i i jf m O t1bif unnt it4 2 t it i VOLUME 10 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1907 NUMBER 45 THE CONFERENCE In the list of homes assigned to mem ¬ bers of the Conference last week there were some errors made A number of gentlemen who had agreed to board members had not given to the Commit ¬ tee the boarding houses selected and were left off the list We publish a few more names today If any one is left off the list who have agreed to take members of the Conference it is by mistake Some who have agreed to board members of the Conference have not yet reported to the Committee the reIquested All persons who have agreed to take are requested to be upon the square Tuesday evening as the preachers ar ¬ riveSam Lewis J H Richerson Alec ChewningC N McGil- lJ S StappJ A Chandler G W DennisFrank Sinclair G W Hummel R H Roe Jno EubankJ P Hoggan Braxton MassieC F Winberly C H Brombley- J H JuddJ E Shelton Wm Frankum R M Wheat R E White Committee ORDINATION Af RUSSELL SPRINGS On September 8 1907 persuant to the call of Mt Vernon Baptist Church upon Russell Springs Baptists of Rus ¬ sell Springs C to ordain one of her members who had been called to the care of said Mt Vernon Church to the full work of the gospel ministry a Presbytery was called composed of when organized J M Pierce Moder ¬ ator J Grider Secretary W B Cave to question candidate on articles of faith and to preach the sermon C F Breeding to lead the prayer C M Dee ner to give charge to both candidates at church J Wade pastor of Russell Spring church together with Deacons from Welfare and Mt Vernon Church- es ¬ The candidate was rigidly exam ¬ ined and found to be sound in faith and doctrines of the Bible The sermon was preached from Second Timothy 2 151 5 The Assembly was dismissed by can- didate ¬ Bro B F Voils X CIRCUIT COURT A very lake crowd was in Columbia last Monday the opening of circuit court Judge Baker opened court promptly at 10 oclock and the remain ¬ der of the forenoon was occupied in in ¬ structing the grand jury The jury is composed of twelve good men and the usual instructions were given The following compose the two juries GRAND JURY W B Cave Foreman Bob Royse J E Flowers W H C Sandidge John Johnson Dink Dillingham John M Conover Valentine Leftwitch Mont Montgomery G R Akin King Rogers and George FlowersPETIT JURY Al Thomas S L Sandusky J B Cave W L Simpson Horace Massie Wyatt Feese Jno F Hamilton Willis Shepherd A G Todd Willis Hum ¬ phrey Richard Hutchison Albert Johnson John Harvey Milt James Joel Watson Everett Murrell Geo L Wolford W E Johnson Frank Hard wick James Cooley F W Miller B F Monday Ben E Rowe and L B Hurt SUCCESSFUL OPERATION Miss Minnie Triplett of this place who is speding the Fall at Petosky Mich was operated on for appendicitis in that pity last Sunday week Her brothers here did not know the operation was going to be performed until after it was over though they had beed notified that she was threatened with the complaint Miss Minnies friends will be glad to know that she stood the operation nice ¬ ly and is rapidly improving as every mail brings that informationfa Mr J0 Russell will build a modern cottage on a lot opposite his residence Mr AD Coy is the contractor and the work win commence at once It is our information that Mr Jo Russell and wife will occupy the ore 4N MARRIED IN CHICAGO ILL The intelligence of the marriage of Dr Almon Jones to Miss Lena Wil liams did not reach us in time for our last weeks issue They were married at Chicago Ill August 31 where Dr Jones was taking a postgraduate course This union was not a surprise to those who have been on the inside as the couple had been going together for several years The groom is a son of Dr J T Jones Montpelier and is a physician who has been given quite su perior advantages a gentleman of high character The bride is a most excel lent young woman no better in Adair county possessing all the characteris ¬ tics which go to make up true woman hood At this writing it is not known where the couple will locate RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas The Supreme Grand Master of the universe has called from his la ¬ bors here on earth to eternal refresh ments above our beloved brother G Whit Flowers in his 71st year thereforeResolved That Gradyville Lodge No 251 F and A M has lost a true and faithful member his wife a faithful companion his children a devoted fal ther the Church and community a Christian in the truest sense Second That this Lodge extend to the bereft family its heartfelt sympathy in this great hour of affliction Third That these resolution be spread upon the record book of this Lodge and and a copy sent to each of the county papers for publication and a copy sent to the family of deceasedW S A Taylor fL CNell Committee IMPOVING Mr David Garvin of this place who fell from a scaffold att he residence of Mr J T Mercer Milltown last week dislocating his shoulder andreceiving other bodily injuries is impoving but it will be some days before he will be able to resume work Immedately after the accident Mr Garvin was conveyed to his home in Columbia where he received medicalattention and where he could be under care of his family MR JOHN ROYSE DEAD A paper from Sherman Texas gives an account of the death of Mr John Royse which occurredin that city Au ¬ gust 17 The deceased was a native of Adair county a brother of Mr