The Cherry Hill Group Presentation

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Page 2: The Cherry Hill Group Presentation

Who Is The Cherry Hill Group?

We are a serious real estate investment company that is looking to purchase commercial real estate that will produce a profitable income stream for the long term.

We take pride in how we do business, and believe our integrity, continuous training, and commitment will make us a successful investment group.

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We purchase commercial real estate with funds raised from Private Investors, this gives us a competitive advantage over many real estate investors because we have quick access to funding.

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Questions From Investors

What type of properties will your company be looking to purchase?

We will consider any type of commercial real estate we feel can be a profitable

investment, but we are currently focused on self storage.

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Questions From Investors

Why Self Storage?

The demand for self storage has grown consistently over the past decade, and

according to the “Self Storage Association” almost 1 in 10 U.S. families rents a storage unit, this is up from 1 in

17 in 1995.

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Questions From Investors

How will you determine where you will purchase the property?

There is more to buying a self storage facility than just finding one for sale.

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We consider the followingPopulation Is the population growing or declining.

Competition How much competition is there, and who are they. How do they market their facility.

Housing Type What is the ratio between homes and apartments.

Visibility How easy is the facility seen by local traffic.

Employment Is the areas employment stable.

Local issues Are there plans for economic expansion.

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Questions From Investors

What are you looking for when buying self storage?

The types of facilities we consider are the underperforming ugly ducklings of the


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Questions From Investors

Please explain underperforming?

That is a facility that is not operating at its true potential.

There are many reasons why a property underperforms, but the main reasons are, poor management, poor marketing, and the property is just plain ugly.

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Questions From Investors

What will you do different with the property?

We believe that management is the true problem, so we will replace current management with a qualified property management company that specializes in the type of property we purchase.

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Questions From Investors

What will you do different with the property?

The new management will remarket the property to the community, while addressing all the capital improvements necessary to bring this outdated facility to current standards.

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Questions From Investors

What will you do different with the property?

These renovations will improve our image in the community, and will be the main reason for the economic recovery of the facility.

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Questions From Investors

How do you go about purchasing a property?

Since we are looking to buy the facilities Current Income Stream as part of the real estate deal, we will need to see financial statements and tax returns for the past few years.

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Questions From Investors

How do you go about purchasing a property?

Once we complete our research of the area, and gone through the financials, we will negotiate a purchase price and start our due diligence verifying that all the information given to us is correct.

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Questions From Investors

As an investor will I know what you are buying?

Absolutely, before you invest with us you will be given a chance to review all of our market research and property analyses via our website, email, or postal service.

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Questions From Investors

How does private lending work?

Our private investors program is very simple; the easiest way to explain it is to think of it the way you think of your bank CD’s.

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Questions From Investors

How does private lending work?

You deposit your money at the bank in a CD, and they pay you $ interest $ on your deposit.

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Questions From Investors

How does private lending work?

We do the same thing, your investing with us so we can buy real estate and we will pay you $ interest $ based on your


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Questions From Investors

How much interest will I earn?

Like your bank CD’s the interest is pre-determined based on the amount, and

length of time you invest for.

We pay a very competitive interest rate for the use of our investors money to buy

real estate.

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Questions From Investors

Can I invest my IRA with you?


First, the IRA must be set Up as a self-directed IRA.

IRS regulations require that either a qualified trustee or custodian hold the IRA assets on behalf of the IRA owner.

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Questions From Investors

Why don’t you just go to the bank for the money?

This might be my favorite question because the answer really sums up why

our program was created.

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Questions From Investors

Why don’t you just go to the bank for the money?

Lending institutions everywhere have changed how the now lend money.

It is almost impossible to get a loan on commercial property, especially those properties purchased for investment.

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Questions From Investors

Is this type of investment something new?

No, private lending has been used by real estate investors for years, usually in the

residential housing market.

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Questions From Investors

Is this type of investment something new?

But with lenders making it more difficult for investors to borrow money, private mortgage lending has found its way to

the commercial side of investing.

