Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com The #1 Biggest Secret Of Building A Thriving Internet Income Stream That Pulls In A Minimum of N150,000 Every 30 Days Or Less Guaranteed! An Ordinary Lagos Guy Leaped From Sleeping in The Streets, To Making Over N150k in Less Than 10 Days Online Using Some Dead Simple Tricks, Plus How You Too Can Build Your Own Thriving Legitimate Internet Business That Generates Over N150,000/month Starting From TODAY Guaranteed! Mind you; that N150,000 you read, was even during his experimental days! He now quadruples that amount monthly, and you’re going to get the same secret right here! A Free Report By Patrick Ogidi www.150kPerMonth.com

The #1 Biggest Secret Of Building A Thriving Internet Income Stream That Pulls In A Minimum of

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Page 1: The #1 Biggest Secret Of Building A Thriving Internet Income Stream That Pulls In A Minimum of

Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

The #1 Biggest Secret Of Building A Thriving Internet

Income Stream That Pulls In A Minimum of N150,000 Every 30

Days Or Less Guaranteed! An Ordinary Lagos Guy Leaped From Sleeping in The Streets, To

Making Over N150k in Less Than 10 Days Online Using Some Dead

Simple Tricks, Plus How You Too Can Build Your Own Thriving

Legitimate Internet Business That Generates Over N150,000/month

Starting From TODAY Guaranteed!

…Mind you; that N150,000 you read, was even during his experimental

days! He now quadruples that amount monthly, and you’re going to get

the same secret right here!

A Free Report


Patrick Ogidi


Page 2: The #1 Biggest Secret Of Building A Thriving Internet Income Stream That Pulls In A Minimum of

Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com


This is a FREE Report. Hence, you do have the rights to PRINT or SHARE it with your friends and colleagues, on the condition that the information contained herein remains unchanged. This report is presented to you for informational purposes only and is not a substitution for any professional advice. The contents herein are based on the views and opinions of the author. While every effort has been made by the author to present accurate and up to date information within this report, it is apparent information rapidly changes. Therefore, the author reserves the right to update the contents and information provided herein as these changes progress. The author takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions if such discrepancies exist within this report.

The author and publisher are no way affiliated with the names of individuals and

cooperation in this book. They have all been used for informational purposes


As at the time of writing this report, every name, links and references made in it

were valid and active.

Page 3: The #1 Biggest Secret Of Building A Thriving Internet Income Stream That Pulls In A Minimum of

Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com


Hey there, thanks for joining up to receive your free report.

I’m so glad you’re here because I’m going to share with you a cool little technique

to help you get started in business quicker than you could have imagined.

My name is Patrick Ogidi, and I have been online for some time now, and have

made more money in the last 13 months than I have in the previous 48 by simply

figuring out a way to get my ‘slice’ off the internet legitly.

As a matter of fact, I’m that normal guy that use to live a low leveled live… in

Lagos, in the East and in many other places I lost count of!

But, that’s not the issue here…

The issue is how I was liberated, the system that liberated me and how YOU too

can use it!

One of my biggest life’s dream and passion has been to be blessed so that I can

help as much people as possible succeed. I wrote this report for YOU because of

YOU. In as much as I’m aware that you have a lot of goals, aspiration and dreams

you’d want to come true, in my own little way I want to help you skip the extra

wasteful miles I took, and hence achieve them fast leveraging on the exact

breakthrough that accounted for my success story.

Because I really want you to succeed, I’ve penned down the exact system that

helped me, which is exactly what’s contained within here. Yes, until some years

backs, I use to be that normal (or call me) ordinary Lagos guy, who was not sure of

his next meal…

There’s no point writing or talking about the harsh economy, we all know all that.

I’ve won the shoes and I can better (if not best) tell you where it pinches.

Although the problem is well understood, the underlying issues are often not so

readily apparent. For example in many cases we find that the key contributors to

this problem include:

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

Harsh economy (I bet you, you wouldn’t believe it is; if you know

what I’m about sharing with you here)

Been afraid of failure and not knowing where to start.


