THANK YOU - Military Spouse...page 3 Nike Nike has got it going on – If you have a body, you are an athlete! Nike’s Team USA Summer Collection is here just in time for you to go

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Page 1: THANK YOU - Military Spouse...page 3 Nike Nike has got it going on – If you have a body, you are an athlete! Nike’s Team USA Summer Collection is here just in time for you to go
Page 2: THANK YOU - Military Spouse...page 3 Nike Nike has got it going on – If you have a body, you are an athlete! Nike’s Team USA Summer Collection is here just in time for you to go

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THANK YOU for downloading the first edition of the Military

Spouse Seasonal Savings Guide. You can expect one of these to

premiere every season. We’re here to save your family money – and

we’re kicking things off with summer! In the following pages you will

find over 28 unique deals for clothing, food, your kids, yourself, and

even your pets! You’ll also get 2 awesome bonus resources at your

fingertips - 7 Things to Know to Survive Your Next Summer PCS and 10

Ways to Cut Wedding Costs (The 1st OR 2nd Time!)

Keep reading and discover your summer adventure today.

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Nike has got it going on – If you have a body, you are an

athlete! Nike’s Team USA Summer Collection is here just in

time for you to go all out and support AMERICA this

summer. Save here.


Gotta love Kate Hudson! Kate’s line of fashion-forward

athletic wear is all the rage right now. Sign up today and get

your first outfit for $19! It’s exactly the style you’ll want to

look your best this summer. Save here.

Outdoor Tech

This is the perfect combination of sophisticated technology

and the rugged outdoors. These gadgets are high-tech and

just as tough as you are. Save here.

Eddie Bauer

From Father’s Day, to birthdays, to anniversaries, get your

man exactly what he wants – Eddie Bauer’s signature gifts

are available for under $50. Save here.

Michael Kors

No introduction needed, Michael Kors is luxury waiting for

you. Save 10% off your next purchase online! Save here.

Go Ruck

Go Ruck is as ALL-American as they come. Built in the USA

and made to last a lifetime, Go Ruck apparel is made to

withstand any war. Save here.

Think Pink

This popular Etsy Shop has exactly what your little girl needs

this summer. Among many homemade goods, Think Pink has

precious hair bows for ages ranging from newborn to eight

years old. Save here.

Everyday Happy

To make your everyday this happy, invest in safe, natural

ingredients for your kids. Everyday Happy has diapers, bath

goods, vitamins, and more! Sign up today and get a free trial

membership for daily health care goods delivered to you.

Save here.

Wicked Good Cupcakes

It can be hard to find good desserts, especially if you’re

gluten free. Wicked Good Cupcakes delivers cupcakes-in-a-

jar right to your door with no need for refrigeration.

Save here.

Gathered Table

Make life easier with Gathered Table. Gathered Table

provides a complete, customized meal plan just for you,

based on your diet, food avoidances, and time constraints.

Try it for free and cancel anytime! Save here.

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7 Things to Know to Survive Your Next Summer PCS By Kiera Durfee

The term “PCS” is just shy of being a "four-letter word" to a military family. You learn quickly

to expect the unexpected. When you hear that it is PCS time for your family, there is nothing

that induces fear faster, except maybe a deployment…Or maybe not even that.

Whether you have moved a dozen times (in which case you have earned our never-ending respect), or are anxiously anticipating your

first move (in which case, we feel for you and are here if you need anything see this PCS Move article for help in deciding what to

pack!), PCSing is one moment everyone can agree comes with mixed emotions. Now I’ve been excited to leave a duty station, but that

isn’t the same as being thrilled to move all my (precious) belongings across an ocean, two states and multiple cattle guards. Because

when it comes to moving with the military, only one thing can be counted on for sure: expect the unexpected. Below are seven of the

“unexpected” moments you can count on during your PCS experience. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

1. The movers will be late (or really, really early… if they come at all.) Again we say, expect the unexpected. You are a professional by now. You’ve got a binder filled with dates, labeled tabs

highlighting every rest stop along your trip, a packing list that would make Princess Kate’s assistants jealous, and still, you can’t

make movers show up on time. They don’t know you have pizza, soda, and air conditioning in 29 Palms in the dead of summer or

they’d be there...right?! Wrong. Without a doubt, but with a million excuses, the movers will not be on the same timetable as you

are. Plan to let go of your plan a little when it comes to this. And don’t order the pizza until they show up.

