The advisory report

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Page 1: The advisory report - maudlavrijsen.commaudlavrijsen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AdviesR-kwartierma… · Kwartiermaken Midden- Brabant is an initiative of ContourdeTwern, GGZ

The advisory report

Page 2: The advisory report - maudlavrijsen.commaudlavrijsen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AdviesR-kwartierma… · Kwartiermaken Midden- Brabant is an initiative of ContourdeTwern, GGZ

Tableof content

Page 3: The advisory report - maudlavrijsen.commaudlavrijsen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AdviesR-kwartierma… · Kwartiermaken Midden- Brabant is an initiative of ContourdeTwern, GGZ

1. What is HodgePodge? Page 5

2. Internal analysis Page 6 | Page 11

3. External analysis Page 12 | Page 19

4. Target group Page 20 | Page 25

5. Objectives Page 26 | Page 27

6. Strategy Page 28 | Page 29

7. Concept Page 30 | Page 31

8. Means Page 32 | Page 37

9. Planning Page 38 | Page 39

10. Budget Page 40 | Page 41

11. Advice Page 42 | Page 43

12. Evaluation Page 44 | Page 45

13. Bibliography Page 46 | Page 49

14. Attachment Page 51 |


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What isHodgePodge?1.

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HodgePodge, we are one.

HodgePodge is a communication agency that focuses on connecting different kind of people in the creative industry.

Vision: We believe that it enriches society when people live together in harmony. Bringing people with and without a disability together in a inventive way will make sure the world is one adventure for all!. Core values:- Empathic - Harmony - Transparent - Inventive- Adventurous

Where the name came from:HodgePodge derived from the Dutch word: Mengelmoes and Hutspot. Hutspot is a typical Dutch dish with a lot of dif-ferent ingredients in one pan, which makes it a fantastic unity. HodgePodge according to us means different people who make one society in harmony.

History:In September 2014 a group of motivated students came across a problem. They saw there’s a lack of harmony in society. People with a disability are not yet completely integrated in society. That is all going to change now! Becau-se this group will use their creative minds to make sure there’s harmony again.

Team:Loren Grim – Chairman Kim Van der Schoot – Vice chairmanDanielle van Nispen – Scheduler Anne Ostendorp – Secretary Vincent van Nunen - EditorDemi van de Worp - EditorFreek Rikkerink – Editor Jasper Huijben – Graphic designer

Nina van de Wiel – Graphic designer Ivo Swinkels – Graphic designer Rick van Kesteren – Team member Stevy de Roij – Team memberKim Compen – Team memberRomy Zegers – Team memberMaud Lavrijsen – Team memberTijn van Kessel – Team member


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Kwartiermaken is struggling with not knowing how to communicate with their target groups, because they do not want to carry out that disabled people are different. The message they want to send is that there’s place for everyone in society and that everyone has to live in harmony. They have organized some events in the past, but they did not seem to succeed in getting people with a disability and without, together. They lost their focus.

Kwartiermaken wishes one of their goals to be reached. The plan that HodgePodge will write will have to meet the critics: a bunch of humor, ‘’out of your comfort zone’’ and a real connection between people.

Kwartiermaken’s goals: • Raiseawarenessonpeoplewithadisability• Connectwithpeopleand/ororganizationsoutsidethehealthcaresystem,inordertostimulateparticipation and integration• Empowerpeoplewithadisability• Initiateprojectandactivitiestostimulateparticipationofpeopleintheirownneighborhood

Our communication agency also focuses on connecting people with and without a disability. Because our visions about society are equal, we are able to understand the challenge better.

Ourgoalistoraiseawarenessonpeoplewithadisabilityandtoconnectwithpeopleand/ororganizationsoutsidethe healthcare system, in order to stimulate participation and integration.

Internal analysis:This internal analysis will discuss the organization behind Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant. It will focus on the vision and mission, the collective ambition and goals, their strategy, core values, communication means and the organization structure and culture.

Kwartiermaken Midden- Brabant is an initiative of ContourdeTwern, GGZ Breburg, MEE region Tilburg, RIBW Brabant, SMO Traverse and Zorgbelang Brabant. They operate in the health care and welfare- industries. Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabantisanon-profitorganizationthatunlikethesixfoundingcompaniesoperatesintheleisureindustry.Their main goal is to raise awareness on people with a disability, but instead of giving them a stage – and single themout–theynowtrytofitpeopleinwithinsociety.Theydothisbyorganizingvariousactivitiesandtheyhavealsoorganized festivals.

Vision:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant has no vision stated on their website or in any other way. The history of Kwartiermaken shows that it was founded because ex-clients of the six founding companies wanted to show ‘the world’ that people with disabilities are more than just their disability. Since this shows why Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant exists, and per-fectlyfitswiththemission,it ’sassumedthatthiscouldbetheirvision.

Their vision in short: People with a disability are more than just their disability.

Mission:ThemissionofKwartiermakenMidden-Brabantissupportingpeoplewithadisadvantagetofindtheirownstrengthbyparticipating according to their possibilities within society.

We connect people with existing activities and projects in Tilburg, and open our own doors to clients of other organizations and to non-clients.



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Goals and strategy:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant wants to achieve the following goals:

* Raise awareness on people with a disability*Connectwithpeopleand/ororganizationsoutsidethehealthcare-system,inordertostimulateparticipationand integration.* Empower people with a disability* Initiate projects and activities to stimulate participation between people in their own neighborhood.

In short, it can be seen that awareness and participation are two very important goals that Kwartiermaken Mid-den-Brabant hopes to achieve.

As Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant states in the project description, they are a work-in-progress project. How they reach their goals is not determined up front, so there isn’t one main strategy to achieve their goals. By organizing activities and events they try to achieve these goals in a smaller way, but because Kwartiermaken lacks a main strategy,it ’sdifficulttoachievethesegoalsinfull.(Kwartiermaken,2014)

Core values:

The core values of Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant are:

● Sociallyinvolved● Positivity● Understanding● Possibilities● Strength● Interacting● Connecting● Awareness● Participation● Integration● Acceptation

All of the above goals are characteristic of Kwartiermaken. They want to bring people with and without a disability together, and are therefore socially involved, want to interact and connect and work on participation, integration and acceptance. Since they want to empower people, both positivity and strength are two important core values.


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BBT- Formula

Promise:The promise of Kwartiermaken Midden- Brabant is to support people to participate in society, bring everyone togetherandletthemfindtheirownstrengthwithorwithoutdisability.

Evidence:The evidence of the promise can be seen in the use of different goals. They want to raise awareness and empower people with a disability, connect with people or organizations to stimulate participation and integration. They also collaborate on existing events, activities and organizations.

