THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY APRIL bO 1905 11 OO D N NIG Jl E S I At a recent meeting of the Rhode Is mud Methodist Young Mens Club the members elected Roy Cramnton to the captaincy of the baseball team Then Frank Wheeler and LeMat were nomi nated for manager By a close vote Mr Wheeler was elected The first game of the season was played last Thursday against the team Trinity The R I M boys weak at the bat played well to gether and defeated their opponents 8 to 0 McCathran of Contra pitched a very creditable game for Trinity but re ceived very poor support Preparations for the annual excursion to Marshall Hall are all completed and tickets are on sale The wedding season seems now to be In run blast In the marriage of Miss of 2311 First street and Mr Gould took place last Monday evenSn The ceremony was held In the Congregational Church where the march was played by Bischcff The brides rather escorted her to the altar and gave her away She wore a white crepe de chine wedding dress and a tulle veil A large bunch of white orchids was carried A reception was held at the brides liome where many friends gathered Thi bride and groom upon their return from their wedding trip win reside at 100 W street Monday the Eckintong Presbyterian Church held a ciuidy ball which was very enjoyable and interesting The financial success of the ball was great enough evidence of its popularity U Change of Street Names A confusing state of affairs exists in Bloomingdale since the changing of the names ct certain streets and making them places rhomas street is now Todd place Seaton street is place and Randolph street is RIggs place Time Athletic Stars again trounced the aggregation representing the Blooming dale Athletic Club 11 to 7 Captain pitched a beautiful game for the allowing but a few hits and strik J Jug out a number of the opposing Captain Gill has signed Waldon to play second base in place of Billy Yates who has a festered foot A hew method Of conducting time Easter Sunday services devised at the conference held in Salisbury Md They declared the evening service one for the home missions by the children of the Sunday school Following out this plan the Rhode Island Methodist Protestant Church last Sunday had an interesting program of recitations spngs instrumental music chiefly by the children The gallery Sunday school room and church were packed to the doors An orchestra consisting of four cornets the organ and piano played the hymns The reci tations by the little ones were greatly appreciated The violin solo and a by Elmer Gill were the features o the evening After a quartet selec tion and recitation a short address by Mr Gill on the reason for conducting the services by the little ones closed the program Some Church Meetings tIme Sewing Circle of the Rhode Island M P Church met at the home of Mrs Riffle 109 Rhode Island avenue last Wednesday at i oclock Tic ladies of the church were invited to a meeting in the interest of day nurseries at Mrs R S Wolfes 421 T street northwest on MondayS 21st Ttvj Christian Endeavor business meet ing occurred Monday evening 24th at The church The committee chairmen delivered their reports for the past year Class meeting was held last Tuesday evening at 8 p m in church Monday May 1 the regular quarterly conference will be held in the church aii3 on Monday May S all the members of the church over twentyone years of age were asked to come to a meeting Next Sunday night the Junior Choir will sins several selections Last Friday April 28 the Blooming dale Y met at the home of Miss Beall 40 T street northwest and spent a very enjoyable evening After a wild chase a colored man who had snatched a pocketbook from a was caught near the Soldiers Home ttr ItS On the Ball Field The Injured finger of W R Leech has entirely healed and he has again donned a uniform He will soon again be In condition to play ball The senior class of Technical High Echool defeated the juniors last Wednesday afternoon on the Radford lot Second and JR streets by 12 to 7 The Company C beat Company D In a very loosely played game Last Monday the Marquette Baseball League Opened Its season The game between St Pauls and St Martins had been progressing but a few Innings when Gallagher pitcher for St Martins deliberately threw away the ball because of a decision of the umpire The score was in favor of St Martins but the game was given to St Pauls The following schedule to May 10 has been arranged April 28 St Vincent vs Si Paul Trinity vs Imniacu late Conception May 1 St Martin vs St Vincent May 2 St Patrick vs Im maculate Conception May 3 St Paul vs Trinity May 4 St Martin vs Conception May 5 St Patrick vs St Paul May 6 Trinity vs St Vin cent May 8 St Martin vs Trinity May 8 St Paul vs Immaculate Conception May 10 St Patrick vs St Vincent The Senior Club of the Technical High School was delightfully entertained by Miss Clallln of 0 street northwest Wednesday evening April 25 Many of the old games were revived and played with tho old interest that they once held Among these were tiddley winks Inch pit pirigpong dominoes and crocinole The parlor was artistically decorated In the clubs colors Miss Claflin was assisted by her mother in entertaining Among those t y declare Miss Claflin a very able hostess wore Misses Carpon ter Hall Crpsmtui Evans E Claflin M Oiaflln Murphy Merry and Hafnes Messrs Fuller Ronley Ourand Fulton Braly Cunningham Rainey In gersoli Hunt Corcoran Dulin and PipesC Lintbicum of 2110 First street dave lei Mrs Seth Wlttman Talbot county Md The Bloomingdale Club dunce which iomUigd I represent- Ing al- though Blo ming ale Peabody S aton I I GUll badly even- ing wits I I and tWJhyi ins woman I I April 3 Im- maculate pres- ent has a trip of three I I I let em bat- ters I cor- net solo i 2 just returned from ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ took place Friday evening at Robinsons Hall was a grand success arid Petted club enough money to start the team what is hoped to be a successful sea sonAvery Taylor and Harry Schermer horn acted as waiters at a recent re ception by the congregation of Rhode Island Avenue Methodist Protestant Church to Rev Gill their pastor The Memorial Church of United Brethren for Christ Is now completed and will soon be occupied The build Ing presents a most conspicuously Im posing position and is one of the most beautiful churches in Bloomingdale A fireman of No 12 engine house is detailed to St Martins fair every night for protection against fire iJI Jr St Martins Fair The St Martins fair opened very auspiciously last Monday evening and evidenced the untiring efforts of the committee In charge A very entertaining program was ar by the Home Missionary So ciety of the Rhode Island Methodist Protestant Church last Wednesday at what was entitled a missionary tea Elmer Gill cornetist rendered a solo A recitation by Mrs Adkina was much enjoyed A little prologue by seven girls entitled A Bag of Wishes was followed by Mr Speidel alias Paddy Ferdoone with his delightful recita tions A twentyminute period for tea came next A solo by a member of the choir a short address by the Rev Dr Ward and a trio by tho Triplets were the numbers of the second part of the program Tea was served with cake during the intermission and at the close of the program Mr and Mrs Shields are spending their honeymoon with Mrs Chaunccy at 2023 First Among the various picnics arranged Easter week were the A M C Club spent the day at Pierces Mill Old Maids Consolation Club which a picnic at Chevy Chase Lake and students of section B of the first at the Eastern High School who also visited Pierces Mill Elmer Bailey of 1232 Eleventh street had several bones In his hand broken while at work on a machine in the navy yard Private Keefe of Engine Company No 8 is still at home with sprained ankle It Is thought complications have set in and at present It is feared he will not be able to return to quarters for several weeksLast week a double accident occurred in the Southeast when a wagon ran over a child at Eighth and A streets and Sergeant Mulball Injured in attempting to arrest the culprit A wagon driven by a colored man struck a child at the intersection of the above streets and run over but happily breaking no bones The ser geant who saw the affair seized a bicy from a passerby and chased the driver who had turned a corner and disappeared While rounding the corner at Eleventh B streets In an effort to cut him off the driver guided hit horse at the who TVS thrown from the bicycle and severely emit about the face and head Sergeant Mulhall was assisted to a nearby drug store where his wounds were dressed The negro escaped UJ Remembers the Firemen Miss Rector of 629 North Carolina avenue to show her good feeling for the members of No Eight engine com sent the men five gallons cream last week and as many cakes as they could eat Miss Rector Is one of the oldest neighbors and has made herself dear to the hearts of the fire men by the Interest hich she has shown in their Welfare Prof Hughes gave his Easter ball in the Naval Lodge Hall last Monday night The room was decorated with palms cut flowers and streamers of crepe paper in various harmonious col ors Between the dances refreshments were served to the guests George A Green of 416 Seward square has returned from a visit of two weeks to Mithias Point Va where he has been visiting for his health Mr Green was greatly benefited by the trip The Acorn Club composed of from this section gave a priVate dance at the Naval Lodge Hall day night The crowd though small seemed one of the jolliest seen at the hall this season The contractors for building the new bridge between Washington and Ana costia have begun work on the struc ture The new bridge is to be one of the finest in the country and will run along the side of the old one ing time same streets F P Llpplncott the cigar dealer of 335 PennysIvania avenue is in quarin tine on