_ _CHABLESTOff 17AILY NEWS....OECEMBER 6, 1865. DAILY NEWS. WKPXK8DAY MORNING, DECEMBER G, 1805." COMMERCIAL. Importa. QLÁ.CE BAY. C D..Dr bark Fijarleso.COO tons Coal, to A Gotty k Co. Exports. «RW YORK, VIA WILMINOTON-Sclir Robert Cold-,, w«>H .20 balos Upland Cotton. 3G1 bundle« Paper, 34 packages Furuiture" GO tons Sand BaUast, 5 bales "3*gglng. Till". CHARLESTON HAUKCT. Tuesdat, December 5. OOTTON..Wojiuvo no chango to report ii: our cotton market; wo thoroforo continue previous quotations, viz: «So. Ko 4fic. for middling, 47c. for strict middliug, und *Sc. for good middling. , New Voris ItlnrUets. MONEY MARKET. Th» Now York Herald of the 2d hist, reports that tho gold ma rkct WMinactive but utcody, and seven percent, wan paid for having coin carried. Tim ojiuiiuik prico »w Jl«, and the only variation WM an advaucu to líS'í, at which it stood at the clone of business. Foreigu es change was diUl. ¿Junkers' bills at Sixty days woro quoted at 109 <fi) ,'.'. an l 110'i at uliort sight. Oommor eUU bills continuo Bcsrcc, end in demandât 108 Th«í Now York Evoniug Tost of the 2d huit, mentions that tho loa n market is active, but well Huppltal at 7 "p cent. Commercial payer ia not offoriut! bo freely, au«l tho doraand is increasing. Of specie to day tho Not«- York takes out ?87,ii()0, and tho C\ -y of London none. Foreign Exchange Is firm but dull. Rills at CO days on London are quo tod at 108,'í(«in08JÍ for commercial; TWIW109 y for bankors' : do. at suort sight 110>,'@lio y ; Pari» at 00 layo, B.ttJt'QS.U.M!, do. at Bbert Bight, .l3!.,'<5>)0.ia^. PRODUCE MATIKET. V01UB.-Tho marlot lor State and Wertem flour ruled LnoaUvo, .and prlcca declined 0c.(<i>20c. on all brands ; but principally ou tho lower grades of unsound, tho Block of which was very heavy. Tho saleB were about 7000 bbl*. at our revised subjoined quotations, tlic market aletáAjj heavy at tho decline, southern Hour wns in moderate demand, but prices woro also in buyer's favor. The sales woro 4G0 bbls. Canada flour was dull and drooping, the market closing 5c.(¡pl0c. lower for aU grades. The Bales were conUued to 200 bbls. Rye dour w»a inactive. Com meal was steady, with further sales of 40Ö bbls. Brandywino at $4.50. Wo quoto:. Btujotbuis and Western Flour.$7 CD & 8 00 EsTra State. 8 25 0 8 40 Choice Stato. 8 45 D 8 00 CWniruon to medium extra Western ....... 8 Mm 8 50 - r»tra round hoop Ohio.8 80 9 00 wl*h*-¿: trade brands. 9 00 @i 10 75 e£m*«£n".,281 SS Bray and extra 6».10 10® 15 50 Common Canadian. 8 25 O 8 40 Tho inquiry for wheut was hmited, and prices do. dined fully lc. Tho sales were only 30,000 bushels, ai »2 tu tor new amber State, $1 82 for amber Milwaukee, XI 73 (rf> $175 for Milwaukoo club, ond SI 12 @ $1 75 foi Chicago spring. Thu com market wus also lcaa active, 4ad priocs were eomowhat, though not noticeably lower TV> talcs embraced 80,000 bushels, at 90c. © 9lc. f - un sound, and 95c. <&: 9Gc. for sound mixed Western. Thi transactions iu oats were to a very moderate estent, am pricoa ruled lower. Tho sales wcro at 48c. @ 53c. foi onroundL and COo. 0. O4o. for sound. Cotton..Receipts 2927 bales. Tho market continue« iSaU and prices ruled even more irregular, closing en ttrely nominal, with holders anxious to realize Th< «Ale« were about 2300 balcB, at our quotations, as fol Upland. Florida. Mobile. N. O.dM. Ordinary.37 »7 38 38 UiddUng.GO 5l 61 <Jood Middling....52 52 63 53 Cores»: was rather quiet; but prices were sustained ajtid thn market closed firm at our last quotatlous. Tb »retient stock couBists oi 35,6>.IC bags Rio, 4760 do. Cuba 'X& do. «lamaica, G30 do. Laguayra, 523 do. Maracaibc 213 do. Angostura, 200 do. Mexicuu, 10Ü do. African am 43 «lo. ¡iavaniUa. Total, 43,031 bags. Hay oontlnued in fairly activo demand at full pneof City balo sold at 7fic.(«83c, and shipping sold at C0c.<¡ «S6c, the market ehiHitigsloady. Nvvai. 8ie«8>.Wore without important chango i *ny deportment. Rosius, if anything, were rath« weaker, «trainedruUngJiao.®Sec, u buyer«' favor; othi qualities wcro nominaUy unchanged. Wo noto sales < 1300 hblH. common, per 280 pounds, part, if not an, i $7 AW do. strained at $7.37 }i@ 8, 400 bbls. No. 2 at S @U, 320 bbls. No. 1 at flS&lB, and about 400 bbl ¿>rlmo pole, including small lota Virginia, ut $19@2 *"*r wuH weaker and something lower, with Bales of bob«., including OU orondw. at Sl<"" 6. as hi quality; stoc large and Increasing. Fitch wan In alead? «ooj dw» at previous prices. Sales of about 400 bbls. at $7(# Spirits Turpentine were somewhat firmer, with sales OB« bbls. mostly at ILOSftLlO, the market closing tb.e latter rate. Crudo «lo. was in small demand at S3.! &Jfl per bbl. of 280 lbs. Bun..We noto salos of 30 tierces prime Cuolina li\e..(H13yc. Some common grados weru offered at 19,Hj 3Titbóut selling. Rangoon was held at Víc.f&V¡c}i. V ífiLTii of no eales. SaXiT..Eulk wus rather quiet, but pricoa were wit! ant mttoriol e&aoge. Suck was iu good jobbiug roque at full prices. We quote (stor«> rates) Ashton's S4.7 Kirsïiail'M $4, and Liverpool ground S2.a0(ji.f2.40. iargo Turk's Island, on bark lloUaud, comprising 111 i biihhels, sold ou private terms. Si.a.iK was firmer uudcr on improved domand, son bottlers asking au advance. The sales were 20o h lid Kartinlque, at 12.lj@13o.; 378 hhds. Porto Rico, at 12 f&lKc, and 50 hhds. Cuba muscovado, at 14c; also 23i boxea Havana, mostly averaging No. 10, part at 131.;. 114a., but mainly on ¡iri\ate terms. Roflned was slight ärmer, with a better demand..¿Veto l'ork Herald, snHant. WILMINGTON. December 1.C P. M..Business t Jsty has bien vory inactive, and but few trausactio: 'aAvn taken place. Oottom..We quote tho sale of a small lot of goi middling at i.V\ Stultts TtrapimriMK..No sales. Onrrnx Turpentine_Salos of 77 bbla. at $5.25. TCxtt.."We. quote sales of 100 bbla. at $3.15. Jîosm..No sales. TnuKn..Sales of 4 rafts good mill at $14@$tG, am! «Ut inferí or mill at $12 V> M. Paaieagers, 1*« steamship Quaker City, from New York.. S'eaeo, Mrs W Pease, Mïhh M E Peaso, M Freucb, 1 Ue«Tefl, H Redmond, L O Pratt, Jos PurceU, Capt Th FjiKÄwood, C K Huger, J C Egan, air Frask, Mr llosfoi ^lOiMackey, Mr Mlddhdon, A King, O «Jusdorff, Tli SToyer, i Lynch, O W Smith, W J Barn, R A OaU, F V -aäuatoD, 3 Orumko, T Cordes, J Hellen, F W Oteen a Ï children, Mr Neu fier, C H Higgins, Mrs Lopes, nui .sxA 3 children. Miss Fannle L Cook, Miss Latinio i?r*U, Mr Cottinel and family, Mrs Willing ton, Alex Vcwmin, S 8 Sherwood, Oeo R Cathcart and wlfo, 1 -oad Mrs Chas Durfco, Mr and Mrs Jas Donagkue, a txlters in tho steerage. Consignees per Nortltcaatern Rallrontl, December 'i, 1 und 3. 243 bales Upland Cotton, 250 bbls Naval Stores, c ÏTLrniturc, Lumber, pieces of Ordnance, baka Wo Orain. itc. To LE Thomas, OiJi van, OuUlard Í: .' iWtt, Dukes it Co. T Street, J H Raggett k Co, 1) Oilla .SThomas, O W.Williams A Co, Marshall, Utuch k ( a Q Pinckney, Fuss k Mlntz, H W TlRon', 8 Howard if Itodgero k Co, Oraeser k Smith, Colcock, McCallo' JMWltiy, MowTy A: Co, JiiJD Kirkpatrick, T C Gallic« »f n. All ston, Hart k Co. POUT CALENDAR. COnnECTKH WKKULY. nisr.s. i sr/w. moon l mo «r.iB. WAT «IIAfrKS Of TUE MOON. -, 3Tuil K. 3d, lb. 'i&m. even. INew AT. 17th,llh. 2»a.mi .S«i Q. 9th, Ch. 42m. ovea. jFiwl Q. 25th, 71i. Onv mo %'~~."" t; Vlondny.... I'tiieadny.... t'-j Wednesday. 5'rUursday .. iSÍFriday. S.jSijairilay ... n..4rt 0..40 G..(M) C..50 o..r>i 0..D2 0..53 4.. 53 4..62 4...VJ 4..52 4..53 .4..T.3 4..53 7..11 8..12 'J..13 10..11 11.. 'J Mori). 0.. C I 1. »..4 D..S IN..! 10..i 11. .4 0..Í ... MARINE. NBW^, »? o iinTTrè^iïïrAiîïru s~toñt AralvcU Yesici«lny. ijje _atuarashlp Quaker City, Wait, New York.left 8at xay- Van, Xo llavencl k Co. Adama Express Co, *rw*tI«'"g Ai Co, llavndtu Expros.i Co, Adams, i'roi Ç-», O D Ahrens, Austin k Alb^e, Abele. Myors k Ce -X Aiuiuc, AlU:cn. Noyes k .Inbubton, C II Wright. H íí*~,,;.A,lS,U)B k Dmboij. h »lachorr & Co, w r tars i"» 1 * T O Hudd. M UcriiUtlm, T W Oreen, R M 5 «ííir Ü« »if 2°» «'barlostou Hotel, O W Whlldcn, msSiXSt' n,H "J1",?