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The Beat 27 February 2015

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The Beat 27 February 2015: die pos,the beat,nuus,news,misdaad,crime,sport,skool,schools,vaalwater,naboomspruit,mookgophong,nylstroom,modimolle,warmbad,warmbaths,bela-bela,die pos,the post

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Page 1: The Beat 27 February 2015

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27 February 2015



TK Mashaba

The Waterberg LFA made nationalheadlines recently, with people on theground accusing the Waterbergleadership of corruption.The accused are Bela-Bela’s Jack

Maluleka, who is the SAFA nationalexecutive member, and Lucas Nhlapo,SAFA’s vice president. They wereaccused of maladministration bythree of their affiliates.The Bela-Bela, Mookgophong and

Lephalale Local Football Associations(LFAs) allege that there is corruptionin within the other LFAs in the region,and spoke to the national media abouttheir concerns.The BEAT spoke to Nhlapo on

Tuesday, 24 February, who deniedany charges of corruption.“The people who went to the national

media don’t know what they aretalking about,” he said. “They are justpublicizing their personal issues.”“How can I be corrupt when I’ve just

Trafficofficer dies

on duty

had a clean audit in my municipality?”added Nhlapo. Nhlapo sad that thepeople who accused the leadership ofcorruption are not even LFA members.In the mainstream press, the three LFAs

alleged that they were denied a chance tovote on the new regional leadership in theelections which took place on Sunday, 22February. As a result, the LFAs have calledfor the congress to be postponed until theyhave held their own meetings.They claim that Nhlapo and Maluleka do

not have the region’s best interests at heart.One club owner, who spoke on condition ofanonymity, was quoted saying that nine ofthe fourteen clubs in the region wanted tooust current LFA chairperson Malulekaduring the elections, but their nominationforms were not accepted.The clubs staged a walkout after the

electoral officer allegedly refused to accepttheir nomination forms.A member of Lephalale’s LFA said that

people had nominated themselves forexecutive positions without the LFA’sapproval.

“We don’t know who signed thesenomination forms,” he said. “It is chaos inour region because people are afterpositions.”The Mookgophong LFA has written a letter

to SAFA’s Head Office raising concernsabout misconduct and other similaractivities in the region.The BEAT could not reach Maluleka for

comment. However, he did issue astatement to the mainstream press.“I was made aware of the grievances and

referred the questions to the SAFA HeadOffice,” he said. Maluleka said that nextweekend’s congress would go ahead asplanned, and that they would not be held toransom by the LFA.“We will form a quorum and the congress

will go ahead,” he said.SAFA’s Acting Head of Membership

Affairs, Andile Ndegenzi, said that he wasnot aware of the grievances.Ndengezi said that he was dealing with

many disputes, but said that he had notreceived any complaints from theWaterberg Region.

They don’t know what they are talking about

No smokNo smokNo smokNo smokNo smokeeeee

“I just had a clean audit,” saidLucas Nhlapo. Photo: TKMashaba

Jack Maluleka maintains hisinnocence in the face ofaccusations of corruptions.Photo: TK Mashaba

Lizzy Bapela

A traffic officer from the LimpopoProvincial Traffic Office died on theroad as he was assisting a road userwith directions during a trafficoperation on the N1 in Modimolle onFriday, 20 February.According to Modimolle police

spokesperson Warrant Officer JamesFindlay, a vehicle stopped next to theroad and the driver asked fordirections. He added that a huge truckcame down the road while the officerwas still assisting the person, andallegedly drove over him. The truck wasreportedly from the ZZ2 tomato farm inTzaneen. “It is suspected that the wind sucked

the officer under the truck’s tyres whenhe got killed. He was declared dead onthe scene and a case of culpablehomicide is being investigated,” saidWarrant Officer Findlay.The 46-year-old officer, Thibe

Charles Kekana, was staying inModimolle and was originally fromMokopane.The provincial and district traffic

department offices were heading uppreparations for his memorial servicethat was scheduled for Thursday, 26February midday. Law enforcementrepresentatives from the local, districtand provincial offices and loved onesare expected to attend in numbers.Warrant Officer Findlay and the

Waterberg Road Traffic managerSimon Kekana sent condolences to thefamily, friends and relatives of thedeceased and those who knew him, onbehalf of their departments.Statements from both the truck driver

and the witness asking for directionswere taken and investigations are inprocess. The deceased will be buriedin his hometown on Sunday, 1 March.

