The Best 15 Free Android Medical Apps for Doctors and Medical Students

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  • 8/9/2019 The Best 15 Free Android Medical Apps for Doctors and Medical Students


    The Best 15 Free Android Medicalapps for Doctors and Medical


    1. Medscape

    One of the most anticipated apps to hit Android, Health care professionals had been waitin eaerl! for

    this comprehensi"e medical application# Medscape was $ust recentl! released on the Android Mar%et and

    has alread! become the number one downloaded medical app for the Android platform#

    The amount of free content pro"ided b! Medscape is absolutel! mind numbin and seems to continuousl!

    row with each update# &,'''( dru references, ),5''( disease clinical references, *,5''( clinical imaes

    and procedure "ideos, robust dru interaction tool chec%er, +M acti"ities, and more#

    Medscape is a reat dru reference app - but man! don.t reali/e it.s also a mini0tetboo% pac%ed with

    protocols for disease patholoies - reat for a 2uic% reference and refreshin !ou medical %nowlede# 3ts

    not as detailed as the famous 4oc%et Medicine ed Boo% - but it does more than an ade2uate $ob of

    pro"idin clinical pearls from the most common to less common patholoies# On top of this, the

    application has instructional medical procedure "ideos and pictures#

    2. Epocrates

    The free "ersion of pocrates is considered b! man! to be an essential dru reference# 6seful and eas!0to0

    learn features li%e the pill identifier, se"eral medical calculators, and dru interaction chec%er ma%e

    pocrates a fa"orite of clinicians and students ali%e#

    Of note, pocrates recentl! announced support for the premium "ersions of pocrates on the Android


    As with other popular and new Android apps, pocrates is not a"ailable for Android users with older

    operatin s!stems 7"ersion 1#5 or older8#

    3. Skyscape

  • 8/9/2019 The Best 15 Free Android Medical Apps for Doctors and Medical Students


    This app ma%es our top ten list for two ma$or reasons9 First, until recentl! S%!scape has been the onl!

    hih02ualit! all0in0one t!pe app for Android# Man! of the 2ualit! android medical apps we ha"e re"iewed,

    such as the ed Boo% and :etter.s Anatom! ha"e wor%ed within S%!scape.s uni"ersal app# Second, it.s

    a"ailable on all Android operatin s!stem "ersions#

    B! all0in0one, we essentiall! mean that S%!scape offers health care professionals and students access to a

    robust selection of medical calculators 7Archimedes8, periodicall! updated medical news alerts, select

    practice uidelines, access to paid tetboo%s 7li%e :etter;

  • 8/9/2019 The Best 15 Free Android Medical Apps for Doctors and Medical Students


  • 8/9/2019 The Best 15 Free Android Medical Apps for Doctors and Medical Students


    interns an app li%e Standard Dictations is a welcomed aniol!tic#

    This app has basic templates to read while dictatin# "er!thin from admission orders to dischare

    summaries, alon with numerous eams, procedures, and se"eral different t!pes of H@4 formats for

    different health care settins# Of note, man! Ms offer similar templates# So residents who wor% with a

    robust M ma! not ha"e as much need for this app#

    1-. SS"/ eSS *electron'c prevent've serv'ces selector+

    This is a public health tool pro"ided to health care professionals b! the 6S Department of Health and

    Human Ser"ices 7HHS8 - from the Aenc! for Healthcare esearch and =ualit! 7AH=8 - the nation.s

    lead federal aenc! for research on health care 2ualit!, costs, outcomes, and patient safet!#

    As !ou can see from the included pictures, the application allows !ou to input !our patient.s ae, alonwith other %e! demoraphic information, and i"es !ou the basic screenin and public health information

    pertinent to !our patient# Much of the content is based on the recommendations made b! the 6nited

    States 4re"entati"e Ser"ices Tas% Force 76S4STF8# The app also pro"ides reat lin%s to screenin

    calculators and reference tools a"ailable on the web#

    11. ubMed Mob'le

    This app is a 2uic% and eas! access to 4ubMed on a mobile de"ice# Those who use 4ubMed reularl! can

    put this app to ood use# As we re"iewed before, users can search for and "iew abstracts on a mobile

    de"ice# After tain articles of interest, the user can send article lin%s "ia email or share articles throuhsocial networ%s# Features added to 4ubMed Mobile since our re"iew include lin%s to 4ubMed articles in a

    browser, and direct lin%s to 4ubMed +entral >4M+ Free Articles#;

    Health care professionals and students who need to ha"e the latest e"idence at their finer0tips 7literall!8

    will certainl! find opportunities to use this app in a "ariet! of clinical settins#

    12. 0b *re!nancy+ %eel

    Some ma! call an OB ?heel app too specialt! specific to ma%e it into a Top 15 list for all health care

    pro"iders# :onetheless, man! clinicians would find this app useful, such as those wor%in in primar! care,

    the emerenc! department, and of course, obstetrics# Medical students and residents would find utilit!

    with this app when rotatin throuh OBC: or the emerenc! department# +urious mothers and fathers

    could also put the app to use#

    :umerous ad$ustable preferences and settins, ultrasound eam datin, and datin ordered patient lists

  • 8/9/2019 The Best 15 Free Android Medical Apps for Doctors and Medical Students


    ma%e Ob 74renanc!8 ?heel the best amon se"eral free and paid OB wheels a"ailable on the Android


    13. Eponys

    pon!ms are the bane of man! students and pro"iders health care eistence# pon!ms are medical

    phrases or patholoies that are named after %e! people, such as >Bec%.s Triad;# There are hundreds, if not

    thousands, of them, and it.s near impossible to %eep them all straiht#

    This app contains o"er 1,&'' of the most popular pon!ms and is a reat resource to both help refresh

    !our %nowlede, and to also use as a reference material#

    14. Speed natoy

    3f !ou are loo%in for a fun, 2uic%0hittin anatom! 2ui/ ;> or !ou are interested in learnin anatom! in

    four different lanuaes ;> then Speed Anatom! is !our best bet amon free anatom! apps# 6nli%e :etter.s

    Anatom!, Speed Anatom! is not an ehausti"e atlas of human anatom!, and the drawins are

    unimpressi"e compared to :etters# 3t is, howe"er, a reat tool for students who are about to ta%e their

    net anatom! practical eam# The faster and more accuratel! !ou identif! structures, the more points !ou


    Do not be fooled b! the simplicit! of the >o"er"iew; practice eams 7can !ou identif! a "ein8E the more

    specific practice eams 7nasal ca"it!, foot bones, brain, etc#8 are difficult enouh to challene an! student

    learnin ross anatom!# 3n sum, this free anatom! 2ui/ is a simple, but challenin supplement to !ouranatom! tetboo%#

    15. Calor'e Counter by /atSecret

    This is a reat application to use when counselin patients about diet and eercise# The application is

    etremel! powerful, able to loo% up almost an! t!pe of food cateor! ;> fast foods, rocer! store foods, and

    prepared foods# Cou can e"en scan barcodes with !our camera and the app can identif! the t!pe of food

    alon with allocatin the appropriate calories#