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The best Martial Art for Self Defense

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The best Martial Art for Self Defense I don’t know about you, but a big reason that I train Martial Arts is for the Self-Defense aspect of it. There are so many crazy things going on in the world today, there’s so many crazy people and being able to defend myself and my family is very-very important to me as a man. It really defines who I am, the ability to defend myself and family against an attacker. So Which Martial Arts do I think you should know for self-defense? I have been training in Martial Arts Since I was 10 years old and have trained in over 10 different Martial Arts. Fought in the UFC and all over the World in different Martial Arts Events. There are so many different martial arts that you have you can choose from. And what I really really feel is best Self Defense for Men and Women is Jiu-Jitsu. I think it is the best martial arts for self-defense because as a professional fighter the idea that taking on multiple attackers is can I do better than your average guy? Yes but if you have a number of guys together they are going to beat a single guy trying to defend himself. I really feel like the techniques learned in Jiu-Jitsu have the best chance of saving my life if I was ever in a life and death situation where it came to hand to hand combat. The training you go thru on your way to black belt in Jiu-Jitsu makes you realize that in a self-defense situation the ability to choke someone until they go to sleep so that you can walk away from the situation unhurt is of great value. Now hopefully I will never be in the situation and hopefully you won't either but I know I sleep better at night knowing I have the ability to handle myself if the occasion ever presented itself. With this being said I have taken a great value from all the different Arts that I have trained in over the years. And they all have helped shape who I am today!!!!