The CEJ Fall 2014 The Extraoral Journal A Colorado ASDA Publication Elizabeth Warren’s Bold New Plan The student loan debate rages on in the halls of congress. But like many political controversies, the end is nowhere in sight. One student weighs in. Page 3 In This Issue Page 1 Colorado Expands Medicaid Dental Benefit Page 2 A Letter from the Editor Page 3 Elizabeth Warren and the Government of Disagreements Page 4 Practice Spotlight: Klekamp Family Dentistry Page 5 A letter from Colorado ASDA President, Christian Piers The Affordable Care Act has extended states the option to increase Medicaid eligibility to any adult under 133% of the federal poverty level, and Colorado legislators have chosen to follow suit. The state has also added increased dental benefits for an estimated 844,000 people (by 2016). In April, the dental benefit was expanded to include preventative, diagnostic, and basic restorative procedures. Page 6 Upcoming Events

The CEJ (Vol. 1, Issue 1)

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The Colorado Extraoral Joural: Dentistry Outside the Mouth. In this issue: -Colorado Expands Medicaid Dental Benefit -A Letter from the Editor -Elizabeth Warren and the Government of Disagreements -A letter from Colorado ASDA President, Christian Piers -Practice Spotlight: Klekamp Family Dentistry -Upcoming Events

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Page 1: The CEJ (Vol. 1, Issue 1)

The CEJ Fall 2014

The Extraoral Journal

A Colorado ASDA Publication

Elizabeth Warren’s Bold New Plan The student loan debate rages on in the halls of congress. But like many political controversies, the end is nowhere in sight. One student weighs in.

Page 3

In This Issue

Page 1 Colorado Expands Medicaid Dental Benefit

Page 2 A Letter from the Editor

Page 3 Elizabeth Warren and the Government of Disagreements

Page 4

Practice Spotlight: Klekamp Family Dentistry

Page 5

A letter from Colorado ASDA President, Christian Piers

The Affordable Care Act has extended states the option to increase Medicaid eligibility to any adult under 133% of the federal poverty level, and Colorado legislators have chosen to follow suit. The state has also added increased dental benefits for an estimated 844,000 people (by 2016).

In April, the dental benefit was expanded to include preventative, diagnostic, and basic restorative procedures.

Page 6 Upcoming Events

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The CEJ Fall 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, Doctors and Future Doctors,

Welcome, one and all, to the first of what I hope are many issues of Colorado ASDA’s Extraoral Journal. With an anticipated release of three issues per year, this will be your go-to spot for dental-related happenings, both within ASDA and without.

The astute reader will have picked up on an overarching theme in this issue. That theme, of course, is me. This indicates one of two things. Either I have an ego large enough to fill any room, or I wrote all the articles due to a lack of willing subordinates authors.

In all seriousness, I hope this issue will give some of you the impetus to get involved in Colorado ASDA by writing for the CEJ. The range of topics is enormous, and I’ve tried to write a broad range of pieces for this inaugural issue to demonstrate the breadth available to you.

This is also a golden opportunity to get involved on the ground floor, so to speak. With no template, our options are limitless. Onward and upward! (If nothing else, publication credits look great on a resumé!)

So get involved. Write for the CEJ. Become pseudo-famous. See you in the pages.


Rick Collette

Rick Collette, ‘17 Colorado ASDA Editor-in-Chief

[email protected]

Rick graduated from the University of Colorado at Denver in 2007 with

a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He spent six years working in

medicine, which ultimately aided in his decision to pursue dentistry. In

his free time…just kidding; he’s a dental student.

Be on the lookout for my article about CU-SODM’s commencement ceremony in Volume 18, Issue 6 of Metro Denver Dental Society’s Articulator Magazine.

Also be sure to read Christian Piers’ article in Volume 18, Issue 5 on the life of military dental students.

Available online at:


Above: Dr. Brad Potter delivers an address to the graduates at the 2014 University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine commencement


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The CEJ Fall 2014


In the political landscape of this country, we now have a proud tradition when it comes to passing bills. It goes like this. One party suggests a bill, and the other party says “no.” Not because it’s a bad bill, but more because the opposite party put it forward.

During the Obama administration, “the party of no” has been the GOP. However, it’s worth noting that the democrats played a strikingly similar role during Bush’s reign. They both stop bills in their tracks on general principle. Part of me wonders if they even read the bills before saying yes or no. Maybe the parties print their bills on red or blue paper to make the representatives’ jobs easier. I can see it now. “Ah, blue bill. Straight in the shredder you go.”

I kid, of course. Kind of. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s bill is the most

recent victim of this tradition. The bill would allow holders of older student loans (an estimated 25 million people) an opportunity to refinance at current—read: lower—rates. It would pay for this by closing loopholes in current tax law, inevitably forcing the top portion of earners to pay more taxes.

This bill would have been a boon to an entire generation of college graduates. But it also would have hurt the top 1%. Republican

“We’re not giving up.” -Elizabeth Warren


supporters say this bill would be the equivalent of knocking on your richest neighbor’s door and asking them to pay your student loan bills. Of course, this argument is a complete misrepresentation, but the trouble is, the same could be said of most political debates.

Part of me—the cynical part—wonders if Senator Warren’s bill is just a political maneuver in an attempt to garner support for her next campaign. Warren is quoted during a press conference just after the bill was blocked as saying, “We’re not giving up.” She then reprimanded Republicans for blocking the bill. I can practically see her winking conspiratorially at her democratic constituents.

The job of politicians seems to have devolved into campaigning to get elected. Have we really reached a place where bills that could help the people of this country have become nothing more than campaign talking points? How do we end this cycle?

