THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An invitation to attend the annual 100/442 Thanksgiving Day Services in Manoa Valley Church. ---see Editorial

THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

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Page 1: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An invitation to attend the annual 100/442 Thanksgiving Day Services in Manoa Valley Church. ---see Editorial

Page 2: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,



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Page 3: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

(f) Dlmde (f) - --Vol. 17, No. 11 November, 1964

Editor Ben H. Tamashiro Production and Distribution:

Herbert Yamamoto, Bea Imada

Chapter News: Able 17

Board 9 Charlie 16

Dog 17 Headquarters 4

LA 20 Maui 9

Separate Activities : Green Thumbs 21

Youth 3

Features :

Donald Nagasaki Larry Mizuno K. Shimizu Jjts Yoshida Toshio Kunimura Sat Nakamura S. Masumoto

Richard Yamamoto Sandy Kawashima

Puka Squares 1 Editor Edito:rial 10 Editor

Other Staff Members: Dick Oguro (Baker), Wilfred Fujishige (GOl. Walter Kadota (Haw.), Kazuto Yoshioka (Kaua. Kent Nakamura (Medics), Clyde Kawakami (Rural).

CIRCULA nON : l562 Copies Screen Process Hawaii 845 Queen Street Phone 571-483

Published monthly by the Club 100, an organi­zation of World War II Veterans of the lOOth Infantry Battalion, incorporated under the laws of the State of Hawaii.

Request for advertising and rates should be directed to the Publisher.


as of Dec. 1, 1964 964-286

Page 4: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,


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Page 5: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

o ¢ 0 ¢ Q

o ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 ¢ 0 Puka Squares The annual Green Thumb Orchid Show and Plant Sale is coming up again ill the clubhouse - Saturday, Dec. 5th from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 in the afternoon. Goro Sumida who is this year's president of this hustling" group of plant lovers promises a bang up display and sale features. And, as usual, the plant sale is a good place to pick up your Xmas gift ideas.

Well, our club members did alright again. Spark Matsunaga for the U. S. House, Yasutaka Fukushima and Sakae Takahashi for the State Senate, Howard Miyake and Bob Taira for the State House - congratulations to you all. And, of course, over on Kaual, Toshio Kabutan ran unopposed for County Attorney. So congratu­lations to you also, Kabby.

There were the usual election highlights/sidelights but we'll touch on only a few of them. In round figures, there were 201,000 votes cast throughout the State and of this total, President Johnson received 152,000 with Spark Matsunaga right behind him with 134,000 votes. Then, there was Howard Miyake getting recogni­tion for putting up those "thank you" stickers on his campaign posters immediately after his nomination in the primary, then getting further credit for being the first to take down the posters after the general election. Right on the ball, this boy Howard.

One of the most devastating of infantry weapons in the last war was the Blmm mortar. With a range of aboutthree quarters of a mile, the HE could be dumped on a dime, and its power was especially effective in breaking up troop concentrations. With all of th~ sophisticated weapons now part of the TOE of the ROAD divisions, the Bl mm has been relegated to a role of a museum piece. Until suddenly, outside the perimeter of Saigon, at Bien Hoa, almost a dozen R-57 bombers are totally destroyed or knocked out of action. For all the smoke screen that the Dept. of Defense tried to throw over the fiasco, many an old dog face must have chuckled to learn that the Bl's are now being used to clobber airplanesl MacArthur was right - old soldiers never diel

Speaking of General MacArthur, we can only comment fl'om the little that we have read in the papers concerning former President Truman's current TV special wherein the Missouri Mule, at BO, is still shooting from the hips at MacArthur. We can only guess that as history will record it, Truman's role as President will take third place to the fame of MacArthur the man. Maybe this is the reason but whatever the true cause, it seems inconceivabfe to us that a President of the United States would use the leverage of his office to conduct the kind or vendetta that Truman is carrying on. Paraphrasing the well worn observation, perhaps it is a case of where you can put the Presidency into a man, but you cannot take the ward out of him.

Or, to put it another way. In Volume II (Years of Trial and Hope) of his memoirs, Truman says that "all his (MacArthur's) statements since November - ever since the Chinese entry into Korea - had the earmarks of a man who performs for the galleries." Perhaps, our former President should hold a mirror to that statement.

