The Ancient Healing Secret

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  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    The AncientHealing Secret


    What you are about to discover has been called...

    that can erase pain, disease, and

    sickness at amazingspeeds. . .

    One American medical doctor calls it equalin importance to the discovery ofantibioticsand immunizations. A renowned researcherdiscovered it enables the body to heal itself!

    If you suffer from any pain, disease, fatigue,stress, or the effects of aging turn thepage and start reading! This just may bethe answer youve been searching for.

    It takes just MINUTES to do, and youcan try it yourself right now with the

    FREE SAMPLE enclosed in these pages.

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    Pain: neck, shoulder, knee, lower back, post-operativepains, arthritis, joint pain

    Migraineheadaches,sinusconditions Spinalproblems Weight problems Hearingorsightproblems

    Femaleormaleorganproblems,hormonalimbalances Kidneyorliverdysfunction Glandulardysfunction,thyroidproblems Strokes Anxiety or Depression Diabetes Gallorkidneystones Heartdisease:heartattacks,congestiveheartfailure Circulationproblems Digestiveailments

    Allergies Cancerofallkinds Lungproblems AutoimmunedisordersincludingAIDs,Lupus,

    and others.

    Bonemarrowdisease Panicattacks,post-traumaticstressdisorder,addictions,

    obsessivecompulsivedisorder,hyperactivity,A.D.D. Fatigue, lack of energy, low sex drive

    If you suffer from

    ...then read the exciting details inside!

    Here is your RISK-FREE invitation to discover whatI consider the easiest, most miraculous way to true

    health, healing, and happiness

    Receive a free gift just for trying...

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    In 1997, I met MasterChunyi Lin, the man whose

    teachings would change

    my lie orever.

    He is a cheerul,sot-spoken gentle man. Yet hepossesses a powerul and

    amazing ability to helpheal people rom physical

    and emotional conditionsusing what seems to be nothing more than

    his own two hands.

    I have to admit, its pretty impressive

    stu . . .

    Ater witnessing what some may call a

    miracle healing, I asked him, Were youborn with these powers? He smiled at me,

    nodded, and said. Yes. Then he added,And so were you.

    At the time, his words seemedunbelievable. But today, I know he was

    right. You and I were both born with thissame ability. In the ollowing pages,youll meet people who discovered or

    themselves the truth in Master Lins words and learned how to heal using their own

    natural energy. Just as Ive learned todo. Just as youre about to learn to do,too...

    Dear Friend,

    My name is Pete Bissonette. As a publishero sel-help courses, tapes, and books, Ivesampled hundreds o alternative treatments,

    Thats me, Pete Bissonette,

    on the right with Master

    Chunyi Lin

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    meditation, movement, hypnosis, and sel-

    awareness techniques.

    As a result, Ive become a bit o a skeptic.

    Its not that I dont nd value in many o

    the programs out there. Its just that Iveseen very ew that actually make a lasting

    impact. You can be sure i my company oersa course or product, its had to pass the

    Pete Test o creating lasting resultsthat can make a dramatic dierence. In

    act, the only person I know who is possibly

    more skeptical is my riend, award-winningreporter and anchorman, Gary Rebstock. (Youmay have seen him on Channel 9 news.) So

    when I heard hed met an amazing man whileworking on a news report, I was intrigued.

    His name is Master Chunyi Lin.

    And he can show you how to

    eliminate the cause o sickness

    rom your body!

    While researching his story on Master Lin,Gary listened to one story ater another

    about recoveries rom cancer, fbromyalgia,arthritis, blood disorders, heart deects,

    migraines, allergies, weight problems,

    depression and practically anything else you

    can name using a mysterious techniqueperected by Master Lin.


    disease. She was on oxygen 24-hours a

    day. Doctors said her only hope was alung transplant. Using what she learned

    rom Master Lin, she avoided surgery.

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    Shes been o o oxygen and ree omedication or 10 years. And shes

    not just healthier, shes happier too.I am no longer a crabby S.O.B.! she


    JimNancehadapainul knot in his

    back. Ater one session, it completelydisappeared.

    SueSivulahada bleed on her brain

    stem. She could turn her head, but her

    eyes wouldnt move. Doctors wanted to

    operate. But she tried Master Linsmethod instead, and is now completelyhealed.


    Anoka-Ramsey College. She took a class

    rom Master Lin or teaching purposes.In the process, her back pain was



    headaches. She had tried everything,

    but nothing helped. Then a riend toldher about Master Lins technique. Ithas virtually eliminated my headaches,

    she said. I am currently o allmedications. I had been on daily

    medication or many, many years I eelantastic!

    Just regular olks

    with mind-blowing results!

    Some o these people hadnt even heard

    o alternative healing beore. Many camereluctantly to see Master Lin, dragged by

    Learning Strategies Corporation Questions? Call toll-free 1-888-800-2688To order call toll-free 1-866-292-1861

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    a caring riend or amily member. Some hadsuered or years with no relie. But they

    all came away with renewed health, hope,and happiness.

    I call that a miracle. But my

    skeptical journalist riend called it

    a challenge!

    As ar as Gary Rebstock was concerned,theclaims sounded too good to be true. Being a

    reporter, he looked or both sides o thestory. He persisted with his interviews.

    He met time ater time with Master Lin. Hepored through scientic research and met

    with medical doctors. And when all was saidand done, his newscast was so glowinglypositive, some people thought it was a

    commercial instead o a news story! Butevery word was true.

    As I watched the report rom Channel

    9, I saw or mysel how Master Lin

    works his magic

    Its an ancient Chinese technique calledQigong (pronounced chee-gong). It works with

    your bodys energy, which is called Qi(pronounced chee, and sometimes spelled

    chi). Chinese medicine says:

    1. When your Qi energy isnt fowing

    reely, you can get sick, stressed,or emotionally out o kilter. Disease,

    pain, health problems, and negativeemotional conditions are symptoms o

    blocked energy. Thats why Master Linsays, Sickness is nothing to ear.

    2. Qigong is a way to gently and

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    thoroughly release nearly all energyblocks and eliminate most causes o

    illness and imbalances. Its extremelypowerul yet the practice o Qigong

    is surprisingly simple and easy to do.

    As medical doctor and author

    Richard Gerber puts it:

    by moving Qi through the body, you can

    heal yoursel o many ailments.

    And its been around or centuries. Qigong

    is actually the grandather o Chinesemedicine, including Tai-Chi, acupuncture,and Shiatsu. Some say it is the basis or

    Reiki and similar practices. But onlyin the past ew decades has its medicalnature become widespread in China and now

    known to the rest o the world. In a PBSdocumentary, Dr. Wang Chong Xing rom the

    Shanghai Institute o Hypertension saidthat ater 30 years o study,

    We think Qigong can cure every kind

    o disease, some responding better thanothers.

    And heres the good news: Master Lin isnt

    the only person who can do this.

    Now you can learn how to do it, too

    Until recent years, you never would even

    have the chance to learn how to use it.You see, in the past, Qigong was taught

    in secret, or made extremely complicated.Qigong Masters would only dole out small

    teachings at a time and required years ostudy rom their students. This is how

    Master Lin had to learn Qigong. Year ater

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    year ater year, under the guidance o some

    o Chinas most revered masters, in the mostremote regions o the country.

    Through his years o study and practice,

    Master Lin discovered a startling andproound truth: The most powerful is also

    the simplest. And he realized that themost powerul aspects o Qigong could be

    contained within a ew precise movements andmeditations.

