobahly leetlng rill a- "party," but they ire "so •lorrlck Jounty.. Smilli; ; s the •party" wonders lie ' parties." Is .a g Clerk ml'jSh most man who >od "pa Assembly •ty" r.ian, so ^.SLutchler.-^Surro "M*"i 1 1 " " \* o •• ^ ^* ; " xr ^ l *"^" "•"•' *^ genia of., tlio i 'lit a p-lfl . 11J U. " ail whole-po hunch and sheriffs p nan arc irate Met one irt\ how liis feed prisoners on the I r>-eent.s-u-day (Continued on'page -1). Death of .Mrs. Alniira O. Dildtne. ...Airs. Almira Owen Dildinc, SS yearn old", -passed away Saturday morning at her home mi -West- Washington avonue from infu-nilties im.-ideiitto old age. Mrs. Dilillne was horn Alnrch 17. I.S-S. in. Newton, and spent her 17. L S , in. e , p girlhood days iii Kaston and Belvi- h i Sli h i of a eoniptiincnt a kepuldican gov- ernor conld give. to a bill sponsored by. a.. Democratic, assemblyman. As to dirt roads. Jiiov. ICdge said: "Tlie dirt, roads nf tlie State, or hat are known as unimproved roads hld i idi I should receive m p , consideration. In many parts of the State these are nu- i blk Tiu- bulk munities if the people in ive on by'-ways: it is not tliolr fault thai they are not ••"•"•- If those high: on llie triiiik'; line. .vays were Improved throug'a the aid and suiiervision of t he .State, back , farms-.and properties would become | l hm. the old board- of directors p| j and valuations would in- j crease. I appreciate that certain laws .passed last year constituted a Ail Itustness Interests of (lie Com'- "'".K>: : e' 1 niuniiy l J rc,-:cm at lus Aiuiuul ;•'•"*':U Luncheon ,on Tuesday. ,;',; Niiiety-sfuen pci'sons, including bank •: ot'lcfals and clerks, stockholder!*, man- -' ufacturers. merchants and profession-V'; al men of thfs vicinity, and a .fow-v™ prominent customers residing at other,' -; ; points, wore ihe guests of the old.';;;, I-'irst National l.!ank at its ^annual'^;; luncheon in the Masonic banquet hall '"?''• at noon on Tuesday.. •" ••'.- : "---; •This Slithering followed the unnual ; ;;• •neeting of the stockholders, at which'.'.-;-. •dicers- were re-elected, "namely: For- ^" uer .Senator Johnston Cornish, presi-.. .leiQ William S.v Kittcnhouse.'.' vice.: none of these acis may the State ! Harry \I. Kiddle, Daniel Spangen-' : spend inm-e. than $105,000 a year in !• berg. .I.-Jl. Hryant and J. q. Kitchen.,. such work on a f»0 per cent, basis.'; A committee of the Pastor's Aid-, .. nor may any road lie improved under \ Society of the Presbyterian church. ,-.'.••;•.•;.'| this plan where tlie right of way is : of which Mrs. William S. Kittenhouse;"., - ;^'j IvSs-LUar. 1 - 1 ):!. feet; and iuthose uiutjMi'A .Umw« II. Johnston and Mrs.T7 : r.-£| where county freeh'oUiers arennthnr- \ Kugetie -i>. Unnberry;were chnirment v:/.&; izert to help, the road must be an ex- ! served tho. luncheon, which was de-- C^/j tension of or connection with sonn- ' liglitful in settinK. delicious in char-,;•,;;. permanently improved road. .My idea I acter and ideal 1 in service. ..The ta--;!;:; j Is thai the present legislation is n<n !>les fnnned a hollow square with ;nn-- ; y_- sudiciontly liberal to pi-riiiit of desir- other table running through ithc cen- "--._ able progress in this Important di- i UT <-f the room, and presented-a beau-;•'••v^sl rection. 1 understand ihiit Nc.w Vor!; i til'ul appc-urancc-with their snow,-,: •w'J State provides from half, a dollar to ! while damask, shining silver .• and WJ'.i a dollar fnr every . dollar tliat tin*.j garlands of smilax and rcd:••g«ra'r' township raises for the improvemenV; o.ms running .through the centers. . gg g grandsons and three greal-grand- laiighters. One brother irV No Vk g also survives. She Ch '" member also survives. She was « member o the First Church of Christ.Scientist! in .Eastern 1 .'•; 1-Mnoral services ... wore held Tuesday' afternoon at 'her late home nt *• o'clock conducted by A. H. l-'lch- ^ i f l f K ! t C h l f Christ. Scientist i.'roston Smith o g Interment was ; the inij'i' of Botnlehem. JlK' j'J 1 !" 11 ! n i t - ang. Four sons and ° " n ) 1 ^ ntod as pull-bearers. I »- ins ! In llie WiiKhingtou ..11 are familiar! It does not ''reduce I lors of the \A'ashington. AthleticvAa the cost of triClsportlHg farm prod- i cia'tiun at noon, and tli ere- was ii. ,li nets where the farmer located on JIU j hour of.socii.il intercourse before •...,...,. t inferiyc^-ljywiiy is-conipelled to start : inviiaiion was given to repair. tp_._tho'- i.;>.| w'l t'*'^ ^^/i^'it t*v IO'MI s n oribo' tf> ; n iv\ ' i>an(iuct i 1 ^!! where tlie social ; "elc- i"' r *^^r. gate tin', poor niVid from his farm to I mont continued to develop.,' untli .•tlio.i'^jH r niVid from his farm to p/ u d highway. The huneilt ci«tirs wure passed/- Mad tliere bee.ir :1dm- relation to in wllich is 1 if ati.all." but Hubs re- '• ' complimentary• speeches would tlioji.' cemetery. . ' • . ' Airs. Oihlitie preserved almost to the last -her remarkable me.mat ac- tivities. 1 ' Met- niind was keen" and she loQk an interest in tlie affairs of the day^until weak ness mastered her. She failing to greet them warmly, and h d il iviably crried g her ready smile invaria h i arried her r y y eh ecu*-to 1 hot* many, passing friends when she oet(uip,ied a ehuir on• her-pi- azza. Mrs. Dildine always looked on the bright,"side, of life, seeing" Ciir oclj than bad in the worM. jand' her optimistic character served |__ !1 Are ^"ou liilcicsteil in a <;OO1> CAP at.hiMf price? . If you are, go lo Woodring's Oloiin-up ;>-)lo. of Men's and Hoys' Caps this week 1le lUVers exceptional values :Ue, iilk:. ~»v. and rJilflO. Kotailed i't to $2.00. (They are have been forthcotning-, .outlining t h e ^ ^ - l progress of the {jld institution,.. 1 set-.""->?*f ! fi ting forth its strength. usefulnoasi-.'iimK' ' ;v '" abk 1 maiKigement; for tlie First;Na-';/; tional has been a .bulwark, of. rommuniiy for more, than HO, yoars.v^-|?jl Its career 'lias been "chiti-ac-lerl'/edi; bytfe'ji a steady growth in deposits and:puh-'|: "" J lie confidence: While old in-years. 1 it- L is most modern in methods; whllpv, 1 ; conservative. In policies, it is pro-." grcssive in spirit. ."With resources il '6Cv'Kf:| -aver -two .and va.-ciuarter,;-milll6nv.'dor-]-^S-i larS, and an enviable record, It HmndsH^vi at the forefront of.small .town . uankf*V;^%J : y <>. . | ., nri richly deserves the (.success-'li.t-V^t^I Sloddart-.Marli:'-. I tiifmul and'.'its present hlgli, stnnding;c;,Vs^ forniei-ly ai broken lots). . .,,, TM15 \VOOlvhlXG "jl A' 2 I "-•!!» Xorthfimptnn Si., ! X.' Armstrong. in .five parts, feiitut'lng ; ,GcralcllTi " Walter Sullivan". r>0 years old, soil, r ' • —• • • " • ' ~- 1 1 - 1 -' v--X- r i tlie SunVla'y -'edition otTho NoTV Yor.l^Wi of .lames Sullivan, formerly -of "Wash- J^'oad St. I iK^ater. Ni^u.n.lay,uMgm,_;, .\.nierican nnO. see thG.favorable^comH^i ingto'n. who.died-in-'Ne^'-'A'Ovk, was' '• ! "Thftt exquisite : 'aclvess, 11 ess I e 1:'.ur- j mout oii: thi.s/splcndid • piotureV'f-i'jWfliMi lirought here'last ThursdiijMind bnrie.d i" " ------ - . . . . . . . . . - .. ..• . i ,„.• libld. tit'liIs*lulu home, Monday morn-ljli the "VVaMiingloii cemetery. He is in^it-U"o'clocU^le^O.-^--AyHsen-:J.gbnvlVJS(l. 1>.v ^V daughtor, Jirs. .1.' IU.,. : hurst, pirsior J ' T "6f"~ the v -";rre'sbyTcB"'n^'(iiblbr~of-:New''Tork^ . brought here'last Thui-sdiijMind buried viscale. will be here Sat unlay nighl. in wil| also nhow>.in a full/reel'in jji the Washington, cemetery, lie is "Pullets and Brown Kyes." iMiaS-ltar- in connection with thi«;fj' ' lisctilo takes the role of a nun. ^This j the lates^'KOWns iand; 1 furi ^

TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

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Page 1: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

! . - . . " . . ' . , . • ' ' , '• ." ;

" - i ' • • ' . • . ' . " . • ' - , v V ° < . V • / . . " , ' - : -„'("•"•.',•." . :

1,000 More Subscribersus the reMilt of tilt Star's great

10-wcck'campaign just completed. THE WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^Stars circlation is much e ^ g

tlinn tliat of any olhcr State weekly^


OF G i | OSTAIAgitation Starts to Force the

Legislature to Act.

LEGISLATQRSIFBE STORMEDTime Is Itljie to A i l d r o s Senators ami

AsM-inblyiiicii In 'MiYori to "Savi*'"Hie Old Waterway.

'The Morris canal did not operate. I a n year, nnu-h to the umioyan<'-» of

many persons who have been ai-cus-tomed lo receive shipments over tin;waterway in years past. The Morriscanal is a public utility. It exists fortile .benefit of the people. , l t is con-trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1*.'»>., which was g l wn control of ft touse as a public utility, la northernNew .leru-y the canal, 'a l though' ' I thas small limitations, is useful fortransportation-.purposes. ' Its oilleien-i-y has not. passed. ' . . • . - .

Uy discontinuing activities „ lastyear, , the canal 'authorities ' greatlyhandicapped til'- operations of busi-IH-SS men In Warren and o i h e r n o r t h -t'lii ('ounties of the Srnto who h a vIWen ,'M-LMlsi'uned tit ivwive i-xieiislveshipments of eoal and ' lumber , fer-.llli/.ers and grains, and oth"t in-iriodiilcs ov.-r the <-anal route. These

• business men have h:u! to mifri-r ; i s iI'milt of tlie aeliou of HIM eanal'• au-thorities in di.sfontinuimr *-'-i\ic</owrtlu* public waterway. •

'rhrotit;hoiit the course of th<- canalin northwestern W w .h-rst-y there isa, strong ,demand that the waterwaybe opened for transportation purposesthis year. The camil niithorllirs willnut state tliat the waterway will beput into operation. Indications arethat the I..-lligh Valb-y II. I I .Co. doesnut intend lo opi'r i :t,. the eanal in thefiiimv. in split* of the fact tha t ' theio:i | ehut.'S at ihe rhlllipsl.iu-i,'.ter-minal of thi' canal wore repaired hist


Muny (Jatln-r Tiie-'iliiy nl Mniss Ciisilcand Boost Movement for Farm

Demonstrator for C'oiimy.I;. .• ..Thoru wan JL vi'ry sncei'ssfiil I'.irni-

er.s" Institute, held i.'t ('.range; 'hal l ,Km Kit Castle, Tuesday morning, af-ternoon and evening. Oviir.'O farm-ers from far and near enjoyed the,excellent speeches ami partook of thedinner nerved by tin* women of. thegrange at noon and the oyster -supperat night. The speech of the daywhich attracted most favorable com-ment and caused thi- most djjx-ussionwus that of .John II.• Ilankinson, .Statelender in farm d-nmn-tnt t ions. Thi-.speaker lold the advantages, whichmight- accrue to Warren county farm-er* if a Kkilled farm . demonstratorwere employed by the county. Inthe discussion which followed his a d .dress every county speaker favoredthe proposition, ll was shown thattin; sentiment of the whole body attiie institute favored employing alieinonHtratnr.

.John II. Voorhecs, farm manager ofMorris county, added to the desire ofWarren county farmers lor a farmdemonstrator when he gave an ableaddress on "The d i n n e r ' s Hank Ac-count." Mr, Voorhees was full ofhelpful suggestion* mi liunndal mat-ters. , •- •• • . • • . '••

Air. I lanklnson also wave , ,„ .,,*.ilress on •1Keoiir>mieul Dairy I 'Vedlns"which was timelyh i h h k

y sfeed Is now sky

i l l Kilhigh. Other speake r s were Marl Klla-pnsh of .Mercer county, .Mrs. A. Ulloiiser of the Stall* Agricul tura l col-lege and IJoyd I*. Uifford.

.\1. I,. Uiish, mas te r of W a s h i n g t o ngrange , presided a t thn lliree meet-ings, making some iulfiestlng shortlalks. . . . . .

Admiral llewey Is Demi.

Ne y• Executive Advocates SomeAdvanced Legislation.

NEW STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEMKct'oiiimenils Home link*, liKienM'H

i'taiubise Tn\ mill I'ltl'lliti' Con-

". vilhliilion of State Activities,In his long Inaugural address deliv-

ered to the legislature at Trenton onTuesday, Cov. Walter K. K-I«i. madesome 1 m poila ii tj'ecotn in euda lions amiatnpliiied upon his Ideas of a '

.State. Th

of Ihe


nffairs of thummary tfi

In full ih" important points made bythe governor in his address: :

Urges live principal legislative ae-.<oinplishiiieiits for present si-sslon:

State highway yvst.-m and reorgan-isation of road department.

Homo rule. ;Increasttd franchise tax.l-*urih>'r consolidation of State ac-

tivities,Prnutlcftble .solution for-prison and

lu^lituiioiiiil problems authorized,*Ymti tilled application of business

principles:('onsolidution of Pnssniu Valley

Kewcrag.; Com mission with North.Jersey Water Supply Commission.

Abolition of o'lle-ey of all countyinhvriianee ins appraisers and tnuis-

1'i'al of work (u» surrogates.I' a i M s i a k Hig adininislratiuii of

.ml WiUolency" laws.Tlie world lost one nf its ablest , \ : l m | I'urehusing Bureau Act. State

men when Admiral ib-orge l>uwe.\y1j*u,|»et Law and othei legislation al-dled at Washington Tuesday after-\ ivt.tt,\v nri books,

'"ness of six days ol> i>lM.,Hl.

i m i u-rWhni is needed In bring the canal

authorities lo u-ruis is legislative at- j naval ollieer oflion. Tlie c a n a l iiUestion will come i melits, lie was of aup in the legislature before manyweeks, when the mtntyr of piiyuientby Hi,; Slate of ?IK.o()ii with interest.at si\"per cent. I'm1 the basin propertyat Jersey City is discussed. Whenthat question is broi^ht before the

. I.ewlslature. th.j "qih-stlun "f : canalabandonment should also be diKCii.«s-•d, This ."action of the Stal

ifter an illurterio-sib'iosis at tlvI'eiir.i. He was the only full admiralii th.- fulled Suites, ami hi- ranked asme of the foremost naval ollicers of

the. world. Hi- was popularly known'as "The Hero of Manila." lie enter-ed the navy as a midshipman befoi-ethv L'ivll War and served as an ollk:ermder Admiral KarniKiit. Wliile u

aceompllMh-tiring " "

II..ii id avoidedmiclced of display

itnythlntr whichor •publicity.

PLANS FOR LIBRARY CARNIVALKseettiivc I'oiiiinilU'rs Api'idnlud 7 In

make government of_ _ . businetis of 1 n monthsby calling conferences when I.eylsla-

% fiM[)osisf SO j xvw Jersey

g g"t iiv session with mayors ofelasxitfei] cities and with

-iri'Mt want the canitl ;tb:indont'il. In-! Taki- (Jeneral Cliar-M* ol'Imixu-iU'reHti-d iit-rsoiiK should at onet- start 1 . ' . . .. ., . " . .-•• . ..„•A campaign calculated to brinK the I i i n l ' -VMHOI I- eh. -2> and 2...

i ia p gul company to terms to tin

h ill heaiiul company to terms to tin r.xtent ., , . . . . . T . . . . . . . . . .tlmt the conipnny will ••ho forced. AFFAII) TA RF UACT RDIIIIAMTihrouKh k.yisiaiiv,; uctb.n >o k.-t-p UP | ArrAlK 10 DC MUil BKILLlAlNItranspni-tiition facilities until the Statebus the rltflu to take over tlu- valu-able canul property in 1I' :{. . . •

What is needed at Trenton is em-phatic expression of the desires oftlio poiipl.- of this section.of the Statein ivspoet to the Slnrris cntiiil. ..If th''people interest in;.... its . ,0MUI\> .will.


Work of preparation for the LibraryCarnival, which will be held in Ma-ker's hall IVb. Ul' and 2^, afternoon

n (Ii idly.\ m

ning, is now p KThe carnival this yea

brilliant ihan the linewill boe which


;....with therepiescutint: th.-ir

will be heeded. Ththe cjinii! authoriti

solfishoutil be



t i i e k i y

was held lust year. y ,stead of chairnit-n belli;.? named

^"and iyd;;,Sr^e l^umpUon l lof | f ^ ^ ^ ^ '^uH'*irafltc over the canal, their demands j f^V.'.'V, !!! ...^«u»!:V •.".«!:" ! ! " . . " ^ .

.'curbed by ihe Legislature, which isaide to see to it that public utilitiesKlve the service they should tfive lothe people of the State.

In demanding their rights, tin* peo-ple of this section of the Slate mustact. They must take mailers inio theirown hands and pound the. •legislature

necessary lo insuremal operations.

into the actiona continuanceThe people are greater and farpowerful than-the l.ehlgh Valley • U.It. Co. Legislators give heed to theirconstituencies. They do, however.expect their e-oiistiliieneies to maketheir legislative wants . known. Themore emphatically are these wantsexpressed, the more power they carryin. the Legislature. :

In another section of tlie paper••hkinkTctKipon

have been appointed. These commit-tees wilt ••.shortly appoint generalcommittees to assist in carrying outtlie many details necessary to thesuccess of the earnival. I'-y appoint-ing executive committees, a greaternumber of active workers are enlistedthus* Insuring more work in behalf ofthe vital civic movement which givesWashington the. henetlt of an excellentpublic library.

Last year, the carnival was dis-tinguished liy its Moral decorations.Maker's hall was transformed into allowcry bower by the^deeorating com-,tnitlue. This year,. in addition .toflcnvers. a great mi in her of - tlags willhe used In ihedecoratii

ll the ClTiHunt. Thetties inti'i

ci:." is'.destined' to be bril-> will also lie many nov-

[lueed this year which are

tint- issimilarlyI irmtlicial i-ablnet, consisting of gov-ernor; departmental heads and rep-resentatives of ^legislature.

Appeals to eilisten:* whu commutebetwef-n IIUUH'S liere and business InNew* York and I'hlladelphia to lakemore Interest in New Jersey affairs.

Roads:Recommends Stale highway system<

linanecd by tenipurary State tax onall ratable.-*, as .substitute for KmmA c t . • • • • . . . •

Reorganization of Road Depart-ment by creating highway, coin mis-sion of .eight citizens.'., unsalaried,thre.e-urbe <mi;incers. with power to}ilH*"*i'int highway c'Miimissiouer andother otlicers.

Liberal aid from State for improve-ment of: din roads in townships. '

Universal installation of . patrol sys-tem, even lo extent of refusing Stateaid for 'any county improvementwhere patrol system of maintenanceis not p:V»"


Vienna .Man, With iYnclmnt lor (iei- •ting into 'IVouhlc. In Hit- Tolls {

.Vow a I .Morris (own. j

Augustus Savceool "f Vienna hashad a dashing career which has b-;--o !temporarily checked by liis arrestCelvidere. Sitvecool, It In allejhas taken tittle flights into the rci

llnauee. 1 le has eoine a i^i'op-il won't


— :— , I The VJiiK.HulV ill AViisililnBt'in. which j

This Shrievalty Up to Date in|^h"}uMVtt™K^Its Civilization. n.H hnvi

l l t i i i o v i i vlie-;. ,1 i.

••nuilKli:iy frnin those ruinously ail-

Its intt'iiiin-nui' ttsr. li

Case is Called.

per, Imu-eviir. iiml won'i dfi.iiny mnre | ini/p nr nrnni r n m mTTn t ''•"•» itixtlished. TITSOHS at resp'.tiNi- Minn nnilll/llin rRin l l lo i* i rn^^ i l

e^1»,^ee,! t',^,sr i,rKv!S;!J0Y3 Oi- PEOPLE R E F L E C T E D \ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ t : ^ , ^ HARD DRINKING iMPHA&IZEDiifon-u chnrKf nf havlriK workiMl nit a | • I points in ihe prwnt i n roKiirdinK ' ——! 'vTV'ifeJiS,'nSK

f;:r S r ' S . nr- "»,,.«• " «"••'=" <««"<»< "• V. ui-SpU-y ^ H S ' ; : : " t ^ j T Vlcllin i.1,.1 nr Delirium Tro^Stif:largi; bill ol' gooflR.and S-t-1 in <'hsingf\ j St,w* l»,v tin- Way. do.'S not ]ierniii of lining or sending ! niciu ati.l \<K 1'roin niiriis.', ,<"V1,?;,tJ

2ml " h r ' i o ^ ' a m r r l l s h lw'! :s"s.mt lm w ' » - r o « '•""•ntl.ii.H are dlvidM inf. i» 3nll P-rsons wlm l»,y drink .o inrn ; A m , m u n w m l m m , , e r t r l ; l ! c ^ ( l 5 |the b nk in whicli SaveeoM sai.l \w <«'" " ' " ' ' ^ . « i » * who enjoy par.I-s \ " ^ ^ ' ^J^^'.";'."^/. ii"V.lv tivii tli.—- I l I ) " e"'"- '""'" ' '"• "elvlclero" :to hu s ^ ihad an account ami the bank return-' "nil those wlm don'i. The whole world j w ' s h m ' - S L n s or tlwVr repn-^ma^ U'.r^vlvil v, its, eapar-lty :ye* te rday .Mied tin- piece ol' papt-r stating the umu \ ih'.-se days is judged, by tlw- juirtit-s it j l h . ( . s . w i l ! l l ( j ( . ' t iR . .j,l(rishiiurv v> Morris Col.- of IJclvidere WJIH ehargeil'•V,^

strengthen the law governing boards' I with havingVaiised the death of E d f f n r ^ 'of proiei-tois- so that not only mill- [ II. Larir.e by piishlnK him onto a atovo",^.-ensed individuals who nirnhh drink rluririg n .senffle after the m e n h i u l ^ . -to addicts will b._- srvert-ly punish,,.! l K . ( M 1 .jrinlting. The evidence brought . • •^1\ i ^ ^ ' ' ^ : ^ ^ V ^ 7«-«V|je >rl..| drew „ picture <the^Jgoods- lo p.-rsous wlio .-arry li-inor to <h'p'"tdation vvhk-h follows too m u c h > ^ | iiii.'i: nn "jag lists'* will nHo I.,; (leall M"'"lnkiiig. It brought out P |'^nilnent-;:u.{^'|

.•ii for tin-Iiiiil no aci-oiinl tlibeing held at Morristjury.

Saveuiiul has lifcn in the news ofthe day prior to his pics<-ni trouble.Not long ago he I.MI a Newark hiick-maii th« i-baso nf his llfi> ihrmigh.Morris and Wnrren ollntles nml

len eontles nm

tlnally left him without paying Illsfare. The Vienna man "KOI away"witli his hacking ndvetiture. Inn' itappears he is up dKiilnsl n hardproposition to clear himself from thecharges tinder whi(;h he n'tw :!lndsliiniself. t , v

.Men. therefore.; andin staiil old Warren aiv as partl-

lied proportioiiiitely as .Ww>.r Stroudsbiiri;,'rs. Kvery littb- Katb-erhiH tin's*.- days is called n party. Anl-Iaston yipunur felhiw iHephoii'-s ovi-rto \Viish!ni-'iou anil makes a date Witha Kfrl "for a little party." .The nextday the KII! tells some of her Wash-ington friends that "it was some par-ty." Half a ilozt.-n1 l!elvld'-re y'Mm;-,'men KO to KiiHion for u "little party."The next clay,'in tellintr the stay-nt-

i severelymist

;iiid it mup y

nfiircMi rigid-i h d

ly the. fact Unit men in their cupsdesperately and Irresponsibly wlieir^t^

Iky anger or spite. The fact that ;•'^« Jly. tinii th*' "jug list" bill ii'it had its J thfduiicl nmii and the nian aeciiHoa of>v;J ;

drawn by the lefrlslatuiv it would his alleged victim to l

FBEEHOLDEBJIBHTS AGAINEciid I'ullis Sturls Action to (finish

Iiullcinienl l-'ouiid A^iilust Miniby W'nrrcn Co. <;r;iiid •lury.


.Supreme Court ConJoseph II. Parry of thi


onnty. ! at Helvldure yesterday, tin1

light of tlie Indlett'd former freehold-•rs nl' Warren •euimty was taken up

In earnest. Tf'stimony Is beingused bi-fore the supremetaken to IJ

•urt at tliuse pKt'liruury term, when ar-y

guments will bit made in an attempth di f ltlie indictments

against ihe former freeho

w ays. Transportation amiCommercial Development:

Co-opentiion of• Sj'iite with i:ities inImlbllng of iiKH-in" "~" terminals amiother waterway development. . *

L'rges rities m group and take ad- t

vantage of law whm-by streams may "be. dredged by federal governmentand adjacent marsh lands reclaimedfor taxable ratables of State.

1'nblit! {twiiurslilp of waterfront, u

(ContiniicMl on jiaye -1). \


AgL-il Allan

idcounty otllc('r.< The ease being heardyesterday before Commissioner I'arrywas tliat of the State vs. Head I'uilis.t'rr,seeutor Stryker appeared for theState anil i'ultls Was ..represented byComity Counsel ICgbcrt Itoseerans of

•n and .by.:Attorney llarlan.C Hohnkcii. ' . ••• *.

I witnesses were examini'dat Hie ni'itrniiig hearing." They show-ed that I'J indlcliiieiits luui beenbrought ngaitiin the former freehold-

tul the crouiiiy oltifia!.«,: ami thaiseveral of "the indicted men were•barged with having taken from theounty ilieiuiliy sums li-ss than $1.

it was also shown by the testimonythat George L. Veisley, forenum ofthe grand jurv, had. 'after lie had be-

K- foreman of the jury, announced1

himself as candidate for the two-year

i L hi th i arg merit thatLunctir .u,ied of deliiium trenieus. which, \w\v-,''.;%'

taek ny rcvengt-ful persons,parties, according to Kev. Sir. U-cch.are shocking ami shoubi lie blacklist-ed. . There are in I'hillipsburg, too,some red-blood, manly, courageousyoung muii. who would like to bettertheir Americanism by Indulging inthree-round boxing contests, one ofthe h(.st of tlie manly sports. Theliev. Air. I.eech and some of the othersoft-listed clergy of the town arc deadset against "boxing parties," whichthey consider brutal and degrading.Uy discouraging young men taklm:an interest in the healthful, man-mak-ing sport ofjboxing, tiie etergy are. in-viting them' to spend their time inindoor sports which are really harm-ful. The young man who likes lotakt- part in "boxing parties'- isn'tsitting around nights putting fat uponhis body tn drinking beer nor is hewasting his time in tete-a-tete par-ties with girls iie has no intention of

When the clergy object;-

. g ansaved the adjoining hoti.se. .Mrs, .MaryS t ' h i h 1 l i h V f

if.-.tlie capital cases tried at Belvldere.:n,"i;SBThe (rase of the. State vs. Slorris;'•VK.'SSpots", which _i» only eight feet froiii _ _ „

the Hopkins house. K'ole was lirs't called by. Prosecutor";:,','?:!;Tite day was bitter cold •'nnil the- .Strykcr. The llrst witness c a l l e d : ^

by the State was .\1 rs. Lnura Kan- ', ^•way. who testiiled as to the severo;;,J•»?burns her father had received and '"".';-'•'•/.\that h- had two black eyes. Mrs.-.Mary ISaclmiau, who lives lir part oC,tht' IVqiK'Mt Mouse, lestitled that she*saw Lance and he was lame and hiuK

.Monday following1 the :

riu.-ri wuro nearly frozen from tlie wa-ter, and it was remnrliahl,; .how thfadjoining building was ianv lire apparatus toloss to Sir. Hopkins . .be about Sl.l'Ol), with s-imie insurance.

fight with. Tin;' S i i m a t e d t«i



EDGE CUES THE•HEeRICK'UIW!i^iT^XSr2i I I I1 '. ' I followed t'ole to the stable and saw;

] him strike Lance, and then grub him.' -.--,•>•.novcrnm- Advocates Appropriation of } and in thruwitig him upset -the stove ^ j

.Money lo Carry Out I'rovi- i and that Lii rice fell on tlie burning-•r Warren .Winlilynmii. •• V"ii]*-. ' ! 1 ' , H i l i l 1 Lhat when he .•BHV,-:,.

• • ; l.unces cinthes were iHiruing he grab- ,-,£^'.;"|„ . „ .... ,, , .. ,.„„ , , , . . ,„ , . ; rrrr.-. . •, },f*c\ hitn and pulled him out of the*"TI

!" u't«fe" rtS,S' VoJtrohstf.cn | FARM VALUES WOULD BE RA1SEED i * v , ' ' ^ , ; : ! } ^ ^ s . S f t ^ ^ ^ T Mmentally and physically the youth ofthe land, it I« time to call a halt onsensational pulpit advice, in some of,the best New Vork, Philadelphia,Chicago and London churches, boxing

Tiie»Jny""rertM:reiV"'liru"Tiin;Vie\VmplV- L1?*; A* W ° " i a " ^ *"*" *'mentary manner to . th f lierriek State i ?,',','?)„ t-*«..t «.i n« . . c-

•ul oxtintfuishert the liurninff -ling. "He.said that before the aHSauIt'

,y{JS i Cole had left the Pei|iio.st House, say-'i :„._ i._ .-.1 — -i._ -vho stole ' /^3J

•go Staples and Hoy Smith,of;

iR-h.v Itosldciu Lies r n -s All Night in Open-i /I'l-o Weather.

y ,/,• .lit l'eter Wen-dcrsho; lel^' .of Aliamuchytownship, felt froin the barn door ofthe Hotel Lirunswlek shed at Alhunu-cby, fractured his spine, injured bishead, an.' lay unconscious where he

;i*v d i d l l ' l d

LastLast .TliSisday ,/,• .lit'dcrshot; a -reslilel^' .of

f f h

fell iscoveretl early l-'rldayle was rosfcred to con-

, sciousness, but pneumonia had set inprove attractive. . . « • . . . _. - •

_ _ lie mysterious, imay be cut out," pasted to'a"post card.] fore "ciiir-iMU • l)er;'lt*«crlbu(l fully .lie- ] wiis" removeti" Vo t'iie home" 'of hislilled In.and sent to thu assemblyman fore tho. opening. . r " - ••L*-r(lauBhiori:-"3ilrM.''-'-.S:iniHer-~Driiker'-ufin your district. When the people I There will, be brilliaiHly rn.stuined john»bnluirff, from whose house hestorm the legislature, • legislators sii young women "in aUt-ndivnce and the w a H i ) l l r i e ( ' yesterday.up and lake notice. Tlioy can not i different booths'-will, lie made even f,. uendersliot was ti-! years oldignore the denijiiuls of the voters and [more attractive than those last year. - - . • . . ..

There will be delicatessen, fancywork, cjihdy, ice cream, punch howl.children's, flower and fortune telling

. ._ . . . b o m b s . . • • • ' .i-eai'. If ; they, tlo not make their The Washington Public library is

' '•-' '••-'••' . i . . -! . . , .w cm. o|- [|u. most Important insii-

taxpayers of the State. There arefarmers all ahing • the route of the

'JlorrLs canal who are anxious lo have.npuraluins resumed on tlie canal thl; year. If : they, do not nwants known to tho legislature, ill ,

. law-nuilving. body will not. know of | unions in.ihe life of the borough'.:-- iiihcir.anxiely to liave the canal oper- its patronised by all the people, youngatcd except as tlioir demands are ' ' ' * '"voiced liy others, There • are mer-chants, coal dealers, mill owners, andmany others who are -.vitally interest-ed, and the front-nil 'public shouldIn.1. . Let •them ..voice ithe.ir demandsby addressing communications to the

1 J . l e g i s l a t u r e . •• • •, • . .

The Stiii1' is' anxious to prevent ca-nal'abandonment because, the JIorriscanul.is of great .service to the peoplein this 'part of the Stale living alongits course. The Star lias' sounded

^linny folk upon the proposition, andit has found none who'is content thattlie old canal in this section should bi;abandoned.- 'This paper is advising Us

-•,i'?i!/l!;Dl^~^i!!:;Jl.b'inVr •-'h»*~--. pui\9n

found'on iiiv/tlicr pageViill it outraiulsend it lo tlie Legislature. The timein act is now. Tlie nail is in place atTrenton'to bo hit uii the head by thehammers .wielded in this suction ofthe' Slate. . • ' . . " " -

sons, Hollo-York, and

_. serves to bring muchpleasure inuF'the1 lives of the citizenswho are'enabled, at. little cost to haveat their command hundreds itf books,it •would, lie impossible for them to jenjoy were it not for the public li- 'brur.w Heiiis a public institution "amiserving -..the whole cum in unity, it is

.and is survived by twway ami Arthur of Netwo daughters, Airs. Drake and. MissISdlth of Allnnuichy: also four broth-ers, lie had bOn a resident of theAliamuchy vicinity nil his life, "ilewas ii member • of Pocruest Tribe ofHod }len of Hackettstown and. w:is;arespected ekizen whose loss will be'-felt in th^eommunlty in which helived. Th?*•deceased man was UnifiedIn Hi.! cefcietery at Tranciuility.



g..the w ,atly worthy of the support of

Th carnival is" designed' to en-l i b 1 h icarn g

ns to give the library.1theirh i ha

Opera"House Priiliiy Mght.Metro Wonderplays ]irosents Jlmo,

5 Petrova, the Star MagnliUicnt, in a!'" Metro .musterpiece of] love and -the

•jvar in lSu'.-'ope, "The Rlack liutter-'....-.-Hy,'''.hv i.l.vn supe.rb acts. '; Special ,iU-

tciition Is called to the grand eiiio-. tinn'ul acling of Tetrova and also the.splendid gowns worn by her. Also ahlgh-cla^ comedy, "His birthday(.lift''- featuring Max l-'lgniiiii. *" '

( ^ f t - t l > ! l ; ' ! r t.Ian. 2(i—:.'In'.

7Diplomatic Kcrviee,

h h d ll. p ,

with Francis X. F-ushman.ahd llevor-ly. tlayiie;^i'Mduy, Feb. 2—Mm'c. ,,1'e-irova, in< "ICxtravagance.;" last hiitimitleast—Charlie ..Chaplin, In "A LoneHtar" production, "In the ©Kink."Tuesday, -Ian. 30i llaleony, 5c; par-quet and orchostrn, 10c!'.

: i '

-!}-•• marririgo on Tuesday ovening,".IaTiVfl7at the' ilarsotuige in MaVksboro, MissporotliV' Snviler, daughter,of ATr.jiiiul.Airs. Joseph" Snyder bf.; Alarksboro,jiml lTorman Ki^ipaugh cSf Vail...

citizens to give the l i ysupport and -at the same time havetwo days of doliglHful soutiil life. TheMiicV<uut.of,ihc library depends largelyupon the1 iinaiicial success .of. the car-nival. Gitlnens of Washington andfolk in the vicinity are therefore urged

ends and Customers.As most of'you know, I liave ob-

served the .Seventh-day Sabbath (Sat-uirday) for niany years; out,, beingassociated witli others in business,you liave suffered no inconvenience,white 1 have sacrilk-od all prolltK. .

Now, on'Fell. l,i I sever all'connec-tions wjth partnors, and will close mystore from sundown on Friday until.sundown on Saturday, a.s the UilVieproscribes. Tlie .store will be open

ILVO-^M....„',].(,„ ,,-,.'<».i: •>•. .••--.- | every_,cyenlng from' 7 o'clock until '8

, t .I _ ^ . i # 1 11,,,,,'c • i urdays from sutulown until 10.lit) p.\Vashin»lnn A. A. C'ominltt'

President Arthur Doorkeu, of UieWashlUKtoii Athletic Association, yes-terday announced the committees forthe association for the'present year,Tlie ollicers of the association andthe .committees named by PresidentDoci'ken follow: ' ,

Arthur, Doerkori, president; Dr. T.K. Mayward. vice president; Harry h.Smiths recording secretary; I-IugeneI.J. Unaberry, linancial, .secretary;'..'MM.L. Skinner, treasurer, trustue.s-^-Hor-bert A. Mayo, Joseph II. Cornish,'John II. Weller, William ,,A. Tingley,George C. l.ose'y; entertainment com-niitt^e—JohnHtou COrnish, ^Mllfiuii .1.Caswelt, Charles i;.""Str.vkorr cHnrlosI1.. Hrady, "William a . Spelrs; billiardf-qmmittuo—John V. Hint, Charles11:* IX-iT, t»r. 'IV K. llayward.^

I will hereafter liy more promptwith repairs and endeavor to. serve

"letter than ever before. ' .:. W. II. .MISUUILL, Jeweler. ,

At,The IH'o llivo,. '£>} ;

after she iuitl sulTeved a long illnosfj, j r " .All Women's Coats half price! ^

Mrs,, John Klslcy.'j!/Peatli came to MMI-S!' -John

it her home ,,iii;.New-;Villnjje ,.Tuostlay.ifter she had sulTered a long illness.The deceased woman was r»S•-. yearsold and is sum-ived by; her lniKbaiul.'mul~iiUie)|1v;linclrenr^Ko:v.ycars::ahe.^\\w*?;"uetlve in tlie cluirc'lv"wj;irk'.iii'>:llio~com-'ni unity. The funeral will be held'Saturday afternoon 'JfronV^ her . Inloihome, llurlal "will: ;lie" in,"- tho'eeiiie-";tcry, at Stewartsville,.• ' • , ;;,

..Mrs. Sarah C \fohnsion.drs. Sarah C.'.lolinston died at herHe on West Stewart street at iioon•Tuesday; after a^liiifferlnfj: llliiess.

She was bora in Ashurv and spentall her marrind life in .Washington.She was an octivu monibcr of theI'reKliylerian chun-h and will lie miss-ed by ii large circle of friends. ::S.lu>is survived by two .sisters. Mrs. /Annl-i,° Johnston, of ••. Delaware, p., and

•Mvor-Jciir.iu'-..Gs-iCar.iciv ot' . Helyidere.Kuneriil services will be hold at herlute residence' Ka.turday morning at10.30, Key.. J.' N.^Wap.enhurst odlciiit-ing. Interiuent• wllt'^be in the fiiniilyplot in the Wnshlngtoir'eeinetery.

ed. .Tills it'stimo .in an endeavor'to show Hie voters nrthe county did not think the chargesgainst the' freeholders .were \ very

serious. . - • '

I lead Pull is testified tliat he hadbeen raised in tilairytown, that he hadIonjf enjoyed good standing in the

uiminily, had never before beencharged with any crime, and tliat liewas -charged by ihe grand jury withhaving taken from the county 51.02to which be was inn entitled. Me ex-.plained that iliat money was spent ingoing to a 'committee meeting, liehaving- charged three cents a 'mile fortraveling expenses, and that the $1.02lie charged did not pay for the fullexpense of the trip.

At... the .a tier noon session, .testimonywas giveifishowing"that two membersof the {"rand jury had been workingiii favor of the Veisley candidacy bo-fore tho indictments were broughtagainst ihe • freeholders. It was te.s-tilled that one of . the . grand jurorsmade the statement to. a possiblevoter tliat all members V.f the oldboard of freeholders shoV;;a be in-dicted for •taking county "money il-legally.

Judge J'loseiierry took the stand andtcijtilied lu> had had nothing to dowith the candidacy, of Albert 1!. Craigfor the otiice of freeholder and thaihe had not supported him at the pri-maries, lie also stated he had'.pub-lislied in The Washington Star a coni-niunieaUou advising against tamper-ing with the grand jury, thin com-munication being Inspired by • tho can-didacy of Veisley. , A copy of TheWashington,. Star which contained acommunication by former Judge. Wil-liam II. Morrow uttaokins1 JudgeKoscbcrry was adniittcd into evidence.although, the admission was opposedby the prosecutor as being irrevelaiu.

This is ibo Uiird time in tlie his-tory of the Situe that the Supreme

•v;oii"rr-b;"iw":iM itieviytostirMnny-.tr,~!jc.r.;t;ir-ken 'outside of the record. The caseboforlimb* .prosecutor of the pleas, was indicted.It was claimed the grand jury wasunfair and tue supreme court heldthat it Is a. mini's right to-lie judgedby-an impartial grand jury. Nextweek there will be 8uinu new develop-ments brought into the 1'ulMs case.

ibject to dancing advocate kissinggames, which may eventually lead lomarriage fees. Others who favor,ilaiicing object to kissing, so no iviat-'ter what sort of social party is in-dulged in there . Is some one to object.The paiti.es go on just the same. Of.•ourse, tlj^re Airo . nullting . parties,ijiiott-e pnVtiesy and donation partiest s y a n d d n t p

. t , % . : n t y i i t .stated intervals.They haven't yet called the

'There are nice, jolly, spirited little.lolitical parties being held in- tliecounty regularly, and some of them

this was eight yuars ago incounty, when the assistant


th'cn's Coats, 20 per

l::rJ_A],*ii's_.StiitaI...30.jper cent,' oft'. I:i"::vVonVT}yercQi^^^

A hnlf -': dollajr oit!':"oii iTuy" pair off.!iieen _<3imMl "v snoes. - . ^ iL. it _,£•

*' 'ib\V i)nfi's~'M'i*W^?3.00>Shoert nt ,if 1.0S-—this w^ek only.

Le>vis M. Davis. iv

Lewis JL I3avis,; 70 years old,-diedearly Friday, morning a t :his homo on-West Washinyton avenue from pneu-monia. ,, He had been in. Ill health forthe. past four years but was cmiilaedtothe..bed only two NiUiys during whichhe ""'remained ' iiiieoiisciOu's'.t"-' '1 io'-'wais'born stt.SoiiitM-villo und lived ilioreuntil about .2ii years ago, >vhen liemoved to Washington. lie conductedthii'gronery store here, kno,\viuas ihe"nine- I'Vont'*. uiuii-idnr^yeni-s ago,when, ill,.;hcalth--caused-, r. hls::, retire-ment. Me.1, is survived by ,liis wife,and I wo sisters, ^Irs-William II. Knn-dolplv antl.-.^l'lss Sji.r,a.li.,.nav.is,;b,>th ofWnxhingtoiv''." Funenil services wer


rilla- "party," but they

ire "so•lorrlckJounty..Smilli; ;s the•party"


lie ' parties."Is .a gClerkml'jShmostmanwho

>od "paAssembly

•ty" r.ian, so^.SLutchler.-^Surro"M*"i 1 1 " " \ * o •• ^ * ; " x r^l*"^" "•"•' *

geniaof., tlioi 'lit a

p-lfl . 1 1J U." a i l

whole-pohunch andsheriffs p

n a narc



how liisfeed prisoners on the I r>-eent.s-u-day

(Continued on'page -1).

Death of .Mrs. Alniira O. Dildtne....Airs. Almira Owen Dildinc, SS yearnold", -passed away Saturday morningat her home mi -West- Washingtonavonue from infu-nilties im.-ideiitto oldage. Mrs. Dilillne was horn Alnrch17. I.S-S. in. Newton, and spent her17. L S , in. e , pgirlhood days iii Kaston and Belvi-

h i Sli h i

of a eoniptiincnt a kepuldican gov-ernor conld give. to a bill sponsoredby. a.. Democratic, assemblyman. Asto dirt roads. Jiiov. ICdge said:

"Tlie dirt, roads nf tlie State, orhat are known as unimproved roads

h l d i i d i Ishould receive mp ,

consideration. Inmany parts of the State these are nu-

i b l kTiu- bulkmunities

if the people inive on by'-ways:

it is not tliolr fault thai they are not• • " • " • - If those high :on llie triiiik'; line.

.vays were Improved throug'a the aidand suiiervision of t he .State, back ,farms-.and properties would become | lhm. the old board- of directorsp | j

and valuations would in- jcrease. I appreciate that certainlaws .passed last year constituted a

Ail Itustness Interests of (lie Com'-"'".K>::e' 1niuniiy lJrc,-:cm at lus Aiuiuul ;•'•"*':U

Luncheon ,on Tuesday. , ; ' , ;

Niiiety-sfuen pci'sons, including bank • • :ot'lcfals and clerks, stockholder!*, man- - 'ufacturers. merchants and profession-V';al men of thfs vicinity, and a .fow-v™prominent customers residing at other,' -;;

points, wore ihe guests of the old.';;;,I-'irst National l.!ank at its annual'^;;luncheon in the Masonic banquet hall '"?''•at noon on Tuesday.. • •" • ••'.-:"---;

• T h i s Sli thering followed t he unnua l ; ;;••neeting of t h e s tockholders , a t which'.'.-;-.

•dicers- were re-elected, "namely: F o r - "uer .Senator Johnston Cornish, presi-...leiQ William S.v Kittcnhouse.'.' vice.:

none of these acis may the State ! Harry \I. Kiddle, Daniel Spangen-' :spend inm-e. than $105,000 a year in !• berg. .I.-Jl. Hryant and J. q. Kitchen.,.such work on a f»0 per cent, basis.'; A committee of the Pastor's Aid-, ..nor may any road lie improved under \ Society of the Presbyterian church. ,-.'.••;•.•;.'|this plan where tlie right of way is : of which Mrs. William S. Kittenhouse;"., - ;^ 'jIvSs-LUar.1-1):!. feet; and i u t h o s e uiutjMi'A .Umw« II. Johnston and Mrs.T7:r.-£|where county freeh'oUiers a rennthnr- \ Kugetie -i>. Unnberry;were chnirmen tv:/.&;izert to help, the road must be an ex- ! served tho. luncheon, which was de-- C^/jtension of or connection with sonn- ' liglitful in settinK. delicious in char-,;•,;;.permanently improved road. .My idea I acter and ideal1 in service. ..The ta--;!;:;

j Is thai the present legislation is n<n !>les fnnned a hollow square with ;nn--;y_-sudiciontly liberal to pi-riiiit of desir- other table running through ithc cen- " - - . _able progress in this Important di- i UT <-f the room, and presented-a beau-;•'••v^slrection. 1 understand ihiit Nc.w Vor!; i til'ul appc-urancc-with their snow,-,: •w'JState provides from • half, a dollar to ! while damask, shining silver .• and WJ'.ia dollar fnr every . dollar tliat tin*.j garlands of smilax and rcd:••g«ra'r'township raises for the improvemenV; o.ms running .through the centers. •

. g g ggrandsons and three greal-grand-laiighters. One brother irV No V kg

also survives. SheCh

'" memberalso survives. She was « member othe First Church of Christ.Scientist! in.Eastern1.'•; 1-Mnoral services ... wore heldTuesday' afternoon at 'her late homent *• o'clock conducted by A. H. l-'lch-^ i f l f K ! t C h l fChrist. Scientisti.'roston Smith

o gInterment was

; the inij'i'

of Botnlehem. JlK' j'J1!"11 ! n i t -

ang. Four sons and ° " n )1^ntod as pull-bearers. I » - i n s !In llie WiiKhingtou

..11 are familiar! It does not ''reduce I lors of the \A'ashington. AthleticvAathe cost of triClsportlHg farm prod- i cia'tiun at noon, and tli ere- was ii. ,linets where the farmer located on JIU j hour of.socii.il intercourse before •...,...,. t

inferiyc^-ljywiiy is-conipelled to start : inviiaiion was given to repair. tp_._tho'- i.;>.|w'l t'*' ^/i^'it t*v IO'MI sn oribo' tf>; n iv\ ' i>an(iuct i1^!! • where tlie social ;"elc- i"'r* r.gate tin', poor niVid from his farm to I mont continued to develop.,' untli .•tlio.i'^jHr niVid from his farm to p/ u

d highway. The huneilt ci«tirs wure passed/- Mad tliere bee.ir


relation toin wllich is

1 if ati.all."but Hubs re-

'• ' complimentary• speeches would tlioji.'

cemetery. • . ' • . 'Airs. Oihlitie preserved almost to

the last -her remarkable me.mat ac-tivities.1' Met- niind was keen" and sheloQk an interest in tlie affairs of theday^until weak ness mastered her. She

failing to greet them warmly, andh d il i v i a b l y c r r i ed

gher ready smile invaria

h iarriedher r y y

eh ecu*-to1 hot* many, passing friendswhen she oet(uip,ied a ehuir on• her-pi-azza. Mrs. Dildine always looked onthe bright,"side, of life, seeing" Ciir

oclj than bad in the worM.jand' her optimistic character served |__!1

Are "ou liilcicsteilin a <;OO1> CAP at.hiMf price? . Ifyou are, go lo Woodring's Oloiin-up;>-)lo. of Men's and Hoys' Caps thisweek 1 le lUVers exceptional values

:Ue, iilk:. ~»v. and rJilflO. Kotailedi ' t to $2.00. (They are

have been forthcotning-, .outlining t h e ^ ^ - lprogress of the {jld institution,..1 set-.""->?*f! fiting forth its strength. usefulnoasi-.'iimK' ';v'"abk1 maiKigement; for tlie First;Na-';/;tional has been a .bulwark, of.rommuniiy for more, than HO, yoars.v^-|?jlIts career 'lias been "chiti-ac-lerl'/edi; bytfe ' j ia steady growth in deposits and:puh-'|: ""J

lie confidence: While old in-years.1 it-L

is most modern in methods; whllpv,1;conservative. In policies, it is pro-."grcssive in spirit. ."With resourcesil'6Cv'Kf:|-aver -two .and va.-ciuarter,;-milll6nv.'dor-]-^S-ilarS, and an enviable record, It HmndsH^viat the forefront of.small .town . uankf*V; %J

: y <>. . • | .,nri richly deserves the (.success-'li.t-V^t^ISloddart-.Marli:'-. I tiifmul and'.'its present hlgli, stnnding;c;,Vs^

forniei-ly aibroken lots). . .,,,

TM15 \VOOlvhlXG " j l A'2 I "-•!!» Xorthfimptnn Si.,

! X.' Armstrong. in .five parts, feiitut'lng ; ,GcralcllTi

" Walter Sullivan". r>0 years old, soil, r ' • —• • • " • ' ~ - 11-1-' v--X- r i tlie SunVla'y -'edition o tTho NoTV Yor.l^Wi

of .lames Sullivan, formerly -of "Wash- J^'oad St. I iK^ater. Ni^u.n.lay,uMgm,_;, .\.nierican nnO. see thG.favorable^comH^iingto'n. who.died-in-'Ne^'-'A'Ovk, was' '• !"Thftt exquisite :'aclvess, 11 ess I e 1:'.ur- j mout oii: thi.s/splcndid • piotureV'f-i'jWfliMilirought here'last ThursdiijMind bnrie.d i" " - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . • . i ,„.•

libld. tit'liIs*lulu home, Monday morn-ljli the "VVaMiingloii cemetery. He isin^it-U"o'clocU^le^O.-^--AyHsen-:J.gbnvlVJS(l. 1>.v V daughtor, Jirs. .1.' IU.,. :hurst, pirsiorJ' T"6f"~ thev-";rre'sbyTcB"'n^'(iiblbr~of-:New''Tork^ .

brought here'last Thui-sdiijMind buried viscale. will be here Sat unlay nighl. in wil| also nhow>.in a full/reel'injji the Washington, cemetery, lie is "Pullets and Brown Kyes." iMiaS-ltar- in connection with thi«;fj' '

lisctilo takes the role of a nun. ^This j the lates^'KOWns iand;1 furi


Page 2: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

"T' ""r' '-"*"-: ^"^c^b^ fe^^^^p^vi'st^ iv-r f "f "?*;^ *M


::",ii .UVi-' -•• i


ftlfAjhe Basis of Eyeglass

Sflll&'Sifirti; V~ '9-ra pair of glasses to beaatis*

:,toiifethoy;:MUST, he; ground;,.jm; aicorrect formuln™for theformula to be correct, it must be!tmi Vupon^aTthorotigh^CRiGntificexamination of'your eyes by?anexpert registered optometrist! :'\;tiy^k h'aye the ability, the experi-ence and thu equipment to uxam-ine'.eyfeV rind make glnsses thatwill give you the:MAXIMUM ofcomfort nnti satisfaction at pricesthat ore lower than obtained any-where for professionally pro-scribed glasses,

.Glasses cost $2 or up.

[^DAVIDSONEye* Examined <.< CUsiee Fitted

No Drus* U»edmcHours 9 a. m. to5j». in,

I .; f : , ; EvcnincsliyApiiointmu-nt.

I'honeltG-RS. Kstabttsheil 1MM-

^WASHINGTON, N. J.r P. S. Out-of-town patrons are uriccd tomake appointments by mull or iiliom.1.


They State Jheyi. Are/FirrhlyUnited for Victory.

