THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. VOL. XXVI. NEW YORK, \V1?DNGSDAY, MAY 25, 1898. NUMBER 'I'I>c following communication front the Corporation Counsel was read and ordered on file BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Guam of I'n1,Iic Lnprovemeufs of The City of New York met at the office of the board, No. 346 Broadway, on Wcol ie,day, May LS, 1898, at 2 o'clock ['. %t., pursuant to notice. The roll was called and the lid low >ng i umhers were present an(I answered to their names The Corporation Counsel (\Ir. I ailcy1, the Commissioner of \Vater Supply, the Couunis- siuucr of Ilighways, the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Commissioner of Public lluililing; , Lighting an(i Supplies. the Cunnni.sioner of Bridges, the President of the I;orough of Manhattan, the President of the llorou;h of The Bronx, the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, the President of the Borough of Queens and the 1'rusident of the L'oard. The minutes of the meeting of May 1 r, 1895, were read and approved. 'I, he following resolution, l resru tei l by the Connnissi nee of Itri hes, was adopted Resolved, That, in pursuance of "ectious 413 and 416 of the Grenter New York Charter, the ]hoard of Public improvements hereby rca , mmcud to the Jlnnicilal Assembly 1 r adoption the following ordinance : Ile it Ordained by the 'Municipal Assembly of The City of New fork Secti ii I. That the commissioner of the department f bridgcs be and lie hereby is author- iied and empowered to advertise for proposals or estimate: for the constructing ur repairing of bridges in •fhc City I , t Nuw Y, ,rk, and to award contracts tIicref.,r to the lorc:t bidder, unless the board ,l1 public i ill hrovetucnts, by the vote of a majority of it, ineuthers, of whom the mayor and comptroller mall Le tw , shall determine that it is fur the public interest that a bi(l other than the lowest should be accepted ; and that no contract shall he n>ade under this ordinance until the comptroller certifies thereon that the necessary funds are provided and applicable thereto. Sec. 2. No contract shall be made by said commissioner under this ordinance for the con- coustructing or repairing of any hridge or grudges, the expense of which is to he pail from the proceeds of the sale .,f ])ends. Sec. 3. All contracts to be made or let fur 1tyrlc to, 1 dune or supplies to be furnished owlcr this ordinance, shall provide for the payment of the costs and e\penses there f from af,propria- tions previously made for tort intcnauce 0111 repair of bridges in the City of Nen% \"ork. .Atlirn>atice—C,,iumi,siuucrs of Water Supply, Servers, lhi I es, President of the 1lorottgh of 11[ntil,att;tn, 1'resi , leut of the 1SorougI The l;rung, l'resident of the 1iorottrh of L'ruulayn, 1'resi- cicut of the Borough of (~ueens, President of the Board. Negative—Nonc•. The following communication was rea(l and referral to the Cointuissioner of highways for the purpose of making an estimate as to the cost of preparing the ground for the statue, and talon,, the necessary steps to secure an appropriation from the Board of Estimate and :Apportionment IlltNl-i)1NIM,\t. Costvinfra:, ])t:. ERrcsr Ro iii( i, Nu. 7o E ONE IHUNI itED AM) Twt.:yT1I t it `;trcut;!, (. Ntc~v Vora,, 'lay 17, ts9s. If ,),. AL't.LclCE. T. IIor.AHAN, 1'n'.erdeul, 13ar•d of 11/lie 1nr11 -o-z~wents, .'C a. Ii'rk: I)E.-vti SiR-1n IS)6 a number of prominent citi/ens of the present Borough of The Bronx applied to the Heine 3lontnnent Committee to place the Loreley Fountain, if possible, at One hundred and Sixty-first street and Slott avenue, as the original plans provided for that place a fiiuntain at the cost of $50,000, and thus the City night he saved .a consii[erable expeu,e. "1' he c. , iii jolt tee entertainU I the proposition under the con :lition that the applicants should get the con- sent of the proper authorities. A resolution v. as pastied by the Roared of Aldermen authorizing the erection of said ff,untain. It took ali ost two year. to finish the f untain, and when it arrived in this City at last the organizatiou if Greater New Y rk had been accotnpli.hed. We offered the 1.oruley fountain to the Local Board of the Twenty-first and "l'wenty-.second District for the same site, and the offer was accepted by a resolution of March 24, [898, of which I enclosea copy. The resolution was confirme,l by resolutions of the City Council, and after another public hearing, by the Board of Aldermen, and received the Mayor's signature on May 13. I also enclose a copy of a resolution of the Art Cotumission, recommending the fountain on the proposed site. On 1 ehalf of the Ilchic Dlouutnent Committee, 1 respectfully ask the lion. ];card of Public Improvements, to confirm said resolutions and to allow the necessary amount from the IIightv::y ,laiutcnanre Fund to prepare the place which is City property, for the fountain, which will he erected at our expense, also to infirm its with whom we shall have to confer about the details of the execution. We should thank you to give the matter your kind attention at your earliest convenience, as we have to pay a considerable amount for storage and insurance. Allow me to add that whenever at a later time the northern part of the City will be more developed and this site should be thought the most suited for an equally I;eautiful monument of a national character, the promoters are willing that it should he removed to another place worthy of its beauty. Ill the meantime ice beg again to allow its to proceed on the site originally offered, so that the City may soon receive this beautiful birthday present to Greater New York, worth 000. Di. ERNST RICIIARD, Secretary lIcine Monument Committee. Crry OF NFvV Yo1e —l'riafut•:-Nr or'rtn': COUNCIL, C1'r'v Ilat.t., May iS, 1895. I/wrc. M_vU'RICII F. Ili. tit.vN, No. 316 Broadway, New York City : 11v DEaic 1RESIDENr—In transmitting to you the accompanying certified copy of the resoltr- tion relating to the erection of the Lorelei fountain in the Borough of The I;ronx as passed by built branches of the 'Municipal Assembly, I beg to say that in my opinion the monument should be erected upon the site selected by President flatTen and, as I understand, approved of by the Municipal Assembly. I ate further instructed by Dr. Ernst Richard that if at any future time a place be needed as the site of a national monument, the Ileine-Denkntal. Corn utittee will undertake to remove the fntniUtm. With a sincere hope that the purpose of I)r. Richard and his confreres may be approved of by you, I am Very truly yours, RANDOLI'HI (;UGGENIIEIMEIi, Presiolent of the Council. JocLLvn JOHNSTON, Secretary. NEW Voitic, May 12, 1S98. 11Iv DEAR Sttc—At a meeting of the Municipal Art Commission bell on Tuesday, May lo, the following resolution was voted Resolved, That the developed design submitted to this Commission for a decorative fountain called the "Reinc Fountain" to he placed at the junction of One Ilundred and Sixty-first street and Mott avenue, as designated on the Park plans submitted, is approved by the Municipal Art Commission. I am, sir, Very truly yours, (Signed) C. If. BARNEY, President. I.Ati'; I )r.r:va'rsnrN'1, O1I-'U:15 UI 't liE (a>RcoicsTION ('IUNsirt., NI.w Yoxic, May tS, 1898. I l 7i, the 11 ,rrr,/of I'uili': Iirrfr<. uurrrls ; Sias--By section 415 of the Charter you have hover over contracts for water supply with private companies, and 1 y section 471 it is made unlawful for the Commissioner of Water ' ii II to enter Into any contract with any corporation engaged in the InIsincss of supplying or selling, Crater Gar private or Iii hlic use, unless preliminary to the execution of the contract, yf,ur assent I. given by resolution to the execution of such contract as subiuitted. I'ur. ,uant to these pr<,visiuns, 1 submit a proposed firm ofcoutract, between the Commissioner of \Vater Supply and the CIttzcns' \Vater Supply Company of Newtown, i idursed with my approval as to form. You will probably recall the fact that the proposed contract with this Company seas the subject of some litigation in t >ueens County in the suit of Gleason vs. Dalton. 'V'lie ,relintinary injunction granted by Justice Gaynor in that action has been revered by the Appellate Division of the Sc coil ,l Department, and an order to that effect d iii y entered. The objections urged again,t the contract as it was originally drafted, have been remedic,l by amendutents, allot I have added a clause that in case the action of Gleason vs. Dalton shall result adversely to the defendant, the contract shall cease ant] detenuine, and that the City shall not be held responsible in damage,. There are now, therefore, no legal objections to the execution of the proposed contract. R_,pectfully yours, JOHN \\'[I\LE\, Corporation Counsel. The contract referred to fuilotvs Agreement made this day of May, i89S, by and between The City of New York, a municipal corporation, by William Dalton, the Commissioner of \\ ater Suj ply of said corporation (hereinafter called The City of New Volk) a.s authorized by chapter 375, sections 415 an11 471, Laws IS97, piety of the first Part, and the Citizens' Water Supply Company of Newtown, at domestic water-works corporation of the State of New York (hereinafter called the \V':,tcr Company), party of the second part. \1hcrcas, The said Water Company was duly incorporated on or about the tst clay of Jour, IS93, as a stater-wurks corporation under and in par-uauce of the Transportaliuu C'.,rporatiun l.aw. and thereafter amid min or about the Gth play of January, IS94, (duly entere,1 into a contract with the '1'own of Newtown, in the Cuttnty of Queens, and State of New York, for the supply of water to said toter, and has constructed a system of water-icurks st itlt a stand-Pipe, the top of which is one htmdred anal eighty (iSo) feet alive tidewater, and has laid its mains and piles, as sliotvn on Ilie otap hereto annexed and istamteed '' Exhibit A " in tie territory now coustituting part of he City of New York, and has since the year 1594 been Iuriashing and is still furnishing to the said town and to the inhahitauIs thereof, pure and wholesome water through its mains and pipes, as : host it on =add map ; and \Whereas, The said Commissioner of \Vater Supply has (July examined into the sources of , ,haler supply of the said Water ( uutpany and has detcrininel that the same is srhulcsoute alit[ adc, lttate for huruishing the quantity I pure and wholesome water to The City of New York and to its iultal,itants, which the sn:,l \Vater Company hereinafter agree.,, to Iniiiiih ; and \Chereas, 1'reliutivary to the execution of this couttact the III iivi,iunsof this contract in all its details, to form all II sub.t:utce as he r ein provided, Isere submitted to the Board of 1'ul,iic 1 iii lir'1%e- nieut.s of The City of New York, and the assent of said Board, after such submission to it, Chas given by resolution to the execution of such proposcct contract as su suhmittcd : Now, therefore, this agreement iv itncsseth, That in con silerati,in if the mutual covenant, herein contained, nm,l of one dollar (St) in hand paid by each pa.ty hereto to the (other patty hereto, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged ; i. The said Water Company hereby agrees within thirty (3o) days after the execution and delivery of this contract to connect its seater tuainsatur near the i rnur boundary line of the Tot %n of \c stow ii with the water mains of'1'he City of \'ew York, so that water tu,ty be furnished lrutn the mains uf -ai,l Water Company to the trains of the sai(I City of Ncvv V'.irk through such con- nections, and thereafter, as the (:otnn,is,ioner of \Vater Supply of Thu City If \c%c Work shall from time to titre re-luire, to make further like connections St idi the utains of said \\ utter Company at or near the blitilulaly line of the foriner Town of Newtown, where the necessary trains are laict I,y The City of New \'mirk, to, at or near said boundary line. 2. The said \\ aier Company hereby agrees to li,rthwill;, upon the completion of each of such connections, to furnish and supply through such connections fn itt its water hams to and into the water mains of The City of New \'ork pure and wholesome water, to be measured at or near the point of each such connection by a standard water meter, to lie selected by the Com,uissiouer of Water Supply of The City of New York, and that thereafter while this contract shall remain in force, said \V'ater Company will continue so to furnish pure anal wholesome water to The City of New York at a pressure at or near eaclr such connection equivalent to at Icast one Itunilre -I alt forty (140) feet above tide water, or to such height or pressure as The City of New 1 - urk may re, lhire. The said \\'ate( Company further agrees that after thirty (30I clay's froin the execution and delivery of this contract, it will so furnish and supply to The City of New York at least five huh 1ted thousanI (500,000) gallons ],cr clay of pure and wholesu>ne crater, and if it shall be desirable to increase eaid Company's water supply to enable it to [urn iii to said city the desire .I quantity ut water, it is hereby given the authority' of The City of \etv S'orl. so to do, as provided by law. 3. fhe City of New Vlk hereby agrees that after the execution and delivery of this contract, and a fast as such connections shall he mace, it will accept from said water Company live hundred thousand (500,000) gallons of pure and wholesome water per clay, and such further quantity as, in the judgement of said Commissioner shall 1 u neces,aty from time to tittle to furnish said C>ty a sufficient and adequate supply of pure allot stholesomu water, and as shall be required I said Commissioner from said company. The City of New York agrees to pay the said seater company for such water so furnished to The City of New York by said water company at the rate of sixty- five dollars ($65) per million gallons, to be paid monthly within thirty days after the voucher for same is presented to the Comptroller for the quantity so furnished (luring each next preceding month. 4. This contract ,hall continue in force for three years from the date hereof. lint if a perma- nent injunction shall lie granted in the action now pending in the Supreme Court, in which Patrick J. Gleason is plaintiff and William Italton, as Commissioner of Water Supply of'1'he City of New York, and the Citizens' \Vater Supply Company of Newtown, N. Y. are defendants, amid thereby The City of New York shall be rendered unable to Perform this contract on its part, this contract shall cease and determine amt no damages shall be claimed or recovered by the water company against The City of New York by reason of such inability of The City of New York to perform this contract. 5. The said water company shall furnish a bond to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for the faithful performance of the above agreement. In Witness \V'hereof, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized officers, have respectively signed the corporate na n>es of the parties hereto amt affixed the corporate seals of the parties hereto, the day and year first above written. The President of the Borough of Queens protested against approving said contract, and sub- nutted the following protest : MUNICIPAL Oww'NicRSblr OF Pt tut.ic F1tANc1-htst•:s. r From Democratic Platform, 1597,) 7i, Board o/ 1'u/lie turf roz, <ru nls, :G ra fork Cill', IL, n. DMAURicE F. IIot.,vhA`, I'residerrl GEN fLEMr:N—The undersigned, as chief representative of the people of the Borough of (~)ueens, and as I rezident of the Local Board thereof, which latter body charged as it is by the "Charter of the Greater New York" to entertain and aid in all matters respecting the good government therein and of said district, did, unanimously adopt resolution declaring the entering into contract with any corporation, etc., for an additional supply of water for the territory hereto- fore known as Long Island City, as inimical to the good government thereof, and against the proper development of the City's water plant therein, to sufficiently meet public requirements at comparatively small outlay of public funds, with the increased public debt to lie created, where. with to annually obtain and wastefully pay to such private water corporations large sums of the people's moneys ; and said Local Board, mindful of the opposition previously given by the to such attempts against the public weal, did emphasize its approval thereof by voting a continuance thereof of such championing of the people's rights therein ; certified copy whereof and of document on such subject previously served upon his Honor the Mayor were drily transmitted to your Board ; do, in view of the foregoing and of the premises hereinafter set forth, retake respectful, earnest, determined and persistent protest, and will continue to make same, against the entering into con- tract by The Crty of New York as aforestated ; and submit

THE CITY RECORD. - New York University

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'I'I>c following communication front the Corporation Counsel was read and ordered on file


The Guam of I'n1,Iic Lnprovemeufs of The City of New York met at the office of the board, No. 346 Broadway, on Wcol ie,day, May LS, 1898, at 2 o'clock ['. %t., pursuant to notice.

The roll was called and the lid low >ng i umhers were present an(I answered to their names The Corporation Counsel (\Ir. I ailcy1, the Commissioner of \Vater Supply, the Couunis-

siuucr of Ilighways, the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, the Commissioner of Sewers, the Commissioner of Public lluililing; , Lighting an(i Supplies. the Cunnni.sioner of Bridges, the President of the I;orough of Manhattan, the President of the llorou;h of The Bronx, the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, the President of the Borough of Queens and the 1'rusident of the L'oard.

The minutes of the meeting of May 1 r, 1895, were read and approved.

'I, he following resolution, l resru tei l by the Connnissi nee of Itri hes, was adopted Resolved, That, in pursuance of "ectious 413 and 416 of the Grenter New York Charter, the

]hoard of Public improvements hereby rca ,mmcud to the Jlnnicilal Assembly 1 r adoption the following ordinance :

Ile it Ordained by the 'Municipal Assembly of The City of New fork Secti ii I. That the commissioner of the department f bridgcs be and lie hereby is author-

iied and empowered to advertise for proposals or estimate: for the constructing ur repairing of bridges in •fhc City I ,t Nuw Y, ,rk, and to award contracts tIicref.,r to the lorc:t bidder, unless the board ,l1 public i ill hrovetucnts, by the vote of a majority of it, ineuthers, of whom the mayor and comptroller mall Le tw , shall determine that it is fur the public interest that a bi(l other than the lowest should be accepted ; and that no contract shall he n>ade under this ordinance until the comptroller certifies thereon that the necessary funds are provided and applicable thereto.

Sec. 2. No contract shall be made by said commissioner under this ordinance for the con-coustructing or repairing of any hridge or grudges, the expense of which is to he pail from the proceeds of the sale .,f ])ends.

Sec. 3. All contracts to be made or let fur 1tyrlc to, 1 dune or supplies to be furnished owlcr this ordinance, shall provide for the payment of the costs and e\penses there f from af,propria-tions previously made for tort intcnauce 0111 repair of bridges in the City of Nen% \"ork.

.Atlirn>atice—C,,iumi,siuucrs of Water Supply, Servers, lhi I es, President of the 1lorottgh of 11[ntil,att;tn, 1'resi, leut of the 1SorougI The l;rung, l'resident of the 1iorottrh of L'ruulayn, 1'resi- cicut of the Borough of (~ueens, President of the Board.


The following communication was rea(l and referral to the Cointuissioner of highways for the purpose of making an estimate as to the cost of preparing the ground for the statue, and talon,, the necessary steps to secure an appropriation from the Board of Estimate and :Apportionment

IlltNl-i)1NIM,\t. Costvinfra:, ])t:. ERrcsr Ro iii( i, Nu. 7o E ONE IHUNI itED AM) Twt.:yT1I t it `;trcut;!, (.

Ntc~v Vora,, 'lay 17, ts9s.

If ,),. AL't.LclCE. T. IIor.AHAN, 1'n'.erdeul, 13ar•d of 11/lie 1nr11-o-z~wents, .'C a. Ii'rk: I)E.-vti SiR-1n IS)6 a number of prominent citi/ens of the present Borough of The Bronx

applied to the Heine 3lontnnent Committee to place the Loreley Fountain, if possible, at One hundred and Sixty-first street and Slott avenue, as the original plans provided for that place a fiiuntain at the cost of $50,000, and thus the City night he saved .a consii[erable expeu,e. "1' he c., iii jolt tee entertainU I the proposition under the con :lition that the applicants should get the con-sent of the proper authorities. A resolution v. as pastied by the Roared of Aldermen authorizing the erection of said ff,untain. It took ali ost two year. to finish the f untain, and when it arrived in this City at last the organizatiou if Greater New Y rk had been accotnpli.hed. We offered the 1.oruley fountain to the Local Board of the Twenty-first and "l'wenty-.second District for the same site, and the offer was accepted by a resolution of March 24, [898, of which I enclosea copy. The resolution was confirme,l by resolutions of the City Council, and after another public hearing, by the Board of Aldermen, and received the Mayor's signature on May 13. I also enclose a copy of a resolution of the Art Cotumission, recommending the fountain on the proposed site.

On 1 ehalf of the Ilchic Dlouutnent Committee, 1 respectfully ask the lion. ];card of Public Improvements, to confirm said resolutions and to allow the necessary amount from the IIightv::y ,laiutcnanre Fund to prepare the place which is City property, for the fountain, which will he erected at our expense, also to infirm its with whom we shall have to confer about the details of the execution.

We should thank you to give the matter your kind attention at your earliest convenience, as we have to pay a considerable amount for storage and insurance.

Allow me to add that whenever at a later time the northern part of the City will be more developed and this site should be thought the most suited for an equally I;eautiful monument of a national character, the promoters are willing that it should he removed to another place worthy of its beauty. Ill the meantime ice beg again to allow its to proceed on the site originally offered, so that the City may soon receive this beautiful birthday present to Greater New York, worth

000. Di. ERNST RICIIARD, Secretary lIcine Monument Committee.

Crry OF NFvV Yo1e —l'riafut•:-Nr or'rtn': COUNCIL, C1'r'v Ilat.t., May iS, 1895.

I/wrc. M_vU'RICII F. Ili. tit.vN, No. 316 Broadway, New York City : 11v DEaic 1RESIDENr—In transmitting to you the accompanying certified copy of the resoltr-

tion relating to the erection of the Lorelei fountain in the Borough of The I;ronx as passed by built branches of the 'Municipal Assembly, I beg to say that in my opinion the monument should be erected upon the site selected by President flatTen and, as I understand, approved of by the Municipal Assembly.

I ate further instructed by Dr. Ernst Richard that if at any future time a place be needed as the site of a national monument, the Ileine-Denkntal. Corn utittee will undertake to remove the fntniUtm.

With a sincere hope that the purpose of I)r. Richard and his confreres may be approved of by you, I am

Very truly yours, RANDOLI'HI (;UGGENIIEIMEIi, Presiolent of the Council.

JocLLvn JOHNSTON, Secretary. NEW Voitic, May 12, 1S98.

11Iv DEAR Sttc—At a meeting of the Municipal Art Commission bell on Tuesday, May lo, the following resolution was voted

Resolved, That the developed design submitted to this Commission for a decorative fountain called the "Reinc Fountain" to he placed at the junction of One Ilundred and Sixty-first street and Mott avenue, as designated on the Park plans submitted, is approved by the Municipal Art Commission.

I am, sir, Very truly yours,

(Signed) C. If. BARNEY, President.

I.Ati'; I )r.r:va'rsnrN'1, O1I-'U:15 UI 't liE (a>RcoicsTION ('IUNsirt.,

NI.w Yoxic, May tS, 1898. Il 7i, the 11,rrr,/of I'uili': Iirrfr<.✓uurrrls ;

Sias--By section 415 of the Charter you have hover over contracts for water supply with private companies, and 1 y section 471 it is made unlawful for the Commissioner of Water ' ii II to enter Into any contract with any corporation engaged in the InIsincss of supplying or selling, Crater Gar private or Iii hlic use, unless preliminary to the execution of the contract, yf,ur assent I. given by resolution to the execution of such contract as subiuitted.

I'ur.,uant to these pr<,visiuns, 1 submit a proposed firm ofcoutract, between the Commissioner of \Vater Supply and the CIttzcns' \Vater Supply Company of Newtown, i idursed with my approval as to form.

You will probably recall the fact that the proposed contract with this Company seas the subject of some litigation in t >ueens County in the suit of Gleason vs. Dalton. 'V'lie ,relintinary injunction granted by Justice Gaynor in that action has been revered by the Appellate Division of the Sc coil ,l Department, and an order to that effect d iii y entered.

The objections urged again,t the contract as it was originally drafted, have been remedic,l by amendutents, allot I have added a clause that in case the action of Gleason vs. Dalton shall result adversely to the defendant, the contract shall cease ant] detenuine, and that the City shall not be held responsible in damage,.

There are now, therefore, no legal objections to the execution of the proposed contract. R_,pectfully yours,

JOHN \\'[I\LE\, Corporation Counsel. The contract referred to fuilotvs Agreement made this day of May, i89S, by and between The City of New York, a

municipal corporation, by William Dalton, the Commissioner of \\ ater Suj ply of said corporation (hereinafter called The City of New Volk) a.s authorized by chapter 375, sections 415 an11 471, Laws IS97, piety of the first Part, and the Citizens' Water Supply Company of Newtown, at domestic water-works corporation of the State of New York (hereinafter called the \V':,tcr Company), party of the second part.

\1hcrcas, The said Water Company was duly incorporated on or about the tst clay of Jour, IS93, as a stater-wurks corporation under and in par-uauce of the Transportaliuu C'.,rporatiun l.aw. and thereafter amid min or about the Gth play of January, IS94, (duly entere,1 into a contract with the '1'own of Newtown, in the Cuttnty of Queens, and State of New York, for the supply of water to said toter, and has constructed a system of water-icurks st itlt a stand-Pipe, the top of which is one htmdred anal eighty (iSo) feet alive tidewater, and has laid its mains and piles, as sliotvn on Ilie otap hereto annexed and istamteed '' Exhibit A " in tie territory now coustituting part of he City of New York, and has since the year 1594 been Iuriashing and is still furnishing to the said town and to the inhahitauIs thereof, pure and wholesome water through its mains and pipes, as : host it on =add map ; and

\Whereas, The said Commissioner of \Vater Supply has (July examined into the sources of ,,haler supply of the said Water ( uutpany and has detcrininel that the same is srhulcsoute alit[ adc,lttate for huruishing the quantity I pure and wholesome water to The City of New York and to its iultal,itants, which the sn:,l \Vater Company hereinafter agree.,, to Iniiiiih ; and

\Chereas, 1'reliutivary to the execution of this couttact the III iivi,iunsof this contract in all its details, to form all II sub.t:utce as he rein provided, Isere submitted to the Board of 1'ul,iic 1 iii lir'1%e-nieut.s of The City of New York, and the assent of said Board, after such submission to it, Chas given by resolution to the execution of such proposcct contract as su suhmittcd :

Now, therefore, this agreement iv itncsseth, That in con silerati,in if the mutual covenant, herein contained, nm,l of one dollar (St) in hand paid by each pa.ty hereto to the (other patty hereto, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged ;

i. The said Water Company hereby agrees within thirty (3o) days after the execution and delivery of this contract to connect its seater tuainsatur near the i rnur boundary line of the Tot %n of \c stow ii with the water mains of'1'he City of \'ew York, so that water tu,ty be furnished lrutn the mains uf -ai,l Water Company to the trains of the sai(I City of Ncvv V'.irk through such con-nections, and thereafter, as the (:otnn,is,ioner of \Vater Supply of Thu City If \c%c Work shall from time to titre re-luire, to make further like connections St idi the utains of said \\ utter Company at or near the blitilulaly line of the foriner Town of Newtown, where the necessary trains are laict I,y The City of New \'mirk, to, at or near said boundary line.

2. The said \\ aier Company hereby agrees to li,rthwill;, upon the completion of each of such connections, to furnish and supply through such connections fn itt its water hams to and into the water mains of The City of New \'ork pure and wholesome water, to be measured at or near the point of each such connection by a standard water meter, to lie selected by the Com,uissiouer of Water Supply of The City of New York, and that thereafter while this contract shall remain in force, said \V'ater Company will continue so to furnish pure anal wholesome water to The City of New York at a pressure at or near eaclr such connection equivalent to at Icast one Itunilre -I alt forty (140) feet above tide water, or to such height or pressure as The City of New 1-urk may re, lhire. The said \\'ate( Company further agrees that after thirty (30I clay's froin the execution and delivery of this contract, it will so furnish and supply to The City of New York at least five huh 1ted thousanI (500,000) gallons ],cr clay of pure and wholesu>ne crater, and if it shall be desirable to increase eaid Company's water supply to enable it to [urn iii to said city the desire .I quantity ut water, it is hereby given the authority' of The City of \etv S'orl. so to do, as provided by law.

3. fhe City of New Vlk hereby agrees that after the execution and delivery of this contract, and a fast as such connections shall he mace, it will accept from said water Company live hundred thousand (500,000) gallons of pure and wholesome water per clay, and such further quantity as, in the judgement of said Commissioner shall 1 u neces,aty from time to tittle to furnish said C>ty a sufficient and adequate supply of pure allot stholesomu water, and as shall be required I said Commissioner from said company. The City of New York agrees to pay the said seater company for such water so furnished to The City of New York by said water company at the rate of sixty-five dollars ($65) per million gallons, to be paid monthly within thirty days after the voucher for same is presented to the Comptroller for the quantity so furnished (luring each next preceding month.

4. This contract ,hall continue in force for three years from the date hereof. lint if a perma- nent injunction shall lie granted in the action now pending in the Supreme Court, in which Patrick J. Gleason is plaintiff and William Italton, as Commissioner of Water Supply of'1'he City of New York, and the Citizens' \Vater Supply Company of Newtown, N. Y. are defendants, amid thereby The City of New York shall be rendered unable to Perform this contract on its part, this contract shall cease and determine amt no damages shall be claimed or recovered by the water company against The City of New York by reason of such inability of The City of New York to perform this contract.

5. The said water company shall furnish a bond to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for the faithful performance of the above agreement.

In Witness \V'hereof, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized officers, have respectively signed the corporate na n>es of the parties hereto amt affixed the corporate seals of the parties hereto, the day and year first above written.

The President of the Borough of Queens protested against approving said contract, and sub-nutted the following protest :

MUNICIPAL Oww'NicRSblr OF Pt tut.ic F1tANc1-htst•:s. r From Democratic Platform, 1597,)

7i, Board o/ 1'u/lie turf roz,<ru nls, :G ra fork Cill', IL,n. DMAURicE F. IIot.,vhA`, I'residerrl GEN fLEMr:N—The undersigned, as chief representative of the people of the Borough of

(~)ueens, and as I rezident of the Local Board thereof, which latter body charged as it is by the "Charter of the Greater New York" to entertain and aid in all matters respecting the good government therein and of said district, did, unanimously adopt resolution declaring the entering into contract with any corporation, etc., for an additional supply of water for the territory hereto-fore known as Long Island City, as inimical to the good government thereof, and against the proper development of the City's water plant therein, to sufficiently meet public requirements at comparatively small outlay of public funds, with the increased public debt to lie created, where. with to annually obtain and wastefully pay to such private water corporations large sums of the people's moneys ; and said Local Board, mindful of the opposition previously given by the to such attempts against the public weal, did emphasize its approval thereof by voting a continuance thereof of such championing of the people's rights therein ; certified copy whereof and of document on such subject previously served upon his Honor the Mayor were drily transmitted to your Board ; do, in view of the foregoing and of the premises hereinafter set forth, retake respectful, earnest, determined and persistent protest, and will continue to make same, against the entering into con-tract by The Crty of New York as aforestated ; and submit


That the attetnta of The City of 'etc York to cuter !utu such contract with the Citizens' \\ Auer Company of \etttown to supply Long I.land City ilisLEict o% itlt a,I,IIIionaI %cater is hut substituting the Comnlis~i ncr u£ Water Supply of The City of New York in place of the hoard of \Vatcr Cont-nlissioners of City of lug Island (_ity, and the I. itirens' Water Cqutpany of Newtown in place of the \V'ood,i,le \eater Company of Nctctotvn, and therehv 1ruilifvin that which the taxpayers of said district undertook, and 101 which the Supnutc Court granted then% :ul injtutctiun, and is still in fun cc against said City' taking a in ply of wirer fr,'in -such companv, and the then Conunon Council from auditing its clatus, and against the City Treasurer from paying out the people's ruunc y, for such claims.

The follolvin is quoted from the opinion of the 'Supreme Court on the foregoing matter. The City (of Long Island City) lids a tt.ttei plant of its lull), and Iris for tn:niy years bccn

engaged in supplying itself with ti.ttrr, notwith,Landiug which the said li„ard (Water Cotntnis-siuners r,f Long I-laud (ii t ), s composed of the \la.\or gaol other Contntissionen, entered ltuu the contract in yuestin with tile 11 ater company, ii tilt the intcuti,nt, it is alleged, of rivalling, ne41ert-iug :tntl injul ing the City's 11 titer plant and getting money front the City, viz.

The suns of 16111t sSo.000 per year fir a term of years In support of the foreoiug opinion, the following is taken front c tnntttnication of Contmis-

siunrr tit \\ utter Supl-1u to \ our I ionorable I;,lartl, under d.tte ul lreuruary i. , t'qS the rutirz sysieut're lui1r5 speedy itupiovenxnt and esten,i;m in order to utilize the avail-

aide water supply and distrii,ute it to cun,tuncts in proper quantity and quality and under sufiicirnt presure.

1i 'li!iratc

of (ost. 34,000 feet if rater-mains .............. ........ ... ...... ................ $6_,000 00

I riving well, at l'umptug Station N. t anti connecting them tvitlt pttutping engine.. 15,200 00

It i- n., ty cleve,l weeks since ,late of l rc1otn:g, wherein is declared : " That the cntire ,vstent re luires suce ty ini!,ruccinent." and ol,uut tour iuoutl,s ago since go:ate-t suuilcitiuhie I the \.ter-famished people of 1.1 rlg lslsul City tta. ntanitested in particular quarters, and although nothing has here clone. yet tc: still live, and tI-d.ty have a snore al,ui dant,ttpill)• of ii than (1111 ug the tittle the t ity's plant was truing nta,.ilIul.ttah in ills interest of the tt'ater c„mpany, and till' scale time after the beginning of tills year, when it seems, to be unable to extricate it alt out of such rut.

To materially ad ii to the °' proper ualitt and juanlit)' and tinder sttf tide nt pressure" we have the last ad i tioou to the (- itu's %cater pl alit . I:n no n as putn in, station \u. 3, at ivItich for the last eigi teen months a nut, Lollar has b,eu iayinc outsi-lc „f the works, tchiclt It takctt in and piope:ly set, all l another pump ti lie I thereto, anl tv Itich two l uml's sltaul.l be set down closer to %cater level, and iv Auld at a nnodcr lIe exp~nsc it ost ai und ant ly compensate for such outlay.

In the interest of the public, wu should have in iii id that the tin cc water plants herein men-tioned cos[ about $ioo,000.

That of the bonds issued for the money hi rrotve.I for such purpose there remains unpaid $ 56.000.

That for the payment of the annual hut Aill liClit of s20,000 it is necessary to include same in yearly tax let y.

That the t tal annual receipts of the Water I)epart:uent as per water tax rolls f r vacant lusts and building , aid all extra water rates are aInutahlv al, sun i:ed by the general expense of the de-partntcnt and tl.e intent ill its liunde,1 debt.

That the w:uer tax on vacant lots is a considerable portion, an Iii same trill not be continued will, to that extent, cause an additi,nal Ileficieney.

That for an additional nater,upply ti ii ch would he obtained from a prit.tie water company no additional income will be derived therilrum by the City. That judging l,v the claiius Beret, tore male by the Woodside Water Company of

New town, against late lull Hand City, that of the Cit jells ' War Coutp;tnc, also of Newtown . ;l ain>t the snide %.lit City of New York would annually shell upto . ................................................................ $10o,0c0 co

That ,itch contract for titre tears would make all additional deficiency arounullng in principal alone t .......................... ........................ S300,000 00

to which add bonded \utter iude itch ue_s outstanding........................ 356,000 00

w ill place the water obligations at ..................................... ... $656,oco 00

—without any income or revenue for or from same tvherztrith to make payment thereof. As to the struggle in court between the \\on,lsilc Water C•otnpany and the Citizens' Water

Colupany. both of Ncwtown, to enf rye a compliance with law refitting to the entering into such contract, ostensibly in the interest of tlic dear People, simply resolves itself dorm to this

'I-hat the creating of a large demand for water upon one of said companies by a contract with this City, a, seems determined to impose, will necessarily in tine melee serious draughts upon the v%ater sources of the , titer company, they being located in close proxiinity to each other, and witlt-out any recompense ; tcltereas, the other company with the contract ivill be getting all of the esti-mated price, 53oo.000. for the water thus lurni he-1 the City in the short period of thirty-six months, beeicics which the foregone e'Im ems ion that at end of such time said company wrould lie subject tII sacrifice t?) to the City. its materially exhausted plant at the enhancel value Lased upoll the large revenue Merited preciously thereto front the City as aforestated, with fall liberty there-after to erect pumping stat ;on along same source to continue suhl,l}'ink thereby the private eon - tunic r, cat the Torn of Ne iv town as the compare has been duuiig for s Inle years lack.

furelc the foregoing are good and substantial ren,ons fur a heroic attempt to be made by and with "vthura-oever it may concern' in a race in which but the one company can be let come in at the lead anti in Ohictl the public "won't Ise in it."

The duty of this a'Inliiitiation to the people of Long Island City is to speedily improve the City water plant, in this I ir,t \\a rd of the Itorn rig h of t cc us, 't in order to utilize the available water supply and chi-tribute it to the a ,u:,inters in proper quality and quantity and under suthcient pressure," and also to award contracts only to the lowest bidders, upon adequate security, after due 1iuilieatiufl of r,iticeinsiting c. ,mpetition.