Tone:Socially involvedPositivityUnderstandingConnecting

Current communication means

Website:Inthiscurrentdigitizationit’sverycommontohaveawebsiteasanorganization.Visitorsofthewebsitecanfindnews,events and other information about Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant. Socialmedia:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant uses their Facebook mainly to share the news items from there website. Basically, there is no interaction with their 78 followers. They also use Twitter for news items from their website, but they also retweet items and photos from the organizations they work with. In combination with 312 followers, Twitter seems the most interactive platform of Kwartiermaken. Broedplaatsz Broedplaatsz is the social media project from Zorgbelang Brabant and RIBW Brabant, two of the organizations who are part of Kwartiermaken. At Broedplaatsz, people who are involved with Kwartiermaken Midden Brabant are tweeting and blogging about their daily lives. (Kwartiermaken,2014)

Printed means-FlyersKwartiermakenMidden-Brabantalsousesflyerstocommunicatetheirevents.

-PostersTo promote their events Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant is expected to use posters to promote their event.

Results:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant started out in 2003 as Kwartiermakersfestival Midden-Brabant. A group of clients from GGZBreburg&RIBWBrabant(bothmentalhealthcareorganizations)andSMOTraverse(organizationforhomelesspeople)wantedtoshow‘theworld‘(inthiscaseTilburgandit’ssurroundingtowns)thatpeoplewithamentaldisabilityare more than just their disability. Through music, theater and cultural activities they gave themselves and other clients a stage, a place where they could perform and do what they were good at, instead of being ‘judged’ on what was wrong with them.


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Intheyearstofollowthefestivalgrewtoafestivalwithabudgetof50.000euros(2008),withmanyactivitiesandtheinvolvement of many clients.

2008 was the peak, after that the festival went downhill. The people that came up with the idea, quit and professionals took over. Kwartiermaken noticed that although they did provide a stage for people to show their talents, they didn’t really make any progress on the awareness-part. Always the same people attended the festival, usually people who were clients, professionals or family and friends of the participants.

In 2014 they changed their name to Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant. Instead of organizing a festival they decided to collaborate with existing events, activities and organizations. They decided they would open up their own activities for non-clients or bring the activities they organize to a community center.

In conclusion, it shows that the festival was a one of their big successes over the years, However always the same people showed up. This is why Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant had to change their strategy. Since then, they don’t organize their own festival, but are collaborating on existing events, activities and organizations. The last few years, they collaborated with for example Solar Cinema, Amarant, Museumweekend and Tilburg Ten Miles.

USP’sAuniquesellingproposition(USP,alsoseenasuniquesellingpoint)isafactorthatdifferentiatesaproductororganization from its competitors.

The fact that Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant is focusing on people with and without a disability shows that they are differentthanmostorganizationsthatcareaboutpeoplewithadisability.Infact,thiscanbeheraldedastheirUSP.

Organizational structure:ThispartgivesaclearviewabouthowKwartiermakenclassifiestheirorganization.Theorganizationalstructureisbasedonthreesubstructures:functionalstructure,staffstructureandorganicstructure.(123Management,2010)


● Volunteers A foundation like Kwartiermaken needs their volunteers. In the organogram below, Eelco is shown as example. They work together with Els Baars, the project coordinator. ● Representativesfromthefoundingcompanies(expand) Since Kwartiermaken was founded by other companies, it is useful to know how these companies stay in touch withKwartiermaken.Intheorganogrambelow,fiverepresentativesarenamed. They keep in touch with Els Baars.

10. 11.

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Organization cultureNorms and valuesKwartiermaken Brabant is a foundation that stands for the integration of people with a disability. Integration is harder for these people than for other people without a disability. Acceptation is characteristic for Kwartiermaken because people with a disability are not always accepted in society.

RitualsIf we look at the website of Kwartiermaken there isn’t any information about the rituals of Kwartiermaken. However, it is assumed that there are some rituals, such as a New Years reception.

HeroesHeroes are persons who have proven to be very important to Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant. Doortje Kal can be considered one of the heroes of Kwartiermaken. She introduced the term ‘Kwartiermaken’ in the Netherlands, from whichKwartiermakenobviouslygetsitsname.(Kwartiermaken,2014)

Kwartiermakenalsopublishesstoriesandinterviewsfromandwith(ex-)clients.Thesestoriesandinterviewsareaboutgettingbackontrack.Kwartiermakencallstheseex-clients‘Padvinders’whichisDutchforpathfinders.Theyhavefoundtheir way back in society and can therefore be regarded as heroes. According to Kwartiermaken, these stories help tofightthestigmathatalotoftheirclientsdealwithandthereforeassistKwartiermakentoachieveitsmission.(Kwartiermaken,2014)

Last, the social media project Broedplaatsz, where people working with Kwartiermaker share their stories. All of these peoplecanalsobeseenasheroes,sincetheysharetheir(sometimesheavy)storyabouttheirdisabilityordiseaseand the trouble they have in their daily lives.

Symbolism:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant has a limited visual identity. Their logo consists of the text ‘Kwartiermaken’ with ‘Midden-Brabant’ written in green underneath. Colors used are green, pink, orange, yellow and purple. The backgroundconsistsofflowingcirclesindifferentsizesandadarkbluecolor.All these elements return on their website, social media and other communicationmeans.It ’sdifficulttofindlayersintheirsymbolism.It doesn’t seem that there is meaning behind their visual identity, since it’s very basic and does not feature unique characteristics.

CSR(corporatesocialresponsibility):By focusing on special target groups such as people with disabilities, Kwartiermaken shows an involvement in socie-ty. This corporate goal can also be seen as a social goal, because they want to bring people with and without a disability together.

Besides this goal Kwartiermaken doesn’t have any other corporate social responsibility measures. The events that were organized in the past don’t have an other CSR-element in their concepts or execution.


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Meso analysis

Thismesoanalysiswillfunctionasthefirstpartoftheexternalanalysis.Themesoanalysiswilldiscussthepublicgroupsof Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant, their partners, the market size and trends and competitors.

Public groups: Internal public: - Management- Employees- Interns- Volunteers

General public:-Generalpublic/generalpopulation-Peopleinthevicinityoftheevents/carefacilities- Special education schools

Political groups:- Government- Municipalities of Tilburg & Oisterwijk-FBZ(FederationofProfessionalOrganizationsinHealthCare)-BOZ(Healthindustryorganization)-Unions- Action groups

Financial/economicgroups:- Visitors- Suppliers-MunicipalitiesofTilburg&Oisterwijkforfinancialsupport- Competitors

Partners: Kwartiermaken has a lot of partners that they cooperate with. This is primarily for activities and meetings. Below is an overview of some of their different partners.