*1,1* & Co« «»rukmoyer k Moffult, Hriatol B¿tefc.V*»f.*-niach..ff,BU^l Bros, T * S i Siíní nLJ-'^UUHon' A WHUwgeB, W M Ihr -kTit^Ar^^'^e^V^' >VJ Bennett. Qu «Înai S?^' T ,Cro.lgl T,">«»"'y * Co, Mrs Tanl ?a. Jie^' 7 Hulzbachor, W Unrnoy, t'uhu, Krib ¿Oa. J A «3«Dok k Co, EL, Culdwcll, (,co 8 Cook J < CUuseou, 1 Commlns. Camerou. Jia\iley & Co T¿r J (^>«grovo. H Cobla k Co, Clark fc Umber aw SS Cahill ft Co T W Covdox.. I. C¿S%m W»% -»berg k Co. W Young, D ft J Cantcrf"wes ¿rake Dovorcaux. Hopaoa k Sntpheo, Orady k Kcrpuaon. C Q Duckcr, Deyheu A Bnkor, O UaviH k Co, Howo, Douciu k Co, J A F PnwBon, F II Duc, K L DcirJiig A- Co. 3 li Duval k Ron, B Doschcr, L Davis. It Dougls« A Co. A W Eckell, W H Easterby, F Eolebnan, Mr» Flerclng, Porbcn A Oillnian, I> V firming k Co, Fraser k 1V1I. Frost k Co, C H Franke. LOanibrill. H OordtH A Co, J J Qmn. .1 Orovor, JAD Oretzoii, H «Hllihuid. It C Oi'lain,' O W k Co. W flurncy, A Uctty ft. Co, II Harria, Uiltôu ACo, Uunt Drop, Von Holten, Tiiinacn A Co, F Honey, ilur- hamp k Co, W Mancher A Co, H I) Harrison, Sr. A H> Haydcn, H Harbors, Hort A Co, Harn k Sher^airnnir,. J Hilton, JctiiilituH, Thomllnaon ACo, II Jager, I W IIk- Co, Johnsons k Whiting, A II Isaacs, Ü A C Jolnwon, A' Rung, King A Goodricb. Kenneth, McLca A Co, J KIn_r A Co, H Klatto & Co, T Kelly, F Krcescl, P C Kerrigan, W Kinsman, Kin« ft Coasldcy. Kinsman Bros, H KeroC Lanrey A Alexander. C Lilicutbal, N Levin. Jr. D Ällion- thal, L Lntzbaclicr k Co, E Lafvttr, O II LiiiHtedi; Mnr Luvy, II Laubereaux, « Little A Co, C Lttzghl, Lyons A Co, Melcher ft Mullor, C II Miot, T Murphy. Morgan Bros, \V McComb A Co, E II Mark k Co, J Marion, O Mattster, Mantouo A Co, F It Mcaglian. North, Mcc'.oA Wardcll, 1$ O'Neill, 0 A NeutTur. A Nachmau, Nathan A- Ottolengui, J F O'Neill A Hon. « F Fond, C F Panknin, H T Feako, Polit ft Harden, H Hogar, F Pnck-aber, J- Pnrcoll, D Paul A Co, Pond A »-.mean, 11 Quilty, R B Rhott, W A Rook, Kobiuaon, R_cklock A Co, W Haben- Klein, J Ü iioliwm, Kopcr A títouev, Itavoiiel A isurr.- woll, J R Read A Co, A Stcflln A tío, Styles A Carter, F Von Sauten, T Htrcct, Rtcliiinuynr ft Sou. L Schnell A Co, O W SteOeiiH ft Co, J Small, V. B Stoddard A Co, D II Kilcox, 0 Hierck A Co. T btccl, Kuba A Co. T Stcnbouijc, W A Skrino, O Fricduinn, J UTogni, ,J Spnnccr Terry, T Tnnpet A Sonn, Tuft A Rowland, IHTurbardt A Caropsen. J M l_8on, J Van Winkle, O W Wlllianm k Co, W O Wliilden A Co. I, W«ato_. Wagner, Heath A Mcnsres, F Wilni.in, W A Warabiiu, Willie A Chlaolm, C W Wlcking, O Wtchira. W hi Remore ft Go, W White, .J Wiley. C I. <¡iiilliiiiiiiiu', L Welskopt, «V HeattUi A t!o, Vance. StrausB A Co, II Marco, T F I lamían. J McMahon. A W lockern. McKay A Campbell, O Cohon, and a Hart, Sr. Strong southerly wtaila «hiring the whole passage,. Br Bark Fearless, Patrick, Olacc Soar, C B., 11 days Coal. To P P Lock«, and A Oettv A Co. Bark Tuscano, Hkllllng, Bath, Me., 10 days. Hay. To Oco A Locks A Co. Steam tug Hun Flower, Farnsworth, Now York, for Now Orkans, put in for a Biipply of coal. To H F Baker ACo. Cleared Yesterday. [Dec. S Sehr Hobt Caldwcll, McConnack, New York, via Wit mlngton, N O..W Roach. Steamer Sun Flower, Farnawortb, New Orleans.H F Bukor A Co. Went to Sea. Yesterday. [Dec. Ö Sehr M S Reeves, Culleii, Georgetown, S. C. LATEST ARRIVAL IPer SteaiTisliip and SaáJL. 1 _f\ f\ BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR Í.\J \J 99 l.blB. Extra Flour 100 bbls. Superfine Flour 145 bbla. Huper Flour 126 M il h. Fino Flour 60 bblB. No. 1 Mackerel 60 ubis. No. 3 Mackerel 46 hallbbl«. No. 1 Mackerel 40 half bbla No. 2 Mackerel 20 quarter bblfl. No. 1 Mackorel 25 quarter bbls. No. 2 Mackerel 25 kits No. 1 Mackerel _U0 bbla. Potatoes 26 kegs Butter 25 hade Molassos 10 boxea Bacon Sides 10 tierces llama 10 bhdB. Hams 6 hhda. Baopu Shouldera 6 tierces Bacon Strip« 20 bbls. Crushed Sugar 25 bbls. Powdered Sugar 20 bblB. Claritlod Coffee Sugar 2U bbU. Brown Sugar 20 sacks Coffoo 400 sacks Liverpool Salt 10 sacks Bplcea -00 boxea assorted Family Soap 250 boxos Fancy Soap.Colgate's 75 boxes Candles / 60 boxes Starch 20 dozen Brooms 60 boxes Mustard 20 boxes Black Tea 60 colls Manilla Rope 2G colls Hemp Ropo 2(10 boxes Tin.aSHorled 100 coils Iron Wire 20 coila Lead Pipo 20 dozen Hutchcia 16 dozen Hämmere v ö dozen Wood-Saws 40 dozen Collins' Axes 15 «lozeu Looking Glasses.assorted 300 M Segars.assorted 76 rcaaia Foubicap 1-per 60 reams Letter Paper ir, reams Noto Paper 10 boxes Ink And a desirable lot Carriage Trimmings For sale by ARCHIBALD OETTY A CO., Nos. 126 aud 128 Meeting-street, December C Warehouses Noa. 63 and 66 Haaol-st. LIVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT. rriA SACKS IN SPLENDID SHIPPING ORDEJ tj \J \J Lauding this day and for salo from the wha: by THADDEUS STREET, December C No. 74 East Bay. LIVERPOOL SALT. 1 A A A 8ACK8 LIVERPOOL 8ALT, NOW LAN J-UUvJ INO per bark "Florence Chiptnan." F salo low from the wharf by JOHN KINO A CO., December 0 wfmil No. 88 Hasel street. EASTERN HAY, OF 8UPERIÓR QUALITY, CARGO OF BARK Tt CANO. For B&lo'by GEORGE A. LOCKE & CO., December 6 3 No. 171 East Bay, LARD, BUTTER AND CANDLEI JDST RECEIVED, PER STEAMER. Tubs LARD, Extra Leaf Tuba Butter . Boxes Adamantine Candles, hydraulic pressed Bbla. Flour Boxes English Dairy Choose. At F. CONNER ft CO'8., December 6 _3_No. 76 East Bay 4_- CONSTITUTION WATER.. CONSTITUTK WATER, the only known remedy for Diabetes, 8tone ko Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Duat Deposit, a Mucuoua or Milky Discharges, Irritation of tho Bladd Inflammation of the Kidney, Catarrh of the Bladder. Tho astonishing success which has attended this valuable medicine renders it the most valuable one e discovered. No language can cqnvey an adequate 1< Of tho immediate and almost miraculous change wh It occasions to tbo debilitated and shattered system. fact it stands unrivalled as a remedy for tho pcrman cure of tho maladie» Above-mentioned, and also DIA] TES, IMPOTENOV, 1.088 OF MUSCULAR ENERl PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGESTION, OLE] and every disease any way connected with the dlaor of decay. Persons, if conscious of any weakness, should take CONSTITUTION WATER; whether broken down by cobs, \\cak by nature, or Impaired by sickness, the strung aud relaxed organization 1b at once rebracod, vlvltlcd aud built up. Well may tills celebrated reiu bo called tho MEDICAL WONDER. The stooping, trembling victim of depression and bllity bocomes a now man; he stands erect, he nu with a Arm step; his mind, whloh was previously a in gloom of an almost Idiotic apathy, beoomea brl and activo, and ho goes forth regenerated, cenadou new vigor. The medicine reaches the constitution iti and restores it to Its normal couditlon. For these, disc.sea it Is truly a sovereign rcmody, too much canuot bo said in its praise. A Blugiedoso been known to rolievo tho most urgent symptoms. It in these cuaeB, and you will give your pralso to C 8T1TUTION WATER.. MALES OR FEMALES, »to you troubled with that trussing pain lu tho small c the buck, and through) lüps? "Constitution Wale.*' will rclieveyou likeina For salo by all Druggists. Price $1. W. H. OBEGO k CO., Proprietor MORGAN k ALLEN, Oeneral Agenta, No. 40 C alrcct. New York, ' 6111a_September "¿ar~HILL'S HAIR DYE-FIFTY CENÍ BLACK OR BROWN_Instantaneous In effect, roll for natural appearance, beauty of color and durabfu also tho cheapest and best In use. Dopot, No. CO J street, cornor of William street. Now York, and sol«; Druggists and Fanoy Ooo-i Stores everywhere. November 29 6n J03- AWAY WITH SPECTACLE8.OLD El made new, without Spectacles, Doctor or Medic Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cents. Add E. B. FOOTE. M. D., No. 1130 Broadway, New York. November 0 DIRECT IMPORTATION, IN BONI? OK DUTY PAID. JOST ItECHIVF.D, PER BAKK FLOIWNCK CHIP- MAN, from Eiiropo, a consigriuiont' of vory BU- l-RBOR BRANDY and GIN, in caw and «yaartir cask». A1XO. A pu/ichï-on of very OLF> SCOTCH 1VHISKY. Tho.ttcritlon ofcoiinolam;ur», aivl the public, gen« rail-', are respectfully solicited. JOHN F. O'NKILL A HON, Decombertf wfn«6- No. 107 liaat Bay. GHOIO-SF_L___LY G-ÛTOEBIES. JUST RECEIVED, PER STJKAMKR ORAN ADA l FR«>M Now Yor!:, a choice fcupply ce FAMILY GROCE- RIES, <-onnistin^ of : BUGAR.OURHD HAMS, BTRIFBA_ON Smoked Bcci'hnd Biiflal<i>Tt><ip«.»