Permit me to add the hope that I may be ever found on the side of the people in its opposition to everything contrary to the deelaratl m prefixed hereto and inti oil uctury hereof, and that your official can I lac[ to the l dill of this Ifur ,ugh and it, rights play be etcr such ; that in ac duo tvl-edgntent thereof nt their an,l my own 1eha!t I niay be able to truthfully suhscribe myself as

Gratefully N I ours, FliLIERICh L'O\V'LE'u , President of the l;orouah of Queens.

Dated Lox I t lst..tsu Cu i v, May 3, 1SiuS.

\Ir. florak, on behalf of the Taxpayers' A.,sociatiou of the First Ward, Borough of Queens, submitted the fullutc ill g protest

'1'-t\Ill ER,' AssuctAl II-S OF t lIlt ht ttsr \WARD, L Intu It H or çtt EE\s, T1)E Crri ur Nr:tv \ -oax,

liEADIJUatTEla, Ni s, 924 .INI, 926 'lEInkVav Avt NuE, I;(xoyetI IIF ()UEENS (LONG Isl.Axu Crrt), May 17, 1896.

7.0 lk.' I';- t /nrl ,rm!.lis,ufi r; , f lli f i,-rr1 o% linjn:c 01r01,1..1 evo I ilk Citt', _A'. I. Sn:?—\\e. The Citizens' Association of the 1 ir_t Ward of the liorough of (,tueens,,to herewith

respectfully reluest your hoard not to enter into any contract for water with the Citizens, 1V'ater Company, or any other company or individual to supply Lon,, Island City (formerly) with water, a said locality has a sufficient water plant in running ureter, whiclt can, with a very slight outlay, I made to furnish abunclauee of water 1„r the next ten year-, and any contract Made for suppltiu-, water to said locality' outside of its own plant would ruin its present water supply and plant, and the additional expense would be a burden and grievous Wrong to the people of that section, will, I my last fall had to resort to the courts and (;rand Jury for relief front just such a contract to furnish .cater when they themselves had sufficient if their plant was not doctored to create a scarcity. Iloping, therefore, that your Ilonorable Body lviii stand by its to re Luce expenses and save to The City of New York a water plant which, if properly handled, would be a great source of revenue, your petitioners will cter pray.

MAX F. K.\SINER, President, RUDI)1.I'II HOR-\K, birch Ext.Cunlutittee, Caulnitfec. TIIEOI)OR STEIN. GEORGE KAIT1:MIANN,

1 at rd J. t,leason appeared .,u behalf of the 1V'u Id icic AV'atCr 111 ally and submitted) the following :

OFI ICE OF 1'1IE \VU%,tuBtloE \Val tat (ottlAxy, N,. 112 PRO%I STREET, BonouGi OF OuEEtS,

May iS, 1898. 71, t%t' 1 ,0 / cf 1}r'i1 fmfrotcncuts, _ACso Iii Cu/t, _1; I'.:

oE''rt,EIutes—Tlte WI odside A ater Company hereby offers to supply The City of New Pork with water, in the Borough of (u ueens, to the amount of from five hundred thousand to two million gallons daily, which amount can be increased to live million gallons daily arit}tin thirty days, if required. The water can be supplied to the City's system on ten minutes notice through pipes of the company at a pressure of eighty pounds.

The company will supply the water at f,,rty dollars per million gallons. kespectfully yours,

EDWARD M. l'I'IAl:EfL, President.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1898.

l']te l'resi,leut ~,f Ilte Iloruugh of Iiir,-oklyu moved to lay the whole matter ovcr for a week su that the Comptroller could be present.

The motion was lost by Ilse following vote Affirmative—Conlnlissioner of Sewers, Commissioner of Priiges, President of Brooklyn and

%'resident of (~ ucens-4. I`'egative—Coutmissioner of \Water Supply', Commissioner of llighwa}'s, Connnisinner of

Street (leaning, Commissioner of Public liuihliugs, lighting and Supplies, Iresiclent uC \lanhattan, President of The Bronx and the President of the Board —7.

Regularly moved and seconded by the president of the Poruuglt of Brooklyn, "'l'Itat this ]loam publicly advertise that water is re(luired for the Burlut;h of (; teens, and that this proposed contract be used as specifications, striking Out the name of the cowpauy and price, and that the advertisement state that the speci heat ions are on file at this office ; and that such adveIti,enteut he sent to every private water company in the Borough of (tueens.

The motion was lost. The Board then apl ,roved the contract as read, by the following, vote 111iruative—1 wntinisstoncts of \Water Supply, 1Iighways, Street ClcauinS, public Ihatt liu~s,

Lighting anal Sunplie>, and the President of the Board --5. Negative—Cuuunissiuners of Sewers, Cotnmi,sioner of L'ridges, and the I'resid. at of llic

Borough of (~)uccns-3. The ]'resident of the Borough of Brooklyn desire,] to vote, but the ('hair rule,] that the matter

was one affecting the IIorough of (,steers only, and that none of the other I;orough 1're.idenIs lr.nl t!:e right to vote oil it.

President Grout then stated that if lie had the privilege of voting he would vote lit the negative.

The followingconiluutucatiun front the Board of health was read and uefcrre,l to the Chief Topographical Engineer :

lit ii 'iii I)Er.tt:rMINI, CENrr,e, I:t.lt, \\Item: .i i 1'raNtlt.iN Srt<r:t;'rs, ,

Ni', A'nttt:, May 17, 1393. 1

Iii ti.

M. h. 1Itu. t I IN, 1'l):, idr,rl, A%wy- / ' 'J Public Im1mc'///cuts, NCI. ;pi llron(lw'ar, New York City ;

Slit—At a meeting of the Rcat'd of health, of the Department of health, ]held I ILy I 1, ISt~s, ilte huh lotvlug resolution was adopted

Resolved, '1'Itat a copy of the r, port of Sanitary Superintendent Roberts in respect to the sani-Ity cowlitiou of a scctiou of land situated betttcen (ule npoint al enur, Neoall street, Norluan au ,l i. ingslan<l avenues, its the Borough of Brooklyn, be li,nvarde I In the 1;•,ard of lirhlic ltnprove-meuts, with the request to tale such action and i ca.ures as ntay be dreuted proper to ,hate Stir nuisance.

A true copy. C. G(1I,1)I:R\L1N, Secretary pro tent.

The following communication from the health I department was read, au tl meferrc,1 to tl.e Chief "Topographical Egiueer :

IIE.vrtt DP:P.511(11t N F, CENrta:, l't m & \\'till[-, Ftuaxuci.rx SIRF- E'rs, 1~

New Yont , May 17, iSgS.

Ifott. 151.st'iICE I. llt , l..tlIAN, 1'rt.ci,laut, lr,d r f I'll//I r lur~rut'rurrut.r, No. J46 Broadway, Nen' York City.

Site--At a meeting ui'the l;oard of 1lealth, of the Department I of Ile.tlth, held May it, ISgS, the folloiving resolution was adopted

Resolved, That a copy of the 'spurt of Consulting Engineer Landreth, of the State Board of I lealth, and of the report of Assistant 'Sanitary Su 'err nte iii lcnt Lusk IIf this Departuicut, ill re-spect to nuisance•, caused I ,y- sewage front .Arverne and Ydgentcre in iatntaica l;ay, be for tcardcil to the Board of Public Improvements for the necessary action.

A true copy. C. IlOLIIER\IAN, I'c•mettry pro tell).

1'he %into%%ing contnntnication from the Corporation t ouu,cl was ic.ul and placed on the :

l.a'tt D115111 IIEN r, OFFICE ul: .']iii (arkt'x'R.1rtuN ('u,I' \5l'l.

Nl•av 1uRK, Nlay 17, ISgS.

ifvz. MAURICE 1. I]ot.all.SN, Iuss/,lxt, Fo,wd of 1'r,//r J.p; r,,u.v11s; Sip—I am in receipt of v sir cumniunicutiun beanug date Jlnrcit 211, the answer to iiifeti has

been ,IcloyetI by imperative engagements oft my part. You state that at a meting of' the ];oaid „f Public I tiprovenlent, the question a, tai which

1)epartntent was to take charge of the building of the Melrose avenue t mach uet was ittb.nittccl by file I,onnuis -ioner of Nigkitlgv,.

Ile chanted, as }'ua state, that in view of the opinion rendered by toe urn January tj last, in which it was decided that the Ricer,i,le helve viaduct was under tine cu,itrol of hi , tic Pd Ouch t, that the same rule should apply to the control o,f the depose avenue viaduct.

The Commi-siolieu of liriclgcv claimed that, inasmuch as dill coil ditFIns existed in each case, a. selparate opinion should be asked for from the Corporation CI,unsel.

1"ou ask lie, ti'c refure, to adctw your Board trhich Department is to ltav,2 control of the con-struction of the Melrose avenue viaduct.

I agree with the Commissioner of Iliidges in his statement that different conditions exi-st in each case, but the dillereuce of conditions is simply that the liridg,s in question ate c 'nstructetl under clitiercnt act,.

In one ,ene every .structure which carries any roadway or street by' means of arch.s, piers or other support,, is a l,rtdgc, but it is not a bridge as di,tiuguishcd front a street ill the comuwn use and ttnclerstauding of the tt'unl-.

\ly answer to }our question is, that there must be a general rule applicable to the entire city, and that titer-i should be only one te-t.

I hold that all bridge, tchiclt traverse either of the rivers st mom uuiiug the i.laud, are het Ige, within the mcaniug of the Charter.

I hold also, that in all other cases the hridges, viaducts, etc., by a iii clt street, are carried glee other streets or atcnucs, are streets and out bticlge, within the meaning of the C iii ter pi oisiolli.

Ill other work, the bridge., over the rivers are within the jtui,dictiou of the Contmi,-ioner of Bridgus, and all Other .,uuctures partaking of the nature of bridges or viaducts, are % iIlium the jurisdiction of the Cwutuissioncr of llighw'ays, or, tvlien within the parks, of the Departnlei,t of Parks.

\'ours, (Signed) JOHN V' IIALEN, C,rpotation Counsel.

President Haffeu requested that work lie .farted at once on the One Ilun trcd and Ii fly-tin ird Itreet and 1rlclruse avenue viaducts in vices of the Corporation Counsel's opinion.

The foil o% llg cutuntuwlicatiun from the Cuuttuissioner of public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies t+as lead ;

Drma1tin i OF YvltLIC liit'iI.t ,iNcs, Ukirtc.%l arro SureLus, U' I ICF, No. 346 lbuto \ut'AY,

Nt:tv ]'t,xt;, May 14, 1398.

ulcer. 151 i xtct: F. I I 'i :vita v, I'resrtlrut, Puuuv'dnf 1'rrLlic Impt' ,.enren/.+', No. 346 Broadway, City Dl\tc Sic --In accordance with provisions of Section 413 of Chapter 378 of the Laws of

IS97, I herewith submit a resolution .uUthoriiing and approving that this l leli art tuent ad ye for proposals and make a contract to furnish general supplies for the public buildiu s in the himough of Brooklyn, approximate cost, $4, 000 ; aucl reque>t that you transmit to the \lunicipal Assembly the same with your reeounnenulatills that it pass the uccc-,ary urdivauce, or resolutiun, author-izing the same.

Respectfully yours, IIENR\ S. K1'd\RN1', Conlntissioner.

—and the follow ing resolution was adopted : Resolved, butler pursuance of Section 413 of the new Charter, that the Department of

Public liuihlin >, Lighting and Supplies is hereby authorized to advertise for buts, amt enter into a contract to fun rush general supplies for the public buildings in the Borough of Ilrooklyn, approx-imate cost, $4,000, and the saute is recommended for passage to the Municipal Assernbly.

Affirmative—Commissioner, of Water Supply, IIighways, Street Cleaning, Setecrs, Pimklic Buildings, etc., Bridges, President Borough of Brooklyn, President of the Board.


'I he following communication from the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies was read :

I)E1.nxryIENm of Pttsi.r Bott.t,lxcs, Ln:%lrlNG AND 5etreAtE5, OFrtet•:, No. 346 Kt[laltN.tr,

NEty YORK, May 13, 1893.

I!„t. MAURICE I. lIot.AHAN, P/'csideal, board of I'arblic Guj„'oz,emezzts, No. 346 Broadway, New York City: DEAR Slit—In accordance with provisions of section 413 of chapter 373 of the Laws of 1397,

I herewith submit a resolution authorizing and approving that this Department advertise for pro - pu-sail, and ruake a contract to furnish material and perform the work: m making and completing alterations and imps \ements in the old City hall, Borough of Brooklyn, approximate cost $3,000,

and u,lwost that you tr.tismmit to the lunicip.il As,cnthly the same with your aorincndatiun that it pa-s the uece>sary urtdinonce, or re.olntiun, auih„riaiut; the Salle.

Itc.;l,cctfully yottr<, IILNRV S. KEARNY, Commissioner.

'I'hertvlvin the fullnoing resoluli n was adopted : Resolved, Under pursuance of section 413 of the new (;harley, that the 1)epariioent of 1'uhlic

Buildings, I.it;hlimg and Sapplics, is hereby authorize,l to a,lvr•rtise for Bids, and enter into a con-tract to lurnish tunnlerinil anti peiform the work in making and completing alterations ant intprove-o'ents in the ill City hall, lir e mu,hof krooklyn ; approxintatecost three thousan,htollar.; (5,f,000), and the ,ante is recommended for 1iassage bt the Alunicipal A,semhly.

Allirutative--Commissioner., of Water Supply, Ilighways, tiueet (leaning, Public Ittuldings, etc., I;ridge,, President of the liorough of Brooklyn, Pic,idenl of the Board.


The following Conunwiication from the Cntnnti-sioner of Public Buildings, etc., was read

I)is:\rtratt•:N•r OF 1't ia,tc h'ta,oixms, Iadlrim; :\Nn Srmt.ri:s, (tuna', No 346 I;r.,,,ti,vtav,

Nxty 1 unit, May 17, iS9S.

11<ar. MARIE F. Ilot.atl.5N, I'rrsi l nt. 1vmaI of I'ol/ii Inr!ros,wuvrts, No. 346 Ilroadway, New \ ork City :

1 tt: sit Sir,—ln accord.nnce vvith provj .ion s of section 413 of chapter ,37S of the Laws of iSt)7, I itecctvith submit a resolution attth riziug inn t e1,pr0yitvy that this llepartment a,ivtstixe for pro-posals, and otake a contract, for ttirulshinn, operating and maltit rining electric lamps for lighcin the streets, parks and public Tntece,.t in the Borough of Tho,rklyn, for the year iS9S, approximate cost 5oo,ouo, and request that you transmit to the i1 urn icipal Assen,hly the same with your wciinetendabon that it pass the necessary onlipence, or resolution autl prizing the same.

Respectfully yours, lIENKY S. KE:ARNV, Cnimtmttmssirtner.

\\ hemnpon the following rest,Lttit,u was adopted : ltcw,lvetl, Uutlit pursuance of secG„n 413 of the new Charter, that the 1)elrai tment of Pul,hc

Ruildincs, I•igltting and SuFylicS, is hereby authorized to a,lvertise for bids and enter into a contract fir lurni,lriug, operating and maintaining electric luutls for lighting the streets. park., and puitlie places in the Uorrrngh of Pro rklyn of The lily of Ncw A ork [or the year Vginjss altl+roxi-inate (,,st .,f five hundred thousand dollars, and the saute is recumutemleil for l,assa,c to the 1luniei1,al :A,scii,lnly.

Altrmsativt—Commtinsienerx of Water Stif ply, Tliyhtvays, Street Cleaning, Setvers, l'olslic L'uildincs, I.ighing and Sul,lplies, hei,lges, I'resiclent Ii, aough of Brooklyn, Ire:fdeimt of the Iivaid.

The lollmving eotnuttrnication from the (omnti<sioner of Public h'nit- I s, etc., was real

I iiS P.\RTMfiMS t,r fi-st. to fwIt,.U(\Gg, 1,hnr1,iS\; ANU Sm1,1'\ tlU, I tvt1t t:, No. 346 Plot, i l n%.ty,

Nt-:vv Y,ntt , May 17, iS9S.

lie'. \I ti Kurt t: F. I1t I,Ait.AN, Ii,sitle'!, ituir1,I'I'll/lit lrnjri;c'rutri lr, N,.340 I,roativ,ay, 5 iv Ynrl. City.

1)r.al< Sir- In accornl; ore with I)'ONi-ions of section 413 of ehnaRtn giS of the haws of ISr);. I hrsrrnrmnlr ,submit a resolution authorising anti approving t hat this I teparu;mcnt asIeriossc for po,.ctls and »take a coutrart to tw-ni-1t ice to the f,ivtitic httil,linf;.s ainl olfiC , in the Ii~,r,iugh of ]wouldvn, aplrrnxitpa;c• co-I $1,400. au ,l n 1tn-t that you trau'tntt to the Municipal Assembly the satur t+ith your rerounnondation that it p:,ss the necessary ordinance, ,r res' , Ittimtn, authiott,iii the same.

Respectfully your ,, III•:NR\" S. K1 \R\1-, Commissioner

And the foll,mvim resolution was therettpv ,n a(olxed : Resolved, lJncler of scctillu 413 ,mt the new Charter, that the Departmment of Pod tic

1lniildin,;c, lfrhting and Supplies is hcrcby atihieef/ed to advertise for iris, and enter inn' a t on- Ir:ut to furnish ice~to the pul,lic builmlin and 4ices in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of Ncty Vm,rk, foe the year IS9S, approximate cot ,pie thousau,I lintr hundred dollars, anti the shoe is reccmmntetmdc•d torpassae to the 7iRunicn1hl Assembly.

Attlrmaticc—Comt iii ssiorsert of Wale Supfply, Highways, Street Cleaning,, S, wers, I' unit lits Iluildinf;s, etc., I;ri.lgts, President borough of L'omktg- m, I'resi,lent of the lh,ard.


'I liefisllotviu;g Communication from the Contuti,siuner of Water Supply was read

Itt;rnl:nucar ur \YAaSB St lrt.v—Co>nn;,toNtac's Omit r., Ni. 150 NASSAU Sint—t r,

Nrav 12,tctt, May 17, iSt S.

/I„t. ;AI.ACRti I; l'. 1h t,t.,ttIAN, 1 'isSi411I, 1/ .nn I af' I'uhli,' IinCrtzcut<nlr: 1)1 y is Sot--Tl.e Chief Yokiovcroi this I k~pattn,ent rep orts the necessity of laytn.g water-trains

in the ft 1ftwiotidiems aunt avenues, ill time hicrrtmuighu of llrrof;lyn liftysec,n l -,ucet, het\tecn lrir4luh artd Ninth avenues-4 houses to he stipl+lietl

wilh setter : di,tanre, 750 feet. Estimated cost .......... ............. ... $750 00 I,i,,lLty-eighth street, llenveeo Fifth atiti Iolt I Iannilton awururt;-5 Rnu,r•, to Le

supplied with water; distance, 560 feet. E,tinuuteli n: t t ...... ............. 550 00 Twenty-first avenue, Intween Eighty-faurtit mind Eighty-Sixth streets--.1 houses to I>e

supplied with xatc-r; distunce, 5 I 0 feet. Estiutatc•d cost ....................5C0 00 Third avenue, between Sixtieth and Sixty-first streets, and Sixty-Ins( street, 1rl,veen

- I hind and Fourth avenues--4 houses to be stn,l,licd With water. E.,uwatr l CuSt ................................... ... ... .. ...... .... 1,000 00

Eighty-ti ts\ street, between tieconrl an,l 'I hirtl avenues--7 houses to be supplied vcitlt water ; imnstatiec, 750 feet. Estimated cost........ ...... ...... ... 750 00

ltay Ttcenty-sccund street, hetu cen Crohsey avenue anti Eighty-sixth street— ISdtrell- ing houses and 2 stables to Inc sn1ttlied with water ; distance, 2,000 feet. I-s-. lin\nbeu cost ............................................................ 2,000 00

I'ark Place, between Albany and Troy avenues—lo houses to be supplied with water ; distance, 725 feat. Estimated cost .......................... ........ . Soo oo

Eighteenth avenue, hefivcen Sixty-third and Sixty-seventh streets -8 houses to Inc supplied with water ; distance, I, 140 feet. Estiuratecl cost .................. t,000 00

Ninety -third street, hetwecn Third. and Fourth avetrues—t2 houses to he supl,liccl with water ; ,li-tamers, 750 feet. Estimated cost ............................ 700 00

Twenty-third avenue, hetocep Bath avenue and I-hghty-sixth,treev-12 houses to be supplied with water ; distance, I,600 feet. Estimated cost ........ . ...... 1,500 Co

F:ighty-ninth street, between Fort Ilautilton roam and Seventh tire ntte - I t h"uses to Ire supplied with water : distance, 1,250 feet. Estimated cost ..... .. ... I,300 00

Fortieth street, between Sixth anti Seventh avenues-3 ltott e.s t„ be supplied with water ; distance, 840 feet. I'stin,ateml cost .......................... ...... 9ao 00

Eighteenth avenue, bettceen Iillielh anti Fifty-seventh streets--to hr uses and 2 stable, to be supplied it jilt water ; distance, 1,760 feet. Estiniated cost....... i,6eo no

Total estimated cost ................... ......................... $13,450 00

I respectfully present and recommend the adoption by your P,oard of the annexed resolution, with an ordinance to be recommended to the 7,Iuoicipal Assenthly lot- adoption, authoriaing the laying of these water-mains and providing for the issue of hoods to pay the expense thereof.

Very respectfully, \1'\I. DALTON, Commissioner of Water Supply.

And the following resolution was adopted : ]:esolvctl, That in pursuance of sections 413 and 416 of the City Charter, chapter 37S of the

Laws of 1897, the Board of Public Improvements hereby authorises the making of a eomtttaot or contracts by the Cornunssioner of Water Supply, for the extension of the water system in the 1lorough of Ilrooklyn, by the laying of water mains in the following streets and avenues, to wit

In Fitly-second street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. In Eighty-eighth street, between 1-ifth avenue and Fort 11amilton avenue. In Twenty-first avenue, between Eighty-fourth and Eighty-sixth streets. In 'Third avenue, between Piftieth and Sixty-first streets, and in Sixty-tir-.tt street, between

'Third and Fourth avenues. In Lighty-first street, between Second and Third avenues. In Bay "Twenty-second street, between Cropsey avenue and Eighty-sixth street. In Park place, between Albany and Troy avenues. In Eighteen tin avenue, between Sixty-third and Sixty-seventh streets. In Ninety-thinl street, between Third and Fourth avenues, In Twenty-third avenue, between Bath avenue and Eighty-sixth street. In Eighty-eighth street, between Fort Ilantilton road and Seventh avenue. In Fortieth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. lu Eiglnteenth aveune, between Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh streets.

—the expense thereof not to exceed the sum of $13,450. And the Ituanl lit-ref my recontntends the adupti,-m of the frIlowing ordinance


lie it Ordained I,y the Municipal Assenllmly Section

I. That in pursuance of section 42 rat the City Charter, cltal ,ter _17S of the Laws of

1597, the water system to the 13orough of l;roulclyu be turtltcr extended by laying water-mains in tae folluwin: streets and avenues, h, wit

In 1iCty-secun,l street, between highth and Ninth avenues. In [Ni ghth-eighth street, between Fifth avenue and I mrt Il ruin iltnn avenue. Tit 'I wcnty.first avenue, between Highly-fourth and I-:il;hty-sixth ,trcets. In Third avenue, between Sixtieth and Sixty-first streets, and in Sixty-first street, between

'Third and Fourth avenues. In Mighty-tiret street, between Secon4 and Third avenues. In hay 'l'vrenty-second street, between Cropsey avenue and Eiglity-sixih street. In Talk place, between Albany and'hroy avenues. In Eighteenth avenue, between Forty-thfv.1 and Sixty-seventh streets. In Ninety-third street, between Third aim ml Fourth avenues. In Twenty-third street, between 1lath avenue awl I?i,,hty-sixth street. In 1?ighty-eighth street, between Fort Ilamilton road and Seventh avcnuc. in Fortieth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. In Eighteenth avenue, lhettveen Fiftieth and Fifty-seventh streets.

•--the work to he done under the direction of the Commissioner of Water Supply. Sec. 2. That in pursuance of sections 169 and t78 of the City Charter, chapter 37S of the

I,aws of 1897, the Comptroller of the City of New York is ]lercbyauthorized and directed to raise, by the issue if corporate stock of The City of New York, a swu not to exceed $13,450, to pay for the work authorized in the preceding section.

Aftirntativc—C(nutuiw,ivoters of Water Supply, IligIiwars, Sewers, Tublic T3nilcl flu gs, etc., iiridges, president Borough of Brooklyn and L'resxlcut of the Board.


Fine fullotsing- cuinuniumticatimmn (runt the Ctnitninisiit,iier of Water Supply was read :

I tr•:r'.vtrr>It-'a r or \WA'tt-rc: St: PPLY— (t \olt,xtltNr:r's 01-tc n n No. 150 Nnsstt Scttrair,

Nt•av Vine, May 16, 1898.

II',t. ii in trti it P. I IitL.,itt.',N, /9'm•.riaA7tJ, /ie,wt vt/* 1'rrbkr lutfr.; v5,reirls I)1-Alt Stn,—(In an application received from a property-owner who is erecting Inn , large

double-flat houses in tine Uomthurw and l"orty-fourth street, between the I;oulevard and the New l•ork Cm•nwal and Ilud>on river Railroad, that water stains he laic) in that street, the Chticb 1•ngi-

': U r ~, v~ er c . ~r neer of the epa tmomt r I ort, that the . at rvaut is ne e. Sesy, '1'hc distance is six Rwtdsc 1 feet, and the estimated cost for furnishing and laying the mains us S5oo.

1, tbccefbre, reslm,•ctfully ask that vote itoartl, in hursu:utcc -,f secuuns 413 and 416 of the City Chu-rtCr, pass a resolution altl let ,cling anti author emttg tlic lay intg of these water stains, and also prepare ant ml recommend to the Municipal As-embly a resolatiou or ordinance authorizing the same.

Very cc;lcct hit lly, \\ ILL ,LVAI ID_ALlTON, Conitnissfmnner of Water Surlvtily,

And the T1mnn imrg rv>viuti„n was adopted : Re,olvrinl, 'that in 1umsuamct of sections 413 and 416 of the City Charter, chapter J7S of the

, t,' ~•h a t d ~t n~ hmaking f I,au•s of 1897, U e Tonal of l t Lltc Iml tuvements heic y nth lion an al 1. t e t e ma a contract I,y the G>rnnii,sioner of Water Supply for the fttrni,liing au l laying -,f eaten stains in (lute I luvdred and Forty-fourth street, between the Boulevard and the New 'Cork Central and I lu,lson River Railroad, in the Borough of 'Manhattan, at an estimated Cost of five Iwrdred dol-fars, to he paid from the appropriation for "Laying Croton Pipes, h'oroug Its of \1anhmattanu and The ItrrnnS, for IS9S."

And the hoard hereby 1 resents to the 'Municipal Assembly and recommends the adoption of the fiinlRstvroi ordinance :

P,e it I trdait;etl by the Municipal Assembly otf The City of New York, is follows 1' mat water inains Iie laid in One lturndrtu and F„rty-foin'th street, between the 11ourlevard and

the New fork Central and Hudson River Railroad in the Borough of \I aim hattan, the work to ke done unmlsr the direction of the Commissioner of water supply, and in pur uanee of section 413, chapter 378, hairs of 1897.

Allrmative—Conuuismiouers of Water Su1tpIy-, Highways, Public I Ito It hit gs, Lighting and Sup1,ucs, Setters, President Borough of slanhattan, President of the hoard.


The following communication from the Commissioner of Water Supply was real an.t laid uvcr :

l)t.rnlrrstna - r ur \V s rrtr Supr— Cm mtmtitmssirNlttt'S (tract?, No. ro Nass_tc STRF' cr,

NEv%* PORK, May 16, ISgS.

1/„n. Mm It to t: F. Ilm.Am,.w, I'r~ itivrl I>wrrdn/- 1'u/Gt Inif tn<i;rm tlts

l It;.vtt Sot—Iu the matter if the enclosed reSolutieti, passed by the Boar,1 of Local Iurtlnrove-mtietits ul the Thirtecutli Itistrict, Borough of Af.anlntttan, and draft of urnlinaucc uttrndu, eft in the Loae I of ,Ahbcnoen, to provide for an iron drinking fountain at the northeast corner of Sixth avenue and tvc.t Third street, Ibrooglt of \lanhattan, which resolution and ordinances were-received with letter Of 12th inst. front the Secretary- of your Board, I have to report, as I have reported on all l tee vitills resolutions and prcr o,it ion s for the placing of additional drinking fountains, that the appropriation of $2,000 for drinking foanlain, this year is sufficient only to, maintain in lire/lien condition the dshthing hydrants and fountains now in use, leaving no margin whatever for the erection of additional uucs. For this reason, I respectfully recommend that the Board disapprove the resolution and Oct inolace.

Very respectfulIy, \\ II.ClAM lIALTON, Coutmissioncr of Water Supply.

The following communications froth Ilse President of the IJorottgh of Manhattan were read, and laid over :

Litt:AL I1o.vRl ,, 'Fl-N111 AND I'.L.t.vraItt Iii"rtctcI,-

\leeting hell May 9, 1895. kcs"lved, That the Itoard of Local Intp rot-eon Cuts of the Tenth amt Eleventh Districts of

the iii rough If 7th amuit alt au approve the reconi inn endati,rum of the Commissioner of IIuphvxays that mete Flue street, front City I lall place to Great Jones street be paver1 with asphalt to concrete hit ndation.

Cocci. Bo:kttn, '1't:N -rtt 1 Its i-Rmet,

\Iectiicg held in Bertttgli office, ('ity hall. April 14, 1S.)S. Resolved, That the Iii and of Local lint lie ,yenmctiU of the Tenth District of the Ihorouh of

7th anha tin ti, approve the re-ecuntmendatiom of the Commissioner of Highways, that the carriageway of Pearl street, front Centre to Flue, and Lconar,1 street from Centre to liroadtvay, he paved with asphalt on concrete foundation.

Loc.tl. Iio.sRn, Tn et.rrtl hust•sXT,.

1leeting held May 12, iS9S. lie,soh'ecl, 'That the Beam of Local Iutprocenients . , f the 1\selftlt 1 tistrict of the Borough of

Manhattan recumtuend the proposed ordinance it place an improved iron tlriuking fountain on each of the four corners of Tompkins Square, he amended so as to read : ”:\n improved iron drinking fountain on sidewalk near curl) our Seventh street in centre of block between Avenues A. and B ''

The following communication front the President of the Borough of Manhattan was read, and the Secretary was directed to transmit the papers to the Board of health for action by that Body.

LOCAL L'o:tRD, SEsitNir.t:a°rti DlsrRtcT.

.\lccting held May t2, IS.)S. h-icsoiveIl, 'Chat the lioard of L., real Improvements of the Seventeenth I)istrict ,of the L'orottgh

of Manhattan, sectemmol to the I3uanl of Public Improvements that the prop er department be instructed it) take imutediate steps to prevent the stabling of hor.,es or other animals in vacant lots north side of Seveuty .seventh street between Amsterdam avenuc anti the Iloulevarl.

The following communications front the President of the Borough of 1tfanhattan were read and titre severally referred to the Commissioner of highways :

LOCAL Bo.vRtt—NINETI.r.NTlt Iits-rAioY,

Meeting huchl May to, t&)S. Resolvel, The Board of Local Tonhrovemeots of the Nineteenth District of the Borough of

Manhattan r-lcuntmuteirti to the I-ard of Public Inil,rovcntents that the proper department be requested to repair sidewalks on Dycktnan street, and place saute in proper condition.


Meeting held May 9, 1898. ' Resolvel, That the Ii Lard of Local Improvements of the I ifteenth District of the h'orough of

Manhattan, recommend to the Board of Public Improvements that Eighty-ninth s :eet between Park and Madison avenues he hated with asphalt ocer the present pavement.



1'hc f, ,;lnwtnt r nununicatinn fr in the Presi, lent of the i' nruI, of Manhattan was read, .tnJ r,ferred to th l nnnuuer ul Public L'tuldings, I.il hting au (l Supplies.

Locat, Bo:~ttn, Twta.r•'r11 I)tsrRICT. 11cetiut, held in C„r- nzh otiice, City I loll, May 2, IS )S. I'es ,hc , That the 1 i of I,ocat Int prove tpcnt, of the Twelfth Ilistrict of the I orou 1i f

Manhattan approve the proposed ordinance to pru\icle f,r It htin :\venur C, front last 'Perth street to East I ntuteenth street, with electricity, and recni1Inc id its adoption.

The following eumcaunkation front the President of the Borough Of The Bronx was read, and referred to the t. lid Topographical l ngineer

BuloOtI;i1 "I. Itlr. IliooCs, Nrt:a 1iI1t, May 14, 1898.

II ,/!. .1)URICE F. I Jo] ..vii x, I'r~si~l nt 1':r1 of 1'rrliic Imf'r('v•urwr(s: DC-\R SIr.--In accordance tv itlt section ,;S.}, chapter 375, Laws of 1697, l herel,) certify that

the fuiluwing resolution %v as a,Iot ,ted by the Local Board, Twenty -first I )it riet, at it' meeting \1ay 12 List, viz :

Res Ived, That can petition of Norman Freeman am.1 others. duly advertise(1, an ,l submitted thin the Izth day of \Iay, ISIS, the Local Ru.trd, 'Foe nty'-lint I)i.trict, hereby recommends to the Board If I'dL1ic Intprven;cnts that 1cnnins street, form 1-:clgewatcr road to the Bronx river, as shown on secti c it -t the hinal \I.,ps and profiles of the 1-weuty-third and Tw'cnty-fourth \\ar1-=, he discontinued anal rcno vc1 therefrom, and that a copy of this resolution be trapomitted forthwith to the .said Board of Public Improxemeut,.

Respectfully, LOUIS P. IIAFFE\, president, Borough of The Bronx.

The following communication from the President of the Borough of The Bronx was read and referred to the Commissioner of Sewers

BOROUGH OF '1'iIF Bro-\x, Naw VoRK:, May 1„ 1898.

I1rn. M.NI R7cr F. II I,.tIIAN, 1 )- . ic,1/, I,'oarcl of IiBdn I,;rr r*: cruonls: I )1_.a std:-In accordance with section 3S4. chapter 37S. laws of IS97, I hereby certify That

he 1 11ow'iug resoluti n w'a adopted by the I. - ,cal Board, 11 wen ty-first Iti,trict, at its tneeting, Slav ia, last. vi. :

. Resulvc(f, That on petition of Anna E. Spargur and others, duly a certised, and submitted this the I:th doe of \la, ISMS. the Local P. ard, '1- w•enty-first I)i~trict, ht-rehy recom null Ifs to the li'ar, l of Public Inipio%ements and the \lunicipal :Assemhk. that a sewer l,e CI,ustructed in East One llun,lred and l.ighty-<rcon] street, front 'I ltir l avenue to\\ash in ton avenue, and that a copy of this resoluti1 fl be transmitted forthwith to the said hoar ,l of I'ul,lie In)pnwcutents and the \luuicipal .Assemhly.

Respectfully, I o)UIS F. lIAFFEN, President, Borough of the Bronx.

The fallowing communication from the Prc_iilcnt of the Borough of The Bronx was read and referred to the Comutis ioner of Ilighways

I-',ORVCGII OF Tin , BRONX, Nlw V RI.., May 13, iS9s.

Ilou. 'Lit ltCE F. IIP ,1 All .tN. 1'r1'si<l,nt, hoard rf I'u('li: Lrrpr: crrrrts: hI:-tR -tR-1n accordance with section 3S4, Chapter 37S, Laws of 1897, I hereby certify that

the 1011011 itt res, lution was adopte-1 by the Local Board Twenty-first District at its meeting May 12th last, N iz. :

Resolved, That on petition of Property Owners' Assn, Fox estate and vicinity, and others, duly advertised and tibinitied this the 12111 dad- of Afay, iS)S, the Local I1oard Twenty-first Dis-trict, herchy rec,nnmcuds to the 1t-.lard of Public Lupn)vemcnts and the Municipal Assembly that the roadi%ay of fennin s Stier t be laved with bi,,ck pavement, from Union avenue to 'tchhins avenue and cro,sttalll s laid where necessary, and that a c pt of this resolution be transmitted fortlnsith to the said Boar_l of 1'tthlic liuproteinents an.1 the AItttticipal :Assemhly.

