The Crusader VII.doc

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  • 8/15/2019 The Crusader VII.doc







  • 8/15/2019 The Crusader VII.doc



    PREVALENT SCENARIO..…………………............................................4HELMET vs I!" AFTERSHOC#S - IV….............................................$

    PEACEMA#ER MERCENARY.……………..........................................4$HELMET vs I!" AFTERSHOC#S - V…............................................$%

    HELMET vs I!" AFTERSHOC#S - VI............................................1&4PEACEMA#ER MERCENARY - II………..........................................2%%HELMET vs I!" AFTERSHOC#S - VII...........................................21'BEYOND THE INFERNO...……………………………………………2&2AFTER SI( YEARS…….....……………………………………………2')

    HELMET vs I!" AFTERSHOC#S - VIII..........................................*%'HELMET vs I!" AFTERSHOC#S - I(.............................................*4%NO END IN SI!HT………………………..............................................*$%#NOC#-OUT PUNCH…………………….............................................4%&

    PEACEMA#ER MERCENARY - III.……...........................................4&&#NOC#-OUT PUNCH - II………………..............................................4$2

    #NOC#-OUT PUNCH - III……………….............................................&4+

    #NOC#-OUT PUNCH , IV…………………........................................+%&#NOC#-OUT PUNCH , V …………………………………………….++1BOYCOTT OR NOT...………………………………………………….'1%

    BI!S FOR BALLOT……………………………………………………'4'SHE AS#ED FOR IT...…………………………………………………''$EVER-ESCALATIN! AR..………………………………………….$2$

    SHE AS#ED FOR IT , II………………………………………………$&'SHE AS#ED FOR IT , III..…………………………………………….)1$


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    TO BEAUTY PARLOR…………………………………………………)&'FATI!UED FRONTLINER..…………………………………………1%%&UNENDIN! AR……………………………………………………..1%*$

    CONSOLIDATION AND MORE…………………………………….1%&'TO ARDS POLLS..…………………………………………………..1%)%


    The Crusades, referred to as war on terror, have been going on for little less than a month short of six years. The aim and objectives of this war,


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    though not expressed explicitly by the Crusaders, have been made clear byits conduct. The ruling elite in the targeted lands and peoples, somehow,refuse to read the horrifying inevitable.

    ast year, some documents containing intelligence on !lobalTerrorism were made public. These documents entitled "ational #ntelligence$stimates, though contained %tempered& information, yet were used by their authors to establish trends of global terrorism with a view to set the prioritiesof the holy war.

    #t was no surprise that they tal'ed only of #slamic militancy. That alsoimplied that the element of exaggeration of the threats was in(built. Theconclusions drawn by the intelligence wi)ards serve as an authentic proof of the future intentions of the Crusaders. *ome excerpts from "#$ arereproduced.

    %+e assess that the global jihadist movement which includes al(-a&ida, affiliated and independent terrorist groups, and emerging networ'sas well is spreading and adapting to counterterrorism efforts.&

    %"ew jihadist networ's and cells, with anti( merican agendas, areincreasingly li'ely to emerge. The confluence of shared purpose anddispersed actors will ma'e it harder to find and undermine jihadist groups.&

    %The #ra/ jihad is shaping a new generation of terrorist leaders andoperatives0 perceived jihadist success there would inspire more fighters tocontinue the struggle elsewhere l(-a&ida, now merged with bu

    usa&ab al( ar/awi&s networ', is exploiting the situation in #ra/ to attractnew recruits and donors and to maintain its leadership role.&

    %4ther affiliated *unni extremist organi)ations, such as 5emaah#slamiya, nsar al(*unnah, and several "orth frican groups, unlesscountered, are li'ely to expand their reach and become more capable of multiple and6or mass(casualty attac's outside their traditional areas of operation.&

    %+e judge that most jihadist groups both well('nown and newlyformed will use improvised explosive devices and suicide attac's focused

    primarily on soft targets to implement their asymmetric warfare strategy, andthat they will attempt to conduct sustained terrorist attac's in urban


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    environments. 8ighters with experience in #ra/ are a potential source of leadership for jihadists pursuing these tactics.&

    %Concomitant vulnerabilities in the jihadist movement have emergedthat, if fully exposed and exploited, could begin to slow the spread of themovement. They include dependence on the continuation of uslim(relatedconflicts, the limited appeal of the jihadists& radical ideology, the emergenceof respected voices of moderation, and criticism of the violent tacticsemployed against mostly uslim citi)ens.&

    %+hile #ran, and to lesser extent *yria, remain the most active statesponsors of terrorism, many other states will be unable to prevent territory or resources from being exploited by terrorists The radicali)ation process isoccurring more /uic'ly, more widely, and more anonymously in the #nternetage, raising the li'elihood of surprise attac's by un'nown groups whosemembers and supporters may be difficult to pinpoint.&

    The repeated use of words li'e %jihadists&, in few lines /uoted from bul'y documents, ma'e it clear that the ongoing war 9Crusades: is onlyagainst those states and non(state forces in #slamic +orld which oppose

    merican imperialism and thus a threat to merican interests. The%assessments& spelled out also indicate that the Crusaders seemed determinedto continue the war for indefinite period.

    This %holy& war has only one %noble& aim0 ta'ing control of theresources of uslim +orld with a view to pushing the uslims to the brin' of *tone ge. #n the process annihilate all those forces, state or non(state,which dare resisting or opposing the Crusaders.

    nother goal of the ongoing war, repeatedly reiterated by ;ush, is torestrict the bloodshed to #slamic +orld to ma'e merica safe. That is why ithas been and continued to be fought fiercely in fghanistan and #ra/ andwith lesser intensity in

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    The war fronts have been completely reversed. ouse in pursuance of their Nazria-e-Hajit .

    usharraf, scared and worried about his personal security6safety, has been shamelessly stic'ing to the dual office of C4 * and

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    deny an outright victory to their adversaries0 thus, an unending conflict andresultant bloodshed.

    Ath *eptember 2BB


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    The *upreme Court continued treating the %ailments& of the nation.-a)i >ussain&s petition on the issue of usharraf&s dual office was admittedfor hearing. The court proceedings on missing persons& case lingered on andduring one of the hearings, the C5< said it has been established that%missing& persons were6are being held by agencies and ordered thegovernment to free them.

    The government attempted to s'ip *>C proceedings on =arachicarnage by objecting to the presence of %complainant judges& on the bench.

    ltaf >ussain threatened *>C over =arachi carnage hearing by saying that%biased& decision could lead to popular resentment6accountability.

    The %secret& tal's to finali)e ushy(ussain&s petitionfor hearing. The petitioner has challenged usharraf for not relin/uishingthe office of army chief after attaining the age of superannuation at FB. TheC5< stressed upon implementation of Constitution for prosperous and


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    *hujaat said *harif ;rothers could return to uman rightsorgani)ation submitted its report on ay 12 to *indh >igh Court.

    < (" leadership held a marathon meeting in ondon and decidedthat "awa) *harif would return on 1B th *eptember. "awa) will land at#slamabad in a charted plane and then travel to ahore by road. >e wanted adecisive battle against usharraf. e said < (- will not vote for constitutional amendment which allowsthird term for prime minister, but assured usharraf of his re(election inuniform.

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    bargaining with usharraf. ;ena)ir&s return plan was also discussed.Eeportedly,

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    dialogue with the government at individual level. *hai'h Eashid said "awa)*harif would get another %reminder& from *audis about not to return toafi) igh Court


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    Eawalpindi ordered police not to harass6arrest wor'ers of < (". *ui*outhern informed the court that 77 employees have been reinstated.

    nsar bbasi reported that usharraf was trying to stop "awa) *harif in Dubai with the help of ?nited *tates. court issued arrest warrant of *hahba) *harif in a murder case. < (" said plan was in place to resist*harifs& arrest.

    *audi mbassador to ;ritain said the *audi statement was againstnobody0 it was issued because the *audi government was as'ed to ma'e itsstand clear. < (" is not against "awa)&s return, said ushahid. *hujaatwas unhappy over giving clean chit to ;ena)ir. The deal would yield

    positive results, claimed *hai'h Eashid.

    "ext day, the government attempted to s'ip *>C proceedings on=arachi carnage by objecting to the presence of %complainant judges& on theseven(member bench, but the court turned down the objection. TC issuedarrest warrants of *hahba) *harif and ordered strict compliance. >undredsof < (" leaders and activists were held across ariri having met "awa) *harif in ondon was heading to ariri arrived in #slamabad on there/uest of usharraf and held a press conference after a lengthy meeting


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    with the host. The guests obliged the host by advising "awa) *harif to abide by the %deal& and stay away from a/. >er outburst indicated that her %understanding& with usharraf was complete.

    usharraf than'ed *audi =ing. inister Durrani castigated "awa)for changing his stance. < (- parliamentarians opposed deal with ;ena)ir and urged dialogue with "awa) *harif. Thousands of < (" leaders andwor'ers were arrested and *ection 177 was imposed in Eawalpindi. judgein !ujar =han issued arrest warrants of senior < (" leaders, includingtwo ex(chief ministers.