Before we put politics away for awhile, we have to comment on Patsy Mink's

Page 6: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

election to the Congress of the United States. She will be one of about a dozen women serving in Congress and we guess that she could be the youngest of the lot. When Mrs. Mink takes :ler seat in Congress come next January, she will be carry­ing with her a number of distinctions - first woman Congresswoman from Hawaii, first woman of Oriental ancestry to serve in Congress, etc. We wonder what would happen to the staid halls of Congress should Mrs. Mink come with child. We wish her luckl

lJo not overlooK your Dalloting for our club officers for 1965. Ballots, which were mailed to you, are due in the clubhouse by November 30. Toshi Kunimura is chairman of the Nominations and Elections Committee, and his committee pre­sents the following slate: for President - David Nakagawa (Med.); for 1 st VP -Rikie Nakagawa (Hq.); for 2nd VP - Henry Kawano (Hq.) and Martin Tohara (D); for Secretary - Tom Fujise (A); for Treasurer - Edward Ikuma (Hq.) and Hideo Sato (A); for Ass't. Treasurer - John Sakaki (A) and Sakae Tanigawa (B).

We note that the testimonial dinner for Doc Kometani to be held at Waikiki Lau Yee Chai's on December 5th is headed for a sellout. Doc is being honored by his friends for the recognition accorded him by the Japanese government in contribut­ing to Japan's Olympic Games efforts. The dinner is really a recognition of the man himself, a first-rate guy - Doc Kometani.

Looks like our carnival, despite the not too cooperativeness of the weather man, did OK also. The goal was $4,000 and it appears that the final tally will exceed this amount very well. So congratulations to all the hard working members who worked to put the carnival across - and to those who came and spent their moneyl

Although November 22nd and the first anniversary of the death of President Kennedy will have passed by the time the Parade is distributed, we would like to briefly touch back upon that November day of last year. In our tribute to the slain Presi­dent, we said that "he made the living proud to be alive." We also noted that "the spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the spirit of America's yearning and concern for the common good." Although he was in office for only two years and 10 monthS, the impact of PreSident Kennedy's thinking will stay with us for a long time. And his greatest contribution, among many others, was his concern for the common good, for he wanted the living to be proud to be alive.

Which brings us to our emphasis for this month, an emphasis portrayed on our cover and in our editorial. The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy, and a local tragedy involving the shooting and death of two policemen. This year, we have another local tragedy in the deaths connected with the Star supermarket holdup. Which gives all the more cause for us to stop for a moment and offer a prayer of Thanksgiving, a prayer of hope.

A final note concerning our Thanksgiving service - there will be plenty of parking space in the parking lot of the new Manoa Safeway supermarket which lies next door to the church. See you at church.


Page 7: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Youth After so many months of careful planning and anxious waiting, the Club 100 Carnival was over in two fun-filled nights. Fun-filled, yesl Fun only, hardly I

It took days, weeks, months to prepare every­thing. Men ,tayed overnight to clean up and set up for the next day I To all these men behind the scenes, we are truly grateful.

If any of you had the good fortune to see our Parade of Talent Show, I'm sure you'll agree that it was worth more than the admission charge. The talent was superb, organization wonderfully precise, and cooperation gratify­ing.

Mr. Tokuji Ono deserves a basketful of roses (maybe a box of cigars would be more appro­priate for his wonderful planning and control. We should also thank Mr. Stu Yoshioka for his tremendous help and also the judges - the poor judges, Mr. Edward Kanaya, band direc­tor at McKinley High School; Mr. DeMello, St. Louis High's band director, and Club 100's own, Horace Awa. I'm sure glad I didn't have their job. As Mr. DeMello jokingly said, "Where's the getaway car?"

They truly did a marvelous job. Believe me, it was difficult but I'm sure you'll agree that they did their best and made wise decisions.

Tension was apparent backstage as Mr. Ker· Hiller of Radio Station KUMU (who incident­ally did a wonderful job as ourM.C.> announ­ced the winners. Congratulations to all the groups.

I could not help but marvel at the tremendous talent present in the teenage set. The houTE' of practice and planning were so evident in these groups . Such preciSion, imagination

Please Please PLEASEI Those of you members and/or wives who took home the "Cho-chins" which were used as decorations for our food booths PLEASE - PLEASE· return them to the Club­house. We borrowed them and they have to be returned. So please kokua and return them as soon as possible. .

