The Buckner Baptist Beacon Ye are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:14 things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” The words of Christ are words of hope. The world is filled with tribulation, heartache, and struggle. The warfare for God’s people is real. However, Christ is the One Who is the Champion that brings victory. The sad thing is that in this nation the Lord has been banned from many places. He has been expelled from school. Many businesses, in an effort to not offend anyone, have banned His name from being mentioned. Holidays honoring Him have been renamed to remove any reference to Him. Governmental leaders on all levels have worked to uplift and promote lifestyles that are unscriptural while at Volume 2 Number 6 Sunday February 8, 2015 Ye are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:14 Once again the United States is at war. The nation received another reminder this past week through the tragic and horrible death of a Jordanian pilot who was a prisoner of terrorists. The Islamist extremist terrorists known as ISIS reminded the world that there is a war and ISIS is determined to win. The reaction of some of our political leaders to terrorism is appalling. In fact, it is outright dangerous. While Congress and the Whitehouse continue their kindergarten like feud the world churns in warfare. Politicians are more interested in polls, popularity, and personal policies than they are in the welfare, safety, and needs of the nation. The statement, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned” is a fitting commentary on our nation’s condition. The national and world condition is symbolic of a deeper danger. ISIS and other terrorist groups are tools of a force that is bent on destruction and death. This force is pure evil and it not only has the intent on the destruction of nations and people but it is intent on the spiritual destruction of human lives. This force is Satan himself and it is because of him spiritual warfare exists. To be involved in this war is not an option. As Christians, God’s people are under attack. This war is not in some foreign country, it is within this nation, within America’s homes, within churches, and within hearts. Jesus spoke about spiritual peace when He said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” He also said in John 16:33, “These the same time have threatened the free speech and religious liberty of those standing for the truth of the Word of God. The greatest threat in this war is the threat to spiritual values, the liberty of conscience, the freedom to think and believe what the Word teaches, and to practice what the Word says. ISIS can kill the body, destroy, and cause great devastation. However, they cannot kill the soul. It is the slow but accelerating rejection of Christ and His values that destroys the soul of a nation and the soul of a human being. The Champion, Jesus Christ, will return one day. Congress cannot vote Him out. The Whitehouse cannot issue executive orders to keep Him away. No power on earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon. We are in an Intense Spiritual War

The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon. We are in an Intense Spiritual War . The Buckner Baptist

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Page 1: The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon. We are in an Intense Spiritual War . The Buckner Baptist

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Ye are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:14


things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

The words of Christ are words of hope. The world is filled with tribulation, heartache, and struggle. The warfare for God’s people is real. However, Christ is the One Who is the Champion that brings victory.

The sad thing is that in this nation the Lord has been banned from many places. He has been expelled from school. Many businesses, in an effort to not offend anyone, have banned His name from being mentioned. Holidays honoring Him have been renamed to remove any reference to Him.

Governmental leaders on all levels have worked to uplift and promote lifestyles that are unscriptural while at

Volume 2 Number 6 Sunday February 8, 2015 Ye are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:14


Once again the United States is at war. The nation received another reminder this past week through the tragic and horrible death of a Jordanian pilot who was a prisoner of terrorists. The Islamist extremist terrorists known as ISIS reminded the world that there is a war and ISIS is determined to win.

The reaction of some of our political leaders to terrorism is appalling. In fact, it is outright dangerous. While Congress and the Whitehouse continue their kindergarten like feud the world churns in warfare. Politicians are more interested in polls, popularity, and personal policies than they are in the welfare, safety, and needs of the nation. The statement, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned” is a fitting commentary on our nation’s condition.

The national and world condition is symbolic of a deeper


danger. ISIS and other terrorist groups are tools of a force that is bent on destruction and death. This force is pure evil and it not only has the intent on the destruction of nations and people but it is intent on the spiritual destruction of human lives. This force is Satan himself and it is because of him spiritual warfare exists.

