The Consciousness Manifesto

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Revealing the colossal force hindering your self-realization and 7 principles to experience the whole as yourself, despite the physical and psychological trappings

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The Consciousness Manifesto

The Consciousness Manifesto






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From: Consciousness

Everywhere in ultimate Reality.


To: You

In the planet you call “Earth”.


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The Consciousness Manifesto

Dear Clementine,

If you apply these seven spiritual principles you are about to know, you will spontaneously

experience Life in its Totality and transform yourSelf and the world into a higher possibility.


"I am not Clementine," you are thinking.

I hear you are correcting me, "I am not Clementine, I am […]!"

But wait, wait.

Even before your mother knew she had you in her womb, just right after her egg

fertilization, you were already there as a complete nameless sentient being. You exist in the

material world before anyone there was aware you already existed. You exist before a name

was even planned for you. So you are not your name.

A name doesn't make you live. You have a name because you exist.

You just are, so don't insist with "I am […]".

You just are, the same as ants, bears, sharks, apple trees, sunflowers, which haven't chosen a

name for themselves. Well, I know is hard to grasp it, because you are addicted to your

name, to your human identity.

You are reading this manifesto because you want to return to the simplicity and the

possibilities of your essence, but you resist every time something forces you to look at


But deeply within you, I can hear you correcting me, "I am not Clementine, neither […], I

just am."

Declare loud and clear "I don't have a name".

Declare loud and clear "I just am". Declare, “I am Existence.”

And by the way, sorry for the catch :(

But Now you claim, "I control my body, I am breathing, I exist."

Neither "I am" means that you are your compact body.

You insist on concretizing yourSelf, huh?


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If for surviving you need something that is outside your compact body, air, then your

Existence is outside your compact body, you cannot be just the inside. Your inside is alive

because the outside is alive. You are breathing inside because there's breathing outside. You

cannot become empty of the outside stuff, even for an instant.

If for concretizing your body, you need something that is most of the time in soil, food, then

your Existence is outside your compact body, you cannot be the inside. You grow by eating

because the alien beings increase by eating as well. Your inside is alive because the outside is


When your inside becomes empty of the outside, the outside fills it again. How can you

claim your inside exists independently of the outside? Even, how can you claim there's an

outside and that only you are alive? There's just a Whole, and All is alive!

The minerals outside, water, air, food, becomes your nails, your hair, your tissue, your

bones, your brain, etc. All that becomes your compact body. What you claim as your compact

body is made of exactly all the minerals you don't consider your compact body.

You are a mineral accumulation, only possible due to the mineralogical world around you.

Simply, you have no compact body.

So my dear mineralized organism, declare loud and clear “I don't have a compact body.”

It's hard to accept you are not your body. I understand you.

Every time something forces you to expand your limits and see yourSelf as you are and

achieve liberation from all the bondages, you resist. You insist on getting identified yourSelf

with what you think you are, a limited fleshy body, which will die regardless.

I can reaffirm your physical identity by telling you, “yes, you are your name and your body.”

But won't you ever aspire to something more?

Even if I give you the best name and the best body, you won't be fulfilled. And even worse,

this identification with the limited brings you suffering.

And if you think this is a master class of Ecology, beware that you are way beyond the

Ecology. You should understand that your mind has been constricted to a point that cannot

hold even the idea that you are the Totality. You are reading this manifesto because you still

cannot experience the Whole as yourself and get liberated from all the limitations.

Keep reading please.


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You are unlimited but you insist on getting identified with the limited.

You insist on concretizing yourSelf. Now you claim, "I can think about everything so I

should, at least, have a mind.”

Neither being nameless nor bodyless mean that you are your concrete mind.

If you need for thinking, something that is outside your concrete mind, Reality, then your

thinking is outside your concrete mind, your mind cannot be the inside. You think because

the outside exists. You are intelligent inside because there's intelligence outside. If the

outside dies, you will die. Could you think if your compact body is dead? You can think

because you exist and you can exist because everything exists.

If for thinking, you need to go from thought to thought, something is in-between, the

enabling-space. Then your thinking is far from being continuous or concrete. How can you

claim your thoughts exist independently of the eternal enabling-space? How can you claim

your mind thinks? The enabling-space powers the thinking!

If all the ideas, concepts, words preceding your physical Existence become your worldview,

then what you claim as your concrete mind is made of precisely all the ideas you don't

consider your concrete mind. Everything that is in your concrete mind has come from the

outside of the limits of your concrete mind, from the shared mind. Your mind is not

restricted to your head.

Simply, you have no concrete mind.

Declare loud and clear “I don't have a concrete mind”.

If you insist on getting identified with your body and mind, beware that one day, they will

be taken away from you.

Well, I understand you cannot surrender your compact body-mind because you couldn't get

things done, you couldn't Self-preserve from a threat. You couldn't live pleasantly, enjoying

love, food, relationships and so on. Your species couldn't survive. For all these things, you

need your concrete senses.

If your body-mind becomes weaker than a hungry wolf, then a wolf might finish you. If your

body-mind becomes weaker than climate, then a storm might finish you.

Right now you are reading this manifesto because simply you have not been finished. Your

body-mind has outsmarted wolves and storms. A vulnerable body-mind is a threat to your


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physical Existence. A body-mind must be concrete. Body-mind and Human Life are


You should be grateful you have a body-mind :)

Concretizing your body-mind is fine because it helps you survive and thrive.