    Inspired by his great love or mankind,

    Master Lin did what no Master at his levelhad ever done. He stripped away the mystique,conusion, and drama surrounding Qigong. And

    he distilled the practice down to a ast andeasy-to-ollow program called Spring Forest


    Its so powerul, a little goes a long

    way. Yet so pleasurable, you wont wantto stop.

    Its so easy, you can do it whether

    youre 5 or 105. (And i you start doingit now, you have a better chance omaking it to the age o 105!)

    Its so eortless, you can do it whilestanding, sitting, or lying down. You

    can even do it while you sleep. (Im notkidding!)


    out or make you sore like strenuous

    exercises. Spring Forest Qigongoersinstant energy, immediate pain relie,

    and a sense o alert calmness. You eelgood while you do it and great when

    youre nished!

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    As best-selling author Deepak

    Chopra, M.D. says:

    Like Yoga, Qigong teaches you

    to balance energy in your body.

    Master Chunyi Lin has developed

    an easy-to-ollow program that

    will allow you to incorporate

    the health benefts o Qigong

    into your daily lie.

    The morning I nally met Master Lin was

    the morning that changed my lie. I attended

    a workshop led by Master Lin himsel. Hegreeted us with a smile. When his eyesmet mine, an actual physical sensation o

    calmness washed through me. Id never eltanything like this beore! Without wasting a

    minute o time, Master Lin began speaking,and right away told us some o the most

    important secrets about Qigong.

    Then he asked, Would you like to try it?

    I couldnt believe we could get started sosoon! Could something this powerul really be

    so simple?

    Master Lin was silent or a moment, then

    he said:

    Before you begin, I will give you

    the password.

    He told us always to say the password in

    our minds whenever we practiced Spring ForestQigong.Then he closed his eyes and began:

    I am in the universe

    The universe is in my bodyThe universe and I combine together

    Master Lin opened his eyes, and explained

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    how to use this password to wake up your

    inner wisdom, and open to the power o theuniverse. Once you open to the universe, theenergy will be with you.


    this was or real! Master Lin showed us how

    to do something he called Breathing o theUniverse. And I began to grasp just how

    powerul this could be . . .

    It was my frst lesson in Spring Forest

    Qigong. In a minute, Ill show you how to

    do it, too.

    It took no more than 6 minutes. It wasrelaxing, but let me eeling deliriously

    energetic. I couldnt wait to do it again!And so I began my regular practice o Spring

    Forest Qigong, doing at home what I learnedrom Master Lin.

    It elt so good, it was practicallyaddicting!

    Soon I was inviting co-workers to join

    me each day at the oce. Beore long, wewere all looking orward to our 11:30 a.m.sessions. We still do it every single weekday

    here at Learning Strategies.

    In act, i youre ever in the area, youre

    welcome to join us or a session!


    co-ounder, did Spring Forest Qigong andnow his blood sugar and energy levels

    remain balanced throughout the day.

    BillEricksonfelthisnagging backache


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    LauraHoisethwasabletostoptakingall her medication or allergies.

    DanaHansonsknee pain wascompletelygoneinSECONDS.


    dropped 25% ater just a ew weeks.


    painul arthritis in her eet.

    PatrickONeilwassurprisedhowquickly his own pounding headaches

    cleared. Pete, he told me, TheresultsareREAL!Iactuallyfelt

    the pain move out o my body!


    intense shoulder pain. About tostay home rom work, she decided to

    try Spring Forest Qigong. The paindisappeared! Two days later she

    called to say the pain was still

    gone. Please tell people aboutit,she said. You may even give out my

    phone number!


    Jolette Gregorich, how to erasethe tightness rom her painul


    o pain and says. Be sure to

    mention that THISREALLYWORKS!

    AndItoldmymomaboutit,too.She had lung disease and needed

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    surgery. She began doing Spring Forest

    Qigong. When she had her operation, shewastheONLYpatientoutofSIXTY,sent

    home ater just three days. The other


    intensive care IF they even survived.

    Moms doctor, Fernando Martinez, M.D.,attributed moms rapid healing to her

    Qigong exercises.

    Works aster than aspirin . . .


    awkward positions doing electrical work onmy house. The next day, I woke up sti and

    sore. But I used Spring Forest QigongorjustTHREEMINUTESandthe pain and stiness

    disappeared entirely.

    The more I experienced and heard the more I believed that the entire world

    needed to know about Spring Forest Qigong.

    When I told Paul Scheele, our chairman, that

    I wanted to nd a way to share this practicewith everyone, he agreed wholeheartedly. So

    I went to Master Lin and asked i hed workwith us to create a program people could use

    at home. He was delighted. I want ALL peopleto know they have the ability to prevent

    illness and heal themselves, he said. Hispersonal mission is a healer in every amilyand a world without pain.

    Today, we at Learning Strategies Corporation

    are proud to bring you the Spring Forest

    Qigong Personal Learning Course, by Master

    Chunyi Lin. And were pleased to oer youthe opportunity to try it at home, risk-ree,

    (Continued on page 24)

    Learning Strategies Corporation Questions? Call toll-free 1-888-800-2688

    To order call toll-free 1-866-292-1861


  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Lump vanishesfrom my breastby Stacy Langager

    I was diagnosed with Fibrocystic Breast

    Disease at the age o 22. Doctors toldme there was no cure. I am a registered

    nurse and was not satisied with what the medical proessionhad to oer. The only treatment was surgery, and I didntwant to go through that again. I saw Master Chunyi Lintalking about Qigong on Channel Nine news. I decided tosee i he could help me. Ater the irst treatment, the lumpwas reduced by 95%down to the size o a pea. Ater thesecond treatment, the lump was completely gone. It

    was a miracle! It has been 11 months and I have NOThad any reoccurrence. Dr. Pat Arnold said my breast wascompletely clear.

    One medical doctorsays Qigong is as

    important as antibioticsand immunizations.

    Read these true storiesand decide for yourself!


  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    I now practice Qigong every day. I am a more relaxed,patient, and calm person because o it. Also, I no longersuffer from migraine headaches or allergies.Qigong has changed my lie orever! My husband hasalso taken Master Lins class. He had a shoulder injury andsuered back pain or six years. Ater the irst class with

    Master Lin, his back pain was gone! It was amazing.Heath and Stacy Langager

    1010 Wesley Court, Rockord, Minnesota 55373

    Bleed on brainstem healedSue Sivula o Maple Grove,

    Minnesota, had a bleed on the brainstem and couldnt turn her eyes whenshe moved her head. The neurosurgeonsat the Methodist Hospital and the Mayo

    Clinic in Minnesota wanted to operate. But Sue didntwant surgery. Ater two visits with Master Lin, the problemwas completely gone. The neurosurgeon compared thebeore and ater MRIs and could only see a tiny residue.Sue practices Qigong twice a day or 30-minutes. Theongoing beneits I receive ar exceed any eort I must do in

    practicing Qigong, she says.

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    I felt hungry allof the time until I startedpracticing Qigong

    I weighed up to 210 pounds at 57 in

    1997. I began losing weight as a resulto practicing Qigong. I now weigh 152pounds, dropping from size 18/20 jeans down tosize 12! I did not journal my ood intake as instructed byWeight Watchers. Instead, I ollowed my hunger patternsand practiced Qigong. I elt physically hungry all o thetime until I started practicing Qigong. It elt like a hole in mystomach that would never ill up. The energy now ills me up.I eel more balanced and healthy, and I see more clearly myresponsibility or my own happiness.

    Corinne Vahle

    Minneapolis, MN


    Learning Strategies Corporation Questions? Call toll-free 1-888-800-2688To order call toll-free 1-866-292-1861

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Heart fibrillationstopped and bloodpressure droppedDick Conner repeatedly ended up in

    the emergency room because o atrialfbrillation. I would eel dizzy and geta pain in my chest. says Dick I had a constant eeling opressure in my chest, he says. Then a riend recommendedMaster Lin. I had one session with Master Lin in January2000 and began practicing his Spring Forest Qigongexercises.