2. Your move dates will change. And change again. And one more time for good measure. It’s best not to get too worked up over this, because the military is known for being 100% mission ready all the time. It makes

sense that they expect families to comply to this too, but it certainly doesn’t make it any less frustrating. This is why they have the

liquor department in the PX, so you can really deal and expect the unexpected. So stock up on wine, invite some girlfriends over

for some pizza (soon to be a staple food group during your PCS Move), and complain together about how unfair a world is that

would take you from them and be fickle about it on top of everything else. No one gets it like your sisters that have been there too.

More than once, most likely…

3. Your spouse will get pulled for duty the week you are supposed to pack out. Yes, this happens. I’m still not sure if my husband requested to be out in the field in 110 degree heat for a week of rifle training on

purpose to avoid the boxing of his 942 military career books, paraphernalia, awards and uniforms, or if he was dreading the week

as much as I was. Either way, it seems to always happen right when we book the movers… Curious, huh? Either way, remind

those friends who offered to help of your address, bring out the pizza (you knew that was coming, right?), and start taping boxes. I

didn’t promise this list would be pleasant. Just accurate.

4. Some of your favorite, bubble-wrapped, safely-secured, couldn’t-break memorabilia will get broken. There’s no real way to prevent this, including packing, driving, storing it yourself, which families still try to do, despite all the

horror stories their friends tell them over wine about how this is a baaaaad idea. Which brings me to my next point…

5. You will regret that DIY move halfway across Iowa. When the kids are screaming, and there isn’t enough space in all of the cornfields to separate them, and your great-aunt Mildred’s

armoire is cracked from that darn cattle guard (who puts a cattle guard in the middle of freaking nowhere?!), and your husband got

called to duty early and flew to the next duty station via a first class free upgrade and your closest friends are nowhere near Iowa

because they know better and tried to warn you, and…. Trust me, no matter how bad it gets, you aren’t alone. We’ve all done it,

which is why we can all preach we will never do it again. Think how much wiser you’ll seem when you’re the one with a smug

look accompanying your Pinot as you warn a new spouse NOT to DIY it to California, especially if it looks like GPS will swing

them through Iowa…

6. Your PCS one state away just became an international move. With three weeks’ notice. If this happens to you (nay, WHEN this happens to you), think of me. Hugging you for strength, crying with you, and holding your

hand as you try not to scream at the post office lady for telling you the impossibility for getting back five passports in that amount

of time and wondering why you didn’t plan better. Civilians just don’t get it, and the sooner you realize that, the more you’ll save

your vocal cords and sanity. Delegate tasks, call on your sisters and family and distant relatives you haven’t seen in a decade, put

the kids in daycare, and rise above it. You’ve got this! Once you get there and get settled, invite the family out to visit your new

Italian digs, because you’re living an amazing life we’re all jealous of.

7. You WILL make friends like your old ones at the next duty station, I promise. We’re there, scattered across the world like beautiful seeds ready to blossom wherever we’re planted, so find us, seek us out, and

tell us your story. We’re missing our tribe back home too, but believe me, having an even bigger tribe is the coolest feeling in the

world. So get out there and make new friends. You won’t regret it, even when the three years flies by and before you know it, it’s

that dreaded season again… Who else do you think is going to help you move if not that new neighbor you just met but can

imagine becoming fast wine and pizza friends with? See, now you’re catching on… :)

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As we move into the summer season, that sunshine is full

blast on your skin and we need to protect it (while still

looking fresh!) Power your skin with bareMinerals’

innovative beauty products and get 10% off your first

purchase. Save here.