Solomon Royse and Mrs Stephen Conover The deceased was sixty five years old and veay popular in Sherman where he resided a number of years The paper stated that his death was caused by a bite inflicted by some kind of insect He leaves a wife Circuit Court brought a large crowd to Columbia last Monday and business was lively with all the merchants from early in the morning until late in the afternoon There were a number of stock dealers here and quite a number of mules and horses changed hands Jockey street was crowdedwith horse swappers and a number of men went home riding a different horse from the one they came in on Speaking of horse jockeys it is said that five or six men in this county make theirfliving in that way only One of the best sermons delivered in this town for many moons came from Rev A R Kasey last Sunday ight It was at union services hold at the agjffBaptist congrega- tion ¬ being out No spearar was ever accorded closer attention His subject was the love of God for his earthly children plainly showing that the way to the celestrial city was plain and if men and women did not enter therein it wife their own fault The Louisville Conference will con- vene ¬ y in Columbia next Wednesday Preachers from all over the State will be here and during the week it will be in session our people will be given an opportunity to hear fome of the strong men of the Methodist Church Eld W K Azbill will fill the pulpit at Christian Church I fore noon- t 0 I > r VICTIM OF CANCER Mr Adolph Myers who was a citizen of Columbia having removed to this place from Hardin county several years ago died in St Mary and Elizabeth hospital Louisville last Saturday at 1145 oclock a m He was sixtytwoI years old and was afflicted cer having gone to Louisville for treat ¬ ment He was a quiet good citizen and at one time was Town Marshal of Columbia He leaves a number of children all of whom as we understand reside in Hardin county Young Coffey sold their handsome three year old show stallion Highland I Peacock to W L Grady of this i county The price paid was private but we are informed that it was the highest price ever paid in this section of eKntucky for a saddle colt of his age This colt has been shown the past two seasons through Southern Kentucky and a part of Tennessee where he won many blue ties and the admiration of all horse lovers who saw him exhibited He sired Jordan Peacock 1148 creeIs1boro is adescendant of the great ¬ ily being by Raven Artist 1043 he by I Artist 75 Mr Grady is now at Cook ville Tenn where he will show his fine string of horses this week Mr J C Strange who is at work on Mr Walker Bryants residence met with a very serious accident last Wednesday He was using his pocket knife the blade slipping and the index finger of his left hand was almost severed It will be ten days or more before he can nse the finger Mrs W F Hancock will have her millinery goods oh exhibition the first of next week She has purchased a- very attractive stock and respectfully invites all her friends to call at her store Miss Carlisle is with her Henry and Porter Poison are con ¬ demned to hang at Albany December 6 1907 They murdered an old lady named Julia Brown An appeal will be taken tyit Judge Jarvis has passed sen ¬ tence on the condemnedmen Mrs James Garnett entertained a number of her Columbia lady friends and also several lady visitors last Wed- nesday ¬ j evening Refreshments were I served and the evening very enjoyably spent Rev E W Coakley preached at the Baptist Church last Sunday forenoon At the close of his discourse there were two additions to the church Misses Mary and Corinne Shearer daughters of Eld Trabue Shearer It is our understanding that the S W Buchanan Institute Campbellesville opened with flattering prospects The first day about eighty pupils matricu ¬ lated and that number was augmented during the week The Babtist Academay at Campells ville opened with eightyseven pupils and up to last Friday the number had increased to ninetyseven The outlook is very promising to the management Mr James McGee of Somerset son of Mrs Delia McGee was married last week to Miss Willie Kersey of Monte ¬ rey7 Tenn The couple are now with the grooms mother in Somerset w LOSTA pocket book containing some money and a lot of notes The finder will leave at this office The finder will be rewarded 0 0Geo J Hurt We very much regret that we were unable to ptihlish all of Jndge S W Ha gers opening speech in this issue The remainder about six and a half columns will appear next week Itwas but little trouble last week to find life insurance agents upon the square Every time you turned around you faced one Recital at LindsayWilson next Satnrday evening Miss Shannon assisted by Miss Pendlan Every body invited The Methodist church as completed Union services will be held there next Sunday evening the sermon to be preached by Rev J G Cook + > t L fj FELLOWSHIP AND UNITY I do not believe there is another town in Kentucky which can boast of as much visible love and unity between the vari ous ministers and their congregations asI Columbia when the size and popula tion are taken into consideration- A beautiful instance of this kindly spirit and the fellowship between two minis ters of the gospel was exhibited at the Christian Church Sunday morning The Rev A R Kasey pastor of the Methodist Church occupied the pulpit and at the close of his sermon in