    I have not had one episode since then! Dick ollowsone o the audio tapes and practices Qigong every day withhis wie. We do at least ten minutes and try to do thirtyminutes every day. Ive noticed many other side beneits toQigong. My blood pressure is down, Im exercising muchmore, Im no longer Type-A, and I feel fantastic.

    To order call toll-free sure to mention your Customer Code E609G-2For Questions call toll-free 1-888-800-2688
  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Esther required oxygen24 hours a day - untilshe practiced Qigong

    Esther Trejo o St. Paul suered rom a

    rare lung disease. She was on oxygen24-hours a day. It was so debilitating that I was gasping orbreath during the ew moments it took me to change oxygentanks, said Esther. The doctors said my only choice was alung transplant. I reused, she said.

    Her son heard about Master Lins class that is the basis othe Spring Forest Qigong Personal Learning Course. I didnot go willingly, believe me,she recalls. I took a class onChinese breathing or eight weeks. When the class ended, I

    no longer needed all the oxygen and did not haveto take any medicine. And, that was over ive yearsago, said Esther. And, top o it all, she received a bonus: Iam no longer a crabby S.O.B.!

    6-Month Satisfaction Guarantee


  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    You cant knowthe fear unlessyou have cancer

    Laura Buchl was diagnosedwith lymphoma at age 31 and underwent

    chemotherapy. The cancer came backthe next year, and she had more chemotherapy as well asa stem cell transplant. She was unable to digest ood, hadsevere chest pain, and lived in deep ear. Then Laura beganpracticing Spring Forest Qigong. Her pain disappearedand she was able to eat again. A CT scan on July 22,1999 showed that her thymus had returned to normal sizeand there were no other tumors. Besides regainingmy health, I stopped the fear with Spring ForestQigong, says Laura. She also changed her diet andreceived acupuncture treatments. You cant know the earunless you have cancer. Qigong has completely changed mylie, because I have control over my health. I am not earul,and I do not eel helpless. Western medicine doesnt like youto think that.

    Learning Strategies Corporation Questions? Call toll-free 1-888-800-2688To order call toll-free 1-866-292-1861

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    I recovered so quicklyit still amazes me

    Cathy Beedle o Zimmerman, Minnesotawas diagnosed with mononucleosisin 1979, which triggered years o

    headaches. In 1985 she was diagnosedwith chronic atigue syndrome. In 1990 her autonomicnervous system started ailing. Her weight dropped and shedeveloped gall bladder problems with pancreatitis, chronicshingles, and arthritis in several joints.

    She purchased the course and began practicing SpringForest Qigong. She ound that doing the exercises,especially when she least elt like doing them, gave herimmediate beneits. Soon she was walking three miles a day.

    By March o 2003 she was o all medications except or asigniicantly reduced dose o thyroid hormone.

    7 years of arthritis pain endedwhen Doug started using his courseThere was not a moment in the past 7 years that I waswithout pain, says 52-year-old Doug Williams o England.Nothing worked. Then he received a mailing, justlike this one. I thought it was just another one o those

    products with wild claims that never work. He decided


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    to try it anyway, expecting to return it later. But when helistened to the Sitting Meditation tape and practiced theSmall Universe exercise, the pain let his body. It defieslogic. I am completely without pain! I want to meetMaster Lin personally so I can give him a big hug.

    Qigong corrects heartdefect 12-year-oldboy named MVP

    Eric McVeigh was diagnosed at birth withaortic stenosis, a narrowing o the aorticvalve that causes contaminated blood to

    leak. He tired easily and couldnt keep up with kids own age.

    His mother, Pat, took him to Minnesota or Qigong sessionswith Master Lin. Erics stamina immediately increased.An ultrasound showed signiicant growth in the deectivevalve and showed signiicant thinning. The leakage ofcontaminated blood had almost stopped. In the all o1999, Eric made the championship soccer team o CalgarysNorth Division and, he was named Most ValuablePlayer. Today, Eric has more energy all around, and is nolonger tired at the end o the school day all thanks to his

    work with Spring Forest Qigong.

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    Doctor said impossiblewithout a bonemarrow transplant

    Tom Gow had been battling a

    preleukemic condition and needed abone marrow donor. Tired o waiting, he

    heard about Qigong. I was getting nowhere with the blooddonors, said Tom. He decided Qigong was worth a try.Ater three months his chromosome damage had gonedown.

    Toms doctor said that recovery was, accordingto Western medicine, impossible without a bonemarrow transplant. Toms doctor supports Qigong

    practice, and had even attended a class on Qigong inmedical school! He told me he watched a surge o energyspontaneously raise up the hands o other medical studentswho were there with him. In addition to weekly sessionswith Master Lin, Tom has been practicing Qigong using oneo the recordings in the Spring Forest Qigong PersonalLearning Course. He continues to take his medicationsand does whatever his medical doctor prescribes.


    Learning Strategies Corporation Questions? Call toll-free 1-888-800-2688To order call toll-free 1-866-292-1861

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Qigong may havesaved my life after aheart attackWayne Kassera, o Stillwater, Minnesotahad a heart attack in 1998. Doctorsat United Hospital in St. Paul ound

    blockages in ive vessels leading to the lungs rom the backo the heart. Two vessels were cleared by angioplasty, onehad a stent inserted, but the remaining two were too blockedto treat. Wayne heard about Master Lin and immediatelyenrolled in the class that is the basis or the Spring ForestQigong Personal Learning Course. He also met withMaster Lin three times. The two vessels are now 85%clear! he says. I practice Qigong every day. Ive seen

    many, many changes in my lie, the most noticeable beingmore energy and greater lie comort. Wayne says hewas a meditator beore. There is no comparison. I ammore conident and eel more powerul as a result o hisguidance.

    I was able to sleep on my shoulderwith absolutely no painIm extremely crippled with rheumatoid arthritis,

    ibromyalgia, and several lesser maladies. Damp, rainyweather brings extreme pain or me, wrote Myra Ullerup

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    o West Virginia. Excruciating shoulder pain kept her upmost o the night. The day her Spring Forest Qigong coursearrived in the mail, shed been ighting back tears due tointense pain. Ten to fifteen minutes into the firstviewing of the video the pain left her body. I must say Im in complete awe

    o Master Lin and Spring Forest Qigong.

    Finally free of pain!I began the tapes at the end o August.Within one week I was walking withoutmy chair or cart, and no pain. In twoweeks my stomach disorders were muchbetter. I was eating solid oods (rather

    than the blended diet I had been on),and the pain was negligible. I have been able to quit oneo my blood pressure medications and my anti-depressantalready. I have cut down on the morphine and plan totaper slowly o o it, because I eel I do not need it or paincontrol any more. In act, I hope to be medicine ree in a ewmonths, and back to leading a happy lie.

    My mind is clear and peaceul or the irst time in years, and Ihave energy. This is nothing short o a miracle.

    Terry Maiers


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    or up to six ull months.

    And guess what happened to my reporter

    riend, Gary Rebstock?!

    The news report on Master Chunyi Lin andSpring Forest Qigongchanged Garys lie-


    personally as well. With 30 years in the


    and producer, hed never done or seen a

    story that received such an overwhelming

    response, or made such a proound dierencein peoples lives. A ew years later, Gary


    Master Lin to share this amazing git with theworld.