Burt’s Bees Baby

Give your baby the best this summer and put him or her in

100% organic cotton apparel. Get 30% all organic cotton baby

bundles! Save here.

My Protein

It’s swimsuit season…you know what that means! It’s time

to kick things up a notch and you need to make sure you

have the nutrients you need. My Protein has premium

supplements at unbeatable prices. You get 30% off your

first order with this code: NEWUS. Save here.

Beach Body t25

Stream more than 400 workouts for FREE for one month from

Beachbody! Choose from P90X®, INSANITY®, Brazil Butt

Lift®, Slim in 6®, Turbo Jam®, Hip Hop Abs®, and Power

90® among many others. Get one month free! Save here.

Spartan Race

Reebok Spartan Race is a global leader in Obstacle Racing,

inspired by seven ultra athletes and a Royal Marine. Get a

group of military spouses together and challenge yourself

this summer! Save here.

Seat Geek

Baseball season is in full swing. It’s the perfect family outing

or date night! Find the best seats for your home team at Seat

Geek. Save here.

Paint Nite

FUN summer date night or girls’ night out! With the

beloved BYOB, Paint Nite is an experience disrupting the

nightlife scene. Grab your favorite bottle of wine and

become the next Michelangelo in your town. Get 35% off

your first Paint Nite fun! Save here.

Birthday in a Box

We’re all busy and summer isn’t any less busy as a military

family! So, don’t let any more birthday planning consume you.

Get a complete birthday party shipped right to your door

overnight! This is really too good… Save here.


Do you love coffee as much as I do? Probably not…but we

both need to join the Coffee Club – have artisanal coffee

delivered to your door. It’s exactly what you’ve BEAN

craving! Save here.

Extended Stay America

With military rates always at or below per diem, Extended

Stay America is a great place to stay on the road during your

summer PCS. Save here.

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10 Ways to Cut Wedding Costs (The 1st OR 2nd Time!) By Ashley Frisch

A wedding is one of the biggest days in your life, but it can also be the biggest expense of your

life as well. With all the stress that sometimes comes along with planning a military wedding

(the first OR the second time!) the last thing you need to be worrying about is budget... Here’s 10 ways to enjoy your wedding day without breaking the bank:

1. Sit down with your fiancé and discuss what three things

are most important to you for your wedding. Maybe you

both feel it’s not a great wedding without an awesome DJ,

but you don’t care that much about dessert. If you’re having

trouble picking your three most important factors, think back

to the last few weddings you’ve been to and what stood out

the most to you. Once you’ve both narrowed down the three

most important factors for your wedding, aim to allocate

most of your budget to those factors and find ways to budget

or lower the cost of the rest of the wedding.

2. Consider getting married on a weekday. A Saturday

wedding is classic but it’s also expensive. You can

sometimes literally save thousands of dollars by getting

married on a different day of the week. Ask potential venues

if they offer a discount for weekday weddings and consider

having your wedding on a Monday or Friday. Regardless of

what day of the week your wedding falls on, everyone who

wants to be there will come and it will still be one of the most

beautiful and memorable days of your lives.

3. Buy used decorations. You can often find great used

decorations or other wedding items on Craigslist or even

through discount stores like Habitat for Humanity’s Restores

or thrift shops. Always shop around before buying something


4. Cut the guest list. This is the simplest and fastest way to cut

down significantly on the cost of your wedding. Far too many

couples are pressured by family to invite people to their

wedding that they don’t know or aren’t close to, so if you’re

inviting Great Aunt Sue whom you’ve never spoken to or met

just to appease your family, it may be time to cut the guest

list. A good rule of thumb is to only invite people you’ve

spoken to in the last five years or who know both you and

your fiancé.

5. Consider selling or trading your wedding

decorations. Some vendors collect certain types of wedding

decorations and may be interested in possibly buying your

decorations after your wedding. For example, my husband

and I bought about 10-15 lanterns, string lights and paper

lanterns to decorate our outside wedding. We asked our

florist if she would be interested in buying them from us and

we ended up saving hundreds of dollars off our bill by giving

her the decorations that we otherwise would have had no idea

what to do with after. You can also sell your decorations on

craigslist or list them on wedding sites.

