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  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Group 6: China trip Power Point


    Group Leader: Lau See Yin

    Members: Joey Chng, LimShi Jia, Chick Rui Wen,

    Sean Chng, Jay Lau

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    g, y

    Day 1!

    Beijing Rainbow Hotel!

    There is a 24-hour room service, disabled

    facilities, restaurants, shops and shuttle servicesfor their facilities.

    There is a pool, for children, motorized and non-

    motorized water sports, fitness center andsquash courts for their recreational activities.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 1!

    Beijing 798 Art Center

    Named after the 798 factory, It is located in the

    northeast corner of the city. The Dashanzi Art District

    (DAD) is its another name. The art zone covers an area

    of 0.6 square kilometer, with Jiu xian qiao Road to its

    west, Beijing-Baotou railway to its east, Jiang tai Road

    to its south and Jiu xian qiao Road North to its north.Characterized by modern art, it has become the

    exhibition center of Chinese culture and art, and also

    the world- famous cultural and creative industries

    centralized area .

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 1!

    Beijing Olympic village

    Beijing olympic Village, is the worlds largest Green

    Neighbourhood, there has been surprisingly little attention

    paid to the environmental impact of the city's new building.The 160-acre site, containing 42 residential buildings

    ranging from six- to nine- stories, includes a combination of

    high-tech and low-tech solutions to radically reduce energy

    and raise efficiency, including insulation, energy efficientwindows, solar and green roofs, and a heat exchange

    system that collects and re-uses rainwater for heating and

    cooling, saving energy by 40 percent!

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 2!

    Beijing Language and Cultural University

    Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) was founded in

    1962, and was originally named the higher preparatory School

    for Foreign Students. In 1964, it was renamed as BeijingLanguage Institute by the State Council. And then in 1996, with

    the approval of the Ministry of Education, the school was

    designated as Beijing Language and Culture University. It is the

    only international university in China with its main task set at

    teaching the Chinese language and culture to foreign students.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 2!

    Confucian Temple and Guo Zi Jian

    Located on Guo zi jian Street inside Anding Gate,

    the Temple of Confucius in Beijing is the placewhere people paid homage to Confucius during

    the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing

    Dynasty. Its neighbor in the west is Beijing

    Imperial Academy (Guo zi jian), which was the

    institute of the highest education well preserved

    in China.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 3!

    High Speed Train

    The Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, short

    for Jing hu High-Speed Railway, has been underconstruction from April, 2008. It has been put

    into commercial service on since June 30, 2011.

    This rail line has a total length of 1,318km and

    provides a service of over 50 pairs of bullet

    trains alternating between the two cities


  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 3!

    Tian Jin Cultural Street

    Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street is located in the Nankai District of

    the Tianjin Municipality and was formally opened in 1986. It is

    located on the west bank of the Haihe River. Tianjin AncientCultural Street begins at Gongbei Avenue in the north, and ends

    at Gongnan Avenue in the south, 0.36 miles long and 16 feet

    wide. Although essentially a business street, Tianjin Ancient

    Cultural Street attracts tourists who come to see its special

    architectural styles, admire its classic cultural features, buy

    various folk crafts, and sample the delicious local Tianjin snacks.

    Above all, as visitors walk along the street, they will be

    particularly impressed by the splendid replica classical

    architecture in the folk style of the Qing Dynasty.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 3!

    Food Alley

    It is very popular with both local and

    international tourists. Strolling in this street atnight is a tradition for tourists in Beijing. All

    snacks gather here, with local snacks playing a

    dominant role. The entire area has a welcoming

    atmosphere. This most famous snack street

    becomes particularly busy at night.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 4!

    Ren Min University

    RBS is one of the first-tier business schools in

    China. Every year, they host exchange studentsfrom an ever-increasing number of overseas

    partner universities/schools based in the US,

    Canada, France, Netherlands, Switzerland,

    Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Russia, etc. Along

    with a large pool of international students

    seeking for degree here with us, you will feel at

    ease in the amiable and friendly environment.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 4!

