School Calendar Items - The week ahead……. Monday 7 th May – Bank Holiday – School Closed Tuesday 8 th May Wednesday 9 th May Thursday 10 th May- Friday 11 th May – PLEASE SEE OUR TERM DATES FOR 2018- 2019 (which can be found on the front of the school website on the right hand side) before booking holidays THE BHS BULLETIN No. 53 Week B – w/c Tuesday 8 th May 2018 Thought for the week: – ‘Success consists of going from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm’ – Winston Churchill Assemblies for the week ahead… ‘Student Ambassadors’ Year 8-10 assemblies in the Main Hall; Year 11 assembly in the Sports Hall – Please remember to arrive no later than 8.40 in full uniform. General Notices Year 11 Lockers Please ensure Y11s read guidance on lockers later in this bulletin. Uniform Expectations Getting it right. Shows your attitude to learning. This can all be found in page 6 of the journal All students are expected to wear the following: - Black blazer White shirt tucked in Tie Black tailored trousers-Boys Black skirt(knee length) girls Footwear-Plain black footwear. No trainers Jewellery-one pair of studs in the ear. Wrist watch. For daily news, follow us on our twitter feed @Bramhall_High Attendance w/c 23.4.18 1 st place Y7 96.9% 2 nd Y10 96.2 3 rd Y9 96.1 4 th Y8 95.6 5 th Y11 95.1 Whole school: 96%

THE BHS BULLETIN No. 53 Week B w/c Tuesday 8th May 2018 · School Calendar Items - The week ahead……. Monday 7th May – Bank Holiday – School Closed Tuesday 8th May – Wednesday

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School Calendar Items - The

week ahead……. Monday 7th May – Bank Holiday – School Closed Tuesday 8th May – Wednesday 9th May – Thursday 10th May- Friday 11th May – PLEASE SEE OUR TERM DATES FOR 2018-2019 (which can be found on the front of the school website on the right hand side) before booking holidays

THE BHS BULLETIN No. 53 Week B – w/c Tuesday 8th May 2018 Thought for the week: – ‘Success consists of going from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm’ – Winston Churchill

Assemblies for the week ahead… ‘Student Ambassadors’ Year 8-10 assemblies in the Main Hall; Year 11 assembly in the Sports Hall – Please remember to arrive no later than 8.40 in full uniform.

General Notices

Year 11 Lockers Please ensure Y11s read guidance on lockers later in this bulletin. Uniform Expectations Getting it right. Shows your attitude to learning. This can all be found in page 6 of the journal All students are expected to wear the following: - Black blazer White shirt tucked in Tie Black tailored trousers-Boys Black skirt(knee length) girls Footwear-Plain black footwear. No trainers Jewellery-one pair of studs in the ear. Wrist watch.

For daily news, follow us on our twitter feed @Bramhall_High

Attendance w/c 23.4.18

1st place Y7 96.9%

2nd Y10 96.2

3rd Y9 96.1

4th Y8 95.6

5th Y11 95.1

Whole school: 96%

Year Group Messages

Year 7 Top of the tree for attendance this week Year 7, 96.9%. Well Done keep this up everyone, you’ve got to be in it to win it,

£200 worth of Trafford centre vouchers to one lucky winner of those who attends on time every day this Summer term.

Thank you to Mr Holmes this week for his inspirational assembly on those people who give back to society, and for

highlighting that in order to do this we don’t always need money, we just need to have a desire to want the best for

each other, acts of kindness often bring as much reward to the giver as to the receiver.

An example of this giving of your time to encourage others was demonstrated by our own Megan Crosbie last week

when she gave her time to help her brother and his band at her old Primary school Moss Hey, sharing her cello skills

with them at Valley School’s spring fair. Well done Megan we are proud of you.

You should now all have had your 3rd tracking report. Please

make sure that these go home to parents so that you can

discuss where you have done well and if there is need for

improvement in any areas. Mr McGuinness, your progress

tracker is now analysing this track and interventions will be

put in place if required.

Have a lovely long weekend, we have been promised some sunshine!!

Mrs Sue Ahmed Head of Year 7

Is your child obsessed with the latest game, FORTNITE?

The Guardian have released a similar guide for Parents of kids playing FORTNITE (the new game all the kids are




Year 8 Another week of some fabulous achievements from our Year 8s. We had many of you participating in the 2018 Greater

Manchester Indoor Athletics Championship and huge congratulations go to :

Tilly Cavill Orla Cunningham Charlotte Forbes Isabella Glaze

Amy Howes Aleena Khan Jemima Quinn Faye Stephens-Hurdle Max Bennett Ethan Davids Ethan Hyland Nick Kendall Harry Robinson

Well done to all of you.

