THE BCS BOARDING NEWSLETTER WINTER ISSUE 7 11 | 12 | 17 ... · THE BCS BOARDING NEWSLETTER 04 08 11 ... cake together and just have a fun time all relaxing and chatting with each

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Page 1: THE BCS BOARDING NEWSLETTER WINTER ISSUE 7 11 | 12 | 17 ... · THE BCS BOARDING NEWSLETTER 04 08 11 ... cake together and just have a fun time all relaxing and chatting with each


More from the Head of Boarding on page 02


BOARDERSIN THE SPOTLIGHTLottie, Ollie, Eric, Anthony, Luis and Emmanuel







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Mark SingleHead of Boarding@MarkTSingle

‘Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today’s Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday.’ - Gladys Taber I took a photograph of this quote - I saw written on a sandwich board outside a café in Canterbury when I was Christmas shopping about five years ago - as I knew a situation would arise when I could use it. I thought it a suitable ‘thought provoking’ quote to open this December’s edition of ‘The Boarder’. This time two years ago I wrote; ‘What a term! Having joined BCS at the beginning of this academic year, one of the first paragraphs I wrote when updating the boarders’ handbook was ‘Alice and I (along with our six month old daughter Daisy) are very excited to be joining the prosperous and happy boarding community at BCS. Having lived in a boarding house for nearly twenty years myself, I truly appreciate both how lucky I am and the responsibility I have been privileged with as the new Head of Boarding at BCS.’; can you believe our daughter Daisy is nearly three now? Time may have passed, but the feeling of how lucky I am to be the Head of Boarding at BCS certainly hasn’t. I am writing this article on my phone on the way back from the boarders’ trip to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. As I am sat on a full coach of boarders driving across London, I cannot help but think that for some of the pupils behind

me, this is the penultimate weekend trip they will be going on at BCS. I am referring to our boarders who are only with us for the first term of this academic year. The last few weeks of this term are always full of so many mixed feelings; the lifelong friendships that have developed since September, mixed with the excitement of the Christmas holiday combined with the sadness that we must say goodbye to our short-term boarders who will not be returning in January. We produce ‘The Boarder’ six times a year now. I am keen that we again use this platform to promote ourselves as a professional, vibrant and forward-thinking Boarding department. We are working hard to provide the best possible 24 hour curriculum for our boarders and for BCS to be known, not just in the UK but internationally, for our excellent boarding provision. Having just read through the content, I think we’ve done what we set out to do with this newsletter!

I really enjoyed reading Lottie’s article on why and how she started swimming and all of her tremendous achievements since - inspirational! As is Emmanuel’s article; an example to us all. I hope you also enjoy reading Luis’, Eric’s and Ollie’s articles; aren’t they great? I think Joanna Nowak’s (Head of Girls’ Boarding) article on our ethos behind running the Fun Monday and Fun Tuesday trips / activities and Peter O’Donoghue’s article ‘Boarders’ Opinions’ are excellent too - very proud Head


of Boarding! Thank you to Anthony for his lovely article; I’ve noted your request (on page 9), we’ll have a special Hong Kong hotpot evening one night next term, I promise. A couple of weeks ago we had a whole school inspection from ISI. I could not agree more with the Headmaster’s comments in his recent weekly letter referring to the days the inspectors were in school, ‘As always, the pupils were fantastic and the staff brilliant. Both are such a credit to the school, BCS has really been at its best this week.’ As a school we really do have so much to be proud of. Finally, I must say another huge ‘thank you’ to the Boarding team. So many colleagues have again contributed to the success of boarding since September. I still find it incredibly exciting to work with a team that all share my passion for ensuring that our boarders really do have the best possible boarding experience. I hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and over the holiday create happy hours for tomorrow and relive those of yesterday.

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’ B





Peter O’Donoghue

Head of Boys’ Boarding


Listening to boarders' opinions, and acting upon them, is, I feel, one of the greatest strengths of boarding at BCS. It is also one of which I am extremely proud.