GemeenteTilburg/Oisterwijk:SupportsKwartiermakenwithorganizingactivitiestopromotesocialparticipation,reintegration and want to stop the isolation of people with disabilities.

Textielmuseum Tilburg: Organizes meetings in their museum in collaboration with Kwartiermaken.

RIBW Tilburg: Helps organize a Kwartiercup football tournament.

Het Creatief Atelier Tilburg: Helps organize events and meetings in collaboration with Kwartiermaken. (Kwartiermaken,2014)


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Size of the market:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant is a cooperative effort between six institutions. However, Kwartiermaken focuses on the leisure market unlike its founding institutions, which are active in the health-care industry and social services. This is because Kwartiermaken organized the Kwartiermakersfestival in the past and still to this day organizes activities to bring people together with and without a disability. The leisure industry and market are both very broad and big. For example: The leisure industry includes many things such as theme parks, cinemas, zoos, shopping, festivals, but also vacations and day trips. According to Goof Lukken from Vrijtetijdskennis.nl, the whole leisure industry was worth 408 billion euros in 2010. Therefore, for a small foundation such as Kwartiermaken, segmentation in this big market is needed.

Since Kwartiermaken focuses on bringing the disabled and non-disabled together, this analysis will focus on the market that is targeted at people with a disability. In the Netherlands, there are a handful of companies that operate in this segmented market. There are several festivals that focus on people with a disability, such as Huntendwarspop or Funpop. Also, Stichting Skyway, that organizes Sencity, an event to bring deaf and normal hearing people in contact at their event.

Concluded, the market in which Kwartiermaken operates can best be described as upcoming. Since there are not many companies in the leisure industry that focus on people with disabilities or even on both disabled and non-disabled,thereisagapthatcanbefilledinbyKwartiermaken.

Trends in the industry: A lot of trends are found in the leisure industry. According to Goof Lukken from Vrijetijdskennis.nl, experience is an often-named one. Lukken says that experience and the experience economy are becoming more and more important becausevisitorswanttoexperiencesomethingunique.Therefore,thereismorethemedcontent.(GoofLukken,2014)

Authenticity is another important trend that Lukken names. Customers want to experience something unique, but their experience needs to be authentic and believable. To be authentic, a company needs to go back to the core and findwhytheywerefoundedinthefirstplace.Bydoingthis,companiescanoffertheircustomersatrulyauthenticexperience.

The last important trend that Lukken names is that the Internet is the start of leisure time. Companies can then, in response, offer their customers an online experience. This can also be combined with an off-line experience.

Competitors:Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant creates and facilitates so-called ‘kwartiermakersactiviteiten’. These are events that will bring people together whether they have a disability or not. To do this, Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant collaborates with a lot of institutions such as cultural institutions, care facilities and also employers. Moreover, because Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant is a cooperative effort between six companies, one could say that there is not a lot of room left for competitors, at least in the area Midden-Brabant, where they operate.However, there are several foundations that can be regarded as competition for Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant, such as Skyway Foundation. This foundation organizes the event “Sencity”. The foundation and event share some of its characteristics with Kwartiermakers vision. Sencity wants to bring deaf and hearing people together for a great night out and Kwartiermaken wants to bring people together with or without a disability. In conclusion, both foundations are focusingonbringingpeopletogether,haveagoodtimeandgettingtoknownewpeople.(StichtingSkyway,2014)


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LookingattheeventsthatKwartiermakendidinthepast,itisusefultofindsimilarinitiatives.IntheprovinceLimburg,there is an annual festival called Funpop, which like Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant focuses on people with and withoutadisability.Well-knownDutchsingersperformedatthefestival,suchasAli-B,Gordon&GlennisGrace.(Fun-pop,2014)

The popular festival Huntenpop also has a special festival for people with a disability called Huntendwarspop. Much likeKwartiermakenMidden-Brabant,theyfocusonpeoplewithandwithoutadisability.(Huntendwarspop,2014)

Last, there is the annual festival Rijnweek in Rhenen, organized by the Rijnweek Foundation. This festival also has a specialfestivaldayforpeoplewithadisability.(StichtingRijnweek,2014)

AlltheabovefestivalsshowthattheKwartiermakersFestivaliscertainlynotuniqueinwantingtoorganizeevents/acti-vities for people with disabilities. However, since the Kwartiermakers Festival also focuses on people without a disability, homeless people and people with mental problems, they are unique in their approach. Only Skyway Foundation has the same approach as Kwartiermaken, but their target group is different. They focus on the hearing impaired and deaf people,andnotsomuchonpeoplewithotherdisabilities/issues.

DESTEP analysisThis DESTEP analysis will focus on the macro environment of Kwartiermaken. The analysis will include the demographic, economic, socio-cultural, technological, ecological and political-legal factors.

Demographic factors: AccordingtoCBS,TheNetherlandshas16.859.353residentsasofJuly2014.(CBS,2014)ThemunicipalityTilburghas206.240residentsasofSeptember2014.(Undated,2014)12,9%oftheDutchresidentshasatleastonedisability.Thisincludeshearingdisabilities,(2,9%)visiondisabilities,(6%)movementdisabilities(7,2)andintelligibilitydisabilities(0,4%).(CBS,2014)

It ’s not possible to exactly know how many people in the Netherlands have mental problems. This is mainly due to CBS not giving the exact numbers, but works with the Mental Health Index. This index shows if a person is mentally healthy or unhealthy. According to the Mental Health Index, 10,9% of the Dutch residents is mentally unhealthy. However, CBS doesnotgivethedefinitionofwhatmentallyunhealthyexactlyis.(CBS,2014)

Kwartiermaken also works with homeless people. CBS states that in 2012 a total of 27.000 people were homeless. 80%ofthemaremale,andmorethan40%livesinoneofthefourbigcities:TheHague,Amsterdam,UtrechtandRotterdam.(CBS,2013)InthemunicipalityofTilburg,therewere1.028homelesspeoplein2012.(Nieuwsredactie,2013)

Economic factors:According to CPB or Centraal Plan Bureau, the economic growth in 2014 is 0,75% and will be 1,25% in 2015. In 2015, purchasing power also rises a bit. The unemployment rate was 620.000 people or 7% of the labor force in 2014. This rate is expected to drop in 2015; with 605.000 people or 6,75% of the labor force will be unemployed. (CPB,2014)


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Social-cultural factors:The Mentality monitor, a research conducted by research center Motivaction, shows many socio-cultural trends in The Netherlands. According to Motivaction, people have become less materialistic. In fact, 34% of the population chose to live a more sober lifestyle, which could be due to the reduced welfare, which was caused by the economic recession. Motivaction also names self-expression via social media as an important trend. Moreover, the research shows that there’s a strong desire to individualistic and a rejection to participate more in society. Instead, people focusontheirfamiliarcirclesinsteadofmakingnewcontacts.(Motivaction,2014)

Another trend is the health trend. Due to a lot of negative attention for processed foods and fast food, people want to start a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating super foods, such as quinoa, goji berries and others. There is more awareness on what people eat and thereby also for a more healthy lifestyle. People want to get in shape and do all kindsofsports,suchasfitness,runningetc.(RachelBerman,2014)

There is also a lot of discussion if the Dutch people are as tolerant as they would like to believe they are. As the Motivaction research shows, our society is getting more and more individualistic and thereby less tolerant.