I also want to take the opportunity to thank our Year 8 student leaders. Mrs Kennedy has praised your reliability and

willingness to help support the duties around school. I am very proud that so many of you have stepped up to take on

these leadership positons and show yourselves to be reliable and committed.

I hope that more of you will step up as you progress into Year 9 and continue to show us all what a great Year group you

can be. I hope you all have a wonderful Bank holiday weekend and that the sun is shining as promised!

Mrs S Stevens Head of Year 8 Year 9 You will have received your Track 3 report this week. Please discuss it with your parents/carers. How have you done

compared to the last track? Is your ATL 3 or above? If not why not? Are you on target? If you have not done as well as

you hoped for speak to your subject teacher. If you are on target fantastic, well done, keep it up!

Exams Reminder

You started your exams on Friday, just a reminder around lunches and exam expectations for next week.

• Period 3 is as normal • At the end of Period 3 go to lunch in the Refectory or sandwich room

• Go to the quad and check your seat number on the lists on the door • 12:50 – Line up alphabetically in your core groups in the quad

• Any mobile phones should be switched off and in your bag

• File into the exam in silence

• All bags are to be left on the stage

Ensure you have a clear pencil case, where possible, and you are fully equipped for your exams


Ladies Fashion Show – Friday June 8th Doors Open at 7pm

As mentioned in previous bulletins and assembly today, I asked you to pass this message to Mum’s, carers, aunties,


Tickets for the Ladies Night Fashion Show are now on sale, they can be purchased at the

main school reception via Mrs Venables or the KS4 office from myself or Mrs Dennis,

Pastoral Support officer.

The show is a ladies only night, the ticket price of £5 includes the entry fee and a glass of

prosecco or soft drink. Clothes will be for sale on the night and will be modelled by BHS mums and BHS staff.

Mums/Carers - I already have members of staff who are willing to put their best foot forward and strut their stuff on the

night and a couple of parents. I am looking for anyone else who would like to get involved, either by manning the door,

or indeed modelling with the staff (a couple more models required). No experience needed, just a sense of fun, I am

after a mix of shapes and sizes, just ‘normal’ ladies. If you would like to take part/help out please email me on

[email protected] I look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Furmston Head of Year 9

Year 10

Year 10 students, you will have received your latest track this week showing your progress over the last term, please

make sure you show your parents how you are doing and where you are up to. Well done to all of you who have met or

exceeded your targets, at this stage in year 10 these are fantastic results. If you are unhappy about the grades listed on

your track make an effort to improve them by Track 4, there are loads of ways of doing this:

1) Speak to your teachers – they know where you need to improve for maximum impact in their subjects

2) Use your book to review what you have learned so far – they should be a resource to help you. Keep them safe and neat or if you lack the organisation skills so ask staff to keep them for you.

3) Many of you have revision guides for each subject – they contain lots of concise information which is useful for class assessments.

4) Show your effort in each subject by completing homework and being thorough with ongoing assessment pieces such as coursework.

5) Utilise extracurricular lessons, revision and catch-up sessions at homework club, in the library or your classes – this is a great habit to get into for Y11.

6) Attend everyday – students who do not attend achieve less on average than those with 100% attendance.

7) Practice exam questions as part of your revision – there are loads available through the school website.

8) Use your journal to make notes of when assessments will take place – then you can revise in time for them.

These are cod examples of things you could easily do to improve your grades – this is by no means an exhaustive list.

Everyone can improve, it is likely that the highest achieving students will be doing the things listed above routinely, you

can too!

Mr Flynn Head of Year 10 Year 10 Drama Preview Evening

Year 10 drama students will be performing their devised examination pieces on the preview evening on Tuesday

15th of May in S9. Friends and family welcome. Please enter through the rec centre entrance from 3pm onwards.

GCSE drama students should be rehearsing after school and at lunchtimes to ensure that they are ready for the

preview evening and the actual exam on Friday 25th of June.

Year 11

Well done on another fantastic week year 11! As the end of your time at Bramhall High School looms ever closer, the

vast majority of you are conducting yourselves in a very mature manner and working your socks off – I promise that the

hard work and studious approach is going to be SO WORTH IT come results day!

I’ve also received great feedback from the Art department regarding the Art exam last week. You all behaved

impeccably, and some real talent was show through your beautiful creations. Very well done!

MFL speaking exams have taken place this week, I have not received any feedback as yet, but I hope that they went

really well for anyone who has been involved.

In the last few weeks of school, you need to take full advantage of your teachers. If you are unsure or under-confident

in a particular area, ask the expert (your subject teacher) for advice! They may be able to explain things in alternative

ways to assist your understanding, sign-post you to some practice questions, or offer advice on specific revision


This really is the final push now, and you can do it! Just keep working

solidly both in school and at home. And as always, ensure that you take

good care of your mental, physical and social well-being alongside your

revision. You should aim to be as healthy, happy and as stress free (!) as

possible, in order to perform to the best of your ability. It’s a delicate act

of balancing revision with a healthy lifestyle (balanced diet and some

exercise), chill time, and social time with friends and family.