Firstly, and most importantly, we operate an 'open door' policy where all boarders know that they can come into the office and share their thoughts, profound ideas, happy moments or concerns at any time. We have created a safe and comforting environment where the boarders can 'speak their minds' in a calm, positive and supportive atmosphere; and I am delighted to say that is exactly what they do!

In fact, we employ many methods to gather boarders' opinions. All boarders complete a Beginning of the Year Questionnaire in September. I conduct 1-2-1 interviews with all ‘new’ boarders and exit interviews with those leaving us. We conduct a variety

of surveys ranging from the quality and quantity of food on offer, both in the house and dining hall, through to the rigorousness of BCS’ academic provision. Furthermore, we have laundry surveys to gauge the satisfaction, or otherwise, of the boarders with the laundry service. It is almost always extremely positive.

Emails are sent home to parents every six weeks commenting

on academic progress based on feedback from the boarders’ Academic Questionnaires. We have Boarders' Council Meetings, unattended by staff, so that ideas from both boys and girls can be debated, shared and feedback to boarding staff.

We have regular Prefects’ Meetings where the boarding prefects feedback on how the boarders are enjoying life in the houses. Last but not least, we have a Suggestion Box

where notes can be placed anonymously, if boarders so wish.

We are so proud of what we have achieved, by listening to all our boarders that we have displayed a 'You said…We did' PowerPoint slideshow in both boarding houses. In Boys’ Boarding it is currently showing 28 slides displaying what has been provided for our boarders. This is constantly being updated.

We are truly 'The Listening Houses'.

Boarders’ Opinions



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Being taken by surprise once in a while is a very special feeling, something that Miss Joanna Nowak, our Head of Girls’ Boarding, experienced a few weeks ago when we received this lovely email from a previous boarder at BCS.

The kind words were so touching, we thought we would share them with you.

So I realised the other day I never said thank you to Miss Nowak for everything she did for me whilst I was at BCS.

I guess when I left everything happened so quickly that I didn’t really get the chance to return and visit to thank her personally. Being a part of the boarding house has given me most of my personality and experiences that I now carry with me.

It was very strange going from being a boarder for 6 years to living at home again and definitely took some getting used to. It was good but I definitely missed being in boarding. After I left BCS I went and did BTEC in music which went well to some extent, I passed with good grades so






stick with me forever, they have definitely shaped who I am today.

Chloe HAlumni

that’s all that matters really and I am now at University in Coventry studying Music and Biblical studies which is so amazing.

It’s really crazy to think that it has nearly been 3 years since I left, and yet it seems like only yesterday I was starting in year seven.

I really hope boarding is doing well. I would really like to come back and visit soon, to remember and see people that helped me in all aspects. These next 3 years will be extremely busy for me with uni and getting my degree, oh and also planning a wedding!

I got engaged this year which has been super exciting and it definitely wouldn’t have have happened if I didn’t leave BCS so at least one good thing has come out of this!

I’m currently doing an assignment in uni about people who were most influential in my teenage years, things that happened which change the path I was on and well Miss Nowak was one of those people. I have so many memories from BCS that will

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Fun Activities

Two years ago we introduced a different weekday activity where the Heads of Girls' and Boys' Boarding take out a small group of boarders for a treat - every Monday for boys' boarding and every Tuesday for the girls.

We always ensure that during a term every boarder has the chance to enjoy this 'special treat'; it is an ideal way to mix ages, nationalities and creeds. The important concept behind this activity is that it enables the boarders to spend time with the head of houses in a more relaxed atmosphere, different from time spent in the boarding houses, where they can chat about anything and feel that their views are valued.

Since Fun Mondays and Tuesdays began we have been to Kaspa's for dessert treats, visited local landmarks and eaten ice cream on the beautiful Southbourne beach.

This term at the boarders request, the week before half term, the activity was amalgamated and we had Fun Pizza Tuesday for all the boys and girls.

The boys came up to Girls' Boarding and everyone had a great, sociable time; this will now be a regular occurrence each half term.

