The _oIfar fronilrt. '"0 , 41.50 A ' .•sL 2 ADVAICS. St .'., MARCH 21, 1895. Mr. E. A. Mathis, of the Demands, has a C&se of tIe• measles. No credit in 1196 until settlements are made for 1895. J. H. McoNms.T. Hairs Hair Renewer contains the natu- ral food and color-matter for the hair, and medicinal herbs for the scalp, caring grayness, baldners, dandruff and scalp sores. At a meeting of the board of trustees Uf- :he Colfax High Scbool, held last Tay•,day evening, an election was ordered 40 fill the vacancy occasioned by the deat ; of Mr. Win. Knotzoch. See notice elsewhere. Reports from Natehitoches show there has been no increase in smnallpox at that place for more than a week. The total number of cases at that point is five. They are isolated and well cared for, and nine of them have died. We make this strtement in order to correct exaggerated reports that have gone out. M3ems. John Pennington and Frank Gardrer. of Pollock,*rived in Colfax on Thursday with one John T. Leon, sup. p- red to be inane and a fit subject for interdiction. Leon was in Colfax and Byce a few weeks since with a troupe o! aorobate, gts, dogts, etc. He will be examined and his case submitted to the judge. nRw to Care ihm.matism. Aarse Ooon Co.. Oasses. Nov. 1. 1s.-I wish to inform you of the great ood Chamber- lain's Pain Ralm has dose my wife. 8ob has te,., troubled with rheumatiem of the arms and he••ds fn. sit months. and has tried many rem. ed;ea pmrecribed for that omplaiat, but found •lrt* until she iaed this Pain Balm. one tie of wbteh has completely •ared her. I ak. noas.nre in recommending it for that I sr .abl. ouos truly. C.A. S os.0 tent nawl 0. botJas for sale by J. H. MeNoely. C.. as; Dr. J. V. Bornett & Br. Poilek. The road reviewers of ward one are dater mined to see that overseers in their territory shall do a fair amount of work on the roads this year, and that they shall be kept in better order than here. to!ore. We overheard them a few days aslie discussing what they regarded as their duty in this matter, and we would ad .ie road overseers to give their roads o a thorough overhauling. The town of Colfax, like all the other towns in this section, as had a shotun ga qu trantine in force for the pst week, on scoonat of the supposed dagspr from manlpox. The reports from New Or. leans, Natobhitoahes, Shreveport and other L Infected points indicate that the disease 01 is being kept well in hand, and there has w been no inerease, The epidemic is u ti. do-btedly sbsLding at all points, and the quarantine blookade win doubtless be raised in a few days. The New Orleam Picayune has se- eu-ed the valuable srvices of Dr. W. H. Dalrymple as editor of its agricultural L d-partment. The Picayune is noted for in its reliability sad sterling integrity in all o metter, and its forethought is obtaining the services of Dr. Dalrymple is greatly to be commended. He has already se- cured great prominence as an agricul- ti toual writer, and his reputation as such ' will doubtles make the Pieayune a most desirablg paper to all interested and pro- a gremelve farmers. 0 The Republican-Populists expect to hove a basket picnic at Pollock on next sot Wodnesday, if the smallpox scar does u not break it up. Capt. Pharr will prob- ably be on hand to make his usual speeoh, but re wewill wager a brand new hat that N-. Brede, the old Radical Republican of Natchitoclhs, will not be there ad make any such ineendiary talk to the aegroes as he made at this place three a weks agao. And if he shoald. we will is guarantee that Mers. Shackelford, Machen, Hnndley, Smith and the other -ombine candidsts will not give him a. mu:h applause er show the same delight asthey did here. The pmetl that was advertised to tke place st Meotgomery on Wedas dy of this week. a rnd whioh Gov. PFaoster and other proamieat speakers were on theway to atteod, wasadled off o aso- count of the smallpox care sad a noti. •dation that Montgomery was under a strict quarsatine against all comers Word was also received that the party d so dd not get of at Derry station, on the at. T. & P. road, as had been arranged. We d lea-n that two or thra other appoint.a meuta in North Louisian were also csan. o~old on aecconnt of the quarantine, and theState canvesing party returned home from Alexandria to take a rest of thre or four days before proceeding , apon their eavma in South Louisina. The Reformer, cf Alexandria, should - et the facts before attempting to con- trlia a nsoghbor. It don't tlike oor statement that ae good Deamnerat loaned as the Pope the gan they wed at their bar- i baome; evertheless it is doubly true, as two good Democrats loaned them the utfit. Mr. W. J. Dufy, a Democrat, fr•ished the solid arm foendstion, and I Mr. S . aurel, another Democrt, haned them the larp wrought ire aout, kaded it with powdr and showed them bow to bot the thine ao. We believe the Pomps did frish a weight to hold the thiag down, but every timn it weat of pig -rm the autda was tiaed a seen' Iei.a a - - - r The new editor of the Demands im. r aglas himself to be the great bull of Bashan, whereas he is only a small-sied " billy goat, and, like that little animal, be i has to climb upon some public eminence in order to exhibit himself. He thinks at was a great crime for the Foster ad- minsstration to bay up several hundred b has thousand dollars worth of the State's obligations at a discount of 80 to 45 per cent., thus saving the taxpayers bun. s are dreds of thousands of dollars of the prin- LY. ciple, to say nothing of 12 or 15 years' iatu- interest. Come again, neighbor; we en- hair, loy having you make little breaks like Friends and relatives of Mr. Maren Givanovitch, deceased, write us word te that the statement we made some weeks last ago as to his having been married just previous to his death, is incorrect, and e they state that the report was wholly oti without foundation. here hi h rconte that A have his fan botal la-m elruer eve. And Pharr may rua and To his heart's eontent, And hmve his fn this his mo 's spent atedter's stritly l it He's the people's pet; This re he'll win it rank our money o can bet. ion 1000 barrels of corn for sale, by Dean & Dean, on their Raven Camp place, for thre miles south of Colfax. and tupe Dr. Pric's Cream Baklag Powder I be Most PwrLc Mde. the PROCLAMATION. 8TATs or LOUIoSIAu , !'as,"s *a rarr. -I y virtue of the authorit in a ted by law an in accordance wit the prootaartion of Hisi her- Ueell Murphy ~J. loetsr. (oternor of the has aforesid tsa election s hereby ordsred to mand d b by the qaasd eletors of grant parish, in said parish, on TVK~rDAT, APRIL I, 18e, e. betwee the a n of even in ihe morn and r. I si in theaftrnoon, for the rpose ol t that the hereinafter named oelars, for the tem aent to each, to-wit: So or. Limeut.n overnor, a Se. ry of tans, an Attorne.enei l ,ta Mtle Tres. arer, an A ditor of Puablo Accunts , and a Sap aeinteudent of t'ublic •tduation. And whse.s,e the Ceti era Aeambly. at its re w _aar session held in 1l, had, b a two-third. vote of all the member d to each loau or concurring therein, opd certin p ee a•ey emn to the Ceostion of this tn a u the Pr r . rovisions of Artisle 2t3 Sidotitution are requireda to be submitted to the eletor or their approval or tio y which amendments are fally set forth an ta numeamtma in t ie S lpublication of the me and which ar submitted to the sleoato ofi d ths te, for ther appova or jeCtion. in eah a manner u d for tt tho ector, may votl for d or it each of said amendment separuo y, i poofhstatione of the State of Ilei w aDd lsoan amedmet re lative to uepesic to an of imea Second Proposed Oftros odn a toa Articleks wUd. et, J o ne 18 I 10t, lot ad u of the Certit•ti do tohe Stale fa laana, relative tto ~lurt of AppeaL, t, - Third proposed u asmedrat. r in a mtr dM• ut to th ttetio of t s Al eo I it iary convmct. ena m oe a aandmntA to Articles tr atm a p t atiqttemia, eivom the Constitution of the State of Louisian rea- i- tie to public education. d Fith proposed mendment , proposing amendmaet to the Oastitution f the Sat of" as laoigiana relativeo a peasic of (Caodrnfeerat wldiem, sie and p their widomws. p -+/,, prop.sed amendment, propoi ng ent. meat to 1 .m IArtces7 llot1 ,11 1S, 1u ando a Cn . m ugt i on the fate of oa•ui th, lic . Seventh propos d amendmt, proo ian of , meadmeat to Article Il of •oe th , •ut ofa- "I Losmana relative to the tria recsed ass th or nddstrict courts and interchange of judges. the .b.. propo.sILed tyo ro d. tll wStatea of L sian of If Miimth Proposed amednt. propotingaed t eaT Sly t rticlnto C onth Co toa of the the mv S Tet a Lo imana. relativ to ufre, s e-nth propsed amedmseet, ec an t p mnd t hCoustitutio he tos e- Shor•iag citi• and towns and prish to levy. one sames ad sollert special ta• for the Lurpoer f ooan ,etlg pubic roads, streets an pek. W t. S; unde cerom in oadiueonl. iemeth proposed amndmatt, Proposing an d me to dme Con•t e w.itutaon of the Sate. au-_ a•• ide and towns to aid manufaOtring dm1 tcsm iy I, Smeots shall weriot o print toir allos the nti words e• r ameudmamt to the Conoi U tatioa ate ,"t relatvetosuch obtject as ay stated Lthe titlsorapti of each propose amendment, Sgiving the number om eah voted or. Sa disrt, eompce-d-of peishe of rnt, W in C o_.tahoul; a ad_ distraor attorney fbo r re prese atifr ant peish;a cl o f the district ourt; ashortand a coror for Grant oion the town of (tfr, a Waurd poic jur, one jusi el o, the rch3ujg