The Dark Knight Rises Directed by: Christopher Nolan Written by: Christopher Nolan (screenplay & story) Jonathan Nolan (screenplay) David S. Goyer (story) Bob Kane (Batman characters) Starring: Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne Gary Oldman - Commissioner Gordon Tom Hardy - Bane Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Blake Anne Hathaway - Selina Marion Cotillard - Miranda Morgan Freeman - Fox Michael Caine - Alfred Matthew Modine - Foley Alon Aboutboul - Dr. Pavel Ben Mendelsohn - Daggett Burn Gorman - Stryver Daniel Sunjata - Captain Jones Aidan Gillen - CIA Op Sam Kennard - Special Ops Sergeant Aliash Tepina - Hooded Man #2 Nestor Carbonell - Mayor Brett Cullen - Congressman Chris Ellis - Fr. Reilly Tyler Dean Flores - Mark Juno Temple - Jen Liam Neeson - Ra's Al Ghul Cillian Murphy - Dr. Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow Josh Pence - Young Ra's Al Ghul [first lines; Gordon is giving a speech about Harvey Dent] Commissioner Gordon: I knew Harvey Dent, I was his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent. [three men are captured and given to a CIA agent who's looking for Bane] CIA Op: Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA. Barsad: He wasn't alone. [to Pavel] CIA Op: Uh...you don't get to bring friends. Dr. Pavel: They are not my friends. Barsad: Don't worry, no charge for them. CIA Op: And why would I want them? Barsad: They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary, the masked man.

The Dark Knight Rises

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Page 1: The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises

Directed by: Christopher Nolan

Written by:

Christopher Nolan (screenplay & story)

Jonathan Nolan (screenplay)

David S. Goyer (story)

Bob Kane (Batman characters)


Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne

Gary Oldman - Commissioner Gordon

Tom Hardy - Bane

Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Blake

Anne Hathaway - Selina

Marion Cotillard - Miranda

Morgan Freeman - Fox

Michael Caine - Alfred

Matthew Modine - Foley

Alon Aboutboul - Dr. Pavel

Ben Mendelsohn - Daggett

Burn Gorman - Stryver

Daniel Sunjata - Captain Jones

Aidan Gillen - CIA Op

Sam Kennard - Special Ops Sergeant

Aliash Tepina - Hooded Man #2

Nestor Carbonell - Mayor

Brett Cullen - Congressman

Chris Ellis - Fr. Reilly

Tyler Dean Flores - Mark

Juno Temple - Jen

Liam Neeson - Ra's Al Ghul

Cillian Murphy - Dr. Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow

Josh Pence - Young Ra's Al Ghul

[first lines; Gordon is giving a speech about Harvey Dent]

Commissioner Gordon: I knew Harvey Dent, I was his friend. And it will be a very long time

before someone inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent.

[three men are captured and given to a CIA agent who's looking for Bane]

CIA Op: Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.

Barsad: He wasn't alone.

[to Pavel]

CIA Op: Uh...you don't get to bring friends.

Dr. Pavel: They are not my friends.

Barsad: Don't worry, no charge for them.

CIA Op: And why would I want them?

Barsad: They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary, the masked man.

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CIA Op: Bane?

[Barsad nods his head]

CIA Op: Get him on board, I'll call it in.

[inside the plane, the three masked men are brought to their knees]

CIA Op: The flight plan I just filed with the agency, lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only

one of you!

[he indicates to one of his men to slide open the plane door]

CIA Op: First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!

[one of the hooded men is held by the open door of the airplane]

CIA Op: Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?

[the hooded man doesn't answer, the CIA Op shoots his gun and one of his men drags the hooded

man back in]

CIA Op: He didn't fly so good! Who wants to try next?

[another masked man is held by the open door of the aircraft as the CIA Op holds his gun against

his head]

CIA Op: Tell me about Bane? Why does he wear the mask?

[the second masked man doesn't answer]

CIA Op: A lot of loyalty, for a hired hired gun!

[the third hooded man speaks]

Bane: Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of

the plane.

CIA Op: At least you can talk! Who are you?

Bane: It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.

[the CIA Op slowly removes the man's hood revealing that it's Bane]

Bane: No one cared who I was till I put on the mask.

[referring to Bane's face mask]

CIA Op: If I pull that off will you die?

Bane: It will be extremely painful.

CIA Op: You're a big guy.

Bane: For you.

CIA Op: Was getting caught part of your plan?

Bane: Of course. Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours, but we want to find out what he

told you.

Dr. Pavel: Nothing! I said nothing!

CIA Op: Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! So, now what's the next step of your

master plan?

Bane: Crashing this plane...with no survivors!

[at that moment another plane flies above, and four men jump out and their smaller plane in a

mid-air assault that ends up dragging the plane almost upside-down in mid-air, as most of the

CIA men on the plane die, Dr. Pavel and a body attached to an IV remain]

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[after Bane's men attack the CIA plane, Bane stops one of his men from trying to save himself

from the plane]

Bane: No! They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

Bane's Thug: We started a fire.

Bane: Yes, the fire rises.

[Bane grabs hold of Pavel who shouts in fear]

Bane: Calm down, doctor. Now is not the time for fear. That comes later.

[Bane presses a button and the CIA plane plummets to the ground with Bane holding onto Pavel

and the rope from the other bigger plane]

[the Mayor is giving a speech being at hosted at Wayne Manor]

Mayor: Harvey Dent Day may not be our oldest public holiday, but we're here tonight because

it's one of the most important. Harvey Dent's uncompromising stand against organized crime has

made Gotham a safer place than it was at the time of his death, eight years ago. This city has

seen a historic turn around. No city is without crime, but this city is without organized crime

because of Dent's act gave law enforcement teeth in its fight against the mob. Now people are

talking about repealing the Dent Act, and to them I say, not on my watch.

[the audience claps]

Mayor: I wanna thank the Wayne Foundation for hosting this event, and I'm told, Mr. Wayne

couldn't be here tonight. I'm sure he's with us in spirit.

[as they listen to the Mayor's speech about Harvey Dent at Wayne Manor]

Congressman: Have you ever laid eyes on Wayne at one of his events?

Foley: No one has, not in years.

[the Mayor continues his speech at Wayne Manor]

Mayor: That people put their faith in a murderous thug in a mask and a cape. A thug, who

showed his true nature, when he betrayed the trust this great man, and murdered him in cold


[he points to the large photo of Harvey Dent behind him]

Mayor: Jim Gordon, can tell you the truth about Harvey Dent. He could...but I'll let him tell you

himself. Commissioner Gordon!

[the audience claps as Gordon makes his way to the stand, Gordon looks down at his prepared

speech and says to himself as he remembers the real truth of what happened to Dent]

Commissioner Gordon: The truth...

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[he addresses the audience]

Commissioner Gordon: I have a speech telling the truth about Harvey Dent. Maybe the time

isn't right.

[he puts the speech away in his jacket pocket]

Commissioner Gordon: Maybe right now, all you need to know is that there are one thousand

inmates in Blackgate Prison as the direct result of the Dent Act. These are violent criminals,

essential cogs in the organized crime machine. Maybe, for now, all I should say about the death

of Harvey Dent is this; it has not been for nothing.

[in the kitchen of Wayne Manor during the Harvey Dent Day, we see the maids talking about

Bruce, one of the maids is Seline Kyle]

Selina: Did you see the guy who owns the house?

Maid #2: No. No, I heard he never leaves the East Wing.

Maid #3: You know, I heard he had an accident. Yeah, that he's disfigured. He has to...

[suddenly Alfred interrupts them]

Alfred: Mr. Till, why are your people using the main staircase? And where's Mrs. Bolton?

Selina: Uh...she's up at the bar, sir. Can I help?

Alfred: The East drawing room, unlock the door, put the tray on the table, lock the door again.

Nothing more.

[Alfred places the key on the tray for Selina to take to Bruce]

Alfred: I'm sorry, Miss Tate, I tried, but he won't see you.

Daggett: You know, you musn't take it personally. Everyone knows that Wayne's hold up in

there with eight-inch nails, peeing in a Mason jar. It's very good of you to let me on the grounds.

[to Miranda]

Daggett: Why are you wasting your time, trying to talk to a man who threw away your

investment, on some 'save the world' vanity project? He can't get your money back, I can.

Miranda: I could try explaining that a 'save the world' project, vain or not, is worth investing in,

Mr. Daggett. But you only understand money and the power you think it buys. So why waste my

time indeed?

[Miranda turns and walks off]

[after his speech]

Commissioner Gordon: The second shift reports in?

Foley: You should spend some more time with the Mayor.

Commissioner Gordon: Well, that's your department.

[Gordon walks off]

Congressman: Anyone shown him the crime stats?

Foley: He goes by his gut and it continues to bother him, no matter what the numbers.

Congressman: Must be popular with his wife.

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Foley: Not really, she took the kids and left for Cleveland.

Congressman: Well, he'll have plenty of time for visits. The Mayor's gonna dump him in the


Foley: Really?

Congressman: Mmhmm.

Foley: But he's a hero.

Congressman: A war hero, this is peace time.

[Selina drops off the food in the east wing, she sees a door open, we see her checking out a

family photo and walking around the room wearing a pearl necklace, Bruce shows up next door

and hears her, he suddenly shoots an arrow towards the archery target near Selina making her


Selina: Sorry! Very sorry...I'm so terribly sorry, Mr. Wayne. It is, Mr. Wayne, isn't it?

[Bruce walks out of the shadows towards her, looking bearded and walking with a cane]

Selina: Although you don't have long nails or facial scars, sir.

Bruce Wayne: Is that what they say about me?

Selina: It's just that, no...no one every sees you.

Bruce Wayne: That's a beautiful necklace, it reminds me of one that belonged to my mother. It

can't be the same one, cause her pearls are in this safe.

[he opens the safe]

Bruce Wayne: The manufacturer clearly explained, it is uncrackable.

Selina: Oops. Nobody told me it was uncrackable.

Bruce Wayne: I'm afraid I can't let you take those.

Selina: Look, you wouldn't beat up a woman, anymore than I would beat a cripple.

[Selina walks towards Bruce and suddenly knocks his cane out from under him making him fall]

Selina: Of course, sometimes exceptions happen.

[she climbs up the window and turns to look at Bruce, who's lying on the floor]

Selina: Good night, Mr. Wayne.

[suddenly she quickly flips backwards out of the open window, she quickly changes her outfit

and gets in the car with the Congressman]

Selina: Can I have a ride?

Congressman: You read my mind. Let's go.

[after Selina has left, Bruce checks inside the safe and Alfred walks in the room]

Alfred: Miss Tate was asking to see you again.

Bruce Wayne: She's very persistent.

Alfred: And quite lovely, in case you were wondering.

Bruce Wayne: I wasn't.

Alfred: What are you doing?

Bruce Wayne: Examining print dust, we've been robbed.

Alfred: And this is your idea of uh...sounding the alarm, is it?

Bruce Wayne: She took the pearls, tracking device and all.

Alfred: She?

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Bruce Wayne: One of the maids. Perhaps yous should stop letting them in this side of the house.

Alfred: Perhaps you should start learning to make your own bed.

[Bruce starts to walk off]

Alfred: Why were you dusting for prints?

Bruce Wayne: I wasn't. She was.

[while on the rooftop with the old, broken Bat-Signal, Gordon is approached by a young cop]

Blake: Sir, Congressman Gilly's wife has been calling in, apparently the Congressman never

made it home after the Wayne Foundation event.

Commissioner Gordon: That's a job for the police.

Blake: When you and Dent cleaned up the streets, you cleaned them good. Pretty soon we'll be

chasing down uh...overdue library books. And yet, here you are, like we're still at war.

Commissioner Gordon: What's your name, son?

Blake: Blake, sir.

Commissioner Gordon: You got something you wanna ask me, Officer Blake?

Blake: It's about that night, this night, eight years ago. The night Dent died, the last confirmed

sighting of the Batman. He murders those people, takes down two SWAT teams, breaks Dent's

neck and then just...vanishes.

Commissioner Gordon: I'm not hearing a question, son.

Blake: Don't you wanna know who he was?

[Gordon looks at the broken Bat -Signal for a moment]

Commissioner Gordon: I know exactly who he was. He was the Batman.

[Gordon starts walking off]

Commissioner Gordon: Let's go see about the Congressman's wife.

[the next morning, Alfred finds Bruce missing from his room, he calls out to him but there's not

reply, eventually, Alfred finds Bruce inside the Batcave beneath Wayne Manor]

Alfred: You haven't been down here in a long time.

Bruce Wayne: I'm trying to find out more about our jewel thief. I ran her prints, unless she's lost

a lot of weight, she was wearing someone else's fingerprints. She's...good.

[his computer monitor shows a mug shot of a large male armed-robbery suspect]

Alfred: She may be, but we have a trace on the necklace.

Bruce Wayne: We do, so I cross-referenced the address she went back to with police data on

high-end B and E's, and um...

[Bruce pulls up a photo of Selina on his monitor]

Bruce Wayne: Selina Kyle. The databases are full of close calls, tips from fences...she's good,

but the ground is shrinking beneath her feet.

Alfred: We should send the police before she fences the pearls.

Bruce Wayne: She won't, she likes them too much. And they weren't what she was after.

Alfred: What was she after?

Bruce Wayne: My fingerprints. There was printer toner mixed with graphite on the safe. It gives

you a good pull, and it's untraceable.

Alfred: Fascinating. You two should exchange notes over coffee.

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Bruce Wayne: So Now you're trying to set me up with a jewel thief?

Alfred: At this point, I'd set you up with a chimpanzee if it brought you back into the world.

Bruce Wayne: There's nothing out there for me.

