Squats - 6 th Edition 40konline.com SQUATS 6th Ed Revision by Rasmus of 40konline.com Original list by Bryan Ansell, Nigel Stillman and Graeme Davis Contents: Foreword 1 Why collect a Squat force? 1 Background 1 Imperial Entanglements 2 STC-relics 2 Forces of the Squats 3 Force Organisation 3 Special Rules 3 Warlord Traits 4 Squat Allies 4 Stronghold Warlord 5 Hearthguards 5 Living Ancestor 6 Guildmaster 7 The Brotherhood 8 The Guild 9 Imperial Presence 10 Squat Motor-pool 10 Squat Flyers 12 Armoury of the Squats 13 Deepdwelling Psychic Powers 17 Squat Wargear List 18 Squat Army List 19 HQ 19 Elites 21 Troops 23 Dedicated Transports 24 Fast Attack 25 Heavy Support 27 Summary 28 Designer's Notes 29 Version-history 29 Addendum 30 Foreword What this is and what this isn't This is just a revision of the RT-list for Squats from the Warhammer Compendium, and not meant to be an official substitute to proxy-lists using other armylists to represent the Squats. As such it clings to the past, and is influenced more of how the Squats used to be, rather than what GW would make of them, should they ever be reintroduced. Great steps have been taken to ensure that the list is balanced and playable, but it is just for fun, and not something that should be viewed as the "Official Return of the Squats!". It might also contain some tragic flaws, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway. Why collect a Squat force? The Squats are the lost sheep of the Warhammer 40000-world. They have been removed from the game by Games Workshop; a tragedy in its own right, but still retain a fanbase, due to their unique theme and history. Their models are among some of the most splendid and humorous of GW's collection, and their armylist and history is intriguing, fascinating and unique. Background Of all the Abhuman strains, the Squats are perhaps the closest to normal Humans in physiological terms. After being stranded on worlds far away from Terra during Age of Strife they have now emerged, and are allowed great freedom by the Imperium for the services they provide the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperial Guard. The Squats have become a bitter race after their long wars with the Orks, unaided by the Humans or the Eldar in the area, and have since then also had to deal with an ever-increasing Tyranid threat. In response to this the Squat Homeworlds have become closed fortress-worlds, where no traffic is allowed, hoping that the minimized traffic will allow them to Page 1 – Version 1.35

th SQUATS - orig11.deviantart.netorig11.deviantart.net/9b40/f/2013/339/8/7/squats__pre_nids__by... · The Squats are the lost sheep of the Warhammer 40000-world. They have been removed

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Squats - 6th Edition 40konline.com

SQUATS6th Ed Revision by Rasmus of 40konline.com

Original list by Bryan Ansell, Nigel Stillman andGraeme Davis

Contents:Foreword 1Why collect a Squat force? 1Background 1

Imperial Entanglements 2STC-relics 2

Forces of the Squats 3Force Organisation 3Special Rules 3Warlord Traits 4Squat Allies 4Stronghold Warlord 5Hearthguards 5Living Ancestor 6Guildmaster 7The Brotherhood 8The Guild 9Imperial Presence 10Squat Motor-pool 10Squat Flyers 12Armoury of the Squats 13Deepdwelling Psychic Powers 17

Squat Wargear List 18Squat Army List 19

HQ 19Elites 21Troops 23Dedicated Transports 24Fast Attack 25Heavy Support 27

Summary 28Designer's Notes 29

Version-history 29Addendum 30

ForewordWhat this is and what this isn't

This is just a revision of the RT-list for Squats fromthe Warhammer Compendium, and not meant to bean official substitute to proxy-lists using otherarmylists to represent the Squats. As such it clings tothe past, and is influenced more of how the Squatsused to be, rather than what GW would make ofthem, should they ever be reintroduced.

Great steps have been taken to ensure that the listis balanced and playable, but it is just for fun, and notsomething that should be viewed as the "OfficialReturn of the Squats!". It might also contain sometragic flaws, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.

Why collect a Squat force?The Squats are the lost sheep of the Warhammer

40000-world. They have been removed from thegame by Games Workshop; a tragedy in its ownright, but still retain a fanbase, due to their uniquetheme and history. Their models are among some ofthe most splendid and humorous of GW's collection,and their armylist and history is intriguing,fascinating and unique.

BackgroundOf all the Abhuman strains, the Squats are

perhaps the closest to normal Humans inphysiological terms. After being stranded on worldsfar away from Terra during Age of Strife they havenow emerged, and are allowed great freedom by theImperium for the services they provide the AdeptusMechanicus and the Imperial Guard.

The Squats have become a bitter race after theirlong wars with the Orks, unaided by the Humans orthe Eldar in the area, and have since then also had todeal with an ever-increasing Tyranid threat. Inresponse to this the Squat Homeworlds have becomeclosed fortress-worlds, where no traffic is allowed,hoping that the minimized traffic will allow them to

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be undetected by nearby Tyranid splinterfleets.Elsewhere, however, the Squats have expanded, andtaken custody of several ravaged Imperial worlds,constructing mining-camps and forgeworld-likeconstructions in several starsystems.

The Imperium has so far ignored this, as theSquats have not engaged in wide-scale hostile actionsagainst humans, and it is better the worlds are keptworking against the Tyranids than left desolate.

The Squats are all lead by a Lord (or King) of eachsystem, a reclusive individual who governs the vastpolitical and cultural structure of the world. By hisside he has several Thanes, each controlling astronghold or fortress. He is aided by a Warlord, whoburns for the thrill of combat, and is selected for hisability to lead.In order to prevent the Warlord from growing overlyambitious his own kin is selected as the forerunnersin every campaign, and act as the Warlord'sHearthguard.

The rest of the Squats are divided into twogroups; the Brotherhood and the Guild. TheBrotherhood forms the massive bulk of theStronghold population, fighting side by side to thebitter end to defend their homes. They trust eachother implicitly, trusting in their Warlord, Thane orLord to safeguard them from traitors.

The Guild, however, are almost entirely nomadicin their life-style, travelling from system to system;building, repairing, tinkering and learning. They arethe engineers of this race, and there are Guilders inevery stronghold. These are often struck bywanderlust and then mount their bikes and, lead by aGuildmaster, form an expeditionary force to explorenew areas. It is thanks to these expeditions the Squatshave made some of their more profitable finds, bothin mineral deposits and technology.

The oldest members of the Strongholds aresometimes psychically empowered, and are thenrevered as the Living Ancestors. These may becenturies, if not millennia old, and fight alongside theBrotherhood or the Guild. They are not weaklingcripples though, but hardened warriors, powerfulpsykers and cunning strategists.

Imperial EntanglementsThe Imperium, while grateful for the support of

the Squats in the wars against Orks and Tyranids intheir ravaged sectors, are weary of their allies, andhave placed Imperial Guard Commissars as advisorsand spies among the Squats. These are largelytolerated, after a few died horribly after trying toimpose their leadership on Squat ranks. The Squatsare a proud race, and do not take lightly to such

things. The Imperium have also sent Techpriestsfrom the Adeptus Mechanicus to the Squats to studytheir technology, and while some return enriched bytheir studies, other "go native" and remain with theSquats for the rest of their lives.

Some of the Imperial Guard abhuman strains havealso joined ranks with the Squats. Under the motto"Us short'ems gotta stick together" shiploads ofRatling snipers have joined the Squats afterabandoning their former regiments. This has been left"without formal comment" by the Lords of Terra, butImperial Guard Commanders in nearby sectors aretold to not interfere if any further such "defections"should occur. The support of the Squats in thesehopeless wars is too vital to throw away over theloyalties of some Abhumans.