And if you still haven’t started your revision (which I hope is not the case!)

it is NOT TOO LATE. The difference that a few weeks of good revision will

make will make a massive impact on your results!

Have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend!

Mr Gravell Head of Year 11



To enable us to prepare lockers and keys for the new intake, Year 11 locker keys must be returned by Friday 18th


Keys should be returned to Main Reception during Break or Lunchtimes only between Monday 30th April and

Friday 18th May. Once the key is returned, the £5 key deposit can be reclaimed from the Finance Office until

Friday 22nd June.

Deposits will be forfeited for any keys not returned by 18th May as replacement keys will need to be ordered.

Refectory Accounts

Any Students wishing to close their refectory accounts can do so at the Finance Office between 8.00AM and

8.30AM and at Break only from Monday 30th April until Friday 22nd June. Balances below £10 will be returned in

cash, above this value we require parental approval to return in cash, or alternatively the balance can be returned

by cheque.

Please note: Year 11 students will not be permitted to go ‘overdrawn’ in the refectory so will need to have

sufficient credit balance to make purchases.

Students entitled to free school meals will continue to have this entitlement throughout the exam period including

days with no exams. This can be used at breakfast, break or lunch.

Any balances remaining after Friday 22nd June will be donated to the school hardship fund which supports students

who would not otherwise be able to participate fully in school events.

Revision techniques – Advice for Parents.

There are many ways in which you can help your child plan their exam revision:

Get a printed copy of your child’s exam timetable. As simple as it may sound, some children will go through their

exams without a printed copy of their timetable and solely rely on their friends to tell them when their next test.

Having a physical copy is more practical and is easier to visualise and plan from.

Help them plan out a revision schedule. However, remember that you are merely supporting them and that it is up

to your child to outline their schedule. This will also give them the opportunity to take responsibility and learn to

prioritise their work.

Plan realistically. There are limits to how much work can effectively be done in a day, in order to be able to balance

leisure and revision and be as productive as possible.

Timing revision sessions. We recommend that pupils aim to revise a particular subject for around 2 hours in order for

them to remain focused yet get enough time to go into a certain level of depth. Ideally, you would want your child to

focus on a maximum of 2 subjects on a school night and 4 to 6 subjects during weekend days.

Plan for breaks. Also remember that your child needs regular breaks or else could become worn out, which would

affect their productivity. Ideally, plan a short 5-10 minutes break every one and half to two hours, longer ones for

meal times. When setting a revision timetable, remember to also reward them with break days or “cheat” days.

Boundaries. You need to respect your child’s boundaries when helping them revise, if you push or interfere too

much, they might not come to you for help as easily.

Establishing specific location to revise. Having a number of study place is important as having specific locations

where your child can sit down and focus solely on their revision is essential to their concentration and thus


o Somewhere quiet. Whether it is a local library, a quiet room or some other study room, your child needs a

space to study. We recommend having various study spaces to choose from as one could not be available

one day requiring to have another option at hand.

o Avoid the bedroom. Although very tempting, revising in their bedroom is often not the most productive

alternative, due to the many distractions surrounding them.

o Take breaks outside of study spaces. Similarly, ensure that your child takes breaks away from their study

space. A study place should ideally only be for studying.

Further advice (Websites)



All Pupils

Royal Wedding Tea 19th May, 1-3pm Trinity Methodist Church, Davenport.

A Royal Wedding tea is being held on 19th May, at the Trinity Methodist Church in Davenport. Tickets will cost £5

in advance – with sandwiches and scones being served. Tickets are available from our organisers Calum Lamb,

Ruby Ledger and Joe Ward (on behalf of the County Scout Council).


FRIDAY 8TH JUNE Tickets for the ladies night fashion show are now on sale,

they can be purchased at the main school reception or

KS4 office from Mrs Furmston, Head of Year 9 or Mrs

Dennis, Pastoral Support officer.

The show is a ladies only night, the ticket price of £5

includes the entry fee and a glass of prosecco or soft

drink. Clothes will be for sale on the night and will be

modelled by BHS mums and staff.

Student Leaders Presentation to Bramhall and Woodford Rotary Club

On Wednesday evening we took a small delegation of

student leaders to present to the members of the Bramhall

and Rotary Club. The aim of the presentation was to inform

the members of some of the recent developments at school,

and to discuss ways in which our partnership with the

community may be further advanced.