Alfred: And that's the problem. You hung up your cape and your cowl, but you didn't move on.

You never went to find a life. To find someone...

Bruce Wayne: Alfred. I did find someone.

Alfred: I know, and you lost them. But that's all part of living, sir. But you're not living, you're

just waiting, hoping for things to go bad again. Remember when you left Gotham? Before all

this, before Batman. You were gone seven years, seven years I waited. Hoping that you wouldn't

come back. Every year I took a holiday, I went to Florence. There's this café, on the banks of the

Arno. Every fine evening I'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca. I had this fantasy that I would

look across the tables and I'd see you there, with a wife, maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn't

say anything to me, nor me to you, but we'd both know...that you'd made it, that you were happy.

[we see flashback of Alfred seated in a café, spotting a couple at another table, thinking the man

is Bruce, but as the man turns Alfred sees that it's not Bruce]

Alfred: I never w anted you to come back to Gotham. I always knew there was nothing here for

you except pain and tragedy, and I wanted something more for you than that. I still do.

[Alfred turns and leaves]

[after Blake and his partner have found a body of a teenage boy in the tunnels of a concrete

trough, Blake goes to the home for boys where he knew Jimmy used to stay]

Fr. Reilly: Jimmy hadn't been here for months.

Blake: No? Why?

Fr. Reilly: Blake, you know why, he aged out. We don't have the resources to keep boys on after


Blake: Yeah, but I thought The Wayne Foundation give money for them.

Fr. Reilly: Not for the past couple of years.

Blake: He has a brother here, doesn't he?

Fr. Reilly: Mark. I'll tell him.

Blake: I'd like to, if that's alright.

[Blake talks to Jimmy's younger brother in the playground at the home for boys]

Blake: Do you know what was he doing down there in the tunnels?

Mark: A lot of guys been going down the tunnels when they age out. Say you can live down

there. Say there's work down there.

Blake: Work? What kind of work are you gonna find in the sewers?

Mark: More than you can find up here, I guess.

Blake: So you know about him.

Mark: Of course. Do you think he's coming back?

Blake: I don't know.

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[Selina is at a bar with a drunk guy dressed in a in a Hawaiian shirt, she goes over and sits at a

table where a man dressed in a suit is sitting]

Stryver: You brought a date?

Selina: I like having someone around to open doors for me. Right hand. No partials.

[Selina passes him an envelope from which Stryver takes out a transparency slide and holds it up

to the light]

Stryver: Very nice.

[Stryver keeps the slide]

Selina: Not so fast, handsome. You got somethin' for me?

Stryver: Oh, yes.

[Stryver looks at one of his thugs who locks the door and another one of his thugs stands close to


Selina: I don't know what you're planning to do with Mr. Wayne's prints, but I'm guessing you'll

need his thumb. You don't count so good, huh?

Stryver: I count fine. In fact, I'm counting to ten, right now.

[the thug next to Selina puts a gun to her head]

Selina: Okay.

[Selina takes out her cell phone from her purse and gives it to Stryver]

Selina: My friend's outside. Just hit 'send'.

[Stryver looks at the phone and hits 'send', just then someone knocks at the door and the other

thug opens it, a woman enters and joins Selina and Stryver]

Jen: This place is a little dead.

Selina: It'll liven up in a minute, trust me.

[Selina gives Stryver another envelope which holds the slide with Bruce's thumb print on it]

Jen: Is everything okay?

Selina: Great. Catch you later.

[Jen leaves and Stryver takes out the slide from the envelope]

[after Jen leaves]

Selina: It would have been a lot easier to just give me what we agreed.

Stryver: We can't have loose ends. And even in that dress, no one is gonna miss you.

Selina: No. But my friend over there?

[referring to the guy in the Hawaiian shirt sitting at the bar, who we now see is the Congressman

from earlier]

Selina: Every cop in the city is missing him.

[the TV at the bar shows the news with photo of the missing Congressman]

Stryver: That's cute. But they're not gonna be looking in a place like this.

Selina: I don't know. You did just use his cell phone.

[Stryver glances down at the cell phone, suddenly a car screech is heard outside, Selina quickly

gets up and attacks the thug with the gun, a SWAT team attacks the bar and chase after the thugs,

as they enter Selina pretends to be a victim and starts screaming and crying]

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[after the SWAT team go after the thugs Selina goes over to the Congressman who is clutching

his wounded leg]

Selina: Keep some pressure on that, sweetheart.

[Selina leaves the bar]

Congressman: Call me?

[as Selina leaves the bar she runs into Blake and pretends to be a victim]

Blake: Hey, miss?

Selina: He's bleeding! You gotta help him.

[Blake enters the bar with his gun drawn and sees the Congressman, he speaks into his radio]

Blake: I got the Congressman.

[outside Selina quickly makes her escape]

[after Gordon goes down a manhole chasing after the thugs and after some gun shots there's an

explosion, Blake and the other cops get over to the manhole]

Blake: What, they went down there? We're gonna go down there, right?

SWAT in Alley: That was a gas explosion, kid.

Blake: That wasn't gas, it's a sewer.

Foley: No one goes in there till we know what's down there!

Blake: We know what's down there, sir. The Police Commissioner!

Foley: Someone get this hothead out of here. And where's that DWP guy!

[after the explosion in the sewers, Gordon gets knocked down and two thugs carry him in the

tunnels to an area where it appears some construction is being done with gangs of homeless

street kids, Gordon is taken to Bane, who is sitting crouched with his back to Gordon]

Bane: Why are you here?

[one of the thugs kicks Gordon]

Sewer Thug #1: Answer him!

Bane: I was asking you.

Sewer Thug #1: It's the Police Commissioner.

[Bane stands and turns to face them]

Bane: And you brought him down here?

Sewer Thug #2: We didn't know what to do. We just thought...

Bane: You panicked. And your weakness has cost the lives of three others.

Sewer Thug #1: No, he's alone!

[Bane flips the thug's chin up and we hear a crack and the thug fall to the ground; to the 2nd


Bane: Search him. Then I will kill you.

[the thug takes out a piece of paper from Gordon's pocket, which is the Harvey Dent speech, and

gives it to Bane who opens the paper, just then Gordon rolls himself off the steps and into the

flowing sewer water, gunshots are fired at him]

Sewer Thug #2: He's dead.

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Bane: So show me his body.

Sewer Thug #2: The water runs to any one of the outflows. We'll never find him.

[Barsad, who is standing next to the thug hands Bane a GPS]

Bane: Follow him.

[Bane puts the GPS in the thugs pocket]

Sewer Thug #2: Follow him?

[suddenly Bane shoots the thug who falls into the flowing sewer water, we then see Blake

rescuing Gordon at the end of the sewer drain]

[Wayne knocks the door at Wayne Manor with Alfred answering the door]

Blake: I need to see Bruce Wayne.

Alfred: I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne doesn't take unscheduled calls. Even from a police officer.

Blake: And if I go get a warrant, for the investigation of Harvey Dent's murder? Would that still

count as unscheduled?

[later, Bruce enters the study where Blake is waiting]

Bruce Wayne:What can I do for you, officer?

Blake: Commissioner Gordon's been shot. He chased a gunman down into the sewers. When I

pulled him out he was babbling about an underground army and a masked man called Bane.

Bruce Wayne: Well, shouldn't you be telling your superior officers about this?

Blake: They asked me if he saw any giant alligators. He needs you. He needs the Batman.

Bruce Wayne: If Commissioner Gordon thinks...

Blake: Oh, he doesn't know or care who you are. But we've met before. It was a long time ago, I

was a kid. Uh...St. Swithin's, it used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation, it's an orphanage.

My mom died when I was small, it was a car accident, I don't really remember it. But uh...my

dad got shot a couple of years later over a gambling debt. And I remember that one just fine. Not

a lot of people know what it feels like, do they?

[Bruce looks down and turns his back to Blake, looking out the window]

Blake: To be angry. In your bones. I mean, they understand. Foster parents, everybody,

understands, for a while. But then they want the angry little kid to do something he knows he

can't do. To move on. So after a while they stop understanding and they send the angry kid to a

boys home. I figured it out too late. You gotta learn to hide the anger, and practice smiling in the

mirror. It's like putting on a mask. So you showed up this one day in a cool car, pretty girl on

your arm. We were so excited. Bruce Wayne, billionaire orphan! We used to make up stories

about you, man. Legends. And you know, to the other kids that's all it was, just stories. But, right

when I saw you I knew who you really were.

[Bruce turns and looks at Blake]

Blake: I'd seen that look on your face before. It's the same one I taught myself.

[Blake gets up to leave]

Blake: I don't know why you took the fall for Dent's murder, but I'm still a believer in the

Batman. Even if you're not.

[Blake turns and starts walking towards the study door]

Bruce Wayne: Why did you say that your boys home used to be funded by the Wayne

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Blake: Because the money stopped. Might be time to get some fresh air and start paying

attention to the details. Some of those details might need your help.

[Blake turns and leaves]

[Bruce and Alfred watch as Blake gets into his car and drives away]

Bruce Wayne: You checked that name? Bane?

Alfred: He's a mercenary. No other known names. Him and his men were behind a coup in West

Africa that secured mining operations for our friend John Daggett.

Bruce Wayne: Now Daggett's brought them here.

Alfred: Or so it seems. I'll keep digging.

[Alfred turns to leave]

Bruce Wayne: Yeah. Alfred, why did the Wayne Foundation stop funding boys homes in the


Alfred: The Foundation is funded by the profits of Wayne Enterprises. There have to be some.

Bruce Wayne: Time to talk to Mr. Fox, I think.

Alfred: I'll get him on the phone.

Bruce Wayne: No. No. No. No. Do we still have any cars around the place?

[Alfred's face lights up at hearing this]

Alfred: Yes! One or two.

Bruce Wayne: I need an appointment at the hospital for my leg.

[Bruce stars to walk off]

Alfred: Which hospital?

Bruce Wayne: Whichever one Jim Gordon's in.

[Bruce visits the doctor at the hospital]

Doctor: I've seen worse cartilage in knees.

Bruce Wayne: That's good.

Doctor: No, that's because there is no cartilage in your knee. And not much of any use in your

elbows or your shoulders. Between that and the scar tissue on your kidneys, a residual

concussive damage to your brain tissue and the general scarred-over quality of your

body, I cannot recommend that you go heli-skiing, Mr. Wayne.

[the doctor walks out and leaves Bruce in the room]

Bruce Wayne: Right.

[Bruce gets up and pulls on a ski mask, pulls a wire from his cane, goes to the window and jumps


[Bruce visits Gordon in his room as he lies in his bed, hooked up to machines, he speaks in a

weak voice]

Commissioner Gordon: We were in this together. Then you were gone.

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Bruce Wayne: The Batman wasn't needed anymore. We won.

[Bruce is sitting beside him wearing the ski mask]

Commissioner Gordon: Based on a lie. And now this evil rising from where we tried to bury it.

The Batman has to come back.

Bruce Wayne: What if he doesn't exist anymore?

Commissioner Gordon: He must. He must.

[Bruce gets up to leave]

[as Bruce uses his tracking device to look at where Selina is, we see Selina putting on the pearls

in her apartment and next door she hears Jen being mishandled by a man]

Selina: Get out.

Yuppie: She took my...!

[suddenly Selina twists his arm behind him and throws him out of the apartment]

Jen: I don't know what he's so upset about, theres' only sixty bucks in here.

Selina: Probably the watch.

[Selina holds up her hand which has the man's watch, Jen laughs as Selina throws the watch to


[Bruce attends a lavish charity ball where he watches Selina wearing a mask and dancing]

Miranda: Bruce Wayne at a charity ball?

[Bruce turns to find Miranda, wearing a small face mask]

Bruce Wayne: Miss Tate, isn't it?

Miranda: Even before you became a recluse, you never came to these things.

Bruce Wayne: Proceeds go to the big fat spread. It's not about charity, it's about feeding the ego

of whichever society hag laid this on.

Miranda: Actually, this is my party, Mr. Wayne.

Bruce Wayne: Oh.

Miranda: And the proceeds will go where they should, because I paid for the big fat spread


Bruce Wayne: That's very generous of you.

Miranda: You have to invest to restore balance to the world. Take our clean-energy project.

Bruce Wayne: Sometimes the investment doesn't pay off. I'm Sorry.

Miranda: You have a practiced apathy, Mr. Wayne. But a man who doesn't care about the world

doesn't spend half his fortune on a plan to save it. And isn't so wounded when it fails that he goes

into hiding. Have a good evening, Mr. Wayne.

[Bruce watches Miranda as she turns and walks off]

[to the rich old man that Selina is dancing with at Miranda's charity ball]

Bruce Wayne: Mind if I cut in?

[the old man, looking annoyed, leaves and Bruce starts dancing with Selina]

Bruce Wayne: Oh, you don't seem happy to see me.

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Selina: You were supposed to be a shut-in.

Bruce Wayne: I felt like some fresh air.

Selina: Why didn't you call the police?

Bruce Wayne: I have a powerful friend who deals with things like this.

[referring to her cat ears]

Bruce Wayne: That's a brazen costume for a cat burglar.

Selina: Yeah? Who are you pretending to be?

Bruce Wayne: Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire. Who's your date?

[referring the old man she was dancing with and who is now watching them]

Selina: His wife's in Ibiza. She left her diamonds behind, though.

Bruce Wayne: Mm.

Selina: Worried they might get stolen.

Bruce Wayne: It's pronounced Ibeetha. You wouldn't want any of these folks realizing you're a

crook not a social climber.

Selina: You think I care what anyone in this room thinks of me?

Bruce Wayne: I doubt you care what anyone in any room thinks of you.

Don't condescend, Mr. Wayne. You don't know a thing about me.