Your physical dimension is a possibility.

But is it your body-mind that survive?

In a moment of threat, the aliveness of Existence, in the form of air you breathe, the food

you have eaten, the actual space holding the earth, which is holding you, is turned into a

fight or flight activity. Your body-mind survives because the Whole Universe survives.

Declare loud and definite: my body-mind can't survive if the Universe doesn't survive.

So, if your body-mind doesn't breathe, neither thinks, neither survives, then your body-

mind does nothing exclusively. Nothing.

I mean it. Existence doesn't happen in a mold.

Wherever there's a body-mind, there are air, water, earth feeding and holding it, and so on.

Wherever there's earth, there is the sun, and the other planets that keep everything

balanced, wherever you see planets, there is the infinite enabling-space holding everything

as well. The same with any so-called “plant”, “insect” or any apparent mold that inhabits the

physical world.

A mold is not contained in itself, but in infinity.

Everything happens as a Whole, not as any fragment. Fragments don't belong here.

Declare loud and definite, Existence doesn't occur in any mold.

Existence doesn't happen exclusively in body-minds.

You are breathing Now because the Universe is breathing Now; you are thinking Now

because the Universe is thinking Now, and you exist Now because the Universe exists Now.

But you claimed, “I have a name and a body-mind, and I survive.” Blah, blah, blah.

The happening in your body-mind mold is not happening anywhere but in your mind.

Your body-mind is a delusion.


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If your body-mind dies, the surroundings remain.

Everything occurring in your body-mind is so because of everything that occurs around the

body-mind. Life is not about any body-mind, Life is around any body-mind. If the

surroundings die, your body-mind dies, if the surroundings live, your body-mind lives, if the

surroundings change, your body-mind changes.

And after all, if your body-mind would survive, that will be it?

Well, you already are aware that you are not your name and that your body-mind is not an

independent fragment. But if you still think that your name and body-mind are divisions

that help you focus your attention and understand the world around you, then tell me, can

you draw a line where that world ends, and you begin? Is the boundary your skin? Is the

boundary a bubble parallel to your skin? You can go ahead and draw your line. But is this

edge real outside your mind? You must understand that dividing the Whole, for whatever

reason, will lead you to live in a false world. How could you know Reality as is and get

liberated, if you falsify the very Reality you want to know?

You are one conscious and indivisible thing, but you are pretending to be a fragment out of

this Whole. It's like claiming that independent drops exist in the ocean; such separation is

real only inside the limits of your skull.

Existence is not happening in a human mold. Even your apparent compact body is an

infinite space-mineral creation out of an infinite Reality.

What kind of sickness you have that you don't want to see Reality as is?

What kind of sickness you have that you can't see yourSelf as you truly are?

Declare loud and clear “my name is Existence”.

Declare loud and clear “my mind is limitless”.

State loud and clear “my body is infinite”.

You have become a disconnected being in a unified Reality, but this separation has relevance

in your thought process only, not in Existence.

What's the point of cutting yourSelf from Totality into whatever this or that, if now you

want to perceive beyond your human senses? You want to be more than your bounded

identity. You are compulsively looking to expand yourSelf beyond your Self-imposed limits

to getting integrated into the Whole.


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You want to be free!

But is inconsistent. You concretize your Existence into a body-mind but then you are not

satisfied with your mundane separated Existence. In a way, you want to widen your

horizons after putting yourSelf into a prison.

You are part of something vast and marvelous, but you have excluded yourSelf from it. The

Whole humanity is secretly longing for this Wholeness.

Chopping your integrity seems a Self-destructive tendency, right?

If you are longing for being, then yet you are not.

It's time I unlock the secret of how humanity came to be separated from me, the Whole…


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The Consciousness Manifesto

Individual identity

The first science

At the beginning of your species these sensations were typical during the transient and

recurrent moments when your ancestors couldn't see even their hands:

A crawling in your back. A persistent buzzing in your most exposed ear. Dry leaves on the

ground being crushed, one at a time, by gazing creatures. Distant and close roarings, some

prolonged and some suddenly superposed by louder ones. The pulse of the witness' heart in

her throat. Just to name a few.

During this darkness and under such frenetic activity, Life depended on the ability to

interpret each sound, each change. By the time they woke up, your ancestors could see their

hands again, the activity of all sort of plants and creatures continued, but attention was then

not so much needed as it was in darkness.

Everybody was inexperienced on what was going on because nobody had ever experienced

what was going on. The Reality was so rapidly turning into something unexpected that any

anticipation would have failed. Memory was just useless. The thinking was for the has-been.

You would be straight dead if you took your attention out of the Now because that would

produce a weak response to the present moment, which was remarkably a new moment.

Those who didn't pay attention to the present moment, wouldn't walk into the next present


In summary, Life was so intense that there was only attention to figuring out what was

happening in the present. No chance to not paying attention to Life. No chance to imagine

Life. Only time to live Life. Physical security was paramount. Your hearing, your touching,

your smelling, your seeing, your body, were your ways to know and experience the Reality.

The heart was your center then.


