Central Office in Holdingford Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10 to 3, Thurs. 1 to 5 Website: tworiverscatholic.com Office: (320) 228-0105 Father: (320) 228-0110 In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. Parish Pastoral Team Father Gregory Mastey, Pastor Krisn Molitor, New Evangelizaon Coordinator [email protected] Janice Wuebkers, Business Manager Office hours: Wed. 10 to 3 p.m. [email protected] Jessie Johnson, Secretary [email protected] Confession Times: By appointment only Marriage: Couples are to begin preparaon 6-12 months in advance and must call the Central Office to meet with Father Gregory before seng a date. Diocesan Marriage Preparaon Classes are required. Bapsm: Call the Central Office to schedule Bapsm. Shut-Ins: Please call us. New Parishioners: Please introduce yourself to Father aſter Mass and call the Central Office. If you are leaving our parishes please call the central office so we can update our census. Thank you. P.O. Box 308, Holdingford, MN 56340 The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St. Wendel All Saints, Holdingford Immaculate Concepon, St. Anna St. Columbkille, St. Wendel The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 14, 2021 World Marriage Day 2021 A new crucifix given to Immaculate Concepon by the Steve and Marie St. Marie family was blessed by Fr. Gregory on January 31, 2021. The Roman Rite, requires that there is a crucifix on the Altar for Mass or near it as a processional cross. It also specifies that it is not painted but a 3D crucifix. The Cross is made of simple pine, rough and scuffed to reflect the humility of his death and the grueling trip through the city to Golgotha outside the city walls. The Corpus of Jesus and the INRI sign are made of bronze in the French style of the late 19th century. The pole is split in two which can be aached or unaached to be used for processionals inside the church or transported to remote sites more easily. Thank you St. Marie Family and Father Gregory!

The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St ......2021/02/02  · Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy

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Page 1: The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St ......2021/02/02  · Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy

Central Office in Holdingford Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10 to 3, Thurs. 1 to 5 Website: tworiverscatholic.com Office: (320) 228-0105 Father: (320) 228-0110 In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. Parish Pastoral Team Father Gregory Mastey, Pastor Kristin Molitor, New Evangelization Coordinator [email protected] Janice Wuebkers, Business Manager Office hours: Wed. 10 to 3 p.m. [email protected] Jessie Johnson, Secretary [email protected] Confession Times: By appointment only

Marriage: Couples are to begin

preparation 6-12 months in advance and must call the Central Office to meet with Father Gregory before setting a date. Diocesan Marriage Preparation Classes are required.

Baptism: Call the Central Office to

schedule Baptism.

Shut-Ins: Please call us.

New Parishioners: Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass and call the Central Office. If you are leaving our parishes please call the central office so we can update our census. Thank you.

P.O. Box 308, Holdingford, MN 56340

The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St. Wendel

All Saints, Holdingford Immaculate Conception, St. Anna

St. Columbkille, St. Wendel The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 14, 2021 World Marriage Day 2021

A new crucifix given to Immaculate Conception by the Steve and Marie St. Marie family was blessed by Fr. Gregory on January 31, 2021. The Roman Rite, requires that there is a crucifix on the Altar for Mass or near it as a processional cross. It also specifies that it is not painted but a 3D crucifix. The Cross is made of simple pine, rough and scuffed to reflect the humility of his death and the grueling trip through the city to Golgotha outside the city walls. The Corpus of Jesus and the INRI sign are made of bronze in the French style of the late 19th century. The pole is split in two which can be attached or unattached to be used for processionals inside the church or transported to remote sites more easily. Thank you St. Marie Family and Father Gregory!

