1 Advertisers support our school but be aware that advertisers or their products are not endorsed by the school a The Newsletter from Warners Bay Public School Email: [email protected] Phone: 49488129 Twitter: @WarnersBayPS K-6 Whole School Newsletter Event Class Activity Date Cost Note Note Home Due Date Year 6 Clap Out K-6 Friday 16 th December – 2:30pm Nil N Year 6 Farewell Yr 6 Tuesday 13 th December $25 N 4/11/16 Party Day K-6 Wednesday 14 th December $15 N 4/11/16 Year 6 Clap Out K-6 Friday 16th December – 2:30pm Nil N 2017 Swimming Carnival K-6 Thursday 9 th February 2017 $10 Y 25/10/16 4/11/16 School resumes for 2017 on Monday 30 th January for Yr1-6. Kindy begins on Thursday 2 nd February after Best Start Assess. Please Note: No Payment will be accepted after the due date unless prior arrangements are made with the office. **If you have not received a note for any activity, these are available from the office or the school website. All notes and money must be returned to the office chute in an envelope with your child’s name, class and activity. Principal’s Report As our year draws to a conclusion, I would like to publicly thank the many people who have contributed to make 2016 a great year at warners Bay Public School. Our last few weeks have been very busy, and I have spoken on many occasions to groups of parents and community members – and my message is always the same. Thank you for supporting us – it is only when we work together that we can make our great school even better! Student leaders On a final note, I would like to acknowledge the work of our wonderful student leaders for 2016: Captains: Jade Hunter, Christopher Hitchcock Vice Captains: Amy Tibbs, Jayson Mills Counsellors: Zoe Andrews, Elke Badior, Una Atilano, Hollie Finley Brody Page, Will Kennedy, Lukas Dzambo, Nathan Mitchell I would like to warmly thank them for their effort and commitment this year, and wish them all the very best for 2017. On the same note, I would like to congratulate our school leaders for 2017: Captains: Kate Tibbs, Max Holland Vice Captains: Lily Penhall, Ollie Roberts Counsellors: Maddison Farley, Haylee Brown, Ava Pearson, Tylah Bligh Joshua Gibson, Ethan Walsh, Caleb Simon-Saunders, Tiernan Mulhall We are excited to have you joining our school leadership team. The Chalkboard Term 4 Week 10 2016

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The Newsletter from Warners Bay Public School Email: [email protected] Phone: 49488129

Twitter: @WarnersBayPS

K-6 Whole School Newsletter Event Class Activity Date Cost Note Note Home Due Date

Year 6 Clap Out K-6 Friday 16th December – 2:30pm Nil N

Year 6 Farewell Yr 6 Tuesday 13th December $25 N 4/11/16

Party Day K-6 Wednesday 14th December $15 N 4/11/16

Year 6 Clap Out K-6 Friday 16th December – 2:30pm Nil N

2017 Swimming Carnival K-6 Thursday 9th February 2017 $10 Y 25/10/16 4/11/16

School resumes for 2017 on Monday 30th January for Yr1-6. Kindy begins on Thursday 2nd February after Best Start Assess.

Please Note: No Payment will be accepted after the due date unless prior arrangements are made with the office.

**If you have not received a note for any activity, these are available from the office or the school website.

All notes and money must be returned to the office chute in an envelope with your child’s name, class and activity.

Principal’s Report

As our year draws to a conclusion, I would like to publicly thank the many people who have contributed to make 2016

a great year at warners Bay Public School.

Our last few weeks have been very busy, and I have spoken on many occasions to groups of parents and community

members – and my message is always the same. Thank you for supporting us – it is only when we work together that

we can make our great school even better!