AND: Frances Okazaki is miSSing some items that she had put aside during the Carnival in Alekoki's room. These items, flower vase stands, etc., donated by Ishoshimas, are paid for and must be delivered to the purchasers. Their return will be greatly appreciated. No question asked.

Club members and Youth Organization mem­bers who have Carnival scripts and tickets outstanding, please turn in \the money or any unsold scripts and tickets immediately. If you have any doubt as to your accour.t, call the club office.

brilliance, profeSSional polish, enthusiasm - I could go on and on. My first impression was WOWI Each one deserved a 30" trophy. In short, the show was tremendous I

All in all, I think fun made the hard work seem easier. It was work; it was fun . For us teens, the most important thing was meet­ing the club members and their sons and daughters. To these people, let me extend a cordial invitation to join us at our next meeting. If you will call Joanne Kawakami at 250-796, a notice will be sent to you per­sonally.

Sandy Kawashima

First Place: Second Place:

Dimensions from Kalani High Regents from Kaimuki High

Third Place: Fourth Place: Fifth Place: Sixth Place:

Linda Green and the Tempos from Kaimuki High Crescents from Kaimuki Intermediate Vibrants from St. Louis The Twilighters from Roosevelt High

Page 8: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Headquarters THE CARNIVAL - We are all glad it's over. I'm sure Frances O. and Aimoto are breath­ing much easier and enjoying the evenings at home. To the both of them, .. job well done."

Koko kitchen's koko - To those who worked so hard making them - the country store was all sold out at 8:30 P.M. on Saturday. So to you who worked so hard, we also say .. job well done." Vegetables galore, bana­nas, etc., everything sold out by 9:00 P.M. Saturday. Harry Yamashita, the salesman, sold everything - even almost sold his shirt off his back.

Mush and Mrs. Higa were in direct competi­tion. Mush sold his cucumbers at 1 cucum­ber for 1 script - Mrs. Higa sold 2 cucumbers for 1 scrip. Not until the night was almost over did Mush find out why his cucumbers weren't going out as fast as they should. So were his bananas, as Mrs. Kunimura and Chubby Ishii had ole Mush running in circles. In the end he gcJt a good assist from Chubby and Mrs. Kunimura who helped a Samoan family clean out Mush Higa's produce stand. Also please note, Mush: If it wasn't for Lester Suehiro, we think Mush Higa wouldn't have done so well. Many thanks, Surfer Lester, for your help in our country store. (Mush acknowledges your big help). Our thanks also go to the many teenagers who helped the country store.

We noticed many HANAKO SANS roaming around the area and we finally found where the lovelies came from. The Hanakos came from the CHA CHA RICE BAR -- owned and operated by Eugene and Mrs. Kawakami. The lovelies certainly added color to our carni­val.

The November Headquarters meeting was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ken Ota­gaki, which turned out to be a dinner meet­ing. To Dr. and Mrs. Ken Otagaki, we the members of Headquarters thank you for your generosity in having us over. Many thanks At this meeting the following were named to

the nominating committee. Chairman Ken Suehiro and committeemen Kunlmura and Kajikawa. So come December meeting, all you members better come out and protect your interests.

Our next family nite promises to be the outstanding event of the year, the CH ruST­MAS party on Sunday, December 20. We hope to see you all again. Don't forget, our HONCHO for- the event is our ever hard working member, Mr. 8. Mrs. WallaceTeru- ~ I ya. From all indications, we expect lots of , door prizes. So, come one, come all, and enjoy an evening of fun, food and relaxation.

Toshi Kunimura





Page 9: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Start This message is from . . .

~ Something! I

Throughout history most great civilizations that have declined were victims of stagnation rather than conquest. Apathy, indifference, detachment led to decay. In our own country today we find more people who prefer the role of spectator rather than participant. Whenever a problem arises, the spectator asks, "Why don't they do something?"

They can't help the police to maintain law and order. You can!

They are not responsible

for the conditions of your schools. You are! They can't give your community good government. You can! Every civic group, every business, every sports dun, every good tradition, every worthwhile institution began with a need, a vision turned into reality by someone alive, responsible and innovative. To the people who sit back and

ask, "Why don't they do something?"

we ask, "Why don't you?"

