+ The Brain – is wider than the Sky The Brain – is wider than the Sky For – put them side to side – The one the other will contain With ease – and You – beside – The Brain is deeper than the sea For – hold them – Blue to Blue – The one the other will absorb – As Sponges – Buckets – do - The Brain is the weight of God – For - Heft them – Pound by Pound – And they will differ – if they do – As Syllable from Sound – Emily Dickinson

The Brain – is wider than the Sky

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The Brain – is wider than the Sky. The Brain – is wider than the Sky For – put them side to side – The one the other will contain With ease – and You – beside – The Brain is deeper than the sea For – hold them – Blue to Blue – The one the other will absorb – - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Brain – is wider than the Sky

+The Brain – is wider than the SkyThe Brain – is wider than the SkyFor – put them side to side – The one the other will containWith ease – and You – beside –

The Brain is deeper than the sea For – hold them – Blue to Blue – The one the other will absorb – As Sponges – Buckets – do -

The Brain is the weight of God –For - Heft them – Pound byPound –And they will differ – if they do – As Syllable from Sound –

Emily Dickinson

Page 2: The Brain – is wider than the Sky


The Learning Brain: Optimize Learning with Brain-based Research

Tender Bridges Advisory CouncilBucks County Intermediate UnitMarch 31, 2011

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+Agenda Welcome Housekeeping Material Review Table of Contents Introductions The Program

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+Table of Contents

The BIG Ideas of The Learning Brain

The Brain Brain Facts Neurons Neural Networks

Lots of Talk The Issue of Quality Attention & Memory Enrichment

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+Introductions:Tender Bridges PD Planning Committee Katheryn Bryner, BCIU Gail Berkowitz, Council Rock

SD Lori Borman, Child

Development Specialties Pat Miiller, QCCC Carol Mikulski, BCCC Dawn Stear, First Friends Child


The Learning Brain Dr. Eddie Frasca-Stuart BCIU Director, Staff and

Program Development Collaborative Groups

Katheryn Bryner Gail Berkowitz Lori Borman Pat Miiller Dawn Stear

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+Introductions:Your Introductions

Fill out NAME TENTS First name – BIG LETTERS School/Agency – small letters

Table group introductions Introduce yourselves to your table group. As a group, open the contents of your bag. These items are related to today’s workshop. Match the items to your game board to the best

of your ability.

Whole group introductions

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+Contents of Your Bag

Almond(s) Grain of rice A marshmallow A funnel A bottle of water A piece of bark

Pictures of… Children exercising A seahorse A hippopotamus A traffic cop A frightened cat A parent & child


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+LOOK FORS The role of patterning The role of experience The role of prior knowledge The role of novelty The role of safety The role of stress The role of challenge The role of feedback The role of culture The role of explicit instruction

Brain-Friendly Strategies

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+ The BIG Ideas

The issue is not Nature versus Nurture; it is much more powerful – the issue is, undeniably, that nature NEEDS nurture.

It is to the benefit of children, for all educators to understand how the brain works since it is the center of all learning.

Standards, Instruction and Learning Environments need to be based on how the brain learns.

The brain’s Attention and Memory systems are required to work in concert with one another for learning to occur. As educators, we need to learn about both systems in order to design brain-based learning activities.

Enrichment activities grow brain!

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+All behavior has its roots in the operations of the brain. The brain is the most complex entity on earth.

“The Brain – is wider than the sky”

An adult brain weighs about 3 pounds. An infant's brain weighs less than 1 pound.

It is energy hungry. It is about 2% of the body’s weight Consumes 20% of the body’s energy

The brain receives its energy from blood. b Glucose, protein, trace elements,

and oxygen Receives about 8 gallons of blood/hour; 198


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+The Brain The Brain receives oxygen via our blood

blood supply. Uses 20% of the body’s oxygen. Requires clean air for

Higher levels of attention Mental functioning Healing

Requires moving the oxygen through the body movement physical exercise

The brain also needs 8 to 12 glasses of water/day. Water is necessary for electrolyte balance. Dehydration is connected to poor learning.

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+All behavior has its roots in the operations of the brain. The brain is the most _______ entity on earth.

An adult brain weighs about __ pounds. An infant's brain weighs less than __ pound.

It is ______ hungry. It is about 2% of the body’s weight. Consumes ____ of the body’s energy.