Bruce Wayne: Well, Selina Kyle, I know you came here from your walk-up in Old Town, a

modest place for a master jewel thief. Which means that either you're saving for retirement, or

you're in deep with the wrong people.

Selina: You don't get to judge me just because you were born in the master bedroom of Wayne


Bruce Wayne: Actually, I was born in the Regency Room.

[as they continue to dance]

Selina: I started out doing what I had to. Once you've done what you had to they'll never let you

do what you want to.

Bruce Wayne: Start fresh.

Selina: There's no fresh start in today's world. Any twelve-year-old with a cell phone could find

out what you did. Everything we do is collated and quantified. Everything sticks.

Bruce Wayne: Is that how you justify stealing?

Selina: I take what I need to from those who have more than enough. I don't stand on the

shoulders of people with less.

Bruce Wayne: Robin Hood?

Selina: I think I do more to help someone than most of the people in this room. Than you.

Bruce Wayne: I think maybe you're assuming a little too much.

Selina: Maybe you're being unrealistic about what's really in your pants other than your wallet.

Bruce Wayne: Ouch.

Selina: You think all this can last?

[continuing to dance]

Selina: There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the

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hatches, cause when it hits you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large

and leave so little for the rest of us.

Bruce Wayne: You sound like you're looking forward to it.

Selina: I'm adaptable.

Bruce Wayne: Those pearls do look better on you then they did in my safe. But I still can't let

you keep them.

[Bruce takes the pearls off her neck, Selina, looking angry, kisses him hard and walks off, the old

man that she was dancing with comes up to Bruce looking annoyed]

Rich Twit: You scared her off!

Bruce Wayne: Not likely.

[after Selina leaves Bruce goes to leave and find his Valet ticket is missing]

Bruce Wayne: I must have lost my ticket.

Valet at Museum: Your wife said you were taking a cab home.

Bruce Wayne: My wife?

[we see Selina racing down the street in Bruce's car]

[as Selina has stolen his car, Alfred comes to pick him up and watches Bruce in the mirror as he

gets into the car]

Alfred: Just you, sir?

[Bruce gives him glare]

Alfred: Don't worry, Master Wayne. It takes a little time to get back into the swing of things.

[Bruce visits Wayne Enterprises]

Fox: Bruce Wayne. As I live and breathe. What brings you out of cryo-sleep, Mr. Wayne?

Bruce Wayne: I see you haven't lost your sense of humor...even if you have lost most of my


Fox: Actually, you did that. If you funnel the entire R and D budget into a fusion project that you

then mothball, your company is unlikely to thrive.

Bruce Wayne: What are my options?

Fox: Well, if you're unwilling to turn on the machine...

Bruce Wayne: I can't. I can't, Lucius.

Fox: Well, then sit tight. Your majority keeps Daggett at bay while we figure out a future for the

energy program with Miranda Tate. She has supported the project all the way. She's smart, and

quite lovely.

[Bruce gives Fox a disapproving look]

Fox: We all just want what's best for you, Bruce. Show her the machine.

Bruce Wayne: I'll think it over.

Fox: Anything else?

[Bruce gets up to leave]

Bruce Wayne: Nope. Why?

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Fox: Well, these conversations used to end with and unusual request.

Bruce Wayne: I retired.

Fox: Well, let me show you some stuff, anyway. Just for old times sake.

[Fox hits a button which opens the bookcase]

[Fox takes Bruce to the huge space filled with gadgets and weapons]

Bruce Wayne: I figured you'd have shut this place down.

Fox: Well, it was always shut down, officially.

Bruce Wayne: What about all this new stuff?

Fox: After your father died, Wayne Enterprises set up fourteen different defense subsidiaries.

For years I've been shuttering and consolidating all the different prototypes under one roof. My


Bruce Wayne: Why?

Fox: To keep them from falling into the wrong hands.

[Fox hits a button which slides open another door]

Bruce Wayne: Oh, now you're showing off.

Fox: Defense Department project for tight-geometry and pacification. Rotors are configured to

maneuver between buildings without recirculation.

[we see a glimpse of a large vehicle]

Bruce Wayne: What's it called?

Fox: Oh, it has a long uninteresting Wayne Enterprises designation. I just took to calling it the

Bat. And yes, Mr. Wayne, it does come in black.

[Bruce touches the vehicle]

Fox: Works fine, except for the autopilot. It takes a better mind than mine to fix it.

Bruce Wayne: Better mind?

Fox: Well, I was trying to be modest. A less busy mind. Yours.

[in the Batcave Bruce uses straps to brace his knee and as he does so he winces in pain]

Alfred: Is it really painful?

Bruce Wayne: Well, You're welcome to try it, Alfred.

Alfred: Happy watching, thank you, sir.

[Bruce gets to his feet and starts walking]

Bruce Wayne: Not bad.

[Bruce then uses his foot to knock out a brick wall]

Bruce Wayne: Not bad at all.

Alfred: If you're seriously considering going back out there you should hear the rumors

surrounding Bane.

Bruce Wayne: I'm all ears.

Alfred: There is a prison, in a more ancient part of the world. A pit, where men are thrown to

suffer and die. But sometimes, a man rises from the darkness. Sometimes, the pit sends

something back.

[Bruce walks over to his Batsuit which emerges from its cube]

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Bruce Wayne: Bane.

Alfred: Bane. Born and raised in a hell on earth.

Bruce Wayne: Born in a prison?

Alfred: No one knows why, or how he escaped. But they do know, that once he did, he was

trained by Ra's Al Ghul. Your mentor.

[Bruce looks shocked]

Bruce Wayne: Bane was a member of the League of Shadows.

Alfred: And then he was excommunicated. And any man, who is too extreme for Ra's Al Ghul,

is not to be trifled with.

Bruce Wayne: I didn't realize I was known for trifling with criminals.

Alfred: That was then. And you can strap up your leg and put your mask back on. But that

doesn't make you what you were.

Bruce Wayne: If this man is everything that you say he is, then this city needs me.

Alfred: The city needs Bruce Wayne. Your resources, your knowledge. It doesn't need your

body, or your life. That time has passed.

Bruce Wayne: You're afraid that if I go back out there, I'll fail.

Alfred: No. I'm afraid that you want to.

[Alfred turns and walks off]

[Bane and his men, who were disguised as food delivery people and shoe shiner, infiltrate the

Gotham Stock Exchange and take it over; as Bane goes over to one of the traders]

Trader #1: This is a stock exchange, there's no money you can steal!

Bane: Really? Then why are you people here?

[Bane grabs the trader and drags him across the floor a terminal, he slams his head on the table,

and uses the traders security card to login to the terminal]

[outside the Stock Exchange building SWAT team arrives along with Foley]

Exchange Security Chief: You've gotta get in there!

Foley: This is a hostage situation.

Exchange Security Chief: No! No! No! This is a robbery! They have direct access to the online

trading desk.

Foley: I'm not risking my men for your money.

[just then Blake arrives and goes over to a construction vehicle]

Blake: Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to move, we have a situation here.

[back to the security chief and Foley]

Exchange Security Chief: It's not our money, it's everybody's!

Foley: Really? Mine's in my mattress.

Exchange Security Chief: If you don't put these guys down, that stuffing in your mattress might

be worth a whole hell of a lot less.

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Foley: Cut the fiber cable and takeout that cell tower.

Exchange Security Chief: Thank you.

Foley: That'll slow 'em down.

[back in the stock exchange building]

Shoe Shine Man at GSE: They cut the fiber. Cell's working.

Bane: For now.

[as the SWAT team gets ready out the building with snipers]

Bane: How much longer does the program need?

Shoe Shine Man at GSE: Eight minutes.

Bane: Time to go mobile.

[Bane's men start shouting and shooting at the hostages, the shoe shine man picks up a tablet and

puts it in his bag, outside as the SWAT team watches the building suddenly the doors open and

the crowd of hostages walk out, in amongst them are Bane and his men on come racing out on

motorbikes with hostages strapped to their backs]

[as the bikes races through traffic with the hostages strapped to their backs, a police car falls in

behind them, but they get instructed by Foley to back off shooting, as they follow the bikes into a

tunnel the lights start going off]

Officer Simon Jansen: What's going on with the lights?

[the lights in the tunnel start dying one after another, making the tunnel get darker and darker]

Veteran Cop: It can't be...

Officer Simon Jansen: What the hell was that?!

Veteran Cop: Oh boy! You are in for a show tonight, son.

[as one of the hostages on the bikes make a run for it and is about to get shot by one of

Bane's men, Batman shows up and knocks him off the bike, Batman picks up a weapon, shoots at

one of the racing bikes, but misses, just then the younger cop takes a shot at him, Batman turns

and looks at the cop]

Officer Simon Jansen: Sorry.

Veteran Cop: Put that thing away before you hurt yourself! Get in!

[Batman rides off on his Batpod chasing after Bane and his men]

[to Blake as Foley hears sighting of Batman]

Foley: Let's go! You, get in the car! they've spotted the Batman!

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[they get in the police car and start racing off, Foley talks into the radio]

Foley: Call everyone in. Every car patrol, beat cop, off-duty, too! Call 'em in now!

[to Blake]

Foley: I'm gonna do what Jim Gordon never could.

Blake: What's that?

Foley: I'm gonna take down the Batman.

[at the same time as Batman has appeared, Selina dressed in her cat costume, is breaking into a

Daggett's safe when she hears on the police radio that they are chasing Batman]

Selina: Well, what do you know?

[as they continue to chase after Batman]

Blake: Sir, what about the armed robbers?

[Foley ignores him and we see Batman continuing to chase after Bane and his men, just then one

of Foley's officers radio's in]

Police Officer's Voice: One bike's pulled off, no hostage. Should we pursue?

Foley: Negative! Stay on the Batman!

[referring to Bane]

Blake: He's getting away!

Foley: Who do you wanna catch, huh? Some robber, or the son of a bitch who killed Harvey


[after Batman grabs and frees one of the hostages from the shoe shiners bike, he grabs the shoe

shiner, takes the tablet that he was using to steal the stock exchange money, takes out the USB

drive as he sees the police closing in on him and takes off on his Batpod]

Police Officer's Voice: We lost him.

[Foley replies into his radio]

Foley: How could you lose him?

Police Officer's Voice: He's got a lot of firepower.

Foley: What? And you don't?!

Police Officer's Voice: He's heading back downtown.

[to Blake]

Foley: Then he's as dumb as he dresses

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[into his radio]

Foley: Close it off, gentlemen!

[as Batman races down into a dark blind alley, the police close in on him, seemingly trapping

him, Foley gets out of his car with arrogance]

Foley: Like a rat in a trap, gentlemen!

[as Foley goes to speak in the loudspeaker, suddenly the alley lights up and a loud noise is heard]

Veteran Cop: You might have the wrong animal there, sir.

[suddenly the massive cyclone, the Bat, flies out of the alley and over the police, Blake turns to

Foley as they watch it fly off]

Blake: Are you sure it was him?

[at his penthouse, Daggett watches the TV coverage of the chasing of Batman]

Stryver: Bane says the Batman interfered, but the task was accomplished.

Daggett: And what about the men they arrested?

Stryver: He said, and I quote; they would die before talking.

Daggett: Where does he find these guys?

[to one of his men as he starts walking to his office]

Daggett: Open the champagne. And can we get some girls in here?

[as Daggett enters his office suddenly Selina pounces on him]

Selina: Careful what you wish for.

[Selina grabs him, throws him across the room slamming his back against the wall, as Daggett

draws his gun but she pins his wrist to the wall using the high heel of her boot]

Selina: Cat got your tongue?

Daggett: You dumb bitch.

Selina: Nobody ever accused me of being dumb.

Daggett: You're dumb for coming here tonight.

[Daggett whimpers as Selina leans her boot hard against his hand]

Selina: I want what you owe me.

[we hear a click as Stryver holds a gun to her head]

Daggett: 'Want' doesn't get.

[Selina looks back at Stryver]

Stryver: Nice outfit. Those heels make it tough to walk?

Selina: I don't know.

[suddenly Selina hits Stryver with her leg and takes his gun as he falls]

Selina: Do they?

[Selina quickly spins and holds Stryver's gun to Daggett's head]

Selina: So where is it?

Daggett: Where's what?

Selina: The program. The 'Clean Slate'.

Daggett: The ultimate tool for a master thief with a record.

[just then one of Daggett's men bursts into his office]

Daggett's Bodyguard: Hold it right there!

[Selina grabs Daggett, shoots the window shattering the glass and jumps out of the window

whilst holding Daggett]

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[after abducting Daggett, Selina lands on a window cleaning platform, plunging it down the side

of the building and turns to Daggett]

Selina: Where is it?

Daggett: The 'Clean Slate'? Where you type in someone's name, date of birth and a few minutes

their gone from every database on earth? Sound a little too good to be true.

Selina: You're lying! Rykin Data took it to prototype stage.

Daggett: That's why I bought 'em. But they had nothing. It was a gangland myth.

[Daggett's men suddenly start approaching them, Selina takes Daggett and holds the gun by his


Selina: Stay back!

[they continue to approach closer]

Selina: I'm not bluffing!

[just then Batman appears in the shadows]

Bruce Wayne: They know. They just don't care.

[Selina suddenly starts attacking the men with Batman taking out one of the men as she's about

to shoot him]

Selina: You've got to be kidding!

Bruce Wayne: No guns. No killing.

Selina: Where's the fun in that?

[as the men continue to attack Batman and Selina, Bane appears, so they leap off the roof and

land into the Bat's cockpit]

Selina: My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men.

Bruce Wayne: This isn't a car.

[Bane watches from the roof top as the Bat flies off]

[Bruce lands the Bat on top of a skyscraper and Selina gets out]

Selina: See you around.