TK Mashaba

Page 2: The Beat 27 February 2015

[email protected], Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.zaPage 2 BEAT 27 February, 2015

Lizzy Bapela

*The police are investigating a case ofshoplifting following an incident at Pick nPay supermarket on Saturday, 21February. Police spokesperson GlenManamela said that the store’s securitypersonnel called the police after arresting awoman named Elizabeth Hope inpossession of allegedly shopliftedgroceries.Security personnel said that the suspect

went into the shop, loaded the groceriesinto the trolley and allegedly pushed the

Justin Steyn

Church leaders in Mookgophong say theyare concerned about the increasing deathtoll on the N1-highway. Prayers wereconducted by local church members andtheir leaders for those who have lost theirlives on the road and for protection forfuture road users.This was seemingly all in vain as

emergency services had to respond to twofatal accidents at the start of the week.According to Mookgophong police

spokesperson, Warrant Officer GeorgeLedwaba, the two incidents took place inthe morning and afternoon of Monday 23February.Ledwaba said that the first incident

involved a 52-year old man who wastravelling to Mookgophong on the N1. Hereportedly lost control of his Toyota

Marlene Vermaak

Members of the South African PoliceService in Vaalwater are requestingthat residents of Vaalwater andLeseding take better care of theiranimals.“We get daily complaints about free-

roaming cattle, goats and donkeys inthe roads of Vaalwater. Dogs runaround everywhere as well. Whatresidents don’t realise is that theowners of these animals can be heldliable for any damages caused bythem. Last year we had quite anumber of accidents that related todrivers hitting stray animals or servingto avoid hitting these animals anddamaging their cars,” said Warrant

Lizzy Bapela

A man in Modimolle apparently shot hisgirlfriend before turning his gun onhimself, following a heated argumentbetween them. Modimolle policespokesperson Warrant Officer JamesFindlay said that the incident occurredon Sunday, 22 February in PhagamengTownship.According to the police, the accused

pulled a gun on his girlfriend and shother in both arms and her right upperthigh, before turning the gun on himself.“The woman was treated on the scene

before being taken to FH Odendaalhospital for further treatment. Her name

Crime RCrime RCrime RCrime RCrime Round-Upound-Upound-Upound-Upound-Up

trolley out of the shop without paying. Theyadded that she failed to produce proof ofpayment when asked for a till slip, at whichpoint they handcuffed her and called thepolice.Constable Manamela told The BEAT that

the value of the stolen items was calculatedat about R6 825.The suspect appeared before the Bela-

Bela Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 23February on a shoplifting charge.The suspect pleaded guilty and was given

a 12-month suspended sentence andfined R3 000.* A 20-year old man from Mookgophong

was sentenced to 15 years in prison on twocharges of armed robbery and one ofpossession of illegal firearms andammunition, following an appearancebefore the local magistrate’s court onFriday, 20 February. Mookgophong policespokesperson Warrant Officer GeorgeLedwaba said that the accused wasarrested in 2014. Warrant Officer Ledwabatold The BEAT that the accused hadseveral previous convictions on counts ofcommon robbery and served jail terms atthe Modimolle Correctional Centre, wherehe was taken after his recent conviction.According to the police, Joseph Manakafrom Mahwelereng in Mokopaneterrorized the area, robbing people beforebeing jailed.

The police confiscated the groceriesthat were found in the accused’spossession. Photo supplied

Elizabeth Hope was released frompolice custody after being chargedfor shoplifting. Photo supplied

Attempted murder-suicide in Modimolleis being withheld until her relatives canbe notified,” said Warrant OfficerFindlay. “She comes from Zimbabwe,but has the proper papers for SouthAfrica.”On Monday, 23 February, Warrant

Officer Findlay told The BEAT that thewoman was still at the hospital as far ashe knew. He was not aware of whetheror not she had been discharged ortransferred to another hospital.The man has been identified as

Johannes Masihi, aged 56 fromPhagameng. The police have opened aninquest docket and are investigating acase of culpable homicide as a result ofthe incident.

Concerns over carnage on N1Fortuner and collided into a nearby bridge.He died on impact.Later that afternoon, a Volkswagen Golf

sedan was involved in a head on collisionwith a heavy duty truck. Ledwaba said thatit appeared as if the driver of the sedanhad also lost control of the vehicle anddrove into the oncoming truck where hedied on impact. The truck driver escapedwith minor injuries. Ledwaba said that theincident is currently under investigation andno arrests have been made. He said thathe is concerned about the increasing rateat which the accidents occur.“Accidents on the N1 are increasing each

month, mostly due to negligent driving androad users who travel when they are tiredor intoxicated. This is a big cause forconcern and we are pleading with roadusers to please drive carefully andresponsibly,” he said

Lizzy Bapela

Justin Steyn

ConcerConcerConcerConcerConcern an an an an about pets andbout pets andbout pets andbout pets andbout pets andccccchildrhildrhildrhildrhildren in en in en in en in en in VVVVVaalaalaalaalaalwwwwwaaaaaterterterterterA cow lyingnext toSandrivierRoad inVaalwater.This animalwas one ofnearly twentyanimalsgrazing next tothe road.Photo: MarleneVermaak

Officer Petrus Lefoka. “A case ofassault with the intent to do grievousbodily harm was opened against aresident of Waterberg Street inVaalwater when the owners’ dogattacked and bit a pedestrian passingby in the street. The case is beinginvestigated.”“A second cause of concern in

Vaalwater at the moment is the numberof school-age children who are outand about in town during school hours.Children must attend school and it’sthe parents’ duty to check that they do.Children are not allowed to beg moneyfrom motorists or at the post office.Parents receive a social grant from thegovernment and should use it to lookafter their children” explained Lefoka.