The brain receives its energy from ______ . Glucose, protein, trace elements,

and oxygen Receives about 8 gallons of blood/hour; 198


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+The Brain The Brain receives oxygen via our blood supply.

Uses 20% of the body’s oxygen. Requires ______ ______ for

________ levels of attention Mental _________ Healing

Requires moving the oxygen through the body __________ physical exercise

The brain also needs ___ to 12 glasses of water/day. Water is necessary for electrolyte balance. _____________ is connected to poor learning.

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Page 16: The Brain – is wider than the Sky

The Brain contains two types of brain cells: neurons and glial cells.

Approximately 100 billion neurons are found in the brain and in the spinal cord at birth.

90% of the cells are Gliaand 10% are Neurons, however, despite their smaller number, neurons make the brain a thinking and learning organ.

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Glia cells are helper cells of the brain.

“Glia” is derived from Greek word meaning “glue.’

1. Radial Glia: Guide neurons in the development of the fetal brain.

2. Macrophage Glia: assists inremoving the debris of deadcells following damage to brainareas.

Four types of Glial Cells

3. Oligodendrocytes: play a role in neural maturation. They laydown myelin.

4. Astrocytes: have a star-likeappearance and their job is tomaintain an appropriate chemicalenvironment around the neuron.

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A piece of brain the size of one grain of rice has approximately 10,000 neurons.

Each neuron can can make 1 to 10,000 connections.

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A trillion connections are made as the babyexperiences life.

Experience sculpts the brain.

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+Parts of a Neuron

Neurons areComposed ofa cell body or somawhich contains the nucleus,thousands of short projectionscalled dendrites, and a single axon.

Dendrites receive information. Axons send information.

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Types of Neurons

Neurons come in several different shapes. Some are shaped like a pyramid. Others look like a giant sea fan.

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Neurons differ from other cells in the body in two ways:

They do not regenerate on a regular programmed basis - the neurons a baby has are the same neurons the senior citizen has!

They are able to communicate with one another via electrical impulses and chemical exchanges.

Electric nerve impulses



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Brain Break!

Let’s color!!!

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Neural Connections

Chemical to Electric to Chemical

Communication Between Neurons

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+Neural Connections

“Neurons that fire together, wire together!” The Role of Culture Fluffing Dendrites

It is only by neurons making connections with one another that learning can occur.

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Impoverished Neuron

Enriched Neuron

Nature NEEDS Nurture – the Right Kind

Enrichment• Love• Lots of Talk• Challenge• Feedback• The Arts• Nutrition• Exercise• Choice• Problem

Solving• Critical

Thinking• Discovery

Impoverishment• Stress• Threat• Hunger• Boredom• Frustration• Lack of Interaction• Harsh Relationships• 100% Directed• Passive Learning• Irrelevant work

Able to makeMany connections

Inability to make connections

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+Lots of TalkThe role of oral language ages 0 – adulthoodRhythm of languagePatterns of languageMeaningSyntaxThe role of phonemesPlaying with language

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+Meaningful DifferencesHart & Risley,1995

After decades of collaborating to increase child language vocabulary, Betty Hart and Todd Risley spent 2 1/2 years intensely observing the language of 42 families throughout Kansas City. Specifically, they looked at household language use in three different settings: 1) professional families; 2) working class; 3) welfare families.

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Page 31: The Brain – is wider than the Sky

+The Issue of Quality

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”William A. FosterU.S. Medal of Honor Recipent

Adult/child interactions is the single most important factor in the assessment of quality in early childhood education.

Getting it Right From the Start: A Principal’s Guide to Early Childhood Education

Marjorie L. Kostelnik & Marilyn L. Grady

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+Levels of Quality

Read the hand-out on Levels of Quality for early childhood programs.

COMPARE, ANAYLZE & GENERATE CONCLUSIONS Levels of Quality Meaningful Differences Information on impoverished and enriched dendrites

Whole group sharing of Conclusions

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+Efforts that Affect Quality Pennsylvania’s Early Learning Standards

Infants and Toddlers Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade

Pennsylvania’s Academic Standards/Common Core State Standards Third Grade

Program Standards Keystone Stars

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OK, so we understand about neurons and neural networks and the role of enrichment

OK, we understand the role of oral language BUT, how do we influence what a child learns?