Bruce Wayne: You're welcome.

Selina: I had it under control.

Bruce Wayne: Those weren't street thugs, they were trained killers. I saved your life. In return I

need to know what you did with Bruce Wayne's fingerprints.

Selina: Wayne wasn't kidding about a 'powerful friend'. I sold his prints to Daggett, for

something that doesn't even exist.

Bruce Wayne: I doubt many people get the better of you.

Selina: Hey, when a girl's desperate.

Bruce Wayne: What's he gonna to do with them?

Selina: I don't know. But Daggett seemed pretty interested in that mess at the stock market.

[a police chopper sweeps nearby, Bruce turns to look at it and then turns back to Selina]

Bruce Wayne: Miss Kyle...?

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[he sees that Selina is gone and says to himself]

Bruce Wayne: So that's what that feels like.

[as Bruce lands the Bat in the Batcave and gets out]

Alfred: Is see from the television coverage that you've got your taste for wanton destruction


Bruce Wayne: I retrieved this.

[he pulls out USB drive he took from the shoe shiner's tablet]

Alfred: Aren't the police supposed to be investigating them?

Bruce Wayne: They don't have the tools to analyze it.

Alfred: They would if you gave them to them.

Bruce Wayne: One man's tool is another man's weapon.

Alfred: In your mind, perhaps. But there aren't many things you can't turn into a weapon.

Bruce Wayne: Alfred, enough! The police weren't getting it done.

Alfred: Perhaps they might have if you hadn't made a sideshow of yourself.

Bruce Wayne: You thought I didn't have it in me.

Alfred: Don't! You lead a bloated police force a merry chase with a load of fancy new toys from

Fox. What about when you come up against him? What then?

[Alfred looks at the monitor where we see footage of Bane killing]

Bruce Wayne: I'll fight harder, I always have.

Alfred: Take a good look. His speed, his ferocity, his training! I see the power of belief. I see the

League of Shadows resurgent.

Bruce Wayne: You said he was excommunicated.

Alfred: By Ra's Al Ghul. Who leads them now?

Bruce Wayne: Ra's Al Ghul was the League of Shadows, and I beat him. Bane is just a

mercenary, and we need to find out what he's up to.

[Bruce uses USB and we see text scrolls on the monitor]

Bruce Wayne: Trades of some kind. Coded.

[suddenly the screen goes blank and a thumb print appears]

Bruce Wayne: They have my fingerprint, courtesy of Selina Kyle.

[Bruce pulls out the USB and gives it to Alfred]

Bruce Wayne: Get this to Fox, he can crack the code and tell us what trades they were


[Bruce walks off]

[later in Wayne Manor; referring to the USB]

Alfred: I'll get this to Mr. Fox. But no more. I've sewn you up, I've set your bones, but I won't

bury you. I've buried enough members of the Wayne family.

Bruce Wayne: You'd leave me?

Alfred: You see only one end to your journey. Leaving is all I have to make you understand,

you're not Batman anymore, you have to find another way. You used to talk about finishing,

about a life beyond that awful cave.

Bruce Wayne: Alfred, Rachel died knowing that we had decided to be together. That was my

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life beyond the cave. I can't just move on. She...she didn't. She couldn't.

Alfred: What if she had?

Bruce Wayne: She didn't, I can't change that.

Alfred: What if, before she died, she wrote a letter? Saying she chose Harvey Dent over you?

[Bruce watches Alfred, looking confused and upset]

Alfred: And what if, to spare you pain, I burned that letter?

Bruce Wayne: How dare you use Rachel to try to stop me?

Alfred: I am using the truth, Master Wayne. Maybe it's time we all stopped trying to outsmart

the truth and just let it have its day. I'm sorry!

Bruce Wayne: You're sorry? You expect to destroy my world, and then think that we're gonna

shake hands?

Alfred: No. I know what this means.

Bruce Wayne: What does it mean?

[Alfred starts crying]

Alfred: It means your hatred. And it also means losing someone that I have cared for since I first

heard his cries echo through this house. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more


[Bruce looks at Alfred with sadness]

Bruce Wayne: Goodbye, Alfred.

[Bruce turns and starts walking up the stairs]

[the next morning, Bruce is woken by the doorbell, he goes down the stairs and calls out]

Bruce Wayne: Alfred?

[Alfred is gone and Bruce opens the front door to find Fox]

Fox: Answering your own door?

Bruce Wayne: Yeah.

[Fox hands Bruce a newspaper]

Fox: Page three. Seems you made a series of large put options on the futures exchange, verified

by a thumb print. Those options expired at midnight last night. Long term we may be able to

prove fraud, but for now, you're completely broke. And Wayne Enterprises is about to fall into

the hands of John Daggett.

Bruce Wayne: The weapons, we can't let Daggett get his hands on Applied Sciences.

Fox: Applied Sciences is all locked up, and off the books. The energy project, however, it's a

different story.

Bruce Wayne: Miranda Tate. We need to convince the board to get behind her. Let's show her

the reactor.

Fox: You're meeting her there in thirty-five minutes, so you better get dressed.

[Fox leads Miranda to Wayne Enterprises Recycling Plant]

Miranda: You brought me out here to show me this, Mr. Fox?

Fox: Bear with me, Miss Tate.

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[he takes her inside a portakabin]

Fox: Please keep hands and feet inside the car at all times.

[he hits a button and the office floor descends like an elevator]

Miranda: This is it, isn't it?

Fox: The reactor is beneath the river so it could be instantly flooded in the event of a security


Miranda: Is Bruce Wayne really that paranoid?

Fox: I'm gonna plead the fifth on that one.

[as they descend into a concrete tunnel, the elevator stops and they step off, where Bruce meets


Bruce Wayne: I thought you might like to see what your investment built.

Miranda: No fossil fuels. Free, clean energy for an entire city. Three years ago, a Russian

scientist published a paper on weaponized fusion reactions. One week later your reactor started

developing problems. I think this machine works.

Bruce Wayne: Miranda, if it were operational, the danger to Gotham would be too great.

Miranda: Would it make you feel better to know that the Russian scientist died in a plane crash

six months ago?

Bruce Wayne: Someone will work out what Dr. Pavel did. Someone will figure out a way to

make this power source into a nuclear weapon. I need you to take control of Wayne Enterprises

and this reactor.

Miranda: To do what with it?

Bruce Wayne: Nothing. Until we can guarantee its safety.

Miranda: And if we can't?

Bruce Wayne: Decommission it and flood it.

Miranda: Destroy the world's best chance for a sustainable future?

Bruce Wayne: If the world's not ready, yes.

Miranda: Bruce, if you want to save the world you have to start trusting it.

Bruce Wayne: I'm trusting you.

Miranda: Doesn't count. You have no choice.

Bruce Wayne: I could have flooded this chamber any time in the last three years. I'm choosing

to trust you. Please.

[Bruce enters the boardroom at Wayne Enterprises where everyone is taking their place]

Fox: Alright, ladies and gentlemen. This meeting will now come to order

Daggett: You know, I'd like to point out that we have a non-board member here. This is highly

irregular, even if his family name is above the door.

Board Member #1: Bruce Wayne's family built this company.

Board Member#2: And he himself has run it...

Daggett: Into the ground, sir! Does anybody disagree? Check the share price his morning. Crazy

gambling on futures is not only cost Mr. Wayne his seat, it's cost us all a lot of money. And he

has to go.

Fox: I'm afraid he has a point, Mr. Wayne.

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[Bruce gets up, glances at Miranda who nods at him, and leaves]

Daggett: So back to business.

[as Bruce exits Wayne Enterprises building he finds himself surrounded by reporters and his car

being towed away, just then Blake shows up]

Blake: Looks like you need a ride, huh?

[after the board meeting]

Daggett: How the hell did Miranda Tate get the inside track on the Wayne board?! I mean, has

she been meeting with him? Has she been sleeping with him?

Stryver: Not that we know of.

Daggett: Ah, clearly you don't know much of anything, do you?! Where is Bane?

Stryver: Well, we told him it was urgent.

Daggett: Oh, where is the masked...?

[suddenly Bane appears behind them]

Bane: Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

Daggett: What the hell is going on?

Bane: The plan is proceeding as expected.

Daggett: Really? Do I look like I'm running Wayne Enterprises right now? Your hit on the stock

exchange, it didn't work, my friend! And now you have my construction crews going around the

city at twenty four hours day! How exactly is that supposed to help my company absorb


[Bane looks at Stryver]

Bane: Leave us.

Daggett: No! Stay here. I'm in charge!

[Bane places his hand on Daggett's shoulder]

Bane: Do you feel in charge?

[Daggett doesn't reply and Stryver leaves]

[after Stryver leaves them]

Daggett: I've paid you a small fortune.

Bane: And that gives you power over me?

Daggett: What is this?

Bane: Your money and infrastructure have been important. Till now.

[Bane gently takes Daggett's head in his hand]

Daggett: What are you?

Bane: I'm Gotham's reckoning. Here ends the borrowed time you've all been living on.

Daggett: You're pure evil!

Bane: I am necessary evil.

[Bane places his hand on Daggett's face and squeezes, Stryver standing outside flinches as he

hears Daggett whimper]

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[at Blake drive Bruce]

Blake: When you started, why the mask?

Bruce Wayne: To protect the people closest to me.

Blake: Yeah, but you're a loner, right? You didn't have any family.

Bruce Wayne: There are always people you care about. You just don't realize how much until

they're gone. The idea was to be a symbol. Batman could be anybody, that was the point.

Blake: Well, it's damn good to see him back.

Bruce Wayne: Not everybody agrees.

Blake: They'll figure that out in the end.

Bruce Wayne: You got anything on Bane's whereabouts?

Blake: Yeah, I've got five hundred pages of tunnel records and a flashlight. I could use some

help, actually.

Bruce Wayne: You know what? Drop me in Old Town.

[at her apartment, as Selina is packing she hears Jen heckling Bruce for money, she goes out to

the stairwell]

Selina: He's not a mark. And he doesn't have a cent to his name, anyway.

[Bruce enters Selina's apartment]

Selina: Yeah, it's not much. But it's more that you've got right now.

Bruce Wayne: Actually, they're letting me keep the house.

Selina: The rich don't even go broke same as the rest of us, huh?

[Selina continues to pack]

Bruce Wayne: My powerful friend might hope to change your mind about leaving.

Selina: And how would he do that?

Bruce Wayne: By giving you what you want.

Selina: It doesn't exist.

Bruce Wayne: He says it does. He wants to meet, tonight.

Selina: Why?

Bruce Wayne: He needs to find Bane. He says you'd know how.

Selina: Tell him I'll think about it.

Bruce Wayne: Okay. I like your place.

[he turns to leave]

Selina: Mr. Wayne? I'm sorry they took all your money.

Bruce Wayne: No, you're not.

[and he leaves]

[Blake enters the room at the hospital where Gordon is staying at]

Foley: Can we help you, officer?

Blake: Uh...yeah. John Daggett's body was just found in a dumpster about an hour ago. I thought

you might wanna to know.

Commissioner Gordon: Why?

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Blake: Well, his name's all over these permits I just pulled to uh...map the tunnels under


[Blake gives Gordon some files]

Blake: That's MTA maintenance, uh...sewer construction, and other things.

[to Foley]

Commissioner Gordon: Where did you get to with the tunnel searches?

[Foley looks at Blake]

Foley: Remind me to tell detail to keep hotheads out.

[to Gordon]

Foley: We've had teams down there, it's a huge network.

Commissioner Gordon: Well, get more men, work a grid. I want him found.

Foley: Yeah, the uh...masked man. We're on it.

[to Blake]

Commissioner Gordon: Lose the uniform, you're working for me now. We could use some

hotter heads around here.

Blake: Sir, that could all just be a coincidence.

Commissioner Gordon: You're a detective now, son. You're not allowed to believe in

coincidence anymore.

[as Bruce returns to Wayne Manor and tries to get inside, Miranda comes up behind him]

Miranda: Nobody's answering.

[Wayne turns to face her]

Bruce Wayne: No. I'm on my own now.

Miranda: Do you have keys?

Bruce Wayne: Never needed them.

[we then see them running in the rain together towards a large window, which Bruce opens and

they enter the house]

Bruce Wayne: Hope you didn't like me for my money.

Miranda: Suffering builds character.

[Miranda finds a photo of Bruce's parents]

Miranda: I'll take care of your parents' legacy, Bruce.

[Miranda then picks up a photo of Rachel]

Miranda: Who's this?

[Bruce doesn't reply but takes the photo from her and stares at it]

Miranda: Where's Alfred?

[Bruce replies with sadness in his voice]

Bruce Wayne: He left. Taking everything.

[Miranda takes the photo down from his hand and puts it down, she kisses him and he kisses her

back passionately, suddenly the lights go out]

Miranda: What's that?

Bruce Wayne: I think my power's been shut off.

[the both laugh]

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[later that night, after sleeping together, Bruce watches as Miranda tends to a fire]

Bruce Wayne: You're good at that.

Miranda: When I was a child we had almost nothing. But on the nights when we had a fire, we

felt very rich indeed.

Bruce Wayne: I assumed your family was wealthy.

Miranda: Not always. Not when I was young.

[Bruce strokes her shoulder and notices a scar]

Miranda: An old mistake.

Bruce Wayne: I've made a few myself.

[she turns to him and gets back into bed, Bruce holds her close]

Bruce Wayne: More than a few. We could leave, tonight. Take my plane. Go anywhere we


Miranda: Someday perhaps. Not tonight.

[he kisses her]

[as Miranda sleeps, Bruce slips out and goes to the Batcave to get his Bat suit, he then meets

Selina, who's dressed in her Cat suit, in a tunnel]

Selina: Don't be shy.