    VIE S

    The decisions and activism of / 0 3 3567 continued to becommented upon. +ajahat atif wroteI %4n ugust 23, 2BB the *upremeCourt gave another landmar' decision against the government&s resolve to'eep the *harif brothers out of the country. #t has allowed ian "awa)*harif and ian *hahba) to return to their country unhindered.&

    % fter the ttorney !eneral finished his argument, the Chief 5ustice

    as'ed r 8a'haruddin #brahim to comment on the %national interest& issuethat the ttorney !eneral had used to defend the so(called agreement with*audi rabia under which the *harif family had been sent into exile eightyears ago. 8a'haruddin, an icon of integrity in the legal community, repliedsuccinctly that the Co8s 3 3o8 58 l59 9/6/ o 6 s :6/;/ 85 3o85l38 /6/s .&


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    %*till in denial, the government reacted to the news with an angryfederal minister who appeared on television the same evening deriding the*upreme Court&s decision. >e said that it was not an independent decision.The arrogance of power prevented him to see they had no case at all0 /v/8

    / ;58 38 / s 6// o l < /ss /7 9/6/ 58 38 /:/8 /8 0 3 3567? / :6/s3 /85s 5 =6/5@38< L/5< / . >is cabinet ministers and parliamentary

    secretaries are resigning because they see his ship sin'ing. #n spite of the president&s full support and assistance and the moral fla', this party hasfailed to provide him with the political strength he needs for another term inoffice.&

    % ore li'ely though, /:/8 38< o8 9 5 / o 6 s / 3 / 5=o/ o8 /8 3o s 3ss /s? 38

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    %Mos o> / ;3ss38< :/6so8s 9/6/ / 538/ 93 o 56 0 s 3 / because evena person accused of being, or harbouring, a terrorist needs to be chargedunder the relevant law and allowed a fair trial.&

    %+ho will protect the missing thenJ o6 / / ;3ss38< :/o:l/ 9o l s 3ll =/ l58< 3s 38< 38 s/ 6/

    /lls run by the intelligence agencies. *ometimes referred to as safe houses,


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    %The government should reali)e that it is earning a bad name byma'ing people disappear and 'eeping them in secret detention cells. *omeof those who were freed through the intervention of superior courts or wereluc'y to win freedom because they didn&t have any intelligence value arenow telling the stories of their detention. 3 35l 5 3v3s; 5s /;=ol /8/

    / :/o:l/ and a free media have given them voice.&

    % ian *yed ai/, a B(year old man from

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    have been too 'een about forgiveness for her court cases. #t is only through aseparate deal that she could get that. nd to ma'e it loo' li'e a principledact, she is getting usharraf to pardon all wrongdoers.&

    %#f ;ena)ir had lent her voice to the declaration of the ondon owever, 9 /8 /5ls 56/ o =/8/>3 38 3v3 5ls?s 5=/665 3o8s 56/ o> /8 38 6o / .&

    %#ncidentally, r min 8aheem has finally stated that they have beenin contact with usharraf since 2BB2. This is confirmation of the generalimpression that B/85 36 5s =//8 38 s 66/: 3 3o s o8 5 93 /!/8/65l both before and after signing the Charter of Democracy in ay2BBF in which she declared that they would not have anything to do with amilitary ruler.&

    %The president has urged ian "awa) *harif to abide by hisagreement not to return to

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    own party for holding tal's with a military ruler. ian "awa) has rightlyobserved that if s ;hutto calls herself a democrat, she can&t get into anydeal with a military ruler.

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    by example. The party&s leadership cannot be forgotten either. The fact thather most able party members were not present at the Dubai meeting with!eneral usharraf indicates that either she has no faith in them or that theydo not matter. This perception needs to be corrected.&

    % s ;hutto should ma'e it a point to 'eep her family away from her government. $ven if he is elected, and the fact that he has suffered a lot inthe cause of his party without giving in, M6 Z56 563 9o l =/ =/ /6 o>> s 5738< o o>

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    avoid prosecution for corruption as much as political persecution, the *harif brothers were deported from the country by way of punishment, ironicallyfor preventing !eneral usharraf from returning to / 5

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    % s regards / /5l 93 Ms B/85 36 B o? 3 3s =o 8 o =/ 5

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    -a)i >ussain hmad was of the view that %+ashington desperatelywants the ;ena)ir ;hutto(led / PPP and the - eague as winning parties in the

    engineered results of the coming polls, and avoid a li'ely public reactionagainst such a result. nother aim is to ma'e the public consider those

    parties as the li'ely winners and conse/uently vote for them. The opinion polls conducted by other institutes in those areas show that public opinion

    still favours the government despite having some complaints againstit, but the masses have no close alternative to the .&

    %The8// o> / o 6 3s o @//: 5 s 63 v3 / US 5

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    more necessary that #slamabad should avoid lip service to the protection of our liberty and sovereignty, and evolve a solid strategy for the vital objectivema'ing the counter(espionage against ?* intelligence agencies and under cover agents as its most important part.&

    %#t is no secret that 5s 38< o8 o8s3 /6s Isl5;5=5 s 8 l/565ss/ s 5 :o /8 35l 58

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    There is a big psychological difference in this message and the one that saysthat military intervention is not acceptable. PPP s :os3 3o8 5s /;o65l3 /

    / :ol3 3 5ll7 38volv/ P5@3s 583 and that has clearly damaged the political process not strengthened it. The worst is that right now it seems that ;ena)ir is more desperate for the deal to wor' out than usharraf. ogic dictatesthat there is definitely some great wea'ness on her part that is ma'ing her so'een to be see'ing this deal.&

    % t the same time, the desperation of the government to 'eep "awa)*harif out of the country is again a sign of its wea'ness. !eneral usharraf has been involving the third party guarantors to exert pressure on the *harif

    brothers not to return home #magine, !eneral usharraf removed thesame politician from power and sent him out of the country on claims thatthe public has had enough of his corruption. "ow his return promises a

    public welcome that is a nightmare for !eneral usharraf. I> !/8/65lM s 5665> s :ol3 3 s 95s 587 38< o o 93 85 3o85l 38 /6/s rather than personal gain then this in itself should be a sign for him to go.&

    %;ut, then this is not the first clear sign of the failure of !eneralusharraf&s policies. H3s /8 6/ 5s 68/ P5@3s 58 38 o 5 v/67 vol5 3l/

    s 5 / where now suicide bombing is increasingly becoming part of life.

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    %The impending %deal& between usharraf and ;ena)ir has unnervedthe < (- and its allies. T / o::o8/8 s o> / /5l 3 / / 93 /3 /olo 5 /G3s s between the o6; 5s s 5ll7 s/6v/ 5s 5 so=/638< 38>l /8 / o8 /

    5 s 3 :ol3 3 358s. oreover, was /uite contrary to the much hypedidea of political reconciliation.


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    !hulam sghar =han wroteI % 5s s o98 5 >36; 6/solv/ o @//: S 563> =6o /6s o of the political arena on untenable excuses. The argument that their return home before the elections would bring instability does not cut any ice with the people.&

    %#nstead of running around to the extent of involving the *audis in our political imbroglio, 3 3s 3;/ >o6 !/8 M s 5665> o 5ll 5 /5s/>36/ 93

    3s 9o ;50o6 :ol3 3 5l 5 v/6s563/s and steer the country out of the prevalent mayhem. #t is not the time for indulging in manipulations to divideand rule.&

    %N595 S 563> 5s /G 3=3 / :ol3 3 5l s5e says that he is not averse to enter into dialogue with usharraf, provided he first declares that he would not bea candidate for any political slot.&


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    %B/85 36 s o9s /6 3;:5 3/8 / o owever, / 3>>/6/8 / o> 5::6o5 o> / 9o l/5 /6s is that

    while "awa) *harif wants the revival of democracy without militaryinterference, ;ena)ir is see'ing !eneral&s umbrella to stage a come bac'.

    nd the people, who are the deciding factor, are not going to vote for any party that is colluding with !en usharraf. nd in this political jigsaw "awa) *harif has certainly come up as a leader who feels the pulse of the people.&

    !ha)i *alahuddin saidI %The *harif brothers have resolved to arrive on*eptember 1B and to land in #slamabad, the city of the % bewafa & wielders of power. This has ended a lot of suspense about their plans. ;ut we are now becoming breathless with anticipation of fateful events. Vo3 /s 56/ s 3ll=/38< 653s/ >6o; so;/ 56 /6s 38 / /s 5=l3s ;/8 5 /7 S 563>s93ll >385ll7 8o o;/ or at least "awa) *harif will not be on the plane. Thisonly shows how nervous they are.&

    % eanwhile, the story of the % /5l & between

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    expose its claims that it can win the elections hands down on the basis of its performance. Eestrictions put on the former < to mobili)e public opinionin his favour or attempts to hinder his party men from receiving him at#slamabad airport or during his travel to ahore would go against thegovernment&s claims of adherence to democracy.&

    % ian "awa) has opposed s ;hutto&s line of action which heconsiders an attempt at dealing with !en usharraf for personal gains. Thisaccording to him would strengthen and prolong an unconstitutionalgovernment and preserve an army(dominated system. >e has declared thathe would change it by mobili)ing public support. +hile he has tal'ed aboutfighting the battle in the courts also, 3s ;538 /;: 5s3s 3s o8 6/5 38< 5;5ss ;ov/;/8 .&

    %The party leadership has to ensure that public gatherings and ralliesorgani)ed by it do not disturb peace so that they do not have a negativeimpact on the ceremony. +hat is more, these have to remain non(violent.4nly a thoroughly peaceful struggle for the restoration of genuinedemocracy can provide the < (" a moral edge over its opponents. O8/

    o:/s /

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    liberal in

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    mista'es all over again. "awa) *harif still wants to be prime minister.;ena)ir still wants to be prime minister. 385l 56=3 /6 ,

    / S :6/;/ Co 6 o6 / 56;7 J&

    *haf/at ahmood wroteI %The familiar yet :5 / 3 36 3 o> 6/:6/ss3o8 5s s 56 / 5undreds have been arrested all over /6 58o /6 . They will not come bac', said

    usharraf and it was faithfully echoed by *hujaat, *hai'h Eashid et al . +hythis would be so, no one was willing to spell out.&