    Your Spring Forest Qigongcourse will showyou how you can help heal yoursel and others

    rom just about every type o physical andemotional ailment--using nothing more than

    your own natural energy. Youll discover howtopreventblockagesBEFOREtheyoccur--and

    how to help clear toxic build-up every singleday--so you can remain healthy and live a

    long and healthy lie.

    Through your practice o Spring ForestQigong, you can discover:

    A tiny shit in your posture that can

    literally melt the pounds away. (See

    the dierence on your bathroom scale!)

    - Watch it demonstrated on the Spring

    Forest QigongVideo

    A un little game that PROVES the power

    o your Qi energy. Try this simple

    (Continued rom page 12)

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    exercise to grow the length o your

    ngers--right beore your very eyes!(Dont worry, Master Lin shows you howto return them to their original size!)Listen to Tape 1

    An easy movement that can clear a

    headache, cough, or stuy nose in as

    little as fve minutes. See Page 23

    A simple motion using your index and

    middle fnger--that helps you ease pain

    in someone elses body. It seems like

    magic, but it is not as you will see onthe video tape. See Video and Page 31

    How to read the energy o a potential

    partner or riend --just by watching the

    way they walk. Listen to Tape 4A

    A simple ear massage that can

    remove disease--causing blockages rom

    your body. See Page 22

    A simple spinal movement that can bring

    happiness and prevents blockages in

    emale organs. (Master Lin recommendsthis or all women over 35.)See Page 22

    How to ease insomnia by making a quick

    alteration in your room design.See Page 17

    How Qi energy can help you achieve peak

    perormance in sports, business, studies,

    and even your attitude. See Page 33

    An instant way to boost your passion and


    says, I regularly hear rom couples

    who are enjoying a very active secondhoneymoon at ages o 60, 70, and

    beyond! Listen to Tape 3A

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    ?Q. How long will it take for me to learnSpring Forest Qigong?

    A.LiterallyNOTIMEatall.Simplyfollowalong with Master Lin in your Course

    materials and youll be doing it! Theres

    nothing complicated to memorize or gure

    out. In the past, Qigong took years o

    study and intensive practice. But Master

    Lin cut through the drama and complexity

    o Qigong. He distilled the practice down

    to its purest essence, consolidating the

    movements into eight easy yet powerul


    Q. What about helping to heal others?A. A long time ago Master Lin asked dierent

    Qigong Masters how long it would take to

    learn to help others heal themselves. Some

    said 10 years. Some said 15 years. Some even

    said 50! But Master Lin discovered it can

    take only TWOMINUTES! Simply ollow the

    step-by-step instructions in your Course

    manual and youll know how to begin.

    Q. Do I have to believe in this for it to



    in water or it to quench your thirst, you

    dont have to believe in Qi energy or it

    Im sure you have

    questions. Here are

    answers to the ones

    I hear most oten...

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    to be real. I had an injured shoulder one

    day, and asked a riend to do Spring ForestQigongon me. She had no idea how and didnt

    even believe it would work! But she ollowed

    my instructions, and in minutes, erased all

    pain rom my shoulder! She couldnt believe


    later, her back pain was gone, too.

    Q. Are the exercises in the Course the

    same as those taught by Master Lin in his

    personal workshops?

    A. Yes, they are all the same. In act,

    youll probably eel like Master Lin is

    right there with you! All inormation rom

    his private sessions is included in the

    Course. Some o the people in this booklet

    saw Master Lin privately, but you can gain

    the same benets through this home study

    course without ever seeing him personally.

    Q. Should I practice Spring Forest Qigong

    even if Im healthy?


    they occur. Practicing Spring Forest Qigongkeeps your energy fowing to prevent sickness

    in the uture. It enables you to slow down

    the aging process, maintain a more youthul

    and energetic body and mind, and enjoy

    increased happiness and enjoyment o your

    lie. Thats why I practice it as well as

    most o the people in our oce.

    Q. Can I do this even if I have physical


    A. Denitely. You can do Spring Forest

    Qigongstanding, sitting, or lying down.

    And you dont have to do all the exercises.

    You can get results even i you just do a

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    little, to the best o your ability. Spring

    Forest Qigongcan improve your qualityo lie and reduce your pain, no matter


    should always consult with your physician

    or other licensed health care practitioner

    beore changing or discontinuing any current

    treatment. Qigong should be used as a

    complementary practice or medical

    carenot as a replacement.

    And by the way, people who do Qigong while

    having chemotherapy report less nausea and

    fasterregrowth of their hair. And peoplewho undergo surgery have less pain and

    healfaster. Injuries, wounds, sprains, and

    ractures also heal aster.

    Q. How often should I practice Spring

    Forest Qigong?


    times a week or thirty minutes is better.


    months is best. I you dont have this much

    time, do whatever you can do. You can even

    do it while waiting in trac, taking a walk

    in the park, sitting at a concert, waiting

    at a bus stop, or even while sleeping!

    Q. How do you know it will work or me?

    A. Thats a question only you can answer.

    Thats why we oer a 6-month trial period.

    I want you to prove to yoursel that this

    course contains everything I say it does.

    EveryonesexperiencewithSpring Forest

    Qigongis dierent. You may or may not

    experience what others have. Master Linsays some peoples problems might be too

    severe, ater all, we do not live orever.

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    Also on audio cassettes and video tapes.

    See or yoursel what you can do with your

    practice o Spring Forest Qigong, and

    write me with your own success story. I

    will personally give your letter to Master

    Lin to show him how his work is helping so

    many people. Because o his commitment to

    teaching, research, and healing, he might

    not have time to respond to your letter, but

    he will absolutely read it.

    I you have any questions that I havent

    answered here, please call! The toll-ree

    number or questions is 1-888-800-2688. I

    you would like to enroll in the home study

    course, call toll-ree 1-866-292-1861.

    Take up to six full months to try it at

    home, and see for yourself.


    Forest Qigongis to do it! Youve read what

    others have to say. You know how I eelabout it. But you have to experience it to

    believe it. Thats why I invite you to try ityourselfforuptoSIXMONTHSbeforeyoumake

    a decision. Simply enroll in the course, and

    put it to the test. Do a little each day, andsee how you eel. I youre not completelysatised, you may return it anytime within

    the six-month period or a ull reund o theprogram price.

    Use the enclosed enrollment orm,order online at

    SpringForest, or call today toenroll, toll-ree 1-866-292-1861.

    Be sure to mention yourCustomerCodeE609G-2.
  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    There are two ways to learn Qigong. Youcan get the Basic Course to use Qigong on


    Deluxe course to also use Qigong to heal

    other people.

    Here is what you get with the basic course:

    Manual by Master Chunyi Lin

    The exclusive 40-page manual is a joy to

    read and a pleasure to use. It leads youstep-by-step through your daily practice oSpring Forest Qigong. Master Lin careully

    describes every movement and meditationand includes all the tips, insights, and

    directions you need to achieve the powerulbenets o Qigong. It will be your constant

    learning companion and a cherished guide.

    Spring Forest Training - On Video (or DVD)

    Follow along as Master Lin beautiully

    demonstrates each movement or you.Effortlesslyandquickly,youllseehowtouse your energy to heal yoursel. Thismesmerizing video was lmed in the tranquil


    makes this a pleasure to watch again and again.

    Qigong-To-Go on 4 Audio Tapes (or CDs)

    Listen to these illuminating sessions athome, in the car, even out on a walk. Master

    Lin reveals the ancient secrets totransorm your lie with Qi energy.

    Plus, youll hear ascinating behind-the-scenes Qigong stories, and get to know Master

    Lin himsel!

    You get a money back guarantee, and a

    ree git i you enroll within 10 days

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Two Audio Tapes (or CDs) to practice by

    Watch the video a ew times, then moveon to these tapes when youre ready to try

    it on your own. These recordings guide youthrough the active exercises and meditations.