Because the Netherlands is a melting pot with different cultures, sometimes clashes happen. These clashes get a lot of media attention, which enlarges the issue. In turn, that can contribute to xenophobic feelings or behavior. (AhmedBenYerrouenAlainHofman,2014)

In contrast to the last two factors, there are a lot of TV-shows currently focusing on people with disabilities. Shows such as‘Hetzalmeeenrotzorgzijn’,SynDROOMandtheUndateablesaresomeexamples.Someoftheseshows,suchas‘Het zal me een rotzorg zijn’ actually focus on the relationship between people with and without disabilities. (Televizier,2013)

Technological factors:Internet is all around us nowadays. One can say that we can’t live without it anymore. Internet is something we wake up with, carry with us and go to sleep with. Our physical lives are so entangled with the digital world that the two are converging.InnovationsthatfuelthisareforexampleGoogleGlass.(Forbes,2014)

The rise of so-called smart devices is still going strong. Next to smart phones, tech companies such as Samsung and Apple are focusing on other smart devices, such as smart watches. Smart watches co-operate with a smartphone and shows not only incoming calls and messages, but it also measures your heartbeat, calories and steps. What this shows is that our physical lives are really converging with the digital world.

Even though Internet plays a huge part in our lives, there are counter movements. One of them is the Faraday zone, a zone in which a smartphone’s signal is blocked. This leads to less dependency on your smartphone and for the user to discoverotherthingsandbecomeunplugged.AccordingtoFrogDesign,astrategyanddesignfirm,Faradayzonescouldworkwellinlibraries,vacationsandotherspots.(TimothyMorey,2014)


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Ecological factors:There are a lot of ecological factors that are worth mentioning here. First, there is the climate change and global war-ming, which means that the earth will gradually warm up and therefore change climates. According to BusinessGreen.com,extremeweatherallaroundtheglobeshowsusthatthisprocessisgoingon.(BusinessGreen.com,2013)

Secondly, the Earth is slowly running out of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Alternative fuels are available, but there’s a slow change to green energy such as wind, water or solar energy.


Political-legal factors:At the time of writing, Prinsjesdag has just been. On this day, the King announced the budget for 2015. One of the most important things from the budget being that the costs of health care will rise. Because of this, it is expected that thecitizenswillneedtopaymorehealthinsurancenextyear.(NU.nl,2014)

In the past years, due to an explosive rise in health-care expenses, the health-care system in the Netherlands is sub-jectedtochange.In2015,thenewlawWetLangdurigeZorg(Lawforlong-termcare)willbeintroduced.Thenewlaw is meant for people who need this long-term care and need 24-hour supervision. Examples include the elderly, but alsopeoplewithpsychicalormentalproblems.(ZorghulpAtlas,2014)

Last, another political-legal factor are the budget cuts in the Netherlands. A lot of foundations get fewer subsidies from the government or municipalities due to these budget cuts. It ’s up to the foundations how to get their budgets in adifferentway(ANP,2014)


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Strengths - Kwartiermaken has a very clear mission. - They have useful experience in the leisure industry because they’ve organized festivals and other activities.-UsefulinitiativessuchastheBroedplaatszblog. - Strong network in Tilburg

Threats - Budget cuts by the government and municipalities - People are getting more individualistic and don’t want to make new connections with other people. - A lot more cases of extreme weather, which can be threatening to events of Kwartiermaken.

Opportunities - A time of economic prosperity together with a rise in purchasing power - A lot of attention for people with a disability on various media. - Internet is a huge medium that is easily accessible and there is an opportunity for Kwartiermaken to dive in deeper in this subject.• Spaceforgrowthintheirmarket.• Participationsociety.• Healthylifestyletrend,peoplewantto get active and do activities.

Weaknesses - Kwartiermaken has no clear strategy to reach their goals. - No clear vision. - Limited communication means and usage of these means is not optimal. - There is no clear target group. - No real visual identity.



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Confrontation matrix

- Due to economic prosperity Kwartiermaken can use their experience to organize new events/activities.-UsefulinitiativesasBroedplaatszandtheattention on various media for people with a disability could create more awareness for these initiatives. - Because of a strong network in and around Tilburg it ’s possible to organize events in Tilburg around healthy lifestyles, such as sports events.

- A strategy can still be determined in an upcoming market.- Exploit their communication means within the still going digital world.- Having a clear visual identity makes Kwartiermaker easily recognizable on theInternetandoffline.

- Because of budget cuts, Kwartiermaker needs to make a strategy to set distinctive goals and to contem plate with the subsidies. This also applies for having a clear target group.

- Because society is getting more individualistic, the strengths of useful initiatives are easily accessible for these people.- Due to past experiences with organizing fes-tivals and events, Kwartiermaken knows how to deal with the cases of extreme weathers.



Opportunities Threats


Thereisalotofattentionforpeoplewithadisabilityonvariousmedia.KwartiermakencanbenefitfromthisintheirKwartiermaken activities. Since more viewers see people with disabilities, this can soften their attitude towards them. It is hard to connect people with and without disabilities since people are getting more individualistic. If Kwartiermaken wantstoconnectpeople,itshouldbeinaveryaccessibleway,whichalsofitswithinourparticipationsociety.Thiscan be by use of the Internet, since that is all around us.


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The target group of Kwartiermaken-Midden-BrabantThe target group of Kwartiermaken is very wide. This embraces in fact anyone with a disability, in any aspect. This could be someone in a wheelchair, someone who is homeless, a person with autism etc. Because this group is so large, itisalmostimpossibletopickonlyoneanddescribeit.Whatisparamountisthatallpeoplewithdisabilities(whateverthismaybe)struggletoparticipateinsociety.Forthisreasonwehavechosentofocusonasmallpartofthistargetgroup. Actually we’ve chosen to work with two target groups and connect them to each other. Target group 1Thefirsttargetgroupthatwechoosearepeoplewithaphysicaldisability.Thisisalsoawidegrouptointerpret.Firstwedescribethreedifferentdefinitionsofphysicaldisability.Thenwechoosewhatisunderstoodbythis‘’conception’’.