PEACE IS i f isSIBLEhuiuiiMii- IltMiinilinii of All Tcrrltm\v,v InWiirtliij; Thiit Tnlu'ii fni.ni 'Italy,.1'

anil o i h t ' i s in tin* I*ast.."Fur tin*. Writ-ill of ' jrm'ny rentiers "T

tlif Star w|io liuVC ln>l h:nl ln-furothem tin- full text n f thi ' very recentKtiti'iiti* AllK'S* reply :tu I'l't'Shltmt\VII;«;:Vs nuiu of Dec 111 uii^gcxtlngtlii.it niliV.'itgeivntx indicate: turiits i>nwhtcn \itwv In Kumjif inlttlit hi- .Us-cussoil. U herewith . i'i*t»rot.lU(!Ctl. ami

"Tht* allied Ciovorniitpiiis havt- ru-...>hvil th.-*ii.»u- which «;<s (I.-IiviT'-iii:o iht-in In the name of the <;>iV'>ni-• im-ni (>f :ht- I'nitiMl State* t>n tin* l'.'lli

i!«»f iv^itiiK-r. m - ; . They hi*iv suxiied| ' i t with tin- cure imposed upon tlu-tii,

i by thi* exact realization which. : have of ini* Knivity nf the hourI ami hy :tn- vlnectv frit-n-Mili' winch

; attach.-s them t>> tin- American {><•*>-i l i l v . : - ' • • • • -•• , • " •• •

j In ;i ycru'iMl. way they wish to dc-jHinv that tlwy f>uy tribute to tin- elo-i vjitit'ii ui' tin.' sentiment with which

thi*. Ainurlcan no:*.- if inspired andthat they nssociuti: tln-nisel. r s , with

j ill!1 their hopes, with tlu* project forj th.;> creation of a ICHKUI* "f nations to

. ; insure jieatv and1 Justice th roughnm| ] lh t j world. They rin-nmilx-' all the

ivjtnti'Ki's for ilii> cmisc oi' humani tyI I ami civilization which the InstitutionI1 <if int-rnatiuiial acre-mcnis. destined

^2 \'" :iv'it'I vtoltf.it •-•Miiilkrts In-twt'.-n na-— : l I o n s wmild pi event—agreements

j which must imply tln> sanctions u rc -; .-ssary to Insure their execution, and

L-,.II ' thus t " ptvwii t au apparent securityrKJU'fttX*. Ptci'lp. C'l'mplnliiaitt.uit'l ] tmm only facilitating nt'W aKiriv.^lons.rtfurtH' .1. Maroney am! .lani'S ,\la-I litil a discussion nf.ftttttiv arraiiKe.-

1.;..icv.Dfr-'itdantM. i iiiouts destined to insure an viulurlm;

P« iiUu'rnitMe V-iivh"'''f=ntflt - ' r ' * l |H '!u-t ' 1»'«'S(II»IHIW'M a satlsj-nutot-y sul-^ ^ ' ' u V ^ l I ' v A L T l f e ' ^ n d W : - :ll-"»-nt ** th- actual ,;»,,IIU-i., TheHv viri'iit. ..f ii... ..imv,. ,.-ri. t . ,.ir, i Allies h a w as protmmd u desirp m*

I court. I will -x\>wv "fur *u'u> \<t '\»W- ("I", tfrmlnat.- as soon us p.'sstlMe a war.•'Vetidiif, u> Hit- hlKln-fsf l.iilik-r mi < f**i- which tin- tVntrii! Kmiiires atv rt>-

;- : Siiliintnv''.iniiiiiirVT- i(M7 •• ".iiMI'li- and which InlUcts such uniel, . i i i i imn. . .iniiniirj . . . mi . , j stiriViin?is upon humanity. Hut ihuy

• nvf IhHI.'W that it is irnpnssil.If a t the

(•iVlnl mid innritlnu' froiUlem 'i(,'nln»ttinJustltliMl uttackn: the restitution nfpi':niln*n\H bv territories wrested In theliii.Ht from the All lex. l»y force orJiKultiHt tho will of tholr iioptitiitinns;the Hheratlun of Italian*, of Hlnvt*, ofHiiiminliiji^ and of T(:lu-co>H|oviup:ii-itfrom foreJ^ii tlonilnlon: tho eiifrnn-uhltUMtiom of poitul.tttous mihjeci tothe hlondy tyranny of the Turks ; the'•xnulslon fnuu Ktimpo of tho u t to -it'iin Kinidre.'.k-cUk'dly nllcn to Wext-t'i n civilization, 't'hu Intentions of lti«

i.dujesty. the Kmperor of Utitwln., re-itai-dliiK Poland 'liiive hern clearly In-th'"ati'd In tlio proclamation whicli heh;ivjii!-t addressoil to his nrnik-s.

It tro(•>< without t ry ing thnt If theAllies wish . to liberate Kui'npo fromthe Itrutal-rovetousiiess of, I'ruxsiunmilitarism It never lia« • heen theirih'.Hlfjn. u.t hns been allcKeil, tn c n -eompasM tim I'jctorrtilnatiotr of th*fOernian peoples and th'-ir political(lIx:ip|if>anin(M<. That which they tU>-s!fe a hove all Is to inntire a pisuv- up -on the principles of liberty and j u s -tice, upon the invl.dahle lldcllty ti> In-tcrnatloiiiil ohlicatiinis with which tin*<;o\-i'ritiietit nf the United States hasnever'/*1'ianed to he Inspired.

rr.ttcd tn the- pursuit <•( this sn-prviiif.' object, the Allies aro d c t w -

.'liiried. iiullvldually and eollecl.lvirly.do act with till their power and toU-oitscnt to all s.ierilk-es to brhifj to tivifturious close a voulllct. upon which,they are convinced, not only theirown safety and prosperity depend.Inn u!si» the ftititr.: uf clvliiwitloti it-self. SIIAIU1.

The Third WeekIs Greater Than the First

siu:itii'i".s SAI.I-:.in Uluuicery of X,!W .1-M-S

i M w e n n t l i f hc l o c k I n . Ute. wit; At'i: present ..moment to attain a1 peace

which will 'assure them i'i>paratlnn,u wurreii unuMiLte UL .M'w ,HT-='-.V vcsiltmlon, and such •smirnntees tothat tract or p;tr«:f-l of land anii \ which they' .aro entitled hy the a t -

omises heri'lnnficr.. particularly. <!(<-i j>ro-.-Mon fur whle-i'^thi*. r(-spons:l)Ilityirlbetl," Nitti'ttts, tyiufr • • • - • -• ' - •

clock ,i». in., at tin* Talon K'tuare Ho-1; in tlio Town of I'SifUipsbur;;, C-nm-• of\Vnrri!ii and State \>t S«.w .fers**y.

c-rlbetl," Kituntu, lyinp »ud belntf'iii tin.- j j . - i with the Central I'"wers. and c'f

o u n f f l ' a n d n ^ ' r i ^ d .,5 ^ l o w s ? ** ! ftiin tlio ^ • u r h y of Ki.r ;—u I - a ^HeliiR Lot \ u . L'lt in UUn-k a. on • wllk'h Would, on tht! othoi- hi'.tld. per -

lan of U'liltakci- I.UIH as drsiwii'i and 1 mil the establishIUCMU of the future of•irveyoil hy K.-Krank Cliue and, VN«M I Kiiropcnn na t ions on a sulid basis. T h eK}v-'r- »'««*••• KHi'l'lm hi'liirf;-f'''--iy JtillUMl nat ions a re conscious t h a t they•10) feet front on tin- n<o-lli aUW "f s „,.,, ,,,.. ML-liiinL'' for «i.MUii liiterntitu

ffo'ijiw.S'-:!:!:;-'.!,^! , 1 . £ L S ! i ;M...ai,,v,. ?n. t.. s,,^,,,,,. n., i,ri,.wentv-llve fcoiti-':"'- itr dejitti tti li-n- ' pendence of peapk'^, of right, find ofif Myrtle strtict.' ami bmindi-'d as fol- humanity,|OW.H: ;. Northerly l«y .Myrtl*? stie-'t. i The Allies are fully aware of thefustoriy 'by-J-ot Xo. 2ia, Moutherly l.y [h^Vii ; ( m t sufrerins whk-h . the war•Jo" rM5 IMnir hi « w InnK ', «»"«'•- to l.tM.tmls as well as .to Dellls-jremlJnH (Siv^-^'t "to l\u-. s S l .Ma"- eronw. and they deplore them', ' bu tfiiret -.1. Marmicy. by rtot*d • uC- Morris ' they do not. hold tliem^olvos. .respoii-

COUNTY CLERK'S OfFICC PAYSI ' tcs Tut;en In Amount to Ooiii-lder-

itldy .More Than ihe Salariesof I'OIII' Men.

The Wan-on comity clerk's ofllce. isnifir«i than self-supporting, the earn-ings of the olliee. for the past yearliclntr f-,WUS greater than the am«'Uiitp:iid for the s;ilarie« of th.t clerK, hisdeputy and two assistants. Ke.e.i* forriHiordlun deeds ami inort.c«iKcs fonn-rd tin. greatest source of revenue,the total uinouiu KatheriMl In for thiswork lielnif S3,U^l'.

I'e»'S for the Circuit court, Court(if Coininoii i'leas. hotel licenses. Ill-JriLf, sear(!l<hii;.. e:incellatlontt, ci-rtiti-

i c:ites, naturalization. eominis.«loiin i»nI hotel and hunters" -licenses, adininks-} tration of onMis, cerlitled copies, and; ifiisCfliiMle.uiS'ChiUK.^ u.\ tin- lotul

income o( the olllce from fees $4tr»Q!J.Tlu; ulerk's of life is also er.'dited with$L'.OD0 worth of work done for thecounty in the indexing of lei;al pa-pers, comhiiuinK elections-, si rid othersie;vices. The salary of the clerk is$'_\fH)() anil those of his three assist-nniM total $L\">SO. Clerk MutchN-r Isroei-lvini: congratulations on tin; lineshowing his olllce has made, duelar.i;i;ly to his efforts. ;

:{ i re tJ . .MnrniK'y . by deecl >,( Alorrls J thcy do not .\;. .Kract? . ind'Annie M.. his wifi-. ibil- i sibte for thil Kobrtiary. IJtb, : io(n. und i-ccdriiwi ; ,-it\u .r - willedn::tlip Clerk's n(fic*">" of t!i« "County of ; ..„ i l n ' , l v S [ r i^ r ren . . in . .Bor .k . , ,C D«. l» JTT put-,,. ^ ^ ^

themselves. rhavini,- in no way

r i>n»vokeil this war*t t l r,,(inr-(> the«e 0-uii-

^ ' ] ,!.tn,U il%& ns-thc 'properly of thP ' «1P- ' th^inexorabircxiwni-Ics'V;!: ' Vholr"dfc"

-Mutiints a t the suit ot* tbi>• e..tn[>tafii- ; fense against the. violence and theint arid .to•Ho Void li'.* . " " ''wib-s of the enemy. '•

KDWAllD .1. VOS'LKP.. ftii'rlff. !/;• It is with •sutl^fiictlnn. thuroffirft.sfly ..December 2U, inn;. ' that "they take note <if!ihc declaraUon

• ttii't the-America it communication is: : (hi. ' nowist- iiHsm-iat-Ml in its . origin

1 with thai nf tii'j- rviitrul . I'owers; trau«mitied nil iln* ISth of Decrotuheri !>y the Government of the L'nltcil1 Stall's. ' T h e y .did not dinibt, ninre-; ovi-r. the re.siilati'in of that Gnvern-i nient to avoiil fv^n iho appc-araticoi rn" ;L support, even moral, of the au-! thor.s respomsibiy for the .war.'* The allied c;"\-'--niniP!its l.olievo that' they must protwt in tlk* must friondly! but in tin- most spL'c.iik' manner! against the a.=siinilaiion, ostablishod', in the American note, hotv/oen the• iwn jrroups of liolliyercnts; this as-' similution, based upon public 'declaru-; tions by tin- Central Powi'rs. is in di-F rect opposition to. the ftvidenee, both' a s regards rt-spon'sil>ility for the pastanil as concerns .^uarantoos for lheI'uuire: President Wilson, in mtnt ion-

- ins it. certainly had no inte.ntitjn oftri'soiiiutiiis him.-"o!l' with it.

! If there is a hislori-.-a! fact- f-stab-.' iiiihed at the1 present dal". it is tin-

w!lful.«pri,'i't»*-Ion-of CK-rnvinyantl Aus-; t!'|;{-HuiiKa!*y to insure Ou-lr hegemony

over Europe and tholr* economic tkuni-, nation over the wurlO. Germany . prov-.''•etl by her dec.hirations of war, by tho

iuumriliate viola lion o.f I.lelsiuin ami1 nu>:e nil i'\i r(rr"".i n fl~~'l»y-'"- lie r~: manner "~"ai-con duet in if 'the war her simulatingcontempt f-u* all. principles of human-ity/,antl all rnspec-i l'nr small States.A.-jfthi* (.'onllk'i developed, the att i tudefirUhe Contra I Powers and their alliesh!i\\ bf-fii a coiitinunl dr;lianu(* of hu-M iViity iiinl-vMUzatlon. • - . ..

Iflvji, necessary i<; recall the horrors«-tiiMiSfc:j>i..1i,in.inl.Ml the invasion of

pi" Serlila, thi- atrocious


OWNERS•"••"••.'I1-:intend to m o v e my

STEAM VULCANIZ-ING business to Wash-ingtonas soon as I can

! find a suitable location.: In the meantime, if you'have any tires or tubes

' t h a t need repairing,kindly leave at Major's

'/hardware store, as I call.y:^--- there for/work-twice a

I.*ji-..:.wpfik.^l ^guarantee .to 2: please you. ^

J. E. CHRISTIE..•""..."••DELAWARE, N . J.

! Why Tanners WWi Itcttt'r KfMiils.j In tho pro.spcrous agricultural nei*-

tlons the average, fanner IK now a hc-licver in road improvements, a l thoughten years uy,o he was • oimpsed tothem. The change in opinion 'is doubt-'

' less ilut* In some measure to the grow-.[int; conviction that a sootl road is; useful In a businoss way, for hauling.I biiL there Is now a m u c h strongerj reason for the farmer 's interest in[ highway bettfrments^ Take Iowa,| fiii- instance. The latest registration"i tlgu.vs* show tliat tln.-rt- art* 191.U9"(autotnohlles in that State, or one forIt-very la inhabitants. There is no} hirwo city in the State and no cenu-rj of jjreut wealth, so the Inevitable con-I elusion is tha t the fanners of thei Stati! own most of these, automobiles.; It. was not so inany years auo iha t! these fanner.-: opposed . road bulltlini?J a.s beiiiif of value only to it few rich| owners of motor cars. They are nowj in fiivtu- of such improvements', andI it is a fair inference that the absence;oe.sood r o a d s ' i s ' w h a t eonvitK-etf thei agricultural population of the value| ot real highways. The farmer is like| any other man in wishing, to set tho| most out of life he can, and the in-' ftuencu of mud and ni ts is part ieular-i ly irk.soine to him if he is a motorist.

is a contradidion to age. It never ceases to grow in size—youare always sure to find that tomorrow is greater than today insome ways, but by putting off vbuying until tomorrow, the par-ticular thing you had intended to buy today may be gone.Everyone in this cily and vicinity knows just what the Bush &Bull January Sale is; they know that it is a Sale of only season-able merchandise—thousands of dollars' worth bought especiallyfor these sales and other thousands of dollars' worth from ourown good stocks reduced in price for clearance.

Every day has its own advantages, for with every day somelots are reduced in quantity, and for immediate clearance theprice musT: again be reduced. This relentless policy of positiveclearance makes greater saving opportunities every day the sale


? . £ ? , : / R u l e t o l


fhe Ouality Investment\ i E ' ^ ' i r i l E ^ -hiS',;:'-, • , « , ,':•;•;.•...•.•,•• :.., . : - : cf thousandj.1 uf inoffensive Armr-ni-id'fitm"of".T.vL.*Pettyjohn & Co. stands for the LalK the h.-irbaH.U*'S pe rpe t ra t edjolltyJnvcBtment only-ihe Inveat-nunt that is1

: |f-ainst iho .populiiiUfins nf Syria, the>und-to return both Iho investor's capital and

Efhe Qualjty. Investment iiuar

frhia,.s. •iacompanyd«»l»hly.ImtJrovod fu

of Zeppelins on open towns, tl...., j ik 'stmetion hy sutiinarines *6f pnssen-

uuii «U»IUJ. ....*...u..w..t „«...«—... .i pcacefui'i'jrf.'' i;t' 'iimers and nf merc i i an tmenbiintl-rleBB profit, but a certainty that ysur money , ,.,-,.,, nndor IHMUI-'II il'io« the cruelR " bffiS™"en!hCC by tJnniC' nwc«ta«""h«l t ^ u n u ' n f h . S u "u.Slf-prfiim^'oi

uimiinuKun Mi,^..-.,,^. ..... . - , : WHJ.t L h f . j u r i m c i i l mui'dtirs ..of. Missi.f.:iivnll. of t.'.nptain '.t'jVyatt, the d('])ort-1 ation an'.I !ht.> reuuetion to s lavery of

pTielii*hrvV/Xe«n7ostc^Vhroug]roVrrporic(i j '- ivil populatiiins.^et cetera? The ex-• . jocniinn of puclr' a s e r i e s of crlnil-H,

•e have operated in tW.'ono'riolJ for Wi y«iw and ! I'l-rpotratod without ' :,»>• regard forivcloan«J,over $25,000,000. W« haviireonfliwd | "Hivi-Kul wprooiuion. fully .esnJ:nnHir loans'to' this territory, because here we knuw to Cr^li lMit Wilson ihB pro tes t of theie investor was assured safety foe his money. i Allies.

•woBUu'i.r.^WBCKlio.iun.vou.nboutourJ'Qualitv'i' They ' cons ide r 'that the note which" " " BeaTnfmTH-iurand-cltenlckref^

• • '.' \\ . . -• ply to the (.ieruuin note will be a r c -{•spoiifte to the ((uestions pu t by t h ewXmork-iin (iovt-nimeut, and . accord-: In? ,to the oxata, words' of t he lat ter ,

i j "cnnst i iute a public'.declarfition us to1! the condit ions upon which the w a r[ii'onid be terminatod.'1: ' '

President AVilson desires move-'; he

I .. : ..; Price of l'opiilur Thursdny Ni^ht Har-| gain. Slum* al, Opera House . toI Ife Increased l 'dimai-y -.{ The high cost 6i' materials useil in

the production and exhibition of mov-- injf pictures is being felt here, on

aeeourit of lhe increased eo.st of. ail-.1 verti.sinjf matter, carlxiiis, lihns, aiulI other nifiyini? picture necessarios, .lolinI \Y.. Lunger, proprietor uf the Opera-! House, has been fumed to" raise t heI price of his Thursday niylit bargain.' .show., a t .which lie now '.shows ciyht! reels- of tip-io-uatL- pictures; for live! cents, to 10 c*"*nts for the partiuet andfuVi!hVrtLrii--Hi*at5?--:Th'C-'-lni!1*ioiiy-.-.prlceo.

will remain a t live, cents. The newprice .schedule will go into effect on

j Feb. 1.| Mr. Lunger has long made a feat-j tire of his bargain show, and it hasI been greatly appreciated hy his p a -[irons..: lie luis. been loath to chaiifroi his pricfs. hi.it the increased cost ofI exhibiiinK has made this1 necessary.

Me now has to pay rather heavily foradvertising:' maue r he used to get freeand his other constant charges ssirenow over JOG p<*r cent, above whatthey were laHt year, lie says, how-ever, that a t the new rates, his bar-

! giim show will still he a: biirgjun andi will be K'rn.i'-foivuml better than.tlinsp! oC. the pas:. ''^

j , Mrs. Itachcl Coiirokt1.Mrs. itachol Goarcko of. I'ree Union,

who had been ill fen- a number ofweeks, passed away 'at the home oflier daiifthu-r, .Mrs. Wesley Cibbs, a t

; Vienna, .Ian. 10; She was the widownf the late Henry Goarcke, a veterannf-.thc. .Civil war.1 She Is survived byt h r e e sons. .Incob of Marble Hi!!,CSoorge ut Priinktin Furnace, andJohn ('>:' G;*eat*LMeail6wa; also, by six

In Mm .Matter ortrue of .Ahicfnil Itisiiam •• (.:.~,]v,.,...

, .Henry, Deceased. .) y«(>'_toi*"I'lirsiiiint Hi the order of the Sur-

rogate'of tlio County of WuiTen. niiidcuti Hie twenty-third day of December,A. 1). nineteen • hiuulrud and si.\lu.:u,notice is iiereby plvun to , all personshaving claims against ' tlio fstiite ofAbigail Tnghiim Henry, late of the

the same to the siibscr.iber, her ex-ecutor, • on or before th« twenty-lhird

t day of September, A. D.1 tihieleou Imn-I dreil and si;venieen, l>elng nine nmntha\ from tlie date nf .said order: and anyicreditoi- netrlcctlng to bring in and ex-\ hlbtt his .or her claims under outh oratlh-tnation, whiiln the time so limlteiliwill lie forever : liar red of Ills or l;erfiction against the said executor.

PIIEDBHICK .1. LAR1KW,Kxeculor, Washington, N. .1.

Dated: Dee. .2S. 1C16.

• W> Guunnlc r MortKncC!


1 pn:i!i.ei;:-l'I.ii- (!;l';i:;-


• A : I * K .

\ v i i , '

L. tic

V XOTICI2.Iii t l i o ^ r a l t n r o f Hid. Bs-•^late-pf .-Dr'.LK.-H.iyhopT

d,"- Decftascd. . ;..

\ President AVilson desires more: he_ } ilesi'res tha t the belligerent" powers

; openly fifllrm the objects which they! seek by emumuinK the war; the Allies! experience no diUUrulty in replying to

j i h i s request. Their .objects in the; > wur aipo' well known; they have been


Iher, A. D-nlnotecn hundrctV and six-! m, (letail for damages miftered until•'tcfinV'notrcc-l^aiLM^nvy^'yrvcn'HM'aii'i^

having claims against tli _._r;Vfi;iMl. Sbop^uril,: Into of ...

County: of; Wurron, deceased, to pro-t ' l l io^ shine to the fsulmeribcr. his

^iHt''.j.cIyiiiz«d world knows that they im"lily, in a i l ' necessity :'n rid in" the iirsl

aniie, '.tho' restoratidti of Itclglum," lie'fm'e"Vho' "t'weniy-iifombcr- A h-Nln*!

ot Serbia, ami of MnnteneRro. and thel ^ which-are due them: l

f h i 1 U !IffkUt'itay: of Sepfombcr,- A. t>. -Nln*!-. Iniloinnit^jw which arc due them; . t l ieSgnvHumn'otFamT'S^-erue^lO'nthakrroni. lhe date of said ( m l e n i o f Krifncti/of- Rttssiu, and of Itytnhnla;'1-Vf(Wny;.orejUtorr.-:neBlecthiff- to b i ' 5 j g ^ v i t l l j l jK t^n'paraUon; the renrtianly.a-

* f t n ^•**'i?01d1?::''acU6ii';:aBaliwt the said | respect of nniionall t ics and Cull se-burlty and l iberty of eeohoniio devel-

npnienti 'vwhich all na t ions , ; g rea t orsitialU "'npssess, a s upon lerr l torjalSfin vVvjit iftnrt"r.h.h tl :• i ii tii ri ia u o M a V"-r'« ff I:C C- -

•Homnr Taylor o f Mack-M;-.:. Genrge, Mevor of

Afr.s. lOdward Siebert of:,l.ini;, AiW. I.iavld l.!inghartv:oflle and Air«. r.ewls Iltird ofiie. Slip also lea'ves • severaliiilcjren.. Funeral services wereted Monday a t ' t h e Free Union

hy the itcv. 10. Ifl.-Fowler; In-t i n the -Free Union cemetery.'

Fannie. !•'. A p g a r Zies'ler.• ••Fannie ' E. Ap^iir Ziegler, -wift! ofTaylor Zlegler, died Fr iday a t he r - l a t ehome neaivlj lotnnsbury, aged 73 years .Hcsldes he r h u s h a m i .she is survivedby one daughter, 'Mrs. . lohnZielstroff

•nr.iI!hil!lpsburg^r:ind.r_one^.-Histerl-M;'«^| William I.-\mbert Kace of Mountj HIeasant;•'• Ui'. ee brothers, Adain -Ap-:Ig.ir of Jit.•• I'lfiiisaiU, D.'Mason A.pgar

and Jacob Apgar of Hloomsbury. Theilcceased woman was a. ni'smber ofthe^Wcst por ta l I I . K:> chuvch. I-'u-Tiera] services were,: held -at . her : la tehome Muiulay. in terment was tat As-

=i bury. • ' ., " ' :

• ' "Why Is i t , " ' roared the temperanceorntor, r i 'thflt men go into saioonn-^-why la It?" "I guess it 's Jiecauae thedry' goods .shops rdffn't. keep .;weL^unds,"— !iri.ww-£>r5-d "rt:.shfill.voice_froni

Pur.su:tnt to the nrflor of the Kur-rogalo-of the Cnumy oC Warreii, madeen tlio 'twcnty-secdtid ' d ay of |)f(;,.in-iicr. A. "D." nineteen hundred and six-sons having claims against llir* esiale;of.,.Mariv.rrIce,, laic .of lite County .of'Warrenrdeceaseti,- to preseni tne-mininto this subscriber; her oxonutdi-, on orbe'foro the twenty-second day of Sep-tember, A. "D. nineteen hundred andsevenl.--en, being nine months from thedate of said order; and any creditorneglecting to bring In ami exhibit hl-ini' licr claims under nalh or aUlnuatiou,within.the time.so.Umite'.l. will im.fdi'.(•vor barred of his or hcr-actlotragainstHie said executor.

ALOXZO .SAU.Kli, Kxwiitor,-. ' Ciirpciitc-rsvMie, N.. .1.

Dated: Dec. 22, Idle.


LIVE STOCKj iri . l I ' l i r n i l i K T I i i u i l c i t i i ' t i l s .

The siiiisciil'er, nboui in r.-lin.|iii.siifarming-, •will s->ll Irirf live stuck, fann-ing !nipl<'in>-n-,s and machinery at pnl.-iie sab- in...n tlif I*. S. Wal lers farm.H i miles front X.-w Village. ..n ri>:idIf-adlng to .MniiliiiKt, eonuneacing :alU'.;in slmri. on . . .. ;

•Wi'ilni-*.fl:iy. I'rh. 7. I'.H".The impli'iiii-iits cnnslsl of "ihrt'Klicr

ami cleanr-r. fanning mi! I. DceringMrnlcr, Crown gr:iin drill, Oslnirumower, liorst'nilci'. J Syracuse pli'ivs.liarr.iv.-s, t'ont sli.-ller, lanil roller, cul-tivator, liuy sides, "wood .sides, piiliii-id igger : lie'el. Lr-nst , 1OJV and enwchit ins; hay by itic tun and uuinernusother iink-los.

.% Morses; l;[ III-III) Clttllf.

T h e horses consist of :i pair >if snrr.-lhorses finiihiir 7 yciir^ in I lie sj.ring.'lindion single" and' di.ulile and feiirti-L--s• >r all Mhj.Ti^;- hrown mare 1^ vi>!irsnlil, sun-iM mare II' ywirs uM..a*nil :i

'six-tiioath.Dld roll; - - . . • .• T!ic cal t le finisisL of 11 mil.-h cows,most all (if wlilcii will bu fresh liy Hielime uf sat*:: an IS-niontli-idil hi'lferwhich will be frcsli in •April, and. ay(rarling,,..lH!ll.__Alsn,,,a.,. thnniiiKlilM1'^

"SCiOd'll"' «.'O|||o dng.-"V —~:- "' —.„-,:-.:.'..-.C o d buj-'Ky. inieU wagon. ro:nl wn-

g"]!, iiiK waKnii and l»mly, stnilfi'b!Sled, 2 -sols Injury double Harness, sel.rnlil.er-iiimintcd single-- hiinicsK, niilliwiignn !mrm.-.ss, collars, brldte.s, line-.*and mmuM'oiis .uli.-i- a r l ic l f s .

A •i.-i'Mtlii of nine moiiihs will beKiveii/ ', . . . .

i-;.MAN'in-:i, . M A I I K I . K . -M. A. I'ii r.sou, alic.R J-'.. Olln.vcl.-rU. . .

: ;; SUr.lJM'*l-"S, SA I.I-:. ii In Cliancery of Now ,i*M-.s--y. !

| M r I w e e n • ' • . •'! J ames .1. fiiiUrn, i.'onsplalnant. iiad I: Alfred t\ l-'ruthersttnif and wife, et :: a Is.. I'eiV-ndanlt*.; l-'i.- I'a. f . i r snl . ' of morlgag- 'd pn*in- '; L«es. . .Ketnraaldf Alarcli ],-,. lit 17. . ;i ""• . .Marshall .Miller, Solicitor. > •I \)y vir tue i i f . the fib-ivc writ tn mt- iIdirectml. i^suod nut of Hie above s ia l"d •'| c u r t . I will expo.*.- fur sale at publ ic :j vendiie to lh" lilglu-M littltlcr -m . . .i , SATI' l tU.W, ,IA.\. ^», I1HT, !

[ between Ihe lirmrs uf one an.I live :! .."clock in the afiiTJi-um, tn wit: At "; J e'oluek p. m., at Hie L'lbinu S<|iiari! •1 Hotel, in lhe town of PhillipsburH-, ,U\ , tu i ly of Warrt'ii and rilate of N e w :I Jersey. , all .tiiai. t ract or. parcel of. l a u d .i and promises lir'reinaftor part icularly ;t di'Sitrilir-*], siiuat.-, lyinu and b- ing tii !! tliu Township of . llni'moiiy. ; > i n tho •-[County of Wan-en and S ta te of- NV-w ;j .lerscy, muted an.l l-miiuled :irf fol- :

. UfKinatnpr at a ' c o r n e r In tlie n ia iu iroatl from which the ^oiuh-east cor-"..fnorv.f,.tl!e llMfl Itearw ttortii :!7 dejn-.'eH ,weatvVorty-inie and tlir*-«u<|iiartrr l inksand ..Vims thftm-*' H i nl.»iitf center o fiVatliileadilig lo li.-xburf;- Slatb-U in.ftii:.**-My-i'Ix <!etcreeH llftei-n fe.'l west l i v !'•Jiain^-U' a point from wliifli tlif north- )

i I'iiHt 'cm-ir.-r• (if. tin- v.-.igunliini.se bears j| south r. iliVtrcos west -7 l inks: tlif-nce \.I f^l nm-Ui Vlilrly-efght degrees thirty1

feet e:isi K(;\-en'clmin.s and Uilriy-fiMir.Hnks..-ifi-:iiiVaiiiil«,,t.ree . in ili.o, .original•|i7ur"<ir1Tre^rt,'e"'l>."Toiing'S-iarnt-~iiieiic>-^"[?,) siiiit!iJ!(irty-siiven i.logiverf east six.).'liaiiu: iii'',ii-u--slx l inks in eorner in if ie pub'ie road; tlienee ( I) .-toulli jIHiv-iIii'f1-.' degrees I'orty-I'ivc foet west i'K>v't>n.<;iiat!iH .seventy-one links to lh«-j•beginning. O.diilaining Tour and one- i

I half acres of hind be Ihe same, more'jur ItKH. It In luM-oby uiHlei-Mlnod t h a i ;

1 the said Kmni'i V. It'-fd ii.-r IHMTM and ;;.aysigns b a s t h e pr ivl l fgc of laying n |:

from tlie Creamery i'ond lo hotel |

'NOTICK,In the Matter oC the Ks- - ,talc of .lohn. 1J. OibhN, ' ' ,

ga te of tlie County of Warren, madeon tlio t-igljtcon.th day of lle.cemlK'r, A.I». iilnetee'h hundred and. sixteen, no-lice is hereby, given' to all personshaving cliiims agains t tlie estates of.lohn ID. Gihbs, late o£ the Coun ty ofWarren, deceased, to ' . ' ref i l l tlie saim:to the. subscriber, his adminis t ra tor ,nn or before the eiglileonth day ofHeptemlier, A. 1). 'nineteen imndrt'il andseventeen, be lng 'n lne moiniis from Hiedale of^stttd" order;; and any -'(•ruditor.noglecling to br ing in anil exhibi t hisov her claims under, omit • or alllrma-tion. within the tlmo HO limited,1 wilt

-VitFfur-;vi*r-iuii-r«il1;rjr»riiS"i<ii-.':lViir™a-CtI.-n™agulnsL tlie sfthl ndtninlsLralor.-

• ANDitHw it. o i n n s .

Dated Dec..: IS,. 1910. \N. J..


of the T3«-

; Pursuant to .tho1 ordcr',.nf..the. Surro-gate of the County of Warren, mailfion the thirteenth, day of November,A. IX nineteen hundred and six teon,noLiuu la huruby,- glvun to all-persons-having cliiinifl agnlnst lhe estatn ofMary Dawson, Oate of the Comity oCWarren, deceased; to iVrcsc.nl the sameto the subscribers, her BTecntor.s, onor before the thirteenth day of August,A. _r).. :niiicteen liuhdrcd imtl 'seven wen.being' nine 'months ~ from thepuiife-of.fQid ordPr: and any creditor"iie.Rle.ct-Ing to bring In and exhibit his or bin-claims under oatli or alllmiation. wltli-in the time so limited, will be foreverbarred of his or her nation againstthe snld Executors. : t,]


,'• JANE TUMULTY,': • ', ,-, ' Executors. '

•'Oiitflrt: November M. lOifl.; , .•

'«: ^.;,:;b/.STOllIA :*.Bears thGsIgnacureiif Clms.n.Plotoher.In use for dvbr thirty yea?a; and

.XitTICIO 'I'll .\HSK.VT ItlirKXllAXT.Iii i.'liaiH-cry of, New .lerwey.

Tn l.i/.v.ie Dean: . ' '•"": - .-.•-'Ii\';-;vlrtin' or nn order of the Umirtof Clianc.-ry ...r New Jersey, mmlo "iithe. . lay. .nf Ui,i date bereuf. in ii C H -lain ciiusf whci-cin A r t h u r i 'ean is pc-

fendiiiu, you' are rei|iilred to answerlhe petitli.m'.-r'fs •p.-'lltlon on or bofiti-e[,!ie iUh day of .March next, or Unit, inilefaiill tberr-nT sue.h decree will beni.-nli- against you as the •(.Miiiiiffillnr".hall think e<|iiitiibb> and iasi.

Tli'*'ol)J.jcl ..f said suit is to oliliilna rinerfe of dlvnrc,. dissolving tlu-ninr-riagc- release between yon anil (.licsabtpetKioner. . '

• '••• ' O K C I A U • . I K K K K U V ; ^ ' - ' :M

. Solicitor of I'uiiiionei1.. Washingtnn, New Jersey. 1-IS-ll

fstablishcd.t8S4 ' telephone 149-IM"

All who purpose order-.-• ing 'a moniament for

spring set t ing, should: "order early . torinsure ":

erection by Decoration .:.., Day.- I have up-to-date

;,:;,;designs,ipadeupjnfirst- L

; class shape,;'arid' at Tea-"sonable prices.

Washin gton, N. Ji

. Mistress—Mary," don' t leUfr.oic.Uch:you kissing the" grocer 's bny ' again.Mary—-Lor', inuni, I don't mean U>,;hut you do biih around so.—riBaHUni


f r H i . ; i i u r p , c n y ^ rr \tin' said hfih-l I'or iimist'iii.l.l IIIII'IDS'-S >and lniiliiliiiniti^ tin; wame. Hr-hiK Un'isame laud .-inil premiKCs. ciiin-ey.'d by iI1. V'MMIK and wife lo the sahl KranU 'iiacliman by tlmir ilecd daiitd l.n>cem- il.'M- ::i, HlflJi,'(mil reennled in the War- ir.-n CoiMily: Clerk's <A',U->- in Hook nf IheedM . TS7 -pilKe«- «!'. «'*'•'• I'.f'hiK tiie^•fiinif l amr aiid irreiniK'.'s ennvcy.-d by,Albert l<\ liapji in lOititun \ r . Hoed byllii'ti*. itidontuns dati'd even diitc here*with ami ab*mi f> be ter-nrdi'd.

Seized a.s tile' p r o p e r l y of the dc-Otulanls a t tlu- Null of the riMindaiiiaiitand to In; sold, by

H i U o d : S h e r i f f .

WAHUKN OUPMAN'S ClIlIItT,,. ' September Ttirm. A. D. 1016.

Unon..,the_nii|>!ifation o [ J _

l S E fMarvin A. Pierson, (he Kxocutor of

lhe cshitd of John C. As ford, deceit sod,lutviiiK oxlilldted under oatli a justand true account of thai personal es-tate, and debts of the deceased, asi faras be can discover tho snniu. wlmrubyit appears that the. pei-Honal -osinln nfsiiltl John C. Axfm-d is itiHunicleut tonay bin debts: whui-eupon. on applica-tion of snld Marvin A, I'ierfson. setting.forth, lhat ^he said dcco.a.sot) died seiz-

• od . of ..rcaj'^XoHlato In the County., of!<i\VfUTQri,' and rouucfits the aid1 of "thoCmirl In' ' the premises.' •

It IN on this first •day of December,A. D. Ifllfl, ordered that nil. persons in-tercslc'd In this' binds, ' tenements andi-ciil-estato of said doceawod appear bi»-.fore.-tbe_.Court at :lhe court house, hinelvldercr on'Friday;"tlie""secondr-ibVy"at.T?p\>r»nry, next, a t ,10 o'clock in UKJfordnooii of that day,, to show CSIIIHO,It they !i!ive any, whyifso much ot tbftlands, tcnoinents; borertlliimenls andreal oslnto of Iho nald deficused Hhouldnot ho .sold HH will bo sufllclciit to payhis debts, or tbo^reslduft thoreof, antho case may require; -Tjet" this OnWbe pubHsheti in Tho, Washington Star,1

a newspaper of the- Comity ot Warren.J, M. nOSWHKHHY, .HUIKC V

.-Tly.Vthp. CourL • A True-Copy.CIIAHLKS 'O.-'SMITII^SurrogUlc.

" „ • ' • . -' ' • • • • 1 2 - 7 - G l

is every nian's' electric plant

and provides elec-tric current forlight, arid power foranyone anywhere.

Let us show you what thissimple, easily run andeconomically opera tec!plant will do for you onyour farm.

at last is a practicalplant that will give youall,the advantages thatelectricity offers—thatwill make you inde-pendent of the city. ,;

Electric light—clean, cool,safe—for your home andyour.barns. , ~~

\Electric power for all y(mrlight machinery—

It pays for itself in timeand labor saved.

Price $27S '"'.'f. o. b. Dayton, Ohio


'Pl.ono25. '"' ' HAMPTON, N. J.


J 212 'Northamp-• ' t o n . S t . , '•••: -

Easton, Pa.

Star'iinil.TlitLcc-u-Wcck y

; $ • ! ! ' •

1(?2..LoC;TtJoth tluit cii V b(s imulo Cor 0|

Page 3: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern





10c Pern's Heavy WORK SOCKS in blue,gray and brewn. cl

50c Ken's Flsaccd L'racd UNDERWEAR, all rj) f«ilios, 30 to 4G, at K&<J*

73c r.:«c WORKING SHIRTS, C.~M 14 to ">)f\17, :-n eclor, ct «C?£>

73: Eh-\ Sa'.-cn WORKJNG SK12TS, all Ji Q,^,

[ c " * " ] I ""= W'r-' OV£1A;.L3, di =ir=s—coats to , Pi rt, .^

S, or D « « Sm-


Tliis event will njye yof. p chince to buy wearing app2rei rt prices1MS lhi>n present whoioo&ic: co;r. Some of ihz rruTilioned ar.icies inthis advertiEaroenfc are Jimilct!. Kaliuaily, ihe car!y buyc/s v<ii! benefit.

SOs LreErs* WAISTS, assorted colon, allsfcer. One lo a costaniT, at ic

2Sc Ladies' SILK HOSE Li black only.Sasw bwrxa, at ic

?.Zz V/--.-.cn'3 end Children's MUSLINDR/.WOS, lace bottoms

?1.00 C h l i W r WOOL SWEATERS, allshades crd r*-c3


J A IV IS A ?3 Y L


A.M I THE C L C A K A I \ C < v £

c Angora PKATING SETS in ell colorsC-ps n ' r-cr.rfs, at


/ — , , . JLJL-L—, 'JLl—"_~ ™.._,,.™.^L,'_" I! LJ2L_L_-UllI , j S1.G0 Worsted ^-3

|.;-j^" "i i OVEjS t ) 1 ^ /^S ar.rf S-WsfS for IVi£!M«»"K51!S»©$ V a l u e s j J5'.'ll~.ll'J-!l'_'.lsrrcn LV



S1.S0 Khaki 0 - 3 -J

K.00Wool r^

533.SO :c ?T. VrJ -ei J ' O J i"! vIl.SOif" s~ "^ SIS CO to S18 Values t i n "?~ ond S'i5 00

: t- ' J ?2i Cl) to $10 Vducj 5i6.50and5i8 00

' • i f f ' •hou'elw . - o i pt %erv lo, price , f - - , > r f

l - t * j | j - j ^ 0 rir • r - , ! o . B2c' « _ _ ; o W | » ' i | j VS. Sos 'Hr i 40c

n v r t , ~ m T t ™'~' -c-Jor-tHo, ,u'J-\ r-art W-*^" ' ! I ! 5CeBo;s-H-ts . .39c

y ' t") i '.> _ _ " J ;i r


B/.SS P. & G. SO/ ?, WIr.,2 Naphtha—4 -3E=" to a cu-tomjr, et i

I ccloic, as!t rwei . .

I 53.C0 K e a v CordmoyJ ,-=aah, oil -i^i, ^ -3 (>{»

n r ' j ?A"*JIS7r/c r?o- s' Pa-..s . . 45c

Kids K!o«hes


Silk and Ser^2 m stvtial attrac'ive farh on\ j Llio, b'ack, brown and P-ioen

O' poplin rcrco and -abcrdim, in p c t ' n ' i \\ in' t - shades—tht. nijo-ity dies ih lui ' 1 . i d -\I 0•some trie' ly pt.ut lailo-td *i~i.'O* -L LL1I.U(1 and

1. h.JErowna, rcsimc^tid sli-pcJ, Dublin greens, gun-metal crays, blue, ST'"-y, bro^v^ and tfQen {linneh, blue


c, p°rc!I ard p'n stripes, o^prpisid1:, d'Ectc1", tv/o-s and browin, cancy ci°unierc<i, nil'c mixtures

$3 Eo/s' £u.!~ or Over-coats, ttll sizes,at . . . M \ \ rn:r : SE2cr

--J: i'A \ i Ciloteo Kn la ?i „', 1-SZ-r- ,?J Si\ I Hack, b-tnvn, anj rr" r, "'1

= 1 \\ ^j

$10 00 and $1? GO SU! TS—Foi this " ic on!'.The la rjest ^elLcbon Li tov.natt^ep.ice

§& CO Doya' Si it*, all ^i^es,$5 B ys'- ;o sslectron

f < S3 00 .-,«' $10 vsl^rss* Por'n DRESSES


e ce'.ecrion

,*5 Plus Ser^e Salts, sires 5to 17 ye;us, ^at . . .

Colors, navy, bhr1-, g-oenhrown, pink, white,

ui1 ana Nile giccn Sizes•5} 10 44 *n& 14 to 20

">"•- MCT'S Fleece Lined $100 Urion S^Jo, 13ht

BOYS' SHIRTS73 c Boys' Flannel Shirt3,

in grey, bins, tan, &l:Good Corsretsat blali PricesHOSIERY

LACES' HOSE23c £-s«E Hoca 19c35c Li»!e Hose 19c30c Sil'i Hoca 25c75c SJSIv Ho>e 50=CHILDREN'S HOSE

TOc Lad'e ' Waists 39c

JI.50 VoloWaNls 95c

$3.50 Csepe de CFna $1 95

The e arc Cor et" of vanou"i11 c- -ill up to date n style butm iiod^I to oc ai continued, so\ ill be c'OBed out of our s'ocK

10c Heavv Wor! Socks 6Jc 73c R & G. Cors-ts 50c51.50 R. & G. Co-sals $1$4.00 Crepe ch Chhe ."52 95!5= Wo'It Sodta . . . 8c$2 R|,fi-C Corsets SI.50

&G$4 Gcoieettc Cre. e $1 9825c S:l!'Soc't 17c $3 R &G. Corsets $1.98_ 50c l l s u v WooLEecka 25c_

25cOisiicSacpondcrt 14c39 El S d 2"

p "1 b-ccafie Low or mediUTibust

25cOisiicSacpondcrt j j39c Elastic Suspenders 2."c 34 X-Sbe V'a«a 52 S5

d50c Sii!c Suspends s


10c Canvas Gloves Or 's anil ilsses' SKIRT SEE75c Loathe G!ovos 41

C'1 E.'-elope Cherais^.TO

t=N S1.,"C u '» . Cl.envs-s,

$1.50 D.cas Gl-vei" 0D Siije Zhrtu $3.35

2.00 Popln TVilii $1.50£ILK ? "CKWEAR

23c ? I " I Ties i7c

>c SV> CdraiaoU- 4

:<^- P.u-lm Drawers £ BL-cU iVc^n Sk:rt» 7 0 c ' ^ " "

Page 4: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

p t _ _„-,

I/-'[' Paste Four Tin- WASTIINCTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N . J., T H U R S D W . JANUARY I S , 1917





EASTON 0 PENNA.Close Saturdays at !> P. M.




PARTIES DIVIDE WARREN COUNTYtCtmlltiiu-tl f rom p:ij:o 1.)

li l iml it II I t! % i Vi W i n nli tli, "Mi l i t i\ M M : tittl | u liwi th w i- nil,' va ry ing llll l i h im In

1 till n* tliii i. I is H\ li n il i\ I

rii!M1cil;!pil n tmrnoy. M m:»y lie tuUU \ r ivytmicn, Kfunoili Fri l l*, rM:ir<Mi<Mf 1vtt fi»r tin- lii'iu'tli df I ho ulitiisc. Hull • Stiilcy, >';mth UHKUII. Tin- J I I I IKM In |Mr. Uit-tHrntui ncviT tvawlt t with a n y jth»* nn'i'iihin were ' At tort ivy w .ii-riYryluit h i s If^iil wifi*. Ili> h;i.i iin ittln-r, | ;ttul Stryla-r n tn l ' Itev. .Mr. \VjiKf%n-

• • * . * ' ' bu r s t ami in/tl i .- a r t i ' t nmm Mr*.'Hm*Ttu- U-kMt worm . | j . fttrtiltitr. A tvw I KIMV.-IY. U.'V, Mr. Vminjy itml \lv\\

ttM..n.M.'imiu-il i'f i i V f ! Mr, WnKi'iihiu^i.^Tix-M-iii'U-rf :tii'l ih.>;hwan iiiiil.-r llrr

f t u t Mii\v tin'Ulinli' iiri'-ilHIT lti>> liiMn.ijt luit! t lu

n t c i l In tin.' nillVMi.t*

Tiic number of h m s to be found in Ihis sal<> arc sonumtrous that il wou'd be impossible to °i\e evtrt a rtp-rescntative li ling in ihis limited spare.

New .!«!><•>• mutt l t lun I'liiiit wlwn iliv ur.mil Jury which foitml ltntUM»wiUn M|in*tltm W|.i-,.,i](fi ittit. itin> t*f t l t r t«m;f.y I ' .u- i'^iiiiw. (In- rivfliitiitrt'fi I.* uinler lin-, i live,ti<-* wUMx U imhvrwiUv <ir;'hnv<l I-- im-'nt.oi-;i of H l»*'lnn i-lru^.*! with | » ' - \ Tln> jn.iv.-n ;ti| :!;.r.>o<l the iMi:tt<<niU!«> " i - i n y " Mi ' i 'hoin- Itm*. whU-h li1 l l t lral stotlvltli'.s iill»-«\"* *»' IH i " in - \ tlM r r m . n i . i i ' i v well ;I:I.I #l«Hpr»-,* !l , \\

• -' J -ivilt- pin*:, with t h ' i r thity mt Imi ' .mla l j CVIIU'IUVM <>t :mich nuidy unou :i - i ' i ^ - i *tml|;fft ,,f t i u l r (Yltmv im-ii,1 tlmi w i i l r ' r t a ipijte m a of tho *»r liu-« "

• . • % 1 nry . T h " ji »Mr.H tunrt t T<N] i.v t h e ;

Mroii;;. ;tml tli

* 4 '.2?

N1 nry. Th» ]• >Mu*


•.It.-" iii'ii! l'!.«." I l l l 'v"


rnj-sThe I"AC.-">Winter

I S .£r£'it'^^^ i DISASTERS AMMUNITION WORKS i / IS^fl^r^gl^M^XI

" - : • • • ' . • - . . : •• i '•!!,..,» t,r tlltj,Kt;itf'. U.'st TlHirei.,,y;-,• I p i S j U ^ j J . V - S f f ' M

t.yn lllIiiM."VltlTi'"in»«-a 'i'u,r'iliJ.if Xi-iv- • ^iW^^^^S^III-II. Mironil rui-l.lly :il|.l inil».-,l llif V 5 t i V ^ ! ^ ? ! , V a

Is Now in ProgressPerh ip nc\er .c; M W ill our position to offer

reduction' bo >o " ' ^ i i t i geou i a at presentThe pnecs we qcote \ o u tod.w, .nui si'ill con-tinue to gi \e durinc; the remimder of this sale,are po l tnelv remarka'ile from a merclnmlisestandpoint.

We want you to get the full benefit by com-ing here Onlv to tike iuKannge of omc oneitem, then > ou A\ ill better appreciate the m-centj of these e\pression'

Theougmal selling D1 LC on hum'ied aiul hun-dieds of aiticle thioushout tie e u n e ^toio !ia\epooitneK been 1 educed 0\L. II \LF and in nun\instances, TWO THIRDS Vrd we -mil lontmicto push foiwaid and 1 educe oiu leaulai iiiA- ofmeichandise =o loi g a- e tool it po—ih't. t'1 <.on-tinue this exceptional sale. ,

The nrice concessions to be had can bo learnedonlj thiough peisonal m\0Bti^ Lion RuUo u iait,and peimittint, hou=e duties to go \ uuld not 1 o <_on-ducne of kindh teelinj to\\ru' u- if \ e taileljoin expectations So\ou l-ee "e aio i nt omcr titail

..,n;nc H I . « J !•til .tin- tiltl .Mi-ii\-ri-Kntiivii m:i


, c , , ,„ i ( r l m ,,,, L i ) tit II II t i n n i h il ' lnivh ivhilc i. «.-ri-Kiii'ivii m:m "•.••«• . iv.t.i.111""-" •>"»> I " " ' " ; j',i.:;,V,"iv'h,','..i v.ai'i-itv'ii'i'i'ii t.'.'Vlif niliii'- l$$'i"$FtV'-':''?':-l

Wlu-n ••••••i.I.-l; ;>!.-«l.-» ««- l »• I l i : ; i!;!; , ' l ' i ' ! , , i , ;V ;.;!•',• l'Ll..v.,y .l..-twi-.-n j .-..ii«-.,.i..ntl>-.!i_.Br.-nt iimmiiil " l d.-n.i- ; • f!V(Sf.!X&m{.«lTr»v^I" 1

\ M , i

U l i , t - l i -I ii I ti I i- I illl

Wh. nIn lllf -t

WinII tin*.

in.,1AVhPll il iv.isn

, „ . , , ,,,.,i.,.,-.. ,;„.,]•„, ..;,„„.'i'iiiliiil,'l|.h!i.'IIII.I N.-w Vi.t-ii.1 ; ueo •«•:!» mviiivii. ••limi tlifi- • uwn i, , : ; ' , • n l" "V 4, ; IliKH ••«' •"' l-ivins: I -•."inrt.-lfil. Ih,' .lj.Klfuctl.in of lift- iin.l ;J l ffl.'1;' •iifrt.iii.-ii.K mi,.,l.,rlf,l .-..ininlwlnii j propt-r:,- w.iul.l luiv,. livon ;,..,.;,Hili:,-. ;I,U \\.,s..ii.,i...,l.,t.». •. ( i> l , v , . M l i i , , , i t i . l v m i ,,ti,,.,- .-:,;„..»,,ii.l IN., lives-WIT., li.Ft. TIR- |.r,M,..rl/ !

ii-:> iiflt;' In iliv.^•:i--;lll.m. j tl:uiliii:f if: .'K'iiliittt'il :it ?l^.l'(").i>uit. :.•!ttt;i;.>.stii tHtsslliiHty ,>f inihllf inuv- I 111" l"ll"ivi!is lilKlil. thf lilK'hurthi

I't.i'svs -timk-.i'ii'- v-l-.Tf Slit.- f'Hll.l .l.T.'fy I'iiUH or-Ilii; K. I. .i;i I'mit .Ii-l.tiy fi.ii.l l!-h. 11..1V sliipin'tl "lit of K r m n i i K i X n t Il;i:-kfll w.-is tiralrny.-.! |st.lt... .inil v.-ii .to J t r w y ivlHiH.s.il.'f.i '•>• Hi'- >-S|.I..KII.II of nv,. of its iiiaisii-i

, , , „ „ , . , . , , „ . . . . . . . . ,.,,,,,s^it i.rn.-tl.Mlly cost. iKlntw. lil.lltiK nt Iciti-t -'I p..ivil..i-\vot-liM" , : . . , : , 'p. , . L lr-f.< IUII.IIIIK Mutii.iw on lnl.m.I '••'•"• '!>'' «i» < '"<•• •-xpl.wl-.il.- i « » :

' " ' • ' • • " - • • - • • " . ' - ' " • " • • • •w.it.TWity r..i--pro.lu.v Klilpuicma mill i P la in t »-i-" li>-n- >>y . 'evral : \V.i.-!i-iiiv.is^iiicnt of ttKrlfiilttit't- l-y vu- i iuBt.'iilans who_ luippt-m-il ' . . I .• m i i.

til.l ;-•« ll.o I'M', l'iat ill.' l.:ie!s:iuv.iu

—ivi'Jl their soft,mellow linht v/ill zz.':a the cyea of thewhole family.

Scientific iiivcTtieation h.is yhown thatthe li,,llt cf n r.ood kcro!,s.n'.' cil limp isthe softest nlnl Icn^l lirinj; ol any ll;;h-..The Rnyo is the lit'bl oil la^ip tnatli;.

It Rivu.i a stvatly, ivliiii'li^ii.iiiiimsiheIlicker of rflt nr.tl the i;lai., oi t>!cctrit:ity. gf

Us<v AlaiMin S'ocurity Oil—tho n-rstcoonoliitc.il k<Tr:-.eiit.i>iI~ft!rbeun?.M!lts.



;..v;vy to ut...

,. i.;vws m.iy !"••

; ?>«:• - B i l l y " i1.;

^oni^rSy^-wiM-J'li , t |n> | ." ah.ittr

..•InllMhKMVl inwil l l -

id . l a w s \\v\y t-r".

Kitfrt • it!t.U!!: !lU

Uovit.vs u> brhif-v pruiliict'i* w.iv-r I'Miisunivr. ' ••- ;i • ' '. ..'

Uv-'oiiun.-iKlri AilTniin^ti-;i;i-.'ii -\u

• l\})K ' liiivv-n 'tlui'.'(!i->r/," '-nil ' t-.:' Ilinl' «•»: 1ti' > losing ivn'imc ;uul i

thi.' .«tivi't nt i'.SO Lh 11 , -K It

New Jcrn:

1 1 u[ I K I i, n Mi

| Kt t l u 1 n -»t t « \ ii I

M - i I is t' 1


Is;•w>f ;"h i . K - i. •.•'••• n-» >" i ' " - - ^ - - - " ••:'"•••

^•!:rv • ; • ; • • ; ; : . ; • , r v i r 1 ' 1 ' ' ^ - ; : - ^ " - ' - " - • t v : '

II h i h j w I i \\



I!., niiiviv tl• • • • i l . f t -

i f ; - - (>• . .

f t . l - l l ' l .


l-.illi S-.m.Innll-l tll.-:r-'.s:t-I titlni: S'.nt.- u s " . l ac" Hi-.i-f


•ivl3S ill-.- fai l l - t ia;ln> .ifvi-r l.-t- up :

-iim'.nt. ir H U T - I••s i lk" i.-.iiiv r.:n--1l , ; i l . l l i t ! . . t i t - i f : l imi = iii; y iv>>ii!iin't i,Ii-v.- ' lit : , . i l l . - !v:ui ir..'.iii-:i.-.i l-:.-: .„,!.. ,.f «-.-.-!is .. | .;K-i!i:il.in«.li.->n


, 1 ; iUit- iv



y u i n iu p !