P.espCctfttl1N, 1.(tt~l.S F. IIAFFE\, President, Borough of the Bronx.

The following communication from the President of the Borough of The Bronx was read and interred to the Commissioner of Sewers :

YoROUl;11 OF TILE BRONX, NEW Voi t , May 13, [393. Ilon. 1\fat RtcF F. 11 t..ttlax, Presi1rint, B1arlrf BflU/, h,rjroro -I -nr<rrls;

I)EAII r1R-In ac nlance with section 384, Chapter J78, Laws of IS97, I hereby certify that the following resolution Iva, adopted by the L, Ical Board, Twenty-first 1istrict, at its tweeting May 12th last, viz

Ite of ed. 1 hat on petition of [I. j. McMahon and others, duly advertised, and submitted this, the t2th day of \lay, ISIS, the Local Huard, 1 svrnty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board It Public Iml r lven:enis and the Municipal Assembly that a sewer be constructed in East One l hundred and Seventy-se%enlh treet, from the existing sewer in West l arms Road to Southern lluulevard, an that a n ,py of this res-)lotion be transmitted forthwith to the said Bourd of Public Improvements and the 1lunicipal As~einl,ly.

Respccifully, Lu-uCIS F. HAF11:\, President, Borough of The Bronx.

The following communications from the President of the Borough of The Bronx were read and were referred to the Commissioner of highways

B,R )UGlt or TILE BRONX, NEW 1-ORK, May 13, tS9S. 110. i1I:&uRXe•: F. HI LAILAN, I'r•sidex, Board , f I'trLfie IoyrorzenB:•n/s

1)r-AR 't-1n accordance with section 3S4, chapter ,;73, Laws of tS97, 1 hereby certify that the f llonrin resolution wa-i adopted by the Local Board Ttventy-first District. at its meeting May 12 last, Viz.

kesolvecl, That on petition of Susan A. Valentine anal others, duly advertised, and submitted this the r2tlt clay of Max-, 1893, the Local linarrl, Twenty-first District. hereby recontmends to the Board I Public Improvements and the 'Municipal As-cml,lc that Bainbridge avenue, from the southerly side of Southern Boulevard t the northerly side of Kingshri,l e road, he regulated and grade4l, curbstI,nes set and sidewalks flagged a space four feet wile throe li the centre thereof and cro-sw•alk" laid ii here necessary, and that a copy of this re-, elution be transmitted forthtcith to the sail Board of Public Iin1 ro\, meats and the Municipal Assembly.

Respectftilly, LOUIS F. IIAFFEN, I're.sident, Borough of The Bronx.

BoRnucll III "ftlE BRONx, NEw VoRK, May 13, iS9S.

Ilnr. 1LtI•RtCF. F. 111,1.a1I.&N, Prrsidcnf, Bar/ if Puflir Improzc•ments: Di:.-tr. SIR-In accordance with section 384, chapter 378, Laws of 1597, I hereby certify that

the f,llosting resolution yvas adopted by tlrc Local Board Twenty-first District at its meeting May 12th last, viz. :

1tesolvrsl, That on petition of John II. Borstele and others, holy advertised, submitted this the i2lli clay of May, 1898, the Local Board Twenty-first I)i,trict, hetehy recommends to the lioar~l of Pul)Bc Improvements at;~l the Municipal Assembly, that the roadway of Prospect avenue be paved with tclford macadam between R'estchester avenue and Boston road, and crosswalks where uecessaty, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the said Board of I'uldie Ito prove men ts and the i unicipal Assembly.

Respectfnf1v. LOUIS F. IIAFFEI, President, Borough of The Bronx.


II„n. \I.\L"I:1CF F. IIOLAIIAN, I'residozi of t/re Baird of I'rrllic Iinprvt,C•ureutsr I)FAR SIR-In accordance with section 384, chapter 378, Laws of 1897, I hereby certify that the

folluwing resolution was adopted by the Local Board, Twenty-first lli,trict, at its meeting May 12th last, viz. :-

Resolved, 'that on petition of John I. hunt and others, duly advertised, and submitted this, the 12th day of May, 1898, the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board of Public Improvements and the Municipal assembly, that the roadway of Ea,t One I-hundred and Seventy-fitth Street, from Third Avenue to Webster Avenue, be paved with asphalt upon a con-crete base, and crossw-niks laid where necessary, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the said Board of Public Iwprovementsaml the 71unicipal Assemlly.

Respectfully, LOUIS F.IIAFFE\, President, Borough of The Bronx.

The following communication from the President of the Borough of The L'ronx was read , i,l referred to the Commissioner of Sewers


/I ,r. M tR:cF F. IHOLAHAN, Preid nt, Bear/if In/tic hln rI erunts: DEAR SIR-Li accordance with section 384, chapter 378, Laws of IS97, I hereby certify that

the following resolute n was adopted by the Local Board, Twenty-first District, at It meeting, May 12, viz.

Resolved, That, on petitigy,n of Louis C. I lahn and others, duly advertised, and submitted this the 12th day of May, 1898, the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the

li,)anl It I'uhlir hopruveun•nts and tit \huti~•il,al .ksscnibly thnl a sewer ha constructed in kirk;i-le avcnuv (\Luris avcauc), from Ringibri igi roa I north to Park Vie iv terrace, and in Wellesley street, trout Jenune avcuue ea,t to I .ru ston av_•nue, and that a copy of tilts resolution be transmitted f rth-witlt to the sail Board of Public 1m1,rnvements and the \ltmicipal Assembly.

Respectfully, 1.OUIS F. IIAFFEN, President, Borough of The Bronx.

'fhc I llowinfi communications trout the President of the Ilurouglm of Prooklyn were read and referred 1 the Comm issioner of I Iigteways

CITY o F Nivv A-1RR,-POR-WC11 (iF RanoKl.v1, OFFICE rn TtiB Pe7aItFa'r OF 'rlu: Btuoul1,

May 13, IS1)8. Baal,/ of Puldic 7utfroie'neofs

GENrl.ltolItN-Tile Local Boanl of the Figltth District, Brought of Brooklyn, after hearing ha.l at a meeting on 7i ay 9, duly advertised, actof,telI the following

Resolved, That the I. rah Board of the Eighth h 1i,tn ct, Borough of Brooklyn, 1i rcl,y directs that the sidewalk opposite the lets on the north side of Fulton st reel, .I elwecu Ralph avenue anil I Iutvnrd avenue, l:nIitcn as lots Nns. 22, 23. 6, 7 and 8, 12 t, - 17 inclusive, lNnel: 64, 1ivcuty-lifth Ward 71ap, be flagged tvitlt bluestonc flagging, six (6) feet in width, or the full width where not already done, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

RrsolvcIi, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

Rcspccttiihly, i•a\\'ARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.

('Ii's of Ar;tx YORK-BOROUGH OF hrcat,illsu N, OFFICE' OF 'rttE I'RlslI)FN r OF 'rlIE it)ttoulil,

May 13, iSgS. 1>carnl of 1'r,/i'1 bilpor,ruent.;

(,I:x'rt.l:tn:N-'I he Local Board of the l'ighth District, B, raunh of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting can 7l my 9, 1898, duly advertised, adopted the following

Resolved, That the Local Board if the Eighth i)istrict, Ii rough of Brooklyn, kereht direct that the sidewalk opposite the lot lying on the smut ii side of Park Place, loci feet west mill the comer of Nostrand avcttuc, known as lot No. -,4, Flock 49, 'Twenty-fourth Ward \lap, 1Ic flagged with bluestone Ragging, six (() feet in Nvidth, or the full width where not already done, at the expense of the „w•ner car own c•ts (If the said lot.

Re,olveil, That this resolution be forwarded to the 13, and of Public Iutprovenvctits for its approval.

Respectfully, I•:U\V'ARI) M. GROUT, President of the Borough.

Crrt' (Its NEW V•ua>;-Bin:nt'ct[ OF BROOKL•N, OFFICE of 7'tIl's I'RF-S,tltT OF '1111: IIlli t-Gtl,

May 13, 1898. Board if Public hip; r,'em nl.,

GFN rl.E\tltN-The Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on \l ay 9th, iS9S, duly advertised, adopted the following:

Re:uived, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, herr-hy directs that the lot Iving Oil the west vile of Lewk avenue, iLtwef-n Bainbridge street and Chauncey street, known as Lot \o. 94, Block 102, T centy-thinl Ward Map, be enclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owner, of the sail lot.

Resolved, that this resolution he forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

l:e<pcctfttl l}, 1-1l)W \R1) \L GROUT, President of the liorough.

CIrV nF NE \\ A'nt.K-1 iRUrc,II II IIROIlKI' N, UFFtrE III '1lIlt I'FfsfDRNl OF 'rlli, lloRnt'r,[I,

May 13, 1898• Board of Public linprivcmenfs:

GENrlE>IFN-The Local Board of the Eighth district, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on May 9, 1S9S, duly advertised, adopted the following

l:esulved, That the Local hoard of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs that time lot lying on time south side of Pacific street, between Rockaway evenuc and Eastern Palk-way Extension, known as Lot No. 86, Block No. 235, Twenty-fourth Ward Map, he enclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lot.

Resolt csl, That this. resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be clone was certified to by the Department of I Iighways in a report dated April 20, 11898, a copy of which is enclosed.

Rcsptct full v", 1•a\V'ARI) 71. GROUT, ['resident of the Eorough.

CITY of NEW Y(RK-1bORgclI of l,Rnrn;t.rN, OFFICE OF THE PRbatlIENI OFF IlIE 1loROt old,

May 14, 1895. Board , f Yit/dic Irntrac•:rnents:

Gl-:x'rt.tout.tN-The Local Board of the Sixth District, Borouglh of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting Ott May 6th, 1898, drily advertised, adopted the following :

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs that the iii onvalk opposite the lots lying, on the south side of Park Place, between Underhill Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue, known as lots Nos. zS to 33 inclusive, block 7S, 9th Ward Map, be flagged with bluestone flagging, six (6) feet in width, cr the full width where not already done, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work lie done was certified to by the Department of highways in a report dated April ISth, IS9S, a copy of which is enclosed.

Respectfully, Lll\VARI) M. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 14, 1898. JI

fp1rd of I'rrh1tc Imp ovements

G}:N•I1-BSEN-`Pile Local Board of the Fourth I iisfrict, Porough of P'r oklyn, after he:n-ing ha,l at a meeting on May 6, i89S, duly advertised, adopted the following

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Fourth District, ilorough of Brooklyn, hereby directs that the lot lying on the south side of Kosciusko street, between Broadway and Kehl avcuue, known as lot No. 65, Block 3, "p-Aenty-first Ward Map, be enclosed with a close hoard fence six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lot.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be done was certified to by the Department of Highways in a report dated April 18, 1898, a copy of which is enclosed.

Respectfully, ED\VARD M. GROUT, Presidentof the Borough.


May 14, 1898. 111111

Board of Public Inrfrozvemearts

GRNTI.Ftuti:N-The local Board of the Fourth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on May 6, 1898, duly advertised, adopted the fialowing :

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Fourth District, Borough if Brooklyn, hereby directs that the lots Lying n the north side of Lafayette avenue, between Patchett and ReiI1 avenues, known as Lots Nos. Ir), 20 and 21, Block 3, Twetmty-first \\'ard nap, l,e inclosed with a close board fence six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be done was certified to by tie I)epartntent of highways in a report dated April 18, 1898, a copy of which is inclosed.

Respectfully, LDWARU M. GROUT, President of the Borough.

WEI)NES])AY, MAY 25, 1898. THE CITY RECORD. 2237


May 14, 1898. Board of /u/lic /mfravmtcu/s

GENTLE WN—The Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after trcarint! had at a meeting on May 6, 1898, duly advertised, adopted the follow

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth l)istrict, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby direct, that the sidewalk opposite the lots lying on the west side of Underhill avenue, hetweeu ]'ark place and Sterling place, known as Lots Nos. 33 to 37 inclusive, and 40, Block 78, Ninth Ward Map, be flagged with bluestone flagging, six (6) feet in width, or the full width where not already done, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be clone was certified to by the Department of Highways in a report dated April IS, iSgS, a copy of which is inclosed.

Respectfully, EDWARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 14, 1898. Board of l'rAblbc Imhrovctrents

GEN'rLENn•:N—The Local Board of the Fourth District, Borough of I>rooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on May 6th, 1898, duly advertised, adopted the following

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Fourth District, lioroul h of Brooklyn, hereby directs that the lot lying on the north side of Stockton street, between Throop and Tompkins avenues, known as lot No. 15, block 41, Twenty-first ward map, be enclosed with a close board fence, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lot.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be clone was certified to by the Department of Highways in a report dated April 18th, 1898, a copy of which is enclosed.

Respectfully, EDWARD M. GROUT, Premident of the Borough.


May 14, 11898. Board of Public Improvements

GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Fourth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on May 6th, duly advertised, adopted the following :

Resolved, ']'hat the Local Board of the Fourth ] )istrict, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs that the lot lying on the .vest side of Skillman street, between Willoughby avenue and DeKalb avenue, known as Lot No. 211, block 45, Seventh Ward map, be enclosed with a close board fence, six (6) feet high, at the expense of the owner or owners of the same lot.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be done was certified to by the Department of Highways in a report dated April iS, 1898, a copy of which is enclosed.

Respectfully, EDWARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 14, 1898.

Board of Public Impros'ements : GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had

at a meeting on May 6, 1898, duly advertised, adopted the following : Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had

this 6th day of May, t89S, believes that Bergen street, from Fourth avenue to Grand avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said ]natter to the Department of Streets and Highways for action.

Attached is a copy of proposed ordinance referred to the Local Board by the Board of Alder- men.

Respectfully, EDWARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 14, 1895. Board of Public Improvements:

GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Fourth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting, on May 6, iS9S, duly advertised, adopted the following :

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Fourth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this 6th clay of May, 1898, recommends that Emerson place, between Lafayette and De Kalb avenues, Borough of Brooklyn, be repaved with asphalt, one-halt of the cost of such repaving to he borne by the property henefitted to be assessed thereon, and the other half by The City of Yew York.

Attached is a copy of the petition. Respectfully,

EDWARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 14, iS9S. Board of Public Improvements.

GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on May 6, iS9S, duly advertised, adopted the following

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this 6th clay , f May i898, believes that Dean street, From Flatbush avenue to Grand avenue, should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improvements refer said matter to the Department of Streets and Highways for action.

Attached is a copy of proposed ordinance referred to the Local Board by the Board of Aldermen.

Respectfully, EDWARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 12, 1898.

Board of Public Impror'emcnfs: GENTLEMEN— The Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had at a meeting on May 9, iS9S, duly advertised, adopted the following Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing

had this 9th clay of May, IS98, believes that I'atchen avenue, between 'Macon and McDonough streets should be repaved with asphalt, and it therefore requests that the Board of Public Improve-ments refer said matter to the Department of Ilighways for action.

Attached is a copy of the petition. Respectfully,

EDWARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.

The following communication from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn was react and referred to the Commissioner of Highways for the purpose of making an estimate of cost :


May 13, 1898. )1 Boai d of Puplic hmpror'cSreuts :

GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting oil May 9, duly advertised, adopted the following :

Resolved, That, the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, hereby directs that the sidewalks opposite the lot lying on the southeast corner of Throop avenue and Quincy street, known as Lot No. roo, Block 5, Twenty-third Ward Map, be flagged with blue-stone flagging six (6) feet in width, or the full width where not already done, at the expense of the owner or owners of the said lots.

Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements for its approval.

The necessity that this work be clone was certified to by the Department of highways in a report dated April 20, 1896, a copy of which is enclose,l.

Be,pCotlnlly, l:1JSS':B.I) ML t;1:0l'T, ]'resident of the Borough.

The following communications from the president of the Borough of Brooklyn were rear] and referred to the ChiefToiiographiical Y.ngincer

Crry uF Nt:n- Yi'RK—l;nr,c>t-cnr Or IlarnoKr.v"N, OFFICE ''F 'ritE PRESII>EN'1 of ']III. IIORCrI'tSII, -

\r•,vv YORK, May I„ 1898. Board if Pr~l nc I#i srnr emcnts

GENT1.EsusN--The Local Board of the Eighth District, Boroughof Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting; on May 9, 1898, duly advertised, adopter] the following :

Resolved, ']'hat the Local Board of the h:i hth f )istrict, Il '.00gh of Brooklyn, after hearing had this 9th day -If Dlay, r51)8. Hereby recontmencls to the hoard of Public Impr.~venlents of 'fhe City of New 'c' irk that proceedings he initiated to open Carroll street, between Franklin and Rogers avenue in the $orough of iirooklyn.

Attached is a c.)py (of re:oluticn of the Board of Aldermen in relation to the matter. Respectfully,

U)\l.ARIt Al. GROUT, President of the Borough.


May 12, 1898. Board of Public Imt'rozwvne is ;

GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of llrooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting ou'\lay 9, duly advertised, adopted the following

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this 9th clay of May, 1898, hereby recommends to the Board of Public Improvements that in pursuance of Ilse provisions of section 436 of chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897, proceedings be initiated to alter the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of Degraw street, between Nostrand and New York avenues, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

Attached is : 1. Copy of petition. 2. Copy of report from the Department of Highways. 3. Map shoving the proposed change.

R; spectfally, EDWARD M. GI:OUT, President of the Borough.


May 12, rS98. Board of Public Inrfrovmenis:

GLNTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting on May 9th, duly advertised, adopted the following :

Resolved, That the Local ],card of the Eighth District, Ilr>rough c,f Brooklyn, after hearing had this 9th day of May, 1898, hereby recommends to the Board of Public Improvements of The City of New York, that in pursuance of the provisions of section 4-36 of chapter 37S of the Laws of 1897, proceedings be initiated to alter the map or plan of The City of New York, by changing the grade of the streets on the property known as hlartense Farm, hounded by Fort Hamilton avenue, Thirty-seventh street, Iifteenth avenue and Fortieth street, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

Attached is : I. Copy of petition. 2. Copy of report from the Department of Highways. 3. Map showing proposed change.

Respectfully, ED\CARD M. GROUT, President of the Borough.

The following communication from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn was read and referred to the Commissioner of Water Supply :


May I2, 1898. Boar]of Public lintroventents.

GENTLEMEN—The Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had at a meeting, on May 9, 1898, duly advertised, adopted the follov:ing

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this 9th day of May, 1898, recontu>ends that steps be taken to furnish a proper and adequate supply of water for protection against fire in the hydrants of the Thirty-.second Ward, now improperly supplied with water, and that the water-mains be extended for fire purpose, in said ward.

Attached is I. Copy of petition. 2. Copy of proposed Ordinance referred to the Local Board by the Board of Aldermen. 3. Report from Department of Water Supply. 4. Report from Fire Department.

Respectfully, EDWARD U. GROIJT, President of the Borough.

On motion of the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, the following resolution was unani-mously adopted

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board he directed to request the Corporation Counsel to furnish this Board with a copy of his opinion in regard to the debt limit in connection with street opening cases.

The following communication was read and referrer] to the Chief Topographical Engineer for the purpose of finding, out if the description agrees with our official map :


NEW YORK, May 12, 1898.

JotlN II. MOONEY, L'sq., Secretary, Boara of Public Inrjroz'entettrs of TheCitr of .ye.o 3'-ark, .\o,346 Broad;cat', A,w I i-k.

DE_\t: Str.—In compliance with the request of your Board, I herewith forward the map or plan, together with a technical description of Exterior street and East One Hundred and Ninety-second street, proposed to be ceded by the Estate of -Nathaniel P. Bailey, deceased. to The City of New York.

Yours respectfully, l-ORDHAM MORRIS,

Or Counsel, Estate of Nathaniel 1'. Bailey, Deceased.

The description follows : All that certain parcel, piece or plot of ;round within the lines of Exterior street and East

One Hundred and Ninety-second street, in the Twenty-fourth \V.ud, in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, and as laid out on the general plan of said City, as shown and delineated upon a certain map known as Section 16 of the Final Map. and Profiles of the I'Il"enty-tlsircl and Twenty-fourth \Wards, prepared under authority of chapter 545 of the Laws of 1890 and the amendatory acts, dated New York, June 17, 1395, Louis A. Rinse, Civil Engineer, and adopted on the same clay, and signed by Louis F. I laffen, Commissioner of Street Improvemcnts of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth \Vai,l , beginning at a point on the southerly side of the Kingsbridge road, which will be the southwest corner of Exterior street and Kingsl,rid,ge road, and running thence southerly in a tangent 1,070.99 feet, thence on a curve to the ri0ht of Si degrees, 20 minutes, 41 seconds, with a radius of loo degrees, 141 )7 feet, thence westerly in a tangent 162.59 feet to the improvement line in Harlem river established by the United States authorities, thence running southerly along said improvement line turning to the left on a . urve within a radius of Ig minutes, iS seconds for a distance of So feet, thence easterly and in a tangent to the left 297.46 feet, thence easterly crossing the routes of the Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris Railway and the New York and Putnam Railway still in a tangent for a distance of 233.69 feet to a point which is the southwesterly corner of One IImulred and Ninety-second street and Bailey avenue, thence turning to the left in a tangent coincident with the prolongation of the westerly side or line of Bailey avenue, 6o feet, till what will be the northwesterly corner of One lhtndred and Ninety-second street and Bailey avenue is reached, thence turning to the left and running in a tangent across said railroads 233.72 feet till what will be the northeasterly corner of Exterior street and One Hundred and Ninety-second street is reached, thence turning an angle to the right and running in a tangent 753.17 feet till what will be the southeasterly corner of Exterior street and East Oue Hundred and Ninety.fourth street is reached, thence still in a tan- sent coincident with the prolongation of the easterly side or line of Exterior street and crossing the proposed One I-Iundred and -Ninety-fourth street, 6o feet, till what will be the northeasterly corner of One hundred and Ninety-fourth street and Exterior street is reached, thence northerly and in a tangent 355.54 feet till what will be the southeasterly corner of Kingsbridge road and Exterior

1238 THE CITY RECORD D . \~r E1,NI:SDAY r MAY 25, 1898.

street is reached, thence turning to the left and running in a tangent across Exterior street in a line which tc ILL hl lie c„incidtnt with the prolongation of thc• southerly side of Kingsbridge road till the southwesterly corner of Exterior street and Kintshridge road is reached, which point is the point or place of l~eginning. Together with all the right, title and interest Of the parties of the first part tncludcLl within the lines hereinabove described and every part and parcel thereof.

To have and to hold all and singular the ahove-mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. In trust nevertheless, that the same lie appropriated aml kept open for or as a part or parts of a public street or avenue forever, in like manner as the other public streets and avenues in the said Cup of New York are and of right ought to lie.

f lie following communication from the Surrogate of Kings County was read, and referred to the C aututi,>ioner of Iligltways, with power to take such action as he might deem necessary


ho. A]'RICE F. IIOL..tltAN, Presidc,:f, Board nj P,+/'Iir Improvement' No. 346 Broadway, New York :

DE. R Sin—"fhe Surrogate's Court and office; of Dings Count are located in the Hall of l.ecords, corner of Fult_xt street and Boerum place, or Court square ; there is a trolley line of rail-road on Court squat e, and the neighborhood is very noisy.

Sonic years ago. 1 was instrumental in having the block from Fulton street to Livingston street. on Court square. paved with smooth pavement ; this greatly diminished the noise. There has been a contract given out for repaving thi, block with granite blocks ; it would be in the intere,t of the public, and the proper transaction of the business of my Court, if, instead of granite blocks, this block menttnned could be paved with asphalt or some smooth pavement.

I did not kn, w, until the granite blocks were piled on the sidewalk, that there was any project f r repaving this street : and I hope that I an) not tic ]ate to prevent the lacing of these granite hi •cks as contemplated. I r "oftld earnes'.iv request your Honorable Body to have the con. tract so modified as to permit the laying of a smooth pavement on this block, as it would be almost imlossill to transact businrSs in my Court if the granite pavement is laid.

I have conumtnicat and with Mr. Farrell, Deputy Commissioner of Highways, and it is with his entire approval and sanction that 1 address this communication to you. %'our early attention will greatly oblige

''ours very truly, GEC_!. 13. ABBOTT, Surrogate, Kings County.

The following communication was read and referred to the Commissioner of Highways :

NEW YORK, May 16, IS9S

Mn. M. F. HOLAHAN. Prvsidcnt Bairn of fotb/ri ImpraZ'ePflmlS, Ci13 rf A'eta York :

DR en tilt.—As a resident and property-owner of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, between Lenox and St. Nicholas avenues, I desire to call the attention of the Board to the condition of said street, and would request that the same l,e paved or asphalted at an early day.

'-ours respectfully. Iii:RM-N ELFIN,

\o. 113 West One IIunelred and Thirteenth street, New York City.

The following communication was read and referred to the Commissioner of Highways :



7 i+c Bait j 1'ublir Ir;rtrotrorc,rt.c aj Th: (ift of .\ 'em' 7 i rk

GENTLE>tEN—\\-e respectfully request your Honorable Body to take the necessary steps to complete the work under what is known as the Eighth \\'ard Improvement Bill of the City of Brooklyn. The facts are these :

I I r Chapter 365 of the Laws of tSSp is the law which provides for this improvement. Under this chapter, oil December it, ISgo, $65o,roo of Eighth Ward Improvement Bonds were issued and sold, and the money paid into a special fund, as provided in the bill. This bill provided that the streets from Thirty-ninth street on the north to Sixtieth street at the south, and Third avenue on the east, and the City line of old New Utrecht on the west should be improved, and this work was dune, leaving a surplus of between $6o,oco and $70,000.

(2) Subsequently and in IS95 and iS96, by chapter 520 of 1595 and chapter 736 of IS96, the foregoing bill ucas amended so as to extend its benefits to the streets running from Third avenue to the water between the same points north and south. Under this amendment several streets were improved, and contracts were let out for others until recently, when the work was stopped, with all .other contracts of the City.

(3) It was so manifest to this Board of Trade that the Eighth Ward Improvement Bill was not involves: in the criticism of the Corporation Counsel from the fact that the money was raised expressly under an act of the Legislature and paid into the Treasury, and could only be expended for this specific purpose, and before the City can levy an assessment for the payment of the bonds involved in the improvement it must first expend this money. In view of this, this lioard directed its Comuuittee on titreets to investigate the cause of time stol,page and procure a continuance of the work until completion. At the Committee's instance, the Comptroller of The City of New York hal his experts examine the accounts and report on theta, which report this Committee was allowed to copy. and the substance of it is that, after deducting accumulations of interest which the acc)untant claims should not be credited to the fund, there remained $44,599.57. There exists at the present time outstanding liabilities on contracts which have been stopped to the amount of $9,202. leaving an apparent available balance for new work of the sum of $35,397.S7.

(4i This Committee waited on the Engineer', Department in Brooklyn, and was informed that Commis-ioner of Highways Farrell, of Brooklyn, could direct the continuance of this work. We then waited on \Ir. Farrell, and he said lie could not without directions from his superiors. \\'e then asked the Comptroller who we should apply to, and lie informed us that the Board of Public Improvements of the Greater City was the proper authority.

\\ - e, therefore, hereby request that your Honorable body will take the necessary steps to con-tinue until completion the work under the Eighth Ward Improvement Bill, and before you deter-mine the kind of pavement to be laid clown, we should like an opportunity to advise with your Board or the engineer in charge of the matter, if he represents you.

The delay in the completion of this work, the streets having been graded and being continu- ally used by wagons causes all of the streets in the neighborhood to he continually covered with mud and dirt «l:en it rains and with sand when it is dry w•heather. In addition to this there are very large factories built on these streets, and they have not proper facilities to reach the main thoroughfare economically. This committee believes that if this fund is in such a condition as the Comptroller says and the facts are as we have stated, the work -hould be done now while we have fine weather, as if it is allowed to drag through the summer it will extend over another year.

The Eoard of Trade has authorized this committee to bring mandamus proceedings to bring about this result, but we do not feel that anything of the kind will be necessary when the whole matter is brought to the attention of the proper authorities, and certainly after driving along for ten years, the people who have pledged their property to produce this money ought not to be com-peiled now to go to the expense of a legal proceeding to bring about its expenditure.

Trusting your Hon arable body will give this matter attention and we will consider it courtesy if you will notify our secretary if your report is favorable to proceeding with the matter.

Yours respectfully, JARVIS MASTERS, CHARLES HA'fIILTO- , D. \IO\-NAHAN, Secretary, -Committee.

No.242 Forty-eighth street, Brooklyn, JOHN L'RET, President,

The following communication from the Commissioner of Street Cleaning was read :


NEW YORK, May 17, Ib9S.

Hon. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Improvements : SIR—I desire the authority and approval of your Board for the sale of the privilege of loading

and trimming deck scows and dumpers and unloading pocket dumps of the Department of Street Cleaning, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. I have submitterl the form of contract for the above privileges to, the Corporation Counsel for approval, as requ'red by law.

The contract is peculiar, in that it combines the sale of property of the City along with the performance of a kind of work of this Department covered under the head of final disposition. The form of contract, which is similar generally to contracts for the same work that have in former years been let by this Department, is made to conform as closely as possible to the provisions of Section 544 of the Greater New York Charter, although the contracts provided for in that section are such as require payments by the City, whereas in this contract payment is made to the City.

Respectfully, JAMES McCARTNEY, Commissioner.

Anti the following resolution was adopted Resolved, 'l'hat, pursuant to Sections 413 au1) 415 of the Greater New York Charter, the

Board f Public Improvements authorizes and approves, and hereby does authorize and approve of the sale by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning of the privilege of loading and cleaning deck scows and dumpers and unloading pocket-dumps or the Department of Street Cleaning, in the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx for a term of one (1) year, with the provision, however, that the said privilege may at any time he terminated by the said Commissioner on ten (to) days notice, the said Commissioner to select from the proposal for the privilege the bid which will, in his judgment, best secure the efficient performance of the work ; the form of contract for the sale of said privilege to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and the contractor to furnish adequate security for satisfactory performance under the said contract.

Affirmative—Commissioners of Water Supply, Ifighways, Street Cleaning, Public Buildings, etc., Bridges, President of the Borough of JIan1 attar, President of the Borough of The Bronx, and President of the Board.


The following communication from the Corporation Counsel was read and filed, and the Secretary directed to forward a copy to the heads of the various departments :


NEtt- YORK, May 5, 1898.

Hon. \LCRicE F. lhot.AH.CN, PVeSi,d,rt, Bard of Public tpror"myrtt : S[R—I am in receipt of your communication of April 28, iS9S, stating that at a meeting of

the Board, held on the 27th instant, a communication was received from the Commissioner of Highways requesting that the Board unanimously recommend to the Municipal Assembly that Mr. George \\'olf, Jr., be relieved from a penalty incurred by him for overtime under his contract and requesting to be advised whether it is necessary to send such matters to the Municipal Assembly for their approval, or whether they can be disposed of by the Board.

In the particular case under consideration, it appears from the contn:unicatiun of the Com-missioner of Highways that George \\'olf, Jr., assignee of W. V. Spencer, contractor for regulating, etc., Jackson avenue, front Westchester avenue to Boston road, has completed the work ; that although the contract time was 300 days, the time occupied in completing the work was 400 clays that of the overtime, 70 days were allowedl for stormy and inclement weather, leaving 3o days which were charged against the contractor.

Furthermore, it appears that the Engineer of the I)epartment of I-lighways, in the Borough of The Bronx, has reported that the contractor was delayed in the perform;uue of his work to the extent of 30 clays, by reason of the prosecution of a contract for the construction of a sewer in Jackson avenue, between (lime Hundred and Sixty-fifth and One Hundred and Sixty-sixth streets.

It seems to me, therefore, that the contractor is not liable for the overtime charged against him, and that the penalty imposed is illegal.

\\'here a contract is made for work to be completed by it fixed day under penalties of so much per day for delay, the contractor is excused the penalties for delay caused by the fault or interference of the employer.

I do not see that there is any necessity, under the circumstance, of submitting the matter to the Municipal Assembly.

The procedure to be adopted in these matters is to have all the papers relating to the clues-tion submitted by the head of the department with whom the contract has been made, together with his recommendation, to your Board.

This will be an additional safeguarcl both to the contractor and the City, as in case the con-tractor is dissatisfied with the recommendation of the head of department, he can obtain redress before your Board, and the City's interests can be subserved by having your Board investigate, in an appropriate manlier, a recommendation of a head of a department remitting a charge for overtime.

Respectfully yours, IOHN WHALEN, Corporation Couns_1•

The communication from the Commissioner of Highways in regard to continuing the contract of the City with Louis Cattaherry for regulating, grading, etc., in Two Hundred and Thirty-third street, from Jerome avenue to the Bronx river, which was laid over at the meeting of the Board held on May 3, 1895, was taken up, and the matter was referred back to the Commissioner of Highways for the purpose of preparing his letter in conformity with the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, just read.

The following communication from the Commissioner of Highways was read, and the matter was laid over for one week :


NEW YORK, May 14, I898. II

Han. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President, Boara of Public lmprcz'ements . DEAR SIR—I inclose herewith draft of a resolution to designate and assign to the exclusive

use of the Department of Ilighways, in the Borough of The Bronx, the two-story frame building, comprising office rooms, blacksmith's shop, carriage-room, stable, hay-loft and storage rooms, situated on City property, being 5o feet front by 142 feet deep, on the westerly side of White Plains avenue, 200 feet northerly from Elizabeth street, Borough of The Bronx, together with all open or yard space within said property, which said building and yard space have been and are now used by the Department of Highways in said Borough.

Will you please have the Board of Public Improvements approve and adopt the resolution, and transmit it to the Municipal Assembly, with a recommendation that it be adopted by that body.

I attach hereto a copy of the communication I have just received from the Deputy Commis-sioner of highways, Borough of The Bronx, giving the reasons why the resolution should be adopted.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of highways.


NEw YORK, May 12, 1898. II

IIOn. JAMES P. ICE.CTIrs ;, Commissioner Ot Ihgh.va}'s : DEAR SIR—I respectfully inclose a resolution relative to the premises now used by this

Department for stable and yard purposes, on the westerly side of White Plains avenue, 200 feet north of Elizabeth street, Borough of The Bronx, for such action as you may deem proper. The property is 5o feet front by 142 feet deep, and is owned by the City. The Department of Sewers now occupies a brick building on the same premises, but this resolution does not interfere with the brick building. The Department of Highways took these premises from the Department of Street Improvements. This is intended as a precautionary measure, so as to prevent any other City Department from encroaching on the space now used by the Department of Highways.

Respectfully, JAMES H. MALONEY,

Deputy Commissioner of Highways, Borough of The Bronx.

The following communication from the Commissioner of Highways was read and placed on file :


NEW YORK, May 18, 1898.

Hon. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, Presiaent, Board of Pttbtic Improvements. DEAR SIR--On the accompanying ordinance of the Municipal Assembly, received with a letter

dated 21st ultimo, from your Secretary, requesting that Twentieth street, from Seventh avenue to the North river, be repaved with asphalt, I have the honor to report that at present there is no money to pay for this improvement.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.

The following communication from the Commissioner of highways was read :


NEW YORK, May 18, 1898.

1-Ion. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Iniprovemenls : DEAR SIR—I desire authority from the Board of Public Improvements to enter into a contract

for ioo,000 gallotss of No. 6 paving cement, required for use in the Bureau of Street Openings, Paving and Repaving during the present year. The estimated cost is $S,000, chargeable to the appropriation for '° Repairs and Renewal of Pavements and Regrading," for 1898. I inclose a draft of a resolution for adoption by your Board.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.


The following resolution was thereupon adopted Resolved, That the Cotnmissioner of I lighways be and hereby is authorized to advcrti,e for

pr posals and to award a curntract for one hundred thousand gallons of No. 6 paving cement, required for use by the Bureau of Street Openings, Paving and Repaving during the present year, the estimated cost being eight th,,usand dollars, chargeable to the appropriation for "Repairs and Renewal of Pavements and Regrading," for 1898.