Page 10: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Chapter Christmas Parties Schedule

Friday, Dec. 11, 1964 Sat., Dec. 12, 1964 Sunday, Dec. 13, 1964 Friday, Dec. 18, 1964 Sat., Dec. 19, 1964 Sunday, Dec. 20, 1964






Dr. Kometani Testimonial Dinner WAIKIKI LAU YEE CHAI - $5.00 per

Saturday, December 5, 1964 Please make reservation at Club

100 office as soon as possible.

Page 11: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,


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Page 12: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

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Page 13: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Maui With Chaplain Israel Yost here for the Maui County Veterans' Day Observance, Maui Chapter paesanos gathered and feasted on Nov. 10th at the Club House. Dinner in­cluded Bar-B-Q steak, tripe stew, poi, rice and greens. Paesanos included: Poison Ka­mimoto, Tom Yamada, Hatsuo Satoshige, Taddy Hamasaki, Osamu Nakagawa, Doc Ike­da, Masao Sato, Tadao Sato, Jack Gushiken, Kaoru Mota, Shigeyuki Suma, Goro Kuwada, Iwao Takamori, Tsukio Yamagata, Shiro Yamato, Nobu Furukawa, Richard Iriguchi, Isoji Iwaishi, Stanley Inouye, Kenneth Higa, Miles Shiroma, S. Masumoto, Poki Iwamoto and Johnny Miyagawa. All enjoyed the re­union with Chaplain Yost.

Chaplain Yost was the keynote speaker at the Maui County Veterans' Day Parade and ceremonies.

Club 100 Turkey golf tournament was held the past Sunday at the Waiehu golf course. Winners included: Poison Kamimoto (net 70); Stanley Inouye 72; Topsy Omura 72; Willy Goo 72; Judge Kit Kitaoka 74 and Wataru Kaneshina 75.

Xmas Turkey golf tournament is scheduled for Dec. 13th. All club members are urged to turn out. Goro Kuwada is the chairman.

Beautiful color slides of their European travels were shown by Tom and Michi Yama­da at the November meeting, Nov. 5th. Mem­hers wives included Mrs. Shiro Yamato, Mary Hamasaki, Michi Yamada, Lillian Miyagawa, Mrs. R. Kamimoto, Mrs. Tadao Sato and Mrs. Doc Ikeda.

To Tarao Kawano, the merr,bers wish to ex­tend deepest sympathies. Torao 's mother expired recently.

Stanley Masumoto

Board By Larry Mizuno

Executive Secretary Herbert Yamamoto re­ported that the Thanksgiving Day Service will be at the Manoa Valley Church, beginning at 9:30 am. Senator Daniel Inouye will be the principal speaker. Rev. Hiro Higuchi is now pastor of this church, which is located on East Manoa Road. Take your family to this serv­ice.

President Ken Saruwatari received a letter from Mayor Drahon of Bruyeres, France, warmly thanking the Club 100 for the gifts of a Hawaiian flag, candies and the flowers. (Club 100 and 442nd. Club joined to pay for the cost.) The cost was nominal to us but the little gifts meant so much to the villagers.

Robert Taira sent a letter of thanks for the many kindnesses shown during his recent bereavement and enclosed a check to the Club in memory of his late mother.

Able Chapter is planning to present a plaques to a deserving chapter member and to one of the member's wife at their Christmas party.

All the chapter will have their Christmas parties in December so check with you own chapters and join the fun.

But before Christmas comes Thanksgiving so here is the good word for this month: "All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; thank the Lord, 0 thank the Lord for all his Love.

SUN MOTORS Motor Tune-up


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Page 14: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Thanksgiving, and Hope

Rock-ribbed and ancles as the sea, -The hills the vales Stretching in pensive quietness between; The venerable woods - rivers that move In majesty, and the complaining brooks That make the meadows green; and poured

round all, Old Ocean's gray and melancholy waste, -Are but the solemn decorations all Of the great tomb of man.

THANATOPSIS - Wm. Cullen Bryant

Almost twenty years have passed us by since the end of the great­est clash of forces in all of history. But, paradoxically, the very weapon which brought this conflict of men and arms to a dramatic cessation has unleashed the mightiest outflow of dialetics in our time; the ever-expanding discussions centered around the spiritual and moral implications relative to the use of' nuclear weapons, and the d angerous times we live in.

