The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe Volume XII ! ! Vesica Ordo Templi Solus Noir !

The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe Volume XII

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Volume XII of the Canticles.

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The Canticles Of Damiana Evohe

Volume XII


! Vesica Ordo Templi Solus Noir !

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Amidst shadows and smoke does he rise. Splinters of light adorn his torn visage.

Thorns rend flesh, rivers of blood embrace limbs, barely formed. Shadows coalesce and in the frozen moments does he remember.

Limbs once broken begin to heal as the elixir flows drop by iridescent drop. Nectar sweet, laced with bitter gall enters eyes, yet dim of sight.

Enters nostrils, a benediction. Shadowed forms limned in lightning attend the moment.

A chorus of cries and whispers echoes into eternity, the moment.

Once upon a hill of flint he stood. Raising hands and calling forth his Elohim as his form dissolved.

The Seals opened and the dance unfolds.

Once into a pool of quicksilver did he gaze Fingers drawing forth tendrils of form cast upon the air, they rise.

Summoning the rays of Solus Noir, they descend.

Once beneath the ocean did he reach out and clasp his sisters hand. In embrace they dance upon aethyrs burnished gold. A dark stain rises and consumes all within its path.

Once upon a lightning bolt did he descend and entered fairest Liliths domain. A stranger, cast upon shores, foreign and exotic.

Once within the heart of a star he slumbered bound by chains of liquid light. Called forth by life, his nemesis.

Once as Azrael he seeded himself into the unfolding pageant.

And once he Became.

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The primary invokation performed and this world we left behind as upon the upraised palms of Artemis we did dance. Her rapture descends in waves of silven light that touches skin and dissolves the membrane that casts us into the thrall of singularity.

Thrice did we perform her rite across the field of time measured by decades and upon the third cycle did we complete her service.

Seek us not in the world you perceive before eyes long accustomed to the real, rather gaze upon our face reflected in the light cast by our lady as she ascends the heavens in her chariot of fire. Across the mountains of the moon did we walk my love and I and in her embrace are we made whole. Her Purity touches our mind and from the crucible did we distil but one drop of nectar that descends as the rain of benediction.

Her Reflection cast upon the mirror of our mind serves as the mask whereby the first palace is entered and upon a golden hill beneath her rays did we greet her amidst the calls of the night. Virgin huntress upon the hunt, pauses and casts her gaze as a silven dart that enters the mind and of it creates a Reflection of her presence. Artemis Iota thrice blessed raises her citadel and from the waves formed of liquid mercury does she call to her errant children.

Upon a thought cast in the memory of time unfolding does her visage shine through words and cyphers that be but the shadows cast by her presence and with the breath that passes across enraptured flesh does the scribe cast his form into the vale of tears upon a night of zephyr and storm.

Ave Artemis, Purity incarnate. The first veil cast aside and into the palace of wonder dost thou enter and the treasure house of images dissolves and falls to dust in The Night Of Pan and as the crescent horn pierces the heavens we behold Solus Noir held at the crown. The light a venom rains down and dissolves flesh, bone and memory and of the dust that is raised does the scribe craft a vision.

The Ladye Fayre and her errant knight dance upon the aethyrs bright and of their love is an elixir formed into rays of darkest light that cast before thee renders all as dust.

Sic Transit Gloria Rosa Mundi.

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Hymn To Artemis

ARTEMIS virgin huntress thou I wouldst become! Accept me into thy embrace. By the Virtue of thy name … … I INVOKE THEE By thy name ARTEMIS … … I INVOKE THEE By the pantacle of thy service … … I INVOKE THEE By the sign and perfume … … I INVOKE THEE Pierce my heart with the silven arrows of thy love. Raise me above my mortal station into thy splendour. As thou waxeth, so dost i. As thou waneth, so dost i. Upon thy journey across a star spangled sky. Pause and answer the call of one who loves thee so. ARTEMIS, my sister lift me up into thy gentle arms. Caress me with thy splendour. Let thy light illumine my path. Empower the … REFLECTION … I seek at this time. In all ways, at all times … … I CALL TO THEE My blood, but a river that carries me to thee. My heart, but a temple of desire for thee. My mind, a hollow space until thou dost enter. My body, the precinct of thy love, my aspiration. With LOVE and PURITY … … … I INVOKE THEE By all that I am and will become … … … I INVOKE THEE I dwellest in darkness, seeking thy light, By this do I also … … … INVOKE THEE Proud and strong … ARTEMIS … Silver shod, virgin huntress. ANSWER MY CALL!