    %+hen r "awa) *harif firmly gave a date / 5l@ 68/ ? o> 5ll38 o/s 8o8 /6s 58 :ol3 3 s o6 3 s 3;:/65 3v/s . 4nce r *harif had announced that

    he is coming bac', any deviation from this decision would be his politicaldeath. >e has to come bac' whatever the conse/uences.&

    %The /ss/8 35l o8 3 3o8 38 / o 8 67 3s M s 5665> s8:o: l563 7 . The people react spontaneously within its context to political

    developments. $ven the most die(hard

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    trying to cut a deal with usharraf, the party and its leader ;ena)ir ;huttohas been severely hurt. gain this is not just a reaction to ;ena)ir&s cynicalattempt to get out of legal troubles and gain a foothold in the corridors of


    %This should give pause to the foreign powers and particularly theA;/63 58s? 9 o 56/ so s38 / !/8/65l .+ill their interests be served by aligning themselves with a ruler whosefortunes have plummeted so dramaticallyJ #sn&t it time for them to reali)ethat cobbling together a usharraf(;ena)ir alliance will ma'e no differenceto this e/uationJ&

    %#t shows on their part a lac' of sophisticated political understandingof the developments in ussain should also come bac'. et the people in a free and fair

    election sort out this political mess.&


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    T / 6//56 / 965o> / o;;o8 :/o:l/ . They 'now that in case of fair and free electionswithout the usual manipulations by the secret agencies, they would have nolegs to stand on.&

    %The masses are totally fed up with them, having been ripped by these people who have virtually nothing to show for their five years ingovernment. ;ut 3> o8/ /l/: o8/ 5ll >6o; 5s 38< o8 3s /8o < os /lv/ :l58s o> /;/6

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    %Theo8 / ;3< 7 M s 5665> s//;s 3s 8o9 9/5@ . ;ena)ir wants thedeal to be finali)ed within the next few days. *he says that he has agreed tota'e off the uniform prior to his %re(election& to the office of the president0also, to the withdrawal of corruption cases against her. The stic'ing pointsare reported to include the /uestion of the president ceasing to exercise

    powers to dissolve the national assembly and dismiss the prime minister.&

    % n interesting scenario is developing. The 9o ;50o6 :ol3 3 5ll/5 /6s 56/ >ollo938< 3>>/6/8 5::6o5 /s to get rid of the military rule0one choosing to enter into an arrangement under certain conditions, claimingto bring about a transition to democracy. The other refusing to have anytruc' with the !eneral and totally rejecting holding any negotiation with himunless he /uits both the offices held by him and announces that he would notsee' election to the office of the president later.&

    %;ena)ir B o 5::/56s o 5v/ ;3G/ ;o 3v/s in adopting her strategy to regain power. *he is dead set in getting the cases pending againsther withdrawn. #n fact, her self(exile is entirely because of her fear to appear

    before a number of courts in ow long will the two !eneral usharraf and ;ena)ir ;hutto 9if

    they succeed in forging a partnership: carry on amicablyJ ;oth areheadstrong and, therefore, /36 6/l5 3o8s 3: 3s =o 8 o =/ :6o=l/;5 358 /v/8 6= l/8 . Can !eneral usharraf stoop down to the level of Ch8a)al $lahiJ Can he afford to be remembered in history as a rec'lesscompromiserJ&

    %"awa) *harif who earlier had shown reluctance in critici)ing ;ena)ir after she departed from her commitment to the Charter of DemocracyThere is according to him only one choice for the political leadership in

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    for his continuing to remain at the helm of affairs. >e is trying to firm up his9'ing&s: party members and is see'ing to restore their confidence in him. >eis, however, witnessing desertions.&

    %M s 5665> 58 / C 5 67s 56/ =o 8 o ;5@/ l3>/ 3>>3 l>o6 S 563> =6o /6s. "ow that the die has been cast and the Eubicon isabout to be crossed, a lot will depend on how the people at large, the civilsociety and the higher judiciary view the scene and throw their weight for democracy, human rights and the rule of law.&

    *ha'ir >usain opinedI %To be fair to !eneral usharraf, O:/65 3o8 Kursi Bachao is not something he invented0 it&s a standard operation thathas been executed hundreds of times in 36s o8/s o =/56 / =6 8 of all this wheeling anddealing. 4ur Constitution today resembles a thirty year old model who hashad every imaginable form of plastic surgery to stay young. The onlydifference is that unli'e the model who has a certain plastic aesthetic to her,

    our Constitution has started loo'ing uglier than ever. The damage toinstitutions is for all to see.&

    %+hile we have survived for FB years ambling along with all 'inds of shenanigans imposed on the people this country, our institutions havedegenerated beyond recognition all to save the kursi repeatedly for scoresof individuals who really haven&t delivered the goods. T / :ol3 3 5ls /8563o o 57 3s l3@/ / #565 3 S o @ EG 58

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    and dancing mon'eys come out in a beda))ling spectacle that is low onsubstance but totally consumes the attention of the onloo'ers.&

    %#t is not yet clear what the grand finale will be. #t could be any of theones mentioned above 9a human cannonball, trape)e acrobatics, vanishingtric's:, a combination of all three, or li'e in any good circus somethingtotally different that no one was anticipating. 4r, ;57=/? /

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    governments are dismissed by the military or by indirectly elected presidents, it is for %supreme national interests&0 when popular leaders areforcibly 'ept out of the country, it is in the name of %supreme nationalinterests&0 when the chief justice of the country is unceremoniouslysuspended and manhandled by the police, %supreme national interests& areinvo'ed0 when the government decides to lend unstinted support to asuperpower in its unholy wars, it is for %supreme national interests&0 peopleare made to disappear mysteriously for %supreme national interests&0 and areregularly murdered in +ana or ;aluchistan or anywhere else for %supremenational interests&. The list is far too long, but we are all too familiar withthis device used by our rulers with increasing fre/uency.&

    %8ortunately, people are now beginning to as' /uestionsI whoseinterests are these %*upreme national interests& that 'eep recurring with

    haunting fre/uencyJ +ho has defined what %supreme national interests& areJ>ow has it been definedJ There is never any explanation 4ne would presume that %national& means %that of the nation& and %nation& would includeeveryone #f so, then how are the 'illings in +a)iristan %national&J >ow isthe selling of the country&s assets li'e the 8/ /ss3 7I This notoriously manipulative idea isattributed to 5ustice unir, but in fact goes bac' to colonial times. #t hashelped to indemnify many a martial law. #t is the cover for illegal ta'eoversof government and a boon for all usurpers. Though it has been given therather respectful name of %doctrine&, it is in fact merely another tric' used byrulers The so(called %doctrine of necessity& cannot even lay claim to thestatus of a doctrine. #t is simply a device used by rulers to arm(twist amalleable or wea' judiciary into capitulating to their illegal demands.&

    %The /uestion never as'ed of rulers and the reply never given by themisI who has decided that something, say martial law, is necessaryJ >ow hasits necessity been determinedJ +hat is the basis on which it has been


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    deemed necessaryJ >ow valid are those basesJ The people are, of course,never as'ed their opinion as it is assumed that the government 'nows whatis best for them.&

    %#n reality this is another farce. There was never any necessity toimpose martial law or emergency in the country. The only way, that illegalrulers could sell it to gullible or helpless populations, was by inventing somevague, ill(defined and meaningless notion li'e doctrine of necessity.&

    %T / ;7 o> 38 3s:/8s5=3l3 7 I The myth of indispensability is as oldas dictators themselves, but it has been reinvigorated in

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    with dictators because a fixed and fro)en reality 9if any such thing were ever possible: is more amenable to control and manipulation than a reality that isin a flux and is fluid. #n fact, society is always in a flux and paradoxicallychange itself is necessary for continuity.&

    %Two, the fear of instability upon the return of popular leaders is notthat something terrible will happen to the country0 rather, the instability andchaos would be only for the rulers. The return of "awa) *harif and ;ena)ir ;hutto would not be chaotic or create disorder for the country, but only for !eneral usharraf and his < (- cronies. Ket, people are told that if thetwo %exiled& politicians return, somehow o6 83>o6;/ :6/s3 /8 I This mother of all myths is being bandied about not only by the dictator himself and his sycophantic hangers(

    on0 it is reverberating across the major global capitals. The argument thatusharraf as a uniformed president is necessary to fight the twin menace of extremism and terrorism is seriously problematic at many levelsI first, it

    betrays a complete ignorance of the sources and dynamics of terrorism andextremism0 and second, it also reflects a total lac' of understanding of the

    principles of parliamentary democracy.&

    % et us ta'e the first fallacyH ccording to the purveyors of thistheory, extremism and terrorism are committed only by non(state actors bygroups and individuals who destroy the life and property of innocent

    civilians to further their group goals. This simplistic construction overloo'sthe fact that major forms of terrorism and extremism in the recent past have

    been committed by states, such as &

    %The second major problem with the argument that usharraf&scontinuity in uniform is necessary to fight extremism, and therefore a deal

    between him and ;ena)ir must be bro'ered, is that it flies in the face of


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    democracy. The president in a parliamentary democracy is merely a figurehead representing the federation. #t is a ceremonial post that signifies that thehead of the state is a non(partisan person who represents everybody. The

    prime minister on the other hand is a party person who is expected toforward the agenda of his own party. ;oth the president and the army chief in the parliamentary form of democracy are expected to be neutral and non(

    partisan, and the latter being paid servant of the state cannot ta'e part in politics as it compromises the neutrality of the state.&

    %The /s36/ o o;385 /? o8 6ol 58 s =0

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    usharraf argue his re(election will enhance. #t will prove divisive anddestructive for the country. The priority now must be to end the polari)ationand calm the situation.&