STC-relicsPerhaps one of the greatest powers of the Squats is

their access to several STC (Standard TemplateConstructs) left behind during the Age of Strife.These have provided the Squats with vitaltechnological acumen that they have used to buildtheir warmachines, refineries, mining-equipment andother equipment in a way that the Imperium havelong forgotten. The mining-facilities of the Squatsoutproduce the Imperial counterparts by thousandsof percents each year since the STC-base machinesare simply far more advanced. The STCs also includeblue-prints for several vehicles and weapons theSquats utilize that are otherwise only found amongthe Marines. Some weapons, like the ConversionBeamer and Mole mortar, are even more advanced,and not even found among the oldest of the SpaceMarine Chapters. As the keepers of this technology,the Imperium fears that the extinction of the Squats atthe talons and claws of the Tyranid would allow thistechnology to be lost again, and are taking steps tosafeguard the Squats continued existence in theirsectors.

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Forces of the SquatsThis section details the forces of the Squats as they goto war. They include a rundown of the special rules, acomplete description of unit and vehicles of theSquats as well as wargear-descriptions.

Force organisationThe Squats follow the Standard Force

Organisation-chart with a single HQ and two Troopsbeing the legal minimum to play a standard game.Please note that at least one of these two Troops hasto be a Brotherhood Combat squad.

Guild ForcesThere is an alternate Force-organisation for the

Squats as well, allowing for the player to create aGuild Expeditionary force. This has the Guildmasteras mandatory HQ, and does not allow a StrongholdWarlord, Hearthguard, Commissar, Ratling snipers,or Brotherhood Weaponteams. This force uses GuildBikes and Heavy Weapon Trikes as Troops, while theBrotherhood Combat-, Assault- and Support-squadsare moved to Elite, Fast Attack and Heavy Supportrespectively. Also, the mandatory Combat-squad andlimitation on having Combat-squads to have Assault-or Support-squads is removed for this force.Brotherhood Weaponteams also alter theircomposition from 1-3 Artilleryteams to a single team.

Special rulesNote that not all units and models in the army are

affected by all of these rules; some benefit from onlysome. Any special rules not listed are found in therulebook.

Ancestral HatredThe squats are slow to anger, but once betrayed and

angered they carry the scorn forever. Two foes among allothers stand out in this hatred; Orks and Tyranids.

Squats get Preferred Enemy when facing Orks andHatred against Tyranids.

BerserkerAnger towards the enemies is important to the Squats

in battle, and sometimes they forgo firepower and dive intobattle, foaming at the mouth and shouting ancestralbattlecries.

If a unit forgoes shooting any weapon it may useFurious Charge in the assault phase.

Superior TechnologySquats have unrivalled mastery of weapon-making and

maintenance. They can produce things in their forges andworkshops that make most Imperial weaponmakers weepwith envy.

Squat plasmaweapons do not Get Hot.

Brothers in ArmsSquats band together, and this is never more evident

than when they are in battle. They draw strength fromeach other and fight on despite terrible odds.

If within 12" of any non-fleeing Squat, any fleeingSquat may always test to regroup, regardless ofcircumstances, with Leadership 10.

Fat of FootThe Squats are not a fast race, but move rather

sluggishly. They are never rushed or running naturallyand this behaviour is reflected in how they move about inbattle.

Squats cannot Run. Models in Exo-armour alwayssuffer from this, even if they didn't have it before.

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Warlord TraitsBelow is the table for Warlord Traits for the

Squats. A Squat warlord can chose to roll on theWarlord Trait tables in the rulebook or roll on thetable below.

D6 Warlord Trait

1 Tunnel DwellerUsed to moving through tunnels and caves, thewarlord can put terrain to the best possible use.The Squat units have Move Through Coverwhen moving through Ruins, and Stealth(Ruins) special rule.

2 Close-fire DrillThe Warlord has drilled his force in dealing withenemies at close range, firing when the whites oftheir eyes are visible.The Warlord and all friendly units within 12”re-roll To hit rolls of 1 when firing fromOverwatch or at targets within 6”.

3 Defensive PostureThe Warlord knows the value of fortifiedpositions, and will work tirelessly to improvedefensive structures.After Deployment nominate one piece ofterrain which has been modified fordefensive purposes. All Squat units gain +1to all coversaves while present in that terrain.

4 Long-aged AcumenThe Warlord has seen it all and prepared for theworst, having fought over the centuries andlearned from the mistakes he and others havemade.While the Warlord is alive you can increaseor decrease each of your Reserve rolls by 1(choose after you roll the dice).

5 Determined to prevailThe instinct for self-preservation, while powerful,can be overriden, and the Warlord has trainedhimself and those around him to shrug off minorinjuries to attain their objective.The Warlord and any unit he joins may re-roll any failed Armour- or Cover-saves.

6 Callous KillerUsing long years of experience and the ability tofocus on the task of bloody murder, and nothingelse, the Warlord and his force and cut enemiesapart far more effectively than thought possible.The Warlord any unit he joins gain theFleshbane special rule.

Squat AlliesBelow is the table of alliances with other armies

from the Squat perspective.

• Black Templars - Desperate Allies• Blood Angels - Allies of Convenience• Chaos Daemons - Come the Apocalypse• Chaos Space Marines - Come the Apocalypse• Chaos Squats - Come the Apocalypse• Dark Angels - Allies of Convenience• Dark Eldar - Desperate Allies• Eldar - Battle Brothers• Grey Knights - Desperate Allies• Imperial Guard - Battle Brothers• Necrons - Desperate Allies• Orks - Come the Apocalypse• Sisters of Battle - Desperate Allies• Space Marines - Allies of Convenience• Space Wolves - Battle Brothers• Tau - Battle Brothers• Tyranids - Come the Apocalypse

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Stronghold WarlordThe Stronghold Warlord is the hand of the King orThane on the battlefield, and is often picked from anoble or powerful family within the Stronghold, eventhough this is not always the case. Sometimes anespecially tactical astute individual catches a Thane'sor King's eye, and becomes a valued extension of themight of the Stronghold onto the battlefield. They area focus of morale, tactical skill and determination forthe entire force.


Kinghand 5 4 5 4 3 3 3 10 3+

Thanehand 5 4 4 4 2 3 2 9 3+

Special RulesAncestral hatred, Berserker, Brothers in Arms,Independent character

• Inspiring - Any Squat within 12" of theStronghold Warlord may use his Leadershipfor any Morale- or Pinning-test.

HearthguardsIn order to maintain discipline, all of the morepowerful families within their Stronghold have tocontribute to the Hearthguard, the elite bodyguard ofthe Stronghold Warlord. This is not only a way to getthe nobles out into the stars and mines to see forthemselves what things are all about, but also a wayto ensure that the more powerful families do not backthe decision of war without knowing that they haveto contribute, and may lose their own sons, brothersand fathers in such a war.


Hearthguards 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 3+

Special RulesAncestral hatred, Berserker, Brothers in Arms

• Command squad - If used as a Command-squad for the Stronghold Warlord he mayjoin them in their Transport before the startof the game.

• Heavy Charge - If mounted on a bike andwearing Exo-armour the model resolves itsHammer of Wrath-attack at S7 and AP3.


Assault vehicleSome of the technical acumen of the Squats is

channelled into making better assault systems for theirtransports. Improved ramps, handrailings and explosivebolts placed in hatches all make for quicker, saferdisembarkations.

Disembarking models may assault.