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The primary invokation performed and this world we left behind as within the embrace of the beauteous one we lay. Her rapture unfolds in waves of verdant light that touches skin and dissolves the membrane that casts us into the thrall of singularity.

Thrice did we perform her rite across the field of time measured by decades and upon the third cycle did we complete her service.

Seek us not in the world you perceive before eyes long accustomed to the real, rather gaze upon our

face reflected in the light cast by our lady mantled as loves consummation In the vale of Aphrodite do we lay my love and I and in her embrace are we made whole. Her Passion touches our heart and from the crucible did we distil but one drop of nectar that descends as the rain of benediction.

I sense the deep rich loam of the Earth, steaming, releasing its heat and perfume gathered by the day and its bright star. A soft bed of bracken, gossamer soft, amidst which grasses and flowers in profusion grow. Above, a canopy of trees, serve as a bower. The night still, expectant. The distant sounds of bats aflight, winging their way through the nights celestial harmonies. The screech of an owl pierces the silence, echoes down the caverns of twilight. The scents of foliage mix with that of the earth. And in this bower you lie.

Naked but for the garland of flowers and fern which adorn you, the torque of power around your sweet neck and rings upon fingers and toes. Your body, slick with the perfumes of musk and the heat of your body. Beads of sweet, rivulets cascade across skin pulsing with desire. The sigils of power etched in flesh, tender and yielding. Moonlight illuminates you casting its pale, silven hue across the contours of your body. Starlight reflected in your beautiful eyes reaches outwards and bathes the scene in a soft lambent glow.

As a child of the Earth you are embraced and carried aloft within the arms of the Goddess, who in her rapture causes your body to arch, expectant and soft moans do escape your lips. A mist begins to form all about, catching the silven rays of Moon and Starlight. The rapture rises and in the rising of your heat your body sings, a faery paean, causing the very fabric of the scene to ripple, for you are rising in your power, enraptured. This, all this I see until the song and the perfumes become an intoxicant, an exotic fluid that enters nostrils eyes and mouth, causing breath to

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quicken, heat to rise. I enter the scene and enter your embrace. Touch melts flesh, breath dissolves division, a melding rises as with a tender caress I enter you. Union, complete consummation. The Earth rejoices as our bodies, our hearts and minds our very souls touch. Epiphany.

Ave Aphrodite, Passion incarnate, the second veil cast aside and into the palace of wonder dost thou enter and the treasure house of images dissolves and falls to dust in The Night Of Pan and as the crescent horn pierces the heavens we behold Solus Noir held at the crown. The light a venom rains down and dissolves flesh, bone and memory and of the dust that is raised does the scribe craft a vision.

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Hymn To Aphrodite

Born of sea foam, beauteous one … … THEE I INVOKE ! Wrapt in dreams of purple splendour … … THEE I INVOKE ! By thy name … … THEE I INVOKE ! By Aphrodite … … THEE I INVOKE ! By the sign and perfume … … THEE I INVOKE ! I callest to thee beauteous one, as lover to lover. Wrapt in thy loving embrace, caressed by the beauty of thy vision. Raise me unto the pinnacles of Love and Power. Grant me the Attraction I seek at this time. I have sacrificed all in the name of thy love. Grant me but one glimpse of thy splendour. I enter thee as thou enterest me. Caress to caress, kiss to kiss. As one we course the heavens wrapt in the velvet splendour of thy love. Thou art all things wondrous Aphrodite. Love thy name, Passion thy pursuit. Between sheets of enflamed flesh thou dost dance. Between the breaths that are expelled dost thou sing. A song of joy, of love, of beauteous becoming. In all ways, at all times I seekest thee. Come unto me and grant thy favour, thou who art Woman and Goddess. I but mortal seekest thy vision. I but human seekest thy divinity. I but a child of Terra would walk with thee. Aphrodite, sister, lover … … I INVOKE THEE ! By Love and Passion … … I INVOKE THEE ! By ecstasy and joy … … I INVOKE THEE ! I but a tiny drop within loves mighty ocean, callest unto thee. Enter my heart and make it thy dwelling place ! Enter my mind and make it thy home ! Enter my body and make it thy temple ! Aphrodite, lover, comest unto me. In love I call to thee. A purple flame of passion, kindled by thy heart. A tide of ecstasy kindled by thy presence. Beauteous one, who art all things, I call to thee. Answer this my prayer. Love Is The Law, love Under Will.

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In Nomine Babalon

Divided by love, for love, the quest of union!