.%Hirmatiee--('ommissioners of Water Supply, Highways, Street Cleaning, Public Buildings, etc., Bridges, President Borough of Manhattan, President of the Board.

Negative—N, ne.

The following communication from the Commissioner of Highways was read


NEW YORK, May 17, 1898.

Hon. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Improvements: DE.%t: SIR—I respectfully request the Board of Public Improvements to authorize the Depart-

ment of Highways to enter into contracts for furnishing and delivering to the Department of Ilighways, Borough of The Bronx, 26,470 cubic yards of broken stone and screenings of trap rock and 26,SSo cubic yards of broken stone and screenings of Tompkins Cove limestone, or other limestone equally as good, those quantities of material being necessary for use in repairing and macadamizing the public streets and roads in the Borough of The Bronx.

The estimated cost of the 26,470 cubic yards of broken stone and screenings of trap rock, at $2 per cubic yard, is $52,940, and the estimated cost of the 26,880 cubic yards of broken stone and screenings of Tompkins Cove limestone, or other limestone equally as good, at Sr. 6o per cubic yard, is 543,008, both amounts being chargeable to the appropriation made to the Department of Highways, Borough of The Bronx, for '' Labor, Maintenance and Supplies " for 1898.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.

—and the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the Commissioner of Highways be and hereby is authorized to advertise for

proposals and to enter into contracts for furnishing and delivering to the Department of Highways, Borough of The Bronx, 26,470 cubic yards of broken stone and screenings of trap rock (estimated cost, $52,940) and 26,S8o cubic yards of broken stone and screenings of Tompkins Cove limestone, or other limestone equally as good (estimated cost, $45,008), these quantities of material being necessary for use in repairing and macadamizing public streets and roads in the Borough of The Bronx, both the estimated amounts to be paid from the appropriation made to the Department of I lighways, Borough of The Bronx, for "labor, Maintenance and Supplies" for 1898.

Affirmative—Commissioners of Water Supply, Highways, Street Cleaning, Public Buildings, etc., Bridges, President of the Borough of The Bronx, President of the Board.


The following communications from the Commissioner of Highways were read, and on motion of the President of the Borough of Brooklyn were referred back to the Commissioner for the purpose of making his report conform strictly with the language of section 230 of the Charter :


NEty YORK, May 17, 1898.

Ilan. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Im r vements : DEAR SHt—I have the honor to report on the following ordinance of the Board of Aldermen,

received with a letter, dated April 21, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements : Providing that 1)eKalh avenue, from Fleet street to Washington avenue, Borough of Brooklyn,

be reregulated and regraded, curbstones set and sidewalks flagged full width, and that the carriageway be paved with granite block pavement on concrete foundation, and that crosswalks be laid at each intersecting or terminating street or avenue.

I)eKalb avenue is paved with cobble-stones and is in very bad condition. The estimated cost of the proposed improvement is $54,000.

The ordinance does not indicate whether the improvement is to he paid for wholly or partly by assessment on the abutting and benetitted property, or by the City at large. If it is intended to charge the expense of the improvement to the regular appropriation, no money is available. If the intention is to assess the cost of the improvement either wholly or partly on the property benefited, the ordinance should provide accordingly.

Very respectfully, JA51ES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.


NEw YORK, May 17, 1898.

Hon. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, I'rsidenl, Board of Public Improvements: DEAR SIR—I have the honor to report on the following ordinance of the Board of Aldermen,

received with a letter, dated April 21, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements For repaving with asphalt, on the present pavement, Gold street, front Fulton avenue to the

East river, in the Borough of Brooklyn, and resolution of the Local Board of the Third District, requesting the Board of Public Improvements to refer to the Department of Highways, for action, the matter of the repaving of said street, complaints of its condition having been made to said Local Board.

Repeated requests have been made for the repaving of Gold street, and the improvement is necessary. As one of the few bulkheads owned by the City is at the foot of Gold street, it would be better to extend the asphalt only as far as Nassau street, using granite on concrete from that point to the East river, the tragic from the bulkhead being very heavy. The estimated cost of the improvement is $47,000, which cannot be spared from the limited appropriation made for repaving streets in the Borough of Brooklyn.

Very respe tfully, . JAMES P. BEATING, Commissioner of Highways.


NEW YORK, May 17, 1898.

Hour. MAURICE F. MOLAHAN, President, Boara of Public Improvements DEAR Sync—I have the honor to report on the following ordinance of the Board of Aldermen,

received with a letter, dated April 21, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements For re-regulating, regrading, setting curb-tones, flagging sidewalks and paving with granite-

block pavement on concrete foundation, with crosswalks at each intersecting, or terminating street or avenue, Park avenue, from Hudson to Washington avenue, Borough of Brooklyn.

This improvement is kreately needed. Bids for repaving the entire length of Park avenue, from Hudson avenue to Broadway, w'ete received last year, but the contract was not entered into. The estimated cost of the improvement provided for by the ordinance is $48,000. The ordinance does not indicate whether the improvement is to be paid for wholly or partly by assessment on the abutting and benefitted property, or by the City at large. If it is intended to charge the expense of the improvement to the regular appropriation, no money is available. If the intention is to assess the cost of the improvement either wholly or partly on the property benefited, the ordinance should provide accordingly.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of highways.

The following communications from the Commissioner of Highways were read and laid over:


NEW YORK, May 18, r89S.

Hon. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, Presiaent, Board of Public Improvements : DEAR SIR—On the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brooklyn,

received with a letter, dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, an providing for flagging sidewalks in front of Lots Nos. 40, 41 and 42 Cornelia street, between Evergreen and Central avenues, I have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $go, and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assessment is $2,100.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.


NEW YORK, May IS, 18gS.

Holt. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Improsaments:

DEAR SIR—On the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brooklyn, received with a letter dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, and providing for fencing Lot No. 42 on Cornelia street, between Evergreen and Central avenues, I

have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $8, and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assessment is $700.

Very respectfully, JAMES 1'. KEA'I'ING, Commissioner of liighsvays.


NEW VORK, May 18, 1898.

Lion, MAORtr,E F. HOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Improvements : DEAR SIR—On the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brook-

lyn, recei•ed with a letter, dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, and providing for fencing Lot No. 24 on Putnam avenue, between Evergreen and I;ushwick avenues, I have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $37, and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assessment is $1,000.

Very respectfully, JAMES I'. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.


Nm,:w' YORK, May 18, 1898.

Hon. 'MAURICE F. Hot.sH:tti, President, Board of Public Improvements: PEAR SIR—On the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brooklyn,

received with a letter, dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, and providing for flagging sidewalks in front of Lots Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and to on Hamhurg avenue, between IleKalb avenue and Hart street, I have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $ISO, and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assess-ment is ,$,too.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.


NEty YORE, May 18, 1898.

iron. JIAt'RICE F. IIoI.:'IIAN, President, Board of I'ublic Improvements DEAR Sue—On the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brooklyn,

received with a letter dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, and providing for fencing lots Nos. 40, 41 and 42 on Hale avenue, between Arlington avenue and Ridgewood avenue, I have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $30, and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assessment is $1,200.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.



lion, MAURICE F. IIOLAHAN, Presiuunt, Board of Public Improzernents: DEAR SIR—On the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brooklyn,

received with a letter, dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, and providing for fencing lot No.49 on Linden street, I have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $lo, and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assessment is $Soo.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.

The following communication from the Commissioner of Highways was read and laid over and the matter referred back to the President of the Borough of Brooklyn for examination as to the omission of Lot No. 75 from the recommendation, as mentioned in said report :


NEW YORK, May IS, 1898. JI

Hon. MAURICE F. IIOLAHAN, President, Board of Public Improrvmmzts: DEALS SIR—Oil the resolution of the Local Board of the Ninth District, Borough of Brooklyn,

received with a letter, dated May 6, from the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, and providing for flagging sidewalks in front of Lots Nos. 94, 6S and 29 to 32, on Flushing avenue, between Bushwicic avenue and White street, I have the honor to report that the estimated cost of this work is $boo and that the assessed value of the real estate within the probable area of assess-ment is $69,300•

This resolution omits Lot No. 75, in front of which the sidewalk is unllagge~l, and which was included in the recommendation which originally emanated from this Department.

Very respectfully, JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways.

The following communication from the Commissioner of Water Supply was read and filed :


NEW YORK, May 1S, I9S.

Hon. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, P1t.rialnt, Boara of Public Zsnproz emi nts : DEAR StR—I transmit herewith, for the information and consideration of your Board, a copy

of a communication received from the President of the Woodside Water Company, making the proposition to allow the City to use and operate so much of the company's plant and te,ke so much of its water as will secure an adequate supply of wster to the inhabitants of the First Ward of the Borough of Queens (late Long Island City), for the period of six months and such further reasonable time as may be necessary to enable time City to put in operati n its own plant, upon the sole condi-tion that the City, while operating the company's plant, shall defray the expenses of so doing.

Very respectfully, W.M. DALTON, Commissioner of Water Supply.


May 17, 1898. IY

\V1LLIA),i DALTON, Esg., Commsssioner of Ifatcr Suppit, New York City, N. Y. :

DEAR SIR—The attention of the \Woodside \Water Company has been called to the statement of Fire Commissioner Scannell relating to the scarcity of water in the First Ward of the Borough of Queens (late Long Island City), New York City.

Having full knowledge of the condition of the water supply in said part of the City and of the urgent necessity which exists for immediately obtaining a better and more plentiful supply, and having a system capable of furnishing from two to tell million gallons of water daily, with 16, 12 and to inch mains and pipes laid through the principal streets of said ward connecting the com-pany's pumping-stations with the City's system, the Woodside Water Company makes to The City of New Work the following offer :

The Woodside Water Company will allow The City of New York to use and operate so much of its plant and take so much of its water as will enable the City to furnish an adequate supply of pure and wholesome water to the inhabitants of said ward, for the period of six months and such further reasonable time as may he necessary to enable the City to put in operation its own plant, upon the sole condition that The City of New York shall, while running and operating such part of the company's plant, defray the expenses of so doing. The water call be delivered within one hour after the acceptance hereof.

Yours respectfully, THE WOODSIDE \CATER COMPANY,


P. O. address, No. I12 Front street, Long Island City, N. Y. On the requisition of the Commissioner of Bridges, approved by the Commissioner of

Highways, the Board authorized the transfer of \\ illiam N. Johnson, Sounder in the Department of Highways, from that Deparbuent to the Department of Bridges, Borough of Islanhattan.

The Commissioner of Water Supply called attention to the fact that communications from the Ramapo and the Westchester Water Companies had been received by the Board and referred to his Department. Both companies had courteously requested that they should be granted a hearing. He could see no objection to granting this request, and therefore moved that a day be fixed for such hearing.

President Holahan suggested that Wednesday, June t, be designated. President of the Borough of Brooklyn opposed the motion and offered as a substitute

"that the Secretary of the Board communicate with the different water companies, stating that there is no prospect of the City requiring any additional water from water companies at present."

Which was adopted. Adjourned. Attest :

JOHN II. MOONEY, Secretary.

bi, sir . I , v ALDEKMEN.

Ilr, I 5,4' F. \Vi n) I s, Ii, si de n t 1sI1r)int:L F. BLARF, Cll-rk.

vtJBI.1C AIIMINISTRAI'OR. No. rto Nassau street, 9 A. M. to 4 I. M.

WILLIAM M. hogs, Public Administrator,

BOARD OF PUI1LICIMPROVF.MRNTS. N. 346 Broadway, 9 A. Si. to 4 F. M. ; Saturdays, 9

A 1.1)0 I2 M. MAURIce F'. HOLAHAN, President. Iuti N IL 1looxsv, Secretary.

1)e)Iartmenr a/ Ifig"h oat's. No. so N:sau Street, 9 A.M. to 4 r. M,

TAMES P. KEA'1'lso, Commissioner of Highways, WILLIAM N. tiH-\Nsos, Deputy for Manhattan. To was R. Is no ELL, Ocputy Il,r Cronklyn. JAMES 1I, MALONIV, Ueputy for Bronx,

111N P. It no, I lefty Ir Queens. 1-.nocv P. 11oRAlsns, Deputy and Chief Engineer for

Richmond. Onice, ” Richmond Building," corner Rich-moud Terrace and York avcuuc, Nrw Brighton, 5.1.

Defarlrnent a/ Sc:rers. Nos. sr•; and 267 B'roadw'ay, 9 A. at. tO 4 P.M.

J lntES Kase, Commissioner of Sewers. II1Au-rHFa F'. I )soilus, I )eputy fur Manhattan THIIMAS J. Its Rises, Deputy for liroux. WIT I TAM R,.FXN AN Uuouty (:r Itrooklvn.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Office hours for all, except where otherwise not •d,

from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, 12 M. Headquarters,

Nos, 157 and 155 Fast Sixty-seventh street.

J OHS J. Sc,isNEi. I., Fire Cm omissioner.

JAMRS H. Tt I Lv. Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Querns.

Auctsrrs T. (Fociu STY, Secretary. HOOH IBONNER, Chief of Department, and in Charge

of Fire Alarm telegraph. J astPs D sir, Deputy Chief, in Charge of Boroughs

of Brooklyn and Queens. GpaAcA E. MUI:AAY, Inspector of Combustibles. PETrn St:FRY, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of 9lanhattan,

The Uronx :uld Richmond. Jlsix AI.(L1:Ar, Fire illarshal, Boroughs of Bro''klyn

and (Juices, GE:uace F. IIIcQVAID (temporary), Assistant Fire

bias shal, Borough of M;atha l_tan. Central Office open at all hours.


Nn. 148 Fast Twentieth street, 9 A. M. to 41', M. F RAxCrs L LAxTRV, Commis'ioner. N. U, IANNI\G, Deputy C ,m nlissioner. J.AmI s 1. KiRwIN, Deputy Cumnri,sioner for Boroughs.

of Brooklyn and Queens

John A. Jennings........... George A. Crowley ....... Charles E. H„ver.......... Dominick O'Farrell ........ Tames F. Duffy ............ . Alfred T. Metcalfe.. .. ... .

CIiwi e 'It' Salon',

Brooklyn ... ..... Assisstant Chief Clerk....... (,)teens........... i 1,

Richmond....... , `c .... , ...'. The Bronx . .. , ... . Brooklyn ......... Clerk .......................


Ve ry respectfully, _--__---_--__

$2.000 OC 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,500 00 I,500 00

C. GOLDERMAN, Secretary pro tem.




Know all men tic these presents, that 1, Robert A. Van R'yck, Mayor of The City of New York, pursuant to the power vested in life by law, do hereby remove William E. Philips from the sluice of 1 lice Commissioner of The City of New York.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my sea] of office this 21St day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.



Know all men by these presents, that I, Robert A. Van \Vyck, Mayor of The City of New York, pursuant to the power vested in me by law, do hereby remove Thomas L. Hamilton from the office of Police Commissioner of The City of New York.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office this 21st day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred an..l ninety-eight.

[SEAL] ROBERT A. VAN \\'l Ch, Mayor.



Jacob Hess. to be Police Commissioner, in the place of Thomas L. Hamilton, removed, and for the unexpired term of said Hamilton.

May 23, 1898. The Sufetr'isorof Tor. Cily rtco'rd, City Hall, New York

Dr-. Sr. Sin—By direction of the Mayor, the foregoing orders of removal and notice of appoint-n:cnt are herd's :r.unsmitte : or publication in the (I I V Li C' RI).

Very rm. cCtI ill} yours, .\.FRED M. DO\CNES. Secretary.

\lichau Ilium, appointed Teamster with Calll.

Respectfully yours, MAX K. KAHN,

Private Secretary.


STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open for

business, and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as of the places n-here such offices are kept and such Courts are held ; tcgether with the heads of Departments and Courts:

EXECLTlVE DEPARTMENT, ,llayor's Office.


No. 6 City Hall, g A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to Is M.

R0131:Kl' :1. VAN WYCK, Mayor. ALFRI:L M. Dose-, Yricale Secretary,

h'ureau of Licenses. No. I City Hall, 9A.7.t.to4P.51

D.tviD J Rr,cHe, Chief GrcueoE RV. BROWN, Jr., Deputy.

AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. Room 2o5, Stewart Bui:ding, oh floor, 9 A.."5. t0 4 P.1.1.

Jcso J. lung:, MACR:cR J. Nc %ER, WILLIAM( H. "I EN E:YCK, CHART ES H, Nlt FRAY, and THE MAYOR, -, nd COMPTROLLER, Commissioners ; HARRY W. WALKER, Secretary, A. FIELEY, Chief Engineer.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Rooms 114 and 115, Stewart Building, 9 A, M, to 4 Psi. ions C. HERrLE and EDlravu Owes,

May 23, 1898. BOARD OF ARMORY COMMISSIONERS. Sttrcrvisor if the City h'c'rord : I THE MAYOR, Chairman ; PRESIDENT OF DEPARTMENT

DEAR SIR—Pursuant to section 1546, chapter of TAXES AND AssassMENTS, Secretary.

j 8, Laws of 189„ I hereby notify you, for Address THOMAS L. FEITNER, Stewart Building. Office hours, g A. M. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to publication in the Crr\' lFCOxn, that the

Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx I has made the following changes in the working MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY.

force of this Department THE COUNCIL.

William Crosby, No. 2301 Fleetwood avenue, RANDOLCH GUGGrNHEIMER, President of the Council P. J. SCUT LV, City Clerk,

and Joseph Shaughnessy, No. 2192 Morris Clerk's Office openlrom10A.M.to4P.m.;Saturdays avenue, appointed as Laborers. r0 A. M. CO ra M.


t. fl..si:m) iii 'tilt - L', :.,t );11' ''f Lt aoar l.a .'.t.1 'tl:E Lb l s,

\O, 14U (lRANII -TREL1, - Nr.',t V(IRK CITY, May 24, IS9S.

Sufer,'isor of lie City liecord: DEAR tIR—S-,nt are hereby notified of the

following apt ointments, etc., made by the Board at a meetin g held May IS, 1898

Freclerrk L. Mills, app,,inted Stenographer and Typewriter, annual salary, Sr,oco.

Charles A. loran, appointed Stenographer and Typewriter, annual salary, temporarily, $840.

Edward Willis Scott, promoted from Mes-senger to Assistant Clerk, annual salary, SSoo.

Daniel Cronin, Fireman at Truant School, removed.

\-erl r.-tec;.f.iih. .ALT1ILIL IIclIC I.LIN.



•l IIF ('ml 'l' I.{: NEW \I I F:, IILl AR I II:: r of I sl Es,

OFFICE OF Cll]I>flri.ifOSfa: FIR -1 HIE



No, 300 Mulberry street, 9 A. M. to 4 P, M. BERNARD J. YORK, President of the Board ; THOMAS

L. HAMILTON, Treasurer; JOHN B. SEXTON, WILLIAM H. PHILIPS, Commissioners.

Under Sheriff.

REGISTER'S OFFICE. East side City Hall Park, 9 A.M. 0 4 P.M.

ISAAC FRotME., Register; JOHN VON GLAHN5 Deputy Register.



1Ir•..tt:rtt l)FPaler>tl•:NI', CENTRE, E1.>f, WHITE .\NI+ I'RA\KI.IN SI'REEI'S,

NEty YORK, May z3, 1898. Sufi)-'i.rly oftI ('ilt Ree'ri

DEAR SIR--In accordance with the provisions of section 1546, of chapter 37S of the Laws of iS97, I beg to transmit herewith, for publication in the CITY RECD Rt), the following appoint- nlents, removal and changes in salaries by the Department of IIe tlth of The City of New York

Iffnrttlnt<vllr, -- -- - - - -


Garrett A. I lendricks ....... Manhattan. .... Bookkeeper .................. $$I,20O 00

Alfred C. Voute............ .....' Office Boy ................... . 300 00 Henry \\'. liurnard, M. 1)... Brooklyn ........ Medical Inspector............ . 1,200 00 Thomas Goodwin .......... " , , . .. F OOd Inspectol ................ I,GOo 00

Gerda lier , tron ........... Oueens............ Telephone Operator.......... 7S0 00 John 1). Lane....... . ...... Orderly, AV-illard Parker Hos.!

lital , .. , .. , .. 360 00

John McGarry ... , , .. , ....


.......', I -..........;i

d Parker Orderly,

OrcFerh•, \1'llLtrd 1'Ar loos-'' .... l .. ...... , , 360 00

Annie Taffe ...............I .... , . , Sweeper, Willard Parker Hos. 1 ital . .............:. .... 144 00

Bridget Dunn.. .......' Helper, Reception Hospital, .. 144 00 Salvadore Gome , M. 1).....; Brookly'n......... Medical School Inspector (per

month) ................... 30 00

Edson S. Chick, M. I)........ ........ cctor l

erl Medical Inspector montl~~11001 ... 30 00

Enoch R. Lawrence......... Queen............ Medical School Inspector )per' month) .................... 30 00

Thomas I. Madge........... Manhattan........ Fruit Inspector ........... . . . S1,2oa 00

Sewers, ttor•,ugh of Queens. --~-- ----- --- --- D1:I'AR"rJIEN'I' OF l:DUcATION, HE..\RV 1'. MoRUUOS, hrrputy Commissioner and

BOARD IH' I'alt'cA'nnN. Chi, (Engineer of powers, Borough of Richmond. Oliice, "Richmnnd 1Suildin„" turner Richmond Terrace and -uu Not 6 Grand street Bmh of Manhattan. 4 g York avenue, -New Brighton, S.I. CH:viLHS Iii ci r•.v llUMHELL, President; A, Esti I: SrIN

De/artnrent of Brhl es. PALM ER, Secretary.

Room 177, So s'art Building, Ch:unLers street and School 1;card for tkr Roeoug/ru of .71anliatlan anel Breadway. 9 :A.51.to 4 1•, Si, ; Saturd.lys, 9 A. M. to 12 nl. 77.ir Bronx.

No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan. JOHN I..Srlr.o, Conlmi±sioner. THOMAS 11. YORK, lleptlty. C ILA LF5 BL'LEi lV HUbIr LL, Presideltt 1 ARTIic'R

SAstt'EL R. PROu.ssCI), C~Illet Engineer. 1\ICMI LLII, secretary,

MAITHFO H. islooRE, D,•puty to Bronx, School Boatel for the Booug/r of .I$rooklyn. HARRY III:An, Deputy for Brooklyn. No. 151 Livingston street, I rooklyn. JOHN E. B.+CRCS, Deputy for Queens. J. Euw.stn S%%ANATROM, President ; GEORGE G.

Pe/arlment r1 Water Suf~lJ. BNUw u, Secretary.

No. i so Nassau street, g A. Si to 4 P. 51, School Board fur the lCoreuglc of Queens. WILLIAM DLI.TOR, Commissioner of Water Supply. Flushing, L.I. JAMES H. HA'LIN, Deputy Cntntnissloitcr. (1. HOl1'LAND LEAN- ITT, President ; WILSON PALMER, (;EOR(;e W. 111RI1511.1, Chief Etlginecr. Seer,' Lary. W.G• BY'roE, Water Kegist cr, School Board for the Borough of Richmond, JAMES MImF- ETT, Deputy Commissioner, Borough o St.lplelon, Staten Island

Brooklyn, Municipal Building, FRANK PERLET, President; FRANKLIN C. VITT, Sec- See- JoserH Filch, Deputy Commis,ioner, Borou;li of rotary,

Queens, Old City Hall, tong Island City. Queens, J. MULLIGAN, Deputy Commissioner, '~-

Borough of The Btons, Crotona Park Building. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. HENRY 1). NIC)RI—ON, Deputy Conlmisanner, Borouch

of Richmond. l) fake, " Richmond Budding." corner New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, 9 A. M Richmond Terrace grid York accuue, New Brighton, S. 1. to 4 P. M.

MICHAEL C. MURPHY, President, and WILIAAM T. Defartnrent of Street Cleaning. Jrxxix5, Al. D., Jail N B. Co+El', Al. D. the PREsi.

9 A. M. tO 4 P. \t, DENT OF THP. POLICF III ,ARD, e.rofCiV, and the HEALTH J A'IF- ° MCCARTNEY, Comnll<sioner, No, 346 Broad- OFFIcI R OF THE PORT, ex 011fcio,, Commissioners ;

way, ttatlhattan. EMMUNS CLARK, Secretary. 1•'. 11. Gin, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of

Manhattan, No. 346 Ftro.ldway. PATRICK H, Q1ciNN, Deputy Commissioner for DEPAR7'MI'.NT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES.

Borough of Brooklyn, Rooni ;7 Municipal .wilding. Pier " A," N. K., Battery place. J(Et'H LIEriei ,:, Depitty Commi slower for Borough J, SERGEANT- CR:Ist, President; CHARLES F, MURPHY,

of The L'ronx, No. 615 East One Hundred and Fifty- Treasurer; PETER F. MEVrn, Commissioners. second street. VV u.t.iAl.t H. BO BEE, Secretary.

OHN P. \I A DDEN, Deputy Commissioner for Borough Office hours, q A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, in M. vi Queens, Municipal Building, Long Island City.

Debartrnent or Buildings, Liglstrng and Supplies. lo. 340 Broadway, Room 1142, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS.

HENRY S. KEARNY, ( :ommi-sioner of Public Build- Arsenal Building, Central Park, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M,l ings, Lighting and Supplies. Saturdays, is nf.

PETER J. DOLING, Depwy Commissioner for Man. GEORGE C. CLAUSEN, President, Commissioner in hatlas. Manhattan and Richmond.

\WILLIAM WAt-TON, Deputy Commissioner for Brook. . \\ GEORGE V. BROWER, Commissioner in Brooklyn and Queens.

HENRY SUTPHIN, Deputy Commissioner or Queens. AcccsT \loenus, Commissioner in Borough of the

DEPARTJIENT OF FINANCE. Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park.

Conrptrolier's Office, —' Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, g DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS.

M. to P. St. A. 4 Main Office, No. zzo Fourth avenue, Borough of Man.

BIRD S. CoLER, Comptroller. hattan. MICHAEL 1'. DALY, Deputy Comptroller. , J. BRADY, President of the Board of Build.

EDGAR J. LEPE\, Assistant Deputy Comptroller, ings and Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan EDWARD GYLON, Collector of Assessment, and Arrears. and 1'he Bronx.

DAVID O'Bt DEN, Collector of City Revenue and DANIEL RYAN, Commissioner for the Borough of Superintendent of Markets, Borough of Manhattan. Brooklyn.

DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes. DANIEL CAMPBELL., Commissioner for the Boroughs

John J. Mcl)EN000H, Deputy Receiver of Taxes of Queens and Richmond. Borough of Manhattan. A.J. JOHNSON, Secretary.

Joins B. Buccx, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, Borougii Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Man.

of Brooklyn. hattan and Thu Bronx, No. zzo Fourth avenue, Borough

JOHN F. (nuLOSCLRY, First Auditor of Accounts, °fUTitt Borough of rManhattan. of theDepartment for the Borough of Book.

WILL iAal MCKINNv, First Auditor of F-ccounts, lyn• Bc.rough Hall, through of Brot.klyn.

Borough of Brooklyn. Office of the Department fir the Boroughs of Queens

MICHAEL O'Kr.erl-E, Deputy Collector of Asses- and l:ichnlond, N,,. a9 Ifroadway, West tidy Brighton, t meets aid Arrears horou~h of Brooklyn. 5mt, n Island, Borough of Richmond ; Branch I fiice,

'WALTER H. HoLT, Auditor, Borough of Richmond, I Roam i, second floor, Town Hall, Jamaica, Long

JIIH' J. Fs-rlll:ksrox, Deputy Receiver of '['axes, Island, Borough of Queens.

lion ugh of Kidlm_,nd, RR..r Collector of Asses,ments e DEPARTMENT OF TA\ES AND ASSESSIIIENTS. Geo rr 1 11 Of R.i

and Arrears, P,onn)~h of Kichmor.d. Stewart Building, q.+. rut. to 4 P. N. ; Saturdays, in Si. Euw:vu).CosNlli L, .4editor, Itorough of7'he Bronx. TlIOStAS L. FEITNER, President of the Board; I Rsi1eRIca It. In.B:CKIfENN, Deputy Receiver of EDWARD C. SHEE.HY, ARTHI'R C. SsLSION, 1'HO\tus J.

Taxes, Itt'nigh I;f Queens. I P.ATTERSON and WILLIAM (,RELL, Commissioners. FLAScis R. Cu.+tx, Auditor, Borough of Queens.

Bureau of the Cry Chamterlaitr, BOARD OF ASSESSORS.

Office. No. 320 Itroadlvay, 9 A.M. to 4 P M. Nos. zg and z7 Stewart Building, Chambers street and EDWARD CAHILL, Yttustas A. \WILSON, JOHN l)c:LwAR,

Broadway, o A.:;. to 4 P. M. I FL,cuto McCcE and PATRICK Al. HAVERTY, Board of PATRICK KnLo..N, City Chamt erlaiu Assess„rs.

Office o/ Ike Cry Paymaster. -

No.33 Reade street, Stelvart Building, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M MUNICIPAL CIVIL. SERVICE COMDItS lO\. JOHN H. TIMMERMAN, City Paymaster. Criminal Court Building, Centre street, between

Franklin and White streets, 9 A. \l. to 4 P.M. LA AV DEPART T MEN. I CH.-tOLES H. Kscx, President, Rotsr•.R-r E. DEVO and

OLnce of Corfaratiox Couxse . WILLIASI N. Di cstaN, Comrnissioners. Staats-Zeitrmg Ltuilding, 3.1 and 4th floors, 9 A. M. I LEA: PHILLIYS, Secretary.

to 5 P. St. ; Saturdays, 9 A. nt. to is St. - JnHN %~ HALEN, Corporation Counsel. Yu O11ORE COOLY, W, W, ].ADD, Jr., CHARLES BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL STATISTICS.

BLANnv, Assistant,. I No, :41 liroadu ay (N. Y. life Insurance Building), ALNIET F. J cuss, Assistant Corl.oration Counsel for Rooms to3, and 1034. C)ll7cu hours from 9 A. M. to 4

Brooklyn. I P, 1.1. ; Saturdays, trcln r: A. M. to 12 M.

Bur,au for Collection of Arrears o/ Personae 7axes ~. J iHl. T. Ii ACL), Al. D., Chief of Bureau,

Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street llchlcipal i'tattSIFCal CommtssIon—FREDRRICK W.

I AM. to 4 r, a1. GRUUE, 1.L. D., HARRY PAYNE W'HI r..EY, THORNTON

Bureau hr the Fecor'ery of Penalties. N. )!o'il. I_Y, Jc1.tu. G. lol:i:ELlIAN, R1cltsiD T \1'ILSON, Ir., Erxcsr ILsRfit:R.

Ncr. i 1 and tci \assau street. ADRIAN T. K:IRNAN, Assistant Corporation Counsel. -

G'ureau o/ Street O/enrr+gs. AYPORTION NIENT, B(1AKD OF ECPa irman 'I Aos.90 and 92 West Broadway. 'Ihe MsvnR, Chairman ; itcis AS L. FEITNER (Presi- ;

JOHN P. DUNN, Assistant to Corporation Counsel. dent, . of faxes and Assessment.), Ueere- the CO

NI Pai O F Ifi _ try 1 the C'.uSIPTI:TILLER, PRnsii. e :T or Tt1E CouNciL,


Central opice. V. ADEE, Clerk. No, 66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 9 A. M. Office of Clerk, Department of Taxes and Assess.

ments, Stewart Building. - to 4 P. 51, JI,HI W. KELLER, President of the Board; Commis.

siler for Manhattan anal Bronx, COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND. 'IHU.MAS S. BBRENNAN, Deputy Commissioner. 7'he MAYOR, Chairman ; BIRD S. COLER, Comp. Anot.PH Slss, Jr., Commissioner for Brooklyn and troller; PAT Nt( is KEENAN, Chamberlain; RANDOLPH

Queens. ARTHUR A. QUINN, Deputy Commissioner. GctGE. HEISIER, President of the Council, and RonEluT LAMES I FExsv, Commissioner for Richmond. hIr e, Chairman, Finance Committee, Hoard of Alder. flans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and men, 1lentbers. EDGAR J, Ln_vEV, .'secretary.

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Re. Office of Secretary, Room No. ix, Stewart Building. pairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. — Saturdays, sz M,

Out-door Poor Department. Office hours, 8.30 A. sa, SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.


WI,t)NIxSrAY, M;\v 25, 1898. THE CITY RECORD. 2241

COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Room 17, Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. JUHN VVJtLFLL, Commissioner,


H. W. GRAY, Commissioner.

N. V. COCNTY JAIL. N. 70 Ludlow' strcct, 9 A. nl, to 4 P.M.


COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Nos, 7 and 8 New County Court-house, o A. sl. to 4 P. M. ..ILLIAMM Sr,iisiES, County Clerk.

(;to e(.E H. FA0KUAC U, Deputy.

THE CITY RECORD OFFICF. And Bureau e/ /rt nu ug, otattouery and Bla se k Books

No. x City ]fall, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M„ except Saturdays on which days q A. \t. to 12 M.

Wu tl,\~t A. ltti-t. o Supervisor; HENRY MCMIL- LEN, Deputy Super%isor and I'.xlierl ; I'l lno:\`; C. Cow ELI., Deputy Supervisor and Accountant.

DISTRICT AITl)RNEY- New Criminal Court L'mlding, Centre Street, 9 A. M.

to 4 P. M. Aso I;IHU GAKDINro, District Attorney ; 'VH,LIAtt J.

MCkFNN a, Chief Clerk.

NEW 1A sr RIVER BRIDGECOMMI`,Sl(1N. Cunnni~sior. crs' Office, Nos. to and 51 Ch.imbcrs

stunt, flew \ - urk. 9 n. 1r, to 4 P, 0. 1.lat l:: Niaoo, l'residcot ; J ,yIFS \V, Covt.P-, Vice-

Presidcut; S,Irrli L. 1.:\\h, ccrctar}'; JI'I.tAN 1), F.t the itn.u, 'Prua>urer : Jt IIN \V. Weet i, iloNIAS S. 11„UNF::otd •l lira 'la aP, Comnussioncr,

Chief FtLie e's OM ice, Ao. 84 liroadway, Brooklyn, K. IL, 9A..M to 5I. \t.

CHANGEOF (;l.A1)E DAM.AGli COMl'.11SSlt)N, 1\111'-1 1111:B


H)LKTH VYARDS. ail I l'6 ;road it coin 55, 5'.cl:crmcrhnrn I t lmg, No.) 1 way.

Tlcetings, TIundays, Wednesdays and Friday's, at 3 P.M. I l,tN l rL Lot n, Chairman ; JAM CS nl. VanNUll

sV 11 LI \al 1.. het tci Nrs, Commissioners, Lao at M t, I,ut GHLt'a. CCrk

COLON F.RS. Borough of \Lmhattan.

Ufllce, New Criwinal Court Ltlilding. Open at all times ,d day and night.

FIOWAND 1. FITZPA- DICK, JACUI. B. 13AOaa1, EDWARD W. H:vOq ANTosato Zv'cc:\.

Li rough of the Bronx. ANTHONY 11c0w1 N, 7'liONI\s It!. LYNCH.

Ii rough of Brooklyn. ANTJONV J. Rter.RR, k;t. t:.:E W. IELAP.

I;orouch o1 lltt~ens, l'nu.n T. CRONIN, Uu. >.tr.1vEL S. Ut v, Jr., LEONARD

k Ii;, Jr., J cnaic.t. L. 1, Ilorouch of RI hmond.


SURROGATES' COURT. New County Court-house, Court opens at to,3o A. M.

adjourns 4 P.M. FRANK 1'- FITZG F.RALD and JOHN H. V. ARNOLD, Sur-

rogates ; WILLIAM V. LEAR=. Chief Clerk.

I•:SAMIINING Ii(1:\RI) OF PI,UIIL'I;RS. Knnms 14, t5 amt to Nns. 14n to 151 Chtirch -trcet. 1'rosi, lout, (ii i. ,r U. I..... t c : a.e retry, J:vy1Rs

1•:. \lc(; n I•u.. ; 'fua:-w, r, J ti' Ri.olniaa; ll.. Cr• I.,,. all-., 1. _I. ATUI<L OS, c'.t •J ,

Sleet eery Dlunday, \~V ediic-day and Fruity it 2 I..