Lizzy Bapela

A woman from Bela-Bela is fighting forher life in the local hospital after shewas stabbed. The stabbing allegedlyoccurred after she was allegedly foundsleeping with the suspect’s boyfriend.Police spokesperson Constable GlenManamela said that the incident tookplace at the Hlalampsa InformalSettlement on Sunday, 22 February.Police officers attending the scene

reported that they had found the womanlying on her back, bleeding from herbody and the back of her head, whenthey arrived at 04:45. They told TheBEAT that the victim, JohannaMolwantwa, was found lying in front ofthe shack while the suspect and herboyfriend argued inside. She had beenstabbed several times, according topolice.EMTs rushed her to the hospital while

the suspect, Anna Mochai, was arrestedimmediately and allegedly found inpossession of the knife. The boyfriend,Fannie Mataboge is also a resident ofBela-Bela.In her defense Mochai said that she

came home that evening to findMolwanta in bed with her partner.She told the police that when she

questioned them, Molwanta startedarguing with her and slapped her in theface. Mochai said that Molwanta stabbed

Woman stabbed for ‘stealing’ boyfriend

Anna Mochai was arrested forallegedly stabbing a woman she saidwas sleeping with her boyfriend.Photo supplied

her 17-year old son with the knife beforeturning on her. She also said that sheoverpowered Molwanta and “stabbed herseveral time in self-defense”.Mochai appeared before the Bela-Bela

Magistrate’s court on Monday, 23February. She was charged withattempted murder, although the chargesmay change if the victim’s conditionchanges. Her case was postponed toMonday, 2 March for further investigation.

Lizzy Bapela

Lizzy Bapela

Marlene Vermaak

Page 3: The Beat 27 February 2015

BEAT Page [email protected]@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za 27 February, 2015

TK Mashaba

Bela-Bela High School has beenstruggling for months to provide safe,hygienic toilets for their learners. Thesituation has deteriorated to the pointwhere the lavatories havebecome a serious healthhazard for learners.The BEAT visited the

school on Saturday, 7February, and from theschool’s entrance thestench of the toilets wasalready perceptible. Mostof the toilets have beenlocked, and somevandalized.Some of the students

who spoke to The BEATsaid that the situation isvery bad, and has beenthis way for a long time.“The smell isn’t good for our health. We

can’t even breathe fresh air around theschool,” one boy said. Another boy

Marlene Vermaak

Since the recent protest action inVaalwater, the important four-waycrossing at the corner of WaterbergStreet and Sandrivier Road has not asingle stop sign to its name.Where the four stop signs used to

control traffic from Melkrivier,Leseding Extension 4 and 2, andVaalwater, there is nothing. Onelonely stop sign lies flattened by theroad, but the others have vanishedwithout a trace. Motorists have beenspeeding across the intersection fromevery direction without reducing theirspeed in the slightest.Warrant Officer Petrus Lefoka,

spokesperson of the VaalwaterPolice, told The BEAT that they had

Health hazard toilets atBela-Bela High

predicted hospitalizations if somethingisn’t done soon.“We can’t walk freely or even eat near

the school,” he said.During the weekend, plumbers were

seen doing maintenance on thebathrooms.The school’s acting

principal, Agnes Lekalakala,who started at the school inthe new year, said that theyare in the process ofmaking repairs and doingmaintenance, as they areaware of the potential healthrisks.“The school’s toilets have

not been maintained sincethe school was built in1987,” she said. “The otherthing is that students need tostop vandalizing school

property.” She mentioned that she wouldhave preferred if the school had 24/7security, which would stop the destructionof school property.

“Studentsneed to



Classroom doors have been vandalised. Photo: TKMashaba

Filthy floors insome bathrooms.Photo: TKMashaba

The lonely,flattened stopsign which stilldecorates thefour way stopat the cornerof Waterbergand SandrivierStreet.

Missing stop signs aMissing stop signs aMissing stop signs aMissing stop signs aMissing stop signs at bt bt bt bt busyusyusyusyusyVVVVVaalaalaalaalaalwwwwwaaaaater crter crter crter crter crossingossingossingossingossing

reported the issue to the municipaloffices some time ago.“The crossing is a major problem

and very dangerous at the moment,”he said. “Hundreds of children ontheir way to Mokolo Primary Schooland Meetsetshehla Secondary Schooluse the road daily. Our biggest fear isthat a vehicle could hit a child. Thepotential for accidents is great, and it’sa miracle that nothing more serioushas happened yet.”Patrick Shika, spokesperson for the

Modimolle Municipality, was unawareof the problem when he was contactedby The BEAT on Monday, 23February. Shika said that he has beengiving attention to the problem and willkeep the press up to date on themunicipality’s plans.

