GUIDE The Complete Guide to Enterprise Work Management

The Complete Guide to Enterprise Work Management

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Page 1: The Complete Guide to Enterprise Work Management


The Complete Guide to Enterprise Work Management

Page 2: The Complete Guide to Enterprise Work Management

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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................3

SECTION 1: What is Enterprise Work Management? .........................................................................4

SECTION 2: Why is Enterprise Work Management So Hot Right Now? ........................................9

SECTION 3: How Can EWM Benefit My Colleagues and Me? ....................................................... 10

SECTION 4: How is Enterprise Work Management Different From (_____)? ............................. 18

SECTION 5: What Are the Common Features of EWM? ................................................................ 20

SECTION 6: The Business Case for EWM Solutions........................................................................ 21

SECTION 7: An EWM Self-Assessment ............................................................................................. 24

SECTION 8: The Importance of Change Management .................................................................. 26

SECTION 9: Buying EWM .................................................................................................................... 27

SECTION 10: What Are the Common Objections to EWM? ........................................................... 30

SECTION 11: Success with EWM .......................................................................................................... 31

SECTION 12: The Future of EWM ....................................................................................................... 34

SECTION 13: Enterprise Work Management from Workfront ....................................................... 36

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THE WORLD OF WORK IS DIFFERENT TODAY. It’s faster, more complex, and much more disconnected than ever before. For business and project leaders, answering basic questions like… • Who is working on what? • Is it the right work? • And is it on track? …can require an almost herculean effort—with important data trapped in a variety of disconnected software tools, task lists, local hard drives, and sticky notes.

All of that work chaos is taking its toll on business results. By some estimates, as many as 70% of enterprise projects and strategic initiatives fail, costing the global economy more than $6 trillion—that’s trillion with a ‘t’—annually. With so much at stake, many organizations have tried to add greater visibility to their work processes by leveraging traditional project management products or enterprise social networks—only to find that another disconnected tool just makes the problem worse.

A challenge this big can’t be solved with the status quo. Instead, it requires an entirely new approach to the increasingly complex world of work: a revolutionary concept called Enterprise Work Management, or EWM. An EWM solution combines the best of project and task management, social collaboration, real-time reporting, and much more to give knowledge workers and business leaders complete visibility into the entire lifecycle of work—from initial request to final report. This guide will provide you and your colleagues with a complete understanding of Enterprise Work Management—what it is, why it’s important, and how it can help you eliminate the mundane tasks, time-consuming status reports, and tedious update meetings that can consume as much as 40 hours every week (leaving little time for your day job…). It will also explain:

• Why Enterprise Work Management is so hot right now

• How EWM differs from other technologies such as ITSM and PSA solutions

• The common features and advanced functions of EWM tools

• How to build a business case and convince internal stakeholders to act

• The future of EWM

We hope this guide will be a useful resource as you explore all that EWM can do for you and your organization. Please share it freely with your colleagues and stakeholders. Good luck!

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What is Enterprise Work Management?The Source of Work Chaos–Work chaos is a dilemma that plagues virtually every enterprise team. It emerges as a result of serious work mismanagement, and it can take many forms, including:


No one knows the ‘correct’ way to make a request, so requests come in at all times of the day, in all shapes and sizes—without the key information you need. It’s insane trying to keep up with them all.


Your team spends too much time on phone calls, in email, mak-ing desk visits, attending status meetings, and trying to gather data instead of actually executing.


Your strategic direction is disconnected from commitments, which are disconnected from work, which is disconnected from performance tracking and management, etc.


Project owners, team members, and executives don’t engage in your tools because the tools aren’t relevant to their work, and have terrible usability.


Every person and team is using different siloed tools for work, like document sharing, PPM, spreadsheets, email, whiteboards, task management tools, etc., which leads to scattered work data that takes hours to gather.


It’s difficult to know how effectively or ineffectively resources are utilized to deliver on your business commitments.

The Pain You Feel–Unfortunately, the effects of not eliminating those contributors to work chaos are that you and your team end up:


The chaos and frustration of disconnected work leads to unhealthy stress, long hours, too many caffeinated drinks, and eventually, extreme dissatisfaction with your job.


Work chaos and low visibility mean that you and your team members are always running around like your hair’s on fire trying to get the data that you need to appease executives and stakeholders.


Without the information you need for process improvement or the right amount of resource visibility, you have no way to justify priorities or timelines, which results in constantly putting out fires instead of doing strategic work.

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The Cost of Being Disconnected–In reality, however, it’s not the work chaos or the project failures or even the inefficiencies that are the real source of that pain. The real villain is a nasty thing called disconnectedness.

All of those disconnected tools (such as email, spreadsheets, and project management), disconnected processes (including manual tasks and broken workflows), and disconnected people (like remote workers, global teams, and different cultures) that you interact with every day create massive roadblocks to effec-tively managing work —and produce a lot of pain along the way.

In addition, most organizations fail to realize how much all that disconnectedness is costing them in dollars, efficiency, and productivity.