Miss Joanna Nowak Head of Girls' Boarding

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Loadsa Birthday Cake

When it’s a girl’s birthday in boarding, we all go to the Atrium and the birthday girl is given a chocolate cake with candles and everyone sings happy birthday while the candles are blown out. We all then share the cake together and just have a fun time all relaxing and chatting with each other. In November this year we had more birthdays than ever before - we had 6 birthdays and on one night we had three birthday cakes. It was a real treat for us all!

Girls Boarding

Swimming at the South West Regional Long Course Championship

On November 4th and November 5th the BCS swimming team competed at the South West Regional Long Course Championship. As a small team it can become difficult at times to show everyone that we’re there! However, we exceeded our expectations, pre-season and had many finalists and medallists on the team - also coming 2nd overall at the Taunton meet the weekend before. Grace and I, both boarders, were finalists at the competition and have the Isle of Wight championship coming up soon, where we hope to further our success and break more records!

LottieYear 12

Basketball Match

This was my first time watching a basketball match in Bournemouth. After prep time I went to the sports hall to watch it - the game was very interesting! There were so many people watching it and the players did very well. Whilst watching this game I noticed that Jack had good technique and Peter played very well for the team. There were so many people watching and this made the game even more exciting because everyone was cheering and shouting. Although our team lost, they all played very well. I hope they continue putting in lots of effort. I look forward to watching the next match!

JenniferYear 12

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Fun Tuesday Pizza - Boys Allowed

Usually boy boarders go out with Mr O’Donoghue on a Monday and girls with Miss Nowak on a Tuesday but earlier this term, as a special treat, it was decided that all the boys would come over to Girls’ Boarding to enjoy pizza together with the girls. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and several boarders played Jenga after. It was a great opportunity for us all to mix together in a lovely, friendly atmosphere. We are hoping to do this again more often. Grace & Greta Year 10


We had some fun food on Halloween for dinner; coloured bread, fun cupcakes and there were decorations up in the dining hall. After we had eaten we were allowed to go to Boys’ Boarding to watch a film. It was very cool to go to Boys’ Boarding and see how they live and meet the staff there. There were a lot of sweets and we watched a scary film! After 15 minutes I left because it was too scary for me! But it was a very fun evening.

GretaYear 10

For Halloween, we carved some pumpkins to be used in Girls’ Boarding as decorations for Halloween night. We had five pumpkins to carve out, I chose to do a Harry Potter design, Lottie was clever and managed to carve the new BCS logo into hers, and other girls did scary faces. It was tricky cutting a thin design into a thick pumpkin, we had to use some cocktail sticks to keep bits from falling down. It was a fun activity to do after prep and to take our minds off studying.

Tamsin EYear 13

Bonfire Night

The boarders had a Saturday night trip to watch the fireworks at the Littledown. In Spain, we have fireworks but this was the first time we have been to a celebration of Guy Fawkes. It was a cold evening, we did not think it would be so cold so did not take our scarves and gloves! The fireworks display was so pretty, the colours filled the sky and it was very loud. A surprise was the attraction park; we went on two rides and laughed a lot. The rides were scary but also very fun. One made us feel like we were flying!

Sofia & PaulaYear 11 and 9

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Pizza Making

Saturday the 11th November, Chef Adam set up a pizza making school in the dining room. We were worried about missing study time as it was the weekend before our mock exams started, but we were so glad we went. We had a ball of dough given to us and had to shape a pizza base out of it. Then we pricked the base with a fork to stop it from rising so much in the oven. We then had a choice of tomato or bbq sauce base with a selection of toppings – pepperoni, ham, mushroom, onions, peppers and cheese. Once we decorated our bases Chef Adam put them in the oven. In 10 minutes they were cooked! We had lots of fun making the pizza and really enjoyed eating them with friends after. It was a nice break from our studies.

Anni & SandraYear 13

Winter Wonderland

I wanted to go and spend the day with my friends, which I got to do. I went on three different roller coaster rides which were fun but also scary. I won a massive doughnut playing some arcade games which I gave to Girls’ Boarding. A great day out.


There were a good range of roller coasters, The five loop roller coaster called Munich roller coaster was the best. It was similar to the Christmas markets back home. Being from Munich it was comparable which was really enjoyable. They played music from Germany which made it feel more authentic, not forgetting about the Currywurst.


