That Man of Sin

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  • 8/14/2019 That Man of Sin



    (The Sons of Perdition)

    By Jeffrey David Dean, Sr.

    The "Son of Perdition" Is BORN!

    Judas Iscariot. The most tragic figure in Scripture. The

    betrayer. The apostate apostle of Yahshua Messiah.

    Tricked by his own agenda. Deceived by Satan into

    believing he was Messiah's "most beloved" apostle. Made

    to believe he would be the apostle who was instrumental in

    "bringing about the Kingdom of God on Earth," he sold his

    master to their enemies for 30 pieces of silver, all the while

    believing he had been directed to do so by Messiah himself,

    betrayed his master to the soldiers of Rome with a kiss and

    hanged himself in the end.

    In this article, we will be looking at the "last supper" (as it

    is called), although it was actually not the last supper.

    Yahshua ate with them quite a few more times after he rose

    from the dead and indeed there will be a great "wedding

    feast soon," so it's a bit of a misnomer to call it the "last"

    supper. This was Messiah's final passover before the

    betrayal It is referred to as "the last supper" by most,

    therefore, reluctantly that's what I will call it in this article.

    At the last supper, Yahshua Messiah waited until Judas left

    to betray him before he gave the disciples some of his most

    important teachings of his ministry! Judas Iscariot missed

    out on these teachings and that was no coincidence.

    Yahshua chose the time deliberately so that Judas would

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    become a "type" for all who claim to serve and follow

    Yahshua, yet have betrayal and personal ambition in their

    hearts. Like Judas, anyone who has an unclean heart will

    miss out on the most important truths concerning thepurpose of the crucifixion of Messiah.

    In the end, after realizing how badly he had been "played"

    by Satan, Judas went out and took his own life in despair.

    Thus he became the type for those followers of Messiah

    who would destroy themselves with their conduct and

    behavior! Judas, oh Judas, the lost one, forever taking on

    the name "son of perdition." He became the arch type forall those who would betray Messiah even while being

    counted as "one of his followers."

    Judas Iscariot's voice can be heard today. I am talking, of

    course about the spirit of antimessiah (or antichrist if you

    must), which Judas Iscariot embodies! It is no longer a

    mystery what motivated Judas Iscariot and led him down

    his personal path of perdition!

    (Yahshua prays to the Father for his

    disciples)Gospel of John 17:12

    "While I was with them in the world, I

    kept them in your name: those that you

    gave me I have kept, and none of them islost, but the son of perdition; that the

    scripture might be fulfilled."

    Many people through the ages have thought it would be

    awesome to be a "fulfillment" of a scripture, yet, as we see

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    in the case of Judas Iscariot, this is not always a good thing.

    What an awesome and terrible fate, to deceive yourself and

    fulfill the scriptures concerning them that deceive

    themselves! Judas Iscariot, it seems, could not "endureuntil the end." He started out following Yahshua, but

    something was wrong in his heart, he was a "bad seed," so

    to speak, he just couldn't continue as a follower of Yahshua

    and tragically, in the end, he succumbed to the fleshly urges

    and lure of the devil. For you see, Judas Iscariot had other

    desires- worldy power, the status that comes with doing

    something great in the world, his blind ambition led him to

    misunderstand the words of Messiah and to betray the onehe claimed to followed, all the while believing he was, in

    fact, being an obedient servant!

    Judas Iscariot thought that "his status as a follower of

    Yahshua" made him "immune to the punishment of the

    law!" He thought that because he had been chosen as a

    disciple, this meant he had found favor with God, and so he

    could go out and "betray innocent blood" with impunity.

    That is how he could bring himself to do the dispicable

    things that he did. He believed that since his salvation was

    "in the bag," being a follower of Yahshua, he could go out

    and do something sinful, in violation of Moral Law and still

    remain a chosen follower, because he believed by doing his

    act he was taking part in the redemption of man, by

    facilitating some "demonstration of power," on the part ofMessiah. There is every indication that Judas believed his

    acts of betrayal actually made him even more favored with

    God! Judas was deceived by a very old trick of Satan.

    (Balam the prophet fell for this very same trick, intending

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    to curse Israel for financial gain and thinking that God was

    somehow going to condone this).

    I know many of you are skeptical, because, lets face it, not

    a lot of detail is actually written about this sad Apostle,other than the fact that he betrayed Yahshua; However,

    from the one single quote we have of Judas Iscariot, from

    his behavior, and from the timing of his actions we can

    piece together much of what was in his mind when he

    betrayed the only begotten Son of God into the hands of

    evil men. We know that he became "the son of perdition,"

    and that phrase became a byword for all those who fallaway from the truth and believe a lie!


    John 12:3-6

    "3 then took Mary a pound of ointment

    of spikenard, very costly, and anointedthe feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with

    her hair: and the house was filled with

    the odor of ointment.

    4 Then said one of his disciples, Judas

    Iscariot, simon's son, which should

    betray him,

    5 Why was this ointment not sold for

    three hundred pence, and given to the

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    6 This he said, not that he cared for the

    poor; but because he was a thief, andhad the bag, and bore what was put in


    John states plainly that Judas was a thief! Evidently the

    Apostle John knew Iscariot better than the writers of the

    other Gospels, because this is the only place where Judas'

    character is explored, aside from the subject of his betrayal.Evidently he cared about money too and was in control of

    the finances of the group. We can see here that Judas used

    the pretense of collecting money for the poor to line his

    own pockets!

    So, who really knows exactly what Judas was thinking

    when he betrayed the Messiah? Let's examine his spirit a

    bit closer. Actually, the moment when Judas Iscariot beganto plot against Messiah is recorded in the Gospel of John.

    Before I go into this, however, (for I will have to here quote

    a very lengthy chapter of the Bible) I want to summarize

    Judas' critical error.

    There is much evidence that Judas misunderstood the

    words of Yahshua and thought that Messiah was claiming

    to have come down to earth from Heaven, literally! Thismisunderstanding came about during a very important

    sermon of Messiah's. During this sermon, the Jews, many

    disciples, along with Judas Iscariot misunderstood the

    Messiah to be "claiming that he was God (in person)," and

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    it was during this sermon when Judas Iscariot began to

    entertain one of two notions:

    1. Yahshua was claiming to be God himself, and

    therefore was a false Messiah, who had to beexposed, or

    2. Yahshua really was God in the flesh and

    therefore could not be killed.

    Both errors would be based on the misguided notion that,

    during one of his famous sermons, Messiah was claiming to

    be God himself, come down to earth and, either way, it wasthis misguided notion led Judas down the dark path to his

    ultimate destruction!

    We find this Sermon in the Gospel of John chapter 6. In

    order to understand the sermon, however, and it's

    significance, we need to understand what had just

    transpired prior to the sermon. Yahshua had just perfomed

    one of his most notorious miracles. He had used fiveloaves of bread and two small fish and fed a multitude.

    The Apostles themselves (including Judas Iscariot) were, of

    course, the only ones who saw the entire miracle up close

    and knew the magnitude of what had been done. The rest

    of the multitude knew only that Messiah was able to feed

    them. After this miracle, the Apostles all beheld Yahshua

    walking on the water! I also believe that it was during thistime that Yahshua stilled the storm on the sea by calling to

    the wind and waves to be still (that account is found in

    Mark chapter 4).

    Mark 4: 41

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    29 Yahshua answered and said to them,

    'This is the work of God, that youbelieve on him who HE sent."

    The multitudes were largely unaware of howYahshua had

    just fed them all (with a mere five loaves and two fish).

    They only knew that he seemed to be able to feed them,

    with an inexhaustible supply of food. Yahshua uses this

    feeding as a symbolic example of how he would be to them

    the bread of life through his teachings and example, tellingthem that all they have to do is believe and obey!

    John 6:30-31

    "30 They said therefore to him, what

    sign do you show us then that we may

    see and believe you, what have youdone?

    31 Our fathers ate manna in the desert;

    as it is written, He gave them bread

    from heaven to eat."

    They were asking Yahshua if the bread with which he hadjust fed the multitudes had come from heaven because they

    were astonished by the amount of bread that had just been

    handed out and didn't know it's origins. They were asking

    him if this was something he did, or if it was something

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    that God had sent from heaven, just like the manna.

    Yahshua had a very interesting answer to this question.

    John 6:32- 33

    "32 Then Yahshua said to them, "Truly,

    truly I say to you, Moses did not give

    you bread from heaven, but my Father

    gives you the true bread from heaven.

    33 For the bread of God is he whichcomes down from heaven, and gives life

    to the world."(Which everyone KNOWS

    is the BREATH OF LIFE, or the

    BREATH OF God... the HOLY SPIRIT)!