Individuals working in different, disconnected tools inevitably results in team silos and little-to-no work visibility.


When you have work requests flying in from all directions, sometimes they fall through the cracks and time is lost. This can hold back entire projects, tangle up resources, disrupt strategies, and jeopardize a competitive advantage.


Disconnectedness means more employee time is spent in sta-tus meetings and email while everyone tries frantically to get on the same page. It also means that manual processes eat up a ton of the average worker’s day.


Businesses lose $650 billion a year in lackluster job perfor-mance and creativity due to distractions.


The Project Management Institute (PMI) reports that less than two-thirds of projects actually meet their goals and business intent. In fact, it is estimated that for every $1 billion spent on a failed project, $135 million is lost forever...unrecoverable.


Disconnection causes individual team members massive amounts of stress because of low visibility into work and de-pendencies, inefficient processes, and scattered work informa-tion. In fact, three-fourths of American workers describe their work as stressful.

A New Approach–The best way to eliminate disconnectedness and chaos is to unify. Unifying, in the correct way, requires that you think differently also the way you do work.


Using five or more tools scatters your work data, lowers visibil-ity, kills productivity, and increases chaos. It’s time to stop dis-connectedness once and for all by implementing one unified, centralized tool for managing all of your work.


Disconnected tools inevitably lead to disconnected process-es, especially when you’re using separate tools to manage different stages of the project lifecycle and additional tools to manage the rest of your work. The secret to unifying processes is to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of enterprise work, not just parts of the project lifecycle.


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The Entire Lifecycle of WorkUnfortunately, most of the solutions available to help manage work fail to manage it through the end-to-end work lifecycle. At best, they only focus on one or two stages.


Most project and portfolio management (PPM) tools fail to accommodate work other than projects (e.g., unstructured work, everyday “lights-on” work, ad hoc requests, etc.). And PPM tools may work fine for project planning and coordinating, but they leave you with gaps to fill for the rest.


There are thousands of task management tools out there for you to choose from, but they are usually as simplistic as apps, and they only help manage work execution; you’ll have to find other tools to help you plan, prioritize, collaborate, and measure.


Most social tools are apps or add-ons that don’t even allow you to collaborate in the context of your work, meaning that collaboration is disconnected from the actual work it’s related to. With these social tools, collaboration doesn’t flow through the entire work lifecycle.




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Manage work throughout the entire work lifecycleIn contrast, EWM unites these incomplete approaches to address the entire lifecycle of work, creating greater visibility and productivity than ever before. For the first time, managers, teams, and stakeholders can know who’s working on what, is it the right work, and is it on track.

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4 �PPM Play for Solution Implementation

The PPM play for the solution implementation space takes a slightly different tact than other vendors offering so-called PSA solutions. While HCM, CRM and financial ERP vendors tend to market PSA-specific extensions as add-ons to much larger enterprise solutions, PPM vendors market standalone offerings to solution implementers. But what’s interesting is that you’ll find different PPM vendors employ different marketing strategies to brand themselves in the space.

Some PPM vendors will have a SKU for their standard PPM offering and then create a new SKU that they brand as a PSA solution, when it’s basically the same as their PPM SKU with perhaps a few added features for billing and

maybe customer management. A handful of others brand themselves solely as PSA vendors, not PPM vendors—but a close look at their offerings makes it clear that their solutions are really PPM in their approach and design with a little bit of added window dressing to facilitate positioning in the so-called PSA market space.

Lastly, you have the rest of the PPM vendors who don’t even pitch themselves as PSA or solution implementation offerings. However, there might be those in your organization who say, “Our development teams use PPM. Our IT group uses PPM. They have projects. We have projects. Our work is kind of the same. Why don’t we use PPM too?” That’s a great question. And the answer is the same whether the solution comes from a traditional PPM vendor or one that positions itself as a PSA vendor with solutions modeled on or with the same core functionality as PPM tools.

Why is Enterprise Work Management so Hot Right Now?EWM is a hot market because the world of work is changing rapidly, and organizations are scrambling to find new ways to deal with the increasingly complex and disconnected business landscape. Management guru Peter Drucker said it this way:

“The most important, and indeed the truly unique, contribution of management in the 20th century was the fifty-fold increase in the productivity of the manual worker in manufacturing. The most important contribution management needs to make in the 21st century is similarly to increase the productivity of knowledge work and the knowledge worker.”

Peter Drucker

In addition, analyst firms like Gartner have started tracking the growing momentum in this market. Although they may use different names—in Gartner’s case, Collaborative Work Management—the value remains the same.

According to a recent Gartner report on the emerging digital workplace, “Collaborative work management platforms help teams accomplish their goals with more flexibility by combining project management and social software capabilities…The contribution of the collaborative and social capabilities (support for conversations, activity streams, information sharing, team and project spaces, and so on) is not only to help coordinate task execution or handle exceptions.