To be involved in this war is not an option. As Christians, God’s people are under attack. This war is not in some foreign country, it is within this nation, within America’s homes, within churches, and within hearts.

Jesus spoke about spiritual peace when He said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” He also said in John 16:33, “These


the same time have threatened the free speech and religious liberty of those standing for the truth of the Word of God.

The greatest threat in this war is the threat to spiritual values, the liberty of conscience, the freedom to think and believe what the Word teaches, and to practice what the Word says. ISIS can kill the body, destroy, and cause great devastation. However, they cannot kill the soul. It is the slow but accelerating rejection of Christ and His values that destroys the soul of a nation and the soul of a human being.

The Champion, Jesus Christ, will return one day. Congress cannot vote Him out. The Whitehouse cannot issue executive orders to keep Him away. No power on earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon.

We are in an Intense Spiritual War

Page 2: The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon. We are in an Intense Spiritual War . The Buckner Baptist

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Sunday February 8, 2015



Lord to use you. The abundant life is there for you to claim.


At the age of nine I played Pee Wee baseball. Because I played shortstop I picked up the nickname “Shorty.” The name fit not only because I played shortstop but also because of my size. In practice one day my mind wandered to other things than baseball. I was in my position at shortstop and as my mind wandered I was suddenly brought back to reality by the crack of a bat and the whiz of the baseball as it rocketed past me.

“Shorty!” The coach yelled out. “What do you think you are? A spectator?!” I had no idea what a spectator was. Growing up in Northwest Arkansas I certainly knew what a “tater” was. That’s what my Mama peeled and cooked. I went home and told my folks that the coach called me a specked tater. I couldn’t understand why they laughed.

Too many of us are specked taters, spectators, when it comes to life. There are so many distractions, duties, and dilemmas that we miss what life is really all about. Our spiritual eyesight is blurred and we go through life rather than


really living life. Jesus said in John

10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” The Lord was speaking about His sheep or those who trusted Him for salvation. He described how the enemy, Satan, steals our joy, our hopes, and the very essence of life. Life is more than existence. It is more than making a living and providing for your family. Life is even more than saying you are saved. Life is the vibrant, thriving, intense relationship with Christ. The Lord used the word abundantly to describe the quality of life that is available for the child of God. He came that we may keep on having abundant life. The idea is life that is over and above. It is life that could be called super life. This does not mean absence of trouble and heartache but it means a life rich with relationship and purpose. It is a life filled with joy and purpose. It is the life


where we thrive and our relationship with Christ glows and grows.

Too many have never walked with the Lord to the degree that their lives are filled with meaning and purpose. They are reacting to life rather than impacting life.

It could be that your life seems empty. You have become a Christian but it seems as though the joy, the sense of purpose, and the closeness with Christ are only memories. Because of the distractions of life you have missed the ball. You have missed out on what God wants for you. You have missed out on the value of your life to God and others.

It’s not too late. You can still experience the abundant life Jesus was describing. Don’t look for wealth, things, or comfort. Instead, recognize that living the abundant life is hard. It requires commitment and sacrifice. It means getting involved and setting your priorities in a Biblical pattern.

It’s time to step up to the plate and to get involved. You may think it isn’t any use but remember that Christ is on your side. Dare swing at the ball. If you miss, try again. Don’t simply be a specked tater who wishes for a better life. Dare to get involved and give yourself unconditionally for the

