The Color Wheel Primary Colors: red, , blue Secondary Colors: orange, green, purple (made by mixing two primary colors together) purple yellow Using Q-tips, first add the three primary colors to the color wheel by “dotting” the paint onto the red, blue, and yellow spaces. Next, use two primary colors to create the secondary colors by “dotting” the paints onto the orange, green, and purple spaces. The primary colors will “blend” together to make the secondary colors. red + = orange + blue = green blue + red = purple WATCH THE VIDEO “The Color Wheel” FOR DETAILED INSTRUSTIONS! 7 Copyright © Yellow Spot:Sun Series by Marrissa Raimonde 2017

The Color Wheel - Amazon S3 · 2017-04-16 · The Color Wheel Primary Colors: red, , blue Secondary Colors: orange, green, purple (made by mixing two primary colors together) w Using

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The Color Wheel Primary Colors: red, , blue

Secondary Colors: orange, green, purple

(made by mixing two primary colors together)

purple yellow

Using Q-tips, first add the three primary colors to the color wheel by “dotting” the paint onto the red, blue, and yellow spaces. Next, use two primary colors to create the secondary colors by “dotting” the paints onto the orange, green, and purple spaces. The primary colors will “blend” together to make the secondary colors.

red + = orange + blue = green blue + red = purple


7 Copyright © Yellow Spot:Sun Series by Marrissa Raimonde 2017

ART CRITIQUE Choose one of Seurat’s paintings and answer the questions below.

•  Describe:(color,lines,shapes,etc...)

•  Analyze:(howarethecolors,lines,&shapesusedintheartwork?)

•  Interpret:(what’sgoingonintheartwork?)

•  Judgement:(Doyoulikeit?Whyorwhynot?)




8 Copyright © Yellow Spot:Sun Series by Marrissa Raimonde 2017

Draw and color the Seurat painting you critiqued in the space above.

Title of painting: _________________________________________________ Date created:____________________________________________________

•  born December 2, 1859, France •  died 1890 (31 years old) •  Studied art techniques in school, focusing

primarily on color •  Had a scientific approach to painting •  Fascinated by optical effects created by color

and the emotional significance color had in paintings

•  Known for creating pointillism (tiny dots of overlapping colors to create an image)

•  Took two years to paint the 10 foot wide canvas of “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”

9 Copyright © Yellow Spot:Sun Series by Marrissa Raimonde 2017

Sketchbook warm-up: Day 1 Drawing tip: sketching objects that are moving

helps you quickly get your ideas on paper


In the spaces below, draw a dog in action (running, playing fetch, standing…)

10 Copyright © Yellow Spot:Sun Series by Marrissa Raimonde 2017

Sketchbook warm-up: Day 3

Drawing tip: the closer the dots are placed together, the darker the image will be. The

further apart the dots are, the lighter the image will appear to be.


Tiny dots of one solid color placed side by side to create an image. This is one of

several drawing techniques used to darken an object and add depth to it on a

flat surface.



Watch the video “Stippling” for a demonstration!

12 Copyright © Yellow Spot:Sun Series by Marrissa Raimonde 2017