sesh~~ly Ll e him. I-sIed tal, e After Aoute Bronchitl inence sens By DAD or ad- ed AYER'S""... Itate's - 15 per A PEACHEm CXPCRIeCL bun. "Three months ago, I took a vio. prin, lent cold which resulted in an attack yea' of acute bronchitis. I put myself re en- under medical treatment, and at the a like end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, an concluded to try Ayer's Cherry word weeks I just ,and rholly mer. I Dean Puctoral. The first bottle gave me ae, great relief; the second, which I am now taking has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, s and I feel sure that one or two beot. tles more will effect a permanent eure. To all ministers suffering from . throat troubles, Irecommend Ayer's Cherry PectoraL"-E. M. BRaw rr, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. a SPublication Society, Petersburg, Va. SAyeer's Cherry Pectoral =D h• L Al WO•SLPI 1AI. ALE aU ALL OIhE Wn&WAEUL S Registration Notice. The registration books of Grant parish g will be open at the Courthouse in Coltax O0e from March 20th until April 18th, 1866. ed Take notice, I will also assess as many at sdesire to give in their property at the ae places and dates mentioned. Bring your rii; proper numbers and thus avoid all mis ad takes. J. M. ANTHONY, +. Asseesor and Registrar of Voters. s Feb. 4, 1896. Sfor S Election of Trustee. md Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the ScBhool-house, in the - town of Colfa, La., between the hours of 4 and 5 p. m, on Monday, March 30, 1806. for the purpose of electing a trustee for the Colfax High- School to serve in I the place of Wm. Knotzseb, deceased j ,op All voters living in the Colfax district at who have children of schoolable age are entitled to vote at said election. J. F. KELLY, la. Pres't Board of Trustees. March 19, 1896. us. InTENTH S•Ixe ON TO as SOLD. By vilrtueof thelaw in me veeted, and under 4 ~t orden of Hon. W. W. Heard. Auditor of the etrt ol fouid l will offer for eullat pub. ut- le aac .at th rthona door. in the town law for udica l saes, on S 8ATURDAY. MARCH !d, 1 . the followin• droribed school lnatsted in n the spah of• GrantU,. Louisiana. to-wt: nesw•ofnw K.nw~totfse adsw - of section sixten. i.n township seven north, red r n • t onensuet, containinr 240 acres. Terms-To be sold in quantities of not lees Ub. than 40 nor more then 110 acres, after being Arest appraisedb tbrm esworn apprism. No sae a will be made talhre t rl appraisement bha u been bid. Purehoaue will be required to Soue.tenth(ten per cent.) of their bids in Dn and the bane in nine equal instalmnt, with int. ustil paid--eight per cent per annum inter- et to be paid annually the whole mount a of n•tes o•standing tr unpaid. Notes to be Smade payable to Auditor of the tate with spe as oial morte on lead sold. and seeor- ity in soldo fur the erment of principal and inteet. If preerj.pnlrcbesm mayayttir Sentire bid in cash. . H. Ma NIG T . , Parish Treasurer. Corax. L, Feb. , DI al Out of the abundance of its Store of News T Fhe up knowled of the world a The business man, the Scldek, the mechanic, the Sfarmer, the young and old, the grave and gay, will And float and Flatter a in its Colass and Iis . . t... ... ea . ,er .anday e 7 .......... tie a ye smpe oep eoa appuncatien . the mve ad , wil fin mbreds eat a nda'mts otur. fee I mrl2e d fior tun Tseser, t. a heems Head, Sore Nipp les, Ch. e For sle by dm sai0t a a snde lz.bp pforpu tdti . a dhos dina eahy cow F litha try Di. dyse Coadition Powdder Icste .d a eliev a earreg 0O emi hen a mtnad 1E orans Li. oticeo of Fial Proof. Land Offi. at New Orleans, La., February 7th, 1896. Notice is bereby given that the follow. ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be' made before W. H. Henry, U. 8. Com- misseoner, at Pollook, La., on March 26, 1896, via: ABRAHAM B. THOMPSON, who made homestead entry No, 11121, for the south-east quarter of section 2, township 7. north range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Lee, Robert McCollum, Fred Brady Jefferson D. Stallings, all of Grant pariah, La. G. McD. BRUMBY, Register. Notice of Final Proof. •Asn Ourmo AT Naw Osznass. Jan. i8 15. Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. H. Henry, U. 8. Commis- soner, at Pollock, La., on March 28, 1896, vias: John T. Kelley, who made homestead entry No. 13,226, for the north-east quarter of section 2, township 6, north, range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. B. Thompeon, W. C. Guinn, John Curry and H. B. Barrett, all of Pollock P. O. La. G. MoD. BRUMBY, Begister. FOR SALE. Fr. Cash . or ~.s sern rs. 40 acres of land at-Fishrille, Grant parish, La., part cleared, with four-room dwelling with wide hall and galleries and kitchen and store-room attached. One- room cottage, stablee, carriage-house, and tenant's house also on premises. For terms apply to the owner JULIUS F. ARIAL, Attorney-at-Law, Alexandria, La. F-15-2m. A Pwe , -ow tsOri rs Patents."hs iate AO . Far t "Howto Ib ON . W" es o f nsllahe t a. Otsa loau sot Ems. rute6 o***a emets Oes.v Uss. Psn.D. s .. dree. dreoat Ps t., with dw. The IkMULLEI WOVEN WIRE FENCE S.i u.e ue. urs 0 x.at s nnSa. c rsas. ELKHART GARRIAE_ sE , HARNESS IFI. . yneaers. Wy y mess. p.I.ma W.a no. l to 5. Geao .. A a$ .as..t.e-- ton/lW. M toaf e H . sr. ' E quan m. and i f uo y soarrante to se c1p t oit Ntho.l. y ire poe. _la e si e $3md (,a5 0 ,to Irn Ohe Fber Weenhewont W onteo. 'o3r MMins••Tr W.at he l.ear, Etc. DsLOACH s NO.W. Ueme WeO. Hmss .o E4UL, and ois fu8w dOditt to Cree asapaity The only Saw Mill in eSistence that will worg seccessfully th only 4-horse power. Five sies are made (,000 to 50,000 $4.tn, or anywhere between the two point9 mentioned, and eis hand from the feed lever. o.1t Mills,. AlrbineW W e. PRATTs, yMill Gearing, Etc. The DeLoach Va"Chrpion"able Frictiono eqed.l-- Nort ••QUAL, and cisat notfn warithd to increase capacityll. The only Saw Mill in existence th Miat will work successfully Irk be U. to 1d I would call te attention of all psr. , sons interested in the improveme oft ) Horses in this country to my nue Black Percheron Stallion, "RANDON," import. ed registered stock from Francse, bought by me for One Thousand Dollars. - He will be found in charge of a com- petent attendant at my livery stable in Colfax, La. J. H. MoNEELY. Feb. 28, 1896. is rt Application Per Pardo. e Notice is hereby given that E. A. s- Briggs, convicted of murder and sen- .8 tenoed to life imprisonment in peniten. tisra, before the District Court of Grant parsha, La., in September, 1806, will ap plyfor a pardoo. E.A. BRIGGS. 2Feb. 29,1896. Pollock Institute. d The next session of Pollock Institute will begin SEPTEMBER A, 1890. and continue ten months. Training of teachers for the lublie sehools s ipecialty. From May 6, 1t95, the rates ou tiatleo . will be as follows: Primary grade, per month......... $1 00 t Intermediate '. ., ........ 1 s0 a Academic " " ....... 110 I Collegi ste " ...... 50 Board can be had on very reasnoable terms. For further information, address D. B. JOHNSTON A. B., Principal. Or W. H HENRY, Secretary, my4tf Pollock, La. I lsees ei The assr.'- STUDENTS ay eater At Any Time. Is5L AWl UILN& awarded th bol h World's Omlaiuban l xpouto for tt e en•e ead improved metott.ea In ookept makag• over 1o0 awarwle by nerisan am 4 loreiga Kxpeeltlo.a. Has Asi sa em sad Sherthand debools. Fer s years renowned feoe Its lteae It prsetlees ao chetar lsem, m• makes no ae etat~•meats and alunsg prmises to eeeive and da;.e the asssoeplee Many tuads or ittods de are e aM see or bem. Cerner1ial erne Ouasemsedl Nelbs Sad Super to any oter la e Ustd tage Write for 7ItE 5,1e Seca Pges" o leew" reat Work, 71s pp., oN R'ok-helen s. Addrss: OKO. NcritL a Sy s.•sw e . dems for them- tlem.Theymthe standrd seeds evrh Where; sown by ti plters in the WOr. N e round or N tsores Y T moet waluable book t" iu. Smars and tardenoe ever veNrs away. maile te > ****M s "TIMES ARE HARD," AN 10 TBI RIASOIN -t at 0o8 0 ra A. A. OIIIANJ IaNRIAL MZaCRANT, FAIRMOUNT - LOUISIANA 11A nlAnSa DOWN 0a d Mammoth Stock AT FIGUN TO ht "LIVE AND LET LIVE.' a- IN T LIzNs Or i" General Dry Good His Asertmest is Untrawed. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN FULL SUPPLY. t Ready Made Cl• TO SUIT ALL BSAONSL - ATS iad CAPS and HOSIERY BOOTS AND SHOES To Fit Any Head or Foot. Cotton or Country Produee Bought and Sold. All Goods a represented, Pries as Loew as the Lowest, no trouble to show Goods, Ssad a fall esrps of polite slerks always on hbead to wail os atomers. jaIl 10 4 BUGGY 8ADDLN STOCK. BAGS SMITH & HICKMAN will keep ennatantly an hand a aod so sertmeat of Eanas and Mlt ou3 work HORSES. Any one wishing to puroehas a Good AUlmal will miss a bargain by bil is to call on them, as they propose to de Cheaper than any one else Their Hors are kept in Good Pasatues both it Grant sad Rapide. pIehel - Well appointed Bdsa Stable in Bonye and Hores and men to show them. For say ilanrmation address HEMAN SMITH, jytO Boyea, La. J. H. McNEELY, Merchant and Dealer, COLrAI, LA.. HEADQUARTERS FOR ORY COQOS8 ' NOTIONS. GRO8I00R8 -AND-- General Merchandise. Alas "estry Prodce boaght and sMl st rulint market rates. ra6 THIS 1I" THE ONLY SCALE NLEFMIGHT or TERMS. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. _ uerPret FA ges irs odds. w.sUs and s S as *ilestsdoeeasbag u s-as. *mstIM a Av•., Calga1s. ar• a.,.. .s ame.. nsse semees ms Ameses, am asea 1 NA. oneI. U.S4A.