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Individual identity

And for a variety of other reasons humans were exposed to more dangers than other


This extra exposition and humans' complete integration into the flux of Life required an

insane amount of attention to the present moment. Then, the present was just so much

(well, still is so).

Your heart pulsed according to the rhythm of Nature.

It was darkness, the Unknown, danger, and insecurity, well, Life itself, that fostered the

development of humans' exceptional attention.

And so because humans were constantly under threat, they were constantly alert.

Consequently, their attention grew, and grew and grew. And so developed their competence

for dealing with the active Life. They arrived at better conclusions about the Life's activity

around and developed better ways to organize the day-to-day (better shelters and routines).

In the long run, they took care of survival.

As attention was less required on the outside, less attention went to the outside. What

remained was attention itself. Free attention!

With this amazing attention and time to use it, early humans started noticing, even more,

the subtle meaning of everything happening around them. For a lion darkness was time to

hunt or rest, for humans something else. For insects fruits were a source of food, for

humans something else. For the rest of animals, Existence was surviving and procreation,

for humans something else. Your species started noticing more consciously, not only

“instinctively,” the subtle meaning of everything and the possibilities of Existence. They

started perceiving that light is a continuity of darkness and darkness is a continuity of light,

that a higher sea level is a continuity of a lower sea level and vice versa, that the non-physical

is a continuity of the physical and that the physical is a continuity of the non-physical, and

so on. They were aware of this continuity, of this perfect entangled Whole.

When they controlled the perturbations, then two consecutive moments started to seem

pretty much the same, and the sense of continuity arose. Anticipations began to make sense

because they worked and this created room for longer intervals between mind perceptions.

This way, thinking and so time emerged.

Humans became psychological creatures. The center started moving away from the heart to

the mind. The animal need of physical security transcended into a need for psychological



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The Consciousness Manifesto

But in an ever-changing and borderless Existence, your ancestors struggled because they

couldn't focus their colossal attention. The need for psychological security soon brought

humans an unsurmountable uneasiness.

In a borderless Existence, there's no point where light turns into darkness and darkness into

light. There's no an edge where the low sea level turns into high level and vice versa. There's

no point where the non-physical turns into physical and the physical turns into non-

physical. They couldn't just arbitrarily set turning points on this apparent symmetry as there

is no such mark in my Wholeness until the first innovation came…

They knew there was not a single location or moment when the unmanifested becomes

manifested neither the manifested turns into unmanifested. They just split the continuum

somewhere in-between. The manifested would start at the instant they set the start. So, the

beginning of the manifested (physical) would be the end of the unmanifested (non-

physical), and the end of the unmanifested would be the start of the manifested.

After having divided the natural energy into the unmanifested and the manifested or the

spiritual and the material, then they moved forward and split other aspects of Reality.

For instance, they broke the natural rhythms of the sun and earth into day and night, the

beingness into Life and death, the creatures into feminine and masculine.

They also divided the action into activity and receptivity, and then emotions into love and

fear, then thinking into thinking and no thinking, then behavior into good and bad, then

time into past and future, and so forth.

They turned the apparent symmetry of Existence into law. As the day so the night, as the

night so the day, as rising so lowering, as entering so leaving. In summary, as above so


This measurement of Existence led to an increasing sense of psychological security,

understanding, and practical applications. Well, definitely a leap…

The first technologies

Fire is not something you regularly meet by chance in Nature, and when you find it, you

cannot infer its mechanism from merely looking at it. To create fire, you've got to

understand how a delicately sustained tension between air and earth must exist. In perfect

balance, as one.


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Individual identity

The mastering of fire was not something your ancestors stumbled upon but the result of a

deep understanding of the inner workings of the opposing elements that produce fire. Fire

is a product of Unity, the ultimate knowledge. Harnessed through duality.

The same way, eating a variety of plants was not something your ancestors stumbled upon.

To diversify your nourishment, you've got to understand how the mineral structure inside

matches the mineral structure outside. In perfect balance, as one.

But this correspondence is not self-evident by mere gazing at plants or at the human body.

Eating plants is a product of Unity, the ultimate knowledge. Harnessed through duality.

Similarly, cutting was not something your ancestors stumbled upon but the result of a deep

understanding of the mechanics involved in dividing things, first stinging, then chopping,

and so on. Precise forces and resistance must participate for cutting to occur. Sharpness is

not self-evident in Nature, neither cutting. To cut, you've got to understand how an active

surface and a passive surface interacts. In perfect balance, as one.

Cutting with tools is a product of Unity, the ultimate knowledge. Harnessed through


Turning seeds into sprouts was not an accident neither. Seeing a plant, doesn't reveal what

makes it grow.

Growing plants intentionally were not something your ancestors stumbled upon but the

result of a deep understanding of the mechanics involved in Life growth. To grow food,

you've got to understand how a passive seed becomes active in the soil and how the active

plant produces passive seeds again. In perfect balance, as one.

Growing food intentionally is a product of Unity, the ultimate knowledge. Harnessed

through duality.

Duality powered not only a technical revolution.

By chopping the continuity of Existence into human segments, your ancestors reduced the

domain of perception and so increased the intensity of their attention, even more. They

used this new level of focus for the development of new technologies, new forms of

organization, and so on.

Tuning the mind for higher levels of perception is a long and lonely journey, so all these

developments took years and were first tested in solitude.