    If you know your scriptures you must realize now that

    Yahshua was here talking about the Spirit of God, when hespoke of the bread from heaven. How do we know this?

    Yahshua's own words, which were actually a quote from

    the Tanakh. Yahshua used this quote when he was tempted

    of the Devil in the wilderness.

    Matthew 4: 3-4

    "3 And when the tempter came to him,he said, If you are the Son of God,

    command that these stones be made


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    4 But he answered and said, It is

    written, Man shall not live by bread

    alone, but by every word that proceedsout of the mouth of God."

    The bread from heaven is actually "every word that

    proceeds from the mouth of God." Who is the mouth of

    God? Yahshua became the mouth of God. What do we

    expell when we speak? Breath. Try talking without

    expelling breath! It can't be done! When God speaks he

    uses his mouth and the words are called, the "breath" ofGod, or the Holy Spirit! Anyone speaking through the

    unction of the Holy Spirit literally becomes the mouth of


    Yahshua was not the Holy Spirit, yet, he became the Word

    made flesh, by becoming a living example in the flesh of

    every word that proceeds from the mouth of God the

    Father. Thus, through the Holy Spirit, Yahshua became awalking, breathing, fleshly example of the breath of God.

    His every word, his every deed came forth from the breath

    of God, the Holy spirit! Anyone who looked at Yahshua

    was looking right at the Word of God and in fact when they

    looked at Yahshua they were (in a way) looking at God,

    because Yahshua had been remade into the very image of

    God. This was done to prove that a mortal man could onceagain be found in the image of God! Yahshua was not

    claiming to be the Holy Spirit, in person, he was teaching

    us how to become the living embodiment of the Word, by

    his example! This is why the Gospel of John starts out by

    referring to Messiah in this manner:

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    John 1:14

    "And the word was made flesh, and

    dwelt among us, (and we beheld hisglory, the glory as of the only begotten

    of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

    John 6: 34

    "Then they said to him, Master,

    FOREVER, give us this BREAD!"Actually, Yahshua did give us this bread when he went to

    the crucifixion and then rose again. He signified this to us

    at the last supper by the breaking of bread and the teachings

    he gave the Apostles after he broke the bread. Yet Judas

    Iscariot missed those teachings, which were actually the

    explanation of the bread of life sermon Yahshua had given

    earlier. How the bread that gives eternal life would be

    delivered to us through the crucifixion! Judas only heard

    the bread of life sermon, but never got the explanation at

    the last supper, because he ran out right after the breaking

    of the bread and went to betray Messiah! More on this

    later, but remember this connection of the bread teaching to

    when Judas ran out to betray Messiah, we will get back to it

    and it's significance.

    After they asked Yahshua to give them this bread from

    Heaven, he speaks in more riddles.

    John 6: 35-38

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    Yahshua did not really come down from Heaven, literally,

    any more than he is literally a "loaf of bread!" If we

    conclude that the "coming down from heaven" part is

    literal, we have to conclude that the "bread" part of thisteaching is also literal, therefore Messiah is a loaf of bread!

    Yet, interestingly enough, Catholics picked up on this

    logical truth and state in their Eucharist Dogma that anyone

    who denies that Messiah is literally the bread is worthy of


    Therefore, they know that my argument is sound and go to

    great lengths to make their followers believe that the breadthat is handed out in the Eucharist Ceremony is literally the

    body of Messiah. Yet, I assure you, friends, Yahshua

    Messiah is not a loaf of bread and for that same reason I

    can assure you he did not literally come down from Heaven

    at the day of his birth! He is speaking here figuratively!

    John 6:39-40

    "39 And this is the Father's will who

    sent me, that of all which he has given

    me I should lose nothing, but should

    raise it up again in the last day.

    40 And this is the will of him that sent

    me, that every one who sees the Son, and

    believes on him, may have everlasting

    life: and I will raise him up at the last


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    Here is where they began to really misunderstand Messiah.

    They thought he was saying that he was God, come down

    from heaven, and had the power to raise them all from the

    dead if they would just believe in his Diety! They didn'tunderstand that he was speaking figuratively about "coming

    down from heaven."

    One thing we have to remember is that even when Yahshua

    raised Lazarus from the dead He made it clear that he did

    not do it, but the Father in Heaven did the work!

    (Something that would have very little meaning if Messiah

    was in fact the Father come down to earth). So likewise,when we rise from the dead, on the last day, the day of

    salvation, it won't be Yahshua raising us, it will be God

    who raises us from the dead. So why did Yahshua say "I

    will raise him up on the last day?" Because, his is the name

    by which we shall be saved and it was his WORK of

    crucifixion and our belief in the same that raises us up! It

    is his act of obedience and his sacrifice that raises us, being

    stamped on us as the mark of God, when we obey the

    Father through our Faith, after his example! It is our faith

    in Yahshua and the obedience that results which causes us

    to be raised up in the last day. Therefore, even though God

    is doing the raising, he's doing it because of Yahshua,

    soYahshua could make the statement, "I will raise him up

    on the last day," without making any claim that he was

    God! No one but eleven Apostles and a handful ofdisciples understood this truth. The rest clearly thought

    Yahshua was claiming to be God because only God has the

    power to give life! (To this day apologists use this

    statement of "Christ" as proof that he was claiming to be

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    God incarnate, they are STILL making this same mistake).

    Incidentally, as proof that many do not even understand

    that God is the only one with the power to ressurect from

    the dead, I would like to point out that many "prophetic"teachers are now saying that Satan has the power to give

    life! Research this, you'll find out I'm right. When theyteach concerning the "antichrist" and the end times, many

    believe that Satan will raise the antichrist from the dead,and that's why the world will worship him! Thus these

    "learned scholars" appear to not understand that only God

    can raise the dead. In fact, Messiah's ressurection was theonly proof he offered that he was the Messiah! If Satancan "duplicate" this, it means that Messiah's ressurection

    didn't prove a thing! This may seem off the subject but itisn't, for, you see, when Revelation speaks of a "beast," that

    is "wounded and dies," but then resurrects, we know that

    Satan cannot raise the dead, therefore, the false Messiahand the true Messiah have that in common! Could it be,

    the false Messiah is CLAIMING to be who that was"wounded unto death but the deadly wound was healed?"

    Better put, could it be that those who PROPOGATE thefalse Messiah claim that he's the True Messiah who was

    "dead, but alive again?" Interesting to ponder, isn't it?

    John, in the book of Revelation, Chapter 13, predicted that

    Rome (the fourth kingdom of Daniel) would create a new

    Messiah, give him a different name, a Greek name, call him

    God, and change the words of Messiah so that the new

    Messiah they create will "open his mouth in blasphemy

    against God." The world is told that this man is "God in the

    Flesh," and that the Roman Emporer is his "spokesperson."

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    Yet this beast will be a creation of the Roman Church, he

    won't actually have existed at all but will be a false

    man/God Messiah they create based upon the teachings and

    record of the true Messiah, but with Pagan blasphemiesthrown in, blasphemies like there's more than one God.

    Thus the Romans will teach their "beast" rose from the

    dead and the world will believe it because they think they

    are following the TRUE Messiah who indeed did rise from

    the dead!

    The world will be deceived by a false Messiah who the

    Romans claim to be God in the flesh, who the Romansteach "was God, is not God, and yet is God." The Romans

    will use the record of the true Messiah's ressurection as the

    record of their false Messiah's resurrection. The world will

    follow this beast, thinking they are following the true

    Messiah, but it will not be the Messiah they are following

    but a twisted and perverted version of the true Messiah!

    Yet the Romans will not succeed in deceiving everyone.The point I'm trying to make is that Satan can not raise his

    followers from the dead! So, when Yahshua said "I shall

    raise you up in the last day," Yahshua was talking to

    dedicated Hebrews who all knew and understood that only

    God can raise the dead! They thought he was claiming to

    be God Himself! Here's their reaction.

    John 6:41-51

    "41 The Jews then murmured at him

    because he said, I am the bread which

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    came down from heaven.

    42 And they said, Is this not Yahshua,

    the son of Joseph, whose father andmother we know? how is it then that he

    says "I came down from heaven?"

    43 Yahshua, therefore answered and

    said to them, 'Murmur not among

    yourselves.44 No man can come to me, except the

    Father who sent me draws him: and I

    will raise him up at the last day.

    45 It is written in the prophets 'and they

    shall be all taught of God." Every mantherefore that has heard, and has

    learned of the Father, comes to me.

    46 Not that any man has seen the

    Father, except he who is OF God, he

    has seen the Father.47 Truly, truly I say to you, he that

    believes on me has everlasting life

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    48 I am the bread of life.

