!_The Creator's Calendar Versus Satan's Calendar. Which Do You Live by, 98% B_W Version, July 19, 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 !_The Creator's Calendar Versus Satan's Calendar. Which Do You Live by, 98% B_W Version, July 19, 2011.


    The Creators Calendar versus Satans Calendar. Which do you live by?


    Sam Batten

    SDA Theology Graduate and Biblical End-Time Tribulation Events Researcher.

    July 19, 2011.

    82 page document

    This document though written primarily for SDA Saturday Sabbatariansandfor the 500+ Protestant Saturday Sabbatarian denominational groups, [who

    obviously have no idea as to why they are keeping Saturday as the Biblical weekly7

    thday Sabbath], also contains data that seriously brings into question the weekly

    worship day of ALL Sunday keeping Christians as to why they actually keepSunday as the alleged Christian Sabbath, and it affects the roots of JewishSaturday Sabbatarianism worldwide and why the Muslims keep Friday, the

    Papal Gregorian Calendars 6th

    day of the week, when from the time of Mohammedto Oct. 4, 1582, Friday was the 7

    thday of the Roman weekly cycle, NOT our

    current 6th day of the week.

    Most Christians who read the Bible never contemplate why the Romanmonths of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,October, November, December are NEVER mentioned ANYWHERE in Scripture.That is after all, a curious phenomenon, is it not?

    Nor do they ever wonder why NONE of the Biblical monthly names ofAbib/Nisan, Iyar/Ziv, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab/Av, Elul/Bul, Tishri/Ethanim, Chesvan,Kislev/Chisleu, Tevet, Shebat, Adar ever appear on our Papal Roman GregorianCalendar. That too is a curious phenomenon. Could it be that we are Following theWrong Calendar Construct for our Weekly day of Worship? It would certainlyseem so, seeing that 8 of the Biblical names just listed in this paragraph appear inthe Bible, but NONE of the Roman monthly names appear in it.

    This document is going to be quite the learning experience for most Christ-ians who know absolutely nothing about the True Biblical Calendar. It will definite-ly challenge their thinking about why they worship on the day that they do and

    whether their weekly day of worship is correct or false. The Bible refers to theSabbath as the Sign of Sanctification and the sign that we are worshipping the

    True God of the Bible the Creator of the Universe who alone sanctifies Hispeople. If we are NOT keeping His True Weekly Worship Day, or His other

    Worship days all listed in Lev., we CANNOT POSSIBLY be Sanctified duringthis Last Generation once we know the truth on these issues and it has been

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    dequately explained to us. This has serious implication as to whether or not we willever receive Eternal Life.

    There is much more to being qualified for Eternal Life than simply having anemotional relationship with the Creator. You also have to be willing to be obedient

    to His revealed will in all things which clearly includes a willingness to keep all ofthe Holy Days/Worship Days that He has prescribed and described at their presettimes in His Worship Manual found in Lev. 23. To refuse to do so, or to refuse toeven listen to how His True Calendar works, and a refusal to comply with His

    specific directions on these worship issues portrayed in detail in Lev. 23, is to act inopen willful disobedience to and rebellion against His authority, His Law, and His


    ONLY the True Born Again Christian can keep His Law and Command-

    ments, for a mere outward legalistic compliance to the external forms or trappingsof religion along these lines wont benefit anyone in the long run as NOBODY can

    deceive God concerning where our true Loyalty lies. We are either for Him and withHim and in HIS CAMP or we are against Him and in the CAMP of the Enemy!There is no third option and there can be NO keeping to two separate calendars: onefor His weekly 7

    thday Sabbath and another one for His Yearly Festivals with their

    accompanying collective Holy Convocation Sabbaths. You cannot keep His TrueCalendar part of the time, while keeping Satans Gregorian Calendar the restof the time. That is to mix the Sacred and the Profane concerning these worshipissues. You cannot partly worship God and partly worship Satan by using two

    separate calendars for your worship activities because Gods Calendar, [thoughsimilar in some ways to Satans Calendar], operates totally differently thanSatans Calendar. The object of this study is to be able to clearly distinguishbetween them so that we know just who we are actually worshipping! If we areworshipping on the WRONG DAYS on the WRONG CALENDAR system, then weare really NOT worshipping the Creator of the Universe at all once the truth onthese issues have been clearly explained to is us.

    Continue reading. You will learn a lot of new things that you never knewbefore about which calendar system is the Lords True Calendar versus SatansCalendar.

    Rev. 12: 17 indicates that at the very end of time there is going to be aSpiritual War between Christ and Satan, between Christs True Followersand

    Satans followers, between Christs True End-Time People called the Remnant[which Rev. 7: 1-8 and Rev. 13: 1-5 clearly indicate are a small group of 144,000literal people] and the Dragon, who in that end-time context represents SatansChurch on earth, Papal Rome andall associated with her against Gods Law.

    In Rev. 13: 4, 8, 12, 15 the key end-time issue is over True Worship versusFalse Worship. In Rev. 14 this concept of Worship is repeated again in vs. 7, 9 and in

    Rev. 20: 4 the issue of Worship is raised again.

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    In Rev. 14: 7 the concept of Worshipping the Creator is contrasted with theWorship of the Beast and its image in v. 9-11, and this contrast is implied in Rev. 20:

    4. In Rev. 14: 9-11 the warning message is that all who will choose to worship theBeast and his Image will be slated for cremation in the fires of Hell. Hence, it

    behooves everyone to understand these vitally important issues correctly!

    Lev. 23 contains the Creators Worship Manual. It sets the time of ALL ofHis various Worship days: His weekly 7th day Sabbath, His New Moon WorshipDays, His 6 Yearly Religious Festivals with their collective accompanying 7 yearlyHoly Convocation Sabbaths. ALL are set by that same Lunar Solar Calendar thatChrist reinstated among the Hebrews at the time of the Exodus through Moses thecalendar that they used from that time to 70 C.E.except when they went intoApostasy from the Lord and from His Worship Procedures all listed in order of

    importance in Lev. 23 which worship procedures are ALL prophetic in nature!

    Rev. 16: 16 speaks of the Battle of Armageddon which is NOT talking about

    a literal military battle between the Gentile Nations of the world in general versusthe Zionist Ashkenazi Modern Jewish State of Israel in Palestine, nor is it talkingabout a military confrontation between the Muslim East and the Christian Westernnations, but is referring to the Mountain of the Moedimthe Mountain of theAssembly where true worship versus False Worship will be the primary issueinvolved in the coming End-Time Tribulation Crisis.

    With regards to Seventh-day Adventists, the Lords End-time PropheticMessenger, Ellen G. White, indicates that at the beginning of the Time of Trouble[which the context shows can only be referring to the future 3 year 8 month EarlyTime of Trouble and NOT to the short 15 day time of Jacobs Trouble [as nobody is

    being preached to during the Time of Jacobs Trouble which occurs approximately330 days after the launching of the 1st Plague.

    It is while mercy still lingers during the 2 year 7 months to 2 year 8 monthperiod of time prior to the Close of Probation, that the End-Time Jacobs TroubleTranslation Saints are spreading worldwide the Final Warning Message called theLoud Cry Messiage, part of which Final Warning Message will include the TRUTHabout the Lords True Lunar Solar Calendarand how all of His Worship Days listed

    in His Worship Manual in Lev 23, works and when they are to be kept according toHis True Celestial Calendar system that has been obscured for almost 1473 years bythe Papal System from 538 C.E. to our present year, 2011, so that everyone whohears it will know when ALL of His Holy Days occur and how to keep them correct-

    ly according to His Calendar NOT according to Papal Romes Gregorian Calendar.

    Millions worldwide, who are presently perpetual Papal Gregorian Calendaroriented Saturday Sabbatarians, will be totally shocked to learn that they havebeen keeping the weekly 7

    thday Sabbath incorrectly all of their lifetime. So will all

    of the Sunday Keepers, the Jews, and the Muslims when they find out that their

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    weekly day of worship is NOT the correct day of worship set up by the Creator asHis weekly worship day.

    They will also be told that the Lords other worship days all listed in HisWorship Manual found in Lev. 23 are still BINDING on humanity in general NOT

    just on the Jews, and they will also be told that the major portion of His Statutes andJudgments have NOT been abolished by the death of Christ on the Cross as PapalRome has led the whole Christian world to falsely believe to be the case since itsCounter-Reformation Council of Trent and its Catechism of Trent produced at the

    end of that same Council. What these End-Time Tribulation Jacobs TroubleTranslation Saints will be telling people on these crucially important WorshipIssues all Naysayers or Detractors will find to be irrefutable.

    The fallen Christian Churches with their Nominal Christian membershipwill do all in their power to refute those truths that the End-Time Saints will bebroadcasting worldwide, sometime after the opening of the 5

    thSeal [which results in

    the martyrdom, most likely of Multi-Millions of Christians worldwide], takes placejust prior to the giving of the Final Warning Message to the world which calls all ofthe remainder of Gods True people out of the Apostate/Fallen Churches just ashort time prior to the Close of Probation for the World at Large! It is NOT theSounding of the 7 Trumpets that call those people out of the Spiritual BabylonianChurches as many SDAs erroneously believe to be the case, but the martyrdom ofmultimillions of End-Time Christians during the 3 year 6 month future persecutionperiod [brought to view in Dan. 8: 23-25; Dan. 11: 40-45; Dan. 12: 7, Rev. 11: 2-3 [inits End-Time Tribulation Application], and in Rev. 13: 5-8] which is immediately

    followed by the going forth of the Final Loud Cry Message with Great Power.

