The Arab-Israeli The Arab-Israeli Conflict Conflict

The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Words to Know Jewish Diaspora Anti-Semitism Theodor Herzl Zionism Balfour Declaration U.N. Partition of Palestine Six Day War

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The Arab-Israeli The Arab-Israeli ConflictConflict

Words to KnowWords to KnowJewish Diaspora Jewish Diaspora Anti-SemitismAnti-SemitismTheodor HerzlTheodor HerzlZionismZionismBalfour DeclarationBalfour DeclarationU.N. Partition of PalestineU.N. Partition of PalestineSix Day WarSix Day WarNasserNasserYom Kippur WarYom Kippur WarCamp David AccordsCamp David AccordsSadatSadatYasser ArafatYasser ArafatPLO and Palestinian AuthorityPLO and Palestinian AuthorityMahmoud AbbasMahmoud AbbasHezbollahHezbollah

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A Long History…A Long History… 70 AD: A revolt against Roman rule 70 AD: A revolt against Roman rule

was put down by the Emperor Titus was put down by the Emperor Titus and the Second Temple was and the Second Temple was destroyed. This marks the beginning destroyed. This marks the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora, or of the Jewish Diaspora, or dispersion.dispersion.

638 AD saw region conquered by 638 AD saw region conquered by Muslims. Remained so up until defeat of Muslims. Remained so up until defeat of Ottoman Empire in World War I.Ottoman Empire in World War I.

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Jewish Diaspora

In 1896, in response to anti-In 1896, in response to anti-Semitism in Europe, Semitism in Europe, Theodor Herzl, a Jew living Theodor Herzl, a Jew living in Vienna, Austria, wrote in Vienna, Austria, wrote The Jewish StateThe Jewish State, a book , a book promoting the Jewish promoting the Jewish people to seek their own people to seek their own nation.nation.

– Movement became known as Movement became known as ZionismZionism, and by 1903 there , and by 1903 there were 25,000 Jews living in were 25,000 Jews living in Palestine compared to half a Palestine compared to half a million Arabsmillion Arabs

– Believed Judaism should be Believed Judaism should be viewed as a nationality with viewed as a nationality with their own statetheir own state

– Palestine not only area looked Palestine not only area looked at for creation of Jewish state. at for creation of Jewish state. Areas of Africa and South Areas of Africa and South America were also consideredAmerica were also considered

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Jewish Diaspora

Theodor Herzl


World War I brought the World War I brought the Ottoman Empire allied Ottoman Empire allied with Germany and with Germany and Austria Hungary against Austria Hungary against Britain, France, and Britain, France, and Russia. Russia.

Great Britain did quite a bit of double dealingGreat Britain did quite a bit of double dealing-Sent Lawrence of Arabia to encourage Bedouin tribes to -Sent Lawrence of Arabia to encourage Bedouin tribes to

revolt against Turks in exchange for independence. revolt against Turks in exchange for independence. Colonel TE Lawrence Colonel TE Lawrence

-Also split up Ottoman Empire with France to be used as -Also split up Ottoman Empire with France to be used as post war coloniespost war colonies

-1917 British foreign minister Balfour issued famous Balfour -1917 British foreign minister Balfour issued famous Balfour Declaration saying the British government would work Declaration saying the British government would work towards setting up a Jewish state in Palestinetowards setting up a Jewish state in Palestine

*Legitimized Zionism*Legitimized Zionism

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hatred of Jews?hatred of Jews?

Balfour Declaration:Balfour Declaration:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

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Balfour Declaration

League of Nations MandatesLeague of Nations Mandates After the First World After the First World

War, the League of War, the League of Nations recognized Nations recognized France and Britain as France and Britain as Mandatory PowersMandatory Powers– FranceFrance

LebanonLebanon SyriaSyria

– The United KingdomThe United Kingdom IraqIraq TransjordanTransjordan PalestinePalestine

Following the Balfour declaration Following the Balfour declaration population of Jews in Palestine rose population of Jews in Palestine rose by by 300,000 in years leading up to World War 2300,000 in years leading up to World War 2

– Led to violence between Jews and Led to violence between Jews and PalestiniansPalestinians

– In the 1930’s it was Jewish Zionists, not In the 1930’s it was Jewish Zionists, not Palestinians who were committing terrorist Palestinians who were committing terrorist attacksattacks

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Balfour Declaration

Jews move into


Following World War II thousands of Following World War II thousands of Jewish immigrants from Europe Jewish immigrants from Europe poured into Palestine. poured into Palestine. Situation got Situation got out of control and British handed it over out of control and British handed it over to the newly formed United Nations. In to the newly formed United Nations. In 1947 the United Nations General 1947 the United Nations General Assembly voted a 2/3 majority to Assembly voted a 2/3 majority to partition Palestine into a Jewish and partition Palestine into a Jewish and Palestinian statePalestinian state

The Issue in 1947: 1 land or 2?The Issue in 1947: 1 land or 2?

