In Russia, where there's dynamite in every breath they draw, Where every tody has a name that almost breaks ycurjaw. Where they double up the alphabet and rudelv break it off. And half the names you chance to meet resemble vthoopinkopff. - 'Tis there they recently arranged some influenzal fad That everybody's got to have, and got to have it bad. Already it has found its way to lands beyond the seas, It's in Portland there! Kerchew! I knew I'd have to sneeze. We'd thank the Russians if they'd keep their vile, explosive stuff, " . We people here are not quite up to taking Russian snuff. .; "Tis not an awful pretty sight to see , Columbia pose In attitudes that woo the sneeze with kerchief to her nose. , We have hay fever of our own to last us ' half the year, But now their baled variety for winter use is here. There seems to be no lack of things olfactive nerves to tease. Our noses keep us busy there! Ker- - - - chewt Excuse the sneeze. A sneeze is such a stubborn thing it's bound to have its way, ' The more you' strive to hush it up the more it has to say. It like to catch you unawares at church or some such place. And when you look your sweetest how it wrinkles up your face! And e'en the swain on bended knees all - ready to propose. . May quite forget his piece the while he wipes his sneezing nose, . -- r And do your best, 'tis, all in vain to try to look at ease - "' : . When one is coming there! Kerchew! v - Great heavens, what a sneeze! aireaay here. And while there's naught about it that the people need to fear, It isn't kind in foreigners to on our peo- ple spring. -- Whose time is so much occupied, this hasty rushin' thing. . . The people all oppose it, and there's ' scarcely any doubt That blow on blow they'll meet it till at last they wipe it out It interferes with everthing, and even lire like these - - Are dull when interrupted there! Ker- chew! Another sneeze. IiANGUAGE OF THE 1SARS. The Appemrmnoe of the Auricular Append age IndieatlTe of Character. . "I nsod to notice when a lad,": said V a successful business man lately to a - ' reporter, "that in making' the final awards at country fairs on the Quality '. of all sorts of blooded stock, the judges universally examined the ears of the animals. Whether it were a thorough bred horse, a Berkshire ,hog, a dog of ' any special breed, from a toy terrier to a bull or a pointer, or whether it were aCotswold or Southdown sheep, the ear was always one of the chief points, nod if that were faulty, all the other good qualities went for naught.- This set me thinking that, as, men represent every quality known to the brate crea- tion, the ears of men would be likely to ' serve as pretty sure indices of charac- ter. " I then commenced studying. First of all I procured a good specimen of what we will call the normal human ear, one taken from the head of a man .of good character and in whom all the various qualities and propensities had been about' evenly balanced, a level-- - ' it nn rl ml ' hmaimI mail Vif tha WAftrf This ear 1 studied until I had thorough- -. y mastered all the convolutions and ' surfaces that it presented. ' I've bought hundreds of them and now have ABOUT 200 TYPICALEARS " tha( I'll show you." With this the old , gentleman unlocked his safe and pro-- duced two packages tied up in oiled silk, soft and flexible as kid, and semi- - transparent , . Untying ona of these packages, there foil out on the table a - number of nondescript fragments of mummitied-lookin- g stuff, which, on examination, proved to be dried, or 'rather partially tanned, human ears, all in a perfect state of preservation, so lar as the retention 01 shape is concern- - . I a.lITI 1. J:J 11 cu. , I li Y r(iicio uju jvu Ifcl nil these?" "Bonght 'em of course." "Of the hosDitals?" "No. of the nndertak-- . ers. The ears of criminals and panpers - would be of no use to me. They would - serve' no purpose in the way of study; the character of the criminal is so clear-- . . . 1 I 1 1 n' J auuiia.ta Ull VUV .JLFO a. DUUlUOIlb ' know all by, while paupers have no character at all It would make some " people stare if they should exhume their deceased relatives and find that niejr are sleeping me last sleep witn , only one ear to help them listen for the last trump. The most obstinate-foo- l I ever had to deal with was a half-starvin- g artist whose ear I wanted to get on account of its remarkable formation. - lie was a man of extraordinary business affairs, but a genius. I offered that man ' $500 FOB ONE OF HIS EABS, 1 l . i iii.n . . ... sou iiie Biupiu luuow reiuseu 1C lie was poor, half starved; "didn't I be- lieve, know where to get the next meal . for himself and his wife and children.. and ono would have thought that he would have jumped at the chance to get $500 for such a trifling inconven ience. 1 offered to supply him with a - false ear, so as to keep up appearances, but he would not listen to me, and I missed one of the finest opportunities T:.. t i - i . ui uj uioi a. ujjeuBu turn particular package to show you one very remark- - ' able example. Here are all sorts of ears; ears of men who are greatly im-- oiieu iw religious ieeungs mere s an ear, lor instance, of a revivalist; ears . of pronounced atheists, ears of honest - men and ears of rogues; ears .of cute lawyers and earsof dnU money-grabber- s, whose only study in life has Men how to hold on to a dollar. Here's the car of a somewhat nrtcd newspaper ' man. Now, just see how the lobe of that ear goes down into the cheek; in front there is no lobe to. the ear at alL i aon i sav, marie von. that evervnna who has an car of that formation is a thief, but I do say that he has the pro-- - penalties of one, and only needs oppor- tunity or temptation to develop them. This ear, in its principal charactero- - tic, is almost the counterpart of a pair that are worn bv a man of former hicrh fianaing in tno Business world, but who is now serving a term in the peni- tentiary. It is only a week or two ago " I had an occasion to let a contract for building an extensive wall, and among the bidders was one who offered to do the work half a dollar a thousand low- er than any one else. But when I saw the man BIS EARS TOLD ME not to trust him. v I know he would have robbed me in some way had he got the contract Here's another typi- cal ear. Yon see this thin cartilage, with the roll disappearing in the north- east corner and the ear itself coming almost to a point, somewhat like a fox's. That is the ear of a keen, scrupulous, er; one of those who seem to take a positive delight in oppressing the un- fortunate and in . wringing from them extortionate interest ior small accom- modations. Some of these ears set well back like a fox's when it is snarliog; they are the worst cases. In nthora the upper point stands slightly for- ward; such men are rather shrewd and cunning than-crue- l, bnt they are not very pleasant folks at the best Others of this sort, again, are movable at the will of their owners. These chaps add to their other amiable qualities a qaar - relsome disposition that will make them snap and snarl at everything and everybody. The only way is to select a few noteworthy specimens. Study the ears of some men whose character you are well acquainted with, and mark their respective peculiarities. Then compare those of men of similar char- acteristics, and see where their strong- est resemblances are; the first discov- ery of a principle for yourself is the on-- jj uuiicuuy. xi ut one is logoi to get married! 1 could tell him whether the 1 1 I I ' I- . woman ne is aoout k wcu ib uaeiv to agree with him or not Oh, yon may set it down for a fact that the ear is the true index of character. Tell me be fore yott print anything about this, and I'll corner the ear-mu- ff market, audwe will divide the profits." potion Sun- day Times, i Great Thins to Be Seen In America. A leading journal strikes a true chord when it asks the question: "Is it in order to see walled towns that they (the intending traveler) would have gono to Europe? Where will they come across one more to their mind than in the Gibraltar of America, where Quebec sits on her rock overlooking her mighty river, with a view that has few rivals in the world, with her ramparts and cita- del, her mediaeval streets and dwellings, her cathedrals and " convents, and st ran go bcIiooIs and foreign tongues and immortal histories? Is it only ancient cities they desire? Then there is St Augustine among its palmettos beside tbe'uea. almost at the extremity of the continent and almost as old as the dis- covery of the continent - Is it semi-ironic- al beauty of landscape and weather they would have? Not alt the soft-vapor- ed cities by the Mediterranean will oner them more than Savannah and the Sea Island - - - i "Is it foreign life they want? Where will anything more alien to all our northern and eastern experience be seen of heard than in the Bue Rovale and the Rue Bourbon, at the French market or at the Spanish Fort of New Orleans, with its mocking-bird- s and magnolias, where, as late as. the middle pf June, gardens full of jasmine and oleanders, capo hiyrtles and palms, with