The solution lies—and I know this sounds unbelievable—in collaboration and compromise. “Reaching across the aisle”, as those in congress call it. But in today’s Washington where those who reach across the aisle are shredded as quickly as those red and blue colored bills, that may be a wishful thinking.

Photos from Associated Press

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The CEJ Fall 2014


Dear fellow ASDA members,

Welcome back to school—and to the Class of 2018, welcome to the University of Colorado! You’ve chosen the school with the best access to the best things in

the country—mountains, skyscrapers, blue skies and wilderness—and you’ll get a first-rate education to boot. For everything that falls in between, Colorado ASDA is here to make this the best chapter of your life. (OK, we provide study resources and an annual ski trip, too.)

This has been a year of firsts for Colorado ASDA. In January 2014, we won the Most Improved Chapter award for District 9, and in March, our former Vice President, Dr. Josh Nardone ’14, won the first national Gold Crown Award our chapter has won since 2006. (His article in Mouth magazine, “Fighting Cancer in Dental School,” won Best Feature Article.) This year we put on our first annual Dodgeball Tournament and hosted our first annual Summer Pre-dental Academy, an 8-week course introducing pre-health students to dentistry, where all lecture and lab sessions were taught by Colorado ASDA members. We also held our first annual Thrush Week to introduce DS1’s to Colorado ASDA, and this culminated in our first Amalgames, where Connor Schwarzinger ’17, Ross Roggow ’16, Taylor Baird, ’16, and Vincenzo Artino ’16 became the first to have their names engraved on the Cup of Carabelli.

We were also the first chapter in the country to donate to the ALS Association and complete the ice bucket challenge, and now ASDA chapters across the country are responding to our challenge and donating. (Thanks to our


Dean, Dr. Samantha Moreno, for joining us!) This is the inaugural year for our blog, the Colorado Quickset, run by our electronic editor, Ali Lindauer ’17, and the first time our newsletter (formerly known as “The Spit”), has been published in years. (Thanks to Editor-in-chief, Rick Collette ’17!) This is also the first year our Anterior Guidance Committee, chaired by Nikki Kumor ’17, has worked to guide DS1’s through their first year of dental school, and right now we’re gearing up for Shimstock—our first annual talent, dance and music festival. (See the ad on page 6.) Think about what you could bring to the table for this event—we’re in need of student, faculty, and staff performers! Check your University emails for details on signing up.

This is also the first year we’re using ASDA “Diamonds”—a points system that tracks your participation in chapter events, including community outreach, lunch and learns, Thrush Week, Shimstock, and more. At the end of the semester, the non-executive board member with the most ASDA diamonds will win a free trip to a national ASDA conference!

Finally, Colorado ASDA is about you. We’re putting in this work because we really believe dental school can be the best chapter of your life. If you have any ideas for making it better, please let us know. We’re looking forward to another great year of firsts with you.


Christian Piers, ‘16


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And as of July 1, this coverage now includes endodontic therapy, crowns, SRP, and even has a provision for dentures. The coverage is on par with much of the private sector, with a $1,000 annual maximum.

The total cost of the new programs is projected to be $33 million. For reference, the overall Colorado Medicaid budget is around $5 billion. $33 million is no small amount, but some of the cost will likely be defrayed by less dental emergency spending. Previously, Medicaid enrollees had to wait for their dental problems to become full-blown emergencies, and only then be seen in either an ER or acute care clinic. Now they’ll be able to seek care before their teeth become painful and more expensive problems, saving themselves discomfort and the system money.

This coverage will undoubtedly prove a boon to many patients of the CU-SODM, and hopefully allow many patients to get the care they require. As students, this can only help us, as our patients will now have one less obstacle standing between them and the quality care that we all strive to provide.

Here’s to choosing a great profession.

Practice Spotlight Klekamp Family Dentistry

Many readers of this publication undoubtedly know Chris Klekamp, a third year dental student. But many people may not know that his father is a practicing dentist right here in Denver.

Dr. Klekamp’s is the definition of a small, close-knit practice. He employs just one hygienist, one assistant, and two office staff. This practice is truly an example of how you can run a successful practice, no matter what your size goals may be.

Everyone in the office is fantastically kind, and really goes out of their way to make you feel welcome. What’s more, once he finds out you’re a dental student, Dr. Klekamp will take a ton of his valuable time to talk with you as a (future) colleague.

You’re involved in your treatment all the way through, and you won’t leave without learning something valuable about the practice of dentistry.

It should be noted that neither Chris nor Dr. Klekamp asked for this spotlight, but after my own experience as his patient, I felt it was more than worth the effort.

-Rick Collette, ‘17

David Klekamp, DDS and staff

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The CEJ Fall 2014

September 20th

September 30th

October 4th and 5th

5th Gear Kids kickoff event at Denver Arts and Science museum

Colorado ASDA presents: Shimstock talent show

Colorado Mission of Mercy in Henderson, CO

Vendor Fair September 24th

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The CEJ Fall 2014

DS1? New scrubs got you feeling blue? If you are a DS1 and feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of tackling dental school, we have a solution for you. Colorado ASDA’s Guide to Your Inaugural Year as Dentists-to-be is your go-to resource for all things first year.

Don’t let Microanatomy get you down. Pick up the First Year Guide and use it to navigate your way through the maze of dental school classes.

Available wherever you access your email. ASDA’s First Year Guide.

Available now for the low price of free.

The Colorado Extraoral Journal University of Colorado-School of Dental Medicine

American Student Dental Association, Colorado Chapter

Want to write for us?

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