Every move connected with nuclear arms creates a new problem, problems which pop up under such intriguing and fancy names and phrases as multilateral nuclear force, over-kill, extremism, fail­safe, civil defense, the destruction of the American dream in the first excahnge, nuclear dust, the crimes we saddle upon generations yet unborn.

Every new explosion adds to the problem. For example, the ex­plosion of the nuclear device by the Red Chinese in the desert of western S inkiang, north of the Himalayas, introduoes a new partner in the buildup for the destruction of man.

Every shock "\Nave emanating from "\Nithin the bO"\Nels of the earth is cause for concern - it is nuclear or nature? Is it clandestine, or is it one of our side adding to his kno"\Nledge of over-kill? """~eo.~c:>.", ~~- (.. ~II _ .->," ~_ic:_ -=or- <>C .-. C>L i.r-~' __ .,,~ ~ . _ c;3c:-. ...... __ l c::> . ~

Page 15: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Every ta.ctical ne~lea.r-capabJe ""eapon the hands of troops, be tho.t

weapon an artillery peice or an "airplane, is cause for concern lest the mind of man pre-judge or mis-judge a battlefield situation, and led us, unintentionally, into the very hell we are trying to avoid.

In Thanatopsis, the poet Bryant meditates about the beauty of death. When he talks about the rock-ribbed hills, he is talking about the final resting place where one would not retire alone, "nor couldst thou wish coych more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down with patri­archs of the infant world - with kings, the powerful of the earth -the wise, the good, fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past, all in one mighty sepulchre. II

But where Thanatopsis extolls the beauty of death, we shall pro­menade the air of hope - a hope for the better way of life ; a hope for the Christian way of life. For it is only with this hope that when the call from God does come, as it must, to each of us, we can, again quoting from Thanatopsis, join the "innumerable caravan, which moves to that mysterious realm . . sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust. II

If our modern day temples of worship mean anything at ali, they should light the way for man in his search for new ways of thought to reach his god, in this, our explosive age. It is ironical that despite the dangerous sensitivities of our times, we continue to strive to maintain a sense of individuality, when we know full well that it is in this striving for individuality that we begin to isolate our­selves from all that which is part of us; all that which is round us. The paradox is that at a time when the need for a closer kindred is all too apparent, our pursuit of isolation points the way to our gradual self-destruction. In its simplest essence, we must recog­nize and believe that the Christian philosophy of IIlove thy neighbor II is immutable for survival.

As we come to another Thanksgiving Day, 10 the year of our Lord

Page 16: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

nineteen hundred and sixty-four, we are reminded by President Johnson in his Thanksgiving proclamation lithe the foundation for a peaceful world is still to be built. • .Iet us gather in our homes and in our places of worship and in other suitable places to give thanks t~ God for his graciousness and his generosity. . • and to pray to him that the forces of evil, violence, indifference, intolerance and inhumanity may soon vanish from the face of the earth and th~t peace, reason, understanding and goodwill may reign supreme throughout the

world. 11

It is for this prayer of guidance that the veterans comprising the mem­bership of the 442nd Veterans Club and the Club 100 are invited to attend the annual Thanksgiving Day service conducted especially for these two organizations, a service which this year is to be' held at the Manoa Valley Church, on Thursday, November 26.

The service will be directed by the Reverend Hiro Higuchi, with the Reverend Masao Yamada assisting.

The principal Thanksgiving address will be given by the Honor­able Daniel K. Inouye, United States Senator,

The families and friends of the 442nd Veterans Club and the Club 100, and members and friends, of the Manoa Valley Church, are cordially invited to attend the Thanksgiving service which will be­

gin at 9;30 a.m.

Talking about the fostering of kindred fellowship, it is at least some­what encouraging that the only occasion which serves to bring these two organizations together is this annual Thanksgiving serVice,


Page 17: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

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Page 18: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

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844 Queen St. ~.....I


Page 19: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Carnival Report AFTER CARNIVAL

Even tho the carnival was held at Kapiolani Park and in rainy weather, financially it was very successful according to carnival chair­man Mike Tokunaga. The committee has recommended another carnival in 1966 -summertime and around residential area.

Would like to see more projects like this promoted. Why? It brings back the mem­bers alive and working together again for one purpose - ,. For Continuing service". Haven't seen members for 5 to 10 years but they were at the carnival grounds-selling scripts and working in the food, country store and plant booths. Also, the wives got to know each other when they showed up at the club­house, 2 nights - sometime 3 times a wee~ -prior to carnival time, preparing and botthng over 2000 bottles of tsukemono. It seems, some wives are better members than their husbands.

