The Alligator Man, James Sheehan - Excerpt

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  • 7/27/2019 The Alligator Man, James Sheehan - Excerpt


  • 7/27/2019 The Alligator Man, James Sheehan - Excerpt


    ZZH GH G




    Fgw Rern Destef Fishvbaag

  • 7/27/2019 The Alligator Man, James Sheehan - Excerpt


    Zhbs deen bs i wern ec mtbef. Fiogs, mhirimtgrs, paimgs, ifj bfmbjgfts

    irg thg prejumt ec thg iuthers boilbfitbef er irg usgj mtbtbeusay. Ify

    rgsgodaifmg te imtuia gvgfts, aemiags, er pgrsefs, abvbfl er jgij, bs


    Mepyrblht 409= dy Kiogs ]hgghif

    Iaa rblhts rgsgrvgj. Bf immerjifmg wbth thg W.]. Mepyrblht Imt ec 92

  • 7/27/2019 The Alligator Man, James Sheehan - Excerpt



    Dbaay Cuaagr hij spgft hbs wheag ijuat abcg is if gopaeygg ecJyfitref, i oiker gfgrly meopify aemitgj bf ferthwgstCaerbji, uftba thg meopify ceajgj ifj hg aest gvgrythbfl. Hg

    hij twe rgmurrgft fblhtoirgs thit agct hbo mefstiftay tbrgj ifj

    ef gjlg ifj hiuftgj hbo jurbfl thg jiyablht heurs is wgaa.

    Zhbs fblht hg wis jrgiobfl ideut hbs wbcg, Aiurbg. Bt wis ia-

    wiys thg siog jrgio.Hgs sbttbfl bf thg mhibr dy Aiurbgs dgjsbjg, witmhbfl hgr is shg

    abgs thgrg wbth hgr gygs maesgj. Jirn, heaaew semngts hirder thesg

    gygs, hgr mhggns irg liuft, hgr dejy rivilgj dy jbsgisg.

    Hgr gygs epgf. ]hg turfs is shg iawiys jegs te whgrg hg bs sbttbfl

    ifj sobags. It thit oeogft, shg bs se dgiutbcua te hbo. Hg wifts te

    mut hbs wrbsts epgf ifj lbvg hgr gvgry jrep ec thg leej, magif, hgiathy

    daeej thit ews threulh hbs vgbfs.

    Meog hgrg, shg siys, ifj Dbaay meogs te hgr ifj nbssgs hgr ef thg


    B aevg yeu, hg siys.

    B aevg yeu tee, hefgy.

    Hg sggs i cibft twbfnag bf thesg jggp-sgt gygs. Hg wifts te rgimh

    bf, puaa bt eut, ifj oing bt ablht up hgr wheag dejy. Hg wifts hbs abcgifj hbs wbcg dimn. Zhbs tbog hg wifts i hippy gfjbfl.

    ]hg ribsgs thesg thbf iros, iros thit irg daimn-ifj-daug creo thg


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    BSs. Zhgy irg pirt ec hgr dgiuty tee. ]hg puts hgr hifjs ef Dbaays


    Oy dejys tbrgj, Dbaay. Bo lebfl te hivg te agivg bt seef. B mift

    lht ifyoerg, shg siys. B fggj yeu te dg strefl cer thg nbjs.

    Jeft siy thit, hefgy. Zhgrgs stbaa tbog. Zhgrgs stbaa hepg. B fggj

    yeu. B mift je thbs iaefg.

    Rgs, yeu mif. Baa hgap yeu. Pirt ec og wbaa iawiys dg wbth yeu.

    B jeft nfew.

    Reuaa hivg te trust og ef thbs efg, swggthgirt, shg siys, maesbfl

    hgr gygs. Bo se tbrgj.Dbaay puts hbs hifjs te hbs cimg thgf ifj wggps. Fe, hg siys te hbo-

    sgac. Fe.

    Zhg seufj ec hbs ewf vebmg sheutbfl thesg werjs wings

    hbo up.

    Hbs ethgr jrgio wis ideut hbs dgst crbgfj, Kbooy Agffex.

    Kbooy hij steej wbth hbo threulh Aiurbgs hespbtiabzitbef jg-spbtg hbs ewf pgrsefia sgtdimns. Hgj dggf Dbaays abcgabfg.

    Dbaay bs saggpbfl. Zhg phefg rbfls bf thg objjag ec thg fblht. Hg

    jegsft wift te ifswgr bt. Hg nfews. Dut hg bs meopgaagj te lgt eut

    ec dgj ifj pbmn up thg phefg.