AccordingWatzeD.DeHaan,whowasattachedtotheROCCentralNetherlandsUtrechtCareandWelfare(adultsection)aphysicaldisabilityis,“acongenitaloracquiredlimitationofinfancyofbodilyfunctionsand/orfurtherdevelopment features; here is the physical shortage or motor disorder most prominently, while in addition the social adjustmentdifficult,limitedorimpossible.(Watze,n.d.)

Thedefinitionusedinthe‘ResearchLimitedLeisure’is:“Youngpeoplewithdisabilitiesmayhaveamotororsensorydisability or chronic illness. The disease can be congenital or innate. A motor is visible, sometimes a sensory impairment, physicalproblemsasaresultofachronicdiseaseoftenarenot.”(Vink&Visser,2011)


Inthisplan,weuseourowninterpretationofthesedifferentdefinitions.Thisiswhataphysicaldisabilitymeans,according to our approach: “Everyone with a motor or sensory disability who is, because of that, troubled in participating into society. Disabilities that fall within this scope are:- Disabled by missing body parts- People with obese- Blind people- People in wheelchairs - Etc.”

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The target group of Kwartiermaken-Midden-BrabantBarriers for people with a physical disability:

ResearchofVinkandVissermakesclearthattherearealotofbarriersforpeoplewithadisability(inthiscase youth)toparticipateinthesociety.Theynumeratefourdifferentpointsintheirresearch:‘’Young people with physical disability have experienced problems in preforming in daily life. These problems are the effects of their own physical disability and the barriers they encounter. Nightlife, sport clubs, community centresandculturalinstitutionsareoftendifficultornotaccessibleforpeoplewithaphysicaldisability.

The youth with a physical disability have often little spare time. After school they get treatments or they struggle with serious energy problems, which results in restingintheirsparetime(duringtheweek).Mostlyitisn’tan option for this youth to do sports in groups: no soccer, noself-defence,butsometimesswimmingandfitnessisan option.

The youth with a physical disability want more leisure facilities in their neighbourhood. Their own neighbourhood is important to them and they don’t want to leave it for sporting, also they don’t want to travel to far from home for sporting. The practical reason for this is that travelling costs a lot of time and energy, time and energy they rather spend on leisure activities. The youngsters with a disability often feel like they aren’t taken seriously and they feel ridiculed. They get a lot attention because of their disabilities. This can be a reason for them to avoid the use of a wheelchair or other devices. They are ashamed.

Amount of disabled people:The total of physically disabled people in the Netherlands is 3.030.000. This is 18,1% of the entire Dutch population,whichis16.8million.(CBS,2014)Themunicipalityof Tilburg has 206.240 people. Because there are no exact numbers on physically disabled people in Tilburg, it is assumed that the 18,1% counts for Tilburg as well. Therefore, Tilburg has 37.329 people with a physical disability.


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Connecting it to sports:The infographic on the previous page shows that sport is an important part for people with, and without a disability. Thisinformationisalsobeingaffirmedbyothersources.Sportservicedeskpublishedashortreportwithfactsaboutsportandactivitywithaphysicaldisability.Thereportgivesaclearoverviewaboutthebenefits(Sportservice,2012)• Discoveryourownlimits,bothphysicallyandmentally.• Activityhelpsinrehabilitation.• Activityincreasesthemovementpossibilities.• Activityreducesthemotordeteriorationorincreasesthe(remaining)motorfunctions.• Activityretainsandimprovesfitness.• Activityincreasesthefeelingofindependence.• Activitygivespeoplethefeelingofusefulness(positiveself-image).• Activityhelpspeopletoparticipateinthesociety(makingcontact).• Activityavoidsdifferedhealthproblems.

Thewebsite‘DisabledWorld’(DisabledWorld,n.d.)tellsthefollowingthingaboutsportsanddisabledpersons:While sport has value in everyone’s life, it is even more important in the life of a person with a disability. This is because oftherehabilitativeinfluencesportcanhavenotonlyonthephysicalbodybutalsoonrehabilitatingpeoplewitha disability into society. Furthermore, sport teaches independence. Nowadays, people with a disability participate in high performance as well as in competitive and recreational sport.

These two examples above show that sports are as important for disabled people as for people who don’t have physical problems. That is why it is possible and logical to connect these two groups.

Target group 2Group 2 contains people without a physical disability. We decided to narrow the group down because of its’ wi-deness. As for people with a disability, there are also a lot of prejudices about students. Disabled people are often judged for their appearance. On the contrary, students are often seen as lazy people who spent most of their time drinking beer. Eline Peters, chairman of the ASVA studentenunie, acknowledges this image. She says there is still an overall view of drunken students coming out of bed around 1 o’clock spending most of their time in the pub instead of beingbusystudying(Peters,2012).AresearchconcerningextraordinarybehaviouramongstudentsfromGroningenshows exactly the same. The research shows that the average student behaves truly moderate and even very gentle (Postmes&Nieuwenhuis,2011).

Both groups, people with a disability and students, suffer from prejudices based on their appearance and status. This is why we came up with a concept that connects both groups and that can also be translated to several ideas. One idea is about bringing physically disabled people and students together. Please note that the following concept can be implemented for and with all kinds of different target groups. But because Kwartiermaken has such a broad target group, we decided to scale it down to ‘Sports for people with disabilities and students’. In that way the con-ceptisbeingclarifiedforjustoneproject,butwillalsobeavailableforotherinterpretations.

LocalgovernmentTilburghasbeennamedLocalsportgovernmentof2014byVSG!(SportinTilburg,2014).Thisispartly due to the wide range of sports that Tilburg has to offer. Circa 6.500 students in Tilburg have a sport card of theTilburgUniversitySportCentre,sotheyprofitbytheavailabilityofaccommodationsandsocieties.

In the past almost every sport society falls under the dome of Sport council Pendragon. Pendragon changed their nameinFOSST(FOSST,2014).FOSST,FederationofStudentSportsTilburg.Theychangedtheirnametogathermorecontact with international students. The rowers of the student society Vida and the basketball players of Pendragon operate on a high level.