Many pioneers were stretching the possibilities of using the mind in this new way.


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When one of these pioneers presented her findings, her community transformed, not only

in the way they lived but in the way they perceive the possibilities of Life.

She became the master of her Life and circumstantially, masters of the Life of others.

Everyone in the community wanted to know and asked all kind of questions. As this

spiritual pioneer was fully integrated and so inclusive and because such joy of knowing

cannot be contained, she was overeager to pass on her wisdom.

The first school

This pioneer conceived edges, but she always perceived the Whole. For her, there was no

separation between the observer and the observed.

Everyone in her community was also fully integrated because being separated from the

Whole would have meant an insurmountable conflict for survival. But these attentive

animals had taken care of that and so they were ready for the leap.

Then, she started transmitting the mental mechanism of separation. Systematically, the

unmanifested and manifested, then the Now and not Now, then the day and the night, then

the passive and the active, then the radical idea of man and woman, and so on.

The students intuited all the possibilities of this polarity right on the spot.

Keep in mind that for an animal turned into a psychological creature but still in need of

security, they received this extra psychological security with so much enthusiasm.

Later they learned that the differentiation could be exacerbated to make the technology

more useful or more enjoyable. For example, they learned that for feeling love more

intensely, they should make fear bigger, to make a moment brighter, the early moment

should be darker, to make men more attractive, they just made women more different and

to make women more attractive, they just made men more different, and so on. This acute

differentiation led to tremendous new opportunities and sensations but also to an

enormous new problem.

As the distance between poles got bigger and bigger, they started losing sight of the Whole.

Put differently, duality brought separation. A tiny one, at first. Lamentably, the separation

had the potential of being crystallized.

The first sage had the experience of Wholeness and understood the division was an illusion.

But the division caused the illusion of separateness and further, the concretized


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Individual identity

separateness created even more division. Sooner or later, as the separation was taught to

the first initiates, it became real to many, and so they would never again perceive the

integrity of the Whole.

In a way, humans first used the technology, and then the technology used them.

In other words, humans first used their intelligence, and then their intelligence started

using them.

The separation became real. Some studied the Spiritual only, and some studied the Physical

only, as separate aspects not as a continuity of the same activity.

At some point, these first initiates had been thoroughly hypnotized by duality. In a way, they

ate the fruits of false knowledge of good and evil ;)

Well, to be more precise, the “good and evil” ate them.

The first sage harnessed the energy and intelligence from the Totality to the Totality, not for

herself, because she never perceived herself as separated. But those first initiates trapped in

the separation, the first Egos, harnessed the energy and intelligence from the Totality to a

fragment, to themselves. For the first time, being separated, brought them a tremendous


They perceived the power harnessed for themselves coming from some mysterious external

source. Hence, they started acting as powerful separated creatures.

These few Egos, ignorant of the ultimate truth that everything is a single entangled Whole,

which also includes them, ended believing that they could manipulate the observed (where

“others” were unmistakably included).

Put differently, the few initiates conceived Reality as a perfectly entangled Whole

supporting their motives.

In some way, in the first school, an integrated master taught separation. In the next school,

some slightly separated students turned into teachers, taught separation, and so forth. The

separation gained so much momentum to the point that the next masters at their schools

taught an entirely different curriculum.

Inconvenient intelligence

In the school of the Egos, the students were aspirants to Egos (Wannabe-Egos).


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But how would a crystallized Ego share the idea that the Reality “over there”, is one

entangled organism, which any Ego can use for its benefit?

Put differently, in the process of separation, the first Egos wouldn't allow the next Egos to

arise. Plainly, the egoistic teachers perceived the innocent students as competition.

As Egos, your relationship to power is that you cannot let go of it. Especially, the Ego's

unwillingness to share knowledge to level the field is its signature. Right now, you can see

this at play in business, politics, sports, relationships, and so on. Consequently, there was

serious doubt about the willingness of other initiates to let their power go.

Thus, the Egos argued that the Wannabe-Egos were just not prepared or capable of

understanding “the truth.” This was the time when those who “understand Reality” were

arbitrarily singled out from humanity.

Then their communities were classified into an exclusive group of masters (the Egos) and

the rest who “don't understand the truth” (the competition of the Egos or the Wannabe-


You should be aware that these selective spiritual masters were Egos, who had never

experienced Unity. They were afraid that the Wannabe-Egos would tap into their power,

ignoring there was something even greater if they would include themselves into the Whole

the Egos thought they could understand and manipulate.

The Egos didn't realize that both, the Egos and the Wannabe-Egos are wannabe-Selves.

Hence, the lust for power of a few Egos, derived from the ignorance of separation, is the

brute force that is blocking your enlightenment because the Egos created a mechanism, so

the Wannabe-Egos never escape duality and go beyond into the ultimate Unity.

Those masters were also “individuals” separated from the rest, with a difference, they knew

how to take advantage of that Whole because they were somehow connected to it. They

thought the Oneness of that Whole was real, but they ended up conceiving themselves not

part of that Whole.

Consequently, if the rest (the Wannabe-Egos) couldn't comprehend how they were, even

remotely, connected to the All, then they should grasp how they were fully sorted out. This

way, the fairy tale of separation got started. That some were individuals “entirely” separated

from the Totality, without the ability to directly harness it.


