THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2010 "The Bermuda Triangle" by Edcon Publishing. (You may also access this recording on your Ipad or Iphone) Things you will read about: Bermuda Triangle: an area in the Atlantic Ocean formed by an imaginary line drawn from Florida to Bermuda to Puerto Rico and back to Florida. Longboat: The largest boat carried by a sailing vessel. This part of the Atlantic Ocean has been the setting for many strange disappearances. A mysterious part of the Atlantic Ocean is located off the east coast of the United States. This area is a three-sided part of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle. What is weird about this place is that it has been the location of numerous strange disappearances. Over one hundred ships and planes have vanished in this part of the world, according to records. The earliest known disappearance took place in 1609 when the Sea Venture, a ship bringing English settlers to the colony of Virginia, was wrecked near the island of Bermuda. The ship's longboat set sail to get help. It disappeared forever. In 1750, five Spanish treasure ships were caught in a storm here. Three of them disappeared without leaving any trace of wreckage. The next big mystery involved a French ship called the Rosalie, which was found abandoned and drifting. There was no sign of any struggle or battle. The Rosalie's sails were perfectly set in position, and all the cargo was still on board when the ship was found. The weird thing was that the entire crew was missing. After 1945, numerous aircraft as well as ships began to be reported missing in the Bermuda Triangle. The most famous of these strange disappearances was that of five United States Navy training planes. These planes had full supplies of fuel when they left their base in Florida. After only an hour in the air, however, the control tower, with which they were in radio contact, received an unexpected message. The flight leader reported that he knew the aircraft were off their course, but he was completely unaware of their location. He said that the compasses, as well as all other instruments, were showing different readings, and that the pilots had no idea where they were. Although the day was clear, the pilots were not able to determine the position of the sun. They were unable to chart the course that would have led them to a safe landing. Within another hour, all radio contact was broken between the control tower and the five planes. An attempt was made to find the five missing planes and their crews. A group of rescue aircraft was sent searching. One of these, a twin -engined seaplane, had a crew of thirteen men on board. Again, the unexpected happened. Instead of receiving news of a sighting and rescue, the control base lost all contact with this plane also. No reason has ever been given for the strange way in which those six planes vanished. Since 1945, in addition to the six planes, other aircraft have been listed as missing in the Bermuda Triangle. In every case the reports state: "radio contact lost." The captain of a tugboat called the Good News reported an unusual experience in the area of the Triangle. He started out with the weather both calm and clear. Everything was working smoothly. Suddenly, a mysterious fog closed over the tug. Captain Don Henry stated that all the electrical power suddenly failed. He felt as if the whole boat were being pulled backward. He ordered full speed ahead anyway. Shortly after the tug moved out of the fog, the electrical power returned. The tug managed to reach port safely, although all the ship's batteries had gone dead. Even the flashlight batteries of some crew members had to be thrown away. In another interesting case, a pilot named Chuck Wakely described an unusual flight in the Bermuda Triangle in 1964. The wings of his plane suddenly began to glow and all the instruments began to behave in a weird way, failing to

The Bermuda Triangle

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Historia del triangulo y misterios del triangulo de las bermudas.

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"The Bermuda Triangle" by Edcon Publishing.

(You may also access this recording on your Ipad or Iphone)

Things you will read about:

Bermuda Triangle: an area in the Atlantic Ocean formed by an imaginary line drawn from Florida to Bermuda to Puerto Rico and back to Florida. Longboat: The largest boat carried by a sailing vessel.

This part of the Atlantic Ocean has been the setting for many strange disappearances.

A mysterious part of the Atlantic Ocean is located off the east coast of the United States. This area is a three-sided part of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle. What is weird about this place is that it has been the location of numerous strange disappearances.

Over one hundred ships and planes have vanished in this part of the world, according to records. The earliest known disappearance took place in 1609 when the Sea Venture, a ship bringing English settlers to the colony of Virginia, was wrecked near the island of Bermuda. The ship's longboat set sail to get help. It disappeared forever.

In 1750, five Spanish treasure ships were caught in a storm here. Three of them disappeared without leaving any trace of wreckage. The next big mystery involved a French ship called the Rosalie, which was found abandoned and drifting. There was no sign of any struggle or battle. The Rosalie's sails were perfectly set in position, and all the cargo was still on board when the ship was found. The weird thing was that the entire crew was missing.

After 1945, numerous aircraft as well as ships began to be reported missing in the Bermuda Triangle. The most famous of these strange disappearances was that of five United States Navy training planes. These planes had full supplies of fuel when they left their base in Florida. After only an hour in the air, however, the control tower, with which they were in radio contact, received an unexpected message. The flight leader reported that he knew the aircraft were off their course, but he was completely unaware of their location. He said that the compasses, as well as all other instruments, were showing different readings, and that the pilots had no idea where they were. Although the day was clear, the pilots were not able to determine the position of the sun. They were unable to chart the course that would have led them to a safe landing. Within another hour, all radio contact was broken between the control tower and the five planes.