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Parcival: Athletics Pendragon: Basketball Chikara: Judo sports Dance Nation: Dance Underpar:Golf Camelot:HandballShot: Hockey Tilsac Climb Melmac: Netball Spartacus: PowerCave ne Cades: Horse Riding Tarantula: Rugby Braga Skeeler- and speed skating Downhill: Skiing Lancelot: squash club Hyperion: Table tennisLacoste: tennis club Saltare: Gymnastic Merlin: Soccer Gepidae: Volleyball Avelon: water polo club The Meet: cycling

Number of indoor sport facilities 86Numberoflocalgovernmentsportfields 85

Government sport stimulation motivates the inhabitants of Tilburg to sport and live healthy. Results:

Participants 2013:Holiday tournaments 5.530After school sport 14.980Community sport 20.362Companycompetition(64companies) 576 Volunteers are very important to guarantee sports in Tilburg. In 2013, 900 volunteers were recruited through a special project, for and by sport societies. The sport company of the local government of Tilburg guided 286-sport students (LocalGovernmentTilburg,2014)

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My name is Marloes, I’m 20 years old and I’m full of live and see myself as a happy person. When I was six years old something happened that changed my life. I was in a car accident and lost my right lower leg and my left leg was damaged but is almost totally recovered. It ’s not bothering me anymore. I have friends, like to read and going out. Going out with my prosthesis is uncomfortable but luckily it causes funny situations too! Something that I’m really inse-cure about is sport. Going to the gym is a really big step for me. I think it ’s embarrasing to walk there with my prosthesis uncovered. I would like to have someone who comes with me to the gym and maybe even help me. I always can go to the physiotherapist, but then I’m isolated from everyone else, just now when I’m in a phase where I want to share my experiences and meet new people!


HeyI’mVincent!I’m19yearsoldandjuststartedmystudyatUniversityofTilburg.I’mreallyexcitedabouttheyearscoming up: I want to move out and I’m ready to move out. I’m studying economics and joining the event commission of T.S.S.V. Lancelot, de student squash society. Really enjoining it! I’m able to combine practicing a sport and taking an active role in the society. I think sport is very important and sometimes can be seen as an escape for people. Just focusing on your body and sweating the stress away. I think everybody needs to have the possibility to experience this feeling. My cousin has a mental handicap. When we are playing soccer together, he completely shines. Amazing to see how much he enjoys playing together. Furthermore I’m busy with my student life: going out and playing FIFA with my friends. My study is very important and I spend most of my spare time on it.


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Target group disabled people:

Knowledge:The target group must understand that there are possibilities to participate in the society.

Attitude:The target group needs to think that the possibilities help them to participate in the society.

Behavior:The target group must be prepared to tackle the possibilities and participate in the society.

Main objective:A hundred of the physical disabled people in Tilburg must have crossed the line by participating in sports within six months.

Target group student clubs:

Knowledge:The target group must know that there are possibilities to participate in the society with physical disabled people.


Behavior:The target group must be willing to help the physical disabled people to participate in the society.

Main objective:

Short-term: Ten of the student sport clubs in Tilburg showing their social involvement by giving the physical disabled the opportunity to sport within six months.

Long-term:FivehundredofthephysicaldisabledfromTilburgandfivehundrednon-disabledpeoplefromTilburghavebuiltlong-term relationships with each other by the end of a two-year period.

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Thread a needle

This strategy is named after the expression: thread a needle. It means that you can only overcome a problem by beingcarefulandprecise.Itfitswithinourplanbecauseitishardtoconnectpeoplewithandwithoutdisabilities.Subsequently, we need to do research, build foundations and work very carefully to overcome this problem, or thread a needle.

The most effective way to approach the target group will be by informing and persuading them. Informing the target group is important since Kwartiermaken wants to raise awareness on the topic. This is done by informing the target grouponwhattheconceptis.Thenextlogicalstepistoinfluencethetargetgroupandtopersuadethemtotakeaction.

BecauseKwartiermakenisanon-profitorganizationanddoesnothavedirectcompetition,theydonotneedtopositionthemselvesrelativetoothercompanies.Still,itisimportanttopositionthemselves.SinceKwartiermaken’sUSPis that they organize events and activities for people with and without a disability, they can position themselves in this way.

The strategy is build upon the following core aspects: humor, intermediaries, short and long term objectives, social aspect and cross-pollination.

HumorHumor makes our campaign easily accessible for everyone, because humor is universal. People are more likely to open up after a joke or soften their attitudes towards prejudices. For example, our posters and Facebook content have an aspect of humor in them.

IntermediariesOur target group of students in Tilburg will be reached through intermediaries. These intermediaries are the student’s sport clubs. Because our target group sports at these sport clubs, it is easier to focus on student’s sport clubs, since theycaninfluencetheirmembersbetterthenifthetargetgroupisapproacheddirectly.ThisapproachwillsaveKwar-tiermaken time and effort.

Short and long-term objectivesThe strategy works with short and long-term objectives. Short-term objectives have been chosen to give our product concept a goal. These short-term objectives can be adapted for other product concepts, since they focus on participation. The long-term objective is chosen as the main goal for our concept if the short-term objectives can be reached. Social aspectThe campaign clearly has a social aspect. People with and without disabilities are going to connect with each other and therefore this strategy creates a more social environment and social participation.

Cross-pollination The strategy works with a cross media approach. Studies show that the Internet is the start of leisure time. Therefore, the strategywillfocusonsocialmediaandthewebsiteofKwartiermakenaswellasanofflinecampaign.Theuseofthesameelementsintheonlineandofflinecampaignwillcausecross-pollinationbetweenthetwo.

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Vision: A world without thresholds.

Mission: To encourage people with and without a disability to conquer the threshold and to participate in our society to-gether.

Who is Bo?Bo symbolizes everybody with a disability in any form. One day, Bo is an alcoholic, another day Bo suffers from obese. Anyone with a disability can identify with Bo, partly because Bo has to conquer thresholds as well to participate in oursociety.Forinstance,Bofounditdifficulttoparticipateinsocialactivitiessuchasgoingtotheatres,pubs,orsportclubs. He dreamed about it, but he did not dare to take that step. Through initiatives of Kwartiermaken, Bo conquered the threshold and participates in ánd contributes to society. As of then, Bo is Kwartiermaken’s own superhero.

Concept:Bo is an overarching concept under which Kwartiermaken can organise different campaigns and activities. Bo is the faceofKwartiermaken.BymakingBoapersonwhohaseverything(anorexia,nolegs,heroine-addictionetc.),anyo-ne with a disability can identify with Bo. Bo becomes a superhero for people with a disability. Reactions will be like: ‘Bo did it, then I can do it too!’ or ‘I want to become like Bo’. Because Bo is a platform for organising campaigns and activities, it will become easier for people with a disability to participate in society.