- W h a t i l" 1 f.-u-f if tit",i sh - ' i t i l - ' . Ins ' iiK!-' I'Vi--.I.,.;' 1 U . ntitl 1-.V tSi.v,Ii!.iinnilc. n-llfli l l " li'-:lt ill ' '1

I v.1,.n'l nl...ili.sh in.-.- li--;.,,f h,. , ,r . in . " i v

onlilne l - I s t i l l If

• > l -

ivli1-11 lHl\V II.

j t h c n l h r .a' i;•,,..-vmt .Mi.--.


S i i u A M.-it Wl in l-'l^iircil S f i i -a t i tn ia l1} in llnl.-.i .siill , .- >..il I I .Ul fur / f

•liiiil- Visl ir i i i is A.-li . ins. !^

•rin-ri- is n.it lu I..- a n y . - r lml iv i r ! 'fifl i i ' l . t . -r-Ki-i i-fi i itlioiit t i l - i t . i n t ir.l 'I: 5: t i . ! i , . in .•••.,i;:....\ . i t u u i y ;i ' .ri:i!; nli i t1 ;! ,-/lnoml . f i >. .,•' lit.- 5 >;.! i t i i l f . r s l.-aiuii- a iy "• >*

it iTi . ivo h - i p iip-r.n-nii . iv -.vii.i1 r,ir.tl 11 •!

Ul : t ravin-".-' ! ,tNt-ell.l

lauiii^lel1.,". ;i ll'.t- M ' . IHIof '.••al.u-if.s

ir-.'ily : for

"How's ytiur i'olks?" And pI s:\itl, "Fine Doe. How's £business?" Nothin' to % / | |In'ag uliout." he replied,

t . i

. , . . ,


I'.:; I

.vv f.tl- w i l l

i i v - w l t h ' v l -


tt^l^£X^^'^& f^^^$g$&<H brag-about" ho replied g vfS«iii!; l!i™^ |g^te^2^: :"~*^-'^ -';] inkTll start to pad- ij. ; |•V- 1'' 1^^H'UV-'i-*'ilv l-nVr 411Vri*: T i i e X ' L ^ ' l - ^ i : ^ ou.v \]\Q pure fotkls •instead.ot' | |

• ! ; • ; • iLi.-kot*

• i

mcdiciro lolks is gettingu i u t a ru r l ' " 2

^ X l f n ' i ' M l • "I" Sl;it>.--.!.-•>.• ( c u j U i . ' t j ,) , , , ; , . ,• t v.v:'k ;n:il I '- ixun ' ( : -ni i ) :uul i n - i . , . „ . " , ,

i'(.ir.,iy v.l.-a. r;:; 'irf, t h a n wiUrsr- ' - \ ,.'\-\(.;;t .if l»ri>Mll::. • . ' • _ .. j , . j u l r u

i l l j l i l ' V l ! i - ^ U . - i

• " ' . l l v X t i , ! , ,

; ' / • •

l ' t •


l ' t ttntruct lal'OV j M i -

ll ,.f i.ri.--'iu'.(!•!;•.Hi; \niv\u i t i rmfi jury

i-ts:1.^1";^"; SiOi.ip»Uuit-ioul tcndci JUIL\





You an> now ifferpci'.any of our stock gof ovescoa'* ;>t i price li-as tha.•: you eaiid §buy t h i m for from the manufacturer by i :


• s a ••

w h a t lie ; ' - V B . a s k th-j Miini' . i l iubs/ T h p V l::i!':.;v...

liiil-ilnet- i-' full- " f I ' " ' " .I.::*: susniiii-r tlit-s- li-t-I

. M-lnil ..-.it of Hi." •:>•'•>; --C i

,ii,.-- tl-:ilr:'.r^:ii:iH-tl(!s e.-cp

;- fitiLiticn ;-ul -ilii-li-.tn..'al ' !l".ii-|- ^.-aarii-^' j ! u

1" ' traii:cir,u .M>;UI..'1,'>'ID- MIt- may 1... i-ai.-.-.!

in j ills at..I uh'; lanil" I'it!.- M H O ' to U1..-I-.... fit!

l l tVlll .s. !..•

' i t ' p r o . l t l . - t l[..•1-..S1-;- f i - r i i| . . . i - - i V l / f S i i li-.'.lv l i l t - t u t

-.1 irv.iit ' -^•"• .* ' -c^il irMj-'-i-r.i!h..- l v . : . ' 'C -lifl--. tJI-i.il

.iiiDosiu!,- ll. '.lrJyi.l Jury aul ihere{1'''"M''>vv>':'-|l "'•

1 c t 1 "i r t t 1 < n 111 iv S M p I nt 1 t i l .1> on 1 i 1 I I I

1 f t ~ . i I t u n " Hi .121-'Ifiii i Il'.ist l-;va!ioriitct;..t\.fii-ients. lb. . .20c '<;•le I ilr^iK-ni;i(!t-Siiiior iVi-aut. - q t s . .-.">i: jrt

. • . I H W / 1 .

\ i l \ \ P1NL\PI'LE,-0i_ ui'I 2"t. cm


fe."'2: '/ V:

el;-.:|i..t IM r

nl IV.•IIs. mi.! :

c i t i n i t t- nLI i I u h i i in

i M . i n

<>lll U1IK 1 l lI 11 i in i 11 iI i't.1 1 mi. , e n

'"' '< ' j 5nit. 2

1U I i. (5T .

th< h u r d o '-, nirr> -

;-\v- ;.i.ivt-. .i.'.-'.-la-.-tlr." t''ittu;.:,

",..>« it,,, -.vli.tme . for-In- _tot

MT... iilt:i'_'.-,--'r.i , . . ihe 1-jMf.:

l-i'f.iiifr. l."t:

!.|"ir.s. " Tilt- I'C-I.r.-.. TI-c- ei-.V;

• •.ll h f . iv l a

ill r-i

' \V;iirl?-;i WHW lY.-li::u-il..T h e f,il!. ' \\i!;^ e,L.^ n-H^Vj^v^ l ' :

: l u r e s .iqi'ni'-iul.1; nr^a!^;: in '-

:• \ 1:; •.••l!:l;.f!l^!.-- .^l.U,*; . iji-'M'-t'tl slf.V.'lI : ;:i-t.l )a. '!; ;: n o flii-t:-.-' : !'•-'!• u n . i " n . ' s unt i l i,-j fetlfi-;ili!;nti"li inov(:iii..-!H_S1.i-». . . -i Mri"- ' .' " C ^ ' T . : - : • • . • • . Ji i -.ItiLillty .if .•.ii-,'!-:.l .i f.,fiMnfaii.l r-i- ! . , I an , . s t u l l of \V.:.«hiu-;:o-.-., ti,-.v.->!: ••,' • sti! •:-' «JC Onas-,1 i-i',-.st^>ir.ii.,;yfiiilly "on - j iv-ti1 :--:/ '" I?""1 '"t-s«l (-s-.:.',,.- tn I-..-1- n - . j ; . , ; . , .u : sit icri IT-;y-ilb r;-l. :re;ilr, ( ' 16 ' exnc-litli- j Mii;^ I.aiii'.t Z.-.n it.-.-. . i . ; r .u.r .... ;• I n c , - ^

" ' " ' " •' ' • i.as.v.Vi! aa a set ' .it" ultl l.:-,k- .L.she;i. ; f|If sel i t i- i l ' lMis. Annie Welsh. l".::\inl:i -,le',a...'-•'.,r Cenlc i^ In Ni-.vt.in IVean-r . J l iss i.i^ii Uvi..s:.Meil ! 'fnt altmt: a n d Abbi" Stiiaiei/: - . 1 ttit: isv,^:;;^u)!u • J:I ami po- I effects.••-iSudri-cy,- K., Ksurfii'-v;.... i.i-;.l.- : j

-•. .. : Y .. ' a elV-.iti Uume.i exeen 'o r . ' ijI'unHw- legislat ion l o o k i n s p ' -Mr:--. Hupliia t-liKeh.-i of I'i.iliir^s'.jiii-;,- r.

flirt. rir,\Iiihor aml'cni| .iuye(-B l e M e s .lino folloiviUK. ieilaeiefC Jneoi.-. . J- ' l i a r r y an.i 1'1-reiu'e l l isehel . eaeh ; ;)

$;IOOailiI t'lll'liililiv: Siilillln U.UT. Ili.-r : jdau-ll tei- . «3(ni ami III ,-|lil u i-t-: I-W. l.Iisehel. p io ' l v.al-.'h anil "h•riio l-tisitiae of (he i-sl 'lluus l«> be tVl-rltitl illl.l KIEh Mllll '.liVi.Ieil eqllain.iliu' the ehil.lrei

< Fa.KT i.'t-.'.nl'.;rlii-/'.-iuiiirl9 ijnrk'SlJlTeiH'er Deuts, i-ait.

lit t \^] in ll 1 II t. llJ i Lt It 1 t. it I i <- i I

interest.-^ "f alivan.-intiiiVil. li..liistri:ii.'


: •••• T h e :35 Of; g r a d e e l

The S33.0lfliid ttl 00 grades at 122.50 |The S28.80, S27.00 and 125.00

:,„., ;::,,v ..,,:,=,,,:,, grades,at. jl9.5G,,:.,.;::;:::,;:The'822.50 grade at S15.5O

These reductions a r e genuine, and tne overcoats Eg:,,,.",, «•!„, i«.n,;-u-;,i,. ';;.,-ii ai«;t;;.i v^r nfR.vri>or, TFAM K rHfiSFN i^mmy <i!vni,--<i >.n.i.iiK ui., 1.,-irrf-. TO.- C? S4.50, $4.98, S5.50were/purchased for this season from the most - S L W ' S ! ^n.1^0 ^•"".-'-M ' -V'7 — ™ \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ t £ " ^ ^ ^ f , m ^ ^ ^ t ^reputable manufacturers. ,, • J f ;,:, L, .^ ^ - l , . : ^ - T ^ Mw^^w™

IlOSt^- llitr .ihi'iU.ieS : • • ' • -E.lu-in II. flisehi'l IK named exeluioi-;" K - — - ; , - — P ~ " :

cieuae» '[""i.-'iiu l^l,!!..l"!:!"r...,'.1:.1.:."1.'.',1, lh Heavy, Warm, Woolenhis . r'cji! fsUiif • snld

ir Sale ef Blankets and Comiortablesoffers splendid values a.t decidedly Ic3Sthan same qualities wiU cost later on.

u t a b l e m a n u i a c t m e i s H , , „ ,„ , „ , „ „ „ , , , „ „ s.,,,, , , , .i , s.n,,, M i n i > I , . ».. m. s - — . , „ . , —7—1 n u ' l ' u ' I ... 111 1 V, 1.1 , ILIUM 1 ii s 1 < 1 t w 1.1 1 sii 111 f Hciut fulWof inipiJIankcf

Ttou w i l l p a y m o i e t h a n t h e o n % w l P l i c c i o i • ,- ' , • „ , , , , " ' " > / , , ! , ' 1 ^ " " . . i . i,*h ! . , „ ' > v1.1,lh V , , ; , V,.1! , i , , f{ at S2 ?5, Si so, « 9 8t b t t m l h f t t l f:' n 1 1 uh > 1 i uu coats no better nor more stylish, if you wait until j |

S next fall. ,,',-^ ' ' " " |13-15 South Third Street 1

• EASTON,'PENNAES ....la .;",,EI ' tl

RESTAURANT and CAFEYou can get a good meal nt the most w _ / T ' j 1 /;(y$y£fh

reasonable cost. E«sion's B«st Restaurant f i x •?; >Vi^ jot t 'v<SPfcClAL >UNDAY DINNER { • / " ¥ '"' " " ' *

y h w h d d idI

I I NM i l I II I 1

(')IOMI i>i(jlicd t in- i]('li;VLin^ \t\uv.\ \vhit ; l i I tin t o of i h o t-siiiU; i :; tn ' lie t l iv ia tu l I'M,,,.,;,. i . . l s- , .( , ' ; V l , | I is i n comi" 1 ' t f :r^ii!i .- . l"Uu^.l-]it-ii . Ht-livml I tVvV\r. t \yo n i iv - r s , M I T . ls:th«'Hc HhiHoi '

li.- K-isfMi-W-ishin-1 '"- t 1 ( ' ; i n i " r " i - h >'H'1«^ I-Vfi.-1!) rut Ih i ; iii i i l ' S . in i l i HrlHlV?. M r . .Sii Her is c x . ^ -• • U I H V ni i iv l u ' . w U d i-MiH>siInii: " I t r r t o l v w l : T l i i i t i h u . . l > r i c i » ! l i t o r . • ' h • --if I 'II/MV C.;L' U T ' ^ S I C i '" ' -''C'i>'t in tin1- V.*nilf.!(I.Ht:Uc.<:l;.'oi*KixiHJ i • M r s . N i n u : ^ M . f l a r d n o i 1 '.U' l.i.]i:Lt

' l " • ,'A " \ liy ii J 'Vdt-nil Co)n tu i ? s io : i ;V T h u tc.iit ' ' . • . • -.'*V : i i - ickoi i r i i r | h o h u o r - s i t h n i a K t i r / ' d .

/ ! l! 1 ) n n--Vi IK . tii.inno-ii'il/.-iC .AlirfS f i l ^ d y . s ' lUti 'liin.^, | i tnd ui-d<.-i'H t h o v c s i i l u o Of liov OHIIIIi v I jo r - i ( ' ;yi; l l-i (^

1 1 | ' i< )V:ui"iiml. ]f:i;:'il 1,'Vutiiiiiii. n iv i i i e t l ln.'Lwot'ii h e r •thrc-y i - l i i ldrc i id u r i n g | - j - j , , ; ,4,.,;,i,,(] U ; ; 1 I J I rh i 'S i - t i i.-i t:uiiiposi-t! T h e (jxeciit*M;- in ] . , iv in^siui i W , Clurd

• rn-^iitviKo ;m j fll- • H I ^ S I V •Hoi'v1'.1;, Mif.-\ ' /rfuo ' S i r y U c i 1 . H»M-. ' • •. thr; . ini ' inl . . . ' r»t : .F!-ai 'k ' . S k y c ! n s ; n n d ' J n u i w A n d c v « o n . ' | A l p x i m d c r V . .JulitiMuii1 i.r IMiiHiusi h r - i n ^ h - e s ic, ] , , ,h ( J ••V(. iUil ' ;i w t ; r c ( . j U W ( , n i i t U H - . tliD | bl i i 'S S i v . ^ U l l o f h i a .iJi-uiinrty, ha.-l

rojM,s.> t o : m y oIlKiM.. m i n i w l u . h a s j p ^ i i ^ h ^ f m .uh• ' j i y - . - m i n i ni l l

n i l

Gray and wliite; soft toned borders

Splendid Cotton Blankets-n t . . . . Sl.,.19 to $1.50

in c-fini,' townsiii]! Hives her diut^htcr, ! *j in white and gray, witli pink, blueti.- .JLMIIIUJ A. kaddmz, a bedroom i-uiiir.: j j ' . und shaded honlui\<v

Heavy Cotton Tilled Com-fortables,SI.69,SJ;98,$2.50

. ljjivf;o sixe and coyertid with prettyHunt] desijens of.silkalino. , ,.

Served from 11.30 to 2 p. m.REGULAR DINNER fcVERY DAY—

13 Served from 11.30 to 2 p . m .iii Open Sundays irom' 11.30 n. m. lo 1 p. 1a.

. Oyster? and Sea Fooii .Our Specialty.

' HARRY G. SEIP, Proprietor31-33 South Third St. Eaitcn, Pa,

(PnrmiTa'ilv Garrnn R) '

i wimn r:<i!in!y Cnuiwoi KKi.cn -Musi'' c r i i n s WHS in AVuslMn^tfiii n l""\v itity;ii^f., ;i \V;is!iiil!Tt'j;iiu;i si/.-iMi.-d • up II h im and :iid:i ""\Vliy. Alt*. iifi«.-.'CT.'nis. I H'f yuii 'vi iru!. yu' ir ](;^;ti w\i\- w i th y o u . "•• T h f yMuiifc c'liiiity ' lUorur-v smiliM• ; is d l : l ;i coui i i<> <>£ l »yK t ;m f l1 d idn ' t ••'rc;iliw; Mrs . i;<.s'.M.*i\i

i lu Diiilic; .Kt'not'hi'S. ' . 1 !•'• L lifiHL I 'VliJ ' iy- inorninR.inid a f t e r! t l u , .school 1 linitrA'fe Miinl ;t" ..spli iFHt--r-ul!iWd<'h;i.sV-"'i t h e a b n v e t[ii«.-s-jil'.-.n. T h e l"idl-#.-in.n- I-UJHIH vlelcLiouIh

( I l sH

\ i l l ! i i I t.1•\mni\; .Jnhtl;*" Unimlh-Hiif; Jun io r s ,l i l i ' j i i 1'enco, Wiliiiii i i l^i.!ii(;\v,-.liiinr^

iviiij^ljVniici-sun; KO])hunlores/ I ' r ' i nk ,Shn.m-Siiu K t rykur , MuWv. Unv i s ;

^ f : T h e r e ' s ^ u c i b i .!;:.;•-V:'{Satisfaction ,? • ^:^-^f~:[n covnsng hcrcr'.vhci'c monuments;-hei;ov ;, .stones and markers are made, und niako'•' ,vyour selection, from a yard full of ar

;, : . ; .:'tistic designs hi different kindsb^jSwiK*'^^>,/ Our immense'busincss makes this jio:jVv;. !, siblo; ourheavy stilling*makes low price:

i \ D. J. Howell's SonsSouth Fiont Street EASTON

\Near Delm\nre Bndgo


1 ;Tit' !if.r"operation dm

•' would apossible

lprecto set.

''.,i .;.

nj; tho

ato.it ifthat the


you v.omril

of luvs in ,-whonId in

nK the Morris Canalch navigation is pos

<ci such l(;t?ifilativti :i

• a N. .1.




cLioua main"tHine(J'as"a''p(miicrutiiity"."r.

Yours" very truly,'.v..v • -

. V . ' • ! , v •:-.,'

, 1917

t h ' I ,


a a ,---;>_,•-„.-;


(;y. f t lrnlt lH'j^ litn-It:-., pltrttlt-.!Kl n.l lit'c 'Jiri.-iiH-alitv, ' lu . th . ' c.\L-inil(ti-,

Prctt Crib Comfoitiblcswild Blanket;

M iinl\ pin ind blue cl l tcts inComfortables and handsome, litOi in 1 Inn! cN

Handsome Satin CoveredComfortables

S2 93, 50, SS 98, S-1 50In sbowv.:flui"iil patterns and some

with IILII pi UH Hm boulus

Soft, Warm. Down FilledComfoitibles at

^ ~3b 00, $6 98, S7 50With beautiful stitinc tops . und

dainty color,cli'ects.

Ci.nl til' T h a n k * .• t.liu tlntUir-sl^ilctl, wi.^ll Irt t.l)Mi

llins.. ^ -ho is any'-'Wiiy it.SKi.Sl.'.l1 i II I I si I

I I IH 111. 1 u h

rai-2is!ioiK!n<v-a!te.'-;ira^E™vy^i(^.e_oL.S^Quilts oC interest hTovery ITijuselieeporT: 7 — » j

•Satin SI.98, S2.5O, S2.M, S2.')8, $3.25, SJ.SICto S6.50 «i ;CI-OCIK'I SI.SO;' SI.75 anil SI.'18 : ^ '

1 i l t l i t iI I I I ( I l l l I II L \

U i n l «l T l i i n i l i

M i s M i l \ i I \ I l l s h I \ h i .t I l l Isli t t i l i l l l II l\ ll s 1stIir I 11 i l l l i ' 1. t- Hi S l i i s I L

nt i I U I

310-312 Northampton; Sit',,. Easlon, Pa.

.GLERICiLLRUN-DOWH IRestored To Health By Vinol • • j gSheliiyvillp, ID(I.AT"I nra a clerk in a rjjjjj

j lintel and was all run down, no energy, RJ1

| my blood was poor and my face covered t3with pimplea. 'T.Rot no weak I had to Ejput up an awful light to keep at work, QJ •After-taking -mriny otlter remedies 'with- K

O •• of $100.00 and over.. ' ' : ; ,'.'• V T | '

O/ INTEREST paid in Our Savings Depart- g1 /O ment oa balances of $5.00 and over. |

out, pn le on Cord, and mail to yow Lcgi lator.

: For , all run-down, weak, nprvona &Jrnmlit-ioiifl.-nothinff^enu^

•?i3'ia-'c6inbiiintion- ot-tIid«'1nipst--'Bucccs3-->Sfill tonics known. T ry i t o a ou r ' gua r -antee.' .• :.'>*N • ' . - ° " . •••• '•• •

Jerihina .1-^[ookbv, n'rnspsIstR,.'V\;'nsh-



Page 5: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

[IiI5i555iS i''^-.l:^:Y^Z^^.:-^::-:.'^s^J"'^


Star^ • . ' m i - l e a 1., S i rykc r , O w n e r .

On Mfind at

nl tho Olllco ofnmvtcstitnds: OWclll'H,KniKUr'H anil NOIIIIIH,

J l t ' l U l iniKutlKloivn; J.lt/cntiiTKVrH, U vilorv; rifhtcIVt Oxford; Yels.r>'« and'Tlirli4«*s, l'liMUiistturc: TomorW PorlCold en.

The Celebrated Scranton CoalAt tho D., I*. Sc \V. \l. It. Klcvateil

C h M a v M hcml of the Urxl rlKht-tuinil: vircvt iilmvu Hoic l Wlmlunr. '

•.YAHD"I'RICIS 'AT. IlKTAlU"AVitshlliBton, X . J. , Dec. I I , 10IC.

M M . CleurKO C. Vounj* l« tusi'li.uI I I . • • . ' . " •

II. Is. Stiumiiaiioru will »,ii'iiiliiinmiw In Itunntiih.

'I'lu- li'phuiiMt'H In this vlvlnliy ;uiiw juvtty well iHk-il.

l.ciij.imli. C.isi in-1- is iMiInrKiiiKjfrceiihiiiiK'H m i Itelvltluru MVVIIIH*.

A, It^lliMIKll IIIIS Ji.llicil llu! meiiiilciil fitrco <if the lluntvnluii G.tat111 IllKli lil'MutV "

Kltuur K WycUuff lmn liee.djiKcut In thin dint riot for tht- o:tkliliin« or .niutor (.Mrs.

A.IMHIIILL I.JOjully. rjfLil M 4 KI'. .svrvi-r will Install the ullln-ra ofMnii.tlichl LiKlBP. I. Ci. 1). !•'., Kalunlnyn l B h l . • • • • - . . . - : • • • -

A. Davidson liltpml* to a t tend tlurllH'ythlK of tile NtnUi Oi i tmnctr ld i lwt>>ty m (l ie <.*<mlltu't)tjil JJmel, .N't-w-urlt, tonlKht. ~ *

Koine- you,IK ladle!), nlllo 111 llllllll>«r.| l f lT'gR JC.00 por ttin \ \VIIM '-IIJIV*1 fitf nifMl a c*ltil». wi'iit .'**

Stuvo I'.tMt per ton ! i.'.,»tnn-'on TtlcsdiiV Mill iitlrliili-it :iChiwiMit <i.!5|ipr ton. I-tl-V.uVJluJ- nhuw *J'eu . . . . . . • ' • ^ l » ' » - ' ' m i \ -M Am''' »»l»lo .novel on AI..11-

-llw«hwt«M • • • ' * • : t - > 1 ) 1 " - T l "" i ( t 1 1 yVn. m Amh-iWHi Int.. iiu* IUHIKO

Vrnmiil ilcllvc'r

, i i . y f r m AmSTOVK WOOD. ' uiratoil by -Mr". Stella Ueltcnu

c'rlM when rc«|in-»lc<l. • ! North I.Inroln IIVI'IIIIB.

WASHINGTON" COAL & SUPPLY CO. • A ^ ^ " - i ; " . 1 " " , 1 h%r™ ™ ' XiWolcr Fleming. Msr. } g ' , . m . " ; i , ' . " V f j, slowart lro tl

= i 'i'ji,. ,-tilld IIIIK inMMi liaiiiotl Altiert .i C l i i i r l c H . \ V l n l c r n . l » n o w uinploycil

ill 111.' N-utlnnnl Hr . . | .n io l l t iB < • 'M M f

Mis. l-lllitin I'ronty hsiii hi-eu suf-furh'jr from j;r lp.

Mr*.- C. (*. l:>i\vri-« is ivrnvering1'roni ;m nttat-U of rheumatism.

A nun wits horn, to Mr. ami .Mrs.William •.MIHur. near I.roi.flw.iy, kist

• Tlutrmliiy.M r s . .Murvfn A. Itush is still cmi-

Ilut'il to her home iiflurnn illness dat-ing from Doc. 1.1.

(ti'tiiKi: Mutter 11:tH in.ci'pn-d

, ...ant a t INjri'.;Murray. Ik- formerlyj'worked In the power I.'JUHG at iMn< <;f.id(Mi.

Mr*. LiiuiPG M. I'.urd wan called toI'lilllipNlntm un Sunday IK.llliu'fis In 1 ho1 family of herKlislia 1'. l!iinl. She returned thatuVfiihitf.

The iMtrnimh hiin marled inlwrtls-

lli.rry<_'«.x J-UCCCCIIH Miller Witl.-nor |.VHt SAl.i:—UIMMI runilly lluriw.I the KelJleln I'lilu-ry. true worlu-r lit all lumu-iw. 'Mm.

.1. O. Dalryiniik- l» rt'i'ini-riiiK fi"«ui» Nru i ry 'Kunv KarrMvlIIe, N.• .1. UpHI 1)1 m w uf HI*wmI weeks. ; |,-,,i< s\NM-—My IHHIK- proiuTty <nt

Air*. Willlani Kn-.He nf T»yl«r Ktrc-<-t |h,|v.tl.T«* Avr,.' Washing. . . . ; KKVI-II ,mflVn-.l 11 Hiniki! *t( ji.m.l>>lK mi 'Jm-.s- j ,- (. i (m«, i-Hy waU-r, iC'uil wiiulltltui. |J. 1 ai WasMnatnn. In lh*Suteof Kow Jrrwy, at tl

''"**• , , _,_ _, I ll. Atulrewf. l-13-lfl clt»«of tuslncti on Ore. IT. ISlfi. ,

" w K ' h n m v w S - o n T l i r . m l l • ' • " " " KAI.K~-ltolr»l.l- imulcrly Ill'i KKSOUUCIS •

rovJn- " i l l u l l l l i . ro.i.1 . A l > | | l l r > . / , . , l l w | H l h l K , , f ».,.,„„„ f r i l l l l l ! , . • , „„ ,„„ , , d l M M l l l t . , . .I1.MJ.CI:UIiV.lin U'lLi.t.iii.ii i-.-tiim.-il •>11 'I'lii"*- 1 '"HUH- a ' " l llt^t-KSJiry uUthlllllllllKM: G. U. i*. U»tidi; dcjMrtf.i-H to M*ur«•hilHi Hl."Cl,iini l-l'tlirill'll on '.'"'"• I . . „ . , „ , . „ . , , r crnnml. miiri-nr !(<»<:'trlill 1 -flreulaUon (lor. valuoj


ttbc jfirotniatton'nlKnnh of!Timnsbtnoton j

J,clcluHuf bu»l net i on Ore. 1*7. l'A?>.


,}w%m'£^mr<TSto7 J C •"»;«..T;-"V^ ,-romi.i. mo,-,, or lew rrull i «iK»UUon (par ™iu-i

l . i - t t m u.l.lri-wril to Mm. ISIIK- A. - J """l JOIMUUMI i*t.. • w.iHliliiKlmi.. m .M;uSm\Mt Je-


Kll:ili anil ThriMitiiln nncaili ' il fur lit tllu Wasl

l/0'kaiviintia. nilll-nitil ya rds hi-n... 11«- j . WAXTKD—A ftiini i irnnnil 50 01 - . , . ..will l,u uiinlilc .1.1 worn for .weral i more u.:r.-s. In niUlvntlon: lar»' „ ' S 3 «ISiV««n«j' 'otW iha»'lays. ( ImiiM-, an.|.k- oill-linll.llnKs. In (.-.iinl t iMnklni! HOUM.- . . . . . . . . . .

KlHllt canillilaH-s were .•li-fti'.l nn.1 I i-..n.lltl.iil. Aililn-wt U...2S .Inm.-s SI., j I'A « N«u'm«mt due fromM proii.'Slllons r.ir lm-lllli.'rslil|i r i - Monti'lalr. , \ . .1. 1-18-Slnl • : up|iroy«.| r« . i ; rve.•,lv,.,l , j , tW ,n,.,tl.|« T,,,s.lay nW,t ; W A. \TBU- l l r lv l i .K llorso for Its ! K 5 ^ ° . Ji'sH I A «W»I M> 'h r I M J I . •• i ,• w<:r?ilM«inl: work Avonl.l ninount to fair * N«nm.,untJu«(rnm

V.r.V J I'a.-t l .onncl lor ( \ \ . , . .„ .„ . ;„ . ; ,Vo-.il. w.-ll i-uiv.1 r..r.' ai.pr«v«.l r t m r wm)\Qr:. . , ,. A|i|ily to Star nine... u . , , . - . n»nuln oilier rewrvc , , , - c - . ,l!?^. MeConna the new and i tt - l i . n l e l i e - n l M t - i f I h , . i l r i i " s ' n r . . i . f ' . '

i->t"erh' ill. L i l L ' re-ldv mi.le '• wlllil i m r i j a im l^>tcf, li.ts.lire.lil> I ILHU .nlain-rou-s friends, by Ills eour t emis Vj''1"

M M U l ea

friends, by lmanner. .Mr. .McUniincl eame frnmWimliliiKlnii, N. .1.—Slate Centre-

M d I S k ' "


I!. SAI.K—Two llolslcln rows. •c a l v s J>y sl.lus. Mitton Marlatt, i Npt .m'i-.mt .luc from bank* an-l

ro-io fi*f)ltl Ml "'"'"lii.'l school ll.'nisi- to'- I'unkcri. luther thnn included inllM-k.-Ust<,wn." ; \ " " ! ' « • "o lufc i^cWte and

F o i l KAI.K—l!o».- . ciinih \|-llrown I m;..tcn»hlt™«1 Foil KAI.HISow c m \e.'onl. Mound I S n m k . , LoKllofn eoekwvl.i: an ex.-(-|(lloiially!A eonKreKatlon social will be held j Hood strain, w. K.DWrly. A.'ljury.;

' h l h n nwel j Itp


at thl

iliiKlnii, N.nl . Mound ISnmk.

tl i


.. . . . . . Proioiylerlan chapt-l n t -x t ,i Thurs i lav evenlnK*. .Inn. -"•. nii.ler t h e \•alispiVos " f tliB Pas to r ' s Alii sot-l-ty. I | , y s!do. J o h n K. Wllilriuk, I lope.

i i 1 tt\] !•' T w oK W

l l l ii\vs wi th calves


HlilirahMth"C|r ',a S X e ^ n n r : li« f • w"i7Kr JI«htlnVnV«.si fs ofa i lun nt .li-m,.y City. • . :•: \VHHIII»BUHI r«r.Uiw neM rive years.

.Mr. ;m<l Mrs. I^WIH Kiitnm went to L'J'V..!'?:!!!,^,.., w,.,1.'1";1"' " l " 1 M ( ' ' " t i l l K

Vrvv I'nluii on Miiiitlay t" atteiul thet'uuentl (if. ilu* ffiriner'H slsti'r.

Joint KiiUuii niitveil yi'sti-rtlny fnnn••tin! Tlintuher'tenant .h»UKo "»n rurl tonav\>nui' Into par t nf. ihu Mnrtin tlim-l>le hmivc mi lOawt t'hiiiTh wtroi-t. ,

Chitrlo.-*' Di'i" l.edr»sfiin hits .enteredtint employ «'f "the1 1-MIfiui cementplant ul -New Village, lie ffiinerlywnrkutl for the IngerjHM.nml t 'n.••Mlw Kv.-lyn Cunioii, daimhter ofMr. Milwanl (Sitrilmi ut N«w.irk,- f»ir-

. iherly i'f this place, wilt KrwhiaU1

, rnnn "llui Xrwarl; State Normallehnol, Kch./J.

.if ooiim'il t>ii ]•%*!.. IU.Mrn. A. O. '.Mivlner moveil her

household Koruls !•» Uiehinnml I UN,U I., on Tuesday, where slit; and hepturn. Kinyu, will ke«[> Imtise. Kho ox-.ptielH to luavr; lieii; hi1 a few tlnys.

.Miiny men fnnn Warren county,fiirnicrs ami others, havi- gout; Intothe I'oconoH to holp with Hie. h\x U->-iuirve^t which IH now KOIIIK on tlMtin-in.

Charles Nixol

h KHr u i u M M i e i l , h t t i u l r v i l s ' i f

C h a r l e s N i x ntive 1'iurli-s in tlu.'

U Thil U ' h l kon tive 1 u

t, I'Vh. •!. . j shi»\v last u'ct-U. Th i s wits tho l;it'KOSiISJIIU: [Ii-m-y. whu 1I:,H 1-i^n a i-.tn- I sOimv <'f llio season, T h i s week h<* IUIH

r on tht.1 Norttiaiii)>t"ii-Kuvtun \* IK-CII iirtinjr a s JIUIKI* a t a slmllur KIIOWl *r,'arlfi'ti C . i . ' s Urns -yes- I In .Morri«U»wi

to P<l riLllivi.nl.

ttfi-cstiitK motion pii-turt-si litkvii ivcvi.tly of the S(at

y. pU'tnm;


AmiirUHie tiuu

'tit h


l M 1>(

A. ISoilliu* will v.-mite, thei.lohn (.'line farm a l lirass VnMla ami

will move to the, property.lt, that aw*I'l.sh I tlon whlfh Ii" iiiit-cIniKfil reupntly.

jllifWiinl Havis oC Stewurtsville. h;istetisoil the (.'line farm.

1 KflY-rts iiru lu'luv maile to unite th-1

Low's Hollow, M<-lhoiliNl ciiin'cli with

, in hvtltXK I"1-| j , . (

ran«.'il. l.i«ht lefn.shir.ents will he [ f ,wrvi. . l . . ' • " . • " •

Word has ln-eii rerehed of the d

ointn;'for ;ri'

ohler one. l"i Tayhir .street. l 'PWANTI-IH-Tit l>u>p. al "nee. tfrfo

SAI.K—OrayII- jcai-s old or will trade

b t'roclioniil currency,nlckvUsiid ccnti, . . W M

11 - • • . . •. • • C M 3 ' . r

17. Not«n of oMtcr national bankn . . 10.12-1 WJ2<J, l.nwful ri'wrvt* in vault Binl net

amount duo from I-Vtlvial Kc-w r v e Uank L*03.07I :7

^1. Utdi'mi'tion funtl with U.S.Tmin.urcr anil iluo frum U.S. Treasurer .'..000 00


whining 1st ami I l n:iii on hen. 1st and Ilh cockerel, 1st |.'mil »d on pullet, and lut pt-n—thin i

Whi K k ' l s T h i

M.uiiliiitKlttcr of .lohti I'rit.'e of tltn .Mi'. Uinii'l i.'ji!:cy (if I'ovei-reinnny wus jiciT'inm-il InSatm-day. J;.in. '..

Ih-rman Luimer. wh-i a<lv«Ttis.

, .if town. AiUlre.SH " 0 , " litar olllce.In a. KtroiiK White K«uk* class. This j . : . i-'JU-lHpliuiiuli-s it silver imp for best display. - i ' \k- i ' vd'cri 'i- ' Tin. mil.lie u-iir.Mr. K u r i l ' s prixe I.e.. won silver cup I , , f fVe stoHt i i f-m niiL' ,1 inei s.' - i . . . 1 \ i i . .... . . . i . t . , - , . . . i i n i i \ e f » i o ( . K . 1 1 . u i . M i i n n K m i p i t * m e i H Htor lie:;L h ln l In show \\\v\ •»!-•• • rVV (1 ) ivertiM? 1-i Hi-no-tii l . u n ^ i - . to Ui\wfor iM-st.lien in Mmw. i p l . l ( 1 . i p ( l l l * h ( , A j l M . . ,.. . . , , l K k i | . r m . n i

' : " ^ " ' ; f o r t Aim m y , Wednesdiiy. .Ian. 81 .

SCIlOOli NOTKS. • | will n o t ' t a k e plare. «ut:h iictlixi hav-Ther . - w a s $-»a.sS eidlected U>v t h e i '»£•' 1)(b< '1! n'<-'>'^ld<-red. l - iS -2 tp

" fund h y . l h e sellli.K of ' K n i t SALK—lO.OOO I 'each ttee.s:•• "' • ' • - r | also a l l k inds of fruit a n d oriiiinu'iUult ' ross .stamps

-tlie sehool ,aiiioitm

nds of fru d, for oirculai*. U \V. Cianl-

X 1 i-jD-stp

_____ we i*7US. 1'oatal ttnvinKS Jvpoaits . . .

Total (kmnml [iep'jsHf, s!,h0r>,CJ7 5'i

Toui! . . . . . S-',:!tit.7i:; 19STATB o r Ni:w JI:HSEY ) „,,

- WABUKS (lonxTV / • • ' •I, William S. Kitten house, cnatilcr of the abovp-

nmnLil tinnr:. ilo solemnly swear thnt the tttiovusUUcmcnt is true to the beet of my knowl.d^ und

'WILLIAM S. K1TTENH0USE, CmUSuljBcriliiKl anil sworn to beforo rna this 5ib

tiny of Jiintinry. UH7.Ai.viN V. Fl.onKy, Notary t'uMic.

Correct —Attest: Ch;ifl. B.Snftli, DaniclS^;!:M!".iv!hIjr,';v.nSui»Vr;\v.;"i.iM«t N. .,. _ _ _•llii!1 J lmkTll ! Ii . I). CAIIISIKISS— Hi"V« yinil- I et.niicr«.. I. II. llryanl. Director

i vliniicv I" Imy ii B""'l 'WliKOli i-lu-up. 'idi C;il-1. Lop LUIII s lo rm

Great Special Sale of the G e l e h H | | i:;;':;;;...;^ANHATTAN;:SmRT|;||^starts tomorrow, January 19th, ;m;d continue^;fo|||

We are the distributors of these high: g r a d g

Shirts for this town, and we show you the samej|

patterns, at the same prices, that you will find in;S;

any store in the United States selling these splen-J,

d i d S h i r t s . : •. ' . • : • . ' ' • ; • • . • " • • y • • . : - ; ' ' . ' . • • ^ ' j ; i

Take Advantage of This Great Offer ;

and secure what Shirts you may need at theses

special prices: ... .. .••"•. . y : . v x

/ill $1.75 Shirts now $1.35 y |2.252.502.753.003.504.C04.505.00







Just ask for "The Best Shirt Made"

| , . , .1 ,as i , ,K , iew records for the |iho,io. h » |f l l t l ' wSlur l lv t thru itiisr t ,

le of live I laee M. lloss at their home In I liin-'er. X. II. Tile newcomer weighed

25, 27, 29, 31 E. Washington Avenue

Dunlil;- 6iTiffeAijT.

Vmnifi. whoiniintii :IKI> sevt'i-vij* injuredWhile in wnrti al-the.'liiKi.TriiiU-Uiimlidar.t in rhiUipKl>[irtr, has ivtuniedtlifi-« t>. -wm:W.•-" ••Hwvt.Tiil teinh.iis hiIIIH liund were nearly severed, hut

•they h:ivc healeil H-> that the lingersitniVi; imnimli:''.

Mnilimer Crocker, who has hecnt;mpliiyed in tin) olllce uf the Stan-iliinl W'iiter Systems Oo. in Hiim.HDit.hiiy fjnru; t-t N'c\v York .and hetfilii; hisrlntlits Krhhiy in the irwitiiirtM-'s nllice"I" ihc Uimlti C.'uiiplei- &• .Stnr,it;e l!at-U-i-y Co, Me will nuike hi* home at

•thi: 'Wost .Side" V. .\I. C. A. 'Wind has been received here that

KlojU* the HvL-yuar-iiIfl son nf Mr.and iirs.-' itny vJiirdncr .>f N'ed-iMii;. isnliuiii tn ituderj.'" an operation a t . the.Mti.-i'H 'l';iylnr hospitiil , in ScnmumCur tliruaL truuhle. lie is the srand-

uhhi IIDUS-'C on W' v_u .t.iv . J t , . - - -rin Mn».-i to that uliiee ii hunt i i-hilhower is t-x|K't-ie<l h«:r« today .mil ; - i h r e e of tliem. W. I. llartunjr.

1. Winii.-ld .Monei; will lu>irln | wi\\ ^Mni a week InvoailKatlnij the j nolaware. N. .1. f near l'»>!kvllle). Up! hoii-s.-keepLtifr In. the house vaeated by | ^.hocl. 1 [NKXl'KIMKXCHD Men and Wntn-

u of .Mr. and .Mrs. Tharlef

Itush..iind .Mrs. A. C. Gardner of this

Kover;il farmers in this vicinity are•f-'otUi'iiiplittin^ K"iiiK Ui Trenton nextweel; to attend tho State Agrieulun-.ilconvention 'whirli will open 'iltciv on.Ian. 1\ an.l which will em.UiHiethrouKli -Ian. t». VarkniM aj;rLciiltulMllnnlios.'frotu all ovoivuhe State willhave. iiH-i-lin^ at Trenton (hiring nextWeek coincident with l!u> State con-vention.

-:,.:-JT.11P 3\hlv i s / . 'y .J'1,'4^'!'!- " l" • «*>yoi-jt 1^ iie:i itmui ~n rt c;i ienniTrs"'iYlVm" RhViVcH-

iii'd lii'i'S., Inc., <'alemiar inutHit'a'ctur-ers. One particularly beautiful is un-lltlO'l "MyHomhern Rose." which wus

.'•fainted by Carle .1. Ulenner, the dis-AiiHii-iuiin artist. It is

• stiKiilshtid Air.ciiean artist.\|-_lijjj; portrai t of a. beautiful south-

g in tlimanil wearing" an Attioriuai

n l ;"|!oauty

Tlii.' Mlanehiirit Co. produces'sroJi.t variety..of art ealc-ndars.

nnloijttnday tha t her mother. .Mrs. Car-oline FlKlier, who is .spending" thewinu-r with lior two diuinhters. Mrs.Walter M. ('lark and Mrs. irvlnK V:m-natta, in , l>hiladelpliia, went out ofthe former's house Sunday • ni^ht tnina!.l a. letter dml fell, breaking bothboii'fs nbnvo OIHJ of her anklos. Mr.anil Mrs; Ch i rk j i ad none uV.ehurc-h

/ b u t iiiir Hcrca ins* wore heard 'by someiieighhorH. who tissiKted in 'setting he.rinto (he house.

I lev. .lanewjiy Gordon, who camefrom l.'ittslield, Mass., becaitht; f h

of .hid, Mass., becaitht; of the

bn. ' ther- in-la\v, h. M,hi

b r t i r e \ i i K 7 e i s i r c r. llainpUin, a n d is assist ing in the r e -

v i v a l ' m e e t i n g s which a r e belni? heldthere. Among: olher.s who were Imi the. .same, uceasio t*n Mr. Wii-..im (.Tordon of* I'lUladelphi'i , and

.'flaughtcr, .Mrs.'.lohn Trays ol' Ma'niror;Mrs. ,1'ohn 'PaiiTyll and daughter, MISK'.May. Onrdun. Mr^Charles i.iavis and5' C h l CJUV f Newark; fllr,

r Ol G d n r ;

. M r ^Charles CJoy;UV

idd Mrs. i'3. Mack for Olen Gardne

i h M

idd Mrs. i . M a c k r or O nAttorney Sylvester C. Smith. .Mrs..Smith, their daughter' and three, sonsi.r"i;]iillipshtirtf jtnd Airs. 1 >! CMarsh and son, ilussell, of

CuiincJlmtin Clifl. of Nelcong. kmnvnto many Wnshhigionians, has a wellequipped .hardwiire store. The ooun-cilninn, however, doesn't always watchhis slop, A. few days a^n an ItalianentPifid the Rtoro, placod u revolveron the couiiter, said something was?the matter with it, and asked to hnvoit lixud. '• The connellman.vwho alwaysstrives l\i^ pleaso (Mistoinfers," went attho gtuf'-rmmmor and tongs. JJelng

^ihilQiit-iuinded, , ho failed to noticet h e ^ u n was loaded. Having handledmany fh;earms in his day, Cliftthought himself imnuino ft;om arcl-de.nl. AH he ]nnnkey(!d;:witli the gnuhi left f r e linger remained in fronde.nl. AH he ]nnnkey(!d;wt ghis left fore linger remained in .front

Mr. M - .. . . .The Unys* Urotun bfignde has hoeu

busy this week sweeping olT a ^oudstretch1 nf-the ennni' which is now be-inu -ii^-d for skttiiiiK. Some of thehlKli si-h'iol hoys are becoming exut-rtut h-'ckey, mid it may be u good, fasthockey team will be organized beforethe sli.'itinw -'-easoii is over.

"Cabiria," the elaborate Italian iiltnirmltictioit dupiutitiK* iii.siofic;il, eventsn one of the Tunic wars, was jjivotim*' the benelit uf Lhe W'ashiiiKtoii'ark assoeintioii at the Ih-oad Streethciiii'L'. Tuesihiy afternoon and eve-liiiK- It- WJIS greeted by ;i full nouseI Mitfht and was nineh enjoyed,•The"KJLston-l'ihillii>KhurK C.''IS." L'n'-"

on will hohi its quarterly meelin;,' inhe l-'irst I're.shyteriun church of 1MUI-

MpsburK "i. I-"rid:iy even in if at 'ST..-t n.'t'lie local C. !•:. society will l)ccnnY» anieniber at thiit lime. About a iloUonmembers are .dunnint; lo be i):.*^Jnt.

There will In- a niuctinj; of i h - i , , , , ,„,,iKuird of. health at boroiij;!. hall to- | t u t s " ' u u ; -morrow IIIKIU, ut which time thu newlimiril wlll .hu ..rffiinizL'd. Two n.-wnu'ttiljers, Cecil It. Anderson andRobert C. Linuiint'. will bo sworn into.lliuc.1 Thero IH still uiio vacancy inhe bnard, which the mayor will'.ill

later.~:rHoiriO_-;pf_"Lhu;-;h;ivnir»L\i.Vaif-:Lh«'' :isiuu1

"Jity CitiaivJ;'11whiyiTei;'en'tly;::i:'1'ri:iu.1iupd-from Hie Alexican border,- have boen•.•i.sMittff fi-ieiuls in Washington thisivefk. They had interesting storiesto tell of their experiences "at. thefrom." Tlie Kinird will he niveit a-biifbaiuuiet a t the Kurlduu I loiol nextveek. .

Washingtoni'ins' who are KpendinHhe winter months in various partsif the Houth niiiy have had a touchif Jersey winter e;trly this week.

Down in TcnuesstM!, Texas, northern.Mississippi, tuul in other Southern

, . heavy snow stunn'raged' onMonday. Dallas, Tex., hud i'seyeh

iclies of .snow. . . ' ••'••" -Boys In Warren comity slioultl not

let. the hoys of Mcndhuin st't-' nltond" " " h e McndhamllUoys* riff

nieces:-; Uist year when ithue:; it. membership of lli lads whoraised piffs a t a prolh. This year tint,elub Is comiiosed of *J0 niemhei>.They will, in co-operation, buy younj;plK'H a t $ t . each and devehnu* theninlo

lOIMKX Mrninir big money writing f"

h 1Itiils Wanted for ~I.IK.II.II.;. j the motion pietiiros. short story 'ntn»-

. The l'"r"'if,rh Council of Washins;- | axinus tnul newspapers. Let us typt:ton, Wiirreii county. N. .1., will re-I your ideas fo r a small fee. l-'ull par-eeive bids, ur proposals. ;il n meeting j ticnlars for stamp. Van Mee**t Hros.,of tho Couiu-il on Kobnuiry 19, 1917. (public typists. 374 II.UTISOII St., I'a.s-for the purpose of liKhtin^' the streets . saie, N. .1. J tpand puldic l-uildinw of the above said 1 p t»K KAM-I—Good Holstein slockl.orouu'h, eit.'.er by electricity or .mis, j . , , . . ] . t-oinlnmr two years old. Walterf o r a period of live years. The conn- ; M. Unu«. lielvidere. X .!.

F n t : 'SAI.I1":—Xo. f> Shiirplcss cream iInquire a t St. Cloud lln- .

tet. WashhiKton.

11 reserves the rUjht to reject anyall l>lds.

Further infonnatiomined t<> interested |plication to .

JACOP. II. MANX...... .-.:.-,. •'..:.-:.-..:.: ; l.:oroti?.h...Clor!•:....

\Vashin?;lon...\. .1. • l'-lS-"iti

WAXTKP—Teli-phoiio poles; also. . . . , . in.000 ehi-stnut ties-, t> in. x ti in., S IL-

will be .sub- ,.t U m g . i 0 | H . r c , , 1 ) t i .-, , n # UwCt | K , w u l ith.upon .in- | O , . - H l i w e , i ; must he loaded on ears be-

fore -March 1. Cash paid. John Ilain-sey, 1-1 Grand Ave., Washlngtun, N. ,1.

. — - •--•-.- —.-,. -1-U--JL

Canl of Tlmnks.

I'OU SALH—House and Int.- 114j West Washington avenue: 00 ft. front

y ISO deep. Special price to quick-Mrs. I.: M.. DaVls desires to thank i buyer. Win. Burd, Washington".

the neighbors, friends, minister and ' ' ' 'bearers for their kindness durinff theillness und after : the death of her

1^-T-tfI'AKIIKR "Wanted—M^arrled. .1.1

H. MaeLean. Allatmichy road, l lnek- |ottstown. X. J. • •. • 111-7-tf!

"WANTKD—All kinds of hides, furs,!.veal calves, fat IIOKR. heavy: chicken.'., }freeso and dtickH. O. .1. Ilowell. Wash- ;inytou. l-M-l-tf !

l-'(.ii: IlIriNT—A sood grain and Idairy farm, J 00 yds. from creamery I, yand Uritlgovilie station,

alor a t huildings. Mrs. M. jwater a t buildings. A p p y M ji:. sietler, Uridgevillo, X .1. J2-7-ir j t

shoitts , and .hV^-'^^-'ilso beef hides, jHatisfaetory deiiin»R;i._^rand - •l)usine^n iffuai-anteL-d. l-'rank G. Kiddie, Hump- ! jjton. • . .. • . - . • • - • l l -30-tf i C

••Kdli, HHXT—Good four-horso val- 116tOi'V o I lQy I'sn'in: applicant must have llr.st-;'C- i t - - t p . C[. IBS references. Address II.irry.i<C

AUCTION—Kstate t.C the late .!. Christine, Washington, X. .1. ll-l'Ii-tf i ' p

Milton Kverett. will sell Iliirnc - . . . . 'ILohes. Ulnnkets ami other horseequipments on Saturday. .Ism. 'JO, at1 t>. m.. over the Clarendon Mousestables. 1 laekettstowti;- N. .1. Up

KOKHAi-M"ir.O-eRf,- Iiiuuliiiti.i*. astfood as new; also two lirooders, KiOchicks each; have no use for them.John- LaKnt-KC MarlaU farm, Oxfinil.

J'AP.M for Kent after April 1-Over 100 acres tillable land, hlRhsiiito oC fuliivnUnn: splendid hutld-injis; :ilon,ur Stiilf* road and requestcrook: neiir two cream ories; onshares. For Information address "i l .1!.." care Star. 11-23-tE

?I3 1'Kl: T u \ ; •' for ' hrislu, Hail-

Sjo^atlvcrtlscmonta-JjiUciifor lesy thai;^15 ccnLs, first liu?

. $ K rthreshetl Long liyo Straw, atC(J.ii,'-.jJUmbet',.-?«ia*uiiS* "Supply,:;..tilixer.^Dynamite..yrtrds of I1. S^

jthe j

(f-,. , n • „ t j ry alt sales nt any time ami any- t e r - Belvulere, N. J.buhscqiicnt Iii-scrtlons Ono Cent a v v i i e r e . Terms $5 13 1J Po.ss O\ - . • - •Word, rcRHrclless• "of size. Unless ltd- roi-d X I ' i - l l - s i p I.ARGB.. CLEANV COTTON RAGS I

vcrtlscr Ii«S a resulurchai-seaccouml ; K p u SAU3_Poi-a...-tourliiB car. Jn SnS^tor^lho!.?5!!? \ ? S S , S K W " I

has thus far been a big success. We have demon-strated to Washington people that we are offering-genuine values, and to ourselves, that Washington;people app£eciatG:.the/ie offerings. ,

SotfeTof our lot's are sold out, but we still offerthe following for Thursday, Friday and Saturday:

A f i n O ' P C Sweet Floritlas, 250 size,' ISc do?.. Tangerines, sweet andyjl d l l ^ t u juicy, 18c do/.. Navels,' 30c doz. Large choice Grapefruit,•i for"25c." Floridn Ovunges; 25c, 3uc and 35c doz. :•.:.;::•;.;..•.-.•.•:•.:--:

Enamel Ware S^!' '1""!1."5.1 '"1. ': u.nif0™18rayrnott'inK>

n-qmirt Preserve' Kettle, heavy ware, regular 25c. . . "" "* *2-qtiiirt Pail, with coverI.' -qufirt Saucepan, with cover-Large, heavy Fry ing Pan

n**i>CC dfyCl&iQ About ten pieces left, and we're cleaning them outL/HS3S VKFUU3 at one-third price. 25c goods. 9c yd. 50c goods,17c yd. 75c goods, 25c yd. $1.00 goods, 34c yd.

C-~\CS\COt\oz Special Blend Coil'ee, I9c Ib. Special Mixed Tea; 30c.br"VSIULC! (CO iiomc-dricd Apples, 12c 1 . Lima Beans, l«c 1b.' Soup.Behns, 13c 1b. Marrowfats, 16c Ib.

:E Wr\l Ctf\aA<2 K- &£• Corsets, regular §1.10 style, special 95c. Regu-'•£ V\ y UUUUS iar 55c styles, 42c. Table Oilcloth, several patterns/;t small and medium figures, browns and tuns, 17c yard. :

5 F m h m f l d o ^ J o C A number of good values to select from, inequality,LUBUIUlUca ( t 3 .no yin-d. 19e quality, 14c yard. 25e value, I9cyari'.. Several lots of 10c, 12c, lac, 20c values, special, 5c yard. .'••' .

i raJf i l " ^ y p ^ 0 " Scratch Feed $2.75 per 100. "Cypho" "HflvU^T^ying;Mnsht-:Si..0.O,per-lUl»"--i3eef:Scrap,-TS3;75i-

pcrlOO; Bran. SI.'JO per 100. Oats, SI.15 for 'two-bushel bag. Whole,Corn , SI.2(1 b u s h e l . " ••''•' . •.--.-•:•',,.••-.-;'.-S--rzi£-^.^.i

ivli.li (he publislici*. postage slumps,junncy ortlei' or check shoitlil nrcom-pauy all i»iiil orders, in order to hi-sure prompt Insertion. • •• .