An attempt was made to find the five missing planes and their crews. A group of rescue aircraft was sent searching. One of these, a twin -engined seaplane, had a crew of thirteen men on board. Again, the unexpected happened. Instead of receiving news of a sighting and rescue, the control base lost all contact with this plane also. No reason has ever been given for the strange way in which those six planes vanished.

Since 1945, in addition to the six planes, other aircraft have been listed as missing in the Bermuda Triangle. In every case the reports state: "radio contact lost." The captain of a tugboat called the Good News reported an unusual experience in the area of the Triangle. He started out with the weather both calm and clear. Everything was working smoothly. Suddenly, a mysterious fog closed over the tug. Captain Don Henry stated that all the electrical power suddenly failed. He felt as if the whole boat were being pulled backward. He ordered full speed ahead anyway. Shortly after the tug moved out of the fog, the electrical power returned. The tug managed to reach port safely, although all the ship's batteries had gone dead. Even the flashlight batteries of some crew members had to be thrown away.

In another interesting case, a pilot named Chuck Wakely described an unusual flight in the Bermuda Triangle in 1964. The wings of his plane suddenly began to glow and all the instruments began to behave in a weird way, failing to operate properly. After about five minutes, during which time he could do nothing to control his aircraft, the glow disappeared and the instruments began to work again.

Numerous explanations have been offered to account for these happenings. Some of the theories are just as odd as the events themselves. One theory is that there is a large underwater chunk of iron in the area that acts as a magnet upon any metal instruments that may be near. This would explain why compasses sometimes behave so peculiarly on ships and planes traveling in the Triangle.

Another idea is that there may be certain locations on the planet Earth where the force of gravity does not work. This would definitely disturb the regular operation of planesand vessels.

A third suggestion is that the Triangle may be a place where warm ocean currents and cold ocean currents meet and cause the tides to turn in different directions. This, it is said, may cause the earth's magnetic force to behave in an unexpected way in the Bermuda Triangle.

Perhaps the weirdest theory of all is the one which scientists believe the least. This theory involves beings from another planet. According to this explanation, visitors from outer space have made a landing on our planet. The Bermuda Triangle is a kind of doorway through which they pull ships and aircraft that they wish to study.

What do you think about these strange disappearances? Is there some tie among them all? Or is the fact that they all took place in the same location just a matter of chance?

Many people refuse to travel through the Bermuda Triangle because they are afraid. They are willing to spend extra time or money to take a less direct route when traveling. Others laugh at the notion of mysterious forces at work. They purposely choose to sail or fly through the area. How about you? Would you dare to travel through the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, or would you avoid it?

1. Strange disappearances have taken place ________

Principio del formulario

a.in the colony of Virginia.b.in 1750.c.in the Bermuda Triangle.d.in the eastern United States.

Final del formulario

2. The number of ships and planes that have vanished is ________

Principio del formulario

a.too many to count.b.less than 100.c.more than 100.d.more than 1,000.

Final del formulario

3. After 1945, aircraft were probably used ________

Principio del formulario

a.more than ever before.b.less than ever before.c.about the same as before.d.about half as much as before.

Final del formulario

4. Chuck Wakely reported that his plane's wings ________

Principio del formulario

a.started to shake.b.started to glow.c.started to grow.d.started to disappear.

Final del formulario

5. One explanation for the mystery is that an underwater chunk of iron ____

Principio del formulario

a.acts as a magnet.b.behaves peculiarly.c.controls all aircraft.d.causes tides to turn.Final del formulario

6. The weirdest theory is the one which ________

Principio del formulario

a.scientists believe the most.b.scientists believe the least.c.all scientists believe.d.no one believes at all.

Final del formulario

7. Many people refuse to travel through the Bermuda Triangle because ____

Principio del formulario

a.it is out of their way.b.it costs too much money.c.they are afraid.d.they are brave.

Final del formulario

8. Scientists will probably ________

Principio del formulario

a.avoid the Bermuda Triangle.b.laugh at the notion of strange forces at work.c.take a less direct route when traveling.d.continue to study the Bermuda Triangle.

Final del formulario

9. Another name for this story could be ________Principio del formulario

a."Doorway to Another Planet."b."Mystery in the Atlantic Ocean."c."Mystery in Bermuda."d."Disappearing Ships."