I signed up to the trip because I was excited to go to London. I went on the bumper cars with some friends, which was great. I played on a few stalls trying to win prizes, such as a basketball shooting contest. Trying to break plates with small balls for prizes. Enjoyable.


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Anthony’s Time at BCS

The thing that I have enjoyed the most about being in Boys’ Boarding here at BCS is the fun times with friends. I really enjoy going to school and I love the life here. I love the football and playing basketball. I play for the school team and BC Saints U16. I’ve only just started playing basketball here. I didn’t play it HK. I have made a lot of new friends just by playing basketball. I will be playing for the School team before long and I am trying for the Seahawks too. I love it.

Business Studies is my best and favourite subject. Maths is good too. My classmates are friendly, funny and they treat me well. The teachers are friendly too, they really take care of you and they want to know about you. I like the way they are interested in us, which is very different from school in HK. In HK it is more stressful. You must do everything fast and accurate. If you make a mistake, it’s terrible. Here no one blames you for making mistakes in class. The teachers will always try to help you to get back on track. This is the biggest difference. It is much better.

I love western food but in HK we have a special ‘hotpot’ dish which is delicious. I would like to see that made here at BCS.

Back to boarding, we are like a big family. One of the really good things is the staff. They like to talk to us and we have great chats. They are not awkward, they always want to know more about you. They are very interested in us and I really appreciate and thank them for that. Everybody in the house is very friendly and I like them all. They also teach us their own language, which is great as I get to learn new words and phrases.

Life here is great. Much better than in HK. Mainly because I can do and get to do what I like to do. I would really recommend my friends in HK to come to England, to Bournemouth, and join me in this school and this boarding house.

Anthony Year 10

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Hi, my name is Lottie. I am 17 years old and I come from the Isle of Wight. This is my 4th year at BCS and as part of the Swimming Academy.

Swimming became a huge part of my life through an unlikely and horrible situation. When I was 4 years old I spent my birthday in hospital with pneumonia. Doctors suggested numerous ways to build my strength back up and one that stood out to my parents was swimming! Coming from a sporty background it made sense to create something good out of a difficult situation for me and my family.

As soon as I got into the pool my parents knew I had a particular love for the water and that I should start lessons as soon as possible. Straight away the instructors told my parents that I had potential and should consider squad training as soon as I turned 9.

Looking back now I can’t believe how much I have achieved and a part of me is so thankful that I became ill as I may have never been introduced to swimming otherwise.

I started competitive swimming at 9 and have dominated Island records (some which stood for longer than a decade). I am the fastest female breaststroker the

Island has ever had. I still enjoy training at home and love going home at the weekends. The best memory I have is from when I was 11 years old. It was the Island Champs and I had just completed the 1,500m in 19 minutes 41 seconds. This placed me second in Britain and I remember my coach smiling at me saying ‘you are going to be a national swimmer’.

Skip forward to 2017and I am happy to say I have raced at Ponds Forge Centre in Sheffield several times - where nationals is held. I have raced many events at Sheffield including: 1001m, 100 back, 200 back, 100 breast stroke etc and 2001m at British Nationals. One of my favourite memories is winning a silver medal in the women’s 100m breast stroke final at English Nationals 2016 - after being seeded 5th. The feeling is unexplainable! Working hard and finally getting what you want / have wanted ever since you’ve been ill is just incredible.

Getting a swimming scholarship at BCS is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The academy are my 2nd family and everyone has helped me develop so much as an athlete and person! For that I am forever thankful.

I’ve met so many amazing people through swimming of all different

nationalities and I have seen so many beautiful places. These include Croatia, Malta, Corsica…the list is too long!!

Boarding is incredible. The staff are so helpful and support all the swimmers in what we do. Making sure we get enough food and sleep and providing us with essentials for competitions at the weekends! They never stop working for us and I appreciate that so much! It is incredibly important for me to come back to a calm and kind environment after a hard training session.

Thank you to all the coaches; Tony, Adam, Zoe and Hayley, who have helped me this year and to boarding for encouraging and supporting me for such a long time!