Did you know the Youth group (sons and daughters of the members) ran the Talent show by themselves, under the guidance of Tokujo Ono. It was their first big project and the way they go about it, they will be ready to take over the clubhouse when the members reach the golden age.

Performers in the Talent show were very happy that they had a chance to perform be­fore a paid audience and at the same time were given report card from the judges (one of them was Horace Awa) for their poise, talent, and showmanship on the stage. Week later, some of these groups were invited or called on jobs to perform at different dances and parties, around town.

Where there's food, there's people - Welll about 200 members ,showed up for Sunday morning clean-up at the grounds. Why? Breakfast was served, free GI style.

It has been recommended that when ever we have another carnival, be sure to have the

Club 100 display again. War trophies, etc. Everyone at the grounds, stopped and looked at our display.

Instead of destroying the tables which was used at the carnival, it was donated to the McKinley High carnival committee.

Children of the Retarded Group (under the supervision of Goe Yamamoto-A' were very happy when most of the items (du ;·· pans and orchid boxes) were sold.

Radio Station KZOO (broa<;lcasting from the ground nightly) was a big help to bring the crowd inspite of the bad weather giving out the weather report (around seldom rain area of Waikiki) every 15 minutes that wasn't raining (only few times they were wrong).

Members of the MIS & 1399th Engineers veterans clubs gave their time and joined hands with out members in running the carni­val.

Due to the great help from the big and small business firms, friends of thlt Club, members, wives, relative and youth organization, we were able to raise enough money to run the club and chapter-wise.

Reminders to members w'·" haven't turned in their money or tickets - please I as soon as possible.

Blue Nagasaki



q)iamOllJ ~ Company • .ltd.