The Colfax chronicle (Colfax, LA) 1896-03-21 [p ]€¦ · Bashan, whereas he is only a small-sied" billy goat, and, like that little animal, be i has to climb upon some public eminence

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Page 1: The Colfax chronicle (Colfax, LA) 1896-03-21 [p ]€¦ · Bashan, whereas he is only a small-sied" billy goat, and, like that little animal, be i has to climb upon some public eminence

The _oIfar fronilrt.'"0 , 41.50 A ' .•sL 2 ADVAICS.

St .'., MARCH 21, 1895.

Mr. E. A. Mathis, of the Demands, hasa C&se of tIe• measles.

No credit in 1196 until settlements aremade for 1895. J. H. McoNms.T.

Hairs Hair Renewer contains the natu-ral food and color-matter for the hair,and medicinal herbs for the scalp, caringgrayness, baldners, dandruff and scalpsores.

At a meeting of the board of trusteesUf- :he Colfax High Scbool, held lastTay•,day evening, an election was ordered40 fill the vacancy occasioned by thedeat ; of Mr. Win. Knotzoch. See noticeelsewhere.

Reports from Natehitoches show therehas been no increase in smnallpox at thatplace for more than a week. The totalnumber of cases at that point is five.They are isolated and well cared for, andnine of them have died. We make thisstrtement in order to correct exaggeratedreports that have gone out.

M3ems. John Pennington and FrankGardrer. of Pollock,*rived in Colfax onThursday with one John T. Leon, sup.p- red to be inane and a fit subject forinterdiction. Leon was in Colfax andByce a few weeks since with a troupeo! aorobate, gts, dogts, etc. He will beexamined and his case submitted to thejudge.

nRw to Care ihm.matism.Aarse Ooon Co.. Oasses. Nov. 1. 1s.-I

wish to inform you of the great ood Chamber-lain's Pain Ralm has dose my wife. 8ob haste,., troubled with rheumatiem of the arms andhe••ds fn. sit months. and has tried many rem.ed;ea pmrecribed for that omplaiat, but found

•lrt* until she iaed this Pain Balm. onetie of wbteh has completely •ared her. Iak. noas.nre in recommending it for that I

sr .abl. ouos truly. C. A. S os.0 tentnawl 0. botJas for sale by J. H. MeNoely. C..as; Dr. J. V. Bornett & Br. Poilek.

The road reviewers of ward one aredater mined to see that overseers in theirterritory shall do a fair amount of workon the roads this year, and that theyshall be kept in better order than here.to!ore. We overheard them a few daysaslie discussing what they regarded astheir duty in this matter, and we wouldad .ie road overseers to give their roads oa thorough overhauling.

The town of Colfax, like all the othertowns in this section, as had a shotun gaqu trantine in force for the pst week, onscoonat of the supposed dagspr frommanlpox. The reports from New Or.leans, Natobhitoahes, Shreveport and other LInfected points indicate that the disease 01is being kept well in hand, and there has wbeen no inerease, The epidemic is u ti.do-btedly sbsLding at all points, andthe quarantine blookade win doubtlessbe raised in a few days.

The New Orleam Picayune has se-eu-ed the valuable srvices of Dr. W. H.Dalrymple as editor of its agricultural Ld-partment. The Picayune is noted for inits reliability sad sterling integrity in all ometter, and its forethought is obtainingthe services of Dr. Dalrymple is greatlyto be commended. He has already se-cured great prominence as an agricul- titoual writer, and his reputation as such 'will doubtles make the Pieayune a mostdesirablg paper to all interested and pro- agremelve farmers. 0

The Republican-Populists expect tohove a basket picnic at Pollock on next sotWodnesday, if the smallpox scar does unot break it up. Capt. Pharr will prob-ably be on hand to make his usual speeoh,but re wewill wager a brand new hat thatN-. Brede, the old Radical Republicanof Natchitoclhs, will not be there admake any such ineendiary talk to theaegroes as he made at this place three aweks agao. And if he shoald. we will isguarantee that Mers. Shackelford,Machen, Hnndley, Smith and the other-ombine candidsts will not give him a.mu:h applause er show the same delightasthey did here.

The pmetl that was advertised totke place st Meotgomery on Wedasdy of this week. a rnd whioh Gov. PFaosterand other proamieat speakers were ontheway to atteod, wasadled off o aso-count of the smallpox care sad a noti.

•dation that Montgomery was under astrict quarsatine against all comersWord was also received that the party dso dd not get of at Derry station, on the at.

T. & P. road, as had been arranged. We dlea-n that two or thra other appoint.ameuta in North Louisian were also csan.o~old on aecconnt of the quarantine, andtheState canvesing party returnedhome from Alexandria to take a rest ofthre or four days before proceeding ,apon their eavma in South Louisina.