“These capabilities can also be used to carry out the actual work,” the report continues, “…at least to the extent that the work that needs to be managed involves creating content, making decisions, collecting and organizing information, commenting on reports, making designs, and so on. The advantage of having visibility into work execution from the system that handles work management is that less effort is required to manage it—there is, for example, no need to provide status information.”

Industry analysts and business leaders alike are recognizing the huge potential upside EWM can bring to innovative companies willing to embrace it.

Whether branded as traditional PPM, PSA or a hybrid of the two, the underlying problem of all these solutions is they are designed for command and control rather than interactive team collaboration. As such, they fail to deliver the integrated, seamless experi-ence needed for solution implementation. Simply put, they are planning tools attempting to extend into the area of solution imple-mentation, but lacking the fundamental characteristics and capabilities required to successfully handle the execution of solution implementation work.

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How Can EWM Benefit My Colleagues and Me?Enterprise work management helps IT, marketing, and other enterprise teams conquer the chaos of excessive email, redundant status meetings, and disconnected tools. Here’s how it works:


Your structure may be a little bit different, but a typical enterprise department has multiple teams, each specializing in the delivery of a certain type of work. But these teams don’t have a single, uniform, or integrated way to manage their own work—let alone the work being performed across teams. In fact, most IT departments have 5, 10, even 20 different point solutions to manage their work.

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This problem first shows up when people start asking for help by calling, leaving voicemails, sending emails, texts and instant messages, putting sticky notes on monitors, or tracking you down in the hallway. And that’s just the input.

There are point solutions for planning.

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Point solutions for collaboration, with different users preferring different tools, such as text, internal chat, or email.

Point solutions for status gathering and reporting, the most common of which is usually a basic spreadsheet.

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And point solutions for document sharing, such as Box, Dropbox, or SharePoint.

Compounding the problem of too many point solutions is the fact that these tools typically don’t talk to each other – not horizontally within a team, or vertically across teams. So the information is fractured and siloed.

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And this leads to confusion, poor visibility, and low productivity.

Which causes work to be late, over budget, and incomplete. What percentage of your work would you currently categorize as one of these three?

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Those gaps are taking a costly toll on businesses around the world, as these data points highlight.

But even more challenging, work that is constantly late, over-budget, or incomplete begins to take a personal toll as well:

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What you need is a single system of engagement to manage every type of work your enterprise teams perform—not the 5, 10, or even 20 point solutions you use today.

One that manages the entire work lifecycle—from initial request to final report. A single system that provides you with the visibility that you just don’t have today. And that is exactly what Enterprise Work Management delivers.

As a single system that unifies enterprise work, EWM:

• Manages all types of work scenario (structured, unstructured, Agile, Waterfall, creative, process-driven, ad-hoc, repeatable)

• Addresses the end-to-end enterprise work lifecycle (work identification, prioritization, planning, coordina-tion, execution, delivery, measurement, recognition)

• Have you ever panicked when you were asked for an update on a request that your team completely missed?

• Or how about all the fire drills from the executives because they either can’t see what you’re working on, or you were working on the wrong things?

• Or what happens when your customer is upset that you missed a deadline?

• They never come to you, they always escalate up!

• Think about the finger pointing that occurs when you either miss work or duplicate work.

• What is it like managing the confusion and frustration in your teams because there is no visibility into what is being worked on?

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No more throwing point solutions at the problem, which only address the symptoms and not the root cause. No more management of work by drive by, email, sticky note, or Excel spreadsheet. A tool actually gets adopted, increasing efficiency, boosting productivity, and providing real visibility. And it’s that visibility, in particular, that deliv-ers tremendous benefit to all levels of the organization.

For knowledge workers, it enables better decision making and prioritization, and allows them to work more efficiently.

For managers, better visibility means the alignment of work to goals and strategy and improved team productivity.

And for leaders and senior managers, visibility provides a means to justify resources and budget while ensuring appropriate resourcing for the most strategic initiatives.

• Unifies work tools (goals and planning, social collaboration, document management, workflow manage-ment, work automation, process definition, reporting, approvals)

• Delivers closed-loop performance management (strategy, initiatives, commitments, priorities, outcomes, deliverables, results, impact, recognition)

• Follows enterprise work best practices (change management, maturity models, organizational transforma-tion, proper education)

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How is Enterprise Work Management Different from (_______)?IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT

IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions offer a wide-ranging set of capabilities, but they do two things in particular very well:

• Enforcing top-down service best practices and gover nance frameworks—such as the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)—for IT departments.

• Handling transactional service requests, such as equipment provisioning or end-user application support.

ITSM solutions do not generally include full-featured project and portfolio management capabilities.

In contrast, Enterprise Work Management excels at:

• Providing bottom-up, grassroots work management capabilities that are as useful to business stakeholders and executives as they are to technical IT staff.

• Delivers visibility across the entire lifecycle of work: requests, priorities, progress, reports, etc.

• Managing not just transactional requests but also expansive strategic projects.


Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solutions, such as Microsoft TFS or Rally, are Agile-only tools almost exclusively used by software development teams. ALM solutions have a very engineer-centric feature set.