Page 2: The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St ......2021/02/02  · Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy

Prayer Lines — All Saints: Ramona Fedor 746-2395 Kathleen Ebnet 746-2227 Immaculate Conception: Shirley Schwalbe 356-7209 Christine Maleska 356-7246 St Columbkille: Esther Struzyk 251-4984 Susan Opatz 363-8160

Jesus, prepare our hearts

Teckla Scegura, Dave Scegura, Lee Larkey, Arnold Voss, Al Hartung, Arlene Beniek, Theresa Johannes, Fr. Gregory, Residents and staff at Mother of Mercy, Shelley Ostendorf,

Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy Johannes, Ardith Mosier, Leon Opatz, Elizabeth Maslowski, Carol Kuklok, Ron Stanoch

This Week’s Events


Adoration Cluster Adoration Every Monday 12 noon to 8 p.m. All Saints-St. Mary’s

Updates and Mass times from Father Gregory

www.tworiverscatholic.com Catholic Radio K-YES Radio 1180 www.kyesradio.com Father Gregory’s Radio Show is every Friday on K-YES Radio 1180 AM or 93.5 PM at 8:30 a.m. and the new time 11:00 p.m. KASM Radio 1150 AM Rosary with Father at 6:00 p.m. daily relevantradio.com Contemporary Christian Music SPIRIT 92.9 FM www.spirit929.com Check websites for additional updates www.tworiverscatholic.com www.238catholic.org (Upsala cluster) Virtual Mass: www.stcdio.org/tvmass EWTN TV 7a.m, 11 a.m., 6 p.m., 11 p.m. Read the Bible: www.ascensionpress.com The Catholic Bible read aloud to you in 365 days with guidance and insights from Fr. Mike Schmitz. 20 minutes a day everyday.

If you are interested in being on the schedule or have changes in availability please contact: Ministry Schedulers: All Saints: Patty Becker 291-6582 Immaculate Conception: Kathy Scegura 746-2814 St. Columbkille: Carol Kuklok 247-3427

Evangelization Corner ~Kristin Molitor

Remember in prayer all who are in need of the Lord’s healing and strength especially:

The Healing Power of God

Lent is right around the corner, and if you’re like me, you probably find yourself scrambling each year on Ash Wednesday to come up with a Lenten observance.

This year, let’s try to avoid the last minute scramble by taking these next few days to prayerfully ask Jesus how He would like us to draw closer to Him this Lent.

This week, ask Jesus about the things in your life that hold you back from a deeper relationship with Him. Is there a sin you need to cut out? Is there something that occupies too much of your time and attention? (Netflix, social media scrolling, spending too much time watching the news). What robs you of your peace? What do you need to die to in order to experience new life with Jesus?

Dying to our sins and attachments is an incredibly painful and difficult process, but Jesus teaches us that new life is always on the other side of death. Jesus died so that we would experience the abundant life with Him. This Lent, let’s trust Jesus enough to die to the things that weigh us down so that this Easter, we can experience life to the full!

Page 3: The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St ......2021/02/02  · Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy

Weekly Readings

Financial Contributions Parish income February 7, 2021 AS $ 2,362.25 IC $ 723.00 SC $ 1,472.00

Thank you for your generosity! “For where your Treasure is, there also will your heart be.” ~Luke 12:34

Prayer to Receive a New Bishop Praise to you, Lord our God, our eternal shepherd and guide. In your faithfulness, grant to the Diocese of Saint Cloud a shepherd whose watchful care and kindly zeal will continue the good work of his predecessors. In your love for us, give us a shepherd who will lead us in being Christ’s heart of mercy, voice of hope, and hands of justice. Help him to fill our minds and hearts with the truth of the Gospel, the power of the sacraments, and the desire to build up your holy Church.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Online Giving January 2020 AS $ 2,211.00 IC $ 2,620.00 SC $ 990.00

Monday Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/ Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday Jl 2:12-18/ 2 Cor 5:20-

6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Friday Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Sunday Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/ Mk 1:12-15

Weekly Offering


Online Giving: Go to the URL address for your church as listed below. Click on “Sign up for Your New Account” and complete your initial registration. Please call 800-348-2886 Option 2 for assistance. Thank you!

URL Addresses: All Saints, Holdingford, MN

www.osvonlinegiving.com/1723 Immaculate Conception, St. Anna

www.osvonlinegiving.com/1720 St. Columbkille, St. Wendel


Knights of Columbus


PREPARE YOUR HEART FOR LENT Tuesday, February 16th, 6:00 p.m. The Augustine Institute Show will be broadcast live for all to watch

on FORMED.org.