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On one side of me stand my Homeworld, Strongholdand Brotherhood; On the other, my ancestors. I cannotbehave otherwise than honourably.

- Warlord Kettri son of Egil, Grindel Stronghold

Squats - 6th Edition 40konline.com

Living AncestorEmpowered by not only years of experience on thebattlefield and extraordinary cunning and acumen,the Living Ancestor is also a focal-point of the beliefand culture of Squat society. He is imbued withmassive psychic powers, allowing him to act as aman three centuries younger; stronger and moreresilient than even an augmented Adeptus AstartesMarine. While they often are reluctant to go to battle,and never lead the war by himself, he is a trulyferocious fighter, and can tear both Orks andTyranids limb from limb with nothing but his cane inhand.


Living Ancestor 5 5 5 5 3 2 3 10 5+

Special RulesAncestral hatred, Berserker, Brothers in Arms, Fat ofFoot, Independent character, Psyker

Living Ancestor Psychic powersThe Living Ancestor generates powers from theDeepdwelling Powers list.


Force rodOften mistaken for a simple walking-cane, the weapon ofchoice for the Living Ancestors harness his psychic powersto smash and destroy his enemies.

This uses the same stats as a force sword.

SidecarThe Living Ancestor is too old (and possibly too

dignified) to ride a bike himself, and instead rides in aspecial sidecar so that he can concentrate on moreimportant matters than the terrain.

The Living Ancestor counts as being mounted ona bike armed with a twin-linked bolter.

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The young Warlord turned to the ancient Squat beside him. - Revered Ancestor, what is our best course in thissituation?

The Living Ancestor half-closed his rheumy eyes.

- I have seen this but once before. Six hundred yearsbefore your birth, your revered ancestor LordThyngrim, whose name you bear in your turn, was onthe world of Dioscis Theta. I was younger then,undistinguished amongst the mass of the Brotherhood.

- And how did Lord Thyngrim win the day? asked theWarlord with some impatience. The Orks were gettingcloser. The Ancestor shook as he chuckled.

- I cannot tell you how to win as he did, but if youdon't mind uncomfortable truths, I can tell you how toavoid losing as he did.

Squats - 6th Edition 40konline.com

GuildmasterThe Guilds are lead by a council of Guild Spokesmenand the head of this council is a Guildmaster. He isthe master engineer, and is often the subject of greatenvy and curiosity within the Adeptus Mechanicus.When the engines are revved and the guild goes towar they are more often than not lead by aGuildmaster, if he can be torn from his latest project,tinkering with one thing or another. Not only arethey master engineers and respected leaders, but alsopowerful warriors in their own right, somethingmany careless orks have realised as they have triedlooting vehicles the Guildmaster still thought“salvageable”.


Guildmaster 5 5 4 4 2 3 3 9 4+

Special RulesAncestral Hatred, Brother in Arms, Hit and Run,Independent Character, Skilled Rider

• Tinkering skills - The Guildmaster is amaster-engineer, and can easily field-repairany vehicle in the Squat army. To representthis he possesses the Techmarine "Blessing ofthe Omnissiah"-rule, but will affect repairs on4+ instead of 5+. If he is in a squad of Guildbikers/Heavy weapon trikes he adds +1 tothis roll. If in base-to-base contact with aBrotherhood Weapon-team he can re-roll asingle miss or non-hit Scatter per turn aswell.


Graviton gunHarnessing the powers of sciences lost to the Imperium

the squats can construct a weapon to pull a target down tothe ground by magnifying the gravitational forces aroundit. This can crush lesser targets, and stop vehicles dead intheir tracks.

The graviton gun uses the Sniper weapon-rulesand inflicts an glancing hit on 4+ on a vehicle, and 3+on a skimmer.

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An Engineer travels light because it's easier. Instead oflugging several thousand tools around with you, getwhere you're going, look at the job, decide what toolsyou need, and make them on the spot. Far morepractical.

- Engineer Sindri, Massunich Lodge, Engineers Guild

Squats - 6th Edition 40konline.com

The BrotherhoodThe Brotherhood is the armed majority of workingSquats in a Stronghold, ranging from craftsmen tominers, from administrators to truckers. In times ofwar they don heavy flakarmour, exchange theirmininghelmets for signature headgear, replaceminingpicks with lasguns, and either take to the fieldon foot (and short legs) or crewing a vehicle oranother. They form a diverse force, capable of bothdefensive firelines and lighting assaults, dependingon the settings and orders. They stick together, trustin one another, and form cohesive units on thebattlefield.

VeteransSquats can live for a long time, even in times of war,and they are not prone to repeating their mistakes.Once they have faced a foe and studied them in battlethey grow more cunning, and better prepared for thenext engagement. Some Squats, who have survived afew campaigns, tend to lead their units in anunofficial capacity. There are no ranks orcommissions to be earned within the Brotherhood,only the recognition and respect from their peers.Veterans fight harder and longer than any othersquat, often arming themselves in a different waythan their squad, just to compliment their function.

Veteran AdvisorsOnce a veteran has fought and won for his squad,and fostered another in the squad to replace him,they tend to band together to lend expertise to theStronghold Warlord or Living Ancestor. They formtheir own unit, picking among the deepest caches ofweapons the Stronghold has to achieve their objectiveon the battlefield.


Brotherhood Squat 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Veteran 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 7 5+

Veteran Advisor 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 4+

Weaponteam 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Combat SquadsThe core of the surface- and tunnel-fighting forces ofthe Squats are composed of Combat squads; multi-purpose fighting units that can handle severalcombat-roles. They are often lead by veteran fighters.Special RulesAncestral hatred, Brothers in Arms, Fat of FootNo Suspension units: Suspension units are smallanti-grav devices that allows heavy weapons to bewielded with ease. The Guild tends to snatch theseup, leaving the Brotherhood without them. Becauseof this Brotherhood cannot use Snap Shots (orOverwatch) with Heavy weapons.

Assault SquadsIn the intense fast-paced combat-situations oftunnelfighting against both Orks and Tyranids theBrotherhood devotes resources to assaultsquads toclear off sections so that they can be resealed andbarricaded off.Special RulesAncestral hatred, Berserker, Brothers in Arms, Fat ofFoot

Support SquadsThe Squats excel at weapon-construction and outfitentire squads with heavy weapons to blast apartenemies that threaten their territory.Special RulesAncestral hatred, Brothers in Arms, Fat of Foot, Nosuspension units

WeaponteamsThe Brotherhood masses firesupport intoweaponteams which controls artillery-pieces andother static firepower-assets. These lend heavyfiresupport to the Squat army as it goes into battle.Special RulesAncestral hatred, Brothers in Arms, Fat of Foot

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Veteran Advisor SquadsThe Veterans of the fighting Brotherhood of aStronghold often band together to become anadvisory-squad and support for their brethren. Theymay also serve as bodyguard for the StrongholdWarlord or Living Ancestor.Special Rules:Ancestral hatred, Berserker, Brothers in Arms, Fat ofFoot

• Medic - As long as the Advisor-medic isalive, the squad benefits from the Feel noPain special rule.

• Musician - As long as the Advisor-Musicianis alive and not fleeing the squad benefitsfrom the Rampage special rule.

• Standard-bearer - As long as the Advisor-standardbearer is alive and not fleeing thesquad may re-roll any Morale or Pinning-testthey are forced to take.