SUPREME COURT, County Court-h-,us•:, lo.30 A.M. to 4 P, M Special '1'erin, Part 1. Rn„ our t Nu, t-. Special 'L'erm, Part If., Roont No. t5. Special Term, Part II L, Room No. t9, Special Term, ['art 1V., Korn No. ix. Special Terns, Part V., Room No, 23, Special '1 Part VI., Room No. n. Special Term, ]'art VII., Nnum \o.25, tipeci.d'1'crm, Part VIil., RoomNu.34, 'I rird'h arm, part I I., Roam Nn. r6, 'Irial'1'urm, Part 1II , Room No. 17, Trial Terns, Part I V., Roost No. t3, 'Triad '1'e rot, Part V., Room No, 32, I ria1'Icerm, Part VI., Room No. 31. Trial I erut, Part VII., Rum No, 3o, Trial Tci inn, Part Vlll., Ronnn No,24, 'I riaf Tana Part X., Room 50.23, Triad 'Perot, Part IX., Ro in No 22. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 26. 7Lstices-AnRAHArnt R. I-ARRENCE, CirArtloS H.

'I xnaX, CHARLES F. I%I SCLEIAN, FREDERICK "MYTH, J' scP1I I''. I IAt.Y, i liI.FS in.tclf, Rucr•_R A. PHVOR, LEON-ARn A. (;EIarR]cHa HenRV W. F'. nH.TAt r.R, HeSF' bltiyHoFe, J r., JOHN J. F HIFe0Ai, WILLIAM N. Ctvit:\, P. HinNm;v DuGRO, Dodo Mn AIIAMM, HRNHY R, ItLRH-MAls, Ht•Nov A. GILDERSLEEVE, I'HANCIS M. SCOTT; WILLIAM bouuee, Clerk.

COURT OF GENERAL. SESSIONS. If' Id in the builelin for Criminal Courts, Centre,

Elm, \White and Franklin streets. Court opens at Tit o'clock.

ReFIS li. COWING, City Judge ; JAMES FITLGERALD, Judge of the Cc' art of General Sessi,.n, ; Joins 1V. Goer-, Recorder; Just•.PH E. NEwntRGER and M.no-TIN '1', IIIC3IAHON, I ridges of the Court of General Sessions. JOHN F'. CARROLL, Clerk.

('lerk's office open trout re A. M. to a P.M.

: u/+rezue Court, i art I., Cviorirum1 1,1,, 1 Tee,,, Held in the Ianlding for Cr ioulral Courts. Court

opens at r.-, to A. JOHN F. t' vRL, ,tL, Clerk. Hours In ni to .t. an. to 4

APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Cor,rt-house, No. trt Fifth avenue, corner Eighteenth

street. Court opens at it I•, H. CHASI E. H. VAN Btitnal, Presiding Justice ;GEORGE

C. BARREl'T, CHFci no B. HICLAI;(;IIIIN, l.DwAR1, PAT TFRSON, IVtoIGAN J. O'Bei, N, GBORGE L. INGRAHAM, WILLIAM krtl.nv, justices. ALFRED W.aoSTAFF, Clerk. WM. L:SMnl, Jr., Deputy Clerk.

CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street. 'court

Opens at 10.30 o'clock A. St. JOHN N.CARI100L, Clerk. Hours from to A.M. to 4


CITY COURT. Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park.

General'Lerm. 'Trial Term, Part I. Part 11. Part Ili. Part IV. Special Term Chambers will be held no A, M, to 4

Clerk's Office, hrown-stone building, No.32 Chambers street, 9 A, tt, to 4 P.M.

JAMES M. F'm'tz,ntr.rorns, Chief Justice; JOHN H. MCCARTHY, Lewis J.CONLAN, EDWARD F. O'l)WYER, JOHN P. SCHUCHMAN and W. M. K. OtCOrT, Justices; JOHN B. 1SIC000DRICK. Clerk.

COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, between

Franklin and \Vhite streets, Borough of Manhattm. Court Tip, or at to A. It.

9uslice.e, First Ilivi,ins - FLInre If. Htssrl l.R, WII.LI:ss, 'I'R,\vFRs Jr-Rotaia., {'. I'lln,\11f A. JACIIII, JOHN IIAVev, WILLIAM C. IInLI:v„ne. \\ILLt.\\I 41. Fon.I.ER, lerk; I st•rrt IIInsr•s, IIcl,nty Clerk. Clerk's olficc open lr,+nt 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, Second Ihvirion-'l'roil clays-Ilorm lr I lull, llrook-

Iva, Mondays, W, dncodays and I'' ndayr, ;.I in o',. Inck. 'Town Hnil,'J;nnaim, I;ornno_B ,d l)ncens, 1Lasday's, :It to o'clock; 'lbw'tt I [all, Nets' Ih'ighton, Borough of Richmond, l'hurnday:,, at ro o'thek,

7usf,rno, 1„ils C,aCRTN t•:v, Uow'arn I. con Kr: r., f ,,HN L. DEVANNY, IUH'n F'L I!aII '.<:, 'I'IHOMAS V. F'ITLGERAL n. J i ,<Fru L. Kia.Rltnw, Clerk; CII:\Rt.n.s F. \\ „t./, Deputy Clerk.

Cl. •rk's mince, liorou;;h Ffall, Borough r'. Brooklyn npCII I rum o A, 11. to 4 r. M.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. allInnul, 1 , ,,Aten t. In 'nnG I;, , R,IC,IHS ul it't I A.,

\:u I lea L•cu~v. (lI I In c', Nn, ,46 Gcaal, 011,1.1 r,

N1-w V,wi. Crr s, \f:,}' 25, I1-38, J

SF.ALEDPR)lS)SAI.S \VILE, III' 1.1?CEIVI:II ]IV the (,oetnun el' on Oiler mui Ituildin>;_c of the

School Pn:nod for tine L'm'n u,yhs of ilnnnnlnnntuinn cold The l;n,nx, at the Annex of the Hall of tuc Mooed of P:du-catinn, No. 585 llroa(lwaf, elvcnIlt floor, Lorough of INIall rutan, until ;.go o'clock p, tt., on

MONDAY, .IU]'F. B, 1f3:1~1, for making A11uvatiDos, Repair,, etc., at Public Scliools

4t, q(i and ;hues, a.nd l crtl,tic tie6nnl 89 ; :d,o I•n' huilding a Retaining VA':1ll Tit tine Alixed High Si hood ; also for Imprnvint; the 5:mntar}' Condition of public Sn IInnls t5, in), 25, l6, 1' and too ; ii '.0 for Instilling 1';Icctric-hcht Plant in l'ub!le School 67 ; also for "up- plying (alas; for the Ptt'~Ite Scho. Is in the ]lotorghs of Man hatt:nt an I The bbrnnx.

Plans and specifications may lie seen and blank proposals obtained at the Annex of the I loll of the hoard of I' din e:,tL,n, Estimating Roum, No. 585 Hroa l-way, twelfth this,",

'I ho attention of bidders is exprc,sly called to the time stated in the contract within which the work most be completed. They : re expressly notified that the 'ncceast ii bidderwill be held strictly to completion within =aid time.

The CD,,tmti,itc'o reserve the right to reject any or all „f the proposals submitted.

l'he party suomitting a proposal, and the parties proposinn to become sureties, must each write his name and place of residence on said proposal. Two responsible and approved sureties, residents of

this city, are required in all cases. No proposal will be corsidcral from persons whose

character and antecedent dealings with the I;oard of Edttc Lion render their responsibility doubtful.

It is required as acon,lltion precedent to the reception or consideration of any propnceds, that a certified check open or a certificate of deposit of one of the State er National banks or'1'rust Coml>aanies of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the ['resident of the SUn of Board, for the liorouglis of Manhattan and The L'ronx' shall accompany the proposal to an amount of not Icss than three per cent. of such proposal when said proposal is for or exceeds ten thousand dollar, and to an amount of not less th:ut live percent. c1 such proposal when said proposal is for an amount under ten thousand dollars ; that on demand, \vi thin one. dais, after the awarding of the contract by the Cotnnnt-lee, the President of the said Schoc l Board will return all the deposits of checks and certificates of deposits made to the persons makin;t the sonic, except that made by the person or persons whose bid has boonn so accepted, and that if the person or per. sons whose laud has been so accepted shall refuse or neglect, within five days alter clue notice has bean gn'ca that the contract is ready for execution, :o cinccllte the saint, the amount of the deposit or of the -he,.k or certificate of deposit made by him or them shall be forfeited to and retained by this Board, Tic t as a penalty, but as in ufi;Clotmd damages for sttch neglect Cr -e us 1, and shall be paid into the City Treasury to the credit of the Sinking Fund of 1he City of New York; but if the said person or persons whose bill has been to accepted shall execute the contract within the time ,toresaid, the :unounl of his or their deposit of check or ccrk1Xl'ue of deln•sit shall Inc returned to him or t Tern.

RICHARD fl. AL:\MS, _IruH\ 1:, IlUalin-, \\ - i 1,1,11,\1 11. H C RLIlU'F, lf) l I'll J. LI'1'IIJ?, 1)ANI I'll. l'l. NIcS \ I':LNY. \L U.,

Committee inn Si no- and lluilding'.

talurn, lt,iARD rnl Tne lien :nil nits or IiuNII,\'rt'AN'I At, I) '1'It l: I;I<mx,

OFI-ICES, No. r4( Gnu rNl Si tticmaT, NE\c YORK CITY, May tg, 1891

SEALED PROPOSALS WILL P.P. RECEIVED by the Committee on Srtcs lad Buildings of the

School ]:hard far the P,uroughs of Manhattan and The Ilrons. at the Annex of the Hail of the,koard„FFdu-catlon, No. 585 L'roadway, eleventh floor, I;orou-;h of \f:tnhvtlan, until 3. o u'dock '. at„ on

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1SOR, for .Making Alterations, Repair-, etc., at Public Schools N;, 7, t9. 22, 23, 29, 35, 71, 75, 79, 92 aril roS.

Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank pro. posits obtained, at the Annex of the Hall of the II. and Tit I':ducati nun , Estimating; Rooln, No. 585 Broadway, twelfth Ilour.

The attention of bidders is espres;ly called to the time stated in the contract within whiclt the work must be completed. I hev are expressly notified that the suc-ccsstul bidder w' Ill be held strictly to completion within said time.

Pile Committee reserve the right to reject any or all of the proposals submitted.

The party submitting a proposal, and the parties prn-podinni to become sureties, must each write his name and place of residenn e on said proposal, Two responsible and approved sureties, re-ideuts

this city, are required in all caseu. No proposal will be considered from persons whose

character and alteceaknt dealings With the Board of Education render their resjn'n-,ili lit y doubtful.

It ,s required as a condition precedent to the recep-tien or consideration of any proposals that a certified check upon or a certificate nl deposit of one of the State or National banks or Trust Companies of the City of New \ork, drawn to the order of the President of the School Board, for the i;oroughs of Manhattan and The I1rnnx, shall accompany the proposal to an amount of not less than three per cent. of such proposal when said proposal is for or exceeds ten thousand dollar.,-, and to an amount of not less than five per cent, of such proposal when said proposal is for an amount under thin thousand Dollars; that on demand, within one day after the awarding of the contract by the Connnittee, the President of the said S,'hnol Board will return all the deposits of checksaucf certificates of deposit made, to the persons making the same, except that made by the person or persons who,e bid has been so acecptrd ; and that if the person or persons whose bid has been so accepted shall refuse or neglect, within five days after due notice has been given that the contract to ready for execution, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit or of the check or certificate ofdeposlt made by hint or them shall be forfeited to and retained by this L'oard, not as a penalty, but as liquidated dam. ages for such neglect or refusal, and shall be paid into the City Treasury to the credit of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York-', but if the said person or persons whore bid has been so accepted shall execute. the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his or their deposit of check or certificate of deposit shall be returned to him or them.


Cunuiuittce un Sites and 19nildmgs,


l'(1 COWhlk.A("I t_)I,.


ONP, '' lI l,l•:" \1'.1'I'I•;R 'L't)VVI 1k to this I4•parlmuut, will be recei.ed lily till' Fire Conte nn-sinner at the hc.id of the Fire Ucpartm:'nt, ❑ t tine uflicr of said I Icp. trLncut, Nils. r;7 and r;9 E:nl SIxly -sevcnth street. I;, till Bn,runmghI of \l:ulh.IT feu, in I me City of New York, until ru,3„ tick :ck A. st,

WPA3NF.s*iA1', .]I'NF. H, 11+9.1, at uhi.:h time and place tilev' wall lie Irnblicly opeuod by the hood n,I s:,i,l l)c1n,irt,mnn'nmn :old I intl.

No estimate will Inc teceivcd nr ,-,m,td,red nfta' the hour named.

F„r inforntatiun ns In the description of the appa- ratnse, to be farul,hed, biduerr are refcrn of to the sprnftcatinns whir It farm part if th,!Le prollo.:as.

The form of the :ILrcenwnt i with specllicationa, shotving the manner of p,}ntcnl for the \cork, ntay be -con, and farm_ of l,rnposal, Tints, be obtained at the ,,(hoe of time Ucp:'rl stmt,

I;idd as mnst write out the :unmutt of their estimate in addition to inscrtins the same ill lid'. res.

'Ithe appurttus is to he romplc'c I and d,•lisercd trllItn ,etc hundred and twenty (I2o; d.ty: aItcr the execution of ti,e cn.ttr.ncl,

"f lie nhamn'ecs In be paid fly the cnntntclnr In r racb it V that the contract may ),e unfulfilled allcr the time spec ilicd fur the cnmpletiun (b, reef ,liall lease expired arc fixed ;md ilywnluted It loin (lo) D011.0 S.

I'hc award of the malt r,lcts will be made as soon as pr,cticnble :cfter the opcuind al the bills.

Any per•uu making an estimate for the nmjnp;1ratu shall pro Ent the s:une in a se•a)cd myoiopc, at said office, nn or before the day uuci hour al se earned, which envelope hall 1 n lrclEc[w,l with the name ur mantes of the person nr persons preeentin,G till' tame, time date of its presentation and a state nt,.nt of the w'.,rk to which it relates,

The Fire 1),: partm,•nt reserves The right to decline an}' and all bick or estimates, if Qcemed to to for the public intcre-t, Nu hid or e-linty le will be accept,,[ trum, or contract auaidi 1 to, any person Who is in arrears In the Corporation npou debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or othcrwi:e, upon any cnhnliutitnon to th,' Cnrprrration.

Each bid or esnmate shall en null,) amt state the name and place of resdenc a of each of the hum sons making the stmt-, the names ofall persnus Interested with hill or them th- rein ; and it no other Ier•on Ile su interested, it .11:,11 dirti uctl y' state that fact that it is made without any canner tier \with any other person making an estimate for the same purp„r , and is in all respects

n. be feu' an a ithuut collusion or Ir,t u,l, and that no meet xr of the lilttuicip;rl Assemhly, he of of it deparmfmt, elm,cf of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or outer officer of the Corporation, is meetly or indirectly interested therein, ur in rile supplies or work to which it rciLace, or in any portion "f the pn, fits tin 'men The bid or estimate 11111.1 Le verified by the oath, in w'r{ting, nl the p: rty or parties nla!;iu•g the estintntc, that the scccr:d :natters stated thcrc in are in all res In is trite, Where more than one peen' 1 is intere,ted it is requisite that the c1. nun rtc:\nl,' be made and subscribed by all the parties intcreste,i.

Lack, bid or esfi,urtte shall he aceolfl/onfed by Ike consent, in nun/log , r j lzno /ronse/rollerc ar freeualders of •/rr City rJ A'C7e I ork, :ait/t Nair res/'eennae /,laces ofliis/imi'ss ear r,'em'rrcztce, to tle,•fleet Ihat it the contr:ect In awarcled to the person making the c=limate, they will, nr, Its bcinZ su awarded, l,ecome 1 Tied an sureti. s tar its Ltithful peeturm,imnee in the such of Ton 1)3, ie.raud i/16-/it Ilrnrdrref (2,0' 0 i)u nn'lu i,o. and that it he shall orort or relitse to i o'. 'cult c the saute, they will pay to the Corpn. ration:rny diticrence between the stln, lu ,chi. -h he would be entitled on its conlpleti,•n and that which thin Corporation may he obliged In pay to the person or persons io whom the cunt ract utay br awar d,:d at any rut bs_yucut letting, [he amntm[ in each case to be calculated upon the cstini:acd amount of the \cork by which the bids are tistcul, The consent abr,ve-mentioned >hull be ace impanicd by the oath or allirmn-ttnn, TO 'nutting, nn each of the person, stgnm-: the same, that he i. a householder nr Irceholekr in 'Pile City cl New fork, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nauurc, and over and ')bnve I,is liabilities as bail, surety or uthcrn, i=n', and that lie has oficled htm-cif as surety in good faith and with the intentint to ex'rute the bond required by law. 'tile a n11nmauy and stiflil'imey Tit the security nHered is to b, ntpjnrnuacd by the Cuutptr•dler c I' The Cut}- of New York Letese the award is made and prior to the >igning of (lie contract.

Ara eo6,ttzte trill la- cons/n?,',cd tnelr,s aetonztarried by l'n1orr a en trfled e/trek zq$on am of t/er /'mum Is o/ 'J'/nn' City nJ- Aeee Iark, dra:cvz to the orz/cr of file Cvuptrnl/rr, or ruaury to f/rr awrnu ut rf ('u-' /:mdmr,/ audJimrly' !1{0) matters. Stich check or ,nosey roust not be mclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, 611t must he handed to the otiicer er clerk of the Deportment \vllo hi charge of the esttmao:-

•s can bdeposited in said Lox unml box, and n~ c Lmate c. e deposit such check or m,incy has been examined by said officer nr clerk and found to lie correct. All =uch dc1' 'sits, except that Tit the successful bidder will he returned to the persons maktnnt th,: same within three days afttr the contract is awarded. if the successful bidder shall retuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, in execute the same, the amount of the dep,,sil made by hiln shall be forfeited to and retain, d by The City of New' Vork as iiyuidatcd damrlens fur such mrnglect or re'.it,al ; but if he shall execute Ihin contract ss ithin the thane. aforesaid the nntowIt of his deposit will be returned to hint,

Should the persnn or persons to whom the contract may Le ,mv,arded ue,l. ct or refuse to accept the contrast within five days after written entice that the saint has been awarded to his or their bid or prnpos:cl, or if Inc or they accept, but du not iozeco1e the nDntract and give the proper security, lie or they shall lie considered as baying abandon, ci it and as in tie liutlt to the Curpora-tiou, and the c'nnt rue t will be readvertised and role[ as provided by law',

JOAN J, SCANNELL, Commissioner.

II1:tnl 3c_vtalt to lime Drrnalsrtt:<r, I NFw h urn;, May z;, t.`. 1


CANNIih Cl) (L will be received by the Dire Cout-missioner, at the head of the Fire Dc•pa. tment, at the office of said Department, Sins, r57 and t-,u Last Sixty-seventh strcct, in the Borough of ALmhattan, in The City of New York, until ro,3o 00 leek A. Al.,

YVEINEhDAY, JUNE 4, 18.1:, at which time and t'lace they w- ill be publicly opened by the head of said I )e partment anri read.

"Che coal is to be free-hmurnutt.t, of the first quality of the kind kit as "\\'elr wick" Cannel Co:,l, all to w'elgh 2,1 oo pounds to the ton, and be hand picked :tud free front slate.

All of the coal is to be delivered at the various Fuel Depots and Eugina houses of the Ucpartmcut in the Itotvughs of I;ru„klyn : nil Dineen'., in such goohtitii.s and at such 11111- s as may be f,om time to tittle dine,.ted, and the scone is to he \'r ighed in the to Cs, men of a \Vsighmaster de>F,natcd fur that purpose by thc Uc-partmeut and ulrJcr such rn' ula:ions as the F ire Cnnt-n,i+sitner may prc;crii,c. All as rout c fully set fnrth in the spe, i heat Ions to the can tenet, to •ru1,ch Jiltrlz'c21hzr alleu/iou it eliree!ed,

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour trained.

The form of the agreement, with spccificatinns, show-Ing the manner of payment for the coal. may be seen and f',rins of proposals may be obtained at the u(liee of the Dejnaetnont.

IitJ,l.ris wiII ,u-rile' nut the :unnunt of their estimate in .I,1,lition lu inserting the same lit ligures.

I he award cd the cmuract %%ill Inc made as soon as jnrnml'Iii;;n6l, :tft„r the np,r uiuf nt the Lids.

:\uy person making an estimate for the work shall prescnt the s:nnc in :t scaled c'nsrlmipe at "aid office, on or Incline the day and hour above n:nncd, which envelope shall be indorsed with the mune or names of the person or persons presentind the s:uue, the dote of its presentation and It stutemcnt of the su,,I,ly to whirl, it relates.

The Fire IIrp:N-tment reserves the right to decline env :,nQ all bids ur eslinl,acs, it de''nt,•d to be for the publi,: ilrtcrect. No bid ur estlalate will Inc acce:pled from, 'me contra.;t aw-arded to, any person who is in arrears to the (;nrpu ration upon debt or l'sdi'ct a nr w'hu is a rl efnul tor, as surety ur otherwise, up' ti any oblis.ation to the Corporation.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence nut e,rh of the persons making the same, the nannies of all persons interested with hint or them therein, andif no other person bo=n interested it shall distinctly state tfutt fact; that it is made without any cnntincctinn,m With any other person making an estimate for the same ptn'p use and is in all re.npecis lair and vvitlulnnnt cullusi nn orframl, and that no ,,ember of time 3lnniu pal nlssomilinly, head nl adupartment, eh;cI ofa burl';, u. lb put a thereof ordcrk tb, -rein,nruthcrolli - cer of the Cor sir atlon, i> directly nnr indirectly intcrest-ed therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any 1nnrtimin III the prolits thereof, The bid or estim:LLe tndst lie verified by the oath, in iiriling, of the party ur p:vties nulkinq (l,e estimate, that the sevcrrl flatters stated therein are in all respects true., Where more than one person is interested it Is requi,ite that the verification Ise made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Bach bill or cstirnafe s/nrtll be accompanied by the Cmlmrerat, i,t :orfiting, nfn:uo /zout,n'snmu',/,'rs or /rrcko/tiers of the C h' o/Hoerr 1-orA•, ne,ilnf their res/„•c/r:re places e/ busiurosr'r rrsideuce, to the effect that if the contract be auardetl to the person tithing the estimate, they will on its being so awarded, become bound as sureties Inr its faitht;ll perlurmance in (lie su:-u nil En,ht Ifundied Scoj I Io Lars ; and that it lie shall omit or refuse to execute the sane they,will pay to the, Cor-poration any difference between tl:a suns to which he would be entitled on its cotnpleli m and that which the Corpur.ttion may be nbliged to pay to the person or persons to wi,ont the contract nut he awzrded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be m:dch1lIeu upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above flue utimtecl shall he accompauiyd by the oath or :dlirma-tion, to welting, of each of the persons signors the "aril', that he is a houxcholder or Ireelwlder in) the City of Ncw York and is worth the autmint of the secw ity required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts oI every' nature, and over and above his Habit tics as bail, surety or of her,cise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to e.cecute -die band. required by haw. The adequacy' and sulliciency of the security offcrccl is to be approved by the Comptroller of 'Tile Cit}' of New York tie the aw,urd is ulade and prior to the signing of the

contract, A'„ er,'immate will be ronslderrrl unless acronrfauierl

by eiNn.•r a C, e/i/ird check erpou one n/ the lrtuks r>f /re City of /1111' 1 nrr , drawn to 1/al' order of the Couz/'-

trord•r, or vrocey to line amount of I'urit• '.yo) Pathos, Shell check or stoney nmst out be i ,closed to the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but trust be handed to the officer or clerk of the I)eprtrt-ment who has charge of the estimate-box, aunt no estimate call be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said onicer ur clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will Inc retnrnerl to the persons making= the same within three days after the contract is awarded, I( the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, tt ithin five days after notice that the contract h:ls been awarded to him, to execute the saute, blue sun .; unt of the deposit etude by Lint shall Ile forfeited to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such ne;;lcct or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract withinthe little aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to flint. photlid the person or persons to whom the contract

may be atcarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within live c1,13's oaer written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not eyectac the contract and give the proper security Inc or they shall Inc ccusidered as having abandoned is and as in del aunt to the Corpora. tion, and the contract will be readvcrtised and relet as provided by law.

JOHN J. SCANNY.LL. Cmm mntis,vtj'l era

DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. IIF: .1 1 u-, ,, I)Ilil\tnc,

C+]nn-. 1, xI 1:', ($I flu', ti , r5o NA' Ii' S , I: I'I - c, Ni :iv Su: a: ,AIa


B If)~ O1.. ESTIAIA'1'FS, INCL(lsitl) IN A r:dcd vtivelnn1e, ,clth Ile title of the w-nrk and the

u-Inc o the bidder indorsed rhi:re,nmi,nl ,u The omlmln,_'r oI the work as in the ads uctnsemnnelit, trill be received at No. rca 'N Is all sun vet, corner of 5; race street, in Room No. t;o;, until II o'clock A. v.,

TCESDAY, JCSFZ 7, lisfI1. The lids will be publicly opened hg the head of the

Department, in II' nut N, ,. x727, Nu. to Nassau sIreet at the hour uh—e muutianed.

Nn, r. FOR fI'iiNInHING ANI)T)F:LIVVI:INt;'II) filE UI-.I'klfIl'NIFNI' OF IHIGA\\'.-\YS, Pf)RmnfdIi III' 1IIE I'RilNX, LIEU lhl.:S SfifNE .ANil tiCIZI-:CXTNGilii I'n1 Silt. ElSal (rIiI': I.IAli,>Tn)NL,OR (I 1'III'IR I.,1AR•IlIONI`1-x(11 - .AI.L-F AS Glltlll, I'll 1111 l l l S l lg l ' I I Ill 11 l 1 T: R 1/: R IUJ C I IZ I•:D Al,()',(; ('' l-I i \I' SCRfci- tS IN '1'I1f' SAIII P1)I1.1Ii1,11,

Yin, e. F(lR FC'IZAJtifnxt; AND Inr.1.11FTING '1(1 'I'lll: Ill-:f':\Io[I\I F:\1' III'' ii1t;lI- VA',1A-S, IN '1o11l,l Ia lRllWIlll (t!' 1oIll: ItRulA'S, ItRtIKF',N - IUAI': :AV'I) SC'RI'P; INti'. (IF Ill.\p- Elf' ' is, 'ft l tll•; :lla'I'RII;CTI?IU 0111-RF; Fl 1•aICIRh,II Al TA(1 C1xki UN SIREIlIS IN 1'llE SAID hjnfti'GH.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and stale the more and place of residence of Ca._'h of the persons makiu;; the same, the names of all per,nns interested ill th hint therein, and it no other person Inc so inter-ested it shall di stinefly slate that fact : that it Is made without any connection with any ether person making an estthtate for the s:wtr pill and is in all respects Gtir and without cn1ln,oinur or itnmuld, and that no mcnlberof the Municipal .As.cntbly,-head of a depat't- dell t, chief of a bure:nt, deputy thereof, or clerk there-in, nr other ntlictr of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or in the work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof,

Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, if the party making tile same, that the several matters .hl'rei a stated are true, and must be accost panied by the .onsc III , in writing, of two buu,ch alders or fiteholders n 'I he City .)f Newyork, to the effect that if the contract iS awarded to the person mak log the estimate, they will; .tpon its being so awarded, hecontc bound as his :,ureties for Its faithfu'i perf,n'mance, and th, t if he shall refuse an neglect to execute the -ant: they will pay to the Cor-pnnnation any dslforeuce het,ecen the >tuu to which he would be entitled upon its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract shall lie awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount to be calculated upon the estimated tttlinitluit of the work by w'hicit the bids are tested.

1 he consent last above mentioned must be accom-p:utied by the oa1h or affirmation, in writing, of each of


more than one person is interested it is requisite that the serificatisilt be made and subscribed by all the parties interoatcd.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con-sent, in writinc, of 155 householders ur Irecholders in 'I he City ,+t irw York, frith their respccli5c places of business ,, r re,iderce. to '.lie effect that it the cunlract be awarded to the person making the estiutate, they will, uni+tl its beim; so sttc.tntled, become bound as his sureties for its faithful perfo rntance. soul thatil h—lr,tll omit or to- lose to execute the same, they will pa)' to the Corporate. in any ditTeren L tucen the sctm to which he stould lie entitled upon its -utplctiou and that t%Li, It the Corpnrs-tion may he sithlcd to pay to the prison or persons t+, %%horn the contract tu:q' be -tic:u'ded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to he calculated upuu the estim:ue am,rtsrss of the work by which the bids arc tested,

Tile cunscnt dbove mentioned sball hc, c-s - c m-

panied b)- the oath or :dtirmnti,m, in ttritinç, of each of the persons signing the s:une that he is a householder or Irecholder in I lie ('it5 of Nett 1 ork and is worth the amount of the secur-it)-required hr the conipletion of this contract and herein '-sated, nccr and above all his debts of evert' nature and s t er Lind aL've his liabilities a, bai!, surety and +itlterrrise, and 1Lat he has offered himself as it surety in gaol f.+ith and t' 0th the intent,un to execute the bond required be late. The ad cyuach- and Sill uctcri, y of the security ol?cr ed trill be subject to approval I-y the Contptrnllcr oI I the C'it ri' of New I ork after the atrard is maul% anti prior to the stitnisig ++f the contract.

Slsotild the per,en or persons to "-hoot the contract may be atc;rdctl r.c•glect or ret itse to accept the contra+,[ n uhin five ,Jsi55 alter ti—tillers m,t;ce that the same h been aw.u,7 cd to lit, or their Lid or propos•,l, and that the adcquacy and su inicX0c) of the securtly uffcred has been appro'ed L's' the Complrnilcr, or it he or they accept but do out execute the contract and Bice

the proper secilriw, lie or they shall lie considered as hats ins abandoned it and as in delault In the Corpora-Lien and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided bs' I;nt'.

I N' es:intans will be received or considered unless ! :+,-knlpanicd by either a certihe1 clseck up"n one of the

State or \ation:J hanks of'I'he (it's' of \ csv S nr1., drawn to the ortl,-r Cut the Cnntplrnller, or u,oneq to the amount of ins per ccntum ufthe um•,unr of the security required (sir tLe t,,,ilrM }-crlurm:m, e of the contract. Such check or mnney must not Lc inclosed in the sealed envch+pe co'at,t.niui the e-tunas%, Lot mtt_t be handed to the o0icer or t k of the I rcpartmcni who has cl arge nI the esti- ma tc h_,'x, srim n., 5,'-t state call be depr'sitcd in said b ix until such chcc k i.e rn nc) has heon examined bA said shiner ,r clerk and found t, be correct- All such cie- pc-its, ccccpt that ct thesuccessful bidder, will be

returned to the hero i use making tie same truhin three 51 ,55- c otter the contract to awarded. It Else'soLes ful btddcr shall refuse or neglect, within five days '+I ter notice that the contract has been .e,carued to him, to execute the saute, the anvunt of the def ostt made by him vh,dl be forfeited to and Lc retaurid by the Cur) sit \cu 1i'. t'k .ts liyttidated Q,tma;cs for such r%meet or refusal ; but if he shall execute the coutracf tc:thin the time id-cresaid the antotmt of his deposit triI] lie returned to him,

111a,,h l 'en s f,a simntc4 in_,}' be nbrained by appli - I ation t,+ tile uue,cr-igucd at Li = +Bileo in the l:untr:tl I t':}'artmcnt.

[l's 'y t rdcr u` the lloard, \\"Ilia.\\i II. 1:11 I',

is ,,: \.::I:. v, i- t:,:,.



C, .: 5,'s I is i t A ,u L ,u,t ti' At t;l'r'l t': \t" 11 l l.pc, L. r... 5 ti „t 31 :u %r,.t' I. . t y t7, t3,' J

I rc-i.ent. I -- I. 1 1:': '•. TO CONTRACTORS.

c tars. -- BII S nP. F, l ]\L\ 115, INtl.'s 1'D IN A , , r I v i' S 5 ', ; 55,5- It , is, '': A1 s•t ii 's ix. I dccl sex el 'p.. th, Brie gj rkr :cork au<i [/ie

Ni,,, A'ir, ;, ALn 04, t: 1 nan,r •'I 1%r• i./drr iu,?,+rse,l ik,•r5' cc, ¢lsc the is,n,thr'r

~T s i I'1''1: l- 141'.1' EL'1 ('shyly, 1V VLC' 1101 i'''. i i , , rrlis turr.t. trill Le recetsen at N :.ace wits: sec tai n 40. , t the (i,artu , I L h:: Line \ .:{, Lt :ut, aC, Ii nit in rt.z, ntil eau (r, 'clock t .'t.

t. its n - l hsr e-i r. c'the on

netcc th Ljimoi_t I rl lmlr- %einvisi, u Thai u"o - II Ti ESDAV, '9 %' :11, It. P. ire, lie Lod n - A.ch,las a _t.in- and tine ILsnsdresl The 1 !:.,+1. Ii' pu',h-1's" I -nc , I ti e head of the ant. F'..rty-ctjilrth cur • v', has' +-cn filed in the, r.li, -+:, an.I 1 Ucpar'm_rit, in R,-nm tt4_. \ +. 04i'' I;r".+d,cay, at the c,r, m tc i ,-0c5' !,,r 1,uLlic imhcc ti n, :end tl,,,t ., mc,tf nq hour ; .1._ x ._-incnsuone•A, of tit - I. : liar I n ti.e Nineteenth Itistrtet Iss- L +c.+l p tI 1-L RNIoill.N,;, 4)1'1:1: A I IAl: AND Al.AIS. Imptoccm'in,nI lx bald sir tic I! +r iseli Uttcc,(ny; 'IAliINGI LIVICIC L-AMPC; is to 1'l110 H.I, un Ile ;th J,+) 1 lure, ,&,8, at t_ . ,t w'h.ch I VIAL rs..g, PI}L I.If;H I IAt, SIN 11 O1' nt:%tin_ :,ic p..titi n. 55- III, ubn iii' .:d t - II .,rd. 'I III St'1oLI , 1 is I'.-\Rho _\N7( l'fi1htc

\Ltil rl- \)'. II ( ILLS. I'I \cl:: IN IH1. rt)rnk- nH I L '

1.--i•., t. 1.ktn)K1,VN 1(F 'I'11h CI'll ((I- \H\C ]. 1. h' ' \'h,1' .-\,4 \i:\\ IIh 1t11'l:lt.\INFH

i" __e us- II') IN I1” 71I1”: ('I)MMI-".11'A1-:IC Of _ _ _ I't'I.1.1C BL't)1J\G LitA lI INt; AND

tit 11'1.11 M"i10b 'fHl: L'.11l1Ail-u

POLICE DEPARTMENT. ARE OPt:NI'-11. Each bid or e.'11ri,lse -bill contain and =arc the

: ... (,.. A:'n 5,,:::;. 1 n ose and place of re-id-n :c of +:run of tl e p, rs ,n; ., i ... I soiLing the same, t!:e n:unes of all persons inter-

e-tec. with him Herein, and it no other person be TO s''_ \ I I:AC 1 011.5. hot rested it sit ll distinctly state sitar fact : that

it is made tcithout any comcctlu,t will, any other user-

J'RI 11'(I,ALIt I I IV LJTIMATES. I son m¢kin,: n e,t, ma e I'ir the same purpose, and is In ail respsets',ur and trtth its collu i - i ,+r Iraud, and that

SE:\L.I1, 1-11\1111, l((]', 1'1'IIll\t:'IIfE tsomcmor' fthe\lunfze}al-1>semuly,hradufadcp:+rt- 1'.: I a ',th us .. I'' rccn a] meat, chief of a bureau deputy thereof, or clerk

t tit, C t t t:. - t'.. 15 I r e ., t' 5 , to e

t}t: therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly ( ,t',- ' : ,, A , a. '~ .t 1''1tIll35' 01 im,lr+a: tly- ,utererted therein, or in the supph':x or

THE td1'I' 11 ll-1 ] OF 7tIA IL . 1*Its, in the ti', rh to which it relates or in any portion of the 'I I,e - I 1i i. on cStln,CtC sh-ill profits thereof,

furntvn t , ~i _it,--. I c, Indors_d Each e't,mnte most Le t'cnficd by the oath, in sort t: Iistitnat-- 1: r~ "I .ti'! L:r _• .,,-! s and will+ his of the party make ; the same, that Elite several maucrs

sr their name or ,,tile', ..nd the datic of presentation, then t in state 1.re Eric', and must be ncc mpamed Lv the to the head of said Department, at the said oIrce, en I cons<tit, iu 55 .- i r. rig, of tit n hott-,:fis,trh'rs or I reel, _.,iders or before the da)" :aid hour above homed, at which I :n'1'he City- of . ew 1"ork. to the effect that if the I o.,tract time and place the estimates received s' ill be pub- is award ,t to the persmi mrikint the estimate, they will, lick• opened by the head of said Department and read. j upo'tt it, being 'n awar,led, become hound a- hi5 sureties

hi r part,eulars .+, to the yuahts-, kind amt qD;Ohilq ', for its faithful performance, and that if he shall refuse of each s:ze of Shiuld r+ yeired, reference must be made ' or reject to execute the same, they will pay ill the (or-in IT e spier (cation', bank firms of whi:h may be p'r.it00n any difference between the sum to -,chick he n; tain-d at the cut,: e of the Chief Clerk in the Central %`onto] Ire entitled upon itv comple'ton, and that ehich Decar:mcnt, the Ccrporatir n may be 1 1) iced to pay to tic person to

1 whom the contract shall be awarded at any sub<cyuent hi di ens to ill state n price per tshield cf e, ch kind to he I letting, the :m.ounr to be calculated upon the estimated

deli, erect. 'l he pre e most be ututen m the bid and I ;tmnuut of the work by tt hich the bid, are tested, stated in fi,nres. 1 ermrs-ionce, it nut be •even ic,r the ' 77te can-eat last stucco mentioned must be accom- w,thr,raw:r! of any Lid or estim, tc, -,na the r!,,Irt is I parried by the oath or affrmation, in a ritin„ of each of e-spres.ly re er eel by the head of said 1Jepartment to the persons signiut the same that he is a househn!d, r or r, ject .,,l buts s};ottl-I it be dccmed to the public ! freeholder to The t arty of Nctc 1'oris, and is worth the ir, C rests so to do. amount ct the security required For the completion of

1n estimates will be nc,.epted from, or a contract the centric,, over and ahoy% all his dcbts of et cry awarded to, am person who is in arrears to the Cur• nature and r sor and above his ! iaiilities a.s Lail, surety, poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as or oth, rwise, and that he has offered hiu+,elf as surety' surety or gtherxise, upon any obligation to the Cor- in troll faith, with the intention to execute the Lund poration. required by law.

