THE COLLEGE SEAL - Emmanuel · THE COLLEGE SEAL The Emmanuel College ... MUSIC DIRECTOR Mrs. Pat Davison '85

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    The Emmanuel College Seal pictures three lilies rising from the three hills of Boston. The lilies symbolize both the Holy Trinity and the three vows taken by Sisters of Notre Dame, and remind us of the order's origin in France. The open book, a symbol of learning, has Emmanuel written across its pages in Hebrew, and the words Seal of Emmanuel College of Boston encircle the shield in Latin.


    Class of 1985


    May 19, 1985


    Rev . Jerry Hogan

    Campus Minister


    Connie W. Jcones, S.N.D.

    Campus Minister


    Mrs. Pat Davison '85


    Class of 1985


    Penitential Rite


    ,. Lopd, have mepcy. ChPist, have mepcy. Lopd, have mepcy.

    GLORY TO GOD (John Foley, SJ)

    ,. Give glopy to God in the highest and peace to God's people on eaPth.

    1. Lopd, God, heavenly King, almighty God and Fathep, we wOP8hip you, we give you thanks, we ppaise you fop yoUP glopy.

    2. Lopd, Jesu8 ChPi8t, only Son of the Fathep, Lopd, God, Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the wopld:

    Have mepcy on U8; You aPe 8eated at the Pight hand of the Fathep: Receive OUP ppayep.

    3. You alone aPe the Holy One, You alone aPe the Lord, You alone aPe the M08t High, Je8u8 ChPi8t, with the Holy $piPit, in the glopy of God the Fathep.


    FiP8t Reading

    Deuteponomy 30, 15-20

    CathePine Buonomo '85

  • Responsorial Psalm

    1. Yahweh, I mOl;) you arae neara, Standing always at my side. You guarad me fraom the foe, And you lead me in ways everalasting.

    Second Reading

    Romans 8, 31-39

    Patricia Neville '85

    Gospel Acclamation (Caraey Landry)

    Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia to oura God. Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia to God's Worad.


    Marak 12, 28-34

    Connie W. James, S.N.D.


    ~ofession i Faith We beZieve in one God, the Fathera Almighty, Makera of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in one Lorad, Jesus Chraist, the only Son of God, ete~lly begotten of the Fathera, God fraom God, Light fraom Light, traue God fraom traye God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Fathera, thraough Him all things werae made. Fora us and fora oura salvation

  • He came down fpom heaven: by the powep of the HoZy Spipit He was boPn of the Vipgin Mapy, and became a man.

    Fop oup sake He was crucified undep Pontius PiZate; He suffeped, died and was bUPied. On the thipd day He pose again in fuZfiZZment of the ScPiptupes; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the Pight hand of the Fathep. He wiZZ come again in gZopY to judge the Ziving and the dead and His Kingdom wi Z Z have no end.

    We beZieve in the HoZy Spipit, the Lopd, the Givep of Life, Who ppoceedB fpom the Fathep and the Son. With the Fathep and the Son He is wOPshipped and gZoPified. He has spoken thpough the ppophets.

    We beZieve in one hoZy cathoZic and apostoZic Chupch. We acknowZedge one baptism fop the fopgiveness of sins, and the Zife of the wopZd to come. Amen.

    FPayep f. the FaithfuZ

    1. God, heaP yoUP peop Ze. Fpancine Dusza '85


    PpepaPation f. the A Z tap


    1. Sing to the mountains, sing to the sea. Raise youp voices, Zift yoUP heaPts, This is the day the Lopd has made. Let aZZ the eaPth pejoice.

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  • I 1

    1. I will give thanks to you, my Lord. You have answered my plea. You have saved my soul from death. You are my strength and my song.

    2. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

    3. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice. He has turned all death to life. Sing of the glory of God.

    Holy, Holy

    HOLY (Bob Dufford, SJ and Dan Schutte, SJ)

    Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are filled with your glory Hosanna, hosanna on high. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna, hosanna on high.

