The 13 Worst Security Threats of 2013

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    The 13 Worst Security Threats of

    2013Christina Goggi on December 26, 2013

    As2013 draws to a close, itis only natural to take a

    moment to look back on the year that was, and

    evaluate it for both the ups and the downs. Was

    2013 a good year or a bad one? Were there

    significant events that will help shape the course of

    2014 and beyond, or was it wholly unremarkable and

    destined to fade into history? Wiser minds than

    mine will have to make that call, and it will likely

    vary from one reader to the next, but what we can

    do is take a look back at the past year to reminisce

    about the worst security threats of 2013.

    The philosopher poet George Santayanaoffers us some words of wisdom that we should all take

    to heart.

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    By reviewing the major security threats of 2013, perhaps we can learn a lesson or two, and

    avoid repeat performances in 2014. Lets run them down and see what we can learn.

    1. Human nature

    First up is morea category of attack than any one specific event. Phishing attacks target

    everyone from your grandmother to your CEO, and unfortunately for big business, those big

    paychecks and stock options dont always indicate a more savvy understanding of security. A

    report recently published in Network Worldindicates that two out of three security prossurveyed have had to deal with a security incident that was not publicly disclosed, and that the

    majority of those incidents trace back to a senior executive. These included falling victim to

    phishing attacks, permitting family members to access corporate resources, downloading

    malware, and surfing porn. I guess we know why things werent disclosed.

    2. Ransomware

    Cryptolocker was the big ki ller malware this year, with the novel approach of encrypting all of a

    victims files and then holding them at ransom. Pay up, and the victim would be given the

    private key to decrypt the files. Hold out, and all that data would be rendered useless. While

    malware has been and always will be a problem, ransomware highlights the need for both strong

    antivirus solutions, and backups of important data that are not accessible to regular users.

    3. State sponsored hacking

    There were lots of reports this year of hacking as an organized activity sponsored by national

    governments. Whether from Syria, China, North Korea, or the United States, it seems that

    theres more to be worried about online than Nigerian princes and tenth graders with too much

    time on their hands. State sponsored hacking targeted more than just key pieces of

    infrastructure, with many commercial enterprises finding themselves targets as part of a larger

    plan to disrupt economies.

    4. Hactivism

    Anonymous, Luzsec, the Syrian Electronic Army and others all contributed to a rise in hacking to

    make a point, aka hactivism. Governments, businesses, and individuals all found themselves on

    the receiving in of digital bit-slaps as hactivists used the Internet to express their displeasure

    with actions, inactions, and public statements.
  • 8/13/2019 The 13 Worst Security Threats of 2013


  • 8/13/2019 The 13 Worst Security Threats of 2013


    1/23/2014 The 13 Worst Security Threats of 2013

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    Christina is Web Marketing Content Specialist at GFI Software. She is a keen

    blogger and has contributed content to several IT sites, besides working as an

    editor and regular contributor to Talk Tech to Me. Christina also writes for

    various publications including the Times of Malta and its technology supplement.

    Tweet 7 14

    something stupid, it may be time to pull the cable. Cogent Healthcare blamed their vendor for

    the online exposure of 32,000 patients medical information, which was conveniently indexed by

    Google, but they should take heart. The Internal Revenue Service posted 100,000 citizens NPI

    online for a period of time, setting the bar low indeed.

    13. (The lack of) DLP

    Finally, the lack of data loss prevention can be a s ignificant hole in your overall security

    posture. Just ask investigators at the New York Medicaid agency, where an employee emailed

    themselves the account NPI of over 17,000 Medicaid recipients. While DLP should have caught

    that, Im amazed that their email system didnt choke on what had to be a pretty large


    Whether you would call your own personal 2013 a great year or a terrible one, a year to fill you

    with hope for next year or dread, there are 13 lessons to be learned from others over the course

    of this year. Review the list above, consider your own security, and work to make 2014 a good

    year for you and yours.

    About the Author: Christina Goggi

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