[Batman emerges from the shadows]

Selina: Wayne says you can get me the 'Clean Slate'.

Bruce Wayne: That depends.

Selina: On what?

Bruce Wayne: On what you want it for. I acquired it to keep it out of the wrong hands.

Selina: Still don't trust me, huh? How can we change that?

Bruce Wayne: Start by taking me to Bane.

[Selina gets up and starts walking off]

Selina: You asked.

[Selina leads Batman through the tunnel]

Selina: From here, Bane's men patrol the tunnels, and they're not your average brawlers.

Bruce Wayne: Neither am I.

[as they go further through the tunnel they encounter a Mercenary]

Selina: He's behind you.

[the Mercenary quickly spins round]

Mercenary: Who?

[we see Batman hanging upside down behind him]

Bruce Wayne: Me.

[after they encounter more Mercenaries and pick them off, Selina takes Batman further through

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the dark tunnel]

Selina: Just a little further.

[suddenly a grate slams down, trapping Batman, he turns to look at Selina]

Selina: I had to find a way to stop them trying to kill me.

Bruce Wayne: You've made a serious mistake.

[suddenly we hear Bane's voice]

Bane: Not as serious as yours, I fear.

[Batman turns and sees Bane standing behind him]

Bruce Wayne: Bane.

Bane: Let's not stand on ceremony here, Mr. Wayne.

[we see Selina look shocked as she realizes Bruce is Batman]

[Bane and Batman move towards each other on the catwalk, when suddenly Batman strikes Bane

until Bane quickly catches his fist]

Bane: Peace has cost you strength. Victory has defeated you.

[Bane starts hitting Batman and Batman strikes back until Bane kicks him off the railing, Batman

drops and Bane climbs down a chain, as he reaches Batman they start fighting again but as

Batman falls after being hit, he hurls some flashbangs at Bane]

Bane: Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren't

we, Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows.

[Bruce starts throwing punches at Bane which Bane manages to avoid]

Bane: And you betrayed us!

[Bane takes Batman by the throat]

Bruce Wayne: Us? You were excommunicated, by a gang of psychopaths.

[Bane punches Batman several times in his side and throws him to the ground]

Bane: I am the League of Shadows. And I am here to fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny!

[as they continue to fight, Batman hurls himself at Bane and starts punching him in the face, but

Bane hits back and throws Batman off]

Bane: You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken.

[suddenly Batman hits a switch on his belt which takes the lights go out]

Bane: Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark, I was born in it.

Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man. By then it was nothing to me but


[in the shadows, Bane suddenly lunges towards Batman and captures him by his throat and

throws him into the ground]

Bane: The shadows betray you, because they belong to me!

[Bane pounds Batman hard with his fists as Batman lies on the ground]

Bane: I will show you where I have made my home, while preparing to bring justice. Then I will

break you.

[one of his men throws Bane a detonator, as Bane hits the detonator explosions burst around him

and the ceiling falls through, Batman sees a Tumbler has fallen from the floor of Applied

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Bane: Your precious armory. Gratefully accepted. We will need it.

[as Bane's men enter Applied Science, Batman gets up and Bane turns to look at him]

Bane: Ah, yes! I wondering what would break first.

[suddenly Batman takes a swing at Bane and misses, Bane punches him hard in the stomach and

back, making him fall again]

Bane: Your spirit.

[Bane grabs Batman, lifts him and throws him down hard on his knee, breaking his back]

Bane: Or your body!

[we see Selina's looking shocked as she watches Bane pick up Batman's broken mask and

throwing it aside, then Bane's men lift Batman's body and carry him off]

[after finding no one at Wayne Manor, Blake goes to where Selina lives and spots her trying to

leave the city, she gets apprehended at the airport by Blake as she tries to escape and taken to the

interrogation room]

Blake: I showed your picture to the Congressman, guess what?

Selina: Don't tell me, still in love?

Blake: Oh, head over heels. Pressing charges, though. You've made some mistakes, Miss Kyle.

[Blake dumps a police file down on the table]

Selina: Girl's gotta eat.

Blake: And you have an appetite. Why would you run? You can't hide from us with a record like


Selina: Maybe it's not you I'm running from.

Blake: Who then? Bane? What do you know about him?

[Selina stares ahead, pauses before answering]

Selina: That you should be as afraid of him as I am.

Blake: We can offer you protection.

[Selina gives him a look filled with contempt]

Blake: Okay.

[Blake closes the file and gets up to leave]

Blake: When I spotted you, I was looking for a friend of mine. Bruce Wayne.

[Selina looks at Blake in surprise]

Blake: Did they kill him?

Selina: I'm not sure.

[we see Bruce is taken to an underground stone cell prison with iron bars, he opens his eyes to

find Bane staring at him]

Bruce Wayne: Why didn't you just...kill me?

Bane: You don't fear death, you welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.

Bruce Wayne: You're a torturer.

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Bane: Yes. But not of your body. Of your soul.

Bruce Wayne: Where am I?

Bane: Home. Where I learned the truth about despair. As will you. There's a reason why this

prison is the worst hell on earth. Hope. Every man who has rotted here over the centuries has

looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy. So simple. And, like

shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I

learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So as I terrorize Gotham, I will feed

its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe that they can survive, so that you can

watch them clamber over each other to stay in the sun.

[Bane looks at a TV screen just outside the prison bars]

Bane: You could watch me torture an entire city. And then, when you have truly understood the

depths of your failure, we will fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny. We will destroy Gotham. And then,

when it is done, when Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die.

[as Bane rises he pushes his hand against Bruce's chest, causing Bruce to cry out in pain]

[at Blackgate Prison, as the guards lead Selina down to her cell the other prisoners start whistling

at her]

Guard at Blackgate: We're locking her up in here?

Warden at Blackgate: The Dent Act allows non-segregation based on extraordinary need. First

time she broke out of women's correctional she was sixteen.

[one of the inmates calls out to Selina as she walks past his cell]

Huge Inmate: Little closer, baby.

Selina: Why, honey, you wanna hold my hand?

[Selina quickly grabs the inmates outstretched hands from the bars and does a cartwheel, the

inmate screams in pain as his arms snap, Selina carries on walking]

Warden at Blackgate: She's gonna be fine.

[at Wayne Enterprises Fox meets Miranda]

Fox: I still don't see the need for a board meeting for the energy project.

Miranda: Bruce got a lot of things right. Keeping the board in the dark wasn't one of them.

[as they enter the boardroom they see Bane and his men are standing at the head of the table]

Bane: How good of you to join us, Chair, President. All I need now is one more one ordinary

member. Mr. Fox, would you like to nominate?

[as Fox is about to speak, Fredericks interrupts and stands]

Fredericks: No. I will volunteer.

Fox: Where are you taking us?

[Bane doesn't reply and he starts walking off]

[Foley visits Gordon at the hospital]

Foley: You were right, Commissioner.

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[to the nurse]

Foley: Will you excuse us, please.

Commissioner Gordon: What happened?

Foley: Your masked man kidnapped the Wayne Enterprises board. He let most of them go, but

took three of them into the sewers.

Commissioner Gordon: No more patrols, no more hide and seek. Get every available cop down

there and smoke him out!

Foley: The Mayor won't want panic.

Blake: So it's a training exercise.

[to Gordon]

Foley: I'm sorry I didn't take you seriously.

[as Foley turns to leave, Blake starts to follow him]

Commissioner Gordon: Not you! You're telling me the Batman's gone. So you chase up the

Daggett leads, any way you can.

Blake: Yes, sir.

[as Bruce lies weak and ill in his prison cell, another prisoner drips water into his mouth, the

prisoner in the next cell, speaking in an unknown language, says something to Bruce]

Prisoner: He asks how much you would pay us to let you die. I told him...I told him you have


Bruce Wayne: Do it for the pleasure.

Prisoner: They pay me more than that to keep you alive.

[he puts bread into Bruce's mouth, they hear chanting from a group of prisoners and watch as

another prisoner ties a rope round a strong looking man]

Prisoner: He will try the climb.

[they watch as the man starts climbing the long well like wall of the prison]

Bruce Wayne: Has anyone ever made it?

Prisoner: Of course not.

[the prisoner climbing the wall stops and perches on a ledge, where he then leaps to continue the

climb from the opposite side, but he misses, falls and swings into the rock wall]

[the blind prisoner speaks again after the prisoner that tried to climb the prison wall dies, the

prisoner taking care of Bruce translates]

Prisoner: He says there is one who did. A child. A child born in this hell.

Bruce Wayne: Bane.

Prisoner: An old legend. Nothing more.

[the prisoner leaves Bruce's side and switches on the TV]

Bruce Wayne: Don't.

Prisoner: Whatever it is they want you to see, it's happening soon.

[Bane and his men lead Fox, Miranda and Fredericks through some tunnels, he gets his men to

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blow a hole through the tunnel wall, Bane leads them through the rubble towards the reactor

plant, at this point Dr. Pavel has joined them, Bane turns to Fox]

Bane: Turn it on.

[Fox shakes his head, Bane gestures at one his men who takes Fredericks and points a gun at his


Bane: I only need one other board member. There are eight more waiting.

Fox: I won't do it.

[Bane puts down his hand and the man holding the gun at Fredericks' head cocks the weapon]

Miranda: Alright! Stop! Lucius, you'll kill this man and yourself, and you'll barely slow them


[Miranda walks up to the scanner for the reactor and places her hand on it to activate it, Fox then

follows her and does the same, then Fredericks, the reactor comes to life; Bane turns to Pavel]

Bane: Go on then, do your work.

[to his men]

Bane: Take them up to the surface. People of their status deserve to experience the next era of

western civilization.

[Bane's men lead Fox, Miranda and Fredericks are led back into the rubble]

[as we see hundreds of SWAT team head into the the sewers, Blake is in his car on the phone to


Blake: I've been to half Daggett's cement plants, logged locations they've poured for

underground construction.

Commissioner Gordon: Anything strange about the pourings?

Blake: Honestly, Commissioner, I don't know anything about civil engineering.

Commissioner Gordon: But you know about patterns. Keep looking.

[Blake drives up to a cement plant]

[in the reactor plant]

Dr. Pavel: It's done. This is now a four-megaton nuclear bomb.

[to his men]

Bane: Pull the core out of the reactor.

Dr. Pavel: No! You cannot! This is the only power source capable of sustaining it. If you move

it, the core will decay in a matter of months.

Bane: Five, by my calculations.

Dr. Pavel: And then it will go off!

Bane: And for the sake of your children, Dr. Pavel, indeed I hope it does.

[at the cement plant Blake recognizes the driver of the construction vehicle that was outside the

Stock Exchange building when Bane and his men infiltrated it]

Blake: Hey! Hey!

[the driver turns]

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Blake: That was you in front of the stock exchange, wasn't it?

Cement Truck Driver: When?

Blake: When? When half the city's cops were trying to pull onto Castle Street and your truck

shuttin' them out.

Cement Truck Driver: Oh yeah. You're that cop.

Blake: Detective, now. And uh...as a detective, we're not allowed to believe in coincidence.

[Blake turns and suddenly the worker behind him takes a swing at him, Blake punches him out,

then the construction driver grabs hold of Blake and Blake takes his gun, as they wrestle Blake

shoots hitting the cement mixer and the bullet ricochets and hits the driver in the back]

Blake: What are you doing here?! What are you working on?!

[the drivers dies and Blake tosses his gun away]

[Blake calls Gordon after killing the construction driver]

Blake: Commissioner, it's Blake. I got two dead witnesses and a lot of questions. Call me


[Blake freezes as he notices some barrels]

Blake: Wait a minute. There are four barrels of Polyisobutylene. That looks like motor oil right

next to it. Jesus! They're not making cement, they're making explosives!

[Blake is driving fast and calls into the radio]

Blake: Patch me into Foley!

Police Officer's Voice: Foley's overseeing the operation.

Blake: They're heading into a trap!

[we see as the hundreds of police are heading into the sewers]

[outside the sewer tunnels Foley, takes the radio]

Foley: Foley.

Blake: It's a trap! Pull everyone out! Bane has been pouring concrete laced with explosives!

Foley: Where?

[we then see Gotham Stadium as the National Anthem is being sung and then as Bane and his

men are making their way up from underground, Blake continues to explain to Foley]

Blake: There's a ring around the tunnels, they're gonna blow it and trap the cops underground!

[to the cop next to him]

Foley: Pull 'em out! Pull 'em out! Now!

[as Bane listens to the National Anthem from the locker room tunnel]

Bane: What a lovely, lovely voice.

[as the song ends and the football game is about to begin]

Bane: Let the games begin!

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[he hits detonator and the bombs go off across Gotham making tunnel roofs collapse trapping

thousands of police throughout the different tunnels]

[after setting off the bombs across Gotham and destroying the Gotham Stadium field, Bane and

his men walk onto what's left of the field and Bane takes up the mike]

Bane: Gotham, take control! Take control of your city.

[after Bane has trapped all the police in the tunnels, Blake contacts Foley from his car radio]

Blake: Foley?

Foley: Jesus, Blake! Every cop in the city is down in those tunnels!

Blake: Not every cop.

[Blake then goes to Gordon's hospital and finds that Gordon has killed the mercenaries that Bane

had sent to kill Gordon]

[back at Gotham Stadium Bane addresses the crowd]

Bane: This...this is the instrument of your liberation.

[at Pentagon we see military personnel assessing the situation on their monitors]

Analyst #1: Satellite shows a radiation spike.

Analyst #2: Whatever it is, it's nuclear.

[back at Gotham Stadium Bane's mercenaries bring Dr. Pavel to the field an make him kneel in

front of Bane]

Bane: Identify yourself to the world.