account of the case of black smallpox which his brotherinlaw who was visiting him from New Jersey contracted and which proved fatal On Monday evening some of time of the Business High School gave an informal dance at Jennings Hall During the Intermission refreshments were served and the party did not ad jcurn until the early morning Albert Draper of Lehigh University has been spending the Easter holidays at home with his parents at 327 A street He left on Wednesday morning to return to college The ladles of the Church of the Holy Comforter gave a social euchre at Jon nings Hall on Wednesday evening for the benefit of the fair which is to on Monday Mr Donovan of 210 C street who has been in Toxas for over a year for life health has returned and he believes that he has fully recovered Two Have the Mumps Mrs Shams and her mother Mrs Davis of 437 First street are both from severe attacks of mumps believed to have been caught from the little daughter of Mrs Simms Mrs Davis Is the grandmother of the little girl and yet she contracted the youthful maladyMrs and son of street have gone to Reading Pa where they will visit friends for about ten days The work on the grading of the streets along which the tunnel was dug is progressing rapidly At Fourth street anti Virginia avonue the street is being raised almost four feet many of H the on streetnorthwest T1fufiitott w Lteh th ehr a was named itsfoot ole nd sergeant I pan mem- bers onFrI connect sUf- fering 1 7D und u Ice stu- dents be- gin t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = the residents seem delighted as it will do away with a batik which has been there for years At Third street and Virginia avenue to fill up the hollows in the street the law is allowing ash wag ons to Jump in the street This means of remedying the evil increases rather than abolishes the present difficulties Noble Tones of Baltimore who has been visiting his aunt Mrs Hawkins at 743 Fourth street while he was the examination for steam and engineer at tIle navy yard Ijas Informed his relatives that he was third highest in the examination i Henry of 523 Seventh street died at the Homeopathic Hospital last Week Mr Marks is one of the oldest residents of this section For many years he was an officer on the police force and subsequently was employed in the navy yard He was a prominent Mason and member of the Second Bap tist Church Miss Bibber who has been stopping with Miss Taylor at 905 E street for the past week has gone to Philadelphia T J Cullnane of the Fifth precinct has gone on sick leave and at present Is not improved G rotten of the same precinct has been granted leave for several days Ray MIskimmon regular drug clerk for Guy M Neely is spending a weeks vacation at his home in Harpers Ferry The Junior Club of the Eastern High School was delightfully entertained at the home of Miss Josephine McCoy 23S E street Thursday evening The feature of the evening was dancing although a floral guessing game and telegrams were also played During the intermission refreshments were served by the hostess After the conclusion of the dance program tho club adjourned to next meet at the home of Miss Turner Ur i Happenings at Navy Yard Surgeon Raymond Spear and Assist ant Surgeon H T Nelson of the hospi tal have been ordered on a marine ex amination board to meet at Marine Bar racks on the 24th The Dolphin left Sunday the 23d for Tangier Sound for great gun target practice The vessel will be away about ten days and will then return to Wash ington A C Plant jr architectural draught navy yard has had his ap pointment extended thirty days G A Holden subinspector of ord nance has been ordered to proceed to Conn and report to the in spector of ordnance at the works of the Pratt Whitney Co Acting Gunner E Beaks received or ders detaching him from duty at the nay yard and ordering him tp go to the naval proving grounds IndlanHead for temporary duty C Wallace machinist and G Griffith machinist ordnance department were ordered to the navy at Norfolk Va for temporary duty A board composed Of Lieut W 3C Gise senior nicniber Lieutenant Full enwider and Lieut McNelly met at the navy yard on the 27th for the ex animation of candidates for the posi tion of marine engine and boiler drafts man and assistant marine engine and boiler draftsmen under the cognizance of the Bureau of Steam Engineering Lieut J W Graeme left here last SVeek his new duties on tioard W J Moore C L Geddings and J S Cipeller privates United States Marine Corps sent to the lies uital laut wviek for treatment W E Weaver seaman one of the crew of the commandants barge has been reenlisted and detailed for the same duty L A Dyer chief yeoman attached to seamens quarters has been trans to the Franklin after the com pletion of the course of the present class W H Ratcliff fireman second class general courtmartial prisoner was transferred to the Southery at navy yard last week for the ful fillment of his term of confinement The team of the Dolphin has made a remarkable record during the series of games in Washington having lost one game of the eight games which the team played W J McCileand machinist gun shop was sent to his home on account of illness The only child a little boy of R E Metzel of 525 Second street Is now lying very low with scarlet fever Gets Electric Shock GW Unglaub of 117 Ilickman street while working in tho roundhouse re ceived a severe electric shock and had to be removed to his home In a carriage Although knocked unconscious for a few moments no serious Injury was sus tained The marriage qf Miss Virginia Wells Bohrer daughter of Mr and Mrs George P Bohrer of this city to Henry Charles Hallam also of this city son of the late Henry Clay Hallam of took place Tuesday evening The ceremony occurred at S oclock in the home of the brides parents the Rev Albert Evans pastor of the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church officiating Only relutivcs were present but a hundred friends came In for the reception later Frank R Whitney was knocked frqm his bicycle at Eighth street and avenue southeasts Wednesday af ternoon when his wheel came in contact with a wagon His arm was injured but he was ableto go home without as sistance Mrs George Bostwifk of Norfolk is on a visit to her sister Mrs Silas MEt thews of 1125 B street southeast ttf A Social Evening On Wednesday evening at time home of Mrs Silas Matthews 1125 B street a nferry party of young people gathered in honor of Master Preston Matthews eighth birthday Games music amid dancing were indulged in until 9 when the young folks gathered around a prettily decorated table in the dining room where refreshments were served Muster Harry Wright and his sister Kvelyn of the Wan if Company were present and assisted greatly to the en livening and enjoyment of all present Among those present were Misses Mil dred LI th go re Annie FJtzhugh Evelyn Wright Louise Cary Mary Speaker Malvcr Edith Franks Gladys Constance WOOl Mary Lane Irone Lane Evelyn Henley Elsie Healey and Edna Birch Musters Ritchie Hall George Walker Thomas Lane John Lane Ambrose Healey Preston Msit them Leroy X ranks Charlie Franks n tak- Ing elec- trical E Mar es I Hartford ard I for Maryland Ken- tucky z QcIQ k Grace min In the the were feT Cd Ports- mouth f tif Vir- gin Ia t ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Elsworth Franks Fred Hide Emery Walker Eugene Speaker and Harry Vrlght Mr and Mrs Joseph Wood Mr and Mrs A Frank Oscar Hal rimari Miss Leila Barrett and Mr Fry On Friday the Georgetown Reserves and tho AloysiuS Club of Capital City League played a game of baseball at Georgetown Field for the benefit of the ChuiCh of the Holy Comforter at the corner of Fourteenth and East Capital streets The young ladies of St Guild ot St Marks Church corner Third and A streets gave a reception to their friends in the parish hall Thursday evening Miss Luxon Mr Trot and Dr Hoofnagle furnished the music for the evening Refreshments were served by the small boys of the choir while the guests indulged in so cial chats under the shade of the palms which formed part of tile pretty decora ticri George 0 Walson paying teller of the National Capital Bank has resigned that position to take the office of treasurer of the Union Savings Bank N Ambrogi of 329 Pennsylvania ave nue has been confined to his bed for the past week with inflammatory Mr Long of 325 First street who has been suffering for the past two months with Inflammatory far recovered that he Is able by the aid of crutches to return to work Charles E Buelte of 52S First street has been visiting friends In Baltimore for the past two weeks His return Is expected this week On last Saturday evening Mrs Boggs of 122 Hickmaii street was married to Mr Mohler in Baltimore They will tp Washington after a shirt trip north The Newmeyer family had a reunion last Saturday when they met at the home of H L Newmeyer 103 E street Mr Newmeyer Ys a private of truck company G and is now off on his an nual furlough An ample oyster supper was provided by the host Those present were H L Newmeyer Mrs H L New and sister and Mr and Mrs W E Newmeyer At the weekly shoot of the Eastern Branch Gun Club held Tuesday evening at their grounds the highest score of the year was made by William Vag ncrwho got out of twenty five clay pigeons Mr jHamm was the next highest with twsntyone out of twentyfive and Orrison and Byrd each shot eighteen NortHeast Washington Albert G Norton C E who has been assistant of W F Strouse on the new Union Station building has resigned from the Baltimore and Ohio staff to take the position of assistant engineer on the Erie railroad Mr Norton will take up his new duties in the New York office of the company on May 1 Z G Rogers will succeed him in Immediate j charge of the station N James MecDonaId of Bayfield Ont who has spent the wIhter with his son Jame MapDonald druggist at the of H and Twelfth streets will leave the city this week for his