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For the Egos, the architects of this organized separation, the rest (the Wannabe-Egos)

would be content with themselves, but nobody has been able to stop the horde of Seekers

(most of them turned into believers) compulsively trying to integrate into a bigger Reality.

Beware that the gullible masses going to temples, praying, superstitious, etc., are clearly

aware of the possibility of the reunification (not of the true medium to achieve it). Other

Seekers like you, realize that understanding what makes you human and the world around

you, will make you return to the simplicity and the possibilities of your essence.

No matter your financial situation, whether wealthy, middle class, or poor; no matter your

qualifications, whether you studied something or remain uneducated; you all struggle with

this reunification necessity quite openly.

Every individual is looking to become integral and so free from any longing.

Wherever there is a separated human, you recognize that particular sense of incompletion

that leads to that particular longing, the compulsive need to embrace something bigger or

believe in something larger than their Separated-Self.

All are equally the Whole; otherwise, some would be at ease with being separated.

And simply because nobody has achieved Unity by those means, each believer respect, very

suspiciously, each other's efforts to deal with this situation.

Across cultures and ancient societies, the myths match because the myth of who you are, of

your separation, has not changed. In other words, the spiritual offering hasn't changed,

because the customer need hasn't changed. The same spiritual marketplace.

Some of you might still think that myths were tools for transmitting knowledge. You must

be aware that whatever someone apprehends, he/she gets if from his/her own perception.

The myth-makers got it from their own perception, from themselves. In any case, they were

not revealing where they got it from, but what they got. Concealing the source of any

finding is dishonest, to say the least.

You are reading this manifesto because you were given the fairy tale of separation and a

fraudulent means for reunification.

Individual identity architecture

In every corner of the earth, an elite group of Egos was educated in the Ego's version of

Ultimate Reality, and the rest of Wannabe-Egos were given an alternative explanation for

how the disconnected Reality worked.


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They enforced the selective curriculum of Reality.

Among the masses of Wannabe-Egos, some achieved Self-realization and tried to teach

honestly to the rest. The Egos thought they were revealing the same version of their

convenient truth and not a superior one (that not one is separated from the Totality), and so

these honest spiritual teachers were directly executed, their teachings burned, destroyed or


Other initiates, aware of the danger, coded the teachings in obscurity so only their disciples

could understand. Others were the advocate of secrecy in the presentation of Unity truths to

the separated masses.

Some started hierarchical schools. Others made the entry unnecessary complicated,

creating trappings such as ceremonies, initiations, prostrations, sacrifices, and so on.

Others well-intentioned initiates were unable to articulate what they found and revealed

confusing esoteric ideologies that had nothing to deal with Reality.

Among those few Seekers who started knowing independently, some were socially banned

by their fellow Wannabe-Egos (wannabe-Selves), labeled as idolaters and liars practicing

magic arts. Others isolated themselves from society. Others were conditioned to consider

their teachings as a mystery or the occult. By the way, Ultimate Reality is beyond

appearances, beyond the body-mind Reality, and so “occult” for the human senses. In fact,

the masses of Wannabe-Egos dismissed mysticism because that is not applicable

information for the body-mind Reality.

As Wannabe-Egos were more and more separated and so increasingly less able to “get it”,

many real spiritual masters, who went from wannabe-Selves to Selves, were misunderstood.

Many others engineered a fake spiritual master reputation for taking advantage of the

urgent yearning of the masses, and their innocence. Many “alchemists” defrauded people.

Some teachings were liberated just after the empowering passages, the masses didn't have

right to know, were removed or replaced by a more suitable content (for the Egos in charge),

producing common misunderstandings that anchored the Wannabe-Egos even more to the

body-mind Reality and thus increased their dependency to distant deities.

In other societies this Unity science was concealed in the form of mystic poetry with

scientific descriptions of the origin of the Universe, leaving only clues for achieving Unity

Consciousness, thus providing just comfort, not the simplicity and effectiveness of

experiencing the Whole as oneSelf.


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Individual identity

And so on.

Gradually, in every society, the hearts and minds of the wannabe-Selves closed to this

subject, that All are one entangled organism that expands beyond into the infinite cosmos.

In the beginning, anyone acting outside the narrow boundaries of the body-mind Reality

was seen as dangerous. But as the number of the Wannabe-Egos who believed the tale of

separation increased, the Egos started perceiving less competition. Less and less control was

needed for disruptive initiates because they were perceived as ineffective to overran the

unconscious momentum.

Put differently, you have been artfully convinced to give up your original sovereignty.

In every society, the majority (the Egos' competition) was intentionally left ignorant of the

idea of the direct connection to that distant Whole. And you know what happens to those

who are left separated from the Totality and without even a remote ability to harness that

alien Whole, right? A lost and clueless wannabe-Ego craves for guidance.

If the illumined ones (the Egos) are ready-made to guide the horde of people in darkness

(the Wannabe-Egos), you know what all this is about, the engineering of a hierarchical

society, in which the rulers acquired their power from the weakness of the majority.

Going from leading tribal groups, despot kingdoms and dynasties, proud empires, and

legitimatized states, what has truly evolved is the capacity of the Egos to leverage the

Wannabe-Egos' yearning to consolidate their power.