Israeli argumentsIsraeli arguments– We need a safe We need a safe

havenhaven– This should be itThis should be it– God gave it to usGod gave it to us– We make the desert We make the desert


Palestinian Palestinian argumentsarguments– This is our land, our This is our land, our

countrycountry– It should not be It should not be

divideddivided– We have lived here We have lived here

for centuries if not for centuries if not millennia, giving us millennia, giving us the legal claimthe legal claim

Israel claimed independence in May of Israel claimed independence in May of 1948. 1948. For months prior Israelis and Arabs had For months prior Israelis and Arabs had been waging attacks against one another. been waging attacks against one another. Finally, Finally, the day following the the day following the announcement armies from 5 neighboring announcement armies from 5 neighboring Arab countries invaded Israel. Jordan, Arab countries invaded Israel. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt had sent Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt had sent armies but all were crushed.armies but all were crushed.

– Outcome was that Egypt seized Gaza Strip while Outcome was that Egypt seized Gaza Strip while Jordan annexed JerusalemJordan annexed Jerusalem

– Both sides had employed terrorism throughout Both sides had employed terrorism throughout conflict. Menachim Begin, a future prime minister of conflict. Menachim Begin, a future prime minister of Israel, was one of the main terrorist leaders of Israel.Israel, was one of the main terrorist leaders of Israel.

– One example was at the village of Deir Yassin outside One example was at the village of Deir Yassin outside of Jerusalem Israelis ran from house to house throwing of Jerusalem Israelis ran from house to house throwing bags of dynamite inside. They killed 240 men, women bags of dynamite inside. They killed 240 men, women and children this way. Goal was to depopulate and and children this way. Goal was to depopulate and seize any areas given to them in the partition.seize any areas given to them in the partition.

– Armistice signed in 1949. Made Israel 1/5 larger than Armistice signed in 1949. Made Israel 1/5 larger than originally planned.originally planned.

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Palestine to the Jews?Palestine to the Jews?

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Balfour Declaration

Israel declares independance

Jews move into


The Arab-Israeli WarsThe Arab-Israeli Wars

In 1956 the leader of Egypt, In 1956 the leader of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nationalized Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nationalized the Suez canal which had been the Suez canal which had been ran by Britain and France ran by Britain and France previously. previously. Israel took advantage of this by Israel took advantage of this by allying itself with Britain and France allying itself with Britain and France and attacking the Sinai Peninsula. and attacking the Sinai Peninsula. The British and French also attack, The British and French also attack, centering on the Suez Canal zone. centering on the Suez Canal zone. Was a military victory, but a huge Was a military victory, but a huge diplomatic loss as both the Soviet diplomatic loss as both the Soviet Union and the United States backed a Union and the United States backed a UN declaration against the conflict. UN declaration against the conflict. Israel, Britain and France were forced Israel, Britain and France were forced to withdraw.to withdraw.

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In 1964, the Palestinian Liberation In 1964, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was formedOrganization (PLO) was formed. The . The PLO was made up of several Palestinian PLO was made up of several Palestinian political groups in different countries. political groups in different countries. Their goal was to take Palestine back Their goal was to take Palestine back form the Israelisform the Israelis. In 1969, . In 1969, Yasser Yasser Arafat became the leader of the PLOArafat became the leader of the PLO, , earlier his Fatah group had conducted earlier his Fatah group had conducted attacks against Israeli civilians.attacks against Israeli civilians.

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Nassar PLO

The Six Day War: In 1967 there was The Six Day War: In 1967 there was growing Arab nationalism as well a desire growing Arab nationalism as well a desire for revenge against Israel in the for revenge against Israel in the neighboring Arab countriesneighboring Arab countries. These countries . These countries began massing along the borders of Israel and began massing along the borders of Israel and demanded that UN peacekeepers leave the demanded that UN peacekeepers leave the area. area.

– Israel warned Jordan and Egypt but when this Israel warned Jordan and Egypt but when this was ignored Israel launched preemptive strikewas ignored Israel launched preemptive strike

– Led to anti American sentiment among Arab Led to anti American sentiment among Arab countries.countries.

– Israel gained control of Sinai, West Bank, Israel gained control of Sinai, West Bank, Jerusalem, Golan Heights, GazaJerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza

– Estimated 500,000 Palestinians fled to Estimated 500,000 Palestinians fled to neighboring countriesneighboring countries

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Think-Pair-ShareThink-Pair-Share What was the goal of the PLO?What was the goal of the PLO?

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Nassar Six Day War


More TerrorismMore Terrorism

In 1971, another Palestinian militant In 1971, another Palestinian militant group calling them selves “Black group calling them selves “Black September” infiltrated the Olympics September” infiltrated the Olympics in Munich, Germany and took 11 in Munich, Germany and took 11 Israeli athletes hostage. All of the Israeli athletes hostage. All of the athletes were killed along with five of athletes were killed along with five of the terrorists and one policeman.the terrorists and one policeman.