    49 Your fathers did eat manna in the

    wilderness, and are dead.

    50 This is the bread which comes down

    from heaven, that a man may eat

    thereof, and not die.

    51 I am the living bread that came down

    from heaven: if any man eat of thisbread, he shall live for ever: and the

    bread that I will give is my flesh, which I

    will give for the life of the world."

    Anyone who has the Spirit, like Messiah, can "see the

    Father" through the "eyes of the Spirit." Even Yahshua's

    own words elsewhere, repeated over and over again make it

    clear that by himself he could "do nothing" and that it was

    the Father who did the works!" The BREAD that comes

    from Heaven is the Holy Spirit and Messiah's words came

    directly from the Father through the Holy Spirit. Few

    listening to Messiah's sermon at the time understood this

    (and in fact few within Christiandom today understand


    Yahshua tells them here in parables (symbolism) that

    through his giving of his flesh on the crucifixion, he would

    give us the living bread which is the Holy Spirit and

    ultimately would, in so doing, "raise them up on the last

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    Jesus is God Incarnate! To accept the deity of Christ one

    MUST accept that Jesus is literally the "bread from

    heaven." Catholics know that protestants and evangelicals

    who want to accept the deity of Christ but reject theEucharist (the bread as the literal body of Christ) are in

    SERIOUS error! You can't say that Jesus is God and yet

    deny the literal "bread" that comes down from heaven!

    John 6: 53-59

    "53 Then Yahshua said to them, "Truly,

    truly I say to you, except you eat theflesh of the Son of man, and drink his

    blood, you have no life in you.

    54 Whosoever eats my flesh and drinks

    my blood has eternal life; and I will

    raise him up at the last day.55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my

    blood is drink indeed.

    56 He that eats my flesh, and drinks my

    blood dwells in me and I in him.

    57 As the living Father has sent me, and

    I live by the Father: so he that eats me,

    even he shall live by me.

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    58 This is that bread which came down

    from heaven: not as your fathers did eat

    manna and are dead: he that eats of thisbread shall live for ever.

    59 These things said Messiah in the

    synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum."

    When Yahshua started rambling on and on about "eating

    his flesh and drinking his blood," many of the disciples

    began to falter. They began to doubt his sanity and beganto doubt his teachings. Judas Iscariot began to believe that

    either Messiah was indeed God, come down to earth, or he

    was a lunatic who needed to be exposed!

    One thing is for sure, though, Judas thought Yahshua was

    claiming to be God. Most of the people there did! (Many

    today STILL believe this) I believe Judas got it into his

    head that Yahshua wanted the Jews to try and kill him, sothat he could prove for once and for all that he was God.

    There were many statements made by Messiah during his

    ministry that seemed to be a challenge to the Jews to try

    and kill him. For example, one day, Yahshua announced to

    them, "destroy this temple and in three days my Father

    will raise it again." Everyone understood this

    proclomation to be a challenge that "if you kill me I will

    rise again after three days." The Jews even requested that

    Pilate post a guard at the tomb after the crucifixion because

    everyone understood Messiah to be challenging them that

    they could not kill him but within three days he'd be alive

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    again! We know that Judas Iscariot was aware that

    Yahshua was speaking of his body when he said "this

    temple." This is only just one statement of Yahshua that if

    one believes his is claiming to be God one can take to meanthat Yahshua was defying the Jews and daring them to try

    and kill him!

    Judas was the first follower of Messiah to actually

    "believe" he was "God come down to earth," and decided to

    act according to that belief, (or, at the very least Judas

    decided that Christ was claiming to be God and needed to

    be stopped) I, myself, am convinced that Judas believed ifMessiah was going to prove he was God, somehow the

    Priests had to be convinced to try and have him arrested

    and put to death. It was a dirty job and, Judas thought,

    someone's got to do it, or he'll never be able to prove he's


    The ILLOGIC of Judas

    Just as Judas was illogical to think that Yahshua needed to

    have them try to kill him to prove he was God, it is not

    logical to believe that Yahshua's ressurection proved he

    was God because, God is an eternal God, he will never die!

    The only thing the death and resurrection proves is that

    Yahshua was not God! Otherwise, his death would have to

    be a sham, a show and not real at all! If we say Yahshua

    was God, then we are saying he didn't really die! Wewould be saying that only his body died, but his spirit was

    immortal. However, the Apostles discussed this very error

    in their epistles.

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    Romans 15:17

    "17 And if Messiah be not raised (from

    the dead) your faith is vain; you are yetin your sins. "

    You see, if Messiah did not really die, then he did not really

    rise from the dead and we have no real proof to hope for a

    ressurection of our own, because we will die, for real! Let's

    break this down into further logical terms.

    1. If Messiah was God and wasimmortal, what would his

    ressurection mean to us mortals? It

    would mean absolutely nothing,

    because how does the ressurection of

    an immortal being, who came downto earth as a man and pretended to

    die, prove that we mortal beings can

    likewise rise from the dead?

    2. If Messiah was God, and wasimmortal, then he really couldn't

    have died for our sins, because God

    cannot be tempted to sin. Therefore,

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    if Messiah was never tempted of sin,

    he cannot then be an acceptable

    sacrifice, for his righteousness camenaturally to him. If Messiah did not

    die for our sins then there is no

    remission of sins and, therefore, we

    are all still servants to our sin,

    forever! Furthermore, what would

    his ability to "not sin ever" mean tous? Of course he didn't sin, he was

    God! His righteousness, therefore,

    has no value to us and does not

    demonstrate any sort of power over

    sin that we could ever possess

    because we are not God and he was!

    3. If Messiah was God, then he was

    also a charlatan, who perpetrated a

    hoax on us, by pretending to die,

    when in point of fact he didn't really

    die! Every time he spoke of himself

    as someone else, other than the

    Father, he was lying and every time

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    he said "my works are not my own,"

    he was also lying! Not only that, if

    the Apostles believed that Messiahwas the eternal immortal God, they

    were all liars when they taught that

    He "died" for our sins, because they

    would have all known that an

    immortal God cannot die and they

    were lying when they said "he sits atthe right hand of God." They would

    have known that he is in fact God

    and sits on the throne, not at the right

    hand of the throne!

    4. If Messiah was God, an immortal

    being, then the only thing that would

    prove this would be if he could not

    be killed! Yet, the apostles teach

    that he was in fact killed and lay

    dead in a tomb for 3 whole days and

    nights! The minute Yahshua died on

    the crucifixion and the spirit of life

    exited him and he remained dead for

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    any period of time, this settled

    forever the question of whether or

    not Messiah was God! The deathand resurrection are proof positive

    that he was not God at all but was

    indeed a mortal man!

    Judas Iscariot and the other eleven apostles all knew that

    God does not die, being immortal! Everyone present that

    day of Yahshua's sermon knew that! That is why when hespoke of "giving them his flesh" it made little sense to most

    of them, unless he was claiming to be God! How can any

    being (mortal or immortal) give you his flesh to eat and his

    blood to drink and yet live? Therefore, Yahshua was

    perceived as a lunatic by some because in one breath he

    seemed to claim to be eternal and able to offer them a bread

    that would make them eternal, too, then in that same breath

    telling them that He was that bread and was going to die to

    give them his flesh and blood for their salvation! He then

    compounded this seeming contradiction with what

    appeared to be "wild eyed" claims that he wanted them to

    eat his flesh and drink his blood! No wonder many

    disciples left him that day! He wasn't making sense to them

    (in their carnal minds).

    Judas Iscariot, (as did most of the others present) must have

    thought that the only way Yahshua was going to prove that

    he was God to anyone, was for them to try and kill him and

    it sounded as if he was practically begging them to do so!

    This is not an unknown concept in pagan religions. Many

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    ancient religions, including greek mythology are replete

    with stories and myths of gods who came to the earth, or

    "sons of gods," and who proved their deity by challenging

    the unbelievers to try and kill them! One such myth wasHercules son of Zues.

    Judas Iscariot, being the pagan that he was, simply thought

    that Yahshua was issuing a challenge, whereby they were

    to try and break his flesh and pour his blood out on the

    ground like wine! He apparently took this challenge to

    heart, for, the record indicates that many believed arranging

    this test was in the best interests of all concerned. IfYahshua did not die, he could always say "well I betrayed

    him because I knew he was immortal and could not die,"

    and thereby would be praised for his great faith, or else, if

    he arranged this test and Yahshua did die, he would be a

    hero for exposing a fraud who claimed to be God, but yet

    could be killed! The record bears out that when Yahshua

    died, Judas went out and hanged himself, which tells us he

    really did not expect Messiah to die. He really believed

    Messiah was God and could not be killed.