1'he entire qu:aatity S Shields to be dclicered within ,,o estimate will be considered unless accom- sucty days fr(,m the date of the execution and bits cry panted by either a certified check upnn one of the State ul thv contract. I or National Larks of'1heCit, of New 1'urk, drawn to

The person or persons to whom the contract may be I the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of awarded will use required to give security for the per- five per ceuttun of the :nnount of the securhy re- formance of the contract, in the manner prescribed by q...red for the f:+ith(ul performance of the contract. law, in the sum of Ten'I'lu,ui.and Dollars. Such check or money must Nor be inclosed in us

Each estimate shall contain and state the name and sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be place of residence of cash of the persr,ns making the handed to the officer or clerk of the Department same, the names of all persons interested with him or i who has charge of the e-timate-br,x, and no estimate then therein, and if no other person be s„ interested, can be deposited in said box until such check or money it shall disr,nctly state gnat tact ; also that it is made has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be without any connection with any other person staking correct. All such deposits. except that of the success. an est:reatc for the same purpose, and is in :dl respects ful birder, will be returned to the pers:,ns making the fair an'l tv ithnut collusion or fraud, and that nu member 1 same within three days alter the contract is awarded of the Municipal Asserus,ly, head of a department, chief If the su•-cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within or a bureau, deputy thereof, ur clerk therein, or other fire days after notice that the contract has been o:Ticer of the Corporee.on, is directly or indirectly in- awarded to him, to execute the same, tile arnnunt of the terested therein, or in the supplies or %cork to which it deposit made by him shall be I+,rfcitcd tr, and retained relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The by The City o1 New York as liquidated damages for estimate must lie verified by the oath, in writtn¢, of the such neglect or refusal ; but it he shall execute the party or parties making the est'mctle that the several contract within the time aforesaid the amount ct the matters stated therein arc in all respects true. Where deposit will be returned to him.


mu ar the rate of eight per cent, per anuunt front said Anvil en. r8g8.

'fhe olficc hours for rca•iving taxes are (t-om q A. nt. to a r. 55,, and nn S:,trtrd:+y till t¢ noon.

'I axpayc rs Neill please bring their last tat. receipt, or :m exact d+'scriptiun of Il:cir It's, fn Order to :+v.,id delay ,ir paying situ the w'rone, h r'pert”.

\1'\L. DAL'1'i)\, Conmtassiontr of Rater Supply.

1 ,11 tt teu'sr iii t\'.ti'l'l, St'trt.r, Cullans .t ry's Of I act I }I

N i. r;o \ tsn,t' S, nicer, 1 raw \'ut.l: 1la • :3. i'8 S. )

NI ly E OF `a\ylC AT PU 1:1.IC ALC I WN.

V SAI'I R1) :A1', JIA1' 2S, 1o9., LII1INNING nt r-, n', I"ck A. nt., the Department of 11•ater

Sul,pl)' %,-ill sell nt public :ntct,'n, Oil the premises, by Ue>.r-. liter F. \lcycr/k Co., nu.:tioneens, il;c lblloss-m;''escr,bcc L'uMlssr s anal tnochincry, now slaudmg within the line. ++f (tripe nt's' purchased by the City in the fawn of \luunt li,s o, \Vrr.isrhsoster (;,uuty, New York:

Furntcr Inc nor, J. K. 1 r;d:in-

SI,•alt I'Ltni,r, Al ill: 'I Itre''ut ry I rune. ga feel by a5 Oct. Isle, sine, one-airy II-,ttne, 42 f:et Iuy it fcot. I .eten.i,'n. Iry„-.t,ir; frame, : 2 (e,•t by 14 feet,

l'mgine t„nm 1'nlcu ion, I is o '.is,nio,: Furst.tory bt i k, .cc,,n,I story I rime, 31 feet by

rr Icct. l,wuhcr-boa's, tau storios:

first st+,ry brick, second strry frame, 49 feel by feet,

All the hme,gailg buildings being connected. Lumber sh,-,l :

One-slnry frame, 40 feet L's' i'6 f,-et, detachod.

.lhrc/rrner3• in .1/ell. ( )u,_- regino and hasher, two lines nf -lat£tia„ otn• plan-

in machine, 5 se t.-inch iii, ul.i it( niu, ls'ee gnu 8 his lonold ,ig mahiuc, u.te c,iriCty In ill din, ntnchi',c, One •norti'e machine, t ten, n nt.tchine, .ion blind nctchiu,•,

,h sti kc'r ma .:l ins, on Luse, one blood Batt, sine 1 tl .+ts . , nc c oss-ettt .ao'. I'sisirut I. ntvnur, D. I . G , ham—

I )its t:,-su-story f,'mie s ti r,°, 3o feet Ibv no feet, 1• cten<;on, one-stun) h;tm+, 2u feel b% r{ Let, tii,ep, tfito-story h'ante, ;{ feet by Cs) feet. IC:.,c it less, one -.tr.t y 11-:011C, uo feet I,y to feet. I .ct, n t u t+, o st. r)- Ir,,me to hut by 16 feet, All tlt t r _n' iu;, I tit; cnnnectcd, Ote t-to t ,ry hi- jute -.tut-.;6 f, et Lv 'S fc ct. Hsle i on, me-story Irantc, 37 feet L)' e., ficl. \ton t n nc-slut)- frame, i'3 fr, t 1,1 i'6 trct.

.1.he ' ,Ic till 1 gin and f.rocecd to the order al,uce enum', rite d.

T'v'ssOs nr S.tt.e,

list. The pttrebase money mtct be paid in full in Iizsnk,,l.ii' fund, :n the line-,nd pL+cc of =ale.

oil. 'I lie huildin_5s o ill he sold to the stone foumla-tion..

'd. The hiui!s1inszs and uo+chiiiiers" nt,ist Ile tint iscly rc-muved Boat the Cuss prnI,, rtr by J ill ti, sky$.

4115' hvt sit t„ whrh t lie build u, may be moved, must 10 :tt lc t"t n u lost fort the C 'nun r+cr, or any ut its alllu nl -,r,tny dtain enril,E) 504 the% n,

5th If 'sits uui )ding or p.+rt thctt cf n ans ttt,cl,incry I' left on the pr„p,. etc of Ile City of \,•w 1i—I, on and :Stcr the tglh ill's of July, t09h the t o tch,l<er sh.rll f„r. fcit .-11 n_ht and Iitl- to the *,tat ,', ridd :+I', Else nuns')' I ail tL,-rc fur [u the rim- of e,de and the It-pat tmunt „t 1V'ut, r 'ritu1,1y may at any time it,_re,Itcr vcccll said b t ld m s, or- parts of build nc , - .,rl i t- v, fill the b, fit fit ,:f the ('it), r r nt ce -u 1 t ,) tire'.;tine.

\1'\I. 1 t:\ 1.'111\, L i iIi.i,'-1, iSt r n - \) .ucr 5nlldy,


l'u-au .A I.I . 1rt -err. ri.

-:11',1: Of I Ili k \ I RA\e 111565.

f If I'. Flt\\C111n{.' trf- Tl1tla lIEs. AS MItIR1•: pnrti u';, l's- Is-retnisfter do-ci,lie I, tug thin' with

tile. wharf I pert) ,situ I,md undo tc,uct o'li,aLing Iu 'I he l it) of Ness V t,, and to he hoed, or wl ich lean

+ Is -u cn~to n:,nil ' u: ++l in eonnecli„n Else 5 at 0th tt hi, It c t ) tt h.ut pt ul. tty is -hr,tcn lit d otit „ a h tt-c d lu L run I Ica c. ,chih may I e ,. t'+minr d c,u apl,i c.rtiun to tilt - Secretary .d the Ii. and •I U ck,, at th - ',tl} ,• it the Il [i.rrtlsieint, Pier ” 1," flattery } l c will lie offered for id,: liv the Hoard+ f D„cks, :u } ,LI:,: auction, to the I ibhc-t bidder, ,n

Tt ESD-I.Y, MA S :31, 15iS..

]'n, ,t %era: rj it,, I r,Ir.c I) osir —I/ _i' I. I'•)8.

Lot t. To and Ir m Ill' - I,,,,' t k, is vclt -.r, , t, I:-r,t rivet, 11 rough + t VIu,h:utan, ut Iltr City of N t York, huffs and u, tl.e Ii .t cf I'+r :,. ti s\• and Sushi lt,qhth -tn cot, 1, rough of lit „klnn, to Ih• h i ' 's New York. Lt-et ),rice, c_o,c o- Joel- nn,mt.

Lot :. I n awl fr m the fu,t of 'I'bin)-G urih sirs-it, list river, Iloross.oh i ylanh,utai,, in "I Its ( it) , I Non' 7-, rk, trout and to the foot of Itorsion asenne. Borough , t Cduecns, in I'ltc City of _ esv Yut k. Up-vt price, 512,001 p,r st,ifliiiii.

1 t t 3. li aid fruit the loot of ' I'se -nt y third 'tree[, Fast t ivrr, I.orouih of Vlanhc,tla t, in 7-he City „f Ness fork, from and to ( ;ic_,pomt ;is'n.te, 1) ,ou_h of I;rookivn, in The City of New fork, L'i"ot ti lie, $2t,ocu Per attnunt. I.ot 4. To and front the feet of 1- ,st Housto s "tee's, East 5 ier, Lon ugh if Ms0,bastr0, iri'I'hc laity of New l', rk. it ,m :utd to the L,ot r I (;and street, Ilorou_h of Brooklyn, in The City of \.w 1'nrh. Cp. et price, [t,c oo per an n'Im. Lot 5. 'lo and front the I, ant of (icund etrect, Fast

river, IlQainah of yl,stth:ttbais, in I'l It ('it's of IN w York, firms and to the foot of Grand otr+-c t. IIumnh of Br,ok. lyn, in I he City of Nets York. li!ps,t price, 05,,-u-, per annum,

7-or it Tie,,, of 1'ivr Ira i's Jr-,vu .U:r t, t 790. -

Lut 6. 'In and from the font o I lames .lip, Fast river, huin+sgh of MI arvhattan, in 7'he C,ty of New fork, front -. and to the 10 551 ill P,ur: -n avenue II rough of Queens, t't the City of Nett lot k. Upset price, c8,000 per annum.

71te franchises and wharf property embodied in the foregoing will be sold subject to the fQlluw1i-' terms and condition., of sale.

1's ants AND CONDITIONS cm SALE- The leases will he s,dd -Object to the approval of the

terms thereof by the C iiilhssloners if the diking fund.

No bid will be received w'liich shall be less than the upset prig^- as tit' r ratio Ted above.

Each parch., sir will lie required at the time of the sale to pay, in addtion to she:mciiuneer's l,'e, to the Dep.,rt. meat of I (o,:ks and Ferries 25 per cent, of the amount of the• annual runt bid, as security for the ez%cuu(•n of the lease, which 25 per cent, will b< applrsd to the payment ".. of the rent first accruing under tile lease when executed, ,,r will be forfeited to the L)epartmt-tit if the purch-tser refuses or ne;,ject.s to execute the le.,se with good and suliicient security, to be appruc cd Ly the It :trd of hocks, w ill ill ten d:+)' s after being citified that the lease is prepared and ready for cxecuti,:n at the office of the Department of I)ocks and Ferries, Pier "A," North, river, foot of Ii.,ttcry place.

1\vo sufficient sureties, to Ile approved by the Board of Docks, will be required under cacti (ease, io enter into a bo-id or obligation jointly and s'verdly with the lessees in the sum double the annu;,l rem, for the faith-Ild performance of all the covenants and cunditious of the lea.,..

The lease will contain the usual covenant: and condi- lions, in conformity with the provisiuus of law and the

'I'III- (''tt,nlIiSIIINIIR ((I' l'L'I11.11' 1tU11.1)-IiIIi,, i.l(11IING AND SL'I'l'LII-o KF:SIU2V'I'N '1'11111aUH'C'It) Rb:IPCI' Al.l. Itll)> 1,FC-1 I\'L;U FU1::ANA I':U:I'I('I"l.:AR\A't)RK II' 1110 111111 IT FOR '11110 Ill-uI 1A'1"b:Rl?ti'1'S OF IIIE CI IV.

Clank I„rms of bid or estimate, the proper cttvcissjn's in which to inclose the same, tile specifications and aorrcmeers, s,ntl arty further information desired. can it ob:aiucd in 12uum \o. 33 7ltmicipal I!uilditsg, 1Irn'nttgh ,+I iln:ukl)n.

HENRY S. I'iI'IAICN\', Lnwin i- r t u- it I ssbl,c C, il.

r 1 itn:- an ..l tq pli. s.


P l',LIC N(('I ICI: IS 11 FRIdtv' GIVEN It) l u!'. -,sner or osetsers of sill sullies and loll, improved

or rni,ipmved lands affected thereby, that the follow-isle propose,) assessments h.tve been completed and are lodged in the office ut the Board of Assessors for examination ht' :+Il persons iur.'re=fed, viz.:

I;, ,h,'tcn or I us 11tz,,xx, Lies =szr. N.. I. I';,rim: t )nr Ilundred amt iii v,•ntfut11

sues'%, In in Iii, Now \uric ., rdd H,+r.cm Railroad to \) -: b>I, r itccnnr, ,till, ssidi''-1.I..ck paccn,cnt.

List _- I. N-. e, I'asm4 (lee H,sn-hd and 7'Lirty-sixth .Uec' , ti .-m .-1lc'an,'cr aceuuc to Willis avenue, with Uap-bl ck pace arm ,I.

I i-t 00q4. N, . ;, l: c.,ulat'mi. grilling, curl n ❑ ml Ila,O u4 t ,ne Hundred and Sixty-s_ Scull t strc•.t, fir. nt 1 r.n:k}i•, ;n, nu,- t 1 stem ­.id,to,ethcr with a list , f ,swards for lama_ 's carts, d b) Sr e.•anOc of g,adr.

Iloa„r+nl „i \LA.,,i' -I I55, 1,1=1 ,G.,7, N . I. )'acing \+uctieth street, front First

ryas u,• to Fa-t rive-r, milli asphalt p:,rcntcnt, .0 far as the >:une is and is not within the limits ut saints of boil nrtislet si.:n-r.

list 16t4. Au, e. RctuLring and ;ndv:_, cm'Line and flu:giuq, l)ne F[wtdiedand uixty-['Ord strict, from Ant .ter, :un avenue to 1{dc.c,-nthis' road.

'I' Ise limits within which it is propnsed to lay the said . ecssment• iuchuitle all the several hou=r's and lots of ;;round, sac rou lots, pieces and parcels of I,,nd situ ttcd ott-

e. I. 1:oth sI 1,-s of slits' Hundred1 ortnl S'v. vtietb street, tinm tl:e \+tt' lurk and ii, 1l si Ra l,oad to R'el -ocr avers. :c. and t , the extent ,d h:,lf the I.1 ck at the inter-ecting •ttmffos.

N ,.:. I'', t t sidle- of lee )fun lrc4 and Ihirfp-si cth >t reef, Irons :sloe-nder .5%-souse t, \1 i h.- 5'nnuc', ,, nd t the uxluu sit half the LI - ,c 6 a' the insu-snena: is

N,, I ill Sit Iii One jIrastvc,i and "lists- -cc, nil, st'cst. Ir m 1' z+nl.11 [I t" , u t us It -. d, and to the I xtcut , t hail, tin fib ch at to t 'r dcetnr7 '55e1500e.

No, {. It tts sides ,d \,n- tied t -tast, front Dust avr-one t, l:.nt ri,ct and to the extent of hilt the Lock at t Ile n t,r,tit ;I, e• le'.

5.,, g Cush i I - of On, Hundred to d Sixty-thir l st tea t, firm antrrstun ,tsenu.: to Fsl; c. ,mbr toad, and to the extent rd h:df the L's ck ❑t the L tcnsecuig arcnncs.

All persons whose interests are :.lfected by the above. named tire pu.ed a-sesm,•uts, and who are opposed to the ,anic, or either of them, are requested to present their obicctious, in is rising, to the 'ecr+-u+ry of the Board of Assessors, N', qzu ill nadf-aN', Nety \'sank. on rr I,cIi,te lure zr, 1598, :+t it u'clnch t it., at which tm- an I I lace t', said ul iertions mill be heard and I 'ii,, n) t :c. i Ceti to r,•fcrcncc thcrc.t ,.

I: I l \\''a F: n 's I (.1, E, Hh(\VARD CAH111., 'III Oo.:I, WI I .-(IN, )t(IIN I51l.M.Vt, i' \ made \I. H \',•I.bU1'\',

Lie'ard ut As'essors. \\',i t s s'i I f. J t r r.

I rt No Noi.o Ii' - dw,)'-

Ctn so \ntc \',-t,L, Lm<,,ts,jt is .\lunar tst.,~ .May t , our,

PV11LIC NOTICE IS IIICREBY GIVEN 1'f)'I'HB in tier Cr ottners of Lull houses and lots, ittst sres soil

or unimproved lands affect 'd thereby, that the lol,ow-ing prop, ='d asses_ments have been corn .,letel :,nsl are lodged in the ouiee of the hoard of Assessors fur examination by all persons interested, ci,,

L'r I ctt of Tai.- Ls;,sSx' Lilt ;407. Ni,. t Rs'st,sltst no, Lr:,dm;, curbing and

M_ct i+s; .tint la) In ctr,s=tt,tlk- and bmlding fence- in \tol'-1i 551ert, fr',m the \c•w Y, ,rk and llarlcm Ratlr,,ad to AA",-list, r it,cnuc.

I.i-t 5520, No- 2. F.uin; ( (Inc Hundred and Siny- -t ~.n h • N. w - arc I Lu let IL,i'r ninth sited , fr t t c V tl. 1 n ad

to \1"cl stt arc nut, 55 'h. tanitc- hh,0k pa.cntcut and lay,,,;; crossxalks.

Li-t \,,. I 'gulati n_, Cu dm rurbi n fl:,,, put•, Isis . it en s- tv;dl:, sad I l.+t .ng tell, ;• in C.ouni un street, from A.srrlons Ruder tern, ce tc, I Qtrit:rat n,:+d.

'l'hc hints st,thin a hich It is penpuned to la)' the said assessments turlude all the s verst houses and hots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and Lar.:cls of land situated on—

ho, t. Its th -ides of Vfetch street, from tile Ni 's fork amt Ilarlcilt Railroad to AA ','lister atcone, and to the extent of halt thv LI ch at the i us'Is%ci n' '+,%'sues.

No, sr. ]Lush stdcs of One Hu dred and 0155)'-nimh street, from the New 1', irk :aid Ha,l lit l:aiineari to VA cl„ter :+venue, sad to the extent of half the block at the lit er e 'tang :n utucs.

Ni. o. I ,th silos of C.,mmann street, from Harlem Rifer Ierrare to Fordlcuu run!. and to the ..'stmt of hc+lfthe block at the inter.ecur avenues.

All persons tt hose interests are affected Ly the above. n:uned proposed assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of thcm, are requested to present their ciject sus, in writing, to the Secrrt:uy of the hoard c I Assess ,rs, No. 34 1110- iuway, \etc 's Os on or beli,re June r4 t y0, at tI t. 11., at is high time :soil plat' the sad , iist' 5l : 0 will be heard :md testi. moray received in reference thereto.

NUAv'.'tRI IcCL'E, 1il [\V:UfD CA1-II LI,, '111O5. A,Wtlo()N, JOIIN DL•LNIAI-, P:\IRICK A1. HaVE'R'i'Y,

Huard of Assessors. \1'ft tt-xll H.. J scion.

!ecretai y, Ni,. 320 Iiro,tnlsyssy,

Crrr, cur Nett -) vt:, licis;1ht,O it' NI.sxuarr.ac,1 — -- - yl,ty t4, t88, --


Den'mcehxr 5,r• \V'riLr "end's, CuSrtstfsai,5es's Omen, ,. t;u NAs.\t' "I,,t_ET,

M 17

itt \ „Its;, April 26, .898.



P f'R'suAN'I• '--O 'LI1ElROVISINS OF 'I'll!'. Greater New York Charter, l.atvs of "897,ch:+pser

.,-e section 469, and it the ous era) laws of tit's State rcL,tiee to the collection of taxes, notice is hereby given toall whom it m:+3 concern, that I have recel, ed the wt+re, nt of the late N ater Commissioners of Long Island ui[y, dated December ;t, t8{7, for the collection of water rate, and rents for the years t897- 98. and that ruch t;+xt, may be paid to the I Is put)• Cann issiuncr of VA-aler Supply, Iorotigh of , (ueens, at his office is the old City 11,11 in the tint Ward of the fiorough of t )uecn-, Cny of N. w York, withrnrt fee or charge )runt and beginning on April zq, 1898, and tip to Alay 3t, 1398, :end that dunn;; the next thirty days there:dter, which will be up to July t, t698, su:It to Sc;

1i o-thirds ut : ice hire may be paid, with the adr tuon of to 1 e cent, as interest, and 11 not paid within said mcu(i,med sixty days, such taxes will be levied and collected in the manner provided by l,tw, together with interesf there.


the per „n- - „ the same, that he is a householder or li eelI I l(I ,u I he Cu s of Nicw York, and is worth the amount ul the se, unity required for the completion ul the cuntra,:t, , icr :atd above all his d,hts of every nature, and user :unl above Iii, lialilitics as bail, surety, Cr otherwise, :mu that lie has uttered himself as surety in good taith, tc ith the intention to exec rite the bond re aired by last.

No estimate will be considered unless accompanied by either :t certified check upon one of the 'tale Cr N. tional b:u,k, of 7'h+• City ut New York, drawn to the order of the Compti oiler, or money to the :utowt of the per cennnn of the aniount of the sec,n iv re. yui red for the faith tel pertermance of the contract, Such check or money must son be indnscri in a scaled envelope containing the estimate, hut nntst be hauled to the officer or clerk of the Ise. parunent who has c},at_c of the estimate-bcr, and no estimate can I deposited in said box until such check or n,ones has been ex:+uu led Lv said oiler or clerk and found to be correct. All "such do pose ts, except that of ❑+e successful bidder, tv i❑ be returue+I to the persons making the noose t': ithin three days alter the contract is :ncarded. 11 the successful hiddcr shill re-fnse nr neglect, within his ii dnvs after notice that tht contract Ims is en ae arded to him, to execute Ilse same, the atuount of the deposit made by hint shall Le lut-lcitcd to and r5 taincd Lv 1 lie City of Neu- l oil as liquidated damages for such ne1lect or refusal, but if he shall wets% the c,, tr.:ct testhin 1111 time a!ore-suid the amt tint .,f t6c Os peril will l c return^d to Itim.

IHF l:llnl-llisi-l(INiiR rib HICIf51'-AYir K1{- .EIL\'I ']ill" R11;H'I 'It) loll I I-i. I :\I I. 1•II)5 1,1(k'h:I\ lit 1'1)1-i :\N\" I'_\1:1I11 l..\1: I,\"I1tfi, IF III. Lf:I:\Ii 11' lt)1t'1HE 1'MLB1 1\ II-.Rl."IS 01 1111•.

L'!ank farms of bid or estimate, tile i roper envelopes In which to inclose the sonic, the sI,ccitic,,to,ns and z. lrsr,'tiis'nte. ant further ,,sI,ir,si_i]ii', desires), can ue mrt,inr,iii li ,.ct \.,. r-; c. \:,.ten \,..nn st reef.

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. iii]] r l'i . r?i ]i]'5 _r t„. i, 'I 'S.,

trrIC Ii' Lfr t.I.r (;n h:v, 11 vf U(n:n- ;n ii —:11 SJ Stjeii 4uo f tilt C'Ir:rice <+f The 0IN

i 1 \t,. 1 rl. to:,t i'' ltii'u stiied be res1cknis, f the 'Nit,iecnth Rc!ri i h r I.e oh Imprctunc its, hgttie: and pa.ire 1._,tv lisle at -nne. Ilse I lundred and F Ili di to (tn,• I{ mind nnrl I i tv fitrh sfret. I1, — hen 'sled in t. iii_ c, ;,t d tr.' , e,% real',- f.,

t nt,'c tin nt ti I +, at Ii .,rd }u. Lc inn Y i., and lint , S of the \nets •nth I 'i-ti is f r 1, ,. :,1 ltnl t dent"., xi ill to his -11 ii tl li r t.; It Inicc. City H:dl, on the -tit Isis of Iu in. ten t t s at is ht. h meeting said jet) tills mitt,d ,c tc h:i:rd.

AL'l~Lrlt 'e 1\. 14.11.1:x. 1'i'' silent.

r,,a-ct.i] 's.

1'vs-rr>,, t let.. Ii- ' , I II i>tt., ri .. . Ni tt 1, , ti. Afay 04, tS~C. I

'lt'ICI 1$ III Ft1.11' t;l\- I-.\, IN :\t CU1CU-' +n•ct„h s, t o4 o ,.t !e (l,ut, rcl T,ct Itv

\, t.l tk that}:rn r.s.ig c,l ly-„'-,s,.uts t t!.. \iuct ,,tI, Dist.-ie hr I. , -.1 lrn. nix cm its. of crt'n; - (li r I lun.ir<d and wcenty-se c-: l tr..ct, I eft, ecn .\m sic C m n licv - ph ac, hues, r+s I n Ncq 5 i tl; otia, 'too ire r„w eta - I r }ul :c insn •-to, t , 5511, .i a is.'-' tine cf this- I.rsc'I Poard •.f the Ninutco',rt, 1' -tric[ f r Local I mprrn emct,tT pill i,c heist iu theb r ((his c. C. t) Hell, in th 7t!l d,u of June. r-, r, •.,., it Is isa. ,:,cc tn_ - a:+: Pe,itu n' walI lit- sal list lid to the I!oard.


ordinances of the Municipal As,embly relative to ferries, antl shall proeile that the le sees will maintain and opc- rate the terry dtlr nq the tch ,le tel and trill prot'i.le amph acconlmo.l:rtions in the way of safe and c-paciuus boats alt I suhciencv of trips, as to the se,flicicney nt icMch accommodalinn> the decision of the Itoard of 1)oks shill b • linA ; also conditions that the lessees shall dredge the ferry slip, etc., as royuired by the Ituard o fD,: eks; th:,t dering the term et the lease Ihey 1%i11 erect and htlild, al their oft to esp,:use, and will at all tinter evil and stctlffwicnily rep:,ir, wamtaiu and keep io good ureter, :ill :till siug,ular Elite 11re:, t,, racks, fenders, bridges and other fixtures of Ihr larding places, and in the eccut „f «ny , ani;t,ge to the hnIkkeals .,r piers from culli,iun by the I Ir}-1u:,t-or Sabo wise, fro.., any amri-dc:i t or lC2Ipw re on their pre rl, th,:y trill ime,ledi:ully rep., r ruin I~store said wharf property to its pr• viuns c,ndtti, t, Itue , I rust to I he City of stn \ erL ; that if at any time Jurinq the term ut the leas the t ells! of 1 hock, sI:,ll r, quire:rn}' of the tries! propx Ity used or terry purposes m . rler to It e, d with the w:ter-hunt intpnrceretcgts iu the eiciuity of the furry Ml-ethtff, , the said Ie>,ucs sh:Ji 'amender and vacate the trciItisu., tcithout tlily claiut upon the City for any danta4e5 tvhat-ecer, u 11 written notice I, iuq given to the lessees three mouths ill a INauc.e of the iutce,botl of said }Board: that such notice shall ,pail}- by the general teIttis of rice'rgaien url,y mi.. reocc to the plans amt s(cciltc:,buns of the I rnpusc 1 work ut improve tent the character ut the alterabunsand impr ,veteent_to be made in regard to said water-Irout, al'eutitlO the protterty (ltd rights herby Otillii,t'i/i'il to be lernisid, and itp, it t ecciviug Stich 11011ce the 1(5se's ms) elect to t':rniiuute the Laic of said ferry try It es or franchises I y loving fill Ire of such Vie, tion anon the ilo,irii of I lock', tcttititl one muulh after reccivino the notice from the lIar! It Ui,cl« if its in!cutLon to i1Circe the tnter-fruut in the riciuits' of the fray la, rtlinii ; also, that in case .Illy a portion of said Ii hint properly shall i,e rc'yuircd for the (edit , s afore>:,id, then a rcasunahle reduction will he talc tn m the rent ,','served by soil It,.+se; that sworn returns of the amumtts of ferry receipts sit ill l e made tel the Uuard of I luck, when re turrvd by •ill I ;earl, and that the hunks of aecourrtl of the ferry shall be soble,it to the iusliectien of said hoard.

I'hc Ieuse .vill contain a ,nveoaltt providing f Ir the pun liar', at ct Ltir v,duatiun, d the boats-, buildings and other pn.Icriy of the leVees tied m :aid (tctu:dly neccs-s:vy for the „p,rttion of said ferry upon the termlua-tioa and stu-r, ud'.r and doliff vey of the Ill-cui.es by the tosees, it the It,<sces =hall nut h,.,-utttc the purchasers I, r 11110' her to nn, Pre titled IIl lt'1'Le City' of New York sftull Ii t lie deeutcd thereby to purchase eaid property ill anv cl-cut.

7'he lit s cf ferriage turd chit-es for vehicles and frci;;hIt ,hull not excel. d the rates uuo' eitaegccI.

Lin' filet of kale wklit 11 the purchaser 'hill be reynircd to execute call Le Se ell at the office of the Coal] of D, „ i<=.

'I'hc right to reject any hid is reserved if decwed by the lieu ii of Ducks to lie or the best inter its of Ilse City,

iffy urdcr ..f tilt' P,•a,ud of Docks, un,l_r it rc-Mullin a.lot,t, of AL, 13, t8g8.

Nctc 1'uta<, )L,y t8, i'38. J. `,I'.R(;t:\N'I' CIi,%Ri I'S F. Nit'la'iiV, l'i,i1k 1~. )If:Ylat,

Cununi.niue r, of Ducl:s.

Pnu.n• A. Slit ell, Are-rlo'r:,':;:.

.u.\i.h: IIF R11;11 I' 'Itt ('l)yll:Ci' \YIH.ARFAGE, 1•:'I'C.

P1111,I1111,111A Syl\"Iif, At;Cfll)Nl:r•R.vYll.l, SEl L :u pal lie autai',11, I , the 1, ii,hcst! ,id,ler, :u Viet A,

I;attc:y I.l,o•, it 'l'I,c City of Acw Yurk, on

Tt'I' Sit;cY, n1AP 31, 1•l9.. at 12 n'cb I. u.•oii, the I'l'4hf m collect ;utd retain all wharfaee :~itd et ,n.Oe which may :,r,st., accrue „r breams' due I.,r the Intl and r cu ation b ' 51i-lqr of more than t ~c p ) tie tuns 6tn-den, m the neiumrranl at the r:ucs pre-curled by inc. at tit,: following-Mined wharf property

I' or ,e Torun ,j (lire 1 o'nr and GYcrerc ,tlnuths, fronr °jeute r, 1893.

ON 'I lilt \uuT It laced.. Lot No. r. Not tln ti s' 83t.: feet of Lnikbead between

Pier, ucw 45, and 1'ier, new q^, near the loot of West Teeth street.

I.ut Nu a. Pier at the'foot of West Sevoidecllth street. Litt Ni, '. Ilk ,a,l II'ttvecn 1'icr, nett' i7, :ind Pier,

urw 5i, II' in the I l.I lit West Itialliy- urrh strut, L.'rt Ni. a. I 'ii ik head between \t'011 1' it uetlf and 1Vent

I ifty-lir"t Sir. vts. Litt No.5, ]bulkhead between Pit•r at the foot of \Y, s

t file Hundred and 'l Hirt y-first street and Pier at the foot of West One 11unctied aud'I ltilt--secunrf Greet.

1), tut F Ric fir.. Lot No. A. 1'ier at the lo„t of 1•;:,st 'I'ii jrt)' second

I struct.

,ut Nu 7. 1'ier :it the fi,ot of Fact 1'h irty filth street. Lot N ,,.5. liMkhtad ut the foot of Eat 'I1,;,ty-sixth

'treat. I., it N e. y. Bulkhead at tl:e fool of I !List Forty-second

si r—t. ON Tile.; H.tet.t'It It vr:ii,

List No, to. N„rtherly h:df ut h•,dkhrad belwecn last (file Iltmtlred and Fuurteeuth and 1': a,t Uue Hundred and LYiecnti streets, ubuur tr; feel.

It Ni, u, (:rib bulkhctd at the foot of Ea'it One Hnudn tl and Fthy-nxth street.

L„t Nu. t2. 6ulkhcad at the foot of Depot place, }i•uh Ilridge.

Lot \o. 13. Bulkhead foot of Linadn wenuc, with reservation t,r dump of Dep:trtnn:nt ut titntt CIoaCinff;.

l,ut No. ry, Bulkhead at the lu,t of Sovenlh stre,t, Unienpurl, N'e t<heacr ere,!:.

Lot No. t 5, Pier on the c.,. crly ,idc of City Island, foot of Ir„rdl. ant -.tvc•nuc, with reservation for lauding.

I,ut No. l-6. Bulkht:ad at Ea.tchester, Ea,stchcster creek,

'1'FRsls AND CmsntTtlss oci 5,tl.n: The premises must he taken in the condition in which

they may be at the commencement of the term of the lease, and lit) claim or demand that tile premises or property are not in suittble and tenantable condition at the commencement of the terns trill be allowed by this Department.

All rcpa irs, maintaining or rebuilding, required or necessary to he dune to or upon the premises, or any WILL thlereof, Ce,eiue the eoutinuuncc of tine term of the Ieass, hall be clone by and at the Lust and ex-pense of the lessee or purchaser.

No claim or demand will be considered or allowed by the Department for any loss or deprivation of wharfage or otherwise, resulting from or occasioned by any delay Oil account or by reason of the premises, or any part thereof, being occupied for or un account of any repairs, rebuilding or dredging.