a few eloquent and well chosen words he ten dered his sincere thanks to the Chris tian minister and his congregation for the use of their church during the past two months while the Methodist church was being remodeled In the abscence of the pastor Elder Z T Williams Elder W K Azbill responded to Rev Kaseys expression of thanks and grati tude andsaid that in speaking for Eld Williams he was sure that it had been both a pleasure and a profit as well as edifying to have had Rev Kasey and his congregation worship with them as it was a token of unity and oneness of the Lords people and true Christian spirit Another invitation was extended by Eld Azbill to Rev Kasey and his congrega- tion to make the Christian church their home for services again at any future time they may desire to The first ser vices in the newly remodeled Methodist church will be next Sunday eveningF L I Stock Sales I 1 C Winfrey of Cumberland county sold a combined horse to a Mr Vanhoy for 140 000J- ohn Holladay sold Bennett and Walker 47 hogs at 560 per hundred He also sold Charles Herriford 18 head of cattle for 411 To L B Cain 3 head for 72 000 Arthur E Stanton bought one span of mules from Charlie Hammonds for 200Felit cor 000 G H Stephens sold a pair of two year old mules to Virgel Rexroat last week for 50Eller cor ooo A J Mank is buying up calves for fall grazing he also sold a cow to Geo Blakeman for 28 and a colt to Boss Sullivan for65Mell cor 000 Venius Royse sold three head of cat ¬ tle to R Y impson for 55Dirigo- cor 000 FOR SALEOne milk cow eight thoroughbred Berkshire pigsj 451t A H BALLARD 000 W W Cook bought a suckling mule- colt Monday for 5750 ooo 4 Harris Bros sold to Walker Ben ¬ nett 3 head of cattle for 4747 and one to G Rasner foW 15 00 6 > S Dr W B Helm sold 4 calves to a Mr Calhoun for 48 one calf to Na ¬ than Bridgewaters for 21 one cow to Mrs Alice Arnett for 25 he bought a mule colt from Porter Curry for 71 one from Mrs Dorinda Jeffries for 50 One from Marcus Hood for 12 Mrs Alice Arnett sold a cow to Anderson Bros for 24 one calf to James Philips for 12 bought one cow from Brook Pierce for 24 iL C Moore of Gresh am sold a cow to Anderson Bros for X17 Thurlow Cor 000 Albert Ware sold last week to 1 rJ George Philips one suckling colt sired by young Kentucky Squirrel owned by Henry Griffin of Taylor county for the sum of 125Coburg Cor Taken up as a stray by M 0 Ste- venson living northeast of Columbia about 2 miles 1 white male hog No mark except 2 black spots on each sideI about 18 months old Given hand this 31st 6f August 1907 <34t JOHN EuBthk J P A C t L r t fS Born to the wife of W D Bridge I water September 14th a 10 pound son Mrs J D Walker and Mrs Jo Cof- fey Sr Spent the day at Mrs Harriet Yates of Gradyville last Friday Mr John Waller Johnston the cloth ¬ ing man will be here on Monday Sep ¬ tember 30 See his ad and come to see him G Rasner has sold his stock of gro ¬ ceries to Al Sinclair Mr Rasner will continue to run a meat shop in the same buildjng Mr N M Tutt has razed his old res ¬ idence on Burkesville street and prep- arations ¬ are now being made for a handsome brick home IMr J0 Russell has now the con ¬ t of water works at his resi ¬ dence The outfit was put in operation last Friday by Mr J F Patteson The finder of my money purse con ¬ taining some small change and watch key will please leave at News office John Johnson FOR SALEHigh class seed oats and wheat Samples at the News office CALDWELL BROS Burdick Ky 452t Russell Co are advertising their Fall stock of goodsthe most complete stock they have ever opened up and that means a great deal to those who have examined their previous displays- CLEMENTSVILLE It i has been raining on the just as well as the unjust The recent rains have made the corn crops in this county the best for many years Last week new sorghum was made by Hilary Wethington the expert lasses manufacturer of this community At Bernards Parochial school at this place opened its doors on Monday September 2nd with an attendance of 67 pupils Since then the number has increased to 71 with prospects of many more An assistant teacher will be employed within a few days It speaks well for this school that at its very onset it has received generous patronage from the community Mr Thomas King of Campbells ville is making concrete founda ¬ tion and porch for Ward arid Wethingtons new store MISS Mattie Wethington and Mr Fladget Clements both of Clementsville will be united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev A LitO Shea at St Ber nards on Tuesday morni ling September 17 Both are popular young people of this sec ¬ tion and have the best wishes of a host of friends for a long and happy life Mr Marxwell a turner for the Royer Wheel plant of this city is visiting friends at Portland In ¬ diana Uncle Pins and Mar thy Wethington of this section are in Campbellsville on business this week Mr Gail Brown of the Brush Creek section paid us a pleasant visit this week Mr Eugene Wethington has purchased a new buggy and will doubtless spend his declining years in ease and happiness There will soon be an efiort made to organize a society in this city to be known as the Sons of Rest or NonSweaters It will be composed only ofr men opposed to manual labor Any member found assisting hisf y wife or mother in toting wood water or any other chores will be considered an unfriendly act to j J r