The GuildThe Guild is the know-how of the Squat Stronghold,culture and race. They are nomadic by nature,moving from place to place, from Stronghold toStronghold, even from system to system to gatherand practice their skills. They pick up a lot ofknowledge this way, sampling each Stronghold'sunique understanding of technology and studyingwhatever STC they have. Then they move on,learning and teaching at the next place. Somemembers of the Guild stay at a single Stronghold fora longer period of time, but it is never a permanentarrangement, merely a break in travel to study orcomplete some pet project before moving on.

VeteransSome of the Guild rise above the rest both intechnological skill, tactical knowledge and acumen.They don't attain a rank as such, merely gain agreater amount of respect among their peers, anddevelop their gear and physical power to represent(and in some case justify) that earned respect.


Guilder 3 3 3 5 1 3 1 8 4+

Veteran 4 4 4 5 1 3 2 8 4+

Heavy trike 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 8 4+

Guild bikersThe Guild leads a nomadic way of life with the bikeas a central way of life. They travel from area to areain order to study, learn and tinker wherever they can.Special RulesAncestral hatred, Brothers in Arms, Hit and Run

Guild Heavy Weapon TrikesThe Guild bikerssometimes modify thedesign of their bikes tocarry heavy weapons,so that they can movethrough and aroundcover to bringfirepower to bear onenemy vehicles andheavy armour.Special RulesAncestral hatred,Brothers in Arms

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Imperial PresenceThe Imperium of Man has long wanted to study theSquat and re-acquire some of their technologicalknowledge. Squat regiments have also been formedto serve with the Imperial Guard in desperatedefensive campaigns where their worlds werethreatened. Meanwhile the Imperium have sentCommisars to “train and advice” the Squats, whilethey are really there to monitor the Squats fortraitorous actions or such. Ratling Snipers flock to theSquats to escape the rampant “height-ism” theyexperience within their Imperial Guard Regiments,and Space Marine Techmarines are often foundwithin Guild workshops to study the SquatTechnology.

Note that none of the Imperial units benefit fromany Squat special rules.

Ratling SnipersRatlings sometimes joins squats as "Us short'emsgotta stick together". They serve as scouts and snipersamong the Squats, where they are appreciated in away they are not among the humans.

Commissar AdvisorsCommissars are sometimes dispatched from ImperialGuard regiments to make sure that the Squats are notdoing anything that would constitute heresy. Theyare, however, more humble among the Squats thanamong humans.

TechpriestsAs the Squats possess great technological skills andseveral STCs the Imperium is very interested inlearning from them for themselves. They thereforesend Techpriests and Techmarines to study and beeducated by the Squat engineers and Guilds.

Squat Motor-poolThe Squats are master engineers, and have long sincediscovered a multitude of STCs, allowing them toconstruct, build and maintain a diverse pool ofvehicles. Some are found within the Imperium,others, like the Colossus, the Landtrain and theTermite Drill-torpedo which is found among theSquats exclusively.

RhinoThe Rhino is among the best surface-transports thatthe Squats have access to. It is reliable, sturdy andeasily maintained. It operates exactly as its Imperialcounterpart except for their ability to be outfittedwith explosive bolts on their hatches, ramps andimproved handrailings to become true assaultvehicles.

RazorbackThe added weapons to the Rhino hull makes theRazorback a versatile and lethal transport option forthe Squats. With its wide array of weapon-options itcan be used against a multitude of foes to equaleffect.

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Land RaiderAmong the most powerful of all surface-vehicles, theLandraider carries an impressive array of weapons,and can transport half a company of Squats intocombat. It operates exactly as its Imperialcounterpart.

PredatorThese twin foundations of firepower are foundamong the collections of vehicles at the Squats'disposal. While it does not offer the same range ofcapabilities as the Landraider, it is still an effectivewarmachine. They operate exactly as its Imperialcounterpart.

Vindicator and WhirlwindThese two tanks both represent surface warfare forthe Squats with their high arched ballistics andbarrage capabilities. They have served the Squatsextremely well in both the Ork wars and in Tyranidinvasions, cratering the surface and blasting apartattacking waves of hostiles. They operate exactly astheir Imperial counterparts.

Termite Drill-torpedoAlong with a lot of other Squat gear and technologythe Termite is a modified mining-tool. It wasoriginally made from plans in a discovered STC foran ore mine-to-surface delivery system. However,with some added armour and speed, the ore-capsuleis now used as a troop transport instead. It burrowsup from underneath, but the tactical use is much thesame as the Imperial Drop Pod; to place troops ontothe field behind enemy lines and surprise defendersrelying on frontal assaults.


Type Front Side Rear BS HP

Termite Vehicle,Immobile

13 13 13 3 3

Crew: One Squat Guild Engineer with a cowboy hat.

Weapons: None

Transport: A termite may carry up to 12 Squats or 6Squats in Exo-armour. Once passengers havedisembarked they may not re-embark.

Firepoints: None

Access points: Three - evenly distributed around thecircumference of the torpedo base as it protrudesfrom the ground.

Special RulesBurrower: If the Termite Deep Strikes onto a pointoccupied by another model, do not roll on the DeepStrike Mishap table but instead do the following.

Place a large blast template directly over the spot theTermite is emerging from. Every model under orpartially under the template suffer a S4 S5 hit.Vehicles suffer hits to their rear armour if affected.Move any surviving models the minimum distancerequired to clear all the models from beneath thetemplate whilst maintaining squad coherency andavoiding impassable terrain. Units that were lockedin combat prior to the emergence of the Termite mustremain in base contact if possible, but otherwisemodels cannot be moved within 1” of an enemymodel. Vehicles, including immobile vehicles, retaintheir original facing if they are moved. Any modelsthat cannot be moved out of the way are destroyed.After all effects are resolved replace the blasttemplate with the Termite. It then remains immobilefor the rest of the game.

Once the torpedo has emerged the passengersmust immediately disembark (but not move besidedisembarking). They may not assault in that turn, butmay fire normally, counting as moving.

Remember that the Torpedo blocks line of sight.

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Squat FlyersThe necessity to strike from above as well as

beneath have been long understood by the Squats,who take to the air in several vehicles, both to gainair superiority, but also to inflict grievous harm onthe enemy before the main assault comes.

The Guild is responsible for all Squat flyers, bothbuilding, maintaining, repairing and crewing them.

There are two main Squat flyers; the GyrocopterGunship and the Pyrespotter Scoutflyer.

Gyrocopter Gunship

The Squats have adapted to open-field warfare,and uses ultra-agile gyrocopters to provideairsupport.

Roaring over the field, the Gyrocopter gunshipscome heavily armed, crewed by a skilled pilot andgunner, and is in constant contact with the forces onthe ground.

ArmourBS F S R HP

Gyrocopter 3 12 12 11 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)

Wargear: Twin-linked Cloudsplitter Autocannon

Special Rules:• Guild attention: If upgraded, the Guild has

lavished their attention on the flyer, and theflyer benefits from the It Won't Die specialrule.

• Strafing Run• T-65 Tracking system: The Autocannons of

the Gyrocopter may always be fired onanother target than the other weapons.

Iron Eagle Attack Gyrocopter

The most common Gyrocopter Gunship is the IronEagle, which supports the Landtrains and Leviathanson the fields by hammering the opposition to a pulp,or hunt enemy flyers, gaining air superiority.

Wargear: Battlecannon

Steel Hawk Support Gyrocopter

While the Iron Eagle focuses on the enemy linesthe Steel Hawk is purpose-built to deal withfortifications and vehicles. Using Thunderrollingmissiles to crack tanks open, and multi-meltasturning the chosen targets into slag, the Steel HawkGyrocopter is feared by all armoured columns andfortress captains.