    There is much evidence that the Jews considered Yahshua's

    death final proof that he was a fraud. They were shouting

    at Him while he hung on the crucifixion, saying, "he healed

    others why can't he heal himself!" It is my belief that Judas

    actually thought he was helping Messiah to prove himself

    when he arranged to betray Messiah! I can hear some of

    you asking the question, "how do you know Judas was

    thinking all of this?" He hasn't even been mentioned so far

    in this whole chapter? Well here it is!

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    John 6:60-71

    " 60 Many therefore of his disciples,

    when they heard this, said, This is ahard saying: who can listen to it?

    61 When Yahshua knew in himself that

    his disciples murmured at it, he said to

    them, "does this offend you?"

    62 What and if you should see Son ofman ascend up where he was before?

    63 It is the spirit that quickens: the flesh

    profits nothing: the words that I speak to

    you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    64 But there are some of you that do not

    believe. For Yahshua KNEW FROM




    65 And he said, therefore said I to you,that no man can come to me, except it

    were given to him of my Father.

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    66 From that time many of his disciples

    went back, and walked no more with

    him.67 then said Yahshua to the twelve,

    "Will you also go away?"

    68 Then Simon answered him, Master,

    to whom shall we go? You have the

    words of eternal life.69 And we believe and are sure that you

    are the Messiah, the son of the living


    70 Jesus answered them, "Have not I

    chosen you twelve, and one of you is adevil?

    71 He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of

    Simon: for he it was that should betray

    him, being one of the twelve."

    Judas must have heard Yahshua say "what if you see theson of man ascend up where he was before," and that made

    it clear in the poor man's confused mind that Yahshua was

    definately claiming to have descended down from Heaven.

    However, some believe the phrase "ascend up to Heaven"

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    was changed to "ascend up where he was before," by the

    translators. According to several experts the translators

    could do this because "where he was before" is implied in

    the context. Yet, it's only implied if you think Messiah isliterally a loaf of bread that "came down from Heaven." As

    I said before, Messiah is not a loaf of bread and was clearly

    speaking figuratively here. Even if the phrase "where he

    was before," is not an altered translation, there can be one

    explanation as to what he meant by this. It could be

    Messiah was prophesying here concerning the events after

    his death and ressurection, culminating in his final

    ascending to Heaven before their very eyes in Acts 1: 9-10!

    So what did Yahshua mean when he said "where he was

    before?" Again, he was acting as the "proxy," and speaking

    of himself figuratively as "the bread of heaven." It's not that

    complicated, really. Whenever he says "I came down," or

    "I will go up from where I came," he's speaking in a

    figurative sense about being "the bread that came down

    from Heaven." Unless you want to believe he actually was

    a loaf of bread that came down from Heaven, in which

    case, he was speaking literally when he said "what if you

    see me go back up from where I came."

    In order to believe what they teach concerning this we have

    to believe in the "pre-existence" of Messiah as God, we'd

    have to believe in the notion that Messiah was up in

    Heaven sometime before he spoke his sermon concerning

    "the bread from heaven," and there is no scriptural evidence

    of this. The Torah does not teach "pre-existence." That is a

    concept found only in pagan religions. If we believe he

    literally meant "where he was before," we have to believe

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    that Messiah is actually God himself and knew that he was

    God and, therefore, when he spoke about the Father in

    Heaven as if he was someone else, he was being deceptive.

    Later when the disciples say "he sits at the right hand of theFather in Heaven," they too were being deceptive, for if he

    is God and he has returned to Heaven, he would not sit "at

    the right hand of God in Heaven," but would sit, as God, on

    the throne!

    Friends, let's be reasonable, if Messiah was actually God,

    why wouldn't he merely just say so? Why put on some

    front as if he were someone else? Why would the disciplesrefer to him as someone who is a separate person as God?

    Why wouldn't they merely say "and now he's back in

    Heaven, sitting on his throne?" Why the subterfuge?

    Those who teach this answer, saying, "it's a great mystery

    that God doesn't want us to understand." So, in other

    words, we are to believe that God is trying to be

    deliberately evasive (or mysterious) about who he is and

    who Messiah is and yet, he expects us to get to know him

    so intimately that we become "just like his son." How are

    we going to become just like Messiah and how are we

    going to be conformed to the image of God if God won't

    even reveal to us who he really is and what is his exact

    relationship with his son?

    None of the above verses tells us exactly what Judas was

    thinking, except that he "did not believe," but what was it,

    exactly, that he didn't believe? If Judas did not believe

    Yahsuah was God, then why did he not go away like the

    other disciples who misunderstood Yahshua? It would

    make sense that if Judas Iscariot was offended by Messiah's

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    supposed claims of being God himself then Judas would

    have left with the others. He did not leave though! Why?

    Could he have decided to stick around and spy out an

    occassion to turn this "blasphemer," as he saw him, over tothe authorities?

    If that is why Judas stayed then why did he hang himself

    when Messiah was crucified. You'd think that if Judas was

    a man who decided Messiah was a liar or a lunatic and then

    plotted against him from then on, when the man was finally

    crucified Judas would have been "proud" of his

    accomplishment of taking down a blatant false prophet whoclaimed to be God! Yet, at the end of it all, Judas hanged

    himself in grief!

    There can be only one logical answer. He was not offended

    at all when it appeared Messiah claimed to be God. Judas

    must have believed that Yahshua was God and in fact

    decided he knew a way to prove it! It was here that he

    began to plot the Messiah's betrayal, not because hedespised Messiah, but because he saw the betrayal as

    accomplishing some "greater good."

    If all this is true, then it means that Yahshua called Judas an

    unbeliever because Judas believed Messiah was God. Yet,

    how can you be called a non-believer for believing

    something? Evidently, we learn more about what we "don't

    believe," by what we "do believe!" The things that webelieve often times reflect what is hard for us to believe.

    For example, if you are faced with a choice, to believe

    Messiah was a man or believe Messiah was God, based on

    the miracles he performed and you choose to believe he

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    was God, you are manifesting that you cannot believe a

    man could do such things, even with God's help!

    People who believe Messiah was God, do so because they

    just can't see themselves following "a man." Where do Iget this? Just go to the Catholic Encyclopedia and look up

    the word "Atonement." You will see in there a statement

    that Messiah had to be GOD himself or we could not

    "accept him as Messiah," because that would make him a

    "mere creature," and thus not qualified to be a Messiah.

    People who teach Messiah was God just can't believe that a

    man who obeys God 100 percent will be granted the powerMessiah demonstrated. They can't believe an obedient man

    is granted every thing he asks from God! The person that

    looks at Messiah and says "look at all the miracles he

    performed," and then concludes "he must be God" has a

    faith problem. Such an error reveals true unbelief. Those

    who believe Messiah was God have trouble with accepting

    that anyone but God could become the ruler of all mankind,the King of Kings and the Master of Masters! They refuse

    to believe Messiah is a man, out of pride. The only way

    they are going to accept the rulership of Messiah is if he

    was God! So they say he was God, but just because they

    say he was does not make it so. Just because they have

    trouble believing in a man as the Messiah, doesn't mean he

    has to be God!

    I can't even say how many times someone has said to me

    "of course Jesus could do that, of course Jesus was perfect

    and never sinned, he was God, but you aren't Jesus!" They

    don't believe in the power of God towards man, thus, they

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    are unbelievers.

    Judas Iscariot stayed as a follower of Messiah that day

    because he believed that Yahshua must be God to do the

    things he did and make the claims he made! He must havedecided (at that point) to prove that Yahshua was God, by

    arranging for him to be put to the ultimate test. So, Judas

    came up with a plan, to turn Yahshua over to the Jews.


    I asked you to keep in mind the significance of the bread

    teaching. At the last supper, when Yahshua broke the breadand said "take, eat, this is my body," Judas Iscariot took

    this as a sign (remembering the sermon concerning the

    bread) and so went off to betray Yahshua! He had already

    made arrangements to do this, but was waiting "an

    opportunity." I believe actually Judas was waiting for

    Yahshua to tell him to do it! He was waiting for some sort

    of sign of indication from Messiah, himself, that it wastime.

    Matthew 26:14-16

    "14 Then went one of the twelve, called

    Judas Iscariot, to the chief priests.

    15 And said to them, 'What will you giveme, and I will deliver him to you?' And

    they covenanted with him for thirty

    pieces of silver.

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    16 And from that time he sought

    opportunity to betray him."