TK Mashaba

Marlene Vermaak

Page 4: The Beat 27 February 2015

[email protected], Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.zaPage 4 BEAT 27 February, 2015

Justin Steyn

There are still some major uncertaintiesabout the future of the Bela-Belamunicipal library. The library wasdamaged in a fire in late 2005 but mostof the books involved had beensalvaged.Bela-Bela municipal spokesperson,

Matome Sebelebele, said that the libraryis now an asset of the department ofSports, Arts and Culture and that themunicipality is going to enter into talkswith the Department to reinstate it to itsoriginal function.According to DA councillor, Kobus van

der Merwe, the Department aims toconvert the library into a media centre.“To my knowledge the Department is

trying to move away from theconventional way of taking out books ona membership and trying to convert itinto a media centre where the publiccan access all sorts of information viathe internet stations and other facilitiesthey will make available,” he said.Van der Merwe said that the problem is

that these developments may take some

Justin Steyn

A planned settlement developmentproject in Extension 25 in Koppewaai,just outside of Bela-Bela, may not seethe light of day.Last year the Housing Development

Agency (HDA) partnered with theDepartment of CooperativeGovernance, Human Settlements andTraditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) and theBela-Bela municipality to seek ways toaddress issues related to urgenthousing needed for the area.The project also aims to implement

new schools, crèches, a library and aclinic.The HDA announced that they face

two major challenges regarding thedevelopment. It was revealed that bulkinfrastructure is limited. It has beenestablished that a sufficient amount ofinfrastructural capacity must be put inplace when the site is established.Another problem faced by the HDA is

that the site is already occupiedillegally. According to the HDA, projectplanning has commenced andqualifying residents will beaccommodated in the newdevelopment. A land-holdingmanagement plan by the HDA is saidto be in place and is being managed inconjunction with the residents’committee.Among other key objectives the land-

Lizzy Bapela

The Bela-Bela Local Disability Council isset to host an indaba for people livingwith disabilities. The indaba is scheduledfor Friday, 20 March at the localcommunity hall if all goes according toplan.The council said that the indaba is

meant to allow relevant stakeholders toeducate people living with disabilitiesand empower them with skills to allowthemselves to better their lives. Theyalso highlighted the involvement ofseveral stakeholders who will be comingon board to assist them in order toensure that the indaba takes placesuccessfully. These stakeholders includethe Departments of CorrectionalServices, Agriculture, and Justice, aswell as the IEC, SAPS, CommunityDevelopment Workers, the Bela-BelaLocal Municipality, the South AfricanSocial Security Agency and theDepartment of Social Development.

TK Mashaba

The Bela-Bela Hospital replied to a

Municipal librMunicipal librMunicipal librMunicipal librMunicipal librarararararyyyyydededededeparparparparpartment concertment concertment concertment concertment concernnnnn

time because the Department isinvesting most of its time in sportsdevelopment, especially soccer.“There is a declining interest in arts in

culture from the department and as aresult many arts and culture groups,especially in the township areas, areimpaired,”He said that the lacking development in

libraries is not only faced in Bela-Bela,but all over the province and urgedcommunity not to blame the localmunicipality but added that themunicipality has the political will toreinstate the library if they desired to doso.Van der Merwe has also warned those

who have the desire to donate or providetheir local libraries with books. “There is no guarantee that books that

are given to the library will be used orenlisted on their system. It is a big possiblythat these books can be thrown away oreven sold which was not the original intentof the donator,” he explained.The Department acknowledged receipt of

The BEAT enquiries via e-mail but did notreply or comment.

The Nehawumembers handedover thememorandum tothe hospital twoweeks ago.Photo: TKMashaba

Nehawu still demands Moagi’s removal

Libraries couldbe transformedinto mediacentres if theDepartment ofSports, Arts andCulture havetheir way. Photo:Justin Steyn

memorandum from Nehawu on Tuesday,24 February. The memorandum wasdelivered during a protest at the hospitaltwo weeks ago.The meeting on the 24th was filled with

members eager to hear the hospital’sresponse. According to WilsonMatlaisane of Nehawu some of thehospital’s responses were notfavourable, and they still require that thehospital accede to their demands asstated in the memorandum.Among others, they demand the

removal of the communicationsspokesperson Buti Moagi. Nehawu stillbelieves that he must be removed fromhis position, as according to them, he isnot fulfilling his duties.“He has been getting paid for doing

nothing so we still require his removalfrom that position.” Matlaisane said.The nursing manager, whose removal

Nehawu also demanded, will be endinghis term in the coming weeks and thevacant position would be advertised.They were advised to see the Head ofDepartments regarding other positions.“We will be monitoring the situation

closely to see to it that they are fulfillingtheir promises,” he said.Moagi could not be reached for


HDA developments at risk

Illegalsquatting issaid to be a bigproblem forplannedhousingdevelopmentsin Koppewaai.Photo: HermanSteyn

holding management plan seeks toprevent a further influx of illegalresidents.The Ward Councillor of Koppewaai,

Kobus van der Merwe, said that theseplanned developments may be delayedor may not happen at all.“A survey conducted last year by

CoGHSTA and the HDA found that anestimated R72 million is needed tosupply the area with services such asstorm water drainage and sewagedisposal. The local municipality doesnot have the money for theseservices,” he said.He said that a letter had been written

to the former CoGHSTA MEC, IshmaelKgetjepe, about developments inKoppewaai, and he has had noresponse.Despite financial backlogs, van der

Merwe claimed that finances forinterim services such as water andtoilet facilities has been approved byCoGHSTA since August, but nothinghas surfaced.“The community is uncertain about the

developments and there is an increaseof squatters in the area,” he said.According to van der Merwe it appears

that the piece of land has fallen into apolitical ball-play.“I don’t think that anything will be done

until the 2016 elections. Promises willbe made with few developments,” hesaid.