The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1907-09-18 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hnn3g/data/0261.pdf · sell Springs C to ordain one of her members who had been called to the

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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1907-09-18 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hnn3g/data/0261.pdf · sell Springs C to ordain one of her members who had been called to the



jf mO t1bif unnt it4 2




In the list of homes assigned to mem ¬

bers of the Conference last week therewere some errors made A number ofgentlemen who had agreed to boardmembers had not given to the Commit ¬

tee the boarding houses selected andwere left off the list We publish afew more names today If any one isleft off the list who have agreed totake members of the Conference it isby mistake Some who have agreed toboard members of the Conference havenot yet reported to the Committee the

reIquestedAll persons who have agreed to take

are requested to be upon the squareTuesday evening as the preachers ar¬

riveSamLewis J H Richerson

Alec ChewningC N McGil-lJ S StappJ A Chandler G W

DennisFrankSinclair G W Hummel R

H RoeJno EubankJ P HogganBraxton MassieC F Winberly C

H Brombley-J H JuddJ E SheltonWm Frankum R M Wheat R E



On September 8 1907 persuant tothe call of Mt Vernon Baptist Churchupon Russell Springs Baptists of Rus ¬

sell Springs C to ordain one of hermembers who had been called to thecare of said Mt Vernon Church to thefull work of the gospel ministry aPresbytery was called composed of

when organized J M Pierce Moder ¬

ator J Grider Secretary W B Caveto question candidate on articles offaith and to preach the sermon C FBreeding to lead the prayer C M Deener to give charge to both candidatesat church J Wade pastor of RussellSpring church together with Deaconsfrom Welfare and Mt Vernon Church-es


The candidate was rigidly exam ¬

ined and found to be sound in faith anddoctrines of the Bible The sermonwas preached from Second Timothy 2

151 5

The Assembly was dismissed by can-


Bro B F VoilsX


A very lake crowd was in Columbialast Monday the opening of circuitcourt Judge Baker opened courtpromptly at 10 oclock and the remain ¬

der of the forenoon was occupied in in ¬

structing the grand jury The jury iscomposed of twelve good men and theusual instructions were given Thefollowing compose the two juries


W B Cave Foreman Bob Royse JE Flowers W H C Sandidge JohnJohnson Dink Dillingham John MConover Valentine Leftwitch MontMontgomery G R Akin King Rogersand George