I-' O ll S A I* \r.~Piielrie Btulllrm,"J'rinct. N'eR'iiiiKn-e.V suuitlard uinll-t^l.ste-red'(inark 'J.l'i), hy XeldiWrlio or (•all on Udillii 1"IM.


yood. condition. .IncuHro Marry Jlelli-Siiii,' Glen Gardner, X. .!. ^.rlJ-'Oi^ SALK—Stritwhorry roan Colt.coming two years. Pet'Cherim. Geo.\V. Jvrouse. Broadway. N. .1.


v .M-u-iuiurii- • WANTKD—lirood mare, wel(;hiiip:lav, i'ortl.md. i 1 - 0 0 O1 ' ' ' 'O0 II lK- T u ' l ) COWK, cuniini;-

Up fresh within l\vu months; set of jjo-oilItV

-Good man toK W A N T E D Gfarm .on shares; good house, plentyfruit, near town. Win. It. Anderson,

lif ' X 'I r l l S i t pfruit, eCalifon, ' X. '.I. » rl-lS-itp

' • K i m SAI.K—Ten Huff Cirtiingtons/(Cooper strain, direct) : 91} WhiteLeghorn, 'hens and pullets (Cornellstrain), laying. Clarence l iar tman,llartman's.Ooriipr," Oxford, It. I'.. Kp


Veal 'calve;;, a n d

<)f t h e ' s i d a w i l M ^ ' o r ^ h V ^ V u ^ "wvv iVutty.viiiL'.'x. J. Hell •pliiine. l-lS-5tu

i.ho luisInii.sH HCction are all-,cleanwith• (mo UfMi ttiuuoitK ext'cptinn. Th i s•sidewalk its rotiRh in spots niid . sliii-lierV In others ami iL Is out of, har-mony with the rust of the well-keptsidewalks on th« avetiuo.

Or. Uoliert M. WuiulrnlT, who haslicon .suerotiiry of tlie lljickettstowni:tul> 'for cttvht yoars p:ist,' was elotited


IUSNT--l';xRepUon{ill.v»m Hat, luitli and .i;ns.-. Tin-

pussiutKloii. A. DiividHon,

WANT10D—Farm liulp. marriedti; must he s(|l>er niul steady;

WI'IKOS; steady- umploymonl.Ti'iuu.uiliiy nns, AlUunuchy. N. .1.Arllntr Oiinks, .Munagc-r,

i'"(Ut RUNT—Two ronitiH nn enrnerpresident :Tuesday-niK'lit..; succeeding\$(•|.;hst"'Wiish[iil{UJn'Hvcinuruiul SiMioolff inner Assembiyman Gt!i)rf;o . "W.I street; lV'lty-, water in both rooms;SinlLh. OtlKT oIllcerH elected were j | ; u - - O t . Ught. airy rooms. Splendid'Howard Klotx, vice . pros,;. Curtis i,nHinej-s location. Kent1 reasonable,Humier. see.; John P . \Vood,wnrd, I • • -<..?. '->-• * i ic_,rIrons.; Lewis H. Hayward,' WilliamHOUIHIK, John I1. ."Byeritt. board . uf |g o v e r n o r s . -...•••--•- , . . . . . ,,..-,

\Vjirren county authorities luivclicen:vconslderjihly interested In -.therecent decision of tho United StatesSupremo court which fins decided'Unitunder .the Mann'white slave act. pros-ecution under thelaw for transporting'women in interstate commerce are not.limited to commercialized vice, hut

[.include, personal, .immoral i>sciiy>adeiUndo the law there, was a. seriousviolation in Washington' . not ninny

l.ninniiiB^njrn,^ whon^an '..ISaston^'uunRhere an ISastoii girl, de-

irltlcs.'.nro still

Inriuiro Airs. Ida Apuuf. 1-lS-tf• 1'IIAI 111 10 STATI3 Incubators. 100-ostr,,.-SS.o.o.;;:.;

),nn:nBU', .$IS..00:..both. in.good condition; uost about throe"times'price. 'Also' hand gfLst mill Sl.fiU.KIrst. cheek getyone or Sill, or willtrade for gr.iihi. Kiwsell. 33!'lSrondstreet. ' v . . -It

WANTED—A man to soil furniture,Carpets. Hugs and Stoves on the in-

: " nd f.conimis-riiiht man.

stallment plan; salarysinn; line opportunity-'^ _Territory availahh; consists of Hamp-ton, High tividgo and viein^.y;. Hnrk-ettstown._ani:l.-ylcinit.y. ,and,, .»Oi;ford,pelaware'Viiid'viernii^Xathan Furniture Co.. Washington, ov!!'J SiMttli Third Si1., Kaston, Pa. ; „ . •

double harness and farm wagon. A.11. Kalis, fort Murray. ' l - l l -2 lp

KOIt SALK—TJuff Orpington .eock-eral. I>JIITG0 rock, buff and white Or-'liinston pullets. Mrs.-Harry CasUey,W Cariton a.venuo, Washington.

i-n-t!tpL. VOil SAT.K—Two building loin.i»ii.i!h .100x13S feet, on •HtewartsTlllcHeight:!: . price reasunalile. ApplyMrs. Howard M click, Slowtirtsvllln.

KOIi KIOXT—Hix-room. Iuui.se, Xo.S Vannntui street. Jno.uire 1-7 I'l.\\*asliinjjton avenue. "" 2--l-tf

"KOJl SAKT3 or llKNT—TTnrni of SOA. .1. llai-tow, Vieni

H. D. (Petersburg).X. i1-vi-lt

PIGS Wauled—Highest cash pricepaid. Write- and slate what youliuvn. 13. M. Slio-ii-rtitlcor. Kridgoville.X. ',1., It. X). ,. "'' 12-M-10tp

WANTISU at Dncc—Hrlght. williiiK-liqy t.o .leiirn.theV'i'n'inters' trade. Work

"" ' ' " Apply to" air.lU-M-tf

good work

light' and iiHorestinjGroat, Star1 olllco.

TOIL SALTC—Twohorses, Vll-l • yoars old, weighing- I.'IOOeach; cheap to <iuii:k buyer. DAmos1-Surdge, Great Meadows, X...1. 12-2S-tf

- ^rAHWX'S-plL.n OrXTMEXT.Gttc-suHy Guaranteed or money refunded.Price .(50 ' cents at" your druggist ovsent postpaid upon receipt of price.Martin Specialty Co., A238, Phillips-buri?, N. .1. I?i28-.*.tlt

. FOR SALK-^-Onc 12 h. \ti 'AsSfcliu^'red Gasolene. ..Wngine, . mounted on |

fiuestod tu do so; o r ' p a y parcel post;'harges for those received from ou t '»f town. The Star. • .

GOIXG ;(,o Move? Let me give youL figure on what it will cost. 3-argeniovins1 van—competent men.. C, It, iFor<l. Wasliington. 3-lC-tf

I117BU15U STAMPS. Fountain Pens,Typewriter "Tltbuon. Carbon Pnper.Free Catalogue. Brunncr & Brun- inei-, Easton, Pa . 11-19-IC I

INVEST VOUi: MONI5Y in high- |grade securities; lirst mortgage on jreal estate, interest and taxes paid, jCorrespondence solicited. Charles l>. jMr.unner. Kaston, • Pa.. 11-10-tf ;

FIU3B--TROLLT3Y ( r ip - to Kaston jwith $-.00 Glasses )at Dr. Seip's oillc;o—Centre Bcitiarc.' n-'»R_irl

],->r-i_)—«.A.i..i.'. i^no.L-n!

Are you buying your Dry Goods !

j ut the Groff Store? If not, come

in and look us over. You'll be surprised at the changes we've

made, ;it our new -and up-lo-chuc stock and at our reasonable

prices. .lust try it, '\

A• a rh









GROFFS.'.. SONS : , : ; |Dealers in Choice Groceries. Dry Goods', Notions, Crockery, Lamps,

Glassware, Wall Paper, Hay nnd Feed. >, '•

28-30 East Washington Ave. WASHINGTON, N. J.V


V Nests, i)!'.-inch tops, tn he clclivered :

L & W i l l ;Ervln

"WANTED—Fresh cows niul spr ins- I !£]el's.' "Will pay highest, cusli prk-.es.DropL; mo a post:il licseribhifc- -vvhaLyou have Jim] I will call. Harry W.Lanning, AVashinsloiV. X. J. 10-20-tC

>HKB! Life, Aociilont iimlOHonUliInsurance. Only tlio 'lost companies..John' E. Uchleln, asent. ' G-S-tf. •.:..! I A R O E,.-.- ip.itlile&vMotorn-yar.s. =Io:-long distance movinjjs. liatos reason-able. Sissor Bros., ofilee rind fjaraffe,'134 B ; lliiln St., Sonicrvllle, N. J.;'pll'nno Soni. S2. i 0-3-LC

FOR RUNT—Good fmir-hni-so 'val-:!oy fuvin. ].farry Christine, WayhiiiK-

n.1 : J2-14-ttl lAUUT I,. SJ l f r l l , successor to ex-.

'J'3iu-iner Car, good as new, S27r>.00.'{usli's Oaraqc. .^:!l-"Sn MiM-rls strpet.•hilliiisluirK. N. J . ' t i ' 12-21-tf

STEWARTSVn.r..l1 Wnclismllh shop' C 11 S t K ' l P l w

artsville. N. J. f. Stocl(l-r. Slew-


\" No charge for Eye testing.

<3 My Optical, departmentis among the most efficient :iti the State; it is^unUer'my personal direction. 25years experience in help- •ing.thousands of.poople.to •;see better' has;. taught • S

• h o w . . .-'•• • . . ' • . ' . • . • ' • . r \ ';

' ; ' ,:

: ' ;

« ' • ' &

|)._:,,..O.PT I C IvA;.N3g

446 Northampton Street, Easton,1 Pa:p p

•ft • , « . . SSiSI

Page 6: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern


Here'in the

Phonograph; . that needs. nocpcclally intulc

records •— there isno limit to this one—

tjr It will play any kltul off"t *" "tccrd made, and play

i »•*» o beii'.Uuliy. It is nt c-.l triumph. Its -won*

-rcprxxludnK device" aniltf M" t«! n*otcr ,,2rnkc : it trniv'iiicsc'cr.Irror."

j r V ^ " i n this tuwic has st«?ttfor«rtl TniJtwarthynra*. <-*e hnve sa*

t 2 • 11- - * :.:tts in a .va>- they•j.uJ T i I lioticrrarjli wilt «.iti-..fy

c t-tric I Wefcavsleftuostone-<' itttvivedneithertiraeroriiwney

c f i t*ih-^rvcIJous instrument1 ' tt I n t here or Cicrc fcas prove!jjf«- c her raitw.

Terms To Suit Youre I n CCPNICH Phonocrapis lc yourin "i %2 tkn1«e-f*ce disc reconls • U-*«i )—ntl oit 111 your ftii-nJ? lry it,<in l^jt-j «h3u!tl really wan: In.i> T i-rt it i t o-ir expense nt ttic cr.dt me u iRctiil^curmoncyback.bitt

_ . . o n 1 us I ] Jtiocripli and own*.Siw i<. la ic\ "iiiini. pri.-e will n!:i you

- i to j - 1 ^c-;i! teruis will aaUet. -s ci j i*f- ou ta ox a it.

Tfci* Pfosograph Bookletc c " ' l j, ictiijimli T?ooi:!tt is beaut*

:rir":loa"of ourcanons puns if

?3. SSirtu!^fit :.our TUX-.::."..boo-. Write far

Mm Ito.lnnm l-'iirnl.-in mill fon.INiiii-rt .1.. relurnol on Satnr.lav fnmil'*ayi'ltwll!i'. .V. C , wln-ri1 llh-y wt-r..

: ealU'il IHMMUM! or tin. lU'iith of .MI-H.:.Kiirninn's (atla-r. William .1. : llvi'VM., .V. years i.lil. l i e was a runner and

IIMSUII with I'olir a n v s , wlilrli Ii,. ailil-: «'il In from l ime tu tltii.,* until u l Illsj ili-:Uli In1 f.vii.'.l i.'li;ht fariiii*. OIK- lu'-, liu: lh.> larKi'.-t t r n r k farm In t lnri.-ilatc. Ill' ill.l a -nival ili-al of till' tin-;

iolilm; -work i*u the lit.ii:.ts, l.iillt tut: eiarli farm. Ivlmr ai : nivlilti'et ami-'Milliu-r ak v.-.'ll 'IIH a MrhKir. UwiMwilhi - faniii. Ill' KWIIIXI. he I ' . ini.i l HIV

! loiliiO-s aim.iw tin-in ill.' (•iiliin-ii'.Mi.-•i...i:s aiul l . O . O . !•".- Tin- !II .>II .—1i-

[••ft wan illt'Mni iim.nii: tin- i'l'.;m' <-lil|.lr.M. Tln'.v .'.I'l-n;..,!. lii.wi'V.'iv to. ll.il.l tl:,' fells .if tin. farms-sis-luiu!'. ;;* lift- mother llvt'*.

I I IB ' I I I ' I IVI IH ' I . in In n i l - ; 1 1 ' 1

irt'i'i'. He ivfinii.'il to the ulty Unit

.Mis. .Ini'ii Aliiii".—in.l-'lif.i.rli'l o-rvltTs for AIr«. .liu'U An-

!.-i.->n. :o vv.nv i.t.l. «-h.. iil-Hl in HIT'Miu- itt Ail.v.mi.hy. \\,-(-o 1-..-1,! ;tt tin-

i,.ii.-e Sititii.ii.- .tl:<riu>.>ii. l:!t.'l:r..iui\* i'l Tr.in.iuHity ivni. 'ivry. Mr...

talrtMi1* m..Hi n a s .hi,, it. i:riahCi-.l i - ^ ^ r , Ii-.-n; u iu<h *!'.-,• MiiViT.'il f.n-

Charles I- Stryiior. Owner.lliin-ey K. Taylor. Local IMIlgr.

WAuiti'.v cor.vrv r,\i:.Ms.Atlvli.iiil'.M'M ;.•:•.!,. Unit llli'lv will IK

IUII:V. raniw M.I.I ]II • t!U-t .-..iinty III.n-.v; iv.v ),i..ii:ti, (i,!,,. i,. lVf „III

Jiv.r wllll 111.- it.'rins of diin-ain' oil 111;! f «'.is IleltJ otl Tm*.«.|jiy. "•i inmlw t.i.'t p;vvi..i!:i to y.nir i'al<.'lili::; —: ^ *** ~~~~~i i | ,,f the i-.ilnc rail. -Tin. only Btop i Wliiii-lim ,1'lirilnw lo mm-..i |..,r-l...|. I,, Illf.iM IMIlKLlf M'ltll HlL It • Is lltlltl'll IllltlllirlllVCl.V flllll .

liir.h.'l to llifi'il ii. HM.ir iillli 1 II. • ,„, r , ,„ ,„„. , . , , i;,.,,i,,.,|,.. „•!„, l,.,.,, l a m e ,li>v,i.-' N to, iMl. your .•>(• v.l ' ; , . „ „ „ . „ , , , f , , ,„ W l i : i r l»n Sli-.-l <:„..t l » - I I "!<•< li:"" '"•'•» on tin- r.ill. ; „ , „• ,„.,„.,, ,..,„.,, ,,r i,,.,,,!;,,.,!,,,.

yiiifsh in-y imr oyinliii-i; mi llu-

HIP ! hill'Pi'li: th S l

Notw iih; tan.Hiu: thi.-t

!«>••'" V 1 ' ' M.-imlv !•••'»: lll<-!r «'.••« with um-i

; | h , t I,,, p-ry-ilay .Ian- ; w n | )„. umU-ru-ay a t tlu- ol.l jilani

pi'opl" rtiliMliK " wllliln u l r ni.ilKli. The .-..iiipaiiy 'In-aii iian.l." or : now iimsl.-rhit: a ^inall a r m y of ir.>n

an.l i l

.r UK' -«•>!<•!.• cnuiitry." 'I'luTi' » » "MIHIKIII " . ' nivlft r<mliit»|wnnil ju'.> ii pin llil" any aiitl nplaiihliiK ..vali'r. >•:• Uimmii wiu'la p i.t i IIMIOJH, II y.ni : IUIIM » W ! lii-liiK-ctrcircil uway. Thlnli-'k It i n t o / I'iriii iiiti.1, • i j : ; : \ic | | iU] n o t |U '(MI lu'.-inl, liu Unoi!:-

.liiiiian <MIII-1 PA tln-r.','i;:!..- i-liaiKt (.ti loinli-r. K.i>ttir ui 'nl ilu.- finj|nu*|i.rihc plat. ' , an.1 m:i!u' i.\i..ly a ' i r o . - : , , „ , | t | , , , r o W i l ! 1 , , , , iw , ,,., ,,,• , n , , v i , | , ;

" . - - . / / . ha l l s , ami l.ilih's. WultliiK a ri'iinni-- — . •»•>——~ —t \j / ; ; . | , | , . K-nyih ,.f tlm... h,. ayaln l.nm:l;.

lii-. Wilr 1lit>!i> Itllli • >LiI.i! '-.-••••tl.'- •"•I v[s:.iriiii»!}V In a IVw m. nlsil! H l,„ , ,„ . . , , l , ,u . ,n- AiM.'i'i.-a„ , ,•„ i •!aT»iv:lii. i ' i l !»~ " ' " m a n i-alno tu Hi., ,l , , , ,r an,IO l l l I

I*y<-;tr. II.vl.l.'S il.-r Ivil^l'.ili.l-.r.-lvvt! by ir-^.-.n < hi3.Er.li.

• Mtv. !:•>• M '!ll...« iin.l .1...-.H All.l.T-: .-..II .if li.Wl;.''!*:..«•!!. Till'". All.ll T-

s i . i rnr Xi'ii-iuia. i imr.\iii iHn. N'fnn..II,: Arthur ;un! WtJH:ii:t. a', llniii.'.

', ,"< l / . I'11* r ' l ' - ! ! s li'.'-ri- will 1... new : l l l" I- 'M' - I ' IH >' 1 ' - ' ' - n J 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ^ ' ' ' ' ^ . | Kopiy. ,! , . .'iriiiii.iii:.- ivl iea i l l . , p l a n ! is \\)':.? J.'A''..'" ' ' v * u " ' '• ' " ' n " " l n, (i h . -a r you t t i , , . lir:-! I wo t imi ' s you

I'll.'-' .• . ." 'm'v' V,"!". " ' " r : < r ' " '"'' "' ! ! i r o i ' , i ' " ? i ' ' " " ! ' ! v ' i n i ' y ! » . ^ v . * u " i ' i h l f ; i " - " I " 1 ' " ' " " " - . ' l fr.iv. 'UT« fnut i . - R &* a !i;,- I M.II.-U l i i ' f.,,-.' l : i - . u - : U - l . " - T h . ; Ci l l ' i a l lan; llci-alil,

i i i . i .h ; , , / . i i - i m i s w . , v , . , | ]„ • , , , , , , ] , .n i , X. >-.II.«s- t o pay. rar rai!.< a i v n . ' l . - w , , y t , , .\ , . iv Vorl; on 111.- Lia-l iawaii iM : hV'uiin-'i ' . ' . 'l 't 'lV'' i i | l - i - i vv r " i ' . | "i'lial Ills . ' • I-:.. 10—"I c a n mil limv imu'l i• ^ • n . i l l n i r a l iv . . th . i , ls . Tin- . - . .uniy ha, : "'" n n l y !H..aii«..i£_y.imiiiu>il<Mili!B In- | i :a! lvoinl . : i'.-al > a<.v,.« earr..-. II.- h:nl I.. LII • h i .M- w'aK-r . r i m s .mvr.-. N l a p i n i Kalln l... i..

I .Mi>. K ! I / : I ! U - I ! I f . WalU.-r.', .Mr,«. i-:ii/.alu'tii f a f f . - i r W.ilKvr il|i.,l '

' Mis . Thonia-i. . ill l l u . ' k . u s ; . ' i v n . ^ ' t U T I.11 few iI,l,V:/ illlH'SS. a: The ailvanceil ':l=e of S3 ,l-fill's. Miv. Wall.-.'I' all,I li.'l- :ilalR-llter lll.HV.I rvom M.i.voime tu '!I;.i-!;.-USin-.vn ill l_)\- M.VIIU;, I-*ll!l;rr:il

from ll.-r lal -i.l'.'U.V ami '.i-ere'.'iil:-,'.l.i. le.l I.y I'.ev, .1. , , . .-|,sr,,..ii. i M P t w

.•r THiiiiy .M. !•;. i':,-.ii'.'li.- who way Jh-f. ]

ri',i,-hi,il full iKTlculli'i-il , ] , . . . roitlon In tlil« w«y. TIIIMV aiv nun- jiiii'iu. • C..M,ilii,.|.s |.,.,.,. . , ' „ , - x . ; l in i l s r.f mlii.-iv.—i-Vnmii'l «'!. .l>i.\<m. |! for ,v,-u.'|-ar fan i i lur ..„] ' i t

: M. I ' - ( V r m i s - l o l i f r of i loalth " t

' lliK IIMU-II tin' i-ity i..ll!..r.-hl|..fi.r I'mS n r ami Tlir iC(va-\Wek AVorl.l, J2. j ytai-H tli.'ii itml hail Jti'--t l>,o..."l lii.i

—"VVi'ii. how much'.'"pilltM." . . . . . .

aVow'u'iv^;"',::15;..!!",,,^,,:™,"^; PLANS FOR LIBRARY CARNIVAL j # p(Conllnui'il fro,,, pa.o 1.)

K m p i ; , i ; I* : , , i , . . y ' l u n k v i i o a t h H i n t; in- IH s - n l . t r • v i r t u a l * •<( t in- l ictn <»r i",;..?. <TlitMi.-y.-i1;- i'---.. . l . ihm* luisi i ios: . : in t i n• C i t y , , r Ti '1 , - ,1- . , , t .-Miimy . »,-,[ s t a t r-•iti'iH'Oi-iiiil. ; i m l U n i t s u i t ! Hn; i w i l l ;>;iy; i i » ' t*iitii <if '.. 'NK i n - N i . n ; i : i ) J H U . U . M : ^; ( o r . i.-;it'ii a m i , ovei1;,- I M - C uf C ; U ; U T ! I• • • i ic i r .-iiiiin-E I..- ftu-.-ii i.y t in- i i sv in'

.\r.i/rf c.\T.vi:ii!i r rui : .• l'KANK .t. CUKXHV,• Sworn to before me »t»V:stUiSfribctl; in m y iii-.-'-fiK-c tins: r.tii il:iy i»i* Iji/-: «-iill.!:'i', A.' I.». 1'-'""..

A. \V. Gf.MA^ON*,i tS.-;tU • . Notary I'ul»lh\ .• }l;i.U'.t r;t(iUTl) f'-ir- is tj'koii int•••!'-

tially :ittd a.'tK t!snMit-li tii*? liiooil on• tin: Miifi.ius Sitrfiii-o.s t.f tiu> s-vstctn.;• i-Vmt for les*«im"niiW.-. i'i-"f.I F..I. CHKN.KV.1; r«_»., 'Mf.ld, 0.

?.t!il l.v nil ..irii^s-Msi-, T.".f.;• :II:.'.:V S*:i;r:;il- Ci:ls f.>r Cutistilialloii.1

A Lame Backn iun tiL shoulder, ov a knee ovt *h it ma! e you wince with putnL \ L it.he\Lci by one; of -severalti[ i i d efncacii5i':3 remedies' al-

i\ L il in tock .at "WILLIAMS'J" \ v i \ O . Every stundnrd.- 'y-U • >

LI It iment—I'fjr enibrocsi- /''li\t). i» i o 1 eis for internal use— ' v \

n t iJuAivaml cuix1 rheiiniu-i it i bt.ik and call.

i-Lotrnici d Williams' Ma{;nctie

L^z:wiaffis5' Opera House Pharmacy

lln to .farming mit i.-: i'.-U''i'.irai:Iij*.' to note t"f l!n> farm* wlil.-h , vni !T,, ui-.ili'r tlu-', ,„ p repare eavly for t he c.iinlval. It !nitiara.-r fa , . m . s t r, w ni.niilin a r e i l s mil tun early no'.v I o n i a n lliliijts ji!ii..-'e li-iv.' iiwi'eil !.y lacn « l io hnvc I'.'i- l l " ' il'.lTeiviit booths. The mere IHMiIe a .-i'i!i|..'t..:K'i. o-i .|i,.|i- i-,,..„..'atttv.ijtlve ihe thiuKs ln.ule. the mori-;•ami a r e m.iv '. r«i, i ;- t-, I-, t l " . . The, : "'V1"1 '1 '1 ' l ' ° ' U M ! t " " ' l i h ! ' ' " ' » ' » ' ' ' - - ;

.'' l'l'y ' ' r ' ' " ' ' i ' l ' ^ - ' l i l li.'i-alln' liie> . ^ I ' j , , , vnvi.'tis exoeiuivu ami i-'elleral \. • " , , , " ' " ' " l ' ' " 1 " 1 " 1 " " y '"»'<•. i-uinmllti't-s'i'if-Hie L'iirnlva! will en-•

«... "leliliil tr..ol ,m| i .s .T;! i : |i.\.,t yea r ' ,1,•:,•.•,.:• i.i maku the afialr e .veinlon- !tuv lariiM'irf i.,*' this , , umty iiiaiie ;:i.o0 ' aliy atli-.u-tive to i>atr.»n.i anil ft U ,l.r.iiilK on giMtativs. eern. wheal mi.i Mio|i,.il the pairuiis will reelpt-opalc ,oilier eroi.s. Thi:!r l-n.-lavlii-at lir"in;lit : ' » " " ' ej-ui'i-mit'ly. for the lihrary IIIUHI |

exe,.-lle,'i. | i i u , , iiai.l for farm pr in l - ; L ' i ' a i u -y j. 'ooih—.Mrs. f . 11. Kmllli.:

u e t f . m e j.,iy-. jeai-. milk iiu'ltiileil. tlie , j l r s 1. ('. U]ntyko, Alr.s. i- tisi .7aai!>>,:fa rms wlik'h will >o,m : , umler the ! Mr.--. .). I'. Croll'. Mrs. .1. K. Cook.-. ;

liaiiiiiii.'i-'v.'lll hrlmr far hiithcr prloe^ : ilrw. .1. I:. Hampton. ithai: they ivoul.l Imve l.roiiKht three • l-'lowe-.- l juu th—.\ I [M Mary Iloral .a-

, - , . , . „ ' . . ,; , ,- ',,' , f'Hir^-'. t h e . jjcimmitz.-Mra. Ci. C. l.osey. Mips .letl- ;

ta.M.e..- 1 m e ., H a labor si,,naB,, lo „,,, (.„,.„,,„. „ ,„. t i r ,u . , . . | H.-. -ll.• • miirli.'il ili's-ree the past year. Init n.'lieatessen—.Mrs. .lolni'toii .•or-ithey have niado no oriranlzea effort • nlsh. Mrs. \ \ \ H. Ulttetiht.us... .Mr.-. \V. il.i solve ilie li.l.or nroLlen'. wi th pro- : II. Axforil. .Mrs. A. 1-Y I'lorey, Sirs. •per orsaiilzalicn. the Star thinks it l« ; C. I:, flraily. .Mrs. I'. I.. Ptryker. :posslhl,.' to s..!ve the fr.rai Inl.or Camb' liuulh—.Mrs. W. li. Crevel; ,

fee ihe spi-inu iiltnvlnir. Last year ' lee'Cream—Mrs. T. S . l.eilrlek, .Miss !fanners conit.laijieil they eouiil mit . .lalia liol'iien. -Mrs. .1. K. .Meeker. .Mrs. iBet help eii.'Hijh I.. iio the;,. nece:wiry '. •>• ]'• Skinner. •plowin- As- a result, many



Our January. Clearance .Sale Is On in Pull BlastHundreds of shrewd buyers will reap the benefits uf-the great bargains we



$10.50 Broadcloth, Zibelme and Kersey Coats, now

$12.50 Mixed Tweed and Corduroy Coats, now -

$16.50 to '$18.00 Corduroy and Ural Lamb Coats, now=;:;- . $10 .00


ifrrt. ilusvt-y .luMnu- t h e urotiininuny ;u-i\^ *-[ rr.»rn unit pntiWiiiTftrc-Miutty fs-ton nr:ir pn .dUfts in permit .any •>;" it.-* s-iu.il, tiI:M!<] trt ]!,. 1.11" ' '

. .p. ,

I . A . . i n . , ( . .MiUAi.l . .

higher the eoflfs.-ll.- -i-.ii the

1 .if llv'llL'.


(.'hlltl's Corner—.Mrs. J. II. Cornish,l.iihi

j raneli liuwl—.Mrs. A. g." IIr.rle. .Mrs. i&, wmiuiii A. Stryker. -Mrs, W. It. Orev- |

; I-'T. r i l l lie Tellers—Miss Virslliln ., I'ummhis. .Miss Lillian Cummins. .Mrs. ;j 11. c . Lannlmr. -Mrs. .F: c . Welter. i

U'l'Mi-atlons— .Mrs. .'I. A. Jlnyo. Mrs. .I r rank harkin. Mrs. W. A. CaUelle. ;,I -Mrs. UoliBi-l .lone?. "~ --••• fipeeiiil l->:\uires—Mrs. II. K. ,T:ty-1 !"r. -Miss l-:mil>-i Snytler, .Miss Manila

.Music—.lames C. Ford. Albert Si-- :


CoaiiTiittee ill irharse .is eonipos.'i. , . .if the presiileiit. itolii'i-t I:. Opi-hran•A I:nm,!i5 sa ' l i t r i ' iaa ami erollo- 1 n,,. .I,.,.,,KIII-..|-, > l i s Ali.-c Ililis. i'.m

lias: a.lv:;es i.H in-,..p!,.. to "eat t l i e i l ' ^ i r . l'r;ili!i Darklll.-;i!-l':[;r'.'." lly tl'.is- he mr-an; lion't . ^ -.llll'..\i' mi-ay 1.. .-.- ,,! any killil. 1,1sii'-e them for .vi.nii. t.nJ also nevethrow invay l.rea.l ernsts <.:• k-ft-o-.-r

TF you know a good thing when you see it—you'll recognize in'our Half-' yearly Sale the most important Clothes Values in the history of Clothes-

ilom. The clothes and not the prices are our biggest argument. Bettervalues here than-elsewhere. ..We're ready to prove it.

Ml Men's, Mixture Suits god Overcoats Reduced, to$8.45 S10.4S $11.45 S12.85 $13.85 S14.85 S16.85, -.:.-,:;• .-.„. S1S.8S , :$20.85 and $24.85 ;

W E U R G E f l T I . Y A D V i S E A M E A R L Y S E L E C T I O N . ' ' • - . - .


A. generation' catering to the needs of businessmen of all classes, has qualified us to intelligentlymeet the demands of the biggest offices, as well"as"v «•* needs of the modest library.

if it's hs\v ?.YL<1 "practical, "we1 hrt.ve it. " Our prices-c rnodsst and just.

nivie»r. l.eas i-r imlieil any IeCt- : finitlty i.ulei-s a r e Sii:-roiui(!itm Them- ,

.'liieli nsiiiill;.- cws . i i i t i i i selves With llin'rieaile nf Slrin'sr- \is pi rfoi-tly SIMVI : ent Heilllilliot!-. i

-over peas. !

Leans or :, !

i.vi'l'till:food. A sgi.KH.fisl nf 1

:...!• a sp.,Oi,lut uf. lefL-civHitle left-over porn, o!,-rt-nv,-r iirtiel..- jh.niLI


the i.-j: «-,.i:!.l

lnnry fainilyeep a l-'n-iifli

sinc'ss metho.ls of the most elll-type have '.een a.ioiite'I I.y ihe

IIIIL.T.(I any \v : i ,T , . , , Comity Uoard of Fn-d.-Jlilvrs"' sa\-i'l uml npnn the a.lvi'-e of County Co'.ins.-ii Aiiiei-i,-a,,> i Kain-ii -i. .^,-.-, „.,,.... Ii .1 :....:-,.-ile..:in til -I v.-liat . el.leii f. l.uy i'H i-onnty sii|>pli-.'S lor.lo-nvv^ i v . v : the vein- or half Veal* umler eonli-aet"!<-i-'.iiVn Vi'ViV- '• l i y I"-1'1'1' lll'1>'- After ImvliiK inn

'I'!-' supplies, th.

' ' Uiiliier •.'.-i 11 furnish thessflll


Street• ' , - I ••' ' • " • ' ' " ' Mii.l, let- -will fiiniisll the supplies a»

IK'e.HWl. '.I- Hill.,,. ,•„„!.•. ; , , , , | like .„(.,,,.,.,.,! l l V [ ! K . | , , , ; m i „„,) i i s , ll<-ll.ih:r i ,s , .a eonrse. a r e v.'ai.ie. :ii,il <-..n-; |,:,- ,1 , , . various i lepar tmenls of the- ¥ f CS c f - « - j 5 T Bstll'it.. l ine -,-arl.ii-,--:..' !:.,il<,d l,.iims..: cu:m:y Kovurmnuiil. . Tile ..hiereliiiiit: X l < O & » - V "..-hell tle-y ha\-e :-ei'v,',l fnr soap, m;iy ': will then put in his bills lo the 1

n-lieil it! tile l:;i'.:hen lire wh'-iV a c rlu"- Prices speeifieil . in theor eu::l is useii ami Ihns rci l l i i - ,

Below ••-;•

the Circle


v^ -!;r . ^ - ^ ' ^-'x»--Ki-. '-J'^ /I,

- - &, ,r ^oN^:.4s|J^|g^|^--AST0N;PAr-

'I'h" count v a t torney a' I ! anil.!.!; Ule ajinshons.. Ii,

ilery !"ps. ivulisli i systeVa o't Lookk'.'i'pin!.' ami i-eeor.ls ;hviiiieil, ilri(,fl iiml ( whieh will cover every tr.'insai.'ti'Ui a t \

Anv i,,,r.',oii with i Ihe r-oanty ;ilmshoiise. A new system ;f k-.-.-iiiim ;i reeoril of the iiimnlL-s"rilhiiiry inneiitiitv ;iml of ordinarv j " r k.,"imm a reeoril of the iiimnu-s

-eon |.,,l_i,|,.i,.s will l,e iil.L: to s:, ve j "^J"] }"> ^ „ „„ , .„ , v eolleeK.r.

agerfy-'Lumber, to .


•• 'r^.,

1 hum J in ^enume 'lo blc Fic-ch Morcco: 4 > with lound toineis inO idgc; ConU s 118

^ >~1 P iff ^ o \ 7 4 inches


Ihe Newest, Mos£ Up-io DateDictionary Published

Anywhere \


ninm.M).| tha i n.tnh-.ss R is hn.storn ol.jui1.hiiria:itii>n nnd; iifovisiuns nccus- .—.]„., .MiLctilsitry th'.-roi.". 1. roer..ininf.'iKl .tln.it ynii * tesli J:e*l that. I^

n- tn ihi;- principle envi.i, .wlu-n it j t remens and that th• conies tn JtsststiiiK t.hc counties, and•T Kliii!! UI;K« t h a i.aid l.i o R-hvn si er>unty until tlio Oattoi1

•\v\a at,T^ed an<l d-.!iinitcly nrrantfcfl l.nuniucil..siioh..r.1!MUir<Mnunl.« «>f_ i.he Stato• for' syslomritlo iiiid (jverUiRtint? rei'air.;—CJitv. KiUt'o's MiauKiiral Atlrlrcss.

from .-deliriumbur.ns iiiiiy linvo

in the systL'iii or the. dy-itfiisocl \v;i.s C:HIH! of tllu delirium findIlls tlcatli. ,. • ,, I'.ir. Cioorso W. Cummins testified j

tli.it : -tht"! lmrns "ivnuld .- nnt.- in- tlicniselves canst: dov'^i, hut- nuiy Imvit-unti-ibuted to tho. reul.f'n'iise.

Counsel will sum up) thu citso thi:

b\ tJn.li we l iUe

I.hjyd Ilmll. on' ! t

was. son ton cod to

of! fornii-

uvfn In Kt.iu; iirl-son


I If mnnkiml wcro suddon'y ,-tn -lo

i N " , ' i i n < ? ; r : ' n l'}:vU!v:'v-^- "nlir.nry :>r*'« nno <Jt: $:>»-nnd wma.(.01 nis d;uly lite without n r^iUzivti'tn i ^ r t AVi!Kon.,.for ijvcjiklnK nndi or liir- 'iiKJi^iniiisuWlo , \u\v\. tin: eyer pliiy^ in Jill futr IK;!.S flT.in i]](i ninst'.ordinury to \ho moHt iniportanl.i Tho t>v(> is-niif" nl""t!if nnv4 hishU'1 r miplit it( il lint! it tin s m r tmir1 om i f tlif i HI t ^ H t i it * i*s o" mi-ni ii tuu li iiiism ih it r i>\ 11 is

| \ \ nnnds oi ii\ r r ins of (IKrnsp{ M in i not i d( prinliuit t pon hisj 1 mid1 us thn ininlxe\s in tho wild1? ofthfii n itn o f >! c s t , w bo» tho\ ti 'i\f>lU nit h\ " \ m m • fif in limit h, hmb

i h s I,tilth "\\ilson j lnstcl ins uf11' iii-to\Mi h i s I.LI n iMKilntod fit-l u i n ' \ IDI lli'lK towiislnp It ^\ iso'H( th.Mit.ht tln'ip m i s 'hii hnin' Un^ n n c n ^-ttoi n t \ s in-V/ vi iLn i mint

T h i n m i l ho I iiiL.tlni," nf tinWiiKhinirtnn fur l ; ANKitciiitiiin :it bor-o u n h h i l l Mima is niklil

Slar anil Thrlcc-n-AVcck New Toil;uild, 5J 00 ln(i.(l\ance.

f-a-lust i:


We badly need\the room they occupy, and tire money'will not, come*'•amiUfSo determinectare we to affect a quick clearance that we will nameprices that cannot fail to make sales to people who want used cars, and arejudges of values. These include , „ . •J' _ Two i9i6.six-4q_SRroso]Sf TOURING'CARS . •

i months' shpp .service FREE. Also i .One 1914 Studebaker Touring, in splendid condition.

, One 1914 Jeffrey, 5-Passenger Touring, never abused.,One 1916 Allen Touring, like new. i;

•• One 1917 PulJaian Touring, brand new?- "• •One Maxwell Touring, in good running condition.AH these cars have been thoroughly overhauled in our own shop, and

we guarantee them to be.in fine mechanical_ condition, v, .• ; e::"~~Not only are theprices extremely 1 bw,"but we will do Me unusual byaccepting extended payments. : ' ^ • ;: ;

You cannot afford to purchase without first seeing these cars. Demon-strations will be gladly given.

139 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.

Page 7: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

THE WASHINGTON -STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, • 1017 - ; If:'•••':• S - - ? ; ^ ' ' ' y ^ ' ^ W l f ^ S ? ^ 1

Bon Ton Go,?s $ •$$?<!


Coais, Suits, Furs, Dresses, Sweaters, Underwear,Corsets, Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions,

Boys' Clothing, l ea ' s Furnishings, B ian l t eDomestics, Ribbons, Neckwear, Etc., Etc.

all go in this Greatest of All Challenge Sales at savings averaging

25% to 50% less than present market or our regular marked prices.'

Our advice is to get here as early and as often as you possibly can.

NOTE—No Mai!, Phone or C. O. D. Orders Accepted

During This Sale. I f you did not set one of our circulars, one will be

• • . • • ' • V . m a i l e d t o y o u u p o n r e q u e s t . •:•

\ . . : V. / THE CHALLENGE SALE L \ v > •

VV LJIOST two month iijco wo planned for this Urcntc.it of Salts. In the markets our buyers secured•£*•*' hundreds of dollars' worth of merchandise at romarkiihlo price reductions—so we eiin make tliisC'hallL'n;je Hale the host und greatest ovei1 held licru. AIOIIK with thttse.vast jiurchuEes we include our finest'»:k of ijood, clean, dependable merchandise at prices cut -to the -lowi'st levels to insure quiclt-aml rapidselling, as wo adhere strictly to our policy established never to carry over merchandise from one season to

stiie nest, regardless of profits, costs or market conditions., : . ,'•.. \1 Remember I'lcca:—Snle starts Thursday, Jnnuary 18th, and continues until January 27lh-So Come asearly as possible for best .selections. :


; V . m i h ; U c \< -Alleged lit i l i i v - I t r i i l c t i

W a n t s Kli.MMIllt) l ) ; i i i i ; i ^cv—As-

••[ Mtil:itiE in ' K o - p h l i l .

: ••" H u r r y K". T h a w , t h e i imni ' lo i i s 1'Utn.'nie-fi i j i i l l i i i iKiin' . s l . iye r of ^ts>iit'*n'tl

- W h i t e of Ntsu- Vork , t in t . . e m i n e n t. iiivitiU'CL, i s ii.iu- fit:; a P h i l a d e l p h i a

-Jir.nirHj:1. w h W v h e 1M r e c o v e r i n g f r o mirivliiH e n : hl.s t h r o i t t in u tlm-.itric.-il

.U!.! t l l l 'T Wll"U h'.r V,\t« Ircitiy I'llll doW!l)iV (ii'ti-i.-Lh'i;s .iii:;iitt!.-* in a r r e s t h i mf. t r hitvintr t l . c w i l Krede - i eU ( . !m»H.

• .h\, a K'::H-A:<X i.'liy y i n u t i Tl i i iw h;itlVi i l j tv i l t " N,:W V"|-k. • T\u- • • r r a i i eJ'i : ; ; .-: ,ur^ri- v.'ill 1;.- i ; ikvn to ,W\v VurU:.-:. MM.ii a s Ix- Is a b l e lu s m i i i . ' t r i a l t'-.r

NEW REVENUE TO TAX BUSINESSTuesday nlu'ht l-.v L.uetlo Adumfv i tn -

y - O U I ' - -^ O I ] L e y G o e s T h e F a r t h e s t

limit's., This f:the physician, a s lw saiseldom [hut En imch: e;lived fur even a.-shurt :

it very ' imports iiavinj,' been \ i'-;ht as a resultthe child :-i ih» W-.1- iii Kimipe, Th« Iieir.o.-• of l ime. =<!nii.ic k'udt-rs >il the llnii^e, alte.r"eu:i-lin1 l>'ihy • KiHtaiioii with Secretary nf tho TrcaH-

ither suinul.--. ' ury McAuVo. ' h.- < t I W l • h t ' l l t l V . M S • I I . - W

: the local station, is reported sit.-U'->vlih.t Cures.pneumonia at his ivmc In North \ .MISK1 Knitna Flemiu

; IhtelOHtJUowil.

•r x.irmnwith • In

.1.:t'.ith"!Lpit(t.'*1 fU'O tint

1 r]i\\ • v . iKTe. i j f lu r t

iilixiUllii t o ' h a v e

Ills a t t e m p t ; i t

l ium :m :<l.:p!!olir.

iHl U-yon ' I ' i i l l i i-

Ma; Mr.iv CMdcy Th.iW, nmiiu-r nf- ^-rniilc PlttsI.tUTt-i-, win. h:ts ntm»tl

l h i i h' U t r i "l O.\" h n « ; n ' u t l : i : n l ^ l o u l l y i ; i ; i i i i - '

. I .M"::S m i . , . w i l l v.i'.iv <-;uv nC tiltrL \n h i *p r : : f i i t i"M. ii'<lli\i;n'('iit; \ \ : h i ' i i h i - i s

• . l . r . i t u : h t i " . \ c \ v ' • V i i r k . 'CU-.iw w i l l l»i>

, i r t i ' - l J""!' t i l ' ' i ' .fvtKill w i i i c h ho. !.« : i t -'• i . - • ; , " ' ' : . ) ',v.:\-' i - K i n m i r t . t.l i n t in - Wnun

• ;>u:\iv'*n-' "J'li-' y m u r K J I I I W I S I ' U V•"ttiTiti i i ; - s ' . t i i - f i t i i tc t i 1 s u i t f ' - i - .^^•(••'".H)

.(jiiiiti'.k'i-t! i i w i i n s t ' i ' i i i iw f u r i h - n i U ' K o dl .* i i i l . nu :n t ' .he [•(•(.•(•ivi-tl nt ' ' I i . f- h a i K l s .

iii'vi'i' cried nur madin this case the :

• )'.in-'i| <>n the hack of ' th-> normalhead, and hune; iknvu hetw-.-en the jtl:shoulders. The usual head was with- • 1. '1'he i.**u.-.m-e of Ji'tiii.000,000 inout a forehead and lh^ features were short-term Treasury notes, maturingnot'well developed. The second head : within 00 to '•><) days and hearing" liwas joined to the tirsl by a "netih" : Per cent. interest. I" offset the TrcaH-

- s<l""P, on<- -'uid niuMialf inches in <li- '• ury ileticit for the last three monthsUitneter. This extra head was ;: soft7; nf tlur li^ca! year and to pay"current\ jelly-like mass, almost void of i'eat- Mils. ' !

mes ur other distinKiiishaMe uwirks, - . The sale nf all authorized i'ana-—I iuekettst>>wn Gazette, ma ' 'anal bonds approximately SlJtti;-

. • ,- . *-o— ' . • . ooO.UIIO, !o aid ill<;il,,„„.,.. tary prt-pitredru'ss

HuHo-ttstown •'• passim," ;a tew days wun ncr j.',rauu- ,y.Mrs Alillpr C'ml l iasreturned from i parent:;. .Mr. and .Mrs. Kreil Weber. ,B

-<•ver.il da.vs' visit with lie daushUiv --.luhn H.unp^.n is very ill with pneit-. 4U r * Harold Cypher*, at Ha ' " " : " ' ! " - " " f•li with

r . ' I I M M l n i s ' • I I I I I O I ' I * ' l , i i * | i | < / | r u i i_:n i ; t .~~.^ i i i i L j T ' i i m n .

Tlioin:is tilllim'iri:. .f.M-miTly of'.DS- 3- Ill-vision of the inlHTiUilicp taxruril.' ilhiil in St. Vim-em's hiwpitnl. " m l an • Imjrwwi- of its raU'S lif ap-,V,:w Yurie, lusl Friilny m.irniui:, from l>n.xlin:!U:ly all pi>l- ct-m.

• . . . . _ , : . . . . . r. . . . . . " '• t » . t . . 1 . . . ! . . L. • A T l l n l , . t ' \ » l i t •! c l i f i r i r ' l l M l f r M " > T ! W

• I ' . . . 1 . . . • . pbm I - . I , i I . . | ' - - » 4 . . . . > . ^tj'^ J l l l i ^ ' l ' l * - • > } ' M \ ' * " - " » i l l » 4 4 I 1 I I J ' , 1 ' H > » . . - » . . . " . • J l i r . * ' " * - I

i- Mil which M " l.t, | i rc .«- , .M,-., l.vdlii .liiU'Scrs is mime.I ii." the tanno Mi?™.-.-, h:is ri'w.viuv.l.u.l a t Mils .-ussliin ,if C.iijji-wa. Th,' e.\<-cutri.\- !<t tin- wiuto .if tho Inn-Jll-M. John lUlllM- h a s i-ftul-nt-tl •:<l<!v :•

•iiiliniccs: Klhailn-tl. S imon nf. lloiilyOHtnwn. I visit tn Ills «i«tw. .Mrs., .hisrp!: I K -Mrs. VanWjiKtu-r loCt on W e d n c s - \ In.-r, in . ' t rs . .y (Miy.

day I'm- several wc-i-lcs' visit with Tola- ! .Ml-- ..aniei ilet-il ct \;>c--:'..:t::!""tiv'cs a t Jlovrlstiiwil and lltiMkcll. ; spent til-.' wwlc-i-nd with .Mr. :mcl -•.!:•.'.

Tlio IIIIIIIIK "•' lllf musical d e p a r t - j Ik'i-l,en Sampson.inoTii or the i: .c1.. I. will -Klvu n r e c i t a l ' Tho hoard ol heal th will hoi.I :..Monday n i i h t ill Whitin-y hall. : special meeiinji [ouniri'i'iiv ,von.r.~ •::

yn-n T h o m a s l.odwith. whoso 111- ' the horotieh hall.,i,.«i aliirmod her friends, is- reported .Mrs. I I . I.. • L'itl-1 of lli!<:li«l.-.:o.vii Hto he slowly ImnrovlriR. ' t h e (,-uest of .Mr. and Mrs. l l . i r i / . , '.•.•-

Doris .Mlrialo is the namo Kiven t:i | phers.the daughte r horn recently to 111-, anil i Mrs. J o h n Kilc-y is v is i ims li. f :'••'..Mrs. Har ry Cur l . ' ! Oeorsi! io I'liilhiisom-RV

Miss .May-White has nrec-pte.l a 'i (< Itl'.er I lampion i tems on pase Iii. .p o s i t i m i w i t i l t h e I l a e k e t t s t o w n r J ' e l o - : — ; *-&— : •—

phone i-o, : Card of Tlianks.t^h the Star 1 wish to

: i i ; . [ 'vui: !:i 111.;»<! S w e e t H y r u p .

; : ; , -1 : : : : , - i i : i ' t " - , ' ii].. ;]«.-. T h e host

•..•r:<i.>l v::\!.i' ' i i i u - i - in A i o e r h - a .

. .01 . : : f i v l v . :•• t-Mil for h-.-st In

i-Insr t i ie -n i i l i - :

- at J

i l u n i e i ' d o i i Ci ' t i i i t ry ' Cluli T h r i v e s .

T i n ' I h i r d anui i . i t 1 ' imM-tliiw of "t int

.1 i!:<!t..r(l:(ii t lntWitry l. 'luh' w a s I'.elii, .M..;!.iuy n!::l!i nt t l ie c lu l . l i .-use n e a r

' < '!i!;l;-)i. T i u T i ! wiiji . 1 1 7 ' m v m h o r s' 1(r.'.-.-Lji. rrprt'.si-iiiiiii, ' Miu'h l i r i . i j ; , - .

Cl im-Ki , Wasli!!:;.;!.!!!.1 I h i l l l p l o n , iMvn'"(liinii!<•:-, Antiumiiili.-, W h i t e l l o u n e a n d

1 J ' " iemini ; tun.• T 'u - r.:|.u!-!.:-,Of t!ie t r u s t e e s s t a t - d

-;:thb:-.:nc:::!;i:r:::::;;,;;:tti : ! ; ; : . - S1;:.-..-Vv JtJV-"-'11 i«-liiiai!.:i:il a f l a i r s of t h e ct t lh in a

• Iti-alll iy i-f'i-Lditinn.• . . ' i ' : ;-.1 i. 'lveiion • ill" t r u s t e e s r e s u l i e d a s

'I ' i i lKiv.s : -l-'or o n e y a r . !•'. A. Ks ty .•C|ins,ti{i. ^ m i i i e l Sk i t ! m a n , W h i t e

I h m s u : -loliu .I 'ot t : ; . - lli-.rh l'.ri(U;e;J hnv.-:nl I- 'LUJXT. I l a m p U ' i r . fur tw<>

'.yeai--!. WHIiJini W a l l a c e . ' Cl in! - -n : ( ' M LCi-aiiK-r. Hi; ;! : i trl t lfiu; It; W . ' - l ' ^ V i r

inn, 'Aiiiiandiih-: [Jr. .V. . . I . LaKiew.Wa.shiiituniK.-fur tiireo years, K. .\f.l.aii'-i'. iMeii (;;:i'<lner: ,l.>r. A. II. C d

. man, CUuhm; Slu-i'in:. .Tolm, Slums: .•l-'U-iniiunori. HiirL- Si a plus, f li^r

. Kfhitve. -1 •:• " '• :' ^A... The nile (.'• re t i re t h e 1^ tr;^lee:; .' iviin conlrol ih1,.' business nl' the club.

i.ml li.e!o,(-!. or rc-i'leet 12 more Li-us-. iel-;; v.a;;. rh;ui;ri-(l riL this meeting sn^ i h a t in tlie rut iuv nuly rmir tnisti^--!

ai-t'.i'ftii'L-d yejirly. Tin' newly oU-cledtrustee;- will meet Kriadv nlKhl. andelect (f^i. 'ers.ror .the onsuiny year.

. . , .„ . , . . .„ , . , . ' and 1,1s hoily was -I. The levy of a special internal , v . ...iiroiiuhl to Oxford on Sunday and ; revenue ta:c on all ••excess prolits." . \ | r s . Clinton AVildrlcU was a week - iliuri.-d in the fiiinily plot In St. itose's 'i'hir. lax w.-uld a:i]>ly to all persons. r>nd jUlesl of her dau^htCalhi.Ik: cemetery. ' .Mi- Giilin.ire was firms, ami corpora t ions .•iiK:'!,ed I"a sou of the late Mart in and .Sarah business whose protlts exceed s peiiil l io. i . re-. .M.\fo'rd-:i iol -; : .- i , . ; , i > ^ . i : cent. p e r . a n n u m :he loft Oxford and located at Putts- : — » -

vn. I'i... where he worked in the ' .Mlohacl <;ii>k-v.•:• I. mines, loll later In; re turned I"


•"This'weelj is heinc used fof.invon- | 0liJ-"l^i;l".u'tiuirmK=°.- C ! S m T t " " . '..ury-.iyuok '>:• -l.iu.lo^al dr..... B O . M - , [i,e!r services at the funeral ol mvj-tOlOS. • J.tj.'.,.1 .iuitlu.1. Mi'^ \r'i?'\- -li^livJi1»nth^dear muther. Mrs. .Mary "lOlb.ahetii •

: : ••'.-•'.' •;••.;.i: . M ^ M o r ' s Oat ;* . K e :.•:•.{•:.••:• ••'•• u.--. :•<••; Q u a k e r C o r : i'•' :•; -, .-»«: ''hild".1 Torn Flakes

'••:•.-.:•.•'•,' !!i-: •'MifrVd' Wheat. !lc:'•:.V'-,i iiitv. li 'c: Shredded

ii.-iU" !!J. iic:;i Klael; 1'epper. CJi1.

nurnluim ir; Morrell I'ork and. iteans, 2 cans for iir»c.

OOc Rrades of Tea, ;t5c: in half lh.BWil.ua cartons, 1K<\

Ouriieo MroH.' Pure l^ruit .lams,• t I itt«. • ' _ _ •

Sliced Lplmiuin HOIOKHSI. hall" lb.,

Salmon: Horse Shoe. Salmon, litecan; I ted Alaska Salmon. iSt:

...„. eiin:.- I 'ink ..Alaska.- Salmon. l i e

Cnffuc: ChihUi* r:afo • Itlend/ lh.,-1i*r: Child!-.' Speejiil Hlunrt, .It*..'Joe; Child*1 Winner i;rand, lh.,

_ _ " " ' * • - • • • • . . . . • ' . _ . ' . - • . • - .

