
The Age of the Super Human

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The Swish Version 2 and 3How to change a limiting belief, into something better

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Page 1: The Age of the Super Human


Page 2: The Age of the Super Human

The age of the super human.How to become perfect

Copyright August 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the writer.

Front picture:http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/putting-golf-photo-p178319

Intro:If you could delete a bad habit, where would you start.?

If you could replace a bad habit, with a good habit, what would you do instead of the old habit.?

This technique replace a belief that limits you, with a better belief that helps you.


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Basic pattern

When you want to replace a bad habit with a better, you first have to understand, what happens.Here is the basic pattern of buying candy.

First you see the candy.(In the store)

Then you pick up the candy.

Then you pay for the candy.

You open the candy

And You eat the candy

All this happens inside your head, before you hand ever reach for the candy.


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Normal Swish pattern

When you do a normal Swish pattern, you break the normal chain of thoughts.You add a new picture in between, to send the mind in another direction.The new pattern look something like this.

You see the candy.

You think about picking candy up.And that reminds you of...

What ever you want the person to think,instead of candy.

The rest of the chain is still there,but because the link is broken,You can't get to it.

This swish happens subconscious, so you don'tthink about it.You see the candy, but the second you Thinkabout picking it up, you start to think aboutdrinking a glass of water.


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Februaryman Swish

You now know how to delete a bad chain of thoughts.But can we do something more.?If you know the Februaryman by Milton Erickson, then Yes.You can add a fake memory, and also add a command to that memory.

See the candy in the store.

Try to Pick up the candy.

That triggers a new chain of thoughts.Which should bring you to something better thanbuying candy.

Here is make you remember you riding a bike.The person will forget to eat candy, and thinkabout taking a bike ride.

Because it is a fake memory, you made, you canalso add a Voice.You can give that person a command, so everytime they look at candy, they get a command intheir head.

The short version of the Februaryman.?Describe what the person should experince, and the mind will fill in the blanks.Normally you would also anchor it, but because it is anchored, in the swish, it don't matter.


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The question why.?

So you know how to break a bad habit, and you can add a command to compel the person todo something else.But You don't eat candy because it is Monday. You have a reason.

You had your heart broken.

You buy some candy

And it helps with the broken heart

You learn:Candy helps to feel good.

What you need to figure out is what alternative is there to eating candy.

Or the person learn to eat something else, to compensate for the missing feel good. Then you have moved the problem, to another food group.

So the command, must have a connection to the reason the person eat candy.Something like, “When you feel sad, you want to ride your bike, until the sad feeling is gone.”

First a swish for the bad habit, and with a good command.You can then do a swish, for the first time she connected candy with feeling good. And at that swish add the memory of riding a bike, and feel good about it.


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The novemberman swish...

Or how to become perfect

So You just learn how to change a bad habit into a good one.And also how to add, a command that will make you think something new.The last thing, was to find the root of the bad habit, and change it.

What if we call that bad habit, a limiting belief.?Could we change a limiting belief into an empowering belief.?

Here is it a Chess Game.You are playing it, and something happens.

Your Queen is killed.

The opponent says something.That becomes a limiting belief.

And every time you play chess, and get close tolosing your Queen...That Limiting belief is repeated.


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The power Change

Just like in the other Swish, you find a picture, before the bad starts to happen.Here it is before the limiting belief has been formed.Do at swish, and add an empowering belief instead.

You play chess

Your Queen is killed

You do a swish on the picture, of the death Queen.

And now it is replaced, with a memory that willempower that person.

In the future, every time he is about to lose hisQueen, he will hear the empowering belief.

Like the candy bar before, it is impossible to remember the limiting belief:

He is continaully reminded of the empowering belief.Making him better and better at playing chess.


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The November man

Here is the real magic.

You want to be perfect at something.?Let us say: play piano.

Right now your skill is good, maybe at 75%.

What help you to be good, is your training, beliefs, and equipment.What stops you from being perfect is your limiting beliefs, and physical defect.

Eksample:The Piano teacher says “You will never be a Steve Wonder”, and it becomes a rule.

Each time you sit at the piano, you are mental limited on how good you play.

The most powerful way is to change it, from what limits you into what will empower you.

What stops you from being perfect, is change into something that makes you closer to being perfect.

The comment “You will never be a Steve Wonder.”Is change to “You play better than Steve Wonder.”

Before you where 75% perfect at playing, Now you are closer to 90%.After each time you this technique, you get closer to being perfect.

Of course you will not become 12 feet tall or get two extra arms.It only changes what is on the inside.But then your body is exactly the same as Steve Wonder, or Lionel Messi.The difference is what is in the mind of those people.

And You know how to change that, now.

The steps:

Identify the memory from where the limiting beliefs comes from.

Finde the second picture, of the memory and then swish it.

Get the person to imagine doing what he thinks is impossible, because of the limiting belief.(Never make him do dangerous things, that can kill him.)

And add an empowering belief, to make him even better.


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The Example

Underscore is the explanation, normal texts is what I say in the hypnosis.

First you find the “Biggest” limiting belief.What is your biggest limitation for being a perfect piano player.?

Then you find the memory, that needs to be changed.From what memory comes that idea.?

Find the second picture in the memory.Describ the first couple of pictures in that memory.?

You disrupt the normal chain of thoughts in the memory.Now take the second picture in the memory and throw it into the air.

Make at better memory and also place a better belief into that memory.It comes down, and now it is a picture of you playing better than Steve Wonder.And a voice says “You play better than Steve Wonder.”

Repeat to make it stickYou recall the memory. See the second picture from that memory and flip it into the air again, and when it comes down, It is you playing better than Steve Wonder.A voice says “You play better than Steve Wonder.”

Future pace the change to make it stronger...Every time you sit down at a piano, a loud voice say “You play better than Steve Wonder.”

Three things to remember when making this:

Find the biggest limiting belief, around that you want to change.There might be more then one limiting belief, so look after the biggest limiting belief, first

How can you get the new belief closer to being perfect.?Think how to make it a better belief, to help the person to be better.

Where 'in real life' does the person remember that limiting belief.?That is where you place the future pace anchor, to cancel out the old belief.


What is the biggest limitation to stay slim.?What is the biggest hindrance to become rich.?What is the biggest thing that holds you back from being perfect at......play golf?

What lets you to lose in …..chess.?What allows you to miss.... when shooting a goal.?What permits you to be obese.?