    Memoria l Acc lamation

    KEEP IN MIND (Lucien Deiss, C.S.SP.)

    Keep in mind that Jesus Christ has died for us and is risen from the dead. He is our saving Lord, He is joy for all ages.

    DOXOLOGY (Bob Dufford, SJ)

    Amen, alleluia, forever and ever, Forever, alleluia, Forever and ever. Amen.

    Please remain seated until the Eucharistic Ministers reach the communion stations. Thank you.

  • Corrmunion Hymns

    CITY OF GOD (Dan Sahutte, SJ)

    1. Awake fpom yOUT' s lumbep! APise fpom yOUT' sleep! A neW day is dawning fop all those who weep. The people in daPkness have seen a gpeat light. The Lopd of OUT' longing has aonqueped the night.

    p. Let us build the aity of God! Let OUT' teaps be tUPned into danaing! Fop the Lopd, oUP light and OUT' love Has tUPned the night into day.

    2. We ape sons of the mOPning; we ape daughteps of day. The One who has loved us has bPightened OUT' way. The Lopd of all kindness has aalled us to be a light fop His people to set theip heapts fpee.

    3. God is light; in Him there is no dapkness. Let us walk in His light, His ahildpen one and all. o aomfopt my people; make gentle your wopd. Proalaim to my aity the day of hep bipth.

    4. 0 aity of gladness, now lift up yoUr' voiae! ppoalaim the good tidings that all may pejoia~!

    ON EAGLE'S WINGS (Miahael Jonaas)

    1. You who dwell in the sheltep of the Lopd, Who abide in His shadow fop life, Say to the Lopd, "My pefuge, My poak in whom I tpust."

    p. And God will paise you up on eagle's wings, BeaP you on the bpeath of dawn, Make you to shine like the sun, And hold you in the palm of His hand.

    2. The snape of the fowlep will nevep aaptUr'e you, And famine will bping you no feaP. Undep His wings yoUr' pefuge, His f aithfulness yoUr' shield.


  • 3. You need not fear the terrop of the night, Nop the arpOlU that flies by day. Though thousands fall about you, Near you it shall not come.

    4. Fop to His angels He's given a command, To guard you in all of yoUP ways. Upon theip hands they will bear you up, Lest you dash yoUP foot upon a stone.


    Final Blessing

    1. Amen.


    1. Thanks be to God.


    Class of 1985

    Please pemain seated until the Class of 1985, celebrant, faculty and administration have left the tent area. Thank you!



    Copyrights are held by the composep as indicated and Nopth American Litupgical Resoupces, 2110 W. Peoria Avenue, Phoenix, Apizona 85029. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    Bloom Whepe You Ape Planted, Carey Landry () 1978. City of God, Daniel Schutte, SJ, @ 1981. Doxology, Bob Duffopd, SJ, @ 1973. Glory to God, John Foley, SJ, @ 1978. HoZy, Bob Duffopd, SJ and Dan Schutte, SJ, @ 1973. Keep in Mind, Lucien Deiss, C.S.SP., @ 1966. On Eagle's Wings, Michael Joncas, @ 1979. Sing to the Mountains, Bob Duffopd, SJ, @ 1975. You Ape Near, Daniel Schutte, SJ, @ 1971.


    Errmanuel College Litupgical MUsicians:

    Mary Desppes Jennifep Kmetty Sue Meiman Julianne Walden

    Eucharistic Ministeps

    Lynn Billingkoff '85 Lisa He1"17lan '85 Keppy Moynihan '85 Tepri Taskey '85


    Mary Lou Gpady Heidi Lessard Karen Quental

    Pame la Bpoum ' 85 Betsy Lavallee '85 Lisa Spelta '85 Bpenda Whitney '85

    Mp. and Mps. John Sheehan Mapgaret Sheehan ' 85 Debopah Jenkins '85 Chpistophep FOUPniep-Jenkins Joanna FOUPniep-Jenkins