    Those who refuse to accept those Biblical Truths will be drove to madnesstrying to refute the TRUTH on these issues that the Lord End-Time Remnant willbe spreading everywhere to the Glory of God! Because the rebels against these end-time truths, who are false Christians who believe themselves to be fully following theLord, will find it impossible to refute these Biblical Truths, those who claim to beChristians, in whom is NOT the True Spirit of Truth, who DO NOT possess aGenuine Love for the Truth, will then turn around and betray the chosen ones who

    will be giving the Lords Final Message of Mercy to the workd , to the Catholics, whowill encourage the Protestants to set up a Death Decree, and just as they go about to

    execute the small group of End-Time Saints who will have the New irrefutableLight on the Sabbath, [this Planned Execution event that is set to take place atMidnight on the last day of the 6

    thPlague will fail] because the End-Time Saints [the

    Remnant] will be delivered from annihilation by the voice of God just as theirenemies are gearing up to slaughter them all in one fell swoop! Here is thatstatement:

    I saw the nominal church andnominal Adventists, like Judas,would betray us to the Catholics to obtain their influence to come against thetruth. The saints will then be an obscure people, little known to the Catholics;

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    but the churches and nominal Adventists knew of our faith and customs (for they

    hated us on account of the Sabbath, for they could not refute it) will betraythe saints and report them to the Catholics as those who disregard theinstitutions of the people; that is, they keep the Sabbath and disregard Sunday.

    Then the Catholics bid the Protestants to go forward, andissue a decree that all

    who will not observe the first day of the week, instead of the seventh day,

    shall be slain. And the Catholics whose numbers are large, will stand by theProtestants. The Catholics will give their power to the image of the beast, and the

    Protestants will work as their mother worked before them to destroy the saints.

    But before their decree bringor bear fruit, the saints will be delivered bythe Voice of God. The Spalding and Magan Collection, Document 101 of 112,pp. 1, 2. [Cited here from Getting it All Together in Daniel and Revelation, byMarian G. Berry, published by TEACH SERVICES, INC., Brushton, NY, 1994, p.52]. [Compare the statement in G.C. , p. 614, par. 4 to p. 616, par. 1].

    Most SDAs do not know that in 1883, the founders of the SDA ChurchSystem admitted that they had a serious problem with trying to defend theSaturday Sabbath that they had been believing in and practicing during the 37

    year time span between 1846 to 1883.

    Most of them began to accept the concept that Saturday was the Biblical7th day Sabbath based on a pamphlet written by a Millerite named Joseph Bates.But there is a little box in the bottom left hand corner of their 1883 Lunation[lunar phase] chart for July, 1883, that indicates that by that date, they werehaving serious problems defending what they then were believing to be the Biblical7th day Sabbath. They admitted that there was ONE UNANSWERABLE OBJECT

    -ION to the Sabbath as they then understood it and were keeping it at that time,andthat one unanswerable objection was The CROSS.

    There was something that took place in the timing of the Cross Eventthat threw a wrench into their promotion of Saturday as the Biblical 7



    Though Saturday was not expressly mentioned in that little box in their1883 Lunation Chart, anyone who knows the history of the SDA Church Systemand how the SDA Church originated, knows that the Millerites and later the

    founders of the SDA Church system, [founded in May of 1863], were keeping what

    they believed to be the Biblical 7th

    day Sabbath on the same Saturday that ALLof the 500+ Protestant Saturday Sabbatarians are still keeping today as theweekly 7th Day Sabbath.

    The Millerites and the founders of the SDA Church system in 1863 [like

    their Protestant Saturday Sabbatarian counterparts in the 21st Century], seemedto not realize that they were all following the Papal Gregorian Calendar for thatpurposeNOT REALIZING that the Papal Gregorian Calendar is NOT the

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    Creators True Calendar System, and that the Creators Calendar, [though it has a7 day weekly cycle and a 12 month yearly cycle most years], DOES NOT FUNCT-

    ION the same way as the Papal Gregorian Calendar does.

    Because of how the True Biblical Calendar functions, it makes it totally

    impossible to perpetually keep Saturday as the True Biblical Sabbath all 52times per year that it appears on the Papal Gregorian Calendar as I willabundantly demonstrate in this document.

    Here is that statement from the 1883 SDA Lunation Chart for July of thatyear that has serious forebodings about whether they were keeping the trueBiblical 7

    thday Sabbath or not:

    "Those who disbelieve in the seventh-day Sabbath bringagainst it numerous objections, all of which are readily

    answered with the exception of one,THE CROSS. This isthe great, the unanswerable objection to the Bible Sabbath."

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    Here is a facsimile copy of that July 1883 Lunation Chart:

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    The answer to that objection didnt come on stream within Seventh-dayAdventism until SDA author, Robert L. Odom wrote his two books:

    1. a 400+ page book entitled Sunday in Roman Paganism: A history of the planetaryweek andits day of the Sun in the heathenism of the Roman world during the

    early centuries of the Christian Era, initially published by in 1944 by Review andHerald Publishing Association, republished in 2003, 2005 by Teach Services,

    2. followed by a 31 pagebook entitled How Did Sunday Get Its Name, publishedby Southern Publishing Association in 1972.

    Robert L. Odom was a confirmed SDA Saturday Sabbatarian. Both of his bookswere written to support the concept that Saturday is the Biblical 7th day Sabbath that he

    assumed went all the way back to Creation Week. The problem is, his research actuallyproves the diametrical opposite of what he originally set out to try to prove, for the histor-ical and archeological data that he managed to collect within the covers of those two books

    actually prove the contrary of what he himself actually believed about which day of the

    week the Biblical 7th day Sabbath was, due to the data contained in the Roman Calendarartifacts dating from 84 B.C.E. to 81 C.E. that he gives detailed descriptions ofand actual

    facsimile reproductions of, which had been found in the archeological literature in the late

    1700s, dealing with the Roman Calendars that were in existence within the Roman Empirebetween the years 84 B.C.E. to 81 C.E.

    Those 3 Roman Calendar Fragment artifacts also cover the whole 133-134 yearRoman Occupation of Palestine from 63 B.C.E. to 70 C.E. [as they go from 21 years beforethe Roman Occupation began in 63 B.C.E. and 11 years beyond the destruction of the city ofJerusalem and the Jewish Temple by the Romans in C.E. 70].

    The Big Question on this controversial issue is: according to WHOSE CALENDAR

    is the True Biblical 7th day Sabbath to be kept? Is it according to The CreatorsCalendar, as revealed in the Word of God, or according to the Papal Gregorian Calendar

    whose Sunday to Saturday weekly cycle DID NOT EXIST at any time in Roman calendarhistory during the 1626 to 1627 year time span from 45 B.C.E. to Oct., 4, 1582 C.E., untilPapal Rome invented it in Oct., 1582, when it brought forth its New Roman CalendarInnovation: the Papal Gregorian Calendar, generated by Jesuit Mathematician and Astro-

    nomer, Dr. Christopher Clavius, at the request of Pope Gregory XIII, for whom the newPapal Gregorian Calendar was named. The three Roman Calendar Artifacts dated betweenthe years 84 B.C.E. to 81 C.E. will be shown later on in this study.

    Whether you are a 7th

    day Sabbatarian of whatever category, ora 1st


    Sabbatarian, are you sure that you are following the Creators True Calendar foryour Worship Activities, whether weekly, monthly or yearly, etc.? Can you proveyour point of view and belief on these subject by the Word of God and by the

    historical events that took place during Crucifixion Week in 31 C.E.? If you cant,then you are going in the wrong direction in your worship activities as it relates toyour weekly day of worship, and no matter what you may claim to the contrary, you

    are really NOT truly following the Lord of Creation like you claim!

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    This issue may not seem important to you, but it is vitally important to theCreator of the Universe because if you are not Keeping His Holy Days or Worship

    Days ALL listed in His Worship Manual at their designated preset times found inLev. 23, you are in rebellion against His authority and against His governmentwhether you realize it or not. That becomes a very serious issue, as we are on the

    border or threshold of the launching of the End-Time Tribulation Period which isprecise about ALL of the Lords TRUE worship days versus the substituted days forthat purpose set up by Papal Rome [the Biblical described Antichrist System] that isprophesied in Dan. 7: 25 to have Tampered with and to have altered or OBSCURED

    the TIMING of all of the Lords Worship Days, etc.

    Most Christians who religiously and systematically observer either theGregorian CalendarsSaturday or Sunday, do not know that they are NOT

    keeping the Creators True Weekly day of Worship! Many of them couldnt careless because they are merely followers of Church tradition on this issue and refuse to

    examine the Biblical/historical evidence that would show them the truth on this

    controversial issue.

    As the coming showdown during the future End-Time Tribulation PeriodsSpiritual Battle of Armageddon is over Worship Issues and whether or not people

    are keeping ALL of the Lords Worship Days at their preset times outlined in HisWorship Manuel located in Lev. 23, versus the days that Papal Rome has substitut-ed for them, this is what Earths Final Crisis is really all about.

    Which side we take on these vitally important issues will determine ourEternal Destiny in these last days of earths history when this Worship day Crisis isunleashed on humanity as a whole in the very near future and placed in a legal

    format that will be enforced by the government of all countries around the globe!

    Most SDA Pastors and most of the SDA laity do not know that the General

    Conference commissioned a 9 person Research Committee on Nov. 7, 1938 to studya 283 page document written by an SDA Pastor named J. H. Wierts in 1932, whotried in vain for 6 years to get the General Conference to study the methodologyused by the Millerites to arrive at their Oct. 22, 1844 date for the Cleansing of theHeavenly Sanctuary when World Jewry in 1844 were keeping the day of Atonementon Sept. 23, 1844, - a month and 1 day too early and out of sync with the Biblical

    Record and out of sync with the Lords True Lunar Solar Calendar System whichthey had abandoned in either 538 or 539 C.E. to avoid persecution by the RomanState.