Final del formulario

10. This story is mainly about ________

Principio del formulario

a.safety for ships.b.a three-sided part of the Atlantic Ocean.c.traveling to Bermuda.d.the forces of gravity.

Final del formulario

The Bermuda Trianglein Wikipedia. The following video is from Youtube. It tells the story of a missing airplaine, Flight 19.JUEVES, 11 DE FEBRERO 2010

"El Tringulo de las Bermudas" por Edcon Publishing.

(Tambin puede acceder a esta grabacin en tu iPad o Iphone)

Cosas que usted leer acerca de:

Tringulo de las Bermudas: un rea en el ocano Atlntico formado por una lnea imaginaria trazada desde Florida a las Bermudas a Puerto Rico y de regreso a Florida.Longboat:. El barco ms grande realizada por un buque de velaEsta parte del Ocano Atlntico ha sido el escenario de muchas extraas desapariciones.Una parte misteriosa del Ocano Atlntico est situado frente a la costa este de los Estados Unidos.Esta rea es una parte de tres lados del ocano conocido como el Tringulo de las Bermudas.Lo que es extrao acerca de este lugar es que ha sido la ubicacin de numerosas desapariciones extraas.Ms de un centenar de barcos y aviones han desaparecido en esta parte del mundo, segn los registros.La desaparicin antiguo conocido tuvo lugar en 1609 cuando la empresa del mar, un barco trayendo colonos ingleses a la colonia de Virginia, naufrag cerca de la isla de Bermuda.Chalupa del barco zarp para obtener ayuda.Desapareci para siempre.En 1750, cinco barcos del tesoro espaolas se vieron atrapados en una tormenta aqu.Tres de ellos desaparecieron sin dejar rastro de los restos.El prximo gran misterio involucrado un barco francs llamado Rosalie, que fue encontrado abandonado ya la deriva.No haba ninguna seal de cualquier lucha o batalla.Velas del Rosalie estaban perfectamente establecidos en la posicin, y todo el cargamento estaba todava a bordo cuando se encontr la nave.Lo extrao era que toda la tripulacin haba desaparecido.Despus de 1945, numerosos aviones, as como barcos comenzaron a ser reportado como desaparecido en el Tringulo de las Bermudas.La ms famosa de estas extraas desapariciones fue la de cinco aviones de entrenamiento de la Marina de Estados Unidos.Estos aviones tenan suministros completos de combustible cuando salieron de su base en la Florida.Despus de slo una hora en el aire, sin embargo, la torre de control, con los que estaban en contacto por radio, recibi un mensaje inesperado.El lder de vuelo inform que conoca la aeronave estaban fuera de su curso, pero estaba completamente inconsciente de su ubicacin.Dijo que las brjulas, as como todos los dems instrumentos, estaban mostrando diferentes lecturas, y que los pilotos no tenan idea de dnde estaban.Aunque el da era claro, los pilotos no fueron capaces de determinar la posicin del sol.Fueron incapaces de trazar el rumbo que les habra llevado a un aterrizaje seguro.Dentro de una hora, todo contacto por radio se rompi entre la torre de control y los cinco planos.Se hizo un intento para encontrar los cinco aviones que faltan y sus tripulaciones.Un grupo de aviones de rescate fue enviado de bsqueda.Uno de ellos, un gemelo -engined hidroavin, tena una tripulacin de trece hombres a bordo.Una vez ms, ocurri lo inesperado.En lugar de recibir la noticia de un avistamiento y rescate, la base de control perdi todo contacto con este plano tambin. Ninguna razn se ha dado nunca por la extraa forma en que esos seis aviones desaparecieron.Desde 1945, adems de los seis aviones, otras aeronaves se han enumerado como desaparecido en el Tringulo de las Bermudas.En todos los casos los informes de estado: "perdieron el contacto por radio."El capitn de un remolcador llamado la Buena Nueva inform una experiencia inusual en la zona del Tringulo.Empez con el clima tanto tranquilo y claro.Todo estaba funcionando sin problemas.De repente, una misteriosa niebla se cerr sobre el remolcador.Capitn Don Henry declar que toda la energa elctrica no de repente.Se senta como si todo el barco se est tirando hacia atrs.Orden a toda velocidad por delante de todos modos.Poco despus de que el remolcador se mud de la niebla, la energa elctrica regres.El remolcador logr llegar a puerto con seguridad, a pesar de todas las bateras de la nave haban muerto.Incluso las bateras de la linterna de algunos miembros de la tripulacin tuvieron que ser desechados.En otro caso interesante, un piloto llamado Chuck Wakely describi un vuelo inusual en el Tringulo de las Bermudas en 1964. Las alas de su avin de repente comenzaron a brillar y todos los instrumentos comenzaron a comportarse de una manera extraa, en su defecto para funcionar correctamente.Despus de unos cinco minutos, tiempo durante el cual no poda hacer nada para controlar su avin, el resplandor desapareci y los instrumentos comenz a trabajar de nuevo.Numerosas explicaciones se han ofrecido para dar cuenta de estos acontecimientos.Algunas de las teoras son tan raro como los propios acontecimientos.Una teora es que hay una gran parte bajo el agua de hierro en el rea que acta como un imn sobre cualesquiera instrumentos de metal que pueden estar cerca.Esto explicara por qu los compases a veces se comportan de modo peculiar en barcos y aviones que viajan en el Tringulo.Otra idea es que puede haber ciertos lugares del planeta Tierra donde la fuerza de gravedad no funciona.Esto definitivamente perturben el funcionamiento regular de los avionesy buques.Una tercera sugerencia es que el tringulo puede ser un lugar donde las corrientes clidas del ocano y las corrientes ocenicas fras se encuentran y causan las mareas a su vez en diferentes direcciones.Esto, se dice, puede hacer que la fuerza magntica de la Tierra se comporte de una manera inesperada en el Tringulo de las Bermudas.Quizs la teora ms extraa de todas es la que los cientficos creen que la menor.Esta teora implica seres de otro planeta.De acuerdo con esta explicacin, los visitantes del espacio exterior han hecho un aterrizaje en nuestro planeta.El Tringulo de las Bermudas es una especie de puerta por la que tiran los buques y aeronaves que desean estudiar.Qu piensa usted acerca de estas extraas desapariciones?Existe algn vnculo entre todos ellos?O es el hecho de que todos ellos se llevaron a cabo en el mismo lugar slo una cuestin de oportunidad?Muchas personas se niegan a viajar a travs del Tringulo de las Bermudas, porque tienen miedo.Ellos estn dispuestos a pasar ms tiempo o dinero para tomar una ruta menos directa cuando se viaja.Otros se ren de la nocin de fuerzas misteriosas en el trabajo.Ellos deliberadamente optan por navegar o volar a travs de la zona.Qu hay de t?Te atreveras a viajar por el misterioso Tringulo de las Bermudas, o le evitarlo?1.Extraas desapariciones han ocurrido ________a.en la colonia de. Virginiab.en 1750.c.en el Tringulo de las Bermudas.d.en el este de Estados Unidos.