'l'he upset price of the parcels or premises exposed or offered for sale will be atutouuced fly the auctioneer at the tittle of sale.

The Departuteut will do all dredging whenever it shall dcom it access; try or advisable se, to do.

The terns for which leases are sold a ill commence at the dale mentioned in the advertisement, and the rents accruing therefor will be payable from that date in each case.

Erick /urc/:user of ct lease lilt be reyu/reil, at the time „{'Eke sate. loftily, in ad.,Nlol to the auctionmr's [es, to the Deft rc rtuecut of Dec/i.e and Ferries, /lI'enf,-/iz•e leer c'e'nt. (25%) of 1/cc aruouut of arnuta/ ,'rut bell, as security for the execution of the lease, which tff'cnty-five per cent. (25%) will be applied to the payment of the rent first accruing under the lease when executed, or will be forteitcd to the Department if the purchaser lieglects or refuses to execute the lease, fBtI good and sullicient surety or sureties, to be approved by the Department, within ten day's after being notified that the leaf - e is prepared and ready for exeeut ion at the office of the Department of Docks and Ferries, Pier "A,” North river, Battery place.

1'he Department expreesly reserves the right to resell the lease or premises bid off, by those failing, refusing

or neglecting to comply with these terms and conditions, the ti lrty so ]ailing, t'eilisilig or neglecting to be liable to The City of New York for art deficiency resuit-in,G from or occaSilltse by such reside.

Lessees trill be rcyuired to hill' their refit quarterly in adt•ance, in compliance ts- itli the terms and conditions of the lease prepared and adopted by the Department.

In :Jl cases it litre it is ntcnti'.n,d m the a,lccrtise-nt ut of silo, the purr haler 'hall be untitled to the privlc_u I I occupy in,z any stied upon tl-.c Intl- or bulk-hc:td at 11te comma' nc, meat of the font nr that utnt' the, 'd1,•r he Pcrmide I al- licensed by' the Del tu'imem, :III,, to the I i.;Lt:; :eta. lie I to Such lit nnissiun iii' lio'nne, but sthject U, th^ ,cad ideal th—ol, sue Ii perch:'see heia,' cn'caged in the bnsines, of st,::un til...rtai ion, autl usiu_ ,,lid rmployino the ,_tat : f:,r the pun uii.c of rcpult:rIy recekie.g ,iIid d schargir cu _u tilc-I cit.

Not less than two sureties, each to be a householder or freciiu]dee in tine Suite ul New York, to be approved by the Board of Docks, will be required under each Lase to enter into a hood or oiltiglrtiDll, jointly and severally, frith the lessee, in the stint of double the annual rent, for the faithfid performance „f all the covenants and conditions ul the ]case, the aratucsraua' addresses, i the steret: c.r/a be sill.... il/c.1 cat the lime' of sit/r.

Each purchaser u- ill be reyuiretl to agree that he will, upmt tell dig's' uutice Si to du, execute a lease, with ritHieietit surety as aforesaid, the pre ntetl lorni of ci hick may be sceu and ex:mused upon application to the Secretary, at the oilice of the Dep.irtm eat, Pier ''A,” Battery place.

No person will he received as a lessee or surety who is deliuGncnt on Lilly former lease from this Department or the City.

No bid will lie accepted from any person tvho is in arrears to this Department e,r the City, moon debt orcantract, or who is a detaulter, a= surety ctr other. wise, upon any obligation to this Department or to '1'hc City of New York.

'[he auctioneer's tees 05) on each lot or parcel must be p:dd by the purchaser, thereof respectively at the time of sale.

Italect N1,10 Vine, Silly r;, 1898. J. t'LR(;hA\'I' 1'RAM, CIL\RI,L:, F, \hl''KPll1', 1'C'1'i':K 1'. BILYLR,

Coons issiouers of Docks.

Plul ii' A. titiv rtt, Ar'cn1isl:au. SALE (1F b'ERRV FR.INCHIiIS•

T111. FR'\CII1i:, (IF 1illkElP5, AL, Hill:1 IarticnhiA)' ilcrcinatter desceih al, will be (limed

lot rule by the Beare] of Lucks, lit public auction, to the hi,gtie.t bidder, it pier" A," Puttcrp place, oil

TUESDAY, MAY 31, th;U*i.

For a 7ivvrr of 1crt I..r...r from May 1, ,(3,18.

Lot I. 'Po in'! from Cortl:uult strent, North nvcr 1]D111uJt of .\tinhauan, ill 'I lie City of Ni'. w V' ork, hunt and to Ji'rscy Cily, in the Slate ut New Jersey. Ulr,et prierr Ctl,co • per 'I 111111 lit, with the privilc;lc of rcnew:d f' ,r a further term of ten ye.trA at th,' same rental as Chu fir-st trill, subject to the culldhiuIus specified lit th_ fonts and conditiuus ,of +:JC,

Lot 2. I'o and fr m De<bn it' s street, North river, lilt rt4h of 1(anhattat, in I h': City of Nero York, to and Iron J,:rsey City, in the State of New Jcrs, y. Upset price, y7•zoo per annum, with the privilege of reulcteal for a forth, or n'rm of lot: year, Lit ille same reuutl as the first t.-rut, s',tbject to till: condition, spl-ci-lieu ill the is rill; ills couditiutn of -:de.

Lit 3. fu and fr:mt the Gl,a of 'I'cnt11 street, FAst river, h'uruuah lit AIaiLalt:ut. iii '1lie City of \,'w York, frotu and to file It ut of GeemiIDiitC :n'DmiNS Ruwu~h of Brooklyn, in 'flue City' of Ncue York. Upset p,icc, 57,0 (Ii per :mimnt,

'I'he inlnhise' embodied in the Ii rcgoirg it ill be ,ol,l subject to the fulluwi:,g tent, and conditions of silo :

1'oirtffs AND Corueaeya nt s. t t.r•..

The leases trill lie sold subject to the approval of the ternze thereof by the Cutnmtssioncrs of the Sinking I und.

In case the ownersef the trha, Loge rights ari-ing at the bulkhead c•atanding from :t point where the tt'eslerly -isle of West street i, ff(litl-loeel by a line dra u•n p:u:,llel with atS.d lice fret m,rlherl - front the iloriilerl • iine of Lib=rty street, cxtrndc,l it e,[erly, nowt h,'rly to the in[ where tile,'., 311)0 i, I 110voted by the southerly line of Curtl:m clt street extended we~terl)•, sh. iii , ii lull three years from May I, CijS, c , Spite the work of intprove- ment of said Ion peeh' ill De'erdaaee with the plans wtDItil by the It ire! of Ducks April r^, ,17l-, and apl.rovvd by till Cnurmissiluncrs of the Sinking Feud April 27, 1871, then and in that case tine lessees such Ilace the privileg,- of renewal of the Set r}' fr:atchise, tie-scribe_I a, Lot t, fora thlrtIur terns of ten year,, at the same rental per annum as the first term, upon three ma.ith., notice being given prior to the expiration of the fu-,[ term.

In case the uwncrs of the wharfage eights, etc., arii,in; at Lila bulkhead extcudin;g Ii 11111 a point tr here the itesta'Is side ,f \Ye',t .trcct is iotl'lsect d by a lute dra',.Ii parallel frith and lurty-three fe:t note iaeli,a northerly 'rout the nurthcrl)- line of Ve-try street, extended tro-terly, northerly to the point Where s:uue is intersected by the southc'rly line of Watts n' reel, estcndad wcstcrly, shall, within thri•c yl:urs from Vlay t, [Sy4, o,mplete the work of intpruvemeat of said pr,~perty to it Lei neil s'itlt the plans adopted by the Board of Do ks, April t3, 1871, :,lid approved by the Commissioner; of tau Sinking, (rood, April z7, ,871, then au.t iu that case the lessee shall had e the priv lege of renetv,tl ill the ferry franchi-c described :u Ii it z, for a further to m of ten years :,t the same rental as the first term, up„u three month,' notice being given prior to tltr rep: Vi lien of the first terns.

No bid Still be rcceiet,d which shall be less that, the upset price mentioned above.

Each purchaser trill be reyttire I, at the time of sale, to p ,y, in ati lit to the auctioneer's lee, to the 1)eil l tntent of t)o,;ks and Ft rric,, twenty-five tiercent. of the amount of the annual rent I i l a= seclu'ity for the execution of the leas,•, whi::h t.venty-five per cont. Ii ill 'lie applied to the payment ,if Utc runt first accruing under the lease tcheu eseeuted, or will be forfeited to the D,•partntent it the Iuircbi.or refuses or ucglects to execute the le.tse with good and 'utheient security to he upprnvi-d by the Board of Iockr, within tell days all hieing notified that the In sc it prepared find ready for executiunl ut the office of tilt: Department of Docks and Ferries, I ier ', A,' North ricer, hoot of Ilattery place.

'1'wu sufficient suncii,s, Cu, be approved by the Board of 1lucks, will be reynirt d under each le:t,e, to enter into a b,nd or ublig.,tion, jointly and s.:ceratly with the le-secs in the stn of double the annual rent, for the faithful perfornvmcu of all ilw covenants and conditions of the lease. ,

'L' he here will cul Lull the usual cuvcnants and con-ditinus in conio( ra11)' wire the provi,ion' of late an I the ordinance, „f the \luuicipal Assembly relative t , G.: rrics, aid ,hall provide that the he sees will maintain and operate the lerry du ring the whole term, and to ill pto-side ample accuuunodations in the tray of ':de and capacious busts and stdficieucy of trips, as to the <uili-:iency of which aecommud:,tions the dretsion of the 155ard of Ducks •hail be tin:]; oleo elIudilienS that the lessees shill drudge the ferry slip, etc., as required by the board of Flacks ; that ci',n rib the terns of the Lase, they will erect and build, at their own expense, anJ will at all tint, 's ,veil and se,:ifciently repair, ut aillmffa and keep in good , irder all and singular the floats, ricks, femlers, bridges and other fixtures of the landing pl.iccs, and in the event of any damage to the bulkheads ~ or pier. from collision by the ferny hilts or utl:ers i,e fret any ac,.ideu[ or lte4 ligcnec on their part, duty will intutediwely repair and re,tore said whirl property to its previous [I ntditiuus free of cost to The I,'i,.y of New

lit d the Icsse Turk ; that if at anp time dur,ng filet r c the lard of 1). eks shall rellaire any of the wharf property used for ferry purposes in order to proc_ed with the water-front Improvements in the vicinity of the ferry landings, the sai. I lessees shall surrender and vacate the premises without any claim upon the City for any damages whatever, upon written notice being

itivcu to the lessuo.< lbrce months in advance of tilt intention of said Coard : that shill notice s' all specify by the general terms of u!eocripli, il, or by reer-ence tel the (kills and speci]icntie,ns of the prupnsed work of inipruvcmvnt, the character of ire .dter,lilolis nttd im(ruuciicnfe to lie utactc in rc.4.trd to sail w:ucr-front, alfcctim: the prope,ty and right, hereby :.uthur¢•.-cl to he clemisad, :ill I upon receiving such mnieu tilt, lessee n,it)' elect to terwin:,to the Lase of said ferry pr i tileges or frauchi,e by serving notice of such e lction upon the 11,,nnil of Doch, us ithin line rttonth uf,, r receiein<g the notice from the ❑Duel of f locks of its intention to improve the trah•r-Irunt in the vicinity of the ferry L,udin, ; also, Ihat in caw ,only' a p, tt i d sue! tch:urf pr, perry shill lie n, lit t •tl t: :r the purp,;e, of rc. id, Elicit a n,t+on,tblc teJuctlull will be mate Itotn the tent rest.rccd by sai. I II i.e : tictt =warn edifices of the anluunts of ferry receipts shall It, made to the !;earl of I locks when reyuiro,l by cud l;, ,nrd, and that lh.: hooks of uccolmis of the ferry shall lie subject to the iurpcehtf of said !1mn 1 .

'1 lie Icas,: trill contain a c„vcuuut pruvi.ling h•r the pe,rrh:isc, It a fair valuation, of the bunts, till Ii and ether laopci'fy ul the Lisees, list',! m and :l.lic,hlI' n• e' 5' Sill')' for the Ii1loation „1 said tort', 11(1111 lh,• tiuuihiation and surrender and do liel'ry of till pr,nni>es I,)- the Ie'see., if iltu losses 511,1II nut Ill Li t Ill : purchasers for another term, pn,rided that I he, i'.ity of Nctr Yurl, shall not he deemed thereby to purchase said proterty Ill any weft].

'I ha rite; of ferriage and charges for vehicles and Ir, kilt shall not exceed tIu vales now charged.

The form lit lease' which the pe,r.IIa,ce will be required II) I'XeCule, call be seen at tile Office of the Beard of Duck..

The right to reject any hid is reserved if deemed by the III, rd of 1)ocks to be lot III' , beSt iIitere,ts of lho City.

Ity order of the hoard of Duch nnd,r a rem iii that ads:pled \l .y 13, i8 1R.

Niat Vince., Silly' l-4, ,Pqt, J. Si,. R(16;,\\'I' CR:\M, clIAKffi1•a F. Ml' tt'll\'S fh:l'ik I'. iUlbl.a,

Cun,nti.'ninu_rs,f If',cic.s,

1)i.rnsrvrrur ,rr U„cic; Ave I I'ac.- II'',I Phil. " A," Nolf'iII IZtvr: r..


(No. ( 3

PR(11'fl>AL"h NUR hi.'1'L)I:A't'1•:S 1 1 1121)Ri•:Dt;IN(t NIfR I'I I I fl' \\'1•:i'1' 'I'Hlh I'1'-Ff)L R'I'll SI'la:h:l', OA '1'llI: No II/I'll l.bl'ls7: L'OR- Cri - l;ll UN' \l VN1IA'CP.\N.

LSI'1\1:\Th:S Ir(7R llRba)CIN'fI Ni t /I'll OF vVc'sf "1'iliri)'-1„drib sI '1 t, (1u tl.c yemit rider, mill

lit' receit'ed by the L'o'ud of Co ururlsumner' at the head It f the i)epartiticm of Il„cks and Lr, ll'Ies, lit the ollice of said I)cparuncnt, on ]tier ” A," flat (Ii Iblttel')' PIlce, North river. in 'L he City of New York, unth £15 o'clock v, V. of

Y`1tIIDAY, MAY'L'i, Istl}t, at which time and place the estimates trill he publicly Opened by the head of said I)epartiltent, 7'lls' award of the contract, if :nt;trded, will be made as suuu as prec. ticahle after the ol,ening of the hits,

Any P„rson makIii. ant estimate for the work shall forte-h the s.itae in a 5e,11011 cot dDpe to said Board, it said office, on or before the day :utel hour al,ove nnmud, which envelope shall be indorsed tvitlt the name ur armies of the person or persons presunti it the srune, the date of its presentation and .t statement of the work to trhich it relates.

She bidder to whom the award is made shall give security for the faithful performance of the contract in the m.tnner prescribed and relittired by ordinance, in the suet of Seven '8111SI.ald Dull ,rs.

'1'I ,e I•:ngi ear's e-tililac of the quantities of materiel nece-]arc to he dredged is as full ,wt, : MIA dl-etEiMi, ill t to cxcued ....... too,cot cubic yards.

N. R.—I;idders Lire rcyui. eel tit ,U!,udi their estttn ate4 upon the fell, .ving express cund'fions, which shrill a,,pl}' to and bec,mze a port of every e ctimate received :

(t) lit/idlers nwst satisfy themselves, by persunal ex:mtiuutiuu at the lot_ ;alun of the proposed dre,t0in„ and by such other me:tu, as they ntay prefer, as to the accuracy of the t tree' dag I:nsincvr's cstimstc, and shall not, at any time after the submission of cut csti-m:tte, dispute or complain of the above statement of die,;urtilies, nor assert that there was any utisunder-srtndiu;; in regard to the nature or amount of the ,cork to lie done.

(z) Iuddcrs tc ill be required to complete the entire work to the satisfaction ut the De(i:irtwetit of Locks and Fcrr,c;, and in substantial acce,rdancc with Elie specifications of the contract. No extra euntpensation beyond the amount payable for the stun k bet re men-tioned, which shall be actualt) performed, at the price thereti,r, per cubic yi -d, to be rpeeiticd lug the lotve-t bidder, ,hall he due or payable for the entire work,

the tcurk to Ise d,nte under this le ,ntract Is to he 00111-nteuc ,i teitbm live day.s after receiving a no1ificatiou fl-, lit till i•:u,icccr-in.Cltief of the ll.'parinicni of U•,cks :,lid Pcrries that any it , rt or portion of the dretl_3utlg lieu cin mentioned is regfdicc. The dredging t„ h, dune under this contract will be in sips or Ito Itiuu< of '111.1 betwvec't the s' utilerD' side, of \t't: t 'Thirty-I nu di scree, and the southerly side of 1t'cst 1 )ne (lunched and Filic-niuth street, ,at the North river, and is to be tone from tiute to time. Laid in such quantities and it such bete, as nay' be directed by the ICn3ineer. And all the work under this uotract is to be fully cu ill' pleted on or bedure the rst d,y I f September, 1898.

The damages to lie paid ily the contractor for each clay that the contract, or any part thereof that relay he ord-:red ,r directed by the Engineer, m:p' be unhtltilled after the time fixed for the Mtfillolent there if has expired, are, by a claac 0 iu tine contract, determined, fixed and liyuidated at Fifty Dollars per day.

bidders will state iu their c>tuuates a price per cubic )'aid far doing such dredging, m cunBiriiiity with the approved form of agreemcut and the specifications therein set forth, by which price the bids will be tested. Phis price is to cover all espen.es of every kind iii. solvedin or incidental to tine fob lillme lit Of the coat ract, includin;; any claim that may arise throuth del:(-, from any cause, in the peril , nn in{ of the tvurk lhercumler.

L'idders will distinctly write out, butte m words and in figures, the amounts of their estim:uee for doing this trork.

file person or persons to whom the contract tray be awarded will be required to attend at this office tvitli the sureties o tfcreth by him or diem, and execute the con-tract within live eI,iys tram the date of the sere ice of a notice to till effect, and in ease of fl, Ill re or neglect so to dn, lie or they will he considered as having abandoned it and as in default tel ' I'he City of Net, York, II td the conu-act trill be readvertised and relet, and so on until it he accepted and executed.

lltdders are required to state In their e;tintates their names :md places of residence, the names of all per„ ms interested with them therein, and if no other person he so iutereeted, the estimate shall distinctly slab ,: the I:,ct; also tIl t the e'lintate is made without ally consultal ion, connection or agreement with, and the :mtouut thereof has not been disclosed u,, any other person or pers,ns making an estimate for the situ: purpose and is not higher than the lowest regular niarkct price for the satnc kind of labor or material, and is in al recpec to fair and without cMle,,ffo❑ or Ii-.tud ; that no combination ur pout exists of which the bidder is a member, or in which the bidder is directly or indirectly interested or of which the bidder ha; knowledge, either personal or otherwise, to bid a certain to ice or not less than n Term in price far said iabur or material, of to keep others from bidding there„n ; and abo that no member of the \l unicipal :\ssenthly, he,id at a ].part tent, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or any other officer or employee of 'File City of New York, or any of its departutents, is directly or indirectly interested in the estimate or in the supplies or work to which it relates or in any portion

of the prelils (hereof, au,l has not been given, ufiered or prouusell, either directly or indirr r fly, all)' pecuniary or other rnmiderat, ,,I by the bidder or airyone in his behalf with ,t view to intlucueurg the action •!r lu!I;Onwnt of such nllicer nr cinplayee iu this or any other tr:msac tion here-ofnrc had with this Department ; tt'hich estimate, mast be vcrilie•l by the oath, ill writing, of the party rwiking the estincne that the several matters data] deer ein are iu all re.p,'cts true. lb 'arc ,lore I/ian one person is /u/crest, it /t is I'' /111//i' that the .C'i'urcil ,ion be made and Sib t'acr /11/ to (y e,/1 tfee/,a mica ruler esled.

In case i t bid shall bo submitted by or in behalf ,dally Corporation, it nnist he siu;ncd iu the a:uttc "f ,rich corpo. ration by some dal )i authorized c,1Tffece nr t'eat th,:reuf, wile shall also suhscr,Ll his awn name awl i'llice. If practicable the soil of the corporation should idle be afflsc 1.

1?a• ai c50t11010 shall be acenmpsnied by the ennsent, in writing, of two huusch,lder. ,,r 1rcchrctd.urs in 'I'hc City of .'sew York, ;t ,:!/t their wi/e•c/ilIu' ftt,l-Cl-c nJ loo/nesioe' resideme, to the effect that if the contrast be atcardrd to the person or per,ou, retaking the e'tim.uc, they will, upon its bci'g ,o0ne]l,1' d, haute harm l as his or their - «r, tics in Ili, fiitubn! p,: r011 miCire, and III ir;aid per-son or pt roes shalt unfit ill' rifizee to c,tce,le the call. tiact, they trill Illy to Ill,' City of Nets' York a. iy dilTcr- dud' between the Still to which said p•,r-1111 or person; tvuu!d he entitled upon it_, coniplehIe,ii uncl that which 5 il City may be ohihi,cul le, pay to the pees„n to 11111111 the cuutrnct miry' lie awarded :u nay' se, L-uynl'lit lettint!, the annual in a:wlt c.tsc to .be calculated upuu Il,e e,,ti-nurted alit wa of till-, work to lie dune, by which the bids are t' steel. The reheC] ahoee nteuti, lied drill be aeeIIur(iticll by the oath or iI]irncu i„n, in writing, of each of the persons signing tine -;lure, ,bat he is it house-holder ur freehold, r ill I'ho laity ,J New York, and is worth the amotnl of the security required 11 the cnut- plot i,m of the contract, leer and above all his debts of every nature •, irxd,'iai ax,/ a!„r'e /1/0' title /slier res /tt,!, sifre/y 1101/o11ieren/se, anal that lie has , •ffercd hiluself n, .Surety in good truth uud with the intention h, , 'xe,•ute the hand I L'ileil-ml by Iaw. 'flit (Ilatnacy iilld .iu]liciency of the secnritv IO red will lie subject to at,peuv:d l,y the l,liiillltr,ilIer iii '1 be City of New Mork alter tlte :ttv:trd is made and hri' r tel the si_ning of the l-'gnil-act.

No e,tinia[c will be received or c m'I'lerl'ct t11110ss ac-omtpanled by either a certiiicd ,:heck upuu one ut the Stale or National banks oI the City of New York. drawn to the rv,III' ,it the Cl Eni(tro]l'r or muncy to 1110 :tteellt of I've per eeSttictn of till. amount of ,, ',:urtty requ,red for the faithful performance of the contra ,t. Sur,h check or unm,'y utust nut lie inclosed in the s-:deal encelnpe ciie,t,Liuiitg the Csfmlltd, hilt ntttst he h:wde:l to the it11cer ur clerk of the hlcpuruaelut silo has ch:u'ge of the 'hllfate-box, and no u.tintate call tic deposited in said box until se,, It ,:heck or money has been cx:unim•d by said officer or clerk and found to he correct. All Such depn_it=, I>Ccpt that of the suceef.H! bid,lur, It ill lie returilleh to the persons urakiiI, the 'ante within three da}'> alter the contract is awarded. If the stt•_ecsflti bidder ,hall n ftuc or uc,,Icct, a'ithnt lice days after notice that tit,! contr:u't has bleu :ut'arded to hint, to exc'-,rte the .:one, the amount ut the eldilosit made by hint shall be lurfeitcd to :,lid rclainud by the City of N1 cc York as li,luidated dant,tge, for Such no^,!ecut „r 1, 11 nl, but if lie ,hall uxccute the contr., t within the time atoremid I ltc agnount of his depu'it tv ill be rdlrued to hint,

11'lders are infermcd that no deviation front the sped fications will I ,hatred, unless tuuler the written instructions of the ICngineer-in-Chief,

Ni Mllia1e will be:.aaItect I'c,:It, ar,n turd t.i worded tit,.lily per.un whit is m,.rne,ui to 'File City '3f Ncty Y,rrk upon debt or cuntr:,ct, or who is a det,mlt. r. a, surety or oRe,au,T-' rpon any ohliaal(oe, to the ,aid ('lug.

le, case there are two or more bids at the szuee price, cehich price is the lutve.,t price bill, ti,,: c' tRra.a, if warded, tc ill be awarded b} lot to our, of tl,e lowest

bidden. ]'1111 RIGHT 7Y) DG.CLIAF _1T.T, 'flit: hal'I-

NIA'I'I:S IS RP:sl'l0A1;U IF ltibh AIF;1) '(bk I'llli IN'i'l:I/l'b-'l' O1 ' '1'III? C11'Y (II NEW V'URK.

i3dclers are eel lucste,l, in nutkin3 their bids or esti. mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the llepart hid' t, it cop}' ut ti itch, together 's Ith the (oral of dtc agrccntt-u t, ind,]ding specilieatiulls, and showiu, the wean n- Cl payment for the ,cork, can he ubtuiucd upon :11111 hlcihllilli therefor lit the office of the Uep,rttncut.

J. SF.RCFAN"I' CR.A'tI. Cll.\ttL1:S 1''. hR'l/t'ti',

I, umnti.,>ivner, of D • I.,. I)at. d N1 C' 'I 11,11, April 35, sEy3

SUPREME COURT. I'll",1, 1)FP 1I I'M MEE'1'.

In the mate -r of the application of The ]Tat- or, Alder- nten and Cntmell:dtt, of 1'he City ut Nett, Val rela- tice to acqut Viii _, title, wltcr,acr the saute ha'. trot been heretofore acyttired, to the lands t neutents and hcreditantc,t, required fur the hIm!011511 I opening IA-1' l)Ah }11,- \DR4.0 AND 'clx'l'Y'CHIRU 5'f'1/F1'1 I' ulthuu'h nut yet nautel by proper anlh,Ir-ityl, (runt f )g.len aces .c to hreiior uv, „ee, as the s,mc has been heretufure I.,i;i out and de-il;uated hIS i t first-class sheet or r,Ill, in the Lwenty-tlurd lit- :I,. l of I lie City' of N ctv Yurk,

W f' '1'11k UNDERSIGNEDCO IiihiSSIONERS of E,tinr.rte :tact Asse:,lurcm in the abs e-

entitle,l matter, hereby give notice to all persons in-terested in this proceedm4, and to the o wtter or owners, occupant or occupants of :dl hucses and lots null int- pro%ed and utti lit pruvol lands affected thereby, mid to all others whom it may concern, to slit

r irst'-['hat we have completed our est intnte and as. sessuient, and that all persons interested inthisproceed- ing, or in ally of the lands alTected thereby, and hncing objections thereto, du present their s.tid „bjec-tions, in writing, duly %eritied, to us, lit our office, Nos. 9„ and g2 1Vcst L:ro:ulu ity, ninth ffonr• iu the Itorought (It )lanilattan, m,, I• he City of Nett, 1-urk, till or before the t5th day of June 1898, and that tee, the said Commissioners, will heir lrtrties so objecting -lit the 16th day of Juue, ,908, and for that purpose will he Ili attendance at our said office on said 110th day of J one, r8q-, at I o'clock a. of

Second—'heft the abstract of our said estimate and asses'aunt, together with our damage and benefit ntupr, and al se, :dl the afiidacit=, and pr roll used by us ill making our report, have been deposited in the ftureau of Street (Spellings in the l.a'.v Dep:trttuc lit of 'i'he City of New York, Nos, qo and Oz West liroad-lea}', fit the hor ugh ,d 11tuthattun, in said cit}', there to remain until the .+th day of June, tsg3.

iii ird=Chat the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces in parcels of land situate, lying and being in the It.,ruug ❑ of the liruus, in the City of New hark, which taken together are bounded turd described as 11111 list's t'iz. : Ou the north by the nlidoie line of the block, between Rust ()no Hun,ired and .itxty-Ihitd street null Fast One Hundred into sixty-I'Ill tit street omi s.tid ntiidle litre produced e:tstwarelly and westwardly ('hilt the muddle line Of the block, beltcceu Summit leelultu and Ugdcn atvoue to the middle liue' of the iii ck hetw cell 1b it dy'-crest II ire uteI atcnue. as cuue and Anderson as' taue ; cn the south by the Iuid,llc: line at' the hluck, between 1•:et,t (lne Hundred and 0ixt y-tbi,d street and Last Clad Httnlred and Sixty 'second street and s,,id nudt; ie line produced elstw:u- dly and westwardly from the middle line of the block between Suwtinuit avenue and Ug iv u ; tveuue to the mid.11e line of Lltr black bet trecn \\- ,dycrc st ( I irem,r avenue) avenue and Anderson avenue; on the west by tltc middle line Lit the block between Summit avenue and Ogden avenue front the ntidd,e line of the blacks betty cell Fast One Ut,drcl;e,id Sixty-third street 111th Kau One Huu, teed and Sixty-fourth street :utd said middle line produced we,ttvardly to the middle line of the blocks between East (Ins Hundre'tl and Sixty-third street and Last One Hundred and Sixty-second street


ltuthnrity`, batx•een Ant.tr-rd.un .centre urn Kin_t.-bridge road, as the same has been herrtofure laid out and , le,i,nated as a third-class street or road, in ttte 'Twelfth \V:u'd at 'Pile City of New York.

W , fill,: UNDI:RSIGNi:D CU1111t-SIUNHKS 1s of I'stirnute and :vsssv,nteut ml the ahove-

entitled matter, bercby give notice to all persons inter-c<tcd in this 1meetdiug, and to the ott•ner ur owners, mu rupaut remmcnp:utts, of all hot-es and lots and ini-prr,rcd and unimproved land, affecn d thereby, and to all ,¢bens w hr,nt it oily concern, to wit :

1 n.st-1 h:u We have campletrd our estimate and as,essmeru, and that ail per>uns interested in this pro-cccding, or in any of tie lands affected thcrchy, and inns mug uric,.tions thcrctn , do present their said r,blec-tiuns, to o[itin„ duly seribed, to us, at our filet No,. oo ,lid y2 1A'e,t liroad,.ty. nin th Onor, nut the Iioltrrrgh of \Ianimatarr, in 1'I.,- City of New Yuck, nn or befurc the (,tit d_ty of June, 18 .8, ar'i that see, the said Cum. ulnissinrrters, St ill hear patti, s su tmlm.ieviakt, on the 7th clay „f Jttne, t„a5,:tnd fill' that pu'pose till beiu attendance It „ur s:ail Oilier on -.yid 7th day of Jurtc, tSrd, at 4 o'clock r. ,I.

Secr,ne(— Ihat the ab-.tract of our said estimate and acsessmen[, together with our clamuge and benefit m;t p,anJ also all tire .utidn vil.a nd 1,roofs u, c d b us in makin,k tour report, have been deposited lit the Bureau of Street I )!,en too in the Law Dcp:u-tment r I thr l: t 1f \cw Yirk, \o,, yo and 92 \\ c,t Ifri.,d-

ua}', 1-,m u_it of Alauhabnn, it sail city, there to remain until if o t5th clay Ili Jttttc, 18yS.

Third-I"itnl the limits of Our assessment for benefit uclnde all those lots. picecs ur parcels of land situ.,te, lying volt being in tine Corirtnglt •of ;1lanhattan in TLc City of Nett. \ork, which taken together are bounded artJ tics, ribed as follows, viz. : I)n the nortb by the mi:Idle l uc I f the block-b,twe,.n ( )lie Hundred amt! Scv cnty-lira s.rust and I )ne hlnin-dr td and tevcnty-second s t rmt,to I said rnid,lle lino plo!un'O, d ra,ut,trr'Iy .std r: c-ttr„truly ; ,m the ,uuth my till nu 1lhsYms of the i,l rl., I c een Ilne Huudre.l anti 'evcnticth su-cet and On, IlImdred and Sctel It- lir-t ctrcet and swirl middle fill, fn', Ii.n ed erstscardly and ire+: tcardiy : our the edst I)v a till,- dr.ut n p:ualhcl to the e:t,tcr iv side , f Aitster6.M a. colts :end f1isIllmtt tub it tto feet c:, -icily tlerdetm ; ,.n the ,,,,t by a line drawn yaialIsl to the west-rlt- side of htu 1 rt t e road curd ,It lutt rirr,ttt too feet t -terly tlcrv1 in \cCep,fli h nt .-..id area till ,lrcet-. went \- :std read, or b,ott, n, bern ml Eiutnfore Is„"rllt op, ned is such a' ea is ,huwu upon Our henclit utap depu,itcd is aG r.-,rd.

Fourth—'that ' .ur report herein 55 III inc presented to lira Supremo Count of the r't:ue of New York, First Lc-P: u'turent, a( a ,,I.eci: Term tire rem fart III., tube held in and for the County of Nett loth.:tt the Notr }ors, Cutn.ty C urn -house, in The City of Ness ” Y .,rk, nn the .a ril 1:1}• of lone, t£os, at Li l,. upenmg of the Court on that da} , and that then and there, or .ts soon there-.titer Is rout-el ,:an be heard thrrrnn, a motion o ill he ntade that thi. .lid rep rt inn era ulirntcd.

lleted 1;._ ht,' t n u- VI :yu v" 1.AN, March 21, tSyS. I'll.\'' K :\. I"IHI LI\,

I ). F_\ I, L 1.1.1., C nnnustoncrs.

J,vl- F Ili',':, ( Icrk.


Lit 1 titrsr itT of I'1s t: t , I; I --dl Intl nn Cmlilt•t -r s t"r'1'oss-,I

tlit n_in ,_in Neil 1 ,., \Lrr t4. r8 8.

U_NUCR 'l'H1. I'RI)\151 mNS I)1 CHAPThlR ;^i L,nr. of r r , u let, is incr.Lv _st a [hit

., an} t. .x her 1, fur\ Iry:cd h,r city. n,,r i.!trtt• and ., un.} I ur nrra , and till sv ator rites an .I rr nt, tit tlrrvar 111 the ttt nr-mnf the 11.50 Cc ri this a 1, in that .tit :,f the City of Neu 'i i-It wbi :h In rctotutc :tnd

be1it. r, the ti~nl d.n of Juupa t, t,.)5 I r nerl :rod con-ti- tul,.d the ( try nil 1 _ lsl,m I City, to the County of t )test-.. may b,- dirh it e I ml rcwrd at arty time b, tr re i h,_ r nub day lit ,,, pt •miler, iS93, with interest at the rate td tw„ In r r entttut p •t

any tut, I,i_ce or parcel of land ttnhin tit,- 1 uundsrb, of that part d 1'he City of New Yorl< sou-tituttn,- Th.. City „t Lon, Is'.m,l t:tt}', prior to Jarman}- t, tStS, ahiclt ha, 'cell here-tof"re s fit for unpaid tlses and stater rates or ruffs where tine same was bid in in the ame of ,aid Lmg Island Cite, and nn here the certiii sates of sale hate not Lecn as igned at the date of the passage of 'hi, Ott, m.ry hu redeemed f:"m such sale and ,ales by the pa}'nsnt of the far,• I the t x and slain r rates ur rent, Inr tvhiclt the same was ,Id, tenth interest at the tat-ri htu l.cr centutn per ann,un t•'d 'urh taco, told t - .tier rate sh all be thereby .- att fled 'std di--C il.r r m U .,I record ; pruvidcd such payment to be made prior to if c tt-t day oC I ieCem l,c r, tb3

i.yiltmts may be ttdrie under toe ptcviions , .f the ft re „in', t> tile a Ietsi-,ned, at hi- uthce. in the Ii, .rlla:.iii of t,wcos, Jackson a%en•.te 'tot meriy - of tir- City „i I on5 Island Cur„ rm I, lid alter \L•nchq•, \fay „ t:y:, b•-t,ccomm tht h,.,tu- of u a. ,,..,md 2 t'. it

UAX"IIt I-:. -\t•-11'.N, IL, _e nacr f I':ucs.

[M LREST ON RONI IS .AAT' tiTC)CKS 01-TILE furry U[' NE\V ]'()RK.

T lit. IN't'L12E!1' 1)CE JCLY r, r8y8. ON tl ,• heorstcnd Paws and Stocks of Coe former

C'I„' ,d \, no Yut k ; of the late City „f Ill okl} n, and of tl -(_ rntmitiv I kings, tt ill be paid ou that day by the l:I mt,trullor at the office of the City Chamberlain. Room 07, ytcwart Building, corner of Broadway and Chambers street.

