The Advancement of Computers and The Wild World of the Internet By. Matthew Mendisana

The Advancement of Computers and The Wild World of the Internet

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The Advancement of Computers and The Wild World of the Internet

The Advancement of ComputersandThe Wild World of the InternetBy. Matthew Mendisana

ENIAC Computer

One of the first and original computers were invented around the age of WWII, like with many devices of that age it was invented to help aid during the war, The device you see here was dubbed the ENIAC Computer, which stood for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. It weighed 25 tons, took up approximately 680 square feet, and had memory storage upwards to 5 kilobytes. Not exactly what you would call the kind of thing you want in your house, but like many inventions from aftermath of WWII, the spinoffs that followed not only help integrated the way computers work and look, but also how they intergraded into our society.2

1960sSmaller is BetterMini-Computer


Any one who is familiar with how technology works nowadays, knows that companies like Apple, Sony, and Microsoft try and create devices that not only has the most to offer, but also take ups the least space. This kind of thinking is known as Smaller is Better, a way of thinking thats been around since the 60s. Around this time the originally ENIAC was converted into a Mini-Computer, like you see in the image here. Yes I know, thats not exactly what you would qualify as mini standards, but when compared to the size of its predecessor, the mini computer was a much more easy on space, which allowed more to be built and delivered to places that saw their potential like Corporations, Military, and College Universities. At the time of the 60s these three areas were the only places outside of the government that utilized computers, it wasnt until the around the seventies when the option to have computer at home was presented.3

The First Personal Computer1975Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS)Altair 8800 Computer$400 (Unassembled)$498 (Assembled)

The year was 1975, and the first advertisement for the first ever personal computer was published. The device was called the Altair 8800, created by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems. The interesting thing about this little device was its price and design. You see buying this computer here wouldve run you about $400, and even then it was a do-it-yourselfer, meaning you had to assemble the computer. And thats not getting into programming it. Yes there was an option to buy it pre-assembled, but the cost wouldve been an extra $98 which would rounded to a total of $500. Even when it was working, the device didnt do a lot. Yes you see this thing may look like a bunch of blinking light attached to a box, buts thats because it was. The machine had no memory, no display, no keyboard, no mouse, and no interface with other devices. Yes it did run programs and certain software, but the only to decipher them was through the the flashing lights. So all-in-all the Altair 8800 was more of a product geared toward tech wizards and hobbyists. Dont let the price and lack of substance fool you, this device was a mile stone in technology that helped inspire many programmers like Bill Gate, and helped create spin-off creations like storage solutions, keyboards and such. And in just two years other companies entered the field of technology.4

Computer Boom

By 1977 the computer industry had bloomed and competing companies entered the market with their own computer products. Companies like RadioShack with their TRS-80, Commodore with the P.E.T. and Apple with their Apple II. While the computer industry was growing, the marketing was isolated towards certain people.Computers were only being used for education and business reasons. Sure maybe some owned them at home for the games they came with, but at the end the only people who owned a home computer were people in business, programmers, or hobbyiest. Even then, most only saw computers as complicated expensive calculators. It wasnt until 1984 that a new computer was released, one that not only offered a new interface, but also aimed to a wider audience with its famous ad.5

1984 Super Bowl Commercial

The ad you just saw was the 1984 commercial for apples newest computer, and the first ever commercial for a computer. The head of Apple Steve Jobs knew to appeal to the public, not just tech geeks. Instead of airing on some random channel he aired on one of the most important day of the year for America. A time he knew millions of people would be watching a specific channel. This wasnt some ad they made in a few days, much thought went into this. The theme of the commercial was based around George Orwells novel 1984. Any one who has read will know the novel was centered around a society controlled by the government strict laws and technology such as television and cameras all controlled by Big Brother. All taking place in the year 1984. And the whole commercial was directed by none other then Ridley Scott. A director who was at the height of his film career after releasing his two hit films Alien and Blade Runner. Only to lose it all after deciding the world needed the film Prometheus. 6

The Macintosh

Graphical User Interface (GUI)New SoftwareUser Friendly

The computer you see here is the Apple Macintosh, a computer built to be user friendly. This meant you didnt need to be a techno genius in order to run it and operate it, thanks to the new Graphical User interface, or the GUI. This computer made use of mouse and monitor support. You see in the original computers you been shown you notice a lack mouse interface. Well thats because most computers beforehand utilized command keys, if you wanted a specific file to open, well then you needed to know what commands to type in. The new Macintosh made use of mouse support to make it easier for the public to use the screen. It also made use of creative software programs like MacPaint and Macwrite. 7

World Wide Web

By the 90s computers had become a regular part American consumers and society. The software and technology was getting better each year, and industry was booming. But from this industry a new technological innovation would arrive to change not only the way we use computers, but the way we run our lives across the world. The innovation of the world wide web. Or superhighway as some called.8

1969The Original Internet

Before the internet became the source of information and cats it is today, the internet was used simply as a form of communication. The originally internet was created back in 1969 to link universities for research and education together to send messages back and forth via email. Today sending email is as simple as writing your name, but for the time back in the late 60s this was mind blowing achievement for secrecy and security. You didnt want someone listening on your phone call or reading your letters? Send the letter through the phone line! But the government soon began to see how computers were changing the way Americans ran their lives and saw the power internet held. So through a set of promotions and bills, the information superhighway became open to the public, at a charge of course. 9

Service Providers

Internet Companies:ProdigyCompuServeAOL

Free Enterprise

Companies like prodigy and compu serve opened their doors to provide internet access to the public. To some of you these names may not seem familiar, but anybody who grew up in America in the 90s Im sure is familiar with this company, America online. The company that took its advertising a bit too far with its constant need to spam your mailbox with ad after ad. A drawback was a lot of these companies charged internet access by the hour. You can complain all you want about internet prices today, if they still charged by the hour today, wed all be bankrupt. But getting back on topic, while the internet started out as a source of information, email, and as much as I hate to say this porn, the information highway was presented as an area of free enterprise. Much like the farmers and entrepreneurs weve studied in the past, the internet was a whole new land to settle and plant the seeds for new forms of enterprise. 10

Shopping From Home?

Online StoresShop OnlineSell Online

Alternatives to Shopping

And those seeds grew into companies like Amazon and Ebay. Sites that allowed people to shop and sell items from the comforts of their homes. Similar to how mail order catalogs from the early 20th century helped people browse and order items from home, the internet had opened up the opportunity for online retail to take off. But it wasnt just new stores that were embracing the internet, other companies like target and Wal-Mart saw the advantage of the internet and allowed online shopping as well. Go to target. It doesnt have item. The next city has a target. You could go there and waste the time and gas, but it also might not have the item. It would be quicker and easier to go online and check.


The Future?

Its been almost 60 years since the original ENIAC computer was put to use. Since our technology has made leaps that wouldve the scientists of the 20th century heads spin. We live in an age where we can take our computers with us. An age where we can make phone calls, access email, and shop online all from our phones! What does the future hold? Well I have heard that Japan is working on a new mail order bride robot.12