Prayer List Edna Bowman

Brenda Jones’ mother Severe shoulder injury

Ella Rose Harris Surgery for tubes in ears on Feb 18th

Chanlr Mitchell To have tests in March for lump on

head Delphia Lawson

Becky Ginger & Family On the loss of her brother John

Walker The Family of Karen Hollon

Jackie Robbins’ Cousin Jim Wright

Gloria Morgan Mary Mitchell’s cousin

Norma Roddy Cancer treatments

Joyce Fought Linda Drake’s sister

Dale Garrison Loretta Garrison’s son

Bob Sanders Kathleen Ballard Carolyn Jewell

Sharon Pennington More chemotherapy

Pauline Estes Paul Pannell Gene Payton

Juanita Dobrinsky Lee Laizure

Keith Edwards Letticia Reeves Nola’s daughter

Christopher Ross Nola’s grandson

Margaret Taylor Pat Rogers

Becky Walker Leslie Reeves

Linda Drake’s daughter Ted & Charlene Doke

Mack Graves Hospice Care

Don & Connie Dunnington Brother and sister in law of Pauline

Smith Debbie Evenson

Waymon Dugan’s Cousin Diagnosed with lung cancer

Johnny Burke Judy Pitts J D Morse

Marthel Hensley Helen Ray’s aunt Little Carl Baker

Carl and Verda Baker’s granson Justin Garrison

Loretta Garrison’s grandson Landon Trolinger

James Knight Oscar Dunaway

Betty Wright Karen Turner’s mother

The Pastor’s Pen

Specked Taters

Page 3: The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon. We are in an Intense Spiritual War . The Buckner Baptist

Sunday February 8, 2015 The Buckner Baptist Beacon



Seth Jones appointed Youth Minister

In its last business session the Buckner Church called Seth Jones to be Youth Minister. Seth surrendered to the ministry a few years ago and recently the church licensed him as a minister of the gospel. The licensing is a formal recognition by the church of the validity of Seth’s call to preach the gospel.

Seth grew up in the Buckner Church. Many years ago, when he was a little boy in Children’s Church, he asked his grandpa, Bob Jones, to make him a pulpit. He wanted to preach. His grandpa did just that. Little did anyone know that the little boy’s desire would actually turn into a genuine call from God.

Seth, and his wife Lacey, have been working with the youth for some time. The action of the church was to officially appoint him as Youth Minister.

Working with Seth and Lacey are members of the Youth Team. These are individuals in the church who provide leadership in the area of youth ministry. Jennifer Fowler is one who has worked very hard to provide care and leadership to the Buckner Youth. Her work and


leadership as part of the Youth Team will continue to be priceless. Other members of the Youth Team providing valuable leadership are Roger and Jerri Wilson, and Mike and Brenda Jones. There are openings for others who would like to be part of the Youth Team.

Seth’s work will be supervised by the pastor. Since Seth’s work is in the area of pastoral ministry of the church, it is appropriate that he be directly accountable to the pastor rather than to a committee, board, or other individuals. He has been given the responsibility to lead the youth in their spiritual development, service, missions, and activities. The church will be behind him and encouraging him as he leads.

There is a great deal of potential for a spiritual deepening of the youth. Anyone wishing to share ideas for the youth ministry please see Seth or the pastor.


Challenging Your Faith

Today, think of something important that you’ve been putting off. Then think of the excuses you’ve used to avoid that responsibility. Finally, ask yourself what you can do today to finish the work you’ve been avoiding.

-From Discovering Peace

The Excuse of Being a Victim

All too often we are

quick to proclaim ourselves “victims,” and we refuse to take responsibility for our actions. So we make excuses, excuses, and more excuses – with predictably poor results.

We live in a world where excuses are everywhere. And it’s precisely because excuses are so numerous that they are also so ineffective. When we hear the words, “I’m sorry but …,” most of us know exactly what is to follow: the excuse. The dog ate the homework. Traffic was terrible. It’s the company’s fault. The boss is too lame. The equipment is broken. We’re out of that. And so forth, and so on.

Because we humans are such creative excuse


makers, all of the really good excuses have already been taken. In fact, the high quality excuses have been used, re-used, over-used, and a-bused. That’s why excuses don’t work – we’ve heard them all before.

So, if you’re wasting your time trying to portray yourself as a victim (and weakening your character in the process), or if you’re trying to concoct a new and improved excuse, don’t bother. Excuses don’t work, and while you’re inventing them, neither do you.