Message: By making Bo an animation, Kwartiermaken gets a face. Not only a face, but also a goal; the goal that anyone with a disability is not limited to participate in society.

Pay-off: Bo conquers thresholds and so can you! We’re going to communicate this to our target groups. The Dutch pay off will be: Bo overwint drempels, dus jij kan het ook!

USP:Because of Bo we give people with a disability a face. Since we do this in a humoristic and light way, we make it accessible for a large group of people.

Evidence: comics,campaign,shortfilm,communication.


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Means for sport clubs:

PitchIn this pitch Kwartiermaken will tell the board of the club what Bo is and what they can mean for Bo. The board will also be asked to promote the idea of the challenge and the concept of Bo to their members. Because the concept isapartofcorporatesocialresponsibility,sportclubswillbenefitfromthepositiveimage.TheaimofKwartiermakenwillbe dedication from the board.

ActivityTo trigger the members from the club to participate in the challenge, an activity will be organized where members can empathize in people with a disability. This can be an activity like playing basketball in a wheelchair. The height from the basket is the same for people with and without a disability. With a wheelchair the distance is longer so they need more strength in their arms. Another activity can be that the students are blindfolded and have to row or play soccer with one arm.

FlyerIt ’simportanttokeeptheattentionoftheparticipantsaftertheactivity.Todothisparticipantswillreceiveaflyeraftertheactivity.OnthisdoublesidedglossyA6flyeryoucanfindthewebsite,socialmediaandfurtherinformation.10.000flyerswillbeprintedandhandedoutandspreadaroundsportclubs.Therewillalsobeadigitalflyerthatclubs can spread through their digital communication means like their website and social media.


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Means for people with a disability:

WebsiteKwartiermakenhasanofficialwebsitethatcanbeusedtocommunicatetheconceptBo.Intheinternalanalysistherecan be concluded that the communication means are limited and the usage of these means are not optimal. First of allitisimportanttoadjustthewebsiteofKwartiermaken,beforecommunicatingBo.TheofficialwebsiteofKwartiermakenneedstobemoreclearandorganized.Thedesignandclassificationisprettymessy.Useviewrelevantheadings, for example: Home, About us, Events, News, Padvinders, Contact and limit the information to relevance. At themomentyouwillfindundertheheadingEvents‘noevents’andsub-headingstheatre,musicandfilmsalso‘zeroevents’. This is irrelevant information and needs to be deleted.

Bowillbecommunicatedonthewebsitethroughashortfilm,logoandaheading.Aseparateheadingwillbecreated which is called ‘Bo’. On this separate page there is more information about who Bo is and where Bo stands for.

Facebook Facebook is a medium to communicate with the target groups. The Facebook-page of Kwartiermaken nowadays it counts79likes(Facebook,2014),thisisnotenough.Thefirstthingthathastobedoneiscreatingmorelikes.Thiswillbe realized by the following means: Tilburg.com will be asked to promote the activities of Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant. The Facebook-page of Tilburg.comhas21.950likes(Facebook,2014)andreachestherighttargetgroup,sotheawarenessofKwartiermaken Midden-Brabant can be raised. See attachment for all the numbers. Besides Tilburg.com, sport clubs will also promote these activities to their members through Facebook. The communica-tion is about becoming a buddy for Bo. Also Kwartiermaken will share likeable content on their Facebookpage, which also can be shared. This includes memes and a comic featuring Bo. Memes have proven their high likeability and share ability on sites like 9gag and Reddit. Last there will be advertised on Facebook. There will be a banner that will trigger you to take a look at the page of Kwartiermaken Midden-Brabant and like the page.

Examples of meme’s

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TwitterTwitter is the medium that will be used to speak as Bo. Disabled and not disabled people can speak with Bo and ask him questions. Bo will answer questions, start a conversation and reacts to stories of people. This will not only create engagement but also increases the awareness.

PosterBo will be communicated in a playful way, for example a comic. Passers-by will continue to read and remember it, because it is presented in a funny and striking way. The poster can be used at special institutions for people with a physical disability, like a hospital or a physiotherapy etc. Furthermore the posters will be spread in public areas like TilburgCentraalorotherstationstocreateawareness.Lastbutnotleasttheposterswillbeplacedontheofficialwebsite, Twitter and Facebook of Kwartiermaken. For the campaign 500 posters will be printed.

Own networkKwartiermaken has a strong network. Kwartiermaken will contact them, so that those organizations can communicate Bo and the challenge as well. How they will communicate depends on which means they have and use. For example an organization will use a newsletter or e-mail.

Example of website design


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Example of a poster

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The product Bo sports!!

Our product concept is called Bo sports! In general the threshold to visit the gym or a sports club on your own is al-ready high for most individuals, not to mention individuals with disabilities. Due to the fact that these disabled people mostly need to be helped during sports, both physically and mentally, Bo sports! encourages disabled people to participatein(team)sports.Bosymbolizeseverybodywithadisability.ThismeansBoalsoincludesanykindofsports.

Besides the generally known fact that sports is healthy, sports for the disabled people helps to increase strength and endurance,toimprovetheirperformance,torestoreactivityofmindandself-confidence,andtoimprovethequalityoflife(Takeda&Shimbum,1999).

From January till March, Bo sports! contains a three-month challenge between multiple teams, formed by both a disa-bledpersonandanon-disabledperson.Thechallengewillbeinauguratedwithadaywhereparticipantscanfindeach other during multiple sports and form teams of two. The team with the largest progression during the competition wins the BOkaal,andaone-yearmembershipatTilburgUniversitySportsCentre.

The keyword of Bo sports! is team spirit, which leads to involvement between the participants, where both groups be-nefitfrom.PotentialparticipantsofBosports!are,inadditiontocitizensofTilburgwithadisability,membersofstudentsport associations in Tilburg. Tilburg consists of 22 student sport associations with a variety of sports. Besides the sport associations,thereareabout6500individualswithasubscriptionatTilburgUniversitySportsCentre.

Student sports associations in Tilburg


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The yellow X’s are the means for the product concept.The green X’s are the means for the whole Bo concept.

First, Bo will be introduced by social media, Kwartiermaken’s website and the poster. A month later, when the target audience knows who Bo is, the event wil be introduced. The event will be communicated to our intermediaries (thesportclubs)byapitch.ThepitchneedstopersuadethesportclubstoworkwithKwartiermaken.It ’sneededthatthe pitch shows how the sport clubs can enthuse their members. For example, by including the event idea, giving the flyerandshowingposters.Aftertheevent,therewillbecommunicationbetweenthesportsclubandKwartiermakenforevaluation. The concept of Bo will continue after the event on Facebook, Twitter, Kwartiermakens website and posters.