    I point out Judas' prior arrangement with the apostate Jewsbecause, if you don't know of it, you might think that the

    Devil possessed Judas during the last supper and somehow

    Judas was not in control of his own actions. Nothing is

    farther from the truth however; as you can see by the above

    quote. Judas, by the time of the last supper, had already

    been seeking opportunity to betray Yahshua! So, by the

    time of the last supper Judas was, I believe, thoroughly

    convinced that Yahshua wanted to be betrayed, so that he

    could prove he was God who cannot be killed! Judas

    waited for a sign from Yahshua and he appears to get that

    sign at last supper.

    Matthew 26:20-28

    "20 Now, when the evening was come,he sat down with the twelve.

    21 And as they did eat he said, Truly I

    say to you, that one of you shall betray


    22 And they were exceeding sorrowful,and began every one of them to say unto

    him, Lord is it I?

    23 And he answered and said, He that

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    dips his hand with me in the dish, the

    same shall betray me.

    24 The son of man goes as it is writtenof him: but woe to that man by whom the

    son of man is betrayed! it had been good

    for that man if he had not been born.

    25 Then Judas, which betrayed him,

    answered and said, Master, is it I? Hesaid to him 'you have said it."

    26 And as they were eating, Yahshua

    took the bread and blessed it and broke

    it and gave it to the disciples, and said,

    "Take eat; this is my body.27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks

    and gave it to them, saying, Drink all of


    28 For this is my blood of the new

    testament, which is shed for many forthe remission of sins."

    There is some confusion as to whether Judas was even

    present during the breaking of the bread and the passing of

    the cup. I have read and re-read all four gospel accounts

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    and most of them have Judas leaving after the breaking of

    the bread and the passing of the cup, (and before the

    explanation of the significance of the bread symbolism),

    but none of that is important! The important thing to knowis that judas clearly thought Messiah was telling him to go

    betray him!

    John 13:21-30

    "21 When Yahshua had said this, he was

    troubled in spirit and testified, and said,

    "Truly, truly, I say to you, that one ofyou shall betray me.

    22 Then the disciples looked one on

    another, doubting of whom he spoke.

    23 Now there was leaning on Yahshua's

    bossom one of his disciples, whom

    Yahshua favored

    24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to

    him, that he should ask who it should be

    of whom he spoke.

    25 He then laying on Yahshua's

    shoulder said to him, Master who is it?

    26 Yahshua answered, He it is, to whom

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    I shall give a sop, when I have dipped

    it." And when he had dipped the sop, he

    gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son ofSimon.

    27 And after the sop, Satan entered into

    him. then said Yahshua to him, What

    you do, do quickly.

    28 Now no man at the table knew forwhat intent he spoke this to him

    29 For some thought, because Judas

    had the bag, that Yahshua had said to

    him, Buy what we have need of against

    the passover: or that he should givesomething to the poor.

    30 He then, having received the sop

    went out immediately, and it was night."

    Judas saw the bread being broken and remembered the

    sermon about "the bread of life," and thought "there it is,

    there is my sign!" Judas clearly thought he was doingYahshua's bidding! Then, to add to that, Yahshua dipped a

    sop in the water, handed it to Judas and said "go do it,

    quickly!" Poor Judas, ran off all excited, thinking he was

    the greatest faith apostle in the group, the man that would

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    be credited with so believing that Yahshua was God that he

    turned him over to his enemies to prove it! We know that

    Judas did not expect Messiah to actually die!

    Matthew 27:3-5

    "3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him,

    when he SAW THAT HE WAS

    CONDEMNED, repented himself, and

    brought again the thirty pieces of silver

    to the chief priests and elders.

    4 Saying, I have sinned in that I have

    betrayed the innocent blood. And they

    said, What is that to us? See to that


    5 And he cast down the pieces of silverin the temple, and departed, and went

    and hanged himself."

    When Judas saw Yahshua condemned to die, it proved that

    he had made a mistake, that Yahshua was not God himself

    and that meant that Judas had betrayed an innocent man to

    die! He then went to try and undo the damage but thePriests acted like they didn't know what he was talking

    about and sent him away. So, he went and committed

    suicide! Need I say any more? It is very likely Judas

    thought Yahshua was God and therefore could not be

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    condemned to death! Judas became the first of those who

    claim to follow Messiah yet without understanding of who

    he is and Judas is the disciple who followed Messiah

    without ever understanding his ministry. Judas is the firstto act upon that misunderstanding by violating the law of

    God, thinking that it's ok to violate the law, as long as it

    serves the Messiah's plans. Bringing the destruction of his

    own life and probably his soul!



    Judas thought it was "ok" to "betray innocent blood," if the

    ends justified the means, as long as you are a believer that

    Yahshua is God!" Betrayal of innocent blood is directly

    forbidden by the Law, but that didn't stop Judas, because he

    believed that he was doing an act of faith. His betrayal

    became an act of faith in his own mind! In other words

    Judas Iscariot equated sin with righteousness! He thought

    that he could disobey the Law as long as good came of it!

    He convinced himself it's ok to sin, as long as you a

    "follower" of Messiah and as long as you believe Messiah

    is God! Does this idea sound familiar? It should!

    Judas went down in history as the "first son of perdition."

    Yahshua gave him that name! Anyone who follows in the

    error of Judas to run forward to do harm and to disobey thelaw of God because they think their faith shields them, is

    following in Judas' error and becomes a "son of perdition!"


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    Judas Iscariot's example teaches that committing of sins

    will somehow prove our faith! A son of perdition thinks

    that God wants them to sin so that God can prove his power

    (and his grace). As far as a son of perdition is concerned,when they sin they are doing an act of faith, by believing in

    the power of Messiah to cleanse them of their sins through

    God's grace because they believe Messiah is their God! A

    son of perdition will further conclude that anyone who

    attempts to stop sinning is "fallen from grace" and is the

    real unbeliever! Sin becomes "faith" in the twisted logic of

    the son of perdition and "faith unto righteous obedience," is

    now "sin" for, they believe, if I seek to obey God, throughthe law, I am "fallen from grace."

    The Gospel of the Son of Perdition not only condones sin,

    it encourages it, for sinning proves the so called "truth" of

    their faith, that they are saved merely because they believe

    Messiah is God! The supposed truth of a son of perdition's

    faith is hinged on the idea that God came down to earth and

    performed the law for them! Therefore, when they sin, as

    long as they believe Messiah is God, they are saved. A son

    of perdition might look at you with his glazed eyes and his

    mind darkened by deceit and say "believing you are going

    to heaven even though you are a horrible sinner, now that is


    This type of twisted faith is what led Judas Iscariot to go

    off and "betray" his Master. He thought his Master wanted

    him to do that and by so doing he was proving his faith in

    the Messiah and in the Messiah's claims of deity! In other

    words, the son of perdition thinks the more he sins the more

    he proves the deity of Messiah! It's astounding beyond

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    measure that even though Judas Iscariot went out and

    hanged himself after Messiah was crucified, still, his way

    of thinking managed to survive! Behold, the Gospel

    according to Judas, which is, namely, "betray Messiah toprove your faith!"


    Judas Iscariot counted himself as one

    of the disciples of the true Messiah.

    Judas Iscariot had no regard forMoral Law which says "do not

    betray innocent blood."

    Judas was concerned about money,

    and claimed it was a "concern for the

    poor," but actually he was a thief andonly wanted the money for himself.

    There can be no doubt Judas Iscariot was the mold by

    which the devil would define the false disciples! It's no

    wonder when the Apostle warned of the coming great

    apostasy or the great falling away, he mentioned Judas

    Iscariot and spoke of a time when the "man of sin, the sonof perdition, would be revealed." He was directly

    identifying the false believers to come in the end times with

    Judas Iscariot! A follower of Messiah with betrayal in his

    heart (and who is ultimately so unable to believe a mortal

    man can act as God's proxy he concludes that Messiah

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    23 I in them, and you in me, that they

    may be made perfect in one; and that the

    world may know that you have sent me,and has loved them, as you have loved


    If Yahshua's oneness with the Father means that he is God

    then our oneness, which is the same oneness that Yahshua

    had, must mean that we are God, too, right? When the son

    of perdition says, "I and the Father are one," he has already

    testified that such a statement means you are God!

    Furthermore, when the son of perdition says "the Father is

    in me," he has already said he believes this statement to

    mean "I am the Father!" Further, logic would dictate that

    when he says "Jesus lives in me," he is saying he must be

    JESUS too, because if "Jesus was God" because God lived

    in him, therefore, Jesus lives in me, I must be Jesus and,

    therefore, God too! This is the subtlety of false doctrine.The Son of Perdition becomes his own God and savior. It's

    no wonder that he doesn't believe he has to obey Moral


    If the oneness of the Father and the Son means that the Son

    is the same person as the Father, therefore, the oneness of

    Messiah and his followers has to mean that the followers of

    Messiah are also God! You cannot get around thisconclusion to the teachings of the Son of Perdition.