New Di-icfl ]'"iiiitf;: Lai-sest Prunes,»h., i;ic: Iai-H;e 1'i'iine:-!, \'2c: me-

. ilium I'rtmi1.-;, (ft-: lui'^ft Poaches.lh.. ILV: faiK'y Apricots , 2l)c:K l l I O

lixtra. fancy "h'ryins" Tomutocs,'"' [5c. I'erLfct whole Tnmatiies,

put tit> «;X(.'lusively for frying.






l i l l l K



• l irea:1ot-: i

kfast ripiarter

ty" lirooms.

• Sna]

•oeoa-llv eal

each ::

Halfl, Su.


)x. C'olYeo Cakes.s, while tliey

-•»• Kricd Ilie: lnrij'White, l i.Wit

>x '1

• lireei

-rot Cl

Jeans: 1: Whit(.': Ke.lI Teas.

last. 11

:::est Lie. M<t:

•Kill ii


iiocolates. 11)..

i.. 8r.




111..; smalley. !



.': IB .

l.ar^o pk{f. Corn Starch, Sc.

Hest quality Candles. d<v/.., He.

Mantles. 15u kind, i2v.

while, lii-ni I'.reakl'ast MiVek-I, l.-.c.

hiltmil Wash Hoards, each, J5o

Larse ean Xew itrieans -Molasses,-for baking. t:>v.. • . \ •.

lie:held .Monday afternoon at the hiiinii |

,,.if his sister, .Mrs. l.ncinda Hill.y, i n : . : . ri.ilackettslown. liev. .1. i». Kparnon. | ' s . , ; . . ' V i!",,.,''.! pastor of Trinity M. 10. church, who 0 1 " 5 l l ' " U - ' "<-•'•"j ollicialed at the funeral services of: .Mr. llea'd's wife, Mrs. Amanda Sliker[Head, six weeks :IBO. cioulufted the

.[services. Mr. Read died suddenly ' ;"S'v"",""i ," , ' " " • " " • ' • •":•.-"•'• i'-riday afler ii few days' illness from "f;'1 » f c l " ' 1 ' 1 . ' " " " ,'.'"• b'™'* '", l l l s -• inii.ninoni-i -mil e.imnlie.itinns 11.^.i-^Ulsk & Saturday. Rev. T. P . .rallies• I Survived1 i!y s e v o i - a V ' S o U H M ^ ^ n ^ ] ^ ^ ^ 1 ' ' «»" i'H.M-meut was in Fair-:"• i.ters. two hrotlicrs.liviiiK at ^rrtfHdi-y's U l ' w cyliK'lt'ry.

: >.!.','.U!il'*i!ij r1 JntertniMil was in. l-'uion . ; —o-« —'

I'jU'liw-Lt'dwitli.Miss-Anna l.edwith niul Mathe\v'.T._

I-'arlcy were married at (!

' « Mdivnri* Culslcr. 'l'-lorfuc<- Cuisler. ihc scven-year-obl

uijrhtt'r ol" Mr. and Mr:;. )')i;vilhtusle.-. .oflltiMvldere. di«;d.":it t.!.ii J t l J i i V y r S ' ! n

I tlaines UlucUI'm-d.1 .i.iniOK Hlackford ni; Cuhtmiiia diedI in an lOaston iionpital law! Th.nrsday.'• lie was talie.n the.rf- the previous day\ ami operated,..on for appendicitis tlu*I Maine day, . a s ' h i s conditionAV.T^civUi-1

lea.!. . He WHS...'!5 years old ,nud \V,\Kieinphiyt'd n'l'r'-tlio-.N..- Yr.--S. tt-AWnl't. lit!• besides othei^alai'fvVs, he ' leaves^Cii wife mu\ two yoti^K children, h e

t'unoral was held Ajonda.\

• f ' b

uper'a.leili V h d b

"fiHr appejidieLlK.!

11,1,^1,11 ,«,,•* in. i l l iMi i l l l l i l t . I I L . I* |1 '

J ''."I.. tj)im:^!.l,'!' .'J'tl^tnhiii, [>yJf&;J\ \>.

" • " " " ' V " /le was a

^™ — I11!;1 l i K ' ! | t u ' n t I i l 1 ^" I'liyflclaii In—

dcniandeil rntr^icnl iri-:itnicn;.: tord;. t he child on Siitiinlay tufctlu* 'tmspitat

where the operation WMK perl'ormcii,The t'omltlion of the cliild v.as suchlli.it rct'DViM'.v \\;\;-i inipfi;:id!de and Hhe

• pa-ised away Sunday noon.1 She wasa vi"'.v liri'^lU, a t t rac t ive and pleasing

• r.hl.ur.ainl Va.V endeareiV Io all thosewith wiimn 'sbc caine in contact1. Tin1

"death of the little one is a sad hlowto tile parei i is and friend:", and thetifympii!.hy 'if the ent i re communi ty

• 'j.vr.pa11 n:u,'- to1 them •• in -thpii* .^rcat- y.cw.row... The funeral look, pl'iee on Wi'd-• lH'Mluy ar ternoon, from the h-une oftlie na rcn l s on 1'rospeet. strcvl, ilev.Dr. Stone nnicln.tins.

.." •Mrs-. Taylur Seiner /lied Friday' nuu'iiim? at AVost Portal after u . l in-\i?orinj.f illness. She hfid not licon abb?

io1 atte.ml to her. household ..dulies for.'• a nii"niber of years. She war. milch; respected and hosiilOH hei1 husl):i.nd

leaves one. daughter, .Mrs. John Klel-••)-.trol.h of lOaston. ..

Th(> i',oiuiriil was held •in,4tlio, A!. K."' I'luirch- Monday ii.inorn'iit!', "jiov. ; Mr.

nicni lKTI ' l i a i l i a

ert-tnld^^uiniluH.s'uskhh'edi • WKS'i' POUTAI " '" SurXr^mo^m^^ 'Wi/c 'h ' l r^ 'orhim in come in (.'..luiiihiii in IS!)!) to W m . C. A p y a r spent. S u n d a y wi th ' ' M 1 ^ ' ^ »1( . ^wnrk for K m a, his t r ade a n d s i n e [us b r o t h e r - i n - l a w . R Di\U< in E a S - | , A £ U u j l a , k u t s t o , , , . I h ohe had ' heen enip loved l.v t h e I.isk ton. • , ^ . , .... •; . ,tami!iK-,ln.lch'iof Ihe time'. The fll- T h o C I . a d i e s ' Aid hox social will he ; " ' ^ •>. • : ' " ' ' , ; , . ' „ • •? ." V r i " v

l i e r a i ^ f s held from t h e h o m e of Mrs. '.'.eld t o m o r r o w a t the chu rch . ' i r , i ^ S " S < o i W r ' U

.McCi-ncKciV.-'hciHli canii,' to I.evi, ^lc(."racken, SS,nl" SUeWartsviMf, Wedlie^day niorninj;'after he had suffered two weeks with•HTlp ami p'letitnonia. IHH death; itis thought, .wax hastened as a. resultof an aut'/mbhih1 aecide.njMn.the stitn-.merin which ho had two~"ril)s"hroUeu.The deceased man had been ij.Jinrhprin Ktcwartsvtllc for the past L' 'yearnand he enjoyed the respect v.»f thecotuimtiiitj-. liis death leaves Sunv-

""" without a harher;,. In his

rKfathV"' M; : r . f oSso , " ' k ' S ' . ' " ' " " • 1 Uon at the, store of .P. U. l-h, c l , |Mlss.lla;:el AIpaiiKh of Annalidale I ,', It-llt part or hist week "with Mr. andj B | D W « | 9 | i P « T f ^ B • « '


spent part or last week "with MMrs. 10111s C. Keeil. (

Mr. and Airs. W. II. Apt'ar spoilt jfrom Tuesday untiLloday with friends ial Somervillo and Xew Vork-. " ' i

Mrs. .I.V.I. IliilV-is improving after jheinj;- eonihiod to the house many jweeks. - - . ;, •' • ]

Uaniel I. Ililll was kicked hy a |hoi-ke last week, hreakinsv a hono inhis ICK.


How Wnddell liroaUs Slrllciv.In the .liiniiary American Mairazi..

" Jack l.alt tolls ahoul AViiddeli, tin

The irritating, tickling cough;affects the lung tissue andtwears down nature's power to

resist disease germs.

NI.-,,(11111 lor llnshand's llenlii.I Mrs. Helena. 1.1. l.iiRoe of South! lionnil Drook has hoon nwimluir $15,-j O.'ld !.y: the Circuit, c o n n at Komer-'•ville for the death of her hiislinnd,

ivlio was k'llled In an explosion ina sewer plant nt Ocean tirove. ' Th'-seactionI'otts,

r plant UL Ocean (Srove. Thwas brought affuinsL Clyd

nit i f M o ibrou


uinsL C yr of Morris-I ' j i i f ) , i i . - l u i i i i i i j . i ; i i i _ , i | j i ^ ^ i i n . , i < ' i i i ^ H

town, who' h:iH. ilone much work on;the sinvfiKO dispOHal plant In this nor-OU^TII. lOvidence was adduced to showIhu••oxiilo«Iim-v'wii»"UuiiMiiit1 hy sewer!.ras when all- was lot into.the tanks.

, Miss Thcn-sa i^anlMu...MissTheresa 1'aullin, a^etl "7 years,

passed, away last Thursday morn ingat d.e, homo of-lior ;;iater-in-law, Mr...G. S. PauMIn, . nn South. WuiulliuKavciiitc. .She died from infirmities dueto old ajro and had heen practicallyhelpless for more than a mouth.,. She

Kpi\ik(,for it weok he-AlisH Pattlliu wand lived in I'hila-

(]verturiihiH' t-hc wnjjon, throwing out ; • .the-drtver, whoso hack was considi'r- \ , 1 he i»:iwi 1'iu:t.ahiyy 1\vroiichiMlb1-"T-,W' wsiw •bruuHiiV y A'.toacher iiHlitnl 'her cl(is.i t*»l? • oliU-

'li Io thij. Windsor Motel here, .droir what a skeleton was,- One little

-n^ ; | r :^ ; , S ; - i n 7{i iK : l i r:,,ji;ttei^:at Aabm-y. : •,,

, , i * II,in II.^LS " i r-i\ll.e.l i i . r. • -ii linn.

mechanics In many lines who are will'-'inir to tlikt! their chances in all einor-Scncies for the swollen waf;es thaiihey command, lie has an armoryIn New York with 1,100 rillfs. andhnrracks wlu

The Grover Shoe for women is the best

shoe on the market for sore, tired feet.

i ; Soft, comfortable and made from very •'....:' ;

',..._ best kid, they will be.appreciated by any- .

one-suffering with foot troiifeles. We carry ;

nineteen -different styles of tliis shoe ancL'-

will be pleased to show them to you-. •••••-•~:~

Wolslayer's Family ,sSlic>e Store455 NORTHAMPTON ST., EASTON, PA.


with 1.100 rillfs. anil '; ., , . ' ,, ., . Iiiiuiaens woero suariis are drilled and i suppresses the cold, allays, the in-1trained nnd imiintained.... Ho has a | flammation, steadily removes_ the''tHko-un'n %mmn'iii'y lo'iiuiid "uidic '• irritation and rebuilds the resistiveiidnion i ^ h i s ciioiii's. '•'• power to prevent lung trouble.' |

SCOTT'S "has done morefor bronchial troubles thanany other one medicine.It contains no alcohol. , \Scolt'S: Lownc, llloouiliciil. N. .1. lfr-10 !

"It Iiy il lucrat ive1 if -unique profes- ;Sinn. lJuriiiK the recent t h r e a t ot a IH'Oiifrnl rai l road - lle-uji, Waddcl! had1 ".,000 engineer!! iinil t r a inmen corral -led iu Chicago,1 and was drawingdown $ii per day per hum as .h i s com-mission, or $Gj>,0O0.u day. On com- •missary purcliasi 's ho. tii!;es 10 [>er (•?• -cent, in fees from tlie merchant*, amli ; '—• —»y his own.s ta tement . lieMxuijTht SHIS,- "000 wor th "I" provisions in one strlU»y his own .statement, he1 'bought SH'S,- j • • i t r t l t - i^ST i'"<>U iiiV)S ""' \000 wor th in1 provisions in one strlUo ! _ . nv. .v i l 'i', *' r^mnii i ioe " o f theluaiinjs 1.1 <laj;s. wliie.h made his prolil i T,,J-,^liftV Vi! j lmnlroiVi will oi» ->r t ' v Ion that part id' tlii'i little dcai ?1 (!,- | f,,rc IMitich 1st, liU 7, 'roceivp bids for ISO(t." • ' • •' " ( the fir.-ulsliin^ oi • Tn:; -Mnp'" • rrtr-.asai'.r j

- -*>-* '— i TfiwuKlilp. llic Kiisue Ic ennform1 wilh !••tfe.ivest.v- ho tnarmure.1. - r i l , ( r yd h th C K U h h I

aMyy wrcucluMl.^. I-UV wu» -brou^li;/ A toaclier IIHIV.HI 'her cl(is.i M'Clill- "!.>wivost,v nc tmirmurcti . "I 'll . a ry | •; •.'"^'.Al', s ' , ' " : ^ ( 1 ' " £ vf. Oct:: • uv i>rImck. 16 th«. W i n d s o r ' l intel bore, ,dron what a s l ide ton was. One little and hn wor thy oi you, ttUhougih I .{{[*• ,lU,T, v ' ' * • ' . • • ••\Vherc the. anlmnlK 'had been ' p u t ivt •i'cISnw, IJ^iiiiy, s«v«n, »;iid: "I Know: know 1 am inn. lit'!<y tii> your shoe : " . . . . i,\ % UKUITlAUn. Cleric. - '

: i t \v6~uWs?^Tliu~'i iTfi^ rublicdjfflV1 Tliis'1 .was pcri'iSctly true. "Ills wiiisl l'hillipsl.nrfa';;,;N. ••)., It. D. 1,,"after they hail run soino ; d is tance/ : ' : | - - ' l M t c ; C l i r i H t U m ^ " ^ •'"-J1


''' "But if any proyideth not for his own, and

specially his own household, lie hath1 denied

the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever/ '

1 Are you providing for "your ownjf or

spending money without benefit to them.

Gut out some useless, expense and^jfart a

• - S A V I N G S ' '" "• ' '


! The Eastern


. . , ; a ..., • , , ; . . . , i ; ' . , , * •

• i l

Page 8: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern



Z Briefly Chronicled -punt tin- wi-vk-viui us till' B»M1 of.iu'l Marlilc tin- I-:. S. WitlliMa I'ani| -Ml-.-* Uertha Albert. \ In'twei'ii New Vlllit{,-e ami Mo

^ ^ ^ w w v ^ v ^ w w w ^ x s w t ^ v ^ ! A- '" ''"""I'll hns Uci'ii in MorrH-j M. A. PU-I'MW. i iuc: K. !•'. ('Mm-, cli-rk. tI ' A v x w M y v n . v v v w . v v v v K v w . I town .iltcmllni,- tin- noullry cxlillillluli! TUKSSHAV, YVM. 20. l>y Mrs. Spcii-!

.Mr. llir.ry Tlnui-lu'r ypi-iu the l»fi HK held In that city. ! cor liofl", mi Morris turnpike north of;ueek-i-ml in N w Yorl;. .Mf. imU .Mm. 1)OIIK1II>S Nuwbcrry nf stc-u'm-l-n'HIo. M. A. l-ii-rsim. a u c : i

_ . . . „ _ _ . . ' • " ' . T - I I . _ - - « . - _ . . - * . . . . - . . _ _ - - I ' . * . . . - ' A M . . t * . ( * r _ _ ' — . " • ' . - . - , - • • • • • - ».Ui'i-! lj.iiiV. 1!iced ijn-iu the W<v-li- j .Montana, have ivtiinieil from a visit ; K - |.-, enne, eU.rli..•ml with r.'latives In Hampton. , In 'NVvv York anil Hrooklyn. 1 wijnXKSDAY. . VMM. 21, by Mrs.

> ( I r o c e i v t t y • l i n n r e t u r n . - ; ! f r o m • ! " " • • ' • " • • • • • • ' » • ' • - ' •••'• • • •

in .New \oru anil liroofclyn. [ \ v i ' n v i . M n v l.-i.'l! -M Itv Mr«


, ,- Dnffonl ..f X>-»- Yorl:: -Mrs. Jiu'i.h CrwliiiK 1M vlslthiff a t ! I'lerk. i•tin™ "li.-r il-iu-lm-i- Mrs • thi.- lu>itu> of the lluswil family on | I'lclDAV, FEB. 23. by Eihvanl lint- J

1 f.roaii street. Shi- has been spending ler, A. Depue ItoHeberry farm H ; \.,i..-. .-u.-.in Walters of New York tl'<- winter with her daughter, Mrs. t miles youth of l'.elviilerc. M. A. t'ier-1

; vi-.';:,.il !u-i- ,si<ti-r. Miss Maltha Van- t'l-orse Uiotrich. In I'uffalo. j son. aue. *lior.n ,n TucJi iy i -Nlr- ""•' lira- Alonso Muinmer of | sATi:>:l)AV. KBI1. 21. by Samuel;

Mr. KiUvir.l .\]'iiVII.au:n of Il.insror : >"•»• York were called here beeause of \ en-unman, the .lames Si-Kuim- farm«;i.-nt Munclav u-itli lu* lir.nher, l l r . : " ' " si-rlous Illness of the former s i m , . u . MiiniinkaelnniU. M. A. I'ierson.

in h-rrit.-s Xi.\t>-i i n s l-e.-u visit- lluininer in 1-ort Cdlilen. Mrs. Hum- jsi-t.r, ' .Mrs. T. Xewklrli.' in "" ' r I* Impi-m-hiR. Inn Mr. Muni

parents. -Mr. anil .Mrs. Charles | .„„._. |.-reenian -Schuier, elerk.TITKSDAV. KBI1. 27. by 11. J. Metz. |

Men's 4-buc!cie Arctics, wereS3.00, n o w .S2..->0

Men's 1-buckle Arctics, wereSI.75, n o w 51.31)

M e n ' s Heavy Felt Boots, withBall Band Rubbers, were S3, .n o w . .S150 •-•••

Men's Gold Seal Rubber Boots,sizes 'J ami 10 only . .S.5.75 pi1.

Also the Followingroceries:

. l'elv its..Mr. (i..,wi;,. Tri'V.-.H of New York

uv.-; ,i u-'t-K-i-tuI i:uesi of Mr. alul.Mrs.. U....ri;.. i:. IVhl.-in.

Mr. .laciih il. Willever of l-m-tAlui^.iV lias irime to .-ilifortita to pa;yt:H- balance "f tile wiluer.

Mrs. James 1.. 'slileM* lia.l as astii-s't OV.T Stinil'iy her soil. .Mr. Jo-s-pli C Shl.-Ms of Mrooklyu.

Mrs. Ida Al'^ar h;is returneil afterM.en.linw several weeks with her sis-

!-• S.."...rviH.. ami Newark. •Mr. ami Mrs. I'loyil Hinds passed

-Mon<l:iy ami Tn.-sil.'iy in New York.

Mr.-. l'.eori;e Kill,-hart Is the mie.st,.f her sister. -Mrs. .l.ilm li. Simati-

remains in a critical tho Apt;ar farm between Asiiury ami ;KlnoniNliury. II. A. I'lersiui, it lie

; SHE WAS BRED IN OLD NEWJERSEY| n £ J A £ ' ^ ^ s v u i e ? ^hy.\a'."!^: son. aue.; 10. 1-'. Cline. elerk.

.Mary U'Unilns Uels All Sons of | THrHSDAY. MAItCII 1. by Ill's.

A t ]of ti

Her I'annlns Wnrils mail.- bj

k. Semt at .Hi.*\V(irtsvlltt • .M. A .

«ho have been worlciu'.- nailer theilireetion .if .Miss Kannie Cooper, oftbt- New .li'isey State Airrieultura! .Cnlb'^e, that of Miss .Mary I.eamint:. !

. •TI in tSDAY. MAIL- 1—by .Wm. I'.!'.'iyl"i*. fnniurrly ilio Jacob Hill farm,-^outbwi'nt of Aii(k'i>iMi. Harvey Cuk-

ll'r. an.I Mrs. lO.Kvin A. Coweil amin sp.-ni. silmlay with Mrs V^V""" • r.n-.th.. l~-st Imilvi.lual .-xliiuit of•otlo-!-. .Mr. I'.tirl Wooilnul, in i;as-

GrBest Creamery Butter, Ib..'.40cI'sris Bra'iu^Cor'n, can . . . ' . . . 15cBest Saner Kraut, can'; 15ci'ancy Lima Bbans, Ib 10cFancy Rio. Cofite, I b . . . . . . . 15c

J/Bv Hampton

'i'ile S. 11. l>.'.-•ainV Kl'lilay i!n .Urs. .ioiin ;

met at Miss I',leilin^, am! will meet'.auelii loinorrow eie-

PI'.lliAY. MAU. 2. hy Jo*..-Hotline!of Trenton, ytamts out as lieiuit iiar-i near l!r;Lis Castle school house, west;th".l!ar!y successful. This llfteen-year- of U'ashiniiton. M. A. Horson, nuc. Iolil Kill has ivon prizes In a number . SATl'miAY M A U . :!, by R.ibert |of contests. In mi:, she won a .trip ; r;. McClure, the Willliiinson farm near jto Washington, an.I a second i-fizi- | ;.-,niiklin school house. M. A. l'lel-Iof $:. In 1!)H; she won a first iirl/e i s n n . u l c . j . ; [.- ('line clerk 'a I the Inter-State Fair, valueil at *S. \ M O N r u V.'M A I!.' 5. i.y Morris llnsh. I

the .1. K. Wyekoff farm near l'ort I„ , ( ii... i,,. i . , „ • in ...i ! Ciihlen, M. A. 1-lerson, auc ; I.. l-\ ind on individual can-., in ad- j . . .-. ;

ai-,i Kood.s, ami three tirst pri;:es anon,- second on individual can-. In ad- j "••.-; " ' , -;•

"1 ; l ' illtbm to these she won a second prii'e I " - ' " • " ' ' • •

Miss On-.ei.'nnrrisoit nml Mr. Kil-1

war.l Hunter of I'l.iinlield spent the

Il.ni- !•.Aft-.r ;t visit of s,.\-cral W(elcs with

a s»n at Ulitliei-fonl. Uev. ami Mrs. S.I', llalbwiiv havi- returned to thoir*liomi- h»ri'.

,.f SKI. and was cllosell to Blve deni- | TI.'R.SI 1AY, MAU. «. by .lohn Ot-iiltt. '•'.lustrations at the National I'Muca'.ion ' I.etw.-eti Washing!"!! ami Asiiury. M. iAssociation im-etiuirat New York City. | A. I'ierson, aue.; \'.. !•'. Cline. clerk. Iand at IV. .National Hairy Show nt ' | WKDNHSDA Y. MAI!. 7, by Fred 'Sprinstield. • ' | Colver. near InKorsoll-Raml Works. I

Miss l.eamlni-' lias kepi accurate ' 1'hlllipsluir^. • M. A. l-ierson, aue.: V..records of the receipts and cKPOlidl- : F. Cline, elerk.

In IS13I..ia her canningcalllled L'O; jars of fitables, which brought her a Jil'il- • M ,\ |>|,ir«(1.; ,,„

of S:,3.'J0. Ill 191«. flu- had 3 76-,

a m iTIHHiSDAY. .MAI!. S. by -Will. I t . ;

Metz. the I'nyer farm ne

' Miss ,-rma Vas» r'.,,,,-,i,.,l yesterday ] •'Lf^'^.JtvJ." !u\ich w-re ^ TITSDAV. MAI!. 13. by Henry;fi-;.iii l iowr. ivher,- sh- was Hie frues'- sr ' Not m•'• of t " tofVl of CJS^iure i Inwl"', tli.; Clin- farm near SPI-IHK- |.„• her sister. Mrs. I. r. I'.rown. since •„;,;., ,,,,.t th,.,,u...h ' spo'ilinK. While ' ' " ; " ' • ,M ', A- > ' l « ™ . "'"•'•: •••• •''• ISiimrtliiy. ; .-,.„. if ,,,n. vouni; iieopie in the Stale : <-"""• clerk.

Mr. James Sexton ,.f Asiiury Park. ' „ , , . , ..,.,,1;. :. ,.,.,,,,,.,| [,, ,.,„,,.,! th is ' it i WKll.VKSOA Y. MAI!. 1-1. bv Joseph 'v.'llo has b.-en ill ill th,. horn,iiml Mrs. K. il. I'eVoe for a f.



Onn express load of Iowa Horses ^nml Hares— Heavy drafters, farmchunks, general purpose horses. ; ' '


.vili entertiiin tlie> totilL-lit lit her•t. It Is tile lirs;

.Mrs. A. I-'. ServiI'hiirlie CiiaiJiill 1

mi-..tin^ of tile season.Mrs. Kaullah I'. I'.niiT will ' leave

tins week f-ir '."iranr.vood tu s|-eud ;ii'....lple nf weeks witli lier sens. Fran!:

drs. V. N. .l.-ukii-.s retun-.eii iinmet we.-lc .iaev visiting li.'r cliildr.-nN.-wark. Kast 1 i r . -nc" Chatham

] Mi.rristov.n. f.u- s-.erai weeks.v:,-. , • : ] y.r*. .»i\in I", rioivy will\v Saturdiiy for it week-end visit

with Mr. ami Mrs. Sloan, their snn-in-iaw's iKirents. residing- In llronk-Ivn.

i. .Wllle I:. Weli'h of Kilst

' ' M r ' is ii tine illustration of the spkrd id ; Opdyke. tli.- Jacoli Wtllever farm)tniirl-.t. v,.o,.|; , | ,a; is l.i-ln« ilom- amonb' til.- '• i>l"HK .Mllseoneti-o-i^- Creek I' miles,

all-Is1 elul.s. iiiid is -Indicative, of tlie ! eiist of Hlonnisbiiry. M. A. I'ierson, |.iurai-ti\-e piis.^i!illitie.s whlcli home- a u c : K. l-\ cllue, clerk. ;inaliili^ on the farm offers. ' Til I'USDA V. MAU. l.">, by Cliarles !

' ' • ' Aligar, at i'ort Warren near SteiViirts- jClU'liCII -NOTKS. ; vilie. M. A. I'ierson, auc.: I-:. F. Cline. I

The W. C. T.- V. will meet at Mrs. j clerk. . jL. I ' Spiinh'eul.eru's tills (Thursday) : S;ilc (if Morses. O \afterno'in1 ;it 3 o'clock. j FRinAY. JAN. 19, 33 bend of Inu-ii |

-\ t.-iiii.er.-iitcc meetll!?;, in tile ill- j horses and mares by F. Dale Opilyeke !' the National Prohibition j -u I-'rclicluown, N. .1. !

Semi-Annual Sale of


thelulin.-iu. conducl.Ml l.y the W. 0. \


fir t? tlKl

i l l U t

: : :

pami! 11

miihlcOil rfipic[.«. '"ircii

Tlitit X«vixo\nc iHiisLfiUtii

V. ^. O.-;>:u-tin»iu of AeruMlast, fiscal

>y I

v [M r s . .Wll le I!. U i - l r h of Kas ton Is r a n . 1 . ' lulil ivii ' !! t o p i c i l l u s t r a t e d . din-In!; tile l a s t t iscal yea r , a c c i i r d i n v I

D r i v e r s : t h e s e h o r s e s a r e Ot r-pemllmr .-..me t ime wi th h e r s i s t e r , "1 ' u r e H e a r t . " Kvi-liiiiK suDJcet will • , „ [ h ( , , i n n U i i | r e p o r t ,,f t h e i.'h"-f <if i

the same grade and quality that ''.' ./i',!!,',™,^1'13,-";,,;11',1'1",;,.*', !.,','"[" ll'.r'1^' •"!"vi'"lh ^"'"V""1"^"1- "Mhl]-; the uivision ,.r Publications, inciad-1hav« :been iOld On this market for: li',',',?''"'"' ''""' " '" '' T"'" ' ' '" ' ' '" j There was U sterooptieim lecture on ' '"••' l h " :'i'P''ints of .loeuments of ear- I

d I i i : i j H r issues with th new ones there-Mrs-. A. \V.. . . . ....si thirty years and I-inviteanyone who may need a horse fp'j r i l W1K,.any purpose to attend this sale", m April."

•-linsr jmcl Airs. A. ; "Home" last nlchl ii

' i Society of th

Methodist i I'01' Issues with the new ones, there

s Foreign Missionary : printed.M. K. churcli met at j The total number

SUS stULituiu tui iui pui IJU5C3. . \ [ r s ,laspe;/-i:.'Oith had as miests i I'.rvan, .Mrs. Ilomadi«-u and Mrs. .lea- l.-^.ouu copies were reprints o[ -->•*Sunday ;.Ti~h#l'd M.rs. .1. D. Sutton of • nie Kilts each read short articles re- ; ok! bulletins.

t'lil'V Sta'jIeS'ia'FrenthtOWn, N. J. •i'hlllln--l;iuwwlio Kul been aiUridse- ; latHiK to mission work. Mrs. .1. I.. ; Xotwitlistandin^ the liberal useville ,--"aioi\Iay atteiiui'i;: the fi.neral : ykinner yrave a summary of two mis- ' distribution of pitblieaiioirj mad" hv

: .(_. , ....J <.~... , A A. "L ?h's; Ninon's sister. : [ sionary, addresses, to which /she. had 1, , ^ ,,,. ,.t „„.„,„,„ , „ ; uv.ilie.Suoerin-E S M V — S r i i J S r d r ' t / I'** : " " - : '•"""• "••'b..»ck.-who'-n.-is'-Brt'n7-listenoa-nt-iicp:in-Ori)V(.--l:iM-su:ntniM--r----Tt-' "7o;'n^.M;;: ™:~ imo,in:«r"foS l S O y •) J Q H l S t J I ¥ I J ' . h . r . . for several months owin r n, the !--one by llishop iddham. of the II." t™'.li'nt "t Uocun.e.u.s .ininim.Ml to

.sickness and death of her mother. ; E. church, and the other by a worn- ! .»-'2. = " .M. the cost price of ..: . . .UF.vorv lira-seaokl tiraler fuilguai-antee. -Mrs- .lohn Pitten.irer, has returned to : ;in missionary from youth America. • copies. • ;., ' , , ,.v i> " i ii ,., ,. Xe-.v Vn-.'k t.t mal;.- her home. ; M rs. Lewis tiel'ard read a selection . ' *~—' jlimuliuiscreiht. I.anhllble I>apcl. Mr. I [. Wilmot I.:ckel ,,f Kethlche:n i emitr.?d "I.i".3ie Johnson's Quill." and ! . Vv>\ O»'i" of'Thanks. jSail: positive, under cover. cisit.-.l his mother. .Mrs. P. J. F.ekcl. | the treasurer. Miss S. Ijavidson, t-'ave I ^ [ r \y ,1 Anderson and family;

'r- ^ » > r- ^ r > ^ V ^ i . r - \^}:!'l, ^ • ^ ^ J ^ J " " ^ : : ' 1 , " \ " f e n u 7 u . '"' "":.. '»••'»«•» of llK- j wish \ o r-xm-ess thei,' since,,, thanks 'E. DALE OPDYOKECnrver, Ati^. A.P. Rittenhouse, C'lerk.

•Li j .y s o f i n .

aii(i her


Greatest variety of'. Confectionery. .

, Noted -f oivitS: purity^'alid goodness Yeprd^

lass of the price.

^•^6thersmay charge

supply better.

-,. 356 Northampton Street!f; -Just Nt>rth oi' Opera House.

425 Northampton Street-..- • Nciir Colonial Tlieatru


i-liieli he j society. Dainty refi't'sliineins were i f ind" heartfelt Kri'tiuide to the rela- i; served by tin- hostess, Mrs. Skinner, , t i v , w and friends" who so kindly as- I

uotlier- jut the close of the meeting.,, ! sisted them dtirins the Ions illness!,:; wor.L^in ; • 'l'he-..\V."ii>'.n's Hoo'e 'Mission;, ry; So- i Gr.. ,; l t. : ,.vife ftn'l niother. and for the |to see tlie i I'iely met Tuesday evening in Mrs. ; service rendered nl thelniriai. • lirate- .

Mr. Wiliiiim Kries. who ; (leoi'Ki: Iiaiiey's. The nieeliim_ was ! ful iU'-knowiedt'enienc is also made i:iti-iH in St. Luke's hospital. i opened with a hymn, followed by tile 1 to tho ministers. pall-bearers. the [. Alex. Anders.,n hail as quests j scripture lesson nnd lesson study by { donors of carriages and llowers andr. Mrs. Allie Hoffman, Mrs. j Mrs. C. W. flano. Tile subject was > 'phone operator. !Uobeson "f <":ilifori, Mrs. t lus-!" i lh i Spain in New Americ.:." Prayer ;

Mrs. ('.: W. K

«"hll'lii'm'".l'ast Th'uraii'cs

Right in the midst of the winter season we are giv-ing a regular clothing benefit— ' .- .We've the BEST Clothes MADE—the best Suits andOvercoats the best makers could make from thebest fabrics, but we've got too many of them and'we're going to— ;"• ' . : •„ ." . ! . . . •'• • J \


Overcoats and Suits reduced to $23.50Overcoats and Suits reduced to $20,50Overcoats and Suits reduced to $16.75Overcoats and Suits reduced to $12.50The patterns and models are the newest and best of;the season—they're certainly very handsome. :

Gome at oncer while the sizes are unbroken.

Mr. U. A. Cole ,,f this borough. lefl [ "ml Gladys Shields, accompanied hy r-_•_. • . ,•' ^,,nnt—rliiCf iirst of Hie week for Si. Peters-• Misa F.lsic Hailey. ilurlnif ihe social • 01111 nl P P L P U L T^ . ^ . w ^ - r o ,h«- W.U ™m«.n|h..«r. T1,.cs,|ym.|,1,,; I h t V tALO CLUll L I

Mr. and Mrs ICmii Bierman Kline j - ! u . v . 'Wiiitenhurst will have for his Ihere from Philadelphia on Monday! ,heine -Sunday morniiiK "The Llslu 'and will remain with her father, .Mr..;,,f ;|,(.•• Wurhl'," anil in' the evi-niiiR. in.-innll l i . Petty, while Mr. i t ierman is , -,\ | ) ( .vil With an Angel 's Fac\:" ' \

222 Noirthampton St.


person wa;1 liei-Klilp m ilVe c

f l l he . Presbyteriiiflln.lys Rol.l.ius w.-is Kite:l-'rlduy evcr.ins «l a •' surpr ise ; m.iriiim;' on confession of fiiith, anil

.when II friends fa the red nl eiKht wen- taken into tlie church byoe on I in.ail street. The even- 1 letters from nther c-hiirub—=

l'lea:-aiu!y spent in playing

reeo ived into m o m - ! . : ^m n i n n l o n se rv i ce i n : ' '

nluir..-h /Mtnulny i W i f e of Trenton Telegrapher

inf.- was pleasantly spent in pliiyinK 1 .|n.mu» Ford, president of llie War- ;Siimes. l:elreshni,>nts were served. . r o n County Christliin ICiideaeor fn ion '

• Miss Helen ilofl muster was slv.cn a • i-alleil 11 Ineetill--- of the executive.i

Wants Others to ReceiveTanlac Benefits.

JJjir.thdriy,.surp;:ise ial:tyLjb.v.3.il.fricr.dsj.commiileo_liiKL._.uiirht.-.iu...lli,. .-..,„ — ,en -niesdiiy"nmm'--"of--l;iSt"Tveek vVTy- -,'[!::(•— X T o ••TrFmse 7oT ril\e' -iririi-Vl T ""'I'be-~socret - o t - ' l i e r -rapid- r.ccovery-plcasiint social evenim.-. wil l , . , laneinBi, . , • ,„ ; . , ; ,„[„„• ,„•!„ . ,,„,,, ,„ , ! I L : J.,.,;.. I from a Keneral lirenkdinyn is herefoil-iwe.l by refrcsliments'. was en.ioy- I n , , inv Presbvtcrl-in eliureii oil Feb " " ' t o l d to women by Mrs. Wm. I'. Ma-,ed. Mi.ss n.iffmaster received several I T n i . - Won'lin's Forciun Missionary i lonuy, wlfo of the well-known toloit-Kifts. : , ! Society of the "rrcshytiirliin ' clitirtih 1 ral''™" w l ,\° i s , associated with ' the

Mr. ami Mrs. Alton ilowe.'s and j n l e | in the eliapel Mondiiv afiernonn" ' romon oliiec o l the IMslul I elCKrapliehlhl of Philadelphii, came here "n | The subject of the lesson was "Chi- " " • < ' , C i l h k ' C ( ! ' , J";»1 l l l l l " l " i > " ' . J ' . 1 !"Fr.di.y to see the fonner 's B m n i l - j , ,„ ." l;,;,,dlnps on the topic were ! "'»'>™ |H STi. Piiul avenue, s a i d - t oKiother. Mrs. A. 11. Dildine. who was B | v e n l.y Mrs. .1.10. Meeker and Mi.-is I l-h" Janlae Man 's iissistnnt: _ill. iiml wh,, ilie.l nn SiUurday. They iy\:lry l>,u[Tord. a piiino iluel ,,hv Misses I " ' n o . l i n m e r wonder at l i e 1111-reniiiltied witli .Mrs. llowers' parents . ! Miriam Nntze -ind ' l.'lorenec' ISeidlc- niense number of people who a re

M r . and Mrs. Imvlu Bil.inser. for j ,m,n. and a :vocal solo by Mr. J. K. H " 1 ' " , W " ' • ' " ' ':vo...0X1 '" ri;;"V;:'!.

Dr. H. U. ShermariSPECIALIST , ; ; ; \

^3Q3-305;;.irst]National Bank (v(,?'BuiMinff', Centra Square, '


Hours:" 8 n. Vrj'.'to 9"pTmifrfr^: -Sundays by appointment.

M !•- itr.fi Mrs, 1 >;\v]{i VAhingci\ for ' i n ; i i i muV -i" A'rtc'iV s-'olo bv' Air' ] " K tultiiiK" T;uiUif, for I've expt-'i'i^Dccdil:ivK. . • ,:• . . • .JM,.f^.-.r . .K''rr«*]im'«ni« .wvi -V-Wwd' l t t s .Sl1'*-1'^1'! wovU. ,1

Mrs. LctltlM a-i>rilnn. who hns i ioon ' j '-" " "." . , : ' " ' j fronv.n Konfernl'bruaHOowir and cnultlHpciidinK the winter with licr dtju^li- K" iHipii^i. . ] Kcare t ' lydr t Ihe Himp!t;.-:t foods, V.v-icrs, Mrs John i-'arrell ami Mis.s .\hfy ' Cottitffo prayt-r nn't 'tins • Krirlny w o - j ervthins"i.rnustitl nio p:iin, ami n " nnit-C"Jonion in .SVwitrkV was <';illed horo j nint? iit.tht- Iwme nf Harry Mayhpvry. | u>r how li^lit ;i"mnat was, indiyestinn<>)'•{ Thin-sriiiy lu'Cihiso of thf{ jii.Tlous | /flii! siibjoc-v of thu monilnB' w n n o n always Cnlhiwcd it.illness <*,' hi-'i' l)rotli(M*-in-]n\v, I., M. j will bo: "In the Namu of Josus i "f, (U'i'iVud no TiouriHhmtinL from

wh'u-U ri'.sulted in deaUi the:].Christ." Pas tor Charles IV Stanley j Hie things I ato, for 1 became so weal-:," and-nervous Unit 1-felt.miserable. A

number of people recommended Tiili-lac to me, .so I .thinHi* purchased abottle- of the mod idne . I improved

day foihuvliifT.O . ! wilt push the scries nf Smuliiy,, evu-'Mr. and Mrs. Hiiymnnd Ca'r'lin)?;. en- j nine,' sci-mons on the subject of ".Inhn

lei-lained the following on Suntliiy: t larlfycnrn" iihwul a Tow weoks inMrs. 'Si'irah ICini;. Miss Cat.harineKIIIK, 'Alv. iinil -Mrs. RrtffJir ('. Kins,

l ^ l Fs,


Hhs findami . Marj;«rot I'tonovan ofami Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C,;\ilnUEiitm* Mjidiff* of this jilaee.~;:W..\ ii'iid Mrs Har ry M. Itiddlc anditYiipJtK.:!1.1 Mist Carnllno. of Aslmry,

joi ini ,in the South. They Will lirst^...visit..O!rmr:HHi. S.oi.iw. fn1.1.11.-.*:!,11'1.^0 ^ ' '

t l iry will eoi'ie IMM-JI aw f; trv :as 'Cam-di'O. J . t,'.. whore an extencU.il- staytt-ill Uc m a d e . (> - . t i . i i i '•• ' • ,.

order to tfivo a Hunt ion to tho matteinf ovqpfft.'lijiin. ' His sulijeot Kuudayovt'iiiny will be- "'Sidftraeked." -.

fer Sunday

from the u i .1 "Today, after taking only, e

tle of T(inine:, I n m stronger and feelImt-

n;; will im-ludf tlie piay'iiiK: of tlie better than 1 have for a IIMIR time.i chimes, which Mr, Stnn-,.1 I seem to 'wet 'more KOOII from my

d d d i i hley has unlarked and which win hehoard by themse.iytion 'with gospel solos.'

and in eonnec-

Wifc- , dreamed last niyht that I.

c«i mo there?" "Wife—"I did—thenT knewTopics.

T was . dream ing."—Town'

ee w e K yfood ;ind my nerves uro (iteadiei- thanthijy'vc heiiiyin' \ve"eks. I want (tlwomen In knowfor

iuit Tanlac

/IViuliio, (he pi'eniier ' preparation,^vyAi?I^~i^(i,nfh)rM^M]Aby^Ho.,ni:uiy,i.lH..bct,

Jenkins & MecUtr's, A call dot's notobligate you to purchase,- <;

• ^ r " ' - ^ : " - : ^ / i r i ? - ^ : : . ^ r . ••'!••-••• :i-:

There NeverWas a Time

when it was as importantto know who makes-the,

"~~s noe"as" i t ~i s"n"ow:- irI i"i s-i=i=

mor.e important tha;iever to rely upon stand-ard, high-grade shoe-making; shoes producedby people with a repu-tation to sustain.. Thename

REGALrepresents more than an•'•_

= i ; v i d f = I i = t J :;

;of value, of service,"ofresponsibility to the ,wearer.

We are proud of hav-ing the Regal agency.,

HEIBERGER'S239 Noriharaptoi-Sfc=±=i


I:LU- I* Cn'dlto

I'm-Miam to Ilir onlff nl' tlio Knr-rnrfliKf of Ihi- County nf - Warren, ninilfton tlie t wenty-sfcimd day . nf l>coem-l.er A. H. niiK'toen liniulrud and .six-teen, niitict! is litTPby giviMi to, Jillpersons liavhifr claims aKiiinst - tlieRsluti"' of J a n e Kttill. late n( tin* ijounlyof Warian, deceased, to jirosent thesnnio lu 'the subscriber, her executor.

wfivonteun," 'li'einW nine inonth.s fromthe dale of mild order; -and anyereiiitor neKloiain^ to hriiiK in »"d ox-liiliit Ills oi- her elniniH under oalb oralllrmallon, within the lime so limited,

, will be "forever barred of liis or her.act ion.awainst . the said executor.I OODFUKV F. ^I-:,\HFOSS.la ?.. .-, Kxucutor, KiiHtuu. f1"-! DiilinirJ^ec. 22, 11)1«. . -

tli ' , ' A mum I .Meeting "I1 Uie SloehoMortJ yr.-Tli(.. .\Viirri!n...l '*miinlry.«ndMaeliiiHrConiimiiy, will lti> lii-bl o n ' U i el^Lh.tlny "nC I-V'liMinry, I in 7. nl n.o '«l»clcIn tin- W o i n m n , ,-u' t h e • p r l u d p n l ullieeor^l l ie 'eoinpai i .v . No. If!:!. .. SMtfrenveMslrcel , ' r i i l l l ipf lnirw, New" Jersey . t;ii;l|i«_J»nrpi.)Ht'_ ril'^ elecilliiK. a, b^a.rd nl(llreoiorN,: and Iiit?<:elvMiK"1.'~iiiHr"-I1iu:.iiMH->i|inn l.lio-'>.ve.iieriH !«if tin; nlllt^fru, andfur Hie Iran^ael iui i of such n lber b.uwl-niiMM aa m a y prupor ly come befnriSl'tbe

t t r

There's' ,.; v;vOpportunity^

nuct t i r^ . • , .A. L. KKII.KV, Sec ,v.

l.)ii toil: J a n u a r y loth, 11> 1 T,_ ' 1':

Star.n»(lIJT:hric(i-a-Week-EWorld, '$2.

Vullci- ol' Si'Hli'iiu-nL^N'otice Ks hereby'nlven that tlio ne-

otninbi of the .subseriber. fidniinistra-ter or Frank AV. 1-tncli, ileeoaHeil; willbe audited and .stated by. the .Kur.ro-;t?rtte, lind rciporled in the Orphans1

Court of ;'lli« Oouuiy'of.: Warren onJi'li'tnv; Ihe •sceond1 day nt Februarynext, "nt 10 'o'c-luek a.m., in the lerm

liir=f^r4^Lif^?.Pf^^«o^iny^stinj2nt.^Vt"no* period in Wash'fnetoii li'Ss tiro

demand tov Uoniea been so yrentand insistent—frpin without mwell as within. i ; ,

The dciiKind is mostly for smalhouses with modern conveniencea

: which can be rented at it prico; that will p.'iy.a good income uthe investment. "

True, matoriul and labor nrohigher than they used to be, but

•- 'neither Will ever drop to tho oldlevel; renta must therefore como

,, up to tho new level. );, '°; Keep your money out of oi

WlTere^y6Ti"cun eeo It, and iu.ip-fgood income.

'": Callaiia talk over with mo thoKood senHO and fnbsoluto batetv ofReal Estate Investments in Wash-ington. I cm help you with plansand furnish tlio materials.

Willard AUegerWashington, N. J. >

"""siirr"iinir TlVl icf-a^Wci-k New TnrlcWorlil, $2.00 In lulvancp. (1



m mm

Page 9: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern


^ ^ ^ ^

5,800 Copies Weeklyrepresent the moat remarkable circula-•.':.•. tion amon? the local newspnpera

• nf New Jersey : , THE "WASHINGTON STAR Se^ionvTwoiliiilSII


News Gleanings at Long an dShort Range

: XKW JI:USI:Y ISUIKI'S.A miitfrlal Ici'itiwn'as "near coal"

has heen found • in KUHHCX (Miiinty Inthe door jmrk tit l-:iUo Owamvi. ownedby .1. I1, lits-trtlii.il. 'The stuff Is found-0 feet !ieli>\v the Hiirface. In Hppear-nncc it irwkH like putty and In com-posed of hiird seeds and oth«r in;it»Tone-half Inch In iti:iineU;r. Whendried the mitlorial liecomos as hnrd asrock. The v l n illHcowrml IH aboutlives feel-thick •iiiifl. c'ciViTs over <J0OiieioH. The •jrturr, when 11«hted. wivesforth a KrMit huat, leavlriK ;mlms likethat of a clKiir., It liiiiy l-o used as aHiibstitute for coal.

Now .lersoy is i-oiistderliitf tho pos-sibility (if founding :i • Stntn IM.ILM:body Kiniilar In the one niaintjiim-'lliy I'ennsylvanla. The State pi-tk-e of

itlip nelwliborhiK I'dmn'innwwiUlr Is a-reniarkably ,rlllclent liody. I-asi yearits 228 inemliors. o(H<:(;rs ;tnd men,niade nvor 3,000 arrests; 'tmiliiriiiiK •!"•fur' mui'der. More than T.,000 callswore iiuule for tho aid of the Statt;polleo during the (inst yeiir. Then:is nerd fiti* Hitch u'hmly 111 this State,a foree «iy of DO trained men.

Kdward ,1. • 'Wnmlfili. a '.'HOTIIIRMIriver pirate, of Jersey City, was, it isiilleKod. murdered by other river |d-rate.s last week been use he '-efusedto divide tin; proceeds of robberies.It is wtliM.v ono of the Rani? whomade a confession -this;-week that af-ter WVndall was slain nt Uutherfordthe slayers danced mi the body «<ftheir vfetini, breakinn: his ribs, sev-eral lingers and an arm.

Alphca nf i ' lnelutm. an Ainei-icaniriieniMey cow owned hy 0. I>. Cleve*hind of Kat on town, neiir K<'<i Hank,hits been dillclally rftflsloreil us thebest iiillk-i>rodiiulni; ei.w in Xe\v .Irr-sev. A yearly record of the milkKlvi'ii by the cow shows she producedlast yt'iir li.717 poimds of milk jmd

.• Sio,-l*3. iioumls of butter fat. Thei-ijw'H average pi-r cent, of fat was.".-IB: '

Ilown lH'Oiind Salem the cost nfliving- in IJOIIII: lowered by tho eatlnn• if "wat-r rabbits." Trappers haveboen t.-ikljip in the swainps in the•vicinity «>f Salem about I.Oftn imii'k-rats w.-eklv, and there lins dev.'lopeda. sironIT ilenrmd foi- their carcasses,which j'r» sold a t :i i-eiisniiabli- priceand uW»;li nr<» to b.> found s:er\-cd upnistefully on tli" tables uf the thrifty.

IVter $\nU>r '>f tlleii (ianlii'-'r lias;i Wliiu; l.eL'hur-i lif'ti whieli has: at-li-iupted in 'Wl into the I/idy KKlftn-

•-tlllO-I'ltlWS. Til- IM.l'..-; •.VilF-tl(lt(.'ll"ilApril IMSL nii'|'hi>ir:ui lnylnsr Sl.pt. 11.I>rucItiL'lnv 13 eir^s the Imlann' of thr.:innnth. Klic Itihl •'-•=' "KT--* t'i 'Xtob.-r.

•• -1 in November, '-I In ln-c(Mnl>cr. andsin.- is .«t!ll ili>p~<"'tl»!7 : t" "K" iI:lil-v ll>

'.l.jl.li'rtl HUr<l..;>.'wln' .•"udiKU'd theihmt'M'dnii liult'pi-ndent ror \1~> years.di,.-.l i.ii-l weel: at the age nf.Tr. years.lie wan :i native nf HtitUenlnn county,served in the. Civil War. ami was aineniber of the New Jersey KdiloilalAssociation, Through his tn-wspiiporwork he did much for Kivncliiown.where he lived and where his paperwas published.

A State-wide hivesfjfiutiim into thepi-lees of Tood to be. ciuiilneted withthf aim of llndint,'means to lower theprices is SODn tn be launched at New-ark. lU'prcsentruives of tho SuiteDepannieni of Agriculture and other

, State departments have been invitedtn lake pan in the crusade.

Simon Miller, a well known M'UJi-.smi iuer(!hant. was ground to pi*^eson thiv Ijickawaiinu ft. U. tracks atiMadison earlv Monday morninc. Me

'"••liiiil ~U'"fl"-ii'-liroinirtyMio had recentlytho

Itnn ilnwii liy II bijj motor bus car-rying it dozen of hl.4 fellow workersat tho powder works in Kenvll, .Io-Ke|>h Vlvlnii of Milm Hill was killedas lie was walking to work.

In an endeavor to (-eononiixe onpaper, the pupils in the Orange..schools iire now required to write onboth .sides of the sheet and to reducemargins.'

Somervilie has followed llie>oxain-ple of i'hillipsbur^ and has nrL-aniz-ud .» trust, company to handle iinan-iiial matters not handled by nationalhanks.-

The strike of workers in the or^'iindepailineiit of the Aeolian Co. at.Westlield itas eoine to an end, theworkers "Kettinir an ailvitnco in wai;es.

In order to keep a c«n»k In hl.s fam-ily a I'atersoii man «ive« her not onlyitlKh wa^cs liut the free? use of a ino-tur far run by his chauffeur. ' • :

r;i;.vi:K.\Ti xr.ws xorn:s.The new "lO-ei.-nt pieces are now In

circulation in some t.f the hit; clti«'s.This (join is. supposed to typify"I'eaee and 1 'repareilness." t »n oneside is a feninle liKiire in Creeianrobes bearing in one arm the sheafof plenty. The liKiire Is Kointf for-ward, representing prri^ress. The.KlnrioitK >>ld inottit, "III find We

Trus t . M whiclr has been located atthe top or the old co ins in clear let-

t lers, haw been shoved down at theI side of the • MKUI'C, while the other,"K i'luribus triiiim," has been ioreedinto a less conspicnoits place. Thenew coin won't buy any more muttonchops than the old fiO-cent piece. •

"litiffiiln Hill" IK dead, l.'nl. Wll-liaiit !•' (*odv, wlm was ^iven thename of •'liulfaln uiltV in 1ST.S. hehavini,' been Iilred that year by theKansas Pacilic K. \i. at f'.on to kill\-2 buiralofs a day, to feed tin- work-men who wen,- luyiMK ne.w trackswest, In IS months lie shot I.1!SO ofthe animals. He had been a famousscout, Indian IlKhli-r and frontiers-man and In later years a threat show-man. He was. a generation a^o, thehero nf 'millions of ynmiK Aineiican.^.lit* was buried on the lop of a •moun-tain near 1 'enver, C.d., where he die'Ja week HKO.

. llobofs possessing Kood bii.od arehaving tile time <>f the.ir wanderiiif,-Hves at Malllmore this winter. . Theyare submittliiK' tn bb>od transfusion,and their blood has frniiL- into theli<idles of suitie nf llallhuore's bestcitizens, river IftO hubnes have beenriven SI each for -blond tests ando\\-r 'i\t have submitted tii bloodti-anyfu^ion, tiettiny: %»» for eaelitransfusioit. Those whose blood testsup to tho .standard HIM sivon $1 a day

| until" heeileil at the hospilai.s in or-! der to keep themselves in ffoo/l cou-ditl'in fur transfusion. .

Six New York poultry in on havebeen arrusted charircd with murderin the tlrst ilewree f«ir. it is alleged,havini,- inyti.uaUMl I he slaying of I tar-net Itaff. a rival poultry dealer, twoyears aK". v.'hen he fell at. the IIIMHIS


Timely liii'oiinalion ICultitlVL* n» l-^lu-('.•itliiliiil Actlvltli's 'niriHisliotil'

SiJ(it.T*lilllio\vci*s Distrlc;!.At a recent meeting of the board

of education of I'ohatconh' township,a proposition for remodeling tho Car-,pr'iitervlile. scluxit -luiililHitf was mkottii|». This ImildiiiK, when remodeled,will me'H the requirements of theSuite UuildtiiK code, and will betnudea standard school.

The bnard of e d u c a t i o n ^ Ibirmo-ny township a t tlie last menthiK dis-cus.-!etl._rlle nvi-rerowdcd condition ofthe school at UralnartR The primaryj;rnde has over lid pupils enrolled. Itwas decided to hire an additionalteacher, nue-hulf the pupils wlllat-tend school from S.80 to 1^.30, andtlie other hair from 12.30 to -1.30.

The l-'ranklln townsliip board helda meeting Jan. IX. A committee wasappointed to obtain grounds, plansand costs for the erecibm of a newfour-room school building at Astmry.