6. Get crafty. Enlist your wedding party and schedule fun

craft nights to put together your invitations and other

wedding décor items. Even if you’re not naturally crafty,

odds are you know someone who is that would be more than

willing to help you out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

7. Look for seasonal or comparable alternatives for your

favorite flowers. Asking for out of season flowers to be in

your bouquets can double the cost of your florist bill, so ask

your florist if there are any flowers similar to the look

you’re going for that are in season or if there are more

budget friendly alternatives. If you’re obsessed with the ever

popular and expensive peonies for your wedding, there’s a

nifty trick you can do with roses to get the look without the

price. Take a rose and blow into the center of it and then

fold it out petal by petal. You end up with the gorgeous full

look of a peony at a much lower price tag.

8. Minimize bar costs. If you plan on having alcohol at your

wedding, it’s an expense that can add up quickly. Ask your

venue if you can supply your own drinks, and if they say

yes buy wine and beer in bulk at stores that have a flexible

return policy like Costco. If your venue doesn’t allow you to

bring in your own alcohol, narrow the bar to beer and wine

only. No one will miss the hard alcohol, especially your


9. Don’t go crazy on favors. It’s easy to get caught up in the

importance of having the right favor at your wedding to

represent you and your new husband’s union, but honestly

they are often the most forgotten about and even left behind

item for your guests, so opt to keep them cheap and simple.

You can hand out matches with your names on them or do a

candy or cookie bar as a favor that doubles as dessert.

10. Get married in off season. Summer and fall are the most

popular times of year to have a wedding and venue prices

reflect it. Many venues offer off season discounts on their

prices at a third or even half the cost. Consider getting

married during the less popular winter months of December

through February. Bonus, since there’s less weddings during

that time of year, odds are more of your guests will be able

to make it.

Most importantly, don’t forget the true meaning of your

wedding. It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers and all the

little details, but ultimately the wedding day is about you

pledging to stand by the love of your life forever. If you focus

on each-other, a lot of the expensive add-ons will matter

much less.

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Dog Is Good

No Dog Left Behind! This is a special offer from Dog Is

Good to support Dogs on Deployment – supporting

servicemen and women by finding temporary homes for pets

while their own owners are deployed. This adorable and

meaningful t-shirt is a unique way to help promote dog

rescue and foster care for pets in need. Save here.

Pet Fancy

Check out these unique gifts for your beloved pet! From

designer-inspired bowls, signature collars, and natural treats,

you can treat your dog or cat like the king or queen they are

this summer. Save here.

Sperry Top Sider

Celebrate summer style with these amazing, US-themed

espadrilles. The stars and strips canvas is incredibly perfect

for your summer vacation or Fourth of July parties. Look

your best and GO USA. Save here.


Topps has a special set of 9 5”x7” Star Wars trading cards

featuring the artwork from the movie. It’s the perfect gift for

the dedicated Jedi in your life this summer. Save here.

Men’s Wearhouse

Summer means weddings, weddings, weddings. Dress your

best with custom tailored tuxes and suits and save while

you’re doing it – up to 70% off clearance! Save here.


For your unique style this summer, take a look at Francesca’s

eclectic mix of carefully-curated clothing. Designed to keep

you looking fresh, save up to 50% off sale items! Save here.


Three cheers for USA! Oakley is a proud eyewear partner of

Team USA – get your eyes ready for this summer with the

Team USA collection sunglasses. Save here.


Travel smart and easy this summer – right from your

smartphone! As a new user, get your first ride of up to $20

free. Use code 20NEWRIDEUBER. Save here.

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We hope you LOVED this little guide to

Sizzling Summer Savings. Keep it around for

savings throughout your whole summer – and

stay tuned for the Fall edition.

Enjoy your summer adventure!


The Military Spouse Team

These are revenue partners, which means if you buy something, we may get some cash money. So thanks for that.