Enterprise Work Management, on the other hand, embraces all types of work methodologies and can accommodate Agile work as well as traditional Waterfall efforts—often within the

same project. While an ALM tool is focused primarily on devel-opment, EWM takes a broader view of work, encompassing not just development, but also planning, approval workflows, dashboards and reporting, etc.


Professional Services Automation (PSA) solutions help services organizations manage the time and workload of service profes-sionals, including specialized consultants and field personnel. Where PSA solutions excel is in helping those teams manage and maximize consultant utilization, so revenue goals can be achieved. If a service professional’s main metric of success is billable hours, a PSA solution is often a good fit.

Enterprise Work Management takes a different approach, focusing on repeatable work processes that can be automated and optimized. In a services organization, one area in which EWM is an ideal fit is solution implementation and customer on-boarding. With these teams, the primary goal is not billable hours, but rather customer success, adoption, and retention.

Implementation teams typically have a templatized set of tasks each new customer must follow to be successful. A PSA solution is not tuned to that kind of frequent, repeatable, highly collaborative work process.

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“We needed more granularity in our program timeline. It wasn’t enough to say ‘design phase.’ We needed to know where we were in that process to calculate metrics, to see where our holdups were. But there was no way to capture that complexity.”

• In just six months, Peregrine increased its annu al project throughput capacity by 3x, from 10 to 30 per year.

• Time-to-market was accelerated by dramatical ly improving process efficiency.

• Weekly reports are generated automatically, eliminating the need to spend hours compiling data from notes, emails and other sources.

• Team members now save almost an entire day’s worth of work each week.

“The solution gave us the ability to drive responsibility for the timeline down to the proper level—to the people in the organization actually doing the work.”





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What are the Common Features in EWM?Enterprise Work Management gives you one place to manage all of the work you do with all of the stakeholders you need. A complete EWM solution will typically include the following:

Project and Portfolio Management Manage tasks, deadlines, and issues in one easy-to-view spac

Resource Management Balance the workload and maximize the efficiency of your team.

Capacity Planning Allocate your available resources to current and future projects.

Multiple Work Methodologies Choose the work methodology that suits you best, whether that’s Agile, Waterfall, or a mix of the two.

Workflow Automation Manage the lifecycle of work from start to finish, without relying on multiple status meetings.

Request Management Streamline and effectively manage all of your work requests.

Approvals Add control and consistency to your approval processes.

Team Collaboration Utilize one solution for all project and ad-hoc communication.

Document Management Organize, access, and share your documents from one location.

Mobile Access Manage work and requests from your smartphone or tablet.

Social Recognition Recognize good work and provide real-time feedback to your employees.

‘My Work’ Queue View all of your tasks in one place and address the most important work first.

Notifications and Updates Report status and keep everyone up-to-date without relying on emails or phone calls.

Reports and Dashboards Gather the right data and customize your view to get visibility into the metrics that matter.

Time Tracking Log time on projects, tasks, and issues for accurate billing and reporting.

Enterprise-grade Security Guarantee peace of mind with enterprise-grade security and encryption.

Integrations and API Eliminate silos of information by integrating with other enterprise systems, such as Salesforce, SAP, Jira, and others.

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The Business Case for EWM SolutionsWhether the economy is up or down, gaining support from decision-makers to fund any initiative often involves a rigorous approval process. Managers who understand the value of an EWM solution still need to compete for dollars with other departments, including their own.

It takes a strong business case to win funding for important initiatives like Enterprise Work Management. An effective business case should include clear examples of the type of ROI expected and how it will be achieved. The benefits pro-vided by an EWM solution fall into two categories: efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency benefits are easier to quantify because they typically result in saved time and saved money. Effectiveness benefits are less tangible and may include quality improvements and better decisions. However, both types are extremely important when evaluating the ROI of a solution.

QUANTIFYING ENTERPRISE EFFICIENCY GAINS The following efficiency table demonstrates how to quantify the value of five key efficiency benefits of an EWM solution. The calculations used in the table are based on a 30-person team with an average blended hourly rate of $70. Both the monthly estimated costs and gains are based on research and real-world experiences with EWM.







Constant meetings cut into work-ers’ productive and creative time.


A single system of work connects collaboration with work.

RESULT: more context and fewer meetings.


Reduced meetings from 750 to 100 hours per month.

–Partner Weekly


Too many emails to read and sort through consume worker produc-tivity time.


Unified collaboration cuts out excess tools.

RESULT: a single place for all information to reside.

$18,816Reduced emails by over 20%

–Partner Weekly


Lack of visibility, swelling bud-gets, and difficulty prioritizing resources result in a high number of project failures.


Global visibility allows managers to see project status, project resources, and current project costs.

RESULT: managers can better manage resources, stay on budget, and reduce project failure.

$112,75095% of projects within budget.

–American Capital


Time required to manage proj-ects limits the number of projects that can be completed.

10 projects completed annually

Better visibility and work man-agement.

RESULT: an increase in outputs.