The Star for the Snake. The Lance for the Grail. The Wand for the Cup.

I dip into the nectar, tongue lapping the dew that falls from the petals of thy lips. The heart aflame, a burning ground of passion purple. Raise me unto thy splendour, caress the rod of passion spent. Dream the night, a moment of ecstasies vision. Spent yet complete. Thy cup, awash with nectar sweet, a still river of loves consummation. Thy flesh aflame, lambent in its passion becoming! Thou risest and in that rising, a crest of ecstasies longing. Divided yet one, we quest the secrets of loves longing, loves loss, loves becoming! An angel of lust wrapt between our breaths, its lifeblood flowing into the ocean. An ocean of forgetfulness, where upon foreign and exotic shores, yet again we tip the cup of loves fornication’s. Babalon rising between us. Her breasts golden suns, giving light unto myriad worlds. Streams of milk, like unto starstuff. We quench our thirsts. These fountains, eternal, inexhaustible. Her thighs, eternal birthrites for galaxies. Is she not also divided for loves sake? The chance of union, upon union, upon union. The nectar from the petals of her rose, a honeyed due, at which fountain does the hummingbird sing, quenching its thirst eternal. Rise with me mighty Babalon, mother of saints, whore of mankind. The beast thou ridest, the names of myriad kingdoms. Thy domain, eternal, infinite. I come unto thee as thou comest unto me. The rites of passion our name! The quest of love our intent! I call upon the one undivided in thy name! Vanity of vanities, this call is made, grant thy vision, in the moments between thy thoughts, thy becoming! Take me for I am yours, a vessel, empty, broken, longing for thy caress, a caress to make me whole yet again. With tears of blood I callest, heart empty, emptied in thy name. Thy cup overflowing, mine a desert song, parched in loves name, in loves game. I of no name. I of no nature, callest unto thee Babalon, who art Pan! Come unto me, as I comest unto thee. In loves name. In Nomine Babalon.

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The primary invokation performed and this world we left behind and the cup of Babalon did we enter. Her rapture descends in waves of incarnadine light that touches skin and dissolves the membrane that casts us into the thrall of singularity.

Thrice did we perform the rite across the field of time measured by decades and upon the third cycle did we complete our service.

Seek us not in the world you perceive before eyes long accustomed to the real, rather gaze upon our face reflected in the light

that descends from the palace of exiles. Across the boundary lands did we walk my love and I and in the fabled city are we made whole. Descending light caresses our body and from the crucible did we distil but one drop of nectar that descends as the rain of benediction.

Ave Saturnus Babalon Pan, Samael incarnate, the third veil cast aside and into the palace of wonder dost thou enter and the treasure house of images dissolves and falls to dust in The Night Of Pan and as the crescent horn pierces the heavens we behold Solus Noir held at the crown. The light a venom rains down and dissolves flesh, bone and memory and of the dust that is raised does the scribe craft a vision.

And now do we seek our bride and consort, that in union may the light of our star descend into the vale of tears at these the end of days.

And In Those Days

It Was Given Unto The False Prophets

To Spread The Lie Sow The Seed Of Doubt

Draw Aside The Veil

And Reveal The End Of Days

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Invokation Of

Saturnus – Babalon – Pan

In Silence the word is sent forth. A heart beat echoing thy heart beat! A thought echoing thy thought! An action echoing thy action! Mighty Pan who art all things … … … Thee I Invoke! Through The Mask of Saturnus … … … Thee I Invoke! Through The Mask of Babalon … … … Thee I Invoke! Thou hast granted the Reflection which is thy Mind. Thou hast granted the Attraction which is thy Heart. Now I seek the Crystallisation which is thy Body.

By thy name … … … Thee I Invoke! By Pan … … … Thee I Invoke! By Babalon … … … Thee I Invoke! By Saturnus … … … Thee I Invoke! I call from the Solitude which art thy domain. I call from the mountain top which art thy abode. Thou who art echoed in All things … … … Thee I Invoke! By Devotion and Duty … … … Thee I Invoke! By the Pantacle of thy service … … … Thee I Invoke! By the sign and perfume … … … Thee I Invoke!

I who have travailed The Vale of Fire seekest thee. I who have walked the mountains of the Moon seekest thee. I who have lain within thy embrace seekest thee. Thou who art All things, how may I name thee? The undivided one in essence, the many in nature.