- From Discovering Peace

Replace your excuses with fresh determiniation.

- Charles Swindoll

An excuse is only the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.

- Vance Havner

Rationalizaton: It’s what we do when we substitute false explanations for true reasons, when we cloud our actual motives with a smoke screen of nice-sounding excuses.

- Charles Swindoll

Page 4: The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · earth is able to withstand Him. In that day His peace will reign. May He come soon. We are in an Intense Spiritual War . The Buckner Baptist

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Sunday February 8, 2015



Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study

As most already know,

last month the church started a new structure for Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. The program has been a success and the church can look forward to more success in the future.

Wednesday evenings begin with supper at 5:30. Teams have been formed that prepare the meals and there have been enough teams developed where no one is overloaded. The team members have worked hard and deserve a great deal of appreciation.

Another addition to Wednesday nights is choir practice at 6:15. Thanks to


all who are participating in the choir and others are invited to join. Also, thanks to the Music Director, Roger Wilson. Dr. Darrel Ginger is also to be thanked for his willingness to step up and direct the choir.

The class times are going well. The TeamKID classes involve ages 3 through 6th grade. Teachers for TeamKID are working hard and doing a terrific job.

The teenagers are studying from a Bible Study called Fuel 2. The leaders of this group are also working hard.

In a couple of weeks, those who are out of high school will begin a class called the College and Career Class. They will be studying Gray Areas.

The adults are finishing their study of Revelation. Soon the group will be delving into a study of the Prodigal Son.

Thanks to everyone who has been working so hard to teach, cook, train, help, and lead in so many areas.

News from the Regular Baptist Youth Camp - Leon & Sheila Samuels

RBYC had its first

camp meeting of the year and we are working on a 50th Anniversary


Spaghetti Dinner and Reunion. The date will be April 25th from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The location is being determined. Anyone who has ever attended camp or wanted to attend is welcome. We are looking forward to a large group from all the churches. This will be a great time to reminisce with old friends and make new ones.

We are also working on a camp theme and t-shirt ideas and are in need of workers and many prayers.

We will have the Golf Tournament again on June 6th. There will be two flights on in the morning at 8:00 a.m. and another at noon, if you would like to help plan or participate, please let us know.

Our next camp meeting will be at Drakes Creek Baptist Church on February 22nd at 2:30 pm. Please come and support us in Camp 2015.

For more information please call Shelia at 479.387.2484 or Leon at 479.387.0258. You can e-mail Shelia at [email protected].

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Is a ministry of

The Buckner Baptist Church 2780 Wyman Road Fayetteville, AR

72701 479-445-6088


Larry F Mitchell, PhD, Pastor 4229 E Huntsville Rd

Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-283-8995

[email protected]

Sunday School 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM

Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM


Sunday February 8 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • 5:00 PM Brotherhood & Ladies

Auxiliary Meetings • 6:00 PM Worship Monday February 9 • 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Ladies Bible

Study Wednesday February 11 • 5:30 PM Supper • 6:15 Choir practice • 7:00 PM Bible Studies

TeamKID Teen Class: Fuel 2 Adult Study: Revelation

Sunday February 15 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • Fellowship Dinner • 6:00 PM Worship • Business Meeting Monday February 16 • 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Ladies Bible

Study Wednesday February 18 • 5:30 PM Supper • 6:15 Choir practice • 7:00 PM Bible Studies

TeamKID Teen Class: Fuel 2 College & Career Class: Gray Areas Adult Study

Sunday February 22 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • 6:00 PM Worship Wednesday February 25 • 5:30 PM Supper • 6:15 PM Choir Practice • 7:00 PM

TeamKID Teen Class: Fuel2 College & Career Class: Gray Areas Adult Class

Sunday March 1 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • 6:00 PM Worship

The Buckner Baptist Church welcomes

David Bowen into its fellowship of


Valentine’s Party for TeamKID classes

Wednesday February 11th Ages 3 through 6th grade