Hierarchical structures are designed to concentrate the power at the top. So, with just one

head at the upper part of the masses of people, who are ignorant of the truth, taking over

becomes quite easy. For a new leader to take over, only the head should be replaced. A

headless population, requires a head and so will quickly follow a new one. The concentration

of power is how big hierarchical structures perpetuated in the authority but also how they

evaporated, letting better ways of power concentration to usurp theirs.

Now this efficient separation and leverage are called civilization.

Every civilization that has ever been established on Earth is a reinvention of this grand


You live in a culture that suppresses the idea of Oneness for the benefit of an elite (the Egos),

and instead, promotes superficial aspects of Reality that keep the wannabe-Selves (both, the

Egos and the Wannabe-Egos) far from being Selves and achieving their real potential.


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At the expense of individuals, there's way too much power concentrated in the state, in the

church, in the academia, and in the market.

Please don't get angry at any of these institutions or civilization at large. They are a

byproduct of human inclinations (when you are separated).

Don't get angry at the Egos ruling everything. Those supposedly in power, are on top of a

mess, a social mess, an ecological mess, even a power mess. Not because they are bad but

because they haven't experienced the integration into the Whole. Beware that they are also

longing for expansion. They yearn for more, in all the physical forms, and this is destructive

to themselves and the world. The Egos ignore that if they would include themselves in the

Whole they are harnessing, they could create anything and get free from all the longing and

the suffering, thus becoming free. They ignore that Freedom is the ultimate power.

And you are now in the same position, you are about to tap into Wholeness coming from a

separated experience of Life. What are you going to do when you tap into your

incommensurable power and sovereignty? Competing with the Egos or transcending the

Egos and realizing your Self?

The first step to transcending your need for physical and psychological security is

recognizing your animal nature. It's in the Egos as well as in yourSelf.

Let's continue.

The Egos protected Reality from sight, by forcing you all to wear hoods or blindfolds.

But Reality is open! Nothing can hide the light. The Egos have been blocking your view of

light but outside everything is colorful. The darkness is only behind your eye patches. If you

get rid of it, you will unblock your sight, you will start knowing again and free yourSelf from

subjugation. Just keep in mind that after prolonged time in darkness, you need to get

accustomed to light again.

In the beginning, the so-called big questions emerged (What is the Meaning of Life? What is

the Purpose of Life? Who am I? How should I live? How can I know anything?). In today's

culture, big questions are considered embarrassingly naive. It is pretty obvious you live in a

culture who knows far less about “who you are” than the so-called prehistoric people.

This structured hierarchy left the majority of humanity at the bottom of society, under the

exploitation of a deceptive and divisive minority. If Oneness is power, then Oneness, the

perception of Reality as is, is the true disruptive force of civilization.


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Individual identity

But because nothing can exist out of the Totality, the separation can only be psychological.

Conveniently for the Egos, your species center had moved from the heart to the mind, thus

making easier to implant another psychological science. In a way, this science reverses the


Those deceptive spiritual teachers engineered a psychological way of closing the

psychological gap they had created: that you and the Universe are two separate things.

The explanation for closing the gap was engineered according to the level of the psyche of

the time, well, really according to the evolution of the Wannabe-Egos' innocence, evolving

from animal and natural forces deities to human gods, totems, and so on.

To support their claim and so their power, the Egos constantly needed to prove, how

apparently everyone in the community (their competition) was completely separated from

Existence. As in those days, your ancestors were not yet fully away from their hearts, they

used to look at the sky in awe. The Egos used their knowledge of celestial mechanics

(derived from that sort of partial Oneness), to align their temples and pyramids, with

astronomical events. This way, they made the crowd of Wannabe-Egos believe the cosmos

attended their sacred invocations.

No more worshiping is done on those sites (some grotesque ruins Now) because the Egos

who built those deceptive structures and enforced the worshiping, sank into oblivion. Also,

because they were replaced by new cultures (of Super Egos), with more efficient ways of

leveraging the Wannabe-Egos thirst for knowledge, with better stories to justify the


In these spiritual circuses, they impressed the masses of Wannabe-Egos and enforced

worshiping. Put differently, they ate up the competition.

But as the “dedicated” Thunderbolts never got on the spot, the chariots of fire never

descended from heaven, eclipses happened at a prescribed moment (not on purpose), rains

came and ceased capriciously, even the humblest of peasant gradually realized these huge

demonstrations were weapons of mass delusion.

As in Existence, only existential things happen, and as the average Wannabe-Ego was no

more satisfied with simplistic fairy tales of separation, then continuing with crediting the

movement of planets and other natural phenomena to the Egos (priests or the divine

sovereign in charge) would have been gradually embarrassing. How could a magician deceit

a peasant, who is looking at his eyes during the illusion act? How could a conjurer sell his


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product to a skeptic crowd? If the Egos lost the authority, the control over people would be

gradually lost as well.

As in any act of magic, for preventing viewers notice the catch occurring during the

performance, misdirection is applied to them, directing their attention out of what's going

on. But these early illusionists were caught out on stage. They directed the crowd's attention

to where the trick was being done (Nature), rather than out of it.

Looking at Nature, the masses of Wannabe-Egos never saw any evidence of the Egos

(priests) supernatural claims. Incredulity became rampant and the priests spiritual

authority were severely put at risk.