[Bane puts the mike at Pavel's mouth]

Dr. Pavel: Dr. Leonid Pavel, nuclear physicist.

[back at Pentagon we see the military and CIA monitoring the situation at Gotham Stadium]

CIA Analyst: Pavel was confirmed dead, plane crash on an Agency pull out of Uzbekistan. Dr.

Pavel: But that looks like it's him.

[back the stadium Bane continues his interrogation of Pavel]

Bane: And what...what is this?

Dr. Pavel: It's a...fully primed neutron bomb, with a blast radius of six miles.

Bane: And who is capable of disarming such a device?

Dr. Pavel: Only me.

Bane: Only you. Thank you, Doctor.

[suddenly Bane snaps Pavel's neck and the crowd screams in shock and terror]

Bane: Now, this bomb is armed! This bomb is mobile! And the identity of the triggerman is a

mystery. For one of you holds the detonator! And we came here not as conquerors, but as

liberators to return control of this city to the people. And at the first sign of interference from the

outside world, or for those people attempting to flee, this anonymous Gothamite, this unsung

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hero, will trigger the bomb. For now, martial law is in effect. Return to your homes, hold your

families close, and wait. Tomorrow you claim what is rightfully yours.

[Bane drops the mike, turns, leaves the field with his men following him]

[at Pentagon as they watch Bane and his men leave the stadium]

2 Star Air Force General: Pull back the fighters, start high-level reconnaissance flights. Get the

President on the line.

[Barsad and the rest of Bane's men hold Gotham Bridge, Barsad uses a loud speaker to make

their terms known to the military]

Barsad: Tanks and planes cannot stop us from detonating our device. Send an emissary to

discuss terms of access for supplies and communication.

[we then see an army Captain approach Barsad]

Army Captain at Bridge: How many of you are there, son?

[Barsad does not reply]

Army Captain at Bridge: You don't have enough men to stop twelve million people from

leaving this island.

Barsad: No. No, we don't. But you do.

Army Captain at Bridge: And why the hell would I try to help you keep your hostages?

Barsad: If one person crosses this bridge, Gotham gets blown to hell.

[from his prison cell, Bruce watches the TV screen as the president addresses the people]

President: The people of our greatest city are resilient. They have proven this before and they

will prove it again. We do not negotiate with terrorists, but we do recognize realities.

[Bruce begins to cry]

[as Blake is driving, him and Gordon listen to the president's speech over the radio]

President: As the situation develops, one thing must be understood above all others. People of

Gotham, we have not abandoned you.

Blake: What does that mean?

Commissioner Gordon: It means we're on our own. I have to get in front of a camera.

Blake: Well, sir, they will kill you the second you show your face.

Commissioner Gordon: Bane says he's giving Gotham back to the people. They need to know

that I could lead.

Blake: Bane's not gonna let that happen.

Commissioner Gordon: Then he'll show his true colors.

Blake: And you'll be dead!

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[Bane and his men show up in Tumblers outside the front gates of Blackgate Prison, Bane then

stands on one of the Tumblers and addresses the crowd of reporters]

Bane: Behind you stands a symbol of oppression, Blackgate Prison. Where a thousand men have

languished under the name of this man. Harvey Dent!

[he holds up a photo of Dent]

Bane: Who has been held up to you as the shining example of justice. You have been

supplied with a false idol. To stop you tearing down this corrupt city!

[he tears Dent's photo; inside Blackgate Prison the prisoners starts shouting and cheering]

Bane: Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent. From the words of Gotham's Police

Commissioner, James Gordon.

[he takes Gordon's speech that he had taken from him in the sewers, and starts reading it out


Bane: 'The Batman didn't murder Harvey Dent, he saved my boy. Then took the blame for

Harvey's appalling crimes, so that I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I

praised the madman who tried to murder my own child. But I can no longer live with my lie. It is

time to trust the people of Gotham with the truth, and it is time for me to resign.'

[to the crowd]

Bane: And can you accept this man's resignation?

[inside Blackgate prison the prisoner start shouting and cheering again]

Bane: And do you accept the resignation of all these liars?! Of all the corrupt?!

[in Blake's apartment, Gordon and Blake have been watching Bane on TV as he gives his speech

outside Blackgate Prison]

Blake: Those men, locked up for eight years in Blackgate, and denied parole under the Dent Act.

It's based on a lie.

Commissioner Gordon: Gotham needed a hero

Blake: Well, it needs it now, more than ever. You betrayed everything you stood for.

[Gordon turns and looks at Blake]

Commissioner Gordon: There's a point, far there, when the structures fail you. And when the

rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad get ahead. One day you may face

such a moment of crisis, and in that moment, I hope you have a friend like I did. To plunge their

hands into the filth, so that you can keep yours clean!

Blake: Your hands look pretty filthy to me, Commissioner.

[Blake turns away from Gordon]

[back outside Blackgate Prison, Bane continues his speech and signals a Tumbler which turns it's

machine gun towards the prison gate]

Bane: We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept

you down with myths of opportunity. And we give it to you, the people. Gotham is yours! None

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shall interfere, do as you please.

[suddenly the Tumbler fires and blows the prison gate]

Bane: But start by storming Blackgate and freeing the oppressed!

[Bane's mercenaries enter the prison cells, freeing the prisoners and handing out weapons as they

all come out through the shattered prison gate]

Bane: Step forward, those who would serve. For an army will be raised. The powerful will be

ripped from their decadent nests.

[we see as Bane's men ransack rich looking apartments]

Bane: And cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened.

Spoils will be enjoyed!

[chaos breaks out, as the wealthy are removed from their homes and tried in a makeshift court

headed by Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow]

Bane: Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great

city, it will endure. Gotham will survive.

[we then see as Bane's mercenaries load the nuclear bomb into the back of a truck]

[in his prison cell, Bruce rolls himself out of his cot and grunts in pain as he tries to do push-ups,

the old prisoner in the next cell says something and the other prisoner translates]

Prisoner: He says you must first fix your back.

Bruce Wayne: How does he know?

[the prisoner helps Bruce get back into his cot]

Prisoner: Well, he was the prison doctor. He was morphine addict who incurred the displeasure

of powerful people, including your masked friend.

Bruce Wayne: How?

Prisoner: Many years ago, it was a time of plague. Some of the other prisoners attacked Bane

and the doctor's fumbling attempts to repair the damage left him in perpetual agony. The mask

holds the pain at bay.

Bruce Wayne: Bane was the child you spoke of. He was born here?

Prisoner: The legend is that there was a mercenary who worked for a local warlord. He fell in

love with the warlord's daughter. They were married in secret. When the warlord found out, the

mercenary was condemned to this pit. But then he exiled him instead. The mercenary understood

that the daughter had secured his release, but what he could not know was the true price of his

freedom. She took his place in the pit.

[we see flashback of the Mercenary being freed at the side of a road and a woman being lowered

into the pit of the prison and then later Bane as a child]

Prisoner: And she was with the child, with the...the mercenary's child. Innocence cannot flower

underground. It has to be stamped out. One day the doctor forgot the lock the cell. But the child

had a friend. A protector, who showed the others that this innocence was their redemption, it was

to be prized. The mother was not so lucky.

[the old prison doctor says something, and the other prisoner gives him a knowing look]

Prisoner: This is Bane's prison now. He wouldn't want this story told.

[after tying a rope under Bruce's arms, the prisoner pulls Bruce upright, Bruce shouts out in pain]

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Prisoner: This vertebra, protruding from your back, it has to be put back.

[suddenly he punches Bruce hard in the back making Bruce scream in agony]

Prisoner: You stay like this, until you stand.

[the prisoner walks off leaving Bruce dangling in pain]

[as Bruce hangs in cell, delirious from the pain in his back, he starts hallucinating]

Ra's Al Ghul: Did you not think I would return, Bruce? Hmm?

[Bruce looks up and sees Ra's Al Ghul step out from the shadows in front of Bruce]

Ra's Al Ghul: I told you I was immortal.

Bruce Wayne: I watched...I watched you die.

Ra's Al Ghul: Oh, there are many forms of immortality. Once I had a wife. My great love.

[we then see Ra's Al Ghul, sat at the campfire, as seen in Batman Begins]

Ra's Al Ghul: She was taken from me.

Bruce Wayne: You were the mercenary.

[back in the prison cell, Ra's Al Ghul nods his head]

Bruce Wayne: Bane is your child. Your heir.

Ra's Al Ghul: An heir to ensure the League of Shadows fulfills its duty to restore balance as a


Bruce Wayne: No.

Ra's Al Ghul: You yourself fought the decadence of Gotham for years. With all your strength,

all your resources, all your moral authority. And the only victory you could achieve was a lie.

Now you understand, Gotham is beyond saving.

Bruce Wayne: No!

Ra's Al Ghul: And must be allowed to die.

Bruce Wayne: No!

[Bruce passes out]

[after escaping from Blackgate Prison, along with all the other prisoners, we see Selina walking

through a nice looking apartment, she picks up a family photograph]

Jen: What's that?

Selina: This was someone's home.

Jen: Now, everyone's home. There's a storm coming, remember? This is what you wanted.

[Selina looks out the window and shakes her head]

[Blake goes to St. Swithin's Home for Boys and hands Father Reilly a can of fuel]

Blake: It's for the bus, in case there's a chance to evacuate.

Fr. Reilly: Is there any news? From the Commissioner...?

Blake: The less you know, Father. How are the boys doing?

Fr. Reilly: Well, we've had more power on, so they got some TV.

Blake: It's good to see you.

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[Blake turns to leave]

Fr. Reilly: Blake, you be careful out there. They're hunting down cops like dogs.

[later, Bruce who has been untied from the rope, does push-ups as the other prisoner watches]

Prisoner: Why build yourself?

[as he does push-up Bruce watches the news on the TV outside his cell]

Bruce Wayne: I'm not meant to die in here.

Prisoner: Here? There? What's the difference?

[Bruce carries on strengthening his body]

[as Bruce decides to climb the prison wall, the other prisoners gather round to watch and start

chanting, as Bruce reaches the ledge he leaps but doesn't make it to the other side and drops

down slamming into the rock wall, he starts lowering himself down]

Prisoner: I told you it could not be done.

Bruce Wayne: You told me a child did it.

Prisoner: But no ordinary child. A child born in hell, forged by suffering, hardened by pain.

[we see flashback as the child goes to climb the wall, the protector fighting off the other

prisoners as the child begins to climb the wall]

Bruce Wayne: Not a man from privilege.

[as some Special Forces men carry delivery packages into the back of a store, where Foley and

his men are waiting]

Foley: You have ID?

Captain Jones: Of course not.

Foley: Well, how can we trust you?

[Gordon steps out of the shadows from back of the room]

Commissioner Gordon: They don't have any choice.

Captain Jones: Commissioner Gordon? Captain Jones, Special Forces.

Commissioner Gordon: Captain, glad to have you here.

[Jones shakes hands with Gordon]

Captain Jones: It's our job, sir. Now, uh...how many of you are there?

Commissioner Gordon: Well, there's dozens. I...I'd rather not say exactly. But the men trapped

underground number almost three thousand.

Captain Jones: What kind of condition are they in?

Commissioner Gordon: They've been getting food and water.

Captain Jones: Can we break them out?

Blake: Yes, sir. Take out the mercenaries guarding the outflow south of Ackerman Park, blow

the rubble. We can make a hole big enough for ten at a time. Now, I'm in contact with my

partner, who's down there. There just waiting for the day.

Special Forces #2: Men who haven't seen daylight in three months.

Blake: Police Officers, who haven't seen daylight in three months.

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Captain Jones: What about the bomb? Satellites can't pick up any radiation hot spots.

Commissioner Gordon: Well, they keep it on a truck, it must have a lead-lined roof. They move

it constantly.

Captain Jones: Good. So, you know the truck?

Commissioner Gordon: Well, it's one of three. We've been tracking it.

[as Jones and Blake are out in the streets tracking one of Bane's trucks]

Captain Jones: Decoy.

[he makes a chalk mark on the wall of the street the truck passed]

Captain Jones: You don't really think it's coming back, do you?

Blake: Doesn't matter what I think.

Captain Jones: Well, actually, it does. You should put your faith in something a little more real.

Captain Jones: What about the triggerman?

Commissioner Gordon: No leads. It's a bluff. Bane wouldn't give control of that bomb to

someone else.

Captain Jones: We can't take that chance. Until we have the triggerman, we just track the


Blake: And mean while, Gotham lives under a warlord? Like some failed state?

Captain Jones: Dial it back, officer. The situation is unprecedented. We can't do anything to

risk millions of lives.

[to Gordon]

Blake: Are you gonna tell him? Are you gonna tell what's really goin' on?

Commissioner Gordon: Captain, the uh...situation is more complicated than you think. There's

somebody you need to meet.

[Blake leads Jones and his men to the Wayne Enterprise offices]

Blake: I came upstairs looking for a vantage point. Found the people who run the corporation

living up here.

Captain Jones: What corporation?

Blake: Wayne Enterprises.

[Blake takes them to Fox and Miranda]

Blake: Mr. Fox, would you like to brief the Captain.

Fox: Miss Tate's fully aware of the situation.

Miranda: And as CEO of Wayne Enterprises, I'll have to take responsibility for it.

Captain Jones: Why?

Miranda: We built it.

Captain Jones: You built the bomb?

Fox: It was built as a fusion reactor, first of its kind. Bane turned the core into a bomb and

removed it from the reactor.

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Blake: Now here's the important part.

Fox: As the device's fuel cells deteriorate, it becomes increasingly unstable, to the point of


Blake: The bomb's a time bomb.