    It is important for ALL Protestant Saturday Sabbatarians to realize thataccording to the Biblical Record in Lev. 23: 27, the Day of Atonement always occurson the 10th day of the 7th Biblical Lunar Solar month of Tishri [called Ethanim in 1Kings 8: 2]. In 1844, that Biblical date corresponded to Oct. 22, 1844. It is alsoimportant for them to note that while that Biblical event takes place during the 10


    day of the 7th Biblical Lunar Solar month, it corresponded to the the 22nd day of the

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    10th month in our Papal Gregorian Calendar. That is a 3 month differential betweenthe two calendar systems which clearly shows that they are NOT identical.

    If the Barley harvest in the Kidron Valley not far from Jerusalem is going tobe ready for the 16

    thday of the 1

    stBiblical Lunar Solar month of Abib/Nisan 16, in

    the equivalent Roman month of March, then the 10


    day of the 7


    Biblical Monthof Tishri [Ethanim] would occur during our Roman Gregorian 9th month ofSeptember instead of our Gregorian 10

    thmonth of October.

    1844 was a Biblical Leap year. This is why the Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar1

    stmonth of Abib/Nisan corresponded to the Roman Gregorian 4

    thmonth of April

    in 1844, which in turn made the 10th

    day of the Biblical Lunar Solar 7th

    month ofTishri [Ethanim] occur on Oct. 22, on our Gregorian 10

    thmonth of October instead

    of on Sept. 23 that same year where World Jewry kept it.

    It makes a great deal of difference WHICH CALENDAR people use for

    determining WHEN the Biblical New Moon Day, the 1


    day of the Biblical 1


    monthof Abib/Nisan falls on, as it affects WHEN all of the other Biblical months occurwhich in turn affects WHEN the 6 yearly Biblical Religious Festivals with theircollective accompanying 7 yearly Holy Convocation Sabbath Worship days alsooccur.

    ALL of the Biblical Religious Festivals ONLY occur during 3 specificmonths: Abib/Nisan[the 1

    stBiblical Lunar Solar month]; Sivan[the 3


    Lunar Solar month] and Tishri/Ethanim[the 7th

    Biblical Lunar Solar month].

    Consequently if you are off the markas to when the 1st

    Biblical month of the yearoccurs, you will be one month off the mark as to when all of the Yearly Festivals

    and their accompanying Holy Convocation Sabbaths per yearly festival also occur.

    When Dr. LeRoy Edwin Froom, SDA Church Historian at that time, wrote aletter to the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, inquiring when the Jewsbegan keeping a fixed calendar he received the following reply to his query from

    Louis Finkelstein on Feb. 20, 1939:

    The present Jewish calendar was fixed in the fourth century.Letter by Louis Finkelstein, Jewish Theological Seminary of America,to Dr. L. E. Froom, Feb. 20, 1939.

    Dr. Froom who was the secretary for that 9 person special G.C. appointedResearch Committee, meticulously recorded how the Millerites achieved their Oct.22, 1844 date for the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary in Chapter 37 entitled,Transition from Spring to Autumn, 1844 and in chapter 38 entitled, Seventh Month

    Movement Launched at Exeter, in Vol. IV of his monumental 4 Vol. Series entitledThe Prophetic Faith of our Fathers. Further information is also available from theGrace Amadon Collection available from the James White Library at AndrewsUniversity some of which is available on the www.4AngelsPublications.com website.

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    Unfortunately, nobody seems to be able to locate the 283 page documentoriginally written by Pastor J. H. Wierts in 1932. It seems to have convenientlygotten mislaid, lost or destroyed! It should have been included in the GraceAmadon Collection or in direct association with it as that 2 year research period

    from 1938-1939 was based on his 283 page document.

    During that 2 year period, that Research Committee were under convictionthat the Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar that the Millerites had used to establish thefoundation of their Sanctuary Doctrine was the correct Calendar that the SDAChurch should be using. They almost reached a consensus to make the BiblicalLunar Solar Calenear SDA Church Policy, but because of objections raised to it byDr. M. L. Andreason, they shelved the Lunar Solar Calendar never to bring it tolight again. What they did resulted in a rejection of the True Biblical Calendarbecause they figured that it would create too many hastles for the SDA WorldwideChurch.

    They gave up TRUTH for ERROR for the sake of convenience at that time,and now that the Lord is renewing interest in His True Biblical Calendar, the SDA

    Church system is putting itself in Battle Array against it. They want nothing to dowith the True Biblical 7

    thday Sabbath. They want to keep on observing and promot-

    ing the Papal Gregorian Saturday as the Sabbath and they are excommunicatingSDA Church members in various Conferences across America who believe in andpractice and promote the True Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar weekly 7


    Sabbaths as well as the rest of the Lords Worship Days as presented in HisWorship Manual in Lev. 23, which the SDA Church system has been officiallysystematically teaching against for many years.

    By doing this, they cannot possibly fulfill their mandate to give the TrueEnd-Time Final Warning Message to the World, because part of that End-TimeFinal Warning Message has to do with the total restoration of ALL of the LordsWorship Days listed in His Worship Manual in Lev. 23something that the SDAChurch System wants absolutely nothing to do with!

    Some SDA Pastors like retired SDA Pastor, Dennis Priebe, and some SDABible Scholars like Dr. Ron Du Preez and another SDA, Eugene Prewitt, havewritten articles against the Biblical Lunar Calendar andthe Lords Yearly Festivalswith their accompanying Holy Convocation Sabbaths trying to discredit and refute


    Dr. Du Preez put on a special series of Power Point Lectures at the MichiganCampmeeting last fall, especially designed to try to refute the Lunar Solar Calendarand the Biblical Feast Days, etc. It is obvious that this is a very controversial issueand that certain SDAs are taking a very NEGATIVE stance with regards to it doing

    their best to try to refute it. None of these SDA brethren appear to realize that ALLof the Lords yearly Festivals are Typical and Prophetic in nature and relate tospecific stages relative to the Plan of Salvation, and that until ALL of them have

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    been totally fulfilled in human history and in Salvation history, NONE of them can

    be abolished. If what these Naysayers say is true, then some strange things haveoccurred in Salvation history that makes no logical or theological sense such as:

    1. The Apostle Pauls celebrating ofthe Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar Feast of

    Passover and of Unleavened Bread with his Philippian converts from Paganism inan area where there were NO Jews, or at last if there were any Jews, there were not

    enough Jewish men available in that region to generate a Synagogue as it takes 10Jewish males in any given area before a Jewish Synagogue can be constructed.

    2. If Christ abolished all of His Yearly Religious Hebrew Festivals when He died onthe Cross on the 14

    thof Abib/Nisan as all the Naysayers claim, then the Holy Spirit

    came down on the WRONG DAY. That is, He came down on a Jewish Festival Daythat almost all Christian Churches [including our own SDA Church System] say NOLONGER EXISTED, because they allege that Christ abolished them all by Hisdeath on the Cross. Either their view is false or the Biblical record is wrong. Both

    views cannot be correct. The Biblical record knows nothing of a non-existent Day ofPentecost since the Cross Event.

    3. And within Seventh-day Adventism, [which has its historical roots in theMillerite Movement of the 1800s], we have the anomaly of the Millerites trying toestablish which day in 1843 and later in 1844, the 2

    ndlast Biblical Religious Festival

    of the Year, the Festival of Judgment known as The Day of Atonement, was totake place, which Lev. 23: 27 indicates takes place on the 10

    thday of the Biblical 7


    month [which we know to be the Biblical month of Tishri or Ethanim].

    If the present claims of the SDA Church is true that Christ ABOLISHED all

    of the Hebrew yearly Festivals when He died on the Cross on Abib/Nisan 14, 31C.E., then the Millerite/SDA Doctrine that the initiation of the Cleansing of theHeavenly Sanctuary Procedure began on Oct. 22, 1844, the date [on the GregorianCalendar] that corresponded to the 10

    thday of the Biblical 7

    thmonth of Tishri/

    Ethanim in Oct., 1844, then our SDA Sanctuary Doctrine is a False Doctrine basedon a NON-EXISTENT procedure related to the date of the 2nd Hebrew Fall Feastknown as the Day of Atonement, which by our own SDA New Theology issupposed to NO LONGER EXIST, seeing that our New SDA Theology system-atically teaches that Christ systematically abolished ALL of the Hebrew YearlyReligious Festivals when He died on the Cross as part of the Ceremonial Law. Theycant have it both ways! Either He actually did abolish ALL of the Yearly ReligiousFestivals that He gave to Israel at the time of the Exodus or they are STILLINTACT and must be observed by Spiritual Israel in these last days of earths

    history. Both views CANNOT POSSIBLY be the Truth. ONLY one of those twoviews can be TRUE. ONE of them has to be ERROR.

    Most 7th

    day Sabbatarians are actually Saturday Sabbatarians becausethey perpetually keep the 7

    thday position Saturday that occurs every week, all 52

    weeks per year like clockwork on the Papal Gregorian Calendar that we North

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    Americans have been systematically using during the past 391 years since it firstcame to America with the Pilgrim Fathers who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620.

    ALL 1st

    day Sabbatarians, whether Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox, are

    actually perpetual Sunday keepers, keeping Sunday, the 1st

    day of the week on

    that same Papal Gregorian Calendar all 52 weeks per year. ALL North AmericanSunday keepers also have been keeping Sunday for the past 391 years as well.