1765 S. King Street Honolulu, Hawaii

Phones: 991·407 - 996-530

Page 20: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

~~~~~I~~Il'OO" M,Il, Room w .. ",I' place Charlie Chapter members gathered with their wives for an evening of comfortable dining to the soft piano background music. The set-up was unique because we had a large group to give us familiarity and at the same time spread out in tables of four for privacy -- a feeling of comfortable ex­clusiveness. Coming close to the end of the year, this dinner is like a fitting reqard for our good wives. Ronald Higashi would probably have to volunteer again next year



to chairman a similar get-together if our wives continue being good to their husbands.

Our next get-together and the last will be out Christmas Party. Hideshi Niimi has the details all set-up but he is keeping it a secret by saying "No worry, everything taken care of."

It has been a nice year and we have our chap­ter officers to thank:

President Vice Pres. Treasurer Secretary

Robert Hashimoto Takeshi Kimura Stanley Teruya Warren Iwai

The burden for 1965 will be on our new officer-elects as follows:

President Vice Pres. Treasurer Secretary

Takeshi Kimura Warren Iwai Saburo Ishitani Masayoshi Nakano

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yearll

Kazuto Shimizu

--Under the terms of the GI loan benefit, can a veteran mortgage hIs present home to obtain money for other expenses?

A--Only for home improvement. GI loans are available to pay doctor bills, buy furniture , etc.

GEORGE M . KURISU 'D' Res Phone 772-443

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2080 B 5 K,ng 5, 94268 Depot Rd . WaIpahu


Phone 856·933

444 W~i~hmilo ROlld ~ . /~ ~--

TWJ,hi('S for HUlLO;;'S ClwlUpic,ms Ti,e Best for I.e ..



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Phone 2S~262 Bob Kondo (0)

" j

Page 21: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Able Christmas bells will be ringing early for Able Chapter kids when Able will bring Santa Claus down from the North Pole on Dec­ember 11 (Friday nit e) at the Clubhouse. A merrvmerrytime has been planned by Chair­man "Japan" Nakahara with lot of caroling, gift exchanging and refreshments. So, after tearing the November calendar, be sure to mark December 11 as our annual and final event of the 1964 season.

Preparing and se~·ving saimin and stew were the main concern of Able chapter members and wives at the carnival. Did you taste the stew? Ono, hugh I Well I It was some kind of stew prepared by the Fishing Club boys with the help of Robert Aoki from Baker Chapter. Also from wives who stayed at the clubhouse on both days from early morn­ing to late at night. Imaginel Made 8 batches. of stew on Saturday Many thanks to the members, wives and teenagers who gave all their time to Chairman Biffa Moriguchi who was in charge of the food booths manned by Able Chapter and also to the rest of the Carnival Committee to make the carnival a success.

Did you know that there were over 2,000 bottles of okoko, prepared, bottled and sold by the wives of members at the carnival?

After 90% votes counted, Horace Awa was elected as President of Able Chapter for the com,tng year of 1965. Tak Yamane came In as Vice President. Masato Nakae will take the minutes while Masaru Kadomoto

I will be running to the bank as treasurer.

Blue Nallasaki

Please Turn In

Carnival Script

Dog Veterans Counselor Stanley Masumoto from Maui No Ka oe appeared personally at the Dog Chapter meeting on November 17 to report on the 1965 Dog Reunion plans to be hosted by the Maui Chapter. Tentative date for this Reunion is August 13, 14 and IS, 1965. Reaction to date indicates that this event will be well attended by Dog members from Honolulu. Stanley further assured the boys that Hilo gang will be there in full fo~ce. A~l members planning on attending thlS ReUnion are reminded to forward ac­-:ommodation intent as soon as the question­naires are circulated. Don't wait to the last minute. Sightseeing, fishing, luau and other surp.rise events are planned by the energetic MaUl gang.

Dog Chapter annual Christmas party is scheduled for December 12 at the Clubhouse. Katsumi Nakayama of Times Super Market is general chairman. A top caliber pro­gram including mOVies, Santa Claus, games and singing is planned. Naka also promised ample food for all at this event so keep this date open.

Clifford M. Kutaka was a surprise visitor to our November meeting. Clifford, 1st Platoon Instrument Corporal, is with the U. S. Weather Bureau in Honolulu as Wea­ther Observer. He was stationed in Hilo for the past 7 years before transferring to Honolulu.

The Treasurer is anxious to close his account on the chocolate sale conducted by the chapter during May, 1964. All members who still 0we for the chocolates are reminded to for­ward your payment to Club 100 in care of Herbert Yamamoto or Jits Yoshida.

Our condolences to Mrs. Fuzzy Yoshimasu IVhose mother, Mrs. Yasu Fujimoto, passed lway on November 16. Mrs. Fujimoto was mother of our Dog member, Kelly Fujimoto of 1<auai.

Jits Yoshida

Page 22: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

""OCO ':: ... W ... NC I ..... eo:· ... o: •• oo:.n

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Club 100 520 Kamoku Street Honolulu. Hawaii

Dear Sirs:

November 2. 1964

During the 1960-1963 building fund campaign. your organization donated $1,000 to Kuakini Hospital. With your generous assistance, Kuakini was able to make $1 .5 million addition and improvement to its facilities, including 68 beds for patients, central storage room , staff dining room and coffee shop, etc. The quality of the facilities improved a great deal in addition to increase in size, as the result of this project.

The Campaign Committee takes great pleasure in an­nouncing that a large bronze plaque acknowledging donations of amounts between $1, 000 and $4, 999 has been installed on the fourth floor elevator lobby and the name of your organi­zation is one of the names on it. We are enclosing a photo­graphic print of the plaque for you to see it.

At the same time, we wish to extend tion to you to call on us to see the plaque. will be very happy to show you the plaque, phone in advance.

our cordial invita­The adrrlinistrator if you would tel e-