«i ßuperior nrllolo ol Piokltd Biwfl. in J_ bbiî»., for family u.ie Choleo Gosl.en Butter Pineapple an 1 iF.ngltttli Driry Oheeae Kclf-ralBlng PInurand Buckwhoat Split Peas. Peart Burlov Sugar, Cofloo and Tea, of all qualttiU« No. 1 Mackerel,' in kit« Pickled Salmen, Ac. ALSO. GUAVA JELLY and MARMALADES Frouch. and Wont Lidia Proiiorves, in thtlr own Juie o, Ac, Ac. BasketH. Brooms, Tubs, Ac. ko. For sain I ij N. LEVIN. Jr., J>ecouib«_ 0 ws2 Nos. 104 and IOC Market iitrcct. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Merchai its and Bankers, Charleston, S. C. 1 fifií i C<)I«'S HEMP AND MANILLA ROPE L VJ VM ./ 200 bales Gunny Bas plug and Twin« 1000 kega Nalla, msortud sizes 300 bble. OoflVo HugarH, A, B and C 200 baga Rio and Java Coffee 100 bbla. MoIukhch and Syrup 200 boxen Adamantine and Sperm Candle« 100 bbla. Flour 100 bbls. White Wine and Cider Vinegar 100 bbls. Copperas, Blue Stone and Epsom Halts 3000 bbls. Jarvis' Inland (luano Soda, Segar*. Tobacco, Mackerel Starch, Spices, Ac , Ac. GOLD, SILVER, BA.'NK NOTES, 8TERLINO AND NEW YORK Exchange, bought and sold'. comber 4_ mwfÍ2 SV/GAR, COFFEE, BUTTER AND LAUD, f f\(~\ BBLS. CLARIFIED SUGAR .JLKJkJ 20 bbls. Cruohed Sugar 60 bags Rio CoCTco 76 firkins New York 8_.o Butter 60 -rkins Family Lard 60 boxes Cheese 300 bbls. Flour, Extra and Super 20 bbls. Heckor'H «elf-Raising Flour 600 boxes Hcnknl Herrings 200 boxos No. 1 Hei-rings 100 kegs Powder, wholes, halfa and quarUra- 600 bagB Shot, all numbers 200 bags Shot. Buck 20 hhds. Bacon, Sldoa and Shoulders boxen Soap, Starch, Candín», ko. Just received, por sehr. Robt. Cnldwell and ßtoanaoi Emily B. Souder, and for salo by WM. GURNEY, No. 102 Enat Bay, Charleston, B. C Deoomber 6 4 POTATOES. JUST RECEIVED..BARRELS EXTRA POTATOES Barrels Extra Apples Barrels Extra Onions. F. CONNER & CO., December 6 1 LARD, B-ACKEREL, &_T~ eyrr firkins choice leaf l\rd ¿ItJ 26 half-barrels No. 1 Mackerel, now 60 English Dairy Cheeso, small alzos 26 casos Sweet OH, pints and half-pints 20 boxes Maccaronl 26 boxes VormlceUl 60 boxes Soup 50 boxes Candles 10 chests Oolong Tea 40 boxes Starch too dozen Brooms 100 dozen Painted Buckets. JULIUS U. OPPBNHEIM'B, November 20 niwlmo No 114 East Bay. Rice, Bagging, Rope, Twine, &c rj F TIERCK8 FRESH BEAT RICE |t)- 6 bales Heavy Gunny Cloth 100 colls Press Ropo, }¿ Inch 50 colls Monill» Hope«, inch 2C coUb Hemp Rope, ,"-," inoU 15 bbls. Crushcvd Sugar 40 bbls. Coffoo Sugar 8 balea Bagging Twine 60 boxes Candles.R. O. Mitchell k Co. 60 boxes Candle«, fancy canes.R. Q. Mitchell Co. 25 boxes Colgate A Co.'a Family Soap 137 boxes Duryea'a Superior Starch 5000 Segars. AUÍO IH STORK, BRANDY, WHISKY, RUM AND GIN. For sale by BRUNB k BEE, _Decomber 1 fmw No. 84 East B»y. Heidsieck & Co's. Champagne. THE PUREST, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN «TH market. * Call and purchase of OEO. XV. CLARK «St CO., October 13 No. 1_5 Meeting-street. SALT, FLOUR, ETC. 1 CCAA SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT J-OXJ\J 60 BACKS TURK'8 ISLAND SALT 100 bbls. beep 100 bbls. and half bbls. pork 200 bbls. extra flour 300 bbls. superfine flour 200 cheese.different kinds. For sale cheap tor cash by OEO. "W. CLARK St CO., October 13 No. 145 Meeting-street. FLOUR, RICE, VINEGAR. 1 _Tv_rv BBLS. FLOHR _L \J \J 76 bags Java Rloe 26 bbla. Cider Vinegar. For aale low by JACOB B. SCHIRMER, November 20 No. 18 North Commercial Wharf. SALT. QAAA SACKS, IN FINE 8HIPPING ORDE &KJ\_/\Jnow ready for dellvory from bark Floren Chipman, from Liverpool. For sale by December 4 3 RAVENEL & CO. MOLASSES. PACKAOE8 GOOD MOLASSES, IN HHD! tierces and bárrala. For »ato by CHAS. H. MOI3E&00., December 4 No. 16 Uaync-etreet, 30 CORN, OATS AND HAY. O £__"_ BALES PRIME EASTERN HAY ¿¡OX) 600 bushels Oata 600 bushols Corn. Landing and In store, and for sale by TROUT A AMSBDRY, Northweat cor. Marko t and East Bay street« Novembor 29 FRUIT,WINES,PRE3ERVES,& KAI8IN8. CITRON. CUBRANT8. NUTB Preserved Fraila, Jiillo*, Pickles Wines, bv the caao and gallon Brandy, Whisky, Gin, Claret .. Champagne "De Ht. Marcoanx k Co." Maccuroui, Vermicelli, Olive Oil. For salo by CHA8. H. MOI8E k CO., December 4_^Jo. 16 Hayne-street LÏQUORsTTl^ INCLUDING A MOST EXTENSIVE SUPPLY everything lu the LIQUOR BUSINESS, nuc.it ab : 200 bbla. wniSKY, some old, some splendid, a aomo very cheap 10 quarter casks BRANDY 100 pachacos WINES, CHERRY BRANDY, g CROIX RDM, FORT WINE, ¿n., Ac. 3000 caaes WHISKY, BRANDY, GIN, _c. «'«>. Call at our bu_e Nalea Rooms, No. 146 MEBTI. .ÎTREKT. OEO. XV. CLARK Si CO. October 13 _ _REST_A.XJ_-lAJNr,_r. STEPHEN ELMED HAS OPENED A RESTAURANT AT NO. 163 RA BAY, where will be found ALES, WINES Al LIQUORS of the best quality. FREE LUNOH between the hours of 11 and 1 o'do HAS AX0O IN BACK STOB-, A fine assortment of OLD LIQUORS, which he \ dispose of by the barrel or in smaller quantiUaa, Decomber i TIMBER? TIMBER!! WE ARi: IN OON.TTANT RBOKIPT OK. l\ND HAVE NOIT IN PONO,. TIMBER, of vartoue efaev-aml qualltie;., millnnlo for HHIPPINO. Mll.LlN'i, WHARF BUILDING. Ac. fcc., to whnîU we invite the iittuiitiü"* of Merchants mux Mille»* CHIHOLM BKOl HcltS, _I)e«^omlK* r. wfi No. 70 Ev»t Bay.- YARÎP. YARN! vifriiALKSV-m-roN yarn, assorted NUMBERS, AlfJ' just rseelved, and for Halo by HENRY COBIA ft CO.; Deocmbnr 6- 3 qneon-t-trcct, near EaM Bay. REALLY CHOICE TEAS. iAIIALV AND QUARTER CUKHT8 Ol' Till'.. Z*V/ choict.it quality of TEAH, .ronststiiiK of IfoRlIslt' Broakfast. Oolong, Hyson and >Y«uii<;:Myaoii Teas Junt importe«! uud for Halo by HENRY COBIA & CO.-, December fi wh2 (Jueoimtieet, near East May. CHARLES L. GU1XLEAUME.. No. L48 Mooting-strect, 4)pi)ositc Hajue-strwt, OKKKHS POR SALK.VI7. : lA RARRKI.K B. SUOAK r.}\J\J 100 barrels A A Sugar 100 bnrnil» A SUKur 100 barrels C Rueor fiO barrels C Corteo Hui;ar- 50 harrolM CriiHhnd Hues«* r.OO snckH Liverpool Kalt 2MJ sneks Turks' Inland liait oo eases Table Halt (iD socks Rio Cotfoo 25 «acka Laguayra Coffet» 25 wicks obi Government i iva (SiHis? 10 Hacks« (linger 10 mokfl Pimento 10 packs SplocH 100 boxes Black Toan 100 boxes Orcen 1'<mh 2.ri0 bárrela Flour 100 hali-barrol« lilour 25 barras Sugar-htiuac Molasse s 'in barrels .Syrup GO half-barrels Syrup CO half-barrels No. I and 2 llosuin Mackut.' 00 quarter-barn.-'.-, No. 1 and 2 1 tonton Mack'. rH 100 kits No. 1 and 'i Boston alaekorel not) boxes No. 1 Herring« 500 boxes Scaled Horrin^s 250 barrels Potatoes 500 ki'jjn Nuils Spades, Shovels, Shot, H. 8. NaiU Buckets, Brooms, Palls, Tuba Blacking Brushes, Mason's Blacking Matches. Willow and Oystor ilat-k. I* Selves, Pipes, ftc. 500 boxes tiptoe» Mustard, Pepper, Ginger, Cusnia, Ac. Cream of Tartar, Sodu, ftc. 100 boxes Copperas 100 boxes Brimbtouo 100 boxea Alum 00 boxes Madder 100 BMM Crackers, Ac, fíe, ftc. 500 bo io^ Soap 250 boxes Fancy Soap 1000 boxes Candles, fti.. ftc, & ;. 600 coil» Hope 250 colls Manilla Rope.-various siz.^ 150 bales (lunny Bagging 20 balea Sewiug Twiuo, ftc, Iw\, ftc. Now »n store, and arriving, at the LOWEST MARKET PBIOKa. Dcccinbi r «j RAW TAR i RAW TAR! I7ÏOR RaLH, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT No. ? 29 Market-street, opposite Anson-strect. at Shir Chandlor'B. Hn-ember -5- POE SÄLE. AFINE BUOGV AND HARNESS. APPLY TO WM. H. DAW.SON,. _ November 2) No. 51 Bn iid-ntrdt. MUSICAL NOTICE. MRS. F. M. HARPER (DAUGHTER AND PUPIL OS the lato Prof. M. S. Ueevkb), tiiror¡« her eervtixi to the citizens of Charleston Teacher of VO0 VI. ,' * T INSTRUMENTAL MUHIC. RoBldenco No. 2.6 Society-street. ?rv ': School. Refers to Oeu. JamesSimons, Or. v..