The Reformer, cf Alexandria, should -et the facts before attempting to con-

trlia a nsoghbor. It don't tlike oorstatement that ae good Deamnerat loaned asthe Pope the gan they wed at their bar- ibaome; evertheless it is doubly true, astwo good Democrats loaned them the

utfit. Mr. W. J. Dufy, a Democrat,fr•ished the solid arm foendstion, and IMr. S . aurel, another Democrt,haned them the larp wrought ire aout,kaded it with powdr and showed thembow to bot the thine ao. We believethe Pomps did frish a weight to hold thethiag down, but every timn it weat of

pig -rm the autda was tiaed a seen'Iei.a a - - - r

The new editor of the Demands im.r aglas himself to be the great bull of

Bashan, whereas he is only a small-sied" billy goat, and, like that little animal, bei has to climb upon some public eminence

in order to exhibit himself. He thinksat was a great crime for the Foster ad-minsstration to bay up several hundredb has thousand dollars worth of the State's

obligations at a discount of 80 to 45 percent., thus saving the taxpayers bun.s are dreds of thousands of dollars of the prin-LY. ciple, to say nothing of 12 or 15 years'iatu- interest. Come again, neighbor; we en-

hair, loy having you make little breaks like

Friends and relatives of Mr. MarenGivanovitch, deceased, write us wordte that the statement we made some weeks

last ago as to his having been married justprevious to his death, is incorrect, and

e they state that the report was whollyoti without foundation.

here hi h rcontethat A have his fan

botal la-m elruereve. And Pharr may ruaand To his heart's eontent,

And hmve his fnthis his mo 's spent

atedter's stritly l itHe's the people's pet;

This re he'll win itrank our money o can bet.ion

1000 barrels of corn for sale, by Dean& Dean, on their Raven Camp place,for thre miles south of Colfax.and

tupe Dr. Pric's Cream Baklag PowderI be Most PwrLc Mde.the


!'as,"s *a rarr.-I y virtue of the authorit in a ted by lawan in accordance wit the prootaartion of Hisiher- Ueell Murphy ~J. loetsr. (oternor of the

has aforesid tsa election s hereby ordsred tomand d b by the qaasd eletors of grant parish,in said parish, onTVK~rDAT, APRIL I, 18e,e. betwee the a n of even in ihe morn andr. I si in theaftrnoon, for the rpose ol t

that the hereinafter named oelars, for the temaent to each, to-wit:

So or. Limeut.n overnor, a Se.ry of tans, an Attorne.enei l ,ta Mtle Tres.arer, an A ditor of Puablo Accunts , and a Sapaeinteudent of t'ublic •tduation.And whse.s,e the Ceti era Aeambly. at its re w_aar session held in 1l, had, b a two-third.

vote of all the member d to each loauor concurring therein, opd certin p eea•ey emn to the Ceostion of this tn au the Pr r . rovisions of Artisle 2t3Sidotitution are requireda to be submittedto the eletor or their approval or tioy which amendments are fally set forth an tanumeamtma in t ie S lpublication of theme and which ar submitted to the sleoato ofid ths te, for ther appova or jeCtion. in eah

a manner u d for tt tho ector, may votl for

d or it each of said amendment separuo y,i poofhstatione of the State of Ilei waDd lsoan amedmet re lative to uepesic toan of imeaSecond Proposed Oftros

odn a toa Articleks wUd. et, J o ne 18I 10t, lot ad u of the Certit•ti do tohe Stale falaana, relative tto ~lurt of AppeaL , t,-Third proposed u asmedrat. r in amtr dM• ut to th ttetio of t s Al

eo I it iary convmct. enam oe a aandmntA to Articles tr atm a p

t atiqttemia, eivomthe Constitution of the State of Louisian rea-i- tie to public education.

d Fith proposed mendment , proposingamendmaet to the Oastitution f the Sat of"as laoigiana relativeo a peasic of (Caodrnfeeratwldiem, sie and p their widomws. p

-+/,, prop.sed amendment, propoi ng ent.meat to 1.m IArtces7 llot1 ,11 1S, 1u andoa Cn . mugt i on the fate of oa•ui th, lic

. Seventh propos d amendmt, proo ian of, meadmeat to Article Il of •oe th , •ut ofa-

"I Losmana relative to the tria recsed ass thor nddstrict courts and interchange of judges. the

.b.. propo.sILed tyo ro d.tll wStatea of L sian ofIf Miimth Proposed amednt. propotingaed t eaT

Sly t rticlnto C onth Co toa of the themv S Tet a Lo imana. relativ to ufre, s

e-nth propsed amedmseet, ec an t pmnd t hCoustitutio he tos e-Shor•iag citi• and towns and prish to levy. onesames ad sollert special ta• for the Lurpoerf ooan ,etlg pubic roads, streets an pek. W t.S; unde cerom in oadiueonl.

iemeth proposed amndmatt, Proposing and me to dme Con•t e w.itutaon of the Sate. au-_

a•• ide and towns to aid manufaOtring dm1tcsm

iy I,Smeots shall weriot o print toir allos the ntiwords e• r ameudmamt to the Conoi U tatioaate ,"t relatvetosuch obtject as ay statedLthe titlsorapti of each propose amendment,

Sgiving the number om eah voted or.