Our year 9 leaders (Max Davies, Kathryn Foster, Jessica Rogers,

Abhi Sarkar, and Sophie Ward) talked about some of the exciting

opportunities students experience here at BHS, ways in which we

support charities and also discussed their views on topical

political debate subjects, such as Brexit. Prior to their

presentation the members were entertained by our Year 10

musical prodigy, Alex Wilton (piano).

Exam Wellbeing

Y11 finals and in-year assessments for all year groups.

No doubt about it, taking exams/assessments can be highly stressful, so it is perfectly normal to feel

anxious. It may sound trite, but practising mindfulness can help. Being mindful means being deliberately

attentive to your thoughts, feelings and body sensations. Being mindful allows you to recognise

thoughts, physical sensations, emotions and events at the moment they occur and helps prevent you

from reacting in an automatic or habitual way. You can read more about the technique and about ways

to manage your self-care during this stressful time at www.mind.org.uk and www.nhs.uk

Bramhall Way

Bramhall Way Winners:

Year 7 - Megan Crosby (7FAE) - 270 Net Points

Year 8 - Lala Robinson (8DPK) - 280 Net Points

Year 9 - Demi Lees (9STP) - 355 Net Points

Year 10 - Alex Wilton (10KPK) - 210 Net Points

Year 11 - Joe Butler (11ELJ) - 200 Net Points

Bramhall Young Carers

Y11 Triple Science – further support (please see Y11 section of bulletin for for further intervention information)

Wednesday Lunch - Biology support in room S026

Thursday Lunch - Chemistry in S27

S26 Open every lunchtime for Y11 Drop in revision, combined science priority.


Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Lunch. Afterschool on Thursdays and Fridays until the coursework deadline.

Year 7 Exams week commencing 30 April

Year 9 Internal Exams starting Friday 4th May

Summer Exam Timetable – Y11

What you need for Exams and Assessment... School ID card

BLACK ball point pen x2 (no gel pens allowed)



Rubber. NO correcting fluid/pens/tape

Calculator (if required)

Compass (if required)

Angle Measurer/Protractor (if required)

Pencil Crayons (if required) All the above should be in a transparent/see through pencil case. Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to have all the equipment you may need for your exam.

Warning to Candidates (JCQ document) 1. You must be on time for all your exams/assessment. That means arriving

at least 10 minutes before the published start time 2. You must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice in any

part of the exam/assessment 3. You must not sit an exam/assessment in the name of another student nor

have in your possession any unauthorised material or equipment which might give you an unfair advantage

4. Possession of a mobile phone or other unauthorised material is breaking the rules, even if you do not intend to use it, and you will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification. No iPods, MP3/4 players or other technological/web enabled items

5. You must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once you have entered the exam room

6. You must follow the instructions of the invigilator 7. If you are in any doubt speak to the invigilator

Familiarise yourself with your responsibilities by looking at the information for candidates on the JCQ website http://www.jcq.org.uk/exams-office/information-for-candidates-documents

Music Extra-Curricular Timetable

Extra-Curricular: PE Practices

Fixtures this week Sport Years Venue Start /


Finish / Return

Monday 7th May

Tuesday 8th


Rounders v Kingsway 7-10 Kingsway 3.15pm 5.30pm

Wednesday 9th


Thursday 10th


Dodgeball 7/8 Stockport


3.15pm 5.30pm

Friday 11th May Football – Year 10 GCSE


10 BHS 3.15pm 4.30pm

Day Before



After School


PE Meeting Just Dance (PCC) (NN) Badminton / Table Tennis (Sports Hall) (STB KED)

Cheerleading Cricket Year 7/8

Wednesday Table Tennis (STB)

Badminton (Sports Hall) (STB ALL) Table Tennis/ Multi Gym (PCC) (TLP) Tennis (Tennis Courts) (KED)

Athletics – Year 7-10 (ALL STB JF TLP) D of E Year 10 meeting

Thursday Basketball (Sports Hall) (TLP) Table Tennis (PCC) (STB) Dodgeball (Gym) (ALL)

Year 9/10 Rounders (KED) GCSE Trampolining – Year 9/10 (NN) Tennis

Friday Table Tennis/ Multi Gym (PCC) (TLP) Athletics/ Dodgeball (Sports Hall) (ALL KED)

Basketball (TLP)

Refectory Menu

Breakfast Club open daily at 8.15am.

Upcoming Events Monday 7th May – Bank Holiday Monday –No School Sunday May 20th - Bramhall and Woodford Rotary ‘Duck Race’, Bramall Hall.

QUIZ TIME - This Week’s Question

Question Can you unscramble the following letters to reveal a word that means quiet: LISTEN? Last week’s answer What is the name of the famous fountain visited by three women in the 1954 film 'Three Coins in a Fountain'? The Trevi Fountain