In a competitive arena, the secrets are the soul of any business.

For the Egos, the competition must be eaten up. In a way, the market share was about to be

lost. If the Wannabe-Egos, as the Egos still perceived the masses, learned the trade, they

would have tapped into the same abilities.

Urgently, the priests learned from their mistakes and improved the trick.

That was the time when the Egos (priests of the time) artfully directed humanity attention

away from Nature.

In summary, to never again be caught out on stage, they started directing the crowd's

attention out of where the trick is done, out of Nature.

The greatest illusion act was about to begin.

Since the stage for this magic act is Reality, and the Oneness of Reality is self-evident, they

carefully prepared the minds of people to perceive the definite separation wherever they


As realizing union is inconvenient for the establishment, the reunion is just a fake project

that deliberately won't be ever completed. Such “union” cannot be experienced but only


For a permanently imposed psychological separation, any emotional reunion promise could

be enduring as well as appealing. The gullible crowd was not given an existential way to

realize nobody is separated, but psychological means to close a psychological separation.

So they went from demonstrating the separation to “explaining” it.

God, as a vision, was born. A well-elaborated illusion, that the people are about to catch out.


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Individual identity

So this God is not a destination you will ever reach; this mental God is a gap you will never


Yes, my dear incarnation, the keepers of society are gap-keepers.

You might ask, “who are they?”

I could show you examples of gap-keepers in the world of science and religion, but they are

no different from you. You can also be caught in the gravity of the Ego once you start

harnessing the Totality, from a separated state.

Due to the artificial separation imposed upon you, you are a Wannabe-Ego and a wannabe-

Self. You've got a unique challenge, realizing your Self without becoming an Ego.

You need to get back to the original state when you knew you were not separated from

Existence. You don't need to close any gap because there is no gap.

You are Existence.

If you want to know the rest of the story of your separation from the Whole, and the 7

spiritual principles that will help you experience the Whole as yourself, then download the

full Consciousness Manifesto FOR FREE here:



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The Consciousness Manifesto


“John's deep understanding and fervent / constant application of universal laws and

principles, have set John Franco on a path to earning a place among the world's greatest


John cares deeply for and is genuinely committed to the advancement of people's

effectiveness in their chosen careers as well as the world around them in general.

His sincerity towards humanity as a Whole, and our advancement in both effectiveness and

happiness is what sets him apart from many in his field."

Jeff Steward, Oregon, USA

“Dear John, It's such a nice feeling that people like you are existing on this earth. Who are

willing to teach and share whatever they are good at.

Teaching with no selfish reason is the best thing considered in India. If you give money or

some material thing it will not last forever. But if you teach something to anyone it stays

permanently with that person. So John keep up the good work.

God bless you.”

Gautam Shastry, India

“John, how are you?…I send you a giant hug from here, and I take this moment to say that I

am very grateful to Life for allowing me to meet you and learn from you…your emails are an

incredible dialog, which I know I will often revisit in the next years...thanks a lot! I wish I

could put into words, how much my way of thinking and working has changed after

listening to you!”

Matias Salom, Salta, Argentina. SuperHabitos.com


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About the author

About the author

My children used to call me “false Merlin” when my actions don’t

match my teachings. They remind me that I am not the model of

virtue that I sometimes pretend to be. Children look at what one

does, not at what one says. And I strive to help kids preserve this

quality. They help me see my biases, and who knows, maybe,

someday, I become a “true Merlin,” lol.

I live my life entirely free from any structure, from any dogma,

from any culture, from any suffering.

If you are one of those who want to be free and experience life in its totality, then you are

one of us, and you should keep reading.

I can engage with Life fully because I can see reality as is and respond intelligently to it. I

generate my income, create what I want, learn anything I want directly from nature, I don’t

spend my time resolving problems because I don’t create them, I educate my children in


But there was a time when I was in bondage.

The bondage

We are all free creatures!

So, since my school years, I had a growing unease with all the structure imposed upon me. I

felt the trappings of structure everywhere, in the form of culture and tradition.

This tradition permeated everything I wanted to do freely, since the way I should live, to the

knowledge I should get and to the very limits of my inquiry. For example, life was already set

as studying, getting a job, getting married, having a family, sending kids to school, going to

vacations, retiring, dying. Education was already set. Everything worth knowing was

already set. Everything that one must know was compartmentalized into subjects with no

room for discovery. Even music and art followed a cannon. The culture was already

established. I couldn’t express my opinion beyond certain acceptable limits.


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The Consciousness Manifesto

Diverting from the Establishment was severely punished because your very survival

depended on it, and in the form of social banning by your friends, fellow students, family,

and authorities.

In a way, Life was already done, and we should only execute it. But I genuinely knew that life

was all about exploration not about execution.

The liberation

Since an early age, I wanted to see Reality as is, by myself, because I knew that there lied the

key for being free.

Somehow, I managed to articulate some connections out of the psychological matrix

imposed upon everybody. I tasted the freedom of knowing Reality as is, in the present


This direct knowing was a total experience but lasted little.

I spent all my time to make this realization a real and permanent state. With no books,

without any guru but only myself. I was determined to access Reality through my


At the beginning of my search, I thought it was all about intellectual comprehension. I used

books and theories to look at reality. But the root causes of knowing was far beyond my

comprehension at that time. It took me the next 20+ years of experiencing reality and

looking at myself, to perfect my understanding of what made me know and so free.