home In Can ada The Rev J Compton Ball pastor of the an Church will preach JL sermon fin spring at 11 oclock this morning The subject will be the Relation of the Branch to the Vine Other services toddy will be school at 930 Jr B P U at 3 and Sr B X P at CS9 Thomas Jefferson Council No 12 which assembles weekly In the North east Temple Held regular meeting on Tuesday evening and initiated a new member J J Curtis is counselor and McLean Is recording recretary At this meeting a committee report was received naming July 17 as the date for the annual excursion of the order to Marshal Hall ui J Death of Mrs Espy Mrs Mary Er Espy died on Thursday morning in her home 104 Eleventh street after a long illness The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 oclock the Rv J Compton Ball assisted by the Rev Albert Evans Interment was in Congressional Cemetery Mrs Espy is survived by a son and three daughters P H Buehler of Truck A company enjoyed his first day off foi several months yesterday Private Buehler has been in hock for a long period He went to Giesboro Point for an outing and brought borne the sixpound bass he said had been waiting for him in the waters of the Eastern Branch Miss Nellie Bailey of this city and H M Sutor of Baltimore were on Wednesday at the home of the brides aunt 228 New Jersey avenue the Rev George C pastor of Waugh M E Church Officiating Mr and Mrs Sutor went to New York for their wedding journey and will reside in Baltimore upon their return Amaranth Lodge Knjghth of Pythias will meet at the Northeast Temple to morrow night and confer the knights rank on two candidates Commander Dr C E Ferguson will and the lodge team will perform the rites After the initiation refresh mentswill be served iiT i Crescents Beat Hilltops Time Crescents and Hilltops crossed bats at Trinidad and 0 streets Thurs day afternoon Score 13 to 4 in favor of the Crescents Knox the pitcher struck out fourteen men Morris D Miirphy second assistant engineer of No 3 Engine Company is will spend a week He will also stop several days in Baltimore before returning to Washington The Rev P W Jeffries and Miss Jef fries were visitors last Sunday at Ep wOrth M Ek Church South Mr Jef fries assisted at the morning service Edward Coysgrove son of Bridget and the late John Coysgrove died on Wed nesday at the family home 820 Fourth street Time funeral was held on Fri day In St Aloysius Church Bethlehehi Chapter of the Eastern Star met In the Northeast Temple on Tuesday night and gave attention to the usual routine work Mrs C J Wood is worthy matron The Eastern Star Is composed of Master Masons their wives widows sisters and daugh I he J lheum tlsml1as so re- turn meyer twenty fiv chl cor- ner Ba Y its lat of- ficiating mar- ried lhl dwell Chan elor of- ficiate twentydays lie Katherine s rheuma- tism Metropoll Sun- day U ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = tern and the Bethlehem Chapter 275 members Moves to Brookland S R Henry third battalion chief of the fire department has removed his family from 327 A street to Brdbkland where they will remain during the On Thursday afternoon the Indians beat the Cowboys In hotly contested game of ball at Thirteenth 13 streets The score was 8 to 6 The are eager to add other scalps to their belt A special meeting was held in the Ep Methodist Episcopal Church on Thursday evening to discuss ways and means to aid the Y M C A In its and furnishing fund The ladles of this church have to furnish ono room in the new at a minimum cost of J1CO The meeting was addressed by Mr Ward the national M Noel House Dramatic Club onI Is rehearsing Bluebeard and will presentthe r lav in the near future The Pathfinder Social and Dramatic C b on Tuesday evening gave an en tertainment and ball in the Northeast Temple The Missing Heir a melodrama was the play presented with a capable cast pf amateur aLters William L Thornton sang songs between the acts Detailed to Exposition Private William LInkins of No 3 en glne company has been detailed with the special chemical engine on the exposition grounds Arthur Parnell la acting as substitute in Private IAn kins place in No 3 Time Rev George C Maydwell says the Waugh M E congregation is the busiest on Sunday of any In the city Regular church services are held at 11 and 730 Sunday school is at 530 the Junior Epworth League meets at 230 and the Senior League at 630 All these services are largely attended and much Interest is manifested among the members Dr MaydweUs subject this morning is The Benefits of Waiting on God Tuesday evening Mr Crosby of flower and fruit guild gave a stereopticon talk on gardening in front and back yards to boys and girls of the club at Noel House It was an nounced that prizes be by Miss Harding for the most successful gardensColumbia Commandery United Order of the Golden Cross held Its semi monthly meeting is the Northeast Tern pie on Tuesday evening giving chiefly to routine business Miss Nettle E Cole Is noble commander Death of Mrs Cole Mrs Nettie A Cole died in the family 715 Eighth street last Sunday after a brief illness The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon Representatives of the Grand Lodge of the Order of the Golden Cross and of the AVomens Relict Corps of Lincoln Post G A which she was a member attended the funeral Four sons of Mrs Cole Frank Arthur William and Frederickswere the pallbearers Interment was in Con gressional Cemetery The James Stewart Company of New York which has the contract for erecting the express companys building and the power plant in connection with the new Union Station is pushing along the work on the foundations for both struc tures This company holds the contract for laying the concrete foundations the smokestack of the power plant and has erected machinery for driving the piles therefor The contract for the stack has not yet been let Much to the satisfaction of residents Mn this section the District workmen have resumed work on Twelfth street between Maryland avenue and H Last November this portion of Twelfth street was torn up and covered with broken stone which has laid there without rolling during the intervening months The hope that this is to be macadamized seems almost too good to be true The young friends of Miss Bernice Wright were entertained at her home 631 Twelfth street on Thursday A social evening was spent In games by the young people and refreshments were served Among those present were Misses Mary Fitzpatrick Helen Moore Elsie Barbour Mabel Carter Marjory McNab Louis Mueller Leon Shore Howard Meldrum Arthur and Edgar Kellogg The McDermott McMilHn Hoffman Company has begun the excavation for the lowering of the north side of H street preparatory to laying a tempo rary track for the street car line The work is being done by Italians the dirt being hoist the retaining wall by cranes The steam and noise Of the machine shovel frightened horses badly there last fall and the contrac tors sought to avoid a recurrence of their experiences then The street rail way company is putting in plowplts at either end of the subway where change from underground to overnead power will be made for the temporary track On Wednesday afternoon a car in charge of Conductor Clarence JCarney and MotOrman John Armstrong with a and team driven by hoary Lacey at time Junction of the car line with Wyoming avenue Lacey was slightly injured being able to go to his home unassisted Both the wagon and the car were badly damaged while the horses remained unhurt The automobile owned and operated by A Maupln became uncontrollable and ran into a pile of dirt breaking the machine badly Only after much delay anti hard work was Mr Maupin able to get the vehicle home Henry Waterman Is erecting two story frame dwellings on lots 27 and 2S in square 21 to known as Nos 5413 and 5415 Brlerhtwood avenue The Sunday school of the Whitney Avenue Memorial Church gave a unique outing to the children on Easter Mon lay at the Soldiers Home grounds In stead of rolling eggs about ten dozen beautifully colored were hid about the grounds in the crevices of the walls and other like places Then the children were turned loose to find them They began the hunt which lasted for over two hours when the eggs being all a regular picnic lunch was served to the youngsters did c num- bers sum- mer a and In- dians orth Undertaken struc- ture C A committee street illustrated rail- road I IOn th would given home Rot I t 1 I I thorough- fare I lever collid- ed Wagon two b found time t tf building the let t 0 clock atten- tion tf tf street Em- ory Bri ghtDc SOld which ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ample justice after their late exertions Miss Sarah Smith a popular young woman of Wilmington Del is visiting Miss Mabel Sands at the latters home In Flint street Mrs Langley has as guests for tu next few days Mrs and Miss langley of New Hampshire Mrs George Osborne with her chit dren spent the Easter holidays at Man assas Junction Va Mr and Mrs Favor and their little son Richard who lately moved out to the Park will spend the next few weeks at Atlantic City Mr Favor will divide his time between Atlantic City and Phnadelphic where he has business The B B G Club on Friday evening met at the home of Miss Mabel Sands Jiving in street After the usual business of the evening light meats were served in the dining room which was prettily decorated for tho occasion Those present were the Misses Elizabeth and Edna Ritchie Miss Deborah Gooch Miss Mabel Sands Miss May Miss Sadie Mellon Miss May Clifford and Miss Helen smith The little daughter of Mr Torbett Janette has fully recovered from a illness Doctor and Mrs Braeshaw will leave tomorrow for Florida from whence they will go to Yellowstone Park then to California and from there to Hong kong The dourbr and his wife were formerly residents In Hongkong for a number of years where their eldest daughter now resides They will make their home either in