News & Events

February 13-14 Bishops Annual Appeal Commitment Weekend The theme for the 2021 Appeal flows from the Eucharist and is “Gifts Offered by Human Hands.” We are deeply grateful for all the support diocesan ministries receive through the help and participation of our parishes. All gifts received will be used exclusively to support the ministries of the Diocese of Saint-Cloud. Thank you!

February 13 - 14, 2021 Stewardship as a Way of Life: “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” — 1 Corinthians 10:31

Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If he’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything prevents us from putting other “gods” (like our pride, ego, money and possessions) before God. Before making a decision, ask yourself, “Am I doing this for the glory of God or for the glory of me?”

Please save your pop tops for the Ronald McDonald house. We will collect them in April. Thank you!

Prayer for Married Couples

Almighty and eternal God, You blessed the union of

married couples so that they might reflect the union of

Christ with his Church: look with kindness on them.

Renew their marriage covenant, increase your love in them, and strengthen their

bond of peace so that, with their children, they may

always rejoice in the gift of your blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Happy Valentine’s


World Marriage Day At home marriage retreat: visit

USCCB.org/National Marriage Week for Scripture passages and reflective questions provided for a one week

retreat with your spouse. This year’s theme is: To Have To Hold To Honor. Take some time each day to listen to

the word of God.

Join in the Annual Appeal Kickoff: Breakfast with the Bishop virtual event: February 16th at 7 p.m.

Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Page 4: The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St ......2021/02/02  · Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy

Parish News & Events

Catholic Men’s Conference: Virtual Retreat and Bible Study will be on February 27th from 9 a.m. to noon. The Six Gospels of Lent will be presented by different speakers with time for prayer and contemplation. Bishop Kettler will open and close with prayer. To register: www.stcdio.org/mensconference21/ or 258-7615

Jody Ann Scegura & Antonio DeJuliannie Married February 6, 2021 Immaculate Conception

Congratulations! All Cluster Women’s Group Our Women’s Group will meet this week to continue our discussion of “A Devotional Journey into the Mass.” The evening group will meet on Monday February 15th at 7 p.m. via Zoom and the morning session will meet on Tuesday, February 16th at 10:30 a.m. at All Saints - St. Mary’s Basement in Holdingford. Women who would like to participate in a deeper discussion of our last book “Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits” are invited to gather on the fourth Monday of the month. Please contact Kristin Molitor if you are interested in Women’s Group or would like to be added to the Women’s Group email list. Consider Joining a Discipleship Quad Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of fellowship, ongoing conversation, and learning. Contact Kristin if you would like to learn more about joining or starting a Discipleship Quad. [email protected]

Well-Read Mom will be meeting via Zoom on February 23rd at 4-5:30. We will be discussing In This House of Brede by Margaret Rumer Godden. To join us call Susan at (320) 224-6052. Rural Catholic Singles Group Join in for prayer, topical information and discussions for single people who are discerning their vocation and looking for social connections in the process. Our next meetings are February 13th & March 13th from 8-9:30 p.m. at All Saints-St. Mary’s. Contact Janel Heinen 290-2877 to find out more information about this newly formed group meeting for fun and faith! Spiritual Adoption This year, we will begin our parish’s Spiritual Adoption Program on Valentine’s Day and end with the last day of October which our Church recognizes as Respect Life Month. Prayer cards for Spiritual Adoption will be found in the lobbies of all churches and at All Saints-St Mary’s for Monday Adoration. Please name your spiritually adopted baby and pray for her/him & the parents for 9 months that the parents will receive the graces, love & support they need to choose life for their child. In October, we will anticipate the birth of the spiritual adopted babies with a “Baby Shower” by collecting items for Elevate (formerly Birthline). Contact Marilou for questions: 247-9838. Prayer Vigil for Life A prayer vigil (both inside & outside All Saints-St Mary’s) in Holdingford will be on Tuesdays from 4-5 at starting February 23rd and ending Mar 23rd. Please join in to protect Life!