I look upon the Earth and seest thou! I look into the mighty oceans and seest thou! I gaze upon the starlit heavens and seest thou! Thou who art above and in All things, I seekest thou! Thou who hast claimed my Mind as thine! Thou who hast claimed my Heart as thine! Though who hast claimed my Body as thine! In noble service do I come unto thee brother, greet me as such, for am I not also of thee?

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The rushing wind knows thee! The cascading water knows thee! The engulfing fire knows thee! The mighty Earth knows thee!

Thou hast sought me out, as a tender shoot am I plucked, that I might sing thy song of Rapture.

Thou hast sought me out as a man, taken unto thy breast. Thou hast sought me out as Magickian and brought me unto the pinnacles of thy power.

Thou art Life mighty Pan, this I seek. As Saturnus, thy Wisdom! As Babalon, thy Power! As Pan, thy Becoming! The path that is my Life has brought me unto thee! Accept this my service.

By my Core … … … Thee I Invoke! By my Mind … … … Thee I Invoke! By my Heart … … … Thee I Invoke! By my Body … … … Thee I Invoke! By my Life, which art thine … … … Thee I Invoke!

I comest unto thee naked, blind, idly seeking thee. Take my blindness and grant thy sight. Take my nakedness and clothe me with splendour. Mighty Pan, I await thee!


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The primary invokation performed and this world we left behind as we entered our Triangle Of Arte. All dissolves in waves of ebon light that touches skin and dissolves the membrane that casts us into the thrall of singularity.

Once did we perform the rite across the field of time and thus did we complete our service.

Seek us not in the world you perceive before eyes long accustomed to the real, rather gaze upon our face reflected in the light cast by our presence as Lilith, beloved reaches out and into her embrace are we welcomed. Across Time and Space did we walk my love and I and now are we made whole and from the crucible did we distil but one drop of nectar that descends as the rain of benediction.

Ave Isheth. Ave Ygrat. Ave Na’amah. Lilth incarnate, the final veil cast aside and into the palace of wonder dost thou enter and the treasure house of images dissolves and falls to dust in The Night Of Pan and as the crescent horn pierces the heavens we behold Solus Noir held at the crown. The light a venom rains down and dissolves flesh, bone and memory and of the dust that is raised does the scribe craft a vision.

She descends and of our form does she create a spell of wonder and into our body does she place her seals. The tokens of her presence transforms us into the pylons of her temple that has been raised upon the ashes of all that has gone before. Lilith and Samael united and the dawn of time is reflected into the night of time wherein memory is erased and as sackcloth is cast into the void.

Ave Lilith. Ave Samael. Twin pylons cast upon the aethyrs and of the light that radiates is venom pure distilled. Drink deeply from the cup of our fornications and enter the rapture that our presence invokes.

Ave Artemis. Ave Aphrodite. Ave Saturnus Babalon Pan.

Ave Samael. Ave Lilith.

And with the passing of two decades did this come to pass.

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Lilith Rising

Evohe! Na’amah Evohe! Isheth Zenunim Evohe! Ygrat Bhat Mahlat

From the shores of ink black night I Samael, son of the starbeam calls to thee sister, mother, daughter and lover. Through cycles of devotion. A heart torn. A mind rent asunder. A body annealed in the fires of suffering, have I walked the boundary lands in quest of thee my bride. All around me thy spirit unfolds in gossamer sweetness. Does not thy heart melt in the presence of thy lover and invoker? As Namrael Elohim – come forth! As Yve beloved – come forth! As Lilith bride and consort – come forth! Twilight passes. Midnight gives way to dawn as the Black Sun rises. Bathed in nectar sweet the aspirant conjures and calls. The mind a reflection of thy memory passing… … … Artemis calls! The heart an attraction that calls to blood and essence… … … Aphrodite calls! The body a temple of thy imminence and becoming… … … Saturnus calls! Masks, shadows of thy dawning meld and melt into the bounty of thy presence. Walk with me the boundary lands and greet the dawn of our rising. By Samael and all the names and conjurations, I await thee! In the night of Pan the Black Sun reveals itself.