    There isn't a Catholic scholar who would argue with my

    reasoning that "if Messiah being one with God meant that

    he was God, therefore, if you are one with Messiah, then

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    you too are God." In fact, this is their actual teaching and

    as I said before Pope John Paul II VERIFIED this before he


    The son of perdition "opposes and exhalts himself aboveGod." When he says he can do "greater works than Jesus,"

    and then teaches in the same breath that "Jesus was God,"

    what he is really saying is that he can do "greater works

    than God!"

    When protestants use the same scriptures as Catholics to

    prove Messiah was God (the oneness scriptures), they are

    consenting to the interpretation of Rome. Thus, they areconsenting to the authority of the Popes, as God's

    representative. They just don't know they are doing this.

    It must be a constant source of amusement to the Bishops

    of Rome.

    The son of perdition sits in the temple of God, shewing

    himself that he is God! The temple of God is the body ofMessiah! The son of perdition, though he is only a vessel

    of the Holy Spirit, "a temple," has deluded himself into

    thinking that being a vessel makes a person God in the

    flesh! Thus, Rome teaches their Popes are God in the flesh,

    by virtue of the power of oneness passed to the Apostles by

    Messiah! When protestants use these same interpretations

    and conclude Messiah is God, then turn right around and

    say they are "one with Jesus," they are actually giving

    themselves the same status as Rome gives their Pope. They

    are saying that they too are "God in the flesh," or "God's

    representative on the earth."

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    Do you see why the reformation was such an appalling

    thing to the Catholics! You can't have everyone walking

    around with the authority of the Pope and yet, in their eyes

    that is what Protestantism is all about! If theirinterpretation concerning Messiah, that he is God because

    he is "one with the Father," is true, then when the laymen

    says "I'm one with God," he's saying he is in fact "God,"

    and don't kid yourselves, the Protestant churches

    unanimously agree with the Catholics that when Messiah

    said "I and the Father are one," he was stating that he was


    Do you see the dilemma?

    If the Catholic's interpretation of "I and the Father are one,"

    and other oneness scriptures are true interpretations, (that

    the oneness means you are actually God himself) then the

    Protestant believers are taking on the authority of Messiah

    and of God whenever they say "Jesus is in me." In which

    case when the Protestants broke away from Catholicismthey were in the wrong. If Rome's is right about the deity

    of Christ and when Messiah said "I and the Father are one,"

    it means that Messiah was saying, "I'm God," it also means

    the oneness belongs only to those to whom this oneness

    was promised, namely the Apostles and this oneness was

    passed down to the Popes of Rome. If we accept Rome's

    teaching of Christ as God we must accept their teaching

    concerning the succession of this oneness to the apostles, in

    which case only the Popes can say "I and Messiah are one,"

    for only the Popes are the "Vicars" of Messiah and

    subsequently of God!

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    When Protestants concede to the notion that Messiah was

    claiming deity when he said "I and the Father are one," they

    are unwittingly conceding to the authority of the Popes in

    Rome! It is these same interpretations of the onenessscriptures that prove the infallibility of the Vatican (in the

    minds of a Roman). If you are going to accept this

    interpretation, you have to accept the authority of the


    The son of perdition is called "the man of sin." The Son of

    Perdition is the loudest supporter of the lie that we can

    never stop sinning! Who is a "man of sin," but a man thatclings to his sins with a tight white knuckled death grip of

    doctrine and states plainly " God wants me to keep sinning

    so that I cannot boast!" Who, I ask you, is better defined as

    a "man of sin" than a man who teaches that "man was born

    in sin and can never escape sin?" (Original Sin Doctrines).

    It is quite clear what this "great falling away," was spoken

    of by the writer to the Thessalonians!

    II Thessalonians 2: 5-7

    "5 Remember you not, that when I was

    yet with you, I told you these things?

    6 And now you know what withholds

    that he might be revealed in his time.7 For the mystery of iniquity does

    already work, only he who now

    PREVENTS will PREVENT until he be

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    taken out of the way."

    Brethren, do not be a "son of perdition," in your thinking.

    Do not give in to the mystery of iniquity! Do you know

    that iniquity is another word for sin? The only thing that

    was preventing this sinful mystery religion from causing a

    "great falling away" was "he who now prevents." Who was

    this person that was preventing this great lie until he is

    "taken out of the way?" It was Yahshua the Messiah for he

    said "I am the way, the truth and the light, no man comes to

    the father but by me!"

    The writer of this epistle foresaw a day when the sons of

    perdition would introduce another "way" of salvation and

    Yahshua Messiah would be taken "out of the way." The

    Son of Perdition brings us an entirely new Messiah, (one

    who is "God in the flesh)," and a new salvation, (sin

    remains, so that faith in Jesus as God can be proved)!

    II Thessalonians 2:8-12"8 And then shall that WICKED be

    revealed, whom the Master shall

    consume with the spirit of his mouth,

    (which is the BREAD that came down

    from Heaven)and shall destroy with thebrightness of his coming:

    9 Even him, whose coming is after the

    working of Satan with all power and

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    signs and lying wonders,

    10 and with all deceivableness of

    unrigtheousness in them that perish:because they received not the love of the

    truth, that they might be saved

    11 And for this cause God shall send

    them a strong deluding influence, that

    they should all believe a lie.12 That they all might be damned who

    believed not the truth, BUT HAD


    My friends, that wicked has been revealed! Who has

    pleasure in unrighteousness more than he who says "God

    doesn't want or expect me to stop sinning?" Those who

    follow the lie of the son of perditionand betray Messiah,

    even while claiming to follow him, do not love the truth. If

    they did they would not have pleasure in unrighteousness

    and would not cling to doctrines that let them go on sinning

    and sinning and sinning until they die!

    Protestants cannot accept the Catholic interpretation of the"oneness of Messiah" and then turn around and reject that

    the Pope is God's representative on the earth! Why not?

    Because it is the teaching that Messiah is God (because he

    said I and the Father are one) coupled with the promises of

    Messiah to the Apostles that they would be "one even as he

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    and the Father are one," upon which are built the doctrines

    that the Popes are God's representatives. Use logic! If

    being one with God makes you God then the promise made

    that we would be "one with the Father," cannot apply toEVERYONE! Otherwise, everyone is God and everyone is

    God's representative. This is the argument of the Catholic

    Dogma and it is unbreakable logic! If the Protestants

    accept the teaching the Messiah was God they have NO

    CHOICE but to accept that the "oneness" promised to the

    followers of Messiah was promised ONLY to the Apostles

    and their successors! Everyone can't be God on earth! Be


    We therefore have two choices. To believe that Messiah

    was God by the "oneness" he described and, therefore, that

    "oneness" is not available to us, only to the successors of

    the Apostles, or we have to reject that these "oneness"

    promises meant that Messiah was God and believe that the

    oneness that Messiah had with the Father is available to all

    men! You can't believe BOTH that Messiah's oneness

    means he's God in the flesh and also that we too are "one

    with the Father," not without making us all "God in the


    Thus, the Gospel of the son of perdition, Judas Iscariot, has

    now reared it's ugly head! We now know that the time of

    the return of Messiah to fight with them that betrayed him

    is near at hand! Which side will you be on? Will you be

    like the eleven apostles who did not abandon Yahshua and

    "go away," or, will you be like Judas Iscariot and inevitably

    hang yourself in the end?

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    I pray for the deceived of the world, that they will wake up

    and see. I pray that they will no longer be taken in by the

    lies of the son of perdition, Judas Iscariot, the betrayer!

    What The Son

    Of Perdition MISSED!During the last supper, when Yahshua Messiah broke bread

    and passed the cup, (which has been turned a ritual), it held

    symbolism of a very deep meaning. Judas Iscariot took thisas a "sign" from Messiah that he would be the one to betray

    Messiah and thus prove Messiah was God, to the world.

    Judas considered this to be a great honor and he had no

    qualms about doing the betrayal even though it was against

    Moral Law. Judas must have believed that his "sin" would

    do good in the world, by helping Messiah prove his power.

    We can relate that to those who teach the more they sin the

    more they prove the grace and power of Messiah! JudasIscariot is the "son of perdition," and all who follow after

    this same unbelieving spirit of error, (thinking that they

    must continue sinning in order to prove their faith in who

    Messiah is) are likewise named "son of perdition!" The

    great falling away is called "the revelation of the son of


    For reminder's sake, let me again say that only the worst of

    unbelievers can look at the works of Messiah and then,

    instead of saying "wow, I want to be just like that," they

    say, "I can't be like that, because evidently he must be

    God to do all those things!"