Lottie JYear 12

Swimming Academy

Hear more from Lottie on our YouTube channel:


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Luis at Bournemouth Hockey Club

Before I came to this school I heard about the hockey club in Bournemouth and that it was maybe possible for me to play there. I was really looking forward to it.

In the school I asked around and ended up talking to Mr Harrison-Poole. He is playing at the hockey club himself and organised a lift for me to training. Now I go with another boy who plays at Bournemouth hockey club whenever it is necessary.

I’m training every second Wednesday and on nearly every Thursday too, when it’s possible for me to get there either with Mr Harrison-Poole who is training there as well as the nice mum. I am well included in the U16 team of my new hockey club and I have already played two matches which

were both very successful and more will follow.

Another point is the level. It is a much higher level of hockey than in Germany, so I really enjoy playing here with the English hockey players and I’m able to learn a lot even when I am training with the men on Thursdays.

I think it is the best training you can get with these much better adults. As a result, I can really say that it is great to play hockey here in England as well as in Germany and I am very pleased that it is working so well for me to get to each training session even as the only boy in the boarding house who is playing hockey out of school.

Luis K

Hear more from Lottie on our YouTube channel:


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Eric’s Football

Since I started here at BCS the thing that I have enjoyed the most is the football. I play for the school team and for AC Bournemouth. I am a centre back. One of the best experiences I have had was when we played a school match two weeks ago against Ringwood in a cup match and we won on penalties. It was thrilling, so exciting. We were down 3 – 0 and we came back to win.

My favourite subject in school is history. I really enjoy learning about the past and find it interesting. The teachers here are very helpful. If you have a problem they really want to help you sort it out. They are

nice and help you out but also challenge you and push you. In some ways it is not too different here to back in America. In terms

of what you learn in school it is very similar and in terms of the level we are

working at it is also very similar. Only difference is that the classes change here each day but in America they stay the same every day.

I really enjoy boarding. It’s good. The guys are really nice. It’s small so it’s easy to make friends. Everybody is lovely, really friendly. It’s a nice environment. People say ‘hello’ to you and they are very nice to you. I like the staff very much. They help you and listen

to you. Nothing is ever too much trouble for them.

Do I miss anything about my own country? Yes, different types of candy that I cannot get here. Oh, and the cereal ‘ Lucky Charms’. I really miss that! When I go back to the States I will miss the football and the footballing culture here.

I give boarding and the school ten out of ten for enjoyment. I will definitely recommend it to my friends. If you want to try something new, something unique, not just for football, but for the education too then this is the place to come to. I love it here.

Eric JYear 11



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Ollie’s Time at BCS

I have been at BCS for three years now and I love it. The best thing is the people. Everyone is very friendly and the teachers and students are really friendly too. It is exactly the same in boarding.

Boarding is lovely. Boarding staff are always trying their best to improve the house. We have a new lounge. We now have a common room, we have table football, a new juke box and PS4 games. Boarding staff keep asking us how they can improve the house for us and they do their best to do it. They have made many changes since I first arrived. Experiencing a different education system is a highlight for me.

There are different ways of teaching here and a different culture for teaching. The teachers here are good and they teach us well. All my teachers are really nice and are good at teaching. So I understand easily what they teach. They give us enough homework to remind us of what we studied that day. Not too little and not too much, which is good. Maths and music are my best and favourite subjects.

In my spare time, and in school, I enjoy playing the piano. I can play the piano any time I want and that I really like. I also enjoy playing in the Games Room and I like

swimming in the school pool. I play the guitar as well and love cooking all kinds of food, especially Korean.

There are many differences between England and Korea. The biggest difference for me is it’s more peaceful here compared to Korea. Especially here in school. The weather is cool and I like this weather. In Korea it is either too hot or too cold. English people are really tolerant. As I said, I prefer the education system here also. In Korea you are forced to study too much by both parents and school.

I would definitely recommend boarding to people. It’s great. The staff are really nice and friendly. There are so many different cultures and ages and you would expect problems but there aren’t any. The older boarders help the younger ones and so we have lots of friends from every country! I would give this school and boarding 10/10 because everything has been, and is, perfect here and getting better all the time.