30 projects completed annually




Scattered data and disconnected communication leads to output delays.

100 on-time projects

Instant communication and a single source of data between global teams.

RESULT: it’s easier to spot bot-tlenecks and ensure projects proceed on time.

200 on-time projects

Doubled on-time product delivery.


TOTALS $259,330 $159,256




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As the efficiency table indicates, it is important to consider not only the savings gained from increased efficiencies, but also factor in the cost of not correcting current work inefficiencies within the enterprise.

Relying on “doing nothing” solutions or implementing a partial solution that does not address the complete end-to-end work lifecy-cle may be contributing to high ongoing costs. For a team of 30, work inefficiencies are estimated to cost companies $259,330 a month or over $3 million a year—significant dollars that could be better spent elsewhere.


The following effectiveness table demonstrates how to evaluate five EWM effectiveness benefits. While it’s more difficult to mea-sure effectiveness gains than efficiency gains, these types of improvements provide significant business value and are crucial to any business case. The outcomes described are based on real-world experiences with an EWM solution.

As the previous table indicates, EWM technology provides greater effectiveness across a number of areas. Its ability to provide a single source of visibility improves decision-making, reduces the time and resource costs associated with managing projects, empowers employees, and provides for an overall higher level of effectiveness across the enterprise.

In looking for genuine solutions to work management challenges, stepping beyond point solutions or other traditional tools and toward an Enterprise Work Management solution means greater productivity and work success. With EWM, improvements to pre- and post-planning, increased efficiencies, and global visibility from robust data and reporting can all be realized. With the ability to calculate the costs of doing nothing, strong ROI data, and real-world experiences, the business case for an EWM solution is compelling.




DECISION MAKINGLots of guesswork with a tendency to repeat mistakes

Data-driven decisions based on accurate, real-time information

Better business outcomes

Experienced immediate results in key areas with visibility across all work streams, not just projects.

–Tampa General Hospital


Individual managers determine projects without evaluating strategic value.

Work aligned to strategic goals

Improved business growth

Reporting allows informed decisions to aid in evaluation of department work objectives.

–Walt Disney Company


Overburdened or under-utilized resources

Resource requests justified based on accurate projections

Increased efficiency

Management can see who is working on what, hours being spent, and staffing needed.

–American Capital


Confusion, feeling disconnected from other teams, and too many information silos

Empowered employeesIncreased productivity

Helped increase on-time rate to 80 percent by enabling teams to get information they needed.

–American Capital


Inconsistent outcomes and project deliverables

Improved quality of project deliverables

Better project outcomes

Best engineers gained 20 to 30 percent more time for innovating.


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An EWM Self-AssessmentNow it’s your turn. To truly understand the value Enterprise Work Management can bring to your organization, you and your colleagues need to take a closer look at the personal and professional pain that disconnected and chaotic work processes are causing in your own company.

Using the worksheet below, have each of your stakeholders in the EWM buying process answer the questions about the state of work at your organization. Then input the data into the Workfront value calculator (contact your sales engineer for access) to deter-minethe cost of the status quo and the ROI of an EWM solution.



1What is the number of projects you complete each year?

2What percent of your projects currently finish on time and on budget?

3What is the average cost of a typical project?

4What is the average value/ROI of a typical project?

People 1What’s the average salary (hourly rate) for a project leader?

2What’s the average salary (hourly rate) for a project contributor in your organization?

3What is the total number of project leaders? 4What is the total number of project contributors?


1Email – What is the average number of emails received per individual per day?

2Status meetings – How many status meetings do you hold each week? How many people attend? How long do they last?

3Status Updates – On average, how many hours does a project leader spend each week manually gathering status up dates?

4 Project Reports – On average, how many hours does a project leader spend each week creating and updating spreadsheets?

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1What is your current work management solution or solutions?

2What is the annual license expense for your current work management solution(s)?

3What are the annual support expenses for your current work management solution(s)?

4Are there additional maintenance fees that you pay for your current work management solution(s)?






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The Importance of Change ManagementTo overcome the challenges and gaps created by traditional, ad hoc work management—and embrace the benefits of EWM—you need to take an entirely different approach; one that does not end with software alone.

To achieve the vision of EWM, the right software is indeed the foundation. You need a technology platform that provides a single system of engagement for the entire lifecycle of work, from incom-ing requests to outgoing reports; the ability to address any project management methodology, from Agile to Waterfall; one place for managing both planned strategic projects and unplanned ad hoc work; and perhaps most important, it has to be easy. Yes, a soft-ware solution has to have the right functionality, but in the world of social media and mobile apps, companies are now prioritizing ease of use over almost any other requirement.

The technology alone is not enough. No matter how much you invest in software, if people won’t use it, it’s worthless—and you’ll end up with the same work management challenges, only they’re now worse, because you’ve added yet another tool to the mix.