Al Thomas S L Sandusky J B

Cave W L Simpson Horace MassieWyatt Feese Jno F Hamilton WillisShepherd A G Todd Willis Hum ¬

phrey Richard Hutchison AlbertJohnson John Harvey Milt JamesJoel Watson Everett Murrell Geo LWolford W E Johnson Frank Hardwick James Cooley F W Miller B

F Monday Ben E Rowe and L B



Miss Minnie Triplett of this place whois speding the Fall at Petosky Michwas operated on for appendicitis in thatpity last Sunday week Her brothers heredid not know the operation was going tobe performed until after it was overthough they had beed notified that shewas threatened with the complaintMiss Minnies friends will be glad toknow that she stood the operation nice ¬

ly and is rapidly improving as everymail brings that informationfa

Mr J 0 Russell will build a moderncottage on a lot opposite his residenceMr AD Coy is the contractor and thework win commence at once It is ourinformation that Mr Jo Russell andwife will occupy the ore



The intelligence of the marriageof Dr Almon Jones to Miss Lena Williams did not reach us in time for ourlast weeks issue They were marriedat Chicago Ill August 31 where DrJones was taking a postgraduatecourse This union was not a surpriseto those who have been on the insideas the couple had been going togetherfor several years The groom is a son

of Dr J T Jones Montpelier and is aphysician who has been given quite superior advantages a gentleman of highcharacter The bride is a most excellent young woman no better in Adaircounty possessing all the characteris ¬

tics which go to make up true womanhood At this writing it is not knownwhere the couple will locate


Whereas The Supreme Grand Masterof the universe has called from his la ¬

bors here on earth to eternal refreshments above our beloved brother G

Whit Flowers in his 71st year

thereforeResolvedThat Gradyville Lodge No

251 F and A M has lost a true and

faithful member his wife a faithfulcompanion his children a devoted falther the Church and community aChristian in the truest sense

Second That this Lodge extend to thebereft family its heartfelt sympathy inthis great hour of affliction

Third That these resolution be spreadupon the record book of this Lodge andand a copy sent to each of the countypapers for publication and a copy sentto the family of


S A TaylorfL CNell



Mr David Garvin of this place whofell from a scaffold att he residence ofMr J T Mercer Milltown last weekdislocating his shoulder andreceivingother bodily injuries is impoving but itwill be some days before he will be ableto resume work Immedately after theaccident Mr Garvin was conveyed tohis home in Columbia where he receivedmedicalattention and where he couldbe under care of his family


A paper from Sherman Texas givesan account of the death of Mr JohnRoyse which occurredin that city Au¬

gust 17 The deceased was a native ofAdair county a brother of Mr SolomonRoyse and Mrs Stephen ConoverThe deceased was sixty five years oldand veay popular in Sherman where heresided a number of years The paperstated that his death was caused by abite inflicted by some kind of insect

He leaves a wife

Circuit Court brought a large crowdto Columbia last Monday and businesswas lively with all the merchants fromearly in the morning until late in theafternoon There were a number ofstock dealers here and quite a numberof mules and horses changed handsJockey street was crowdedwith horseswappers and a number of men wenthome riding a different horse from theone they came in on Speaking ofhorse jockeys it is said that five or sixmen in this county make theirfliving inthat way only

One of the best sermons delivered inthis town for many moons came fromRev A R Kasey last Sunday ightIt was at union services hold at theagjffBaptistcongrega-tion


being out No spearar was everaccorded closer attention His subjectwas the love of God for his earthlychildren plainly showing that the wayto the celestrial city was plain and ifmen and women did not enter thereinit wife their own fault

The Louisville Conference will con-


in Columbia next WednesdayPreachers from all over the State willbe here and during the week it will bein session our people will be given anopportunity to hear fome of the strongmen of the Methodist Church

Eld W K Azbill will fill the pulpitat Christian Church I forenoon-






Mr Adolph Myers who was a citizenof Columbia having removed to thisplace from Hardin county several yearsago died in St Mary and Elizabethhospital Louisville last Saturday at1145 oclock a m He was sixtytwoIyears old and was afflictedcer having gone to Louisville for treat¬

ment He was a quiet good citizenand at one time was Town Marshal ofColumbia He leaves a number ofchildren all of whom as we understandreside in Hardin county