moon- light that might be the northern sun tillered through domes of crystals, make one doubt if it bo plain, matter-of-fa- ct progressive America? Or where will more quaintness and delight be seen than in the Texas town of San Antonio, where the roses lie on the red roofs of the Jong and low dwellings, where the jalousies ,are latticed with the vine of the night-blooming cerena. where the banana trees blow to ribbons in the trou ir. sweet southeast gales and the lanes are nueu wim ngs ana apricots, and oitw walks nnder avenues of stately pecans; where .forests, draped in . ancholy moss, swaying heavily, make the landscape all unreal; where grape- vines interlace the thickets with stems tho sisoof forest trees themselves; where the priests go about with flocks of little children clinging to their skirts, and where the ruins of the old missions rival in sculptured wonder many ruins of old Spaiu? Or is it absolute Spain itself that our friends would travel over? Let theiu cross the Rio Grande by rail, and in Chihuahua and Sonora and the heart of Mexico they have reached much that makes old Spain; they have found the old Spain of 400 years ago, and havi gone there dryshou. - - Do our travelers want deserts and thirst for their summer experience? They will fiud deserts in Arizona rival- ing all Africa, with colors aud mirages that even the Sahel does . not give. Do they pant for uiountain?cliuibing? If the'Wnite Mountains and tho Alloghan-ie- s do not offer d.ffietiilSes enough, are there not Mount St Elias, with its 17.-0- 00 feet of altitude. Shasta and Whit- ney, the terribly obstructed heights of Sogf is and of Snow Mass Peak;, all the wild summits of the Sierras, the fearful beauty of the Yellowstone park, and the wild grandeur,' too lovely to be terrible, of the Yosemite? And do the Danube, the Rhine, the Nile allure? Then shall not the waters of the Hudson, with its picturesque reaches, of the Mississippi, with its breadth and volume, of the Columbia, with its gorges and cataracts, wash out all memory of lesser and loss beautiful streams. - "Where, for niero beanty, for the de- light of the eye, can all Europe show us anything like a blossoming - prairie through which we may ride all day and never come to the end of the blossom- ing? And wha- t- hoary antiquity ' to charm the thought back to the source of races has Europe to offer that shall out- do the ancientness of the 'ruins of our prehistoric peoples in the heart of the continent? In fact, America is so full of historic interest and picturesque loveliness that it is wonderful anybody should wish to visit Europe at all be- fore exhausting it; and if anything bap-- pens to deter peppie irom crossing tne ocean and incites them to become ac- quainted with their own territory, they cannot be the losers by it" Chicago Wetlcm World. , . LONGFELLOW'S KAIBEir. Who " Btandinr. with reluctant faat. "Where i the brook and riyer meet. Womanhood and childhood fleet I a typo of thousands of younr sTirla wh are emeraino; from the chrysalis stage of theii existence, a they enter upon their "teens." Nerroua, excitable, .lni table, stirred by tnuure, unknowable forces within them, ach a mystery unto- - herself, our girls need the tenderost care, the most iorlng, patient oversight, and the aid af Dr. Pierce's Farorits rnanpuoiL 10 aaiejy oarry tnem throua'a una cnuoal pedod, durinar which,. In too many Urea, alaa. ara sown tb aaeda of dia, treasina; forms of rttstasos pecuilar to th female sez. But this boon to womankind wii. prnaut su aucn oisrasre, or euro them If they bar already aeixod a TlcUm.r Womaa owes it to herself, to ber family, and to her social station, to be well and strong. Let her then not neglect th sure means of euro. " Favorite Prescription " is a legitimate medi- cine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It la purely resrotabla in its compoaitioB. and perfectly harm leas in its effects In any Condition of the system. Sold by drunlsts; JLOQ, or six bottles for Copyright, 1836, by Woaxn's Dia. Mas. Ass'x. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS raralate and cleanae the llrer. stomach and """a, xurj mn vtmtj TCoaDsranl factly hannleai. Ous a Poaa. Bold ngiwi, . x cesit a rial. - Land Notioea. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Lsxo Ornca. Thk Dsubs. Os.. - Decem'ier SI. lma. Complaint haTinar heea entered at this olEee by .Gil uw iMa.11 j, uiii ior failure comply wi-.- nw at to Viii ber.ture Fntrr Mo. eUUd Fab. 19, !88S. npun ibe NE 4 See 20. Toarnship i 8 Range 14 E in Wasco coontj. Oregon. . wim .irw w if nf H.MI fn ry; eon bsunt. alktrimr that the a il TbumasJ) Hill has never planted any tree seeds or ratting, on the said tract ol land, or caused the same to be done: the id urrties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on sue no uay 01 feoruary. two. at 1 'cock P. M. to rerpnna. ana raruisu testimony sonncririiir al ej(ed failure. Register. OREGON-:-BAKER- Y, A. KELLER, Propr, . Washington street, next door llow Geo. Buch'a Dallas, Oreaon. Barinsr the Bakers iormerlT oamad br (W Kn-- f am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res taurant arita tue cnolcest Bread. Cakes and Pies. THE DALLES Marble Works, . C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' . m Commissions. Lock Box 2X8. THK DALLES. OREGON. SelM Gaalafl WaMck.1 Mt f tratca. la Hw worlti I Mawpcr. mar-J naiad. Hav Uvlui S a " tTK td itlMUaVUMt. awl MMtf laavd full1 mzm, with work! r mm ana cbm r aqtMi valwa. One JPcmm to aaca u. calti aa aacwa aa iWa, r wiu mmr iargaaaMTai DM l II afMasaw aialca RmMiAea. Thaaa aaaplaa. aa well aa tba watck. wa at4 "T"-- - Pi ai, and after jom kav kept wmtm ba nar hm B saHTTM at Oil Ikaaat taa Whm mmy fcarra aauao, taar lacoaaa yotar aw ptapttti mhm varlta at aoca cm ba mm af tiaaWwr tmt 1 awl naiplca. Wa par s ). sVtrirM.aia. AsMraaa va LEAVENING POWER Of the various Baking Powders illus trated from actual testa. ROYAL r hi wish GRAlTS(Alnm. ...( Buaroiuvs (fih).:.3Bi baifohD's (what fruh) mm CHARM (Alum Fowda)..HH DAVIS and 0. K. (Alum)H CUVEUBDV PI0SEER (San Fnncaco).... CZAR. DR. PRICE'S SI0W FUKI (GroT C0HGRESS BECKER'S GOUTS HARFORD'S (None Such), when not fioh, PEARL (Andrew! & Co.) M RUHFORO'S (Pbocphatc), when not boh. Beports of Government Chemists. " The Royal Baking Powder is composed mire and wholesome ineredients. It does I contain either alum or phosphates, or other jurious substances.-EDWAK- D G. I OVE, " The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powdet offered to the public " Hbnst A Mott. M. D., Ph. D, 'The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual ity and highest in strength of any baking powv ' der-o- l which I have knowledge. " Wu. McMtJRTRlE, Ph. D, All Alum baking powders, no matter bow h;rh ihmr strength, are to be avoided as dan gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gal too freely, or under climatic changes suffer de terioration. IiCgal Notices- - Petition. The following resolution passed the Common nnnneil iif Dallas Citr. Dec 31. Resolved, That the auditor and clerk (rive notice of intention cf the council to vacate the following narts of Main street, Madisun street and Monroe street, in said city, the better to improve the same, t: All of that part nf Main street between Jefferson and Monroe streets, including the intersections tharxrf with lladiaun and Monroe streets, which lie south of the north line of the right of way conveyed to the Oregon 8 team Navigation Company by a deed from the Laughlin heirs, of record in bock "O" of deeds of Wasco county. Oregon, pages 75, 746 and 747. be-n- that part or said Main street south of said pier tit of w which abuts un and is contiguous to block, ft teen (16) and eighteen (18). Laugblin'a addi- tion to lMllea City, including the intersection. thereof with said Madi'on and Monroe streets. Also all of Monroe street which abuts upon and lies between lot six (6) and seven (7) of brock eight and lots l)and twelve (12) of block een (18), one . . . .. , v. i: i . .jjt.u. ... : .1 iweniy-fcw- o i j, iimiisjIiiim auuiwvu IW MM. IWH City. Also all that inrt of Madison street which abuts upon and lies lietween the north fifty (50) feet of lots six (Bk block fifteen (15). and the north' fifty (50) feet ...... . U. W,WH1 W.MW.. W.Wi . two to IMbc uty, .jan-at-w- Adniiiiihtiator's Sale. Br virtue of an order issued br the Hon. Couny Court for the state of Oregon, and County - f Wasco, I will soli at 1 uunc sale to tbr highest bidder, for cash, at tne vounty uourt uouse in uaites city, Wasto eou'.ty, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 21st day of Januarv. A. U. 1880, at 1 o'clock P. M.. the folio ing described Real Estate, belonging to tue estate of Asa btrong, deceased, All that certain piece and parcel of lard described as fol ows: "Commencing at a point on .the north side of First street in bailee City. 45 feet 6 inches wester y Uom the corner at the junction of Court and Main streets; thence 100 feet i onlitrlv at right angles to Mam street, to a stake; theaos 81 fett westerly aiid psrallei to Main street; Uience south erlv to Main street, to a point 21 feet from Ihe be ginning; thence along the north line of Main street to the place of beginning, ana being part of lot are, in uaiies city, n asco iwuniv, vregon. JAMES If. BENSON. Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deceased. .Nov. 11, leev. ss. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the uounir oi wasco. In the Matter of the Estate of Catharine Snyder aeceaser. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the administrator of the above estate, hss this 2Hb day of November, I860, filed his final account as at min- istra tor ot said estate, and that by an order duly made and entered- in the above entitled court and matter on this day, Tuesday the 7th day of January, 1890. the same being the second day of the next reg ular term of said court, at the hour of 2 o'clock V. M. of said day. is appointed the time and the court rcom of said court the nlaco for the bearing of objection.. if any there be, to such final account and the final settlement of stud estate. TIM BALDWIN', Administrator of the estate of Catharine buyd. r novSOwUvSt. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has teen duly aiuo;nted executor of the last will and testament of Anna P. Uurtty. deceased, bv the hon orable. the County Court Wasco county. Oregon. in matters ol probate. All nertoae baring claims sgainst said estate are nereny nouuea ana required to present tarn sama with the proper vouchers. t me at the office of my attorneys, Dulur k Welkins, in The uaiies, unKon,tuun six months Irom the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles City, Omron, Dec. SI. 18S. - LEON W. CliRTlSS. Executor of the last will and testament of Ann P. sturdy, deceased. Dufur Walking, attorneys for executor. jat-5- t Administrator's 'Notice. Notice is hereby ciren thit the nndersiiraed has been duly appointed administrator of the eatate ut George f. Biickell, dowawd, by the hono able, the County Court of Wasco bounty. Ortavn. Therefore. all persons hayirg claims agaiiutt said deceased or his esta:e are hereby notified and required to present tne ssme to roc witn tne proper voucners as my rest dence in Dalles city. Wsaco c ;Untv. Oreiron. within six montns irom tne aate os una notice. Dated, Dec. 16, 1S8S. J. C. BRICKELL Administrator of the estte ef Oeonre T. BrickeC. aeeessea. - Dufur Si.Watkins. for the administrator. dxl-S- t Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the underlined haa been, by the County Court rf Wasco county. Ore-Ru- duly sppointed administrator of the estate of Maltha Ostland, deceased. Therefore, atl peraons ooiuing claims against sal a estate are nereby noti- fied ai d requested to present tlie same. Wether with the tin per vouchers tlierefnr. to the tuiberaiirned at tne raw cmce oi btory a riiaasnaw at i miles dty. Oration, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles dty, Oregon, Dc.9. 18S9. !. P. OSTLAND. Administrator of said estate. btory A Bracshaw, attorneys for said estate.' Admiuistratprs' Notice.' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is the duly appointed and (jnaiifled administrator o the esute of Pbabe at. Djnham, deceased.- - All- - per- sons having claims sgainst nid estate are hereby notified to prevent iLtm, with proper voucher., to the undersigne.!. at his office, in Dalles City, Omron, WIIIUU Bl IIMIUUH UVU UUB OJIte. A. K. THOMPSON. Administrator of the Fitate of Phosde. SI. Dnr. ham, deceased. - Tn Dalits, Osxoox.Dcc. Uth, 1883. Taken up. Came to the premises ot the subscriber lut Ha. ember, a small Imj pony, branded T on left hip and saddle marlcs on bask. Mo other m&rk. riitfMmiki 1 ne owner can nave property by Drimnir aeme. nav. uik wmici miu 1w nun awey. lAtUOiZt.!i BROS. The Dalles, Jan. 4, 1830. Thompson's Addition -- TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. Mow Is the timeto buy while' PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been and nttt.rf In mr tracta with convenient streets mud arenuea and so arranred that purchasers can get one block or ser-ar- acres in a body. The Ian. I is comparatively lel.oil excellent, water easily-- obtained, location ' Pleaaaut, beautiful and sw to acceaa and loins tha.l cty ibuhwihuv on an. eaac ... TitleU S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOB BALE BT The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For articular apply at the office of the Company ana o, uuia vmce stuueung. tne italics, ur. COUE AMD SEE TI1K PROPERTY. THORNBURY; & HyOSON, apfldftwtf Beat Estate agenta. A Perfect 'Face. Powder. IFREEMAN'&ss Blakelew t Houghton. ' C. r. Dnsliam. LATtST PERFUrVTE axQiuaiTE ch... FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA1 PRI NZ & NITSCH KE. WHOLESALE AKI KBTAIb Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- - tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each 75 et I Cane Kockera S 2 00 I Ash Bedsteada 8 60 I W oven-wir- e lUttreaies 3 60 I Loungefl .in 00 cr Ca.IiCj A.3VJ Snipes &Kiner$ly, -- THE Leadings 4-Dmgg- ists; 129 Second Street. The Dalles, Oreffou. HENRY L.KUCI, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, - OREGON All Work Uoaranteed to Give) Hat. faction. JB. CROSSED, Auctioneer, WaaUlnzton St. bet. Main Bad tsreond The Dalles, Oregon. Regular Auction Sales of Real Estate, household Furniture and (Jeneral Merchandise. Wednendaw and HatardaT. 11 A. n HUQH CHRISMAN. V. K. CORSON. SUCCESSORS TO C.E. CJHIX1S9IAJV ate SOIVH, ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in EANCT GROCERIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on hand and will sell at the lowest possible prices, rancy ana staple urocema and MiU Feed. Highest Cash Price for County Produce. Call and examine prices before purchasing else, where. wi7tt Chrisman & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, Waablngton 8treet, in rrar of French A Co'a Bank buildiiur. THE DAIXES, . . OREGON. -- TBI New Zeland Insurance Cos lsoneof the Best in the World Alas managers for Oregxin, Washington and Idaho 01 ui Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo.. OF NEWARK N. J. aid policy hol lers, sin as organlsatien, $92,12.907.06 ! Assets, market Tains sM0.8SCrM 14 Surplos, N. T. sbndard.. ff. 518,120 SI One of the most solid companies in the United States. AGENTS WANTED for the 8tato of Oregon . Territories ot Washington and Idauo. MONEY . , TO LOAN. NOTABY BUSINESS Before starting oa a Journey, get aa ACCIDENTTICKET. Onlr Sv;ior $3000 Insurance. Loaning Monej foi a specialty. 8 per cent net guaranteed to lenders. O.D.TAYLOB New Grocery Store ! --AT CHEISMAN OLD STAND, 194 Tklrd St, Tata Dallea, Or. Will keep on hand a general aasoitment ot Groceries, Canned Goods, Feed and .Provisions, ana aestre a snare of tne public patronage, as wa ex pecs n aeu at raicas To but tbb Haas Tutaa. -- All Goods Fresh and Warmnted First-claa- a. WELCH & SMITH. H. GLENN, b again at his old stand and has on hand I ..tl I tauw FINEST BBAKU OF"! English cement. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mad. I - , t uraer. W Contracta for all kind of baildiDirs taken at tne lowest turn res. -- OF- ALLEN GRANT, a' Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have square crop on right ear Wool and split on left. Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not mj brands. Convince the Most Skeptical: 15 0O Ah Bedroom Seta 26 Ob Bruasela Uarpeta, per yard 74 Ingrain Carpets, do 26 29 0. N. THORN JURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORNBURY & HUDSON, WriteFire.Life andAccident INSUEANCE 3vone37- - to Iioaia. on Real.Eatate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all lands oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. U. S. Land Office building. THE DALLES, OREGON. DRY GOODS -- AND- CLOTHING HOUSE. II. Solomon Has opened a lree stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAPS, TRUNKS and VALISES, LA DIES' MENS' and CHILDRENS' UNDER CLOTHING; also a large stock ot BLAN KETS, COMFORTERS. FLANNELS, and all kind of Heavy Goods for Winter wear, to which we call attention of the Public in general to inspect the same, before pur chasing elsewhere. H. SOLOMON, 132 Second Street, Opposite Snipes & Kineralev's Drag Store THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earliest Strawberry known, . CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING! . Also, the EVERGREEN, erer-bear- - log strawberry a valuable acquisition ' Mission :- -: Gardens. JA.MES A. VARNEY, Prop. Tfe Celebrated French Cure, Warranted ADUPHniTIMC" ' money to cure 11 I1IIVWI B 111m refilllUeti Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous disease, or any disorder o( the iceueratire of either BEFOI.E isine from the Mr I fcK excvMvu use of Stimulants, 'lobnccu or Onlnm. ot through youthful indiscretion, over Indulg- ence, Ais such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful- ness, Bearing down Pains in the Buck, Seminal Weakliest, Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn- al Emissions. Ieucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem- ory, Loxsnf Power and Iinnotency, which if ne- glected ofteu lead to pxematureold ace and insan- ity. Price si.00abox.fi boxes for 6.00 Scut by mall mi receipt of price. A WK1TTKN GUATtAKTRE foreyery I5.0C order, to refund the rnojiey if a I'eriiintieiit cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured by Aphroditink. Circnlar free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WXSTXBN SRAKCH, BOX 27 POKTLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR T11K lsAlXES. OREGOS. Tygh Valley Mercnant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Floor qtml to the Meat, Mill Feed Always Uasrd. Satiafaotion Guaranteed. . sp31 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. O. T.THOMPSON. A. W. FABUBEB. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General; BlacksmithSj Near Mint baildine. Second St Hors-Sh- oij g and OeneraU Jooblmg m iapooaakacy: Prices reasonable and to suit the times. ' The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to TBOS. JOHNS CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Thx Dallxs, - . Obxoor. '' Basxaas u all kinds of ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. AIM Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. aaaDTACTuaaaa or DOORS. WINDOWS, BLIISIS. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention!. PIONEER-:-CROCER- Y, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Seoond and Washington its place In Th. Dallas lor all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR,. GRAIN, WILLOW-WAR- E, to Tjiankftil for fmvors In tha taut 1 wnnlrl rramavr4 " " ' r -1 .2 a .iTT aviajit acvUsUlUaOCVni UM BaVinC. : ; oeorok ruch BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THX LEADING ITS Sacomd Strata t, Tha Dallaa. Country and Mall Orders will oelve Prompt Attention. Denny, Rice & Co. & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. tyCaah advances mad on consignment. . The Hazelwood Land Go. o rpE TERKIBLE LOSS EXPERIENCED BY SEATTLE IN THB LATE FIRE, WAS SUCH AS TO REN 1 der thousand homeless. And dependent upon the cliarity of the woild. The immediate wants were tended to, aud the world at large nobiy responded to the call for aid. But af the present time the prospect, for a ong- winter s ares hard iu the faae of many hundreds; sickness from exposure are ceiUin to occur and the following plan has been devised to assist in carintr fur the unfortunate who may need l as sistxvnca, by giving to the different hospitals a handsome sum of money. The Land Go. has penerouriy deteiminrd to donate the proceeds nf two houses and two hundred lots to the of mj, aim hb jiuit.ii.Dni mm y, up;, .jr Mini m ic ui ui.uusiii ui it at a .man aavance over cose ami devoting the net proceed to ihe chariLics abnve mentioned; and proposes to issue tickel to be void fol $i.60 each for the purpose of raisin money to help carry on the work. They have placed ticket! on stile thmugho t the country, and upon December 31, 1SS9. a committee con.istiirr of twelve prominent citizeni-wil- l take all the numbers of tickets sold and place them in a box, they will then be thorouifhly mixed and a boy blindfolded will place hia hand in the box and draw out one number, and whoever hlis the corre- sponding number will lie awarded one house and the pair of lots upon which it is Luilt. Then the fifth number drawn shall be awarded a lot, then the tenth number a lot, and ni on, every thirt) rlfth numlier drawn shall be awarded a lit until the two hundred and sixth number shall be drawn, a Inch shall entitle mo newer u me corrcpouainr numoernicn snail De a fawn, m the remaining houses and pair of lots. Alt tne above property is guaranteed to be free of any and all ieins, moltjraKeg or an thing that will impair a ttle. A warranty deed assuring a perfect title will be made to every lucky ticket holder who wins a prize. The tickets are only placed at 2.50, and btsides a standing show to eet a beautiful home 96.0C0 or a lot worth 3250. You are aidiug one of the grandest charities which has ever auked of aid. Pur-- cnase vour ucxets oi any agent or traveling canvisaer who h i proper The Hazelwood Land Co., Seattle, Washington. sDeeds are Deposited with THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, .AJp. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 .an Grcgorio Viueyard Co. A gency. All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! Removed to 276 and 278 Seoond St., a--Da. "X7"- - Ed.-S-'aTd-r- B, r.EALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ' ARTISTS MATERIA LS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor- nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, CLromos Generl Hazelwood Pinminifin and Fnrwardin VV1UUUUM1VU WUU A. UI II Ul Ulll 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. . The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. B. P. FITZ DEALER I IV Wagon-Maker- s' and for IMPROVED MONARCH SOLE GEN TirO R GLASSES 0 vnrtiucfivm. ' Try Pair Pnrcliaaei'l Oat rantead. STATIONERY at MAcHi!fB that gives a continuous twi6t THE PACIFIC gtrong, Durable, Neat, H B. REED, THE DALLES, DEALERS Matting. Parlor the Puget Sound National Bank. Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83, . Hock 83, Table Claret. Guaranteed Strictly Pure. and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." and Steel Engravings. o1 Wan t 0 GERALD, General ! Merchandise AGRJnJLTURAL MACHIKERY, . Schuttlsr's and Tubular Asle Wagons, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL Blacksmiths' Sioclr. Keeps In stock a full line of Razors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, -- SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, tlionlder Bruces, Clicst Protnetors AND CIGARS. all hours. to wire. In operation at PENCE WOEKS, Cheapest Fence in World. Proprietor. OREGON. IN Omamenta, Window Etc Groceries. A (rent the Hachine.ea C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. A Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com pounded call amd see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT and the Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carputs, hospitals credential). the the Shades, l78ole Washunr "CTnd.erta3sizig: a Specialtsr. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc . 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Eimrock Sheep Eanch. HAVE FORTIUS SEASON'S TRADE, SOO TUOIIOUOIIUKKU AND 1M0 (Hull URADK WE Rams, all of which aro In fine condition, and frt-- from diiecse. Wa consider our lanis for thia season's trade, the best lot we have ever offered to rhe public, and only ask sn inspection to prove what we say. . Those wishing rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE of CUAKUK until nreedinjr season this fall. Prices Lower than Ever, aud Terms Kasy. Thanking our many patrons for their veiy liberal patranage accordod Qs to the past, wa respectfully solicit an inspection of our stock this season. Our ranch is located on The ballet and Frincville Stage Road at HAT CBKEK, Crook County, Oregon. For further particulars, call on or adt'ress, BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO., 8nccasniui to VAN IIOUTEN BHO8. CO.. Hat Caaaa, Os Tents, Wagon - Covers. A!T juntrv Orders Promptly atended to GEOO of UHULtillti, bAiiiitU The groceries will be new connection with the all of of of lm nor I fl fhrley mm,- - Successors to L D. and Ketsi! Harnessanosacaiery Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc, rpjjjT, OLD STANDs A.: L. NEWMAN ' ' a ; SY STOIB Corner Second and Union Stft. and Wholesale in this market. Sl. IPg-atT- a. sGji-ltr- t- X In Grocery "opened STOVE TINWARE AND HARDWARE FISH & BAR DON' S, 113 WASHINGTON SECOND saa i.ra&eiscp. &m mil SECOND StREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PRO PR, HEEPii ON DRAUGHT Brewery Beer,:-- : A.TST FOR rtALl'J ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tbe iery best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - J STREET. BET. Trimmings adjoining ljafAntlMC Has Irai UUUU5. fliUVI5IUf15, tIL. fresh, and such as demanded will supply Bread and Pastry of kinds. AND THIRD. WM. UHDEBTAKEB AND all descriptions Lowest exit of CIIIxjih n..'..,t-l..ii'.- i The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., IcIIEEK, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. ' Agent tlie Bntterick Patterns; also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Undersigned has Added to his Business a full of Metallic, Cloth-covere- d, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Botes and Sbrocds. and owns the Ilearne cant of m on attains with all the latest improvement. - NO DELAY FILLING ORDERS. Can be sen at all hours cf the da MI0HELL. Ilarl BoMllirsx. Tlilnl street, three doors house, and his Planing alill and Wagon I'lace Fourth street, corner and uiht. WILLIAMS TO Fatal rfeocaa Dealers marU-t- are cf at tie Prices Uaimlllitnr for The line Most Elegant the IN Washington. Shop. Keaiilence. Ja29tf SUCCESSOUS J3. WING ATK aSc CO. ml Udfelia&disoY A C0MTLETK OF FOr.tlQN AXD DOMESTIC- - Dry Goods, WaAUvtc r,. ioor. I Nil M PR JtTR MICIIELL, k. , P. M WM. & Co, LATE FIRM- - Iron and Steel. URPEfC slMf. DUPPICC LINE Hardware, Farm Implement. befmrtur.oftdwortaro1n,n,