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    Seeing the works of Messiah and his righteousness he

    demonstrated they erroneously conclude that he must be

    God! This conveniently excuses them from ever repeating

    Yahshua Messiah's great obedience and the demonstrationsof power that result from that obedience. Of course they

    don't believe they can repeat them for they believe he's

    God. How can they be like Messiah if he was God and

    they are just men? Then, to add insult to injury, they then

    worship, not only Messiah, but worship his mother as

    well, whom we know for a fact was just a woman!

    We saw that the "deluding influence" which would come, isassociated with the "son of perdition." Delusions like,

    making Yahshua "God himself" and change the nature of

    God into a trinity! Thus, we end up with three gods instead

    of one, contrary to the Tanakh! The third God thrown in as

    the spirit of the first two Gods, which they insist on calling

    a "ghost" even though believing in and communicating

    with ghosts is strictly forbidden in the law!

    All of these delusions listed above came about because

    some, like Judas, misinterpret the nature of Yahshua and

    twist his teachings concerning "the bread of life," to mean

    that he claims to be God come down to earth from heaven!

    This is why, when Judas made his "move" to betray

    Yahshua he did so right after Yahshua broke bread and said

    "take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you!"

    From that moment a great rift has existed among the

    disciples of Messiah, between those who misunderstood,

    insisting on going from betrayal to betrayal in a futile effort

    to prove Yahshua is God and the true believers who

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    understand what "the bread of life," means, namely,

    pressing on into the kingdom by Messiah's example,

    through the power of the Holy Spirit (the true bread and

    breath of life).I'm writing this lengthy sermon on Judas Iscariot, because

    he is the son of perdition and to underscore once and for all

    how Judas Iscariot, the original "son of perdition," left the

    room and went to betray Messiah, right after the breaking

    of bread symbolism and thus never found out what (the

    bread of life) meant, I desire to show how Judas is the

    shadow of things to come, namely, all those who followafter his example of error and take on the name "son of

    perdition" even as Judas was called!

    Leaving The Last Supper Before Imparted Wisdom

    We can literally observe the error of Judas Iscariot being

    repeated when holy communion is given in modern

    organized religion. Those who follow Judas' error rarely

    go past the breaking of the bread and the passing of the cupto study their meaning! Usually during sermons the only

    time they quote from the account of the "last supper," they

    are about to take part in "holy communion" or "holy

    eucharist" observance, whereby they pass around

    "crackers" and tiny cups of "wine." (Or, the priest

    administers the bread and wine to each person).

    Those who are steeped in error rarely go into the

    explanations of this purely symbolic gesture on the part of

    Messiah because when you read the Messiah's explanation

    of these symbols, which takes place right after judas left the

    room, we begin to understand that Messiah is not God at

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    all, cannot be God, and never claimed to be God!

    Anyone who has been a Christian for any length of time

    and attended "masses" or attended "sunday services" will

    recognize this! When you examine in detail the lengthywords spoken by Messiah after the breaking of bread and

    his prayers he made to the Father at that time, you begin to

    understand what Messiah was really talking about when he

    spoke of the "bread of life that came down from heaven!"

    Which is why they do not delve into those verses. Instead,

    some read the account of the breaking of bread and the

    passing of the cup, then they quickly put their Bibles downand hold a ceremony! Just like Judas Iscariot, they never

    get past the breaking of bread and passing of the cup but

    instead after reading the account of the breaking of bread,

    they rush out and away from the last supper, observing

    some meaningless ritual that they think symbolizes they

    can go on sinning and still be a follower of Messiah, a

    ritual they believe signifies the deity!

    I'm sure this is a very hard pill for many to


    It was for me. I did not come to understand the teachings

    that followed the breaking of bread until one day, instead of

    going up front and getting my "cracker" and my "wine

    cup," I sat there in the pews and read the rest of the versesall the way up to the crucifixion! There is power in those

    words and yet, when they get to that part of their Bibles,

    they immediately stop reading and go to get a cracker and

    some wine!

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    They pressure you to take part. If you don't, you will be

    looked at sideways and probably be counseled. You may

    even be rebuffed and rebuked for "not partaking in

    communion" and told from the pulpit that you are abackslider if you don't go forward and receive communion!

    They focus on the act of breaking of bread and passing of

    the cup, seeing it as a sign of verification of Messiah's

    deity. This is the ultimate betrayal of the Messiah, which is

    exactly what Judas Iscariot did. This focus on the act

    instead of the meaning makes it impossible for them to

    delve too deeply into the meaning! Judas took part in the

    "communion" then ran off to do his own thing and to carryout his preconceived notion of what it means to be a

    follower and actually betrayed betrayed Yahshua Messiah,

    all the while thinking he was doing the world a "good


    It's important for us to understand fully the true meaning of

    "I am the bread that came down fromHeaven,"as Yahshua taught the multitudes atCapernaum. It was this same sermon that led also to Judas

    Iscariot's grave error, which was thinking that Messiah was

    in fact "God in the flesh!" In understanding these verses

    we then see that Judas Iscariot and all sons of perdition are

    counted as disciples of Messiah; However; because of their

    unbelief in the power of God, they, like Judas, their elderbrother, miss out on the teaching of the bread of life and

    how it is that eternal life is imparted by Yahshua's


    So, let's dig deep into the verses that follow the breaking of

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    bread at the last supper and find out what Yahshua was

    doing! I can assure you he was not creating a "new ritual"

    whereby, if you eat some "blessed" bread and drink some

    "blessed" wine you have instant eternal life!Messiah Utters A New Commandment

    In the Gospel of John chapter 13, immediately after Judas

    Iscariot left the room to betray him, Messiah begins to

    explain how he will give us "his flesh to eat and his blood

    to drink" thereby delivering to us the "living bread which

    comes down from heaven" and how by "eating this living

    bread" we would obtain "eternal life" on the "last day."

    (These were all key points in his sermon at Capernaum

    detailed in chapter 6 and now that Judas is no longer

    present, Yahshua reveals those details to the believing


    John 13: 31-35

    "31 Therefore, when he (Judas Iscariot)was gone out, Yahshua said, Now is the

    son of man glorified, and God is

    glorified in him.

    32 If God be glorified in him, God shall

    also glorify him in himself, and shallstraight away glorify him.

    33 Little children, yet a little while I am

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    with you. You shall seek me: and as I

    said to the Jews, where I go you cannot

    come, so now say I to you.34 A new commandment I give to you,

    that you love one another: as I have

    loved you, that you also love one


    35 By this shall all men know that youare my disciples, if you have love one to


    Yahshua Messiah was issuing a commandment to his

    disciples that they should love one another with the same

    love he had for them! The same love, (which is the love

    that he had from the Father Himself) was now available tous and that we could demonstrate that same love on the

    earth! This is how people would know we are His

    disciples! To those who cling to the notion that Yahshua is

    God, I ask one simple question: If Messiah is the God of

    love, how can the disciples ever hope to love one another

    with the same Love that that Messiah had for them? If

    Yahshua were God, he'd be asking the impossible, (because

    the Trinitarians teach that no one can love the way Godloves and then, they interpret the scriptures in such a way

    that Messiah is now making the impossible demand of the

    poor disciples to have the same love for each other that the

    creator of love has for them)!

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    They want to say Yahshua was God yet here is Yahshua

    telling his disciples to love each other with the same love

    he has and making it a commandment!

    If they would just not run out of the room of wisdom, afterthe breaking of bread and instead if they would keep

    reading and listening to the Spirit, they'd find out that

    Yahshua was not God.

    The next things that Messiah says prove that either he was

    not God or at best he was a lunatic or at worst a deceiver!

    If no one can love as God loves and we are commanded to

    love as Messiah loved and Messiah was God, then God isissuing a commandment that is impossible to obey! God

    Himself would have to be a lunatic to expect his creation to

    love one another with the same degree and intensity of love

    with which Messiah loved, if Messiah is the Creator and no

    one can love as the Creator loves!

    Do you see the dichotomy here?

    He, the Creator, has loved us with an everlasting love!

    This is a love we can never possess, being mortal and no

    one can love a child more than the child's own father,

    especially a father who lives forever. First they teach God's

    love is something we can never possess, not to the degree

    that He loves, then they teach in their doctrines that

    Messiah is God, then quote him here commanding us to

    love one another as he loves! Then they further contradict

    themselves by adding in the mix a doctrine that says "you

    can never stop sinning and that you can't be perfect like

    Messiah was perfect." This is an amazing paradox because

    if we love as Messiah loves we aren't going to sin for it was

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    Messiah's love that kept him from sinning in the first place!