    And make it easy to harness the power o Qienergy anywhere.

    Plus a free gift when you enroll in the

    next 10 days...

    The Inner Beauty Meditation Music CD

    was inspired by Master Lin during a morning

    meditation. He copied down the music and gaveit to musicians to play using traditionalChinese instruments and modern synthesizers.

    This breath-taking music is ideal or Qigong,meditation, yoga, massage, or just relaxing

    at home. And its yours to keep at no cost even i you decide not to continue with

    your Spring Forest Qigongpractice.

    With the Deluxe course you get all of that

    plus four more tapes, two more videos,

    another manual, and another bonus

    Thats right, with the Deluxe course youreceive urther and extensive trainingso that you can help your loved ones heal


    Youll learn Master Lins personal

    strategies or nding and balancing energyproblems. Youll learn how he, himsel, does

    Qigong healings whether or simple headachesor heart disease, breast lumps or more

    complex cancers, eye problems or diabetes,etc.

    He believes that you, too, can become aQigong Healer.

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    All this, for one low cost. And it comes

    with a full money-back guarantee.

    Tens o thousands have paid over $200 each

    or the Basic course. Because o the highvolume we can now oer it or only $99.95.

    You get everything you need to experienceyour own personal training with one o the

    worlds most accomplished and gited QigongMasters. Right there in your own home,

    available or you no matter what health oremotional challenges come your way over the


    Compare that to what youd pay or courses

    or workshops. Compare that to all thegadgets and potions we all buy, trying

    to stay healthy or help an illness. WithSpring ForestQigong, theres nothing else



    there at home. You get everything you needto use orever or just $99.95.

    The Deluxe course has sold or over $540,

    but you can order it or only $244.95. 10tapes or CDs, two course manuals, threevideosorDVDs,andtwobonusCDs.Whata

    phenomenal value!

    Youve probably spent more than that on

    books and supplements that promised to makeyou eel better but never really did.


    satisaction is guaranteed. So i youre not

    satised, you wont be stuck with anotherbox gathering dust on your shel.

    Whats more, practicing Spring ForestQigongcanSAVEYOUMONEY.Itsexpensive

    to get sick, even when you have insurance.

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    Growing up in China, Master Lin suffered great physical,emotional, and spiritual pain. As a young adult in search ofrelief, he reluctantly attended a Qigong seminar. While he had

    Meet Master Chunyi LinChunyi Lin in Chinese translates to The

    Peace and Beauty of the Spring Forest.

    Now I want to introduceyou to Master Chunyi Lin.

    And give you a FREE SAMPLEof Spring Forest Qigong.


    I know people with such bad migraines, they

    could not go to work. Now their headachesare under control. The cost o missing work,prescription medications, hospital bills -

    its rightening.


    health and well-being, and do whats rightforyou.OnlyyoucanknowifSpring Forest

    Qigongis the answer or you. Thats why weoer a 6-month no-risk trial. Try it and

    then decide or yoursel. You have absolutelynothing to lose. And a lietime o health and

    happiness to gain! Be sure to mention yourCustomerCodeE708H-1.

    Best wishes,

    Pete Bissonette, Publisher

    P.S.- The Deluxe course includes all you need to do

    and know to make a signicant dierence in your lie


    to receive the two ree CDs.
  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    studied Qigong, he did not believe it could heal the body so

    quickly. But, by the time the seminar was over, his pain wasgone. He went on to study with Chinas most advanced QigongMasters. And he uncovered secrets that eluded even the mostesteemed practitioners. Master Lins discoveries led to thedevelopment of a new form of Qigong called Spring ForestQigong.

    Master Lin has since taught this practice to over 10,000students, and developed The Spring Forest Qigong PersonalLearning Course featured in this booklet. Almost 20,000 havehis course, and more are trying it every day. Master Lin is in-volved in medical research documenting the efcacy of Qigong

    and has lectured at many hospitals, universities, and wellnesscenters. He lives with his wife and son in the Twin Cities.

    A personal letter from Master Chunyi Lin:

    If unshakable health and happinessseem out of reach, let my personalstory bring you hope.

    Hello my dear riend:

    Let me start this letter with my story.You see, I was not always the happy, healthyindividual I am today. In act, I was once a

    scared, sickly, and angry young man.

    I grew up in China during the nightmare o

    the Cultural Revolution. My loving parentswere taken violently rom our amily, leaving

    my our young siblings and me to end orourselves on the streets. I was beaten,

    abused, and in constant anguish. The horrorsI experienced and witnessed as a child led me

    to trust no one and to hate the world, longater the barbaric Revolution ended.

    From high school to college, and even ater

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    becoming a teacher, I searched or an answer

    to the pain and darkness o my lie. Istudied Chinese philosophy, history, Westernliterature, even economics, and could not nd

    what I was looking or.

    I nally ound it, quite by accident.


    search o relie rom my chronic knee pain.

    It was truly a miracle! When I let thatday, I was ree. My body no longer hurt. And,

    most important, my spirit elt ree or the

    rst time since I was a child. It was hardto believe that something could heal me soquickly and permanently. But it did.

    My newound eelings o health, love,kindness, and orgiveness continued to grow.

    The emotional, physical, and spiritual painnever returned, and my ocus on learning and


    in lie became a joy, even cleaning the


    I have since dedicated my lie to studyingand mastering Qigong. I dream o a healerin every amily and a world without pain.

    I I was able to use Qigong to turn my own

    suering into my greatest beneft then so

    can you. I truly believe this practice canbring you much relie and success, no matter

    what obstacles or hardships you may ace inyour own lie.

    Chunyi Lin

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    Dont be fooled by the seeming simplicity of this exercise! AsMaster Lin says, The most powerful is also the simplest. Thisexercise is subtle yet EXTREMELY powerful. Its called:


    This simple movement helps heal lungs and skin, whilebalancing energy outside and inside the body. Master Lindemonstrates it in detail in your Personal Learning Course,but we invite you to sample it now!

    1. Relax into the proper position.

    Stand with your toes pointed forward, your knees slightlybent. Set your feet a little more than shoulder width apart forgood balance. Look forward. Smile. Relax!

    Draw your chin back a little to straighten the spine. Open your

    Welcome to yourrst experience ofSpring Forest Qigong

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    ngers. Drop your shoulders. Now shift your elbows outward

    a little.

    2. Begin to breathe.

    Slowly take three deep, silent, and gentle breaths. Imagineusing your whole body to breathe. Visualize the universalenergy coming into every cell of your body. When you exhale,visualize any pain or sickness changing into smoke andshooting out from every cell to the end of the universe.

    3. Say the password.

    Close your eyes and lips, and say the password, I am in

    the universe. The universe is in my body. The universe and Icombine together. Take a moment to feel the emptiness, thequietness, the stillness of the universe.

    4. Begin the exercise.

    As you inhale, move your hands open and to the sides. As youexhale, close your hands. (Use the pictures as a guide.) Whenyou open your hands, feel the energy expanding in the spacebetween your hands. When you bring your hands together, feelthe energy compressing in the space between your hands. Yourhands do not touch each other.

    Allow your hands and body to feel the energy while youuse your elbows to guide the action. Do the exercises for sixminutes. When nished, sit and relax for several minutes.

    Need help? Call us toll-free at 1-888-800-2688. Wellbe happy to answer any questions to help you with your

    practice ofSpring Forest Qigong. To enroll in the course

    call toll-free 1-866-292-1861 or order online Be sure to

    mention your Customer Code E609G-2.
  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Heres what doctors have tosay about Master Lin and

    Spring Forest Qigong!