I needed that much time not because is hard but because we have been taken that much far

from our source.

Now I can look directly at reality with eyes that can see. I want everyone who is willing, to

break free as well. If I can see, then you can see! You just need to take the blindfolds out.

Seeing things as they are is not a merit but our real Nature. We have been kept away from

our innate capacity to knowing just because is not convenient to the way society is

organized. In a sense, we are all born free, but we just can’t use our freedom.

Using our freedom

When I was 29, by 2008, I was already conducting my learning according to my direct

perception of reality. But I was still in the comfort of an ascending career in the corporate

world. In a way, my mind was liberated, but my necessities were dependent on the system. I


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About the author

was still in bondage. The sense that I was not living according to my integrity became so

intense, and I couldn’t resist the urge to live fully on my terms. So, I quit my corporate job.

When I became independent, I felt I was leaving the security society gave me. I was really

scared. But I knew I was about to experience life in its totality.

Standing on my own, and with two children and a wife to support, I developed my

awareness to the fullest. This awareness helped me to drop all the culture that I was still

carrying at the time and to become truly alert and present.

I think my full awakening is a product of my contact with the risk of being alive.

I developed my entrepreneurial skills to the fullest. The first thing I did was the developing

of an education website, where I have been teaching professionals, how to harness the

power of spreadsheets in their work and Life. This company generated enough income to

live independently and travel for five years with my family of 4 and to fund the developing of

this work.

Especially, my small business have helped me to have more time to look inside myself. In a

way, to be a full-time student.

Now I am full-time dedicated to perfect my self-realization methods and help others

experience this Freedom I know is possible for every human being who is willing to come


If you want to be free, you just need to start using your freedom. But is not that easy :(

Simply because freedom means living and living involves risk. And your fear of risk has been

artfully exploited for millennia.

Self-realization will naturally come when you start living. But society has been exploiting

you in exchange for psychological and physical comfort. Now that you want to expand your

limits, you cannot get out of your comfort zone because you cannot cross the unknown. Life

requires awareness but years of living an intellectual life has atrophied your awareness. You

cannot experience life through meditation, books, reflection or explanations. Life is to be

lived. You can only experience Life through you.

If you are willing to live according to your nature, no matter what, then you are one of us.


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About UsingYourFreedom.com

I founded UsingYourFreedom.com (UYF), a community of seekers living our lives through

us. We are aware of the simplicity and possibilities of living with integrity, and we are aware

of the risks as well.

To use your freedom, you need to reclaim your integrity. That’s all your freedom is about.

Our essence is Wholeness or the Totality and keeping our Integrity leads to Knowing,

Knowing leads to Freedom, and Freedom leads to Integrity.

� Integrity means that there is no division between you and anything in the entire

cosmos. It means that all boundaries are artificial. Integrity means you are that

Totality. Integrity means living according to your essence, no matter what

� Knowing means seeing reality as is, a Totality in the present moment. Only when

you know, you can become responsible and engage with Life entirely. Only

someone who is involved with life can create or simply be. When you can’t see

reality, life becomes meaningless, and you avoid Life

� Freedom means that you are not trapped in any bondage, whether psychological

or physical. It means you can respond intelligently to anything life throws at you.

It means you experience Life in its entirety

If you want to deepen your Unity Consciousness to see reality as is, and get free from all the

bondages, physical and psychological, then you are one of us.

You can only know the Totality by yourself. Not by paying attention to a guru, to a book, to a

theory. You are the student, and you are the master. There’s no such thing as collective

discovery. The truth is personal. The truth is so when it comes from the source. You are that


I know you are the student and yourSelf the master. One doesn’t need any guru to achieve

Self-realization because the guru is you. Enlightenment is a consequence of your

integration with Life, not a goal itself. As in swimming, getting wet is not the goal.

So, if you want to experience the Totality by yourself and create an integral life, business,

art, science, education, communities, etc., then you are one of us.

I don’t belong to any tradition, I am not part of any lineage, I have not been initiated by any

guru. I am not associated with any school or organization, whether Social, Religious or

Scientific. I am from Portoviejo, a small city in Ecuador, with no access to any real spiritual

teacher. Happily, I didn’t have access to Google when I got started on my journey. I hope I


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About the author

am the living proof that one is our master, that if we know ourselves, we will realize that all

is already there.

I want to help you with the very practical applications of Oneness in your Life, education,

business, and the environment.

I teach from my experience. But everything I say is false. I strive to point to Reality but what

I say is not Reality. You choose to keep it false or make it true inside you, by experience.

If you want to know the full story, go here.

Learn more at www.UsingYourFreedom.com

You can get in touch with me via email at [email protected]


John Franco (a.k.a false Merlin)


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The Consciousness Manifesto


The Consciousness Manifesto - Copyright © 2016, John Franco

The Consciousness Manifesto cover - Copyright © 2016, John Franco

February 23, 2016 – V1.0

Alegreya font - Copyright (c) 2011, Juan Pablo del Peral ([email protected]). This Font

Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

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� Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even


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� Share alike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute

your contributions under the same license as the original.

John Franco - www.UsingYourFreedom.com