Wargear: Twin-linked Multi-Melta, 6 Thunderrollingmissiles

Pyrespotter Scoutflyer

Normally stationed as part of the compliment to aLeviathan or Colossus, it is the task of the Pyrespotterto call in targeting-information to the big guns, anddeter enemy flyers from getting within range of thelumbering vehicles. The Pyrespotter can also bedeployed on its own to call in targets for artillery ofthe line.

ArmourBS F S R HP

Pyrespotter 3 11 11 11 2

Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)

Wargear: Twin-linked Cloudsplitter Autocannon

Special Rules:• Escort craft: A Pyrespotter can be assigned to

escort a Gyrocopter, STC-construct orSuperheavy placed in Reserves before thebattle, and will then not roll its own Reserve-roll, but arrive when the assigned unitarrives. A unit can only ever benefit from asingle escorting Pyrespotter.

• Guild attention: If upgraded, the Guild haslavished their attention on the flyer, and theflyer benefits from the It Won't Die specialrule.

• Strafing Run• XB7 Targeting array: If a Pyrespotter shoots

at an enemy unit and manages at least onehit, place a counter or marker next to thetarget. All friendly STC-constructs, Flyers,Superheavies or Brotherhood Weaponteamsthat shoot at the same target later in the sameshooting phase count their weapons as twin-linked.

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Armoury of the Squats


Cloudsplitter AutocannonThe Cloudsplitter is a variant of the autocannon that is

exclusive to the Squats. It it specifically tailored for theflyers and can rain down death on the enemies, or cutapart other flyers with equal ease.

Conversion beamerThe Conversion beamer uses arcane technology lost to

the Imperium that converts hard matter into energy,blasting the target apart. The harder you are, the harderthe weapon hits, as it were. This makes the weapon unfitfor firing on snotlings, but can blast mega-armoured orksapart with ease.

The effect of the Conversion beamer is in directproportion to toughness of the target.

The conversion beamer always wounds on a rollof 3+, causes a Glancing hit on 3 and a Penetrating hiton vehicles on 4+.

Hailstorm missilesRaining down death from the skies the Hailstorm

missiles are designed to hammer infantry into coweringcover.

Hailstorm missiles benefit from the Missile Lockspecial rule.

Mole mortarThe Mole-mortar is another mining-tool adapted to

combat-use. It fires a torpedo, not through the air as anormal mortar but through the ground. It drills itselfthrough the ground and emerges at a target from beneath.

Tremors: Any unit hit by the Mole Mortar willmove as in Difficult Terrain until the next Squat turn.If already in Difficult Terrain it rolls one dice lessthan normal.

If the mole mortar hits a vehicle it always resolveshits against its rear armour, no matter where the hitactually occurs, as it burrows up underneath. Thevehicle must take a Dangerous Terrain test if it movesin the following Movement phase. This even appliesto skimmers as the grav-engines are disrupted by theheaving ground.

Rapier Laser DestroyerThe double- or quad-linked rapier laser destroyer is a

perfect example of how the Squats have adapted mining-technology for combat-use. The heavy lasers eat away atarmour, but has a slow rate of fire.

A Rapier laser destroyer adds +1 to the damage-roll against vehicles in addition to the +1 for havingAP 2, for a total of +2.

TarantulaThe tarantula is not a weapon as such, but a way to

mount weapons for maximized effect. It does not allow formuch mobility, but allows the gunners to target theirenemies with deadly firepower.

Only two weapons of the same kind may bemounted on the tarantula (no mixing weapons suchas a heavy bolter+lascannon). The weapon isconsidered to be twin-linked. It uses the Interceptorand Skyfire special rules.

Thudd gunThe Thudd-gun, when the Imperium first encountered

it in Squat hands thought it was arcane and antiquated,but as they saw it in combat against the Orks they wantedit for their own. However, the Squats will not part withthis weapon which is part of their favourites.

Due to the multiple blasts of the Thudd gun, unitstesting against Pinning does so with -1 Ld.

Thunderrolling missilesThe basic air-to-ground anti-armour missiles of the

Squats, these high-explosives slam into enemy tanks andfortifications, blasting them apart and reducing them torubble.

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Weapon statsMost are found in the Imperial Guard and Space

Marine Codices, but some are unique to the Squats,and are listed below.Name Range Str AP Type


48” 7 4 Heavy 3


72” - 2 Heavy 1, Blast *

Graviton gun 12" n/a 3 Assault 1, Sniper *


48” 5 4 Heavy 1, Blast, One use only*

Mole mortar 48" 4 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast,Barrage, Ignores Cover,Tremors

Rapier laser destroyer

90" 9 2 Heavy 1, Armourbane *

Thudd gun 60" 5 5 Heavy 4, Barrage, Blast *


72” 8 1 Heavy 1, One use only

* - special rules exists for this weapon. See above.

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Other EquipmentBike

Among all above-ground transports, the motorbike isthe most cherished by the Squats. This is particularly truefor the Guilds, who have built much of their mobileexistence upon the culture of these hawgs.

A model with a bike uses the rules for Bike ratherthan Infantry. It comes with a twin-linked bolter.

A model on a bike in an Exo-armour loses Turbo-boost as the weight is too much and does not comewith twin-linked bolters.

StuntieJust as there are shorter humans there are shorter

Squats, and these are affectionately nicknamed "Stunties".These are fierce and minute warriors often brought alongto the battlefield.

A character with a Stuntie may re-roll a singlecoversave, hit- or to wound-roll per turn. If acharacter has more than a single stuntie he/she maymake more than one re-roll, but may never re-roll asingle die more than once.

A Guildmaster may choose to re-roll his TinkeringSkills-roll, and if he has more than one eachadditional one may be used for a +1 to both rolls, upto a total of +3 (4 Stunties or 3 Stunties andaccompanying Guild bikers). Stunties used in thisfashion are often labelled "Servitors".


Adapted from the heavy mining-protection used inasteroid-refineries and orehandling, these heavy suits ofarmour are now primarily used in tunnelfighting.

The model has a 2+ Armour save and a 5+Invulnerable save. The Exo-armour comes equippedwith a stormbolter and a powersword and the wearersuffers from Fat of Foot, even if not indicated in theiroriginal profile. A model in Exo-armour may not usegrenades. The powered armour also adds +1 S to thewearer, but this does not stack with Furious Charge.The model is Bulky and Slow and Purposeful.

Ornate breastplateSome armourplates survive generations of fighting,

and undergo repairs and reinforcements, growing from asuit of normal armour into a treasured heirloom. Manyobservers have thought Guildmasters in these to beTechmarines, only a lot shorter, which of course amusesthe Squats greatly!

The model has a 2+ Armour save.

Refractor-fieldRefractor-fields channel incoming energy to the sides,

lessening the impact of flying rocks within the mines. Thistechnology is also used on the battlefield, to counterincoming heavy artillery.

The model has a 5+ Invulnerable save.

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Stronghold Personality Traits

Cultural FocusSome Squats are the focus and inspiration of their group,some of their Stronghold, some of their society. But thereare rare individuals who are the focus of their entireculture, displaying the traits that all Squats can aspire to.Such legends made flesh are rare, but immensely powerful.

The character benefits from the Feel No Pain (4+)and It Will Not Die special rules. Note that this traitis only available for Kinghands and Living Ancestors.

Dirty FighterSchooled in the art of war some heroes simply become toopragmatic to worry about neatness or honour. Suchfighters eventually become lauded for theiraccomplishments, even though noone will ask just howthey bested their foes.

All attacks the character makes use the Shredspecial rule.