    I would place Qigong equal in importance to the incredible

    discoveries in the forties called antibiotics and in the fifties called


    Bill Manahan, M.D.

    Assistant Professor of Family Practice and Community Health,University of Minnesota Medical School

    Master Lin has an outstanding reputation as a practitioner and

    teacher ofSpring Forest Qigong, a unique form of this tradition,

    which is especially accessible to the practitioner. People of all

    ages, from all walks of life, and every level of skill, have taken and

    benefited from his courses. I have taken two levels of his training.

    I know of several of my patients who have seen him for Qigong

    therapy with as good as results as I.

    HenryC. Emmons, M.D.

    Psychiatrist in private practice, Northeld, Minnesota. Recipient of BushFellowship to study alternative and complementary care therapies.

    Mr. Lins practice of traditional Chinese medicine, known as

    Qigong, is exemplary. His respect and straight-forwardness with

    patients upholds the highest medical ethics. His outcomes treating

    respiratory disease and cancer I have observed to be quite remark-

    able. Mr. Lin is the most dedicated teacher I have seen in a long time.

    Mr. Lin communicates clearly and is rapidly developing students into

    teachers of Qigong.

    Bart Main, M.D.

    Chief of Psychiatry, Human Services, Washington County, Minnesota

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    As both the president of the International Institute of Chinese

    Medicine and as a Qigong Master myself, I am well-versed in the

    area of Chinese Medicine, and more specifically, with the Qigong

    community. It is without reservation that I say Master Lin is at the

    top of his field among Qigong Masters in the U.S.

    Michael Zeng, M.D.

    President of International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Santa Fe, New Mexico,and a Commissioner of the National Certification for Acupuncturistsand Oriental Medicine

    I became acquainted with the work of Chunyi Lin and have

    experienced first-hand his remarkable healing abilities and work

    as a teacher of alternative healing methods. His work is extremely

    important to the health care community and American people. I am

    recommending Chunyi Lin to my colleagues at Harvard University

    and John Bastyr University.

    Marcia Zimmerman, C.N.

    CEO, The Zimmerman Group, Author published in professional journalsincluding The Townsend Letter for Doctors and The American Journal of NaturalMedicine. Author of The A.D.D. Nutrition Solution, published by Henry Holt andCompany, New York.

    Master Lin has extensive experiences in the ancient meditative

    practices of China. He has presented complex techniques in simple,easy-to-understand terms that can help anyone better control pain

    and sickness. I strongly recommend Master Lin and Spring Forest


    Kenneth S. Cohen, M.A., M.S.TH.

    China Scholar, Adjunct Professor at Union Institute Graduate School,Author of The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing(Random House) and more than 150 journal articles.

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    The main conclusion

    from many studies is that

    Qigong enables the body

    to heal itself.The following reflect the impressions andconclusions of Kenneth M. Sancier, Ph.D. ina scientific report, Medical Applications ofQigong, published by Alternative Therapiesin January 1996. They are provided for yourinformation and your study of the practice ofQigong. Dr. Sancier writes, Almost everyone canlearn Qigong exercises for maintaining healthand self-healing.

    Stroke and Mortality Rates Decrease

    In a study of hypertensive patients, the mortalityrate in the Qigong group was nearly half of the

    group who did not practice Qigong. People whodid not practice Qigong suffered a stroke or diedfrom a stroke at a rate twice that of those whopracticed Qigong.

    Blood Pressure Stabilizes

    Over a 20-year period, blood pressure of theQigong group stabilized, whereas that of thecontrol group increased.

    Sex Hormone Levels Improve

    Estrogen imbalances can be reversed byQigong exercise. In an auxiliary study, changes

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    were accompanied by improvements insymptoms such as soreness, dizziness,insomnia, hair loss, impotence, and incontinenceassociated with kidney deficiency hypertension.

    Bone Density Increases

    Bone density increased in men who practicedQigong for one year. It is likely Qigong therapywould help restore bone density in women

    as well.

    Cancer and Drug Treatment Improve

    Patients with medically diagnosed malignantcancer were divided into two groups. Allreceived drugs, but one group also practicedQigong. Both groups improved, but the[Qigong] group showed improvement instrength, appetite, freedom from diarrhea, andweight gain four to nine times greater than thecontrol group. Additionally, a measure of the

    immune function improved for the Qigong groupand decreased for the control group.

    Senility Symptoms Improve

    After six months, eight of the 14 main clinicalsigns and symptoms in the Qigong group hadimproved more than 80%, whereas no symptomsin the control group had improved more than45%. Criteria for judging outcome were basedon measuring clinical signs and symptomsincluding cerebral function, sexual function,

    serum lipid levels, and function of the endocrineglands.

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    Bloodflow to Brain Increases. MemoryImproves. Insomnia, Numbness, VertigoHeadaches, and Cholesterol Decrease

    Two studies show Qigong increases bloodflow to the brain. For subjects with cerebralarteriosclerosis who practice Qigong for oneto six months, improvements were notedin symptoms such as memory, dizziness,

    insomnia, tinnitus, numbness of limbs, andvertigo headache. During these studies, adecrease in plasma cholesterol wasalso noted.

    Combination of Qigong and Drugs isSuperior Drug Therapy Alone

    Research shows Qigong is believed to relaxthe body, promote the flow or Qi (energy),blood, oxygen, and nutrients to all cells ofthe body, and promote the removal of wasteproducts from cells. We may assume thatQigong also promotes drug uptake by tissueand cells.

    Mind-Body Regulation

    A tenet of Qigong is that the mind leads theQi, and the Qi leads the blood. This somewhatmysterious statement can be interpreted tomean that intention (the mind) can direct the Qiwithin the body.

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    Alpha Brain Waves Increase

    Dr. Sancier referenced two studies that showalpha brain waves dominate beta waves andspread to the frontal areas of the brain duringQigong practice.

    One study found differences between thepractices of Zen and Qigong. These differencesin brain function suggest that internal Qigong is a

    semiconscious process that involves someawareness and activity, whereas Zen meditationis a neutral process that releases the meditatorfrom all concerns. Perhaps because of thisdifference, Qigong is considered a healing art,whereas Zen is generally not.

    Following are excerpts from an articlethat appeared in the American Journal ofAcupuncture, Vol. 19, No. 4, titled, MedicalApplications of Qigong and Emitted Qi onHumans, Animals, Cell Cultures, and Plants:

    Review of Selected Scientific Research, writtenby Kenneth M. Sancier, Ph.D., and Bingkun Hu,Ph.D.

    Improve Condition of Aged

    The researchers concluded that Qigongexercise had stimulated the increased activityof the enzyme, SOD, which in turn resulted inbetter control of the aging process by decreasingthe estrogen level for men and increasing it forwomen. ... We believe that these results suggest

    one mechanism by which Qigong exercise canpromote health, improve the condition of theaged, and cure disease.

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    Tumors Reduced or Eliminated

    Researchers suggest that emitted Qi damagestumor cells, inhibits their growth, promotes theregenerative function of the lymph system, andincrease anti-tumorigenic function in rats. ...Therefore, such studies provide support for thenumerous claims that emitted Qi and personalQigong exercise can cure or inhibit cancer

    growth in humans.

    Qigong Effects Cancer Cells

    Researchers conclude that Qi-treated lungcancer cells tend to lose their neoplasticcharacter, but they exhibited less of this tendencythan liver cancer cells, which they also studied.

    Qigong helps cure disease andpromotes health

    We observe that the emitted Qi affected all the

    functions of cell-mediated immune systems thatwere measured, not just one part of the system.Thus, the study offers a mechanism by whichQigong helps cure disease and promote healthin a holistic way.