Target group matrix:


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BudgetThere is a budget of 1500,- offered by Kwartiermaken for this campaign.


For the sport activity there are a few means needed, like a wheelchair. The foundations from the network from Kwartiermaken can sponsor these means. Because of the collaboration with the sport clubs there is no investment involved.

The social media can be cost free, because there are volunteers who could do this job. However when Kwartiermaken wants this to be done by a professional there will be more costs. There will be an investment in advertisement for Facebook.


There will be no costs for the venue for the event, because the hall of the sport clubs can be used. Food and beverage is based on a budget from a event from a sport club. They bought their food, like fruit, candy and drinks, at the groceries stores Jumbo and Lidl. There are also unforeseen costs included in this budget.

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In this chapter we will summarize our report by giving an advice. This advice is in response to the goals set by Kwartiermaken.

As stated in the intro of this report, Kwartiermaken is struggling to communicate with their target groups, because they do not want to carry out that disabled people are different. Furthermore, this report needs to at least reach one of their goals. These goals are:

•Raiseawarenessonpeoplewithadisability•Connectwithpeopleand/ororganizationsoutsidethehealthcaresystem,inordertostimulate participation and integration•Empowerpeoplewithadisability•Initiateprojectandactivitiestostimulateparticipationofpeopleintheirownneighbourhood

In addition to the above goals, Kwartiermaken wants us to play with humor, to get out of our comfort zone and to make a real connection between people.

Our campaign will raise awareness by using Kwartiermaken existing communication means in a better way. There needs to be more likeable and shareable content on Facebook. This includes memes and a comic featuring Bo. Twitter will also change its focus to Bo, since Bo tries to have a dialogue with the followers. The existing website needs to be changed to a clear and organized space. Bo will take a prominent place on the website with a separate page createdforhim.Last,fly-postingourposterswillalsoraiseawareness.

The connection with people outside the healthcare system is seen in the product of the concept. By persuading student sport clubs, the physically disabled people living in Tilburg will be able to get in touch with the sport clubs and their members. This product is recyclable because it can be used for different clubs, such as theatre clubs and museum clubs. Hereby participation but also integration will be stimulated.

Bo is created to inspire and empower people with a disability. Because the disability of Bo changes daily, people with various disabilities can relate to Bo. Furthermore, Bo is a superhero who can do anything, despite the fact that he has disabilities. This can also empower people with a disability.

Byinitiatingtheproductofourconcept,westimulateparticipation.Althoughnotinaspecificneighbourhood,agreatamount of people will participate. Since the event takes place in Tilburg, it still focuses on the municipality Tilburg.


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To check if the objectives have been met, it ’s mandatory to have an evaluation at the end ofthe time period.

The objective for the physically disabled is:

- A hundred of the physically disabled people in Tilburg must have crossed the line by participating in sports within six months.

This objective can be measured by means of a survey. This survey serves to check to see if they actually crossed the line by participating in sports. The survey consists of multiple questions, focused on different parts of their experience. This could be if they actually played sports, enjoyed themselves, felt welcome, felt a connection etc. When a hundred or more physical disabled people actually participated in sports, they have successfully crossed the line and then the objective is met. When the objective is not met, the survey needs to be checked for possible reasons. These reasons needs to be investigated and should be discussed. Herewith, prevention of the same mistakes in a new project is guaranteed.

The objectives for the sport clubs:

- Short-term: ten of the student sport clubs in Tilburg showing their social involvement by giving the physically disabled the opportunity to sport within six months.

This objective can be measured by counting the amount of commitments by the sport clubs. When there are ten or more student sport clubs the objective is met. When the objective is not met we have to ask the sport club board and members, why they didn’t choose to participate. By collecting these reasons, Kwartiermaken can discuss what can be improved if they want to do a similar initiative.

Long-term goal:

-FivehunderdofthephysicaldisabledfromTilburgandfivehunderdnon-disabledpeoplefromTilburg have builtlong-term elationships with each other by the end of a two-year period.

This objective is advised for Kwartiermaken to have in mind when the other objectives are met. This also can be measured by counting how many disabled an non-disabled Tilburgers participated in their events. Next to that, a questionnaire or survey can be used to measure peoples experiences.


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Internal & External analyse

AhmedBenYerrouenAlainHofman,2.(2014,August22).Eentolerantestadgeeftantisemitismehomofobie en islamofobie geen plek . Retrieved September 19, 2014, from Parool.nl: http://www.parool.nl/parool/nl/4/AMSTER-DAM/article/detail/3723253/2014/08/22/Een-tolerante-stad-geeft-antisemitisme-homofobie-en-islamofobie-geen-plek.dhtml



BusinessGreen.com.(2014).SevenSustainabilityTrendsfor2014.RetrievedSeptember19,2014,fromBusinessgreen.com: http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/opinion/2320963/seven-sustainability-trends-for-2014





CBS.(2014,June30).Gezondheidaandoeningenbeperkingen;persoonskenmerken.RetrievedSeptember18,2014,fromCBS.nl: http://statline.cbs.nl/StatWeb/publication/?VW=T&DM=SLNL&PA=81173NED&D1=66-72,77-79&D2=0-2,5-39&D3=0&D4=l&HD=130129-1620&HDR=G3,G2,T&STB=G1




Huntendwarspop.(2014).Huntendwarspop.RetrievedSeptember19,2014,fromHuntendwarspop.nl:http://www.funpop.nl/al-gemeen/festival-informatieInvesteringenduurzameenergiestijgen33procent.(2014,July23).RetrievedSeptember20,2014,from Energyvalley.nl: http://www.energyvalley.nl/nieuws/investeringen-duurzame-energie-stijgen-33-procent



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Motivaction.(2013,June19).‘Nederlanderslevensteedssoberder ’.RetrievedSeptember19,2014,fromMotivaction.nl:http://www.motivaction.nl/content/nederlanders-leiden-steeds-soberder-leven





Target group & Targets







Nieuwenhuis,M.,Postmes,T.(2011).GrensoverschrijdendgedragonderGroningsestudenten.RetrievedSeptember24,2014from: http://www.rug.nl/news-and-events/news/archief2011/rapport-grensoverschrijdend-gedrag.pdf







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Concept FOSST.(2014)FOSST,RetrievedSeptember24,2014from:http://www.fosst.nl/nl/verenigingen/studentensportverenigingen










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Means; numbers of Facebook


Page 52: The advisory report - maudlavrijsen.commaudlavrijsen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AdviesR-kwartierma… · Kwartiermaken Midden- Brabant is an initiative of ContourdeTwern, GGZ