    % 5 ; s /8 =/ o8/ J #n exercise of his constitutional authority,the prime minister should dissolve the "ational ssembly. #n theincreasingly chaotic and polari)ing situation, the dissolution with asimultaneous announcement of holding fresh elections within AB days will

    be a valid and well(intentioned move. The dissolution of assembly willautomatically mean the postponement of the presidential elections since the

    "ational ssembly is the core component of the $lectoral College for presidential elections.&

    %The president should call an all(parties conference at which the major political parties must agree on specific steps for holding fair and freeelections. !eneral M s 5665> 93ll 5v/ o =/ 6/-/l/ / =7 / 8/G5ss/;=l7 . That would be in the spirit of the Constitution which see's

    presidential mandate from the peoples& representatives. 4n "ovember 1@ hewill cease to become army chief at which point the !eneral nominated asvice chief on 4ctober will ta'e over as the new chief. fter the newassembly ta'es oath

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    emperors, ?* presidents, including catastrophic ones li'e ;ush, are limitedto years in office. +e in 9/ s 5ll 8o s 58 o 38 o/ s 6// 58 s o ? / lo8< :ol56 83< 93ll /s /8 on

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    % s we approach the endgame, !/8/65l M s 5665> @8o9s / :56 73s 5l;os ov/6 >o6 3; . nd yet, for the distant hori)on, foolish hopes stillflic'er. *o alone, !eneral usharraf is hanging on to office, hoping that amiracle will somehow save him and his tottering regime. +here does!eneral usharraf stand todayJ uthority he never had. ll he had was raw

    power. That too he is loosing by hour. 8aith in his leadership is slipping. >ehas lost the confidence of the people.&

    %To 57? P5@3s 58 s3 s =/ 9//8 o:/ 58 >/56 . >ope for a political possibility that would lead to the supremacy of civilian rule and a free anddemocratic is apparent confidence is not reassuring. #t is terrifying. #t doesn&tdemonstrate his strength of character0 it shows that he has lost touch withreality.&

    #mtia) lam thought that there may be need for an arbiter0 judiciary or army. %The /5 lo @ s =/38< 6/5 / ;57 o8s/ /8 l7 956658 5856=3 /6 who could either constitutionally and legitimately or by virtue of

    force resolve it. +ho is going to be the arbiterJ +ill it be the *upreme Courtof /66/ o 5@/ 58 3sol5 3o83s


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    o 6s/ o> 6/ o8 3l35 3o8 with an increasingly isolated regime instead of joining a rejectionist front formed by the < (" and the mullahs.&

    %Theo8l7 s5v38< o6 /6 35lo< / 9/6/ / o8s 3 3o85l58 :ol3 3 5l /;58 s s / ;5 / to strengthen parliament and to ensurefree elections and restoration of democracy, such as the removal of @G(29;:,the restriction on two(time former prime ministers to be elected for the thirdtime, cutting down some of the powers of the president previously held bythe prime minister, the suspension of local governments during theelectioneering period, an interim government of national consensus and anindependent election commission.&

    % s these demands are not on which any opposition party could havedisagreed, a 0o38 o 6s/ 95s ;os 8// / 58 8o 38< 5 s/:565 /

    /5l . #t gave the impression that she was ta'ing a separate course for her own selfish ends while providing a way out to a general who had enteredinto a dead end of his political career. Ket the strongest argument in favour of a negotiated settlement of the current crisis is that if the return todemocracy is most important issue, then the democratic forces must not letthe situation get out of the control, even if it is getting out of the hands of amilitary ruler at the fag end of his hegemonic rule.&

    % s s 538/ ;ov/;/8 o> 3v3l so 3/ 7 58 :6ov3 / =o /8/ /ss567 s ::o6 58 ov/6 o / 5:/G o 6 to emerge as an arbiter

    when the country is moving towards the gridloc'. lthough an agitating ;ar and pro(active judiciary can facilitate the job of a democratic opposition toachieve some of its goals, it will be expecting too much from them to deliver democracy to a still fragmented and unprepared class. #f the situation getsout of hand, then yet again the

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    %The time for negotiations may again come for a peaceful transition todemocracy and free and fair elections. #t, however, /:/8 s :o8 /

    o;=38/ />>o6 s of the united bars and civil society and a pro(active judiciary, bac'ed by all opposition parties, 8o o l/ / s3 5 3o8 /8 : 385 =l38 5ll/7 that we are moving towards at a bris' pace, entering the deadend means yet another martial law. nd, it must not happen.&

    =amila >yat noted that public issues were completely missing fromthe debate and argument. %The 3s ss3o8 5 66/8 l7 65o s o> 5 /8 3o8 s//;s o =/ / /s 3o8o> 6o; 9 /6/ 58 5s /8 o :o9/6 3s :oss3=l/8rom all sides of the divide, virtually the same promises are heard. $ven the

    phraseology varies only in nuance. ? o6 o8 /;838< 3; , rather thanoutlining issues that genuinely concern the people in whose name politicalleaders claim to spea'.&


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    %*o far, major ;538s 6/5; :56 3/s s//; 8 l/56 /v/8 5=o /3ss / o> /36 > 6/ 3/s 93 5s 38< o8 a /uestion that will almostcertainly assume center stage once the poll campaign ta'es off in earnest#t is clear already that groups seen as being opposed to +ashington havemade gains across the social spectrum, and many citi)ens will want to 'nowthe stance of parties on this front before ta'ing any decision regarding wherethey place the stamp on their ballot sheets.&

    %The;5 /6 o> 9 5 93ll 5::/8 8/G o8 / :ol3 3 5l >6o8 5s?38 6/5s383ll >6// 3;/ , to crac' jo'es about and tolay bets on. ;oo'ies across ahore are reported to be repeating the benefits.

    nd religious parties too have profited from the failures of their mainstreamrivals, by stic'ing to their simplistic agendas that claim to solve all problemswith a single stro'e.&

    %#n this environment, any party which reali)es the need to involve people in its campaign, to ta'e them along and to plan out means to addresstheir concerns will /uite obviously get a head start as polls approach. ;utthen :/6 5:s /s/ :56 3/s 5v/ 6/5l3 / 5 :/o:l/ 56/ 38 6/5s38

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    the Treasury demanded review of foreign policy. The usharraf regime,however, continued suffering from the illusion that it was spilling the bloodof its own people for the cause of peace.

    #ndia relegated the %peace process& to the lowest priority and instead itheld massive joint naval drills in #ndian 4cean along with the ?nited *tatesand other allies. 3< 38< and 'illing of eadless dead body of a 'idnapped 8C soldier was found near 5andola on 17 th ugust. 4ne civilian was 'illed in cross(fire near iranshah.

    " T4 forces violated

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    t least 22 people, including soldiers, were 'illed an encounter on1 th ugust in Chaghmalai area of *outh +a)iristan. 8ive soldiers wereinjured in suicide attac' near Tan'. Tribes of =hyber gency banned CDsshops.

    Two soldiers were 'illed and another wounded in suicide attac' on a post near irali on 1G th ugust0 2B roc'ets were also fired on another post.Two 8C men were 'illed in another attac'. Ket another bomber blew himself in ;annu 'illing a policeman. beheaded body of a religious scholar wasfound in 5andola area of *outh +a)iristan. Eeportedly, the militants in *outh+a)iristan announced scrapping of peace accord0 #*a/ -adri said the tribesmen were beingmaltreated to please the infidels.


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    "ext day, militants released 1A soldiers in *outh +a)iristan as resultof hectic efforts on 5?#(8 leaders. The ?*(led coalition admitted that %no

    permission& was granted for stri'e inside

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    Tribal militants of *outh +a)iristan freed six sic' soldiers on @ th

    *eptember. ilitants fired at a post near iranshah and an official wasabducted from irali. n official was wounded in a blast in ;ajaur gency.

    *ix persons including a foreigner were 'illed on F th *eptember when agunship helicopter attac'ed a car near irali. ore than a wee' after the'idnapping, rmy released the exact figures on Defence Day. *even(member jirga left for adha to negotiate release of 27A soldiers. tailor shop in =har was blown up for ma'ing +estern clothes.

    Two 8C men were wounded in an attac' in "orth +a)iristan on th

    *eptember. Two women were beheaded in ;annu for prostitution. 8ortyvideo shops were destroyed in blasts in ingora. 5irga for release of captivesoldiers failed to ma'e any headway. ;ritish national detained in diala5ail was sent bac' to the ?=.

    8our army men were 'illed in an ambush in =ohistan on G th

    *eptember. t least 2F people were injured in a car blast in

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    reassessing plans to cope with the issue of

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    participation in the jirga. 8inally, / P6/s3 /8 5lso 6/ /3v/ 5 5ll >6o;/ A>< 58 l/5 /6 58 556 / P6/s3 /8 s:6/s/8 / 5 #5= l 9o l ;5@/ / 3>>/6/8 / and moot propositions.&

    #n another editorial the newspaper addedI %8ew commentators woulddisagree s 6//838< /36 o98 :56 3 l56 o8 38o6 8 /s365=l//l/;/8 s , particularly those who have affiliations with the Taliban0conse/uently including those members who do not have much of a say in the

    affairs of the tribal areas at all, 'illing the whole point.&% oving on from the composition of the jirga, one also has to evaluate

    the sanctity of its decrees. +ho enforces them0 the government of fghanistan or 738< 58 6oo 38< o T5l3=58 and al(-aeda militancy on both sidesof the border.&

    %T 3s 95s o =/ >ollo9/ : 93 ;3l3 567 s 63@/s 5 ;3l3 58 =5s/s38 P5@3s 58, either by the

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    hardened Taliban still want a fight, but it will be fought on the Taliban&schosen battlegrounds.&

    %The ?* had presented #slamabad with a dossier detailing the locationof bases as advance information on li'ely ?* targets. ;ut sia Times 4nlinehas learnt that since early this month, neither the "orth tlantic Treaty4rgani)ation(led o5l3 3o8 38 A>< 583s 58 8o6 P5@3s 58 38 /ll3 38 583 # /l v3ll5

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    • "o member of the central military command would wor' insouthwestern fghanistan.