Martial AcumenA renowned fighter, leading by example, this Squatinspires his brothers to do better, strike harder and enduremore. He has long hard years of training to back him up,and now he is putting them to good use on the battlefield.

All attacks the character makes uses the Rendingspecial rules and all friendly Squats within 12"(including the character himself) gains the Counterattack special rule.

Ork War VanguardThe Squats have been at war against he Orks for as long asanyone can remember, and some have stood in the breachagainst the Horde more than anyone could have asked forthem. These veterans are almost revered for their skill,tenacity and fury, and when fighting often serve asinspiration to others.

The character benefits from the Rage andRampage special rules.

Societal FocusSome Squats are the focus and inspiration of their group,some of their Stronghold, some of their entire society.These individuals embody what it is to be a Squat, andendure hardships like few others.

The character benefits from the Feel No Pain (5+)special rule.

Surprisingly swift feetWhile some Squats are slow and clumsy on the move, somerarer individuals move like the wind, and can sidestep,duck and weave like Eldar. These are often looked up to asinspiration, even though many fail to live up to thestandards of their idols.

The character has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Tyranid Invasion VeteranWhile the wars against the Tyranids are not as numerousas those against the Orks, they have been as savage andappalling. Some, however, have risen to fame huntingthese massive hulking monstrosities, to safeguard theirStrongholds, and claim big scary trophies for their walls.

The character benefits from the Monster Hunterspecial rule.

Will of Unbreakable IronWhile all Squats are tenacious, some take this to anextreme, hardening their minds against all hostilecontacts, and growing cages of defensive psychic powersaround their thoughts and emotions. These individuals arelooked upon as examples to all others.

The character benefits from the Fearless specialrule and is immune to Ld-based effects (anything thatrequires a Ld-test or which lower the Ld-characteristic). Note that this trait is only available forKinghands and Living Ancestors.

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Deepdwelling Psychic PowersThe psychic powers of the Squats are tied to theirfortitude, their endurance, and their isolation. Theyinfluence the worlds they inhabit through theiremotions, and this influences the way their psychicpowers operate.

1-2 Domination Warp Charge 1Exerting his extraordinary willpower, the Living

Ancestor may strike fear and terror into the heart of eventhe most stalwart warrior, making him cower in the dirt.

This witchfire power is used in the ShootingPhase instead of firing a weapon. It targets an enemysquad within 12" which becomes Pinned. Unitsimmune to pinning are unaffected.

3-4 Force Dome Warp Charge 1Projecting his protective thoughts towards his

brethren, the Living Ancestor may erect a powerful mentalbarrier around a unit or vehicle, to safeguard it from harm.

This blessing is used at the start of the turn on aSquat-unit/vehicle within 24". The squad or vehiclehas a 4+ invulnerable save versus shooting attacksuntil the beginning of the next Squat turn.

Primaris Power

Mental Fortress Warp Charge 1The Squats draw strength from the Living Ancestor as

it is, but using this power the Living Ancestor may doeven more, and inspire valour in his brethren from faraway.

This power is a blessing used at the start of theturn and affects all Squat models within 18" of theLiving Ancestor. They all count as having Ld 10 andhaving Admantium Will until the beginning of thenext Squat turn.

5-6 Hammer of Fury Warp Charge 1

Channelling his anger outwards, the Living Ancestorpushes enemies away, stunning and killing them.

This nova witchfire power is used in the ShootingPhase instead of firing a weapon. All enemy modelswithin 6" of the Living Ancestor suffer a S5 hit (noAP) and unless their base-strength is 6 or more theyare forced to take a Pinning-test. Any enemy vehiclewithin range suffers an automatic glancing hit.

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Squat Wargear List

Ranged WeaponsA model can replace a bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following:

– Bolter +1 pt– Flamer +5 pts– Laspistol free– Meltagun +10 pts– Plasma pistol +15 pts– Plasmagun +15 pts– Stormbolter +3 pts

Melee WeaponsA model can replace one weapon with one of the following:

– Powerfist +25 pts– Powersword +15 pts

Special WargearA model can take up to one each of the following * :

– Krak grenades +2 pts– Meltabombs +5 pts– Ornate breastplate +15 pts– Refractor-field +7 pts– Squat bike / Sidecar ** +15 pts– Stuntie +10 pts/each

* A Stronghold Warlord and Guildmaster can take up to four Stunties. A Living Ancestor can take up to twoStunties.** A Living Ancestor cannot be mounted on a bike, but is mounted in a Sidecar.

Stronghold Personality TraitsWhile relying on the STCs to supply them with the gear that they need, the Squats do not solely use technology to aidthem. The true heroes of the Squats are those of the biggest hearts, the strongest wills and the mightiest commandingappeals.

– Cultural Focus * +20 pts– Dirty Fighter +10 pts– Martial Acumen +15 pts– Ork War Vanguard +15 pts– Societal Focus +15 pts– Surprisingly swift feet +10 pts– Tyranid Invasion Veteran +10 pts– Will of Unbreakable Iron * +20 pts

* Only available to Kinghands and Living Ancestors.

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These lists details the point values of various items of wargear available to units in the army. Many unitentries in the army list that follows may include wargear options from one or more of these lists - in eachinstance, the army list entry will tell you (in bold text) exactly which of these lists you may use.

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Squat Army ListHQ

Stronghold WarlordKinghand................................................................75 points Page 5Thanehand............................................................. 55 points


Kinghand 5 4 5 4 3 3 3 10 3+

Thanehand 5 4 4 4 2 3 2 9 3+


• May take items from the Melee Weapons,Ranged Weapons, Special Wargear and/orStronghold Personality Traits sections of theWargear list.

• Replace all wargear with an exo-armour, a stormbolter and a powersword. +25 pts

Guildmaster...................................................65 points Page 7A Guildmaster may only be selected if the forceincludes at least one Guild Bike Squad.


Guildmaster 5 5 4 4 2 3 3 9 4+

Options:• Replace bolter with Graviton Gun +15 pts• May take items from the Melee Weapons,

Ranged Weapons, Special Wargear and/orStronghold Personality Traits sections of theWargear list.

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Unit Composition:• 1 Stronghold


Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Bolt pistol• Frag grenades• Krak grenades• Close-combat


Special Rules: • Ancestral Hatred• Berserker• Brothers in Arms• Independent

character• Inspiring

Unit Composition:• 1 Guildmaster

Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Boltgun or

Boltpistol• Close combat

weapon• Frag grenades• Krak grenades

Special Rules:• Ancestral Hatred• Brother in Arms• Hit and Run• Independent

Character• Skilled Rider• Tinkering skills

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Living Ancestor....................................................110 points Page 6The Living Ancestor may never be the only HQ of thearmy, but may only be selected if another HQ leadsthe army. He may not be selected in armies under1500 points.


Living Ancestor 5 5 5 5 3 2 3 10 4+

Options:• May upgrade to Psyker

(Mastery Level 2) +30 pts• Replace close combat weapon

with a Force rod +25 pts• May take items from the Melee Weapons,

Ranged Weapons, Special Wargear and/orStronghold Personality Traits sections of theWargear list.

Command Squad................................................. 75 points Page 8

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For every Living Ancestor or Stronghold Warlorda Squat force includes it may include a BrotherhoodVeteran Advisor-squad.

A Stronghold Warlord may instead of getting anAdvisor Squad designate a Hearthguard-unit as hisCommand Squad. It then does not count as an Elite-choice, but as an part of his HQ-choice, just likeanother Command Squad would.

Brotherhood Veteran Advisor-squadWS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Veteran Advisor 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 4+

Independent Characters on bikes/sidecars may notlead or join a Brotherhood Veteran-squad.