Justin Steyn

Justin Steyn

Bela-Bela to host disabilityBela-Bela to host disabilityBela-Bela to host disabilityBela-Bela to host disabilityBela-Bela to host disabilityindabaindabaindabaindabaindaba

Bela-Bela LocalDisability Councilmembers PietMabusela andIsaac Sithole.Photo: LizzyBapela

The council expressed theirdisappointment in the departments ofHealth, Education and Labour for notbeing hands-on with regards to issues ofconcern to people living with disabilitiesas key stakeholders whose duty is toserve and empower the community atlarge. They added that the departmentsdo not attend meetings and do notrespect the role they can play inimproving the lives of people living withdisabilities.The council’s chairperson Piet

Mabusela said that they hold plenarymeetings regarding the event. He urgedthe business community to lend ahelping hand in ensuring the success ofthe event.The council’s spokesperson, Isaac

Sithole, said that the landscape fordisabled people in Bela-Bela is huge,and that the people need to be properlyskilled and educated in order to beindependent and able to empowerthemselves.

Lizzy Bapela

TK Mashaba

Page 5: The Beat 27 February 2015

BEAT Page [email protected]@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za 27 February, 2015

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Photo of the week

The BEAT wants to hearfrom our readers. If you

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Malesela Musana,Masakhane

resident, writes:It never rains, but it pours, says theadage.It is a misery and a disgrace to the

community to put an ignoramus whoshrinks from education in theposition of community leader,because he or she knows nothingabout growth and the developmentof the community.People like that are only satisfied

with higher ranks and fantasticincomes that they make no effort toearn. They earn pride from theirexploitation of the very people whoelected them — their meek and mildbosses.After being elected to leadership

positions and earning royal salaries,they dump their humanity andacquire cannibalism. Like vampires,they suck the blood from thecommunity. They replace ourglorious democracy and God-givenFreedom charter with their kingdomof man-eat-man, ruling our SouthAfrica with the law of the jungle. Ourtree of liberty is being destroyed!In Page 5 in The BEAT of 23 May

2014 I advised these glutinous andunreliable people to renounce theirevil behaviour and become bornagain before the Battle ofArmageddon, but the awkwardnever heed until they taste of thevenom of their own spleen. Theheavenly sermon of elimination ofexploitation must be spreadcountryside before the doves areeliminated by the ever-hungryhawks.Those who cannot lead must not

lead. If those who cannot cook areelected to cook, then surely we shallnot eat, some will vomit and otherswill become sick.Good-for-nothing elected persons

are deliberately abusing theirpower, looting the State’s funds,fooling the community and struttingwith their noses in the air, havinglocked the whole local governmentinto their pockets.Ward Councillors do not convene

community meetings, contractorsare paid up while projects are stillincomplete and vanish withoutpaying their labourers, CLOs, areemployed as managers to harasslabourers, and nepotism is at theorder of the day. Service deliveryhas become politicised, and richpeople are allowed to buy standsthat should have been allocated tothe poor.Let us stand up and fight

corruption together.

ConcernedResident writes:Regarding the article in The BEAT lastweek (Protesters still upset, 20February) Piet Rakumakwe and histeam are spot-on and the town sharestheir grave concerns.All appointments during the past year

have been ‘gate-kept’ by the Speaker,Chief Whip, Mayor, and especiallyJeremia Ngobeni. Nobody has beenappointed in the municipality withoutthese councillors’ consent, screeningand final authorization.EPWP, CWP, MIG and all other

projects are controlled by them andnobody will be able to get a job withouttheir agreement. It it the same withsenior appointments in themunicipality.These councillors are acting as an

employment agency and theabovementioned programs have beendiverted from their purpose ofproviding employment for ‘the poorestof the poor’, and are being used as apolitical tool to appoint their families,close friends, cronies — a sickeningthought!Suddenly the speaker is the sergeant

major, the Chief Whip the boss and theMayor the Mugabe of a publicinstitution, and Jeremia the man with ahuge appetite for power, arrogantesteem and confidence, as if he is theHitler of all! Sadly, when Ngobeni had afalling-out with Nhlapo, he himselfreferred to ‘this thing of the PMT’ andcommented that is not really the‘control system’ of the municipality.Absolutely nothing happens without

the mayor’s final consent withreference to contracts, appointments,procedures, finances and the runningof the municipality. No meeting,procedure, or gathering will startwithout these four taking up the ’frontseats’ and running the proceedings asif it is their own. They actually useand abuse all gatherings to boost theirown image, promote their stature andtry to sell their personal interest for the2016 elections.They use tactics like threatening

staff, ignoring opposing points of viewand forming alliances with closesupporters who hope for futureemployment or contracts as backpayment.Bring back Ledwaba and

Hlongwane, they achieved more in anenvironment where there were noaccusations of corruption andmaladministration.