The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The Dalles, Or.) …€¦ · niejr are sleeping me last sleep witn, only one ear to help them listen for the last trump. The most

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  • In Russia, where there's dynamite inevery breath they draw,

    Where every tody has a name that almostbreaks ycurjaw.

    Where they double up the alphabet andrudelv break it off.

    And half the names you chance to meetresemble vthoopinkopff.

    - 'Tis there they recently arranged someinfluenzal fad

    That everybody's got to have, and got tohave it bad.

    Already it has found its way to landsbeyond the seas,

    It's in Portland there! Kerchew! Iknew I'd have to sneeze.

    We'd thank the Russians if they'd keeptheir vile, explosive stuff, " .

    We people here are not quite up to takingRussian snuff. .;

    "Tis not an awful pretty sight to see, Columbia pose

    In attitudes that woo the sneeze withkerchief to her nose.

    , We have hay fever of our own to last us' half the year,

    But now their baled variety for winteruse is here.

    There seems to be no lack of thingsolfactive nerves to tease.

    Our noses keep us busy there! Ker--- - chewt Excuse the sneeze.

    A sneeze is such a stubborn thing it'sbound to have its way, '

    The more you' strive to hush it up themore it has to say.

    It like to catch you unawares at churchor some such place.

    And when you look your sweetest how itwrinkles up your face!

    And e'en the swain on bended knees all- ready to propose. .

    May quite forget his piece the while hewipes his sneezing nose, .-- r And do your best, 'tis, all in vain to tryto look at ease - "' : .

    When one is coming there! Kerchew!v - Great heavens, what a sneeze!

    aireaay here.And while there's naught about it that

    the people need to fear,It isn't kind in foreigners to on our peo-

    ple spring. --Whose time is so much occupied, this

    hasty rushin' thing. . .The people all oppose it, and there's

    ' scarcely any doubtThat blow on blow they'll meet it till at

    last they wipe it outIt interferes with everthing, and even

    lire like these - -Are dull when interrupted there! Ker-

    chew! Another sneeze.

    IiANGUAGE OF THE 1SARS.The Appemrmnoe of the Auricular Append

    age IndieatlTe of Character.. "I nsod to notice when a lad,": said

    V a successful business man lately to a- ' reporter, "that in making' the final

    awards at country fairs on the Quality'. of all sorts of blooded stock, the judges

    universally examined the ears of theanimals. Whether it were a thoroughbred horse, a Berkshire ,hog, a dog of' any special breed, from a toy terrier toa bull or a pointer, or whether it wereaCotswold or Southdown sheep, theear was always one of the chief points,nod if that were faulty, all the othergood qualities went for naught.- Thisset me thinking that, as, men representevery quality known to the brate crea-tion, the ears of men would be likely to

    ' serve as pretty sure indices of charac-ter. " I then commenced studying.First of all I procured a good specimenof what we will call the normal humanear, one taken from the head of a man

    .of good character and in whom all thevarious qualities and propensities hadbeen about' evenly balanced, a level--

    - ' it nn rl ml ' hmaimI mail Vif tha WAftrfThis ear 1 studied until I had thorough- -.y mastered all the convolutions and

    ' surfaces that it presented. ' I've boughthundreds of them and now have


    "tha( I'll show you." With this the old

    , gentleman unlocked his safe and pro--duced two packages tied up in oiledsilk, soft and flexible as kid, and semi- -transparent , . Untying ona of thesepackages, there foil out on the table a

    - number of nondescript fragments ofmummitied-lookin- g stuff, which, onexamination, proved to be dried, or

    'rather partially tanned, human ears,all in a perfect state of preservation, solar as the retention 01 shape is concern- -.I a.lITI 1. J:J 11cu. , I li Y r(iicio uju jvu Ifcl nilthese?" "Bonght 'em of course." "Ofthe hosDitals?" "No. of the nndertak--

    . ers. The ears of criminals and panpers- would be of no use to me. They would- serve' no purpose in the way of study;

    the character of the criminal is so clear--. . .1 I 1 1 n'J auuiia.ta Ull VUV .JLFO a. DUUlUOIlb' know all by, while paupers have nocharacter at all It would make some" people stare if they should exhume

    their deceased relatives and find thatniejr are sleeping me last sleep witn

    , only one ear to help them listen for thelast trump. The most obstinate-foo- l Iever had to deal with was a half-starvin-g

    artist whose ear I wanted to get onaccount of its remarkable formation.- lie was a man of extraordinary businessaffairs, but a genius. I offered thatman '

    $500 FOB ONE OF HIS EABS,1 l . i iii.n . . ...sou iiie Biupiu luuow reiuseu 1C lie

    was poor, half starved; "didn't I be-lieve, know where to get the next meal

    . for himself and his wife and children..and ono would have thought that hewould have jumped at the chance toget $500 for such a trifling inconvenience. 1 offered to supply him with a

    - false ear, so as to keep up appearances,but he would not listen to me, and Imissed one of the finest opportunities

    T:.. t i - i. ui uj uioi a. ujjeuBu turn particularpackage to show you one very remark- -

    ' able example. Here are all sorts ofears; ears of men who are greatly im--oiieu iw religious ieeungs mere s anear, lor instance, of a revivalist; ears

    . of pronounced atheists, ears of honest- men and ears of rogues; ears .of cute

    lawyers and earsof dnU money-grabber-s,whose only study in life has Men

    how to hold on to a dollar. Here's thecar of a somewhat nrtcd newspaper

    'man. Now, just see how the lobe ofthat ear goes down into the cheek; infront there is no lobe to. the ear at alLi aon i sav, marie von. that evervnnawho has an car of that formation is athief, but I do say that he has the pro-- -penalties of one, and only needs oppor-tunity or temptation to develop them.This ear, in its principal charactero- -tic, is almost the counterpart of a pairthat are worn bv a man of former hicrhfianaing in tno Business world, butwho is now serving a term in the peni-tentiary. It is only a week or two ago

    " I had an occasion to let a contract forbuilding an extensive wall, and amongthe bidders was one who offered to dothe work half a dollar a thousand low-er than any one else. But when I sawthe man

    BIS EARS TOLD MEnot to trust him. v I know he wouldhave robbed me in some way had hegot the contract Here's another typi-cal ear. Yon see this thin cartilage,with the roll disappearing in the north-east corner and the ear itself comingalmost to a point, somewhat like afox's. That is the ear of a keen,scrupulous,er; one of those who seem to take apositive delight in oppressing the un-fortunate and in . wringing from themextortionate interest ior small accom-modations. Some of these ears set wellback like a fox's when it is snarliog;they are the worst cases. In nthorathe upper point stands slightly for-ward; such men are rather shrewd andcunning than-crue- l, bnt they are notvery pleasant folks at the best Othersof this sort, again, are movable at thewill of their owners. These chaps addto their other amiable qualities a qaar

    - relsome disposition that will makethem snap and snarl at everything andeverybody. The only way is to selecta few noteworthy specimens. Studythe ears of some men whose characteryou are well acquainted with, and marktheir respective peculiarities. Thencompare those of men of similar char-acteristics, and see where their strong-est resemblances are; the first discov-ery of a principle for yourself is the on--jj uuiicuuy. xi ut one is logoi to getmarried! 1 could tell him whether the

    1 1 I I ' I - .woman ne is aoout k wcu ib uaeiv toagree with him or not Oh, yon mayset it down for a fact that the ear is thetrue index of character. Tell me be

    fore yott print anything about this, andI'll corner the ear-mu- ff market, audwewill divide the profits." potion Sun-day Times, i

    Great Thins to Be Seen In America.A leading journal strikes a true chord

    when it asks the question: "Is it inorder to see walled towns that they (theintending traveler) would have gonoto Europe? Where will they comeacross one more to their mind than inthe Gibraltar of America, where Quebecsits on her rock overlooking her mightyriver, with a view that has few rivals inthe world, with her ramparts and cita-del, her mediaeval streets and dwellings,her cathedrals and " convents, andst ran go bcIiooIs and foreign tongues andimmortal histories? Is it only ancientcities they desire? Then there is StAugustine among its palmettos besidetbe'uea. almost at the extremity of thecontinent and almost as old as the dis-covery of the continent - Is it semi-ironic- al

    beauty of landscape and weatherthey would have? Not alt the soft-vapor-ed

    cities by the Mediterranean willoner them more than Savannah and theSea Island - - - i

    "Is it foreign life they want? Wherewill anything more alien to all ournorthern and eastern experience be seenof heard than in the Bue Rovale andthe Rue Bourbon, at the French marketor at the Spanish Fort of New Orleans,with its mocking-bird- s and magnolias,where, as late as. the middle pf June,gardens full of jasmine and oleanders,capo hiyrtles and palms, with moon-light that might be the northern suntillered through domes of crystals, makeone doubt if it bo plain, matter-of-fa- ctprogressive America? Or where willmore quaintness and delight be seenthan in the Texas town of San Antonio,where the roses lie on the red roofs ofthe Jong and low dwellings, where thejalousies ,are latticed with the vine ofthe night-blooming cerena. where thebanana trees blow to ribbons in thetrou ir. sweet southeast gales and the

    lanes are nueu wim ngs ana apricots,and oitw walks nnder avenues of statelypecans; where .forests, draped in

    . ancholy moss, swaying heavily, makethe landscape all unreal; where grape-vines interlace the thickets with stemstho sisoof forest trees themselves; wherethe priests go about with flocks of littlechildren clinging to their skirts, andwhere the ruins of the old missions rivalin sculptured wonder many ruins of oldSpaiu? Or is it absolute Spain itselfthat our friends would travel over? Lettheiu cross the Rio Grande by rail, andin Chihuahua and Sonora and the heartof Mexico they have reached much thatmakes old Spain; they have found theold Spain of 400 years ago, and havigone there dryshou. - -

    Do our travelers want deserts andthirst for their summer experience?They will fiud deserts in Arizona rival-ing all Africa, with colors aud miragesthat even the Sahel does . not give. Dothey pant for uiountain?cliuibing? Ifthe'Wnite Mountains and tho Alloghan-ie- s

    do not offer d.ffietiilSes enough, arethere not Mount St Elias, with its 17.-0- 00

    feet of altitude. Shasta and Whit-ney, the terribly obstructed heights ofSogf is and of Snow Mass Peak;, all thewild summits of the Sierras, the fearfulbeauty of the Yellowstone park, and thewild grandeur,' too lovely to be terrible,of the Yosemite? And do the Danube,the Rhine, the Nile allure? Then shallnot the waters of the Hudson, with itspicturesque reaches, of the Mississippi,with its breadth and volume, of theColumbia, with its gorges and cataracts,wash out all memory of lesser and lossbeautiful streams.