The < ixford . township board hasiiboiit di'cldi'd iiprni a site for a newsix-room sehot>l ItnlKltrm. The pro-Ju«l will be taken, up in a few weeks.

At a recent meeting of the I'arent-Teaclierx' Association anil board ofedtteation. of 1'aliaipiarry township,lite salary of Miss Katheriue. lirlnkwas raised 1>> fir. a month . :

Miss Maud DnwiliiK has been em-ployed to teaeli tin* primary prude in.Stewartsville. Miss Uertha Tftylor hasresikMied to lake a position in South•Jersey.

hurltitf the months of Septemberand iictol.er district elerks of Warreneoiiuty made. !i« visits to schools inthe •'county, other members of theboards of educati-m made »4 visits,l-'or ihi-Hi- two months 7,S visits were-

made bvmedical Insueeturs and " U'by attendance oHlcors. :

The teachers of the county, exclu-sive of I'hillipsbiu1;,'. visited tlie homes•of -Ufi patrons.1 •

The attendance ollicorK in Whiteand Harmony townships, with lesspupils enrolled than last year, in-

i creasi'd tin> atteiulance during themuiithH of September, and Octobero\-er ",IMMI days. This will inereiisethe apimriionment for these districtsnext year approximately to theiiiiiotint of 3S0.

Mr, Aubrey, a elileken specialistfrom New lirunswiek. ' s|>f nt lastThursday in Warren county talking

j to chicken clubs In the public schools.•Mr. • Aiiluvy has planned to come to

i the county once every six weeks inorder to help the 'teachers in theirefforts tn yet the boys nml'tflrlK of theHclinols interested In ebicken raisinu.

Mr. Mel'alluui spent Thursday andKriday talking to corn clubs, cow-tL'stiiif,' clubs and garden clubs in thepublic .schools. ' :>" '" "••'

A circular letter has be.-n sent outfrom thu'county siipiriniendeul'.s or-lice to the boards of education of thecounty outiib-d. -.Suhtiid UtulKbt for1317-1S." Heading are set forth un-der twri iraptio'iis. 'receipts and . ex-penditure's. This is done for the pur-pose of facilitating the work of theboards of education in planning forthe schools .next year.

i been hired to "put him out of. thej way." The men were arrested as aresult of tin- confession made hy An-tonio Canlinale, who states he sm<rIppilUo Gtvco Were Ljivcn S4.S00 tokill Iiuff. ,

A week UKO. efe'ss were sellinc inICn^laud at from !M) cents to SI.11 adrr/.en. The re.cnipt nf. I T>.000,000 eiiusfrom, the United Slates there a fewtlaysimo made the price drop to COcents a dozen for the freshest variety

railroad track a. few minutes befonhe met, his untimely death. .. :Tlio. State H o a r d of Health hasannounced that after April 1 it will'prohibit the salt: t>f •milk in - Xew .-'.Tei-

ill alsKle

id the lu: riotiei • e l l -^ low as tlireo cents apiece, tlie

purchasers u> take their chances• intheir .soundness. .

H sometimes happtMis so. CharlesSchmidt, i.f Anil Arbor. Mich., started

I; KllieiL'iicy in tlic Monie.1 Mrs. Kmiik A. "I'atli.son. an c.\-{ president of the N, .1. .State Kedera-] tion of Wnmcn'M Clubs, will deliverfour lectures in the ball room «>f the

t Hotel McAlpin, New 'York, at 11I o'clock nn the following Tuesdays:|.Ian. #j:j. I>*eb. L.'O, M.arch "0. April 10.j The .-ieries of lectures is to be jfivenin eompliiiieiit• u> the clubwomen ofNew .lei-H.ty by the Hotel .MeAlpin.

i which is their New York ottlcjalI head(|U:!rter-s.S • Mrs. l\iltis<m*s su'tjeets will be:. .! l.! "Scientific Management in the

Eloiiie."•2,' •'Persona! ICIlicieii'jy in the

Home." '.'I. "The Home as a business."•1. '•The Soul of the ilimie." •Mrs. i'altison is the wife of the

noted architect, [•'rank Ambler I'at-tison. • Her honu.- at Colonia has been

IL «in also sjlop the sale of., milkfrom any dairy in which ccmditlonsare found tnJbe prejudicial tn health.

Men members nf the . KpiscopalChurch at CollliiKtHvncKl will brenk

"1f'-rmni'V I)Vi-i1^ lVvTf!M; .he^v:vU!Ar l>r l l i e

"stiirt 'i'i::vli»f: Twniit j - !i\ e meinbers Iof the men's club chum they will lln-I«h diffshiR* ..the cellar in one (lay. -\• Hecause Anna. - Maleehe (if New ;r.ruuswlck re.ieuteii Steve Koleser. finadmirer, three deaths resulted. K"-leser shot ihe nirl. AS he was inaUiiiu'an attempt, to escape, lie shut amikilled .lames Honnclly. n watchman,and a, puliiiciuan killed ICulewr. .

.Former Chancellor William ; JayMiisie died early in the week at ins

'.homo in lOlij-.ahelh as a result of afall ho riiceived last October, when hebroke a hip. Hi! was S4 years old.He was chosen chief justice, .in. ISilTand 'uhiimiclRif in iflOO.

-,t Mayur Mount oC liurliuKton has'J.'vUKKcsted that in connection with

i:io:m-up.Woek there, that mic day beset aside for tho .hunting: of ra t s : ItalHhare Infested niany hiiihlftiH's ..thornmid ni*«. considered n menace to thehealth of the city. ,.

The lihildroii of. iKjver are to havea supervised playground. Tlie Lack-"awanna U. R. Co.- will donate at aiK/in|n»l yearly rental of $l • ulj;litacres of its-land near the.center of theLojyji^wh[e.jl^v^U^ a

The freeholders of Morris county. have, voted Sl.nOO to maintain tfiecounty farm dcmonsti-ation ollice. The•State • pays an equal •amount for the.wjrvico which hits been of K'nuat valueto the farmers of the county.

While returning froin a tnippingexpedilioii; Andruw Km-iiteh, 1". whoran away from his homo at Perth,Amlioy, was> killed by ; an expresstrain, north of Somerville. He hadMeveral nni.skrats with him.

- -'.-.••Tho' lioilf-'O- of •.:Dover•.-are- making'war on painlmirs. A Kaniblini,'. plae.e.\v:i.s riitdecl there Saturday 'night, and11 jiersiins nrrcstcd, the pri'priet"-

byl were mix.

yliar] <niitrrelled with her. The day the from all over the world whsuit wii.s tiled, it was announced that ii,Us tn see Us elecLrieul huuseholdMrs. Schmidt had become heiress to equipment.' While president of thuSI.000.000. Schmidt is distressed, x, j , l-Vderation, -Mrs. Paitis-on wasHis wife, angered because lie wanted asked hy a large publishing coneeivito divorce 'her, has liled a separate to Write a book on domestic en.^ineer-

, .."fc -. .;'!of • T^isatilo, who- Is secretary of LinIliiank iiiul Trust Co. oC that city andwho is 5.1 yours old. Me has held theoiUce 2B yours.

The. inoinlmr* oi" former Gnv. Klcltl-. or's milllary utiirt1 nreseut"d h l n i : u

. a dinner in Nevt*. Vork Htiturduy agold rnponim'g" whtchr'suitably in-scribed, nnd a chain, as a mark of

• ' their esteem., .'..i '• . . :

' A trael of land at Hydo TnrU,Hdcmi'i'ville, Sussex county,-:,htis"been

.' iriven to'tlie. Dominican Sisters of the

ennyent \yill bfiMnHIlt on. Uie tract. |

torpart of thai of thn artist's model.Clraee Colveru at. Philadelphia, tookplace at Columbus,. 0. . . last. week.•lien Mo Hin ph-

.she afterwards wrote anU publishedherself the tlrst hook on domestic en-gineering, whofe title- i D

r,' was slain :in the bust hotel of (heliy. W'eldon II. Wells, a Kans-is Cil.v•ruke.r'H clerk", was arrested this week

for the crime at MimtinK.Um, Iml.'. William, II. Ilitchie, a. retired

I'l-fKbyterian minister of !'.r.>oklyn.lias been arrested for the alleged s:ileif hiibit-fonniiif;1 CII-URS. Me is well

LO do, and claims that hitTiiiTcst wasnot justilied, as ho, merely sold druysto. men and women lie is curing: nf tin;..II-UK; habit. Mis arrest created n sen--:ation.-The big live- and len-cent stores,

whii-h. have of | ; i ( v be.en IVeliiiL,- thehiHii ctisi of stuck, have decided toadd lf>-eent departments to --"theirstores after March I.1- i.iiuiin: the Ii-atifl Ill-cent eompantes tUd businesslast year amounting to over ."US7,00!),-0 0 1 ) . • . • . - . • - ' • • "

:- •

An a narcliiHtic plot. u> assassinatei;. S. Kenator-eleci and Cov. 'MinimW. .Johnson of California has I.ecu

licrknian, anarchist leader, at Kan

.Tin- yearly report of the New YorkAssociation for Improving l.he Con-dition uEylhe. Pour carries the Infor-mation that IKi per (-out. of the pov-erty in the. metrnpulis Is directly (hieto sickness. . ' ;. '' In its campaign ajialnst.Lho spreailof diphtheria, the linard'nf Ilenilh:of SiroudsburKr"'ViM barred childrfmunder 1 •! years of age from a.tleiu1lii.i;"Siinday-.tiehool .and - niovin^ picturesslHIWK.

.Hiroutlshurt? Is ' to become a centerfur the production of mm-ing pic-tures. The lOlite Co. will soon, haveiL.JlUy.Llll;JJlL..*>Pyj'L1tloni>-t.hpi'e for the

| |erick Taylor, the great, clliciency en-gineer, a graduate of the schoolDrama tie.—Art. and attended ClarkfniVnVSifyt^

Club presidents ;pil other womenprominent in New ; rsey are amongthe list of pjuroiiessTr-, as: Mrs.. Thas.I:; Yardley, Monoi-a1>« Viee .Pivsidom.1C.eueral l-Vduration of Women's Clubs.]-"ast < "Tango: Mrs. .Andrew . .1. \ o w -bury. ex-1'resident. N. .1. State Feder-ation of Wimien's Clubs, Snug Har-bor, Simon Island; Mrs. Howard ('.-Warren, e.v-President N. .IV Htate Kod-.criittou of Women's Clubs, Princeton.'X. .1.; Mrs. John Schermerhorn. Chair-man LegisiaTive Dept.. X. .1. S. V. t.fW.'s Clubs. Kast ' inuigi-, X. .1.

This series of lectures was,arrang-ed hy Mrs. II. W. Whipple. 'of llael-;-etlst.owii, ami .Mrs. K. M. Woodruff,vice president nf . the HackettsiowuTown Improvement .Society, is one ofthe patronesses.

To the Policy-holding Outliers of The Prudential.,Insurance Company of America: -%

During 1916 your Company issued OVER FIVE HUNDRED A N DNINETY-ONE AND ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS of paid-forlife insurance at the lowest" expense-rate in your Company's history. This is thelargest year's business ever paid for by The Prudential. The gain in insurance inforce was $283,000,000, r " . ^ :

Although your Company is but forty-one years old, you are nov/ the holdersof 15 ,000 ,000 policies, representing a total insurance .in; force^of L O V E RTHREE BILLION DOLLARS. , : [•' ? " • • / -. r ;;'

Since your Company was organized it has paid to'its^policyholders, thegreat sum of M28,O00,O00 5 including more than $ 2 8 , 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 not called forin any way by the policy contracts. The 1916 payments^to policyholders wereover $ 4 7 , 2 7 8 , 0 0 0 . ' •;• ; , : v •••'" ;, :':

: :.: ' ; ' : ;'

This wonderful growth and these remarkable figures'reflect anew the confi-dence the insuring public has in The Prudential, and are a reindorsement of itsaims, its achievements and its service. •. ' -;

' ' . >":7 : ''

A ;

SnStirance Company of jamcrtainioVoiakdundttthKlaxiefthzSlcteofNcwJcntu

Hom« Office, Nciral , N. J. Slr.ncfc Offices in All Leading OUtl


. 'J'hi! funeral of .Mrs. l;oliecc;i. Ai-Hk(!rinnn. v;U\nw nf AWraui Ackcriunnof Me.lvidere, lonk place I'nim lu-rliiti:lu-.mn in ISelvlilere on 'I'lHjsday iiflei-i n, Uev. A\*. S. Koblns her pas-tor, ollleiatiny. Her d<>ntli ocnm-ri-ilFridiiy cvciiinir aft or an illness ox*lundim; over sc-veral months. lliM-a^ewas 7S ye-ii'S nml she is survived byOIK. snii. l-'rank Aekerman oC XewYork, and three' dau{thicr«. Mr.s. Gen.Itntlet' of Xazarelh, I'a.: Mrs. l.iicyMaUill of CiiieaKo; .Mrs. Annie Hutier.who lives at home, ami nmi lu-olbi'i'.thn veucral.ile Adam H. .Seai-les i.fI'.olvidere, and one sister, Mrs. Wil-liam lioseiilmry of iUunde, liul. KhoW a h d u y b t r Ai '•"I'qjliiilH^St'Jirlsy

e,dauybter AH l i l ' f


: Conil Kdiuls mid l 'a'rin VJIIIICS., Th'o itTdnence of road i'mproveinentson the \siluo of rtirsil property wnsstated in ». letter recently Kent to theM:iinifiietiircrs Iteeonl l»y the prcsl-ilenL of the l'n Hi tn ore. ComniercltilDiink, whfV wrote: "Aroutnl my homotown in Virginia, projierty could hol,»oitf,'lit.tlireo yeiirs ago for $(i0 lo JSOiirt acre. • Wo put. a line rond ;si>verulinileK throuRh. that county," iiml todayyou' 'amnot buy' anything for lossU * l A 0 l i h U U

111 tho l ink's . \ v l * 5 < vvoll rvllioillhor-I i n l l i y t Ji e rMW.QiV'' • T tli;il town. Shewas a dci-ntcil nf' ,l«'l- of lllii l l e l l i -

I fHllsl, i:tuiri'li and ' \V; IK native In the1 • " • Aid SiH'lety.N ,

I'or iTiiiitiMi'y Ilitis'ttTy Weather.put your-jihtfttd under n .yood Kiii'^niior an Australian AVool Auto Cap.v. We have, some K'O.od bni'Kains inl'Vr:'Oaps~bir:liiirid, '



Never a season Hue .this before: Goods very high in price and hard to get at that, and no prospectsof any,change except to go higher than they are now; .yet, in,spite of all this, we are going toyOfJer ourentire stock of Men's a n d Boys ' C lo th ing at a Grea t Sacrifice jor.,justlwp..w^ek^Sj::^)r_.the

'balance"of'thi's='fiibritK Now, don't take^our word.for'anytiling, but just come arid see if we don't offermore real value for the money than any other store in this part of the state. ,,

Our Entire Stock of • ..

Men's and Boy|^ Overcoatsat the folIowingiPrices:

All!? 7.50 Men's Overcoats a t . . . . . . . . v $" = 1 0 . 0 0 . "-•." 1 2 . 5 0 "•'•" 15.00 "

: " 18.00 ":r " 20.00 "


OVERC,OATSAll $_5,00 valuesare now.'. $

~ •' "=^6; 5\r~-! '•—'-"• 7 . 5 0 "" ' 9 . 0 0 " ' •" • • 1 0 . 0 0 "" 1 2 . 5 0 "

" " 15.00 •"





•We Also Offer Every

Man's or Young Man's Suitin the store, plain or fancy (black and blues ex-

—,...._. jcepted) aJ:Jhe.foJlowing sA l l M e n ' s $ 8 . 5 0 S u i t s n o w . . . . . . ." " 1 0 . 0 0 " " . . . . . . ." " • 1 2 . 5 0 " ""• " 1 5 . 0 0 " " . . . . . . ." " . 1 8 . 0 0 :•" -v-" . . . . . f . ;" " " 2 0 . 0 0 • • . • " ' ' • •••••" . . . . . . :

. . . . $ 6.80

. . : . 8.00ifJ.OO12.0014:5016.0020.00

AH Men's. Young Men's, Boys' or. Clriklren'sBLUE SERGE O I T B L A C K SUITS of any style

; or quality will be sold for a short lime only at a-discount of 10 per cent. ...-,?

: Our Entire Stock of//

Knickerbocker Suitsfor Boys and Children will be sold at the

; following special prices: sAll $2.50 Knickerbocker Suits now. . . . . : . .$2.00

" ' 3 . 5 0 • •; ; r

\ ! • • ' , . • : " • • ' . " . . . .

" - . . 4 . 0 0 • • ••••• i ! t

• • . • ': " . " . . . . .

5.00 ^zi.iL.."___J_i'__"J_. .^,~~^ : " T(~T^T~r5:o"o"

" " " . . . 600


6.507.509.00 7.25



We also offer the balance of our stock of

"• Men's Bath Robes :

at a great sacrifice^ for. immediate.saIe^,_-All. are-in1;nice_^-_"new styles and patterns and in all sizes, as follows:

All S3.75 Robes now / . $3.003504004.50

" " . ' 6.007.00

' !f

Page 10: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

lteilSSsS&?M::S^^:'-v>:^. ''•••':"'

\m•prify-^'fShQ coumy tax lioiirtl IKISWIIs{^^)'tlio; llolvlilyrii appoiils sis fol2^';;,v:Mr«/Oiirrle I;. Mnrkey;


-$3,9r>0, reduced $:i50: I-Ynnk•Hair.;;scC3cd f ! $ 0 0 rid $70 H"ford : U.;; Jlfi.OOO,

wilt* i t ' l n rK" ttttomliuifo Itiwli\v»: I nlnht ill Hit1 i i i iniutr s u p p e r in t h "

for j I'lvsltyu-rlitn elifipul iinili-r the misipi-of" tlu? liostnl nf • ti'tiMtt'i's. More (

for! (2-100,' ruiluuiril $700; Bum- j thrill a tmmlrcil : i tcfur j tiVMSiiry of the c h u r c h wits

;-C.::O.::Albcn..us»c!wc(l for $<if.oo, us- jau.stuitu'd; l'oiiitsylvniiia

Uu>III. U-llU-h Wlft lit! UWUll

llullroml Company; iuwmiuil'fur iL'SS".; hrail furM. li. Al|iitut,*li in iiu-umiiiK a

-''reduced $17!

:. ror-

.1. •ISiwh iif Kim_ _ . ! Urs. John \\\ Kiu'iT. {aultmil was shut hy .Mr. Uiisli :iiul >u> j su

?s A. Ouhtke. rmvfisnu,;

j intends )MV."pntintf U to a clult Int>\ 'flu- do. \WlKlipd ' l S O t u h

liy ^reduced 3:100,/ The White township j pound.*. Mr. Alp:utt-'U 1ms seveni! j Wof:' : , si» ik'«snioiH iigaiuttt "ilie Itiielihnni ; stiuinvl,*, •pltniAtiiti* :iiul fom'A niotint- I. i;i:i'r \".T:.-'•'.'> H\trlnKS Wnter Company was reduced i ctl ready tVr tk'tlyi-ry. *•'»• .J: ; " ' i ; u n . a c c o u n t oC u 0Ulrica 1 error., \ Hew .laneuay Cordon ranie Sa tu r - ; Mas

' ^ ' r 1 ? Aeo l l i c U ^ r w h o n i mimniy Wi-mv.l . .!;<> IY.MU '"'Pliutf.-M. Mai;::., to ; :tvy!-t ; j;<ni . . . . ." ' tu own .ran al*otit the s t i v e r for .»<n- in die n-Wiai .•vi-Woe* in flu-. ,Mt'lli»»- : imtntlrtx hy blowing uyi>vvui-a l day*1. Ho w a s very iVk'iully and ,11st clmrt'h. whf.-h a ie !...-lni: li-M , in th-> attic of Illscni l ilays. Ho »!!» very fr lui l ly .list r l m r l i .

tritni tn lind it lmnio. A f.;\v-: iiiiiniini-':i; i-vury i.inht uitl i tin- rXL-epttou i 'fS;it-" J he W.IB on Water strt-el iiliti aft .T : tirdiiyA-Vfiilil^'. Much interest Is I K -

i ' l tt i i V d l th thiB a n

ll.-Ia\v;trc.liail l'een des t r

ui-t HI ' IIHJ: -uni ts ' UVJ; rj.iith'.v-n-d suid tin- inefUn.t:s un: roiti 'd that there is hope of savin;:Lty down and (Her), TU. . .-.i-uiU'r s.th! '• lai*Kc.y ittltinlrd. : Hi" si^lit of 0110 i'>v mid posslMylit! died of a Itrokcn heart Ivcausv. lu-: Jit*. TlMioihy i:!nrd;i*i .•ittcrtaln.'d l.oth. • ' , ! < • < :

-ctttildn't Mnd'hlH way liomi\. During ilu- Aiiu3p!nK(» »'l't--> last nUht. a n d ' Klswurth llynmu caiin- IUM-<> Satin'-thu pact year \vi- h:"i\V had a • d-^.-n • y\rii. \ j . K. AliirUl-t tin- Art Kmf.nti.l- day to :-v<' his nepliow. Wsiyne Krug-.di'jrs, more or io.frf runnhm :tbmit tho ,.ry i-hiii The li-'sii-sse* nf !«<lh rhil.s 1,-r. who i« .suiV.-rlm: from pulmonaryMreets Jiiipaivinly homeless. Tluw VrnM dfllciot-*1 n-fres-mu-nti'. trniii>W>. Mr. Kytu.m was a CnlumliliiM'.;r» to i-oim- to tfnvn wfrh their o\v«-• Tin* ^.liMi-.-^ti'Mi <-f St. Ann*t* :lmy -nut w.-iu to \ v , - a r k yt-ais a^»

• c r s and fall to iviurn. ,T)tf>- vuii 'i 1"' ,-hinvti will' h-.dil JI supper In tin- •• ?nti>rin£r t'nc m.Mvantil*' ltusinw*.. and | JKood for. much, or the ow:i"r** would : . : i.|,(h,!!i. )««• uc.ir iln* chiin-U noxt • untU a tVu- w«-i;s aun was dhvjioi- ,.f j flook them up.- ' Thuiv.hiy cv.-niii",'. SIIHJ.IT will IK' !h.- hoard »( i'liN-holdcrs :

Town C'otmcil eU>etcd Mo^r*. ;.— , , ! f"f.».n ;..;!n -*'rlo.l; .MI. . M»r. .l,.hti Pivi^on, :u•Kearlf'si aiid Wilson ntiv. f. .'..tnmUtOf i.;tiw ['ell f'Tinvrly of Cluirl-.-*--- hy h.T jrlMml-'on, KnlMTtlo r the t'l-'ltil'K y « r anil S\\arls\.-i!li'f . ( t , , v u i',,. ,]V,V,-. ,,f• VhiHui'.d. hits piv- V.illt 10 Wtnd Hsip. Pit., Saturday, tand Harry ^how cojiunit;.-.-. Th" ,.-,/„.,] .,„ .irmui m ihc MetluKlis; visit !;,r djunilitcr. .Mrs. (Misif. MiniMayor made the fiillmvlni.' appoint- , . i r , r t . ] , \. [s t.,.ii;^ UMM! iif the S;TV- iels. !:->;.ert r.-ntnifd hnino Si'tunliiy ; -</.iijfiits: l-'ii-f—AlU-n ami Hojvr; <>i"- 5,.,. t ; , i s wt-,.|;. '• . . . lntt -Mrs. I>/.vis"ii wll! romahi for i*cv- ;•%£dinnmvs—S'carlcs and Wiiscn: !i::aiu-.' " ,', |-," |<.,n».i^t' p a ^ o d se\ :fral days ; '•nil Wi-t-!-v. •—Switrtywcllvr and Allvn; P-titi.-ns— h s , w ,; , ,i ; , . . l t i l |-,.!-Uiv(-s in Woo«iha- sMmlay iiiwht tin* Kpwm-ihB:ury an.l llov-r: unihiishi'd husliifw ; V l 4 ; | t !UM* ;,is.> iiuend.-.i tin* an- will IU-I*SI>IU tin* i-liim-li with mi ele«-—AUt-it and Harry. On motion tint . ,n,j,,,),^,, -),o-.v in X"W Vnrk. trie Iltrlit for the pulpit, a Hible ami.following wnKftcu-oro tixett for >V-TU ' " p u . m - Marnett. a Htudcut in the ; fonn- hymnals-. [ ^on the.Kiri'i'tM: • Hand. W c e n t s per N V \ ; nn n i l i U- i ( .h AurhMiltural ColU^«>, Mrs. lierfm ^liyd-r was called t<.hour : hiisiii and icnm, '•(! conis per , J,.,_u^4,,| ^(M11t;i',\' with his urandfatlkT, Pehtware- Sj-rtirday l>y the illness ofhmir; hor^c, cjirt n?sd .hand, $3,-*''.' i-e'r ; p 'urk'k >f"."nIiMi Mi'iir. town. ; ht-r mvindfathiM1. t 'oriielhis Mi-am.

, day. . • ' . • • • . * \lvjili Vii'irart' HarcUl All'rlu'lU a n d ! Mrs. Anna Sway;:.' iv turned Satur-y. , A./hinlorcluirtiij choir hiif j

organized In thp M. lv eiuiri'U t-yIhitthew. N, Dart-, the [•««nnmr.-i;iiteacher tn the lielvtdcre liisjh seliool,.It (.'(insists of about 'JO yi»un^it ml their l d

mr1 thef r i l l i l ; iy* ' '

i i i t u i i i i i l i l l i - :' i i i y n i u i ' i i . i

*** v\oOi^ a t L ^ * ' * * . ' ' ^ ...... . . » . » ' . . . . . . . . . - .ti\v in X.'W Viiik. Mis C U M Ilnnkrttfl Oitiiif here I-rl-Mt-'s'.h--niii.- and I'arl 'ara Cvnwv day to vlcit IIIT mnthor, Mrs. Annn r

, l r a . . W l l t y . . . . . . . , „ „ , : - ^ W n f r " " " - " 1 ' " " 1 1 " ! ' ' " • " - 1 B W . " . > * - . . - - - : • - - • • •<**.v fpItarriK, r. winter, .Is ear-Mrutcil lust sim.liiy cvciihis is •>( « i'.J.Vf,'' "i'li«ii : ; liw ln-uth.T. Wiiyii.. Ilrimlor. Siimliiy.

hi^li nnler iiiul will luld VL'i-y mittt-rial' ^ I r , t ) u l ' ^'[,,J _, [. si;inn>n anil • Mi- ^ AmniulH Cartiiu-i- \v;is •niU'1

ly to tilt church sen-Ire. . r-iniil" ' lieiiiiii "liousi'Uw.iiiiii.- llnnilny : HI l:i»l wi'i'li. •' •>>;I lurry Sral.<. tin- reul vwule man. ' • " ' " • ; ] ^ , " t . ^ , l M v , . , , , , „ ! | , v K , , , | . Hnylor illlliert h;is ilio «i-lp. •/.(.

hu« Just sold m Simon K. Mlnsinlievir- ' , . . , . , . . . '•. " i . —»—— " ' "or. our let- (Kr.ik'r. tliu lim.M. nml l.i: ; J | j B S ' | .-n;.,i,, . t | , l l m k y I'I( . l i ' i -oy I1K1IMAN" V.\I.M-:V. !

nil 1 ixfonl street nmv m-onpli.il by M. ^ • - ^ . ; ' K . , . , , k . , , , , , | ^rnvt. .if he r ; A n :iut.> t>..m:iliiln<.' twi. .in.-ti. skl . l - :s l-.jii-ly. Ihc. .pi-oiwi-t> b f l " ; - « ! . • ] i ; , , . , , m s . M , . . in,,1 Mrs . Daniel .Ihu-l.-y. ; , l t . , i ,,„ ,!„. ice Kit tmluy. u t l w n i ,ihc- lilair e s t a t e . ' . .Mr . JI. will niai .e , ' l l M |..v.;i M , , . , i i a . l s , v l s r i ,U ivncil > u m l uirneil t u n i c , c i i u ina . .ne of ilic •i . l terat oils mul Impi-m-i-meius alul 01- ( 1 . | | | n ; [ [ , , , . t l , | 1 . , 1 , . s , „ „ . , v l t | , relatives ,,,.ci,|iaiu-H head . T h e 'other osrapcil 'e n p y tin- place in th . ' s|i!i!i.^. • viu-oiHliln'i-" ! iniliiiri 'I'll.- c-lr n « d-iuvt-ed Tln'v •

The Od.l Fellows it Is sal.l are a.-- U< •;lM.^i%l^iu. SI l l lU.m ,„ l.afay- : X ; " wiroute io Haston ' ,•.viitiRlliB for 11 l.iir supper m one "f ,.,„. f.,,,,,,,,,, s , , . , n l a , ; u , . d a y and S u n - ' .Mrs. K. 1 >. Nmn.-lirli.-lit will iMltcr-• , . . .

.nil- hotels. I he j o i l i i i . i r n l M l . i w day a t his lloin.'. : tain the .Milsloll an.l l.llerary I ' l i c l o : ^also have in \-lo«-a series of MH-iabl-.-s , M r s i v . . . , . . , m | iop|i. .iKh i,,nlulit In hcui.r of the lSlb aniilver- , .<<•.such as weiv enjoye. 1 l.y the i;i..-!ubei-s • , , , . S l u u | , „ . ,„ , ' , . , . ]„„„ .„ , , , j n , l - ; „,[<r. • . .' '• ; M:"" . l t l . ' . 1 - 1 ' , 1" . ! 1 . y . ! v ! : " ' ^ . : r t " l '.W.:....„. "•• Valley. • . . • • . Jlf. and Mrs. K n « Parker ' l u v e ; 5 *

yfrom' vMtliiK

y .Mrs-. 1:. Smith ..f Newark


yA bit; foive i>f'.ni«n.;uv at work

Vtvparlns x\\t- way ;'or tire IH-U- K•><y*eut stflci railroad I i rMv. Athfin art1 a number m' .MfXiea-is w!n>

'nwm to l«t> fr.»»d:nu-:i to wurU i:;nlwho attfiul ittrledV to b\!:-lii,^s.

.lames I'., [ i rwn . .'••xV of i;-v. .1:de Hart l"ru ..•!!, i - .«tienitiiu:- a i'.-w•weekw al his former h'»me IHMV.-.He i.s now a i-nsid*-nt n{ Swttilf. \Va>Ji-'limtmi, wlu-n- he is an aUt,'ri>ey m \.\w\- .ThfSuiiiiiif Veterans ' and l.mlit»*Auxiliary in«altetl ntuVvi-* Mondayevenlnir. l.ewish ,l"ish','r' I'llu-iaiii)^ ' in•the tirst instance .ami 'Mrs. Chark-.-• UaUer having ch;ir^e of Uiv !uiu-r.

A'mmi'ie:1 of •nrirTUTzf^-jittemlcdiho inausuiM! (•.•rem<'i:i--.< nt Trvulw*mi Tuesday. l.»Mtft Uii^w how maity

1 ri>tiiriieti with the promi-^- or u piumin their p'jclu-ts.

Henry Lattemajn:. our expivssiiuutlias a tine In^1 l-.i'-'V a.11 his inc'.ti'. nt-a•ttnvn. l-k-nry say,, tli..- buy u H i . l '

.. a .jrivat help to dadily in a i'--w y.-ars

pent Sunday will! hl< ivtunied from a Hsil of several n > e l i s ! / / .','. .-isi.T. Mrs. lo'O. Kilcy, in I'liillil'S- ui lh their son William in Klizal.etll. ] 'f.fi~ I...ire. ' .lollli C. Welsh h.is completed lillill? : VV, TsTry I'rovaii I'.'is he.'il passing I,}., hirt,-,. . ' icamery u'ehouse. whi.-li : yy' >-I'VI-A\ d o. ' with r e l a i i v * in llrook- liol.ls nearly r.aa |o;ids. i//

. lyn. • ' .\|r.>. .'.i-o. OresKinan has been cailc.l / / •,v .\...ss will Uv c..l..l.i'at-d in SI. Ann's i,, Weissiiorl. l'a.. l.y til.' death of her ; ; / £. hi'.l'ch Sainl.ty nioniiil!.- at s o'clock, lather, .'has. Xusbaum, \rt,; VM< Jlaruare! lliaslns spent Sun- • ,\|r. and .Mrs. Wm. Cleveland arc . £ £

-K'.y \\i\\\ friends in South Hastim. : i-isitiiH'. their tlauuiinr. .Mrs. .lames • X^!\s: Kin.-hart of S.rainon is the ; Morrison, in Newark. ]//•

su-st of relatives In town. ' JINs Louisa i.'u.jl onteruiined liiss.^.^J.Mis. .lohl! ShroiH' is recovering ' week for ;'. .short visit All's. H;iyinL.n..l i j f5

from an att;.cl; of ^rip. \ Ilamlcy of I >iinell..|i. • > /1'r.if. i:. l>. Petty uf New Yel'l<: Mr. and Jh-A John N. Krone had' St.

was ia town Sunday. as a cuest on Punday their sen Clar- ' vf•i -liotllHl 111 k.

and with t h e same glasses, see d is tan t objects clearly ?.. ,

¥ F you cannot, then you need KRYETOK\(prcv KRYPTOK Glasses arc entirely free fromnounccdCripHoclt) Glasses — the invisiLiic bi-. that.;.unsightly, age-revealing scam .or.hump,

focals which combine near and far vision.in one Their surfaces are clear, smooth and even,crystal-clear lens.

.KRYPTOK Glasses enable | ^ O T ^ T P H p | H l ¥ ^ " ' Whe° y o u a r c wearinKyou to adjust your vision from | ^ $,!%• ••** ' ^ l ^ KRYPTOKS, no one can tellprinted page to distant view. 1,1^ GLASSES-JL.3U" that they are double visioninstantly. You see everything ~ H E INVISIBLE BIFOCALS glasses. Yet the upper partas clearly and distinctly as with .ms~ir^r^SB!!SgK^ necessary correction

STI': \V.\i;TS\ ' l l . l . i ; . . The l-eepU- ..f XHIIKIU-IBIU p r . v p | l l r ' S 5

I.-1-an little .latn.'htev.-.of M r . - a n . l ; ' " ' 'V1 '- " ' ' ?• L'cl'< w l l h !1 •>""<• « ' * /Mr-' 1'r.d I'uder. is ill with niein- ! " " }">'' ,V\V''K ' . . . . . , . ; 5 S

::-^ z v ^ ^ y ^ x ^ . • .™n">- s;i-:Mis^,lf;;:l

iVi..TSi::||" . n ' t h e 1 " : ^ ' i i v e r v ! ; , ' J | . h " S : -. " " » ' S. Swaekhan.er has ,H,rch;,s- %

. n . uli a .1 ilrsl' tViiK-.l'-'H, i l a 'nmis ed the Welsh ^raraue. for his son l : , . y . : ^Owners of ieehuusts in and i ienr : i . . , , N | , ., v l , . l i m ,„• imfu ' io i ia 1-riink I.. Aiimir n»s purer.asv.d a • Sf,

r.elvidero are fortunaU: in ii.irvesMnu ' .'{ ' , u n n i , , . , . ,,f fi:i;.i,,ls satllereil at : six-cylinder Kind; ear \<J-a-line crop o£ ice. Nearly every house . ,,„. ,„,,",. or Mr. and Jivs.-i ua W a s h - , .•"'•«• Jlarli A. Collins I.-. Ill w i t l l j ^iini r p oL eis ehoci; Hill. of. ton-inel

"Candidates for Llie prosiieetiv^eaiiL'y- on the -tax: t"1''•<' "f, U'•••county art.' ruining to t!ie'fl-ciH.

^ idei-e lias OII'J yiMWu.The vhnutiui'rtm ivsriviil wd<

liutroidaed and al l 'who attendedmui'h pleitsud with the prut:rajtisented.

Wedi!• l..-i!lir a surpri

\ f';l' Uuic..Mrs. Ann!.- Wuconor

P1-..V...1 at theArtl

L-; the ev.-nliiriliday party forI vpoi-i a ii..ll--iu- VIKN'.VA.

Kmii CIoss. impersonal.llahtly im- : b.-llrlliii ' " '

..-•pltnl. .Mr.-'. • i'ridi.y

* *

Kilwin IHlller. the nc^\' steward of • hospital.the county alms house, win h a w u \].;.-s M-utd1,-ir sale liefcre he leaves White tow:

and Swiss : J.JSill -ive a.n entertainment $.*>*

eilin.u-. .i;-n. ^.;, under t!io,*<v*r,il..s..n of i-.inchairi.in. X. V.. .tusiiices of the ICpwortli League. • :f.friends h.-re wlieii she came ; • Krncsr Wilson of J'etersl.urtf was i *££

Kaston to visit her mother at \*<e\ taken to the Kaaor. hospital last ; J" '

; clearly and distinctlythe eyesight of youth.

KRYPTOKS end the troubleand annoyance of removing-your reading glasses—or awk-wardly peering over them—every time you look at objectsmore than a few feet away.

They free you from the even greater inconven-

for far vision and the,lowerpart for near vision.

In comfort and convenience;in improving the appearance;iivpreserving the eye-sight; inthe wonderfully clear visionwhich they give-KRYPTOKS

are a revelation to people who have.been accus-

h r i taken to p ;! I-Jwciik for an operation for ap|iendi- ,

lin^ was eieei..-il\v . eitis. n..' is reeeverii!^.)

ience of fussing with two pairs of glasses. And tomed to the old-fashioned bifocals or simplethey are making the old-style bifocals, with the reading glasses.disfiguring seam or hump, a thing of the past. Come in andlet us explain them to you.

o u r hunt.;r:< are after foxes and wildducks these days, but th'.-y do not lindollher very plwi'.ICul.

•acher ia the primary department o))uldic school last week. She sue-

i ^P'S l-:iixa!'ethj n i i . l e r t h . . p h y s i c

l l i . - s K l l z a i . - t h ' ' 1

i1MM- hi / in- 'iifu-

A N T J I O W ;

. Tin* fanillj- "i." A. i i ; St:huyler h;iv1:y(;n ill with vr ip . A!»*s. ric-hnyl.-rV : v W ; . v . ; t h

iiiothui' bus l.ei-n sii.t-ndhi^ ***\w :in;<- \ V m L i

\s\i\\ thorn. - • h.M;:iu>- t.•ili-ss Vidin GiU-.lner IILIJ: rc-tuni'-'l m,-,:iv. Mr. .Mni'Nic (•>:;.vi:t.-- LO i

to Coviiitrtoii, G;t.. Jiftor :i jirol 'in^fii iuni^iiow in th'- m-nr f imuv.s tay with htrr1 -inoiU;.-:';" Mr.-. '

' ' . M r s . .i-yiiisi irnfTmiin htis rei

-llU Mi-

nniijil UH'ctititf ot" tho \wn\\\ ,,i \11 w.is ht'hl tlLUt't'tVi" hiill Hritm-- ,t.r thm]>ui'pi.>v «>[• reorinMiiKiLil.m jh>.> fnllKwiny yt'tir. , :

•tiiili h:ts '"-'•:) ' i u . [ ( ] it--. ;ii-ift tilOr-tinv uf the- \\yir ,,ii i f,f.

own was " i ! - : ^ > ;

1 Marklc of/!!:,!;- : - I - I ^ pi.av ,?1 . mef-tinir of the M K.is 10 l.tliW-,:' churc l r will he held a! t h e h o m e ..f

II tv. Leuis .Merrill.t t h e l.u- A iiicetinL: of the,"1JarenL--rt.achei's-

lir.-h Held Its m.-.hthly mee t - As.ioeiati.oi was hel'.l at t h e KChoul- : =j ..',Ted:i..sday at th.- home of i lioiise last Fr iday. j *2WasJibm-n. \ .Mrs. Cornelius ' Gulick of U a e k o t t s - | g jUacUel and Marien < o.ei iy • town spent se\'t-ral days la.st wceli I •

401-2 NorlhamptonNatiosia! Bsnk 8!<!g.OPTOMETRIST Easton, Pa.



i'lr - Mill v 'r^ ' l- l 'ei i i-v ' K \ nicYe' '• I : l J- t S'llldi'}- C-Venili::- WilS 'I gVV.W sui . :-!E! ;

. 1 1 , ! i l , l I ' L ^ I 1 ' I l l ' l \ I ! 1 1 * 1 1 .

Mrs. Frank A p i a r .eiltertiiiiwil on • r ,-, '.' :]'-riday ar-.l Saturday her sister. Mrs. ' ' ' " '

Austin Hor.man of clir.taa. • I"1"'.-,Mrs. Wm. .Snyder and ilatishler K!-: Mr.

sie have returnetl to their iKmie heie • nu;:ii.'>after visiting at Kliy.alj.tii. parent.-.

Mr. and .Mrs. Wrn.1 II. Kuht;« a r e ' -xlrs. Marsan-t Uorman of Dola- ;eritertaiuinr; .S i r . and Mrs. • Alfred " a r e I'ark is -sm-niliiv-' an uidelmilo ,Hawk of Chanaewat-r . tim.i- with Mrs. Klizal.eth ."tone. .

Mrs. Fniilk .' pirar and .son William ; Miss Kenha II.-ss of Uroadway vis-a n . vIsitiiiL- I'.er s;s;"r. Mrs. Austin : it.;.I her parentiil home hen; Sunday. IJlnftmrin. at I'linton. " . '. • —» -

Jlrs. .-.tis.de Uaan eai.irtiulied ov,r , . .<:|.KN CAltDM-MI. - - . .H'.niday her d-n'-'i'.-'r, .Mrs. ..:. \Y. I . . - ' ^ r . . , H u ! M—- 1! " ' 1 Mice ind sons ' crfelt last 'J-hursday.J lass of llatbom. i-\vilhur and 'Xlva.*at tended tlie tu- Kenneth l.innal.erry spent a few

Miss Klhcl Ham, of Trenton . i s ; ,„,,,.[ f M r ^ T V a h S ' s falher. J|,.. | days last week U'ilh Ilia grj

l''1'i''l'n"I!'" " ' ' " " " l ' ' " " " : ' " h ' M t o V i " ! " I J"'-"'-V. ar Trenton o,, Saturday. | T i . ^VV, . , . ^ " ! ; , l , , . t . . ,chi,i- services W

Win. II. Sir.-der s;.eiu a f..-,v rluvs 'V(-r'urrie"d h-.i-i." after a 'month's, visit i at Zion Sm,.::iy morniaic owinf,- u. the i ffilast week in KliKal.eth. ».;,,, ,.'„,. .,,=,,-r-i'itK. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ken- | b'lil weiuhi : . ' • ' " " ; " .| B

. Win. .11. l .aa-e spent I M Tuesday ; „ , . , „ , „ . „, f i l .u y i i . , , i i - j f . I',,. i M R h a - v 1 Read ,« spendins Ihe

.Mrs. .lohn f'.IW.B and son I'lcrbevt I Bspent iiie week-end in Xew York. | gj

JIT. HI'-.lt.MON. IB, Mr. and Mrs. John VanSyeldo ofi ®' Vail were quests <.f .Mrs. .1. 0. Flnm- ; ^


Sa Our.January Clearance Sale of" "%"'

Hart ^Schaffner & Marx Clotlies Is On

i.'lifl'ord at I

' • • ' : # • • •

i n Kca t im^ ton . .. . 'i.;,,. ..,di..s of t h e l 'r ,-sl.v..-r 'a a ! w'laler w n n l i e c s o t i t . l i n o r a a t i t u i s c -Mi.« lilizai'e'.ll ISossicS;: is ill wi th ! njinrVh 'h. 'ld" a s . , e l i | . , t t h e ' h o m e ' of ! Held 1'ai'k.

g r i p . ' Mr,', l l u m i d i r e y T h u r s d a v a f t e r n o o n , i Mrs . V. R. l., .IIer s p e n t l a s t week |— — . M r . a n d Mrs . T h o s . Miller .-„.,..; j v t b he r s . s tc r . M r s , oen.1. l . y m . m , i » |

" ( O I I N I M I . : (lain.-ht.M- of l i y a l i s v j l l e . 'Mil •(• j " j A ' . , ' , . , . .„] ,,r W w l . m s o e n l S in i . l; r i i c r e i d e d l c a l i o n of the J I . i;.1; s p e m l h . j ; w.iii.. ; * ! » • w'ltl, f r i ends h e r e . 1 . . ' ' . ' " ' ! . , ' : • ' i , ' i rei iU lii-M- I

•Mr* K, Ci.-r- i':ir] Knt.-st \\w-"»l -11:«ZIMI spciit, , KsM^rduy wi th i i i . ' l : i ! -UM-'H iniri-nt.-i, Mr". i i t u r M i v . ' H e n r y ; x

Ki 'cc . . . . . , ' i

nilt 'l] ' ' S«nul!iy w i i h . liis ^nnHip- i r cn i s , • 'J l r . iuu.l .Mrs. .lulit! l-'wi'v, nt S:ii*riit;i. t

Mr. jiiid Mrs . IVUM- Mi-Irny h;tvi;. j \r e t u r n e d I'min-.' Jififi- '-sprndujy u \vv\-k y•with ri ' l iitivcs nt. ••1'iiillliKlmri;. !

Mrs. l ionu' i- K u s h nf Muntiiiin sp. -ni ' ]'I'vifSiliiy vvUhivUu'r [jsuvutK.J/Mr. ti nt! i

J i m ' Xi ihur I l iulor a m i ' ^ m AlfivU1! |• n r o spunUilit: smiii1 t imo ' wi th r<A;\- i '

l i v t ' . s n t .Marlin'.s I ' reclc. • !

, - v . M r . n m l M r * ' <\- <•',, Pohau npi-nt !

rlnMiii. spcist. .S;.itU!'(Hiv, ami-iili Wm. .Stout in l'iuV.li^lii!

movml his familym:-:,\ rt.-ct'iifiy va-

ii, IliMin hlit; s:*'t>sch!ifif h<d l.y Knmk l.'i-ar.--, e lms. Casliu.Mrs Knmk .i

cri'. who In ill.i-Js Ci-iiii Aptrjir nf <,<allfuii watn- or Miss tNirn Uuslle CurlhiK

visit ft! In-r .si.s-<"i;m, at i l i«h

KsthiM1 BiOH'friod rutiiriUifl ony al'lor visit ins frioiids in Nnw-



Mr. juiil Mvn. . l.Javid USWJIJ.'Itiilnc-d SmitiifJisJHr. fMiulMVs. Wm.

.••t7ool and -.Misrt-UKViu'h"i> Slnui of Htir-'iiHMiy HHIT -Mr. mul Ml-s, K. Mnrkle nl'

Mr. nnil -Mrs. Karl 11 ARM* "f W'jir-v.n I'aiK-r Mills spent Sunday with

.ior- j his immH.v-Mr. mid Mrs. Wm. IJiiB"r.

: IMnntiina.•'. .'. \V!iOuii'(l Mrs*. Atifrustus Cunl•-V.'diUttfhter Viola '-of CunksvilU' ,'••J'" M," hiKolin'ii "OM yinulaV.-••'."Mrsi ThcD. \V!lkn\T vifcit<?<M

- ami

o a s e i ^! have tlie't

.Me. and Mrs. Alonzn Haller IPitturdivV'tind Knnday'\-isitiri!j- -\ir. andMrs. D.- K: UoniL* at AHOIHOWM.._•..,._.,,

^V/Ksay- "our" sale; it is really "your" sale; your kind of clothes for less than regularW prices, special benefits for you. Yoli have a chance tpMjuy.the finest Fall and Winter

'M if" h'ls R

• \ i . i i^ l^ ' o 'S?K/ v / n e w friends v.'is make, and the bone-fits

r If k-m Men's $12 SUITS am

Suits and Oyercoats at reduced' pi-ices.These goods are worth much more than we ask for them right at this minute. We could1

make easy money by holGJjjig'the goods, over—thc prices on woolens are advancing so rapidly:But we-'.d rather ;>ive this profit to you; \vc gain a lot more in the end because of the

bestowed on old friends. i : ' irff1 • •





$ 9.50

mi ' : ' . • . , - . . 1'V 11I I n i n y i s i v i

T h e c . \ i i i . ' r i . . ' l i r < j u t f r k ' l n l . s i i l l i l I

The test imony, i.t' \y;ih'liillKtnii

Will j . r ini : runewoil Qncuura^eim'iit .W f r e i S u .'use lii:].«liit: ' ,.KIllK ]•:. ' l l l l l . ' .M Janksiiii uveiuie,

Wasli inst . in . Siiys: "I ^trahifMl niy]BBliiii-k l.y histvy liriiiiK niiTl s ince. t h ™ ! -

Men's $20 SUITS a U OVERCOATS . . . $15.50. 'Men's $22 SUITS and OVERCOATS . . , $17.50

Men's $25 SUITS and OVERCOATS ... . . $19.50Men's $30 SU5TS and OVERCOATS , . . J: $23J,0 , , _ ; 1

Some Splendid Shirt Values a t . 29c, 45c, 69c and $1.15 m


'yue 'sl 'M'r h i s I ' l i n - n t ^ .Mi-. Vinil I wei'Uv. Tlu; liaiil-s' tb . i t g r i i n . e i r luyj g jF. W . ShL-niiiMor, i.m; il:iy hiwl l.iirk" wvvv torr i l . l i ' . Tu .st'..»|. WIIH.HH iinyw

a lmos t .'injiiossihlcj,lisme, 1 {'Oiildii'L rvt-

Jiv. and Mrs*. -lV.hu / .-K-U-f ol1

liiii .«|)f!)t S;niHlay with their daujjh-tor. Jlrs, lilair .Kimiii,;:,

Thoi'f was ;i Kurnrisc p.irty fjivon to

J WIIH sont iilglu. lio-|oinC'tr): nnil 1

•l;mpiilt] and .stiff all over until 1 hudu'orkeil n cvji.i])lc- of lu>ur.s whon Tihc-jjin tirlimbm1 up. A"nox' nf Diiiin'.s •

:,:.-.,--'.- j-K:d:ii-y Pills, wlik-li I .not a t tin: OtK'fJi I »

niio T frniildn't lie iin tin;

Goi-yriKLtnniLSvliiilfutr &Man

hiKii class luiloriiiK,' Uio lonji \vc;'.r, iruiiroH tliern the most cconoiiiicJil clothc-s .you citn liuy. Wncn you can. buy those clothes for less than rpj/ohti- prices, nti you t;;in r ight now. tliu prolit.tu you is immense.




his brother in

Chicago yiaito,l


l 'hitrmacy,. reliuvod

n"?tnnri-f)y^"iir liiy limuwiH'Ver 1'allcd to siye tlie sf

'"o]"rk'V'r)0c. at nil drialoVs. Ssimply ask' for n kidney ronifjily—st'lIXian's Kidney Pills—the sainc Ihiitair. ' Hill hail. Foslev-.Milbnni C\»M

Props., JJUITUIG, N. Y. / "•


As our fifty-odd advertising columns plainly show, tlffi progressive and 'Successful business moij of this .section . andv ••• eastern Pennsylvania have grciwii'to appreciate the great value of .the STAR as a medium of publicity.. • '


Page 11: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern




Hi News of the Big Growing Town on the Delaware [7! I m'iii'iu; '> - ^ *•<.-.;.' it.'sianiuy AIK-H.111 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . • * ° III t i n ; sci*. i i m l tri-i iH., K t ' nn l t J u n e s : *.}.| j l 1 p . — ^ | r ,. ]( 1—•—*l[ I I . l ' . , ; l> . !•• Ou i i i i c r : ^oinjtltlb tfininl,

•OXI'OUU.Orit-ntnl Court, ^"o, 1">, n side Octree

of Liberty Council, 'No. .^4, . i r . -u. t,\A. M., rtMtt'Kiitifzt-'i! TutMiliiy evvitinKwith Uic fullowlntf olllcers: CJ. O..Wm. Iluylor; V, 0 . O., .John H.

l%___.'•;• Com m IS3I0 tiers' Meeting, ] In reporte'd nH coiHelnplatlnj;

At the? niuothif,'of tho Coiiimltuiluii- [ l"tt ..U»« . " M u l e lirown JIIK"r-iK i,n Tuesday nfturiHMin tin- Muyor'.s j enter Into tho "niovK-" huHtni'ihii'MMiK*!' was rea'iK- i Ivml lias just rcturni'd iiftor.

Tlii- ulecLloii of oltlrur.s was liuM iimlJill l!i«' old'-i»IIU>erH wen: re.-elcrteiL.

TIH<.-Keifilium • 11 *IHO O(i, was• (HM'ini.HHion to Imhi a carnival. Mr.AVnnl..was ..prusuiii and Hpuku on thin

'miniur,: • ••: • ; 1

• = • - - -•••--•• - • • • • - • - . • -

Tho PliUllpHtMirK Fire Ct>. N". 1.- :is!{ed |u>nnl.s.H[oii to hold u:carnival.'..licrej -bet;! lining mi May al . ::

Tho rupori of Kire Chief K, Kochei*was read. , '

'Thu various hills were paiil. •.:'. Win,1 Gl'ijim's application for an Innami Ttivei-n on Market street wits re-ceived. • . • • ,

Tho Fire companies were- jjiventheir annual appropriation.

Tfm I). U &. \V. It. H. was1 slvennotice to provide walks over the nill-roiid at (,'fiiter <.street.

Tlu* L. V. K. It. was Kivoir notice to. )»rovi<le walks over trucks at Sloekuni

r ami I'ux-htt'tjuiH,CdinmlKKlnner llmvell iK.sueil tliree

Kii'm-L iiurniitH for waiuh Me receivyii

' "i'hu policemen were given a. raiseof.*") |ier month.

Town Xatcs.: For ." tlit: fourth time In the past

few yea is tae iwu-sinry frame h"nneon Heckm'au street, occiiulct!:-i»y Mr.

nit.un m i li OIK:iiuo uy a iriHii-y car and ttmi i\

vvrtri killed m Siuuruav' iu-i-iiKiiL a," m y a. • uiirat'ltt HA UH- front nf the

, ) 10.IMC Is cuiiipiL'tcly (K-itiohsii'xl ami]M-.|-ii: Hli>eiMiihr oil till' •.upper- ' •'•

t u nvu vHiK

i\\ <tut-


t i i r



M i-

T hro t

i a->.-(!