    Hb, Kbooy.

    Dbaay, B kust wift te tgaa yeu hew oumh B ipprgmbitg yeur crbgfj-

    shbp ifj iaa yeuvg jefg cer og.

    \hit irg yeu tianbfl ideut, Kbooy5 Bts og whe sheuaj dg

    thifnbfl yeu.

    Dbaay, B mift ting bt ifyoerg.

    Zing whit5 \hit irg yeu tianbfl ideut5 \g mif ting ifythbfl,yeu ifj og.

    Bo serry, Dbaay. B rgiaay io.

    K I O G ] ] H G G H I F


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    Kbooy, Kbooy, jeft hifl up. Baa meog evgr. Baa dg thgrg bf i

    obfutg. \gaa tian thbs eut.

    Hg hgirs thg mabmn.

    Hg rufs eut ec thg heusg. Miaas 299 ef hbs mgaa phefg is hg kuops

    bf hbs mir ifj rimgs evgr te Kbooys heusg. Meog ef, cistgr, hg

    ygaas it thg mir is hg prgssgs thg immgagriter te thg eer. Cbfiaay, hg

    rgimhgs Kbooys ipirtogft. Zhg jeer bs ufaemngj. Hg wians bf ifj

    sggs Kbooy ef thg abvbfl reeo eer, hbs iros ifj agls spaiygj eut,

    thg phefg bf efg hifj, i rgveavgr bf thg ethgr. Daeej eezgs creo hbs

    rblht tgopag. Hbs agct agl bs twbtmhbfl.Eh oy Lej! Eh oy Lej. Hifl ef, Kbooy.

    Hg nfggas jewf, epgfs Kbooys oeuth, drgithgs bfte bt, prgssgs

    jewf ef hbs mhgst. Jegs bt ilibf. Ifj ilibf . . . uftba thg peabmg ifj

    piriogjbms irrbvg ifj puaa hbo ecc.

    Fe. Fe, hg ygaas is thgy jril hbo iwiy.

    Zhgf hg wings up bf i swgit.

    Z H G I A A B L I Z E T O I F


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    ]ufjiy, Iprba 90, 4007

    Lizbaabefibrg Tey Kehfsef wis, ioefl ethgr thbfls, i aush.Gvgry fblht seogwhgrg dgtwggf tgf ifj gagvgf, OblhtyTey weuaj lgt i dettag ec rgj wbfg creo hbs wbfg reeo, wian

    eutsbjg bfte hbs gferoeus dimnyirj lirjgf, ifj sfbcc hbs virb-eus, gxpgfsbvg trepbmia ewgrs. Zhgf hgj sbt bf hbs evgrstuccgj

    mhibr, jrbfnbfl dy hbosgac uftba thg dettag wis gopty ifj hgj

    hivg te lgt up ifj lgt ifethgr efg.

    Hgj smrgwgj i aet ec pgepag evgr te lgt te thit pesbtbef bf abcg.

    Kehfsef hij dggf thg MGE ec Jyfitref, i oiker gfgrly

    meopify bf thg Wfbtgj ]titgs ifj evgrsgis thit gopaeygj evgr

    twgfty theusifj pgepag. Bf hbs hgyjiy hgj jbfgj wbth nbfls

    ifj quggfs ifj hgijs ec stitg, bfmaujbfl thg prgsbjgft. I abttag

    evgr i ygir ile, evgr i pgrbej ec thrgg oefths, Jyfitref stemn

    cgaa creo sgvgfty-vg jeaairs i shirg te cty mgfts ifj thgf te

    fethbfl is thg meopify sabppgj bfte difnruptmy.

    Tey wis fet ireufj cer thit jgdimag, hewgvgr. Hgj aefl ile

    mishgj eut te thg tufg ec i hufjrgj obaabef jeaairs.Hbs gopaeyggs wgrg thgrg, theulhte thg dbttgr gfj. Zhgbr

    pgfsbef sivbfls hij iaa dggf mefvgrtgj te Jyfitref stemn dgcerg


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    thg meaaipsg, ifj thg cufj hij dggf crezgf se thgy meuaj fet

    trifscgr thgbr issgts te ethgr sgmurbtbgs.

    Fe werj er meodbfitbef ec werjs meuaj mipturg thg meaagm-

    tbvg hivem bfbmtgj ef thesg pgepag. Bf ijjbtbef te thgbr keds,

    gvgry gopaeygg aest hbs er hgr rgtbrgogft ifj hgiath bfsurifmg.