    • !roup commanders would be given control of specific districts and beallowed to develop their own strategy.

    • This strategy would be passed on only to the Taliban(appointed%governor& of the area, who in turn would relay it to the Taliban&scentral command council. 8rom these various inputs, the councilwould develop a broader strategy for particular regions.

    • The Taliban would discourage personality cults li'e Dadullah&s, as thedeath of a %hero& demorali)ed his followers.

    8our spo'esmen were appointed to decentrali)e the Taliban&s media(information wing. $ach spo'esman would loo' after only a specific)one so that in case of his arrest, only information about that )onecould be lea'ed &

    %P5@3s 58 s s 58 / 6o < o / 956 o8 /66o6 5s =//8:6o=l/;5 3 5l , especially with regards to the Taliban. Certainly #slamabaddistanced itself from the Taliban after their fall in 2BB1, and has periodicallycrac'ed down on them in :5 3/8 / . >3 l / o the presence, next door, of another mimical elementthat has remained hanging on our nec's li'e the sword of Damocles

    primarily on the basis of ideological differences, shoc'ingly, despiteconfidence(building measures ta'en on many occasions to lessen thisanimosity, the pi/ue has never waned, let alone vanish. nd the end result isthat proxy fights are still being fought albeit sporadically and /uite toosurreptitiously. This element has continued to foment trouble by employing


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    different tactics including diplomatic overtures that have of late beenexposed to the whole world.&

    %*imultaneously, however, 5s s/ / >o6 ; o> :/5 / 036

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    %;ut while 3 9o l =/ >ool 56 7 o 3s;3ss M s 5665> s o8 /68s ,it is his own actions not those of the ?nited *tates that seem to becreating a coalition of secular and religious opposition usharraf&sreadiness to contemplate two completely different options a power(sharingwith a former prime minister and one of his leading political opponents,;ena)ir ;hutto, and alternatively the declaration of a state of emergency indicates his own awareness of the pressures building on him.&

    %8urthermore, 6 =/ ol ? 9 3l/ / U83 / S 5 /s o 57 3s8:o: l56 38 P5@3s 58 at least in part because it seems to prop upusharraf with assistance that goes largely to the military, with only

    relatively small amounts devoted to social and economic development Taliban and al(-aeda terrorist attac's on the military and governmentofficials are also generating increasing sentiment against them.&

    %This should be heartening to ?* officials, for it suggests that thethreat of the ?nited *tates destabili)ing irsh and Eon oreau analy)ed the divergent views of ?*and

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    very concerned about the extremists %creeping outside the tribal areas& andsaid usharraf had launched %a new push& that includes adding 2B,BBB more

    paramilitaries to the 1BB,BBB troops already bordering those areas. That, andadditional training, %will ta'e about six months,& Durrani says.&

    % / /6 M s 5665> 5s 5 ; 3;/ 3s 58o /6 /s 3o8 .*ince he faced down an #slamist rebellion at a mos/ue in the heart of hiscapital city, #slamabad, he has appeared to lose control of his country&ssecurity. l(-aeda affiliated armed militants have retaliated strongly in thelawless tribal region along the fghan frontier, as well as two suicide attac'sin #slamabad.&

    %#n response, the P5@3s 583 l/5 /6 5s >l36 / 93 / 3 /5 o> / l5638< 5 s 5 / o> /;/6 M s 5665> s 95838< :o9/6 3s //5

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    worry now is that the =lo9=5 @ 93ll so;/ 57 6oss / A l58 3 , 58 8oo8/ 3s />>/ 3v/l7 s o::38< 3 .&

    +ajahat atif opinedI %o6 .&

    %The reaction among the people to all this is obviously negative, to theextent that a member of usharraf&s cabinet shouted slogans of jihad in the

    parliament last Tuesday. N/v/6 38 l3v38< ;/;o67 5s / US =//8 ;o6/8:o: l56 38 P5@3s 58 .&

    %Theo>>3 35l 6/s:o8s/ o> / 6/iding behind diplomatic jargon, they advise the ?* to stay within the%accepted parameters of cooperation&, reasserting that %there are no al(-aedaor Taliban safe havens in

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    ;ajaur adrassa in the past, which led to the death of GB persons, includingchildren.&

    %The authorities need to reali)e that the 6oss-=o6 /6 s 63@/s 93ll 5> /l o / >36/ in the region. The perception that the recent attac' on the so(called militant hideouts with a prior permission from the 956 /:/8 s o8;5ss3v/ >36/:o9/6 >6o; / 536 , not the determined, loss(inflicting, village(to(village way that is necessary in irregular warfare.&

    %The number of civilian deaths being inflicted in neighbouringfghanistan by merican and " T4 forces has caused amid

    =ar)ai to protest time and time again the reason being that these civiliandeaths are turning the local population against the government. +hen thetipping point arrives, 5ll o 6 />>o6 s 38 A>< 583s 58 56/ oo;/ . To 6/:/5

    3s 38 P5@3s 58 9o l =/ 5 s 65 / P5@3s 58 itself. The border lands with fghanistan,

    ;aluchistan, and the "orthwest 8rontier ll7 , as the tribalnationalism of the frontier is interwoven with #slamism, much of it extreme.>is previous attempts at military intervention have been even less successfulthan his try for a truce. The political ramifications of a full scale revolt on

    the frontier would be, for

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    so nd our 8oreign inister thunders dire warnings to anyone who wouldchallenge this sovereignty. H3s lo 6/5 s /;=5665ss o 6 3 3 /867 >o69/ @8o9 58 6/ o

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    fashion. >owever, the sad part is that this 5

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    band of militants is something that will have to be investigated closely bythe government in due course of time.&

    % closer loo' at the reports surrounding the act suggests that /6/;57 =/ 587 8 ;=/6 o> 6/5so8s 9 7 / @3 85::38< =/ 5;/ :oss3=l/ .4ne of them seems to be lac' of communication with the locals. There arereports that the militants stopped the soldiers because they suspected thatsuch a large body of troops could only be advancing to launch an attac',even though this loo's more li'e a motivating excuse.&

    %The incident comes at a delicate time for the beleaguered governmentof

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    Taliban is essentially a posture of defiance to protect their honour andindependence. +hy should 63/8 s 3: 5s9/5@/8/ M s 5665> s s 58 38< as a strong, independent leader in theeyes of his people, which in turn has forced him into increasingly hard(linemeasures to bolster his faltering authority. s a military ruler, usharraf hasno institutional legitimacy as the ruler of

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    creating a larger national security crisis for the country by pitting

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    in +a)iristan illustrates the conundrum

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    o 8 63/s such as, China, Eussia, Central sian *tates and #ran. #t was thetime that the ?* *tate Department declared that % fghanistan, which has

    been part of Central sia geo(politically, henceforth, will be considered as part of *outh sia&. The implicit purpose was to bring fghanistan, withineasy reach of #ndia, to use it as the base for intelligence networ' against theneighbouring countries. 8or this purpose, the intelligence networ' which hassince been established and is fully operational.&

    %The8/6v/ /8 6/ 3s 5 5=5l- s-S3650? ;588/ 58 o:/65 / =7CIA? RA ? Moss5 ? MI+ 58 BND 9!erman #ntelligence:. #t&s a huge set(up with concrete buildings, antennas and all the modern electronic gadgetryone can conceive of.& !eneral went on to describe the dispersal of thenetwor' across fghanistan.

    %Aab. The mericananchorages, on the

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    in Taji'istan at =alai =umli, adds a meaningful capability to #ndia to operateinside Taji'istan, as well as ?)be'istan.&


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    army must be saved from being caught in this /uagmire. lready we havelost a number of our professional soldiers. 8urther involvement could causemuch greater tragedy which we must avoid.&


    The o;:os3 / 35lo< / could be seen creeping only by the veryobservant eye. The creeping has been so slow the direction of its movementcannot be undetermined. 4n 3B th ugust,

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    • !eelani condemned custodial 'illing of *how'at ;hat. >igh Courtserved notice to the government over 'illings in fa'e encounters.

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    • 4n 2 nd *eptember, $ducation inister of #>= survived anassassination attempt near *rinagar. Three =ashmiris were martyred

    by #ndian troops on @th *eptember.