Hongkong or Shanghai Mrs Dr Heinecke will give a musicale and entertainment at the Brightwood Park M E Church next week The Regina music box which was loaned to the members of chemical en gine No 2 has been returned to S Sheldon and In Its place Private has donated his graphophone to af ford entertainment to the men On Wednesday evening the S A B Club a secret society composed of High School girls gave a dance In Postofflce Hall Mt Pleasant Last night Miss Jane Wright gave a complimentary dance to the members of the Junior 5lub of Central High School time Pqstotlce Hall Mt Pleasant ROCKVILLE Md April 29 Misa Coulton of Prince George county Md is a guest at the home of the Misses Miss Wright has returned to her in Washington from a visit to home of MI and Mrs Hazel Cashell Harry E Newlon of Washington and Miss Mary Birch of Alexan county Va were married on also William Wesley Collins of Twining City D C and Mjss Tlllie Cook of Good Hope Park D were married here on Wednesday James W Beavers and Edward Hey nolds have been appointed game war dens for this county- F Hazel of Redland purchased in New Jersey a fine herd Of Ayrshire cattle Walter Fawcett and Miss Sarah Mar garet Boss both of this county were in Alexandria Va on March last by the Rev William J Morton Harry A Dawson of this town has his farm of 195 acres near Halplne on the Metropolitan branch of Baltimore Ohio railroad to Samuel T Kalbfus of Washington Go to Bogota John Brewer will leave Rockville the middle of May for Bogota capital of Colombia where he will a clerical position under his uncle States Minister William W Rus Mrs Caroline Edmonston widow of Owen Edmonston of Bropkeville this county died in Washington city on Saturday last aged eightyone years She was Interred in the Rockville Ceme tery last Tuesday morning The Incorporators of Glen Echo Town Hall Company met on Friday night and elected the following officers for the ensuing year George W OBrien president John R Johnston Thrilling Experfencjes i A correspondent writing from Daw son Yukon Territory describes some thrilling experiences in the month of in that far northern land In part he says As we start tomorrow for Fairbanks and not knowing Just when I will have another opportunity to write will let you from me oh the DawsonWe on the Klondike this year The caribou run went on the Peel river side So we did not get into them to do much good could kill moose if we wished but game is selling slow here while at Fairbanks moose and caribou are sell Ing for 50 cents a pound Fairbanks Is the center of a new placer district that has recently been discovered in the country We have got a fine team of six dogs will makethe trip in about days a distance of 540 miles We go down the Yukon 300 miles to Circle City then turn to our left and go overland miles crossing a divide before we reach Fairbanks Provisions tire selling a little high there Flour is 25 a hundred Sugar salt 50 cents a pound Some claim there will be a shortage in a good many there before spring 1 have for a companion my old George Solomon a Colorado boy is a fine shot and a skilled hunter We are going prepared to hunt but should anything else look more we will hang up our rifles and avail ourselves of any opportunity that will net us the best results perhaps mining ItselfWe are having a very pleasant win ter thus far lint little cold weather Tho days very short at present havent seen the sun for two or three weeks We had a little experience In a Octobfer 28 It might Interest you It dill me for a few minutes We killed eight caribou one day previous to the above mentioned date one wounded had strayed some dis tance from the rest and being anxious to get the game out of the hills as soon as possible on account of going to refresh Val MrS Cen- tral iIi I Virginia here fhnrsdit Yirg Ia Cash ll nd oJ Will Janu n hear Ye part- ner are Ve Shpp4rd in- terests lint Ehuis re- cent Car- roll RDeKViI1C dna recent- ly 05 if the twenty favor- able ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > secretary and John A Garrett treaa lurer Clagett Holland returned to his home near Brookeville last week from Fla where he spent the past winter with his brother Thomas Hol land He looks hale and hearty from the effects of the Southern clime Howard Preston Crist and Myrtle Breedlove Phillips of Bethesda were quietly married here last week by Rev Thomas H Campbell pastor of the Rockville Baptist Church the taking place at the home of the ministerWilliam H Houston of Washington arid Miss Nellie R Benson of Balti more visited Rockville on Saturday af ternoon last and were married by Robert B McNair Death of Mr Creamer Louis Creamer a wellknown resident of Montrose died on Thursday of week aged years He had been ill a long while with art affection of the was the cause of death He wag unmarried and was a son of the late Charles Creamer Thomas M Ofutt eldest son of Mr and SIrs N p OfTutt was married to Miss Smith of Hancock Wash ington county Md at the residence of the bride last Sunday and on their bridal tour visited the parents of the groom of this town Immediately after the marriage Mrs Catharine Alexander Russell of Washington has issued invitations to the marriage of her daughter Mrs Eva Russell Carter to Henry y Bouic of this town the ceremony to take place at the residence of the brides mother on Svednesday May 17 1S05 at 8p m Church at Glen Eho A movement is on foot for the erection a new house of worship for the at Glen Echo this county A lot was recently purchased from Walter C Carroll and an effort being made to raise the funds necessary to erect a comfortable chapel vjp be known as the Chapel of tiie Redeemer iirs Hettle Owen wife of Edward W Owen Of Olney died on Thursday even ing of last week aged sixtyone years She had been ill for several months of an affection of the heart which was the cause of her death Her husband and one son Charles W Owen of this town survive Klngstress the mare bred trained and recently sold by C Waters of Germantown for 53500 will be raced in the grand circuit the present She has been entered at Buffalo N Yt the meeting to take place on August 711 In the Lafayette Hotel Stake for 2il7 trotters purse 2000 She has been nominated Clark of Pa with Other nominees with different owners Womens Club Meets The Rockville Womens Club met on Thursday evening of last week at the clubroom with the usual large attend ance of members and several guests The program rendered included re sponses from James Whltoomb Riley readings by Miss ROB MV Hendesson arid Wallace Welsh and an inter esting account of the State of Womens Clubs held In Md by Mrs N D Offutt a delegate there News has reached here of the mar riage of Miss Claudia J White daugh ter of the Rev and Mrs S R White of Ro kville to R E Schad of San FrahciscxJ Cal For the past ten years or more the bride has been engaged in missionary work under the Baptist de nomination and spent several years in China For several years past she has been doing similar work mong the Chinese in San Francisco The groom is an artist and designer- A camp of the Modern Woodmen of America has been organized here by District Deputy Frank Drew and State Deputy R Russell with twentyfive charter members The following were elected i Council Ir C H Man nar banker Calvin Hicks secretary Guy Hicks escort William F Disney past council J Marvel outside guard Albert J Hall inside guard the camp is 9551 Yukon Territoryt- he lower country We decided to this on to toe foot of the mountain ourselves to enable the dog driver to get to it more readily The mountains were very steep where we were some rising almost perpendicu lar Time ravines were fllled with drift edsrow some to a depth that afterward proved surprising It being so early in the season thought there was little danger of a snowslide So we pulled the caribou to the mountain crest and down the mountain side through a ravine We watched the caribou until it reach ed the bottom Then thinking of no danger we started on a came near our last George was the first to start Sitting on his snowshoes ne followed the trail of the caribou reached the bottom in safety I waited until George was nearly down so as not to run into him Then snowshoes under me I followed the course of my companion I had got nicely started when I saw George run ohms for ne side of the As he ran he said Ira we are gone He nearly made time edge of the slide when he was hurled Sown and passed from my sight almost instantly At the same moment great seams opened up above and below me and tons and tops of snow broke away with a roar I never forget As it tore down the side with a force irresistible carrying with it its two hu man occupants for passengers I expect ed moment to be my last and sven new I wonder what power me to keep on top of that heaving tumbling ma s of snow Just before the slide stopped some tance to my left I saw George In his struggle for life extend arms above time snow so that I knew that he still lived As the slide suddenly stopped I climbed over great cakes of snow that had piled up near me anti made my way as quickly as possible to where I last saw George As I did I saw him rise slowly to his feet As he stood there bareheaded on that cold day half exhausted and suffocated with his struggle between life and death his first words were Ira we are lucky to get out of this timing alive I never expected to see you again Time will undoubtedly erase from memory a good many of the adventures I have experienced in this land of snow and ice But t am under the impression that it will be sonic time before I en tirely forget the incident that came so near being fatal on October 2S 1301 v the the Rev J JUt Anna f snow C Mrs recent H officer Jams BradleyCarr t 1 haul Jack- sonville cere- mony Qf forty six ee n Epis- copalians sea- son twenty fit e ml mt Fed- eration Bal- timore the slid it F outer mountain each enabled ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