Options:• May include up to five more Advisors to the

squad: +15 pts/model• Up to two Advisors may replace their bolt

pistol with:- Plasma pistol +10 pts/model

• Up to two Advisors may replace their bolteror close combat weapon with:- Powersword +10 points- Powerfist +25 points

• Up to two Advisors may replace their bolteror close combat weapon with:- Flamer +7 pts/model- Meltagun +8 pts/model- Plasmagun +13 pts/model

• One Advisor may upgrade to:- Medic +10 points

• One Advisor may upgrade to:- Musician +10 points

• One Advisor may upgrade to:- Standard-bearer +10 points

Unit Composition: • 5 Veteran


Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Bolter or close

combat weapon• Boltpistol• Frag grenades• Krak grenades

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Berserker• Brothers in Arms• Fat of Foot

Dedicated Transport:• May be mounted

in a Rhino,Razorback orTermite Drill-torpedo

Unit Composition:• 1 Living Ancestor

Unit type:• Infantry

Wargear:• Bolt pistol• Close combat

weapon (cane)• Frag grenades

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Berserker• Brothers in Arms• Fat of Foot• Independent

character• Psyker - Mastery

level 1

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Hearthguards..........................................................65 points Page 5WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Hearthguard 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 3+

Options: • May include up to five additional

Hearthguards +13 pts/model• The entire squad may replace their laspistols

with:- Boltpistols +1 pt/model

• The entire squad may exchange their close-combat weapon:- Powersword +12 pts/model

• Take meltabombs +4 pts/model

Dedicated Transport:• The squad may select a Rhino, Razorback,

Landraider or Termite Drill Torpedo as adedicated transport. See the TransportVehicles entry for details.

• A Rhino or Razorback used in this mannermay become an Assault Vehicle at +20points.

Hearthguards in Exo-armour........................ 200 points Page 5WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Hearthguard 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 2+/5++

Options: • May include up to five additional

Hearthguards +40 pts/model

Dedicated Transport:• The squad may select a Landraider or Termite

Drill Torpedo as a dedicated transport. Seethe Transport Vehicles entry for details.

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Unit Composition: • 5 Hearthguards

Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Laspistol• Close-combat

weapon• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Berserker• Brothers in Arms• Command squad

Unit Composition: • 5 Hearthguards

Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Two Bolters• Power-weapon

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Berserker• Brothers in Arms• Command squad• Fat of foot

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Hearthguards in Exo-armour on bikes... 150 points Page 4WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Hearthguard 4 4 4 4(5) 1 2 2 8 2+/5++

Options: • May include up to two additional

Hearthguards +50 pts/model

Ratling SnipersSee Codex Imperial Guard.

Commissar AdvisorsSee Codex Imperial Guard.Note that the Commissar disregards the Transport.

TechpriestsSee Techmarine in Codex: Space Marine.Note that a Techmarine may never have Servitors when in a Squat army. They may repair STC-constructsand Rhinos.

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Unit Composition: • 3 Hearthguards

Unit type: • Bike

Wargear:• Two bolters• Power-weapon

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Berserker• Brothers in Arms• Command squad• Heavy charge

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Brotherhood Combat Squad.......................... 50 points Page 8WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Combat squad 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Veteran 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 7 5+

You MUST have at least ONE Combat squad in yourarmy unless using the alternate Guild Force-organisation.

Options:• The squad may include up to five additional

squats: +10 pts/model• The squad may be equipped with

- frag grenades: +1 pt/model- krak grenades: +2 pts/model

• Any member of the squad may upgrade thelasgun to: - Bolter +2 pts/model

• One member may replace his lasgun with:- Flamer +6 pts- Meltagun +8 pts- Plasmagun +8 pts

• Up to two members of the squad may bearmed with:- Conversion beamer +16 pts- Heavy bolter +4 pts- Lascannon +15 pts- Multi-melta +11 pts- Plasma cannon +15 pts

• The Squadleader may become a Veteran for+5 points. A Veteran may take items from theMelee Weapons and/or Ranged Weaponssections of the Wargear list.

Brotherhood Assault Squad.......................... 50 points Page 8WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Assault squad 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Veteran 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 7 5+

You may never have more Assault squads thanCombat squads.

Options:• The squad may include up to five additional

squats: +10 pts/model• The squad may upgrade the krak grenades

to:- Meltabombs +2 pts/model

• Any member of the squad may upgrade thelasgun to: - Bolter +2 pts/model

• Up to half (rounded down) of the squad mayreplace his lasgun with:- Flamer +6 pts/model- Meltagun +8 pts/model- Plasmagun +8 pts/model

• The Squadleader may become a Veteran for+5 points. A Veteran may take items from theMelee Weapons and/or Ranged Weaponssections of the Wargear list.

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Unit Composition: • 1 Squad leader • 4 Troopers

Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Lasgun

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Brothers in Arms• Fat of Foot• No Suspension


Dedicated Transport:• The squad may

select a Rhinotransport. See theTransportVehicles entry fordetails.

Unit Composition: • 1 Squad leader • 4 Troopers

Unit type: • Infantry

Weapons: • Lasgun• Frag grenades• Krak grenades

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Beserker• Brothers in Arms• Fat of Foot

Dedicated Transport:• The squad may

select a Rhinotransport. See theTransportVehicles entry fordetails.

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Brotherhood Support Squad......................... 50 points Page 8WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Supportsquad 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Veteran 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 7 5+

You may never have more Supportsquads thanCombat squads.

Options: • The squad may include up to five additional

squats: +10 pts/model• Any or all members of the squad (except a

veteran) may replace his lasgun with:- Conversion beamer +20 pts/model- Heavy bolter +10 pts/model- Missile launcher (flakk, frag, krak

missiles) +15 pts/model- Multi-melta +13 pts/model- Lascannon +18 pts/model- Plasma cannon +18 pts/model

• The Squadleader may become a Veteran for+5 points. A Veteran may take items from theMelee Weapons and/or Ranged Weaponssections of the Wargear list.

Dedicated Transports■ Rhino (see Codex: Space Marine)

■ Razorback (see Codex: Space Marine)

■ Land raider (see STC-constructs below)

■Termite Drill-torpedo............................................. 40 points Page 11Armour

Front Side Rear BS HP13 13 13 2 3

Unit Composition:• 1 Termite Drill-torpedo

Type: • Vehicle, Immobile

Weapons: None

Transport Capacity: • 12 models.

Special Rules:• Burrower

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Unit Composition: • 1 Squad leader • 4 Troopers

Unit type: • Infantry

Wargear:• Lasgun

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Brothers in Arms• Fat of Foot• No Suspension


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Fast Attack

Guild Bike squad.................................................80 points Page 9WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Guild Bikes 3 3 3 5 1 3 1 8 4+

Veteran 4 4 4 5 1 3 2 8 4+

Options: • The squad may include up to five additional

squats: +16 pts/model• The squad may be equipped with krak

grenades: +2 pts/model• The squad may gain Skilled Rider: +10 pts• The Squadleader may become a Veteran for

+5 points. A Veteran may take items from theMelee Weapons and/or Ranged Weaponssections of the Wargear list.

Note: While some Guildmembers prefer to ride on atrike rather than a bike they are treated as bikes,regardless of how many wheels they have.

Guild Heavy weapon Trike............................29 points each Page 9


Guild Trikes 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 8 4+

Options:• Any or all members of the squad may

exchange the multi-melta for a:- Conversion beamer +15 pnts- Heavy bolter free- Lascannon +10 pts- Missile launcher (flakk, frag, krak

missiles) +10 pts- Plasmacannon +5 pts

• The squad may gain Skilled Rider: +10 pts

Not all trikes have to be armed in the same way.