OllieYear 11

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Working with the Community

Since I joined Bournemouth Collegiate School, I have had the opportunity to continue taking part in community service at the Dorset Children’s Foundation. It has become a big part of my life as I have seen how it change people’s lives. I meet with the representatives from the Foundation, who are the school’s charity partner, every Wednesday to discuss the progress my team mates and I are making with our current project.

The Dorset Children’s Foundation aims to improve the lives of sick and disabled children by providing financial support towards medical expenses, therapies, equipment and life-enriching experiences not normally provided by The NHS.

Working with other friends, and with the help of Mr Harrison-Poole, {Director of Sport at BCS} our main project has been raising money for one of the bravest boys I have ever met in my life. Tom needs an operation for his paralysed legs so that he can be able to walk without pain for the first time in his life. We are raising money by having sponsored sky dives, which is a new and exciting challenge for us. We also set up just giving pages where we can receive donations from sponsors.

It is group projects like these, and meeting inspiring individuals

like Tom, that make taking part in community service so fulfilling, There is no better feeling than meeting the families of the children we try to support as they are some of the most pleasant people you can meet. It is fortunate and we fully appreciate that the school encourages and supports us with these experiences. Taking part in this project has enabled us to develop teamwork, organisation and initiative skills that we can apply to our general lives.

After this project is completed, we are looking forward to organising a barbeque evening for the families of the children under the care of Dorset Children’s Foundation and all families that contributed towards our projects to celebrate our achievements in the community as a school.

While working in a group, we also have individual roles in the projects, I personally made a short video for the foundation that has been used for promotion and this helped me re-use some of the media skills I would not normally use in my daily life. I also volunteered to take part in the Southbourne Shake and Stir Festival to sell Rotary tickets, guide cars to parking and help run some of the stalls / tents. For this event, I was supported by the Head of Boys’ Boarding, Mr O’Donoghue, who went with me to help out.

The support provided to me by the School has enabled me to keep up with charity work which I hold dear to my heart.

Emmanuel AYear 13

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Winter Wonderland Mr Single Head of Boarding + FamilyWinter Ball 17

Leaving Winter WonderlandWinter Ball 17

Girls’ Boarding

Winter Ball DiningPizza Making

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UPCOMING ACTIVITIES:Saturday 13th January - SnowtraxSnowtrax is one of only 2 dry ski slopes in Dorset. This trip is suitable for all ski or snowboard abilities. Tuesday 16th January - International Night

Saturday 27th January - Go KartingTeam-Sport Indoor Karting Southampton features a sweeping 450m track including a flyover and underpass. The centre is equipped with electronic lap timing and a large scoreboard. Saturday 24th February - Burngate Stone CarvingFor something a bit different come along with us to this superb stone carving centre where you get the opportunity to learn traditional stone carving skills.

NEXT EDITION:The next edition of The Boarder Newsletter will be sent out on Friday 2nd February, 2018.

We will have more features from across both Boarding Houses and more exciting articles & comments from our amazing boarding students and news from around the school.


Twitter: @BCS_Senior

Facebook: @bournemouthcollegiateschool

Instagram: @BCS_School

WELCOMEFEEDBACK:Now that The Boarder is well established within the school, we would love to know what you have thought over the past year.

If you have any comments on the content of this one, past editions or any ideas of what you would like to see in your Newsletter, then please feel free to contact Simon Coulter, Head of Marketing directly on: [email protected].


AGENTS HIGHLIGHTS: CURRENT AVAILABILITYWe believe we are an accommodating school, so thought we would share our current room availability with you, in case you are looking to place a student.

Please contact Rhiann Bowden, Admissions Registrar directly at [email protected]

We currently have spaces available for Year Groups 7, 9, 10 & 12, please contact us if you wish to place any potential students.

For the academic year starting in September 2018, we have limited spaces available in all Year Groups.

More from Lottie on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NgFRj2L8FM

“Boarding has given me a lot of independence and is a great community to be in.”