THE APRIL NIG JlOO D N E - Library of Congress · Fulton Braly Cunningham Rainey In gersoli Hunt Corcoran Dulin and PipesC Lintbicum of 2110 First street dave lei Mrs Seth Wlttman

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Page 1: THE APRIL NIG JlOO D N E - Library of Congress · Fulton Braly Cunningham Rainey In gersoli Hunt Corcoran Dulin and PipesC Lintbicum of 2110 First street dave lei Mrs Seth Wlttman



At a recent meeting of the Rhode Ismud Methodist Young Mens Club themembers elected Roy Cramnton to thecaptaincy of the baseball team ThenFrank Wheeler and LeMat were nominated for manager By a close voteMr Wheeler was elected The firstgame of the season was played lastThursday against the team

Trinity The R I M boysweak at the bat played well to

gether and defeated their opponents 8to 0 McCathran of Contra pitched avery creditable game for Trinity but received very poor support Preparationsfor the annual excursion to MarshallHall are all completed and tickets areon sale

The wedding season seems now to beIn run blast In themarriage of Miss of 2311 Firststreet and Mr Gould took place lastMonday evenSn The ceremony washeld In the Congregational Churchwhere the march was played by BischcffThe brides rather escorted her to thealtar and gave her away She wore awhite crepe de chine wedding dress anda tulle veil A large bunch of whiteorchids was carried A reception washeld at the brides liome where manyfriends gathered Thi bride and groomupon their return from their weddingtrip win reside at 100 W street

Monday the Eckintong PresbyterianChurch held a ciuidy ball which wasvery enjoyable and interesting Thefinancial success of the ball was greatenough evidence of its popularity


Change of Street NamesA confusing state of affairs exists in

Bloomingdale since the changing of thenames ct certain streets and makingthem places rhomas street is now Toddplace Seaton street is place andRandolph street is RIggs place

Time Athletic Stars again trounced theaggregation representing the Bloomingdale Athletic Club 11 to 7 Captainpitched a beautiful game for the

allowing but a few hits and strik J

Jug out a number of the opposingCaptain Gill has signed Waldon

to play second base in place of BillyYates who has a festered foot

A hew method Of conducting time

Easter Sunday services devisedat the conference held in Salisbury MdThey declared the evening service onefor the home missions by the childrenof the Sunday school Following outthis plan the Rhode Island MethodistProtestant Church last Sunday had aninteresting program of recitationsspngs instrumental music chieflyby the children The gallery Sundayschool room and church were packedto the doors An orchestra consistingof four cornets the organand piano played the hymns The recitations by the little ones were greatlyappreciated The violin solo and a

by Elmer Gill were the featureso the evening After a quartet selection and recitation a short address byMr Gill on the reason for conductingthe services by the little ones closedthe program

Some Church MeetingstIme Sewing Circle of the Rhode Island

M P Church met at the home of MrsRiffle 109 Rhode Island avenue lastWednesday at i oclock

Tic ladies of the church were invitedto a meeting in the interest of daynurseries at Mrs R S Wolfes 421 Tstreet northwest on MondayS 21st

Ttvj Christian Endeavor business meeting occurred Monday evening 24th atThe church The committee chairmendelivered their reports for the past year

Class meeting was held last Tuesdayevening at 8 p m in church

Monday May 1 the regular quarterlyconference will be held in the churchaii3 on Monday May S all the membersof the church over twentyone yearsof age were asked to come to a meetingNext Sunday night the Junior Choir willsins several selections

Last Friday April 28 the Bloomingdale Y met at the home of Miss Beall40 T street northwest and spent a veryenjoyable evening

After a wild chase a colored manwho had snatched a pocketbook froma was caught near the SoldiersHome

ttr ItS

On the Ball Field

The Injured finger of W R Leechhas entirely healed and he has againdonned a uniform He will soon againbe In condition to play ball

The senior class of Technical HighEchool defeated the juniors lastWednesday afternoon on the Radfordlot Second and JR streets by 12 to 7

The Company C beat Company D Ina very loosely played game

Last Monday the Marquette BaseballLeague Opened Its season The gamebetween St Pauls and St Martins hadbeen progressing but a few Inningswhen Gallagher pitcher for St Martinsdeliberately threw away the ball becauseof a decision of the umpire The scorewas in favor of St Martins but thegame was given to St Pauls

The following schedule to May 10 hasbeen arranged April 28 St Vincent vsSi Paul Trinity vs Imniaculate Conception May 1 St Martin vsSt Vincent May 2 St Patrick vs Immaculate Conception May 3 St Paulvs Trinity May 4 St Martin vs

Conception May 5 St Patrickvs St Paul May 6 Trinity vs St Vincent May 8 St Martin vs Trinity May8 St Paul vs Immaculate ConceptionMay 10 St Patrick vs St Vincent

The Senior Club of the Technical HighSchool was delightfully entertained byMiss Clallln of 0 street northwestWednesday evening April 25 Many ofthe old games were revived and playedwith tho old interest that they onceheld Among these were tiddley winksInch pit pirigpong dominoes andcrocinole The parlor was artisticallydecorated In the clubs colors MissClaflin was assisted by her motherin entertaining Among those

t y declare Miss Claflin a veryable hostess wore Misses Carponter Hall Crpsmtui Evans E ClaflinM Oiaflln Murphy Merry andHafnes Messrs Fuller Ronley OurandFulton Braly Cunningham Rainey Ingersoli Hunt Corcoran Dulin andPipesC

Lintbicum of 2110 First street

dave lei Mrs Seth Wlttman Talbotcounty Md

The Bloomingdale Club dunce which

iomUigd I

represent-Ing al-though

Blo ming alePeabody

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April 3




has a trip of three



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just returned from

















took place Friday evening at RobinsonsHall was a grand success arid Petted

club enough money to start the teamwhat is hoped to be a successful sea

sonAvery Taylor and Harry Schermerhorn acted as waiters at a recent reception by the congregation of RhodeIsland Avenue Methodist ProtestantChurch to Rev Gill their pastor

The Memorial Church of UnitedBrethren for Christ Is now completedand will soon be occupied The buildIng presents a most conspicuously Imposing position and is one of the mostbeautiful churches in Bloomingdale

A fireman of No 12 engine house isdetailed to St Martins fair every nightfor protection against fire

iJI Jr

St Martins FairThe St Martins fair opened very

auspiciously last Monday evening andevidenced the untiring efforts of thecommittee In charge

A very entertaining program was arby the Home Missionary So

ciety of the Rhode Island MethodistProtestant Church last Wednesday atwhat was entitled a missionary teaElmer Gill cornetist rendered a soloA recitation by Mrs Adkina was muchenjoyed A little prologue by sevengirls entitled A Bag of Wishes wasfollowed by Mr Speidel alias PaddyFerdoone with his delightful recitations A twentyminute period for teacame next A solo by a member ofthe choir a short address by the RevDr Ward and a trio by tho Tripletswere the numbers of the second partof the program Tea was served withcake during the intermission and atthe close of the program

Mr and Mrs Shields are spendingtheir honeymoon with Mrs Chaunccyat 2023 First

Among the various picnics arrangedEaster week were the A M C Club

spent the day at Pierces MillOld Maids Consolation Club whicha picnic at Chevy Chase Lake andstudents of section B of the firstat the Eastern High School who

also visited Pierces MillElmer Bailey of 1232 Eleventh street

had several bones In his hand brokenwhile at work on a machine in the navyyard

Private Keefe of Engine Company No8 is still at home with sprained ankleIt Is thought complications have set inand at present It is feared he will notbe able to return to quarters for severalweeksLast

week a double accident occurredin the Southeast when a wagon ranover a child at Eighth and A streetsand Sergeant Mulball Injured inattempting to arrest the culprit Awagon driven by a colored man strucka child at the intersection of the above

streets and run overbut happily breaking no bones The sergeant who saw the affair seized a bicy

from a passerby and chased thedriver who had turned a corner anddisappeared While rounding the cornerat Eleventh B streets In an effortto cut him off the driver guided hithorse at the who TVS thrownfrom the bicycle and severely emit aboutthe face and head Sergeant Mulhallwas assisted to a nearby drug storewhere his wounds were dressed Thenegro escapedUJRemembers the Firemen

Miss Rector of 629 North Carolinaavenue to show her good feeling forthe members of No Eight engine com

sent the men five gallonscream last week and as many cakesas they could eat Miss Rector Is oneof the oldest neighbors and has madeherself dear to the hearts of the firemen by the Interest hich she hasshown in their Welfare

Prof Hughes gave his Easter ball inthe Naval Lodge Hall last Mondaynight The room was decorated withpalms cut flowers and streamers ofcrepe paper in various harmonious colors Between the dances refreshmentswere served to the guests

George A Green of 416 Seward squarehas returned from a visit of two weeksto Mithias Point Va where he hasbeen visiting for his health Mr Greenwas greatly benefited by the trip

The Acorn Club composed offrom this section gave a priVate

dance at the Naval Lodge Hallday night The crowd though smallseemed one of the jolliest seen at thehall this season

The contractors for building the newbridge between Washington and Anacostia have begun work on the structure The new bridge is to be one ofthe finest in the country and will runalong the side of the old oneing time same streets