In closing, we wish to extend to you Kuakini Hospital's sincere appreciation for your kokua.



t T . Sasaki, Chairman

d ' g Fund 4ittee

Tagaw~t oar of Directors

Page 23: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

::5 .&.... • "'\.~t .••• ~~ '.~_~ ..... ~~~~,.


Page 24: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Los Angeles Sat Nakamura

The Pickwick Recreation Center, in Burbank, was the scene of the first luau held by the 442nd Veterans Association of Southern California on October 11. In atten­dance were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Abe (D) and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ko Asano (C), Mr. and Mrs. Monte Fujita (A) and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fukasawa (B) and children, Lou Furushiro (B) with guests, Mr. and Mrs . Chick Furuye (B), Mr. and Mrs . Kinzo Hamano (B), Mr. and Mrs. KazumasaHiga (B) and daughter, Joe Hiro­naka (C), Mr. and Mrs. Don Matsuda (A) and children, Dr. and Mrs. David M. Miura (C) and children, Mr. and Mrs . Jack Murata (A) and daughter, Allan Ohata (B) and guest, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sakato (B) and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. William Sato (A) and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seki (D) and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Yoshino (B) and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Yoshiwara (B) and this scribe.

It was wonderful to have met first-timers Dr. William Sato, Dr. David M. Miura and Ko Asano . We invite them to join us in all future activities.

There were about a thousand people present for the occasion. The lOath group, with the aid of the J eunes (teen-age girls' club from Dorsey High), sold colorful plastic leis to add to the atmosphere. A little profit was made which was split 50-50 with t he Association.

IPn October 17, the local lOath veter;l'lS met at the Association 's Club House to elect officers for 1965. Results wet~: President, Eric Y. Abe (D); First Vice­President, Ken Yoshino (B); Second Vice- President , Sab Matsumoto (A) and Re­cording Secretary-Treasurer, Henry Sakato (B) .

One matter acted upon at the meeting was the change in our designation from Baker to "l00th Battalion," effective the first of 1965. We will still operate at the company level and it is our aim to attract new members, especially those of Able and Charlie Companies, to join us. We have since found a prospective mem­ber in Dr. Harold S. Harada (Hq.), a dentist, who lives in Culver City. Morio Asato (C) talked Dr. Harada into jOining us . Incidentally, Morio is now on a student baSiS, attending USC. He is studying for his doctorate in psychology. We wish him God speed and good luckl

On November 3, the following Bakerites, Chick Furuye, Bill Miyagi, Henry Saka­to, Shig Suyetani, Pachuc Uyehara, Ken Yoshino and this scribe, with Eric Abe (D), gathered at the Seibu Restaurant on Wilshire Boulevard, to break b:r:ead with our good friend Harry Katahara (B) of Honolulu.

It was the first time that Baker Company members, as a group, made their pilgri­mage to Seibu, where a Bakerite, Ken Koichi Okamoto, is its genial host and manager. To show his appreciation , Ken treated us to a mountain of Seibu's specialty-- green tea ice cream. It was just delicious I Ken assured us that sever­al companies of the Association gather at his eatery, from time to time, for dinner.

Getting back to that Baker Company's emissary from Honolulu, Harry Katahara, we learned that he had gone to Toledo, Ohio, on business, and stopped over in L.A. to visit relatives before returning to Honolulu. Harry also informed us that he keeps ' in touch by way of exchanging Christmas cards, with the last of Baker's C.O ., former Lt. Metcalfe of Struthers, Ohio, and another ex-officer, Lt. Santschi, of Pittsburgh. Incidentally, credit is given Pachuc Uyehara for rescuing Harry who was lost in this vast megalapolis.

Page 25: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

Green humbs by R. Yamamoto

It's time again for the annual Green Thumb's orchid show and plant sale at the clubhouse. The past shows and plant sales have been well received by the public. It gets better each year as the members collection grows and selections are improved.

Available for viewing will be many generas of orchids and choice selection of cuttings and seedlings for sale. The members will be available to help you in your selection and also describe the various flowers that are in bloom.

At the last 25th annual Honolulu Orchid Society Show held in October at the HIC exhibition hall, the Green Thumbs won the best landscape display and the be.st guest display, large. Further, Sueo Sakamoto and Majong Yoshimura were both award winners for their blooming plants. Congratulations. Credit must be given Majong Yoshimura for creating such an outstanding landscape.

The Plant Sale booth manned by the Green Thumbs were very satisfactory at the Club 100 carnival. Plants were sold at very reasonable prices. Choice orchid seedlings were sold and we wil1 sell those remaining at our plant sale.

Remember these dates, Dec. 5 and 6 at the clubhouse. Admission will be 25 cents for adults.


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MAHALO To all my friends

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and to the voters

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Robert S. Taira Democrat

Page 26: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,


We welcome to the pages of the Puka Puka Parade the advertisers who make possible this publication. The Puka Puka Parade is the only regularly published mass communication media of the Club 100, and it is our belief that both the membership of the Club 100 and the advertisers will find this medium of mutual benefit to each other.

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Page 27: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

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Page 28: THANKSGIVING DAY - Thursday, November 26, 1964 An ... · The Thanksgiving period seems to portened a time of tragedy, last year's tragedy being the assassination of President Kennedy,

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