In 1973 after not being able to In 1973 after not being able to regain territory through diplomatic regain territory through diplomatic means, Egypt and Syria launched means, Egypt and Syria launched surprise attacks against Israel on surprise attacks against Israel on Yom KippurYom Kippur, the Jewish Day of , the Jewish Day of Atonement, when they knew everyone Atonement, when they knew everyone would be at home fasting with family.would be at home fasting with family.

– Initially the Arabs made huge advances but Initially the Arabs made huge advances but they were turned back 3 weeks later after they were turned back 3 weeks later after Israel received major support from the US.Israel received major support from the US.

– Result was that Saudi Arabia and other Result was that Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries passed an oil Middle Eastern countries passed an oil embargo against the United States and embargo against the United States and other countries that supported Israel. other countries that supported Israel. Gas prices skyrocketed and gas was Gas prices skyrocketed and gas was rationed.rationed.

In 1978 Camp David accords signed as In 1978 Camp David accords signed as peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. First Arab state to formally accept First Arab state to formally accept legitimacy of Israeli statelegitimacy of Israeli state. Jimmy Carter was . Jimmy Carter was key in this process. key in this process. Signed between Egyptian Signed between Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin.Minister Menachim Begin. Sadat later Sadat later assassinated in 1981 by Islamic militants angry assassinated in 1981 by Islamic militants angry about peace with Israel.about peace with Israel.

– Returned Sinai Peninsula to EgyptReturned Sinai Peninsula to Egypt

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Camp David Peace Accord

In 1982 Israel invaded and occupied In 1982 Israel invaded and occupied Southern Lebanon to protect itself Southern Lebanon to protect itself from guerillas who based their from guerillas who based their attacks on Israel from there. Ariel attacks on Israel from there. Ariel Sharon, former Israeli Prime Minister, Sharon, former Israeli Prime Minister, was defense minister at the time and was defense minister at the time and was forced to resign after a number was forced to resign after a number of atrocities and massacres were of atrocities and massacres were committed against Muslims living committed against Muslims living there. there.

– Yasser Arafat and the Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Liberation Palestinian Liberation Organization was forced to flee Organization was forced to flee and would not become overly and would not become overly involved in politics in Israel involved in politics in Israel until mid-1990’s when Israel until mid-1990’s when Israel gave them some control and gave them some control and autonomy over some autonomy over some Palestinian dominated areasPalestinian dominated areas

– Israel did not leave southern Israel did not leave southern Lebanon until 2000Lebanon until 2000

Terrorism continuesTerrorism continues

Hezbollah and Hamas are two Hezbollah and Hamas are two important Arab groups that were important Arab groups that were founded in the mid 1980’s to founded in the mid 1980’s to fight against Israelfight against Israel. . Hezbollah is Hezbollah is from Lebanon and Hamas is from Lebanon and Hamas is based in the West Bank and the based in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Both groups are Gaza Strip. Both groups are supported by Syria and Iran and supported by Syria and Iran and are made up of Muslims. are made up of Muslims.

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Camp David Peace Accord


Shared water source; Jordan River

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their goal?their goal?

The Future???The Future??? What we see today is this wrangling between What we see today is this wrangling between

Israel and the Palestinian Authority over who Israel and the Palestinian Authority over who will control what. Arafat never able to crack will control what. Arafat never able to crack down on terrorism, Abbas new guy. Sharon down on terrorism, Abbas new guy. Sharon very aggressive and not afraid to flex military very aggressive and not afraid to flex military might. might.

– Everyone willing to sit and talk but hard to Everyone willing to sit and talk but hard to keep extremists under wrapkeep extremists under wrap

Continual attacks by guerrilla groups from safe Continual attacks by guerrilla groups from safe havens of Lebanon, Syria, ect.havens of Lebanon, Syria, ect.

– Largest of groups is Hezbollah. War fought this Largest of groups is Hezbollah. War fought this summer to create buffer zone in southern Lebanonsummer to create buffer zone in southern Lebanon

BibliographyBibliography Palestine Remembered. Palestine Remembered.

http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Maps/Story580.html. http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Maps/Story580.html. September 30, 2007.September 30, 2007.

Weekly Ahram Newspaper. Weekly Ahram Newspaper. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2000/501/nasser1.htm. Setempber 30, 2007http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2000/501/nasser1.htm. Setempber 30, 2007

Honey, R. Application of a Conflict Model To the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Honey, R. Application of a Conflict Model To the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. University of Iowa. http://www.uiowa.edu/~c044010a/index.html. University of Iowa. http://www.uiowa.edu/~c044010a/index.html. September 9, 2007September 9, 2007