    Helpful with HIV and AIDS

    Qigong was hypothesized as being helpful toHIV-infected individuals. Anxiety, depressionand T-cell counts were measured. A statisticallysignificant increase in T-cells and a statistically

    significant decrease in anxiety and depressionwere found.

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    Learning Strategies CorporationHelping you enjoy perfect health and well-beingSince 1981

    Qigong as a Treatment ofSubstance Addiction

    A recent study shows that the use of Qigongtherapy can help in the detoxification of heroinaddicts.

    Effective in Pain Reduction

    One group of patients was taught Qigong

    and one was taught an exercise that resembledQigong.91% of the Qigong patients reporteda transient drop in pain compared to only 36%of the controls. A long-term reduction in anxietyin patients suffering from treatment-resistantCRPS-I was found.

    More information on these summaries and excerpts ofscientic studies can be found on the internet at
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    Dear Friend,

    The booklet describes how to use Spring Forest

    Qigong to help heal yourself. Now, let's explore the

    Deluxe Course to help heal other people.

    The miraculous results people have seen from their

    practice of Spring Forest Qigong have inspired me.

    One person told me in the past 12 years she had

    not slept for more than a couple of hours at a time

    because of intense, pervasive pain. After she followed

    the video one time, she slept through the entire night.

    Another woman called with lymphoma. She

    barely had the energy to order the course, and when

    she began practicing, she could only stand to move

    two or three minutes a day. Two months later she

    telephoned meafter 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    One woman called from the hospital after the

    MRI showed her to be cancer-free. She had been

    practicing Qigong with a friend for two months.

    The father of a 30-something man who has

    suffered from depression throughout his adult life

    told me of their successes. After a couple of weeks of

    practicing, his son felt stable for several days.

    Helping Others to Heal

    In the Deluxe course you will learn special

    techniques that aid in helping your family and friends

    heal, including:

    1) Sword Fingers helps you increase your ability

    to break up energy blockages in other people.

    2) Cloud Hands helps you increase your ability to

    remove blockages in other people.

    3) Thunder Palms helps you increase your ability

    to put abundant fresh energy in your friend's body.

    4) 10,000 Hands helps you develop the purity

    and depth of your energy, which can signicantly

    improve your ability to help your friends heal.

    Virtual Compass

    for faster results

    Each time you practice Spring Forest Qigong, there

    is a direction to face in which you can receive more

    energy faster. This direction will vary from person to

    person and from time to time. Chunyi Lin will teach

    you how to align your body as a Virtual

    In the Basic Course you learn how to help heal yourself.

    In the Deluxe Course you also learn how to help heal your family

    and friends...and supercharge your own healing

    Learning Strategies Corporation

    (over, please)

    Read this after

    youve finished thelittle booklet.

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Compass so that you always know the best

    direction to face while doing Qigong.

    Sitting Postures

    Chunyi Lin, as well as all advanced Qigong

    meditators, sits in the Lotus Position during Sitting

    Meditations. While this is not necessary, it cangreatly enhance your experience as you develop

    your energy. Master Lin teaches simple exercises so

    that you can be sitting in the lotus position within a

    couple of months.

    Chunyi says he prefers sitting in the lotus position

    even when watching television. His father, who is in

    his 70s, learned to sit in the lotus position recently. He

    says almost everyone can learn the lotus.

    Hand Postureto close out negative energy

    There is a special way to hold your hands to protect

    yourself from negative energy, other peoples energy,

    fear, and even cold. It not only keeps other energy out,

    but also keeps your energy from draining.

    The Healing Process

    There are 15 important steps that Chunyi Lin

    follows to help other people.

    I have used this healing process on a couple ofdozen family members and friends to relieve their

    sore muscles, intense pain, cancer, sinus problems,

    headaches, cuts, cramps, arthritis, bone spurs, and

    diabetes. I am simply amazed at how well this

    process works. When a friend was over for dinner

    recently, I did a Qigong healing for him. He said he

    could feel the pain in his chest leave as I worked on

    him. The power of Qigong continues to astonish me.

    Discontinuing MedicationsThrough Qigong healing the body may no longerneed medicating with such things as insulin or

    allergy medication. Chunyi Lin will tell you what

    signs to look for. When you experience those signs,

    consult the prescribing doctor for a retest. It is

    important not to stop medication prematurely or

    without your doctor's knowledge. Some medications

    require a supervised weaning process. Discuss all

    medication concerns with your doctor.

    Energy Systems of the Body

    There are ve main energy systems of the body for

    Qigong healing. They are called the Kidney System,

    Liver System, Lung System, Heart System, and

    Stomach System.

    Each system involves multiple organs. The

    Heart System, for example, includes the tongueand small intestines. Because of this, a problem in

    one organ indicates the possibility of a problem in

    another organ. If a person has problems in the small

    intestines, you are likely to nd a blockage in the


    Each system is also associated with emotions.

    Grief, sadness, crying, and depression are associated

    with the Lung System. So, if a person suffers from

    depression, you are likely to nd blockages in the

    various organs of the Lung System.Each Energy System also responds to color. The

    Kidney System responds to dark blue. When healing the

    kidneys, imagine that the energy you put there is dark

    blue. Similarly, because the breasts are in the Kidney

    System, imagine giving dark blue energy to someone

    with breast lumps.

    This is all carefully described in the Deluxe Course,

    so you can easily follow along and reference Master

    Lin's guidance. It is exciting and fascinating.

    How to help heal different problemsin the body

    The course includes detailed information to help

    you do a better Qigong healing. These areas include:

    *Head, including headaches, eye, ear, noseproblems, teeth problems and TMJ, and facial pain

    *Shoulder and Neck

    *Lungs, including emphysema and asthma

    *Heart, including heart attack (Chunyi shows aspecial way of removing excess blocked energy

    from the heart.)


    *Digestive System, including nausea, diarrhea, andconstipation

    *Pancreas, including diabetes and high or low bloodsugar

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    *Circulatory System, including high or low bloodpressure, high cholesterol

    *Immune System, including sinus problems, cold,u, fever, arthritis, and gout

    *Liver and Gall Bladder

    *Kidneys and Bladder*Reproductive organs, including low sexual energy,

    sterility, infertility, PMS, pregnancy problems

    *Skin, including warts, psoriasis, and acne

    Black Sesame Seeds

    In the Basic Course Chunyi Lin tells you how to

    make Yin/Yang water to help balance your energy. He

    drinks it every morning. I drink it often.

    In the Deluxe Course he tells you how to make

    a Black Sesame Seed broth to help rebuild kidneyenergy, which aids in weight loss and improves the

    bodys overall beauty and hair condition. Drinking

    this broth can be helpful with healing cancer and

    kidney diseases.

    Important Legal Warnings

    State and Federal laws are very strict. Practicing

    Qigong healing might be considered practicing

    medicine without a license. We strongly suggest

    adhering to these guidelines:

    Do not use the word diagnose. Only licensed

    medical professionals (physicians, acupuncturists,

    chiropractors, etc.) are legally entitled to diagnose

    illness. You detect energy blockages.

    Do not refer to diagnostic words, such as cancer,

    leukemia, bromyalgia, etc. Qigong practitioners do

    not diagnose. Refer not to diseases but to blockages.

    Do not refer to cures. You cannot claim to cure

    anyone. You can only help people heal themselves.

    Do not make referrals to medical practitioners.

    This implies that you have done a diagnosis.

    Instead suggest that the person may nd another

    modality helpful.

    Never tell people that a Qigong healing or Qigong practice

    is a replacement for any medical treatment they may be

    receiving. Qigong can be used as a complementary

    practice for medical carenot as a replacement.