    Summer palace

    Situated in the Haidian District northwest of

    Beijing City, the Summer Palace is 15 kilometers(9.3 miles) from central Beijing. Being the largest

    and most well-preserved royal park in China, it

    greatly influences Chinese horticulture and

    landscape with its famous natural views and

    cultural interests, which also has long since been

    recognized as 'The Museum of Royal Gardens'.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 4!

    Yuan Ming Yuan

    Also known as the Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan (the

    Garden of Perfection and Light), it is located northwest

    of Beijing and to the east of the (present-day) Summer

    Palace. The Garden was first constructed in the year of

    1709 during the reign of the Emperor Kang xi of the

    Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Over the next 150 years ofthe Qing Dynasty, this Garden was expanded to be a

    large-scale Chinese emperors' private pleasure garden,

    covering a total area of 350 hectares (over 864 acres).

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 5!

    Tian An Men Square

    Located at the center of Beijing City is

    Tiananmen Square, where you can visitTiananmen Tower, Monument to the People's

    Heroes, Great Hall of the People, Mao Zedong

    Memorial Hall and see the national flag raising

    ceremony. Thousands of people come to the

    Square every day. It is the must place to visit in

    Beijing City.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 5!

    Wang Fu Jing street

    The street starts from the East Changan Street and ends

    at China Art Museum with a length of 1500 meters. The

    street is a kind of beauty perfectly combining tradition,

    modernity, culture and commerce.

    With a group of sculptures depicting the lives of

    Beijingers in the old times was established before themodern Sun Dong An Market, a 70 square meter relief

    sculpture recalling the operation of the 12 old famous

    shop in the area was set on the southern wall of the

    Womens' Department Store.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 6!

    Lao She Tea House

    . There will be a show going on, but it will be better if we you could get the

    front seats. The food in the restaurant is delicious. There will be some live

    entertainment while you eat - musicians playing Chinese style music.

    The show is enjoyable. It included opera, kung fu, mask changing, 'fast talking'and acrobatics. The Kung fu was a bit like rap dancing and quite clever as was

    the acrobatics which was a man juggling a pot on his head. The opera was

    enjoyable and was translated to English on a screen The best part of the show

    is the Sichuan mask changing.

    Tea and mediocre sweets were served with the show.Overall, it was a bit touristy, entertaining if you want to see short snippets of

    these Chinese cultures.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Day 6!

    Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the

    world, was listed as a World Heritage in 1987. Just like a

    gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down

    across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus,

    stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500

    miles) from east to west of China. With a history ofmore than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in

    ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the

    most appealing attractions all around the world owing

    to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Last Day!

    Beijing capital museum

    The initial work on it started in 1953, and it was open

    to the public in 1981. The Confucian Temple was its

    original site. In order to accommodate a larger

    collection and a better service to visitors, the new

    museum was built in December 2001 and opened on

    May 18th, 2006. It is located at 16 Fuxingmenwai Dajiein the west extension of Chang'an Avenue, in Xicheng

    district. It had an area of 24,800 square meters with

    five floors above ground and two floors underground;

    its floor area has now reached 63,390 square meters.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip



    Instruments are the erhu, pipa, zheng and yang

    qin. They are the traditional instruments used in

    china. The erhu, along with the pipa, yangqin

    and zheng are all string instruments.

  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    History of Beijing

    Some half a million years ago, Peking man lived in

    Zhoukoudian, in the southwestern suburbs of Beijing.

    The climate of that time was warmer and more humid

    than it is today. Forests and lakes in the area supportedlarge numbers of living creatures. The fossil remains of

    Peking man, his stone tools and evidence of use of fire,

    as well as later tools of 18,000 years ago, bone needles

    and article of adornment from the age of Upper CaveMan are the earliest cultural relics on record in China


  • 7/30/2019 the ct trip


    Language in Beijing

    The one and only language spoken in Beijing,

    china is Chinese. They too, speak English, but

    that would be a rare sight as English spoken are

    not as profound.