Pule Sebolao, a Laerskool Warmbad student, has qualified for provincialathletics. Photo: Justin Steyn


Page 6: The Beat 27 February 2015

[email protected], Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.zaPage 6 BEAT 27 February, 2015


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Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMANDA KOCKof DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Portion 58 ofthe farm Het Bad 465 - KR.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with thegrounds therefore, shall belodged with or made inwriting to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/018 –Route 21 Bela-Bela Lim_ATC(20&27/2/15).


Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMANDA KOCKof DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Erf 1497Warmbad Ext 26.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with thegrounds therefore, shall belodged with or made inwriting to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/014 –Warmbad Ext 26 Lim_ ATC(20&27/2/15).


Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMANDA KOCKof DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Erf 1394Warmbad Ext 20.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with thegrounds therefore, shall belodged with or made in

writing to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/017 –Bela-Bela Power StationLim_ ATC(20&27/2/15).


Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMAND KOCK ofDLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Erf 1499Warmbad Ext 26.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with thegrounds therefore, shall belodged with or made inwriting to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/013 –Spapark North Bela-BelaLim_ ATC(20&27/2/15).


Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMANDA KOCKof DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Portion 9 ofErf 1459 Warmbad Ext 20.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with thegrounds therefore, shall belodged with or made inwriting to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/016 –Bela-Bela Nursery Lim_ATC(20&27/2/15).


Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMANDA KOCKof DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Remainder ofPortion 147 Roodekuil 496 -KR.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with the

grounds therefore, shall belodged with or made inwriting to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/020 –Roodekuil Bela-Bela Lim_ATC(20&27/2/15).


Notice is hereby given to allwhom it may concern, that interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-Use Scheme,2008, I, AMANDA KOCKof DLC Telecom (Pty) Ltd,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Local Municipality forspecial consent for theconstruction and operation ofa 36m hightelecommunications mast andbase station on Portion 1 ofErf 1450 Warmbad Ext 20.Full particulars and plansmay be inspected duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the applicant at theaddress included below or atthe Office of the Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality, ChrisHani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any objection, with thegrounds therefore, shall belodged with or made inwriting to both the applicantat the address mentionedbelow and The Manager:Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Private Bag x1609, Bela-Bela,0480, within 28 days of thedate of the first publication ofthis notice, viz 20 February2015.Applicant: DLC TELECOM(Pty) LtdStreet address: 46 26th Street,Menlo Park, 0081Postal Address: P.O. Box35921, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel:(012) 346 7890Email: [email protected] Ref: ATC/LIM/019 –Warmbad Ext 20 Bela-BelaLim_ ATC(20&27/2/15).






(ORDINANCE No 15 OF1986)

We, GEO PROJECTS,authorised agents of theowners of Portion 22 of thefarm Middelfontein 391 KR,Modimolle hereby give noticein terms of section 56(1)(b)(i)of the Town Planning andTownships Ordinance, 1986(Ordinance No 15 of 1986)that we have applied to theModimolle Municipality forthe amendment of the TownPlanning Scheme, known asthe Modimolle Land UseScheme, 2004, by theamendment of the zoning ofthe property by the additionof an annexure to the existingAgriculture zoning, to makeprovision for overnightaccommodation, shop andadditional uses as indicated inthe annexure to theamendment scheme.Particulars of the applicationwill lie for inspection duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the MunicipalManager, Municipal Offices,Modimolle, for a period of 28days from 20 February 2015Objections to orpresentations in respect ofthe application must belodged with or made inwriting to: The MunicipalManager at the above addressor Private Bag x1008,Modimolle, 0510, within aperiod of 28 days from 20February 2015Address: P.O. Box 919, BelaBela, 0480, Tel: 082 8817252.(20 & 27/2)





MOOKGOPHONGAMENDMENT SCHEMENR 73I, FREEK SWANEPOELATTORNEY, being theauthorized agent of theowners of Dwelling Unit ofErf 851, Naboomspruit K.R.Limpopo Province herebygive notice in terms of Section

56(1)(B)(1) of the TownPlanning and TownshipsOrdinance, 1986 (Ordinance15 of 1986) that I haveapplied to the MookgophongMunicipality for theamendment of the TownPlanning Scheme known asthe Naboomspruit TownPlanning Scheme, 1980 by therezoning of Erf 851,Naboomspruit, from“RESIDENTIAL 1” with adensity zoning of “ONEdwelling per ERF” to“BUSINESS 1”Particulars of the applicationwill lie for inspection duringnormal office hours at theoffice of the Applicant andthe Corporative Manager,Municipal MunicipalityNelson Mandela Street,Naboomspruit for a period of28 days from 27 February2015.Objections to orrepresentations in respect ofthe application must belodged with or made inwriting: F J SWANEPOEL, P.O. Box 139, Naboomspruit,0560 orThe Corporative Manager atthe above address or atPrivate Bag x340,Naboomspruit(Mookgophong), 0560 withina period of 28 days from 27February 2015.FREEK SWANEPOELATTORNEYSEuphorbia Park 18Naboomspruit0560. (27/2-06/3).