    Never tell people to change or discontinue current

    medical treatment. Encourage them to seek

    advice from their physician or licensed healthcare


    Qigong healing is a beautiful gift that you can give

    your family and friends for many years to come.

    Help yourself heal better

    Everything you learn to help other people, you can

    also use to help yourself. This is in addition to all of

    the methods taught in the Basic Course.

    For example, you can use the specic Deluxe Course

    techniques to help sinus problems disappear quicker.

    Last winter I broke a tooth from a fall on ice. Tips

    in the course manual helped get me through the night

    until I could have a dentist x the damage.

    Do you wear glasses? If so, you might use the

    techniques in the Deluxe Course to improve your

    vision. Chunyi Lin teaches a process to improve

    farsightedness with a variation for nearsightedness.

    If you have breast problems, you will denitely

    want to know about holding an invisible beachball,

    the lung point, and the breast massage.

    If you have high blood pressure, you will want to

    know a specic way to massage two of your ngers.

    Constipation problems? Be sure you are nearthe bathroom before you use the energy blockage

    removal process!

    Even if you do not want to use these techniques to

    assist others, you will nd benecial information for

    keeping yourself balanced and enjoying a healthy life.

    You do not need the Deluxe Course in order to

    benet from Spring Forest Qigong, but the Deluxe

    Course can help you do a more thorough job. And, we

    are offering a substantial discount.

    You receive more energywhen you do a healing

    I know of a well-known Qigong healer who can

    do a Qigong healing for ve or six people a day. He

    cannot do more, because he gives a lot of his energy

    to people he works with. By the end of the day he

    needs to recharge.

  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret



    Chunyi Lin can do healing for dozens of people

    in a day. I have seen him go from person to person

    in an auditorium of 800 people. He never runs out

    of energy. As a matter of fact, doing a Spring Forest

    Qigong healing actually boosts his energy.

    Chunyi Lin teaches you how to bring into yourself

    an abundant supply of energy when you do healing.Using his process, you cannot give more energy than

    you take in. As a result, both your friend and you nish

    the healing with more energy than when you started.

    Your 6-Month Guarantee

    You will not need six months to know whether this

    course is of value to youyou will know right away.

    Qigong healing is that effective.

    You will still receive a 6-month money-back

    satisfaction guarantee. Plus, if you need help, you canvisit ouronline Discussion Forum for Spring Forest

    Qigong at You can

    also call our ofce for coaching. Please remember,

    however, our coaches are not medical doctors and

    cannot respond to medical questions.

    You receive all of this:

    When you order the Deluxe Course, you receive

    everything described in the Basic Course plus:

    Three audio sessions that lead you through thehealing process.

    One audio session that guides you through the new

    Active Exercises.

    Video recordings that show how Chunyi Lin does

    a Qigong healing. He discusses all of the problem

    areas listed earlier and demonstrates how to

    address them.

    One course manual with dozens of pictures and

    considerable detail to help you do a Qigong healing.

    One Healing Chart so that it is easy for you to

    remember the 15 steps of the healing process.

    BONUS #1 Back into the Universe

    Youll receive a CD of beautiful and inspiring Chinese

    music called Back into the Universe. $30 value.

    BONUS #2 Small Universe

    No matter how effective you get with using

    Qigong, Chunyi Lin says you will always benet

    from the Small Universe Sitting Meditation. To this

    day Chunyi continues doing this meditation.

    You receive the 30-minute meditation with the

    Basic Course. If you order the Deluxe Course youwill also receive the upgraded and enhanced 60-

    minute version. $25 value.

    I personally think that you...

    ...will nd immediate and long-lasting value in the

    Deluxe Course, which is why I offer this unbeatable


    Almost 30,000 people purchased the Basic Course

    when it regularly sold for $245 and the Deluxe Course

    add-on for an additional $295. But today you can getit all for only $244.95. It is like getting the Deluxe

    Course add-on free!

    This tremendous savings will last for only 10 days,

    so take advantage of it today.

    For your personal best,

    Pete Bissonette


    P.S. You can save hundreds over what others have

    paid by buying the full Deluxe Course. It

    includes everything from the booklet and

    everything in this letter. It is a great buy, and

    you can return it all within 6 months if you are

    not completely satised.

    2005 Learning Strategies Corporation"Spring Forest Qigong" is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin.

    Learning Strategies Corporation

    Innovating ways for you to experience your potential

    2000 Plymouth RoadMinnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA

    Call Toll-Free 1-866-292-18611-952-767-9800 Fax 1-952-475-2373

    Be sure to mention your Customer Code E609G-2.
  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    WebOr order online


    FaxToll-free 1-866-292-1861 in the USA or Canada, 24-hoursa day. Or 1-605-978-2023 from anywhere else.

    Or fax your Risk-Free Enrollment Form to 1-952-475-2373 .

    EmailOr email us at [email protected] .Be sure to include your name, address, phone number,and credit card information.

    MailOr mail your Enrollment Form to:Learning Strategies Corporation2000 Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335

    This course is intended for your education of healthful practices andnot as a replacement for any medical treatment or therapy by a physicianor other licensed health care provider.

    YOUR SATISFACTION IS 100% GUARANTEEDWe want you to be completely happy. If youre not satised with your course,simply return it within SIX MONTHS and well refund the program price.

    The free gift is yours to keep!

    How to enroll today!

    You can even come by and pick up your Course directly from our ofce inMinnetonka, Minnesota. Were a friendly company, and we practice whatwe preach! In fact, we do a Qigong session together every day. Theres alot to see and do around here, too. Were only about 20 minutes from theMall of America. So if youre in the area, come in and say hello!

    2005Spring Forest Qigong is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin.

    (Have your Customer Code E708H-1 ready.)

    Special Discount PriceTens of thousands of people have

    paid over $540 for this same course. Thishigh volume has made it possible for us to

    offer it to you now for just $244.95. Yousave almost $300! And you

    receive it all with the samerisk-free money-back guarantee.

    Also on audio cassettes

    and video tapes.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 The Ancient Healing Secret


    RISK-FREE Enrollment Form

    Tuition for the Course $ _______

    Installment Plan Fee $ _______

    Shipping & Handling $ _______For delivery outside of USA add $21 (Basic) or $27 (Deluxe) for Airmail, or call for

    expedited shipping costs. Client is responsible for any dut ies/taxes.

    Tax $ _______(5% WI, 6.9% for Hennepin County, MN shipments)

    Total $ _______

    7.00 (in the US)Call toll-free


    Send me all 10 audio sessions, three videos, & two course books

    for the special low price of $244.95 (formerly $540!). If I am not

    completely delighted, I may return it within 6 months for a full

    refund of the program price.

    YES, please rush me the Deluxe Spring ForestQigong course. I want to learn to help myself andmy loved ones to heal!

    I prefer just the Basic Spring Forest Qigongcourse for $99.95.

    Im responding within 10 days, so please include the

    music CD(s), mine to keep FREE.

    I want Qigong in 3 installments. I would like my credit card

    charged in three equal payments, one now and again in 30 &

    60 days. (A $9 service fee will be added. Not available forcheck or money orders.)

    Send me the program on: (choose one)

    CDs and DVD(s) Audio Cassettes and Video Tape(s)

    Spring Forest Qigong

    (For specials and updates from us, only.)

    All prices in US dollars Payments in US funds only

    VISA MasterCard Discover American Express

    Check Money Order

    Credit Card #

    Signature Exp. Date

    Day Phone

    Email Address

    Print Name


    City, State, Zip

    (From booklet cover above your name)Customer Code E609G-2