F P Llpplncott the cigar dealer of335 PennysIvania avenue is in quarintine on account of the case of blacksmallpox which his brotherinlawwho was visiting him from New Jerseycontracted and which proved fatal

On Monday evening some of timeof the Business High School gave

an informal dance at Jennings HallDuring the Intermission refreshmentswere served and the party did not adjcurn until the early morning

Albert Draper of Lehigh Universityhas been spending the Easter holidaysat home with his parents at 327 Astreet He left on Wednesday morningto return to college

The ladles of the Church of the HolyComforter gave a social euchre at Jonnings Hall on Wednesday evening forthe benefit of the fair which is to

on MondayMr Donovan of 210 C street who has

been in Toxas for over a year for lifehealth has returned and he believesthat he has fully recovered

Two Have the MumpsMrs Shams and her mother Mrs

Davis of 437 First street are bothfrom severe attacks of mumps

believed to have been caught from thelittle daughter of Mrs Simms MrsDavis Is the grandmother of the littlegirl and yet she contracted the youthfulmaladyMrs

and son of streethave gone to Reading Pa where theywill visit friends for about ten days

The work on the grading of the streetsalong which the tunnel was dug isprogressing rapidly At Fourth streetanti Virginia avonue the street is beingraised almost four feet many of





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the residents seem delighted as it willdo away with a batik which has beenthere for years At Third street andVirginia avenue to fill up the hollows inthe street the law is allowing ash wagons to Jump in the street This meansof remedying the evil increases ratherthan abolishes the present difficulties

Noble Tones of Baltimore who hasbeen visiting his aunt Mrs Hawkinsat 743 Fourth street while he was

the examination for steam andengineer at tIle navy yard Ijas

Informed his relatives that he was thirdhighest in the examination i

Henry of 523 Seventh streetdied at the Homeopathic Hospital lastWeek Mr Marks is one of the oldestresidents of this section For manyyears he was an officer on the policeforce and subsequently was employedin the navy yard He was a prominentMason and member of the Second Baptist Church

Miss Bibber who has been stoppingwith Miss Taylor at 905 E street forthe past week has gone to Philadelphia

T J Cullnane of the Fifth precincthas gone on sick leave and at presentIs not improved G rotten of the sameprecinct has been granted leave forseveral days

Ray MIskimmon regular drug clerkfor Guy M Neely is spending a weeksvacation at his home in Harpers Ferry

The Junior Club of the Eastern HighSchool was delightfully entertained atthe home of Miss Josephine McCoy 23S

E street Thursday evening The featureof the evening was dancing although afloral guessing game and telegrams werealso played During the intermissionrefreshments were served by thehostess After the conclusion of thedance program tho club adjourned tonext meet at the home of Miss Turner

Ur iHappenings at Navy Yard

Surgeon Raymond Spear and Assistant Surgeon H T Nelson of the hospital have been ordered on a marine examination board to meet at Marine Barracks on the 24th

The Dolphin left Sunday the 23d forTangier Sound for great gun targetpractice The vessel will be away aboutten days and will then return to Washington

A C Plant jr architectural draughtnavy yard has had his ap

pointment extended thirty daysG A Holden subinspector of ord

nance has been ordered to proceed toConn and report to the in

spector of ordnance at the works of thePratt Whitney Co

Acting Gunner E Beaks received orders detaching him from duty at thenay yard and ordering him tp go tothe naval proving grounds IndlanHeadfor temporary duty

C Wallace machinist and G Griffithmachinist ordnance department wereordered to the navy at NorfolkVa for temporary duty

A board composed Of Lieut W 3CGise senior nicniber Lieutenant Fullenwider and Lieut McNelly met atthe navy yard on the 27th for the exanimation of candidates for the position of marine engine and boiler draftsman and assistant marine engine andboiler draftsmen under the cognizanceof the Bureau of Steam Engineering

Lieut J W Graeme left here lastSVeek his new duties on tioard

W J Moore C L Geddings andJ S Cipeller privates United StatesMarine Corps sent to the liesuital laut wviek for treatment

W E Weaver seaman one of thecrew of the commandants barge hasbeen reenlisted and detailed for thesame duty

L A Dyer chief yeoman attachedto seamens quarters has been trans

to the Franklin after the completion of the course of the presentclass

W H Ratcliff fireman second classgeneral courtmartial prisoner wastransferred to the Southery at

navy yard last week for the fulfillment of his term of confinement

The team of the Dolphin has madea remarkable record during the seriesof games in Washington having lostone game of the eight games which theteam played

W J McCileand machinist gunshop was sent to his home on accountof illness

The only child a little boy of R EMetzel of 525 Second street Is now lyingvery low with scarlet fever

Gets Electric Shock

GW Unglaub of 117 Ilickman streetwhile working in tho roundhouse received a severe electric shock and hadto be removed to his home In a carriageAlthough knocked unconscious for a fewmoments no serious Injury was sustained

The marriage qf Miss Virginia WellsBohrer daughter of Mr and MrsGeorge P Bohrer of this city to HenryCharles Hallam also of this city sonof the late Henry Clay Hallam of

took place Tuesday evening Theceremony occurred at S oclock in thehome of the brides parents the RevAlbert Evans pastor of the MetropolitanPresbyterian Church officiating Onlyrelutivcs were present but a hundredfriends came In for the reception later

Frank R Whitney was knocked frqmhis bicycle at Eighth street and

avenue southeasts Wednesday afternoon when his wheel came in contactwith a wagon His arm was injuredbut he was ableto go home without assistance

Mrs George Bostwifk of Norfolk ison a visit to her sister Mrs Silas MEtthews of 1125 B street southeast


A Social EveningOn Wednesday evening at time home

of Mrs Silas Matthews 1125 B streeta nferry party of young people gatheredin honor of Master Preston Matthewseighth birthday Games music amiddancing were indulged in until 9when the young folks gathered arounda prettily decorated table in the diningroom where refreshments were servedMuster Harry Wright and his sisterKvelyn of the Wan if Company werepresent and assisted greatly to the enlivening and enjoyment of all presentAmong those present were Misses Mildred LI th go re Annie FJtzhugh EvelynWright Louise Cary Mary Speaker

Malvcr Edith Franks GladysConstance WOOl Mary Lane IroneLane Evelyn Henley Elsie Healey andEdna Birch Musters Ritchie HallGeorge Walker Thomas Lane JohnLane Ambrose Healey Preston Msitthem Leroy X ranks Charlie Franks


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Elsworth Franks Fred Hide EmeryWalker Eugene Speaker and HarryVrlght Mr and Mrs Joseph Wood

Mr and Mrs A Frank Oscar Halrimari Miss Leila Barrett and Mr Fry

On Friday the Georgetown Reservesand tho AloysiuS Club of Capital CityLeague played a game of baseball at

Georgetown Field for the benefit ofthe ChuiCh of the Holy Comforter atthe corner of Fourteenth and EastCapital streets

The young ladies of StGuild ot St Marks Church cornerThird and A streets gave a receptionto their friends in the parish hallThursday evening Miss Luxon MrTrot and Dr Hoofnagle furnished themusic for the evening Refreshmentswere served by the small boys of thechoir while the guests indulged in social chats under the shade of the palmswhich formed part of tile pretty decoraticri

George 0 Walson paying teller of theNational Capital Bank has resigned thatposition to take the office of treasurer ofthe Union Savings Bank

N Ambrogi of 329 Pennsylvania avenue has been confined to his bed for thepast week with inflammatory

Mr Long of 325 First street who hasbeen suffering for the past two monthswith Inflammatory farrecovered that he Is able by the aid ofcrutches to return to work

Charles E Buelte of 52S First streethas been visiting friends In Baltimorefor the past two weeks His return Isexpected this week

On last Saturday evening Mrs Boggsof 122 Hickmaii street was married toMr Mohler in Baltimore They will

tp Washington after a shirt tripnorth

The Newmeyer family had a reunionlast Saturday when they met at thehome of H L Newmeyer 103 E streetMr Newmeyer Ys a private of truckcompany G and is now off on his annual furlough An ample oyster supperwas provided by the host Those presentwere H L Newmeyer Mrs H L New

and sister and Mr and Mrs WE Newmeyer

At the weekly shoot of the EasternBranch Gun Club held Tuesday eveningat their grounds the highest score ofthe year was made by William Vagncrwho got out of twentyfive clay pigeons Mr jHamm was thenext highest with twsntyone out oftwentyfive and Orrison and Byrd eachshot eighteen