To drive real adoption, you also need expert services. You shouldn’t have to deliver a new approach to work management without experts who have been there before. Any vendor that suggests their solution is “so easy you can use it right out of the box” isn’t willing to take the time to understand your organization. Without expert services, based on an understanding of your in-dustry and unique departmental challenges, it’s going to be nearly impossible to achieve the promise of EWM.

And finally, you need change management, because real enter-prise adoption requires a new way of thinking. Software and ser-vices are vital, but when you’re talking about a new approach to enterprise work, they have to be coupled with a change manage-ment strategy—one that encompasses industry best practice and a maturity model that can grow as your team and work processes do.

Effective change management begins with a strategy that con-siders not just the business impact of EWM but also the cultural impact. One successful company points to four critical success factors in crafting a compelling approach to change management:

1Focus on environment first, technology second

2Secure leadership support

3Let users track their adoption progress

4 Continue education via weekly, topic-focused sessions

When software, services, and best practice change manage-ment come together in one Enterprise Work Management solution, the chances of success increase dramatically.






• Entire lifecycle of work

• All work methodologies

• Planned and unplanned work


• Work management experts

• Solution roadmap

• Department/vertical expertise


• Adoption strategies

• Industry best practices

• Maturity model guidance

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Buying EWMWhen considering an EWM solution, there are a number of capabilities that should be evaluated. The chart below provides an extensive list of these essential functions.



SOLUTION 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

SOLUTION 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ _


• Send the right information to the right teams ] ] ]

• Align and negotiate priorities ] ] ]

• Update requestors in real-time ] ] ]


• View status updates in real-time ] ] ]

• Quickly view resource availability ] ] ]

• Get project data you can trust ] ] ]



SOLUTION 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

SOLUTION 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ _


• Clear frameworks mean no lost work requests ] ] ]

• Everyone understands priorities ] ] ]

• Clarity builds trust with stakeholders ] ] ]


• Get full visibility into each team member’s workload and capacity ] ] ]


• Evaluate and optimize team member substitutions and utilization ] ] ]

• Make reliable resource forecasts ] ] ]

WORK PLAN AND COMMITMENTS • Ensure target deliverables and requirements are met ] ] ]


Use the checklist below to compare up to 3 solutions side-by-side. Next, note the features that are missing and evaluate how important they are to your team’s ability to manage the entire lifecycle of work (the only way to avoid work chaos). Understanding the trade-off s between diff erent solutions will help you see the benefit of implementing one tool over another.


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SOLUTION 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

SOLUTION 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ _


• Validate, align, and prioritize requests ] ] ]

• Make informed portfolio decisions ] ] ]


• Automate repeatable processes to save time ] ] ]

• Standardize processes ] ] ]

• Avoid forgetting dependencies ] ] ]

TASK ASSIGNMENTS• View accurate workloads for team members ] ] ]

• Manage all tasks in one place ] ] ]


• Keep all project tracking in one location ] ] ]

• Save time with integrated time sheets ] ] ]



SOLUTION 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

SOLUTION 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ _


• Easily see workload and availability ] ] ]

• Forecast resources accurately ] ] ]


• Manage all work in one place

• Get full visibility into each team member’s workload and capacity ] ] ]


• Keep team members on the same page ] ] ]

• Collaborate in a central location

• Build a sense of team engagement ] ] ]


• Communicate and collaborate in real-time ] ] ]

• Filter out the ‘noise’ of day-to-day work

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SOLUTION 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

SOLUTION 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ _


• Get real-time visibility that demonstrates the progress and value of your projects ] ] ]

• Stop frantically searching multiple applications for the information you need ] ] ]


• Easily control the IT Governance process ] ] ]

• Get visibility into resource utilization and availability ] ] ]



SOLUTION 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

SOLUTION 3 ___ ___ ___ ___ _

GOALS AND INITIATIVES• Set and manage achievable goals ] ] ]

• Set clear expectations for team members ] ] ]


• Schedule and track meaningful milestones ] ] ]

• Use workflow for approvals, so nothing gets lost ] ] ]


• Provide instant feedback to team members ] ] ]

• Ensure team members are recognized for their work ] ] ]

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What are the Common Objections to EWM?Why would we want an EWM solution if we already have a PPM tool in place? There are many companies that provide project and portfolio management capabilities for hard-core project managers. However, EWM appeals to teams that are not only looking to manage projects from the top down, but to enable more effective work from the bottom up. Analyst firms like Gartner have noted recently that this “work management” (vs. traditional project management) approach is gaining significant momentum.

Why should I consider an EWM solution when spreadsheets and email are free? You may have already paid for spreadsheets and email, but that doesn’t mean they’re good for managing work. Using email to share project information creates contextual gaps and information black holes. And while spreadsheets are useful, they’re time-consuming to create—and outdated as soon as you hit “save.” As a single system of truth and engagement, EWM actually helps companies eliminate disconnected tools and information silos.

I like the idea of a single system of engagement, but isn’t it unrealistic to think we could accom-plish all of our work in one system? Much of what knowledge workers do every day—gathering and prioritizing requests, reviewing and approving documents, gener-ating status reports, and so on—could easily be moved and drive much greater efficiency within a single system. For other sources of work information, such as a CRM tool or an enterprise file sharing service, a robust EWM solution will include integration mod-ules to automatically extract data and documents from those peripheral systems.