Sa disrt, eompce-d-of peishe of rnt, W inC o_.tahoul; a ad_ distraor attorney fbo r

re prese atifr ant peish;a cl o f thedistrict ourt; ashortand a coror for Grantoion the town of (tfr,

a Waurd poic jur, one jusi el o, the

rch3ujg sesh~~ly Ll

e him.I-sIed

tal, e After Aoute Bronchitlinence sens By DAD

or ad- ed AYER'S""...Itate's -

15 per A PEACHEm CXPCRIeCLbun. "Three months ago, I took a vio.prin, lent cold which resulted in an attackyea' of acute bronchitis. I put myself

re en- under medical treatment, and at the

a like end of two months was no better.I found it very difficult to preach,an concluded to try Ayer's Cherry

wordweeksI just,andrholly

mer. I

Dean Puctoral. The first bottle gave meae, great relief; the second, which I am

now taking has relieved me almostentirely of all unpleasant symptoms,s and I feel sure that one or two beot.tles more will effect a permanenteure. To all ministers suffering from .throat troubles, Irecommend Ayer'sCherry PectoraL"-E. M. BRaw rr,D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. aSPublication Society, Petersburg, Va.SAyeer's Cherry Pectoral=D h• L Al WO•SLPI 1AI.


S Registration Notice.The registration books of Grant parishg will be open at the Courthouse in Coltax

O0e from March 20th until April 18th, 1866.ed Take notice, I will also assess as manyat sdesire to give in their property at theae places and dates mentioned. Bring your

rii; proper numbers and thus avoid all misad takes. J. M. ANTHONY,

+. Asseesor and Registrar of Voters.s Feb. 4, 1896.Sfor

S Election of Trustee.md Notice is hereby given that an electionwill be held at the ScBhool-house, in the -town of Colfa, La., between the hoursof 4 and 5 p. m, on Monday, March 30,1806. for the purpose of electing a trusteefor the Colfax High- School to serve in Ithe place of Wm. Knotzseb, deceased j

,op All voters living in the Colfax districtat who have children of schoolable age areentitled to vote at said election.

J. F. KELLY,la. Pres't Board of Trustees.March 19, 1896.

us. InTENTH S•Ixe ON TO as SOLD.By vilrtueof thelaw in me veeted, and under4 ~t orden of Hon. W. W. Heard. Auditor of the

etrt ol fouid l will offer for eullat pub.ut- le aac .at th rthona door. in the townlaw for udica l saes, on

S 8ATURDAY. MARCH !d, 1 .the followin• droribed school lnatsted in nthe spah of• GrantU,. Louisiana. to-wt:nesw•ofnw K.nw~totfse adsw -of section sixten. i.n township seven north,red r n • t onensuet, containinr 240 acres.

Terms-To be sold in quantities of not leesUb. than 40 nor more then 110 acres, after being Arestappraisedb tbrm esworn apprism. No saea will be made talhre t rl appraisement bhau been bid. Purehoaue will be required to

Soue.tenth(ten per cent.) of their bids inDn and the bane in nine equal instalmnt, withint. ustil paid--eight per cent per annum inter-et to be paid annually the whole mounta of n•tes o•standing tr unpaid. Notes to beSmade payable to Auditor of the tate with speas oial morte on lead sold. and seeor-ity in soldo fur the erment of principal andinteet. If preerj.pnlrcbesm mayayttirSentire bid in cash. . H. Ma NIG T

. , Parish Treasurer.Corax. L, Feb. , DI al

Out of the abundanceof its Store of News

T Fhe

up knowled of the worlda The business man, the

Scldek, the mechanic, theSfarmer, the young and old,

the grave and gay, will Andfloat and Flattera in its Colass

and Iis . . t... ...ea . ,er.anday e 7 .......... tie a ye

smpe oep eoa appuncatien .the mve ad , wil fin

mbreds eat a nda'mts otur. feeI mrl2e d fior tun Tseser, t. aheems Head, Sore Nipp les, Ch. e

For sle by dm sai0t a a snde lz.bp

pforpu tdti .a dhos dina eahy cow Flitha try Di. dyse Coadition Powdder

Icste .d a eliev a earreg 0O

emi hen a mtnad 1E orans Li.

oticeo of Fial Proof.Land Offi. at New Orleans, La.,

February 7th, 1896.Notice is bereby given that the follow.

ing-named settler has filed notice of hisintention to make final proof in supportof his claim, and that said proof will be'made before W. H. Henry, U. 8. Com-misseoner, at Pollook, La., on March 26,1896, via:

ABRAHAM B. THOMPSON,who made homestead entry No, 11121,for the south-east quarter of section 2,township 7. north range 1 east.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon andcultivation of said land, viz: Henry Lee,Robert McCollum, Fred Brady JeffersonD. Stallings, all of Grant pariah, La.

G. McD. BRUMBY,Register.

Notice of Final Proof.•Asn Ourmo AT Naw Osznass.

Jan. i8 15.Notice is hereby given that the follow-

ing-named settler has filed notice of hisintention to make final proof in supportof his claim, and that said proof will bemade before W. H. Henry, U. 8. Commis-soner, at Pollock, La., on March 28,1896, vias:

John T. Kelley,who made homestead entry No. 13,226,for the north-east quarter of section 2,township 6, north, range 1 west.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon andcultivation of said land, viz: W. B.Thompeon, W. C. Guinn, John Curry andH. B. Barrett, all of Pollock P. O. La.

G. MoD. BRUMBY,Begister.

FOR SALE.Fr. Cash .or ~.s sern rs.

40 acres of land at-Fishrille, Grantparish, La., part cleared, with four-roomdwelling with wide hall and galleries andkitchen and store-room attached. One-room cottage, stablee, carriage-house,and tenant's house also on premises.