    ]eog aest thg idbabty te hepg> seog aest thgbr speusgs ifj ciob-

    abgs> ethgrs teen thgbr ewf abvgs.

    Fefg ec thit sggogj te dethgr Kehfsef is hg sit bf hbs lirjgf

    mhibr lizbfl it thg stirs. \hgf hg wis leej ifj seusgj, Oblhty

    Tey ifj hbs dettag weuaj ting i wian ef Laijgstewf Teij, itwe-aifg reij thit wis thg efay gftry ifj gxbt bfte Laijgstewf,

    thg abttag tewf whgrg Tey hij mhesgf te dubaj hbs nbfljeo.

    Ictgr Jyfitref meaaipsgj, thg cgjs jgtgrobfgj bt hij bfitgj

    thg viaug ec bts stemn cer sgvgria ygirs threulh i sgrbgs ec sephbs-

    tbmitgj immeuftbfl premgjurgs. Zhg mhbgc immeuftift pagj eut

    te i thrgg-ygir sgftgfmg. Oblhty Tey maibogj fe nfewagjlg ec

    wrefljebfl, ifj se cir thgrg wis fe gvbjgfmg abfnbfl thg saboydistirj te ifythbfl. Zhit wis bt. Obaabefs ec bfvgsters smrgwgj,

    twgfty theusifj gopaeyggs jgmboitgj, er wersg, ifj efg luy

    let i thrgg-ygir sgftgfmg. Misg maesgj.

    Er oiydg fet. . .

    Hg wis wianbfl jewf thg reij wbth hbs dettag bf hbs hifj. Hg

    aevgj thbs saggpy, abttag tewf wbth bts magir oeefabt snbgs. Zhgrg wgrg

    fe ablhts ef thg reij, fe tricm, ifj fe ethgr sblfs ec mbvbabzitbef.

    Zhg efay seufj wis thg mreinbfl ec thg liters whe rgsbjgj bf thg

    swiops thit surreufjgj thg firrew isphiat strbp. Zhgrg wgrg huf-

    jrgjs ec thgo jewf thgrg, hg nfgw, ifj thgy meuaj sogaa hbo cer

    surg is hg wiangj iaefl. Bt wis sumh i firrew, irtbmbia abfg dgtwggf

    sicgty ifj jiflgr, abcg ifj jgith. Hg aiulhgj eut aeuj is thg theulhtstrumn hbo.

    I liter meuaj sheet eut ec thg swiop it ify tbog ifj lrid hbo.

    Z H G I A A B L I Z E T O I F


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    Hgaa, thgy mressgj thg reij iaa thg tbog. Ethgrs hij jbsippgirgj.

    Oiydg bt wis hbo, thg sogaa ec hbo, thit ngpt thgo it diy. Cgir. Br-

    ritbefia cgir. Hg aevgj bt.

    Hg turfgj ifj stirtgj dimn tewirj heog, stiybfl bf thg objjag ec

    thg reij, obfjcua ec thg cimt thit bc hg sabppgj dy thg sheuajgr ifj

    cgaa, hg weuaj hivg mressgj thg abfg. Zhgrg weuaj dg fe hgsbtitbef

    thgf. Zhgy weuaj dg ef hbo bf i hgirtdgit, ifj te thgo hg weuaj

    dgmeog kust ifethgr pbgmg ec ogit.

    Hg hgirj thg gflbfg dghbfj hbo, siw thg reij ablht up creo thg

    hgijablhts, ifj oevgj te thg agct sbjg ec thg reij, piybfl mirgcua it-tgftbef te whgrg thg isphiat gfjgj ifj thg swiop dglif. Bt wis i

    abttag striflg cer i mir te dg eut hgrg it thbs heur ec thg gvgfbfl, dut

    hg wisft werrbgj ideut bt. Zhgrg wis pagfty ec reij cer thg mir. Hbs

    cuzzy dribf jbjft jgtgmt thg seufj ec thg gflbfg bfmrgisbfl spggj,

    jbjft fetbmg uftba bt wis tee aitg thit thg hgijablhts wgrg cemusgj

    jgij mgftgr ef hbo. Zhg mir hbt hbo wbtheut ittgoptbfl te step,

    prepgaabfl hbo bfte thg ourny jirnfgss. Zhgrg wis i spaish is hbsdejy hbt thg witgr, boogjbitgay ceaaewgj dy i theusifj ethgr abttag

    spaishgs is thg mrgiturgs ec thg fblht rimgj gimh ethgr cer i pbgmg ec

    thg ufgxpgmtgj gvgfbfl ogia.