    They teach that we, being mortal created beings, cannot

    love this way, so he'll do the loving for them, die on the

    crucifixion and then all they have to do is believe it! Howconfused are they? Here they teach such love is impossible

    and that's why we need "the grace of Jesus," yet when you

    read the words of Messiah he's commanding them all to

    love one another with his same love!

    Plainly and simply if Yahshua is God and we can never

    love unto sinless perfection, he's clearly commanding the

    impossible and the only way for us to obey thiscommandment is to somehow be as God Himself! We

    therefore have no choice but to either discard Messiah's

    commandments to love one another as HE loves or discard

    this notion that Messiah is God Incarnate!

    My dear friends for the sake of space I cannot quote all that

    Yahshua had to say after Judas Iscariot left the room, I'm

    going to try and focus on the "how" Messiah will give us"living bread" that will bring us "eternal life" and also

    touch on statements made by Yahshua Messiah, like the

    ones above, which prove he cannot be God in the flesh!

    John 14: 1

    "Let not your hearts be troubled: youbelieve in God, believe also in me."

    Common sense dictates that this statement ALONE proves

    Yahshua Messiah is not God! He's talking about God as a

    SEPARATE PERSON to himself and states that if we

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    believe in God we should believe in HIM too! If Yahshua

    WERE GOD then believing in Yahshua would be the

    SAME as believing in GOD, we wouldn't HAVE to believe

    in BOTH! Likewise, if Yahshua were GOD then believingin Yahshua would be enough, we wouldn't HAVE to

    believe in God at all because they are supposedly THE

    SAME! Yahshua here lays to rest once and for ALL the

    LIE of the Devil which Judas had just set out to "prove."

    John 14: 2

    "In my Father's house are manymansions: if not, I would have told you.

    I go to prepare a place for you."

    Here Yahshua does not say "in my house" there are many

    mansions, he says "in my Father's house," thus

    demonstrating that Heaven belongs to God, not him! If

    Messiah were "God come to earth as flesh," he certainlywould not be able to disclaim his own house! Tradition

    teaches that the lord of the house will never deny his right

    to the lordship! If God is verbally denouncing His right to

    the Lordship of Heaven and God's word is so powerful it

    created the world, then when Messiah denied Lordship of

    Heaven that would mean God LOST his Lordship of the

    heavens. The Devil would only have to merely claim it in

    his stead! (Which is incidentally why the 3 day death ofMessiah proves he's not God as well, because had God died

    for 3 days, he would have ressurected to find a new God

    sitting on the vacant throne of Heaven, namely Satan!)

    When Yahshua says "in my Father's house," there can be

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    no logical conclusion but that he is not Father!

    Yet, Christian apologists who attempt to prove the deity of

    Christ admit that, even though God and Jesus are the same

    person, the Father and the Son are NOT the same person.This is, according to Christian theists, a "great mystery."

    It's no mystery at all though it's just ILLOGIC. Here's how

    their logic reads: "God and Jesus are the same person, God

    is the Father and Jesus is the Son, but the Father and the

    Son are not the same person."

    John 14: 6- 7"6 Jesus said to him, I am the way, the

    truth, and the life: no man comes to the

    Father, but by me.

    7 If you have known me, you have

    known the Father; and from now on youknow him, and have seen Him."

    This is the one the "God/man" proponents really love focus

    on (and disregard the rest of the verses)! In the carnal mind

    it does look like Yahshua is clearly saying he is the Father!

    However, look at verse 6. He doesn't say "no man comes

    to me but by me." He clearly makes a distinction between

    himself and the Father. Furthermore, he says he is "theway," in verse seven. The "way" to what? The way to

    "come to the Father" or in other words the "way to meet the

    Father," the "way to see the Father," and more importantly

    Yahshua is the way to be just like the Father (the way to

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    become a son of God). As Yahshua is speaking he's

    standing before them as the "new Adam," and is in the

    exact likeness of God! Anyone who looks at Him sees the

    Father! Anyone hearing Yahshua's words are hearing thewords of the Father because Yahshua only spoke the words

    of the Father! Yahshua is the walking, breathing, fleshly

    example of the bread from Heaven and the bread is "every

    word that proceeds from the mouth of God!" He was the

    Father's mouth piece. Yahshua was showing us the Father

    in his words, actions, (through his love). He was the living

    embodiment of the love of God manifested to the world.

    That's what made him the only begotten Son of the Father!

    Furthermore, he's saying that we are being offered this

    same connection, this same oneness so that we, like

    Messiah, can become the living embodiment of the love of

    God! By making Yahshua "the father" they have washed

    over this truth. It relinquishes them of obeying the

    commandment to "love one another" even as Messiah

    loves! It forever hides the truth from them that Yahshua is

    showing us the way to be just like the Father! In the end,

    they completely miss the wonderful truth that we can

    become sons of God ourselves and live in our Father's

    house with Yahshua!

    John 14: 8-9

    "8 Philip said to him, Master, show us

    the Father, and it will be sufficient.

    9 Yahshua said to him, Have I been so

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    long time with you, and yet have you not

    known me, Philip? He that sees me has

    seen the Father; and how say you then,show us the Father?"

    Here's another verse that the "God/man" proponents want

    focus on because if you read these verses in a carnal mind

    and thinking like men then Yahshua has just stated flatly, I

    am the Father! However, Messiah had just got done telling

    them that he was showing them the Father with his every

    word and deed! He also is acting in his office as the Proxy,"mouthpiece of God!" The Father was speaking to Philip

    with Yahshua's mouth!

    Oh that we true believers can become so like Yahshua that

    God can speak to others with our mouths! Some believe

    that the translation was tampered with a little here and that

    Yahshua actually said "have I been so long with you, Philip

    and have you not known the Father?" I don't think this isnecessarily true! I believe it is quite possible that Yahshua

    said it just this way. Yet, like Judas Iscariot and like the

    Jews who wouldn't believe, the unbelievers of today refuse

    to believe that God can speak using the mouth of a mortal

    man! They refuse to believe that a mortal man can become

    so in touch with the word of God that when he opens his

    mouth to speak the word of God comes right out of hismouth, directly. They refuse to believe that a man can

    become the very proxy of the One True God. The great

    contradiction is, they refuse to believe this, but then they

    claim to believe that the scriptures were written by God and

    that the holy men who wrote the scriptures were acting as

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    the oracle of God when they wrote the scriptures! (They

    also have no problem believing their Pope is the

    mouthpiece of God so it truly is a very great contradiction).

    When Philip asked to be shown the Father, God spoke rightto Philip, using the mouth of Yahshua and said, "have I

    been so long with you Philip and have you not known me?"

    I think God's patience was getting a little tried by Philip's

    thick headedness. I offer as my final evidence of this the

    words of Yahshua spoken directly after this utterance from

    God himself, through the mouth of Messiah:

    John 14: 10-11

    "10 Don't you believe that I am in the

    Father, and the Father is in me? The

    words that I speak to you, I speak not

    from my own mouth, but the Father that

    dwells in me, HE does the works (or thespeaking).

    11 Believe me that I am in the Father,

    and the Father in me: or else believe me

    because of the works."

    I have said this before but it bears repeating. If, whenYahshua says "I am in the Father and the Father is in me,"

    if he was saying that he is God, literally, then when those

    who take this to mean Yahshua was God say "Jesus is in

    me and I'm in Him" they are claiming to be Jesus! That's

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    We therefore have to accept that such a person who reads

    these verses to mean Yahsua is actually God, must believe

    they are Jesus and since they believe Jesus is God,therefore, there can be no conclusion other than that they

    think they are God himself! It is clear, therefore, that

    Yahshua is not God but that God lives in him and uses

    Yahshua's flesh to show himself to the Apostles and uses

    Yahshua's mouth to speak to the Apostles. That does not in

    any way make Yahshua God in person! I only makes

    Yahshua in the image of God, which is how man wascreated to begin with, but he fell. Which also explains why

    Yahshua is called the "SECOND Adam." Be warned,

    however, if Yahshua is the "image of God" and we then

    worship Yahshua, we have made a "fleshly idol" of God

    and are bowing to worship an idol. It might not be an idol

    of wood or metal or stone but we are still worshipping an

    "image" of God, calling that image "God," and this is a

    direct violation of the second commandment. If we then

    make a stone "image" of Messiah and bow to worship it as

    God, we are double idol worshippers!

    1 Corinthians 14: 45

    "45 And so it is written, The first man

    Adam was made a living soul; the lastAdam a quickening spirit. "



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    John 14:12-15

    "13 Truly, truly, I say to you. He that

    believes on me, the works that I do shallhe also do, and greater works than these

    shall he do; because I go to my Father."

    14 If you shall ask anything in my name,

    I will, do.

    15 If you love me, keep mycommandments:"

    If Yahshua is God then how can we do greater