-. -i, 1 GllANOK nlMONS, ¡nul Dr. W. M. FlTCU. November 14 BREAD ! BREAD ! BREAD ! THE SUBSCRIBER HAS REOPENED THE WEL1 known B.YhERY Nr. Tradrt-stre-.t. Famille wishing a good article of well-baked Loaf Bread aro re queHtod to leave their orders ut Bakery. Ho has procured competent cart driver*, nnd will dt liver Bread to any xmrt t>f the city. November 22 _Into_ J. C. MARSHALL. Ré. 9. MACHINE BELTING. Ne. 9 ALL WIDTHS, IN LE,VTHER AND RUBBER. For salo hy J. M. EASON, No. 9 Exchango street, rear of Old Pestofllce. Docember4_ "COPPERSMITH ESTABLISHMEMT. fTUIE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HI 1 friends and tho public, that he has returned an located himseU at No. 41 STATE-STREET. Thankfi for tho patronage so liberal? extemled to him before, h hopos, by strict attention, to. merit a continuance of th samo. J. U. BOESCH. December 4 mw2 L. S. tlOYT'ä SUPERPHOSPHATE 0] LISIE. A SUPERIOR AND WELL APPROVED ARTIOLÏ which has beep extensively used both North as Soutli, and has met with unequivocal auocess. The subscribers are prepared to take orders. TROUT ft AM8BURY. N. W. corner East Bay and Market streets. ALSO, PERUVIAN OUANO. BONE DUST, ftc, Ac November 25 1; c, GUANO! GUANO! PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANOS. SUPE! PHOSPHATES, and tho Bruce Concentrated Fe tUizer, are offered to the trade at the lovost wholesa prioea, by GEO. E. WHITE ft CO., No. 66 CUff-atreot, Now York. Or, CHISOLM BROTHEHB, Sole Agent«, Nor.Mubor 17 No. 70 East Bay, Charleston, 8. 0. TINT TIN! 1 Sf\ BOXES 10 AND IX CHARCOAL. ROOFES _LO\_7 and HRIGHT TIN.best brand. Just recel ed. and for sale by T. TUPPER ft SONS, November 20_lrno _Brown's Wharf. "TOTsTTOYSr THE 8UB30BIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TE public Uiat be has Just received a largo assortmc of TOYS. al o, WHITE CHINA TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS. Dinnt Toa and Breakfast Plates, Gilt Obinu Cups and Saucer with Mottoes; and a general assortment of GLA8 WARE, to which ho Invites their attention. O. W. WIECKING, December 4 3* No. 40 Anson-atreol. SOUTH CAROLINA 11 A1LUOA I> (OJll'AN' GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, I CuAUitaroN, 8. 0., Nov. Oth, 18d6, I O N AND AFTER THURSDAY, OTH IN8T., TI 1'assrnger Train will ruu ihe following Schedule Leave Ch.irlcstou..C «V. II. Arrlv«) at Charleston.4.15 P. M. Leave Hopkins' Turn-out.7 A. M. Arrive at Hopkins' Turn-out.3.301». M. U. T. PEAKS, November 7 General Suuerlutendent. RE-OIPENING- or THE OLD SOUTHERN EXCHANGJ THIS OLD ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR RESTAURANT IS NOW OPEN. FINK LIO.UOHS VHOICK SEd.VRS FHKHII OYHTERH AND THE BE«T MEALS TO BE HAD IN CHARL TON. U what this place has always been celobruted and we are pledged ti kocp ui> tho reputation. CaU and see for yourself at Ho. 125 Meeting-si O.''ober 03 POU LIVERPOOL.IV-I'lI jft»IS- PATCIL--__ fine Ship AMEl'.IA. Jas. Con- nor Master. FIVE IIUNDItKl) lULKH COT- "-"»»TON ABP. WANTED OU Frelgh-, to completo her csrji». Apply tor JOHN FRAAF.lt A CO. December 4 £Tv_ KOK. LIVKIIPOÍII..-.'1'HK ,V 33kk>Clipper Ship TAMERLANE, JOC-UM Mawtor. J__^>(>WKiitH 600 BALKS COTTON, and Will haro immediate t-.i.«i>r.t--n. Ltlierul advance« uiado on «-«iiiHi^nmentH. For Fr.iight « iifjsg^mt-lH, njifiv to Decoin'der 9 WILLIS A CHP30LM. POR UV.UI'OOI.;:-TIIK 1? IK tro- clas- Clipper R»rU PILLE 1>E L'AIR, Graham niantcr, wiR moot with dispatch. For Freight -__&-. aj,j,l- to RAVEN.L_ CO. December 1 FOR LJVKKPOOI,.-1'IIE PHLST* c'.ane, fui* sailing Britlall Ship GENERAL WIND11AM, J. Nlcol Forbes, ma»tor, bavlng a -" portion other c_rgo engaged and on board, ,w_l meet with dlnputeh fur the ubivv port. For freight- c.gagatn«.itt>, apply to ROBKUT MURE A CO., Nov<un-ur37 tnw. No. (10 Church-street, POU PHIL AD R LI*HI A.K.P. _~ STONE LINE..The Bark (¡EN. W. T. SHER- MAN, Vfnum MaaUr.wlU have dispatch. For Freighter ríiHaJí/'«.'. a¡inlv lo II. F. HAKER A CO., November w No. 21» CumborianA _tnet. -V -Í-* THE HCHOONKlt SMYltl- WOi_ iX4Ä. have Immediate dUp'_eh lor Baltimore. For 4_u_tí¡it'r>-.:iíbl mgagwoicuU, apply to «&---« WILLIS k CHISOLM. Deccfnlicr 2 POR SAbK, A. NEW, PAST-SAli,- ¡¡jk INO B.OOP, in complete order. She was built »in 1H64, and earrlea t«.-n corda of wood. I'or particular» apply ill No. »OH MARKET-STREET, Ileee..el t lr~ Ifotwaeu Kt.g and Meeting. FOR NEW YORK. THE REGULAR UNITED STATES MAIL LINE OF FIR8T-ULANH ÖTEAM8HIP8: ORAXABA, I UUAKKR CIT _, \I.H\;:.'lllll.l I A.VDALCSIA, THE mr O- IR, -A- __T ___. ID _¿__ _. CAITA IN BAXTER. WILL LEAVE BROWN A CO.'fl WHARF. OH WEDNESDAY, December G, at Nino o'clook .p*5- oisely. For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVEN EL A CO., Agente. South corner oi Eust Bay and Vandcrhorot'a Wharf, D«>c«uib*>r 4 New York and Charleston PEOPLE'S STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Hearing each Port every Alternate Thursday. 8TEAM8HIP EMILY B. S03DER; Cut. R. Wi Lookwoou. STEAMSHIP MOKEKA, CU.IT. C P. 3IAH3HM.VN. THESE STEAMSHIPS, OFFERING EVERY INDUCB. MENT TO SHIPPERS AND THE TRAVELINa PUBLIC, having superior accommodations for Prosen. gera, with table« supplied by every' luxury .the New. York and Charleston mark«rt« cun nffoi_; an r? for safety, ip**_ and comfort Aro unriv*_cd ou tho coaav THE NEW STEAMSHIP- ' t I_IVIIÏ_Y B. SOTTDEH, CAPTAIN R. W. LOCKWOODj WILL LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF OH THURODAY, December 7, ut 1(1 o'clock, A. M. Liberal advances made on consignment» to New York. For Freight or P-.issage apiilv at tho otllce of tlu» Agenta, WILLIS fc CHISOLM. December 2 Ncrtli Atlantic Wharf. FOR PALATKA, FLOB_J)X_ ^I_KX3-T_ri___.k. i_oasr.Hu" TdE NEW AND SPLENDU> fj-IKAMBHIP t. _»¥ oix*^_r POiN ____ , OAPTAIN E. B. TALBOT. WILL L2AYE COMMERCIAL WHARF, C_AR_«E_. TON, B, C., every Walnenlay Morning,, iv« Six o'clock, touching at Savannah, Fernandina. .vnd the- Landings on St. John's Rlvor.leaving Savanna).every We Jiuj'isy A fttrtuxm at Four o'clock. »BTURNINOs. Will leave Palatka every Tkursday Evenir^ lit Nine o'clock, JacVcsttvUle every Friday Mornirng^'at Eight O'closk, Fexniuidina Friday Afternoon, at ¥qu# o'clock» and Savannah every Saturday Morning, at 3 __t o'clock. The CITY POINT was buUt by her jrçoscnt owner« without regard to ooai.ber Stato-Iioom»apA Cahiaa be» ina furnished in the most luxurious unviHprv For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVEÎU-L A CO., Oomer East Bay and Van-^i^j.rst'a Wharf. December 1 FOR SAVANNAH. '_*iíx_-tjj_____ i-iisr-V THE NEW AND 8PLENWD STEAMSHIP; IK Ja OIT-Y POINT, CAPTAIN E. R. TALBOT, WILL LEAVE COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLES- TON, 8. -C, every Wednesday Morning, at Six o'clock, for Savannah, F«n-nandlnu, ami tho Landings on 8t. John's River.rleavlng Savanunh every Wednesday Afternoon, at Four o'closk. _^_3TTJ3^_STX_<rc3rz WÜ1 leave Palatka every Thursday Evening, nt Nino o'clock, JnckBoovillc overy Friday Morning, ut Eight o'clock, Fernanulna Friday Aftcrnoo./, at Four o'clock, an«l SavautiaU every Saturday Morning, at Eight o'clock. Tho CITY POINT was built by her present owner« without regard to coat'-lier 8tal«>-R «_« i und Cabins be- ing fnriiisbed in the most luxurious muiiuer. Fov Freight or I-.sa,jc, apply to BAVKNKI. & CO., Cornor liant Biy ami Windarborit' Wharf. December 5 TOWAGE. THE NEW STEAM TÜO TEARILSíí, CAPT. N. W. ALLI-Í, having been thorong.lv overhauanl, will mako arrangements for TOWAOE, ellhor Inside, out- side or dockage, at modoiüte mteH. Ai-ply to Capt-in on board, or to 8TYLEH A CARTER. December. No. 10 nderhorat'a Wharf._ fÖWAUE. THE NEW 8TÍÍAM-TCO ARCHIBALD GETTY, Capt. Merahon, now lying et Accommodation Wharf, will raalco oogagomouta it moderate rate«. Apply to Captain on board, «>r to ARCHIBALD OETTY A CO.. No. l_tl »nil 1_8 Meetlng-blreet. and November 24 Noa. 03 and 55 Ha»ol-atrEot