    The important question is: Does the Biblical Record and the history of

    Roman Calendation [the history or Roman Calendars] during the 1666-1667 yeartime span between 753 B.C.E. to 1582 C.E., [the year 1582 being the year when thePapal Gregorian Calendar was initiated], actually support either Saturday or

    Sunday [when kept all 52 days that it occurs on the Papal Gregorian yearlyCalendar cycle] as the true Biblical 7

    thday weekly Sabbath?

    Another important question that all Christians, irrespective of their current

    denominational affiliation, need to ask themselves is, is there any place in the Biblethat explains how the Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar System works, and does either

    of those two Papal Gregorian Calendar weekdays Saturday or Sunday conformto the Divine Calendar parameters revealed in the Word of God, the Bible, thatmakes it impossible to be mistaken as to how we can truly identify which is theLords True Calendar [the ONLY one on which all of His true Worship days arelisted and preset as found in His Worship Manual located in Lev. 23], and does the

    Bible show us how we can identify which is Satans Calendar, [which containsabsolutely NONE of the Divinely preset worship days that are all listed in Lev. 23],if we follow the Divine procedures or parameters as to when His 4 weekly 7


    Sabbaths per Biblical month actually occur?

    Another question that all Christians need to ask themselves is what are thenames of the Biblical months? Do you know them? Have you ever heard of them?99.99% of professed Christians have never heard of them. Very few ChristianChurches mention them. Only recently have they been brought to peoples attent -ion, and the various Churches only mention some of them when attempting to refute

    the True Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar. Here they are:

    The Biblical Lunisolar Calendar has only two types of months: 29 day months and

    30 day months.

    a. The 29 day months are: Iyar [also called Ziv (see I Kg. 6: 1) ] = 2nd

    month; Tammuz = 4th month; Elul = 6th month; Chesvan = 8th month (also calledBul in I Kg. 6: 38) [can be a 30 day month during Leap Year]; Tevet (Esther 2:16) = 10

    thmonth; Adar = the 12

    thmonth (Esther 3: 7).

    b. The 30 day months are: Abib/Nisan (Ex. 13: 4;Neh. 2: 1;Esther 3: 7) = 1st

    month; Sivan (Esther 8: 9) = 3rd

    month; Av/Ab = 5th

    month; Tishri/Tisri (alsoknown as Ethanim in I Kg. 8: 2) = 7th month; Kislev/Chisleu (Zech. 7: 1) = 9th

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    month [can be a 30 day month during Leap Year]; Shebat or Sebat (Zech. 1: 7) =



    Bible Students are right about the Names ofthe 4th

    month ofTammuz and

    the 5th

    month ofAv/ab, being names of pagan Babylonian origin. So is the name of

    the 7


    month of Tishriof pagan Babylonian origin, but, then, so are 8 of the other12 names of the Biblical Calendar which names, though of purely pagan Babylonianorigin, are nevertheless, actually recorded in the Bible:

    Nisan: - 1st

    month (Neh. 2: 1; Esther 3: 7). [Persian period].


    month (Esther 8: 9). [Persian period].

    Elul: = 6th

    month (see Neh. 6: 15). [Persian period].

    Marchesvan or Chesvan also called Bul:= 8th

    month (I Kg. 6: 38). [Solomons time =

    the 10


    Century B.C.E.].

    Kislev/Chisleu: - 9th

    month (Neh. 1:1;Zech. 7: 1). [The Persian period].

    Tevet: - 10th

    month (Esther 2: 16). [The Persian period].

    Shebat or Sebat: - 11th

    month (Zech. 1: 7). [The Persian Period].

    Adar: - 12th month (Esther 3: 7). [The Persian period].

    In fact, , if you really want to get technical on this issue, Only the 1st

    month ofAbib, the 2

    ndmonth of Ziv, the 7

    thmonth of Ethanim, and the 8

    thmonth of Bul are

    of Hebrew or Aramaic origin.

    There are two sets of names for 4 of the 12 Biblical months of the Bible:

    (1) All 12 Biblical months have a set of Babylonian names [which names areobviously of pagan Babylonian origin]. Their Babylonian names are Nisan, Iyar,Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishri, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevet, Adar.

    (2) Only 4 Babylonian monthly names have Hebrew name equivalents: Abib, Ziv,Ethanim and Bul. These are specifically mentioned by name in certain Biblical texts

    such as:

    Hebrew Name Babylonian name equivalent:

    Abib: - Ex. 13: 4 Nisan (Esther 3: 7)

    Ziv : - (see I Kg. 6: 1) Iyar [name not mentioned in the Bible]

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    Ethanim in I Kg. 8: 2 Tishri [name not mentioned in the Bible]

    Bul in I Kg. 6: 38) Marchesvan or Chesvan (I Kg. 6: 38)

    When did the Hebrew Old Testament Prophets live and write their prophetic books?

    1. Isaiah wrote during the time of King Uzziahs reign beginning his propheticoffice in the 8th Century between the years 740-739 B.C.E. [SDABC. Vol. 4, p. 17. Hewas the 1

    stHebrew prophet in ancient Israel who ministered as a prophet during the

    reigns of Kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah [Isa. 1: 1], and Manasseh, theson of Hezekiah. He came to the throne in Judah around the year 686 B.C.E.[SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 17, 19].

    2. Jeremiah was called to his prophetic office during the 13th

    year of King Josiaharound 627 B.C.E. [Jer. 1: 2;25: 3]. He was a contemporary of Daniel and Ezekieland witnessed the takeover of Palestine by Nebuchadnezzar and his army in 586

    B.C.E. He died in Egypt either in 580 B.C.E. or in 561 B.C.E. depending how youinterpret chap. 52 of his book. He was not sent to Babylon as was Daniel andEzekiel. [SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 19].

    3. Ezekiel, a priest, was one of the 10,000 Jews taken into exile by Nebuchadnezzarin 597 B.C.E., when Jehoichin was carried to Babylon. [SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 19-20].

    4. Daniel was taken to Babylon in 605 B.C.E. during the accession year ofNebuchadnezzar [Dan. 1: 1]. Daniels prophetic ministry can be dated

    approximately from 603-536 B.C.E. [SDAB.C., Vol. 4, p. 20].

    5. Hosea began his prophetic ministry during the reign of Uzziah, king of Judahand Jeroboam II, king of Israel [Hos. 1: 1 and his ministry continued until the timeof Hezekiah, king of Judah Hos. 1: 1. His book makes no mention of the fall ofSamaria, which took place in 723/722 B.C.E. Hence, it can be concluded that his lastmessage was given prior to Samarias destruction, placing his ministry in the 8

    thCentury, between the years 755 to 625 B.C.E. [SDAB.C., Vol. 4, p. 20].

    6. Joel -As there no chronological data in his book, the exact fixation of the timingof his ministry cannot be fixed with any precision. His ministry occurred somewherebetween the 9

    thto the 7

    thCentury B.C.E. [SDAB.C., Vol. 4, p. 20-21].

    7. Amos - Amos prophetic ministry, according to Amos 1: 1;7: 14, took placeduring the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam II, king ofIsrael to the north in Samaria. As Uzziahs sole reign as king over Judah took placebetween 767-750 B.C.E., and Jeroboam IIs reign over Israel in Samaria took placebetween the years 782-553 B.C.E., the ministry of Amos probably took placebetween the years 767-753 B.C.E. [SDAB.C., Vol. 4, p. 21].

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    8. Obadiah -Obadiahs ministry cannot be dated with precision chronologically. Ittook place either in the 9

    thCentury B.C.E. or in the 6

    thCentury B.C.E. sometime

    around 586 B.C.E., etc. The only thing that we know for certain is that it appears tohave taken place between the 9

    thto the 6

    thCentury B.C.E. [SDAB.C., Vol. 4, p. 22].

    9. Jonah - His book has no direct data to establish the time of his mission toNineveh, but 2 Kings 14: 25 states that he also pronounced a prophecy concerningthe expansion of Israel that was fulfilled by Jeroboam II. This prophecy must havetaken place either before Jeroboam came to the throne (approximately 793 B.C.E.)or during the early years of his reign. Hence, Jonah was probably the earliest of theprophets under discussion. [SDAB.C., Vol. 4, p. 22].

    10. Micah states that his ministry fell in the time of the kings of Jotham, Ahaz, andHezekiah (Micah 1: 1). Since Jothams sole reign began after the death of his father,Uzziah in 740/739 B.C.E., the initial date for Micahs prophetic ministry should

    probably be placed after that date. He was therefore a somewhat younger contemp-

    orary of Isaiah, to whose vocabulary and terminology his prophecies show greatsimilarity (Micah 4: 1-4;cf. Isa. 2: 2-4}. Also Jeremiah (Ch.26: 18), quoting Micah,(ch. 3: 12) testifies that Micah ministered during Hezekiahs time. All this leads tothe conclusion that Micah prophesied from about 740 to about 700 B.C.E. [SDABC,Vol. 4, p. 22].

    11. Nahum lived and labored in the southern kingdom, and his main prophecy dealtwith Assyria in general and Nineveh in particular. No chronological data is given,but the prophet speaks of the fall of No (ch. 3: 8) as an event in the past. This UpperEgyptian capital city, better known by its Greek name Thebes, was destroyed byKing Ashurbanipal in 663 B.C.E., a date that provides the upper time limit ofNahums prophecy. On the other hand, the destruction of Nineveh is described as anevent still future (ch. 3: 7). The Assyrian capital of Nineveh was captured anddestroyed by the combined forces of Media and Babylonia in 612 B.C.E., which is,accordingly, the latest possible date for Nahum. The prophets vivid description ofthe catastrophe that had befallen Thebes leaves the impression that the event wasstill fresh in the memory of the people, whereas Assyrias power, although waning,

    was not yet near its end. Hence, 640 B.C.E., about midway between the two limits,marked by the destruction of Thebes and the fall of Nineveh, would seem to be areasonable conjectural date for Nahums prophetic ministry. [SDABC, Vol. 4, p.