I want to make one thing clear here. I’m however, not an Internet Marketing

guru, (No, I hate to be called one) I’m just the typical normal guy who happened

to stumble upon this thing called Internet Marketing before you and now I’m

keen to share some of the valuable lessons I’ve learned over the past few years

with you.

Okay, we can roll on with the good stuff.

The Business You MUST Never Do If You Want To Be RICH!

If you must be successful in any business – offline or online – one lesson is, NEVER SELL TIME! This short line accounts for the BIG difference between highly successful business and others that are almost a waste of time.

One of the biggest lessons I learnt from my ‘hustling’ years is that engaging in a business that has its income potentials dependent on time will never make you RICH. I’ll explain… with an example. Okay, a hair dresser opens for work by 8am and closes by 6pm (That’s some 10 working hours if she works nonstop!) Say he charges N2,500 for an average hairdo and takes about 2 hours to complete one. All things been equal, if she works nonstop in a day and customers lined up waiting in line for her (I doubt if that can ever happen LOL!), she makes N12,500 (That is 10hrs of work takes care of 5 clients in a day, which invariably amounts to N2,500 x 5). Her daily expenditure not included mind you! That’s to say that a hair dresser can never be rich from that business.

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

Reasons: Her income potentials are constrained by time. What do you think of Wizkid, a young talented musician who’s really the rave of the moment now. He produces and album that sells for say N100 per copy and gets say N30 royalty. Few months after release, he realizes that people are really craving for it badly.

What do you think he will need to do? Hit the studio to redo the album…? Hell NO! All he need do is to commission his producer to reproduce more copies of THE SAME ALBUM which could be virtually done over night. He sells them over and over again and keeps making N30 from every copy. Unlike the hairdresser earlier, Wizkid and his producers have a kind of automated machines that can produce any amount of CD to meet the demands of his market. If the monthly demand of his CDs moves from 1 million to 6 million, all they do is to simply produce more.

BOTTOMLINE: Some businesses are just a waste of time. PERIOD!

So, having established that fact, I’m going to take through the exact internet business I engaged in that made me my first N150,000 ever online and has continued to increase my revenue base that I now quadruple that figure.(Don’t worry, I’ll show you proofs if you care!)

Here we go…

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

The NEXT BIG Thing.

What follows in this report is a straight to the matter description of the exact

system that enabled me to make N150,000 within 30 days (5 days to be exact!)

with the lowest minimal startup capital ever (which I even borrowed.

The best part of it is that I did all this from the comfort (chei! did I say comfort?) of my friend’s house, where I was squatting and wearing my boxer shorts and the whole system took me 3 days to set up and I stood back to watch my account swell to the roofs. Now, N150,000 could be a lot of money, especially since I did the set up just once and the cash kept coming in. But, in the world of internet marketing with people making millions almost overnight, it may not be much money. You doubt that? Maybe you’re not aware that a simple online company that sells shoes and clothing online; Zappos.com made over $1 billion in 2009 selling alone?

And maybe you’re probably not aware that www.entrepreneurs-journey.com, a blog where the owner Yaro spends just 2 hours daily, makes him an average of $20,000 every month and sometimes more whenever he creates a new product! Do you know that www.stevepavlina.com/blog sells more than $100,000 of information product from his website every single month? Or should I talk about our own Seun Osewa, the owner of Nairaland.com makes $2051.1 according to this site. Here’s proof:

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

Basically, with the Internet, your earning potentials have no ceiling. So believe that you too can get there and you would, it might not be in one week but it definitely can be in short while than you expect, if you skip the long journey and follow the same route I finally discovered!