The Charleston Daily News.(Charleston, S.C.) 1865-12-06. · __CHABLESTOff 17AILY NEWS....OECEMBER 6, 1865. DAILYNEWS. WKPXK8DAY MORNING, DECEMBERG, 1805." COMMERCIAL. Importa. QLÁ.CE

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Page 1: The Charleston Daily News.(Charleston, S.C.) 1865-12-06. · __CHABLESTOff 17AILY NEWS....OECEMBER 6, 1865. DAILYNEWS. WKPXK8DAY MORNING, DECEMBERG, 1805." COMMERCIAL. Importa. QLÁ.CE



Importa.QLÁ.CE BAY. C D..Dr bark Fijarleso.COO tons Coal, to

A Gotty k Co.

Exports.«RW YORK, VIA WILMINOTON-Sclir Robert Cold-,,w«>H .20 balos Upland Cotton. 3G1 bundle« Paper, 34

packages Furuiture" GO tons Sand BaUast, 5 bales"3*gglng.


Tuesdat, December 5.OOTTON..Wojiuvo no chango to report ii: our cotton

market; wo thoroforo continue previous quotations, viz:«So. Ko 4fic. for middling, 47c. for strict middliug, und*Sc. for good middling. ,

New Voris ItlnrUets.MONEY MARKET.

Th» Now York Herald of the 2d hist, reports that thogold ma rkct WMinactive but utcody, and seven percent,wan paid for having coin carried. Tim ojiuiiuik prico»w Jl«, and the only variation WM an advaucu to líS'í,at which it stood at the clone of business.Foreigu es change was diUl. ¿Junkers' bills at Sixty

days woro quoted at 109 <fi) ,'.'. an l 110'i at uliort sight.Oommor eUU bills continuo Bcsrcc, end in demandât 108

Th«í Now York Evoniug Tost of the 2d huit, mentionsthat tho loa n market is active, but well Huppltal at 7 "pcent. Commercial payer ia not offoriut! bo freely, au«ltho doraand is increasing.Of specie to day tho Not«- York takes out ?87,ii()0, and

tho C\ -y of London none.Foreign Exchange Is firm but dull. Rills at CO days

on London are quo tod at 108,'í(«in08JÍ for commercial;TWIW109 y for bankors' : do. at suort sight 110>,'@lioy ;Pari» at 00 layo, B.ttJt'QS.U.M!, do. at Bbert Bight,.l3!.,'<5>)0.ia^.

PRODUCE MATIKET.V01UB.-Tho marlot lor State and Wertem flour ruled

LnoaUvo, .and prlcca declined 0c.(<i>20c. on all brands ; butprincipally ou tho lower grades of unsound, tho Blockof which was very heavy. Tho saleB were about 7000bbl*. at our revised subjoined quotations, tlic marketaletáAjj heavy at tho decline, southern Hour wns inmoderate demand, but prices woro also in buyer's favor.The sales woro 4G0 bbls. Canada flour was dull anddrooping, the market closing 5c.(¡pl0c. lower for aUgrades. The Bales were conUued to 200 bbls. Rye dourw»a inactive. Com meal was steady, with further salesof 40Ö bbls. Brandywino at $4.50. Wo quoto:.Btujotbuis and Western Flour.$7 CD & 8 00EsTra State. 8 25 0 8 40Choice Stato. 8 45 D 8 00CWniruon to medium extra Western ....... 8 Mm 8 50

- r»tra round hoop Ohio.8 80 Où 9 00wl*h*-¿: trade brands. 9 00 @i 10 75e£m*«£n".,281SSBray and extra6».10 10® 15 50

Common Canadian. 8 25 O 8 40Tho inquiry for wheut was hmited, and prices do.

dined fully lc. Tho sales were only 30,000 bushels, ai»2 tu tor new amber State, $1 82 for amber Milwaukee,XI 73 (rf> $175 for Milwaukoo club, ond SI 12 @ $1 75 foi

Chicago spring. Thu com market wus also lcaa active,4ad priocs were eomowhat, though not noticeably lowerTV> talcs embraced 80,000 bushels, at 90c. © 9lc. f - un

sound, and 95c. <&: 9Gc. for sound mixed Western. Thitransactions iu oats were to a very moderate estent, ampricoa ruled lower. Tho sales wcro at 48c. @ 53c. foionroundL and COo. 0. O4o. for sound.Cotton..Receipts 2927 bales. Tho market continue«

iSaU and prices ruled even more irregular, closing en

ttrely nominal, with holders anxious to realize Th<«Ale« were about 2300 balcB, at our quotations, as fol

Upland. Florida. Mobile. N. O.dM.Ordinary.37 »7 3838UiddUng.GO 5° 5l 61<Jood Middling....52 52 6353Cores»: was rather quiet; but prices were sustained

ajtid thn market closed firm at our last quotatlous. Tb»retient stock couBists oi 35,6>.IC bags Rio, 4760 do. Cuba'X& do. «lamaica, G30 do. Laguayra, 523 do. Maracaibc213 do. Angostura, 200 do. Mexicuu, 10Ü do. African am43 «lo. ¡iavaniUa. Total, 43,031 bags.Hay oontlnued in fairly activo demand at full pneof

City balo sold at 7fic.(«83c, and shipping sold at C0c.<¡«S6c, the market ehiHitigsloady.

Nvvai. 8ie«8>.Wore without important chango i

*ny deportment. Rosius, if anything, were rath«weaker, «trainedruUngJiao.®Sec, u buyer«' favor; othi

qualities wcro nominaUy unchanged. Wo noto sales <

1300 hblH. common, per 280 pounds, part, if not an, i

$7 AW do. strained at $7.37 }i@ 8, 400 bbls. No. 2 at S@U, 320 bbls. No. 1 at flS&lB, and about 400 bbl¿>rlmo pole, including small lota Virginia, ut $19@2*"*r wuH weaker and something lower, with Bales of 5Íbob«., including OU orondw. at Sl<"" 6. as hi quality; stoclarge and Increasing. Fitch wan In alead? «oojdw»at previous prices. Sales of about 400 bbls. at $7(#Spirits Turpentine were somewhat firmer, with salesOB« bbls. mostly at ILOSftLlO, the market closingtb.e latter rate. Crudo «lo. was in small demand at S3.!&Jfl per bbl. of 280 lbs.Bun..We noto salos of 30 tierces prime Cuolina

li\e..(H13yc. Some common grados weru offered at 19,Hj3Titbóut selling. Rangoon was held at Víc.f&V¡c}i. VífiLTii of no eales.SaXiT..Eulk wus rather quiet, but pricoa were wit!

ant mttoriol e&aoge. Suck was iu good jobbiug roqueat full prices. We quote (stor«> rates) Ashton's S4.7Kirsïiail'M $4, and Liverpool ground S2.a0(ji.f2.40.iargo Turk's Island, on bark lloUaud, comprising 111

i biihhels, sold ou private terms.Si.a.iK was firmer uudcr on improved domand, son

bottlers asking au advance. The sales were 20o h lidKartinlque, at 12.lj@13o.; 378 hhds. Porto Rico, at 12f&lKc, and 50 hhds. Cuba muscovado, at 14c; also 23iboxea Havana, mostly averaging No. 10, part at 131.;.

114a., but mainly on ¡iri\ate terms. Roflned was slightärmer, with a better demand..¿Veto l'ork Herald,snHant.

WILMINGTON. December 1.C P. M..Business tJsty has bien vory inactive, and but few trausactio:'aAvn taken place.Oottom..We quote tho sale of a small lot of goi

middling at i.V\Stultts TtrapimriMK..No sales.Onrrnx Turpentine_Salos of 77 bbla. at $5.25.TCxtt.."We. quote sales of 100 bbla. at $3.15.Jîosm..No sales.TnuKn..Sales of 4 rafts good mill at $14@$tG, am!

«Ut inferí or mill at $12 V> M.

Paaieagers,1*« steamship Quaker City, from New York..

S'eaeo, Mrs W Pease, Mïhh M E Peaso, M Freucb, 1Ue«Tefl, H Redmond, L O Pratt, Jos PurceU, Capt ThFjiKÄwood, C K Huger, J C Egan, air Frask, Mr llosfoi^lOiMackey, Mr Mlddhdon, A King, O «Jusdorff, TliSToyer, i Lynch, O W Smith,W J Barn, R A OaU, F V

-aäuatoD, 3 Orumko, T Cordes, J Hellen, F W Oteen aÏ children, Mr Neu fier, C H Higgins, Mrs Lopes, nui.sxA 3 children. Miss Fannle L Cook, Miss Latinioi?r*U, Mr Cottinel and family, Mrs Willing ton, AlexVcwmin, S 8 Sherwood, Oeo R Cathcart and wlfo, 1-oad Mrs Chas Durfco, Mr and Mrs Jas Donagkue, atxlters in tho steerage.

Consignees per Nortltcaatern Rallrontl,December 'i, 1 und 3.