    12. HabakkukNo chronological data is found in his book. The temple ismentioned as still existing in ch. 2: 20 which shows that the book was written beforeNebuchadnezzars destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E. Furthermore, the rise of

    the Chaldeans and their invasion of the West is predicted, but this seemed at thattime completely incredible according to Hab. 1: 5-7. This situation fits best the timeprior to the rise of of Chaldean Empire under Nabopolassar, who began to reign in626/625 B.C.E., and who with the Medes, was responsible for the destruction ofAssyria. A date, possibly about 630 B.C.E., but before the Chaldeans had become a

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    power of some importance, would seem most appropriate for the period ofHabakkuks prophetic activity. [SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 23].

    13. ZephaniahHe states that he ministered under King Josiah (ch. 1: 1), whoreigned from 640 to 609 B.C.E. Ninevehs destruction, which came in 612, is

    referred to as a future event, indicating that Zephaniahs work preceded this date.Furthermore, the repeated mention of Judahs wickedness, described as enormousin his day (see chs. 1: 4-6, 8-9, 19; 3: 1-3, 7), points to the time before Josiahsreform, which began in 623/622 B.C.E. These observations seem to place Zephaniahin the early years of Josiahs reign, perhaps about 630 B.C.E., as a contemporary ofHabakkuk. (SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 23).

    14. HaggaiThe consecutive order of the book of Haggai would indicate that hiswhole recorded ministry lasted not longer than 3 months, beginning (ch. 1: 1) on

    Aug. 29, 520 B.C.E., and extending, in his last two recorded speeches (ch. 2: 10, 20,to Dec. 18, 520. The work of no other prophet can be dated so definitely as that of

    Haggai. (SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 24).

    15. ZechariahHis call to prophetic ministry came to him sometime in October/November, 520 B.C.E., in the same year as Haggais first appearance (ch. 1: 1).Several prophecies followed a few months later (Zech. 1: 7 to 6: 15). Then came apause in his activity of almost two years, at the end of which Zechariah receivedanother divine message, on Dec. 6, 518 B.C.E. (ch. 7: 1), recorded in chs. 7 and 8.The remaining messages and prophecies, found in chs. 9-`4, are not dated, a factthat prevents us from fixing the duration of the prophets activity. While it is thus

    known that he began his work in 520 and continued until 518 B.C.E., the end of hisprophetic ministry is tentatively set by some scholars at 510 B.C.E. It is possible thathe worked much longer, as part of chs. 9-14 may have been given at a much latertime. (SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 24).

    16. MalachiThe messages in the book of Malachi show that was written duringthe time of the kingdom of Judah, when a governor ruled over the country (ch. 1: 8),a fact that points to the Persian period. The Temple was rebuilt, and sacrifices wereregularly offered at the time the of the prophets activity (ch. 1: 7-10). The variousabuses rebuked by Malachi are mostly the same as those Nehemiah found when hereturned to Jerusalem for his second term of govenorship (Mal. 3: 8-9; cf. Neh. 13:10-12; Mal. 2: 11-16; cf. Neh. 13: 12-17).

    Unfortunately, Nehemiahs second term as governor cannot be dated, which

    fact makes it also somewhat difficult to date Malachi. Nehemiahs first term lasted

    from 444 to 432 B.C.E. (ch. 5: 14), after which he was recalled to Persia. There, hespent an unknown number of years before his return to Judea and his discovery ofthe abuses described in ch. 13. These were remedied by the vigorous actions of thegovernor. This leads us to conclude that Malachis work may have followedNehemiahs first term as governor, but preceded his return to Jerusalem from the

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    Persian capital. Accordingly, the book can probably be dated around 425 B.C.E.[SDABC, Vol. 4, p. 24).

    The point to note here about the Babylonian names for the Biblical months isthat they all date from the Persian period in the 5

    thto the 4

    thCenturies B.C.E. which

    was subsequent to the Babylonian Captivity.

    As noted earlier in this study, though the Jews adopted the names of theBabylonian months at that time, they never adopted the Babylonian 28 day monthlycycles nor did they incorporate New Moon Day as the 1

    stday of the 1

    stof the 4

    weekly cycles per month, as the Babylonians did. They still kept all of their HolyDays according to their monthly cycles received at the time of the Exodus. Theirweekly 7

    thday Sabbaths and their yearly Festivals with their Holy Convocation

    Sabbaths had been kept by their Hebrew ancestors from the time of the Exoduswhen Christ reestablished His Lunar Solar Calendar among them showing themduring the initiation of the Manna Miracle how His Calendar System works and

    how His weekly 7 day template from Creation worked [despite the fact that there isno previous data in the book of Genesis to corroborate that that is how it worked].

    This had to be have been how His Calendar worked from the beginning ofHuman History to the time that He reestablished His Calendar to the Hebrews atthe time of the Exodus, who by that time had become semi-pagan while livingamong the heathen in Egypt during their many years of captivity when they wereforced to work 7 days per week.

    The Egyptians had eleven 30 day months in their but added an extra 5 daysduring the 12 month making it a 35 day month just as it is being proposed for the2012 World Calendar if it comes into vogue next December. Those extra 5 days inthe 12th Egyptian month were special festivities dedicated to their pagan gods.

    Hence, the new World Calendar that is being proposed is basically a returnto the Ancient Egyptian Calendar construct. The name proposed for this calendar isthe Benedictine Calendar named for the current Pope, Benedict XVI. The Catholicsalready worship the Egyptian Trinity, Isis, Horus and Seb at its top levels. It will no

    doubt support the new Egyptian-style Calendar construct which will be differentfrom the current Papal Gregorian Calendar that we use today. It doesnt matter to

    Papal Rome what alterations is made to the calendar just as long as they can enforceSunday as the weekly day of worship on the entire world at a future undisclosedpoint in time.

    If the New World Calendar has the Monday to Sunday sequence that theGermans are presently using and have been using now, for quite some time, the

    Saturday Sabbatarians will NO LONGER be able to make the claim that inkeeping Saturday, [which in our present calendar construct with the newSunday to Saturday Papal Calendar innovation launched in Oct., 1582, just 19years after the end of the Catholic Counter-Reformation Council of Trent which

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    ended in 1563, 46 years after Protestantism was launched in Germany by theDominican monk, Martin Luther in 1517], and by doing so, they allege that they are

    keeping the Biblical 7th

    day Sabbath, as the 7th

    day Sabbath, their ONLY EXCUSEand argument in support of why they keep the Papal Gregorian 7

    thday position of

    the week Saturday now, is precisely that it is located in the 7th

    day position of that

    Papal Calendars weekly cycle format which they have erroneously come to believeis the Creators Calendar, simply because it has a 7 day weekly cycle and supports

    the False Papal Propaganda Claims about the Bible Sabbath being Saturday thatthey allege to have changed to Sunday the 1

    stday of the week.

    When the Papal Gregorian Saturday is no longer located in the 7th

    day ofthe secular weekly cycle [which they falsely assume is the original weekly cycletemplate given by the Creator from Creation Week] because they categoricallyrefuse to believe in the True Biblical Lunar Solar monthly/yearly cycle[the Only

    Calendar Construct that the Bible supports from Gen. 1: 1 to Rev. 22: 21], they willhave to find another excusefor keeping Saturday because they wont be

    able to say any longer that it corresponds to the Biblical 7th day Sabbath becausethe New World Calendars weekly cycle will NOT correspond to this delusionalconcept that they have attached to the Papal Gregorian 7 day weekly cycle whichthey are religiously following and promoting for what they sincerely believe to be the

    location of the Biblical 7th

    day Sabbath, for in the new World Calendar Construct,Saturday will then be the 6

    thday of the secular weekly cycle and not the 7

    thday of

    the weekly cycle.

    Notice that in the last line of the previous paragraph, I said that in thenew World Calendar Construct, Saturday will then be the 6

    thday of the secular

    weekly cycle and not the 7th

    day of the weekly cycle. Why did I say that? It is

    because both our present Gregorian Calendar and the future New World Calendarare both Secular or profane Calendars. The first being produced by the Biblically

    described Antichrist System which is prophesied to have attempted to alter theCreators Times = His preset times for Worship that are all listed in HisWorship Manual found in Lev. 23.

    The other secular/profane calendar will be the World Calendar when itcomes on stream. Why am I referring to it as a Secular/Profane Calendar? It isbecause neither of those two calendars are the Divinely established Lunar SolarCalendar which is the Biblical Sacred Calendar in that all of His Worship Daysare attached to and governed by that calendar and how it operates.

    In the First Angels Message of Rev. 14: 6-7 we are admonished in v. 7 to

    Fear God and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come:and Worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of


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    Worshipping God, the Creator, involves the observation or keeping holy of ALL ofHis Worship days listed in His Worship Manual found in Lev. 23 NOT just one ofthem [which most of the 7

    thday Sabbatarian believers worldwide are attempting to

    keep] but on the WRONG CALENDAR CONSTRUCTthe one that Satan hadPapal Rome introduce in Oct., 1582. As Father Thomas Enright, Catholic Priest,

    from St. Louis, Missouri, told us in his handwritten document that

    The Cath. Church not only abolished the Jewish Sabbath but all of theother Jewish Festivals

    and as the Lords End-time Prophetic Messenger, Ellen G. White tells us inPK.678.002 that:

    In the time of the end every divine institution is to be restored.The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath was chang-

    ed by man,is to be repaired. God's remnant people, standing before the

    world as reformers, are to show that the law of God is the foundation of allenduring reform and that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is tostand as a memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power of God.In clear, distinct lines they are to present the necessity of obedience to allthe precepts of the Decalogue. Constrained by the love of Christ, they areto co-operate with Him in building up the waste places. They are to berepairers of the breach, restorers of paths to dwell in. See verse 12.

    that end-time work of the Remnant in the last days of earths history involves muchmore than the mere change of the True Sabbath by the Papal System. It alsoinvolves the restoration of ALL of His Holy Days or Worship Days which indeed are

    the institutions that He gave to Israel, not just for them for the whole world.

