The contribution of molecular genetics to the understanding and management of cancer: potential future applications and implications for nurses A.N.M. BRADLEY,* RGN, BSC (HONS) in Professional Development in Nursing, POST GRAD. DIPLOMA in Guidance and Counselling, Full-time Research Nurse/Counsellor in Familial Colorectal Cancers, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland BRADLEY A.N.M. (1999) European Journal of Cancer Care 8, 97±103 The contribution of molecular genetics to the understanding and management of cancer: potential future applications and implications for nurses Cancer is an immense medical problem and as a cause of mortality it is second only to cardiovascular disease. Much of the current understanding of cancer is owed to epidemiologists who have discovered a number of causative factors implicated in its development. These causative factors can be divided into genetic, chemical, physical, viral, radiation, immune and hormonal factors. Further advances in understanding have been made over the past decade from contributions made by the field of molecular biology. From investigation and examination of the molecular processes involved in the development of cancer it is becoming increasingly clear that changes in the genetic material of the cell nuclei are the final common pathway to cancer, whatever the initial aetiology. This article will attempt to elucidate the contribution of molecular genetics to the understanding of the likely mechanisms of carcinogenesis, the management of cancer, potential future applications and directions and the implications for nurses arising from this relatively new and evolving field of knowledge. Keywords: cancer genetics, nurses' role in genetics. Cancer genetics INTRODUCTION Ample evidence has been discovered recently to support the concept that cancer is a genetic disease resulting from the accumulation of damage within the nucleus of a cell which ultimately causes its transformation into a neo- plastic cell (Lairmore & Norton 1997). Evidence also exists which shows that most human cancers are monoclonal in origin, meaning that the original oncogenic event affects a single cell and the tumour is the result of multiplications of that cell (Otto 1994; Souhami & Tobias 1995). The single cell becomes transformed from normal to mutant and develops characteristics that allow it to escape normal controls and reproduce without regard to bodily require- ments (Neal & Hoskin 1997). It is also believed that a single mutation is unlikely to cause cancer but that a single cell and its descendants must have an accumulation of mutations and alterations in several different genes before they become cancerous (Nowell 1986; McMillan 1996). Mutations in cells accumulate continually throughout life. Whether in any one person a complete set of critical mutations coincides within one cell and leads to the development of cancer depends on chance, but also on the environmental, behavioural and inherited factors that Correspondence address: Aoife Bradley, Department of Surgery, University Floor, Tower Block, Belfast City Hospital, Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 7AB, Northern Ireland. *Part-time student at the Queens University of Belfast in the second and final year of an MSc. in Nursing with Oncology Pathway Course. European Journal of Cancer Care, 1999, 8, 97±103 Paper 137 MS # 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd Ahed Bhed Ched Dhed Ref marker Fig marker Tab marker Ref end Ref start

The contribution of molecular genetics to the understanding and management of cancer: potential future applications and implications for nurses

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