Final del formulario

2. El nmero de barcos y aviones que han desaparecido es ________

Principio del formulario

a.demasiados para contarlos.b.menos de 100.c.ms de 100.d.ms de 1.000.

Final del formulario

3. Despus de 1945, los aviones fueron probablemente utilizados ________

Principio del formulario

a.ms que nunca antes.b.menos que nunca.c.aproximadamente el mismo que antes.d.alrededor de la mitad tanto como antes.

Final del formulario

4. Chuck Wakely inform que las alas de su avin ________

Principio del formulario

a.comenz a temblar.b.comenz a brillar.c.comenzado a crecer.d.comenzado a desaparecer.

Final del formulario

5. Una explicacin para el misterio es que un trozo de hierro bajo el agua __Principio del formulario

a.acta como un imn.b.comporta peculiarmente.c.controla todas las aeronaves.d.provoca mareas para convertir.

Final del formulario

6. La teora ms extrao es el que ________

Principio del formulario

a.Los cientficos creen que la mayora.b.los cientficos creen que la menor.c.todos los cientficos creen.d.nadie cree en absoluto.

Final del formulario

7. Muchas personas se niegan a viajar a travs del Tringulo de las Bermudas, porque______Principio del formulario

a.que est fuera de su camino.b.que cuesta demasiado dinero.c.tienen miedo.d.son valientes.

Final del formulario

8. Los cientficos probablemente lo har ________

Principio del formulario

a.evitar el Tringulo de las Bermudas.b.se ren de la nocin de fuerzas extraas en el trabajo.c.tomar una ruta menos directa cuando se viaja.d.continuar estudiando el Tringulo de las Bermudas.

Final del formulario

9. Otro nombre para esta historia podra ser ________

Principio del formulario

a."Umbral a otro planeta."b."Misterio en el Ocano Atlntico."c."Misterio en las Bermudas."d."Los buques de desaparecer."

Final del formulario

10. Esta historia trata principalmente de ________

Principio del formulario

a.seguridad para los buques.b.una parte de tres lados del Ocano Atlntico.c.viajar a. Bermudad.las fuerzas de la gravedad.

Final del formulario

El Tringulo de las Bermudasen WikipediaEl siguiente video es de Youtube.Cuenta la historia de un airplaine desaparecidos, Vuelo 19._1495960675.unknown














































