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Success with EWMDepending on your organization’s goals, a successful Enterprise Work Management solution can take a variety of shapes and sizes. But as the following examples demonstrate, those benefits can have a material impact on both the bottom line and the daily routine:

Emerson Electric Company Industry: Manufacturing/TechnologyEmployees: 130,000



• The average span for the planning phase on new product develop-ment projects has been reduced from 11 months to just under 3 months.

• The team has increased visibility into over 95% of capitalized R&D costs (up from 52%)—an improvement in real dollars of more than $500,000.

• 80% of projects now follow the corporate NPD process.

• Status meetings dropped from 90 minutes to 25 minutes.

• “With EWM, we can manage our work instead of put out fires.” Tampa General HospitalIndustry: HealthcareEmployees: 5,000


“Before EWM, our new product development process was filled with guesswork. Our process wasn’t standardized and only 15% of our R&D projects were following the corporate NPD process.”

“The intake of a single project request would absorb several hours of planning and discussion to determine resource availability and portfolio alignment—just to take a request to governance for approval. With no system to capture project data in one place, communications between team members were often maintained through email and lost once the project was completed.”

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• Within the first few months of using EWM, the project success rate grew from 84% to 93%.

• The team gained an estimated 10% of their time back to improve projects.

• Status meetings dropped from 90 minutes to 30 minutes.

• “At any moment, we could show executive management the work we’d performed, how upcoming projects could impact the portfolio, and more—all in customized, intuitive reports.”

Trek Bicycle CorporationIndustry: ManufacturingEmployees: 1,750



• Status meetings were reduced from 2–3 per week to 1 per month.

• Project managers gained 30% of their time back to work on strategic projects.

• On-time delivery went from 50% to an 80% average.

• The team was able to align with the same timeline as the Taiwanese office—the U.S. team could leave for the day, the Taiwanese would start their day, and then the U.S. team could come in the morning and tasks would be updated.

• “It was a better way for us to communicate.” Carphone Warehouse Industry: RetailEmployees: 5,000


“Our team was using so many tools to manage our work, project managers spent 30% of their time retyping timeline items from MS Project into emails.”

“The volume of store refits was increasing and timescales to complete them were shrinking, making the Excel solution even more fragile and labor intensive. We had to deal with issues on a case-by-case basis, with no time to investigate and fix root causes. We couldn’t even quantify how specific issues were occurring.”

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• Store set-up time was cut by 50% (from 4 days to 2 days on average).

• Status meetings were reduced from 3 to 1 per week.

• The investment in EWM was recouped in just 2 months.

• The number of refit projects handled was increased by 200%—tripling the team’s work capacity.

• Customer satisfaction and employee engagement were both im-proved.

• Fewer issues reduced the cost of each store refit and enabled the team to open refit stores faster, preventing loss of revenue from late openings.

• “We couldn’t have the visibility we have if our whole team wasn’t using EWM, working off the same information.”

IDEX Health & ScienceIndustry: ManufacturingEmployees: 6,717



• Turnaround time for customer quotes was reduced by 64%.

• Project capacity increased by an astounding 367%.

• In two years, the team’s annual project capacity grew from 6 to 28.

• Customer quotes are turned around in 5 days now instead of 14.

• “It is flexible and we can adapt it to work for us rather than trying to conform our business to it.”

These are just a few examples. Companies of all sizes and across all industries have realized huge gains by implementing an EWM solution.

“Our engineers were wearing their shoes out running around the facility to different buildings trying to track things down. Our team was losing at least 15% of their time every week.”

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The Future of EWMThe issues that have created the complexity and disconnected workforce leading to the growing need for Enterprise Work Management are only going to become more pronounced. These three trends, in particular, will continue to drive companies to seek greater work visibility and efficiency well into the future:


The explosive global usage of consumer-grade social network-ing sites has had a significant impact on how we do business today. According to Pew Research Center, 72% of adults who use the Internet also use social networking sites. The behav-iors and habits we have developed through our use of social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Instagram, and other interactive media have primed us for communicating and sharing information openly.

Ten years ago, it was not possible to manage the end-to-end work of our global teams in real-time, such as providing advice, asking questions, having a bird’s-eye view into the projects that our team members are working on, or taking a detailed look when needed. Now it is. The same media we use to commu-nicate in our personal lives is becoming incorporated into how we collaborate about work, and EWM is at the forefront of that transition.

FLATTER ORGANIZATIONS AND THE VOICE OF THE EMPLOYEE The traditional brick-and-mortar organization with a pyra-mid-structured hierarchy and command-and-control manage-ment method is on its way out, yielding to a flatter and more flexible organizational structure where outdated management styles and information silos don’t exist, collaborative work is expected, and the voice of the worker is powerful—and heard. These are big changes from the traditional model of a compa-ny and they will take some adjustment, but the returns will be significant. According to The Role of Employee Engagement in the Return of Growth report, workers who are committed to their organiza-tions put in 57% more effort than workers who consider them-selves disengaged. If workers are engaged, they will be more passionate about their work and they will be more motivated to get work done and achieve results.