    The whole Final End-Time Crisis is over True Worship versus FalseWorship which involves ALL of His Worship days that Papal Rome abolished or

    obscured the timing of with the introduction of its Counterfeit Gregorian Calendar.

    The actual timing of the Creators Worship days are absolutely crucial tothis work of Reform that is to be done by the End-Time Remnant. It does people NOgood to continue to try to keep His weekly 7

    thday Sabbath on the WRONG

    CALENDAR CONSTRUCTthat of Papal Rome, established in Oct., 1582, oncethey learn what the truth of this issue is.

    The problem with the Saturday Sabbatarian churches is that they do notyet realize that the Papal Gregorian Calendar Construct is NOT the BiblicalCalendar and hence, is NOT the calendar that any Christian no matter what his or

    her denominational affiliation should be following for locating any of the LordsTrue Worship days!

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    Therefore, as the Gregorian Calendar is NOT the Lords Calendar, as is easyto demonstrate, both from the Word of God and from the history of Roman Calend-

    ation from 45 B.C.E. to Oct. 4, 1582, they really have no genuine excuse for follow-ing the WRONG CALENDAR CONSTRUCT for their worship activities. Theysimply choose to reject the Lords True Calendar because they want to follow the

    habitual worship practices that they have been used to all of their lifetime which ispurely based on their Churchs Worship Tradition, and on the way they relate to thePapal Gregorian Calendar Construct and their previous total blind acceptance of

    the False Papal Propaganda concerning the Sabbath to Sunday issue.

    We are not the author of the weekly 7th

    day Sabbath, the Creator is. We havebeen given no authority to follow a Counterfeit Calendar Construct that He has notestablished or approved for the location of all of His Worship days listed in HisWorship Manual in Lev. 23. Nevertheless, this is precisely what all of theSaturday Sabbatarian Churches and the Jews are perpetually doing since Oct.,1582. They are ALL following Papal Romes Solar calendar and NOT the Biblical

    Lunar Solar calendar for their weekly day of worship, and the majority of the500+ Protestant Saturday Sabbatarian Church are at the same time denying thevalidity ofALL of the Creators Other Worship Days that are listed in Lev. 23. Inthis, they are simply following the teachings of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation Council of Trent and the Catechism of the Council of Trent on these

    issues. They are NOT following the Word of God on these issues. They are ALLApostates from the True Biblical Worship System set up by the Lord in Lev. 23 and

    the majority of them will NEVER ACCEPT either the concept that the TrueBiblical 7th day Sabbath is found according to the way that the Creator set up HisLunar Solar Calendar System which is amply demonstrated both in the data foundin Ex. 16 and in Jn. 19: 14, 30-31.

    It doesnt do anyone any good to deceive themselves into thinking that thereason for the deletion of 10 days from the Papal month of October in 1582 was inorder to try to reconcile the 11 day difference between the Lunar versus the SolarCalendar cycle, for instead of deleting 10 days, they should have added 11 days hadthat been their purpose. They never even deleted 11 days, were the reconciliationbetween the two calendar systems the true purpose of the overhaul of the Roman 7day Planetary Julian Calendar that existed and was used by the Church of Rome

    from the time of Constantine to Oct., 1582 prior to the launching of their GregorianCalendar Construct that year.

    Historical sources inform us that the purpose of the overhaul of the calendarin 1582 had nothing to do with trying to reconcile the Lunar versus the SolarCalendars to bring the two of them in line, but was to fix the Roman pagan feast ofEaster dedicated to the pagan goddess Ishtar in Babylon or Ashtoreth, the

    goddess of the Phoenicians, etc. The calendar had gone out of sync with the seasonsdue to a neglect of periodic systematic calibration by the addition of sufficientintercalary months to keep it on track. Thus from March 21, 325 C.E. at the Councilof Nicea, when the pagan festival of Easter was fixed at that date relative to the

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    spring equinox, by Oct., 1582, that feast was out of sync by 10 days hence thedeletion of 10 days from the Calendar. People who religiously and stubbornly

    continue to support the Gregorian Calendar fail to realize that the month ofOctober is totally short by 10 days having only 21 days instead of its usual 31 days.

    Furthermore, they equally fail to realize that the order of the days of theGregorian Weekly Cycle in Oct., 1582 was radically changed from its formerSaturday to Friday sequence [where it has always existed from 45 B.C.E. to Oct.4, 1582], to a completely new Sunday to Saturday sequence which never existeduntil the Papal System introduced its new Gregorian Calendar Construct in Oct.,1582.

    Christ, the Lord of the weekly 7th

    day Sabbath, and of all of the Worship

    Days/New Moon Days/Holy Convocation Sabbaths that are listed in Lev. 23, clearlydemonstrated during the 2

    ndBiblical month of Iyar/Ziv [and every month and year

    thereafter during a 40 year period], how His 7 day weekly Cycle template is to work

    by placing it in His Lunar Solar Calendar framework. Rebellious Christians of allfaiths refuse to admit that this is how His 7 day weekly template from Creationweek is to function.

    There is NO such thing as a 7 day weekly cycle outside ofthe CreatorsLunar monthly cycles whereby we are to keep His 7 day weekly cycle templatefrom Creation Week in some obscure manner alleged by the Saturday Sabbatar-ians to operate independently ofand outside of His Lunar Calendar Construct

    which sets the framework for both His 4 weekly lunar weekly 7 th day Sabbaths aswell as His yearly Festivals [which ONLY OCCUR at their preset times during 3months of the Biblical year during the months of: Abib/Nisan, Sivan and Tishri/

    EthanimNONE of which months show up on our Gregorian Calendar NOR onany Roman calendar at any time in Roman history from 753 B.C. to Oct., 1582. Tothink that there is another way to keep His weekly 7

    thday Sabbaths, is to be

    deceivedeither inadvertently or willfully, or is an attempt to deviously invent false

    lines of reasoning to skirt around the issue at stake here! There are NO weeklycycles whatsoever outside ofthe Creators Lunar-Solar monthly/yearly cycles.People may insist that such a thing exists because that is what they erroneouslyWANT to believe but it is not based on reality and is definitely NOT Biblical based.

    All of the SDAs that I have talked to about the Lords True Calendar makeup all sorts of senseless excuses to try to skirt around the issue because they DONOT WANT to believe in it or practice it. It is just that simple. They want to keepliving according to the Papal Antichrists Systems Counterfeit Calendar. It doingthis, they show where their real allegiance lies. It does not lie with the Lord thoughthey will adamantly deny that allegation.

    The very mention ofthe Creators True Lunar Solar Calendar causesmany ofthem to immediately try to justify their keeping of Saturday on the Papal

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    Gregorian Calendar as if there was some spiritual virtue to be found in support-ing and following Papal Romes Counterfeit Calendar to their last breath!

    It makes no logical or theological sense at all for a Saturday Sabbatarianto do this. I can understand Sunday keepers doing so, but NOT Saturday

    Sabbatarians who all should know better and who should leave no stone unturned todiscover the truth about this subject, but unfortunately, most of them are totallydestitute of Spiritual Discernment on this vitally important Biblical issue that willfix their Eternal Destiny when the True Biblical Lunar Solar weekly 7


    Sabbath coupled with ALL of the Lords True Worship days listed in Lev. 23 comeinto dramatic conflict with the Worship Days/Festival Days [during the not toodistant End-Time Tribulation Period] that have been substituted for them by PapalRome during the Dark Ages.

    The following is a chart showing the names of the Biblical months in theLords Lunisolar Calendar and what month each Biblical month corresponds to

    approximately in our Papal Roman Gregorian Calendar:

    The Biblical Calendar

    Jewish Months The Equivalent Calendar Months to whichthey correspond in our GregorianCalendar:

    Order Name of theBiblical Month

    [Note: During the 6 Gregorian months ofJanuary, February, March, April, May,June, whatever day of the Gregorian

    Month Biblical New Moon Day Falls on,the 4 weekly Biblical Lunar Solar Calendarweekly 7th day Sabbaths occur on, beginning exactly one week later on the same dayof the week.

    This means that only two of the remainingthree weekly 7th day Sabbaths can fallwithin that same month, which causesthe 4th weekly 7th day Sabbath for thatsame month NOT to occur until the sameday of the 1st Gregorian weekly cycleof the following month].

    NONE of the 7th day Sabbatarian Churchesappear to know about this procedure asyet, and unfortunately 99% of those whoclaim to Follow the True Biblical LunarSolar Calendar for the yearly Biblical

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    Religious Festivals with their accompany-ing collective 7 Yearly Holy Convocation

    Sabbaths, categorically presently refuse toobserve their weekly 7th day Sabbathsaccording to the Biblical Lunar Solar

    Calendar, choosing purposely instead toperpetually keep the 7th day of the weekposition Saturday on theirPapal Gregor-ian Calendar, not realizing that where theBiblical New Moon Day falls in a PapalGregorian monthly cycle, makes itTOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the Papal Greg-orian Saturday to be kept all 52 weeksper year because in doing so, people areNOT FOLLOWING the Divinely establishedParameters for the keeping of the Biblical



    day Weekly Sabbaths as set forth withinthe framework of the Divinely establishedLunar Solar Calendar as the Lord clearlydemonstrated when he reestablished His 7day week template among the Hebrews atthe time of the Exodus.