Young Coffey sold their handsomethree year old show stallion Highland


Peacock to W L Grady of this i

county The price paid was privatebut we are informed that it was thehighest price ever paid in this sectionof eKntucky for a saddle colt of his ageThis colt has been shown the past twoseasons through Southern Kentuckyand a part of Tennessee where he wonmany blue ties and the admiration ofall horse lovers who saw him exhibitedHe sired Jordan Peacock 1148

creeIs1borois adescendant of the great ¬

ily being by Raven Artist 1043 he by I

Artist 75 Mr Grady is now at Cookville Tenn where he will show his finestring of horses this week

Mr J C Strange who is at work onMr Walker Bryants residence met witha very serious accident last WednesdayHe was using his pocket knife theblade slipping and the index finger ofhis left hand was almost severed It willbe ten days or more before he can nse thefinger

Mrs W F Hancock will have hermillinery goods oh exhibition the firstof next week She has purchased a-

very attractive stock and respectfullyinvites all her friends to call at herstore Miss Carlisle is with her

Henry and Porter Poison are con ¬

demned to hang at Albany December6 1907 They murdered an old ladynamed Julia Brown An appeal will betaken tyit Judge Jarvis has passed sen ¬

tence on the condemnedmen

Mrs James Garnett entertained anumber of her Columbia lady friendsand also several lady visitors last Wed-

nesday¬ j

evening Refreshments were I

served and the evening very enjoyablyspent

Rev E W Coakley preached at theBaptist Church last Sunday forenoonAt the close of his discourse there weretwo additions to the church MissesMary and Corinne Shearer daughters ofEld Trabue Shearer

It is our understanding that the S

W Buchanan Institute Campbellesvilleopened with flattering prospects Thefirst day about eighty pupils matricu ¬

lated and that number was augmentedduring the week

The Babtist Academay at Campellsville opened with eightyseven pupilsand up to last Friday the number hadincreased to ninetyseven The outlookis very promising to the management

Mr James McGee of Somerset sonof Mrs Delia McGee was married lastweek to Miss Willie Kersey of Monte ¬

rey7 Tenn The couple are now withthe grooms mother in Somerset


LOSTA pocket book containingsome money and a lot of notes Thefinder will leave at this office Thefinder will be rewarded

0 0Geo J Hurt

We very much regret that we wereunable to ptihlish all of Jndge S W Hagers opening speech in this issue Theremainder about six and a half columnswill appear next week

Itwas but little trouble last week tofind life insurance agents upon thesquare Every time you turned aroundyou faced one

Recital at LindsayWilson nextSatnrday evening Miss Shannon assistedby Miss Pendlan Every body invited

The Methodist church as completedUnion services will be held there nextSunday evening the sermon to bepreached by Rev J G Cook

+ >t



I do not believe there is another townin Kentucky which can boast of as muchvisible love and unity between the various ministers and their congregations asIColumbia when the size and population are taken into consideration-

A beautiful instance of this kindly spiritand the fellowship between two ministers of the gospel was exhibited at theChristian Church Sunday morning

The Rev A R Kasey pastor of theMethodist Church occupied the pulpitand at the close of his sermon in a feweloquent and well chosen words he tendered his sincere thanks to the Christian minister and his congregation forthe use of their church during the pasttwo months while the Methodist churchwas being remodeled In the abscenceof the pastor Elder Z T WilliamsElder W K Azbill responded to RevKaseys expression of thanks and gratitude andsaid that in speaking for EldWilliams he was sure that it had beenboth a pleasure and a profit as well asedifying to have had Rev Kasey and hiscongregation worship with them as itwas a token of unity and oneness of the

Lords people and true Christian spiritAnother invitation was extended by EldAzbill to Rev Kasey and his congrega-tion to make the Christian church theirhome for services again at any futuretime they may desire to The first services in the newly remodeled Methodistchurch will be next Sunday eveningF


I Stock Sales I

1 C Winfrey of Cumberland countysold a combined horse to a Mr Vanhoyfor 140

000J-ohn Holladay sold Bennett and

Walker 47 hogs at 560 per hundredHe also sold Charles Herriford 18 headof cattle for 411 To L B Cain 3

head for 72

000Arthur E Stanton bought one span

of mules from Charlie Hammonds for200Felit cor

000G H Stephens sold a pair of two

year old mules to Virgel Rexroat lastweek for 50Eller cor

oooA J Mank is buying up calves for

fall grazing he also sold a cow to GeoBlakeman for 28 and a colt to BossSullivan for65Mell cor