Fox: And it will go off, in twenty three days. Regardless of Bane's revolution, or what we, or the

outside world choose to do.

Blake: So your appeasement plan might not be as practical as you thought.

[to Fox]

Captain Jones: Could you disarm it?

Fox: I could reconnect it to the reactor. Stabilize it.

Captain Jones: Let's move away from this location and call it in.

Blake: Right. Let's go.

Captain Jones: No, we'll take it from here. You stay and look after these folks.

[as Jones and his men turn to leave suddenly machine guns go off killing some of Jones' men,

Blake turns to Fox and Miranda]

Blake: Someone sold us out!

[after the Wayne Enterprise attack, Jones gets hit and goes down, he sees Bane standing above


Captain Jones: I'll die before I talk.

Bane: I'm on your schedule, Captain.

[Bane leans down and places his hand over Jones' mouth, killing him]

Barsad: There were people living upstairs.

Bane: Round them up for judgment.

[indicating to the dead bodies of the special forces men]

Bane: And hang them where the world can see.

[after seeing the dead bodies of the special forces men hanging from the cables of Gotham

Bridge shown on TV, we see Bruce doing sit-ups in his cell, the blind prisoner says something in

his own language the other prisoner translates]

Prisoner: He says the leap to freedom is not about strength.

Bruce Wayne: My body makes the jump.

Blind Prisoner: Survival is the spirit. The soul.

Bruce Wayne: My soul is as ready to escape as is my body.

Blind Prisoner: Fear is why you fail.

Bruce Wayne: No, I'm not afraid. I'm angry.

[Bruce carries on doing sit-ups]

[later Bruce attempts to climb the prison wall again, but a rock slips under his hand and he drops

smashing into the wall, as he dangles on the rope unconscious he dreams of when he was a

young boy and had dropped down the well and his father coming to rescue him]

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Thomas Wayne: Bruce, why do we fall?

[we then see Bruce waking up with start in his prison cell]

Blind Prisoner: You do not fear death. You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak.

Bruce Wayne: Why?

Blind Prisoner: How can you move faster than possible? Fight longer than possible? Without

the most powerful impulse of the spirit. The fear of death.

Bruce Wayne: I do fear death. I fear dying in here while my city burns with no one there to save


Blind Prisoner: Then make the climb.

[Bruce laughs dryly]

Bruce Wayne: How?

Blind Prisoner: As the child did. Without the rope. Then fear will find you again.

[as Bruce packs supplies folds into a makeshift pack]

Prisoner: Ah, supplies for your journey? Oh, that's...that's wonderful, that's...

[as Bruce walks out of his cell he hears the other prisoners chanting the word "deshi basara"]

Bruce Wayne: What does that mean?

Prisoner: Rise.

[as Bruce moves to climb the wall, the tattooed prisoner offers him the rope, but Bruce puts up

his hand]

Bruce Wayne: No.

[Bruce starts climbing the wall, the other prisoners gather beneath and continue chanting as they

watch, as Bruce gets to the precipice suddenly a bunch of bats circle above him, Bruce then

makes the jump to the other ledge and manages to grab hold of the edge, the other prisoners

cheer as Bruce climbs to freedom]

[at City Hall building, Fox watches as Stryver gets dragged upstairs by Bane's men]

Stryver: There's been a mistake! Take...take me to Bane! I wanna see Bane!

[Stryver is brought before a makeshift court and made to sit]

Stryver: Where is Bane?!

Dr. Jonathan Crane: There's been no mistake, Mr. Stryver.

[Stryver turns and sees the judge, who is Dr. Jonathan Crane]

Dr. Jonathan Crane: You are Philip Stryver, executive vice-president of Daggett Industries?

Who for years has been living off the blood and sweat of people less powerful than him.

Stryver: Call Bane. I'm... I am one of you!

[we see Bane is watching from the background]

Dr. Jonathan Crane: Bane has no authority here. This is merely a sentencing hearing. Now, the

choice is yours. Exile or death!

[the crowd starts shouting 'Death']

Dr. Jonathan Crane: Silence!

[Stryver blurts out in fear]

Stryver: Ex...exile.

Dr. Jonathan Crane: Sold!

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[Crane smashes the gavel]

Dr. Jonathan Crane: To the man in the cold sweat!

[Stryver is then taken to Gotham River where he has to walk on the ice set on the river, as starts

walking the ice breaks and fall into the cold river water]

[Gordon and some cops wait at an empty building]

Commissioner Gordon: Where the hell are they? It's not like we have a lot of time here.

Cop with Gordon: How long?

Commissioner Gordon: The bomb goes off tomorrow. We have about eighteen hours to do


Cop with Gordon: To do what?

Commissioner Gordon: To mark that truck. Get a GPS on it, so we can start to figure out how

to bring it down.

[just then Blake and some more cops enter the room, Gordon looks at the cops]

Commissioner Gordon: That's it?

[Blake just looks at him]

Commissioner Gordon: Foley? Where's Foley, dammit?!

[Gordon heads for the door]

Blake: You shouldn't be out on the streets!

[Gordon turns up at Foley's house and bangs on the door, Foley's wife answers]

Foley's Wife: Jim, He's not here.

[Gordon looks down the hallway behind her]

Commissioner Gordon: You let your wife come to the door when the city's under occupation?!

[Foley appears behind his wife]

Foley: Wait in the kitchen, honey.

[Foley's wife turns and leaves them]

Commissioner Gordon: What did you do? Bury your uniform in the backyard?

Foley: You saw what they did to those Special Forces.

Commissioner Gordon: Have you forgotten all the years we were out on patrol when every

gangbanger wanted to plant one as soon as our backs were turned?

Foley: That was different and you know it! These guys run the city, the government's done a

deal with them.

Commissioner Gordon: Bane's got their balls in a vice. That's not a deal.

Foley: You move on Bane, the triggerman is gonna hit the button.

Commissioner Gordon: You think he's given control of that bomb to one of 'the people'? You

think this is part of some revolution? There's only one man with his finger on the button, that's


Foley: Look, we've all gotta keep our heads down till they can fix this. If you still had family


Commissioner Gordon: This only gets fixed from inside the city! Look, Peter, I'm not asking

you to walk down Grand in your dress blues. But something has to be done.

Foley: I'm sorry Jim. I gotta...

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Commissioner Gordon: Keep your head down? What good's that gonna do tomorrow when that

thing blows?

Foley: You don't know that's gonna happen.

[Foley closes the door in Gordon's face]

[after Foley closes the door in Gordon's face]

Miranda: I hear you're looking for men, Commissioner.

Commissioner Gordon: Gordon turns to see Miranda with Blake

Miranda: How about me instead?

Commissioner Gordon: Miss Tate, I uh...can't ask you to do that.

Miranda: Please.

[as a kid is being chased by some thugs who'd stolen an apple from them, the thugs grab the kid

and take the apple from him]

Gangbanger: You steal from us, you little bastard?

[suddenly the thug's hand is grabbed from behind by Selina and she twists his arm]

Selina: You boys know you can't come into my neighborhood without asking politely.

[she cracks his arm and the apple flies out of his hand which Selina catches, the kid watches as

she deals with both thugs, Selina turns to the kid]

Selina: Never steal anything from someone you can't outrun, kid.

[Selina takes a bit out of the apple and tosses it to the kid, who takes it and runs off]

[as Selina watches the kid she just saved from the thugs run off]

Bruce Wayne: Pretty generous, for a thief.

[Selina turns and sees Bruce walking towards her]

Selina: I thought they killed you.

Bruce Wayne: Not yet.

Selina: If you're expecting an apology...

Bruce Wayne: It wouldn't suit you. I need your help.

Selina: And why would I help you?

Bruce Wayne: For this. The 'Clean Slate'.

[Bruce shows her the USB drive]

Selina: You'd trust me with that? After what I did to you?

Bruce Wayne: I'll admit I was a little let down. But I still think there's more to you. In fact, I

think that for you, this isn't just a tool, it's an escape route. You wanna disappear. Start fresh.

[he holds the USB drive in front of her]

Selina: I can't even get off this island.

Bruce Wayne: I can give you a way off. Once you get me to Lucius Fox. I need you to find out

where they're holding him, then take me in.

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[Selina takes the USB from Bruce]

Selina: Why do you need Fox?

Bruce Wayne: To save this city.

Selina: Who says it needs saving? Maybe I like it this way.

Bruce Wayne: Maybe you do. But tomorrow that bomb's going off.

Selina: Got your powerful friend on the case?

Bruce Wayne: I'm trying. But I need Fox.

[after getting Miranda to help him mark Bane's truck passing through the street, as Miranda and

Gordon are walking off they get stopped by a group of mercenaries]

Barsad: Stand still! Keep your hands where we can see them! Commissioner Gordon, you're

under arrest.

Commissioner Gordon: On whose authority?

Barsad: The people of Gotham.

[Blake watches all this from his vantage point above]

[Gordon, Miranda and the rest of the cops with Gordon have been taken to the makeshift court at

City Hall where Crane is acting as judge]

Commissioner Gordon: No lawyer, no witnesses. What sort of due process is this?

Dr. Jonathan Crane: Your guilt has been determined, this is merely a sentencing hearing. Now,

what will it be? Death or exile?

Commissioner Gordon: Crane, if you think we're going out onto that ice willingly, you have

another think coming.

Dr. Jonathan Crane: Death, then?

Commissioner Gordon: Looks that way.

Dr. Jonathan Crane: Very well. Death!

[Crane smashes his gavel]

Dr. Jonathan Crane: By exile.

[as Gordon and his men are being lead away, Bane, who has been watching from the back,

indicates to his men pointing at Miranda]

Bane: Bring her to me.

[two thugs bring Bruce, who is wearing a hood on head, and dump him in front of Fox]

Thug #1 in Basement: Find this one a spot, he's got a big day tomorrow.

Thug #2 in Basement: We all do. It's not every day you bag Bruce Wayne.

[Fox pulls the bag from Bruce's head and Miranda comes over]

Miranda: Bruce!

Bruce Wayne: You okay?

Fox: You picked a hell of a time to go on vacation, Mr. Wayne.

Bruce Wayne: How long until that core ignites?

Fox: That bomb goes off in twelve hours.

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Bruce Wayne: Unless we can reconnect it to the reactor.

Fox: Can you get Miranda out of here?

Bruce Wayne: Not tonight. I'm sorry.

Miranda: Do what's necessary.

[to Fox]

Bruce Wayne: Tonight I need you.

Fox: What for?

Bruce Wayne: To get me back in the game.

[just then Selina, dressed in her catsuit, comes down the stairs and instructs the thugs]

Selina: Sorry to spoil things, boys, but Bane wants these guys to himself.

[as the thugs pull Bruce away, he looks at Miranda]

Bruce Wayne: I won't forget about you, Miranda.

Miranda: I know.

[as the thugs lead Bruce and Fox away, Selina quickly takes out the thugs and unlocks Fox's


Fox: I like your girlfriend, Mr. Wayne.

Selina: He should be so lucky.

[after escaping from Bane's thugs, Fox and Bane go to the Bat bunker]

Bruce Wayne: Any move I make on Bane or the bomb, the triggerman sets it off.

Fox: But they won't use radio or cell, too much interference. Infrared doesn't have the range. It

would have to be a micro-burst, long wave.

Bruce Wayne: Could you block it?

Fox: Yes. But I'll need the EMP cannon-guidance mount from the Bat. Remember where you


[Bruce looks at Fox, then walks towards the Batsuit as it rises in its cube from the floor]

[on the rooftop of a skyscraper, Fox takes out the cannon mount from the Bat]

Fox: She fly okay?

Bruce Wayne: Yeah. Even without the autopilot. Thanks.

Fox: Autopilot? That's what you're there for.

[at Gotham River as Gordon and his men are being forced to walk on the ice, Gordon notices a

flare and a pool of liquid around it, just then Bane's thugs are taken out by Batman and he

appears from the shadows]

Bruce Wayne: Light it up.

[Gordon picks up the flare, lights it and drops it into the liquid which sends a trail of fire across

the ice and up the bridge where it then forms into the shape of a bat]

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[as Bane notices the burning Bat sign]

Bane: Impossible.

[to his men, referring to Miranda]

Bane: Keep her close. He'll come for her.

[after firing up the Bat sign]

Bruce Wayne: Where's Miranda Tate?

Commissioner Gordon: Bane took her. He's hauled up at City Hall, surrounded by his army.

Bruce Wayne: This blocks the remote detonator signal to the bomb. Get it onto it before sunrise.

It might hit the button when it starts.

Commissioner Gordon: When what starts?

Bruce Wayne: War.

[after Blake gets caught by some mercenaries trying to help the cops stuck underground to

escape, as the mercenaries are about to execute Blake, suddenly Batman drops onto the

mercenaries taking them all out, but one of them moves slightly]

Blake: You missed a spot.

[Batman kicks the mercenary in the head and he moves towards Blake]

Bruce Wayne: If you're working alone, wear a mask.

Blake: I'm not afraid to be seen standing up to these guys.

Bruce Wayne: The mask is not for you. It's to protect the people you care about.

[Batman takes out a small mine and gives it to Blake]

Bruce Wayne: Count to five, then throw.

[Batman walks off, Blake pauses for a moment before throwing the mine making it blast causing

a small rubble, Blake turns and shouts]

Blake: Hey, no offense, but you got something bigger in that belt?

[suddenly we see the Bat fly in and blast the rubble which allows for the trapped police officers

to finally escape from underground]

[as the trapped cops walk out of the sewers]

Blake: What now?

Bruce Wayne: All-out assault on Bane, but you need to get people across the bridge.

Blake: Why?

Bruce Wayne: In case we fail. Lead an exodus, save as many lives as you can.