But I must admit this; If you want to achieve positive results, you have to exert some effort. Those that put their faith in the instant, push button business mentality will always be doomed to fall for its seductive appeal, but those that realize that in order for something to happen and for you to truly achieve any kind of real, sustaining results, you first have to move. So let’s get moving... Now, let’s talk about THE SAME SYSTEM that helped me… You’ll agree with me that the easiest way to become rich is to FIND A NEED, AND FILL IT. (- Ruth Stafford Peale) Bill Gates found the need for computers, (Microsoft!) Mike Adenuga found the need for communication (Glo!) Dr. Sunny Ojeagbase found the need for sports Newspaper (Complete Sports) Seun Osewa found a need for online interaction among Nigerians (Nairaland.com) ETC…ETC… What happened to all of them? They’re rich… or sorry, wealthy! This same WISDOM was what liberated me. In my case, I definitely did not have the resources to attack and provide solutions to big NEEDS when I was starting, so I started small. And what EXACTLY did he do?

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

In a nutshell, I simply spotted big problems faced by lots of people in the society, I provided solutions to them and in form of SHORT REPORTS, and bang; my bank account sang a new song: Take a look:

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

That’s over N150k in just 5 days… and guess what? I made all these cash while I was even out of town. You can do it; it’s not hard I bet you if you take just the steps I’ll enumerate shortly. Are you wondering if you need all the tools on earth to get started? Hell NO again!

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

In fact all you really need is a spare hour or two a day and a willingness to get your hands busy and jump right in. Nobody needs to have a previous knowledge of who you are – Like I said, nobody need to know you. All the people who joined my new list and paid into my account were people I was meeting for the first time. And the funny thing is that if you can implement this system, you can keep making a lot of money for the next 12 months to forever just by rinsing and repeating. And people keep paying into your account everyday and they are doing it happily? I made as high as N58,000 in a single day. You vividly saw the proof squared in red in the screenshot above. You can scroll up to check it out one more time!

This same system you are about to fully discover is what has been running in the

United States (that is where it originated from) and is actually highly responsible

for their prosperity and high level of development.

It is all about selling short reports.

I know…. I know….. I know…..

That might sound crazy to you. Yes! It is crazy but it is real.

Information sells and a lot of people (very young guys) are getting rich all over the

world today just selling information.

Now, don’t get it twisted! Don’t think you don’t have any information to sell.

Well, you do simply because you don’t have to be a professor to do what we are

talking about here.

So let’s push.

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

THE STEPS; Here they are: Spot a HOT demand/need Create a short report that fills the demand (Don’t worry, I’ll show you how I

do most of mine) Package or re-package it as the case may be. Create a powerful advert for the product. Rake in cash!

Let’s take it one after the order:- Spot a HOT demand: - You can do this in many ways. One of the tools I use is public forums like Nairaland.com, where people come and lay their problems for possible solutions. I look at the post with the greater number of views, and if it’s enquiry in nature, then I have a BIG fish there!

The above is a screenshot from Nairaland.com. Can you see the post circled in red? It’s actually a question by someone that needs a solution to his/her problem. Also check out the corresponding number of views also circled in red by the right. It has got over 257,771 views! That’s the same number of people (257,771) having the same problem. That goes to say that a lot of people are also having the same problem and needs a solution. So, we have a killer there!

Create a short report that fills the demand: - I’ll be blunt here! If you want

to start making fast cash the way I did, all you need do is to go my way - find hot information product and buy the resale right or private label right

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

(HINT: Resale rights are products that the owner has given you the rights to sell and you can keep 100% of the profits. Private label – this one is even better – you can edit it and still sell it as well and make a lot of money.) Take a look:

That’s a screenshot from a site where you can buy private label products that fit into your market for peanuts. That’s a proof that you don’t need to be Professor Wole Soyinka or Mike Filsaime to make money online! That particular product directly provides the solution to the above post on Nairaland. And what’s even best, you can become the 100% owner for just $5.24 (N800)!

Package or re-package as the case may be: - Now that you have gotten the

information, the next thing is for you to actually create a report out of it. Simply sit down and put the information you have gotten into writing and arrange it very well. After that, convert it into PDF and you are set to go. You should also give it a powerful title such as this: How to Get Rid Of Black Spots On The Face In 8 Days Or Less. Create a powerful advert for the product:- You need to take this part serious. You craft your ads to sell directly. Now, don’t be tempted to ask me to help you write any of your adverts because my price is high. I create classified full length ads for N25k and N95k respectively. So, do it, you can!