    Note: Furthermore, in 2010, 4 Gregorian 31day months: January, May, July, and October,that all had the peculiar phenomenon of having5 consecutive Saturdays in them, and in our

    present 2011 Gregorian calendar year, we havefour 31 day months: January, July, October and

    December, and one 30 day month: April that

    each has 5 consecutive Saturdays in them.

    It is TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the 1stSaturday [in any of those Gregorianmonths that have 5 Saturdays in them] tobe the Lords Weekly 7th day Sabbath, forthe simple reason that the BiblicalCalendar ONLY has ever had 4 weekly 7thday Sabbaths per month!

    There has NEVER been a time in Biblicalhistory when the Biblical Calendarever had 5 weekly 7th day Sabbaths in it.In any Gregorian monthly cycle that has5 Saturdays in it, [in order for any of theSaturdays in that month to be a Legitimate

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    Nisan or Abib[Abiv] (29 days]

    Ziv or Iyar [30days]

    Biblical 7th day Sabbath], the 1st day in thatSeries of 5 days bearing the nameSaturday, would have to correspond toBiblical New Moon Day which is NEVER a

    weekly 7th day Sabbath because the

    Hebrews never included New Moon Day asthe 1st day of their 1st 7 day weekly cyclelike the Babylonians did as the Word ofGod contains NO 28 day months.

    The same would be true of ALL PapalGregorian Calendar months that have 5days per month bearing the same nameper month, because when New Moon Dayfalls on the 1st one in that series of 5Days [with the same name eachj week per

    month], that 1


    day in that series CANNEVER BE a Biblical weekly 7th daySabbath.

    So, as you can see, by these fact alone,ALL traditional Saturday Sabbatarians,and 99% of all Lunar Solar Calendar FeastKeepers, who for the most part, also keepa perpetual Gregorian Saturday Sabbath,and ALL Sunday Keepers, as well asALL Jews and Muslims, are actual ALL

    keeping the wrong day per week as theirweekly worship day because they are ALLsystematically following the Bogus/Counterfeit Papal Gregorian CalendarsSunday to Saturday weekly cycle all 52weeks per year, which weekly cycle didntexist at any time in that order of the daysin any Roman Calendar from 45 B.C.E. toOct. 4, 1582 C.E.



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    Sivan [29 days]

    Tammuz [30 days]

    Ab or Av [29 days]

    Elul [30 days]

    Tishri [29 days]

    Bul [30 days]

    Chisleu [29 days]

    Tebeth [30 days]

    Sebat 29 days]

    Adar [30 days]

    Ve-Adar (theIntercalary 30 dayMonth that isadded only onceevery 3 yearsduring the BiblicalLeap Year). This isthe only year inwhich the BiblicalCalendar Systemhad a total of 52weeks. All normalHebrew Biblical




    [Note: During the 6 Gregorian months ofJuly, August, September, October,November, and December, whatever dayof the Gregorian Month, Biblical New MoonDay Falls on, the 4 weekly Biblical LunarSolar Calendar weekly 7th day Sabbathsoccur beginning on the same day of theGregorian weekly cycle exactly one weeklater. They are all contained within theconfines of each of those same 6 monthsand

    do not overlap the following Gregorianmonth].





    Jan. Feb.

    Feb. Mar.


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    Lunisolar Yearshad only 48 weeksand ALL HebrewBiblical Lunisolaryears ONLY had 4

    consecutiveweeks andtherefore only 4weekly 7th. daySabbath permonth no matterwhat the month orthe type of year.

    Students of the Biblical Calendar have clearly noted that the Biblical calendar is notthe same as the Gregorian/Roman/Worldly one. Unfortunately, many of them dontseem to see the vital importance of that difference when dealing with Religiousmatters.

    NONE of these Biblical or Babylonian names for the months are found in any

    of the Roman Calendar Systems, neither in

    a. the 1st

    Century 7 day Planetary Week Astrological Calendar that didntcome on stream as a separate Roman Calendar format until somewhere between theyears 19 B.C. to 4 A.D. during the latter years of the Reign of Augustus Caesar.

    b. nor in the 1st Century 8 day Julian Nundinal Calendar which began to beenforced by Julius Caesar in 45 B.C.

    c. nor in the Papal Gregorian Calendar that didnt see the light of day untilOct., 1582.

    It is important to note here that though the Babylonians and the Ancient

    pagan Romans worshipped the same 7 Planetary gods, they did not worship them inthe same order. This is an important difference that needs to be duly noted by allSaturday Sabbatarians and by all Naysayers who try desperately to refute theauthenticity and validity of the Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar Construct.

    The Babylonian order in which they worshipped their Planetary gods wasMoon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. This planetary order was inaccordance with the distance of those 7 planets from the earth and denoted theimportance of their order in the Babylonian Worship System. [See the graphic on p.2in chapter 2 entitled Is the Planetary Week of Babylonian Origin? As located in

    Robert L. Odoms 1st book entitled Sunday in Roman Paganism: A history of the

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    planetary week andits day of the Sun in the heathenism of the Roman world

    during the early centuries of the Christian Era.

    If the Babylonians ordered their 7 day weekly cycle in the same sequence of the 7Planetary gods that they worshipped, then the Babylonian weekday should have hada Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn sequence to it, which inEnglish would translate in our equivalent names as: Monday, Wednesday, Friday,Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, which is quite different than that of theRoman weekly cycle both in the 1

    stCentury B.C.E./C.E. and in the weekly cycle in

    the Gregorian Calendar of Oct., 1582.

    The Roman 7 day Planetary Astrological weekly cycle where the lettersA,B,C,D,E,F,G reflected the same sequence of the days of the week in the same

    sequence in which they worshipped their 7 Planetary gods were listed in thefollowing order: Saturn, Sol, Lunae, Mars, Mercurii, Jupiter, Venus which in ourEnglish terms are Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

    Friday and NOT the Papal Gregorian order of the days that we are all familiar

    with that didnt exist in that order in the Roman weekly cycle until Oct., 1582 whichin English is: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday.

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    It is indeed curious that neither the Roman 7 day nor 8 day calendars in the1

    stCentury B.C.E./C.E. had either the Babylonian Monday, Wednesday, Friday,

    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, order of the days related to the 7 Planetary

    gods that they worshipped, NOR did they have the Sunday to Saturday sequencethat our Papal Gregorian Calendar has always had since Oct., 1582. Rather their

    weekly cycles had the order of Saturday to Friday throughout both centuriesB.C.E/C.E., which process was continued until Papal Rome changed the Saturdayto Friday order that the ancient Romans used, to their New Sunday to Saturdaysequence in 1582. The Majority of well-meaning Christians have come to erroneous-ly believe that the Papal Sunday to Saturday sequence is the one that was handeddown by the Creator from Creation Week, but that is unrealistic, seeing that thePapal Gregorian Calendar is only 429 years old, dating only from Oct., 1582!

    The Babylonians had a 28 day monthly cycle and they incorporated New

    Moon Day as the 1st

    day of the 1st

    7 day weekly cycle per month. This gave them 4continuous weekly cycles per month with no breaks between the weeks and no

    separate New Moon Day as a separate Worship day to begin the month.

    The Jews lived among the Babylonians for 70 years during the BabylonianCaptivity in the 6

    thCentury B.C.E. They had adequate time to absorb the Babylon-

    ian monthly cycle but they did not do so. They did, however adopt all of the Babylon-ian monthly names, though ONLY 8 of them are specifically mentioned in theBible: Nisan, Sivan, Elul, Chesvan, Kislev/Chisleu, Tevet, Shebat or Sebat, Adar.

    During the Biblical Leap Year that occurs once ever 3rd Biblical year theHebrews added an additional 13

    thmonth, a 2

    nd29 day month of Adar which they

    called Ve-Adar. The 8 Babylonian names of the months are found in the followingBiblical texts:

    Nisan: - 1st

    month (Neh. 2: 1; Esther 3: 7)

    Iyar: - 2nd month [name not mentioned in the Bible but is found in Jewishsources].


    month (Esther 8: 9)

    Av/Ab: - 4th

    monthnot mentioned in the Bible but is found in Jewish sources.

    Tammuz: - 5th

    monthnot mentioned in the Bible but is found in Jewish sources.

    Elul - 6th

    month (see Neh. 6: 15)

    Tishri: - 7th

    month not mentioned by name in the Bible but is found in Jewishsources.

    Chesvan = 8th month (I Kg. 6: 38)

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    Kislev/Chisleu - 9th month (Zech. 7: 1)

    Tevet - 10th

    month (Esther 2: 16)

    Shebat or Sebat - 11th

    month (Zech. 1: 7)

    Adar - 12th

    month (Esther 3: 7)

    There is no sense disputing those Babylonian names for the Biblical monthsas they are found in the Bible and are a part of the inspired Biblical record. The

    point is, that this was the only feature of the Babylonian month that the Jews everadopted. They did not adopt its 28 day monthly cycle. Instead, the Biblical monthsstill contain 6 months of 30 days and 6 months of 29 days, neither of which have New

    Moon Day incorporated into the 1st

    Weekly cycle per month as the 1st

    day of that 1st

    weekly cycle.

    Those who argue against the validity of the Biblical monthly Lunar Solarcycle and against the Lunar Solar yearly cycle, and against the concept of Lunar

    Solar weekly 7th

    day Sabbaths all insist on an endless cycle of days, weeks, months,and years with no breaks between the months with no New Moon day as the 1


    Worship day that introduces the new month following which New Moon Day, the 4monthly weekly 7th day Sabbaths arrive consecutively in a row with the 1st weekly7

    thday Sabbath beginning on the 8

    thday of the month, which ipso facto, causes the 3

    remaining Biblical Lunar Solar Weekly Sabbaths to occur on the 15th

    , 22nd

    and 29th

    days of the Biblical month whether the month is a 29 day or a 30 day month. Theexistence of New Moon Day as the 1

    stday of every Biblical months makes the

    keeping of a perpetual Gregorian Saturday Sabbath totally impossible as will beexplained in detail later on in this study!