    - "Where, for niero beanty, for the de-light of the eye, can all Europe show usanything like a blossoming - prairiethrough which we may ride all day andnever come to the end of the blossom-ing? And wha- t- hoary antiquity ' tocharm the thought back to the source ofraces has Europe to offer that shall out-do the ancientness of the 'ruins of ourprehistoric peoples in the heart of thecontinent? In fact, America is so fullof historic interest and picturesqueloveliness that it is wonderful anybodyshould wish to visit Europe at all be-fore exhausting it; and if anything bap--pens to deter peppie irom crossing tneocean and incites them to become ac-quainted with their own territory, theycannot be the losers by it" ChicagoWetlcm World. , .


    " Btandinr. with reluctant faat."Wherei the brook and riyer meet.Womanhood and childhood fleet I

    a typo of thousands of younr sTirla whare emeraino; from the chrysalis stage of theiiexistence, a they enter upon their "teens."Nerroua, excitable, .lni table, stirred bytnuure, unknowable forces within them,ach a mystery unto- - herself, our girls need

    the tenderost care, the most iorlng, patientoversight, and the aid af Dr. Pierce's FaroritsrnanpuoiL 10 aaiejy oarry tnem throua'auna cnuoal pedod, durinar which,. In toomany Urea, alaa. ara sown tb aaeda of dia,treasina; forms of rttstasos pecuilar to thfemale sez. But this boon to womankindwii. prnaut su aucn oisrasre, or euro themIf they bar already aeixod a TlcUm.r Womaaowes it to herself, to ber family, and to hersocial station, to be well and strong. Lether then not neglect th sure means of euro." Favorite Prescription " is a legitimate medi-cine, carefully compounded by an experiencedand skillful physician, and adapted to woman'sdelicate organization. It la purely resrotablain its compoaitioB. and perfectly harm leasin its effects In any Condition of the system.Sold by drunlsts; JLOQ, or six bottles for

    Copyright, 1836, by Woaxn's Dia. Mas. Ass'x.

    Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETSraralate and cleanae the llrer. stomach and"""a, xurj mn vtmtj TCoaDsranlfactly hannleai. Ous a Poaa. Boldngiwi, . x cesit a rial. -

    Land Notioea.

    NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE.U. S. Lsxo Ornca. Thk Dsubs. Os..

    - Decem'ier SI. lma.Complaint haTinar heea entered at this olEee by

    .Gil uw iMa.11 j, uiii ior failurecomply wi-.- nw at to Viii ber.ture Fntrr Mo.

    eUUd Fab. 19, !88S. npun ibe NE 4 See 20.Toarnship i 8 Range 14 E in Wasco coontj. Oregon..wim .irw w if nf H.MI fn ry; eonbsunt. alktrimr that the a il TbumasJ) Hill hasnever planted any tree seeds or ratting, on the saidtract ol land, or caused the same to be done: the idurrties are hereby summoned to appear at this officeon sue no uay 01 feoruary. two. at 1 'cock P. M.to rerpnna. ana raruisu testimony sonncririiiral ej(ed failure.



    A. KELLER, Propr, .Washington street, next door llow Geo. Buch'a

    Dallas, Oreaon.Barinsr the Bakers iormerlT oamad br (W Kn--

    f am prepared to furnish families, hotels and restaurant arita tue cnolcest Bread. Cakes and Pies.


    Marble Works,. C. J. Smith, Prop'r.

    Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents'. m


    Lock Box 2X8. THK DALLES. OREGON.

    SelM Gaalafl WaMck.1Mt f tratca. la Hw worlti I

    Mawpcr. mar-Jnaiad. Hav UvluiS a " tTK tditlMUaVUMt. awl MMtflaavd full1 mzm, with work!r mmana cbm r aqtMi valwa.One JPcmm to aaca u.calti aa aacwa aa iWa,

    r wiu mmr iargaaaMTaiDM l II afMasaw aialca

    RmMiAea. Thaaa aaaplaa. aawell aa tba watck. wa at4

    "T"-- - Pi ai, and after jom kav keptwmtm ba nar hm B saHTTM atOil Ikaaat taaWhm mmy fcarra aauao, taar lacoaaa yotar aw ptaptttimhm varlta at aoca cm ba mm af tiaaWwr tmt 1

    awl naiplca. Wa par s ). sVtrirM.aia. AsMraaa va

    LEAVENING POWEROf the various Baking Powders illus

    trated from actual testa.ROYAL r hi wishGRAlTS(Alnm. ...(Buaroiuvs (fih).:.3BibaifohD's (what fruh) mmCHARM (Alum Fowda)..HH

    DAVIS and 0. K. (Alum)H


    PI0SEER (San Fnncaco)....



    SI0W FUKI (GroT




    HARFORD'S (None Such), when not fioh,

    PEARL (Andrew! & Co.) M

    RUHFORO'S (Pbocphatc), when not boh.

    Beports of Government Chemists." The Royal Baking Powder is composed

    mire and wholesome ineredients. It does Icontain either alum or phosphates, or otherjurious substances.-EDWAK- D G. I OVE,

    " The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedlythe purest and most reliable baking powdetoffered to the public

    " Hbnst A Mott. M. D., Ph. D,'The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual

    ity and highest in strength of any baking powv' der-o- l which I have knowledge.

    " Wu. McMtJRTRlE, Ph. D,All Alum baking powders, no matter bow

    h;rh ihmr strength, are to be avoided as dangerous. Phosphate powders liberate their galtoo freely, or under climatic changes suffer deterioration.

    IiCgal Notices- -

    Petition.The following resolution passed the Common

    nnnneil iif Dallas Citr. Dec 31.Resolved, That the auditor and clerk (rive notice

    of intention cf the council to vacate the followingnarts of Main street, Madisun street and Monroestreet, in said city, the better to improve the same,


    All of that part nf Main street between Jeffersonand Monroe streets, including the intersectionstharxrf with lladiaun and Monroe streets, which liesouth of the north line of the right of way conveyedto the Oregon 8 team Navigation Company by a deedfrom the Laughlin heirs, of record in bock "O" ofdeeds of Wasco county. Oregon, pages 75, 746 and747. be-n- that part or said Main street south of saidpier tit of w which abuts un and is contiguous toblock, ft teen (16) and eighteen (18). Laugblin'a addi-tion to lMllea City, including the intersection.thereof with said Madi'on and Monroe streets.

    Also all of Monroe street which abuts upon andlies between lot six (6) and seven (7) of brock eight

    and lots l)and twelve (12) of blockeen (18), one. . . . . , v. i: i . .jjt.u. ... : .1iweniy-fcw- o i j, iimiisjIiiim auuiwvu IW MM. IWHCity.Also all that inrt of Madison street which abuts

    upon and lies lietween the north fifty (50) feet of lotssix (Bk block fifteen (15). and the north' fifty (50) feet

    ...... .U. W,WH1 W.MW.. W.Wi .two to IMbc uty, .jan-at-w-

    Adniiiiihtiator's Sale.Br virtue of an order issued br the Hon. Couny

    Court for the state of Oregon, and County - f Wasco,I will soli at 1 uunc sale to tbr highest bidder, forcash, at tne vounty uourt uouse in uaites city,Wasto eou'.ty, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 21st day ofJanuarv. A. U. 1880, at 1 o'clock P. M.. the folioing described Real Estate, belonging to tue estate ofAsa btrong, deceased,

    All that certain piece and parcel of lard describedas fol ows: "Commencing at a point on .the northside of First street in bailee City. 45 feet 6 incheswester y Uom the corner at the junction of Courtand Main streets; thence 100 feet i onlitrlv at rightangles to Mam street, to a stake; theaos 81 fettwesterly aiid psrallei to Main street; Uience southerlv to Main street, to a point 21 feet from Ihe beginning; thence along the north line of Main streetto the place of beginning, ana being part of lot are,in uaiies city, n asco iwuniv, vregon.

    JAMES If. BENSON.Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deceased.

    .Nov. 11, leev. ss.

    Notice of Final Settlement.In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the

    uounir oi wasco.In the Matter of the Estate of Catharine Snyder

    aeceaser.Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the

    administrator of the above estate, hss this 2Hb dayof November, I860, filed his final account as at min-istra tor ot said estate, and that by an order dulymade and entered- in the above entitled court andmatter on this day, Tuesday the 7th day of January,1890. the same being the second day of the next regular term of said court, at the hour of 2 o'clock V. M.of said day. is appointed the time and the court rcomof said court the nlaco for the bearing of objection..if any there be, to such final account and the finalsettlement of stud estate.