(ORDINANCE No 15 OF1986)

We, GEO PROJECTS,authorised agents of theowner of Erf 205, BelaBela township, Bela-Belahereby give notice in terms ofsection 56(1)(b)(i) of theTown Planning andTownships Ordinance, 1986(Ordinance No 15 of 1986)that we have applied to theBela Bela Municipality forthe amendment, known as theBela Bela Land Use Scheme,2008, by the rezoning of theproperty describe above,from Business 3 to Business1. Particulars of the

application will lie forinspection during normaloffice hours at the office ofthe Municipal Manager,Municipal Offices, Bela Bela ,for a period of 28 days from27 February 2015. Objectionsto or presentations in respectof the application must belodged with or made inwriting to: The MunicipalManager at the above addressor Private Bag X 1609, BelaBela, 0480, within a period of28 days from 27 February2015 Address: P.O. Box 919,Bela-Bela, 0480, Tel: 082 8817252.

(27/2 & 6/3)

BELA-BELA LAND-USESCHEME, 2008APPLICATION FORSPECIAL CONSENT INTERMS OF CLAUSE 21 OFTHE BELA-BELA LAND-USE SCHEME, 2008, TOPERMIT A BED &BREAKFAST.Notice is hereby given that, interms of Clause 21 of theBela-Bela Land-use Scheme2008, I the undersigned,intend applying to the Bela-Bela Municipality for SpecialConsent to establish a Bed& Breakfast on ERF 130 inthe townshipWARMBATHS,Registration Division KR,NORTHERN PROVINCEzoned special consent,situated at 8 MENTZAVE, BELA-BELA.Plans and/or particularsrelating to the applicationmay be inspected duringoffice hours at 8 MentzAve, Bela-Bela or at theoffices of the Manager :Planning and Development,Bela-Bela Municipality,Chris Hani Drive, Bela-Bela.Any person having anyobjections to the granting ofthis application must lodgesuch objection togetherwith the grounds thereof inwriting, with both theManager : Planning andDevelopment, Bela-BelaMunicipality and theundersigned not later than28 March 2015.

Applicant’s Details :Full Name : HESTERMARIA DE BEERAddress : 8 Mentz Ave,Bela-BelaTel : (Home) 014-736 6635Tel : (Work) 014-736 6635(20 & 27/2)

Lizzy Bapela

The Best Arts Centre fromPienaarsrivier is empowering the localyouth by affording them anopportunity to showcase their skillsand talent to the public. Artists fromvarious fields have been invited toshare their skills with existingmembers, teaching each other whatthey offer.The founder, Precious Marobele

says that there is never a time wherethey say the centre is closed to newartists, as new skills and knowledgeare always needed to empower moreyouths. She added that they welcomenew people every now and then toshare what they know.After gathering enough items, the

artists then come together andshowcase their art at variousexhibitions held across the country.Their highlights include exhibiting at

the enormous Marula youth Festivalthat was held in Phalaborwa recently,as well as the Makhufe andGrahamstown arts festivals previously.The Limpopo Tourism Agency hostedMarula Festival in partnership with theLimpopo Economic Development,Environment and Tourism (LEDET),led by MEC Seaparo Sekoati.The festival, which is also part of the

government’s priority of ruraldevelopment, began in 2006, withPhalaborwa being chosen as thepermanent host because of its tourismprofile and proximity to other majortourist destinations such as the KrugerNational Park.Economic benefits created by the

festival perfectly fit the Government’s

ArArArArArts centrts centrts centrts centrts centre empoe empoe empoe empoe empowwwwwererererers local ys local ys local ys local ys local youthsouthsouthsouthsouths

objective of using the arts to create jobsand grow the economy. All sectorsbenefiting from the festival experiencesignificant rise in the demand for theirgoods and services during the period ofthe festival.

Victor Manaka of the Best ArtsCentre from Pienaarsrivier shows offthe mobile library that they got as adonation from the National Lotery.Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Kgopotso Seemise poses for a photoin front of the craft products. Photo:Lizzy Bapela

Thabo Mabaso displays productsfrom their pottery studio. Photo:Lizzy Bapela

The centre alsohas a printingmachine forclothing.Photo: LizzyBapela

Lizzy Bapela

Page 7: The Beat 27 February 2015

BEAT Page [email protected]@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za 27 February, 2015