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+ Getting the Brain’s Attention Attention + Memory = Learning If either system is down,

Learning does not occur. Back to the Brain Parts of the brain

Four Lobes Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobe

Cerebral Cortex (Bark) Cerebellum Brain Stem Microstructures

Many Microstructures Thalamus Amygdala Hypothalamus Hippocampus Reticular Activating


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• Planning• Problem Solving• Creativity Judgment• Decision-Making• Takes in Visual Stimuli

• Visual Cortex

• Balance• Posture• Motor movement• Memory

• Auditory Cortex• Takes in auditory stimuli• Hearing• Meaning & Language• Controls the production of speech and memory

• Receives Tactile Information • Processes higher sensory & Language functions

Brain Stem• Regulates heart beat & breathing• Filters motor & sensory info

Cerebral Cortex• “tree bark”• ¼ inch top layer

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Brain Stem

Cerebral Cortex

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There are many….

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+Brain Microstructures for the Emotional Brain (The Limbic System)

Limbic System Microstructures Reticular Activating System Thalamus Amygdala Hypothalamus Hippocampus

The Limbic System is a brain region that links the brain stem with the higher reasoning elements of the cerebral cortex. It is a major player in learning and memory.It also controls emotions (feelings & motivations), instinctive behavior, and the sense of smell.

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The Reticular Activating System (RAS)The reticular formation comprises much of the brainstem core.

All sensory data has to go through the RAS.

All but olfactory data is sent to the Thalamus.

The trick is to help determine which information getsthrough the RAS.

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Only 2,000 bitscan get through

the R.A.S.

Millions of bits of sensory data available every second...

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+Next Stop:The Thalamus

Located atthe base of the cerebralhemispheres.

A small ovidmass of about 3 cm.long.

The thalamus receives all incoming sensory data from the RAS except olfactory data. It is the traffic cop of the brain.

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+A Major Player!The AMYGDALA

An almond-shaped neural structure.

The Emotional Center of the Brain.

As part of the limbic system it plays an important role in: motivation, emotional processing formation of long-term

memories. Olfactory data goes directly

to the amygdala.

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+Two more supporting players Hypothalamus

Shaped like half of a hippopotamus.

The hormone autopilot.

Controls the body’s temperature. It can make us sweat to cool us down, and makes us shiver to warm ourselves.

It is important to the expression of emotions.

Hippocampus Shaped like a seahorse.

Involved in Motivation and Emotion.

Has a central role in the formation of memories.

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+Parallel Processing The thalamus sends info in two directions simultaneously – the positive or negative content of the info determines how it is processed.

Input goes directly to the AMYGDALA (reactive)

Input goes directly to the PREFRONTAL CORTEX(reflective)

Negative Feelings Trump Thinking!

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+The goal is to keep the brain calm.

Strategies for calming the brain: Removal of threat Absence of stressors Meaningful routines and procedures Meaningful relationships A sense of community Appropriate challenge Specific feedback Relevant work Choice

Regulating the amygdala’s responses is critical to the learning process.

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+Setting the emotional climate for learning Open the Reticular Activating System:

The R.A.S. is all about flight/ fight/ freeze For each new learning unit, teachers design activities

that will assure that students are engaged with the content on an emotional level. This is done through routines, rituals, and positive

communications. Visual and performing arts are effective ways to tap

into children’s emotional response systems to enhance learning.

Experiences + Content result in learning that is remembered.


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+Strategies that influence R.A.S. information intake & flow Stimulate Curiosity with Change, Novelty, and

Surprise:Discrepant eventsActivate prior knowledgeColorCostumes, MusicCartoons/HumorMovementAdvertisingPhotos and Video Clips

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Discrepant Events

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+ Cartoons are brain-friendly!

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Photos and Video Clips

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+ Attention + Memory = Learning Next concept:

Constant Attention Limits Learning

Turn to your neighbor and discuss what this statement might mean.

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Developmental Continuum for Length of Direct Instruction Grades K – 2 5 – 7 Minutes Grades 3 – 5 8 – 12 Minutes Grades 8 – 12 12 – 15 Minutes

1. All learners need processing time. This strengthens neural connections because they do not need to respond to other stimuli.

2. In order to create new meaning, we need internal time. Meaning is always generated from within, not externally.

3. After each new learning, we need time for it to solidify.

It is all about Processing Time.