    TIM BALDWIN',Administrator of the estate of Catharine buyd. r


    Executor's Notice.Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has

    teen duly aiuo;nted executor of the last will andtestament of Anna P. Uurtty. deceased, bv the honorable. the County Court Wasco county. Oregon.in matters ol probate. All nertoae baring claimssgainst said estate are nereny nouuea ana requiredto present tarn sama with the proper vouchers. t meat the office of my attorneys, Dulur k Welkins, inThe uaiies, unKon,tuun six months Irom thedate of this notice.

    Dated at Dalles City, Omron, Dec. SI. 18S. -LEON W. CliRTlSS.

    Executor of the last will and testament of Ann P.sturdy, deceased.Dufur Walking, attorneys for executor. jat-5-t

    Administrator's 'Notice.Notice is hereby ciren thit the nndersiiraed has

    been duly appointed administrator of the eatate utGeorge f. Biickell, dowawd, by the hono able, theCounty Court of Wasco bounty. Ortavn. Therefore.all persons hayirg claims agaiiutt said deceased or hisesta:e are hereby notified and required to presenttne ssme to roc witn tne proper voucners as my restdence in Dalles city. Wsaco c ;Untv. Oreiron. withinsix montns irom tne aate os una notice.

    Dated, Dec. 16, 1S8S.J. C. BRICKELL

    Administrator of the estte ef Oeonre T. BrickeC.aeeessea. -

    Dufur Si.Watkins. for the administrator. dxl-S- t

    Administrator's Notice.Notice is hereby given that the underlined haa

    been, by the County Court rf Wasco county. Ore-Ru-duly sppointed administrator of the estate of

    Maltha Ostland, deceased. Therefore, atl peraonsooiuing claims against sal a estate are nereby noti-fied ai d requested to present tlie same. Wether withthe tin per vouchers tlierefnr. to the tuiberaiirned attne raw cmce oi btory a riiaasnaw at i miles dty.Oration, within six months from the date of thisnotice.

    Dated at Dalles dty, Oregon, Dc.9. 18S9.!. P. OSTLAND.

    Administrator of said estate.btory A Bracshaw, attorneys for said estate.'

    Admiuistratprs' Notice.'Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is the

    duly appointed and (jnaiifled administrator o theesute of Pbabe at. Djnham, deceased.- - All- - per-sons having claims sgainst nid estate are herebynotified to prevent iLtm, with proper voucher., tothe undersigne.!. at his office, in Dalles City, Omron,WIIIUU Bl IIMIUUH UVU UUB OJIte.

    A. K. THOMPSON.Administrator of the Fitate of Phosde. SI. Dnr.

    ham, deceased. -Tn Dalits, Osxoox.Dcc. Uth, 1883.

    Taken up.Came to the premises ot the subscriber lut Ha.

    ember, a small Imj pony, branded T on left hip andsaddle marlcs on bask. Mo other m&rk. riitfMmiki1 ne owner can nave property by Drimnir aeme. nav.uik wmici miu 1 w nun awey.

    lAtUOiZt.!i BROS.The Dalles, Jan. 4, 1830.

    Thompson's Addition-- TO-


    Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms.

    Mow Is the timeto buy while'


    This tract has been and nttt.rf In mrtracta with convenient streets mud arenuea and soarranred that purchasers can get one block or ser-ar-

    acres in a body. The Ian. I is comparativelylel.oil excellent, water easily-- obtained, location 'Pleaaaut, beautiful and sw to acceaa and loins tha.lcty ibuhwihuv on an. eaac ...TitleU S. Patent. Warranty Deeds.


    The Dalles Land and Improvement Co.

    For articular apply at the office of the Companyana o, uuia vmce stuueung. tne italics, ur.



    apfldftwtf Beat Estate agenta.

    A Perfect 'Face. Powder.IFREEMAN'&ss

    Blakelew t Houghton.' C. r. Dnsliam.



    Furniture & Carpet Dealers.Are nappy to announce to the

    public that they have succeededin procuring the special jobbingrates oi the celebratedEMPIRE MILLS,

    which enables us to sell Furni- -tue and Carpets at prices hitherto unknown in Oregon.

    A Few of Our Quotations willHardwood bent Chairs, each 75 et ICane Kockera S 2 00 IAsh Bedsteada 8 60 IW oven-wir- e lUttreaies 3 60 ILoungefl .in 00

    cr Ca.IiCj A.3VJ

    Snipes &Kiner$ly,-- THE

    Leadings4-Dmgg- ists;

    129 Second Street.

    The Dalles, Oreffou.

    HENRY L.KUCI,Manufacturer of and dealer in

    Harness and Saddlery,Second St., near Moody's Warehouse,


    All Work Uoaranteed to Give) Hat.faction.

    JB. CROSSED, Auctioneer,WaaUlnzton St. bet. Main Bad tsreond

    The Dalles, Oregon.Regular Auction Sales of Real Estate, household

    Furniture and (Jeneral Merchandise.Wednendaw and HatardaT. 11 A. n



    C.E. CJHIX1S9IAJV ate SOIVH,; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


    Third Street Between Washingtonand Federal.

    Have on hand and will sell at the lowest possibleprices, rancy ana staple urocema

    and MiU Feed.

    Highest Cash Price for County Produce.

    Call and examine prices before purchasing else,where.

    wi7tt Chrisman & Corson.

    0. D. TAYLOR,

    Waablngton 8treet, in rrar of FrenchA Co'a Bank buildiiur.


    New Zeland Insurance Coslsoneof the Best in the World

    Alas managers for Oregxin, Washington and Idaho01 ui

    Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo..OF NEWARK N. J.

    aid policy hol lers, sin as organlsatien,

    $92,12.907.06 !Assets, market Tains sM0.8SCrM 14Surplos, N. T. sbndard.. ff.518,120 SI

    One of the most solid companies in theUnited States.

    AGENTS WANTED for the 8tato of Oregon. Territories ot Washington and Idauo.

    MONEY. , TO


    Before starting oa a Journey, get aa

    ACCIDENTTICKET.Onlr Sv;ior $3000 Insurance.

    Loaning Monej foi a specialty.8 per cent net guaranteed to lenders.


    New Grocery Store !--AT

    CHEISMAN OLD STAND,194 Tklrd St, Tata Dallea, Or.

    Will keep on hand a general aasoitment ot

    Groceries, Canned Goods,Feed and .Provisions,

    ana aestre a snare of tne public patronage, as wa expecs n aeu at raicas To but tbb Haas Tutaa.

    --All Goods Fresh and Warmnted First-claa- a.


    H. GLENN,b again at his old stand and has on hand

    I ..tlI tauw


    English cement.Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mad. I- , t uraer.

    W Contracta for all kind of baildiDirstaken at tne lowest turn res.



    Eagle Valley, near Antelope

    Ewes have square crop on right ear Wooland split on left. Wethers reverse.Horses and cattle branded "R. G."Have sold my horses and cattle, but notmj brands.

    Convince the Most Skeptical:15 0O

    Ah Bedroom Seta 26 ObBruasela Uarpeta, per yard 74Ingrain Carpets, do 26




    WriteFire.Life andAccident


    3vone37-- to Iioaia.on Real.Eatate, Chattel and Personal security.

    Will attend to all lands oj Land business before the U. S. Land Office.

    Rooms 7 and 8. U. S. Land Office building.THE DALLES, OREGON.



    II. SolomonHas opened a lree stock of DRY GOODS,CLOTHING. BOOTS and SHOES. HATSand CAPS, TRUNKS and VALISES, LADIES' MENS' and CHILDRENS' UNDERCLOTHING; also a large stock ot BLANKETS, COMFORTERS. FLANNELS, andall kind of Heavy Goods for Winter wear,to which we call attention of the Public ingeneral to inspect the same, before purchasing elsewhere.H. SOLOMON, 132 Second Street,Opposite Snipes & Kineralev's Drag Store




    The Earliest Strawberry known, .

    CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING!. Also, the EVERGREEN, erer-bear- -

    log strawberry a valuable acquisition '

    Mission :- -: Gardens.JA.MES A. VARNEY, Prop.

    Tfe Celebrated French Cure,Warranted ADUPHniTIMC" ' moneyto cure 11 I1IIVWI B 111m refilllUeti

    Is Sold on aPOSITIVE

    GUARANTEEto euro anyform of nervousdisease, or anydisorder o( theiceueratire

    of eitherBEFOI.E isine from the Mr I fcK

    excvMvu use of Stimulants, 'lobnccu or Onlnm.ot through youthful indiscretion, over Indulg-ence, Ais such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful-ness, Bearing down Pains in the Buck, SeminalWeakliest, Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn-al Emissions. Ieucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem-ory, Loxsnf Power and Iinnotency, which if ne-glected ofteu lead to pxematureold ace and insan-ity. Price si.00abox.fi boxes for 6.00 Scut bymall mi receipt of price.