    K I O G ] ] H G G H I F


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    Mirabsag Dumhifif wis thg shgrbccs oif bf Laijgstewf, ifbfsblfbmift, eaj Caerbji tewf wbth i pepuaitbef ec thrgghufjrgj cty pgepag. ]btuitgj it thg seuthwgstgrf tbp ec thg

    stitg ef thg wgstgrf gjlg ec thg Gvgrlaijgs ifj surreufjgj ef

    twe sbjgs dy swiop ifj thg thbrj sbjg dy Caerbji Diy,

    Laijgstewf jbjft gvgf hivg bts ewf peabmg cermg. Bt wis ufjgr

    thg kurbsjbmtbef ec thg Cerrgst Meufty ]hgrbccs Jgpirtogft.Zhg shgrbcc emmupbgj i tbfy I-criog it thg bftgrsgmtbef ec Hblh-

    wiy :9 ifj Laijgstewf Teij.

    Mirabsag wis i fitbvg. \hgf ]hgrbcc Crifn Meusbfs jgmbjgj

    hg meuaj fet meoobt if ecmgr te thg abttag hioagt dgmiusg ec bts

    jbstifmg creo hbs oibf hgijquirtgrs bf Sgrefi seog sbxty obags

    iwiy, hg jgmbjgj te hbrg seogdejy aemia te nggp if gyg ef thbfls

    it i oumh aewgr piy ritg thif i shgrbccs jgputy. Mirabsag wis

    cir ifj iwiy thg dgst mifjbjitg. Hg wis twgfty-sgvgf ygirs eaj,

    steej sbx cggt twe bfmhgs tiaa, wis strefl is if ex, ifj nfgw gv-

    grythbfl ideut Laijgstewf ifj thg surreufjbfl witgrs. Gvgf

    theulh hg wis fet rgqubrgj te mirry i luf cer thg iuxbabiry ked,

    Mirabsag wis if ivbj eutjeersoif, wgaa vgrsgj bf iaa nbfjs ec

    wgipefry.Mirabsag hijft wiftgj thg ked. Hg jbjft gvgf ippay. Ecmg

    wern wis sbopay tee meffbfl. Dut ]hgrbcc Meusbfs hij

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    steppgj it Tesbgs Mic efg jiy ifj ceufj eut ideut hbo creo

    Tesbg. Ictgr thit, thg shgrbcc weuajft agt le uftba hg hij hbs


    Kust epgf up bf thg oerfbfl, Mirabsag, ifj stbmn ireufj cer i

    meupag ec heurs. Ictgr thit, is aefl is yeu hivg yeur phefg ef,

    yeu mif pitrea thg tewf, thg surreufjbfl witgrs, thg weejs

    whgrgvgr yeu wift te le.

    B kust wift yeu te dg oy gygs ifj girs eut hgrg. Bc thgrgs ify

    treudag, yeu kust meftimt hgijquirtgrs.

    Zhg ked pibj dgttgr thif whit hg wis jebfl it thg tbog, seMirabsag fiaay rgagftgj. Bt hij turfgj eut te dg i leej jgmbsbef

    se cir. Bf thg twe ygirs sbfmg hgj stirtgj, Mirabsag hij abttag em-

    misbef te gvgf miaa hgijquirtgrs.

    Zhbfls wgrg ideut te mhiflg.

    Ef Oefjiy oerfbfl it gblht thbrty-vg, hg wis puttgrbfl

    ireufj thg ecmgswggpbfl, magifbfl jgsnteps, ifythbfl te

    stiy dusy. Mirabsag jbjft abng kust sbttbfl ireufj ufagss, ecmeursg, hg wis eut ef thg witgr ifj hg hij i shbfl rej bf hbs


    Hg wis puttbfl thg dreeo ifj justpif iwiy whgf i weoif

    wiangj bf. Bt wis sumh i rirg gvgft thit Mirabsag wis stirtagj cer

    i oeogft.

    Mif B hgap yeu5 hg isngj peabtgay is hg wiangj tewirj thg


    Bj abng te rgpert i obssbfl pgrsef, thg weoif sibj. ]hg hij

    thit wgaa-hggagj aeen; tif ifj tefgj bf i paibf whbtg suoogr

    jrgss wbth pagfty ec immeutrgogftsgirrbfls, fgmnaimg, witmh,

    drimgagt, twe jbioefj rbfls, ifj i whbtg leaj wgjjbfl difj.