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+A Brain Truth

Cramming more content per minute or moving from one piece of learning to the next without processing time, guarantees that little will be learned or retained.

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+Brain Breaks – Processing Time

Turn and Talk Quick Writes Toss a ball Tell a story Sit and Think Color a neuron!

Turn to your neighbor. Discuss Classroom Implications.

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+ The Role of Memory Working Memory

Developmental Capacity 3 year old 1 bit 5 year old 2 bits 7 year old 3 bits 15 year old 7 bits

7+/- 2 bits (5 – 9 bits)

Processing Time - 5-20 sec unless rehearsed or reviewed

Long-Term Memory Declarative (Explicit) Memory

Semantic Long-Term Memory

Episodic Long-Term Memory Nondeclarative (Implicit)

Memory Procedural Reflexive

Access Long-Term Memory Use of patterns Use of prior knowledge

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+Access Long-Term Memory: Use of patterns Use of prior knowledge




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Page 71: The Brain – is wider than the Sky

+Use 6 or more of the following terms.Write a summary for Attention + Memory = Learning.

Processing Time Working memory Developmental capacity of

working memory Long term memory 7+/- 2 bits of information Developmental continuum

for Length of Direct instruction

Brain breaks Semantic memory Episodic memory The power of patterns The power of prior

knowledge The effects of cramming Ma Bell

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+ Enrichment: How to build a better brain

Purposeful Learning is Challenging with new information and/or experiences. Appropriate level of challenge Challenge combined with

Novelty Problem solving Critical thinking

Challenge combined with Relevance for the learner – emotional “hook”

Examples Project Learning Complex Activities

Challenge + Feedback = Enriched Learning

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+Challenge + Feedback = Enriched Learning Second, there must be a way to learn from the

experience through interactive feedback – the brain is designed to operate on feedback.

Feedback reduces uncertainty It increases coping abilities Lowers hormonal stress responses Types of feedback

Specific Multi-modal Timely Learner-controlled (Choice)

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+Factors that influence attention for learning

Choices Provide choices – content,

timing, work partners, projects, process

Relevant Make it personal - relate to self,

family, neighborhood Engaging

Make it emotional, energetic,

make it physical

Required 100% directed, no student

input, restricted resources

Irrelevant Impersonal, useless, out of

context, done only to pass a test

Passive Disconnected from the real

world, low interaction, lecture, too much seatwork

Increase Intrinsic Motivation

Increase Apathy & Resentment

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+ Enrichment & the Early Learning Standards

Enrichment through reading and language Enrichment through motor stimulation Enrichment through thinking and problem solving Enrichment through the ARTS Enrichment through the environment

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+Our Matching Game & Brain-friendly strategies Bringing our thinking full circle.

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The Learning Brain: Optimize Learning with Brain-based Research

Afternoon Session

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+Case Study Activity

Table GroupsOne case study (two tables will have the

same case study)Answer the questions and then create a

visual representation of your thinking.Reporting Out

Carousel Instructional Guide

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+Case Study Reflection: Identify:


What other information do you need to determine if additional factors contributed to the child’s development and learning?

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+ Continuum of LearningWhere would you begin to support the

child in your case study so they can be successful learners? Keeping in mind how the brain learns

Fluffing the dendrites through ENRICHMENT Getting the brain’s ATTENTION Respecting the MEMORY SYSTEMS of the brain

Applying the Early Learning Standards

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+A FEW GOOD STARTING POINTS Teaching with the Brain in Mind

AUTHOR: Eric Jensen ISBN: 0-87120-299-9

Building the Reading Brain, PreK-3 AUTHORS: Patricia Wolfe & Pamela Nevills ISBN: 0-7619-3904-0

Begin with the Brain: Orchestrating the Learner-Centered Classroom

AUTHOR: Martha Kaufeldt ISBN-10: 156976098-5

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+NEXT STEPS: 5” Quick WriteBased on today’s

experience What will you do

tomorrow? What will you do

next week? What will you do

next month?

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+Exit Ticket

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+The Brain – is wider than the SkyThe Brain – is wider than the SkyFor – put them side to side – The one the other will containWith ease – and You – beside –

The Brain is deeper than the sea For – hold them – Blue to Blue – The one the other will absorb – As Sponges – Buckets – do -

The Brain is the weight of God –For - Heft them – Pound byPound –And they will differ – if they do – As Syllable from Sound –

Emily Dickinson