    A WK1TTKN GUATtAKTRE foreyery I5.0Corder, to refund the rnojiey if a I'eriiintieiitcure is not effected. Thousands of testimonialsfrom old and young, of both sexes, permanentlycured by Aphroditink. Circnlar free. Address




    T11K lsAlXES. OREGOS.

    Tygh Valley Mercnant and Exchange


    Floor qtml to the Meat, Mill FeedAlways Uasrd.

    Satiafaotion Guaranteed.. sp31 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop.



    General; BlacksmithSjNear Mint baildine. Second St

    Hors-Sh- oij g and OeneraU Jooblmgm iapooaakacy:

    Prices reasonable and to suit the times. '

    The Dalles LumberingCOMPANY,

    Successors to TBOS. JOHNS CO.

    MINT BUILDING GROUND.Thx Dallxs, - . Obxoor.

    ' ' Basxaas u all kinds ofROUGH AND DRESSED

    Lumber and Builder's Material.AIM

    Shingles, Fence PostsLime and Hair.

    aaaDTACTuaaaa or


    BLIISIS.Orders from abroad receive prompt attention!.


    GEO. RUCH, Proprietor.

    Northwest corner of Seoond and Washington its

    place In Th. Dallas lor all kinds of



    Tjiankftil for fmvors In tha taut 1 wnnlrl rramavr4" " ' r-1 .2 a .iTTaviajit acvUsUlUaOCVni UM BaVinC.: ; oeorok ruch


    ITS Sacomd Strata t, Tha Dallaa.

    Country and Mall Orders willoelve Prompt Attention.

    Denny, Rice & Co.

    & Commission Merchants

    610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.tyCaah advances mad on consignment. .

    The Hazelwood Land Go.o

    rpE TERKIBLE LOSS EXPERIENCED BY SEATTLE IN THB LATE FIRE, WAS SUCH AS TO REN1 der thousand homeless. And dependent upon the cliarity of the woild. The immediate wants were

    tended to, aud the world at large nobiy responded to the call for aid. But af the present time the prospect,for a ong- winter s ares hard iu the faae of many hundreds; sickness from exposure are ceiUin to occurand the following plan has been devised to assist in carintr fur the unfortunate who may need l assistxvnca, by giving to the different hospitals a handsome sum of money.

    The Land Go.has penerouriy deteiminrd to donate the proceeds nf two houses and two hundred lots to the of

    mj, aim hb jiuit.ii.Dni mm y, up;, .jr Mini m ic ui ui.uusiii ui it at a .man aavance over cose amidevoting the net proceed to ihe chariLics abnve mentioned; and proposes to issue tickel to be void fol$i.60 each for the purpose of raisin money to help carry on the work. They have placed ticket! on stilethmugho t the country, and upon December 31, 1SS9. a committee con.istiirr of twelve prominent citizeni-wil- l

    take all the numbers of tickets sold and place them in a box, they will then be thorouifhly mixed anda boy blindfolded will place hia hand in the box and draw out one number, and whoever hlis the corre-sponding number will lie awarded one house and the pair of lots upon which it is Luilt. Then the fifthnumber drawn shall be awarded a lot, then the tenth number a lot, and ni on, every thirt) rlfth numlierdrawn shall be awarded a lit until the two hundred and sixth number shall be drawn, a Inch shall entitlemo newer u me corrcpouainr numoernicn snail De a fawn, m the remaining houses and pair of lots.

    Alt tne above property is guaranteed to be free of any and all ieins, moltjraKeg or an thing that willimpair a ttle. A warranty deed assuring a perfect title will be made to every lucky ticket holder who winsa prize. The tickets are only placed at 2.50, and btsides a standing show to eet a beautiful home96.0C0 or a lot worth 3250. You are aidiug one of the grandest charities which has ever auked of aid. Pur--cnase vour ucxets oi any agent or traveling canvisaer who h i proper

    The Hazelwood Land Co.,Seattle, Washington.

    sDeeds are Deposited with

    THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS,.AJp. KELLER, Proprietor.

    Port 81,

    Sherry 81.

    Muscat 83,

    Angelica 83,

    Mountain 83.an Grcgorio Viueyard Co. A gency.

    All Wines and Brandies

    The Best Wines, LiquorsTry the best remedy for

    REMOVAL ! REMOVAL !Removed to 276 and 278 Seoond St.,

    a--Da. "X7"-- Ed.-S-'aTd-r- B,r.EALER IN

    Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations,' ARTISTS MATERIA LS,

    Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor-nice Poles, Etc.

    Oil Paintings, CLromos



    Pinminifin and FnrwardinVV1UUUUM1VU WUU A. UI I I Ul Ulll391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET,

    (Adjoining Railroad Depot.)

    Consignments Solicited ! !Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. .

    The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc.


    Wagon-Maker- s' andfor IMPROVED MONARCH


    GLASSES 0vnrtiucfivm. '

    Try Pair Pnrcliaaei'l Oat rantead.



    that gives a continuous twi6t


    gtrong, Durable, Neat,



    Matting. Parlor

    the Puget Sound National Bank.

    Burgundy 83,

    Zinfardel 84,

    Riesling 83, .

    Hock 83,

    Table Claret.

    Guaranteed Strictly Pure.and Cigars Always on Sale.Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic."

    and Steel Engravings.

    o1 Wan t0

    GERALD,General ! Merchandise


    Schuttlsr's and Tubular Asle Wagons,


    Blacksmiths' Sioclr.

    Keeps In stock a full line of

    Razors, Knives, Scissors,PATENT MEDICINES.



    tlionlder Bruces,Clicst Protnetors

    AND CIGARS.all hours.

    to wire. In operation at


    Cheapest Fence in World.



    Omamenta, Window Etc

    Groceries.A (rent the Hachine.eaC. E. DUNHAM,

    Druggist and Optician.A

    Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions compounded

    call amd see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT

    and the

    Fine Upholstered GoodsFurniture, Carputs,






    l78ole Washunr

    "CTnd.erta3sizig: a Specialtsr.Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc .

    1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS.From the Eimrock Sheep Eanch.

    HAVE FORTIUS SEASON'S TRADE, SOO TUOIIOUOIIUKKU AND 1M0 (Hull URADKWE Rams, all of which aro In fine condition, and frt-- from diiecse. Wa consider our lanis for thiaseason's trade, the best lot we have ever offered to rhe public, and only ask sn inspection to prove whatwe say. .

    Those wishing rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE ofCUAKUK until nreedinjr season this fall.

    Prices Lower than Ever, aud Terms Kasy.Thanking our many patrons for their veiy liberal patranage accordod Qs to the past, wa respectfully

    solicit an inspection of our stock this season.Our ranch is located on The ballet and Frincville Stage Road at HAT CBKEK, Crook County, Oregon.For further particulars, call on or adt'ress,

    BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO.,8nccasniui to VAN IIOUTEN BHO8. CO.. Hat Caaaa, Os

    Tents, Wagon - Covers.A!T

    juntrv Orders Promptly atended to


    UHULtillti, bAiiiitUThe groceries will be new

    connection with theall


    of of

    lm nor I fl

    fhrley mm,- -Successors to L D.

    and Ketsi!


    Leather & Shoe Findings,

    Carriage Trimmings Etc,rpjjjT, OLD STANDs

    A.: L. NEWMAN' 'a ;

    SY STOIBCorner Second and Union Stft.



    in this market.Sl. IPg-atT- a. sGji-ltr- t- X

    In Grocery





    saa i.ra&eiscp. &m milSECOND StREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT.


    Brewery Beer,:--:A.TST FOR rtALl'J

    ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER.Also, tbe iery best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -









    UUUU5. fliUVI5IUf15, tIL.fresh, and such as demanded

    will supply Bread and Pastry ofkinds.




    all descriptions Lowest

    exit of CIIIxjih n..'..,t-l..ii'.- i

    The One Price Cash House,COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.,

    IcIIEEK,Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,

    Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. '

    Agent tlie Bntterick Patterns; also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms,

    Undersigned has Added to his Business a full ofMetallic, Cloth-covere- d, Black, White, French

    Berl and Rosewood Caskets,Burial Botes and Sbrocds.

    and owns the Ilearne cant of m on attains with all thelatest improvement. -

    NO DELAY FILLING ORDERS.Can be sen at all hours cf the da


    Ilarl BoMllirsx. Tlilnl street, three doorshouse, and his Planing alill and WagonI'lace Fourth street, corner

    and uiht.


    Fatal rfeocaa




    cf at tie Prices



    The line

    Most Elegant the







    J3. WING ATK aSc CO.

    ml Udfelia&disoYA C0MTLETK OF FOr.tlQN AXD DOMESTIC- -

    Dry Goods,

    WaAUvtc r,. ioor. I Nil M PR JtTR



    , P.



    & Co,LATE FIRM- -

    Iron and Steel.




    Farm Implement.befmrtur.oftdwortaro1n,n,