    ;irjees "agi from ahore urged that 6/ 5ome inister of

    ndhra o 8 3 5::6o:635 / 58 o8s3s /8 936/5so8 o =l5;/ P5@3s 58 s ISI for the bomb blasts, which occurred in#ndia&s >yderabad City last *aturday, hardly waiting for the noise of explosions to die down.&


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    %Commonsense would have demanded a dispassionate probe into thetragedy before pinpointing the culprit, not a 'nee jer' reaction of levelingcharges against another country, howsoever hostile towards it one might be.The fact that the *tate inister concerned with internal security drew asudden conclusion, undoubtedly biased at first glance unless proven througha proper investigation, only brings out 58 8 /6 66/8 o> / >//l38< 38I8 35 5 Isl5;5=5 5s 5 =/s/ 38< >53l38< >o6 6/5 38< 6o =l/ 38I8 35 .&

    * >ali discussed #ndian refusal to pullout its troops from 4ccupied=ashmir. %#ndian rmy Chief !eneral 5ogindar 5aswant S38< 5s 6 l/o 5 93 6595l o6 6/ 3o8 o> 6oo:s /:lo7/ 38 O :3/ #5s ;36as long as the Malley remained under threat from separatist guerrillas. >esaid the army had been called into =ashmir&s %hinterland& to perform

    constitutional duty of helping restore law and order, safeguard lives andallow the state administration to carry out its tas's.&

    %This statement comes as a rude shoc' in the face of

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    o6 6/& in their fight against %insurgency& in the area are disconcerting andunfortunate evidence of the failure of the #ndian of the #ndian law(enforcement agencies to move away from the policies that have contributedto conflict in the region. #t is worth reiterating that calls and efforts to

    promote peace in =ashmir, which, in turn, are intrinsically lin'ed to thestability in the *ubcontinent, are rendered redundant if such practices are notrenounced.&

    %The decades(old 5 6o 3 3/s o> / I8 358 ;3l3 567, which are well(documented, are 8o o8l7 / 6/s l = 5lso / 5 s/ o> / v3ol/8

    :63s38< in =ashmir which began in the late GBs. ;y torturing suspects and,as the report suggests, raping women of %troublesome& villages, the #ndianforces are perpetuating the very problem they are allegedly trying to combat.Conse/uently, such acts also sabotage the peace process between #ndia and

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    #nsurgency in B5l 3s 58 persisted at low 'ey. 8ollowing incidentswere reported during the periodI

    • 4ne person was 'illed and G wounded in a bomb blast in >ub on 12 th

    ugust. Two days later, blasts in D ! =han and 8ort anro injuredfour people.

    • Two soldiers were shot dead in Dera ;ugti on 1@ th ugust. 8our dayslater, militants abducted @B #ranians after setting their vehicles on fireand brought them to ;aluchistan.

    • 4n 2B th ugust, 8C forces got the #ranians freed from the 'idnappersfrom and area0 1 'idnappers were captured and one was 'illedduring the operation.

    • Thirteen blasts were reported across ;aluchistan on the eve of firstanniversary of 'bar ;ugti0 three soldiers were injured, gas to Dera;ugti, and electricity to =ohlu and Dera ;ugti were disrupted.

    • *tri'e on first anniversary of 'bar ;ugti paraly)ed ;aluchistan on2Fth ugust. ;ugti militant along with 2B companions surrenderedto authorities in Dera ;ugti.

    • !as pipeline was blown up in *ui gas field on 31 st ugust and a blast

    too' place in =hu)dar cantonment.• 4n 2 nd *eptember, one 8C soldier was 'illed and four wounded when

    their vehicle hit a landmine near Dera ;ugti. "ext day, usharraf urged ;aluch people to help fight saboteurs.

    • Three people, including 2 8C soldiers, were 'illed by gunmen in-uetta on @ th *eptember.

    I /oloafsa, the venue of battle between obscurantist mullahs and the enlightenedregime shifted to the courts. 4n 1B th ugust, the *upreme Court instructedthe administration to expedite identification of the students 'illed in4peration *ilence. dditional forces were deployed around L5l M5s03 after


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    some people tried to offer 5uma prayers. " *hah bdul )i) vowed tocarry out !ha)i ;rothers& mission.

    "ext day, usharraf blamed media for projecting al asjid issueand showed willingness to tal' with +afa/ul adaris. 4n 13 th ugust,*enators belonging to vowed probing al asjid operation. Two dayslater and more than six wee's after the 4peration *ilence the ban'er primeminister promised to locate all the missing persons.

    4n 1F th ugust, leadership of +afa/ul adaris apologi)ed to wholenation for committing mista'es over al asjid episode Haif ous zood

    peshimam ka peshiman hona :. nd as'ed the media to do the same thing for not showing hard facts 9but media won&t do that being party to themassacre:. usharraf sought %moderates& help against extremism. *herpaodenied that al asjid operation was carried out under ?* pressure.

    Two more petitions against 4peration *ilence for use of excessiveforce and extra(judicial 'illings were filed in the *upreme Court on 1 th

    ugust. "ext day, aulana bdul )i) expressed full trust in the *upremeCourt for justice. delegation of ?lema of +afa/ul adaris met aulana

    bdul )i) in *imili Eest >ouse. Twenty(one students of al asjidseminary were freed on court&s order.

    4n 21 st ugust, 5amia >afsa students demanded release of aulanabdul )i). afsa students.

    4n 27 th ugust, students of madaris demanded reopening of alasjid. "ext day, usharraf urged %artists& to help counter extremism. 4n

    2 th ugust, TC Eawalpindi accepted the bail applications of ?mme>assan, her daughter, =halid =hwaja and 1 others in three cases. Thestudents of 5amia >afsa were stopped from going to the site of their

    madrassa to offer fateha on the eve of Shab-i-Barat .?mme >assan and 21 others were released on 2G th ugust. The

    students of 5amia >afsa warmly received their teacher outside *imili DamEest >ouse. Two days later, daughter of aulana bdul )i) was releasedon bail.


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    large number of students, local residents and public assembled near al asjid to say 5uma prayer in mos/ue on 31 st ugust. They said their

    prayers on the road after they were not allowed to enter the mos/ue. They protested and chanted anti(government slogans li'e !o usharraf !o, l(5ihad and !ha)i indabad. eanwhile, " *hah bdul )i) said a new

    meer has been appointed to carry on with the mission of !ha)i.

    4n 1 st *eptember, ?lema held a meeting in Eawalpindi and demandedreopening of the al asjid before Eama)an. Two days later, hearing of thecase of wife of !ha)i Easheed was adjourned till *eptember G. #mran =hancondemned al asjid operation. During his exclusive TM show on DefenceDay, usharraf claimed that al asjid operation was a great success. "extday, protesters urged the *upreme Court to ta'e suo moto notice for notreopening the al asjid.

    The case for tracing of ;3ss38< :/6so8s was another battle that was being fought on this front. 4n 1B th ugust, ttorney !eneral of

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    ain ;in ubair from ahore observedI %The bloodbath unleashed byusharraf&s forces at the al asjid in #slamabad has shown just how far he

    is prepared to go to stay in power. midst claim and counter claim from theregime in the aftermath of 4peration *ilence, it is beginning to emerge thathundreds, including women and children, may have been 'illed in themassacre. #t is rumoured that usharraf himself rejected a possible deal atthe last moment that could have led to a peaceful outcome and insteadordered attac'.&

    "ayab =han from 8ateh 5ang opinedI %The emergence of the >afsacrisis is a clear indication that 9 /8 / =loo o> 388o /8 :/o:l/ 3ss:3ll/ ? / 8/;/s3s 5@/s 3 s o98 o 6s/ to determine that justice is doneto the people. The innocent female students who died in the operation had noother home besides this institution. ost girls who found a shelter here had

    lost their parents in the earth/ua'e of 4ctober 2BB@. ny sensible anddemocratic government could have chal'ed out a strategy to first evacuatethese innocents. 4ur government, though, showed no flexibility at all.&

    %The=loo o> / 388o /8 s 93ll 8o afsa affair so that the justice be done to the people who were responsible for the

    bloodshed here. ny papering over the crac's will not do the nation anygood0 it wants to 'now the whole truth.&

    isha *ana from ahore wrote about missing persons. % fter readingabout the cases of missing persons one ponders about the statements given

    by the president and other senior officials on various different occasionscategorically and une/uivocally denying that any of those missing peoplewere in the custody of the government or its intelligence agencies. o

    o;/s >36s >o6 o 6 6 l/6s? A;/63 5 o6 P5@3s 58 J +hy does thegovernment deny its citi)ens basic rightsJ&


    The much awaited owever, the 5irga had two major negativesI one, usharraf accepted that part of the problem lies inside


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    *harif departed from ondon on aving got rid of theQaido , ushy(C. 4n 13 th *eptember, the C5<constituted nine(member bench, headed by 5ustice Eana ;hagwandas to hear the petition of -a)i >ussain hmed.


    "awa) *harif departed from ondon for #slamabad on ariri&s interference in

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    %The government&s shoc'ing move is undoubtedly a clear(cut hand(oncollusion with the superior judiciary. #t sounds and seems dangerous but atthe same time it is not possible for the *upreme Court to ignore onday&shappenings. The < (" and members of the civil society will immediately'noc' the doors of the judiciary and the people do expect from the apexcourt that justice would be done.&

    %The greatest dilemma of the onday&s episode is that in the historyof

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    contempt against the present regime. #t will now be facing scathing criticismfrom all and sundry. lthough "awa) *harif has been bundled bac' toEiyadh0 full mar's to him for showing a brave face and immense grace.&

    % pparently, threat for usharraf is over. ;ut how would thegovernment cope up with the fallouts of its blunder. =alsoom "awa) hasalready announced to re(jump into the political arena and come to

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    %+hat will happen if the executive refused to accept the *upremeCourt verdict on the contempt plea of *harif&s lawyerJ +ill next step be toteach the apex court and Chief 5ustice #fti'har ohammad Chaudhry alesson to get rid of the irritant once and for allJ&

    %"awa)&s deportation is not end of the story as the government wouldli'e to believe. "o doubt, the former premier would stay in *audi rabia tillthe completion of the remaining period of the exile(agreement. ;ut one*harif another would start bumping

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    C5< which if led by the leader of !ujrat afia. The ?= as'ed #slamabad torespect the role of the *upreme Court, reported Eauf =lasra.

    The cabinet endorsed usharraf&s re(election by present assemblies.

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    sfandyar said the - wanted to spar' riots in =arachi. -uite cunningly,the terrorist(in(chief was the first to condemn the 'illings.