Albert G Norton C E who has beenassistant of W F Strouse on the

new Union Station building has resignedfrom the Baltimore and Ohio staff totake the position of assistant engineeron the Erie railroad Mr Norton willtake up his new duties in the New Yorkoffice of the company on May 1 Z GRogers will succeed him in Immediate j

charge of the station N

James MecDonaId of Bayfield Ontwho has spent the wIhter with his sonJame MapDonald druggist at the

of H and Twelfth streets will leavethe city this week for his home In Canada

The Rev J Compton Ball pastor ofthe an Church willpreach JL sermon fin spring at 11

oclock this morning The subject willbe the Relation of the Branch to theVine Other services toddy will be

school at 930 Jr B P U at 3

and Sr B X P at CS9Thomas Jefferson Council No 12

which assembles weekly In the Northeast Temple Held regular meeting onTuesday evening and initiated a newmember J J Curtis is counselor and

McLean Is recording recretary Atthis meeting a committee report wasreceived naming July 17 as the date forthe annual excursion of the order toMarshal Hall

ui J

Death of Mrs EspyMrs Mary Er Espy died on Thursday

morning in her home 104 Eleventhstreet after a long illness The funeralwas held yesterday afternoon at 2

oclock the R v J Compton Ballassisted by the Rev Albert

Evans Interment was in CongressionalCemetery Mrs Espy is survived by ason and three daughters

P H Buehler of Truck A companyenjoyed his first day off foi severalmonths yesterday Private Buehler hasbeen in hock for a long period Hewent to Giesboro Point for an outingand brought borne the sixpound bass hesaid had been waiting for him in thewaters of the Eastern Branch

Miss Nellie Bailey of this city andH M Sutor of Baltimore were

on Wednesday at the home of thebrides aunt 228 New Jersey avenue theRev George C pastor ofWaugh M E Church Officiating Mrand Mrs Sutor went to New York fortheir wedding journey and will reside inBaltimore upon their return

Amaranth Lodge Knjghth of Pythiaswill meet at the Northeast Temple tomorrow night and confer the knightsrank on two candidatesCommander Dr C E Ferguson will

and the lodge team will performthe rites After the initiation refreshmentswill be served

iiT i

Crescents Beat HilltopsTime Crescents and Hilltops crossed

bats at Trinidad and 0 streets Thursday afternoon Score 13 to 4 in favorof the Crescents Knox the pitcherstruck out fourteen men

Morris D Miirphy second assistantengineer of No 3 Engine Company is

will spend a week He will alsostop several days in Baltimore beforereturning to Washington

The Rev P W Jeffries and Miss Jeffries were visitors last Sunday at EpwOrth M Ek Church South Mr Jeffries assisted at the morning service

Edward Coysgrove son of Bridget andthe late John Coysgrove died on Wednesday at the family home 820 Fourthstreet Time funeral was held on Friday In St Aloysius Church

Bethlehehi Chapter of the EasternStar met In the Northeast Temple onTuesday night and gave attention tothe usual routine work Mrs C JWood is worthy matron The EasternStar Is composed of Master Masonstheir wives widows sisters and daugh




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=tern and the Bethlehem Chapter

275 members

Moves to BrooklandS R Henry third battalion chief of

the fire department has removed hisfamily from 327 A street to Brdbklandwhere they will remain during the

On Thursday afternoon the Indiansbeat the Cowboys In hotly contestedgame of ball at Thirteenth 13

streets The score was 8 to 6 Theare eager to add other scalps to

their beltA special meeting was held in the Ep

Methodist Episcopal Church onThursday evening to discuss ways andmeans to aid the Y M C A In its

and furnishing fund Theladles of this church haveto furnish ono room in the new

at a minimum cost of J1CO Themeeting was addressed by Mr Ward

the national MNoel House Dramatic Club onIIs rehearsing Bluebeard and

will presentthe r lav in the near futureThe Pathfinder Social and Dramatic

C b on Tuesday evening gave an entertainment and ball in the NortheastTemple The Missing Heir amelodrama was the play presentedwith a capable cast pf amateur aLtersWilliam L Thornton sang

songs between the acts

Detailed to ExpositionPrivate William LInkins of No 3 en

glne company has been detailed withthe special chemical engine on the

exposition grounds Arthur Parnellla acting as substitute in Private IAnkins place in No 3

Time Rev George C Maydwell saysthe Waugh M E congregation is thebusiest on Sunday of any In the cityRegular church services are held at 11

and 730 Sunday school is at530 the Junior Epworth League meetsat 230 and the Senior League at 630All these services are largely attendedand much Interest is manifested amongthe members Dr MaydweUs subjectthis morning is The Benefits of Waitingon God

Tuesday evening Mr Crosby offlower and fruit guild gave a

stereopticon talk on gardening in frontand back yards to boys and girlsof the club at Noel House It was announced that prizes be byMiss Harding for the most successfulgardensColumbia

Commandery United Orderof the Golden Cross held Its semimonthly meeting is the Northeast Ternpie on Tuesday evening giving

chiefly to routine business MissNettle E Cole Is noble commander

Death of Mrs ColeMrs Nettie A Cole died in the family

715 Eighth street last Sundayafter a brief illness The funeral washeld Tuesday afternoon Representativesof the Grand Lodge of the Order of theGolden Cross and of the AVomens RelictCorps of Lincoln Post G Awhich she was a member attended thefuneral Four sons of Mrs Cole FrankArthur William and Frederickswerethe pallbearers Interment was in Congressional Cemetery

The James Stewart Company of NewYork which has the contract for erectingthe express companys building and thepower plant in connection with the newUnion Station is pushing along thework on the foundations for both structures This company holds the contractfor laying the concrete foundationsthe smokestack of the power plant andhas erected machinery for driving thepiles therefor The contract for thestack has not yet been let

Much to the satisfaction of residentsMn this section the District workmenhave resumed work on Twelfth streetbetween Maryland avenue and HLast November this portion of Twelfthstreet was torn up and covered withbroken stone which has laid therewithout rolling during the interveningmonths The hope that this

is to be macadamized seems almosttoo good to be true

The young friends of Miss BerniceWright were entertained at her home631 Twelfth street on Thursday Asocial evening was spent In games bythe young people and refreshmentswere served Among those presentwere Misses Mary Fitzpatrick HelenMoore Elsie Barbour Mabel CarterMarjory McNab Louis Mueller LeonShore Howard Meldrum Arthur

and Edgar KelloggThe McDermott McMilHn Hoffman

Company has begun the excavation forthe lowering of the north side of Hstreet preparatory to laying a temporary track for the street car line Thework is being done by Italians thedirt being hoist the retainingwall by cranes The steam and noiseOf the machine shovel frightened horsesbadly there last fall and the contractors sought to avoid a recurrence oftheir experiences then The street railway company is putting in plowplts ateither end of the subway where changefrom underground to overnead powerwill be made for the temporary track

On Wednesday afternoon a car incharge of Conductor Clarence JCarneyand MotOrman John Armstrong

with a and team driven byhoary Lacey at time Junction of the carline with Wyoming avenue Lacey wasslightly injured being able to go to hishome unassisted Both the wagon andthe car were badly damaged while thehorses remained unhurt

The automobile owned and operatedby A Maupln became uncontrollable andran into a pile of dirt breaking themachine badly Only after much delayanti hard work was Mr Maupin ableto get the vehicle home

Henry Waterman Is erecting twostory frame dwellings on lots 27 and 2S

in square 21 to known as Nos 5413

and 5415 Brlerhtwood avenueThe Sunday school of the Whitney

Avenue Memorial Church gave a uniqueouting to the children on Easter Monlay at the Soldiers Home grounds Instead of rolling eggs about ten dozenbeautifully colored were hid about thegrounds in the crevices of the walls andother like places Then the childrenwere turned loose to find them Theybegan the hunt which lasted for overtwo hours when the eggs being all

a regular picnic lunchwas served to the youngsters did









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ample justice after their late exertionsMiss Sarah Smith a popular young

woman of Wilmington Del is visitingMiss Mabel Sands at the latters homeIn Flint street

Mrs Langley has as guests for tunext few days Mrs and Misslangley of New HampshireMrs George Osborne with her chit

dren spent the Easter holidays at Manassas Junction Va

Mr and Mrs Favor and their littleson Richard who lately moved out tothe Park will spend the next few weeksat Atlantic City Mr Favor will dividehis time between Atlantic City andPhnadelphic where he has business

The B B G Club on Friday eveningmet at the home of Miss Mabel SandsJiving in street After the usualbusiness of the evening lightmeats were served in the dining roomwhich was prettily decorated for thooccasion Those present were theMisses Elizabeth and Edna RitchieMiss Deborah Gooch Miss Mabel SandsMiss May Miss Sadie Mellon MissMay Clifford and Miss Helensmith