Lizzy Bapela

Precious Marobele, member ofPienaarsrivier-based arts and cultureinstitution, The Best Arts Centre, wasamong the 17 people who were recentlyelected to form the National Dance andTheatre Advisory Committee, a taskteam led by the Minister for Arts andCulture Nathi Mthethwa.The individuals represent organizations

in the entertainment industry fromacross the country. Marobele is the onlyrepresentative from Limpopo in thecommittee, representing her provinceand her home town. They were electedduring a historic conference aimed atassisting the groups to organizethemselves into development programsthat will help them grow.Marobele founded the Centre and is

lead vocalist for its live jazz bandconsisting of members fromPIenaarsrivier, Bela-Bela,Hammanskraal and Bosplaas. Theband’s highlights include coming outtops from all the music groups in theWaterberg to represent the district atCapricorn FM’s Limpopo Music Festivalheld in 2013, where they shared thestage with well-known artists such asCaiphus Semenya, Thansiswa Mazwaiand Kabelo Mabalane.They also performed for the Waterberg

District Municipality and the LimpopoProvincial Government at their events.Their music focuses on life in general,as well as achievements and challengesfaced by people in their daily lives.Marobele says she draws her strength

from faith and music. She says her

Pienaarsrivier entertainer joinsnational Arts Council team

band’s accomplishments are the productof the hardworking and dedicated teamof musicians and their excellent sense ofteamwork.The National Dance and Theatre

Advisory Committee committed itself toserving the sector and promote unity,with the minister saying that governmentwill work with them. He emphasized therole of the arts in society and education.The conference resolved that the

committee must achieve certain targetsin the next three years, includingensuring that community arts centresare used as incubators for development.They also have to establish creativesocieties and associations, develop athree-year strategy for dance andtheatre, skills development, business andarts collaborations and audiencedevelopment.

The National Arts Council’s taskteam member Precious Marobelefom Pienaarsrivier. Photo: LizzyBapela

Lizzy Bapela

Mary Sono withPaballo Lebodi ofJinnah ParkPrimary SchoolduringValentine’s Day.Photo: TKMashaba

Jinnah ParkPrimary schoolstudents in aqueue onValentine’s Dayon 14 Februaryto buy flowersand sweets aspart of theirschoolfundraising.Photo: TKMashaba

Page 8: The Beat 27 February 2015

[email protected], Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.zaPage 8 BEAT 27 February, 2015

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us tobring to light, please email [email protected] or send an SMS to one of our reporters.

Lizzy: 072 264 7740 or TK: 076 756 9740.We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page.

TK Mashaba

Bela-Bela-based netball team Diesel nDust has recently returned from theProvincial League games which wereplayed on Saturday, 21 February. Theywill be playing again on 7 and 14 March.According to their coach, Koketso

Kgabo, they played an average game,and the competition is tough. He saidthat the team will need to step up theirgame.“We have to practice very hard and

always be focused,” he said.They played against a team from

Vhembe District and beat them 30-17,before losing 27-28 against a team fromMopani.“We will be playing far, as most of our

games are played away. We don’t haveenough resources so we will bestruggling with logistics to attend thesefixtures,” said Kgabo. “My players arevery confident, especially with theaddition of the two provincial-level toboost their morale.”He added that they planned to play as

a team to help each other to reach thetop.

Two basketball players fighting for the ball during a practice session. Photo:TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

Total Surrender, who were on top ofthe log after four games, has tumbledto sixth place after losing to HappyHearts on Saturday, 21 February.Surrender, who have now played 10

games, has amassed four wins, threelosses, and three draws. They have 15points at the moment, trailing 12 pointsbehind current log leaders M.Mmamoet Arsenal at 27 points.The team may have a hard climb to

the top in the remaining matches, ifthey want to reclaim the top spot andtheir dream of continuing to thepromotional play-offs.Surrender has been in the SAB

League for several seasons, but theysuffered setbacks when severalplayers asked to leave the team. Ithas, however, recently received alogistical boost from owner John

Diesel n DustDiesel n DustDiesel n DustDiesel n DustDiesel n Dusthopes to imprhopes to imprhopes to imprhopes to imprhopes to improoooovvvvveeeee

Two of the team’s players, GraceLechaba and Mmamokete Jacobs.Photo: TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

Surrender tumbles down the leagueafter losing to Happy Hearts

Total Surrender with some of the players who have left. Photo: TKMashaba

Mthunzini which greatly improved theirmobility when it comes to awaygames.The BEAT’s attempts to get hold of

the team’s coach, Nno Pholoba,proved fruitless.In other results, Boys to Men beat

Home Defenders 4-0 while Qualithogave M.Mammoet a hand up by losingto them 4-2.Modimolle All Stars beat Trouble

Makers 2-1 while NTK Happy boysplayed to a goalless draw with Celtics.Bazooka beat Young Pirates 3-1.In Stream B, three teams played to

goalless draws. Real Madrid vs Ditlou,Black Rangers vs Ratanang vs Thabaand Mookgophong were all shootingblanks on the day.Maxoma beat Mosesetjane 3-2 while

PJ Stars lost 5-3 to Vegas. YsterUnited added another win to theirscorecard by beating Juventas 4-0.

The Modimolle Basketball team during their practice session. Photo: TKMashaba

TK Mashaba