243 bales Upland Cotton, 250 bbls Naval Stores, c

ÏTLrniturc, Lumber, pieces of Ordnance, baka WoOrain. itc. To L E Thomas, 1» OiJi van, OuUlard Í: .'iWtt, Dukes it Co. T Street, J H Raggett k Co, 1) Oilla.SThomas, O W.Williams A Co, Marshall, Utuch k (a Q Pinckney, Fuss k Mlntz, H W TlRon', 8 Howardif Itodgero k Co, Oraeser k Smith, Colcock, McCallo'JMWltiy, MowTy A: Co, JiiJD Kirkpatrick, T C Gallic«»f n. All ston, Hart k Co.


nisr.s. i sr/w.moon l mo«r.iB. WAT

«IIAfrKS Of TUE MOON. -,3Tuil K. 3d, lb. 'i&m. even. INew AT. 17th,llh. 2»a.mi.S«i Q. 9th, Ch. 42m. ovea. jFiwl Q. 25th, 71i. Onv mo%'~~.""t; Vlondny....I'tiieadny....

t'-j Wednesday.5'rUursday ..iSÍFriday.S.jSijairilay ...


4.. 534..624...VJ4..524..53


7..118..12'J..1310..1111.. 'JMori).0.. C I 1.

»..4D..SIN..!10..i11. .40..Í

... MARINE.NBW^,»?o iinTTrè^iïïrAiîïru s~toñt

AralvcU Yesici«lny. ijje_atuarashlp Quaker City, Wait, New York.left 8atxay- Van, Xo llavencl k Co. Adama Express Co,*rw*tI«'"g Ai Co, llavndtu Expros.i Co, Adams, i'roiÇ-», O D Ahrens, Austin k Alb^e, Abele. Myors k Ce-X Aiuiuc, AlU:cn. Noyes k .Inbubton, C II Wright. Híí*~,,;.A,lS,U)B k Dmboij. h »lachorr & Co, w r tarsi"» 1 * T O Hudd. M UcriiUtlm, T W Oreen, R M 5«ííir Ü« »if 2°» «'barlostou Hotel, O W Whlldcn,msSiXSt' n,H "J1",?*1,1* & Co« «»rukmoyer k Moffult,Hriatol B¿tefc.V*»f.*-niach..ff,BU^l Bros, T

*S i Siíní nLJ-'^UUHon' A WHUwgeB, W M Ihr-kTit^Ar^^'^e^V^' >VJ Bennett. Qu«Înai S?^' T ,Cro.lgl T,">«»"'y * Co, Mrs Tanl?a. Jie^' 7 Hulzbachor, W Unrnoy, t'uhu, Krib¿Oa. J A «3«Dok k Co, EL, Culdwcll, (,co 8 Cook J <CUuseou, 1 Commlns. Camerou. Jia\iley & Co T¿rJ (^>«grovo. H Cobla k Co, Clark fc Umber aw n£SS Cahill ft Co T W Covdox.. I.C¿S%m W»%-»berg k Co. W Young, D ft J Cantcrf"wes ¿rake

Dovorcaux. Hopaoa k Sntpheo, Orady k Kcrpuaon. C QDuckcr, Deyheu A Bnkor, O UaviH k Co, Howo, Douciuk Co, J A F PnwBon, F II Duc, K L DcirJiig A- Co. 3 liDuval k Ron, B Doschcr, L Davis. It Dougls« A Co. A WEckell, W H Easterby, F Eolebnan, Mr» Flerclng, PorbcnA Oillnian, I> V firming k Co, Fraser k 1V1I. Frost kCo, C H Franke. LOanibrill. H OordtH A Co, J J Qmn..1 Orovor, JAD Oretzoii, H «Hllihuid. It C Oi'lain,' OWtí k Co. W flurncy, A Uctty ft. Co, II Harria, Uiltôu ACo,Uunt Drop, Von Holten, Tiiinacn A Co, F Honey, ilur-hamp k Co, W Mancher A Co, H I) Harrison, Sr. A H>Haydcn, H Harbors, Hort A Co, Harn k Sher^airnnir,.J Hilton, JctiiilituH, Thomllnaon ACo, II Jager, I W IIk-Co, Johnsons k Whiting, A II Isaacs, Ü A C Jolnwon, A'Rung, King A Goodricb. Kenneth, McLca A Co, J KIn_rA Co, H Klatto & Co, T Kelly, F Krcescl, P C Kerrigan,W Kinsman, Kin« ft Coasldcy. Kinsman Bros, H KeroCLanrey A Alexander. C Lilicutbal, N Levin. Jr. D Ällion-thal, L Lntzbaclicr k Co, E Lafvttr, O II LiiiHtedi; MnrLuvy, II Laubereaux, « Little A Co, C Lttzghl, I» LyonsA Co, Melcher ft Mullor, C II Miot, T Murphy. MorganBros, \V McComb A Co, E II Mark k Co, J Marion, OMattster, Mantouo A Co, F It Mcaglian. North, Mcc'.oAWardcll, 1$ O'Neill, 0 A NeutTur. A Nachmau, Nathan A-Ottolengui, J F O'Neill A Hon. « F Fond, C F Panknin,H T Feako, Polit ft Harden, H Hogar, F Pnck-aber, J-Pnrcoll, D Paul A Co, Pond A »-.mean, 11 Quilty, R BRhott, W A Rook, Kobiuaon, R_cklock A Co, W Haben-Klein, J Ü iioliwm, Kopcr A títouev, Itavoiiel A isurr.-woll, J R Read A Co, A Stcflln A tío, Styles A Carter, FVon Sauten, T Htrcct, Rtcliiinuynr ft Sou. L Schnell A Co,O W SteOeiiH ft Co, J Small, V. B Stoddard A Co, D IIKilcox, 0 Hierck A Co. T btccl, Kuba A Co. T Stcnbouijc,W A Skrino, O Fricduinn, J UTogni, ,J Spnnccr Terry, TTnnpet A Sonn, Tuft A Rowland, IHTurbardt A Caropsen.J M l_8on, J Van Winkle, O W Wlllianm k Co, W OWliilden A Co. I, W«ato_. Wagner, Heath A Mcnsres, FWilni.in, W A Warabiiu, Willie A Chlaolm, C W Wlcking,O Wtchira. W hiRemore ft Go, W White, .J Wiley. C I.<¡iiilliiiiiiiiu', L Welskopt, «V HeattUi A t!o, Vance. StrausBA Co, II Marco, T F I lamían. J McMahon. A W lockern.McKay A Campbell, O Cohon, and a Hart, Sr. Strongsoutherly wtaila «hiring the whole passage,.Br Bark Fearless, Patrick, Olacc Soar, C B., 11 days

Coal. To P P Lock«, and A Oettv A Co.Bark Tuscano, Hkllllng, Bath, Me., 10 days. Hay. To

Oco A Locks A Co.Steam tug Hun Flower, Farnsworth, Now York, for

Now Orkans, put in for a Biipply of coal. To H F BakerACo.

Cleared Yesterday. [Dec. SSehr Hobt Caldwcll, McConnack, New York, via Wit

mlngton, N O..W Roach.Steamer Sun Flower, Farnawortb, New Orleans.H F

Bukor A Co.Went to Sea. Yesterday. [Dec. Ö

Sehr M S Reeves, Culleii, Georgetown, S. C.

LATEST ARRIVALIPer SteaiTisliip and SaáJL.1 _f\ f\ BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FLOURÍ.\J\J 99 l.blB. Extra Flour

100 bbls. Superfine Flour145 bbla. Huper Flour126 M il h. Fino Flour60 bblB. No. 1 Mackerel60 ubis. No. 3 Mackerel46 hallbbl«. No. 1 Mackerel40 half bbla No. 2 Mackerel20 quarter bblfl. No. 1 Mackorel25 quarter bbls. No. 2 Mackerel25 kits No. 1 Mackerel_U0 bbla. Potatoes26 kegs Butter25 hade Molassos10 boxea Bacon Sides10 tierces llama10 bhdB. Hams6 hhda. Baopu Shouldera6 tierces Bacon Strip«20 bbls. Crushed Sugar25 bbls. Powdered Sugar20 bblB. Claritlod Coffee Sugar2U bbU. Brown Sugar20 sacks Coffoo400 sacks Liverpool Salt10 sacks Bplcea-00 boxea assorted Family Soap250 boxos Fancy Soap.Colgate's75 boxes Candles

/ 60 boxes Starch20 dozen Brooms60 boxes Mustard20 boxes Black Tea60 colls Manilla Rope2G colls Hemp Ropo

2(10 boxes Tin.aSHorled100 coils Iron Wire20 coila Lead Pipo20 dozen Hutchcia16 dozen Hämmere v

ö dozen Wood-Saws40 dozen Collins' Axes15 «lozeu Looking Glasses.assorted

300 M Segars.assorted76 rcaaia Foubicap 1-per60 reams Letter Paperir, reams Noto Paper10 boxes Ink

And a desirable lot Carriage TrimmingsFor sale by ARCHIBALD OETTY A CO.,

Nos. 126 aud 128 Meeting-street,December C Warehouses Noa. 63 and 66 Haaol-st.

LIVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT.rriA SACKS IN SPLENDID SHIPPING ORDEJtj \J \J Lauding this day and for salo from the wha:

by THADDEUS STREET,December C No. 74 East Bay.

LIVERPOOL SALT.1 AAA 8ACK8 LIVERPOOL 8ALT, NOW LANJ-UUvJ INO per bark "Florence Chiptnan." Fsalo low from the wharf by

JOHN KINO A CO.,December 0 wfmil No. 88 Hasel street.



December 6 3 No. 171 East Bay,


Tubs LARD, Extra LeafTuba Butter .