    "ext day, another lawyer of =arachi ;ar ssociation was seriouslywounded by operatives of - terrorist group. #5T held country(wide

    protest over the 'illings of its students by - in =arachi.

    Dr uhammad slam =ha'i filed a constitutional petition see'ingformation of grand jury to probe the facts about "awa) *harif&s first andsecond exile. >e stated that the case of first and second exile of "awa) wasa matter of national concern. The unlawful and unconstitutional interventionof *aad >ariri was challenged as he was neither the representative of thestate nor an organi)ation.

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    *ecretary #nformation s *herri Eehman before returning home. >e earlier had lengthy discussions with some stalwarts of the *hujaat uslim eague.&

    %*hujaat uslim eague threw a spanner in the wor's and createdhurdles in the way of further tal's with active assistance from some invisiblefaces in the establishment and leaders of . s a result, there were notal's between the two sides for about two wee's. The mericans wereconcerned about the deadloc' and they intervened through Eichard;oucher.&

    %Tari/ )i) made it clear that right now no one from the governmentis tal'ing to ;ena)ir ;hutto and no official has planned to go to Dubai for the purpose. %"egotiations are not ta'ing place with ;ena)ir ;huttocurrently but it does not essentially mean that any stumbling bloc' has comein the way of the dialogue&, he said. Tari/ )i) parried a /uery about thetime schedule for the resumption of tal's. >e is unhappy with some leadersof the *hujaat eague for their opposition to the tal's with

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    The notification issued by $C was widely commented and critici)ed by experts, especially in view of a petition on the issue was pending beforethe *upreme Court.

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    hurled& at him. eanwhile, *hahba) said "awa) would come bac' toouston wroteI %+e stronglycondemn the government&s action to disallow former

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    !ul !hutal from ardan observedI %#t is a shame that the chief of *audi intelligence, ariri openly interfered in our internal affairs. T 3s 5;o 8 s o

    o8 /;: o> o 6 &, because the country&s apex court had already allowed*harif&s unhindered return. re we really a free nationJ ;eing uslims, werespect *audi and ebanese people, but not at the cost of our ownsovereignty.&

    Dr bdul Eauf 4ra')ai from >angu opinedI % / S :6/;/ Co 6

    by deporting "awa) *harif. #t is not only contempt of court but is also aninsult to the wishes of the /s 3o8s 563s/ 6/

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    cases were, reopened against him when he came bac'J nd why was he sent bac' to *audi rabiaJ #sn&t it a clear act of blac'mailingJ +hen the*upreme Court of lo 38< o> / o 6 s o6 /6s 5s o8 / 5 o 6 ;3l3 567 /s 5=l3s ;/8 . This has also lessenedthe credibility of the current regime to hold fair and free elections. The timehas come for the nation to decide whether there will be rule of law or therule of the generals.&

    ?mmad a)har from =arachi wroteI %The government of a country isnot the name of some party or leader. Eather, it is the name of the collective

    wisdom of a society. >owever, the recent events in

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    circumstances, can we expect our commando general6president to protectusJ&

    *aira -adeer from Eawalpindi wroteI %The deportation of "awa)*harif shows undoubtedly that our S :6/;/ Co 6 5s 8o s 5 s 38 //7/s o> / ouse seem to lac' any sense these days. s far as "awa) *harif&sdeportation is concerned, the +hite >ouse has decided not to intervene inthe internal affairs of

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    usharraf to deceive the 6o; /36 s 5 @l/s . The current leadership in this country is but a

    pawn in the big game of world domination.&


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    The exile was widely commented upon by 585l7s s 58 ;/ 35men. The editor Daily "ews wroteI %The forced exile of former

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    presumption being that he would provide a much needed counter, in the eyesof the < (-, to the president&s planned deal with the 6 /6 8 /6;38/ / M s 5665> 6o; / S :6/;/ Co 6 when admitting the < (" petitions see'ingreturn of "awa) *harif from *audi rabia. lso the deportation, coincidingwith what lawyer community maintains is harassment on *ept A of the *indh>igh Court bench by - supporters and the murder of a prominentlawyer, is li'ely to bring the lawyers bac' into activism.&

    %4n the political front the /:o6 5 3o8 o> M6 S 563> 93ll :6ov3 / /o::os3 3o8 :56 3/s 93 5 s 6o8< 65ll738< :o38 . 8resh into a new electoralalliance the ll

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    convinced that they could legally, politically, morally and diplomaticallyexecute the deportation plan.&

    %!eneral usharraf&s legal advisers must have convinced him thatdeporting the former prime minister after first letting him enter

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    *audi government could well become the target of public anger andcriticism. "ot only "awa) *harif&s supporters but all those who believe inconstitutional rule, those who supported the lawyers& movement and

    participated in the struggle for an independent, fair and powerful judiciarywill increasingly see the *audi royal family as facilitating an illegal act

    planned by the government of 6/ 65 / 3s s /:s , postpone presidential elections, ta'e the routeof reconciliation with all parties including the < (", give up selectiveengagement and ma'e the holding of genuinely free elections his priorityJ>is re(election must be of secondary consideration. >e has believed in

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    of usharraf to rule without interference by major politicians, for which purpose he had also ensured ;ena)ir&s self(exile.&

    %The l/ / >36s /:o6 5 3o8 95s =l5s / =7 9o 0 e wants to holdelections while he is still chief of army staff, commanding the army&sagencies. This series of actions would be prejudicial to the spirit of democracy and to the well(established conventions and norms of democracy.&

    %4ne&s3;;/ 35 / o8 /68s 56/ 9o . The *upreme Court&s ordersshould not have been violated0 this is disobedience of judicial orders.*econdly, the democratic rights of people are being violated at will by thegovernment presided over by the C4 *.&

    %The:/o:l/ o> P5@3s 58 are showing deep unrest and dissatisfactionwith the state of affairs. They 958 5 58

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    wants is to hang on to power for five more years by hoo' or by croo',especially by holding the election under the immediate control of his ownnominees or subordinates.&

    %The o 8 67 3s 5lso =/38< 6o @/ =7 P5@3s 58 s :ol3 7 o> 5l3 93 A;/63 5 , and that is not acceptable to a growing number of

    people The idea of promoting enlightenment, free thin'ing, moderation,and indeed, spreading democratic values is something dear to the writer andto most s 6o; 3 s :6/v3o s ;3s 5@/s .The C5 imbroglio didn&t occur that long ago now did it, and shouldn&t thegovernment have ta'en heed by not getting into a tiff with the *upremeCourt and head towards contempt of court by deporting r *harifJ&

    %4f course, l/o 8 o s5v// /6638< l/5 /6 o> / 57? = 5 o/s8 ;5@/ / 96o8< 63< . This

    time around, the contempt of court of deporting r *harif will also be dealtwith a new clause in some law, which will ma'e this act legal, and that is

    what happened when a " ; ordinance was twisted to suit the situation.&% r *harif was aware, as all of us were, that he would be deported but

    he had to go through this to save political face. #f he hadn&t shown up, hissupporters would have been %hurt& the same way ;ena)ir ;hutto&s are for her deal with the !eneral. nyway, 3s /:3so / 5s o8l7 ;5 / M6 S 563> 6/ 63/v/ so;/ o> / los :ol3 3 5l

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    Dr +aheed =han said that his dream to see an omnipotent monarchhas come true. %Today, fortunately, or should # say most unfortunately, ;7

    6/5; o s// 58 o;83:o /8 ;o856 5s o;/ 6 / . >e has the power touse his people and their life and property at his disposal. #f he chooses, hecan declare war in a city. The deportation of the former premier bac' into alife of exile, after the judiciary rule in that he could come bac', is not only aharsh slap in the face of the *upreme Court of e is the 'ing and therefore for himsay of the people stands nowhere.&

    %The political chessboard of

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    combined movement for the restoration of democracy in e is accused of embe))ling millions of dollars, and is responsible for the deaths of 3BB,BBBof his people The man&s nic'name is the genial ;utcher of ?ganda.&

    %*o would you give this man asylumJ 4f course not, but *audi rabiadid. The man&s name was #di min. S5 3 A65=35 s 6ol/ 5s 5 /s 385 3o8 o>

    o3 / >o6 5s7l ; s//@/6s 3s 658 3 . +ith all the brouhaha over thecommitment regarding the exile deal we need to maintain as a matter of honour, it seems that *audi rabia doesn&t exactly have a very honourable


    % fter all they too' in "awa) *harif, who at the time was a convictand had pending cases against him. ;y doing so, they massacred theintegrity of our Constitution. 4f all the commentary over the "awa) *harif&s%deal&, # have always found the exhortations of the %honour code& to benauseating. The implicit message that comes from it is that 9/ 8// o

    6/s:/ S5 3 A65=35 >o6 58 3ll/o6 o 6 o 8 67 and its rules and regulations.&

    % s for "awa) *harif, he has just been %deported&. That cannot be truefor in a deportation you can only remove non(citi)ens, he, on the other handis a bona fide 5s =//8@3 85::/ . / 5 68/ ov/6 5 8/9 l/5> by not negotiating with thedictatorship to create an unholy marriage but, by admitting the existence


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    of the deal and trying to push an incredulous story that he had signed on thetacit assumption that it would be renegotiated, it ma'es him no different thanthe others.&

    %The high(handedness of the government in >o6 38< N595 o l/5v// o 8 67 93ll o8 / 5

    :5:/6 95v/ 5 :6/ss o8>/6/8 / =7 3 3 /8s o> S5 3 A65=35 58L/=58o8 o;:l/ /l7 9o6 l/ss .&

    %*o if you can&t sign away your fundamental rights, then how do yousend your citi)ens to foreign countries against their free willJ +hat do youcall that actJ The papers and everyone on television are calling itdeportation. Deportation generally means the expulsion of a foreigner, for whatever reason, from a country. +hat about citi)ensJ +hat do you do withthe ones who want to send to lands far awayJ $xpulsion of natives of acountry was not uncommon in days of yore, when natives were banished or

    exiled to colonies li'e merica, as it was 'nown before the war of independence, or transported to penal colonies li'e ustralia.