For terms apply to the ownerJULIUS F. ARIAL,

Attorney-at-Law, Alexandria, La.F-15-2m.

A Pwe , -ow tsOri rs Patents."hs iate

AO . Far t "Howto Ib ON . W"es o f nsllahe t a. Otsa loausot Ems. rute6

o***a emets Oes.v Uss. Psn.D. s ..

dree. dreoat Ps t., with dw.

The IkMULLEI WOVEN WIRE FENCE S.iu.e ue. urs 0 x.at s nnSa. c rsas.

ELKHART GARRIAE_ sE , HARNESS IFI. .yneaers. Wy y mess.

p.I.ma W.a no. l to 5. Geao .. Aa$ .as..t.e-- ton/lW. M toaf eH . sr. ' E quan m. and i f uo y soarrante to se c1p t oitNtho.l. y ire poe. _la e si e $3md (,a5 0,to Irn Ohe Fber Weenhewont W onteo.

'o3r MMins••Tr W.at he l.ear, Etc.DsLOACH s NO.W. Ueme WeO.

Hmss .o E4UL, and ois fu8w dOditt to Cree asapaity

The only Saw Mill in eSistence that will worg seccessfully

th only 4-horse power. Five sies are made (,000 to 50,000$4.tn, or anywhere between the two point9 mentioned, and

eis hand from the feed lever.o.1t Mills,. AlrbineW W e. PRATTs, yMill Gearing, Etc.

The DeLoach Va"Chrpion"able Frictiono eqed.l--

Nort ••QUAL, and cisat notfn warithd to increase capacityll.

The only Saw Mill in existence th Miat will work successfully



1d I would call te attention of all psr., sons interested in the improveme oft) Horses in this country to my nue Black

Percheron Stallion, "RANDON," import.ed registered stock from Francse, boughtby me for One Thousand Dollars.

-He will be found in charge of a com-petent attendant at my livery stable inColfax, La. J. H. MoNEELY.

Feb. 28, 1896.is rt Application Per Pardo.

e Notice is hereby given that E. A.s- Briggs, convicted of murder and sen-.8 tenoed to life imprisonment in peniten.

tisra, before the District Court of Grantparsha, La., in September, 1806, will applyfor a pardoo. E.A. BRIGGS.2Feb. 29,1896.

Pollock Institute.d The next session of Pollock Institute

will beginSEPTEMBER A, 1890.

and continue ten months. Training ofteachers for the lublie sehools s ipecialty.

From May 6, 1t95, the rates ou tiatleo.will be as follows:

Primary grade, per month......... $1 00t Intermediate '. ., ........ 1 s0a Academic " " ....... 110

I Collegi ste " ...... 50Board can be had on very reasnoable

terms.For further information, addressD. B. JOHNSTON A. B., Principal.

Or W. H HENRY, Secretary,my4tf Pollock, La.

I lseesei The assr.'-

STUDENTSay eater

At Any Time.

Is5L AWl UILN& awarded th bol hWorld's Omlaiuban l xpouto for tt een•e ead improved metott.ea In ookeptmakag• over 1o0 awarwle by nerisan am4

loreiga Kxpeeltlo.a. Has Asi sa emsad Sherthand debools.

Fer s years renowned feoe Its lteae

It prsetlees ao chetar lsem, m• makesno ae etat~•meats and alunsg prmises to

eeeive and da;.e the asssoeplee Manytuads or ittods de are e aM seeor bem.Cerner1ial erne Ouasemsedl NelbsSad Super to any oter la e Ustd tage

Write for 7ItE 5,1e Seca Pges" o leew"reat Work, 71s pp., oN R'ok-helen s.Addrss: OKO. NcritL a Sy s.•sw e .dems

for them-tlem.Theymthestandrd seeds evrh

Where; sown by tiplters in the WOr.

N e round or N tsores YT moet waluable book t" iu.Smars and tardenoe ever veNrs

away. maile te

> ****M s


-t at 0o8 0 raA. A. OIIIANJIaNRIAL MZaCRANT,



a- IN T LIzNs Or

i" General Dry GoodHis Asertmest is Untrawed.




To Fit Any Head or Foot.Cotton or Country Produee

Bought and Sold.All Goods a represented, Pries as Loewas the Lowest, no trouble to show Goods,

Ssad a fall esrps of polite slerks alwayson hbead to wail os atomers. jaIl



SMITH & HICKMANwill keep ennatantly an hand a aod sosertmeat of Eanas and Mlt ou3 workHORSES. Any one wishing to puroehasa Good AUlmal will miss a bargain by bilis to call on them, as they propose tode Cheaper than any one else TheirHors are kept in Good Pasatues both itGrant sad Rapide. pIehel -

Well appointed Bdsa Stable in Bonyeand Hores and men to show them.

For say ilanrmation addressHEMAN SMITH,

jytO Boyea, La.


Merchant and Dealer,






General Merchandise.Alas "estry Prodce boaght and sMl

st rulint market rates. ra6




_ uerPret FA ges

irs odds. w.sUs and s S as

*ilestsdoeeasbag u s-as.*mstIM a Av•., Calga1s.

ar• a.,.. .s ame..nsse semees ms Ameses, am asea

1 NA. oneI. U.S4A.