Boxes Adamantine Candles, hydraulic pressedBbla. FlourBoxes English Dairy Choose. At

F. CONNER ft CO'8.,December 6 _3_No. 76 East Bay

4_- CONSTITUTION WATER.. CONSTITUTKWATER, the only known remedy for Diabetes, 8toneko Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Duat Deposit, a

Mucuoua or Milky Discharges, Irritation of tho BladdInflammation of the Kidney, Catarrh of the Bladder.Tho astonishing success which has attended this

valuable medicine renders it the most valuable one e

discovered. No language can cqnvey an adequate 1<Of tho immediate and almost miraculous change whIt occasions to tbo debilitated and shattered system.fact it stands unrivalled as a remedy for tho pcrmancure of tho maladie» Above-mentioned, and also DIA]

TES, IMPOTENOV, 1.088 OF MUSCULAR ENERlPHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGESTION, OLE]and every disease any way connected with the dlaorof decay.Persons, if conscious of any weakness, should take

CONSTITUTION WATER; whether broken down bycobs, \\cak by nature, or Impaired by sickness, the

strung aud relaxed organization 1b at once rebracod,vlvltlcd aud built up. Well may tills celebrated reiu

bo called tho MEDICAL WONDER.The stooping, trembling victim of depression and

bllity bocomes a now man; he stands erect, he nu

with a Arm step; his mind, whloh was previously a

in gloom of an almost Idiotic apathy, beoomea brland activo, and ho goes forth regenerated, cenadounew vigor. The medicine reaches the constitution itiand restores it to Its normal couditlon.For these, disc.sea it Is truly a sovereign rcmody,

too much canuot bo said in its praise. A Blugiedosobeen known to rolievo tho most urgent symptoms.It in these cuaeB, and you will give your pralso to C8T1TUTION WATER..MALES OR FEMALES, »to you troubled with that

trussing pain lu tho small c the buck, and through)lüps? "Constitution Wale.*' will rclieveyou likeinaFor salo by all Druggists. Price $1.

W. H. OBEGO k CO., ProprietorMORGAN k ALLEN, Oeneral Agenta, No. 40 C

alrcct. New York, ' 6111a_September"¿ar~HILL'S HAIR DYE-FIFTY CENÍBLACK OR BROWN_Instantaneous In effect, rollfor natural appearance, beauty of color and durabfualso tho cheapest and best In use. Dopot, No. CO Jstreet, cornor of William street. Now York, and sol«;Druggists and Fanoy Ooo-i Stores everywhere.November 29 6n

J03- AWAY WITH SPECTACLE8.OLD Elmade new, without Spectacles, Doctor or MedicPamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cents. AddE. B. FOOTE. M. D., No. 1130 Broadway, New York.November 0


JOST ItECHIVF.D, PER BAKK FLOIWNCK CHIP-MAN, from Eiiropo, a consigriuiont' of vory BU-

l-RBOR BRANDY and GIN, in caw and «yaartir cask».A1XO.

A pu/ichï-on of very OLF> SCOTCH 1VHISKY.Tho.ttcritlon ofcoiinolam;ur», aivl the public, gen« rail-',

are respectfully solicited.JOHN F. O'NKILL A HON,

Decombertf wfn«6- No. 107 liaat Bay.


Now Yor!:, a choice fcupply ce FAMILY GROCE-RIES, <-onnistin^ of :

BUGAR.OURHD HAMS, BTRIFBA_ONSmoked Bcci'hnd Biiflal<i>Tt><ip«.»«ißuperior nrllolo ol Piokltd Biwfl. in J_ bbiî»., for

family u.ieCholeo Gosl.en ButterPineapple an 1 iF.ngltttli Driry OheeaeKclf-ralBlng PInurand BuckwhoatSplit Peas. Peart BurlovSugar, Cofloo and Tea, of all qualttiU«No. 1 Mackerel,' in kit«Pickled Salmen, Ac.

ALSO.GUAVA JELLY and MARMALADESFrouch. and Wont Lidia Proiiorves, in thtlr own

Juie o, Ac, Ac.BasketH. Brooms, Tubs, Ac. ko.

For sain I ij N. LEVIN. Jr.,J>ecouib«_ 0 ws2 Nos. 104 and IOC Market iitrcct.

GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.,Merchai its and Bankers, Charleston, S. C.1 fifií i C<)I«'S HEMP AND MANILLA ROPELVJVM ./ 200 bales Gunny Bas plug and Twin«

1000 kega Nalla, msortud sizes300 bble. OoflVo HugarH, A, B and C200 baga Rio and Java Coffee100 bbla. MoIukhch and Syrup200 boxen Adamantine and Sperm Candle«100 bbla. Flour100 bbls. White Wine and Cider Vinegar100 bbls. Copperas, Blue Stone and Epsom

Halts3000 bbls. Jarvis' Inland (luano

Soda, Segar*. Tobacco, MackerelStarch, Spices, Ac , Ac.


Exchange, bought and sold'.p» comber 4_mwfÍ2SV/GAR, COFFEE, BUTTER AND

LAUD,f f\(~\ BBLS. CLARIFIED SUGAR.JLKJkJ 20 bbls. Cruohed Sugar

60 bags Rio CoCTco76 firkins New York 8_.o Butter60 -rkins Family Lard60 boxes Cheese300 bbls. Flour, Extra and Super20 bbls. Heckor'H «elf-Raising Flour600 boxes Hcnknl Herrings200 boxos No. 1 Hei-rings100 kegs Powder, wholes, halfa and quarUra-600 bagB Shot, all numbers200 bags Shot. Buck20 hhds. Bacon, Sldoa and Shoulders

boxen Soap, Starch, Candín», ko.Just received, por sehr. Robt. Cnldwell and ßtoanaoi

Emily B. Souder, and for salo byWM. GURNEY,

No. 102 Enat Bay, Charleston, B. CDeoomber 6 4


Barrels Extra ApplesBarrels Extra Onions.

F. CONNER & CO.,December 6 1

LARD, B-ACKEREL, &_T~eyrr firkins choice leaf l\rd¿ItJ 26 half-barrels No. 1 Mackerel, now

60 English Dairy Cheeso, small alzos26 casos Sweet OH, pints and half-pints20 boxes Maccaronl26 boxes VormlceUl60 boxes Soup50 boxes Candles10 chests Oolong Tea40 boxes Starchtoo dozen Brooms100 dozen Painted Buckets.

JULIUS U. OPPBNHEIM'B,November 20 niwlmo No 114 East Bay.

Rice, Bagging, Rope, Twine, &crjF TIERCK8 FRESH BEAT RICE|t)- 6 bales Heavy Gunny Cloth

100 colls Press Ropo, }¿ Inch50 colls Monill» Hope«, inch2C coUb Hemp Rope, ,"-," inoU15 bbls. Crushcvd Sugar40 bbls. Coffoo Sugar8 balea Bagging Twine60 boxes Candles.R. O. Mitchell k Co.60 boxes Candle«, fancy canes.R. Q. Mitchell

Co.25 boxes Colgate A Co.'a Family Soap137 boxes Duryea'a Superior Starch5000 Segars.


For saleby BRUNB k BEE,_Decomber 1 fmw No. 84 East B»y.

Heidsieck & Co's. Champagne.THE PUREST, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN «TH

market. *

Call and purchase ofOEO. XV. CLARK «St CO.,

October 13 No. 1_5 Meeting-street.SALT, FLOUR, ETC.


100 bbls. beep100 bbls. and half bbls. pork200 bbls. extra flour300 bbls. superfine flour200 cheese.different kinds.

For sale cheap tor cash byOEO. "W. CLARK St CO.,

October 13 No. 145 Meeting-street.

FLOUR, RICE, VINEGAR.1 _Tv_rv BBLS. FLOHR_L\J \J 76 bags Java Rloe

26 bbla. Cider Vinegar.For aale low by JACOB B. SCHIRMER,November 20 No. 18 North Commercial Wharf.

SALT.QAAA SACKS, IN FINE 8HIPPING ORDE&KJ\_/\Jnow ready for dellvory from bark FlorenChipman, from Liverpool. For sale byDecember 4 3 RAVENEL & CO.

MOLASSES.PACKAOE8 GOOD MOLASSES, IN HHD!tierces and bárrala. For »ato by

CHAS. H. MOI3E&00.,December 4 No. 16 Uaync-etreet,30


600 bushols Corn.Landing and In store, and for sale by

TROUT A AMSBDRY,Northweat cor. Marko t and East Bay street«

Novembor 29


Preserved Fraila, Jiillo*, PicklesWines, bv the caao and gallonBrandy, Whisky, Gin, Claret ..

Champagne "De Ht. Marcoanx k Co."Maccuroui, Vermicelli, Olive Oil.

For salo by CHA8. H. MOI8E k CO.,December 4_^Jo. 16 Hayne-street


everything lu the LIQUOR BUSINESS,nuc.it ab :

200 bbla. wniSKY, some old, some splendid, aaomo very cheap

10 quarter casks BRANDY100 pachacos WINES, CHERRY BRANDY, g

CROIX RDM, FORT WINE, ¿n., Ac.3000 caaes WHISKY, BRANDY, GIN, _c. «'«>.

Call at our bu_e Nalea Rooms, No. 146 MEBTI..ÎTREKT.

OEO. XV. CLARK Si CO.October 13




LIQUORS of the best quality.FREE LUNOH between the hours of 11 and 1 o'do

HAS AX0O IN BACK STOB-,A fine assortment of OLD LIQUORS, which he \

dispose of by the barrel or in smaller quantiUaa,Decomber i


NOIT IN PONO,. TIMBER, of vartoue efaev-amlqualltie;., millnnlo for HHIPPINO. Mll.LlN'i, WHARFBUILDING. Ac. fcc., to whnîU we invite the iittuiitiü"*of Merchants mux Mille»* CHIHOLM BKOl HcltS,_I)e«^omlK* r. wfi No. 70 Ev»t Bay.-

YARÎP. YARN!vifriiALKSV-m-roN yarn, assorted NUMBERS,AlfJ' just rseelved, and for Halo by

HENRY COBIA ft CO.;Deocmbnr 6- 3 qneon-t-trcct, near EaM Bay.

REALLY CHOICE TEAS.iAIIALV AND QUARTER CUKHT8 Ol' Till'..Z*V/ choict.it quality of TEAH, .ronststiiiK of IfoRlIslt'Broakfast. Oolong, Hyson and >Y«uii<;:Myaoii Teas Juntimporte«! uud for Halo by

HENRY COBIA & CO.-,December fi wh2 (Jueoimtieet, near East May.