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Questions From Investors

How many investor do you need to buy a property?

Investors who buy houses using private lender may have two or three investors

involved in the purchase.

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Questions From Investors

How many investor do you need to buy a property?

Since the properties we are looking to purchase are in the 1 million to 2.5

million dollar range we believe we will need 35 to 50 investors per real estate


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Questions From Investors

What are your investment plans for the property?

It is our intention to hold any property we purchase for five years, evaluating them after three years to determine if they will be placed in our long term

portfolio, or put on the market for sale.

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Questions From Investors

What are your investment plans for the property?

Five years from the time of purchase we will have sufficient equity in the property to place a traditional commercial loan on

the property, we will then payoff our private investors and invite them to join

us in another deal.

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Questions From Investors

How do private investors get paid?

We make a simple interest payment to them in two ways. An annual interest

payment based on their principle investment, or they can choose to let the interest accrue for the term, giving the

investor a better return on their investment.

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Questions From Investors

How do you determine the interest rate you pay your investors?

We monitor a number of CD rate websites to determine our base rate.

The base rate is the minimal rate we offer, it is for the entry level investment.

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Questions From Investors

How do you determine the interest rate you pay your investors?

We use a sliding investment scale allowing our investors to earn a larger interest rate based on the amount they

invest, and the length of time they choose to keep their investment with us.

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Questions From Investors

What will happen if I need to end my investment do to an emergency?

In case of an emergency we will allow termination of the investment agreement

provided we receive a 60 day written notice, and we will need to have another investor take their place in the property.

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Questions From Investors

What will happen if I need to end my investment do to an emergency?

We will not charge any penalty for leaving the investment before the agreed

term, but please remember that the funds invested were used to purchase real

estate and are not a liquid asset.

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Questions From Investors

How safe is this type of investment?

There is risk in all forms of investing, buying stocks, mutual funds, partnering in a business venture, or whatever, there

will always be risk.

Always research your investment choices.

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Questions From Investors

How safe is this type of investment?

We do our very best to give our investors “Peace of Mind”, so here are a few things

you need to remember when investing with us.

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“Peace of Mind”

When you invest with us as a private investor, your investment is secured by a

specific property.

All of the information we have gathered about the property is made available to

our investors to help them with their investment decisions.

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“Peace of Mind”

All invested funds go into an escrow account where they are only made

available for purchasing the property at closing. We never directly handle your


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“Peace of Mind”

At closing a few very important documents are prepared for our investors.

A promissory note from me personally.

A mortgage securing the portion of their investment.

Copies of all insurance declaration pages.

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“Peace of Mind”

We close all transactions with an Attorney and Title Company to ensure that all the

required documents are recorded properly.

This protects both our investors and our company.

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“Peace of Mind”

All properties are professionally managed by a qualified property management


And, our attorney has been given :Power of Attorney” to liquidate our investment portfolio to satisfy our agreed obligations

with our investors should that become necessary.

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We offer full disclosure to our investors and are compliant to all SEC


“Peace of Mind”

We are registered with the “Securities and Exchange Commission” as Cherry Hill Investments, the fund raising branch of

our business.

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“Peace of Mind”

I am a member of the Self Storage Association, the national organization which promotes and monitors the self storage industry.

The SSA issues a monthly trade magazine The Globe, to help keep its members informed on subjects as Market Trends, Local and National issues, and much more.

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“Peace of Mind”

The Self Storage Association also offers industry training in all aspects of owning

self storage.

I received my CSSM certification (Certified Self Storage Management) from

the SSA in 2010.

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In Summary

Now you know a little about our company, The Cherry Hill Group, the type of properties we are looking to buy, how

private mortgage lending works, and how it may benefit you.

If you are interested in learning more please contact us. I’m looking forward to

working with you.

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This is neither an offer to sell securities nor a

solicitation of offers to purchase securities. Securities may only be sold under

exemption from or registration under relevant securities

laws and regulations.

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Thank you very much for your time.