Student leaders

On a final note, I would like to acknowledge the work of our wonderful student leaders for 2016:

Captains: Jade Hunter, Christopher Hitchcock

Vice Captains: Amy Tibbs, Jayson Mills

Counsellors: Zoe Andrews, Elke Badior, Una Atilano, Hollie Finley

Brody Page, Will Kennedy, Lukas Dzambo, Nathan Mitchell

I would like to warmly thank them for their effort and commitment this year, and wish them all the very best for


On the same note, I would like to congratulate our school leaders for 2017:

Captains: Kate Tibbs, Max Holland

Vice Captains: Lily Penhall, Ollie Roberts

Counsellors: Maddison Farley, Haylee Brown, Ava Pearson, Tylah Bligh

Joshua Gibson, Ethan Walsh, Caleb Simon-Saunders, Tiernan Mulhall

We are excited to have you joining our school leadership team.

The Chalkboard

Term 4 Week 10 2016

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2017 Sports Captains

Congratulations to our House Captains and Vice Captains for 2017.

House Captain Vice-Captain Cormorants Brandyn Cruickshank & Lily McHarg Matthew Parmenter & Grace Thornton

Pelicans Lucas Horn & Jayla Leech-Garde Brayden Forster & Kirsten Arlitsch

Eagles Jack Stehayeff & Ruby Gray Zavier Fergusson & Rosie Pavitt

Seagulls Jett Tully & Mali Weller-Walsh Myles McCormack & Jorja Lee

Last days of school for 2016

Just a reminder that this Friday, 16th December 2016 is the last day for students to attend. OOSH is available on

the Monday and Tuesday at school (*see details in this newsletter) for those parents who may require support with

child care on these days.

2017 School dates:

Our school year starts next year on Friday 27th January for staff. Students from 1-6 begin on Monday 30th January

2017. Kinder students return after best start testing on Thursday 2nd February 2017.

On behalf of all the staff here at Warners Bay Public School, we wish you all the very best for a wonderful

Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. For those families who are leaving us, we wish you all the very best for

2017 and your future adventures. Thank you for being part of our school community.

Warm regards,

Sharon McFarlane

Kinder News

My goodness the year has flown and we would like to say thank you to all of the parents, careers and students for your help

this year and wish you all a safe and happy holiday.

Semester 2 Reports and Christmas Craft went home today. If you have not done so already please send in an Enviro Bag or

two for your child to bring home their Work Folder, books and art works.

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the Kinder Secret Santa. Please have your gift at school tomorrow

(Tuesday) as we will be opening our presents on Wednesday after our party lunch.

Party Day

On Wednesday, 14th December it will be our Christmas Party Day. This will be our end of year celebration and each child

will be asked to bring along a small plate of food. The children will have their recess at 9.15 before we go to the movies and

then our kinder party will begin at about 12.30 on our return to school. This will be a shared lunch and each child is asked to

bring along a small item of food to share. Be mindful that a little goes a long way and it is the third last day of school.

Please exclude any products with nuts, eggs and kiwi fruit, as we have children with allergies.

We are unable to keep any party food in the fridge for the day. They will also need their fruit break and drinks for the

day. (Please label the lid and base of any containers you wish to be returned).

On Friday afternoon all of the children are involved in our clap out of Year 6 up at the Primary COLA.

What’s happening in KB?

The best thing about Kindergarten is...

having Miss Blyth as a teacher and getting treasure box picks and playing with my friends. Ruby T.

is going to the canteen. Dante

having a lunch order and a chocolate milk and Miss Blyth. Joshua

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is playing soccer with Josh, Niall and Charlotte. Playing cricket with Nathan and Josh and doing

the pledge with Allyra and Miss Blyth is a good teacher. Malachi

is going to the canteen and playing on the fort and playing handball with Malachi. Sonny

is going to the canteen and having Miss Blyth. Lilly

is my teacher and Girls Dance. Ruby B.

is going to the canteen and I like Miss Blyth's hugs. Aleisha

KB Memories of 2016

Teddy Bears Picnic, Life Education, Easter Hat Parade, Grandparents Day, Beanie Day, Water Safety, Mini Olympics, Book

Week, League Clinic, Geography Display

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Thanks to Miss Bath for our Gymnastics Sessions

We wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas, and thank you for your support and encouragement this year.