000Venius Royse sold three head of cat ¬

tle to R Y impson for 55Dirigo-cor

000FOR SALEOne milk cow eight

thoroughbred Berkshire pigsj451t A H BALLARD

000W W Cook bought a suckling mule-

colt Monday for 5750

ooo 4

Harris Bros sold to Walker Ben ¬

nett 3 head of cattle for 4747 andone to G Rasner foW 15

00 6> S

Dr W B Helm sold 4 calves to aMr Calhoun for 48 one calf to Na ¬

than Bridgewaters for 21 one cow toMrs Alice Arnett for 25 he bought amule colt from Porter Curry for 71

one from Mrs Dorinda Jeffries for 50

One from Marcus Hood for 12 MrsAlice Arnett sold a cow to AndersonBros for 24 one calf to James Philipsfor 12 bought one cow from BrookPierce for 24 iL C Moore of Gresham sold a cow to Anderson Bros forX17 Thurlow Cor

000Albert Ware sold last week to 1 rJ

George Philips one suckling colt siredby young Kentucky Squirrel owned byHenry Griffin of Taylor county forthe sum of 125Coburg Cor

Taken up as a stray by M 0 Ste-venson living northeast of Columbia

about 2 miles 1 white male hog No

mark except 2 black spots on each sideIabout 18 months old Given

hand this 31st 6f August 1907

<34t JOHN EuBthk J P A Ct


r tfS

Born to the wife of W D Bridge I

water September 14th a 10 pound son

Mrs J D Walker and Mrs Jo Cof-

fey Sr Spent the day at Mrs HarrietYates of Gradyville last Friday

Mr John Waller Johnston the cloth ¬

ing man will be here on Monday Sep¬

tember 30 See his ad and come to seehim

G Rasner has sold his stock of gro¬

ceries to Al Sinclair Mr Rasner willcontinue to run a meat shop in thesame buildjng

Mr N M Tutt has razed his old res ¬

idence on Burkesville street and prep-


are now being made for ahandsome brick home

IMr J 0 Russell has now the con¬

t of water works at his resi¬

dence The outfit was put in operationlast Friday by Mr J F Patteson

The finder of my money purse con¬

taining some small change and watchkey will please leave at News office

John Johnson

FOR SALEHigh class seed oats andwheat Samples at the News office

CALDWELL BROS Burdick Ky452t

Russell Co are advertising theirFall stock of goodsthe most completestock they have ever opened up and thatmeans a great deal to those who haveexamined their previous displays-



has been raining on the justas well as the unjust

The recent rains have madethe corn crops in this county thebest for many years

Last week new sorghum wasmade by Hilary Wethington theexpert lasses manufacturer ofthis community

At Bernards Parochial schoolat this place opened its doors onMonday September 2nd with anattendance of 67 pupils Sincethen the number has increasedto 71 with prospects of manymore An assistant teacher will beemployed within a few days Itspeaks well for this school thatat its very onset it has receivedgenerous patronage from thecommunity

Mr Thomas King of Campbellsville is making concrete founda¬

tion and porch for Ward aridWethingtons new store

MISS Mattie Wethington andMr Fladget Clements both ofClementsville will be united inthe holy bonds of matrimony byRev A LitO Shea at St Bernards on Tuesday morniling September 17 Both arepopular young people of this sec¬

tion and have the best wishes ofa host of friends for a long andhappy life

Mr Marxwell a turner for theRoyer Wheel plant of this city isvisiting friends at Portland In¬

diana Uncle Pins and Mar thyWethington of this section are inCampbellsville on business thisweek

Mr Gail Brown of the BrushCreek section paid us a pleasantvisit this week

Mr Eugene Wethington haspurchased a new buggy and willdoubtless spend his decliningyears in ease and happiness

There will soon be an efiortmade to organize a society in thiscity to be known as the Sonsof Rest or NonSweatersIt will be composed only ofrmen opposed to manual laborAny member found assisting hisf y

wife or mother in toting woodwater or any other chores willbe considered an unfriendly actto j