The little daughter of Mr TorbettJanette has fully recovered from a

illnessDoctor and Mrs Braeshaw will leave

tomorrow for Florida from whencethey will go to Yellowstone Park thento California and from there to Hongkong The dourbr and his wife wereformerly residents In Hongkong for anumber of years where their eldestdaughter now resides They will maketheir home either in Hongkong orShanghai

Mrs Dr Heinecke will give a musicaleand entertainment at the BrightwoodPark M E Church next week

The Regina music box which wasloaned to the members of chemical engine No 2 has been returned toS Sheldon and In Its place Private

has donated his graphophone to afford entertainment to the men

On Wednesday evening the S A BClub a secret society composed of

High School girls gave a dance InPostofflce Hall Mt Pleasant

Last night Miss Jane Wright gave acomplimentary dance to the members ofthe Junior 5lub of Central High School

time Pqstotlce Hall Mt Pleasant

ROCKVILLE Md April 29 MisaCoulton of Prince George county Mdis a guest at the home of the Misses

Miss Wright has returned to herin Washington from a visit to

home of MI and Mrs Hazel CashellHarry E Newlon of Washington and

Miss Mary Birch of Alexancounty Va were married on

also William Wesley Collinsof Twining City D C and Mjss Tlllie

Cook of Good Hope Park Dwere married here on Wednesday

James W Beavers and Edward Heynolds have been appointed game wardens for this county-

F Hazel of Redlandpurchased in New Jersey a fine herd

Of Ayrshire cattleWalter Fawcett and Miss Sarah Mar

garet Boss both of this county werein Alexandria Va on March

last by the Rev William J MortonHarry A Dawson of this town has

his farm of 195 acres near Halplneon the Metropolitan branch of

Baltimore Ohio railroad toSamuel T Kalbfus of Washington

Go to BogotaJohn Brewer will leave Rockville

the middle of May for Bogotacapital of Colombia where he willa clerical position under his uncle

States Minister William W RusMrs Caroline Edmonston widow of

Owen Edmonston of Bropkeville thiscounty died in Washington city onSaturday last aged eightyone yearsShe was Interred in the Rockville Cemetery last Tuesday morning

The Incorporators of Glen EchoTown Hall Company met on Fridaynight and elected the following officersfor the ensuing year George WOBrien president John R Johnston

Thrilling Experfencjes i

A correspondent writing from Dawson Yukon Territory describes somethrilling experiences in the month of

in that far northern land Inpart he saysAs we start tomorrow for Fairbanks

and not knowing Just when Iwill have another opportunity to write

will let you from me oh the

DawsonWeon the Klondike this year The caribourun went on the Peel river side So wedid not get into them to do much good

could kill moose if we wished butgame is selling slow here while atFairbanks moose and caribou are sellIng for 50 cents a pound Fairbanks Isthe center of a new placer district thathas recently been discovered in the

countryWe have got a fine team of six dogs

will makethe trip in aboutdays a distance of 540 miles We godown the Yukon 300 miles to Circle Citythen turn to our left and go overland

miles crossing a divide before wereach Fairbanks

Provisions tire selling a little highthere Flour is 25 a hundred Sugar

salt 50 cents a pound Some claimthere will be a shortage in a good many

there before spring1 have for a companion my old

George Solomon a Colorado boyis a fine shot and a skilled hunter

We are going prepared to hunt butshould anything else look more

we will hang up our rifles and availourselves of any opportunity that willnet us the best results perhaps mining

ItselfWe are having a very pleasant winter thus far lint little cold weatherTho days very short at present

havent seen the sun for two orthree weeks

We had a little experience In aOctobfer 28 It might Interest

you It dill me for a few minutesWe killed eight caribou one day

previous to the above mentioned dateone wounded had strayed some dis

tance from the rest and being anxiousto get the game out of the hills assoon as possible on account of going to









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secretary and John A Garrett treaalurer

Clagett Holland returned to his homenear Brookeville last week from

Fla where he spent the pastwinter with his brother Thomas Holland He looks hale and hearty fromthe effects of the Southern clime

Howard Preston Crist and MyrtleBreedlove Phillips of Bethesda werequietly married here last week byRev Thomas H Campbell pastor ofthe Rockville Baptist Church the

taking place at the home of theministerWilliam

H Houston of Washingtonarid Miss Nellie R Benson of Baltimore visited Rockville on Saturday afternoon last and were married by

Robert B McNair

Death of Mr CreamerLouis Creamer a wellknown resident

of Montrose died on Thursday ofweek aged years He had beenill a long while with art affection of the

was the cause of deathHe wag unmarried and was a son ofthe late Charles Creamer

Thomas M Ofutt eldest son of Mrand SIrs N p OfTutt was married toMiss Smith of Hancock Washington county Md at the residence ofthe bride last Sunday and on theirbridal tour visited the parents of thegroom of this town Immediately afterthe marriage

Mrs Catharine Alexander Russell ofWashington has issued invitations tothe marriage of her daughter Mrs EvaRussell Carter to Henry y Bouic ofthis town the ceremony to take placeat the residence of the brides motheron Svednesday May 17 1S05 at 8 p m

Church at Glen EhoA movement is on foot for the erection

a new house of worship for theat Glen Echo this county A

lot was recently purchased from WalterC Carroll and an effort beingmade to raise the funds necessary toerect a comfortable chapel vjp be knownas the Chapel of tiie Redeemer

iirs Hettle Owen wife of Edward WOwen Of Olney died on Thursday evening of last week aged sixtyone yearsShe had been ill for several monthsof an affection of the heart which wasthe cause of her death Her husband andone son Charles W Owen of this townsurvive

Klngstress the mare bred trainedand recently sold by C Waters ofGermantown for 53500 will be racedin the grand circuit the present

She has been entered at BuffaloN Yt the meeting to take place onAugust 711 In the Lafayette HotelStake for 2il7 trotters purse 2000 Shehas been nominated Clark of

Pa with Othernominees with different owners

Womens Club MeetsThe Rockville Womens Club met on

Thursday evening of last week at theclubroom with the usual large attendance of members and several guestsThe program rendered included responses from James Whltoomb Rileyreadings by Miss ROB MV Hendessonarid Wallace Welsh and an interesting account of the State

of Womens Clubs held InMd by Mrs N D Offutt a

delegate thereNews has reached here of the mar

riage of Miss Claudia J White daughter of the Rev and Mrs S R Whiteof Ro kville to R E Schad of SanFrahciscxJ Cal For the past ten yearsor more the bride has been engaged inmissionary work under the Baptist denomination and spent several years inChina For several years past she hasbeen doing similar work mong theChinese in San Francisco The groomis an artist and designer-

A camp of the Modern Woodmen ofAmerica has been organized here byDistrict Deputy Frank Drew and StateDeputy R Russell with twentyfivecharter members The followingwere elected i Council I r C H Mannar banker Calvin Hicks secretaryGuy Hicks escort William F Disneypast council J Marvel outsideguard Albert J Hall inside guard

the camp is 9551

Yukon Territoryt-he lower country We decided tothis on to toe foot of the mountainourselves to enable the dog driver toget to it more readily

The mountains were very steep wherewe were some rising almost perpendicular Time ravines were fllled with driftedsrow some to a depth that afterwardproved surprising It being so early inthe season thought there was littledanger of a snowslide So we pulledthe caribou to the mountain crest and

down the mountain side througha ravine

We watched the caribou until it reached the bottom Then thinking of nodanger we started on a camenear our last George was thefirst to start Sitting on his snowshoesne followed the trail of the cariboureached the bottom in safety I waiteduntil George was nearly down so asnot to run into him Thensnowshoes under me I followed thecourse of my companion I had gotnicely started when I saw George runohms for ne side of the As heran he said Ira we are gone Henearly made time edge of the slidewhen he was hurled Sown and passedfrom my sight almost instantly

At the same moment great seamsopened up above and below me and tonsand tops of snow broke away with aroar I never forget As it toredown the side with a forceirresistible carrying with it its two human occupants for passengers I expected moment to be my last and svennew I wonder what power me tokeep on top of that heaving tumblingma s of snow

Just before the slide stopped sometance to my left I saw George In hisstruggle for life extend arms abovetime snow so that I knew that he stilllived As the slide suddenly stopped Iclimbed over great cakes of snow thathad piled up near me anti made my wayas quickly as possible to where I lastsaw George As I did I saw him riseslowly to his feet

As he stood there bareheaded on thatcold day half exhausted and suffocatedwith his struggle between life and deathhis first words were Ira we are luckyto get out of this timing alive I neverexpected to see you again

Time will undoubtedly erase frommemory a good many of the adventuresI have experienced in this land of snowand ice But t am under the impressionthat it will be sonic time before I entirely forget the incident that came sonear being fatal on October 2S 1301



















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