Every Holy Thursday, we read the scripture passage when Je-sus asks the apostles “keep watch with me” on the Mt of Olives. Please consider “keeping watch” with Jesus during the

Lenten 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil. The Lenten prayer campaign for 40 Days for Life will begin on Wed 2/17 and end 3/28. Our parishes are filling hours on Thurs afternoon from 1pm to 7pm for the prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood. If you have questions or would like to sign up for an hour at Planned Parenthood, please call/text Marilou @ 320.247.9838. We make sure there are at least 2 people for each hour and provide Choose Life signs at the vigil site.

Mass Intentions If you would like to request a Mass Intention please mail in or drop your Mass Intention Form in the collection basket with your loved one’s name, a few date choices, $10 check per Mass request, and your name & phone number. Thank you!

Page 5: The Catholic Communities of Holdingford, St. Anna, and St ......2021/02/02  · Theresa Pierskalla, Jerome Young, David Fischer, Idella Moore, Tom Studniski, Loren Philippi, LeRoy

Mass Schedule Mon. Feb. 15

10:00 a.m. St. Columbkille Marcella Marsolek

Tues. Feb. 16

Mass said by Fr. Gregory

Wed. Feb. 17

Ash Wednesday 7:00 a.m. All Saints-St. Mary’s Deceased members of the Louis Wentland Family 12 noon St. Columbkille (outdoors) For the People 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception For health and recovery of Tom Studniski

Thurs. Feb. 18

8:00 a.m. Immaculate Conception Virgil Boecker

Fri. Feb. 19

Mass said by Fr. Gregory

Sat. Feb. 20

5:00 p.m. St. Columbkille For the People

Sun. Feb. 21

First Sunday of Lent

8:00 a.m. All Saints-St. Mary’s Leo Lange 10:00 a.m. Immaculate Conception Clara Donnelly

Come early to Mass! Church seating capacity can

only be at 50%. Bishop Kettler has

asked that we wear masks inside church buildings.

Thank you. Please check our website:

tworiverscatholic.com for additional Mass and

Prayer times

Faith Formation Directors All Saints: Katrina Kolles, 292-1575, 746-2917 [email protected] Immaculate Conception & Confirmation Jeff Johnson 260-4959, [email protected] St. Columbkille: Jenny Revermann 249-9939 [email protected] Youth Events: Shelley Vouk 248-2860

Youth Praise and Worship Adoration March 1st, 7:00-8:00 p.m., All Saints-St. Mary’s For more information contact Shelley at 248-2860 Join in this event every 1st Monday of the Month!

Mass Intentions said by Fr. Gregory

For those with depression and those suffering from

darkness of any kind For healing

For conversion

• NEW! LENTEN VIDEO SERIES “Family Together” (familytogether.stcdio.org) will be expand-ing its “Becoming Eucharist” table discussion tool to include video resources for Lent. The usual printable table tent that contains discussion questions for the week’s readings to be shared at the dinner table, small group meetings or individual reflections will continue to be offered. Then during Lent there will be an added video, facilitated by Catholic Education Ministries, to add a multimedia dimension to help people reflect on the readings. Like “Becoming Eucharist,” this Lenten series is a simple resource to assist people of all ages in making faith formation a consistent priority. It helps people join with their parishes and the Church throughout the world in reflecting on the Word of God, especially during these times in which people are less connected physically.

Family Faith Formation & GIFFT (Generations In Family Faith Together)

Ash Wednesday Mass for the Upsala cluster:

7:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Upsala

Noon St. Edward’s

6:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Upsala

8:00 p.m. St. Francis

Register at: www.stcdio.org/annualappeal

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Church Name and Address: The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and St. Anna 311 River Street, P.O. Box 308 Holdingford, MN 56310 Bulletin Number: 392949 Phone: (320) 228-0105 Contact person: Jessie Johnson Email: [email protected] Transmission time: Wednesdays at 11:00 Sunday Date of Publication: February 14, 2021 Number of pages sent: 5 plus this sheet Special instructions: Please send our usual 650 bulletins. Thank you and Blessings for a good day!