CHARLES L. GU1XLEAUME..No. L48 Mooting-strect,

4)pi)ositc Hajue-strwt,OKKKHS POR SALK.VI7. :

KÍ lA RARRKI.K B. SUOAKr.}\J\J 100 barrels A A Sugar

100 bnrnil» A SUKur100 barrels C RueorfiO barrels C Corteo Hui;ar-50 harrolM CriiHhnd Hues«*r.OO snckH Liverpool Kalt2MJ sneks Turks' Inland liaitoo eases Table Halt(iD socks Rio Cotfoo25 «acka Laguayra Coffet»25 wicks obi Government i iva (SiHis?10 Hacks« (linger10 mokfl Pimento10 packs SplocH100 boxes Black Toan100 boxes Orcen 1'<mh2.ri0 bárrela Flour100 hali-barrol« lilour25 barras Sugar-htiuac Molasse s'in barrels .SyrupGO half-barrels SyrupCO half-barrels No. I and 2 llosuin Mackut.'00 quarter-barn.-'.-, No. 1 and 2 1 tonton Mack'. rH100 kits No. 1 and 'i Boston alaekorelnot) boxes No. 1 Herring«500 boxes Scaled Horrin^s250 barrels Potatoes500 ki'jjn NuilsSpades, Shovels, Shot, H. 8. NaiUBuckets, Brooms, Palls, TubaBlacking Brushes, Mason's BlackingMatches. Willow and Oystor ilat-k. I*Selves, Pipes, ftc.500 boxes tiptoe»Mustard, Pepper, Ginger, Cusnia, Ac.Cream of Tartar, Sodu, ftc.100 boxes Copperas100 boxes Brimbtouo100 boxea Alum00 boxes Madder100 BMM Crackers, Ac, fíe, ftc.500 boio^ Soap250 boxes Fancy Soap1000 boxes Candles, fti.. ftc, & ;.600 coil» Hope250 colls Manilla Rope.-various siz.^150 bales (lunny Bagging20 balea Sewiug Twiuo, ftc, Iw\, ftc.

Now »n store, and arriving, at the LOWEST MARKETPBIOKa. Dcccinbi r «j


? 29 Market-street, opposite Anson-strect. at ShirChandlor'B. a« Hn-ember -5-



November 2) No. 51 Bn iid-ntrdt.


the lato Prof. M. S. Ueevkb), tiiror¡« her eervtixito the citizens of Charleston u« Teacher of VO0 VI. ,' * TINSTRUMENTAL MUHIC.RoBldenco No. 2.6 Society-street. ?rv ':

School.Refers to Oeu. JamesSimons, Or. v..-. -i, 1

GllANOK nlMONS, ¡nul Dr. W. M. FlTCU.November 14


THE SUBSCRIBER HAS REOPENED THE WEL1known B.YhERY Nr. C» Tradrt-stre-.t. Famille

wishing a good article of well-baked Loaf Bread aro requeHtod to leave their orders ut Bakery.Ho has procured competent cart driver*, nnd will dt

liver Bread to any xmrt t>f the city.November 22 _Into_ J. C. MARSHALL.


For salo hy J. M. EASON,No. 9 Exchango street, rear of Old Pestofllce.

Docember4_"COPPERSMITH ESTABLISHMEMT.fTUIE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HI1 friends and tho public, that he has returned an

located himseU at No. 41 STATE-STREET. Thankfifor tho patronage so liberal? extemled to him before, hhopos, by strict attention, to. merit a continuance of th

samo. J. U. BOESCH.December 4 mw2


A SUPERIOR AND WELL APPROVED ARTIOLÏwhich has beep extensively used both North as

Soutli, and has met with unequivocal auocess.The subscribers are prepared to take orders.

TROUT ft AM8BURY.N. W. corner East Bay and Market streets.





PHOSPHATES, and tho Bruce Concentrated FetUizer, are offered to the trade at the lovost wholesaprioea, by GEO. E. WHITE ft CO.,

No. 66 CUff-atreot, Now York.Or, CHISOLM BROTHEHB, Sole Agent«,

Nor.Mubor 17 No. 70 East Bay, Charleston, 8. 0.

TINT TIN!1 Sf\ BOXES 10 AND IX CHARCOAL. ROOFES_LO\_7 and HRIGHT TIN.best brand. Just receled. and for sale by T. TUPPER ft SONS,November 20_lrno _Brown's Wharf.


public Uiat be has Just received a largo assortmcof TOYS. al o,WHITE CHINA TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS. Dinnt

Toa and Breakfast Plates, Gilt Obinu Cups and Saucerwith Mottoes; and a general assortment of GLA8WARE, to which ho Invites their attention.

O. W. WIECKING,December 4 3* No. 40 Anson-atreol.


CuAUitaroN, 8. 0., Nov. Oth, 18d6, I

ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, OTH IN8T., TI1'assrnger Train will ruu ihe following Schedule

Leave Ch.irlcstou..C «V. II.Arrlv«) at Charleston.4.15 P. M.Leave Hopkins' Turn-out.7 A. M.Arrive at Hopkins' Turn-out.3.301». M.

U. T. PEAKS,November 7 General Suuerlutendent.





FHKHII OYHTERHAND THE BE«T MEALS TO BE HAD IN CHARLTON. U what this place has always been celobrutedand we are pledged ti kocp ui> tho reputation.CaU and see for yourself at

Ho. 125 Meeting-siO.''ober 03

POU LIVERPOOL.IV-I'lI jft»IS-PATCIL--__ fine Ship AMEl'.IA. Jas. Con-nor Master. FIVE IIUNDItKl) lULKH COT-"-"»»TON ABP. WANTED OU Frelgh-, to completoher csrji». Apply tor JOHN FRAAF.lt A CO.December 4

£Tv_ KOK. LIVKIIPOÍII..-.'1'HK ,V33kk>Clipper Ship TAMERLANE, JOC-UM Mawtor.J__^>(>WKiitH 600 BALKS COTTON, and Will haro

immediate t-.i.«i>r.t--n. Ltlierul advance« uiadoon «-«iiiHi^nmentH.For Fr.iight « iifjsg^mt-lH, njifiv toDecoin'der 9 WILLIS A CHP30LM.

POR UV.UI'OOI.;:-TIIK 1? IK tro-clas- Clipper R»rU PILLE 1>E L'AIR, Grahamniantcr, wiR moot with dispatch. For Freight-__&-. aj,j,l- to RAVEN.L_ CO.


c'.ane, fui* sailing Britlall Ship GENERALWIND11AM, J. Nlcol Forbes, ma»tor, bavlng a

-" portion other c_rgo engaged and on board, ,w_lmeet with dlnputeh fur the ubivv port.For freight- c.gagatn«.itt>, apply to

ROBKUT MURE A CO.,Nov<un-ur37 tnw. No. (10 Church-street,

POU PHIL AD R LI*HI A.K.P. _~STONE LINE..The Bark (¡EN. W. T. SHER-MAN, Vfnum MaaUr.wlU have dispatch. ForFreighter ríiHaJí/'«.'. a¡inlv lo

II. F. HAKER A CO.,November w No. 21» CumborianA _tnet.-V -Í-* THE HCHOONKlt SMYltl- WOi_iX4Ä. have Immediate dUp'_eh lor Baltimore. For4_u_tí¡it'r>-.:iíbl mgagwoicuU, apply to«&---« WILLIS k CHISOLM.Deccfnlicr 2

POR SAbK, A. NEW, PAST-SAli,-¡¡jk INO B.OOP, in complete order. She was built

»in 1H64, and earrlea t«.-n corda of wood.I'or particular» apply ill

No. »OH MARKET-STREET,Ileee..el t lr~ Ifotwaeu Kt.g and Meeting.





O- IR, -A- __T ___. ID _¿__ _.CAITA IN BAXTER.

WILL LEAVE BROWN A CO.'fl WHARF. OHWEDNESDAY, December G, at Nino o'clook .p*5-oisely.

For Freight or Passage, apply toRAVEN EL A CO., Agente.South corner oi Eust Bay and Vandcrhorot'a Wharf,

D«>c«uib*>r 4


Hearing each Port every Alternate Thursday.8TEAM8HIP EMILY B. S03DER;




PUBLIC, having superior accommodations for Prosen.gera, with table« supplied by every' luxury .the New. Yorkand Charleston mark«rt« cun nffoi_; an r? for safety, ip**_and comfort Aro unriv*_cd ou tho coaav


' t


THURODAY, December 7, ut 1(1 o'clock, A. M.Liberal advances made on consignment» to New York.For Freight or P-.issage apiilv at tho otllce of tlu» Agenta,

WILLIS fc CHISOLM.December 2 Ncrtli Atlantic Wharf.

FOR PALATKA, FLOB_J)X_^I_KX3-T_ri___.k. i_oasr.Hu"




oix*^_r POiN ____ ,OAPTAIN E. B. TALBOT.

WILL L2AYE COMMERCIAL WHARF, C_AR_«E_.TON, B, C., every Walnenlay Morning,, iv« Six

o'clock, touching at Savannah, Fernandina. .vnd the-Landings on St. John's Rlvor.leaving Savanna).everyWeJiuj'isy A fttrtuxm at Four o'clock.

»BTURNINOs.Will leave Palatka every Tkursday Evenir^ lit Nineo'clock, JacVcsttvUle every Friday Mornirng^'at EightO'closk, Fexniuidina Friday Afternoon, at ¥qu# o'clock»and Savannah every Saturday Morning, at 3__t o'clock.The CITY POINT was buUt by her jrçoscnt owner«

without regard to ooai.ber Stato-Iioom»apA Cahiaa be»ina furnished in the most luxurious unviHprvFor Freight or Passage, apply to

RAVEÎU-L A CO.,Oomer East Bay and Van-^i^j.rst'a Wharf.

December 1

FOR SAVANNAH.'_*iíx_-tjj_____ i-iisr-V





WILL LEAVE COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLES-TON, 8. -C, every Wednesday Morning, at Six

o'clock, for Savannah, F«n-nandlnu, ami tho Landings on8t. John's River.rleavlng Savanunh every WednesdayAfternoon, at Four o'closk.

_^_3TTJ3^_STX_<rc3rzWÜ1 leave Palatka every Thursday Evening, nt Nino

o'clock, JnckBoovillc overy Friday Morning, ut Eighto'clock, Fernanulna Friday Aftcrnoo./, at Four o'clock,an«l SavautiaU every Saturday Morning, at Eight o'clock.Tho CITY POINT was built by her present owner«

without regard to coat'-lier 8tal«>-R «_« i und Cabins be-ing fnriiisbed in the most luxurious muiiuer.Fov Freight or I-.sa,jc, apply to

BAVKNKI. & CO.,Cornor liant Biy ami Windarborit' Wharf.

December 5


THE NEW STEAM TÜO TEARILSíí, CAPT. N. W.ALLI-Í, having been thorong.lv overhauanl, will

mako arrangements for TOWAOE, ellhor Inside, out-side or dockage, at modoiüte mteH. Ai-ply to Capt-inon board, or to 8TYLEH A CARTER.December. No. 10 V¡ nderhorat'a Wharf._


THE NEW 8TÍÍAM-TCO ARCHIBALD GETTY,Capt. Merahon, now lying et Accommodation

Wharf, will raalco oogagomouta it moderate rate«.Apply to Captain on board, «>r to

ARCHIBALD OETTY A CO..No. l_tl »nil 1_8 Meetlng-blreet. and

November 24 Noa. 03 and 55 Ha»ol-atrEot