    Hgr snbf wis soeeth ifj hgr sggobflay fituria leajgf daefjg

    hibr wis tbgj bf i pefytiba.I obssbfl pgrsef, Mirabsag sibj. Ifj whe weuaj thit dg5

    Oy husdifj, Tey Kehfsef. ]hg wibtgj cer thg aeen ec

    K I O G ] ] H G G H I F


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    rgmelfbtbef ef Mirabsags cimg whgf shg uttgrgj thg fiog ec thg

    oest cioeus pirt-tbog rgsbjgft ec Laijgstewf.

    \hgf wis thg aist tbog yeu siw yeur husdifj5 Mirabsag

    meftbfugj bf i precgssbefia oiffgr, lriddbfl i aglia pij te jem-

    uogft thg mefvgrsitbef.

    Aist fblht ireufj tgf er gagvgf emaemn. Hg wgft eut bf hbs

    lirjgf is hg usuiaay jegs. B wgft te dgj is B usuiaay je. \hgf B

    weng up thbs oerfbfl, hg wisft thgrg.

    ]e yeu kust fetbmgj hbo obssbfl thbs oerfbfl5

    Rgs.Hivg yeu mhgmngj ireufj tewf er miaagj hbs dusbfgss isse-

    mbitgs er crbgfjs5

    Oy husdifj jegsft crgqugft ify paimgs bf tewf, ifj hg his

    fe crbgfjs er dusbfgss issembitgs ireufj hgrg.

    Mirabsag wis fet iaa thit mefmgrfgj. Obssbfl husdifjs wgrg

    fet ufmeooef bf Laijgstewf. Wsuiaay thgy wgrg eut iaa fblht

    ef thgbr deit er it i dujjys heusg. ]eogtbogs, thgy wgft teSgrefi, thg dbl mbty jewf thg reij, cer thg fblht. Hg hij fgvgr

    aagj eut i obssbfl pgrsefs rgpert, ifj thgy iawiys shewgj up

    gbthgr thg fgxt jiy er, bf rirg misgs, thg jiy ictgr. I luy wbth

    rgseurmgs abng Tey Kehfsef meuaj dg ifywhgrg. Mirabsag rgogo-

    dgrgj thg wheag tewf tianbfl ideut thg tbog i hgabmeptgr aifjgj

    ef Teys creft aiwf te pbmn hbo up.

    Jegsft yeur husdifj hivg dejyluirjs5

    Hew jbj yeu nfew ideut thgo5

    B rif bfte thgo efg tbog.

    Mirabsag hij wiangj te thg ecmg aitg efg fblht creo hbs

    heog, i jbstifmg ec i abttag evgr i obag. Ef thg wiy dimn, hg

    jgmbjgj ef i whbo te aeen ireufj thg lrgit Kehfsef oifsbef.

    Bt wis sgt dimn ecc Laijgstewf Teij rblht ef thg witgr whgrgthg mifia epgfgj eut efte Caerbji Diyi aevgay spet. Zhgrg

    wis fe litg er cgfmbfl. ]gt iobj thg sgrgfbty ec thg swiop,

    Z H G I A A B L I Z E T O I F


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    thg tiaa pbfgs, thg myprgss ifj mgjirs, bt stumn eut abng i mifngr


    Mirabsag hij dggf jewf dy thg jemn aeenbfl it thg yimhts

    whgf twe ogf miog eut ec thg jirn wbth lufs bf hifj ifj

    oijg hbo abg ef thg lreufj cimgjewf wbth hbs iros ifj agls

    sprgij ipirt. Zhgy efay agt hbo le ictgr thgy ceufj hbs wiaagt

    ifj siw hbs bjgftbmitbef is if iuxbabiry peabmg ecmgr. Mirabsag

    wis iflry it hbosgac evgr thit bfmbjgft. Hg vewgj thit hg

    weuaj fgvgr agt ifydejy mitmh hbo ecc luirj abng thit ilibf.

    Zhgy jeft nfew whgrg hg bs gbthgr. ]yavbi Kehfsefdreulht hbo dimn te thg prgsgft.

    Zhit wis striflg. Bt sggogj abng i oif wbth dejyluirjs

    weuaj it agist agt thgo nfew bc hg wis jbsippgirbfl ef thg

    wbcg cer i whbag. Ifj creo whit hgj hgirj ideut Tey Kehfsef,

    thgrg wgrg i aet ec pgepag whe weuaj abng te sgg hbo jbsippgir


    Oiio, Baa rgpert thbs te oy supgrbers rblht iwiy.

    K I O G ] ] H G G H I F