'L' l l

i n

• l i l ' . H

. n>iv in

,'pniat iI la-

in; H.



l l .UTOW !•;II1.U10 llfi.lH plllll^cit

1 lie •Jtertdi-i

in ami \ J>UK''i'^*"i aimUi-ll 1 «t>WHrefused totin: e n r v o

•ifiI1 if

IIi t

ipe froii in* strueintu'Kit tiui'Cttrrcd


in>(»i« inno i.i\\i IItt-i-L a n dork wnei

a t IH-I-KIIIII,%• tint ir.t'oks

•lie pole nni)l" t h e i u i i l d

tWU f l ' t l l l t.' In a .side/MareiU't1' Si'L-lilld, tho I


! • •


id Mrs. HulT,(in., iiuir.-

i- l a t t e r inan:i(,'

• n i l!•>• irawlm

it. .Mr. in

• ; ,



t l u ' i a r

criisluiiKIK. .Theit'HI IS JS•liOlU WHSt . Il l lHhili i n - r ii t l ; i i;unl inS ' l l l , WSI

tn Ht'l othrnuu-hMr.;. II

11 lu - l l iK

lf. l.y tm1

i t : i f i i l l u -at ti.in'i

A lai-Ko

nils, tmuUWr iiu

I Lih: e a rHI strt'tM.p|oiu;iit 'fi

into UK'furniture-a totalsli.-fpnu;

Hid :i|HlnichU'r oitin- I Kiel;S ilWlfl-p.tit of hi.-•ii H iml i11 If WCI'I'

for.Hiil;-iitiil toH. Mr.

it c p-UH with prnnilnuiit Illin

I I I I I T HI.! hits wiirkcil In sludloHIn I'hlhKlclphla and '


C , an a n i m p c r f o n a t o r nf '•(, 'harll*;"C h a p l i n w i t h 1 c K n d l a sh l li tend'

nirnlieri'tjil a

(1 succeKs nnd liasontract which hi for

f years wdii a .(font! s»I-i ' " f i d I I I

yiiry.y "Jtimnie's" friends are J;him fiorf-Hpeed and suece^H In lil.s new

Mturts-'The .following.awfirils have Iteen

ma do to l'hlillp.shurff , pupils liy the.Itiuior Guild of Hnatnn for coiiiincnd-aMe work in drawing: MnrKuerilf:lirouks anil Joseph Koto are to receivethird prizes; .lulla. Uolandls, Harry1-Vazier nnd Walter Tuttle, fourthprizes. Honoi-fil'li! iiK:ntlon Is KIVOIIto drawinji'M by Catherine Lt'onitnl andKin-s VOKO. The contest for tin-month Is op°n l<» all grades ami thesul>Ji;f:t Is "The Iti-st Animal brav/hiK,"Any ntt'diuin may h^ used, hut dr;t.w-IMKS must oi; the original woil; ofeliiidren and not copies (if picturi-s.

The January meeting of the War-ren Comity .Ministerial Union was heldon Monthly In the I'lr.st Uapti.stehnreh. In the morning'Rev. Freil-'orlclt Johnson, of Xewark, deliver-ed a .sermon on "Sahtiuth Ohserv-iinci'," and at the afteruonii sessionDr. KoliiiiKon of Aslmry KIVU.II hook'review on ".(r.sus and • Chrlsllanliy."A resolution pertaining to prohlldtionto hi; sent to the New Jersey Senator,ami C'tJiiKi'L'smnau from this districtwas adopted, A lutieheon • was servedl»y tin- inemlii'i-s of the Ladit-.s' Aidsoeiuty.

That any effort to having sparringeNhildtlons In I'hllllpKliui'K will K,. op .posed by •tlm pastors ni" tint cliurelii'Swas stiown at the union prayer s»*r-vlcu In the l-'irst IM-cshytcriau eliurchon Thursday ev.'iiiim'. Whllu the «n-ilorseini-ut of th,. ifKOlutiun off.sri'd hyHi'V. Ii. Ii. Lot'i-h and I lev. A. K. Maviswas not unanimous, it was sulliei'-ntto .have . i t P:IHS>M! and nftf-r (IM> COII-U»ri<atian had approved of .It, •!»>* arisilifC vole, it was signed by all th>*pastoi's taldn^c ]>ait in the" services. ,

Mlki- K<-leo <>f Mmad stt-'M.'t is inthe lockup waKiiiy fur r..-lativr-s toliiLr. oai'.> of him. The man. ap]iali-nt-ly ilfiii.'iit.Hl, disappeared i'l'itn homeahout two weeks iipi ami afit-r wan-

•veral days re tnrn-

cliiirr was injuivtl Mrs. Hull !i Kn-iilly frnin yliuek that it j

^ h o i u f<i d io r . - la t ives . l ir»l».vi ini l - thct i w a l k e d in to polli-i'l i i u a r t t - r s a m i chl.-f «.f p<.iic<>! l".M;.-.l Iii.n up . In n(ii> o i h i s p• w a s I'OIITKI a b a n k IMM.I, showlinI i n t h e I 'h i l l ipsburK Na

fl i c a d -

U-vi tlee.. The niotnitvi-tt liavi* (It-rideil that thu dej;reo will be.used furthe purpose uf. britiKliiK ineml'ers totlie iiipetlnj,' r(f thu luiljfe iiml lots offun will lie piovidi'd th'iye who attend.

I'ri'.nhyteriiin noti-s: Thi- C I*!, HU- jelnl itntl huKiiies.s tm:eti:iK ; wan ; h'tld jlast evening nt .Mr.1',Lewis StltiHon's. {The "SmilM-iiin Chorus".will l*-ad,tlicjHiiiKhitf In the SIHIJT Hurvice Sundayevening. ; Mr._ Waynr will IlluMtnttuIIIH sermon by tin; use of chfiuicul tjiowdors. All iiiemhtr.1! of the chorus jchoir are requested to .meet at t h e 1

chapnl Kriday evenln^H | practicefor the I-'ehriiary mnslcjil.

Th» fourth (iiiartfrly conference ofthe Colonial M. K. church was holdlast Wednesday evening. DI.st.Hupt.

year revea,leit success In every de-partment. The conference Kahe Rev. J[fenry .1. Mockmeyer a unanlmou.s call 1to continue as pastor. Dr. Ctile do-liVf-rca a shon addnw. : i

Thtf new trustees of Cnlnnliil M. K. !church are: H. (j. Valentin" I-Mff. !Dallii'i1^, CliirUe SuilLh. it. I:, (^ooiter, '[•'rod (Hiver, Andrew Vosseller, l:oli- ;<fi*t Ilendfrson, Win. 'Uiiylnr and Hen-:wood Oliver. . I

Next Sunday inoiiiliitr the lif-v. IWin. Uot)hiHim,.D. \>., will'occupy th« !puljilL of tin? Colonial M. Ii. churchwhlli! the piustor t.f the t-hureh willpreach at the Uclvldert! M. I-;, church.

Mtmday evenhiK' tho you its [tUfM'le iof the Colonial church 'galhururi at jtho home of l.j. II. C no per to. rehearse [for an entertainment to lie ^Iven inthe ni-ar future.

Tln> yininc tudlcH nf St. Uose's U.C t-hurch an- arratiKin^ for a VaU-n- 'tini: (lane? to \n; held in* Potts' hall,1-Vli. I t .

11: A, Oai'diK-r is wrv ill witlij>neuniiinia. i MI Tui-stlay two physi-cians hfld a constiltallou.

IVestutt Wlldrick of (.'iitsisumuinvlstted iiis parent};, Mr. mid Mrs. Oeo-Wildrick. 'Sumli*/>

.John ("arson of .ML. Hope, passedSunday with his 'parents, Jhvaiid Mrs. "Chas. II. Caisiin.

Jus." A. All.-a in lit'ivlfiK hi" Icehouselili.nl from UM- i:a*tUi-Ot'.;.-C.i.t» pimd.

Miss Kdna lluirows of Mt. llopti isvlyltltur her Lrotln-r William.

Merman .lorilon has pneumonia,

1 CAlilFO.V.rnmnilUffiiian Oeo. W. AllcKar had

a foot crtifiu'il whil.-.at work at tin;Taylor-Wliarton Iron Ar Sti;el plant inHigh CriilKi* lni*t wi '

!•:. W. iicain Willfrom the Andivw Unfford I":i.o\\.-r Valley and will ii- n.ul.y I-:, \V. Il'.ovfr.

I ip. Tims. i:. Adam:; pureh.'^Wft'k !t lot iit.nvi' lite M. I-:, pal

!• Hie ••l'ci'tidii uf a ivf*lde

ovo this

d las tona.i;e


' • I h - 'ti in the nick of tin. .-.unlay iHorniiij,', which •thrtrali'iuMlsiTioiis property daniai,'*! anil prohalilyloss of! HiV as well. Th.' lire whlirlisffirU'd in the in fit-rs liytween thekkchcii ami Lin- l>ath room at 1U«H.i. Main .street, i'i. ;

1»i:1rdi'^' ' housy-i-i'iului'tcd'hy Mr. aiiTl'-iMrs: WilliamKrutehey, had eaten its way int.i tlieadjoining h-.use occupied by Mrs. W,A. Cram', at 101 AM. Main stivet. amiboth hui'ises wen: tilled with siaoUewhon a passerliy notieed it pi.uriiiKfrom ,thi' windows ami Ij.-neath thedoors ami started the i-ry nf tire.Al.uiil tlie SIIIIO time Mr. l"rute,h*.-.v

. was iiwiikftied \>y the sinoku and lie.'irouHuii till! people in ills liinne. ThereWere thirteen people in the house atthe lime ami all of them were asleepwhen the tire was discovered. ' Analarm was sent in from box IT and theJ'hillipsburK' and Alei-L.companies re-sponded. A number of members ofthe.Jersey, flose Co. also ran to thelire and assisted in subduing theilanitM whii-h by that time were wain-ins uiucii headway. H was ae<-ewsaryto take tip the Hoor oi* the built rouiiiiii the. Krutehey homo and also a. luriceportion.of the kitchen ceil ins was- torn

. oiT,\vhilc> the walls and ceillm? in the

.1a y .

t o 't n n-M

m i lh o i

.siniihiIK i:niirs in

/adt l i



W a s


Crane- lioi;While iryins t

we ' also badly danutsed.op a lialhroi i win-

in" the" Krutchey luVmc-nr. J. M.Korrence who/has apartments in theCrane-'itropcrty,' pushed liis aimthrough a plate EIHSK'UHII his left.handuas baaly cut. After mure than, an

cft'ded in cxtinyuisliins the ll.tmos'with f'heniieal .extinguishers. It isbelieved tin* lire was caused by micenibbling al m;ilclii.-s. The toiiillosswill probably reach about ?:iO0. TIH-

••Crane loss is covered by insurancebut. no insurance is carried by •the

. Fr ut ch ey's.•The lirst moeiinp; in tho now year

'of. the John Firth Ptireut-Teatrhers*• A.SHOciatlon was hold Wednesday af-

l-'our now niembers w*;re. cnnakMi.AiiKinj,' ,thi'' SL-vei'at . oilier items of.business-'transacted it was decided tolioltl a variety sak> in tlie near futureto increase the fund for the piano.It was ai.so decided to havo an o r a i w

....contest--;u :ihe no.\t regular nieeUng.A v<ito uf tltanks was extended to thehoui'il uf'tulucntioii for Hie handsomenow 'seats recently ins-tailed In theseventh i;rndo rotnu. At ' ihe close ofbusiness a very pleasing program wasrendered by three' ynunc; ladies from

I'ersrjns interestetl in the subj'ii1! ofetlueatiiin .and partieularly the' publicschools and child welfare are prom-ised .a real treat ill lilt- public leisurel.y Dr. Heniamin C, Orueuherj;; on

• "ViM-atinnal I'lducatlon," in the audi-torium of Hie I'liillipsbtire; high schoolbuildluK Hat unlay afternoon. Tin-subject is oim thai, although relativelyiiiui.lc.rn, is. engaging tlie careful slutly

n f all tlie foremost educators amongwhom Dr. Grueiiberg has long lnu-n['onsjiiciiuus As ho'itl of ihe l^epart-ment oi' iiiolon'y ia the- Julia llujliuinii'

•hiKh school, New York city. Theleeuiiv. will begin promptly at I'.IUl

Wi'clucU anil will' be given admission

sen tentA heavy feeil wire rrossin^' Stm-k-

ton street.- beit.nninc to the I'enna.l't[Ut!i*-C<>!, l.mke on Katiirrtay nlsluduring the storm, and falling acrosstelepluuie and telck'raph wires there

iotisfy interfered with service andalso charged the- railro:td tracks, / m eof the Central railroad telephones inthat neighborhood was burned out.

Subscribers of tlie Star who will<.-:ttl at Yeisb-v's-'book store may .se-cure a Sl;;i calendar.

Tite Warren Foundry ,fc MachineCo. is now payliiK ••?!". a tun for hand-Ilailoti rye straw.

Obituary.Mrs. Mary Harwi^. 0-1 years old.

one' of Phillipshut'K's oldest settlers,died Saturday moraine; at her homeon Chambers street after a week'sillness from ^rip. Mrs. Harwis wasthe widow of the late William Ilnr-witr, Sr. Sli.' was a naiive of Oer-many and came to Anii/Hi-a. when ISyears old. She is survived by threechildren: John ("!. • MiirwUc of Mil-

•Trhnitt^rspent Tuesday In .town.

Mrs. Itoss 1 loffni'an Is recoveiin.nfrom an operation.

.Io>-. I >. A'pyar will move this week.to fli;;h;Hridir»,,,. . .:,;-. :.-. . • • .•

Thus. Xei^h purclinsed a new i>ianolast week. ;

IJ. A. Stilton spent Monday in Clin-ton.

lrviiifr Tr immer wus ill last woek.

CIIANCKWAfj'KlE.Mrs. isabelle G'.iroy has returned

fter passing a .foi'titight Wilh her

YOU wouldn't think of buyingilk d


-fi- milk, or sugar, .or eggs, dayafter day, without knowing whatyou were getting.

For you know that there arc allkinds of eggs, some good, othersnot so good.

Kerosene is just as different aseggs. Some is good—some is bad.

You can he sure of your kero-sene, just as you arc sure of yourmilk,1 by buying only AladdinSecurity Oil.


Aladdin Security Oil is a carefullyrefined kerosene manufacturedby the Standard Oil Company(New Jersey).

Every gallon of it conforms to fixedstandards of quality. It is free fromdirt and other impurities. It burnswith a clear, bright flame and does notsmoke.Aladdin Security Oil will lessen your

h l d d d I iA a n S c y yhousehold drudgery. It gives you yourmoney's worth in quality.Don't take chances with kerosene you'don't know. Ask for Aladdin SecurityOil by name.

.for horses, colts, cattle, .calves;;•sheep, hogs, pigsand poultry. r "

Index to tiiose Prominent in law,Medicine Dentistry.. Optomctry,Insurant?., Undertaking* cJc.


(Sacceasor to p. J. Ectel)24 West Washington Avenue

(Opposite Postoffice)Tflleohooo 113-2.

IWasH Cual . .Mis. Iliirry 1'ylfcr ami iliiUKhtoi".

Mrs. l-'rniilt Knulu. .spent Suturday amiSunday with •relatives in l 'hiladel-

lCastnerat I'hl!-

Kugene Cnsuier and Johnook eu.i;iiieer.s* examinations.psbnrtf last .Thursday. . „ ' .: Mrs. lidward Cast nor spent Sunday;ith her dauyhter. Mrs. William Dc-

aukee d A i r. g

Thomas Castles andMrs. .losophine Iliee of I'Mllipshurtf;a. brother, .luhn Mnier. :uul a sister,

• Mrs. Louisa Schneider, both of Evans-villi\- Ind. .She was a tuembf-r of St..lohn's I-utheran church.

week on Ferry Lane, and several earsof mouluiiii,' sand are being' loadedfrom It this week.

Cory Hillings will leave the farmof lOvoritt Dean and take charge ofa stock farm near the city in thespring-. »

John H. lloyt left l-"ridny for Haw-kinsville. Oa.. where ht\ lias ;i mill inoiieration cntttitH: ciimoiision stock.

Tho 1'are n I-Teachers' Associationhold its •regular meeting Friday after-noon in the sehonlhoiise.

The Art and ICmbroidory club in el.last Wednesday with Miwes Lucy and'lizzie. CJarrison. v

' .Miss Lila 1'altcrr-on is spending tht»week wilh her sister, Mr.s. Kitoy, in'PliillinKburn-.

Mrs. Jackson Aten will have a saleof household I.MMIS Saturday .after-

Mr.t'»n K|i

til Mrs. John Clifton -of Was-it Sunday with liis parents

Mri;.!r*GlTnTn'ii'1 "snTiTh'Vs visitii^' herhrothor in X^wark i'oi' twn WLIUUS.

'I'he prayer mt-elin^ will be In? 1*1toniirht :it Mrs-. .1. P. .lones'.

Albert. Sllvrrthonr has been ill wilhgrin the past •v/ueU.

Plilllp -\UMI is working at Martin'sCiveU.

IIAZKX. . :Mr. and Mrs. V\ '!">. Slaats and. son

Daytd'n of••'I-Jiision itus-nd Sunday withher parents, Mr. ami Mrs. .1. L. Spiin-

Mrs,-" Thoo. Oreene and, children ofNewark wore cnlerlalned' liv Mr. andMrs. I*, u. llaylor on Sunday.

Mfs. Thro, f 1 refill* and children of\Cn slioVT nieetfn'n""ot:. the Phillip's- j Newark aro'visiiini? her parents, Mr.

Lir*f • Hoard Of. Trade oh . Thursday.;; nnd Mrs. I \ S.-Spiin^enl

was in.slnuaed to 'makehave the 'New .Jersey LIUI ii law which will not

itmmiLte,an effort t>>Kisiature »Mi-

pel I'hll-th D ilaw which will not compe

rg lo Htop itollutiiig the Dcia-river,:ivitl

tiiitll the I'onnsylvaiiia^rce. lo stop pollutim;'

It is " '

Mrsiassed Snturdiiylenry I'eers at

Mrs. Oeo. Ap

H. nln:Spansith -Mr. and Mrs

nassed lMrs. L

Quilt-l l i

Alimlana.pnlenian of Ueividerosday with her mother.

IKI Tlrokitw,. number of lln;;e;i men aro

iechnuso'at tho

/Dan 1'alcli—ttii!',worUi*s greatest horse—\Vwas fed International i:ood every day./

These foods are prepared by chemists under thedirection of a practical stockbreeder, and are guar-anteed to contain nothing harmful even to thehuman body. :


Three Feeds.-for'One Cent IOwing to the medication contained in Inter- •}.

national Stock ]f'ood, a small size dose given with £regularity for a time will achieve wonderful results. £'

„., , . . . . . These foods act as a tonic, invifforatinc;' the £Mrs. 'I IK'IKIOI-L- t/usttmr entertained £ , i , . i , . , , ' . ^ . . . ^ *.

iir». jacoii siiiu-r or WiishiiiKton inst|5,. stomach, liver and bowels; likewise purny tno g

WM. A. STaYKERFilst Kation.il Bank jiiiikling

o Court'Commifitfcne.r actl SpecialrjnHter la Chancery.

OH. M. S. SEIPOld PoatoCice Ballding,

Centre Square, Eaaton, Pa.Eye Specialist

Carfare' Allowed on S2.00 GIcase3.

.with h i s

yWlUliim Tiiylor

.s-JH>in hist SatuninyMrs., K. I*. Ctyiirhiirt.

Mrs. Augustus (.'ii'sliuM' spout ^day with -Mrs. William CasiuoWashington.

.Mrs. CtL'orgi! CiMtslfj* of Wjishinstonsjiotu a t't'\v days with .liur Klsit-r, .Mrs.Milton Mill. . • ,

t i n c d


CHAS. B. SMITH, U. it.122 Bolvid-rc A\euue, AVnshi^gtou, N. J. I

SUMDAYS7by upi,o!at- >Keut only. )


(S.OOtoS.COa. ro.-h.G0U)2.(Hp. m.I P.SO to 6.00 p. m.

Telephone Net. iS-2.

, Imvu t h o K'V'H>.

KNowi/rox.Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stono or Phit-

Upsbiirpr 'spent Saturday and Suruhiywilh the hitter's part-lits.

Mrs. TIios. Dulryniple spout Wod-nestl:iy wilh her daughter, -Mrs. At*-,thai- l-'ritK, at Vail.

Mrs. BiiiiJ. MwU of Walnut COI-IILM-visited, her sister, Mrs. . Klmer I-ina-Itft'ry, on Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. Marshall Wallver eii-tei'laiued a iiunilifr «>f. frientls Satur-day t-voiiiii^.

'V\M- yountf peuple savi.' Mr. and Mr::.IK-rnian Kishpau^li a sorotiiido Mon-day evening.

Miss tilii" WiMriel; visited on Kri-ilay her. aiini, "Mrs. C;. A. U'ida, at.Ml. lIormtMi.

i ,. I).' Tilinuin eanie up from Kucoa-sumta. and spout Sunday with hisIill'!iL>^™-^._— w , ».,— ™, ;.

Every $3.50 pail of Intcniational Stock Foodwill help save you more than $7.00

worth oi corn or oats.

:: :; Our line of International Foods, is complete,and we also carry .several live slock remedies ofthis famous brand. , •• •• '


Ernest H. Colterell, C. E.Civil Enflinccrlng .

Surveying and Appraising;-•'•:•;ReHiilence: .JacksonAralley ;

! I'. 0., Oxford, .N. J., R. D. 1 :] T E L . 5 S - K C . - • ' - . - •'•'-•'•

i C. 0 . FORD & SONI 57 East Washington Avc, WashingtonI Famish ing Undertaker . 'I N1GDT CALLS- : ,j At Residence, CO Yoitmana Avcnuu

Loth , _

( ' - E . . H . D E V O E ' - - < - " . '.-.'BH. TSEO. K. SAYWARD | Funeral Director and Embalmer


s: DEDRiCK,D to Iho .las.



D.llo> <l

— • ' •

Dentist:^. 22:Brqii(l Sti-et;t, Washington


Tobnhono M


Gas, Vapor an^. Oxygon for PainlessExtraction and Cavity Preparation,

8G So. Mtlin Street. PhlllipiburK, N. J.l'houe 05SI

SuccesBOr to D. B. Laubacb

Personal Attention Day or NightThone. 4G-2

115 W. Washington Ave.. Washington

' T. F . BRAY & SONUndertakers

I in Broad stroetp' \VashingtonTelephone: 123IM

,. Also Hampton, N. J.Country calls without extra charge.





•tilts to

inul ilI n ; | i l lSulw f



Win. OMITord, lioiir Pol-.

•s. AVni.niliel- of•r mit'llt

ai S

Pi-rry j;:ivo :t ! ™friends I'Vltlny:"Siitui'ilny in



. Marry llfinlorshot of Qicikcr Sot- j BiloitH'iH luis reiHi-a llu- ii]i|ier. sitlo of ] Htin; CJriivoi' lionso :iiifi will luovu in 3flu' mtrliiH-. ' • ' .IB '

Ah>x- I mini reinrnet!~ in ..Min'rhitown f ESwith h\fl iltm^htor. ;*1rs. Win. CranuT, IIWIUMV ho will .spoml the rest nl' tho j g

Marcus WlMrtrk anil family1" will ! jj£jvacatn the Trust, i'i inn ;uul nutvo to taVienna in tho spriny. vj M

Mr. iintl Mrs.. John llaim aiv snond- : g

Resolution!:"Eesolved, that'the next sack of Wheat

Flour Ipiu'chase for general baking will be

Stcivartsvillc, N. J.NEW MOTOR EQUIPMENT

-BLOOMSBUItY, N. J. j for both local and long distance service.^j:i ; _.J '._ I Phone, day or night-1384-IM,

.amsand I skill continue to use it • throughout,

'the year; for I am'convinced that


oil Rtowjini.. Miiry Miinm iiml (luuKhtorf? Mr. ttnd'iMt'H, Ailinii. Si-ut

Funeral Directorand Embalmer <>'

Automobile and Horse Equipment

,, 1S3 South Main Street


Vnv Hills.Mrs, Wm. •..lindor lu'is rolurnod tn

Dov^r iiftor 'visitiny Mr.s. DonaUl

' "I. have experienced much, and have paid

premium-.- prices-- \yithout greater satisfac- ->

: ••». V. WYCKOFFIS Broad Street, Waslilugton

Icsnrance and Real Kstas«Hinh-srado 5 Per Cent. GOLD BONDS.

frcQ.oC taxes, a ppctlnlty.[touts Collected. CommlBBtoQortit Oflitdt.

I Local nnd Long Distance Telephone..

| FRED O. JARCK, O. D.| , OPTpiVIETRIST fl> Byes ~J#O*.. iSBk. Glasses „[ Eiamined /V^^^lf ' " Fitlcd

Northan>f)ton Nutionul Bank Bldg.401-402—EASTON, PA.

sorLhanvpROOMS 4

Page 12: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

^ "' .Fwelve

T H I S W A S H I N G T O N S T A R , W A S H I N G T O N , N . J . , T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y I S , I O I T

Now Open

Grill4 • ? - • ' . • / • ' " ( E a t e r i n f t t o • • " . " • • ; •ilaDiejs a)tD|©entlcmenr r " MODERATE IN PRICEi : EXAC.TI^G IN SERVICE

i'- Distinctive DJninjr Establishment:^ For Particular l'oople

VOLU* Inspection Invited


i, 132 Northampton Street '•'i'':'.{.\ 7 . Near Delaware BHIIKC• : ! EASTOX, PA.

:Auibmo.bilisf s!Make yourselves a present

of an Exhaust Car Heater.They cost nothing,to operateand are very effective inkeeping one warm and com-fortable when motoring; andthe installation cost is only?4.00. •

Avoid Freezing—that: is, the freezing ofthe water! in your automo-bile radiator. This can bedone effectively and cheaplyby using our specially pre-pared Denatured''Alcohol.

" S a f e t yNo one should travel the roadwith an automobile withoutcarrying a set of tire chains;for no one knows what hourthey may be needed. Theiruse has saved thousands oflives and tens of thousandsof dollars damage.

The hcst.cciuipped estnbltshment01 the kind in this section

of Now JerseyWashington, N. J.

, ; HACKicrrsTowx.Ciipt. William ninokwiMiil WUH pre-

sunteil with n safety ruiior ut a moot*

i retiiry of tli« nwm-iiitfuii, tAir. Illiurlnvixiil rettptnulcU. .

1. >h*f«.,W. II. KuniitM- htis tit'ini oli*»Honalstmii euperiiiU'iultrttt of ilu: prl-

; innry Oeparimeilt ami I fairy H. SinltUassistant Itlinirtiin. All other oilkvrxwore ro-olectt'tl at, the ntt'otlnjf lirlil

., Wednesday' nljilit in the Presbyterian•ichnpt'1 for the olmition of tilllcers fur' the Sunday school.| Air;.-. Alice i>.' Apsrar of Trenton was' la visitor in town last wavli. .Mrs. Ap-"\ •ttnir, was .formerly MISM Allee O. Smith•mul-was efmm-rtfd with the inu.«ifal ;i(li<nnrtni«>nt of the O. i*. I.1 at" the?: time of the lire. She \\*nw uUo orKanlft !

j m t h e Pr.-*l>>ieWun'chuivh. . "':! .\Ms< Mumo .llentty .nC' N'ewton. IK ji sjiemlhiK »*mie time1 with her moth-.-r.;i Air*. Sarah Uoatty. It I* repurteil Ij MlsK'ttfiitty w i l l m . n v her Mimint-ir !| businefs i'n*m New t mi to .• Market is- !* t o w n . . • . • • ' . ' ' •

i William Lamorman. who hits* ue - ;1 enpiod fur ten years :i si'.i-c l-omn in •.: ihi- 1'rli'p MUItllnc. has k\ise.l the. Ftoek Uiiitcllncr several iN'ors ulx.v- his i1 pr«."Si.>nt liK-ntion i\»* his eluthin.? smn1. ' ': Air. it ml Mrs. A. .1. i>iitf*ii ami Air.?:iii'l Alls. II. A. MeLt'iin ;ut<'ii<K'<l on ;; .Monday after'nmn tin' funeiMl of Mr*. ,; UarlU'l Oo.iivko.-'HI Five W.Um, Mv*. .'< lioarekij-w^s-.-i sister tu* Air. Saturn. ;

Tin- stteond wait? of lmme-iimtle halt- ii •'!•>• !tml eiiilily will U> li"!.I S:ltlin!ay ;• nften]"oii at the store.of .1. I >. l-'lot.-k ': inc., 1'V th(; Mi^i 'mury iriivk- of the. Prt'jOt.vtcTian ehtirch. :! it Is rei>orted Willisim l-\ HhU'bh:

who nciMKly sold his drns'lMisinei1? to >Air. Wilkinson of -Nownm. will iro ml

• !'l:iinlM(l. where ho may. «n^:tyu in ;

'. business-. • . , . • „ " •llfs!io]> 1. It. Wilw..n of NV-vv- i nrk :

will prwieli in Trinity M. I'., church ;•• Sunday mornliiir. This will W ..the \1 l'i>;h"]i'K (Irst visit to llae;<ottsto\vn.

Win. Thomris ami family mow.! \nfi\-'.woeU from th.- ItetUty house im.r.rnml i

.;i\v!uie In l-iirt cif the 11. \V. Allen '• hon*" on l-iiwi'i1 tlraiul uveiuie. '-•

Aliss \*i"la Ailll.-r ami tijoiln-r mnv- -(Ml l.-ist w e U fp'iti the s.-i'ond Hat in i

• the. old F!«n-i; htilltliu^.-1" • the sew>ml'I Hat in Uie new l'l<«-k huildhiir.

llev. ,!. \ \ \ .Martyn rctuni-il on Sat- ;:iinl:ty frtiEii the Meinoriiil hitypUal at i. Mo'rrfstowii. v.-h-r.- ho hn.s hi-en a :,ti:it,it-nt t'"r •w-verul w.:e!;s.- • • '

::.M.»*. »nd -\li\-. Ausustus Multtsoii. i• wini' vvi-Ve -' n'iA-ta!y-.'11,iiM"Lri'it.l.::'. • I'.r.vt?'nnii« to H'.i'iihop.' whot'e they will :

' niitke thi-iv future.home.1.'-.. \' .Will iam •.MeNcill lias l'vsiLjn.'il • hi« •'

/])ns:!i'>n .as ni.in:(W'.'r of t h e A. :ind I1 .!: s l o p ' t<> jM-'."i-(it a s imi lar loisition with •: Lfhituct V.r,K's uri ' r . -rs . ii " T h " iveeniiy nruanlxri l iKi^o tha t l '• te.iin cit' lit.- r. f. | . h a s ;r.i,';um> S''h>-- :

«l'-'l-d f..r Mo.-ui.iy. -Km. •>•>, wi th t h " 'It.e:il hlKh ,-'•!!<.Ml . K h i s . • • • • :

,\lr ami .Mrs. i l o m e r T;tyl..i- a t t e n d - •«-d .Mnmtav i 'J ' l 'Tn^ni t h e fun.-ral o f !

;.\|i--=. Taylor1** umihrr. Airs. linehel ;i.i.-nr:;'- m i-*(••••!;* r.ni.iti. j

.Mr, iiinl T-irs. (if.'ortft* .!. 'Kninn wert? '•vl-itm-K lust w.'.-U to Mr. ami Mr*, i

".I:LUR-S A. I'.rowi) nf Hast Or:um;<\ sum- i1 MI'T rcsideniji here. -• . [; iU-nnan .-V!i:n.:M of Philadelphia, !: who n-sM'-'l ht>rt- a ntmiluT of yr^iv :: iiL'ii. Visited |:isl/ v,-*-f.'k htK 'Lu'otllvr. I' [•'n-iIerU-k Sehtii-'al.-- ' . j

John il. Pmith li;ts recovorfd from ian iHiiPss iind •returm-.'i! to "his po.ji-

'-• tion at trio Ainoricjiii Saw .Mill Ara- ;V ' i h i n t M - y C o . ' s p l a n t . ' ••. ;. • •••• •-• • • ••. - T h e hny.< IwiskeihallVVupam nC t h y ]1 hii,rh sirhofi] was (it>iV:ui»d.~i7i'thr- iranie.!

Fr iday nit-'ht with ihe t r a m from I lan-• <»\vr hipr'n schncil. . •1 Several 1i»-rsnns fr.mi hon- iuw-n.ie.1 •nn .M'.mla:.- ih f ."MUh w,->(idi!V-r an : i i - •

. v.-rs:H-;-- of Air, anil -Mvs. Tuhias Van- j\ 1 lorn jit jr^'erinm. • '•\ Aii;^'rtjonnu'd .-alo of the personal' ; '; |in>!.j.y'tyof the- vstatcof .1. Al. Kvor'U .

! and Mrs*. Thoinii IIOIM-:.Tin* Alomviiin Uriiiwum he,ld a pul»-

He lusiallatlon of oIlk-ei-H laM Thnrs-wilh i ,)-•»• 1.1..I1* i>»f,.1.ui.<...M,iM wore sei-v-


Cfirtstmas Club

»: "V-"'•"•"•' ' " " " • " " " ' " ' l " ' " " " v " " j A >-BroBrnphlciil" »imi»-i- will lie < I S S f'.Mi--..... II. M.-r.-m,,,, in .,..n.HnK I ™ > ' » •"" '•"• ''" l > " - ™ " ^ Friday ; | ^ | |

—: " » * : : i Chiis. tiivcn on .Monduy. '• I S! IAN'XAXD.M.I-:. - ^ : ! '3S. = '

.Air.--. Sarah Tis:u- and d:uiKlniT. i MA1SKSI1OU0. ' l l ' S s ' I.Mr.-, c . r.licrs, spu-m l-'rlilny wlili tin'; j|r..- Ini Ki-rr i-i-t-i-li-i-il ii c-ird from i t g&l Jrui-mcfB slater. Mrs. 1'. A. ApRiir ut J M,.«. A. Urllllih. foi-mvrly at Mitrlw • " "'& -Mich Ili-liliU'. ! li,,ro. mnv ut Santa Iturlmi'ii. lull- nf S ?jS t

.Mi>. .liilm Ti'.'ts. who.nndi-rn-t'iu mi i IMIII.M. iliformln-- lu-i- Hint tin' i-llii'iiin-' I 1^8 •npi-mtlim for ntiiirndtcitls In 11 .hiw- j is ri.li^ii11"ill ;in,l » f s .-in- in lilunin • 5 S S rnitiU at r::istii!i. i« c'.-ttinj,' .-iHmir nil-*--- \ \n tliflr uanlcn. . ' 5 K^} iiy- ' 1-Mw, C i - i s m a n o f K i n ' - ' s t o n , l l a . , i l Rs£ I

M i s s UdKol IV. A l p : : u i ; l i . y p i > l U W w l - I « - | iu ha.» li.-fli . v i s i t i n g I l l s l i m i t . M U w i l '?». Jii.'silnv witli her i-jmsin. Mrs. •liny, j Salllo Crisuran, was prosi'iiled li.v h.-r ; t EsS S.iiininl.MoC-oiiiii-ll at Wi-st I'.irtal. Witu ilio fainlly l-.il.lc wlili-h Is m M t fed j

Mis. Amu .lom-s and Mrs. (l.-oisr jvars olil. : * foS tA i r a r ut Ilisli' JiriilB-.- vlsin-d on VVd- .Mls.< ..M.'Kihi-1 llmviiiiin. tin- puli- I " pS zni-day with .Mrs. Sarah Tisar. -i ll<- sdi.ml ti>;i<-lii-r, sp.-m th.- wool;-, « I-.-" »

Mr. it ml MrsrS. A. KPHIS .sjipnt tin' ,.,,d with her p!ir..nls at lluwnrd. i f !w3 $w w k - t - m l n t l i n i i s m - w i t h i m - l r d i i u t ' l i . ! . \u- . - iu ( i . K. U n n - I » a n d w i t . - h i i v o i * '$$•:1'''';.,J.l.''S'i.;.,.'!!',,l'""L"; „.• m,., ', l"'1'", X'1-'1""" his "ratlu-r at Swans- I j i j g MrlilK.- siOTit i-riday with I'ni- Votssln. ! '"'n,','. mwiihl'y im'i';ii'is'i',f tlio liulli-s' ; S f£& IJ l r s . I Inward AiiRiir., i Aid s'oi-lcty :wlll In- hold nt Mrs. I t u - ; - WiS J

Miss .\,.|li<. T.-.-tB s i lent Vr iday n i l , u s .,,,,,,,inBs- tills i i lM-n i. : | M |l-.iiKloii. visltins. ii.'-i- moth.-r who ,s In i . ,,;_ ,,; ( i : 1 , . , . | , . i u , s s , ,1(i | , | s tvs ldoncc i S S53 In liiini.lt.-il llior.-. . 1,,,,.,, „ , isu,!,. (. 'risnian of Yel low! * <;d '

llissi's Ai'Kln. .Myrtle and llolun |.-,..lm,, • | j JS5 »Si-nls visili'.l Miv. l:..y Kyi.-lt.- at, Kay- j 1 ] m !K-stc-i- llni-rls nt. liolvl.li-iv. is i } .bS( }tun .m Simdiiy, I vl.-llilli; hi-r slstcl-. .Mrs. .Mary ftivn- ; 5 S3S Z

II, 1.. !• tsllor Satlirday straini'd tho j (.,,,,i4 :•= ~£ | j

All members of the 1917 Christ-mas Club, now open for member-

ship at the

Warren County National BankBelvidere, New Jersey

arc eligible to compete, with theexception of Bank officials

directors and clerks

111:nliins nii'fly.

l-'l'.iyil .l.ilnis'fspi-Mt Hi.- wivl;and faniiiy.

Mrs. IliiWiu-il. l!I«i;» and i-hlldronsi'i'ii'. Wi'dni.;.il:ly at l.i-liali'.n.

Oi-m-i;.- Miittis of [.i-lianoii visited |

1..-K. 'Hi' is K«tthiB

'nt Ni-w VorUid with .lohn Ti

Walti'i-s, who is empl.-iyod, . . , . , ,, lln l!n-i-iviiiiii-i-y. hiis liccn 111. ; 8t N.-w >"!•!; OIK , r,,,j.,M- .tnci-tlmt was held at J l r l i j

I K.-rr's last i-i-i'liiii-.-. ' | J|i. II. Uyiiwm Is ill will:

IIAU.MdXY.The animal oyimri'^iitional int-.'tin;:

••:» m s

I tati I

Inquire at the Bank for particulars of the

contest. You may be one of the,winners.-\sii."-t "l!nr.i nil Sunday. ' ; "":-. "\ . Thj; ninuml <juiwi-c!Kitl..niil iiiwlInK | j . J J

•Knnn Alpnmrh' ls ill with pniui- | »•">• hol.l in \& l'lvshytorian .-huivh i - <.»§ -,..,..,;.. • ' \\ (.dtii'Sdiiy, :uid llii' [.sulk's Aid mot \ 0 ji.vj •

"- int tin. sain., timo'toomilt. ; } i«J {! Mr. andMi-s.- Win. Klt.-hi-n of Mor- f *• (~i\ »1 " w.'i'l< w l t h | ; JSgl j

. 4^U»*«lt»«^lllMM(l»««lt»<«^tl»^|t«MUail«^^UftOatl»*«U*«41teE4^Ufr*«l(»4^(t*««tai«l4KltD



I larki-ttslinvn is"" thi- fxt'cntrix..\lr. and Mrs. KThos. l'...rriiio t-mt,r-

«.!:.i-.iil tln-ir ;i;.T"nl) Jlrs . I:iat-!:W>>11 ofXc-wtti-iw^vi'J.'-'nii.e,'', ^Irs. I.looh. iind


88th Semi-Annual Dividend Notice

The Kannftors of this Bmik have ordered paid••{•\ . from the oai-ninirs of the biisineaa for the

Six Jfomhs EmliilL' Dec. Sift, 1910to the depositors entitled thereto under the I!y-

; Laws, a semi-annual interest dividend us follows!

At the rate of TOUR ncc centum ntr annumon al! accounts from S5.00 to 55.000.

1'nynble on niul lifter Jan. JGth, 1

Deposits made on or before the Thini DusDay of the ilonth draw interest from the FiltheMonth. ;

Correspondence Sol lei led

Hank open dniiy from Oam. i.'t 3 ii;m. excton Saturdays and Holidays. On Sii-'J-dr./a-fn1«. in. to.12o;clocl! iioon..._;7: ...__'..&; __j. ~.

Tiiir<AXDi!'.r. n. n i : n s 6 x , i*res.1IOI5ACI-: WOI.F!-:, Sec. and Tiras.

1,'ivin Ffh. 2i. . • .Tin- W. 0. T, V. will hold this after-

noon a mo.-iins at Mr:=.C. ,T. John- •ston'K, in ohsL'i'vanct; of National Pro-hibition day.

i ill'n-ers were elected yi'St'-i'day l>y :tlio !':istor's Aid of tho I^resi.yterian ;

i-huri.-h ;U the mooting li«-lil in the^•ha|iei.

Mr. and ill-.*. Frrtl I'm:omt'i-tainiiifr for sv\-.-ral

; riu^hi's brother and wif,. 1'a.' • Tl\n noivl. ......: ity M. 1-:. chun-h i...

•-• " last niBhf 1'

Ari'hilMld HK-innor of Xewhur^'. wlio iAi-i'hio;ild SKmnor of .'ewbur^. who i . I . - U L H I . . r *h;is iK-tni coii:',n,.d to his lunlie witli • Mr. and Mrs. Win. I llllsizi;!- :uid l i t - ; |slln.-ss. is slowly improv ing . tie sons of .lersoy City spent t h e I (j

Mar! .Siittnn of Phi l l ips in i r^ spent wt-.U-end with h is p : i rems . Mr. a n d i «the week-etui witll h i s Lather. Mrs. .1. Htilsizer. 1-lLs sis ter C a t h - {&

a 'M-im? accompanied t h e m h o m e for a • jI1I!O.\I)\VAV. shor t visit. ,1

- 1 1! I . ' - ; , . ' ! - f . o - i l . i n o t n i l t l i o T h o s e i l l l a s t w e e ! ; w e r e M r s . W m . \ i•,;!:,. V , S ; , ,„ , S'lllmniiil, Mr*, r. .lohnson, Jlrs. Wins. |«".'.'.'.•'".1;1"> "."•• l l t l ."" l t "'.!h> I D,,i>-v,,,ol,-.. David .Howlhy. .Mr. and | j

A Good Command of English Isan Important Ladder to Success

In Business and Social Life

This Leather-Bound NewestDictionary at a Very SmallCost to Readers of The Star.* Has Patent Thumb Index


Inventory beingovor.weare ready for anotheryear..' Ready with acom-piete line of

HarnessTraveling Goods

•'•'•• " B l a n k e t s—^ U-rtViccJ __. .

and all accessories con-nected -with these lines.When visiting Easton be

,,siU'e.td'iii'clude us in yourcalling list. . r

• * * • » ' « • • « . ' « • L e a t h e r. .d.age S. S to re

3rd S-fcrry Sts. Easlon, Pa.

"I-HSL-I- TWO |.-li.a«" was itlvi-n at . "'"., \^ i , ".'. lJ' l" l 'u l l hJ ' " l l IS '"•" (lore Kpo:u l-'i-idny afioi-noon visiting \tin- C'/i.'. [.•Monday niBh't • iindi-i- t h e : i-,..,n P.'i'fnrin will niove n-oni the " l l r l 'n l l l l l : school. ;auspices of the ivithoso,,;,!,,,,. , ; .; .'• I';1. <•> f ' ' " , , „ ."V h IV, Harry >Mi.ffnmn of l-amon was n !

Mrs. .Maria P.la.-l:«-..ll lias i-.-liirncd : - , n i i nV-r rii.n.nVliiirv In tho ^l '-hi- ""''^ s"n<]"? "'' l l i s l'!"'eiHs. .Mr. andV,,... ,.•..,.,..'., , . . , . . . ,„ , . . . . . : . . , , . . •,,.„ ; yory fast. IN- has no. l-.ecn alile to I •" — - ^ - r - : -i. |

.. noi itniunvpl in'On able Lo

liino.C Cha

,Miss I-A-elyn owen siic.veds Jlrs. , k..,;.o h,.. ,.,„„„,;„,. SO11K, l i ine_ . AXDKISSOX.C-.u'Vi'liiml 1-ird as saleslady .ill the j , , . S i ,,;,,„„,. ,•;„„,.„„,. , l t ChiniRCWii- Sirs. I!. M. Tlii.nnis nnd daughter,

\u-' \ id V n n h viio I- soondin- U ' r W i ' s :l s'""'Hl " ' M'v- SVm- % " ™ < » r I I™ lJiml Turner of this place, and |,1, 1-lm i f v r a - . r r I , n r l T w S " ' ™ Salm'iliiy. - Mrs. Karl Isusih of Washinston spent itho v. i i to r i i . \ew. ik . Hii-ntthe weol.- M..,nin Armsu-r.ni; attended the! Wednesday with the former's dumrh- !'•"',',' iV-,>- ? l w \ o , ' . » .,„,! «o,i ro : aulon.ol.ilo show in .Vow Vork Frid!.y.i-,,er. .Mrs. Gco. Fisher, at I'emvoll." iuirnS '/his"week , " Xuiley. where.; . . i ; ^ , ! , ^ 1 " ^ ' ^ ^ ' " ' * """" " S"; "'"' '•ttUe V " O r l M S ""« itlioyTorinerlt.i ;osid.'d. "-'•'-• -' j , . • • ; ' • ' • • - ' - <-.,<.. ec... .-.. tliuiKliu-i^Kiiimii and Mrs. Lydlu•11,-iyt j

Mr. :iml Mrs Theo. Cnino en t e r - : " ' """ ' . " of l.ehiiinSn spent Friday willi Mr.taine,! last week Mr. and .Mrs. John.; _l!I.005ISIHM!.Y. and .Mrs. J.^ll . Miller.AlV.eriKon of i ronia ." , ."" j sniiloirtrj-c-iu GcorBO Criclz of ihe ! i'lr. nnd-Mrs. Vilnim Hendorshot of |

Miss Siidie l.-il!ii.» of Sew Vork 1 fr,,Hr:il railrcml sliiried • f..r Washins- Mi-nas Castle passed Monday afternoon jspent tho week-end witli her mother, . ton. \\ fc. .Saturday. lie expects to I with llis sister, l l rs . C. K. Mayhcrry.Mrs. ICinma l.ai'.ue. ; visit a sister ill Florida before l'otiii-n- [ Jlri;. ICarl Hush of \Vasliini,'ti>ii

- Uev. I'. A. Mitson \v;is in ohi.rfte of ; in^, > . . . . . • s|>eul a. few d;iys last week wltii lie!-|l.olh Herviccs or.^Suhday in the l'rcs- ! .Mrs. Sai'!i .hino Petty I larrisscn parents, 3JM and Mrs. Paul Tiii'nyr. I

JiytelJ^tn church^' j will have ii public sale of personal Prayer inditing next Sunday eve-

iner' resldo'rii lic'ro, ls'KpeiidTil"s''i<i'vornTT2iir' *~ "'"" * i"i"""viv'TCTiTAvifurr ' 1days in town. ! n.MrsYfl-iJiiiiuili Itoscnboi^'er. an ascd j . ll. Miiybcrry has taken a posi- !

Mrs Kinira Il.iycr nf Phlladelpliln I iiml vc-W ^ i h n a l d o lady, has l.i'cn tion with the Tidewater Co, illis tile litest of her daughter, Mrs. j soriousiyWUVUie puxt weelv. ChanKCWJifer,Charles Cox. i I'.iiiiilv^jiiroisand d:ilighter, Mrs. , Cottage pravor meetii.tr toni--.hl al

Mrs. Ilel'ecea A'o.!;el is'visiting her I Tiiar]., spe>u Thursday iind Friihiydaughter, Mr.';. i'-eavers, at Hemp- j .vilh frienils\Un UKustou.slcad. I.-. T. <'• 1 Mrs. 1', .\l.' l o rd l i e r jind diiuiihlcr,

HiilliiB Conslo.i-soii of Harry OtiRlo. ! Miss .lalle."iii;//nu.lclns their home forluis recovered from a slight auael; of l the itreKent'at Clinton.]jiieitnioniii.

'MrH. I-:d\v.hmlnti spentn' town.

he present at Clinton.Mrs. I.ear i;ie:?>bl has heen passingfew days with AlrK l l l c m l t

I Mrs. I.ear i;ie:?>bl has heen passingpninn and ROJI of Wash- ia few days with AlrK. llalcomliu atseveral days last week 5 Fieinin;;W>!V

! MS-H. Mary CrtPo-of- UloKclsvlllo, C01-l P l b i i d h


Furnishing Undertaker"i'.v.:.'.,.!;":1i:-'.1<llp-to-dttto Equipment. .^i^.^1"^!iVcry.Reasonable CliarRCB.. . .^vy.i;.

^repnereter 'Vaults'FiirnUKeilB^llTolephona jConnccilonB. tliiV nnd 11 ijjh t


j i n l n w i i . -• ••• - - . | Mr« . .Mary Oas-'o of H i o i i o l s v i n e , Coi--The Sclvuhor! Choral ITnion hold iis ; m^rly nf BluomKburv, visited hero.1 mcedni,' .Mfindny iiiyht at Mrs. \.. I. 1 Thursday. /

•Cook's. • o ; Mr**. ChavioH Lfiuh:M*h. has hecni Mr.', iui'l Mrs. fJooriro Titm;ui of ; cniUo ill the past few weeks with sri)i.iCliieaiTo,. IU., arc vi«iilns Mrs. .M. ; Mrs-, N-oril M,uho-,v.s Is vlslthis her| Conk.:, ., • • nji.'.-o, Mrs, Widsey Hint.L,..nMi^r\j»nrtn^1^yrntng..nhih-.w»iB^n-:.t;i- ^ - 1 ^ • - - V . ^ ^ : ^ . ^ :

teminei l JIiii»TjtV'nlghrT^v'1iVr&"AUl(-in"T

i Martin.1 " " ;-"'" • : j! Tilt' yiilary of stror>t rnmmiwiioncr > A[, Wei lor has boon incrcnRCd to $1» n \ fhur

lat fiim Wiis ri by J h e

.Airs. .]. L. Cummins has •luicl grip,

Chan&ewater., Cottnsv prayer mec-tin^ toni-ht atM. S. Hei]der.shot'.s; leader, Mrs ' 1AllRore. - • ' " •

Mrs. Annie TUipol moved to W'inytnn on Monday,. • v •

Mrs. David Siiker is pick.

MRS. CLAYTON'S LETTERTo Euu-Down, Nervous WomenLouisville, K>\—"I .wns n norvong

wreck, and in a weak, run-down con-dition when a friend asked mu to tryVinol. 1 did BO, and as a result I Yipxa

%'iiiiii'd"iiFlivaHlrri-1d:strcn;gt!i.-.;rI-think,Vinol is the host medicine in the \vor\dfuf* n nervous, weak, run-down systum.and for elderly peoi»lc."~Mrs. W. 0.CLAYTON, Louisville, Ky. ""!

Vinol, which contains lioof nnd cod •,.liver .peptones, iron, and iniinga^juscpqitonatcs,.; ^ an<l,rv.•glywropliosphates, 1is guaranteed to overcome all rim- jdown, weak, "v devitalized JL conditions, j

.leiiUlna•'&• Meeker, Druggists,"\Vriati-1lngtoii. ; (. . n . % . .: I

""g'ives'"but ~\\"'hiint•""""•:»:•idea of the beauty of the book, which i s . 5 x ? X inches ,J:»:jin size, mid contains 740 pases, colored plates and many £vother illustrations. It is bound in 'genuine. flexHile -c ;Krench Morocco, with round corners'and red edges. •:••:•

Note these Distinctive Features/ | |Contains all English . vords in common use, includ- :•'::•:

ing many new words.not found iriithe Dictionaries. :•::•:Words defined.are printed in bold face type with '••";':•

definitions in clear, easily read type.' ' '¥•:•"•'.. Each word is divided'ihtb syllables to show the :::£

proper syllabication of words. All proper words begin :•:•:•:'With capital letters, common words with small letters. : :•:;•:

Compound words have a bold-face hyphen. :;::;:^^ynonymi_andiajitonyjmj;re_g|>2n m Ui^

the dictionary Jollowing"tKellefinil;ions"of~the worcfe ~ —j-~=^^^=r^^~:^===s^==^:~' The Pronunciation of words is shown by a clear and properly accented system ol; phonetic

spelling with key to pronunciation at the bottom of each page. .''•••',•"'••• • • ' ; , •'.'•'•• "-.-'•• 's-\The parts of speech are given. • .,All definitions are given in simplelanguage ' that is easily understood! •' , r-••••"Each word and its derivation are defined separately instead o f . the derivatives being

crowded^n with the definitions; an expedient which saves space but lacks utility. ,Includes valuable appendix of information useful in home, schooland office.


inanotherl:6]™nT6u~w^our office with 98 cents (which covers the items of cost of packing,-transportation from : gfactory, checking, clerk,hire, and other expense items) and, this magnificent Dictionary1'willbe delivered to you.s: If the DictionarjjJ'is to be mailed, send 7 cents extra to cover postage.


\• • < ! , • • ; I

Page 13: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern



Vou don't have to coax the childrento cat plenty of M. B, C. CrahaiajCracbcro.'»Tha3e arc not only rich in'.the nourishment that builds bone endmuscle, butiheirtcmptip.gtsstc rnabesthe little appctitc3 bunrjry for moro.

an" individuality asd. nul-l&o"flavor-that other ,-grahcn crackers 2acked.Thi3 rnaka3 the;n i n almost tmiver-oall7 popular article of everyday diet.