    Equally important to notice is that NONE of the Roman monthly names ofJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,November, December exist either in the Biblical Lunar Solar Calendar or anywhere

    in the Biblical Record.

    Equally worthy of noting is the fact that NONE of the Biblical monthlynames: Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Ab/Av, Tammuz, Elul, Tishri, Chesvan, Kislev/Chisleu,Tevet, Shebat or Sebat, Adar appear in the Roman Gregorian Calendar that we alluse today! So obviously we are dealing with two totally different calendar systemsthat are neither identical or interchangeable though all the Saturday SabbatarianChurches continue to loudly support and promote the Papal Antichrist Systems

    Counterfeit Gregorian Calendar as if it were the True Biblical Calendar, whiledecrying, demeaning, and condemning the True Biblical Calendar whose monthlynames are listed in the Bible as Damnable Heresy, and as a Satanic Delusion.

    It is indeed very ironic that these same people condemn the True BiblicalLunar Solar Calendar as as Damnable Heresy, and as a Satanic Delusion, while

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    at the same time choose to honor and promote the Counterfeit Roman Gregorian

    Calendar that Satan caused Papal Rome, the Biblical Antichrist System, to initiatein Oct., 1582, and they are so spiritually blind on this issue because of their manyyears of Papal Gregorian Calendar and False Papal Propaganda concerning theSabbath to Sunday issue, that they either CANNOT SEE or WILFULLY REFUSE

    TO SEE the Truth on this issue because of their many years of tradition in keepingthe Papal Gregorian Calendar Saturday as the Biblical Creation Sabbath ONLY found on the Papal Gregorian Calendar that ONLY dates from Oct., 1582and NOT from Creation Week. It is amazing to what lengths people will go to defend

    error for truth once they take it upon themselves to immediately begin to reject thetruth about the Biblical Calendar so that they may retain the Status Quo ModusOperandi that they have been following for many years on this subject.

    There are 11 acid tests that permit the genuine, honest-minded, non-biased, truth seeker to clearly discern between the True Divine Calendar andSatans Bogusor Fake/Counterfeit Calendar.

    1. That 1st acid test is: which of the two Calendar systems begin every monthwith Biblical New Moon Day, [which automatically causes ALL 4 true Biblicalweekly 7

    thday Sabbaths to line up with the same day that Biblical New Moon Day

    Falls on, with the 1st

    true weekly 7th

    day Sabbath coming exactly 7 days subsequentto the location of Biblical New Moon Day in the monthly cycle] , which New MoonDay is ALWAYS a worship day, [that NEVER falls on the same day that the 1


    weekly 7th

    day Sabbath falls on], and is ALWAYS the 1st

    day without exception in

    every True Biblical monthly cycle. If this initial criterion is not met, we are dealingwith Satans Bogus/Counterfeit Calendar.

    2. The 2nd

    acid test is: does the calendar that we keep our worship dayaccording to conform to the Biblical parameter of ONLY having 29 or 30 daymonths and NEVER a 28

    day month or a 31 day month? Any Calendar Construct

    that does not meet this 2nd

    Divinely established parameter is therefore easilyidentified as Satans Bogus/Counterfeit Calendar.

    On the contrary, the Roman Calendar system including our current Gregor-ian Calendar has the following breakdown of months in its 12 month yearly cycle:

    a. one 28 day month: February;

    b. four 30 day months - April, June, September, November; and

    c. seven 31 day months: January, March, May, July, August, October, and


    3. The 3rd

    acid test is: do any of the months in the calendar system that weare using for our weekly/monthly/yearly Worship practices contain months thathave 4 weeks it, in which the same weekday name occurs 5 times consecutively in

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    the same position of the week or in the same weekday timeslotin each of its weekly

    cycles]? In order words, do any of its monthly cycles contain, for example, 5Saturdays or 5 Sundays,or5 Mondays, or 5 Tuesdays, or 5 Wednesdays, or 5Thursdays, or5 Fridays in the same weekday timeslot per month? If even onesuch month exists in which a particular day such as Saturday, orSunday, [the

    ONLY two commonly accepted weekly worship days used within the ChristianWorld], occurs 5 times per month in the same weekly timeslot, and all 5 of them arekept religiously and systematically by either Saturday Sabbatariansor by

    Sunday Sabbatarians as their perpetual weekly worship day, this is proof positivethat both groups are using Satans Bogus/Counterfeit Calendar system for theirweekly day of worship, because in the True Biblical Calendar which is a LunarSolar Calendar system, there is ALWAYS ONLY 4 weekly 7

    thday Sabbaths per

    month and NEVER any month that has 5 consecutive weekly 7th

    day Sabbaths in it.

    The same is true for the 1st

    day Sunday Sabbaths of the Sunday keepers.

    Note the following concerning our 2010 Gregorian Calendar from last year and our

    current 2011 Gregorian Calendar:

    In our 2010 Gregorian Calendar last year, notice the following phenomena:

    a. January had 5 Sundays,5 Fridaysand5 Saturdays in it.

    b. February had no weeks with the same day appearing 5 times in it.

    c. March had 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, and 5 Wednesdays in it.

    d. April had 5 Thursdays and5 Fridays in it.

    e. May had 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays and5 Saturdays in it.

    f. June had 5 Tuesdays and 5 Wednesdays in it.

    g. July had 5 Thursdays, 5 Fridaysand5 Saturdays in it.

    h. August had 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays in it.

    i. September had 5 Wednesdays and 5 Thursdays in it.

    j. October had5 Sundays, 5 Fridays, and5 Saturdays in it.

    k. November had 5 Mondays and 5 Tuesdays in it.

    l. December had 5 Wednesdays, 5 Thursdays, and5 Fridays in it.

    Therefore, last year in 2010, there were four 31 day months: January, May,July, andOctober that all had the peculiar phenomenon of having 5 consecutive

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    Saturdays in themthat ALL of the various Saturday Sabbatarian Churches

    systematically observed as the weekly Biblical 7th day Sabbath without everrealizingthat one of those 5 Saturdays in each of those 5 months just mentioned,the 1

    stone in the series,COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE a true Biblical 7


    Sabbath. One reason is that there is NO SUCH THING as 5 consecutive weekly 7th

    day Sabbaths in any True Biblical Calendar monthly cycle. ALL Biblicalmonths have ONLY 4 weekly 7

    thday SabbathsNOT 5 per month. The other

    reason is that NONE of the Saturday Sabbatarian Churches are following theBiblical principle that the 1

    sttrue Biblical 7

    thday Sabbath ALWAYS OCCURS 1

    week later, exactly 7 days subsequent to the exact same weekday that the BiblicalLunar Solar Calendars New Moon Day falls on in the Gregorian Calendar.

    By the same token, in our last years 2010 Gregorian Calendar, there were

    four 31 day months: January, May, August, andOctober that each had 5 Sundays it


    If you look at our Gregorian Calendar for 2011 you will see that:

    1. January has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and5 Saturdays in it.

    2. March has 5 Tuesdays, 5 Wednesdays, and 5 Thursdays in it.

    3. April has 5 Fridays and5 Saturdays in it.

    4. May has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and 5 Tuesdays in it.

    5. June has 5 Wednesdays and 5 Thursdays in it.

    6. July has 5 Sundays, 5 Fridays, and5 Saturdays in it.

    7. August has 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, 5 Wednesdays in it.

    8. September has 5 Thursdays and 5 Fridays in it.

    9. October has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, and5 Saturdays in it.

    10. November has 5 Tuesdays and 5 Wednesdays in it.

    11. December has 5 Thursdays, 5 Fridays and5 Saturdays in it.

    In our 2011 Gregorian Calendar we have four 31 day months: January,July,October andDecemberand one 30 day month: April that each has 5 consecutiveSaturdays in it, and four 31 day months: January, May, July, and October, that have

    5 consecutive Sundays in them.

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    4. The 4th acid test is that: as Biblical New Moon Day is the 1st day of everyBiblical monthly cycle, and is both a Worship day [Ez. 46: 1-7] and a Non-

    Commercial day [Amos 8: 5], when this Biblical New Moon Day falls in either a 30day month or a 31 day month that has the same weekday name in the same timeslotright from the 1

    stweek in the month, that 1

    sttimeslot out of the 5 timeslots per

    month that bears the same name, CANNOT POSSIBLY ever be a Biblical weekly7th

    day Sabbath even when that day is the Gregorian Saturday, even IF the

    Gregorian Saturday were the true Biblical Sabbath because the 1st Saturdayin any Gregorian monthly cycle, CANNOT POSSIBLY BE a weekly 7


    Sabbath [in that 5 day sequence of days bearing the same name in the sametimeslot per week per month], for the simple reason that if Biblical New Moon Dayfalls on that 1

    stSaturday in that particular Gregorian monthly cycle, [as Biblical

    New Moon Day is ALWAYS the 1st

    Day of the Biblical monthly cycle and can never

    fall on the 1st

    Biblical 7th

    day Sabbath which ALWAYS occurs exactly 7 days later];that 1

    stday [Saturday] on a Gregorian Calendar Construct has to be New Moon

    Day in order for any of the remaining 4 Saturdays of that month to be the True

    Biblical weekly 7th

    day Sabbath. This again shows that the Papal Gregorian is aSatans Bogus/Counterfeit Calendar.

    5. The fifth Acid Test: As there were only