FLEXIBLE WORK POLICIES AND THE SEARCH FOR WORK-LIFE BALANCE The reign of the 9-5 workday is coming to an end, as flexible work arrangements of one kind or another are increasing in demand. The modern workforce seeks a balance between a personal and professional life, and organizations are, to an increasing extent, recognizing that traditional schedules might not be the best fit for everyone. According to Gallup, organizations that offer the opportunity to work remotely might have advantages when it comes to hours worked and worker engagement. Remote workers tend to log more hours than their counterparts who work on-site, and are slightly more engaged (32% engagement) than their peers who work on-site (28% engagement). Also, remote workers don’t require office space, cutting back on real estate expenses, one of the most significant costs for businesses. But with this in-crease in dispersed teams spanning all time zones also comes an increased need for more effective methods of collaboration to keep teams united and connected to their work. Each of these trends, and many other similar movements, are forcing companies to take a hard look at how work gets done. The complexity, the distance, the generational differences, and the proliferation of collaborative tools in today’s workplace will continue to drive demand for EWM well into the future.

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“Our on-time metrics made it difficult for us to understand why projects weren’t on time. Some were off by months rather than a week or a couple of days.”

• In the first 24 months of using EWM, on-time ratings improved by 125%.

• Project data was used to balance resource workloads and target project goals.

• Communication with the finance department was improved by capturing order and financial management processes.

• “I love it when my colleagues look at our group and say, ‘You do what? How do you do that?’”

“It made sense. It was logical to follow. It was easy to use, easy to view. Reporting was whatever you needed it to be.”




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Enterprise Work Management from WorkfrontWorkfront is a cloud-based Enterprise Work Management solution that helps IT, marketing, and other enterprise teams conquer the chaos of disconnected tools, excessive email, and redundant status meetings

As a single system of engagement for all types of work, all work methodologies, and both technical users and business stakehold-ers alike, WorkfrontEWM provides a comprehensive solution to the increasingly complex and disconnected world of work, delivering these benefits:

• SIMPLIFICATION Unifying your tools and processes means no more switching back and forth between dispa-rate tools or badgering team members for status updates.

• CONNECTION Team members are connected to their work and to each other because everyone is on the same page, able to collaborate within the context of their work, and using the same processes.

• VISIBILITY Everyone has the visibility they need in order to do their job more efficiently. Team members can see dependencies and timelines, managers can see statuses, progress, and proper resource allocation, and executives have what they need in order to justify costs.

• SAVED TIME Time-sucking status meetings and navigat-ing long email chains for data become a thing of the past. When tools and processes are unified, you get contextual collaboration that saves everyone time.

• SAVED MONEY Buying books, paying for several different tools or consultants, and bad processes that waste team member’s time cost you in the long run. Workfronteliminates all of those extra costs.

• HAPPINESS When you’re unified, everyone is happy. People are engaged in their work, feel like their contribution matters, and no longer feel frustration from being over allocat-ed or left in the dark.

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Conquer Work Chaos with Workfront

With an Enterprise Work Management solution like Workfront, your team will enjoy:

• An easy-to-use, adoptable platform

• Collaboration in the context of work

• Real-time visibility into all types of work

• Multi-methodology capabilities

• Customized reports and dashboards


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8. “How Tampa General Hospital Increased Their Project Success Rate by 11%.” AtTask. Accessed November 04, 2014. http://www.attask.com/it/resource/casestudy tampa-general-hospital-increased- project-success-rate-11.

9. “Trek Bicycle Kickstarts Their On-time Product Delivery with AtTask.” AtTask. Accessed November 04, 2014. http://www.attask.com/it/resource/casestudy/trek-bicycle-success-story.

10. “Carphone Warehouse Triples Work Capacity and Drives Revenue with AtTask.” AtTask. Accessed November 04, 2014. http://www.attask.com/it/resource/casestudy/carphone-warehouse-tripled- work-capacity-attask.

11. “How IDEX Health & Science Increased Capacity by 367% with AtTask.” AtTask. Accessed November 04, 2014. http://www.attask.com/it/resource/casestudy/idex-health-science-increased-capacity- 367-attask.

12. “Social Networking Use.” Pew Research Center. Last modified May 2013. http://www.pewresearch.org/data-trend/media-and- technology/social-networking-use/.

13. “The Role of Employee Engagement in the Return of Growth.” Business Week. Last modified August 13, 2010. http://www.businessweek.com/managing/content/aug2010/ca20100813_586946.htm.

14. “Remote Workers Log More Hours and Are Slightly More Engaged.” The Gallup Blog. Last modified July 12, 2013. http://thegallupblog.gallup.com/2013/07/remote-workers-log-more-hours-and-are.html.