KK.ii is! : im;K. ' • < • . . x i : w V I I . I . A O I : . ,i i t i .Ainsrovv.v. ;•• .I Al 111" tneetUu: or tile lioroiltfll ; T h e I'linaitelnont of A r t h u r HkllllliT. I The liiinlu elected director* last! Ciiiiiiin.ii ( 'onnell TiiMi.-ilay " i.vmiliiK ' K.m or .Mr. ami .Mrs. .lax, .Skhinol' or t Tni-Kilay, .Inn. Ii. us fulluwu: . I'lral ji last t he roHnwlm: appo in tmen t s v.'cre Washington, nml MI*s Alice I'm-wll, f Nat ional— !•'. I1. IIiniiii-M. .1. I-'. I in I r. II made : IIOI'OIIKII i-ler!.. llli.omllclii A|i- ilum;lu..i- o r the late Mr. and Mrn. | | i . c. I 'artei ' . II. <>. Cnrl iar t , Mar»li.'ill |: isur: siii.i.rliiiciiiient i/f water a m l : l ) . |.\ IMnel l , iias liicti riniioiiliccd. j I 'nol. T. I:. Lmyes. .1. l.i; Krvlne, W. I

- , : stl-eils, .Jacob K, Xaimliriwiil: rollee- : .Miss i>|iin:lia Smith sl 'etil till- week- : c Unwell. A. A. iichlll»el t.' \V. C. j' . - ' tor in' water fi-i-'i< ami •:..oiiiil.-.slniier ol end with he r sister. J l I'M. .101. llrynll. I Hi,well w a s i-e.eleet.sii president mill

! the Ii ', Ceiill!!' \Y. 'lltiiiiiin r : mar - In WiiHhiiltUnii. KUo wu.i ari.'rilil|ianl- IT . I!. Unwell eashler. Till! IVople's:-hal. ( i . n r a e V.ei'.-an: xiiikiiiK fnnd •-•! liy I I IT sister . .Mrs. Annie M. IfilKh ! Mini!: elected tile rnlluwlicr: H. .1. Ill- j

1 eoi.iiiiis.-t.iiier. .Iain, .i Al. Aim-ar. Next • or Klewarl .ui l le . i vci-.i. I'". I!, Kverltt, I. .1. Illxini, .1. AV ii in.'s'liiiH Ih-M Monday In IVbi-niry. : .Mrs. Alien W u r m a n left Saturday l .Mesal.-r, .1. C .McCnnnehy. M. \ \ K a - |i .Misa Haille l i a r t m a n I n s . relarni'il ' for Patel'snn to visil , lier lii'iiliews.: vereool, .1. .1, VnnhVnten. A. .1. Vetter,i to In -1' Ilium In (Slelt U a n i n e r after i t . ' ioly anil .la*, l le l lea iuer . Slit-expects | and l laymoiid Smi th ; I'roH.. .1. A.: spuniliii^ a rew day*; with lier sister. ' to roinri i i-lmitl .Mar. 1. .Messlyr; vli-e pres.. I". (J, Kverltt;' .Mrs, I'liinU .Ionian. ' ; Mrs. K. T. l:ui:h nnil, .lanKlller Hi-- cashier , llaymnnil Smltll .i Mis-) li./riithy III-VI.IIII., ' rel i inied !:l-l : elyn at temled a b i r thday party ill The r e m a i n s (if .1. li. l l e l le inr r! Kriday nii;t!l froln !-:a:nmi, where r,lie ' Mrs. Then . ItllsiiV. Hlewnrtsville were interred in the faintly pin*, at:;

-'•'•"! Wa.i v la i l jn ' her f iniw. Mrn. -t-it=«J»»l > 1 !'-'-;Ilt>-. l t " t '• Tlil'H.'lJV -i.nii.il llriek nil Tuesday ..( iaBtneeU. .! ;:,IIIy. - - . - - . . - - , M r s . .!. \V. llawlc .-mil d a w n l c r . I l | - died a t Hie home ••! hU sk ie r - ln - ;'•' :.lr.'-. (. 'liarlis IV. IVIIKI.-M nt Hal- Jli->. ilc.-iry T, llcniicr. sjicm Tlinrs- I l.nv. ,.Vr>'. lit my, In /AYivuj-Ji. I l l " '' l-oi-o. I'a.. h.is relnl ii"«l hiinte after a i d-'.y with .Mis. .lolih K. .Snilth, a t I -me wn.-i 7:! years, l ie is stirviyeil by \

•; visit With Ii. r flsti.-i-.'-.Mru. .1. 'Ii. >"t. i \V:Iwliillt-11<.11. {one run, who llyes In Cidorado.friend of ; Air.-. M. J l . Klimcy lias Bimo III I Mr. and .Mrs. .lolin lintall ll.'i

DEPOSIT IN THIS BANK all-tb?;money||||you do not need just then,; and;youYwnt|||*escape the temptation to spend it fe!ly and: will bo sure to have,it


3% Interest Paid on Time Deposits' ;!;£

t iny

h..-rl : i i z a l l h l t i c i l t i n v . , i r i n i l ] y [ Hi t i . r K i a i i i l i i i . i t l i i . r . : . h v . M a , 'Vr Min i ; . | .Miv . T i m l a H u I a l i U i r . f o r a n l i l i l f l l n l t i :

stayilic alM i M

of In.r |iaH l l hlyc |

in!) , .Mr. ami Mrs. Jiilm A. Hall, whllMr H a r r y I ' l i lv. 'n a m i lu-n yonH. ; [ inic. Mi-, Hn ta i i liar, l .ccn riircViMili'T fi-.nill i i i l in-l iiail Mlll.-r. liav-.. n-uii'ii.-tl friiin : T h e f r l i ' i ub at J l l i « KoilH'r i i ic I ' a r l ; a n a t l a c l ; i.r r l i f i i i i i a t l s in . Mr willi \ l : - i : •:ufi r . - Ini lv i* In i:ilz:i!i. '!li. r r c iilc.i:;i'i'i ti. lie.-ir i l i a t s ho !I,I:I1M-I.-II r r i ' t i i rn in his f n r i n r r | n» l t l n i i as* cli.-f

Ti l . . .\Ii«;-iii I r» n m l .Miilicl T r i m - i.><<>.• t " L a v . - t in- lni:<|iil.il. j a i \ C. I.. 1 iairlr.-UMinwii. .lii.Tj- .i|».iil S:,'.iinhi.i- '.vitli l ln- lr Ki-ti.-:-. ' .•••i'B Al i i - . I'm-j'.-l s p e n t ni-v.Tal i lays I A. Wlnllvli l l.usi- will |lisp".«... .if 111.-.Ml-:--. K I - I H ^ Vr l l l : ' rh . l-Mtv-lll!y Wllli h e r *i.st.-r, .Mr>i. .liihll J -tni-l; ani l f a rm I n a r h l . l o r y a t pill-Iii-

II'M f M:. Vi rn i . i i , X. V.. i ,-vh n.iilt. In l:r . .( . l :!yn. : ^ i ! ( . M a r c h I I an i l i n r n v tn Klair.i-vl.-iu-il H: . :0nl; iy : na l .--luiilay, w i th Mis 'i-'n- s-tiirk loft a Kh-t a t t i le Imli l i - ' in-vn in nnr. nf .1. l'i. l 'rvini.-.i hiins.-s.f,itiii-r. ' ! . II. iiii | i . . . ; ' i f ,v'r. an i l Mr--. I i a v l s . l l a n - i n m . S l i " ; .MrK. l.'ti'O. \i-hn rcciMilly t u i n i

.Mi«.*'.!nlla J l . - .my rr-tiirii"il t " wm-!i : ia - . ' l l - i i i ' lclln I:.-*-. ' i fr inn Iho l'ali-r.-:i>n h o s p i t a l , l:< stil lifiM l 'r i .! : iy a!tr.-r u u -Iln. ..-: of a i w l l : Mm. .Iniln K. Uilvh I ' l i lci- tainnl a ] I'linlinoc! to h e r lu'il.f rom ;,-nji. r o m p a n y of i-i.tattvc:; las t Thurs i l f iy . : .Mr.-. W i n . .1, Amli ' i ' son . v.-lio i l k l

Jlre.1 «. ,M. .Smith an i l i laushii ' : - ' I la- \ a t h e r liunii; n.-.u Alliiiiiiicliy ' ln."t•••iinJ.Cin.lli-. iU- . - ih i .w lay . a f t e r a ItniK i l lness fi-nin

Win, S . .S I I I I IWK farm north of ,lm.isitliiK In . sonliiM^ .-mil will inoi-i- there .Mar. 1.

i .Mr. Knnvi.-r has nut fully tli.-'jlilcil a.-iyet where lie will Ideate.

VK ! C Snllelil of. Miiillstih, f.'onn., l«-111 al iho I ie 'nMilii (lailKhti Jl

i .Mi.:.: To.-:-!:- .Mi.a.Ii: ;<| I tin- ive'.-l:- ; The " I . T." elam wa.-j eiucrtaliu'il | paralysis and heart iriinl.le. foinnrly \ H|i-::il v.-tth. nlnliVLw in Kastini. : last Timrpilay liy .Miss l:tith lllille. Miveil near Walinil 'Valley. :J: Mr:-. l-:iizat.etii 1 i..i-!.ni.l is i i i i rsln^ : V . ' i n . i ' . I ' l i le of 1-: i.ston is ill a l hi?-: l an i i e 'J-'ilveriiian l i a s niireha-n-il B



/ / ' • ' - ' ; E a s t o n , P a . •;.••,

° " c " Saturday Ni'uhts anil Every:Bu5incs»Uas;. .;.•: ;

llerluel Tr immer stu-lil tin- weel(- , „„ ,„„ . u,,,,,,.,,- „, h.,. I ' » " I '"<• I ie nr iliii dailKhti-r, .Mrs,1 " \ l ' » I . I . M i l I f U I l l T l l ? * * » t l l l . [ * l ^ ' I I M ' I J I J I * . 1 * ^ ! It * • | * l " t - ' i'i' >t r t I" \

•lOMN.SD.Nlit-IIIi . ["•M(.(i'/f1|-™i"i'li'*' l!irx<'-'«-V-i|1|"lli"l<l""iIl>llVa I " " " ' " ' h i s hoi isehol i i U-I«I'I!S' t h e r e ' tillsI ' r - .m t h e . p i - r s i a t o u t l o o l ; t h e l l i ' i t ' i ' i i in iui . last l-'rlday e v e n l n ! ; wei-,--$2 I.- | " j ' ; .., , „ , . . , , , , , .

si:hooi i.iiildiim will be In i-ea.Hues' ; : , „ , l :ev. .M. ! I. l . oo lo ian a t t emle i l t h e .; ; ' ' ' " " ,,.,, " I " ' 1 ' ... . , ' , ' , , •'r i , . . i . n . - ^ . . l o . o l . - I ! i ! . l t - . . i i h - . - t i n . i b - ' : i o l " : v i . . . . . a . . . ; > . 1 . 1 i ' . . . . , » " . . M ' ' i i j i i v i , ' i i ' i i i ' t l n , m a n i i o s p n a i , . \ e \ \ , u n , a m i i n n . . o i i -.tir s::huol ( 'h ih l ren by t h e lir::t of • ,\ | , ,ii-is a n d (iranut. . I ' r e s l iy t e ry a l tilt

weeK. It is n idel l.lllldhm- • s,,aih Street lifesbytei'laii elinreh in



FROM MAKES TO USER DSSECTT7AMOUS for more Aw '"lull a cc:itu:y f r :!•. :ir v.-oninfulf"4 iono (|ua!ii;'t Mr,;/ s^ibr. i!i::l o:;!.".'r;it!y ioiif' iif~. Once )•««

inilnll one of these LXT.;-.II!UE imltururn?* in yocr heme y

b: nial:hu:

.v'lilln" ids•li linsplul-|

p(lillnn is reiietii-il as inn liiiprnvlnt:.

Annie Itahlwin or Newarkspent last week at X. M. Orali;'.-'.

.lohn Otllek has r-nted a part of<jt.n. f. ri;;ilen'>; house.

s a n d lllu el l l ldrea a r e in-oail of It, : Moi-rl:;lov.-n, T m w l a y .i Tin: I'lireiii-TeitcliisM1 .\ss"i:lul|iill '. .'.I r s . i 'a Hie rhie Ma lei-j will nn et a! l-'iaiiklili selinol Iniiior- ..n imlel'mil.. s t ay wilii I

af terni ioa at :: o'elm-l;. .Mrs. I-!, ami son at Tee le r lo ivn ,; V. V.-oodv.ar.l. Hie a:-:istln^, U-aeher, i wife h-oi u lo .Murris-ti! e.-.p.'.-urtf. Ii- i.i-M.-fiKl. .-• ' I lor a;i i>|,ei'iit!(in. ' I ' , I'<JI!T . l l l ' l t l l A Y .' Mr. nml J l r s . .Ii.tin V: Inilcr ai:il ; .Mrs. Wi, . . I l ium a m i sis ter- in- law, j Manslield nap t i s l church—'•( Ippor-i ttoliiiiMl Va-a.iinl-r i.r .W.vlon passed , Viola, ami- Mis:- . lean!. ' Snover of An- ; t n n i i y " will be Hie sub jec t on Sunday- :-'::nil:'V A'.lth ' I:. :r o a n n l s . Mr. a n i l i h o a y u v r e i-ee-nt Kliests or the for- [ mornil!!,-. KveniaK subject , " i ' l a y h m

J i t s . ;•.•. Ii. V.i.-i.i'it!t-r, nl'il Mr. anil . m,.,-'M «l.-te.', ,\Iiv. . laeoli Selmyler . . tin- l-'ool." Va-sar I ' e r ry will 'leadJ .Mr..-. . I .uob Kehnyler . .Miv. Samuel | t he Y m m s I'eojile's ineetini,'. Tin '

O N E Y E A R ' S * T R I A L . I t l -\y^\,i:i-'s.ry..ii,. i.ii.:rV

.Uli lii- sai'j.,- '- in m e iV,--lPl,!' I". ('„!•! lii-.'M, ,lure al.,


•.If for :•. soeial ! :o-,vii.::|- Iut;:i i'. : Mrs, i ^•|':!:;er of n a m i e r s

! ol;.-a a f I i has eolielnded a f."..- ilnys1 ::'.ay.:-. 1 ia a n e w ' lii', and .Mr-;. SfiaiTer S'.iaitll.

i.lrvll Winters. Kliner l leatty save th.church several loads of W|oil. Den- |

m OiUvin iViry IIHUIIMIwiitiilw a n d trill it in to *it.o

fi'oni Ui"

.\ii\-. .Mary .1, Unlic^Mii return^i iI J-iUui'di-y; linviiiK ^iH.-iil a iVrtniuht

! i w ' \ ' ' ! ^ ^ ^ j r S U i f ? * - / - " . ' - , t j l t S W / ":,'".-,-;W-:; i •'• '!i '••••• ' ' J l ' t p i | |j ; ^ Mrs. Il'eo. ilowell a ml .ii i..,-e. -M Is* j servb:es Wi-lv Imlit In l h ^ MeHwilIrt _ .y,.. ami .Mrs. N. It. l'sii-U _.;>»<!

?'.W± ' ^ t / W - r ' § r J v i " ^ ' ' ^ 1 i j ; i S i W 5 i iVi :^ -» ; . : ; : :E :=e : -£ .c , l , , l . l i t ! wi:'- :,'i-.' ami '.M,s. \Vic!!.\l'il"le'r"" ' " ! lei-mem in I'dim-sl eenii.lery. n.r-\, ih,.alre piirly hi New Vn"l. on' i - R i S S l - S H S f w S K S f W ' S ^ T w cS-'hi'Vr-'"'!''""-' '•'V.'l.'-'-Vi-'.'.-i'.i Vt i ,-Vv*"' " " V l ' u ' l l l i " " i s '"' Sfinli'iif !s . j ' , Wiiile skating i.ii Pe^tiM vivj-iMast satiirdav. _ Mr. l'ark ami ilaaL-li:-i

i j^^^feSrr^iitel^Sti 'r iS 'S';' ^^'^':.:/''i:°'^L'lS'"'' '"%" f i r '"<'•'•',. •'-'. ';Vi'l'l'.'.Vr'.,'!,L.: •"iviiiv.'ir'l'iart at- • i'«ve"«r mlno '".'.i ihe other boys he was i M'|.' '".., n\l " .vnf \vVl'l r-v'.H-' 'i :'i' KimuiiL'".'S-»k>'-.-i;i>2-.KM'--f:?fl|?:' '7--.-" Ui -'.I .;•-.•[„ ; j r :: .aJ.-' .JM*,-: 1 ! 1 I'.-liiii-.l II::- :< . ; -oa: ' . l . i ' . . s i low ia V-w i l-efcni-d,. A. ,«.-iilm!il svllT.-reil a L'llijlll Wl-nkeM . v ^ f e f e - . - ^ ' . r . v - J l J h W a - - - i\ ,- , - r •• -.'..-j-'m-.-ivi • i 'F 8 | V..I-I. last V.-.--.U. " ' ! Mr. a m i Mrs . T i m s . C ra i i ; auel l i le i l I ,,,,- , , a r a ly s i s on Kuii . lay.S- ' : # V p f t = J i f c H l 1 ' ' ' - - " ' - ••' •'•"-— (i<-'-'•!''•) ' • ? « . " - • * « ! i ' : : ' " - Ha,:.' - I ! ' ! : i : . . i , - l , ; a-:,« e :. l\u< futlcl'iil of t h e d a l l ^ h U ' r of t h e i r .,.(„, , n r . , , , , „ „ „ . . | , ,H i , , ,h . ot Mr. ami'•' i f e S ' f e i S ^ S - ' i - ' ' • ' ' • - - - - - :. ' - - . . ? ( . I .....:.!..,.,,,, . . , : . , . ; • „ , • ,.;., ;;,.,.,.. V,-,, ! RC;,ll'-: ', AI '.,.••1 I .'!•:. <?. a t Hiilll-SfiWll, j ; , . H ,-..(,...-,... V 1 | s | , . , . ( H , . , | TllOfduy- a r-fr:f^^^-«Jrs^'5. ' -»nii :"iTO>--.-~-<.--"--—-«-.- .-»-J-- .- .r- :m . .^- ; . - , . -- : : , . . . . - . . -r . ,™,, . ,^. i ; .-j ,, | | ,.,. ' ' \ \:,sl \Ve,lii,.>-,!,.v a!: ierm,. . l i . er i iorm of b r o n c h i a l | .nellll!..llia findv . a J U « < a ^ l i u i a c : o s - J L = > » i o r a i ™ - j s i a a l » ^ . = . - ~ » > i . . ^ - a . i ! ™ " 1 J|;,.,- i.;|,.;, i i ; i , | , s .>viii |,,.,, | ,;, [,-„. : '- .\!l's. Sll-li.- TU-rnry ol \ IKlMIll Is « i r - , v | i | 1,,. Ijui-Iott I-Vlduy' inni'llhli,'.

: . - I-,..-.,1-ih I.e.i. Huii.lay i '1-ii- ' i'»" ''"'•' I l e r . l i u s . h i e r . Mrs . .Inn. Sny- Vr^ ,.-n,a s -ui - rnas e a t e r t a l m i ! on~ ~ "" : ~**-U : _ _ i !.:r. who is ill. l-'riday :-lrs. ,1ns. CarlinK ami daimlu.-r

, , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . . . • : i;,.o. .lories, who has been ill with u.,.|.,.. i--^ i;.,v I'.M.Uie' UMI VVn^^j!if^f^Jwpaisvisavtii/^ji!uw^iw^^ij^,T^ . , ' • ' ••»-••-•>«-<-••»*-. . ,- v v , , f,,,. l m rtayH , i 0 C 3 ,,,,1 J - j r , , ' , . ; , ; , , , : ; , ' , , ; " ^ , ! ! . ; , , , '

Ffor Co;\l, Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cement, Lime,

•Wall-Plaster, Brick,'.Slate, Roofing 'Paper,'Galvanized Roofing, Beaver .Hoard, etc.

~: f\ • ! • \Valvi'''ri..-'Bl-,'n,tVi'V T-iwHslmrv1' "' l "?*• <1™- Neyliart. who hus liceli

f | i ^ ' r s . ' . . • ' . I 'smttti of I !aei;etts;iiwn. i <lA\,*' Winner aii.l 1 lonrv I'.an^hart! « , " ' . '••:-:r::ihie.I l.y M : s . |I,.,-b,;,-t j ^ t ^ a n l o y e i i a t 1'hillipslinrg.j t.e.i.> a! 1 enw.-.l !a.-l I iinrsoay. i Harry Sh.iibjr is ill.: . Mrs. i iia::, . U ive'aini pastel! l a s t : : ^—~o-j •'•}

' 11;

inrs •li i.v In

,'V'^i't ' j l n i





'"'iimii i o t n l M i - i


•'riday :-lrs. ,1ns. CarlinK ami ilaimhiMinke. V-^. Kay I 'arlln^ ami Mrs.Klinell l-.i.-iienlt'l- of \Vasiiin:.:',i,.i. I

^ !

SfMOOliKV'S MOi:.\TAIX. jKailiim- Hi malcc his antemobile : I

.vorl: m i Friday, S. .1. Corceyaa di'.i ' \nil lake Ihe children from Sico:v.-:i:-:uirs-In Herman Valley lim-h' a.'it.'i'ii. J- .loliii kead and family and Jl.. .> ; 1U-.'td allemled the funeral of taci:1 . iirother, Andrew Kead. on Mo:::!'.-, i

.Mrs. John Ueedc re turnul hoiue-iin1: '

LetUsFmnishiheHdmetobe---Make This Week Living Room Week .

Two Smite Specials at Ford'sCj Anoihor .liwinry Special—A'massive3-piece livingroom si:!!o in i'unicd oak with genuine brown MoroccoIcutli'.' ..-'--i'.;- :it»! bi'.cks (the finest•.leather made)— a

: suiti- ii.i'.> -«iui a CBiiter table will be -sufficient .to ..'•:;c"Ji:i;:l-j;-.;:.'.--i'i!r!iib,h ;i living room. : : : . •

Re:;i:::r ; ; : icc, £75.UO.- January Special, S55.C0.

Q Sii!! :;:-;n!.:;er living,room suite- this one in mahog-• . u:ty '•'•'•> ]ii'.t't'w); comfort built in sofa, chair and

rrckrj!'. ' Unholstered in handsome green silk velour—luosi;.cushions, spring seats.

R'.:ni!iar price, S70.00. Sale price; §50.00.

Oi ;y tv,n fii" a variety of pleasing living room suites.. i:: ;:,• (ir.'".,-::;-.d fumed oak.and mahogany. ' :

Sec Our W i n d o w Display

, THE PQRB'STORE ;•C. R. FOXD, Proprietor •:

Vi"-.:!;;-::i:r:t'jr.'s'-Largest Store • Washington, N. J.

Kept under cover and thoroughly screened

Pea $4.50 Chestnut $6.25 Stove $6 Egg $6 Buckwhtat $3.50;. | ! $ £ ^ - ,,};,I5!:-N-',;V1"V'r " ^ ^ " l-. i ' •' ^ 1 ''l'y.-' ' " " ' ' •'" Mans l ie i i l l $.|.f,ll(!.'

Kindling Wood—a mixture of oak, maple and chestnut.

« [ ' u ' , " I-.-..,, K r \- ,.- ,.| ' ' ' a t l i e r ine and Mrs: Sleiilien I - e h r a m l on saiui i i . i j e i ea im, . ,S ! l l i i , I i.in.-.-s ..I .\.-«:i I. sjieiil !.:.- , , , . , A - ,.;..,., ,:]1(M1,iii,K sev- Chas. Sillier may move, in the sprini;•si ' " ' ' " : : 1 - : h " ! ' ' " . ' ' " ' '"••''"' '-i-il "l"y-< with r-liiiivos In i 'aierson. | t o .Middle Valley ami Chas. Slaicr l"

.Missionary Day will lie observed i'l Anderson • •he M. K. church Sunday. A snednl 'i he Ladies .Si-wms Society willH-ie'riiiii is boinu- iilanneil for both meet at Mrs. \ \ . C. Cook's this a l le r -

id eveniiii? services.

Gattelle &'Sclimze Goal and-

Office and Yards,. Boivklcre Avc. and Morris CacsU

! ; I M H u m ii li\\ \'\ I ' N l i I h .->tr: \ ii_\-.-r.

T h e l.-iilies' Aid Socie ty nf the M.pi I*. I,::,,.I A. lie • ami wife to F rank K, ,-uun-h m e t a t Mrs . Gco. Hall 'sg ! J ' - Hun e l ai , d a t c l Xov. 2.1. Ill 1«» I i-1Mt. W e d n e s d a y . ' ifu-rnocn.^ : eonvevs liimi :a I lar inon.v: s i . ; \fvii. '[ 'hce. Wilson of Delaware!'• MniMiirctlii .Miller a n d husband to ! I'ai-k B|«.-iit tin; weck-e lu l witll her(^ : l-'lorcm-c llo(Tmao. .-l.tleil I v e . :.. I!H:;, ] ^i-a,.;-, .Mis; W. II. S i m o n .«> j ii 'iivi .I-:: hiiiil h r W:is!:i im:oi. 'i 'wp.: : ? ! . ! .I'lif. (>],i !i;i,-ii on t h e F i i l l e r J . i t w;is,. 3 ! ...Ciii-i-i" , ! : . . ! bir.iy. aT-.'.i ..h;.^;i.v,,.;~-!"--. i i i i iwii ' -over-nri-• .-ftiiirlay- m o r n i n g by

f i r'" ;--''''! ^'r!''i''';'(n'' ?'"'"&''$!?!,-' I1'"' 'llKl1 ,"'h"1- . i ' •

| ! '"'l^yi'^n'^niliiMsbm-^'si'. 1'"'JTli1-'- . J^ ,P'llOIKk'l'

Jli-.f. Warrfii Walters i« 1!1 iiiuV inih-siimio fii'cuin'sTjMiir^s.1 Win.- is a:.ivirtr.w with in-wnil fhilili-cn. ' Xeiwh-hors and frtc-mls luivo hron contriiuu-

Start the New Year by Getting MoreValue Than Before:-Buy Your Shoes of

HOC'.\iV. nml -\h-s. WlilnnTKlHtiey ami

uiwiay with' Mr. aiul • Mrs. .h'siali

M">*. . I /O . AnttiTsoii attended a sur-n-isc- piirlv for hor Ni^iir, l l i u K. 1'..

tMwr. ina, I'liil.li|isl>iu-i;-, Saturday.' . , ; " • " , ' • M MI'- ''• '"••'•••,": n " " - i The enl.l weiuhcr and lilKh wind of 1;. A. Allen and family ami Mrs.1 S ? l ,!.'.' "'»;!«"'"'-l.-: H . . ,,,,., w , . ( , k - . . . v o ., iHoiui&qnu apnear- <!has. Wultuii and son I-Ynnk i.ased-• , i i ' • ' • . ! ' , • ' '• iar.ee to tlu.-mill dams. Ire r n w in Wednesday la iJustini.

V - ' , i - 7 i J- ' ' ' ' ' • ' • - ' , • ) " l u ' ' - ' - v s I odd ami fa.ntaslic rorn.s on the taees Miss l.nella Quiek of Hope last,.'• ' - H ' . "s, '"ri(f \n f-l'i-o i " r l h 0 I l ; l " 1 : ' ' '••'"""-•" h y l'>di.'e.l'sltwli i week with her sister, lira. Arthav.". .' i , ' • ' , , " ! • , „ - , • : - • i iee and il:e .wind liemin;,- av.ainst the 1 l(.):Uiii.-.'i ' , '""!",; ', ' ,!::; '^'-,1.-..-1,?,,"1 ' c " " v c - v s ; rail ..r walur. Th.:' ice domes and pin- <:iias. Smlon and Arthur Ht'.l'l<Ui«' " t.illli.ii-lnii!:. .V-..00. I ,aieles sm-moiintlns- the dams eause.l i ire woi-Uiasm I';;'.!-.!,,!.. ,vv'•. in tile" mill ponds lo ovc-r-

r liatlkr. atul afforded Jtoori | .in low lands adjoining I tic. i:

I'-.niily mill 1I;KS been' running

K.VOIVI.TOX.The dii-eclors held a media:," Fri-

day nifrlil. They report lhal Mr. Klia-\ e r has pill the blackrinii'.li s'.iiii)a payiiis basis: • . ' , . . -

lieriiian Ivisliijan^li v.-as' i;iiietly,,„.. ..iiirrleil lii"t TiRisilay tu .Mr.--, i'nyili-.-

li'ark f.'ii',-ani!aii silent several days I of . MarHsboro..il- last week in Xew Vork. Mr. and Jl is . 1-aUv. I met ami

Several new pi s have been add- I « 'Han•d to oiti- Sunday school.

The sh.Hidv mill lia.s oeeirruaniiiK95>(5Bl I Ih<- past- week: . Goof- Clawson.- who

/ • liias-.b.-en in a mill ai Kaimlen, is set-i ias .b .en in a mill ai Kaimlen, is set: i , , . -ou l an n r l e r for •-.h.-aidv ai thisi

' ' " i

ild Mii. lOiiw, 1 MlirL and . . ..ealU'd'on friends in l 'ena,yl-


That discouraged feeling often-comes frorn.a disordered stora-'

i-jsach, or an inactive iiver. Get ni , m . ..,.„,„„ , ,. ..,,,! yOUl- d i g e s t i o n ' i n Shape a n d ! ;,,i.t.,,i, s , , ' , i t l , ];\wa his icehouse lust ! Several from this idace attcadeii, Ife

, L.^l-.]ifi'hiip. ;iP.Hnr/_l")rOnnrlv t h e n ' 1 wbek. ~. w - ^- ; I n - timelai ol Jus, iiia.eklol'd. at Lo- | g~T" lllC''billCS" V/ill d £ "laarTTfoU 1 ••• . , J " ~ ~ ~ • I "'Tl'l"'and Mrs W. S. I'erry ;:ave !i ! S

i will soon bsc l i ee rK. ''•yputake | -„,..,, ,.Vit "'.-;„",, " H o , , , . j . ''K^noy , -c-1 'Kni ' ' "•*""• " r U u 'h ' ''''!""'1? l!IB1 E

I sssgsasjs iaE! s I ? ; ; ' , M®0® • w"'"i!»>-'vi«i"\vitiv'jn»s Kni!iey;» bro-i .^J,;/;.,,™"1";!.'1;'1^,,:!,^!^,^'''"11""11!®'I I w f c & l ' ^ a ' : : « - «L" t h " r C1 '"'k In'l'ljlll'dei.hia. .... i ,,uh,i I icuee was al .Marksboro 1:.!:' |' \&%MiWW, OTte'HVS % : , Mrs. Frank Shelley of Slroii,lsbnr.i[T]nl,.sl,,,v, „ . ^ r =

'--'•; '"•-^Verbiter bener'Shbe"vaiuel''thafrrany~-other Shoe Store in this section when the ,;,quality of our Shoes, assortment and the ,careful personal attention" you will re-ceive here are considered;) '

TRY .OUR SPECIAL rt»«V f ffk '•''"•BLACK KID LACE ^ i i | i |SHOES, sor iLaeSies, v » « B v

.Mi'.ny other stores ivotiM ask S5.0O for them. ,

OUE CLAIJI: We positively give 100 per cent. Shoe '•*.V'aliie, and we are here to prove it to you. '. ." ". /, ''.:'•;

<TRY US 'FOR • YOUR NEXT' PAIR! :• • • ' - • • • • , • • . - . \ \ • • • ' , ; • •

"Home of^ Good Shoes"

226 Northampton Street, EASTON, PA. ' i



i •' "

j - ; - -

,-NiiiB'ber .'448.!• Perfect 'Idaha'' The kil;est in Idaho Kanges.

An entirely new-pattern. Plain

. thermometer in oven door.Made with cabinet or low

shelf. A guaranteed baker anda great coal "saver. fe j


„ 211 Nortlwmplii'ii .it, f'aston, Pa.

f El


If " • " • ' . " , ? • "



?;S: :....,:, ...

-"•"*» ' i\-\ v '

•Hi Trorn Weilnesilay Mil1 Snliii-iliiy Iwilh her sister. Mrs. Lizzie 1 linaliet-ry. |

(Mmi-eli services on Sunday morn- : ,'I'he I'^iw'orlli l.oasrne will lie l-'.v

M T . liK'i'iri-r;. . j. . . o family in this' vicinity has jled In Ihe evenim; liy, J'. Jl. Ynlllilt. Chad victims n[ snli lately. The mem-j ,

Mrs. Amy; Isirkhnri:'. and Mrs. irrnuk i hers of Mr. I.len I larU:.'.'.rs famil::.1! .-.re-

ni-f we..kA " '" L' ' * """" ' ' : ' • ' l ; ' ' iy ' ' l : ln i -h i i i ' t helped Jacob Van-'

few days last week, .lohnhe people's remedy for Hies.:omrnor< ailments.- They act

,1. .drugs. Whenever YOUI feel'i''dfspbndent a few''doses-will'

IS' V .Mrs.







{TON. «

I, of -iwcsl

'Una, '(lunliy i>r

i- 51 IMS1' Aliiniio I'oyor rt'turiu-rJ' u ' r ; l.ln> city last Tlni rs iby .

lllll> ! will: l'u-i- fur ;i v;)iih\

^!7)t iivK. ^/"Krii^^^f'T'iVir^Viitin-M'iVccirnyf-fj Curl Ifioiiiintv wiis onntlnotl tn his iI liiuuf l:»4i wt>ek with JI sovoiv fi>h).

Jlrs. M., Cnso 111

eIK'Hart is stopiiini;- wi

^:^:-~:.r,,.Q ASTORIA. .^ - - ^ - ';.lo,i vs tho slgnaturri'of ChaBrH.Fiot*eb"or. •la uflo for over thirty years, and ,

^ 'She E**itl You. have Always'Bouglii.

• • / • . • • • \ - v - . , : - : , . • : :




;-il<vfc---v-T^ iWiiWfii'.SHit

Page 14: TH. E WASHINGTON STAR Largest in the/Stat^ · 2015. 12. 4. · trolU-d by ihe U-hlgh Valley ['..•II.1 *.'»>., which was glwn control of ft to use as a public utility, la northern

GREAT JANUARY CLEARANCE SALS. No dou ptiently waiting for this s:ile, and they will be •amply' rewarded. The variety of of-ferings in this sale is so broad and rhe reductions are so decisive that one can

ercliandise Sharply Reducedsave many dollars on items for immediate needs alone, to say nothing of buying

r r '" needs. But we will not tire you with a long introductory talk,facts are such as to make it perfectly clear to everyone that this

is the supreme economy event of the winter, one that YOU would not want tomiss under any circumstances. ••..: :" , V:

HandbagsWoman's lii-nl •M,.rr(iis..T||ai..Mi,i

ivjinliir Sl.'i">. --Ht.f'il 'ami i'<M MIIII.Intmnry Vl^s'nim't' 0^5 fI'rkv . ' . . ' «3^.»C

Toilet Articles' . P i i i m o l i v f ' i J i r a i K r v t ' t i t a r [>r:< .•- i " V ;

; ' . S j i « f I a l i n t h f • . I s i m i u r v <'!< , i - ; - ; - - - - .

1 . Hciruiar. H)c Tootn Hi-uMu^ y

HoUv;U»r HnVt'lcs' V.-Vul;iV '%•< ;;MlS9C values: .huuiarv civ.tv- ("Qm i r y l*ric<* . , . . , - . . . , . , i . . . . . Of t? I .

Misn't'liiinrirtj)*1 a s s o r t mtvu. .or "{-:i\~f i lm Powder . a . T'.'ilcf :<'•:(i>s. 'Tvn'Si

to"1 rinV-^vri'lUVN?'Sjan'i:;Vry ' cvl l r . i 'w"

!:^"........... 10c """• 19c

• 25c

Stamped Goods

iui'Vir.'...''...'.'!..!'..'.!!.'.'..Slinnik'.i Turkish T..vvr;

-i7'-i'li'!'Vv!U!'..'1!:i!-.('(;.°^.'.!.•.-.:•!IMJUe :UH! To.mM.'i- I>o:!ir.li.-ient rutmn for- cro.'hr.Mii81.63 a « « ; Jnuiuiry (•!<•:.r- <u t . Prk- . iior .-••:•! i






Hurtrlrnn.ii|) •;,!I'npvri'.'lit*1 from !i:iti>:

i l l l III . . . .-•(I n i l t l ^ o r i

"«. suil.'il incry -lj:i11» re

Books• .if all i.nr v.-L.:i':.rH u l l . ' I , : I I I . . . l..i.;.ii!.:

^L 39ci n f i l l •>:' i l i i . i : ' " l i ' ,til . ' 1 l i . i - lma- rn-li .lucli . . ; i ' .


. \i



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Smalli|'..J r

..tI i\-'\•iir.uii •-t . : i i r < - r

VWiliiVilj;c,<tl'\Dliv 1'

i'_' '. i ro i

H H i n |• • \ l r i t . .





ic! in!;- 'Sal''.

> 1 ir:* Lv M i l "•;i ' l . - (- t -

• i i - M - i -i - •? ; ! . ." ' ! .


.85<-.|i;. -.1

.50, t i ; ; . . . i |


DomesticsMill l i k u V i W ^ u i H i i «ir i^n.1 1 " H -

blimrhpil .Muslin, w . - n i i \ w Y d . :ypci-iiil In th i s i<uI,' m, f\f\

10 ,YARDS FOR «j> J1. . .UU:(ti-in.- I'liblnu'ln'i! .Muslin, wnrtli

l;:in<;r^ij..^-....r....-,...j...J,-..^r^<i^-J^-/\/\l.." 14 YARDS "F0R»P""l"»UU"

'r i ih i r> . iu lk<i l t r u - l i . p u r e l i n e n . 'w o r t h • ' J f k t ' V d . , • TI p *

• • i n ..•/:. ' .• •.:.- 15cDuuMe-Threitd Until TOWI-IH. worth

'A'Jc mid ;!!te, o n and r j n ,

> n , . . . dac Zdc- •••iau, ; a ml !.«•. , , t 10c..'• •'Xnii-Stn'tL.li'1 \\"a«li VUAhf. wnrtli


rcKlKLtivily, ::t I

•f 85c,92Vnd95cr i . ' .ciii-iii . Hi'nl j.".i;:!ir-in: P i l low"

aTviiiiinV"" ISc ' " " 1 6 c•' '-1.-1x311-111. V'Mm (Vsi'S, 1 "}iviirth,•!>. ut. :.ff. l i C

I i i l K l

Women's"& Misses' Coats, $10 toValues from $15 to $39.50 ^ .


Now is (IK1 time for Winter Coals!

Tlk' .lainmrv Clearance infers you

yi'mr clnik'e'i'r anv Winter i;o:it in

'the sfcre at a haiuisome saving. The

variety nf styles, uiateriab and eol-

urs is'pr;i:tii:;illy iinliiiiitcd, incHiJiiii;

tin' •U'asnn's verv smartest moilels in

V.MHI velnurs. 1II:O;K1L lotlis ami all She

oilier smul malerial;-; in hlaek. navy

Mue. jjreen, 'I'ruwii, Burjiiiiuly, ete.

.Many are fur tr'r.mu'd aiui ail have

modish lar.ee collars, some are semi-

liued. -with K'Hs. others are the full.

li.ose-1-ack efiects. Complete ranj;e

*'i women's and misses' sizes, re-

diiced as io\\,r:.-^

Regular S t . i . i 'O |

O>r.i s p e c i a l :>.[... i

Rei.'iilai' S!').?i> a:i.l SJ5 .Ud Coa t s

< S S , $19,50l(e:;ii!ar S.-5.UU and Si9 .5u Cotits

special i

's Fors and Fur CoatsA -sweepinjr clearance of our remaimter assortments of Wom-

en's Hurs and i-'ur Coats is.one of the most noteworthy features of

this Great January Clearance. Every.piece we jriiarautee to be

trustworthy quality and .strictly up to the "minute in style. The

breadth of assortments is beyond comparin,< with any other in

this section. It is the supreme fur sale of the season in this city

and the values are extraordinary. . , ' :

Skunk Stoles and Collars,

regular prices from S2l>.5o tog p

Sl5 ( ' .oo; Januarv Clearance

Prices . . . .$22.50 to $120.00

Skunk Mtilfs. regular pi ices

from S2°.5O to S7.5.00; Janu-

arv Clearance Prices

$22.50 to $55.00

I-ox Mull's and Scarves, in se-

lected White Pox, Black Fox,

Siika Fox, Pointed I-ox. Yukon

Fox, Victoria Fox and Blue Fox,

regular prices from si1.'..5(1 to

S75.OO; January Clearance

$15.00 to $55.00

Hudson Seal (Dyed Musk-

rat) Stole:;. Collars "and Mulls,

regular prices from 325.00 to

SiS7.5o; January Clearance

Prices . . . . ..$19.50 to $65.00

Kolinsky, Stoles, Collars and

Muffs, regular prices S65.00 to

887.50; Januarv Clearance

Prices.. . . . . . $5O'.OO to $59.00

Natural Raccoon Scarves and

Muffs, regular prices from

SI 7.00 to S25.O0; January

Clearance Prices "

$13.50 to $19.50. And a big line of Narobia and

Russian Wolf Mull's and Scarves

special in the Januarv Clearance

at. $8.50 to $15.00

Women's Nearsel, Natural

Muskrat. '-Hudson Seal (Dyed

Muskrat) and Moleskin Coats,

regular prices from S59.OO to

S5 75.00; January Clearance.

Prices . . . .$39.00 to $450.00

Children's CoatsDresses, Hats, Etc.

i !ii!.!r.'ti'- i'nnJur.iy iin*' (JniK-JiuIii: . !::••. - i" •"' y.-nr i.i/.i-:-. ri'^u.ar jirii^-s

t i p - ( "oa t - " I L'i»i.l ivmili-n n i a l i -

|:ri/'. :< .<;II.MII t o W i . n u : . l i i i imi ry C l e a r :

^ : , $7.50t0 $19.50IHI.IIIIS'. Sii | i- ' : in.! I hiHivnV Wliit.-

hr . . -- i^ ii-til Sku-i -. -i/...- up to r>>•••»:>. - i i | : ! l ly M.H.hl.'iill lit .L-iviuI;-r.-i!i:/i.il |irii...v

rh i ! . l r . : r - \-,-!..ur. N'rlvct mul Cor-ilun.v l!:it-. r"f...ilar prires from

,*l. i- i ! " >."..!l«: S i , . r in l ill ill.1 .Iniiu-»rv.('l.-.|ir:iiii.|. nt rauctlv

' H A L F - P R I C E

V/omen's Underwear

•WOOIIMI r i i . l i rwr i i i . ; Spncial In Hie

i-NK-THIIl l l I.I-JSS 'I'll \ N l l l ' i i r -i . . \n i l u: i ; i . ; s

;'.'•' !:";.:'.:!'.".':1.T..'.'!';!!"!'.'"..;i59c.

willi l l l V I I

. llu'irl>i




^romeii9i LiVnnnTiV Li;i-«'rif Wai>t.- olF.-r . (net siion IUI T- your «'fiy airain.nta.L'i- ol" t l ' f tippiirtiiiiity. Manv

nctds for •iiiiiny munthn in fimiiuty Wititi'.,-Voile anil lint i*t.-

[>. lrinun<-(! with pmiinmU'rv and

icU'iin,-* la<v, all. the iicwrst-1 ooltar?. fmiir slcovc.-, reduced*!.!»«; •luntiiirv d» f ( ) A

•iiin-f I'rir," . . . ; . . . . $ 1 « Z « 7

Quilted Vests and, \vwill


\\^t vlVll l l l

> | IVl

" wrn.-c


nmcifs Qiiiitnl SilkAVst?. l.lmrkuliite or Itivcmlor lining. ?f''.-vc-

:;;"£""' 'Z. .''89c

ngerie Waistsoii()mi"-v now >ilf!i :i-> vein mav In- surf

Til.. -!ir.-K.I J1II.|I|..T M'ill ink., imnii'dintuwill IK iiii|...i!.il t.i l.iiv (.iii.lli!ll lion- fur

. Xu!,. lliv inlii.-tiuiin:Wliit.- C.IH.H Voil" Wllist.-. ;ll«)

i-n:nt:ii.:it:<i:i> .,!' \v!:itf-uni!-ru!M. jinilwliit.-iuiil-ll.^li, variety oi [iretlyst vl...-, lai'.'-lriniiiieil null titilor.'il cf-In-it. rlii-litlv M.ile.l. ri.ilii<ri.il from.*1.2.'i juifl -St.r.O; .liimiarv O C

i ClraniiK.. I'ri.v OOC

Knitted Auto HoodsWomrn's Ktiiltc.l Aiitfiinobik'

I lluoil'. n i l iliid hlnck. all wool, n -

dnc.,.1 from sue: .l«.iuary o c

Clranuict Price *i«JC ,

Women's and Children's Sweatersnnfii's \Vliilc SweiitrrF. ^nods, r.'i'iilar W.IKI. fT.flO- nliii S10.00•s; .iamiitry Gli'iiraiHT- Prii-o^. re

'V(t>!(r>.!)•".. fij o •'•'•''. a n ( i 4?/<- ! ' - '

U.i-r ,St>ts.: in (.'ojiciiliiij.""1 l»liir,a n d u't-ripn, ( r i imm-d wi t l i w l i i t i : .

M.nom ........ ' ' • " • g ^

, Wpim-n^'iinil Misses' llniflinl Won,

.Sttvatcr.-, in r.i-e. j..re(!ii. j:otil and l.'o-

j.en!iaf.'en blue, [.litin (.r triuimcd in

wliito, ieduewl from $.|.!i."i; .lanuary

ivici"";/ .'.;...... ! $ 3 . 5 0Cinlilri'n's Knitiod Swoati'rs. in ma-

roon, lirnwii ami ivd. sizos 2S to ->-\,.

rcdumJ I'mm .?*2.r»fl; .Ian- <J? 1 O Cnary Clearance I'riw... *P 1 • O U

Women's HoseWomen's Mack Hu«\ remiirkablo

valiios (-(jiiriiderin^ pro tMtt niiirkctun:u!Uion«; S[>m;tl in tin; -I *y

/.January Ch-aranci: at iuCWoHM'ii'ri Lisle. Hose spi'eial in the

.'nniiiiry ('Iciu'ance, 3 pairs f ° r O A55c, or [ter piiir 111 M U C

Women's Outsize Silk HUM:, ourrt^nilar 5?1.2"t values and positivekworth more tlian that tciday; •lunu-suv Clearance <t 1 f \ CI'r'icc *J>1 . U U

Lingerie Materialsr.S-in. Nainsook, re^uliir [>rlcc ISc

Vd.; .Spcci.il in l.h*- January Clcar-

1 VAItUS FOIt *D 1«S7O36-in. Quaker-Spun Nainsook, fine

quality. rcKiilar• pries _2c Yd.; S[it;c-fnl in Lhe .January Clear- d*ry Af\p.nee lm2 VABDS POItW^»*rU

JanariPNe. or Nagasaki Nainsook,3!) inchftH widf, in yardH in a box,the best for children's woar op forfino lingerie underwear; .Special inthe January Clearance * o fin

10 I'AltMS K O H V w i O U"ii-ifi, .Japanese Crepe, for lingerie

utiilcrwear, in white, (lush O Aand HRIU blue, at «3UC

:ifl-iii. Hero .Silk, for l inge r i e ui i-(iorwenr, w h i t e ami :i full l ine ofd a i n t y co lo r s , a t

30c, 45c "nd 55c

Embroideries, Chiffonand Neckwear

of l.:Mihroi.l(;rii;w,

.U-™r.li.)n ['lalli'il Chiffnn. IS.i.-hi.s.ivlilo. formur price T.-.u Til.:"

^ ^ ; 1 S: ^ ; : ; . . .Wonn-ti's- Aincoi-a .'Jans, desirable

Women's Stylish Shoes-Broken linas of Women's Shoes now on clearance at savings no

wonian should ignore. Come at your very earliest convenience for

satisfactory choice of styles;

Women's Ve.B,,l»r (53.00 Shoes special at «;-; Women's regular <$3.50 Shoes special at «

f 1 £ j Women's regular <1*O i< . I I I 54.00Shoe« special at " P " «C

1 Cp

Women's regular (!S5.00Shoc» .pecial'at «



Handkerchiefschiefs special ii; Hie .January - | n _

. Ch-araiK-e Sale , il KOIl 1 U C" W o n i u n ' s i'i*K'i)liip 7c l-liien U ; m d -

k e r c h i e f s Kjit-viai h i l l ie . f an - Q C - ,Ut>vy L'lpa^rn-.cr • • - • - - - ' i l- 'Ull: O O C

Women's n;t$'»hir- 2Si- Itilllal lland-lu-TChiofs, :t r.tr no*;, or ear];-

Hunilkeri-hii-rs'Ta nxactiy

:titi ii IKIX, reduce*! from i»c jjor l>ox;.lainiary. CUKirance,,

January White SaleThe great January While Sale will con-

i h t t t i d f i t h i t h Qprepiinitions for this sale, were made on. sucli_

an enormous scale that we expect the as-*

sortmenls, even in the face of unprecedent-

ed'Sellin;.;, will remain; unbroken right down

to the very end of the. sale.. The. styles.in

tin's sale are the very daiirtiest nnd. newest

effects for'spring, and tlie!Values;are-.such as

cannot be duplicated, decidedly- better than

we can offer after, this'month.. Wide, range

f i : ; ' ' ' '

Comet Covers at 12'/.c, 19c, 25c, 39c,.48(rto $3.50 .Camisoles at SI.00, 51.19, $1.39, $1.48 to $5.00Envelope Chemise at 48c, 75c, 98c, $1.19 to $7.50

-Petticoats at 48c, 75c; 9Sc," $1.39,'$1.4'8 to'$12,50"'"-'Nijht Gowns at-48c, 75c,.89c, 98c,.$1.39 to $15.00Drawen at 25c, 39c, 48c, 75c, 93c," $1.19 to $3.50Marcella Combintttionn aL98c, 51.29, $1.48 to $3.98

Wool Dress Goods.16-in. 'Storm Sorco, regular price

C,'ir, Vd.; .Ianuary Clearu.nct! C Q .

•!', - in ' ." 'A l'l - W on']"' sVr'Kf•, *' "in ft d I n m• wfiiKlu, very fiura-ble, black and

colors, regular urice $1.25 Vd.; .Ia:i-f.

] fj -in. All-Wool fifLba'rdlne, med-

tofore «xrentional .valua, m. Sl.sa Vd.:

S"^?.'-?. ?."^1 $L45fll-ln. -N'avy Ultie Krench Sci'fre.

. light weight, cxc'ellcnt Cor one-pit'cftplaited dressus. regutiir yric; $2.25Yd.; .January Ulc'irancu <]J 1 Q{\

nfivyl)M3orEr{.«nrhrowriatM]Diiresiiln r prints Vi.US Vii.; dj "I.Tnmiary. Clearance. fricK...**' i-»<i

Silks36-hi.. SlUt: Ptipliii.r all 1'ORdlntf

HlmdQH, r.ofjular prico T3o M ; C QJiiiniaiy Clearancu I'rica O*/,C

32-ln. Whito Wuabiible WUlc'-W.ilo••:.C(jrduvQy,;-roeHl.ir--i.rico 51.00.*7Q _

I'd.; January Clonnmco Piico • «/C., 2S-i». Sport KtJ"fi>o Vislvet,. asHo?)-inont ol* HlripeH, regular, pricu $1.50Yd.;; Jnmiury Cloaraiice '7£i*»Prlco -—-.- 9«7t»

:• -"^O-in.-Plntn'iLiiil "Brocadud-'.Cllitt1---mouse, IIslit l»luo,.tiiupG, rose, brown,,navy blue arid "•wistaria,' rcRUlnrprices from 51-50 to J2.00 Yd..lanimry Clearanco Price.


This U a fill'- in wliiWi mi'ii canjiarticipnti' in n vt-rv larut* wav..MI'H'H NVckweiir, Men's SliirtV,Xiyht Shirts, 'lltilf Ilitn.'. I 'mlei.wear mul Owreontx nil dilVrmost alluiiiii: oppnrtnttitics fuvtin1 iVDimmit'iil .nititi'in this* MRftt'uruiK'i1.* It will itiiv vou t»•wnii the following list'ot" SU-II'H

"• iSjiirials verv i.-arefiilhp.Men's. Hij-li-LW N'wkwl-iir, miuli;

itf ele«;Hiit impi>rtt-il liiati'rialrtiif WimdiTl'ul Ijciiiitv and dunt.I'ility, ns fdilnwit: *

at ;

Mi-nV ?:t.:»u Xi-ckli.-jt <j>«} < ) rnl ; *f)Ci.£iU

Men's $.1.0(1 NiTkti..» <f»rj £ f \:.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5>Z.OU

Mali's Key I lyre isliirtti, an cxtraor-nidary (JJIH'SHI |iurcliane, w|d»<ndiumntcriiii*). beautiful pattern^,limnd new "nnili*. •valiii'H thusrnmint h.Mlil|'lk-ated; S)n-Hal intin1 .I;itnmrv HTk

t'lpiinuuT; - . . : 79cMen's . Ou t tn " Nlj-iit: ,SliIrl.«. yl/.t-a

I t tfi -JO, very S|ieeinl F " Avalurs, at OUC

Mrn'ri lllack llnlf Hose, worth 1 Sca pair; Special in tlio .liinnary(-'It'iirniice, 4 pairs for 1 C *50c, or per niiir, at IDC

MPII'S ?'J.(in Kris I'nderwear spe-cial in the •January d* 1 CC(Wanre. at ..,..". $ 1 .DO

JFi'itV roKiilar ?i:i.; fl Oven-nutsFperinl in thu'.rjin. A n Q C

, uary Oloarnnre at . *4) i /»* /O' Men1.- regular $l"i.tKI Uvemiat.*

special in the .lanuurv • Clear-

T........... $10.95Mrn'F ^ repiilar $Ul.flO OvtTCoata

spocinl in the ilatninrv Clear-

r....; $11.95Mfii'F regular S20.00 pvi-rcoiits'

special in the rl an uary Clear-

;:"co.;:..,,.... $14.50IMi'iise note that wo havf- only a

limited number of Men'* Over-coats left and that they shouldquickly be sold nut (it the abovereduced prices. If you intend toti«t one of theso great Overcoat

: bargains, pleaFe call at once..Also n few Hoys'• Overcoats toclose out in this sale as follows:

Boys' ?TJO Overcoats d» >fl Q K1 special at «J)TT»i/OBoys' $10.00 Over- A > J . A P J

--._• coats 1Ep«!iiil1at;-:-;:;-3>D«JIO1-'

Aluminum WareGlassware

Dinner Sets, Etc.;AlumIiuiin " Sauce Pans, •"•Frytnjr

I'aiiis. E'uddliiR Paos. Straight Sanc«fans and Ladles, 15c to 25o i f\values. nt.,.:.:.\..' lUC

"Woar-Kver" Aluminum a^i-qt.Double Lipped Sauce-Pans, [JQ

= $1.00 valueu. at. i,...... OyC-"Wear-Ever" Aluminum- 4-(|i.. ...

.Windsor Kettles. Jl.Sf) C 1 ' ftft*'values, at 3>1.UU

"Wear-Ever" Aluminum 6-qt.Steamers, JI.SO values, ;f r\Q

at . . . : . . . . :.aoCViko Aluminum 'J-ln. Frying" Pana, .

SLl'a values, , Q Q -

: ; oyc»t . . v . . . . . - _ . - . . - - : . ; t ;

•Fibre Waste or Paper ,Baskets. $ LOO .valiKS, at ;

fi-fU Stop ijiddjera. .il.OOvalmsH, al ..........

nugar, cod'eo,. tea* cloves, nutmegs,jillapic*, ginger,, pepper and clnnn-nion,. deoo'rnleii with. Dutch scenes-In

' ome,. $1,00 .values, ;v gQ

CuTtiVi'sV H'iindieJV'Sherbertfl,and. boh star cuttings,, worth, n4.0c and Ftfl« each, lit ^ I 7 C

' Blown <3laaH Table Tumblarn, flor-al" .ipruy cutlinprf, worth 1 ft^»ai.7.1 Vox,., .special each at ll/t*

Decora ted Iflaule-Shn-pe ChinaCream. Pitchers,. lEic values,. 1 A .( l^ ,. l U C : ;

V i ifra'tioriLUon; KOld. lrjicadi> " * J \ Q

< 'y "*Fa ncy Decora l e'd. Ea xthun wa roTea I?6tfl.!''60(J vtiHtea, • O C —

... OOC• mti'ua*t.r!iVi'"'IS|'O'<\1 r iR-ToiisUrn,- SS.OO

"s iu*:...'..u.:ssiiHSl- $Hs:Pimier Sets/ srfien bnrdor docora-tion, nolil It no Vc''Ke- so ' " iriicerl

imnfliog,. *! " - ^ ^1.n.°.H:. j $ 1 2 . 3 9H)6-l3l'foijii1*'""Aintirlcan I'orceinin

niniicr Sots, pinlt.runo and btuo ftir-,licl-mft-not liordor docorntion, soldfiiiR nrtBO jiml.Uiicoil liandleK. $lfl.r»0

' -" ' • $ 1 3 . 8 9warns of various kinds in our Baso. •i n e i i t . ; i "••'*