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    %A;/63 5 5s o;/ o / 6/s / o8 / 5

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    2B. ?nfortunately, political leaders appear to be missing in action.4pposition parties have chosen the worst possible time to be plagued byfactionalism. This is a time when one would imagine that s/uabbling for

    power would cease and egos be put aside in the greater national interest.&

    %>ere is 5 o 8 67 9 os/ :o: l5 / 3s /:6/ss/ ? /s:o8 /8 58/s:/65 / to do something to change all that is ma'ing it depressed and

    despondent. +e 'now we need to do something, but we don&t 'now how,and the apparent enormity of the tas' defeats us.&

    %This is because when we loo' around we don&t see anyone who willorgani)e and lead us. P5@3s 58 8// s 5 l/5 /6 9 o 3s 85>653 ? 9 o 5s

    / o 65 s 3 / of S5 3 A65=35 95s :56 7 o / / 3s3o8 ;5 / =7 / 5 o63 3/s in

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    *audi =ing on account of the feeling that he too' good care of the holy citiesas well as the >aram *harif and asjid(i("abvi. s custodians of the twoholy mos/ues, successive *audi 'ings were highly respected in 3so=8oG3o s :65 3 / when

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    % usharraf has only brought discredit upon himself by this act. T 3s93ll > 6 /6 38>l5;/ :o: l56 s/8 3;/8 5

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    compromised with the ?*, is messing in

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    ;etraying a touch of panic, they seem inclined to adopt fascistic means tosuppress the popular urge for freedom.&

    %I> l7 2% ;56@/ / :3885 l/ o> o 6 o:/? S/: /;=/6 1%=/ 5;/ / 57 o> o 6 s /G3l/ o @3ll /:6ov/6=35l 9o =36 s 93 o8/ s o8/ sowed a seed of distrust between

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    %#n case of "awa) *harif&s exile, some iddle $astern countries hadseriously tried to blac'out the event from the private B/85 36 B o ,


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    who would now find an open political field upon her arrival to benefit asmuch as is possible for her.&

    %;ut through "awa) *harif&s exile manoeuvre the mericans, it is believed, have 63/ o /8 / 8:6/ / /8 / 6/l5 3o8s 3: =/ 9//8 / P5@3s 58 58 S5 3 A65=35 . "ever anyone in >/6/8 /s =/ 9//8 M56 58 S/: /;=/6 I 91: The people of

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    a real(estate specialist, a couple of arms merchants and %bridge& partners, anda handful of his course(mates, etc have a vested interest in usharraf stayingin place.&

    %O8/ o: 3o8 would for o l :oss3=l7 o: o o8 38 / 5s COAS for the foreseeablefuture. This would re/uire a safe and loyal president. The odds on choice

    being *hau'at )i), available conveniently as %a man for all seasons& andli'e David Copperfield&s ;ar'is0 ready and willing.&

    % usharraf&s legal eagle, S 563> 38 P36 5 5, boasting anunenviable record for familiar advice to all 6// 58 >536 /l/ 3o8s 38 / 8/56> 6/ 9/ s o l >/56 >o6 / > 6/ o> 3s o 8 67. The people mayreluctantly accept an emergency, but not without a firm and crediblecommitment to a transparent electoral exercise under a genuinely neutralcareta'er government.&

    Dr asooda ;ano observedI %The 66/8 5=s 6 3 7 . +hen agovernment so blatantly violates the decision of the *upreme Court as the

    present government did by sending "awa) *harif off to *audi rabia against

    his will and against the order of the *upreme Court, it ma'es all 'ind of analysis irrelevant as only an %idiot& or the one holding the gun can approveof such a system. There can simply be no two opinions about what is rightand wrong in such extreme cases of state transgression.&

    %The concern is not so much about "awa) *harif&s individual rightsand his political career. >e has regained respect within the public by


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    attempting to return. 4f course, being allowed to stay or even being in prison within

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    % /8 =l5 58 l3/s >6o; s3 38< ;383s /6s =/ o;/ 5 6o 38/ ;5 /6?3 s 5 5 l/568 5 l/sso8

    following his abortive attempt to sac' Chief 5ustice #fti'har ohammadChaudhry and the debacle that ensued. *uch a notion has been clarifiedresoundingly, however, by the expulsion of "awa) *harif from the countryon *ept 1B contrary to ugust 23 ruling of the *upreme Court.&

    %+ith the banishment of "awa) *harif, the !eneral and incumbentgovernment have, li'e others before them, s o98 /36 ;7o:35? 566oo6 / l59s o> P5@3s 58 and the sanctity of its highest court.;ut its ill(advised action, the !eneral and the government haveI 9a: acted ina manner contrary to the letter and spirit of the *upreme Court&s ruling that

    *harif has a constitutional right to return to

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    as thin as the paper it was allegedly written on. Is /6/ 6oo;? 38 / /7/s o> / l59? >o6 5 s :65- o8s 3 3o85l 5 6/ s38< / : =l3 discourse on

    the issue. #n recent days we have heard much about "awa) *harif&s dismalrecord as a leader and ruler of

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    fight to a palatial life in *audi rabia, let his party leaders and members judge him. #f he is bad news for the

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    %The public disapproval of N595 S 563> s ;3s5 v/8 6/ 5663/s6// /;: 5 3 ;/ss5owever, theappointment of lawyers with political baggage as amices curiae to assist thehonourable court has raised some eyebrows.&

    %*hort orders from the *upreme Court or from !>- are a bad idea atthis point of time. P/o:l/ /s/6v/ :/5 /? s 5=3l3 7 58 /v/lo:;/8 ? /7

    /s/6v/ P5@3s 58 . 5ustice demands that the people and their interest shouldnot be allowed to become a collateral damage in a clash of egos.&


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    4mar E -uraishi did not agree with the regime&s version of exile. %#f he indeed %chose& to go to *audi rabia, 9 7 3 o /8s o> :ol3 /

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    %The opposition appears to have made the uniform a matter of life anddeath. The crescendo of %without uniform& has been replaced %with or without uniform&. The o::os3 3o8 ;57 8o 5 ;3 5 3 8// s P6/s3 /8M s 5665> as much as the government party. The nation has often seen now

    bitterly the politicians fight among each other if there was no restraininghand to calm them.&

    %Confrontation is not the better way to elicit a democratic deal from amilitary dictator. N595 S 563> 5s l/568/ 5 5 /5v7 os 5 3 3s 8o5l957s >536. uhammad #slam from ahore wroteI%Through your newspaper, # re/uest the sundry spo'espersons of the

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    any need for the farce of %free and fair& electionJ 8or a government formedin this manner, will it be independent in its decisions, particularly where thevital national interests of the country are concernedJ&

    njum "ia) wroteI %ouse, " ; today has lost all its credibility.&

    % nd so has !eneral

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    Kan'ees and ebanese to choose our leaders. aving led his nation into a fraudulent war with #ra/, he is nowdirecting via long distance, a disaster waiting to happen in US s 5ss 658 / that all cases against her in the foreigncourts would be ta'en care of.&

    %4ne of the three presidential aides, who had recently held deal(dialogue with s ;hutto, is /uoted by a source having said that althoughthere is no formal %deal& struc' between the two sides, s B o 5s5ollo9 / :6/s/8 6/ >6o; / PPP 536:/6so8 s

    5s/s 38 S:538? E8

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    %A 3s :o38 o> 3;/ 3 3s /8 36/l7 5 938-938 s3 5 3o8 >o6 MsB o, who is returning home claiming %no deal& but securing an assurancethat the usharraf(led regime would not pursue her corruption cases in theforeign courts. >er party will also be allowed a level(playing field in theupcoming general elections.&

    %4n the direction from the top, NAB 5s 5l6/5 7 3s 58 / 3 s/l> >6o; M5 63 Co 6 in *pain that had already issued charge(sheet against

    s ;hutto and her newly found lieutenant and business partner Eehmanali' ;ut interestingly despite #slamabad&s %lac' of interest& the adrid

    Court is proceeding with the case and has reportedly served notices to boths ;hutto and ali'.&

    % i'e adrid, the former prime minister also faces serious challengesin $ngland and *wit)erland courts. ccording to a source, 0 s l3@/ M5 63 ?

    / !ov/68;/8 o> P5@3s 58 5s 5lso 3s 58 / 3 s/l> >6o; Lo8 o8 58S93ss 635l of s ;hutto&s corruption cases.&

    Dr ahjabeen #slam observedI %!eneral M s 5665> 3s 6738< /v/67:/6; 5 3o8 o 67 o ol o8 o :o9/6 . >is driving delusion is his messiahcomplex and the entrenched sense in mind that 56

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    % !zmooda ra azmoodan jahal ast is a -38 /6/s 3s o 6 v/67 =5s3s 6v3v5l 38s 38 0 almost all actions underta'en by men and states ali'e are

    purely based in pursuit of this irresistible fundamental. >istory has beenshaped by it0 soon this fundamental principle will solve all of 5 o6 9 3 5so =/ o8s3 /6/ 3s 5 / US 3s / /8

  • 8/15/2019 The Crusader VII.doc


    situation inside

  • 8/15/2019 The Crusader VII.doc


    decision. #t