Iron Eagle Attack Gyrocopter............................... 170 Points Page 12

ArmourBS F S R HP Unit Type Unit Composition

Gyrocopter 3 12 12 11 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) 1 Iron Eagle Attack Gyrocopter

Wargear: Special Rules: Options:• Twin-linked Cloudsplitter Autocannon • Strafing Run • May upgrade with Guild attention +25 pts• Battlecannon • May be equipped with T-65 Tracking system +10 pts

• May be upgraded with a Searchlight +2 pts

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Unit Composition: • Guild Spokesman• 4 Guild bikers

Unit type: • Bike

Wargear: • Laspistol• Close-combat

weapon• Frag grenades• Bike with Twin-

linked Bolter

Special Rules:• Ancestral hatred• Brothers in Arms• Hit and Run

Unit Composition: • 1-3 trikes per


Unit type: • Bike

Wargear: • Laspistol• Multi-melta• Bike

Special rules: • Ancestral hatred• Brothers in Arms

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Steel Hawk Support Gyrocopter…...................... 185 Points Page 12

ArmourBS F S R HP Unit Type Unit Composition

Gyrocopter 3 12 12 11 3 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) 1 Steel Hawk Support Gyrocopter

Wargear: Special Rules: Options:• Twin-linked Cloudsplitter Autocannon • Strafing Run • May upgrade with Guild attention +25 pts• Twin-linked Multimelta • May be equipped with T-65 Tracking system +10 pts• 6 Thunderrolling missiles • May be upgraded with a Searchlight +2 pts

Pyrespotter Scoutflyer…........................................ 100 Points Page 12

ArmourBS F S R HP Unit Type Unit Composition

Pyrespotter 3 11 11 11 2 Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) 1 Pyrespotter Scoutflyer

Wargear: Special Rules: Options:• Twin-linked Cloudsplitter Autocannon • Escort Craft • May upgrade with Guild attention +25 pts• 2 Thunderrolling missiles • Strafing Run • May be upgraded with a Searchlight +2 pts

• XB7 Targeting array • May exchange Thunderrolling missiles with either - 6 Hailstorm missiles free- Twin-linked Cloudsplitter Autocannon +5 pts

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Heavy Support

Brotherhood weaponteam...............................24 points per team Page 8WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Weaponteam 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Artillery 7 2 3+

You may not have more than one unit perBrotherhood Combat-squad you include in the army.Note that the Weaponteams form their own units,and the multiples of the same weapon does not form"batteries".

Each team is comprised of two BrotherhoodGunners and a supportweapon. The teams aredeployed at the same time, but do not have tomaintain coherency with each other, only within theteam, and operate separately once the game starts.

Options: • The mole mortar can be upgraded to one on

the following list.- Rapier Laser Destroyer +14 pts- Tarantula with Conversion

beamer +10 pts- Tarantula with Heavy

bolters +2 pts- Tarantula with

Missilelaunchers (flakk, frag, krakmissiles) +8 pts

- Tarantula with Multi-meltas +2 pts

- Tarantula with Lascannons +10 pts- Tarantula with

Plasmacannon +8 pts- Thudd gun +20 pts

• Equip with Refractor-field +7 pts

STC-constructThe Squats may take any of the following vehicles as a Heavy support choice. Each vehicle counts as a

single Heavy Support Choice.• Landraider• Predator• Vindicator• Whirlwind

These use the same rules as the vehicles under the same name in the Space Marine Codex, includingpointcost, upgrades and stats (including the BS). They are not crewed by Marines though, but by Squatengineers with cowboy-hats.

The Landraider may transport 12 Squats.

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Unit Composition: • 1-3 Weaponteams

Unit Type: • Artillery

Wargear:• The gunners have

a lasgun each.• One Mole mortar

per two gunners

Special rules: • Ancestral hatred• Brothers in Arms• Fat of Foot

Squats - 6th Edition 40konline.com

SummaryTroop Types


Brotherhood Squat 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+

Guild Bike 3 3 3 5 1 3 1 8 4+

Guild Trike 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 8 4+

Guildmaster 5 5 4 4 2 3 3 9 4+

Hearthguard 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 3+

Kinghand 5 4 5 4 3 3 3 10 3+

Living Ancestor 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 10 5+

Thanehand 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 9 3+

Veteran 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 7 5+

Veteran Advisor 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 8 4+

Veteran biker 4 4 4 5 1 3 2 8 4+

Weaponteam 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 7 5+



Type Front Side Rear BS HP

Termite Vehicle,Immobile

13 13 13 3 3

Gyrocopter Vehicle,Flyer,Hover

12 12 11 3 3

Pyrespotter Vehicle,Flyer,Hover

11 11 11 3 2

Ranged Weapons

Name Range Str AP Type


48” 7 4 Heavy 3


72” - 2 Heavy 1, Blast *

Graviton gun 12" n/a 3 Assault 1, Sniper *


48” 5 4 Heavy 1, Blast, One use only*

Mole mortar 48" 4 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast,Barrage, Ignores Cover,Tremors

Rapier laser destroyer

90" 9 2 Heavy 1, Armourbane *

Thudd gun 60" 5 5 Heavy 4, Barrage, Blast *


72” 8 1 Heavy 1, One use only

* - special rules exists for this weapon.

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Squats - 6th Edition 40konline.com

Designer's NotesI have tried to be as true to the original list of theSquats in the Rogue Trader Compendium as possible.

There are some errors in "translation" as it were,but all things considered I think it is about as good asit gets without going off towards other goals. I haveseen other lists, but none have kept close to theoriginal list, but instead have opted for a greaterFantasy-touch, or elaborated on points of their own. Ifelt this was such a shame as the Squats are a greatconcept in themselves. Some allowances have beentaken to make them playable, and through addingoptions I hope that the list can still retain its original"feel" while still being a balanced playable list.

If you have any suggestions on improving the listor have other comments about it, feel free to visitwww.40konline.com or the “Warhammer 40kSquats” Facebook group and post your commentsthere.

Version-historyThis list is abbreviated. Some editions have been removed as theyadded very little that was new.0.02 050412 – Basic math0.03 050415 - Background added0.05 050526 - Bikes and psychic powers checked0.07 051020 - Ancestral hatred added0.08 051023 - Veteran-upgrades added0.09 051030 - Typos edited. Hearthguard updated0.2 051114 - Superior Technology added0.24 060120 - Veteran Advisors added0.25 060129 - Berserker added0.27 060208 - Termite revised1.0 070429 – Reformatted, traits removed1.1 070517 – Inserted illustrations1.11 070617 – Added Assault Vehicle1.14 070629 - Reformatting1.16 070706 – Reformatting1.18 080206 – Added Summary1.19 081226 – Converted to 5th ed1.20 090102 – Reformatting1.23 090214 – Added pictures to armylist1.24 090928 – Reformatted to 5th Edition Codex Standard1.25 091107 – Continued reformatting1.30 100317 – Reformatted armylist.1.31 110214 – Reformatted Hearthguard entries1.32 130402 - Converting to 6th ed1.33 130614 - Remake on Mole Mortar1.34 130616 - Added Warlord Traits, Allies, Flyers1.35 130723 - Cleaned up formatting, flyers rework1.36 130802 - Moved contents to Addendum1.37 130927 - Added Stronghold Personality Traits

/ Rasmus - 40konline.com

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