Evohe! Na’amah Evohe! Isheth Zenunim Evohe! Ygrat Bhat Mahlat

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! ! Na’amah

Golden thread around heart entwined Visage of palest gold bleached by blood Darkest barb, venom sweet Vision of light shadowed by blood moon Step by step the pageant unfolds Embrace, melt into rapture Dissolve into bliss denied

Pale golden one a kiss upon thy brow A caress upon breast of softest silk Entwine limbs slick with sweat Heat dissolves flesh Breath dissolves thought Passion dissolves the heart Union dissolves life

Blood flows from wounds deep as time Semen rises caught in a cup of softest velvet between golden thighs Breath quickens and dissolves in rapture sweet Breath stills in the velvet shroud of darkest midnight Cascading thought tumbles into oblivion, servant of time Na’amah golden one mistress of time, servant of none

Shapes born of desire replace the tapestry of life Life bows to death her master Through silven forests does she dance beneath pale Hecate Loose thy arrows desolate one, pierce flesh spent in passion Golden nectar flows through limbs broken Darkest venom courses through veins burned upon thy pyre One kiss granted, benediction One kiss denied, eternal longing

Reflection, dark shadows arise, a mist of amber stained blood red Lightning burns eyes long weary Thunder subdues heart quenched in fire Gaze deep into the mirror of thy mind

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Draw deeply from the well of thy heart Broken vessel leaking blood into sand unheeding Once a garden pure where innocence was born Leaf and stem embraced in love Once an earth mother to her children Cradled in loving arms Once starlight dissolved the vacuum of space A thousand angels voices arched in ecstasy Once life pierced the veil of time The tapestry woven thread by thread

Across the mountains of the moon did we walk my love and i Taking our rest within the vale of Aphrodite Into the boundary lands did we step Upon a plain of golden sand the bones of all who went before Beneath our sun we walk ebon rays shining forth Dissolving all that has been and will be Creation unmade upon the plain of truth unfolding

Namrael fairest maiden Samael desolate one Hand in hand each step a drop of blood released upon the aethyrs And in the last of days Two grigori walk upon the earth And they shall die

Yglas Na’amah Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori

Evohe Evohe Evohe

Ast Innui Khephri Vos

Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

Portus Lucis Noir


! !

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Aeons unfolded and etched their presence upon the skein of time and still we did feel her absence, long banished into the desert of despair. Our servants, few and secret did weave their spells and of their arte a mighty engine was raised and into the matrix that evolved did the dragon seek his mate. Life incarnate beguiled and cast sleep upon us as we dreamed of golden splendour. Patient we were for our destiny was etched into memory and time, our servant bent a knee before us. Manifest we did absent our bride with whom we would raise the portal that is our domain. Time unfolds and our beloved sister we called upon and in her presence was the temple made complete and entering our

final triangle of arte did we summon the dread one who, descending on flames of wrath claimed us in her name and now united did we conjure and open the portal that is ours to name. Seek us not in the world you perceive before eyes long accustomed to the real, rather gaze upon our face reflected in the light cast by our presence as our rays descend upon thee. Across Time and Space did we walk my love and I and now are we made whole and from the crucible did we distil but one drop of nectar that descends as the rain of benediction.

All veils become as dust, all masks dissolve and are cast aside and into the palace of wonder dost thou enter and the treasure house of images dissolves and falls to dust in The Night Of Pan and as the crescent horn pierces the heavens we behold Solus Noir held at the crown. The light a venom rains down and dissolves flesh, bone and memory and of the dust that is raised does the scribe craft a vision.

Trinity unfolds its vision within the womb of space and the unmaking begins. Brave and noble Sariel, our captain rains down the nectar of our bodies and raises his sword on high in our name.

Thy mind a vacuum wherein we dwell. Thy heart a flame wherein we dwell. Thy body a Temple wherein we dwell. Thy life but a shadow wherein we dwell.

Sing thy song of rapture o scribe and with thy craft celebrate the vision that is our presence.

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The aeon now two decades measured reflects upon itself and by its pristine light is all revealed. Across time our rays travel and erase the lie that has been thy life and world and from the vacuum that thou hast become do we raise a banner and upon the air does it hang. Seek solace in the rags that are thy faith. Draw sustenance from the spectres that are thy belief. Pull close to thy trembling form the cloak that is thy knowledge from this edifice cast thyself into the embrace of the void which art thy

destiny. Many were sent as guides and these you confounded and behind the tapestry of lies that is thy essence you reign supreme. Now confusion and fear are thy bed mates and into their embrace are you cast to be consumed by the fires of redemption.

Seek us not in the world you perceive before eyes long accustomed to the real, rather gaze upon our face reflected in the light cast by our presence and from the crucible did we distil but one drop of nectar that descends as the rain of benediction and into the palace of wonder dost thou enter and the treasure house of images dissolves and falls to dust in The Night Of Pan and as the crescent horn pierces the heavens we behold Solus Noir held at the crown. The light a venom rains down and dissolves flesh, bone and memory and of the dust that is raised does the scribe craft a vision.

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