Kind regards,

Kinder Teachers

Stage One News

It’s hard to believe this is the last week of school for 2016! The year has gone so quickly, but it has been wonderful

to see how much the children have grown and the amazing progress they have all made. We know how proud you must


This Wednesday we have our Party Day. It would be great if your children could be at school by 9am, as we would

like to have fruit break before we go to the movies. The buses will be leaving at 9.30am. The children are to wear

their full school uniform. We will leave the party food in the classrooms ready for when we return to school.

We hope you have a safe and happy holiday break.

The Stage One Team

What’s been happening in 2M?

2M have been busy doing Christmas Craft and writing letters to Santa. I was overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of

the class in their letters, and just had to share a few little snippets with you…

Dear Santa,

You bring joy to the hearts of everyone and everything.

You are the best!

You are the best of the best because you bring happiness to the world.

Are you having a nice day?

I hope you have a great Christmas.

I hope you have a good flight.

This Christmas, could we have peace in the world?

What I would like is for the poor to have a lot of money and the homeless to have a home.

When you get home, you make sure you have a good rest.

Just beautiful!

I wish you all a wonderful, relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing you again in 2017.

Best wishes,

Maxine Morton

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What a fantastic week for our wonderful Yr6 students. Firstly a

relaxing day a t Lambton Pool and then an amazing final

Presentation Day Assembly to remember forever!

On behalf of Ms Patrick, Ms Archer and Myself I want to say how

proud we are of all the Yr6 children.

The efforts and behaviour this year have been amazing. Best

wishes for the future.

Formal - Tuesday 13th - 6pm

Clap out – Friday afternoon – 2:30pm

Please see copy of note below as a reminder for Year 6 Farewell.

Stage Two News

It's the final countdown! Now that song is stuck in your head, isn't it? My apologies.

We in Stage 2 are busy organising our rooms and enjoying our last times together as a class. On behalf of the Stage

2 team, I would like to thank all the volunteers who have given their time and effort this year; it has not gone

unappreciated! I'm sure each teacher is feeling the bitter/sweet feeling that I am currently enduring, of being

saddened that the year and my time with these amazing children is ending, but so proud of all they have achieved.

Party Day

As a reminder, we will have having our Party Day this coming Wednesday at Speers Point Pool. Please ensure your

child is prepared and sun safe. I for one cannot wait to get out there and have some fun!

Thank you to the 4H parents and carers for all you have done this year to make our class great and experience some

truly wonderful moments. I have enjoyed this year immensely and look forward to hearing all the fabulous

adventures your children will embark on in the future.

Stage Three News

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WBPS Year 6 Farewell

When: Tuesday 13th December 2016

Venue: WBPS Hall (6 – 9pm)

6:00pm: Students to be dropped off and or accompanied by parents for drinks and

nibbles prior to dinner. (Good photo opportunity) Parents depart by 6.30.

6:30pm: Dinner served – catered for by Grinners. (Choice of meats, salads, potato,

bread roll and cold drinks – followed by ice-cream for dessert)

Year 6 students and supervising staff only from 6:30.


8:40pm Parents arrive to have the last dance with their child and for a whole group

photo opportunity under the balloon arch on the stage. Parents will be asked

to do the Barn Dance with their child, cutting of the cake and then escort

them home at around 9pm. Make sure you get your child to show you the

dance moves prior to the night….it’s very easy

(Students must be picked up by a parent or carer – no older siblings


Dress Code:

Boys – Collared shirt, long shorts or trousers with enclosed tidy shoes (NO


Girls - A dress or a skirt or long pants with a top (NO midriffs please).

Comfortable shoes for dancing (NO thongs or heals bigger than 4-5cm due to

accidents that may occur whilst dancing).

The type of clothing you would put your child in to take them to a nice

restaurant or a family celebratory dinner.

We look forward to a wonderful night of celebrations. See you at the party!

Ms Patrick Mr Batchelor Mrs Archer

Year 6 Teachers

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