Blake: You don't need me here?

Bruce Wayne: You've given me an army. Now go.

[as Blake starts to leave he stops and turns]

Blake: Thanks.

Bruce Wayne: Don't thank me yet.

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Blake: Well, I might not get a chance later.

[Blake walks off]

[Batman leads Selina to the Bat-Pod]

Selina: You shouldn't have.

[she walks towards the Bat-Pod and sits on it]

Bruce Wayne: The mid-town tunnel's blocked by debris, but the cannons have enough

firepower to make a path for people. Wait until the fighting begins.

Selina: You're gonna wage a war to save your stuck up girlfriend?

[Selina looks for the controls]

Bruce Wayne: To start it...

[Selina starts the bike]

Selina: I got it.

Bruce Wayne: We have forty-five minutes to save this city.

Selina: No, I've got forty-five minutes to get clear of the blast radius, because you don't stand a

chance against these guys.

Bruce Wayne: With your help I might.

Selina: I'll open that tunnel, then I'm gone.

Bruce Wayne: There's more to you than that.

Selina: Sorry to keep letting you down.

[she stares at him for a moment]

Selina: Come with me. Save yourself. You don't owe these people anymore, you've given them


Bruce Wayne: Not everything. Not yet.

[Batman turns and walks off, Selina watches him go then fires up the bike and takes off]

[in the streets of Gotham, an army of cops gather led by Foley, as they head towards City

Hall, the cops look at Bane's men, a Tumbler heading towards them, Foley steps forward]

Foley: There's only one police in this town.

[Bane stands in the colonnade at City Hall watching the army of cops and instructs his men]

Bane: Open fire.

[just as the Tumbler is about to open fire on the cops, the Bat flies in front of the cops and blasts

the Tumbler, the cops then cheer and run towards Bane's men and begin fighting]

[as Bane joins the battle between the cops and his men, he notices Batman in the crowd]

Bane: So, you came back, to die with your city.

Bruce Wayne: No. I came back to stop you.

[Bane punches Batman and Batman ducks and weaves, punching Bane back, we then see

Miranda at City Hall watching them from the window]

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[as Batman and Bane continue to fight, Batman punches Bane's mask and detaches a few of the

tubes on his mask, Bane is clearly affected by it but continues to fight Batman, who

eventually overpowers him and knocks him through the glass doors of City Hall, Miranda is

there and Batman throws her a gun]

Bruce Wayne: Cover the doors!

[Miranda takes the gun and goes, Batman then kicks Bane on his side and shouts]

Bruce Wayne: Where's the trigger?! Where is it?! You'd never give it to an ordinary citizen!

Where is it?! Where's the trigger?!

[he punches Bane again]

Bruce Wayne: Where is it? Where is it?!

[Batman stops hitting Bane, who falls down in pain, Batman pulls him up]

Bruce Wayne: Tell me where the trigger is? Then you have my permission to die.

[Bane calming stares at Batman as he breaths through his broken mask]

Bane: I broke you. How have you come back?

Bruce Wayne: You think you're the only one who could learn the strength to escape? Where is

the trigger?

Bane: But I never escaped.

Bruce Wayne: But the child. The child of Ra's Al Ghul made the climb.

[Miranda voice comes from behind]

Miranda: But he's not the child of Ra's Al Ghul.

[suddenly Miranda stabs Batman in his side, Batman turns and look at her in pain as she twists

the knife inside him]

Miranda: I am. And though I'm not ordinary, I am a citizen.

[she holds up the trigger]

[as Miranda continues to hold her knife in his side, Batman gasps in pain]

Bruce Wayne: Miranda....why?

Miranda: Talia. My mother named me Talia before she was killed. The way I would have been

killed if not for my protector...Bane.

[we see flashback to when Talia was a child and got attacked by the prisoners as she's climbing

the prison wall, but Bane rescues her and fights the other prisoners, as Talia is about to make the

leap she looks down at Bane and he says 'goodbye', then Bane is attacked by the other prisoners]

Miranda: I climbed out of the pit. I found my father and brought him back to exact terrible

vengeance. But by that time, the prisoners and doctor had done their work to my friend, my

protector. The League took us in, trained us. But my father could not accept Bane.

[we see flashback to when Ra's Al Ghul and his men turn up at the prison and find Bane, with a

bloody bandage on his face]

Miranda: He saw only a monster, whose very existence was a reminder of the hell he'd left his

wife to die in. He excommunicated Bane from the League of Shadows. His only crime was that

he loved me. I could not forgive my father.

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[Talia turns to look at Batman]

Miranda: Until you murdered him.

[referring to Ra's Al Ghul]

Bruce Wayne: He was trying to kill millions of innocent people.

Miranda: Innocent is a strong word to throw around Gotham, Bruce. I honor my father by

finishing his work.

[at the same time we see Gordon finding the second truck and dropping himself into it and

struggling with the cannon mount as he tries to turn it on; back at City Hall Talia continues]

Miranda: Vengeance against the man who killed him is simply a reward for my patience. You

see, it's the slow knife, the knife that takes its time, the knife that waits years without forgetting,

then slips quietly between bones.

[she twists the knife again in Batman]

Miranda: That's the knife that cuts deepest.

Bruce Wayne: Please!

[Talia hits the trigger button but nothing happens as Gordon has been successful in intervening

and blocking the bomb]

[Talia looks furious as the bomb has failed to detonate]

Bruce Wayne: Maybe the knife was too slow.

[Barsad comes into the building]

The truck's under attack.

[to Batman]

Miranda: Gordon. You gave him a way to block my signal. No matter.

[she takes the knife out of Batman who groans in pain]

Miranda: He's bought Gotham eleven minutes.

[to Barsad]

Miranda: Prepare a convoy. We must secure the bomb until it detonates.

[she turns to Bane, referring to Batman]

Miranda: Don't kill him. I want him to feel the heat.

[she looks at Batman]

Miranda: Feel the fire of twelve million souls you failed.

[Talia reaches up and tenderly touches Bane's mask]

Miranda: Goodbye, my friend.

[Bane watches her tenderly as she turns and walks off]

[after Talia has left in the Tumbler, Bane turns to Batman]

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Bane: We both know that I have to kill you now.

[Bane kicks Batman]

Bane: You'll just have to imagine the fire.

[Bane points his gun at Batman's face, as he's about to shoot suddenly there's an explosion blast

which kills Bane, Batman looks across the hall and sees Selina on the Batpod]

Selina: About the whole 'no guns' thing? I'm not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do.

[after Selina rescues Batman from Bane]

Bruce Wayne: We have to force the convoy east to the entrance to the reactor. I need you on the

ground, I'll be in the air. Go!

[as Blake tries to take the boys from the boys home across Gotham Bridge he encounters a

barricade where a uniformed cop threatens to blow the bridge if Blake and the kids cross it,

Blake gets the kids to stay back as he faces the cop again]

Blake: The situation has changed! Your orders are out of date! Now, I'm a cop like you, and I'm

walking out there! Please do not shoot me!

[the cop turns to his partner as Blake starts walking towards them]

Uniform: Shoot at his feet.

[the other cops shoots close to Blake's feet, but Blake keeps walking]

Uniform: Detective, please stop! Please, detective!

[more warning shots are shot at Blake's feet]

Uniform: Stop! Stop walking!

[as Blake continues to walk, the cop turns to his partner and shouts]

Uniform: Blow it! Do it!

[his partner sets the detonator off, blowing the bridge in front of him]

[after the cops blow the bridge and cause a massive gap in the middle of it, Blake shouts at the

cops in anger]

Blake: You idiots! You sons of bitches! You're killing us! Just to follow your orders!

[after Batman, in the Bat, and Selina, in the Batpod, chase Talia in the truck containing the

bomb, they finally force the truck to fall and crash through an opening to a street on a lower

level, as Batman lands close by in the Bat, Gordon gets out of the back of the truck, and Selina

arrives on the Batpod]

Commissioner Gordon: Give me a hand! We can get a cable on it!

[as he moves to the front of the truck he sees Talia there looking fatally injured from the crash]

Miranda: Fox showed me how to override the reactor.

[in the reactor plant, Fox notices something is wrong]

Fox: Oh, dear.

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[back at the truck, Talia continues explaining]

Miranda: Including the emergency flood.

[back at the reactor plant, water smashes into the reactor and Fox makes a run for it towards a

ladder and holds himself up on it; back at the truck Talia continues to explain]

Miranda: There's no way this bomb will be stopped.

[as she breathes her last breath]

Miranda: Prepare yourselves.

[she looks at Batman]

Miranda: My father's work is done.

[Talia's eyes close as she dies]

[after Talia dies, Batman goes over to the Bat and takes out a cable]

Commissioner Gordon: What are you doing?

Bruce Wayne: I can get it out over the bay.

[he attaches the cable from the Bat to the bomb]

Selina: Set it to fly over the water, then eject?

Bruce Wayne: No autopilot.

Selina: You could've gone anywhere. Been anything. But you came back here.

Bruce Wayne: So did you.

Selina: I guess we're both suckers.

[she then puts her arms round round his neck and kisses him]

[as Batman prepares to fly the Bat with the bomb over the bay]

Commissioner Gordon: I never cared who you were.

Bruce Wayne: And you were right.

Commissioner Gordon: But shouldn't the people know the hero who saved them?

Bruce Wayne: A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as

putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders, to let him know the world hadn't ended.

[as the Bat fires up and rises, Gordon remembers the time he put his coat on young Bruce after

his parents were murdered, as he realizes who Batman is he says to himself]

Commissioner Gordon: Bruce Wayne?

[Gordon and Selina watch as the Bat rises and drags the bomb up along with it]

[as Batman flies off with the bomb, back on the bridge, Blake notices a building explode and

thinks its the bomb, he shouts out to the kids on the bus]

Blake: Hey, heads down! This is it!

[but as one of the boys stares through the bus window he sees the Bat flying through the smoke]

Little Boy at Bridge: No! That's Batman!

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[Blake turns to see the Bat flying through the smoke with bomb hanging from it, he watches as

Batman flies out over the bay where it detonates into an nuclear blast but away from Gotham]

[after Gotham is saved and Batman is believed to have died in the bomb blast, Gordon is on the

grounds of Wayne Manor reading from 'A Tale of Two Cities']

Commissioner Gordon: I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss. I see

the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy. I see that I hold a

sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. It is a far, far

better thing that I do, than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever


[Gordon, Blake, Fox and Alfred are standing next to Bruce's grave, the others walk off, but

Alfred remain and starts crying, he turns to the grave of Bruce's parents]

Alfred: I'm so sorry. I failed you! You trusted me, and I failed you!

[after Bruce's funeral, Blake walks to his car, Gordon is behind him]

Commissioner Gordon: Can I change your mind? About quitting the force?

[Blake shakes his head]

Blake: You know, what you said about structures becoming shackles? You were right and I can't

take it. The injustice. I mean, no one's ever gonna know who saved an entire city.

Commissioner Gordon: They know. It was the Batman.

[as Bruce's lawyer goes over Bruce's will]

Wayne's Lawyer: Mr. Wayne's will was not amended to reflect his more modest estate.

Nonetheless, there are considerable assets to dispose of. The contents of the house are to be sold

to settle the estate's accounts. And the remainder is left in its entirety to Alfred J. Pennyworth.

[we see as Alfred stands outside Wayne Manor looking at the building]

Wayne's Lawyer: The house and grounds are left to the city of Gotham, on condition that they

never be demolished, altered, or otherwise interfered with.

[we see Blake is standing in the corner listening to the lawyer]

Wayne's Lawyer: And that they shall be used for one purpose, and one purpose only. The

housing and care of the city's at-risk and orphaned children.

[we see school bus full of kids pulling up at Wayne Manor, where we then see the sign


Wayne's Lawyer: And my clerk can help anyone with the smaller correspondences and


Page 54: The Dark Knight Rises

[after the reading of Bruce's will, Blake approaches the lawyer's clerk]

Blake: Blake, John.

Lawyer's Clerk: Nothing here.

Blake: I um...try my legal name.

[he gives her his license, she then reaches down behind the desk and hands him a bag]

Lawyer's Clerk: You should use your full name. I like that name. Robin.

[Blake takes the bag]

Blake: Thanks

[Blake smiles and leaves]

[at Wayne Enterprises Applied Sciences Division, Fox is with some tech guys who are

examining the remains of the Bat]

Applied Sciences Tech #1: Why are we even worrying about the stabilization software? This

entire autopilot system's completely obsolete.

Fox: Please, I just need to know what I could've done to fix it.

Applied Sciences Tech #2: But, Mr. Fox, it's already been fixed. Software patch, six months


[Fox looks confused]

Fox: Check the ID on the patch.

[the tech checks his screen]

Applied Sciences Tech #2: Bruce Wayne.

[last lines; back at Bruce's lawyer's office]

Wayne's Lawyer: Any news on the missing item?

Lawyer's Clerk: Not yet.

Wayne's Lawyer: Well, we better leave no stone unturned. We can't leave a string of pearls on

the manifest as 'lost'.

[end scene; we see montage of Blake finding the Batcave from the coordinates given to him in

the bag that was left to him by Bruce; we see Gordon going to the rooftop of the police station

and sees that the Batsignal light has been fixed, he smiles to himself; we see Alfred in Florence

going to a cafe and as he drinks his coffee and looks around he stops, smiles and nods, we see

Bruce is sat at another table with Selina, he nods and smiles back at Alfred, happy that Bruce has

fulfilled his wish, Alfred gets up and leaves; final shot is of Blake in the Batcave looking

across the waterpool to where all of Batman's equipment is housed, he walks over the shallow

waterpool which then suddenly becomes a rising platform, the camera then moves down and out

of shot]