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

If you decide to write the ads yourself, then you must pay close attention to: 1. The size of your advert 2. The headline - headline is the most important part of any advert. It should be written to command authority. 3. The body – Here comes your powerful message that tells the reader what he stands to benefit from your report. 4. The call to action - where you tell the reader to take a specific action that will make you money. You use words like ‘Get a Copy Right Away by Paying into (you put your bank account here)’

To deliver the sold book after customer pays is easy.

Firstly, if you’re selling to the Nigerian market, which is where I’d advise you start

out from, use your bank account to collect your payments they will definitely send

you a text message to confirm the payments.

So, all you have to do is to send the e-book to the buyer via email. Shikena!

… And that is all. Does this sound complex? I bet it doesn’t.

So, summarily, here’s what I did that fetched me that cash you saw dripping into my bank account in the screenshot above. That was about N158k in less than a week right - and it just keeps doubling!

1. I spotted that lots of Nigerians want to study abroad for free – that’s a hot demand!

2. So, I made some research online and came up with list of schools that offer free tuition abroad. I tried one of them out for a friend and it worked.

3. I packaged the information in a short report, detailing the step by step method of doing on your own.

4. I crafted my classified ads and I paid N5,000 for it on Complete Sports. 5. The rest is history…

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

Anyone Can Do This - Seriously

I truly believe that I’m nothing exceptional, I’m truly not. I’m not the best writer,

the fastest typist or the most talented person around, but I overcome all of this by

taking action. I know for a fact if I can do something like this, then anyone with

half sense could leave me in the dust.

You absolutely can do this, even if you have your reservations and don’t think that

you can create your own short reports. I’m here to tell you that you can.

Especially when you write stuff that you know.

Just like developing muscle, the more I wrote the more confidence I gained

enabling me to branch out into other fields, and not necessarily areas I had a lot

of knowledge and expertise in.

However by learning and researching, I quickly become adept at any niche I

entered into and you will too.

So don’t think that because you feel you can’t write that you can’t do it, take it

from someone who is not a writer, you can do it. If you don’t fancy the thought of

writing your short reports yourself, there’s a solution for you too - I mentioned it

earlier. Don’t worry, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Income Potentials:-

It’s endless if you ask me.

The big questions are, will you get to work? Will you put the valuable information

I just shared with you here for free into use? Will you use it right away or wait till

next minute?

Let’s do some estimation here: Say you have a product, a very hot one that sells

for say N5,000. Surely, all you need to do N150k monthly is just 30 sales, and I bet

you, if you play your card very well, you can achieve that in 7 days. A classified

advert can do just that for you.

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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

Remember, no matter who you are or what you are doing right now, you can add

an extra source of income for yourself.

Conclusion – This Part Will Interest You If You

Want To Start Today And See Result Faster!

I can’t stress enough just how powerful short reports can be. You can use them to

create a passive income generating profit stream, or you can use them as your

part time income stream, you can do much more than you think with them.

With this business, all your out of pocket for is a little of your time, you can’t get

better than that.

Think about the kinds of topics you can start writing about. Ask the right

questions; are people spending money on this? Are people ready to shell out

good money for this? Is there enough interest in my market based on the amount

of forum buzz going around? Nairaland.com and so many other places answer

that question!

I just lurked around Nairaland for few minutes and I discovered about 4 hot topics

you can write on and start making money even before you finish the report; I’m

been tempted even to swing to action right now…

- Weight loss/keeping fit

- How Shy Guys Can Woo fine Girls

- How To Remove Pimple marks on The Face

- Studying abroad on low tuition


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Patrick Ogidi | www.150kPerMonth.com

You can also go to the page directly by visiting http://150kpermonth.com/dy3.html

I’ll talk to you via email soon and sms!

To your unlimited success! Patrick Ogidi [email protected] For inquiries, call 0809 076 9056 (Mon – Fri, 8am to 4pm)