'Phi- 1'ra t,h:r Book, thereof will be closed from May Si to July r, 1193.

1 he mterc,t due July, t89S, on the Coup„n Bonds a nd 'u c, of the former City of New Yurk will be p:,id on that day by the Knickerbocker Trust Contpa,ty, No. (6 11r, dtvay.

I lie Interest due July it rfg8, on the Coupon Builds of the late City lit Cr r,oklyn will be paid on that dal' by the Nassau \atwtt,ll 13aIlk of 11rouklyu, No. 26 Court street,

L'IRI) S. COLEK, Comptroller. Cire of New ]cxt<—Ets:Ich 1)CFARTatsn'r,j

Conn•ritcE.ta.'s UFI-tut, May 18, iS. t.


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION .ot8 UE' THE Greater New \'urk Charter, the Corrtptrullerof the

City of New Y irk hereby gives public notice to all persons, owner, of property, affected by the fr,llotving as,resments for LOCAL [NIPKUVEIIEN'IS in the CUKUL(11[ OF MANHA'1"f'AN, viz.

'IV1'1:1 F7'H ARD.

IIIdAI)HCRS'1• AVENh:E—PAVING, from north side of I)uc lluud retI curd E.mrty-tiftit street to tine tnorth ,I le of One Hundred and liftir:tit street, Area of _-i-se-s. ment : Baltic sides of Bradhurst avenue, between ( )uc H: and red and Forty- fifth street and the north side ul One Hundred and Fiftieth street, and to the eat i.tnt of trw feet west of liradhurst avenue, front tlne Hundred and Fusty- fifth street to the r.urtlt ,icicoflime Hnndred:wd Fiftieth street; also, to the extent of mall the blocks oil the intervening and termt- n:uing streets.

LEXINGTON AVENUE — PAVING, between finely-,ecenth and (Ine Hundred tend Frrzt streets. Area of aescssmeut : Both side- of I,--xingtun avenue, between Ninety-seventh and One 11 tnI::r,d and I list -treels, and to the extent of bait the hi cks Oil the inter-secting and terminating streets,

NINI'1'Y-EIGHill S']'REi 1—I'AV[N(;, belucen West I;nd avenue and Rivet si !e lit tve, Area of assess-mcnt : Both sides of Niucty"ei„firtin in rel't. botwccn LVest I:nni avenue :tilt Rtver,idc I)rtve, and to the extent of half tb,• biurks on the tcrminati n;; nc enure.

(i\I' 1fIts,i)idI:1):\X1) I•:iI;iITV-F1llti"1'5'I'1,1?LT --nI(\\"I?F, be nvC\n Km 'sbridge road and Eleventh avenue, wtilt C G II 1(4 tnt Wad,vvurth tin cut hraa of assessment : I high ,ides of (In • ii undre•d and E:idLty first stroll, hcu\cou Kim,sbu idge read and L?]uventit:ncnu -; south>ide of f Inc I lundred and Ei0hty-seconu street, l,cuv.-en Viauemsr,ub nod l.Iessntiim entttc both sides.[ ( One Hundred and 1• igbdcih ,trcet, b. tu•, a \V.t i;worth and it es vt]. .isms,, ; both sines rf Wad. north nvc-nuc, bclu een One Ihut,welt and ~eventV minim street and Unc Hundn d and 1:'.4l,l} cr. o,d sum- et, and oust side of L"1\cenrtlm avrnut, 6shrcs-n (like Hundred zinc[ I•:iuhti, ill and (I no hundred . n:L ill imt -s . iud street•-.

that the saute s ere wuhrmed in the IJoard of Asse-any oh \l:n• 17, 1898, and entered Oil the s:t me d rte in the Record of Titles of rs,ssessmenr- Confirmed, ],,:pt in the I;ttrc:tu for the Cullccu, n of Assessment, and ..Atrtars of Talcs and Assessntenls and of Water Retus, and unless the rrutnuiti ,l11,'.csrr/ /r,r bill•/if on ant, prrso)a or lrnjgity sGrz1/ he Arzr,l within s/arty drt),s alter t/Me ,drim, of said flair of //mm, ,re.rixsi,r,vils, interes., tr,i/t /e :.Ilr:rrtr.l f/ic-iat, : pruvidrd in s,, tiun rot9 of said treater New Y„rk Clvo"iela Said section provi,lcs th:,q •• If suns- stlrh ass--a nt shall ren:nm unpaid fur the p,•rtn I „t ,i.cry slats after the dale of entry thereof ill the s;lid I-tee urd of I ties of A”. essmeuts, it ,lord be thr d:uy of the olhcer awh.,rized to colic and receive the amuuut , f such assessment to charge, cu'lecl and receive internist thete-ou .:t the rate of seven per cent. p annum, to be ti/n n u-late,l !lulu t/u c%a`c of such entry to the ,titre aj/vey-,it, /ll.t

The above assessments are payab!c to the Collin tent of Assossmtrouts and arrears at the Bolero for the Col lc,a in of .1 ses,oreotr and iree+rs of '1axe, and A.sc;,Iuents and of \V.rtcr Kent-, bet wren the hour, of 9 A. II. and 2 r. It , and on ti:tturtl.,ys from or A. V. to 12 at., kind all payments made th•_c un ,,n r,r I" Ire July r6, ,89S, stili be 1 xm- opt trum interest as abuse pfivnddl, and after that cluue sinii Inc suh-ject to a charge of i,,terest at the rate of seven tier cent. per auuuut front the t!ate of entry ill till K'curd of 'l ales of .li-tssmmt, ill said l;ure.tu to the ni.ite of paymc nt.

LIED S. CU[ FR, C.rnmnilrtr,lher.

hill' tI5 NFNv YmRms—DEr.-\6Tste'Ii' of 11.\.1Vt i , Costr nnul.1da'S Or Ice Slay t7 1S 18. [


THE CITY RECORD I5 I1 U11LI HED DAILY, Siudaxs a:td le:d holidays excepted, at No. 2

City Hall, New \'urk City. Annual subscnp lion, f9.3u, postage ptepuid. WILLIAM A. BUTLER,


NU FILE TO 1mR01'l'TY-O\1•NEI:S.

PC ldstT.\Sr O R t)1 SEC'l'lo~ ro,s F 'I'IIE I C;rcater New Y„rk Ch:u.cr, the Contpt,oller n, l its City of Ness' \oik herd gives ptd,lic .,tic,' to all per>un,, owners r of 1 - ,I :rlr, atYccted i,v tb,- hi twin:g ,t-scssntcuts tilt Li IC IMPRU'1•:AIENit,

ii.,ROtcu t,r \IAItt:crr.tN.

NINI:'I'Y!,IX'l'H SI'Ki 11—tih.\Vii(, h,twccn at 1 t td:mt :tccn-IC turud C- urn I '.uk, \\'c.t. Arc., nI t sucnt : B,tn side. oh Amet}--i.xtin ,beet, nrmnnn- InmIrt rimy about Sou feet ca-t t C"ll"lihu- n, alit\ •u d e,iemnitiu wrstcrl)' lu .Yrsteaiuu ,r.crt tc I I:ntb v des r f Cultlmbu: avCmsc. floor Ninety->ccuud to Ninety ,i.\th Street; r.,ut)t 'id—n. of Nitch-,eeund deer, Iro a Cr'nit.d 1 ,rl., \\ silt, to (_' Flu rbu tat our ;

n ,nth side ri Nmcr} e n d ,tl c et, nMrcltrtg abuul 150 f , t wtsl lit luluml,us :went ; ii nitside, of Ni Imif- until street. 11 I nnrim t tl,out t SO t. t west if Culuuti us wart -: and I, tit :,I,s tf Aintt-[,omit ,trout, c.t- tendinq.,boutt- t, t ev,t, fC',Ituul ust nut..

ONE HUNDl:l(D :\\I) I'\VI(N11 L'1•:Nt'1I 511, 1:I-.1—i \\i\m \\l) I..\\'I\(, CUll.,,\1:11. K:; frr,nr I:,ul,v.ad I„ Risen is Iiritc. Ar e.0 rI ,,-s•,~- mcnt. I.ut It . i..r, I Unt. 111.11111111,tnd'I - rt} uterrtlt street, ht.tttc.n C uiceard and RirsistYc Ih it u, and to Ilya ext lit , I h,tlf time block, on Iinn tmrtehcmmin and tetminatint :t„ hues.

IINI. Iii. NUL:I.D ANI) Ft)RIT-SIXTH SPKLCT-1':\\'I Nil, betliev E';ghlh and 11.tIhurst avcu tie -. Alva of as cament : L'oth skin , of I),,,- Hn•-dre I :lid 1-urn nth ,trot, metret- a t I•i:hth and Lr:id urst tIsC.uues, :_ t I t , the extent of hall the hocks u,l tim e tutttotaro• live rrc.

THIKI) _1A"E:_yI']•: SI.AV'L1:, teest side, in-twecu Nb a i4 huh and I Inc Ilundr,dth streets. At ca of

5555011 nsnmt ];,tit ,t.l ss of I.c n to'ton uveuue, bet aecn N nety-c:g .tit :hr On•,- ilu rltte.tin strcut -; ,test side 71rud Irc tut.•, tnettveuti Ninctt et,ht}t .rod I )ne Hnn-dr' dth su- .n is ; ear t -i e „t Park menu'•, b,-tuer-n Stnety ct,-zhth .,ml Nin-ty uiutl ,ire, t,, and L„th ,id' -uf Ninety-ninth street, be ltccen Third and l',trk :,venue s.

NINE 111 \'I'[I \C.-\I,I). I'll'I'YTiilii1) s, IRE :f l \\'INt; AND I..

\Y-IN(; C'R(in.AA 1LEl nt the it tcrsc:, ton of _1t, ntrc: A. Area of . ,essutcn[ 1 "tb stdcs 1,f lilt}-tittd strut in the extent lit hall inn mm k, ue,terly tram tI e uc, erly side of Avenue A mmml irt,tin -ides of rltsnuc A to the extent of half time hl ,cks m,rth and south of I't ty-tbird dtrr, t.

i'ARk :\X-1'.Nr1" SE\\'ER, east side, hctuecu Iixty-<tsth and Seventieth sir ets, with CL'I'ICh. art titrt) slit lely_itcvurth, t'its-aghth and nix:y ninth s treets Area of a -n s., menu : Last side of lark :u r mv, Irom list) sixth to Setcnticth street ; huth sidt•s of Sis-ly-sixth street, ft nn Le>mgt n to Park av, one ; both -ides of 'tety-scvcnth ,t reef, tt n. Third to Park ay.- nue ; both ides of list)' eight's street, from a pilot di-taut about 27; In cut of Lcxin;ton avenue, an,l extending westerly t o Park avenue ; h„th sides of Sixty-nmth street from a p„int distant about 8o ft., -t east of Lesing'on avenue to 1trt, at cute I west . side uit I.e.<-Iumgton avenue, front Sixty such to 5txty sucnth -treet, :std both sides of Lexington avenue, from Sixty-seventh street to a point distant abut tot feet north of Sixty- 41 ninth -treet - - —that the same were confirmed by the ]'card of As-sessors on .\lay 10, t898, and entered o» tine same date to the Record of Titles of Assessments Cun-firmed, kept to the Bureau for the Collection of As+css-ments and Arrears r t Taxes and Assessments and of \Cater Rents, and ux,'r.•ss the alt✓unt rese'esseti /ar Ge,rcfrt a,, any per;an or proter1v s.hrzll 1-s Jlaud ton//mini sixty mays after the date at said curry o/ tire assesxureuts, ttlt,'rest xarll be collected thereon, as provided m section long of said Greater New IV York Charter, Said sent ttn it provides that,” It any such assessment shall remain unpaid fur the period of sixty days after the date of entrc thereof in the ,aid Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessntentto charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, to be crzleul,ete</ Irking the diets of sue% entry to t/ee rlrcle 0/ ,Myn ren t.”

The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, at the I;ureaLl for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, between the hours of 9 A. Sr, and 2 I•. at., and on S. turday's from 9 A. :u, to i2 .%I., and all payntents made thereon on or before July 9, 1098, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum ft'bm the date of entry in the Record of Titles of Assessments in said Bureau to the date of payment.

BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller,

Clry OF NEW Youtc—Drr.nntstneer or FINANcr:, Coal i'rl:OLLER's Urrtee, May Lt, rfiy8.


said notion_• lit, ,ro,IticI we+rn ardlt ; „n the e tit I and d _ '['Lird—That the I loin+ nt our n ., s,ntrt t ft b,•nefit

by the n:idJlt Imc ot the (dock br[wccn Woo'lycrest ~~, include all those lots, Ine,es or parcels of land ,ituate,

lit, sir::\roue o,entre and hdcrsiJn avrtruc Ii 1 m th lyiCtg and hcingin tilt. I;nron41t of !'he Itrmts, Ili The City middle line ill the (dock h,4 vie n l:asl One Hundred and ; of 'etc York, whiclt taken t titer are 1 uundc,1 and

Sixtc -t:.ird street at d Fica One Hundred and Sixty- ' cescriked is tollows, ciz. : f1c.iI1flhI]g at n puinl t. raked

fourth, d I-v t :tnd Said middl^ line prodnrcd stwardly h} the intrrxccti,n of a line drawn I'akr,N. I to too wc,t- to the m,.1,14 till" nt the III cks hetwern F..tct ( ):;c Ifun- erly side t f the Southern Li uile e.tlt Will di,t:utt

drrd 1 i '1St third s:r,:c.t and I•:ast One Hundred and loo feet tXsorYv thcrc rain 11 ill tlil. ivdttd) pn,-

bi.sle-s. raid snort Jilt saa! middle 1Lnr InOdaccd cast- Ali lung. ion of :t Yin , diatrn 1araIldY to tii . i, rtb-

ttanllt-, as such -trects are shown upon the Final Maps ct l}' ,alo of East Unr HtutdrCJ .tilt! St cent}'-11111 It sum 'J t

and IToti'ec of the U'rrcutv-third and - I'tcent} - fuurih Liver street , and di,lnnt [:o it it nortilmi}' there-

\h'.,rd, (Jr lire Cit} of Nem \"ori:, exceptim, (rots said truer : ra n in•, thutce - uii ea.terly along sand fine

ame r all ,heirs. as euucs an_! ruatls, or port,, it, there„f, parallel t„ the north sit , I lint One IIun J,rvii .uid

hero,i re !\,.tilt ups lied, as such .rear is sltc suit ttpou ^event) r inch >tre,t Cl mt r ,trot ti to it, intrrre\B')

cur I,, refit ntal, dcpsited as atoll=aid. i with a lint dtawu I-ac. lid l to the ca,terIs nub o of fioston

F,nrrth=L'hut our report herein will be presented to roan and dt,t:urt lco feet east, I iv tit, relrom

Flit tu1,reme Cart of the State of New 1"„rk, I', r,t them o t.iitve,tcrlv .loin, said line parallel to the

I)ep"tlntlsnr, at it Special 'I'rrm lie cc l Iu-t [it. to be ca,terly side of Roston n•ad and \list nit rco feet c•t~t-

hel,l to and for the Comity of New ) ork, a.t tl.e vetc iI) f its the .:ytell}' sldz thereof to.❑ It inn ott the

Vt. rk County four[-hou,e. in I lie C:itc of \ca fork, on the-t, rly ,idc of 11"r+t I .ruts road formed lie the inter-

tl-.c ;, •[II d.ty of Irle. tl`c3,:u t'.c utwin of the COUrt sCtli1 oC toe ire-relit -ide r Vl e't farm, r,.t. 11%ith

utt tlr„t I,,,c, an,l that then and there. Sr as soot titre- tlr_ ca> Cr l} pr lnuea.inn of t line unto n p, t.1Ici to tot

niter ac c"ousel can he heard the rcun, a mutiun will be .,outI sly ,i .le of Yin -t l )nr I hurry I and S,. vcuty see- t madc tit t the s:.id repast it sou lino\... eutlt <true~. (1're moat .1' Corte'.:tttd tli-t tit fro feet ,outh-

Dute,i Il,t t;n lit AI >\n t i T iS, AI:n to t898, et l- Lit , rvS z,m; to u c mimirtuc,t- rly alnug lilt line

S: ii'I- I:. l rl" EFt•:Y, p"vaYYcI tr' ii r .UfinIerly ,fide of Fast One Hundred and G,aiiuSut, S,'vcnt 5-`r, cntb strict l'r, moot ;voIll mm) and s:,i,l lino

1L:[)AA'.ARl ) 1. h111 .Y. yrlotr,e:l waster;} Cr is mlrters to i inn tc it it it I;— dr:ttcn L,nl misrir,r. ct c. oar.cl. l to the as-tc°:ly' ,ids o' the Sr kith, nt I;, ule-

I~ ,trn I. I)t"~~, Clcri.. '"

tt ~s;crl ~ therefrom - s ir .i .tilt c.-iii, t v f et c } thut:e ourtil_i,y alto n

,..lid Inc part':ci In tI c _


I I lit' "I' I)L:I'.li:'I•\II!N1'. - umeri}• ,t c of tIr e iiiritcr:ltd and d.,t.mint Ito feet scz,tl rr tl:\ertrtfi r, the p, inn rr

-- 1.laig r l } c_imtill :, as such -trey is are sho.cu upon the In the nutter of the ai•pii~at:oc lit Th, :Mayor, "s,"dcitrnen Fiu.J ilti,

and 1'toti:c< uI file ltn coic-third :utd

:md I trimr 'salty . 1 lit City oI 'etc \ „rk. r\•iaerae to L 'I\vm[y-1C urth \1':rrd< of "(its fairy of ' eo Vomk, excaq,t- ocyui in , title. wilrster tit 'ante hate re: ILe\n I I io, fr in ,ai i :u-ca all streets, Itclnttes an .i r(ads. ur pur- rrro ac,lniretl, to till iantl.. tenements and ,,,r„lfita. tttruo tl:crruf, hsretcfare it. illy kperrud, a- suchh area i, utent< req pure ti t>.,r ii prtIre t l opcni,t, 1't)\\ Cl:t .h„tt- tt up o t ttr I-merit nr,p tic pn-ittd t ti rc-aid AN I:N l t•. (a lth ,'.tgh Vol y,t naatcd by I. ro Stir lr ttr: h-1, h«t our repur t hercut will be presented to out h,u its . front Far (?to Hundlel and I urt}-bier the -upremr Court of the Slate of New fork. Fir-t cur .et t tit. \I:tru s ,tree:, as tiro -amt. ha: I cell hero Il,p.rrtm,nt, at a 51 total 'Le. n. thereof, lieu Ilia, r., hr .rsi laid out or I t!c>ianatcd a, a first-cl.cs street I I,n cti t in ..lid h.r the County it Net \” urk, at the Net . r m. ti. in tlrc I u,Ikiy Ill,r,! \\ rd lit The try of ) r Cuu.tit Court hutsv in TI The City of Nest 1 ,. k, on '5 Jr 1 t L. tit_ ;oth dap of iota, ihttS. at the op,uiug of the Court

on that dal:, and that than anti there, or its —oil

~]~ ~l '1't{E L'\Imli"cii NI -IICtI\LtVvSimtNi:RS her<otter :is counsel can it ficatt! thrrca nwuuu

V t I::ortatc of tr. is ".but e- of .Ir .-I",,-it;rt tt ill Se mail,, that rte said rzporr I,cr- , nil -melt,

utrtl,. ,l rn,,tter here) c'.ve t 'rice t„:,11 pore its i1ner. , D:std ilocrl tan of ML1so.tt I A N, \L. t' t8. iS,.8.

lid in thiispr.eeiditr :,a t r tine a cl.en r ,,,,tier,, Pl1ChU1Nl; L..\ivei iI VI.1., uf,ant or t ,-col, t t ri all I r n -tstttri 1 lots and im- Ch.titutan

pt,ncd arid uurlilt..c.t Loot- .roectstthereL},rucitoall A. L'. W. KINN.\X, utl.<r_tthr, m it nl.,c c:ncern, '.o stir: FIC.ANCIt' J '1” Ht)AI`;ON,

Fir-t— 1 li_rt t Ilav c r •niplet_ d our estimate and C,.nunis>,rttrs. as .nr lit - una that all perOntts inn re-te i in the-s pr,- Cee, b:.;c a to zn} the land :. fc<...1 th_r,b}, u.,: htvin t

I']1:i-1' 1FIK'1'lii NT. : Cr i:ereu,, rir, hares\l;t tint rr swirl ,I';p.c-

ttuns to rain-,, , tiv 5cr ill :,t, t , n, at nI lice, A„c, 1 Its the n. ,:'l.' r of tine application r tilt lin, ,td of Sure,-I g, and it \\ c-i ltmr. ate.} molt' Ile Sr In tire br•n :_rr of ~ O . ,t It • c. 1 itti1iocetn em er the its „t \en 1, tb, \iawl.t In 1' Iht. bit} lit Nutt A,n'k. urn s- r Lcl, re the f r it I or 1) -lt•tll t lire i.... .r, 1lcermen and Cunt- t,th dal it jute, bJ.r5 and t!. at se, the sal_ Crnnuis- m r,u lit , f The City rrf Ne,t \, tl., relative to atyuir- ,.oter,, 11 fit. ,. p.tires ,t c t t i on the lath day In,- ti.lr, a l,erever the - tm, irIs not been h eretmlrc of It r.c t8~8 'tu.l G,r that lintrot lit l he in .tt tell d- acq .urcd, Li .11 1; LAV- Kt 1 V1) nIthuu, It n it yet once at our so-d office on ,ai . tqu, d.ty June, r'- 933, at muted by I rr,t,er authority , tr m hr icv avenue to 10 J."clock t tt. \ -:at C ,rtlandt Talk, in the -I scut}-b,urth Ward of

tee nod=Ch:u tire abstract of cur ,aid ecnnrue and •the City I Neu York.. as the stole ha, h„n here- t e' mcnt, rrritiicr 0 t n our u.unage and Lem. lit rml - t no I:c d eat .rind de-irn.ttcd as a firot class street

a td :nil -) ill lint . Htt. s rr .rr.l i°'- u,, d i> r. - r: t c ad is thin lid tr:mcut ul Public 1'.uk~. utakiu; our r:.:.,n t, hate I cur rip ,itc, Jr Cl, hare. u i S,reet r)1eto •s, hr tin Lw IItlrtrnrerellt r t I It C:tt ,t

A1 1 I L r Nor; \i k. N s, o tntt o t t an n.u_6 VI ii tit - td pit}, titee to rru.am umil tits ,nh.w:ut

[]~~1::, THE 1 , I)[ ti'1t;NCD C-UMLAII,SItNFitr

. v I of i.rttttlate and Ass.. -rneiit in the .:b, tc-

d da, if lute, t:oo. cntn led nt.titC herc'.t gorse none to oil per,ounm-

i r.,l 'I t t , Itme s of r ur t - snur rut in ken, lit .0 tcrested to tttis In ucecdt s;, and to the owner uruu tier,,

includ:1 i tire I 1 t_, es r I _I .c!> i I n t Sir,:.ir_ ., 'c I :nit . r , ccup.utts. of .t I In-uCS .m 1 lots kind tut-

ItvuI at'Ll being m tit,. h' rrt. 4 h f I uc la„11x, .n Ihu pr,ced auk LiIts sed lands alt ccteJ thereby, .,nil to

C its' "t Nr.nm 1, rh ohs 11 Unbolt r gcthcr. Ire b. tu:de,I ( all u,'trt s •ti;, m it lit;t} cu. corn, to wit

tt; ;... inn al,'esricda.tOil 1tr-t 1fat We irate sottttrltted our etuner- and

I )u t c urth I y a line t!ratcn par.,i. el t Si. ! ,. •sn"nt, and lit. t all hers .su, interes:e,i to tilt. pr„_

'ii.fiy'r -ti ect au 1 d:st.a nt ruo f. et nurtherIr or ri cecrl q„ rrr in any of the Ltnr, nnfftcteil tl r 1 t aura

it minim: ti' r,o' fr,m a lie ut.acu tin, mails hat.tug of iocuonc thereto, do present tit ltr S. lit „h-

aid ,iistant t,, feet jest n , it nrlt n huh et ru eci, to us at nail ,rites, Ntr-. ....rall.I t„ i'::yr_c- . c :lie .

f t i i - the rr I t, t It re dram it I tieI c:lt rt ti _ lily os mind : AA 1 ht ,: dt ay, moth flu, r, to the L'ot „u ,h u(

i I: i :,nd dv [amt i.f..cat s.aclY}' I par.,ll t r ,' ::.:a stilts .. 'nL.tuha _111, In 1 i.e City f Net A', rk, on or bc'urt the

,.et I, theme I ; :t tit, s„unit I t- a !tne to m nit- sad,: r3t't day lit tun . t8Q . and that use the said Con,mi -

[, l:.eo-t U te Hut,d: d -trlcl 1 hirty- ~ ttr:t•., n i11 sinners, will L or parses ,r obieciit g r,n the tgth d.+}•

I:0 ̀set s,un,tr!v tobra I et,hth street ,nil t..st::nt of time, t8•,5, and fur that } urp..se will be in at:endiu,ce

the >,nt.hcrly silt: o: -roof frr,m a Ian_ dr:.t:n pat:alai at cur ,aid uti, e on sa id t. tit do}' of Jnnc, 1r9, at to

to C}"f e n 0u tc and sir taut too het ttcc,etly l ttcirrt It .t '.t.

Sscr.rrrnihet the of , ur said esu mate and —'l ..ostr:,ct aunt t Ou It to e. ,} >i.'.e tt Crc t to a In_c dr:ntn I paral'c! t I-i It in. :I,, tr.e .ntd ell:can' r o fcct easterly 1 as _e+sment, t ,Oetr , er Strut cur damrge:md b--null naps,

from the e.>tc:- ly ,.,le ti,c-e I ; u•t tit, ras, is a i.eI and .,i_r. all rl.ealf lavits, add proofs used by its ill mak-

,rawn p::ru1, 1 t., R •: bills a•,cnuc and di-t:,nt tuu tc_t in -ur rd l ur•, h -tv'e been del sued in the Kure:nt of ..

ca-tot fr u; The e.tscrt} -lit t}tct e .I front :t in cmt .,n `lice: i ti-en ntI in tile Late I tcl,artm,-nt of lire City

t ,. , J-t. il:t.} > ,tr..t and ci-t:utt too ft r t I pm.'alel of N e tt fork \:s ,o an! 9a VA'e-t l;.r..tda ty, li..tugt

,rt"orrly fruut the norther y -i In therein to a m ••1 Alanhattan, rn stmt-1 city, there to rematu until the

I nc tiratca paral'.-:I t , l a-t orb c Hutr red :md I z tit r:ay lit luau, [S„S.

[h ,tie, t and -:i~t.trt too test _.utberly i Thiru—'l h.a like limit, of cur a- es- ment for b,mefl

f:,. rt -tb,. ra.!aelh" ,ire thcl _tai: oa the tvca iv I ..; it ,lue!e :,:I if,, oc ltas, P'.. Ce- or Par. U-' If land stt.late,

a line dra.. n ; .trrl 1 tc- (. c!:r - :moots and ti..tarmt tc__ lytna and heir, to the Il nr rut ..f I I.e liruns t. Th,: City

let sue- t.:-Ir'r rr te Its .._:1} side tit re• ,i Irum it hue lit Nco Yore, tthich tacen t ,sr'ther are b undcel am'

dcncu I r,il.l :u St .i',. It) -tr. et .u:e: r:-rent e_o f_et I de-erihcu a- I .Norms, ttv. : LLc-ientt. •,; at a p rrtt farmed

u-lit t , m i.e no•t- crl} -i' it ti:erc }t.,II 0rr' tratrI, .rth by the in'c: -Cc tt',n t t the msther,t• ,fide of Rtcc rdal

iii t,t tut : t tilr. H n,! 1'n.rtt t:i. tit -tree, I par .r,!rts' . atenu, i .t-t 'Ittrr 1-f unfired :lid I iurticth su rut with

u;yt.wt r... feet s .L:,L, re Ir to tho atcrh•:rl} si..' i ,tutu the ca-t• rl) -u'r ri I1n:ici•g,}, rtnnn•_ thence it rtherlq”

tit r:of c. \kilt rant aid tr all >trt t<, Or m5155 I airr t'ne ca." er}Si-ul l re.ttl tr.r} r r tic Stit in r.c -fide

and r,..rd -p„rt •. thc,co I r- ,ol r It. 'iy oferr- 1, . ~ lit F tit 1\,. Ilu.dt ri and hi,at\ :hir.l -ircct I ar-o ,

t'h roll t rhut\ n up- it our beudit nt.tp cc;, mn t., ,s scree : thence t a-tul.y al, tr-ii i <uutherly .ion rth

attic-aid La,t ̀1ttt HItn.1red tm,l '1'hrrt} third -reet :Yarnsis

kvertt:-1'hat o^r ref:urt l., rt-hl tvih ins 1 r s,.-•,t•-d to street to the tt•term s cue r f tire Neti 1 ;rk :m I Yut

the Staprelpc Curt of Inc -[ ,t • rI _ 5-,t 1 ork. First mI it f,t ht:,r ; thence n -r nrrtiso rh n„ said t ott ml } -ill

I)e}:t anent. .,t ❑ jrr c Ir I er.0 t erty. Part I11. I, be lit tit: \,,t 1 urk end P.rn_.nt Rttla'ay to rt mter,cc-

hclr in an.1 t, r tit.- C molt', of Nell \ .,r k, at tit_• Ncty I tnt n with a line dt awn i a:aI cl to then .rtharly s.dr- ri

Yt rk Coune} C''.:rt-b,,tie, in Slit lny lit :<--•r \ors, \:nn C ortlandt ['ell: >o.ttb and distant zoc feet at a t i0bt

on tits ria} a [line, tl9s, at the ,, sir inl; Of the I _ti, at:-Ie tit m the nt rther i}. side till roof ; thence eastcr.}

Court ,,u that day, and that then nuc the-c, t,r as soon I it n;,; -aid Yin_, p .rallel to Van t Curtlandt l'ark s,uth to its

there:-firer a- so.n,cel c:m Lt heard the-rent, it ntutiuu utt-r-seta- n tttth a lice r urning due north and drawn

trill tie made ti. :u the -:tid report he c - rtirmcd. t hrr,aqh tl.e in'.ererc tics , f the centre line of Y.m C:,rt-

Dated br It ttin I r 11 .s rln: r:t':, \L-y _o, 1098. ]and; avenue ttitit the centre Yin: of Pailcy at anus ; thrinec s,utherly :+Ion; said lit,r date north t, the tnor.

"1LL1. \1-1 )I A. 11c(,t l' \l1!, c cli.;u t f thecentre line of \`.u, t: rtl.tndt atenu,t .\tub I.. r..i. ....,. the centru title I liail<y' at enue ; tit ocefromtheraidin-

irI NNI- \1t. 1:Ct)\-, trrsecoon t„ the s mtLc•rly -tdr of Ii.rtle) avenue : thence C„t,:r,i_s• ncr. tvc,terl} and southwesterly :dot ,g the >ontherly and

s,tnitc:r-terly side of Bailey a venue to the,cutherly side I lR:"1' I)f:f'.k I'l>ll. ~.1. of E:a't '1 set' Hundred an,l Thirty-ett;ht't street ' thence

easterly along the -uutheri r- side ul I,,t 1\vo Hundred I n ti - m.,'. to r t t'.t, application of the 1f a}or, Alder_

not r,f i he C. t1 \.a, lder 'tud 1'h, me, -er,,hrh street to the west,orly ,t I of Cannon

uteu :,nd Cu,;un n:,lty } place ; tLcnce ,outherly along the westerly side of re Lttice to acyutr,n:; title, uhetceer the s.an, hats not Cannon place an] said westerly ,iJe- pru Ion -,ed b. yen herco,torc acyoirec!, t r the L:tL , t.-nc:ntents and ,,tttherly to the northerly side of Heath acenuc ; b edt.:nt„nts r,:,lull, d f r tit, pulp of rq -nin;; I rh, ncc s,u:hcrl}• along the westerly side of Heath I_AJI t)\1? HC\UkE_U ANN) 1VE.NI - .,tenor to thenortberiv ,trl,ofRiterd-.b:acn_I I'_a,t I:IGHTH '-,I EI-A frtmI r]} .ech.,rr street '1 HC, I1drd a P. d Iitirtictit street;, ti once t, tttcrIy (:dtln,u:~L nu[ y,a na:a•.d by h,~,per twth,rny'), Ir rt

h nnr.hcrl} silt. of I:icerdaL. .veto\ I:aa Two

the >outhcroll v:,rd t I si n r. a , a, the San,- Hundred and '1- nir[ict!i street, to ti,e p,iut or pla:c of Ir,s Lcen .meta tore laid , ..t kind d_> ,,n., n_d as ., first- I beg,nn: n„ a, su:h strt-cls are ,h.,un cp~n the FinA

street rr road, in tin t• "lw'euty fourth Via ti of Vlap, anti Profiles of the Ttsc•nty-third and Twenty- i,tr lain' of',ett 1'.rk. I rtt: th \1"aid- t-f Tile City of New Yot k, excepting it , lit

said area all streets, avenue; and runs, or purti, m-

* E., THE CND!:R.viC iN1•:D CO1[>[1S5[OYERS thcrcot, her.tofore legally opened, as -uch area is 51151511

~ VJ of h.-.timat' and As-essm'-ta in the .Lute-entitled up` .n Our b.:ncfit map dcpo-ti -ti a- ai ,resaid.

mutter, heresy gice notice to all persons intere-t'd in Fut,rth—1 hat our report herein will he presented to

the trotter or owners, uceu- the Supreme Court of the state of Ncw York, I first thi- or,-telling, and to

• I)eparturent, Ill a Speaal "Perm there'd, Pert 111., to be lot, improved pant „r'.'cupan t-, of all houses and and held in and for the County of New Iork, at the New

and untmpr need lan - Is alfectcd !hereby, and to all others I 1'lit k County (._uurt-hou-e, m 1 Inc City of New York, rnr

whim It may concern, to wit : I the Jodi clay of June, t498, at the opening of the G,urt

I it-t—That we I:uve completed our -ornate and

In that din} and that then and there, or as soon there. I , assts-.n:ens, and that all persons iatcresteI in this pr,- after as counsel can he heard thereon, a motion will be

cc-'- dreg, or in any of the hinds afiocted thereby, and t :du that the said report be a .finned. m lia, ing „bjections thereto, dopre-eut their said a jections Dated &)latex Or H tMIATTA\, May r3, i88. it wntins, duly verilicd, to u< at our olb:c. Nos.r,o and 92

Sit—,t Iiro:td, ,av, ninth f3,,or, in tie I;,,r-1 r h It n[an- AV11.LIAAI H. A1'ILLIS, .titan. in the City r f N, w Y ,rk, on ur before the t rth Chairman. lay of Jnne, i8,,8, and tlr.tt we, th.e said G,rnmi<,ir:o rs, Rol!]', CRIER M rlNRO1 , ,:111 hear parties, r, ;, het_t1ug on the r-.tit day of Jum . \\'I LI.!AM T. (;Rai', I -08, and for that purpose will be in rtttendance at u,:r Commissioners. ti,l office on said I,th day of Junc, t89i, at 4 check F. ,I. k- i Rh I DEI1AkS2i1i:NT. Seconr,—'That tie abrtrnct of our said estimate and

.ts<,ssmeny to•_ether u'i'h our da:na;r, and ber:etit In the matter of the appiiration of The Mayor, Alder- m:, p,, and :d-u all the atidavits an,l proof- used by us men and Commonalty of '1' rte City of New York, in makm, ,ntr report, have been depu.itcd in tilt Bu- relative to acquiring title, a'herrver the same has not r,•flu Of Street Opr sinus ill Ire J rnr In, kIt.. tm u.nt of 1 IT • been heretofore acquired, to the Ian is, tenement, and City of New Yr,rk, Nu- a \\ - t I .,, t hercdita cents required tr,r the purpose of , pluming ii rough of Manhattan, Sr ri, il,-,_ t„ r„n,aru ONE. HUNDRI•I1 ANI) SF.VINIY-FIRST tutu the zoth day t:1 June, tuyo~ ol'KEE'1' (although n- St yet named by proper